kakemakes · 2 years
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Chubbies your Kyrie 😌✨✨
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super-jump · 4 years
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Two types of couples.  🌷 
 Inspired by @devilmaycry-headcanons  🌷
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tonigiacopelliart · 5 years
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After spending the entire trip home - (post DMC5) trying to find an actual 'Blue Rose' to gift Kyrie, Nero opts to paint a white rose instead...
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zenithlux · 4 years
2 and 88 for Nero/Kyrie please!
Absolutely! Thank you for the request :)
Kyrie was used to spending time alone by now. It wasn’t in a negative way, as it felt like a lifetime since she’d gotten reasonable time to herself. But her foster kids were old enough to go out on their own. Nero had steady work (which, considering his line of work, was both a good and bad thing). Even so, these moments were fleeting, and she enjoyed some time to think.
Or, in today’s case, time to hum to the radio while washing the dishes. Sometimes, if she was feeling particularly daring, she would even dance to the music. And that would always include a small chuckle at how silly it had been when the church had banned such “provocative movement”. 
She still remembered the first dance she’d ever had with Nero. It had been at her friend, Maria’s wedding six months after the Savior’s defeat. The older woman - 22 at the time - was what the church elders called a “wanton harlot”. A troublemaker, so to speak. Maria had never particularly cared about the title, and Kyrie had always secretly admired her friend’s confidence in everything she did. Even Credo, who had initially spoken of his worry for the woman’s soul, had come to accept her. And Maria had mourned his death as much as his family, which led Kyrie to wonder if the two had been closer than she initially thought. But she never asked, and Maria never told. Then the wedding happened, and everyone started to move on.
Kyrie had been bold that night. Why was anyone’s guess. She assumed Maria’s encouragement had something to do with it, but it didn’t matter. By the end of the night, she found herself inviting Nero to an empty dance floor in front of hundreds of unknown guests. And oh how his cheeks flushed at the prospect? His reaction - a mixture of stunned, terrified, and oddly honored - had soothed her own racing heartbeat. He’d been so shy then despite his outward attitude. So nervous to accept such a thing. 
But Nero was never one to turn down something like that. Especially not if she asked. And the smile he’d given her as he took her hand... the way his eyes and skin shimmered in the golden light of the lanterns... the beat of the song as the swayed from side to side...
“Happy thoughts, I hope?”
Kyrie gasped in shock, dropping her plate. Soapy water flew everywhere as she leaped away. Nero caught her, his expression caught somewhere between a desire to laugh at the commotion and concern for her safety. Kyrie’s cheeks flushed in an instant. “How long have you been standing there?” She said.
“A few minutes,” Nero shrugged as he helped her to her feet. “Been a while since I’ve heard that song.” He rubbed the back of his neck as he pointed to the radio. That was when Kyrie realized that it had, in fact, changed to the same one from that night... the same piece from her memories. 
She laughed softly, shaking her head. “Explains why my thoughts drifted to that of all things.”
Nero hummed thoughtfully as he gently slid his fingers along her arms. He pushed them up, resting both on his shoulders before he placed his own hands at her waist. “One of my favorite memories,” He whispered as he pressed his forehead to hers.
Kyrie kissed him, dishes temporarily forgotten.
Nero was having a terrible day.
It was bad enough that demons had been swarming him on what should have been a simple, routine job. It also wasn’t enough that the creatures were a mixture of beefy behemoths and obnoxiously elusive Baphomets. Even worse, his only back up was stuck fighting some massive rock, demon cyclops worm, thing (there was no name for that freak of nature). 
But the worst part wasn’t the demons or the battles or the blood that he was coated in. 
No, it was the fact that he had been dragged away from date night - again - for the fourth time that month. 
She had to be furious with him by now. Or sick of him, at the very least. How many nights had she had to sleep alone because some demon asshole was threatening Fortuna or Redgrave or some other place that Dante and Vergil couldn’t get to? How many days had she been left alone at the dinner table with days worth of cooking left to cool because he wasn’t there to appreciate it with her? 
How much longer did he have before Kyrie gave up on him?
Would he even blame her?
No. He thought miserably as he sliced through another Baphomet. No, I wouldn’t. 
He almost missed the squeal of tires as the van whipped around the corner. Nero leaped backward far too late to make a difference, but Nico had dodged him anyway, ramming the van straight into a crowd of Baphomets. They shattered against the wall, somehow stopping the van in all the chaos. If Nero hadn’t worked with Nico for so long, he wouldn’t have believed it. “What the hell are you doing?” Nero said as he shot a weakened Behemoth nearby.
“V-man and yer Uncle are on their way,” Nico said, breathless as she tossed him a phone. “Kyrie sent ya a message, and ya probably want to read it now instead of later.”
Nero grimaced. There it was. The moment he’d been dreading for weeks. The inevitable goodbye message. A part of him was glad that she hadn’t waited for him to come home. Maybe it was better this way. He’d be a mess for a week... maybe longer... probably closer to...
Hey Nero :)
He paused, confused. Why would she send a smile at a time like this? Why?
Nico snorted. “Just read it.”
Nero huffed and walked away. He heard Dante shout a greeting in the distance, but ignored it as Nico (thankfully) intervened. His eyes scanned the rest of the message as he tried to ignore the painful thud of his heart against his ribcage.
I’m sorry tonight didn’t work out.
“Sorry?” Nero echoed. “Why are you sorry?”
But I wanted you to know that everything is okay.
Nero blinked, rereading the line twice before he was able to move on. Okay, she had typed. Everything...
Why had he doubted her? Now he felt like a fool.
And I don’t want you to worry. The kids are asleep. Dinner is waiting. I even made something extra special for when you come home. So be safe, my love. And remember,  after everything, I’d still choose you. 
Nero sniffed before rubbing his face with his sleeve. Odd. He hadn’t realized he was sweating so much.
“Go home.”
Nero jumped, and it was Vergil that caught the phone before it hit the ground. “We can handle this,” his father said as he tossed the phone back. In another second, a portal snapped open and Vergil teleported to Dante’s side. “Thanks, old man,” Nero said. He swore he saw Vergil smile in the distance but didn’t bother sticking around to check.
He stepped through the portal only to get tackled by Kyrie as soon as it closed. “Welcome home,” She whispered.
“Kyrie,” He whispered as he kissed her cheek. “Thank you.”
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itssky32 · 5 years
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octopineslime · 6 years
Random Au #1
I will just popped Aus for couples I like, damnit that I have to many ( the agony of being an multi-fandom shipper lol).
This one is for Nero and Kyrie with all the dynamic Alpha and Omega.
Some infos in this could be reused for other pairings ( I'm thinking of Saiino, lmao).
+ Nero is an alpha. The number of alphas in Fortunian is quiet rare really, with fingers-counting numbers to be exact. Most of the Fortuna population is made up with Betas and Omegas.
+ So rare that Alphas is greatly respected by others and have many privileges such as having multiple wives, priority access to festivals, shops,....
+ Forgot to mention first that they still retain their human forms and changing back to their animal state had become a taboo subject to talk about or practice.
+ That's where our boi rock the stage as a main target of hatred even if he's an alpha ( boi, the hate went on and on from game to au, I'm a sucker for Nero litterally being a loner wolf). Instead of badass Devil Bringer, he got the ability to shapeshift back in to his wolf form from young age.
+ Not like he ask for it but he have 1/4 of the blood of the great Werewolf Sparda.
+ Kay, he fences himself by his smell for Alphas have sweat glands scent that will express dominace over lower rank ones.
+ It's like this: You have your own scent but the higher the rank you are, the denser your scent. Also your personality and emotions play greatly on how your scent smell and the intensity of it.
+ Kyrie is a cinnamon roll Omega ( fight me haters, no one will bad mouth my bundle of sunshine). Minus the godamn useless factor of how the game have developed her( she deserve more people). She help out in the medical wing of the Headquarter, she cook meals for Credo and Nero, sometimes bring it to the headquarter for both of them and take care both of them for Nero often gets carried away with fighting and Credo is a workaholic.
+ She is not scared to speak up her mind, often scowling the two above for their carelessness in looking after themselves. But she keep to herself mostly when interacting with others so she is often mistaken as shy and mudane.
+ But don't anger her if you were caught bad mouthing Nero,ooh, you gonna get your ass kicked. Growing up with two Alphas working as Holy Knights, Kyrie has picked up a few moves without etheir of the two knowing by watching them train, mostly in hand combat.
+ Ayy, let's not forget the hormone or puberty part yo. Although Nero is hated by many, girls in Fortuna still give him hinted glances and seductive cat calling when he is alone, made it a one night stand mostly. ( those robust arms and muscular arms from all the demons hunting are not only for showing you know). But Nero ignores them cause he can smell those putrid scents emitting from those two-faced women for their dirty intention.
+Kyrie, on the other hand, receive a fair amount of attention from males, sometimes even older ones worth her father ages (yuck!). But they never dare to approach her as they regconize Nero's scent all over her without her being aware of said scent. Some that are brave enough, several Betas and one or two alphas, dare to asking her out. But after introducing theirselves to her family and one date, they all apologize and never talk to her again.
+ Kyrie is confused, Credo just doesn't care for he didn't see any worthiness of any of those boy for his precious sister, Nero just pretend he is busy listening to edgy rock music while in the inside he is fill with smugness.
+ During the heat cycles of female, all females are to stay with their partner(s). If single, they must be precautious by staying at home or to always carry a scent masked perfume.
+ A duel can break out between two males in claiming mate. Whoever win get to mark their mate's neck by biting on the side it.
So the Au mostly follow the orginal game storyline or you can break it into snippets or stories of different settings.
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exileendured · 5 years
My nero muse is 100% valid because like I want and 100% am always down to do fight/demon hunting or angsty threads but it's all overwhelmed by the urge to do schmoopy fluffy stuff with a kyrie
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hattersland · 3 years
A Quiet Moment
Soft NeroxKyrie? Soft NeroxKyrie. inspired by this image by Tomio Ogata-Sensei
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Whenever Nero looks at Kyrie, he can always feel something in him calm.
She’s always had this effect on people, her very presence welcomed by even the grouchiest old man on Fortuna. There isn’t a soul on the island that dislikes her, and the sermons are always dead silent when she sings. He’d hear the people whisper about how blessed they all are to have such an angelic woman in their midst…
It often makes him wonder why the hell she chose to be with someone as coarse as him.
For as long as he can remember, he always had feelings for the auburn-haired girl. She was always there for him, even when the other kids shunned him. She didn’t care about the labels or names that followed him or his mother and always did her best to defend them despite hating confrontations.
It always made his chest warm to hear her defend them so earnestly, especially on the days when their words would worm their way into his head. A part of him was always jealous of the other kids who had their dad’s around, and whenever he’d feel all that anger at his own never bothering to show up, it was as if she knew and she’d always lend him her ear.
Despite her being a year older, she never once talked down to him and was always so understanding, even when he put his foot in his mouth. It’s something he loves about her, and that same question pops into his head again.
“Is everything okay, Nero?” she asks, putting her book down as he plays with the ends of his scarf. He shifts his head a bit on her shoulder, looking away.
“Just thinkin’...” he mutters as she reaches over to brush his bangs away from his eyes.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he frowns, embarrassed now that he thinks about it. “Nero?”
“It’s nothing important. It’s just…” she tilts her head, waiting patiently, just like she always does. “Sometimes I think… you can do better than me is all.” He admits lowly, feeling exposed now that he said it aloud. He’s about to tell her to forget it, but the sound of her book snapping shut makes him jump.
“Hmm… I don’t think I can,” she replies simply, setting her book down on her lap as she gently lifts his head from her shoulder, cupping the sides of his face as a sweet smile graces her lips. “Sometimes I wonder how you can be with someone like me. You’re so strong, and you know what you want and you always go for it… sometimes I wish I was a little more like you. I think I’m a bit too much of a pushover sometimes.” She laughs, and he can’t help but smile down at her, raising his left hand to rest on hers.
“You are strong, Kyrie,” he utters, giving it a light squeeze. “I’m too much of a muscle head to pick on some of the emotional stuff. Just like now.”
“Then I think we balance each other out just fine!” she grins, and he can’t help but laugh, pulling her close and resting his forehead against hers. He always complimented his eyes, but he can get lost in hers for hours. Beautiful swirls of brown with specks of green and gold that always seem to shift when the light hits them just right.
“We do, don’t we…” she smiles again, tilting her head to brush her lips against his in a gentle kiss. "I love you," she murmurs, and he can't help but smile against her lips.
"I love you too,"
She accepts him for who he is, and he’d gladly go to hell and back for her if he has to.
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super-jump · 5 years
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The ponytail request from @/lonegamer78 (or Jason_M_Lee,yes! this awesome girl again!) the truth is….this just Lady doing ponytail for Dante but i did end up double. LOL
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tonigiacopelliart · 5 years
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Lmao here's a NeroKiri WIP I hope I finish...
UUUGGHHHHH I'm not sure why, but I've had like ZERO motivation to draw lately... Why is it so hard to get in the mood??? (•̀o•́)ง
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zenithlux · 5 years
How about a Nero/Kyrie fic? Maybe for Valentine's Day? :D
I know I’ve been sitting on this request for a bit (and thank you so much for adding the Valentine’s Day mention, as it gave me a couple weeks to think on it 😅 ). This certainly isn’t what one might expect from a Valentine’s Day story, but it was a story I couldn’t get out of my head.Regardless, I really hope you like it and thank you for the request  🥰
Oh, and the song is “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes” from Cinderella. Because what better to have Kyrie sing than melodic disney songs?
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It had been over a decade since Nero and Kyrie had celebrated a “traditional” Valentine’s Day, whatever that was. Nero always got her candy, at least (but usually a few days early). Sometimes he’d buy Kyrie a stuffed animal if he caught her glancing at one longingly. She would bake him cookies, as the kids would very loudly complain if she didn’t make them something too. But once they’d started fostering- and Nero himself got more involved in the orphanage- he and Kyrie had decided there was something much more important to do.
So this year, just like every other year, Nero was wandering the halls of the Children’s Hospital, guitar in hand, searching for whatever room his wife had disappeared into while he’d checked on their own kids. It was dark outside, and Nero knew they only had about half an hour before they’d have to leave. Luckily, after their own kids had started joining in on the yearly endeavor, they had no trouble reaching all of the rooms. It was always a long day, but well worth the effort.
It helped that Nero was always happy to hear Kyrie sing. An entire day of it was a rare treat, and he made a mental note to make her favorite tea as soon as they got home.
 A soft, familiar hum down the hallway stopped him for the briefest of moments. Then, he burst into a half-jog, half-sprint, guitar case bouncing off of his legs as he did. 
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you’re fast asleep.
He stopped in the doorway, and couldn’t hide the mesmerized grin that spread on his face when he saw her. There was a single girl in this room, hooked up to a variety of monitors and IVs. There were no other adults in the room, something that Nero saw far too often during their time here. But there was Kyrie - his beautiful, wonderful wife - was sitting on the bed. Her hand was pressed gently on the child’s shoulder, and her eyes were closed as she sang.
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep.
Quietly, Nero slipped toward one of the chairs and gently set his case on the ground. Kyrie’s eyes flickered open for the briefest of moments; just long enough to acknowledge his presence. But her voice didn’t stop, and the smooth melody that calmed even his own heart.
Have faith in your dreams and somedayYour rainbow will come smiling through.
Nero took a deep breath as he lifted the guitar to his lap. The child was almost asleep, but he saw her eyes flutter open every once and a while as if she wasn’t quite ready for it. But Kyrie simply smoothed her hair back and kept singing. 
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
Nero strummed quietly. The child twitched, but a Kyrie brushed through her hair, and she relaxed again. And as the music continued - a slow and quiet piece where Nero simply strummed to Kyrie’s cadence - his thoughts drifted to the other kids they’d seen tonight. Many parents had already left, as the hospital was much too small at the moment to accommodate everyone. As far as Nero knew, many got free rooms in the hotel across the street, but he couldn’t imagine leaving his child alone in a place like this. Maybe that’s why the nurses were always so excited to see them. Whether it was for their yearly Valentine’s Day tradition or their random with healthy treats and extra toys donated to the orphanage, they’d always been welcome. 
He knew Kyrie shared these thoughts. It was why they came by as often as they could. It was why she had gotten her nursing degree, and juggled her time between this place and the orphanage. It was why he had learned first aid - and not just to “fix his dumb mistakes” as Nico had called it - but to help Kyrie out whenever he could.
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true.
He waited a moment as Kyrie went silent, both of them watching the child. But she was fast asleep, and Nero was certain she wouldn’t wake up any time soon. Such was the effect Kyrie’s voice had on… well… anyone really. “Come on,” Kyrie mouthed as she slipped out of the bed, placing a gray teddy bear into the child’s arms. Nero nodded, not bothering to put his guitar away as he followed her out of the room. 
By now, the hospital was silent. He knew their own kids had already gone home (he hoped, anyway, as it was likely Kaiden had to drag his twin sister out by her ears to keep from waking anyone up). “I’d call that a great success,” Nero whispered as he kissed Kyrie’s cheek with a smile. She smiled, nudging him with her shoulder. He snuck another kiss, pleased with himself as she had to cover her lips to keep from bursting into laughter. 
“And here I was worried about Angelica waking them all up,” She whispered as they reached the stairs. 
“Maybe I just want to hear your voice,” Nero said innocently. “You can’t really blame me.”
He blushed when she kissed his cheek. “I will happily sing for you whenever you want, my love. All you need to do is ask.” 
She squeezed his hand, and he pulled her towards him. He heard a gentle gasp of surprise, but he kissed her before she could say anything. “Thank you, Kyrie,” He whispered. “For everything you do. I don’t know what I, or most of these people, would do without you.”
Her face flushed a beautiful shade of pink, and his heart melted when she smiled - just as it always did. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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Headcanons Masterpost
*Check it on mobil and of course tumblr fuck up my format
DMC gang
The Devil May Cry fam going to the oscars
High School AU
How do you think dante/vergil/nero would feel if their female s/o was a normal human and made significantly more money than them?
Vergil comes to Lucia and Matier's island.
Nero if Dante had raised him,
Nero, Kyrie, Dante and the Spardas with a cat
Blowjob headcanon for v,nero,dante and Vergil ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Age headcanons
Kyrie win hearts (submit)
Kyrie win hearts 2 (submit)
The adults™ and de youngs ™  
A memory about their significant other
Growing old
Devil May Cry gang with a 16 year old female devil hunter
Nero and Kyrie meeting Lucia and Matier
female devil hunter that is friends with Dante and that occasionally does missions with him 
Dante & Trish
Slice of life 1 (submit)
Dante & Trish & Lady
Money (submit)
Fortuna Trio (Credo, Kyrie and Nero)
Kids play (submit)
Trish & Lady
Trish and Lady open up their own night club.
Dante & Lucia
Friend + Lover
V & