#moth sparda
ghoulsister1 · 1 year
SpookTober Masterlist
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🕸Day 1: ☆●~Shopping For Halloween~●☆ Albert Blithe
🎃Day 2: ☆●~The Prize Pumpkin~●☆ Miche Zacharias
🍎Day 3: ☆●~Apples & Company~●☆ Edward Leeford (Monks)
🧋Day 4: ☆●~Taste Of Autumn~●☆ Clint
🕷Day 5: ☆●~Eight Legged.....Freak?~●☆ Lucifer
🌕Day 6: ☆●~Moonlight Stroll~●☆ Dracule Mihawk
🦇Day 7: ☆●~Your Winged Spy~●☆ Dracula (2006)
🍂Day 8: ☆●~War Of The Leaves~●☆ Dante Sparda
🏚Day 9: ☆●~A Case Of The Paranormal~●☆ Piet Van Der Valk
🏕Day 10: ☆●~A Night In The Woods~●☆ Miche Zacharias
👹Day 11: ☆●~Cheese & Bad Dreams~●☆ The Corinthian
🐈‍⬛Day 12: ☆●~Curbing Old Superstitions~●☆ Captain Kuro
🎬Day 13: ☆●~Unlucky Number?~●☆ Danny Blue
🦉Day 14: ☆●~A Witch's Best Friend~●☆ Jonathan Teatime
🦋Day 15: ☆●~Mother Of Moths~●☆ Athos
🧪Day 16: ☆●~Just A Spoonful Of Love~●☆ Comte De Rochefort
⚘️Day 17: ☆●~A Visitor In The Garden~●☆ The Gentleman With Thistledown Hair
🐦‍⬛Day 18: ☆●~ The Raven’s Call~●☆ Edward Leeford (Monks)
🫕Day 19: ☆●~Bubble & Trouble~●☆ Manfred Von Richtofen
🕯Day 20: ☆●~When The Lights Go Out~●☆ Danny Blue
🎴Day 21: ☆●~The Cards Reveal All~●☆ Hiromu Takahashi
🔮Day 22: ☆●~Glimpse Into The Future~●☆ Captain Kuro
🩸Day 23: ☆●~Dinner For Two~●☆ Dracula (2006)
👻Day 24: ☆●~Ghostly Visit~●☆ Albert Blithe
👽Day 25: ☆●~Cryptid Theories~●☆ Hiromu Takahashi & Elton Pope (Poly!)
💀Day 26: ☆●~Groovey Bones~●☆ Dante Sparda
😈Day 27: ☆●~Envy Is A Great Sin~●☆ Lucifer
🐺Day 28: ☆●~The Big Bad Wolf~●☆ Bob Fink
🍭Day 29: ☆●~Sweet Tooth~●☆ Monkey D. Luffy
🪦Day 30: ☆●~Remembrance~●☆ Clint
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I've been having vague Hollow Knight AU thoughts lately (disclaimer, I'm not good at the game and get all the lore from YouTube):
Mundus was a moth-like Higher Being who reigned as king of the Dream World.
Sparda was a Wyrm, also a Higher Being.
Eva was a Root, also a Higher Being (the one thing this AU has in common with the reboot).
Vergil and Dante, of course, are vessels (Don't ask me if/why Eva and Sparda would kill their sons and reanimate them with void, I said this was vague).
Yamato is basically the Dream Nail.
Does this make Nero a half-vessel? Idk.
Red Queen is powered by Nightmare Flame, and the Blue Rose has some kind of Delicate Flower motif.
I feel like Fortuna would be a lot like Pharloom, given the religious overtones.
Kyrie resembles Bretta.
Trish is the same species as Nosk.
Lady is a regular pillbug-looking individual like you'd see wandering the Forgotten Crossroads.
Nico as a bug would actually resemble Angus's Angelo form from DMC4.
Vergil's whole arc in DMC5 was him succumbing to infection. Urizen was a Broken Vessel situation, and V was his shade.
The familiars are also made of Infection Goop. Griffon resembles a vengefly.
(I realize V being a void being who utilizes beasts in battle has major Collector vibes).
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valdathereaper · 6 years
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This was a lot funnier in my head
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keyboardthenerd · 2 years
DMC OC Week 2022: Day 3 - Past & Future Part 1
I actually refuse to get better at writing these opening paragraphs. Y'all are just gonna have to seethe and mald about that.
Did you know that if I leave my window open in the summer, the cat will climb onto the roof and bring moths into my room?
Did you also know that I hate flying insects? Anything that can manoeuvre in a 3D space better than I can is an immediate threat.
This... is not relevant. Stay mad.
Roman Eques Laurel: King of Doubling Down
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Reference Sheet by andy.rea (instagram)
Operatio Redemptionis. A demon-lead project to produce hybrid nestlings capable of “paying for the sins of their parents''; Demons and their descendants hunted down for the sole purpose of sending a human woman in to attempt to produce some sort of child, who could then be raised, brainwashed, and used against their parents one day, if they are successful.
Edora Laurel. Not much is entirely known about the human woman used for this project. Perhaps she was just not an interesting human before the project. For all intents and purposes, it may have been better this way. Edora was given a warm home, large enough to care for all of her children. Seated inside an old cross-dimensional phenomenon, often referred to as a “Hell Tunnel” or “Hell Bridge”; an area of nomansland that’s neither The World of Darkness or the World of Light, but acts as a very hard to close doorway between the two. An artificial demon called Uri was “gifted” to Edora to act as an eyes and ears for the demons running the project. Uri and everyone else involved with the project would use the Hell Tunnel to pass in and out of Hell. Anything Edora could possibly need was taken care of to the minimum effort, all Edora had to do was produce and raise at least one successfully manipulatable hybrid nestling.
Roman is the 2nd oldest biological child of the human Edora. This quickly turned into being one of eight hybrid children. Being born and raised on the line between The Mortal Plane and Hell makes for a complicated upbringing. Used as the scapegoat for most of the siblings' mistakes, as Roman was the most outspoken about their mistreatment under Edora and Uri. Often pitted against their other siblings in an attempt to curb their temper, they spent most of their upbringing isolated from their siblings, but not the rest of the world.
At around eighteen years old, one of their half-siblings had since been considered “successful”, and been taken into hell to theoretically continue their brainwashing. Since then Edora had disappeared, but Uri hadn’t. And unfortunately for Uri, she had perfectly crafted an entity willing to kill her. With a rock-paper-scissors match to decide which sibling got the short end of the stick, Roman was left behind to deal with Uri while Sadie and Tobias made an early getaway. And after disposing of Uri, “repairing” the Veil Piercer, and creating the Afterthought, Roman left the manor too. Unbeknownst to them, while Sadie and Tobias turned left, running into the city further into mainland, Roman ran right, heading for some dingy little city called Redgrave, and eventually even further, to some strange island called Fortuna.
Roman has a long future ahead of them, while there are many timelines in which I can imagine an angst filled death, their canonical timeline leaves them living a long and healthy life… eventually… 
At the end of it all, all the Spardas are able to live happily and healthily together. Roman does not work directly with Devil May Cry, but pitches in to help whenever anyone asks them to. They much prefer spending their time cataloguing the different underground Demon Groups around the region. The largest cache of information is, of course, on the Order Of The Sword, which is still their biggest special interest.
Part #2 covering AUs will be out and linked shortly. Roman is part of many AUs, so it was very hard to pick just one. But I think I've got something that y'all will like.
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queenmuzz · 4 years
So, with Sparda’s True Form resembling a cockroach...
And with him living in the human world for two thousand years, I expect his residence before he met Eva to resemble an episode of Hoarders.
He’s got mouldy documents dating to Emperor Justinian’s time, soggy boxes of first edition books (such as the Aeneid, Canterbury Tales and of course, The Divine Comedy). He’s got relics, ancient maps, damaged paintings, even a piece of the True Cross, all disorganized and jumbled together in a health hazardous mess. And then Eva shows up, the first chick in two millennia willing to help him clean up his place, standing up to him when he refuses to throw away the moth eaten silk robe that was worn by one of the Tang Emperor’s.
