#nero asks
itsneroart · 5 months
hi just wanted to say, ultraviolents is my new favourite thing and i need arnaldo carnally, he's got such chew toy energy 🫠 the relationship dynamic of "guy who is big and strong and tenuously contained" and "guy who's hobby is kicking hornets nests" is SO underrated and i appreciate you so much for that ❤️
Thank you!! I am so glad that their awful dynamic comes across so well- sometimes I spend so long in the comics mines that I'm never 100% sure if people Get It lol.
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echristinaarte · 2 months
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social media is a struggle when you're 40ish and all your brother posts about is motorcycles and pizza reviews
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goldenshrikecomic · 9 days
Question for you! What makes Nero an appealing character for you specifically as a creator? I love to hear people's thoughts on their fictional bebes :]
I love writing his kind of characters. I love love love portraying flawed mindsets, bad behavior born from insecurity, characters who have tunnel vision and anger management issues, straight up selfishness, greed, desperation, struggles to fit in with kind and considerate people. Not saying Nero has all of these, but I love musing about these characters the most. Which honestly sucks because there's this ridiculous and loud mindset going around calling these characters out, and their writers with them. It's ILLEGAL to enjoy morally grey characters, god forbid they're villains, and man it's so tiring to see. Sometimes it feels like baby sensory videos are the only safe media to consume.
BUT on the topic of Nero, I just get him. I get his train of thought, and while I don't agree with how unfair and offensive he is, I get where he comes from and where the anger stems from. He's the easiest character for me to write. There's a lot to him that is still unexplored in the comic, I can't talk about that. But those parts of him are very important. I also really like his design, he's a joy to draw.
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vngful · 1 year
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skrittkicking · 7 months
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semi old drawings
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jojo-phase · 10 months
prosciutto and risotto text posts please :3
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this is the last risotto request I’m gonna accept for a while now bc I’m straight up running out of text posts for him lol 🍚🥓
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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lmao not a great first introduction
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goatpaste · 4 months
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH DUDE LOVE YOUR ART!!! could you do bi/trans risotto or melone pls?? :3
hope you dont mind i included vers with my own bitrans flag lol
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icons free to use with credit!
Buy your local Bitrans Man a Kofi!
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lilislegacy · 7 months
I'm a couple days late to the stable scene discussion, butttt here are a few things I had in mind....
I agree with you that they didn't have sex in the stables MoA, but that said, I do think they was likely some more kissing and stuff. Now, jump forward to Tower of Nero and The Sun and the Star, I think Rick insinuates them being intimate (at least to a certain degree). First of all in the ToN when Apollo visits them, Annabeth tells him that their living arrangements are none of his business cause Percy is over at her dorm until her roommate moves in.
Then again, in The Sun and the Star Sally says "I imagine they’re both at Percy’s dorm ... hopefully studying for their English exam.’' A page-ish later when Sally, Will and Nico IM them, "Percy was indeed in his dorm room. There was a small unmade bed to the left and a desk covered in books and papers. Percy himself looked somewhat disheveled, too." Sally saying they're in his dorm hopefully studying and Percy looking disheveled I'd say is pretty interesting word choice. What do you think about all this?
thanks for the ask!
ah yes… college percabeth
you know, i haven’t finished TOA, but i have seen that scene online lol. and i will say, annabeth does get oddly defensive when apollo asks if they’re both staying there. she says the whole ew no he leaves his clothes everywhere thing, but her reaction seems oddly strong.
and you know what’s funny? when i saw that scene for the first time, i also thought it was referencing them getting up to no good, but it was a different part lol. the part that caught my eye is when percy says something along the lines of “yep i’ll be staying in my completely empty dormitory a whole two blocks away [from annabeth’s]” and then annabeth swats his arm and quickly moves on, and THAT’s when she defensively tells apollo that their living arrangements are none of his business. so i thought that was very suggestive.
i haven’t read the sun and the star, but those word choices definitely are suggestive. if sally had just said “percy is probably in his dorm, maybe with annabeth. they should be studying” then i think it would have sounded genuine. but the fact that she said they’re both in his dorm and “….hopefully studying”, it does seem like she’s onto them about something else LOL. the ellipses speaks volumes. and the fact that percy and annabeth were both in his dorm and nico said he looked “disheveled”… also suspicious. it could have been meant innocently, but rick is famous for throwing in little innuendos lol. so i think you’re definitely onto something with those scenes
we’re onto you ricky 🫵
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aroaceleovaldez · 6 months
Do you have ideas for how to make an oc who was taken in by nero?
