#nero spaghetti
Devil May Cry
Waiting for the exact moment someone realize madeline spaghetti family photo has someone with white hair and just jump into the fan-logic rabbit hole of that being a Sparda family member leading to a connection to Vergil... like so:
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wow I botched drawing Kyrie ... looking at this this does explains Peppino’s super taunt as a different take on royal guard’s royal release. and Madeline’s Badeline being just doppelganger
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zegalba · 10 months
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Björk: Spaghetti Nero, Venice (2007) Photography: Juergen Teller
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omercifulheaves · 1 year
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Franco Nero in Django (1966)
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Massacre Time (1966), dir. Lucio Fulci
"The beating or torture of the hero is the most common element of the [spaghetti western] genre’s liminal narrative, reappearing in Leone’s For A Few Dollars More, and The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly as well numerous other films... In Massacre Time (Fulci 1966) the whipping of the main character Tom Corbett is particularly elaborated on in a long, brutal scene... This liminal narrative is charged with Catholic overtones. It is surprising that this aspect of the genre has not received much comment by the few scholars that have analyzed it, though Frayling (1998a) does briefly describe it in his biography of Sergio Leone. Repeated in literally hundreds of films, this narrative is exaggerated at times to ridiculous proportions, heightened intensities, and often vicious brutality. Something is at stake here. These films symbolized and dramatized a central concern to a socially, culturally, and geographically displaced audience. What should be the relationship between the masculine individual, collective action, consumerism, and family?" - BEATEN, SHOT, CRUCIFIED: THE LIMINAL HERO OF THE CARNIVALESQUE WESTERN ALLA’ITALIANA
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gokaiju · 8 months
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Spaghetti Westerns (Django (Sergio Corbucci, 1966) / A Bullet for the General (Damiano Damiani, 1966) / Keoma (Enzo G. Castellari, 1976)) | Covers for the Blu-ray release by Cult Films | Made in 2023
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hagolaz · 3 months
Who wore it better?
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tina-aumont · 7 months
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"L'Uomo L'Orgloglio la Vendetta" (Luigi Bazzoni, 1967) screencaps part 34
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mrcowboytoyou · 1 year
in westerns, instead of girlfriend, GF stands for gringo friend. It's very romantic
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zerothisnero · 7 months
Pizza tower movie but Weird AL voices pizza head and Chris Pratt voices Peppino
In today's essay I will-
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mishkakagehishka · 2 months
Also i love the way most of my girl dinner meals are made by me remembering an italian recipe and then just trying to recreate it based only on 1) my memory of how it goes and 2) the ingredients i have in my kitchen
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l-ultimo-squalo · 6 months
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Django (1966) dir. Sergio Corbucci
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Vamos a Matar Compañero (1970)
Sergio Corbucci
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illustraction · 4 months
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The Spaghetti Western genre is a massive genre with no less than 600 movies produced between 1963 and 1979
The genre is mainly know for The Man With No Name trilogy by Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood which was a massive worldwide success from 1964 with its first episode A Fistful Of Dollars.
Its success made the Spanish movie critic Alfonso Sanchez coin the term Spaghetti Western. A term resented by Italians
The proper word should be Euro Western since most of those movies while indeed directed by Italian Maestri were co-funded by France, Spain and Germany in the early years.
Filmed in Rome's Cinecitta studios as well as in the arid decors of Spain and Northern Mexico, the genre is also know in Japan as Macaroni Western!
The Spanish westerns are called Paella Westerns and the Mexican ones are either Zapata Westerns or taco Westerns or chili Westerns
This 10 Part Blog will succinctly present many of these movies with posters from all around the world starting with maybe one of the most famous of them all..and the most violent, ie. Django starring Franco Nero and its lesser sequel Viva Django (Django preparati la barra) in 1968 staring Terence Hill.
Above are posters from France, Italy and Japan (click on each image for details).
Director: Sergio Corbucci, Ferdinando Baldi Actors: Franco Nero, Terence Hill
If you like this entry, check the other 9 parts of this week’s Blog as well as our Blog Archives
All our NEW POSTERS are here All our ON SALE posters are here
The posters above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY
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omercifulheaves · 2 months
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The Mercenary (1968)
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ilvostrobecchino · 2 years
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Some of my favourite on set photos from spaghetti westerns
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sonicasura · 7 months
I think the funniest crossover ever would be Pizza Tower and Devil May Cry. We got one anxious pizza joint owner, Peppino Spaghetti, who would pummel someone with his bare fists while going at Mach 4 like a maniac. Then there's the wahoo half devil pizza man, Dante Sparda, that hunts demons for a living and has major family drama.
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Dante would be such a common visitor to this strange pizza joint for two reasons. One is the pizza is actually good. Two Peppino practically the most interesting person he has ever met. Dante is convinced that this man got demon heritage from seeing him beat the shit out of any demons who try wreck the joint.
