#the sparda family tree
Devil May Cry
Waiting for the exact moment someone realize madeline spaghetti family photo has someone with white hair and just jump into the fan-logic rabbit hole of that being a Sparda family member leading to a connection to Vergil... like so:
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wow I botched drawing Kyrie ... looking at this this does explains Peppino’s super taunt as a different take on royal guard’s royal release. and Madeline’s Badeline being just doppelganger
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icycoldninja · 9 months
Fluffcember #25 (Sparda boys x reader)
Sparda boys spending Christmas with their S/O
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-Dear God, if you think he was a wacky woo hoo weirdo before, he gets even crazier during Christmastime. Gorges himself sick on spiced egg nog and iced sugar cookies, as well as stuffed turkey and mashed potatoes with extra thick gravy.
-To Dante, Christmas is all about eating. That line from "A night before Christmas" has never been applied to someone in real life more accurately than now. "Visions of sugar plums danced in their heads..."
Yeah, that's Dante.
-Plays Christmas rock music (think Jingle Bell Rock) on full volume while jamming along with his guitar in the middle of the living room, wearing naught but a Santa hat.
-Decorates the whole of Devil May Cry with like a thousand knotted Christmas lights because he was way too lazy to untangle them (Figures) and brings in a really cheap, withered looking tree like the one in Charlie Brown. Though, like Charlie Brown, you guys managed to fix it up real nice.
-Drags Vergil and Nero to your place for a fun, family Christmas, but things go south real quick: Nero ends up stealing all the treats and eating dessert before dinner, Vergil and Dante drink too much liquor spiked egg nog and have a drunken brawl in the living room before passing out in the hallway.
-At the end of the night, you had to drag all the boys into the living room and cram them either into sleeping bags or wrangle them onto the couch before exhaustedly trudging back to your own bedroom for a long night's rest. Merry Christmas.
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-The mature and responsible one--also the one who wants to have the least involvement with everything. Just sits in his plastic chair, reading his book, not caring nor acknowledging what is happening around him.
-It is therefore your duty to put up the decorations and cook the Christmas meals, but don't despair. You won't be alone. Nero and Dante have come over for Christmas (Vergil was against it, but they're family) and are more than happy to help--even if all they do is make messes.
-Christmas dinner with the Sparda family are typically a mixture of loud and rambunctious chattering (caused by Dante and Nero joking around) and quiet conversation with Vergil, which can barely be heard over the other two's yammering.
-After dinner has been devoured and the two idiots have left, Vergil lets out a sigh of relief--a sigh only a long suffering eldest sibling can make. Then he heads for his plastic chair, ready to delve back into the world of his book.
-Doesn't mind if you want to sit on his lap and cuddle while he reads. It is cold out, after all. ♡
-Spends the entire night chilling with you, watching movies, reading books, and eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.
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-Takes after his father, in the sense that he likes cuddling and just relaxing, either by himself or with you.
-Unfortunately, he also takes after his uncle, in the sense that he's loud and loves to eat. He loves it so much in fact, that nearly all the cookies vanish before you can get to ice them, and it probably wasn't Santa.
-Has no idea how to hang decorations so he just buys a cheap wreath, throws it on the door, and decides he's done for the day.
-Dresses up as an elf and parades around with a radio blasting Micheal Buble on loop, specifically to get on your nerves and distract you from whatever you were doing.
-When Vergil and Dante come over for dinner, expect absolute chaos. Vergil cannot wrap his head around why his son--his own FLESH AND BLOOD--is prancing about dressed in a green skintight leotard. It's too much for him. He spaces out and just stares at the wall blankly, barely touching his food while wondering what influenced his poor baby boy to be this way.
-Meanwhile, Dante is having the time of his life, laughing his head off while snapping pictures to post online and to show the others so they have more excuses to make fun of poor Nero.
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dmc-questions-anon · 6 months
Fruit of the Poisoned Tree in DMC 5 not only literally refers to the Qlipoth fruit and tree, but it also refers to the Sparda's. Nero being the fruit and poisoned tree being the Sparda family tree.
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the-phantom-otaku · 2 months
No context. Just an exchange that will be in the next part of The Complicated Sparda Family Tree.
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lesbiankoby · 1 month
lady in red inherited a modest estate from her parents and an extremely immodest collection of relevant occult literature which is, again, the reason vergil bothered to talk to her.
for giggles i think her own parents got themselves eaten by demons, foreshadowing lady in reds destiny to also get “eaten” b [I AM TACKLED OFF STAGE] but no yeah hubris killed them and LiR learned like, nothing about it. or something.
maybe they have a demon ancestor WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY up the family tree? one of the ones that sided with sparda and intermarried into the fortuna population. it’s completely irrelevant at this point it’s such a distant ancestor that none of the demonic traits have been inherited thus far down.
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laserdog10 · 1 year
Test Drive, Sparda Family Style
Claudia: Please?
Nero: Nope.
Claudia: Please?!
Nero: Sweetie...
Claudia: I promise I'll clean her afterwards!
Nero: That's nice but the answers is still no.
Claudia: Moooom!
Kyrie: It is nice of you to care about Red Queen so much, but the fact of the matter is it's too much for you.
Claudia stomps her little foot on the ground: Nuh-uh, I can swing a sword just fine!
Nero chuckled: Those are training swords meant for you, so you don't lop an arm off. Sorry Clauds but until you're in middle school you can swing Red Queen around to your hearts content.
The silvernette toddler pouted adorably and stomped off to her bedroom in a huff making sure to slam her door for extra measure for how angry she was. Nero smiled but sighed nonetheless, even he wasn't this...actually no, he was as temperamental as his and Kyrie's little gremlin.
Nero: What am I gonna do with her?
Kyrie: Well, you are training her to carry the family torch, so that's more than enough, and you aren't being too rough on her regiment and lessons either.
Nero leaned back in his seat at the kitchen table: But could i be doing more? What if-
Nero: Thanks babe, let's just hope dinner goes normal for on-
He was silenced with her lips meeting his, a chaste kiss broken for his wife to counter his worries.
"Like I told you, you always know what is right, and what is wrong. Claudia's progress to be a Devil Hunter is one of those right things."
Dante: Hey Mini-Verg! How's it shaking with the wife?
"HEY HEEEEY party people!" screamed the Legendary Devil Hunter himself kicking open the front door of the young couple's abode making Kyrie jump, though surprisingly without a box of pizza in hand. Nero simply thought to himself, "why do I even try...?"
Nero: Great until your mug showed up...
Dante just chortled ruffling his nephew's scruffy head: Why the long face bud? Hell the whole place reeks of tension.
Kyrie: Well, we had a little disagreement with our little angel.
Dante: Little Clauds throw a hissy fit?
Nero: No, just didn't want to listen to the truth, and got upset she could't go beat up some trees.