I've thought a lot about this! I actually made refs for @deadangelos of what I imagine the canon Nero kids could be like (and I have a lot of hcs/aus about them)!
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From what we know about the Tri kids, there seem to be three main elements to them: 1.) Roman-themed names, 2.) Their powers/roles are meant to replace one of the Olympians (or gods in general), possibly their own actual godly parent, and 3.) They were orphaned somehow, either through Nero orchestrating their mortal parent(s)' death or just being orphaned through less malicious means. They also all seem to be in the age range of 6-to-18ish. Maybe closer to 8-to-16. Also boy howdy do these kids have problems. They're also probably all particularly powerful demigods for whoever their godly parent is, based on Meg.
What I did for a lot of these guys, based on what we know about Meg, is focused on the mythology of whichever god Nero intends them to usurp and center their character around some of those themes and roles, with the thoughts of how Nero would raise them to mold them to those concepts. I also like to think about exactly what iteration of their parent their godly parent is - Like Meg's Demeter is very specifically Eleusinian Mysteries Demeter, for example, which we're told is why she's so particularly powerful as a Demeter kid.
So, for example: That Hermes kid is themed specifically around Hermes' psychopomp and messenger roles, so he's a really high-energy guy who can see ghosts and that combo is not doing him a lot of favors. Cassius in TOA is unclear if he's a Dionysus or Zeus kid, but I like to theme him around specifically Zeus' childhood myths because I think that's a really interesting aspect of him to focus on (and in doing so I can set up the Tri kids as basically being reverse order of the Olympians age-wise, which is fun - though if you make Cassius a Dionysus kid then they're probably just approximately same age order of the Olympians). Lucius and the Artemis-themed kid I've based off Apollo and Artemis' more destructive myths, because I figured it'd be most interesting to think about how Nero might foster those aspects if he sees it as more useful to him. The Hephaestus and Dionysus kids' are based around how Nero might have raised them to mirror the childhood myths of their respective roles and what effect that has on them, etc etc.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas!
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cheeriochat · 6 months
Have fun!
• Dante is Aromantic, and going off of that
• Dante and Lady dated for a brief period when they were 20~ish for a month but they soon broke up, Dante realised he was Aromantic and Lady realised she was a lesbian. It was really awkward and they don't talk about it.
• (also Demisexual Vergil fight me)
• Nero's the type of guy to crush a can of cola in his hand when he's angry
• He would never actively admit it, but Vergil instantly bonded to Nero, even if Nero himself didn't bond with Vergil. It's probably to do with some weird demon biology thing, as Vergil tries to show He cares in odd ways like offering to clean Nero's weapons (making sure the demon spawn can protect itself) or staring at him from across the room (monitoring the demon spawn to assure its survival). It freaks Nero out as he doesnt know what's going on.
• Nico plays pranks on Nero and Kyrie that border on being illegal
• Trish and Vergil kind of have an unspoken bond/connection (?). Like demon to demon communication especially after the V and Trish talk
• Vergil moved into Devil May Cry without asking Dante after dmc5 and claimed a couch and a portion of the office as his. Dante won't admit that he doesn't mind.
• Also about vergil, When Patty came to Devil May Cry after the events of dmc5, she yelled at Dante for an hour for missing her birthday among other things. Vergil thought it was hilarious but he stayed quiet the whole time as usual.
• Nero roughhouses with the kids at the orphanage, and he always tries to stay gentle, but those kids man... they're out for blood. One time Nero ended up with a huge gash over his eyebrow that surprisingly left a scar.