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ignited-lovers · 3 years
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Full name: Amaryllis Sparda
Nickname: Ama
Age: Unknown
Place of birth: Halohaven
Marital Status: Married
Birthday: February 23
Eye Colour: Hazel Brown
Hair Colour: Vibrant Red
Height: 5'5"
Parents: Henry Bernier, Lilianna Valentine-Bernier
Sisters or brothers: None
Spouse: Vergil Sparda (Husband)
Children: Nero, Evangeline, and Hunter
Grandparents: Unknown
Grandchildren: None
Best friend: Kaden
Cursed Heir to the Throne
Born as the first angel-human hybrid in Halohaven, Amaryllis was the first and only child to Henry Bernier and his wife, Lilian Valentine-Bernier. With an ordained fate from birth, she would defy this fate and carve out her own path.
As a child, Amaryllis was brimming with curiosity and wonder, always enamoured with the world around her, and eager to learn all she could. She loved going on adventures with her mother and exploring the vast forests that surrounded the home she grew up in, often fascinated by the unique nature of Halohaven. Her childhood was spent being carefree with no worries, aside from continuously growing as a person.
Into her early teenage years, that’s when things changed for Amaryllis as she realized what her purpose was and what life held in store for her future. It was a deeply upsetting lesson in which she learned of her true fate, that despite being born to a couple titled King and Queen, and the ideal that she would succeed the throne wasn’t meant to be.
At first, she didn’t understand what made her so different from everyone else around her, aside from the obvious purple feathers that littered her wings between feathers of white. It wasn’t out of the ordinary to have a few different coloured feathers in their wings. It was more devastating to Amaryllis when she learned her parents had known all along since her father was but the son of an elder who fell in love with Halohaven’s princess who would later become his wife and the mother of Amaryllis. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but you can’t help who you fall in love with.
Amaryllis learned that over time, her wings would continue to deteriorate, the white melting away into a combination of black and purple until no purity of her wings remained. The lesson didn’t end there; she learned the curse placed upon her was a price her parents had to pay in order for their love to be honoured, and still allow Lilian to ascend the throne. She tried her best to understand the importance of the relationship between her parents and what their love meant to them, but as time went on, it became difficult, even as she tried to hide behind a smile and endless kindness. Amaryllis loved her parents. She knew she couldn’t hate them even if she tried, but that didn’t stop the sorrow she felt deep within her heart.
The curse itself threatened to bring misfortune to Halohaven and the entirety of Haloverse, but truthfully, nobody but the elders believed the curse would be a hindrance to their existence, not when they knew what their future queen was really like. They had faith in her, but the elder’s role was to see that life remained peaceful and carefree, even when the royal family was against it.
While pressing forward into her later teen years, Amaryllis departed from Halohaven. While she knew her people had never lost faith in her, she felt it would be better for everyone if she left for another domain; the human world, her destination. At least the elders had no say there, and it was better to leave of her own will than force her parents to decide to send her away.
Upon her arrival, Amaryllis was gifted Queen Lilian’s magic abilities to protect her, and King Henry’s Katana, Amaterasu, to fight. Nobody knew what kind of place the human world was as they considered every story some kind of fairy tale, even with darkness that lingered between unwritten words; it was best to make sure that they protected her, hoping one day she would return to Halohaven and take her place as Queen, regardless of what the elders may try.
Arriving in the Human World, it was nothing like she expected. Sure the colours were more varied, and it wasn’t nature as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful to her. She fell in love with the blue of the sky and the warmth of the sun, the calming breeze and the rustling of the leaves. Little did she know, shortly after her arrival, she would meet a man, one who would end up meaning more to her than she ever thought was possible.
The aura surrounding this man screamed at Amaryllis to stay away, but it drew her to him like a moth to a flame; he was alluring. Despite their goals being incredibly different, when they met, something clicked between them, a chemistry of almost magnetic connection. When she heard his name was Vergil, it was a name should would never forget. Vergil was cold and distant, pursuing power, and Amaryllis was warm and loving; opposites indeed attracted.
And thus, Amaryllis’ adventure in the Human World began, and it would be more than she bargained for, but at the end of everything, she’d do it all again, so long as that road lead her back to him, to Vergil Sparda, the love of her life.
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
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Day 20 - Antiques
Much to V's surprise, Dante was actually fond of antiques. The legendary Devil Hunter may not say it out loud but, he definitely liked his vintage stuff.
It all started when V dropped by the Devil May Cry shop a few days ago. He actually volunteered to get some cleaning done for Dante.
Now, as much as he loved his vintage books, V couldn't quite tell what drew the man to like actual antique stuff. But, the moment he picked up some of his vintage weapons that were mounted on dusty shelves, he couldn't help but admire the things.
The intricate design, the quality of the material used, even the primitive mechanism of the things.
It seemed to draw V in like a moth to a flame.
"I see you like those." Dante, who was polishing his vintage guns, spoke up with a smug smile on his handsome face. "Sparda's blood does run on your veins, after all."
"Sparda?" V asked, the antique blade still in his very careful hands.
Dante hummed. "Yep. If someone in the family likes collecting old stuff, then that's our old man. Look at Vergil, he loves his old books. And you do, too! But, I'm not a book fan. I prefer my weapons. The big, old guns, you know what I'm saying?"
"Indeed." V answered, looking back at the blade as he went on wiping it with a cloth. "Now, I remember. One time, mother got so mad at father for bringing home this intricate antique coffin he acquired somewhere. Said it would just gather dust,... and attract ghosts."
"Ha! Ghosts at Sparda's house? Nah!" Dante waved his hand, entirely dismissing the possibility of restless spirits haunting their old place. "By the way, I have that coffin."
V's eyes lit up in curiosity. "Really?"
"Hmm! I lugged it all the way here just the other day. Wanna see what's inside?"
V contemplated for a moment, and after a brief pause, he nodded in agreement.
"Fascinating." The poet answered. "But, we must finish cleaning all these items first."
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buns-with-a-book · 4 years
Eva and Sparda in #12
“That smile is too much for me.”
Sparda wandered upstairs, like a moth to a flame, at the sound of Eva’s singing. He had been in a state of elation, ever since Eva gave him the best news he had ever heard since she said ‘I do’.
She was pregnant. With his pups. No, children. Humans never called their children ‘pups’ like demons did. But no matter the (very confusing) terminology, he was still so very happy. 
He poked his head in the door, seeing his smiling Eva draped in sunlight, sitting on the rocking chair with her swollen belly. She looked up and her smile widened, sending his heart aflutter.
“Eva...” He stepped inside, kneeling down at the foot of the rocking chair. Eva’s hand threaded through his silvery hair. “Ah...your smile is too much for me.” He purred. Eva chuckled.
“I love you.” She said simply. He only purred louder. “Oh!” A hand rushed to hold her belly. “And so do they.” She took his hand, placing it on her swollen belly. He let out a soft gasp, feeling his children kick against her belly.
“Does it hurt?” He asked worriedly.
“Sometimes.” She sighed. “I think your purring woke them up.” He cowered a little.
“I’m sorry-”
“Shh, don’t worry.” She leaned down to kiss the top of his head. “They’re eager to see you. It won’t be long now until they come out.” Sparda beamed and nuzzled her belly, purring only louder. Eva merely laughed, still threading her hands through her silly husband’s hair.
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blooddrop-palace · 4 years
29 with Dante and Vergil?
(Ooooh alright! Let’s get cracking! )
29. You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?
[Some Context: Post DMC5, no real continuity to anything else.]
Eventually, getting a smart phone became a necessity. Even if it weren’t for the convenience, then it would be for the fact that people treat you like you’re a little bit crazy if you didn’t have one. 
At first, Vergil and Dante were in a rare agreement that it shouldn’t be that big of a deal. Eventually, under Morrison’s, Lady’s, and everyone else’s insistence, (especially Nero’s insistence,) they added “cell phone bill” to the list of bills that... admittingly, were a little easier to pay when Vergil could keep Dante “better motivated” to take on work. (There was also the matter of convenience for being able to make trips home quick with the Yamato, though Vergil will insist every time, in some manner, that he was not a taxi service.)
Now, to say that this was a big leap of technology for the Sons of Sparda would be an understatement. Though they were familiar with the existence of cell phones, neither of them owned one until now, and they have completely skipped past about three stages of the evolution of cell phones. 
Figuring out the functions of the phone, however, was a different task in itself. Vergil hadn’t really had a need to touch anything keyboard based to begin with. While a touch screen was simple, figuring out where everything was on a keyboard took a bit of practice. 
Still, the twins might be dense and stubborn on some things, but they weren’t entirely unable to adapt. At the very least, they understood how to use the messaging and call functions. Anything else, Nico made a big list of functions that, for the most part, the two men found no use for. (Well, for now.)
Nero actually messaged them frequently. More than Nico. At least, as far as Nico was concerned, she has never messaged Vergil. 
A few days after they managed to sort out the new phone situation, it was decided that the cell phones were more for the function of keeping in touch with family and friends. Business still had to come through the main line. 
And while Vergil was going through some books, he froze when his phone vibrated. 
He was still getting used to having this bothersome little contraption on his person. They fact that it made noise and moved (somewhat) while so close to his body made him skittish. He had considered keeping it out on the table but it became clear that he was then liable to forget it. 
So his only option was to keep it in his inner coat pocket and learn to get used to it. 
Fishing the phone out, he checked it, to find that it was a message from Nero:
> Hey. How are you holding up?
This was curiously cordial, though Vergil could imagine the awkward hesitance in his son’s demeanor. The anger over past transgressions had only been somewhat diffused, but if there was anything Vergil had learnt recently from Dante and Nero both, it’s that he was in a state of “forgiven but not forgotten.” 
Because the kin of Sparda has had enough bullshit and would rather have something that resembled family, however long it took for them to become one. 
This meant communication was part of it. 
So Vergil responded: 
Well. <
After a moment of thought, he realized he ought to… say something more. 
And you? <
Nero’s response was considerably faster than his:
> Not bad. New phone treating you good?  > Maybe I should ask if you’re treating your phone good.  > Not broken yet it seems. 
He felt a little insulted. 
I happen to take good care of my possessions. Unlike my brother. <
> Right
Vergil found that there were both advantages and disadvantages to this type of communication. Though he himself wasn’t openly expressive, the lack of visual cues from the person he’s speaking to made conversation contain a sort of guessing game. But without being under scrutiny, there was no social disrespect for him putting his attention back in his book while there was a lack of immediate response. 
A few minutes later, his phone buzzed again. 
> The book you left behind is old isn’t it? > Guess there’s no doubt to your words.  > Glad to know you’re doing well with the phone. But can you tell Dante to call me back? Or at least text me back? Been trying to get a hold of him for an hour now. 
So, that was it. He’s playing second messenger because Dante wasn’t responding. 
When he comes back. I will let him know. <
> Cool. Thanks.  > Hey, let me know if you ever need anything, k?
By context, Vergil figured Nero meant to say “okay.” 
And this was… okay. It was a start. 
I will keep that in mind. <
Though when in person, Nero and Vergil sometimes had abrasive encounters, Vergil realized that Nero wasn’t any less argumentative with Dante. Their interactions were simply different. 
But often, Nero messaged him about small things, when they were apart. Such as: 
> Nico and I are driving by DMC. You guys want anything?
If it’s food, don’t bring Dante any more pizza. <
> Okay. What about you? Beer or anything?
Dante said yes to beer. <
> Dante always says yes to pizza and beer. I’m asking YOU damnit. > Also tell the old man to text me back himself if he wants anything!
Out of sheer pettiness that day, Nero brought no beer, but a bottle of cheap wine for Vergil. 
He was satisfied with it only because Dante whined over preferential treatment. 
> Good morning Mr. Vergil!  > We were wondering if you and Dante would like to have dinner with us next weekend? > A gathering without impending work, something relaxing for everyone? 
It took a long amount of thinking, and Vergil thought carefully about how he couldn’t keep avoiding it. He wasn’t the most comfortable around Nero’s considerably normal family. Even Dante often made excuses to not go, judging from what Vergil had heard about the number of holiday invitations sent to his brother that never received the response of his presence. 
A part of Vergil thought that this was not only the time to face the music that came with having family, but also felt somewhat comforted by the fact that if he agreed to this, Dante still had to suffer through the social gathering with him. 
I am grateful for your invitation. What time would you like for us to be there by? <
> Dinner will be ready by 6, but you are welcome to arrive earlier to help, or spend some time with Nero? > The children are also curious to meet you and Dante.
Ah, the orphans… well, he had already agreed. 
> Of course, I’m not holding your promise as Dante’s agreement. Please let me know if he will be arriving, also? He hasn’t responded to our messages yesterday. 
> Hey uh > I know Dante likes his strawberry sundaes  > But what do you like?
I’m partial to something chocolate. <
> Huh. I would have thought you’d say something like blueberry. 
I do not believe blueberry is a common topping on a menu. Chocolate is fine. <
> Okay. > What if I’m stopping by a special creamery? Still want chocolate?
Please. <
About half an hour later, Vergil received another message: 
> I don’t care if Dante’s predictable, but if he wants his sundae, he should at least RESPOND TO MY TEXTS.
On that day, Vergil learnt what a message in all caps was supposed to mean. 
> Yooooo V-man > hey is Dante alive? > I found something a-maze-ing this morning!! > he might wanna see this.  > but like he’s totally bad about responding so like > tell him I’ll be swinging by in an hour.  > you might like this, too.
This is a little short notice. <
> Don’t care!  > be there soon! > ttyl!
Nico’s messages were a bit harder to understand. For her, Vergil had to learn how to navigate basic search engines. 
> Where’s Dante.
I am not my brother’s keeper. <
> Right. He’s your keeper.  > Where is he. He owes me money.
I understand that he has owed you money for quite some time now. < Do not come to me about his debts. < I am not responsible for his lack of good finances. <
It has come to Vergil’s attention that, many times, he was being contacted simply because Dante very rarely responded. 
Nero actually used the phone as a means to carry some semblance of contact with Vergil, but ultimately, even he had come to Vergil for the sake of getting Dante on the phone. (Barring that, Nero would simply call the land line. But by that point, it defeated the purpose of a cell phone, didn’t it?)
Today, while Dante was languidly flipping through another one of his tasteless magazines, Vergil decided he had enough of playing messenger. 
But he had to do the roundabout thing to prove a point to his brother. 
So he opened up the messenger, and found Dante’s message thread. It wasn’t that Dante didn’t use his phone. He’s called a few times. In fact, he seemed to prefer calling over texting. But it was clear that, just like his tendency to leave the shop’s phone unanswered or even unplugged, he was just as terrible about being contacted via cell phone. 
Dante <
After a few seconds, Vergil heard the soft vibration of the message being received. The phone in question appeared to be within Dante’s desk. 
And his brother ignored it. 
So, a few minutes later, Vergil sent again:
Dante <
Another vibration. 
It went ignored again. 
What is the point of having a phone if you don’t answer it you imbecile <
This time, not long after Vergil heard the phone vibrate, he said out loud: “Dante. You know when your phone buzzes, it means I’m trying to talk to you, right?”
His brother finally lowered his reading material, and said: “What? Aren’t we talking right now?”
“No. Stop ignoring your phone.”
“What is there you need to say that you can’t say yo my face?” The teasing retort on his face was anger-inducing. 
“That’s not the point. It appears most everyone else has issues getting in contact with you, and I’m done playing messenger. Learn to respond to your messages, or I will not be responsible for the next time you miss something important.”
Dante waved his hand as if batting away an annoying moth. “Eh. If it’s important, it’ll get to me.”
“Because I have been making sure you found out. This ends here, Dante. At the very least, promise that you will answer your phone calls, if messaging is too much for you.”
> Okay what did you do now > why is Dante messaging me suddenly about sibling abuse. 
I have done nothing of that sort. Your uncle is simply being over dramatic after a few stabs from a few summoned swords, for not paying proper attention to his phone. < Next time he does not respond, I am no longer responsible for relaying a message. <
> ...okay > okay you know what sure > no one is dead and maybe this is for the better. > I’m surprised you didn’t go off on him way earlier. 
I have suggested to him that if it’s his wont to ignore his messages, he ought to at least answer his phone calls. <
> Gotcha > Blow up his phone with his ringtone not his text tone. > He’d better start answering. 
There is no need to blow up anything. But I make no promises on Dante’s ability to respond. <
> hell it’s a figure of speech, dad. > But thanks for trying
> Hey > Hey Vergil > Hey
I’m upstairs. What seems to be the issue? <
> Holy shit you do respond.
How did you think the others were able to come to me when you didn’t respond to your phone? < Idiot. <
> Okay you know what > You win this round > I didn’t think you were getting so comfy with this phone thing
This wasn’t a competition. < That was meaningless. <
> Fine forget it > Come downstairs > We have a client.
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ffs-abalisk · 4 years
Can we get a visual on this fluffy ancestor please? Since Sparda and his descendants Devil Forms look anything BUT fluffy, i have a hard time picturing them covered in floof.
So Sparda is supposed to be like a demon beetle thing, right? And most demons in the series have an insectoid or draconic motif, right?
Two words.
Moth. Man.
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amethystaqua · 5 years
Of mugs and secrets (Or how Dante found out about your relationship with Vergil)
I finally finished after entire week of writing and editing! I never thought my first fanfic would be of 2223 words! I really hope you enjoy it! :D
The room was still dark as calmness reigned; the only sounds were the soft breathing on your ear of the man sleeping next to you. Vergil was spooning you, the warm feeling making a real struggle having to get up to start your day. You wiggle trying to move the least required, not wanting to disturb your boyfriend’s sleep, you almost made it, until he made some soft grunts. You froze fearing you might have woken him up, but he just turned to his side of the bed.
A smile found its way into your lips as you approached to kiss him ever so lightly on his mouth, then proceeding to leave the bedroom. You started to go through your day’s agenda in your head, the pendant paperwork waiting at work, visiting Nico to pick up your beloved, just repaired sword Polaris, and the appointment with a possible client. However, all your plans came to a halt the moment you notice a dark figure lying on the living room’s couch. Quietly you summon your spear Morgenstern out of thin air and approach the figure, looking around to see if something else was hiding in the shadows.
“Well now this is what I an exciting welcome (Y/N)” a sleepy familiar voice said making you jump out of the impression.
“My god… Dante! I was this close to stab you!”
“As you know, you wouldn’t be the only one sweetie” he sat on the couch while stretching his arms with an audible pop from his bones.
You met Dante when you were just a kid, with no family left, he rescued you from being a sacrifice for a greater demon since you were a Nephilim, however that seemed to be only the beginning of your problems. Demons appeared to be drawn to your blood like moths to a flame and thus, the week that you hadn’t been attacked by a demon, extremely uncommon. So instead of going to every orphanage or school you assisted to save you, Morrison decided it was for the best if Dante just adopted you. That way he could keep an eye on you, so no more civilians were put on danger, and also train you. Dante wasn’t in any sense qualified to adopting a little girl, but with your help (The motherly interventions of Lady and Trish, and some extra cash from Morrison) you two worked it out and in the process, perceived each other a bit like father and daughter.
“What on earth are you doing here?” you made Morgenstern disappear, heartbeat slowing down now that there was no real danger “And how did you get in?”
“Perks from my brand-new powers, and as for your first question… Let’s leave it I had kind of an emergency”
“Ok let’s review your concept of emergency” You leaned into him, taking carefully his face on your hands checking for any sings of cuts or bruises “does it involve injuries?”
“Not this time” he chuckled as you were still inspecting the rest of his body. After confirming the man was in one piece, you decided to head to the kitchen to start making breakfast with Dante following right behind you.
“An angry Trish or Lady?” you opened the fridge to start looking for the ingredients to make pancakes, you really stomach really needed some food now.
“Nah we just had drinks last week” he took a seat on the small kitchen table.
“Another powerful demon king about to be resurrected?” once you gathered everything you needed; you poured some flour along milk on the crystal bowl you took from the kitchen cabinet.
“Funny (Y/N) but no, not a demon, and somehow way more terrifying then one…Patty wants go out on a date with me” you almost dropped the egg you just grabbed for the batter, staring at him in disbelief on what he just said heard.
“Wait… so you broke into my apartment at” you looked at the clock next to the fridge “at 7:00 am just because you’re scared of a 19-year-old who wants a date with you?”
“I was coming back from a job! Morrison called me and he said a miss was waiting for me at DMC! Then I heard her voice on the phone! I’m not going anywhere with her when she’s faking a promise!”
“Dante…” Calm, take a deep breath you thought as you focused on inhaling deeply, he sure had a talent for making you lose your temper sometimes “are you serious? Both Morrison and I were there! I perfectly recall you saying when she’s turned old enough you would date her!
“Damn, so you’re saying she isn’t lying and I must keep my promise?”
“Yeah sure because I definitely want Patty to come on our already uncomfortable family dinners at Nero’s home” you answered sarcastically as you mixed the bowl’s ingredients “Just take her out to eat pizza or something, keep it as casual as possible so she doesn’t get her hopes up”
“Or... you could allow me to stay for a few days”
“Please (Y/N) only 2 days!” he lifted up the chair and moved next to you “Just until she’s tired of stalking me!”
“Since you’re here not like I have much of a choice, do I?”
“I knew I could count on you!” Dante said while lifting you off the ground, on really strong hug just like he has done all these years since you were a kid.
“Be quiet!” you whisper loudly, squirming a bit in his tight embrace “Vergil is still sleeping!”
“Wait, what’s Verge doing here?”  he dropped you while looking at you quite confused.
Oh, you just fucked up big this time… Dante was the only one who didn’t know about your relationship with Vergil. Unknowing of your past together when he was V, Dante’s father instincts awakened, as he warned you to stay away from Vergil, after noticing the constant glances you shared with his twin, fearing his brother got interested in you just because you were a Nephilim.
“He uh... went on a job yesterday, and uh he got poisoned by a demon so he needed someone to cure him!” That was the only excuse your sleepy brain was able to scheme in those few seconds, thinking Dante would buy it… then you remembered the eldest son of Sparda never asked for help.
“So, he decided to come here was the best idea?”
“Yeah” you tried to smile at him to look as convincing as possible.
“My brother looking for you to heal him?... All right never thought I’d see the day the dumbass put his pride aside and ask for help!”
“Heh… guess he still remembers one of the times I cured him when he was V” You sighed in relief, turning your attention on the coffee machine to prepare some, thinking you got away with your little lie until…
“But why he didn’t return to Devil May Cry?”
“I-it was really late and cold outside so I suggested he spent the night here “blush adorned your checks, once you realized the size of the stupidity you just said. “Al-also, I needed to be certain I cured the wound properly.
Dante just hummed and returned to his seat, whether he believed that poorly made answer or not, he didn’t say it. You were about to change topic, but were interrupted by a growling.
“Geez...” you couldn’t help but laugh lightly “I suppose you haven't eaten anything”
“Can’t lie at this point” You smiled at him. Once the coffee machine finished you poured some coffee on 3 cups that you placed on the counter. With all the noise, probably Vergil would join you both for breakfast.
“Stay right here, and don’t touch anything” you said as walking past beside him.
A shower was really much needed. You were already a bit late and didn’t want to waste more minutes, after all, you could always buy something to eat at work if you didn’t have time left. On the hallway to the bathroom you found the elder son of Sparda already got up.
“Oh, hi I thought you were still asleep” you stood on your tiptoes to give him a quick peck on his cheek “Didn’t want to wake you up”
“To whom I must thank for making Dante grace us with his presence this early in the morning?” his icy blue eyes showing an evident annoyance.
“That would be Patty… apparently the poor girl really wants a date with your brother to the point she’s waiting for him at Devil May Cry as we speak”
“I’m afraid that doesn’t justify why he’s here” a frown taking over his features.
“Well… “you played with a loose lock of your hair “Lady and Trish aren’t home, Nico still wants to bang him and I’m not letting that happen, and finally Nero made crystal clear last time I spoke to him, he wanted Dante at least 10 mts away from Kyrie and Credo” Your best friends had just had their beautiful son, the last thing Nero needed was having Dante in their house with Kyrie so delicate after her pregnancy.
“Hmpf still he isn’t staying here” Vergil crossed his arms, his answer just as you predicted.
“Please I can’t kick him out of the apartment just like that! I bet if you were the one in his…”
“I would never find myself in such a ridiculous situation like this”
“Right, forget what I just said” you said a bit ashamed while scratching your head.
“Even if I did unlike Dante, I could find a solution on my own”
“My point is! He needs help” you cupped his face in your hands “I know we had plans but come on, it’s going to be just a couple of days” you gave him the best puppy eyes you could.
It wasn’t as frequent as you wished for Vergil to stay in your apartment, between your jobs and the constant efforts to hide the truth to Dante. That’s why those days where two of you just sat on a couch to read, or did any other silly activity together, became so precious memories.
“I promise I’ll make it up for you when he leaves” you whispered in his ear face turning red with the possible implications.
He pushed you carefully against a wall lifting you face and grazing with his thumb your plump lips.
“You should not take promises so lightly my dear angel” you melted at his words, his lips mere inches from yours “I fear you may have acquired my brother’s demeanors”
“Have I ever broken my word before?”
An almost imperceptible smile, one only you got to recognize adorned his face as he claimed your mouth on a passionate kiss, that to your perception didn’t last enough. But you didn’t complain once Vergil separated from you, the risk of being caught by Dante was way too high.
“He’s in the kitchen” you cleared your throat, trying to control your small gasps for air.
“I expected no less” he fixed his hair and clothes, erasing any sings of the kiss you just had.
“Welp I’m going to shower now, not taking long” you passed beside him and closed the bathroom’s door only to open it a few seconds later “Vergil wait! Geez I almost forgot; I left some coffee for you and Dante on the kitchen counter. I’m pretty sure you’ll know which mug is yours since your favorite mug broke in our tiny accident a few nights ago”
You winked playfully at him, but he only limited to clicked his tongue in disapproval and directed to the kitchen. Once Nico knew about your relationship with Nero’s deadbeat father (as she always called him) the mechanic wasted no time to tease, giving you a little present: a white mug with big blue letters that read I’m your daddy for your boyfriend to use. Obviously, once Vergil found out the existence of the mug, the first thing he wanted was to toss it on a trash can, but you didn’t allow it being a gift from Nico.
While you showered the guilt took over you for hiding Dante about you and Vergil. Maybe it was time to tell him the truth, after all, didn’t he always wanted for his brother to embrace his humanity and live a somewhat normal life? You stepped out of the bathroom once you finished, so deep in these thoughts that it wasn’t until you were on your way to the kitchen, that you noticed how quiet the house was. At this point you were so used to whenever the twins were together their heated conversations escalated quickly to an argument that sometimes required a third-party intervention, so the silence was really unusual.
“Ok now, is it okay for you guys to eat pan…cakes...”
Your voice lowered the volume as you looked at the scene before your eyes. Vergil and Dante were staring fixedly at each other with a murderous gaze, each one with a hand around the infamous cup, now you knew the real reason for the unusual silence, Dante must have assumed the mug was his.
“So…” you laugh nervously “I guess the cat is out of the bag.
The end
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zer0pm · 5 years
Diverging Jealousy: You x Dante
A/N: Dante’s ending for the Diverging Jealousy series. Thank you, everyone for sticking around and showing this story love, more importantly for Dante~ V will be next and marking the end of fic. Received a request in regards to this, which I may still do as a bonus, side-story, but we shall see. Regardless, please enjoy ~
Dante: “Ow, easy!”
You: “Stop crying, son of Sparda! I only punched you!”
Dante: “Yeah, and you knocked me off of my ass! I was out cold!”
V: “Admittedly, I thought he was dead for a moment.”
You sent a pointed look at V who immediately snapped his mouth shut to a thin line. When you knew he would not speak against you again for the time being, you continued to treat Dante’s face. Your hit dislocated his jaw, you knew it hurt for him to talk and yet he was tapping still. Luckily, the three of you found shelter in an abandoned building, one of those high end apartment complexes in the good part of the city. Whatever was left of it, anyways. There wasn’t a demon in sight to hear Dante’s dramatic whining...and his screams.
You: “Okay, you ready? On three.”
Dante: “Sure. I’ll count. One-”
Dante: “AHH! FUCK!”
He shouts, flinching away from you as soon as you removed your hands from his face. He glares at you from behind his silver-white locks, earning him a smirk from you in turn.
Dante: “What happened to three?!?”
You had reset his jaw, you were always happy to help him but took an almost sick pleasure in his moment of pain.
You: “Better?”
The poor man rubbed his jaw, you since him wince slightly when his fingers touched the dark bruise from where you hit him. He opens and closes his mouth repeatedly.
Dante: “Thanks. And...sorry.”
You: “Yeah, you better be. You’re an idiot.”
You look between him and V, both men had their heads bowed low.
You: “You both are. Letting your feelings get in the way when the world is literally ending and we’re the only ones that can stop it? What were you thinking?”
Dante and V glance at each other, hesitating over the fact that their answer is a shameful one. Finally the man in red faced you, characteristically rubbing the back of his neck.
Dante: “We...weren’t?”
V: “I confess, our priorities were rather misplaced.”
You rub your forehead. When you were all fighting alongside each other, you had noticed the two tripping one another clearing the demons. At first, you thought they were simply messing around. Not once have you thought that they were seriously trying to up-one one another and that you were the reason behind it. Then Dante confessed to have feelings for you, admitting to them at that moment because he found out that apparently V felt for you too.
I mean, seriously? What am I supposed to do about that? It all came to you so fast and so unexpectedly you had to step away. Finding V was your excuse to clear your head and process it all.
“C’mon, partner. Isn’t it obvious?”
You remember Dante saying these exact words to you before leaning closer. You felt his breath fan against your lips, tempting you to meet it.
You shake your head from the memory, standing up from your seat to then approach V. His arm was put in a makeshift sling. The cuts have been cleaned but you have yet to apply medication on them due to Dante waking up from you knocking him unconscious and shouting about an extreme pain on his jaw. Now, you didn’t notice Dante glancing away from you two.
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You: “Alright, now let’s finish with you, shall we?”
You hear Dante’s boots stepping across the floor and spot him at the door. He didn’t turn back to face you both as he turned the handle.
Dante: “I’m gonna step outside for a bit. Scope the area.”
He leaves before you could even respond and you sigh. Truthfully, you’ve been avoiding the topic of addressing your thoughts about the two men and in a way, you felt bad about that, felt like you were either teetering between them or pulling them along despite the fact that you have not admitted to anything. The thing was though, what would you admit to? What were you supposed to say? You couldn’t say that you weren’t attracted to either of them. Anyone with perfectly good eyes can see that Dante and V were incredibly handsome men, anyone with ears can hear V had the voice that can melt anything to a puddle, anyone with a nose can pick up Dante’s masculine musk that is both spicy and fresh especially so after a round of demon-killing. Whenever you asked him what he puts on, he tilts his head to the side in confusion asking what the hell you were talking about.
“That must be how he naturally smells...”
V: “Who are you talking about? Dante?”
You: “H-Huh?”
Did you really say that out loud? You look up to see V eyeing you curiously.
V: “Welcome back.”
You: “Pft. I’m still here.”
V: “Is that right? And the reason you are spreading medication on the part of my skin that is not scarred?”
You look down at your work to see that he was completely right. When Dante left, you tended to V again immediately who was sitting patiently. And of course, he catches you being distracted...by thoughts of another man. I am a terrible person.
V: “No, you’re not.”
Okay, he has to be a mind reader at this point and you were about to call him out on that before V takes you the salve from your hands to place it atop the side-table next to you.
V: “You had a self-depreciating look in your eyes. So I took a wild guess. It appears I was right.”
You sighed. There really was no point in hiding it now.
You: “I just... My head is a mess right now. I’m sorry.”
V: “Heh. And here we were worried that you felt nothing but ire for us.”
He places his hand over yours which were clasped together on your lap.
V: “Tell me. Do you care for Dante?”
You: “Without a doubt, he’s my partner and my best friend. He may be an idiot but I’d go to hell and back for that guy. He would do the same for me.”
V: “Hm. Yes. Going to hell seems to be his favorite passtime.”
You chuckle at his joke in which the dark-haired man smiles in satisfaction.
V: “Do you care for him the same way he cares for you?”
You knew the question was coming but you found yourself freezing on the spot still. It takes you back to when you stopped Dante from kissing you.
“Guessing you’re not feeling me.”
The way he said that, you felt the pain in his voice, the hurt in his expression. Yet he didn’t voice that out loud knowing that it wouldn’t be fair to you. Dante, I...
You: “I don’t know...”
You bowed your head in shame. Why was it so hard? As if he truly was reading your thoughts, V leans over, trapping you in your seat with his hand resting at the head of the cushion behind your shoulder. You feel the weight of his green eyes pinning your eyes to meet him.
V: “Is it I who gives you doubt?”
You won’t lie, you had an interest in V the moment you met him. There was something about him that both alluring and seductive, his very aura drawing you in like a moth to a flame. Then you got to know him better and you found yourself enjoying his company with each passing day. You nodded before you can stop yourself.
You: “Yes.”
He is leaning closer now, his mouth dangerously close to yours.
V: “Is it possible that you care about me, then? Do our hearts beat the same rhythm?”
His lips almost brush against your and you can feel the tickle of V’s soft breathing. You were attracted to V, you place both of your hands atop his shoulders.
“So, when are you gonna admit that you’re falling for me?”
“Don’t fall behind, partner. I’m not gonna slow down. Even for you.”
“Don’t go running off to the target without me.”
“I’m leaving Devil May Cry to you.”
You push V away...
You: “I...I can’t.”
There was a silence between you two, you were looking down at your lap the entire time. Your heart thumping loudly, painfully. Then you spot V’s shadow leaving you and glance up to see that he has returned to his seat. Instead of looking sad or disappointed as you expected him too, he had a small smile on his face.
V: “What is now proved was only once imagined.”
V grabs the salve, you almost forgot that you didn’t finish taking care of his wounds, and he begins to gently spread it on the cuts.
V: “Dante has a tendency to attract unwanted attention. But perhaps with the right attention...”
He eyes you pointedly.
V: “It would leave him wanting very much.”
You knew where he was getting at and stood from your seat. He was right and it made you feel like an idiot to realize what you wanted by these circumstances. By someone‘s actions and not your own. But now you had to make your own choice.
You: “Thanks, V.”
By the time you turned around after opening the door, V was already comfortable on the seat, his signature book cracked open. He gives you a lazy wave. At first, you thought he was down, but was assured the opposite by the small smile on his face. He really is a good guy.
You leave the apartment, moving through the halls as fast as your legs can carry. You didn’t have to think about where Dante could possibly be, you already knew. The man liked to be at the perfect spot for a grand entrance. There was only one place for that for a tall building.
You’re on the roof now, searching around for only a moment, then you spot the familiar white locks in view. His back was to you, he was looking out into the city, an almost lonely aura surrounding him. Slowly, you approach him and stand right beside him.
You: “Hey.”
He tensed suddenly and finally notices you next to him. It seemed like Dante was in deep thought.
Dante: “Oh, it’s you.”
The way he said that made you worry slightly.
Dante: “What’s up? Thought you were looking after V.”
You: “He’s resting right now. Besides, he has a big cat and a talking bird that’ll protect him.”
Dante: “Don’t forget the big rock monster.”
You: “Yeah, let’s hope that one doesn’t make an appearance.”
Dante: “Why’s that? Afraid it’ll...rock your world?”
You: “......”
Suddenly you found yourself laughing, couldn’t help it, especially when you heard Dante chuckling with you. The humor was infectious despite the terrible, terrible joke.
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You: “You did not just say that.”
Dante: “Hey, I thought it was pretty solid.”
You: “Oh god, shut up!”
Both of your laughter fills the night air, casting light in the otherwise dismal city. At that moment, it really felt like there was only just the two of you. When your breathing has calmed down and the mood became light, you looked out onto Red Grave, the abandoned streets and the destroyed structures. You wondered that if everything could be restored to how to used to be should you all defeat Urizen. If Devil May Cry would continue to exist...
You: “Hey, Dante.”
He glances at you from the side of his eye.
Dante: “Yeah?”
You: “You’re really going to give everything to me after...after this job? The business, the building? Everything you made?”
The man looks down, then back towards the city.
Dante: “Yeah, I am. You’re the best badass in the world. There isn’t anyone else I would entrust my legacy too.”
You: “But that’s the thing. It’s your legacy.”
You turn to him now and he slowly faces you back, looking into your eyes with a serious expression.
You: “You can’t have Devil May Cry without Dante.”
Dante: “Ha, damn straight.”
He smiles, that same confident smile you’ve grown to love over the past several years but have only now begun to appreciate the warmth behind them. He steps towards you, placing a gloved hand upon your shoulder.
Dante: “But the moment I made you my partner, Devil May Cry has always been our gig. I just never got around to tell you that.”
You: “I...”
Now it was your turn to stare at the ground.
You: “I don’t think I would be able to accept that...”
He frowns at your words, his brows crease to a line of concern, of an expression expecting rejection again.
Dante: “Like I said before, once everything is done, you could do whatever you want with it.”
You shake your head.
You: “It’s not that.”
Lifting your head to meet his eyes, you can see now that there was confusion on his face. It’s now or never.
You: “What I mean to say is...I don’t think I can do this without you. I don’t want you to go away. I want you to come back after we win.”
He was taken aback by your words, eyes widen, a flash of hope within them but his posture was wary still.
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Dante: “What are ya saying, partner?”
You: “I’m saying...”
You step closer to him, reaching for one of his hands with yours, giving it a small squeeze in hopes to help convey your message.
You: “I think I’m falling for you, Dante.”
There was an unnerving silence. You were frightened for a moment, but then you felt the hand you held wove its fingers with yours in a tight clasp. His hand hand grasped the side of your face to hold you in place and with a swiftness that nearly made you collapse to the ground, Dante’s lips crash against yours.
His lips were soft, gently pressing yours, moving in a slow rhythm that you could not help but to follow. Each kiss made the scruff of his light beard scratch your skin, making you feel the contrast of softness and roughness and it was absolutely stimulating. He felt amazing to your senses and it seemed you had the same effect on him as Dante’s hand on your cheek moved to the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. He wasn’t even using his tongue and the legendary devil hunter was stealing your breath away. Years and years without this? You couldn’t believe you didn’t do this sooner.
Eventually he pulled away from you, allowing you both to take a much needed breath. Once you came down from your respective highs you stared at each other and started to softly laugh. At the same time.
Dante releases his hand from yours and uses it to pull you against his chest, embracing you with a fervor that made your heart skip a beat.
Dante: “Damn...that was way better than I imagined.”
You had half a mind to hit him for that but decided against it, instead letting you both enjoy this moment.
Dante: “Sorry, but I gotta ask.”
And there he goes, about to ruin it.
Dante: “But why the change of heart? What about V?”
You actually thought about this too as you were making your way up the roof to him. Even though you wished you could have figured it out on your own, you owed it to Dante to explain. Why not V? Why him? It was because as much as you liked V, as much as he excited you, your attraction to him was nothing compared to the affection you had for Dante.
You: “He’s not you, Dante. And honestly, it didn’t take me until today to realize that I wanted you. I really do. And looking back, I’ve always had. I can’t imagine life without you. Guess you can say that you’ve ruined me. You half-devil bastard.”
Dante: “Ha...”
His chuckle was half-hearted, but the smile he had was all him. He taps your chin with his finger, lifting your face to his.
Dante: “Ruining you has always been my gig.”
Your cheeks burn at his words, forcing you to look down. It was then that you noticed that the shirt he wore was torn at the bottom and recalled the same fabric that was used for V’s wound from earlier. It revealed his lower abdomen, a tease of his muscular frame. This man... You wondered if he secretly did it on purpose to mess with you. Now that your feelings for him were out in the open and with certainty in your mind, the sight deepened your blush as if it truly was all planned. He seems to notice your staring, his smirk growing wider and he peels off his red coat, the leather hitting the ground with a thud causing you to nearly jump at the action.
You: “What are you doing?”
Dante: “What does it look like, partner?”
He grabs both of your hands and brings them to the bottom of his torn blue shirt, slowly helping you lift it and revealing more and more of his powerful build to your feasting eyes. Dante noted the way your eyes begin to daze at the sight of him, stirring his masculine pride something fierce. He wanted to explore all the other expressions he can get out of you just from him and his own actions alone. And most importantly, he wanted you to enjoy it. Enjoy being with him.
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Dante: “I can’t wear this anymore. Help me out, will ya?”
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thetoffeefox · 5 years
Heyo, for the drabble thing, how about 103 with nero and male!reader and 98 with reader and vergil?
Hello anon!! I had so much fun writing prompt 103! It was my first time writing a male x male fanfiction and I hope it is to your liking! I tried to put as much feel good emotion and some spice ;) to make up for the horrible amount of angst I put in prompt 98. 
Prompt 103. “Sharing is caring, so give me your fries.” Male!Readerx Nero
“You’re an ass.” You state pouting at your boyfriend while eyeing his food.
Nero looks at you as your brow twitched in irritation. He couldn’t believe the nerve you had to try and steal his fries from him AFTER he asked if you wanted anything to eat. You said no so now here you are in the van trying to steal some of his hard-earned french fires. It reminded him of those stupid memes on the internet about women doing the same thing to their boyfriends. Apparently, it wasn’t JUST a thing with women. He looks at you again a pout on your lips. God, he loved that pout it did things to him. He just wanted to bite that lower lip and pull the most delicious moan from you. He smirks as you scoff turning away to act angry. It wasn’t working you knew that but you couldn’t help yourself sometimes. Sometimes you doubted yourself when it came to the devil hunter. You met him a year and a half ago after saving your life in Redgrave City from a swarm of demons. You and a group of others were some of the few people left in the city after the mass evacuation that was put into place when a strange tree appeared in the city. Later you learned they called it a Qliphoth, a demonic tree that fed on human blood to produce a powerful fruit that could grant demons a great deal of power. After everything had settled down and the town began reconstruction, you made it your mission to find the devil hunter and thank him for saving you. The exchange of gratitude had completely thrown the young devil hunter off guard. While his at the time girlfriend had dashed any hope of asking him out for coffee. Hell, you didn’t even know if he liked coffee. You didn’t even know if he swung that way, but you were the type of person that once you something you wanted, you’d take the plunge and go for it. Just like how you were attempting to go for his fries right now.
“Sharing is caring.” You state turning back in his direction.
“So?” He responds chewing a fry. God, you hated it when he talked with food in his mouth.
“So give me your fries.” You grin ear to ear.
“Nope.” You shiver at the pop of his lips because of his emphasizing of the “P”
He snickers as you turn away with a huff. Cute. Never had he imagined that he would think such a thing about you but here he was. A few months after you had shown up on his doorstep thanking him you guys had become fast friends and his unlikely source of comfort when he and Kyrie split. It wasn’t a messy break-up but it still hurt. That’s what started the attraction when he thinks back to it. It was so odd to come to terms with a part of himself he was just discovering. He thought attraction and love were easy and simple but it wasn’t. It took many more months for him to admit to himself how he felt about you. You were the first man he had ever fallen in love with and it was new territory for him and in some ways it still was. Grinning Nero throws a fry at you making your head snap towards him as he puts another fry in his mouth but this time instead of eating it he wiggles it up and down teasing you. Normally such behavior would embarrass you. Your face would be redder than Santa clause’s suit but something about the teasing look in his eyes made a fire pool in your stomach and go to other areas. Without a second thought, you take the other end of the fry in your mouth making him go stiff from your lips pressing against his slightly. Pulling away you grin wickedly as you chew the fry while Nero turns three shades of red. Maybe you should say you’re not hungry more often.
Prompt 98. “Don’t shut me out.” Reader x Vergil
“Don’t shut me out.” His voice cracks.
Those words echo in your head as you stare aimlessly at the potted plant in your living room. Your head was spinning from everything that had just happened. The past twenty-eight years of your life seemed pointless as you ran your fingers through your hair. Anxiety and dread swelled inside you as you drift back into your teenage years. At sixteen years old you had your whole life ahead of you. You were in high school excelling in all of your advanced classes hoping to go to college to earn a master in English and literature. It was the most ordinary life you could ever lead until you met him. Suddenly he appeared out of nowhere, frequenting the library you worked at after you got off school. He never checked out books, and he was always there before you started your shift. You learned he would come around noon only to leave at close which was 7 pm sharp. None of the adults dared to talk to him, he had an intense air about him. It did the opposite to you though; it drew you to him like the proverbial moth to a flame. His choice in books also piqued your interest and soon you tried to converse with him. As expected he was as prickly as a cactus and gave you a glare that would have made children cry. Looking back it was unfathomable that someone his age could look at a person like that. Then again he didn’t look like most boys, in fact, he didn’t look like any other boy you have ever met. With snow-white hair and frost blue eyes, he stood out. Most boys his age would have been self-conscious over how he looked but in the intense air around him, he also displayed confidence. It was just another trait on the list of things that drew you in.  You persisted in your quest to know him, greeting and telling him good afternoon each time you worked. It was frustrating not knowing his name and after six solid months of simple greetings he began to silently acknowledge and exchange after two months; he stopped you. Questioning why you always greeted him despite his rudeness in not responding. You smiled and said it was because you wanted to. Taking advantage of the situation you formally introduced yourself and just when you thought he would give you the cold shoulder you got his name. Vergil. It was a rather odd name for someone to have but you didn’t question it too much. That was the day that started everything, the day that even lead up to now. Learning he was a half demon was a rattling experience for you, mainly because you were being attacked by demons. The questions you asked were bluntly answered or not at all. Most of those questions were about his family and heritage, so you accepted it and moved on. Before you knew it you had fallen in love with Vergil and for the longest time, you believed your feelings were not reciprocated until one awkward night as you were locking up the library. He had waited out back for you and insisted upon walking you home. Something he had never done before not even after being attacked by demons. A block away from your home he pulled you into a very sloppy and uncoordinated kiss. You hadn’t had much practice yourself but it was obvious you were his first looking back on it. That thought makes you smile, you were the eldest son of Sparda first kiss. You were his first for a lot of things, but that didn’t seem to matter to him later on. After graduating high school you had gone to summer camp and boy was Vergil displeased with the notion of not being able to see you for two months but he accepted it. However, if you had known that an unstable psychotic man would dig his claws into him and brainwash him you would have never left his side because when you returned his reserved nature was colder than you had ever experienced, even when you had first met him he never looked at you the way he looked at you then. It wasn’t just an air of confidence it was an air of superiority. You couldn’t stand it, you couldn’t stand this mindset of him acting as if you were nothing but dirt under his shoe. It wasn’t enough to make you leave, you stuck it out hoping that maybe if he got the power of his father he would go back to the Vergil you once knew and loved. That never happened though and you never stuck around to find out. You didn’t stick around after he disappeared to for two weeks without a word and only to come back with various love bites branding his skin. He cared not for your heartbreak or the feelings you had of being betrayed. He was the hollow husk of the man you once knew. He was the man that you spent a decade trying to piece yourself back together over. You had traded in the idea of a normal life for him by thrusting yourself into the world of demons and that was a life that once you choose it, you could never leave it.  You gave up all your hopes and dreams for him and you could never get it back. Vergil was like a disease and you were infected by him, never had you truly shaken off what he had done to you. You thought you were in such a good place after all these years. That you had dealt with the emotions and even the trauma. That was until now when not even thirty minutes ago he was on your doorstep. Time had been kind to his looks, it looked as if he barely even aged a few years. A moment later those feelings you thought were long behind you came rushing to the surface and it was then you realized there was one emotion one feeling you hadn’t dealt with when it came to Vergil and that was anger. How you didn’t know till now that you were so angry at him was beyond you. The apology he gave was sincere his declaration of love to you was sincere. After all these years you were the one he wanted but it was like hitting a brick wall.
“Don’t shut me out.” His voice cracks.
You stare at him wide-eyed in shock. As kids, you had never seen the man that was before you. He was exhausted, broken, but in some ways hopeful. Hopeful that you would accept his apology and love after all this time. You wanted to, a part of you wanted to latch onto him and never let go. To tell him you forgave him after everything that had transpired, but there was another part of you that was just now welling up to the surface. One that was consuming you more than he or his love ever had and it was new and foreign to you.
“Vergil, you shut me out a long time ago.” It’s all you can say as you close the front door on him as you decided to never look at or speak to him again.
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nerosdailydiary · 5 years
So Sparda Fools is ending and i now know, Have no mercy on the sparda brothers when it comes to April Fools, fUCKING WRECK THEM IF YOU HAVE TO, NO MERCY
Nico,the van is safe I check throughly, but i have no idea who the fuck popped the tires, Trish...I literally have no idea where your real sword is, Lady, im pretty sure your goggles are a lost cause because i found the lenses in the toilet,
Spiders, glitter, fucking glue and moths, and my dad telling me he put spiders in my bed, so im uh, gonna go sleep in with Kyrie tonight
oh and ps: i hope Dante and Vergil enjoy the fucking gift from me
what fucking gift?They’ll see, Happy hell of an April Fools
i think i need a ice packet....
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acapelladitty · 6 years
How do you think Kyrie would react to meeting her "father-in-law"? How about Vergil?
Oddly enough, alongsidemy 'Vergil/Nero's mother origin' oneshot I am also working on a 'Neroinvites Vergil to meet Kyrie' fic too! I'll include an excerptbelow which I feel kinda summarises the whole dynamic (it’s being worked on atm so this is still a first draft) xx
Leaning back to survey the pair furtively, Vergil found that his attention was focused on Kyrie.
His son's chosen partner.
As she ran her hands through Nero's hair, it was obvious to Vergil how much his son loved this woman. It was written across his features and in the way that he leaned subconsciously into her touch. Even his energy radiated slightly stronger while she was in his immediate area.
The ease of the affection she showed him in both her physical actions and her utter confidence in his abilities and decision making spoke of her returned love. Every slight touch and smile was given freely and without hesitation or thought.
She reminded him of his lost mother.
“You should train her.” Despite holding eye contact with Nero, he indicated his hand in Kyrie’s direction. “She needs to know how to defend herself and deal with an attack. A human very rarely defeats a demon in battle.”
Feeling the slightest hint of embarrassment at his own unexpected comment and why the need to voice it had struck so suddenly, Vergil dipped his gaze down to his drink as Nero and Kyrie listened to his words.
Even to his own ears it sounded like a warning.
He did not want his son to experience a loss as painful as his those he had underwent.
“Kyrie can kick ass on her own.” Immediately coming to the defence of his partner, Nero narrowed his eyes as if daring his father to argue the point. “Even though i'll never let anything happen, I know she doesn't need me.”
Scoffing at the claim as he took a sip of his tea, Vergil was unable to hold back his disbelief.
The woman was soft to the core, in both body and soul. Her innocence radiated from her every action and mannerism to the point where it was almost blinding to one like himself who had seen so much darkness. He could not blame Nero for being drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
“You don't think i'm a good match for Nero, Mr. Sparda?” Kyrie's soft voice carried over from her seated position, her words polite and yet tinged with something almost like disappointment.
The shift in atmosphere was instantaneous as Nero barely concealed the growl that had arisen in his throat at such an idea. His shoulders tense and his hands balled into fists, he would not stand for his great love to be insulted by anything or anyone. Particularly his estranged father.
Zeroing in his gaze on Kyrie, Vergil understood that her words had placed him in a very dangerous position indeed and that one wrong word would see this meeting descend into a vicious spar. He had not meant any insult with his suggestion but his foolish hot-headed spawn would fail to understand the subtitles of his speech.
As he opened his mouth to respond in the negative a spark of amusement lit up in Kyrie's expression and her brow raised slightly as she anticipated his answer.
Snapping his mouth shut again, the corners of his lips quirked up in his trademark smirk.
She had played him and she had played very well.
By putting him in this position she had essentially forced him into openly vocalising his approval of her as his son's partner or he would risk the considerable wrath of his son and harm his potential for any ongoing civilities.
And that he could appreciate.
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lessy86 · 5 years
Madness of Love Ch.3 Vx OFC fanfic.
 OMG! Guys, you really had me motivated right now. Made me feel real special. I should’ve warned you earlier that the story contains with past abuse, foul languages, NSFW contents and Angsts. Also if this is your first time read this chapter, I would recommend to read the first three chapters so that you won’t get confused. Plus I would give a shout out to @la-vita, @minteyeddemon, @thedyingmoon, @bianca41083, @heaven-on-a-landslide, @light-dying, @l3wd3r, @one-equal-temper, @zer0pm, @damnshipper, @daemongal, @loraliah and @lewdbunbun. Thank you so much for the love and the comments. Keep ‘em coming. Let’s go.
Celeste’s Pov:
Who the hell does this man think he is?! I can’t believe that he can walk up to me and act like he wants to save me! No,no no! That’s not gonna happen! I refuse to let any man even Dr. Sparda be around me ever again!  Suddenly I heard my door open as I was pacing back and forth in pure anger and I saw the warden came in while shutting the door.
“Celeste, are you out of your mind”, The warden was furious when she asked me that. But I was way worse than her.
“I tried to warn Dr. Sparda about you, but he is very persistant of being your new doctor. He wants to get to know you. He read your file and I told him a little about your history”, The warden said as she saw me continue to pace around, trying to calm down.
“Oh really? Did you tell Dr. Sparda how I brutally killed my abusive husband when that bastard put bruises on my daughter?! Did you tell him that I beat one male guard to a bloody pulp when he forces himself on me?! Did you tell him that?!”
“That wasn’t my place to tell him. You can’t build your future on hurt from your past. Your husband’s family forgave you for killing him, why can’t you? Don’t let your past dictate your life in the future. Please Celeste, give Dr. Sparda another chance to help you break free from your trama. If not for me, then do it for your daughter. Do it for Alexia.”
I sat down on the edge of my bed, having my hands on my head, listening to the warden. Forgive? How can I forgive my husband for what he has done to me and Alexia. I couldn’t even forgive myself for all the shit I’ve done. I let my biological mother used me. I let the men used my body. I was a whore to them. I don’t deserved to be loved or saved. So why would Dr. Sparda be any different? 
I took a deep breath when I thought about Alexia. My daughter would want me to come home to her. I promised that I would and I attend to keep that promise.
I turn to look at the woman, “Fine. I will cooperate. I’m only doing this for my daughter, that’s it”, I stood up from my bed and walk up to her again, “I will give Dr. Sparda another chance with me. If he crossed me and he’s not what he said he was, I will hurt him and then I’m coming after you Warden.”
The warden smiled, “Thank you Celeste. You won’t be disappointed.”
“Don’t fuck with me, Amanda”, I coldly threatened her. I only said her first name when I’m severely pissed. The warden finally left my room as I turn to look out of my guarded window. Am I really doing the right thing?
Third Person’s POV:
The next day, V spotted Celeste sitting under a large tree outside drinking her morning coffee. He was told that she is willing to meet him here and ready to talk. V’s inner Joker is screaming for joy in a insane matter. This is his chance to prove to her that he’s willing to help and with her permission, make her submit to him. 
He approached her, “Ms. Celeste. I receive word that you want to talk to me.”
Celeste looked up and replied to him, “Yes, I did. I’m glad you did. Please Dr. Have a seat.”
V sat next to Celeste and looks at her, “I want to apologize for what I said yesterday. It was not my intention to push you that far. However, I meant what I said that I want to help you in anyway that I can.”
Celeste shook her head, “No Dr. I’m the one that should be apologizing to you. I got pissed when you said that because a lot of guys said the same thing and ended up hurting me instead. So I ran before I let see my walls crumbling down. I was mad at myself for letting my anger get to me.”
“We can work on that situation. Ms. Celeste, please give me your trust. Help me help you with your problems.” 
“I don’t know Dr. Sparda, you’re gonna have to earn my trust if you want to help me. I’m only doing this for my baby girl. So, I’m giving you another chance”, Celeste crosses her arms as looked at V.
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V smirk at his chocolate female patient, “Well, I suppose I should get started then. I’ll see you in our session in two hours.”
Celeste saw V got up from his spot next to her and walk up to his office. She tilt her head to the side as she realized what he’s just said. Oh God! This man is gonna be the death of her. What the hell is she getting herself into?
V’s POV:
I close the door to my office and leaned my back against it. That woman is intoxicating. I wanted to hold her hand so badly. Celeste said that she can give me another chance. Ever since her outburst, my obsession with her grew even further. I looked into her police reports prior to and after her manslaughter of her husband. The things that these people did to her makes my blood boiled and my inner self roars in deranged fury. I used to be like her before I turned my life around and start helping other people with their problem. 
I went up to my desk and  looked at the picture of Celeste. She’s very special with so much fire in her eyes that makes me drawn into her even more. Like a moth to a flame, I would love to see more of her. Her happiness, her weakness, her vulnerability, everything. I grabbed my folder and head out to the private session. My dear Celeste. My Black Harley Quinn. Not only will I have trust, I will have your mind, your body, your soul, and even your heart. Your Joker is coming to bring you home. 
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