Dante pursed his lips: Imma go talk to her.
Nero: Dante...
Dante: Relaaax!
Kyrie: And how can we trust you?
Dante: I'm her cool uncle she loves?
Nero/Kyrie: More than Vergil?
Dante: ...really not gonna give me this?
The couple finally conceeded and gave Dante a "knock yourself out" kind of gesture, then off he went to his niece.
Wrapped in her blanket like an angry burrito, Claudia lay on her side fuming over her scuffle with her old man. 'What does he know, anyone can swing a sword! I'll show him-' Her mental rant was cut short when a rhythmic knock came from her door.
Dante: Heya squirt, can I mozy on in?
Claudia: Mm...
Dante lets himself in: Now what's this about Red Queen?
Claudia: Stupid dad won't let me play with it...
Dante: Haha, well now your old man ain't stupid that's for sure, but he's right that his weapon is far above your learnin' curve.
The third generation Sparda seemed to deflate more in her cotton haven, until a comforting pat on her head gave her a jolt back to reality making her turn to her second favorite uncle who was pulling out something wrapped in a burlap sack.
Dante: Now, I went through a lot of trouble getting these bad boys back, went through a couple auctions, black markets, and some circles of Hell to find them. I was plannin' on giving these to ya' on your birthday...but I can't stand to see you down in the dumps.
Sitting up, Claudia took the twin wrapped objects in her lap, carefully pulling it off she was greeted by the sight of two round heads with glowing eyes and a mouth, one red and one blue, attached to twin swords with serrated edges.
Dante: Say hello to Agni and Rudra, your first Devil Arm! One throws fire and the other slings wind!
Claudia: These...THESE LOOK AWESOME!!! Mm-*mouth gets covered*
Dante: Shhhh not so loud kid...! Hehe, take good care of them alright? These bad boys fought with me through all of Temen-ne-gru and kicked the butt of Vergil!
Claudia hugged the demonic swords close with a cheeky grin: I promise!
The devil hunter smiled ruffling his nieces hair before turning to leave, until he stopped and pointed at the swords, "No. Talking. Take care Clauds!"
Later that night Claudia pulled the Twin Demons out from under her bed, sitting with their heads facing her on her lap once more.
Claudia: Hey, my uncle Dante ain't here no more, you guys can talk...!
Agni/Rudra: ...
Claudia: I promised when I said I'll take good care, so that means I'll treat you guys differently.
Agni: ...is that true?
Rudra: You swear on it?
Claudia almost jumps from their voices: Woah, you guys actually talk...
Agni/Rudra: Indeed, many Devil Arms are capable of speech!
Claudia: That. Is. So fricking cool!
Agni: Cool? Brother, what is "cool?"
Rudra: Well, "cool" means-
Claudia: Yeahyeahyeah, basically means you guys are awesome, so uncle says you guys control fire and wind, if I remember what my science teacher said...wind can make fire stronger?
Rudra: Correct young devil!.
Agni: Strong as we are on our own, together we are a force stronger than nature.
Claudia: ... *smiles deviously* We're going to be the best partners! Oh, and by the way, it's cool if you guys wanna talk with me.
Rudra: Very well!
Agni: As you wish!
[Later that morning...]
Half of the forest behind the house was engulfed in flames, gale force winds blew this way and that, all while the cackling of an eight year old echoes though it all.
Kyrie looks at Nero: ...Dante?
Nero: I am going to kill that bastard...
Kyrie: At least she's happy?
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numberonepeacock · 24 days
Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! Characters as Mobians
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Mirai Asahina/Cure Miracle - Blonde Horse/Bright Blonde Pegasus
Riko Izayoi/Cure Magical - Dark Purple Unicorn
Ha-chan/Kotoha Hanami/Cure Felice - Pink Pony/Pink Unicorn/Light Pink Alicorn
She is later revealed to be the reincarnation and successor of Mother RaPaPa
Mofurun/Cure Mofurun - Teddy Bear Cure Spirit/Auburn Bear
Mofurun is a toy teddy bear Mirai received from her grandmother, Kanoko when she was a little girl
When Mirai and Riko became Cures, Mofurun gained the ability to talk
Magical Allies:
Kouchou - Light Blue Unicorn
Is the headmaster of Magic School from Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure!.
He is known as the great magician of the Magic World.
Cathy/Magic Crystal - Crystal Ball
Is a crystal ball.
She is owned by the headmaster of Magic School.
Mother RaPaPa - White Alicorn
Eldest of the Siblings next to Vanessa
Goddess of Magic and Nature
Is a divine being who used to watch over the world in Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! in ancient times and granted a golden age of happiness, and also the creator of Magic.
Before disappearing, Mother RaPaPa has sealed Deusmast, who threatened the peace of the world, into the sun. She would later reincarnate into her own successor Cure Felice.
Deusmast is a god-like being whose intention is to unleash chaos upon the worlds.
It is also the creator of Magic.
Labut - Orange Deer Genie
He is a sly genie and one of Deusmast's retainers.
He was sealed in a gold lamp and is responsible for bringing Yamoh back to life.
Shakince - Dark Green Crow Tengu
Shakince is a monster who is awakened from a stone statue.
He is a follower of Deusmast, the never-ending chaos.
Benigyo - Pink Demon
Benigyo is a monster who is awakened from clay like earthenware.
She is a follower of Deusmast, the never-ending chaos.
Orba - Light Blonde with a Neon Blue Gradient Fallen Angel
Orba is a loyal follower of Never Ending Chaos.
Dokurokushe/Kushe - Skeleton Unicorn (broken horn)/Dark Grey Unicorn
The wizard of darkness who seeks the "Linkle Stone Emerald" to plunge the world into darkness.
He is a wizard shrouded in mystery.
It is revealed that Dokurokushe is, in fact, Kushe, someone who used to be a professor at Magic School.
He became Dokurokushe when he experimented with too much Dark Magic.
Yamoh - Geko/Dragon (Final Form)
Dokurokushe's second in command.
He is in charge of leading the Dark Magician Trio.
He is a clairvoyant and fiercely loyal towards Dokurokushe.
Batty - Bat
A Mobianoid bat underling created by Dokurokushe.
He encounters the Pretty Cure when he searches for the Linkle Stone Emerald.
Sparda - Spider
Another underling created by Dokurokushe.
She is a Mobianoid spider person.
Gamettsu - Turtle
One of Dokurokushe's created underlings who is a Mobianoid turtle soldier.
Daikichi Asahina - Brown Horse
Miria’s father.
He lives in the No Magic World.
Kyoko Asahina - Horse
Miria’s mother.
She owns the Power Stone shop.
She lives in the No Magic World.
Kanoko Yuki - Orange Horse
Miria’s grandmother.