+ plus scent choices!!!
• Lady likes Versace perfume or light floral scents. Don't know how to explain this one
• Trish likes deeper, more musky scents. For example Kyoto in Bloom by glasshouse fragrances (my signature scent lol). She also smells of this hair oil my mum uses. Very nice ^^
• Vergil likes cool, crisp scents, but not very masculine ones. More androgynous or feminine. Otherwise he smells like old books, like the old sci-fi books my dad gave me
• Nero likes cheap cologne, anything to cover up the blood smell that seems to hang around as to not scare the kids
• Kyrie likes either light, sweet scents or deep, stormy scents. She tends to lean to more deep scents.
• Dante smells like pizza grease and Lynx Africa All the time (go argue with a wall) but if he had to choose he would probably smell like roses or something with sandalwood. Heavy scents.
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almondpants · 5 months
my biggest wtf moment in dmc is when in the anime dante got to meet a fucking ghost like....i get this is probably a gothic thing but we've never rlly had a ghost mention/thing that happens in any of the dmc media we were given until the dmc anime. (unless there is and ive yet to read about it lol).
like imagine if this was dante's first time, in his whole time working at dmc, that one of his fucking client is a ghost and he goes along with it.
I can imagine Patty asking him about ghosts and how they happen, if they're demonic or magic, etc, and dante has to go. " Yesterday's ghost incident is my first time experiencing it, so stop asking."
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 month
I think that I just connected with Runi on a spiritual level in the latest page. Them: “We can talk about your stuff too? What do you want to talk about?” Also them: “???”
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They're good boys. I like to think they get a little dumb when they're in each others' orbit.
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i cannot stop over-analyzing asoue netflix but guys. do you think that scene in hotel denoument when the baudelaires are trying to get everyone to leave the hotel that all of the side characters' reactions represent their fatal character flaws.
like how olaf's mentors immediately started berating him and calling him a disappointment just because they believed he didn't set the hotel on fire. so their fatal character flaw was cruelty.
and mr. poe and vice principle nero refused to take their blindfolds off, despite the situation, making their fatal character flaw their incompetence, which made them the series' definition of useless adults.
babs and jerome first tried to find a way out, but ended up panicking and staying in one place, so their fatal flaw was cowardice, the original reason neither of them were able to help the baudelaires in the first place.
with esmé and carmelita, it's a little more complicated, since olaf was able to trick esmé because of both her vengefulness and greed (which manifested in her obsession with the sugar bowl), but to some degree it was also about carmelita's stubborness and entitlement (which manifested in her choosing to stay with esmé)
and, finally, justice strauss, who attempts to stop the baudelaires from running away on the roof. i've always interpreted her fatal character flaw as naivety; she believes that all problems can be solved without breaking any rules. she trusts the system too much, which is why she couldn't ever fully understand what the baudelaires were going through, and that they really did not have a choice.
overall, this scene is so important to the story, because it's the exit of all of these characters. it's the last time we see any of them. that's why these negative character traits of theirs were put in the spotlight for this scene; even though these characteristics are flaws so fatal they literally end up being the characters' dooms, they're still aspects of the characters we need to remember in order to understand why nothing went right in the lives of the baudelaires: all of these characters were too cruel or incompetent or cowardly or greedy or arrogent or naive...to be able to help them.
so, as tragic as it is, all these characters end up dying (literally or metaphorically) because of the same flaws that made them useless to the baudelaires in the first place.
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crazypsychonerdstuff · 6 months
If I had £1 for every time someone said to me "but sex and romance are the same thing." I'd be fucking RICH! I've had enough of this thought process of seemingly EVERYONE over the age of 40. If I have to explain it ONE MORE TIME, and then promptly get told "no. that's not right." After I've explained how the two are NOT the same, I'm going to lose my last remaining marble.
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jojo-phase · 10 months
la squadra text posts. speficially risotto
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it ended up being all risotto sorry 🍚⛓️
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