Hell there is a gooey doppelganger he seen multiple times with an apparent appetite for demon meat, living pizza toppins who dance around and another chef that rides on a giant ass rat. Peppino meanwhile just glad Dante pays for his massive amount of food(thank Vergil whose tired of his little brother's tab lifestyle. He does the funds.) He still doesn't know how this guy with the big ass sword even found his shop.
I got even funnier yet wholesome crack thought in the form of Nero being adopted by Peppino. He magically disappears from the orphanage doors and instead pops up outside the diner. Peppino is fucking confused as he just finished closing up his new restaurant only to find a baby. (DMC and PT are separate worlds that can be accessed through particular areas.)
Cue instant panic since who the hell would leave a baby here?! He can't exactly leave the kid here as there is no place to take him anywhere. Thus the start of reluctant dad Peppino and Nero Ink Spaghetti with special guest uncle Gustavo!
It was definitely a struggle raising a baby alongside running a pizza joint but our anxious man manages to do it. Peppino is an absolute happy crier when it comes to Nero's big accomplishments. Especially making his first pizza by himself as he definitely teaches our quarter devil how to cook.
Although Peppino hates the Noise a lot more than him being a usual nuisance. He can handle the mean pranks when it's on him but his son? You can thank one notorious mishap with the Noise that awakened a 10 year old Nero's Devil Trigger.
The kid was absolutely a fucking wreck when it happen not because he have no clue on his heritage nor demons completely. It's how Peppino would react as the man who raised him like a son is a massive ball of PTSD from being a retired war veteran. The man definitely got spooked when his kid burst into flames.
Nero being able to change into some kind of devil wouldn't make Peppino reject him though. This was just another side that everyone would have to get used too but yeah. Peppino definitely hates the Noise with passion after this incident.
Nero's first adventure actually doesn't start in Devil May Cry 4 but instead Pizza Tower which takes place a year before it. Due to Pizzaface antics, father and son got separated for quite awhile. Taking on the various levels of each floor before finally reuniting at Fake Peppino's boss stage: Bruno's Pizza.
Nero stole a random sword on Floor 1 and a gun from Floor 2 as he doesn't has his official gear yet. (He steals that from SWORD while at Fortuna.) Pizza Tower could be considered a perfect playground to figure his own abilities than just Devil Trigger. That and final boss tag team as both were completely done with Pizzaface at that point.
Now things around the diner absolutely changed a bit afterwards. Fake Peppino, Peppy, moved in without warning although Nero wasn't that offput unlike his dad. He absolutely pulled the 'Clone = New Kid' card on Peppino as the Toppins were practically adopted too from how fond said man is with them. (Those little guys taunt whenever Peppino does too!)
Ending up on Fortuna can be considered a Hell Portal in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or it shows up inside Peppino's Diner which practically leads Peppino, Nero, Gustavo, Brick, and Pep to get dragged in devilish shenanigans. You can bet your ass everyone was so fucking befuddled by these newcomers.
Dante the most as he had a feeling who Nero is but not the strange man who piledrived a Balrog with sheer strength and speed. Did Peppino think the half devil is his son's relative? Absofuckinglutely. White hair, can go Devil Time(what he calls Devil Trigger) and the obviously cultish spiel about this 'Sons of Sparda' was enough.
He would've torn into Dante if the man didn't admit to being clueless. (Vergil nor his other halves are safe though. Even V is getting suplexed.) Peppino and Pep do rip Dante a new one when he decides to call Nero deadweight. You don't insult their son/older brother without an ass kicking.
Our Pizza Tower makeshift family get involved in Devil May Cry 5 when Nero didn't call them back for awhile. He had decided to work under Dante so he could get to understand his family heritage better. Nero still calls and visits when he can even bringing Kyrie along.
Peppino did cry upon finding out the two became a couple like the proud dad he is. Kyrie gets quite well with Pep and thinks the Toppins are adorable little fellows. Now I can't forget about Vergil.
You can bet your ass it was fucking awkward when he found out not only Nero is his son but considers this weirdass anxious man as his father. Peppino loathes Vergil to no end especially with the arm cutting to get Yamato. The older Sparda doesn't visit the diner for awhile since Pep would try to tear him apart since he's just as vengeful. Fake Peppino likes the taste of demon flesh btw.
It took some time before things could smooth over between both parties. Now if only Dante and Vergil behave than try to kill each other near his restaurant. Peppino's Diner practically has a two way portal between both worlds due to the Hell Portal in the restaurant incident. (It's in the basement behind a closed door.)
The Devil May Cry crew do visit frequently thanks to that. Mainly Dante since the pizza is not only good but cheaper too. If a demon tries to slip through than Peppino will beat the shit out of it. Also he probably got a Devil Arm shaped like a pizza cutter now that I think about it.
Then again, Peppino's Diner never be the same after a little baby with white hair showed up at the doors. What do you guys think? For now enjoy this little jam.
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