A young Kanoko met Kouchou after he rescued a cat stuck in a tree.
She lives in the No Magic World.
Lian - Indigo Pegasus
Riko’s father.
A famous archaeologist in the Magic World.
He lives in the Magic World.
Lilia - Blue Unicorn
Riko’s mother.
A professional chef in the Magic World and has her own cooking show in the No Magic World.
She lives in the Magic World.
Liz - Indigo Pegasus
Riko’s older sister.
A student teacher at the Magic School.
She lives in the Magic World.
Supporting People:
Kana Katsuki - Dark Purple Cougar
Is one of the students who attend Tsunagi First Middle School.
She is in the same class as Asahina Mirai and Izayoi Riko.
She lives in the No Magic World.
Mayumi Nagase - Light Brown Reindeer
Is one of the students who attend Tsunagi First Middle School.
She is in the same class as Asahina Mirai and Izayoi Riko.
She lives in the No Magic World.
Souta Ono - Brown Jaguar
He is one of the students who attend Tsunagi First Middle School.
He has been going to school with Asahina Mirai since primary school.
He lives in the No Magic World.
Takagi-sensei - Brown Chimpanzee
A math teacher at Tsunagi First Middle School, and also the homeroom teacher of Asahina Mirai, Izayoi Riko and Hanami Kotoha.
He lives in the No Magic World.
Jun - Blue Dragon
She is one of the students who attends the Magic School.
She is somewhat tomboyish and confident yet she has had poor attendance.
Along with Emily and Kay, she is friends with Mirai, Riko, Kotoha.
She lives in the Magic World.
Emily - Blonde Unicorn
She is one of the students who attends the Magic School.
She is very easily scared and is said by Kyoto to have failed her broom flying test.
Along with Kay and Jun, she is friends with Mirai, Riko, Kotoha.
She lives in the Magic World.
Kay - Orange Phoenix
She is one of the students who attends the Magic School.
She comes to class late and is often left behind as well, but she has an easygoing personality.
Along with Jun and Emily, she is friends with Mirai, Riko, Kotoha.
She lives in the Magic World.
Kyoto - Auburn Three Tailed Fox
The vice principal of the Magic School who is much stricter than Kouchou.
She lives in the Magic World.
Isaac-sensei - White Jackalope
Is an elderly teacher in charge of teaching the tutoring classes at Magic School.
He lives in the Magic World.
François - Lilac Spider Fairy
The owner of the clothes shops in Magic World.
He is a busybody and having trained in fashion in the No Magic World, he is quite the expert in it.
He lives in the Magic World.
Gustav - Dark Yellow Werehog
The owner of the broom shop in Magic World.
He lives in the Magic World.
Toad - Brown Griffin
The owner of the fruit and vegetable shop in Magic World.
He lives in the Magic World.
Previously: 👸👑 | Next: 👩‍🍳🎂
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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Whumptober #22
Devil May Cry - #22 - Toxic
Nero had been uncharacteristically quiet and distracted lately.
Vergil tried to ignore it. But Nero was beginning to make careless mistakes on jobs that always landed him with avoidable injuries. 
He’d been hoping to make Dante deal with it, but Dante had been called away for a few days to go help Trish. That left Vergil to either deal with Nero’s foolish blunders until Dante returned, or try to address it himself.
Loathsome as the endeavor would be, he knew he had to address it himself. 
He found Nero sitting outside, back resting against the trunk of a tree that offered him shade on the hot day. Vergil sat beside him, making sure to leave a gap between the two. Perhaps the emotional gap between them demanded a physical one as well. 
“Your performance has been lacking,” Vergil said without preamble. 
Nero snorted and shook his head. “Subtle. Yea, I know. I’ll work on it. If that’s all you came here to bitch about, go away.”
Vergil really didn’t want to have a personal chat with Nero, but his behavior could put them all in danger. “What could possibly be causing you to blunder so badly in fights?”
“Vergil, neither of us want to have this conversation,” Nero said. “You don’t actually care, and I don’t actually want to talk about it with you.”
The “with you” felt like a jab. Vergil tensed a bit, realizing that Nero probably did intend to talk about whatever was bothering him with Dante.
Because he trusted Dante. And he did not trust Vergil.
Vergil had given his most precious possession to Nero. Perhaps it was time he gave a bit more.
“Will you at least try to let me help?” Vergil said.
Nero was quiet for a beat longer than was normal. “You won’t be able to.”
“How do you know?”
“Kyrie asked me if I want kids.”
Vergil really wished he’d left this conversation to Dante. But he was in it now, and he refused to back out like a coward, regardless of how awkward he suddenly felt.
“And?” Vergil said. “You have those orphans you care for. What’s one more child?”
Nero glared at his hands where they rested in his lap. “Those kids aren’t biologically mine. They don’t have…”
“Have?” Vergil pressed when Nero didn’t finish.
“Have this.” Nero held up his recently regrown arm. “It’s like it’s…like it’s toxic. A curse. Our demonic heritage. It scares Dante. It drove you to do awful things. It caused me to lose Credo. How could I possibly have a child of my own knowing I’d just be putting them through the same thing?”
“The Sparda bloodline is a powerful one. You should be proud to be part of it,” Vergil said, his voice sharp.
“I never wanted power, Vergil,” Nero snapped. “I wanted a family. Which I didn’t have, because this goddamn Sparda bloodline destroyed it. While other boys learned from their fathers, mine was in the fucking Demon World chasing power he’d never get.”
Vergil couldn’t help but straighten his shoulders and glare at Nero. “I-”
“I don’t care.” Nero cut him off. “I just…” He raked a hand through his hair in frustration. “I can’t do that to a kid. I can’t drag them into a family of tragedy and hatred and a drive for power.” 
“Get over yourself,” Vergil said. When Nero opened his mouth to argue, Vergil cut him off this time. “You had a family. You had no tragedy, or hatred, or drive for power. If you haven’t dragged the orphans into that, how would you drag your own child into it?”
Nero clenched a fist. “What would you know about raising children?”
“Absolutely nothing, because I was Nelo Angelo while mine grew up without my past infecting him,” Vergil said.
They both sat in startled silence. Vergil had not expected to say that. Had not meant to say it. Had not even known that kind of thought lived inside him.
“It’s toxic,” Nero muttered again, looking at his arm. 
Vergil stood off, too embarrassed by his outburst to stay beside Nero. “It granted us all the strength to make us this far. It gave you the strength to save Kyrie.”
“It put her in danger,” Nero said.
“Perhaps.” He paused, thinking of his mother’s kind smile and warm embrace. “Regardless of the blood in my veins, I would’ve been a very different man had my mother survived to raise me. It is the people around us, not our heritage, that shapes us.”
He left, even more embarrassed. He was definitely leaving this kind of stuff to Dante next time.
But it…it pained him, to think Nero so despised being part of the Sparda bloodline. To think how something that should’ve strengthened him instead felt like a curse to him.
And it pained him to think of how proud Nero would’ve been of his bloodline if he’d only had a father there to teach him the strength in it.
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anime-love31 · 4 months
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Little headcannons on the Nero firefighter edit:
Firefighter! Nero always checked in after a call.. no matter how small. You knew about every cat he saved from a tree.. or every body he pulled from a fire. Never the less.. Nero always called.
Firefighter! Nero always showered as soon as he got home.. never wanting you exposed to the nasty things that came with an active fire. Making sure he was always scrubbed head to toe.
Firefighter! Nero always kissed you good morning and goodnight after a shift.. he didn’t see you for 12 hours at a time after all.. he usually had some downtime.. and would text or call. He always promised to come home to you.
Firefighter! Nero was strong.. always carried you around when he could. He enjoyed using you as his own personal trainer, he would use you as a weight.. or sometimes as a playful man, he would drag you around on a towel, introducing himself with “sweetheart.. my name is Firefighter Nero Sparda.. can you hear my voice I’m here to rescue you”.
Firefighter! Nero was sweet as pie.. but was serious on calls. He often had to shift from that solid work person to homely boyfriend/husband. He took his job seriously. So sometimes he looked mean. But none the less.. he still was a gentleman.
Firefighter! Nero was a gentleman.. but he was filthy when it came to you.. enjoyed his hands on your hips.. you in his lap. His favorite position to look into your eyes. He was rough.. spoke filth.. and smirked at you. There was that Sparda attitude. But that was only during sexy times. He always made sure you were comfortable. Clean. And cuddled after.
Firefighter! Nero who was great with kids.. always carried extra little plastic helmets on the truck for when there was kids present. Most of the kids he was able to comfort. If he wasn’t able to comfort a child after a fire.. he always sent them a little small stuffed animal if they were in the hospital. He was active with the children’s fire safety program at the fire house. Always teaching children how to safely identify hot doors.. and listening for the sound of smoke alarms.
Firefighter! Nero had the softest spot for his community. No matter if it was a fundraiser for the department.. or a car wreck he was always first to be on the truck to respond.. he often found himself starting the trucks before anyone else was even geared. He loved his job.. his heart was with his people.
Firefighter! Nero was fit.. mentally.. physically. He was often dripping with sweat with you.. down his toned belly.. across his biceps.. he was a sight to behold. Like one of those calendar firefighters.. except yours.
Firefighter! Nero carried a picture of you inside his helmet.. at all times. He has had to reprint that picture.. a few times.. between sweat.. or heat melting the image.. but none the less.. he kept that picture of you. His reason to come home.. his reason to fight.
Firefighter! Nero was usually the lead on the fire hose.. but sometimes he was on the entry team. He enjoyed the thrill the entry team brought him.. swinging the halligan.. digging though the fire rubble.. saving people.. often saving people’s pets.. which he loved dearly. Every animal no matter slithery or furry.. got the same love and care from Nero. Every pet was family. So therefore was of high priority. The flames often made Nero have an adrenaline rush.
Firefighter! Nero who never leaves his brotherhood alone. One time his friend was out of air in his tank.. and Nero.. pulled him close.. hulking his buddy over his shoulder, sharing his own air tank with him as he dragged him out.. he shrugged off the lecture he got by the chief. His buddies life was more important. Nero was the definition of no man left behind.
Firefighter! Nero 🧑🏼‍🚒 🔥 ❤️
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
Before you read this next question:
I was informed that it would be a good idea for my questions to be answered with a specific tag so if people wish to block it they could. Please tag your answers to any question I send you with "dmc questions anon" and I think that should work.
If you wish to be taken off the list, ask. If somebody wishes to be placed on the list, ask. If your anon asks are off and you wish to participate, just make a post answering the question you see going around.
Remember you do not have to answer every question, so please don't feel pressured to do so.
Please also remember to take as long as you need! Do not rush yourself, this is supposed to be a fun activity and I don't want anyone to feel stressed out by trying to rush to answer questions.
Now onto the actual question:
How would you rank the 5 games in the Devil May Cry series? (By story)
Separately, if you want, how would you rank extended material? (The DMC1 Novel, The DMC3 Mangas, The Anime, The DMC2 Novel, Deadly Fortune, Before the Nightmare, and Visions of V, all of which can be found (along with other stuff) here: https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/Downloads.html)
If you wish, how would you rank all of it together in one big list?
Hi, Dear DMC anon!
Oooh, that can be a rather loaded and tricky question actually! DMC story is excusively all about the characters, but the thing about them is that they are NOT forward with their emotions at all, and much of their motivations and reasons have to be guessed/theorised. Another obstacle here for me is that the only DMC game I`ve played is 5 (for reasons, I'm unable to purchase any game right now, and frankly, 5 is the only one I`m interested in playing), so I know the story from a mix of youtube lore masters, wiki and fanfiction. This ranking is very much affected by my history with the fandom, so it may differ greatly from other fans. I will also include a small summary of what I consider to be the story of said game, and is ultimatively what I was ranking.
My ranking of DMC games (+ anime) goes:
Dante meets Trish, fights and kills Vergil, is betrayed and later saved by Trish, fights and wins over Mundus with the power of Sparda
The Drama of this game is literally the foundation of the series, and I believe it fully deserves the #1 place on this list. This game has: arguably te Endgame villain of the series, the third and the darkest moment of the twins`s conflict and trauma. This was the perfect start point for the series and a great foundation for it. It also gets a bonus from me for the Nelo Angelo theme which features church organ sounds and I love that.
(be prepared for lots of Vergils) Vergil is alive after escaping from Hell, he follows the only familiar power call of the Yamato, which leads him to cut off Vergil Son`s arm. Vergil comes back to his destroyed family home, looks at the family portrait, and decided to cut out his pain, which backfires significantly. Soul part of Vergil decides he cannot defeat Ass Vergil, so he goes to Vergil`s Brother for help with dealing the Ass Vergil, also requesting help from Vergil`s Newly One-Armed Son to deal with this. Ass Vergil summons, or uses the opportunity presented by a demonic blood tree to gain power and sits on his ass a lot. Vergil`s Brother goes to fight Ass Vergil, but underestimates him, which results in: Rebellion being destroyed by Ass Vergil; the ladies fading into the background of the story along with dreams of fans; Vergil`s Son is forever traumatized by the word ‘deadweight’, even more so than the loss of a limb; Dante ded. Vergil`s Son takes a break for a month, Vergil`s Soul tries out homeless lifestyle for the time. Vergil`s Son comes back with cool metal arms, wanders around and bonds a little with Vergil`s Soul. Vergil`s Soul finds the Legendary Vergil`s Father Sword, then finds Vergil`s Brother who, as it turns out, is not actually ded, but was somehow mistaken by the blood tree for Vergil, so it was actually able to revive Vergil`s Brother. Vergil`s Soul apologises to Vergil`s Brother by almost stabbing Vergil`s Brother with Legendary Vergil`s Father Sword. Vergil`s Brother is hurting and troubled by the possibility of Vergil`s Son being even more hurt, so he runs off to face the Ass Vergil again, and ignores Vergil Soul`s attempt at reaching out. Vergil`s soul is told by Vergil`s Mother Clone that ‘she is not his mommy’. Vergil`s Son tries to take out Ass Vergil himself, but fails and is saved by Vergil`s Brother, who used Vergil`s recommended method of demonic powering up of stabbing himself with cool swords. Vergil` Brother fights Ass Vergil, succeeds but Ass Vergil escapes. All Vergils chase Ass Vergil again, this time Vergil`s Brother finally beats him down. Vergil`s Soul is rapidly fading and Vergil`s Son saves him, which gives Vergil`s Soul some closure with his trauma. Vergil`s Brother does not want to handle any more Vergil-killing weight and lets Vergil`s Soul pretend to finish Ass Vergil off, but everyone is tricked by him and actual V e r g i l emerges. Vergil`s Brother is sick with Vergil`s behavior and runs straight into the fight. Vergil beats him away, challenges Vergil`s Brother to a duel in good health, and leaves Vergil`s Son behind with a ‘thank you’. Vergil`s Son is confused, Vergil`s Brother is enraged and this results in Vergil`s Son learning he is Vergil`s Son. After the revelation Vergil`s Brother beats Vergil`s Emotional Support Demon Pets and duels Vergil to the death. The duel is interrupted by Vergil`s Son who wants his family to stop fighting, and stops them from fighting by fighting Vergil instead. Vergil concedes the fight to Vergil`s Son, Vergil`s Brother notices Vergil playing nice, sees the opportunity to bond and Vergil`s go on a Hell vacation together, leaving Vergil`s Son to defend humans from demons.
The story of 5 is the best possible ending the series realistically could have gotten: Nero becomes more assured of himself and gets a Big piece of his lineage and identity he was missing; Vergil gets Dante back (for Nelo Angelo) by killing him; the main plot (and even some of the bosses, including King Cerberus, my beloved) of the game is copypasted 3 which WORKS because 3 is the first game in plot order, so it all circles back around, twins feel their deep need to recconnect with each other and have a repeat of The Fall together. 5 is very weirdly structured, has an overly long lead up (FIVE ASS VERGIL FIGHTS,Carl, F I V E) to its main hook, and it would not work in any other game. These characters have their own backstories, been throught a lot, and had their arcs already, which lets 5 be so weird and convoluded, and Work because the ending is everything the fans dreamed about, and it is how the story of twins was supposed to end from the start. 5 is a masterpiece in ending a game series and it`s great.
Also the entire game can be summed up by sony in a 5 minute trailer, which shows off all the amazing action and fun gameplay plus the emotinal core of the story, which was ultimately what inflicted me with the chronic and incurable DMC brainrot, and sold me the game. Also 5 has the best OST of the series.
Dante learns Vergil is alive and kicking, kicking his ass a lot actually, Vergil gives Dante a very painful but essential for his continued survival power boost, Dante befriends Lady, teams up with Vergil for a fight, then they have epic final duel which Vergil secretly concedes and Dante wins, but Vergil falls into Hell deliberately, cutting his saving hand and leaving Dante alone and Dante names his agency after the incident
3 portrayes the conflict of brothers perfectly. If in 5 their relationship is at a point where both are too hurt by each other to see what they deeply, truly want (to recconect), and the only option left for them is to hate each other, in 3 we get to see exactly why the twins are so divided. 3 shows that both truly care for each other, even if seeing Vergils version of caring requires actual freaking scientific research, but their trauma and ambition drove them so much apart that they cannot reconcile anymore, and it is the point where their relationship gets shattered. The tragedy of twins is perfectly encapsulated in 3, and I imagine many fans will rank this game higher than I did for that reason. And, of course, I can`t rank 3 without mentioning Devils Never Cry - that song is a banger and is a beloved anthem of the series.
DMC Anime
Dante gets closure with his childhood trauma while on a job to protect a child from demons and bonds with her. He battles a huge demon, but is incapacitated during the fight, Patty gives Dante a moral support speech and he wins the fight. Patty leaves to live with her mother and anime ends with Dante missing her.
I really love the main story of the anime, and a huge Patty Propaganda Enjoyer. I lover her very much, and the closure she (unknowingly) gives Dante is very meaningful for him. This Dante is openly at his lowest point, and he really needed some connection in that moment (even if Pattys methods are unconventional). Her presense alone is certainly not enough to help him overcome the trauma, but it is a start. Another thing I love about the anime is the casual setting and small stakes episodes, DMC could use some more of that. Music bonus this time goes to Future in My Hands, which is a song that basically gets it own episode, and is, as far as I know, the only diegetic song in the series, which means that Dante himself actually listens to it and likes it. Also I enjoye the credits song I'll Be Your Home, which, yeah, DMC needed some chill female vocals song.
Dante learns about Nero, together they fight cultists, then find and restore the Yamato, Dante gives Nero space to let him overcome his teen angst issues, but helps out when needed. Dante heavily implies they are family, but then immediately walks off into the sunset (probably to have a huge crisis)
Nero is a critical addition to twins story, however the overall story of the game is...not really interesting. Dante and Nero fight cultists, thats basically it. Other games or anime you can watch for the story, but in 4 the only standing out element is Nero. And he is an addition that was very needed, Nero is basically a happy ending at least one Sparda could have before DMC55 was a thing. 4 was quite an epilogue for the series, the thing I love about it is the hope it gives, which if wonderfully sung about in Shall Never Surrender. For all his trials, Dante always kept marching on, and after 4 he could have Nero at his side. Nero is the legacy of twins and he is the emboidiement of heart and hope of the series, and that is his greatest strenght. But, as I said, the crazy Fortunans plot is... not interesting, so I didn`t rank the game very high.
Dante meets Lucia, battles demons with her, Lucia is revealed to be an artifisial demon, Dante goes on an expedition into Hell for a couple of years
I dont think this will be a surprise to anyone. The only interesting thing about 2 is Lucia, and while she is a nice character, she is not deep and not enough to carry an entire game by herself. Though I like her character and design, and wish she'd get back into DMC somehow. And the end where Dante kind of tricks Lucia into going to Hell alone is a nice detail.
As for other extended media, I am not very familiar with it. I read Before the Nightmare novel, but it didn't really do much for me (except Patty mention). I know people love Visions of V, but I cant say the same about myself. There were important bits about the twins childhood, some Eva, but otherwise surpsisingly little of Dante or the damaged relationship of the twins. Some panels were very nice though, and the imagery when Nero saved Vergil from Malphas got to me, as I never felt the impact of that moment in-game. But I also know that I have trouble feeling the same level of emotion, or even understanding whats going on in comics or manga, so this is just a me issue.
Thank you, Dear DMC anon, for the ask, it was a pleasure to write and I really appreciate you stirring up the fandom.
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icycoldninja · 9 months
for some reason I just have this really like uh…. Basically a Romeo and Juliet styled forbennie love between Fem reader and DMC 3 Dante
ooooohohoho yes....
Forbidden Love (DMC3!Dante x Fem!Reader)
You grinned to yourself, unable to help but chuckle as you made your way through the winding streets of Red Grave, eager to reach your rendezvous spot as soon as possible. Tonight was a glorious night; your parents were out at the opera, and Dante's parents were out of town for work, meaning that tonight was the perfect night for you and your secret boyfriend to have a little meetup.
When you reached your previously agreed upon meeting place, you found that Dante was already there. "Hey, babe!" You called, running into his arms. Dante chuckled, sweeping you off your feet and twirling you around. "Hey there, milady," He joked, kissing your forehead. "Miss me?" You nodded, hooking your arms around his shoulders and nestling into his chest. "You have no idea," You sighed, rubbing your face against his smooth pecs. "No idea..."
Your family, the L/Ns, had been feuding with the Spardas for several centuriee; your ancestors had an outrageous amount of beef with Dante's ancestors. Despite this, and the stern warnings of both your parents, you were in love, ancient grudges be damned. While this forbidden romance was blissful, it was also stressful. Both your families kept pushing suitors and suitresses on you two, only to be utterly dismayed when both of you turned them all down. This behavior, though understandable at first, had grown to be quite upsetting--so much so that your parents threatened to take away certain privileges unless you settled down with someone.
Fortunately, you both had your youth to blame for your unwillingness to marry, and if there was one thing parents loved more than finding spouses for their children, it was having their children possess an incentive to learn. As long as you kept your grades up and took up various hobbies, you would be free of parental pestering for the next 5 years or so.
Dante sniggered at the way you held onto him, pressing a kiss to your forehead before setting you down and taking your hand. "Wanna take a walk?" You nodded, eager to spend more time with the love of your life.
Dante led you down the street, towards a gravel path, and into a serene, peaceful looking forest. The thick growth trees blocked out most of the moonlight, but there was such an abundance of fireflies, it didn't really matter. You gasped in amazement as Dante led you towards a large cave covered in luminescent moss. It glowed in the darkness; beauty unlike anything you'd ever seen. "Wow..." You gasped, looking around in wonder. "This is so cool!" Dante chuckled, folding his hands behind his head. "Ya like it? 'Course you do, I know you." Smirking, he strode up and playfully mussed up your hair. "Scouted this place out just for us...and no one else knows. It'll be our little secret, kay?" You beamed, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face in his chest again. "Aww, you're the best, Dante!" Happily, Dante wrapped his arms around you and squashed you against his chest. "I know, I'm the greatest," He laughed, kissing your forehead. "And so are you. I love you, babe." You reached up and kissed him squarely on the lips, throwing your arms around his shoulders and holding on with all your strength. "I love you too, Dante."
Suddenly, your phone vibrated. Sighing, you let go of your boyfriend, pulled it out, and checked your notifications. Your parents had texted you, announcing that they'd be home in 30 minutes. You groaned, tucking your phone back into your pocket. "Sorry, Dante...as much as I wish we could continue, my parents'll be home soon." Dante nodded, pressing one last kiss to your cheek. "I get it. Go on home. Maybe later tonight I'll....surprise you and give you a night to remember." He winked with that last remark, blowing you a kiss after. Blushing furiously, you lightly slapped his arm before hurrying away. "I'll take that as a yes?" He called, sniggering when you didn't answer. It was more than a yes, and he knew that--it was an absolutely.
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dmc-questions-anon · 1 year
"I chose two fairly easy lyrics to guess their respective songs, but both can have a wide array of interpretation, and I`m interested in yours, so here goes
Savior, Bloodstain, Hellfire, Shadow - who do you think each one represents?
can you control the hate you have learned, killing slow is the way I conquer untill you know the meaning of suffer, step twice you invite, welcome death - what song is this from, and what is your reading of this lyrics?"
(Song Interpretation)
First lyrics are from Crimson Cloud. Honestly as for your question I have no idea, however I once did see a good analysis on it and am going to give you a screenshot of that because I agree.
(I'm going to give their whole analysis because it's pretty good)
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(Image Description:
(2 years ago this was posted by twistedlegacy5942 on YouTube in the comments of the song, it reads: Best thing that I love about this song, it all eludes to V's birth, the events within DMC5, and Vergil's humanity. It's like a poem as a song. In fact, I think I've deciphered just about every lyric:
Savior, Bloodstain, Hellfire, Shadow! (Savior either refers to either Nero or the Yamato, because Nero ended up saving V and bringing him to Vergil thus saving V/Vergil and the Yamato is what was used to save Vergil from dying, at the risk of discarding his humanity. Bloodstain either refers to the pool of blood Vergil left Nero in when tearing his arm off, or the blood staining Yamato when Vergil stabbed himself. Hellfire is the hellfire the surrounded Vergil when he started transforming into Urizen, and shadow is the shadow of Urizen that cascades itself over V and the family portrait)
Heaven on a Landslide! (referring to the urgency of the situation, and how Urizen is a devil of such power and "motivation" that he will essentially topple the heavens (much like we see in the illusion when Urizen bites the apple, eventually the sky shatters like glass).)
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(Image description: If you have to ask, it's too late! Somewhere in-between, your character grace! An eye on fantasy, touching nails! Sparks fly, off of me and on to you! (Refers to how people keep asking who V is, and that it is too late for an answer as he needs to keep his identity hidden to return to Urizen. It also states how V is somewhere in between Vergil's trauma and lust for power, the "grace" of Vergil's humanity that he keeps buried. It also elaborates on how V /Vergil was an artisan once, having "an eye on fantasy" / poetry, and touching his nails to instruments such as a violin as V shows in his emote. It also refers to how sparks flew from V and onto Vergil when they were separated (just as Vergil turned into Urizen). Brothers in the dark, fight for your life! Devils in the dark, fight for your life! (Beautifully references how Dante and Vergil are feuding over their life's purpose. The two of them have always stood in the way of the other's happiness/life goal. Dante fights because he loves humanity, yet Vergil has threatened them time and time again. Vergil on the other hand fights because Dante has always stopped Vergil from achieving his "destiny" of inheriting/surpassing the power of the devil Sparda. It also may refer to how their devil halves are also at war/opposites, as Dante's is constantly being denied and rejected while Vergil's is embraced and idolized.))
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(Image description: Devil in my blood, living on the edge! Split myself in two, death is all around! Summoning the power, drag myself through pain! Blood spills, off of me and onto you! (Refers to Vergil's pride in being a half-devil, and how he split himself in two. It then refers to the literal death of countless humans Urizen causes with the Qliphoth tree. Next it refers to how Urizen summons the power of the blood fruit to try and take over the underworld & earth, unknowingly dragging himself and his humanity through pain and possible destruction. Finally, it refers to how Urizen's blood is spilled onto Dante as he is stabbed and brought to near death on the ground.) Crimson Cloud! Evening the score! (Refers to the moment of truth, where Urizen is lying on the ground and Vergil stands on top of him. If you look carefully you can see a bloody mist or fog surrounding the two of them, and a red rift in the sky. It then refers to Vergil's inevitable return, and the desire to even the score between him and Dante.) SO, this song is beautiful and it all eludes to the truth behind the mystery of V and the final confrontation of the game.))
Another interpretation in the replies of that comment for that line is that each symbolizes a main character, Savior being Nero, Bloodstain being Vergil, Hellfire being Dante, and Shadow being V.
As for the second lyric given, I'm not sure what song it is. It feels very much like a DMC 3 song, but I thought I listened to all three of them? Is there another one? Is it not from DMC 3? I need to listen to rest of the DMC soundtrack. As for the meaning, you get a disappointing I don't know.
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the-phantom-otaku · 2 months
Hi, I've decided to throw my hat into the ring with this little fic.
The premise is that Dante realizes that there's one family member Nero hasn't met yet: his great aunt Butterfly. So he takes him on an impromptue trip to New York to see the witch she has a pact with.
Just something fun and silly. This is just the first half as well, so keep an eye out the second.
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skvaderarts · 2 years
Petrichor Chapter 40: Consolation
Chapter 40: Consolation
Note: It’s been a while. I hope you like this one! I loved writing it. It gave me the warm fuzzies hehe!
As the early mourning faded into midday and noon faded into night once more, the duo took in the sights around them. The majority of their journey comprised of the occasional snack and long periods of quiet contemplation, both of them content to simply bask in the lingering presence of one another. There was no need for constant conversation or interruption. They would simply take this opportunity to relax and take in the sights around them.
And what sights they were.
The train had reached the mountains after a long trek through the tablelands, dense patches of woods breaking up the sightlines around the massive lake that they had passed along the way. It was the sort of place that especially caught V’s eye, the serene quietude that the area exuded bringing him a sort of unexpected serenity. It was difficult to explain, but the young descendant of the Dark Knight Sparda found a special kind of comfort when enveloped in dense trees. It was the same peace of mind that had drawn him to that accursed city in the mountains in the first place… 
But this was different. There was nothing here to cause unease or to put him or Sirrus in danger. No, the only thing he felt was peace, and the only thing he wished he could feel in addition to that was the no doubt cool rush of fresh air from the outside of the train that they could not experience due to the fact that they couldn’t open the windows.
Still, even from within this train car, the fall colors intermingled with the towering evergreens were a sight to behold as they blurred past in one continuous, smooth motion, the gentle vibration of the train doing nothing to betray its current traveling speed. The shimmering of the lake was utterly enchanting, and the view was enough motivation in of itself to take a trip like this. Perhaps traveling was something he should do more often. 
Perhaps he could go on another trip with his family. Or maybe next time it could be just him and Nero. Or perhaps he and Dante? They had so much catching up to do, didn’t they? All of them. But he felt like his uncle was the one he personally understood the least about, a feeling he imagined was rater uniquely his own. Nero and Dante seemed quite close, much in the same way that Vergil was with him, albeit in a much less problematic manner. He wondered what the nature of the history between his brother and uncle was. He suddenly realized that he knew far more about his father and uncle and their dysfunctional past than probably anything else in his family. He would endeavor to change that. That was a goal that both he and Nero shared.
Despite the context of the visit, V was happy that his friend had invited him along. He needed something like this. Something to take his mind off of everything that had happened during the last few months. There was simply so much suffering. So much pain. He’d been so afraid for so very long. This trip was something of a much-needed relief.
V glanced over at Sirrus. They’d been playing chess not so long ago, what few games they’d played betraying both their enthusiasm for overthinking things and the truth of the matter: neither of them actually knew how to win a game of chess. As embarrassing as it was, apparently neither of them was especially good at the game in spite of their obvious enthusiasm for it. But much of the time the pursuit of victory took the joy out of what could otherwise be a joyful experience simply for the enjoyment of leisure, and they were both aware of this. They weren’t trying to win, they were simply having fun.
But as he watched his friend put the last of the dishes away on the cart and push it out to the hall as had been requested by the train staff, he noticed that the relaxed demeanor he’d possessed most of the day had faded away and he suddenly looked exceedingly… stressed. He had a distant if not distracted look upon his face and the light in his eyes had dimmed. His brow had furrowed slightly and his posture wasn’t as upright as it normally was. He suddenly looked physically exhausted.
“Sirrus… “
The adjudicator looked over at him, seemingly surprised to hear his name called, even if it was spoken so very quietly by his dear friend. The man with the now mostly red hair closed his eyes for a moment before exhaling deeply and walking over to join him near the bed in the room. He sat down and sighed, shaking his head slightly as a sardonic smirk appeared across his face.
“Please, I beg that you forgive my distance, for the time being. My intention is not to alienate you. My mind has simply been… elsewhere for the last little while.” Sirrus sighed softly and paused for a moment, something obviously sitting heavily upon his subconscious. It was as if a great weight had been placed upon his shoulders. “I suppose you could say I’m preparing myself. Coming here is always difficult.”
V recalled the conversation that they’d shared at the coffee shop before they’d left on this trip. Sirrus had indicated back then that they were headed somewhere he wasn’t keen to go, but he felt was required. V could only imagine that the reality of that had suddenly hit him and now he was having second thoughts. He doubted rather heavily that he was backing down, but he did seem to be dreading it either way.
“This isn’t something you have to subject yourself to. Not for my sake.” V said softly but with a definite firmness that made it clear that he wasn’t kidding. He would find another way if it came to it, but he couldn’t abide by putting someone through anguish for his benefit. That just wasn’t who he was. But Sirrus shook his head, silently confirming that this wasn’t something that he would consider or that his friend needed to be concerned about. 
“For your seemingly infinite empathy and compassion, I am nothing if not eternally grateful. But this is something I must do. I only hope I am not making you too uncomfortable.” He said with a soft but sad smile, a little bit of the light that was normally present in his eyes returning. V really did brighten his day, even when he probably didn’t realize it. “We should be arriving by morning. Don’t let me keep you up.”
V gave him a concerned look, his eyes betraying the sense of concern that he felt for his friend. It was subtle, but he was genuinely worried that this would negatively affect him in some way. He and Sirrus were both still recovering from substantial injuries. The last thing he wanted to do was cause him further harm, be it of a physical or mental nature.
“Worry less about how this affects me and more about yourself. Please.” He said with a gentle firmness that seemed to take Sirrus off guard ever so slightly. V was typically frank with him, but this was still something of an interesting turn of events, as far as he was concerned. V knew how important this trip was for his own well-being. He would put himself in peril like that for the benefit of another? He was flattered but… “I think you deserve that much. I am accustomed to discomfort.”
“Then perhaps this is a quality that we share. But I will be alright.” Sirrus said as he stretched out, laying on his back on the bed. He hadn’t decided if he would take up V’s offer of sleeping in here with him tonight, but the bed was comfortable and the cold mountain air did leave the sitting area with much to be desired. It was warm on the train, but his definition of warm was different from what the average person would probably consider that to be. And although he didn’t need to sleep, resting his mind didn’t sound like a particularly bad idea. “This specific source of pain is an old companion. I sincerely doubt that it shall ever leave me, with or without the addition of your best wishes for me. I’m afraid that some things simply cannot be fixed. Some wounds can never be mended. But your caring nature is something that brings me peace. Thank you.”
V stayed quiet for a moment before reaching back to the small bedside table that the train company had somehow managed to squeeze into the space beside the bed and picked up his book, opening the cover and scrolling to a particular poem. His eyes landed upon the specific poem that he was looking for after a few short moments, his memorization of more or less the entire book having imparted upon him the ability to approximate the location of the verse he was looking for almost entirely by feeling alone. He didn’t even need to open the book, but he enjoyed the illustrations.
And then he began to read from its pages. Softly.
“Tyger! Tyger! burning bright In the forests of the night, what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skies burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare sieze the fire? And what shoulder, & what art, could twist the sinews of thy heart?”
V paused for a moment to look at his friend, his eyes betraying the sympathy he felt for him. And Sirrus seemed to understand this, keying into the words that had been spoken and ceasing his attempt to stand up, instead sitting back down upon the bed and listening. He understood very quickly that V was trying to impart something upon him, and although he only vaguely recognized the tone and words, he recognized the author, even without looking at the book itself.
“And when thy heart began to beat, what dread hand? & what dread feet? What the hammer? What the chain? In what furnace was thy brain? What the anvil? what dread grasp dare its deadly terrors clasp? When the stars threw down their spears, and water'd heaven with their tears, did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee?”
V looked at him again, a faint smile somewhere between that and a smirk spreading across his face. Sirrus only continued to stare at him quietly from behind his long hair, a look of bewilderment upon his face. He was certain he understood what he was trying to say to him now, but he simply didn’t have the words to express how it made him feel.
“Tyger! Tyger! burning bright in the forests of the night, what immortal hand or eye dare frame thy fearful symmetry?”
It was a while before he spoke, but when he did, his voice was slightly strained, almost as though it threatened to crack altogether. He… he didn’t know what to say to something like that. To respond to having something like that related to him. He was… well, he was genuinely touched. To the bottom of his barely beating heart.
“That was quite… beautiful.” There was a certain breathless wonder in his face, the slight moisture in his eyes betraying the genuine effect that the significance of that poem had upon him. He was genuinely touched, and perhaps it was only wishful thinking, but V was positive that he could see him relax a little, a trace amount of his willpower returning to its rightful place within his heart. “Will… will you read me another?”
V could only continue to smile, pleased that was he was trying to impart to his friend had been received. He hoped that could bring him some closure. Some measure of peace. He didn’t deserve to suffer. Neither of them did. “Of course, I will.”
I had such a big stupid smile on my face reading this lol! It’s good to write about these two again. I missed them! I had to go back and read several chapters to refresh myself! First time I’ve had to do that! It’s been too long… I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I’ll see you next Friday! I’ve got a few things to take care of this month, so I have to stick to 1 chapter per week, but I’m hoping to change that sometime soon. It all just depends, I guess. I hope you liked the chapter! I’ll see you next Friday and in the comments (which I’m slowly getting to. Sorry!)
Also, unrelated but to everyone reading this who lives in Texas, did your power go out last week during the storm, too? Because I heard that there were 200k people without it. This power grid can’t even handle wind. Pathetic. Power costs too much here for how awful our infrastructure is. They need to stop talking about it and do something. It’s just getting worse and worse SMH.
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hcneycrxsp · 2 years
Even through this mist, the Eternal Tree looks as comforting and safe as ever. That isn't to say that being here underneath the tree keeps her safe from the images that shows through the mist, but she's not so scared. It would certainly be much better if she had someone with her. Hunter or Zero. Someone. Byleth, or even the not so-scary sad prince Dimitri.
Right now, it's just her and Bibbit looking through these memories. None of them are painful, none of them are scary however it leaves longing feelings in her chest. Maybe....maybe just a little bit painful, sure. It's like watching a movie. Except your the main character in the story. The friends and found family she's made here after Sarah who to this day will always call her mam...They all make her feel whole. None of the people are forgotten and she knows she will never forget Zero OR Nero. Her time with Sparda as well shows through these short and quick lenses of the mists.
She misses them. A lot.
And....the Girl is scared. She may remember them now, swore that she will never forget them. HASN'T forgotten their faces, but what if? What if she does forget?
"I don't want to forget, Bibbit..." She says, pressing her cheek against her little plush. "Do you think that's why the Stars are showing these memories? So we don't forget?" No matter how painful some memories are?
She never thought about it, but watching these memories, Pandora feels she understands a little more. Just a little bit enough to keep pushing forward.
For as long as she can and is allowed to, she will hold onto these memories. She won't be so sad anymore for losing the ones she loves. Zero and the others wouldn't want that after all.
"Let's go Bibbit." She says and pats the tree. "We'll see you later." She says with a smile. The little Girl will find her path and walk it to head to safety.
The walk on the path is a peaceful one. It's almost as if the pain she carried with her these few weeks washes off of her and is being left behind. She walks the path with flowers that blooms on either side of her and just up ahead she sees the very familiar scenery of the mountaintops from home. On top that hill she can see Sarah waving and on that hill she sees everyone else she's ever cared and loved standing right there as well. She isn't entirely sure if this is a memory or just something deep down Pandora wishes could be true, but regardless the smile on the demon princess' face is one of happiness in being able to see them.
She knows deep down that one day, she'll get to see them again and with that alone, she knows she can push on through. The little child takes off, running down the path, allowing for all of that pain to be washed away further.
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devilmayfamily · 3 years
For all the fanfics you need, and more 🔥Spicy Stuff
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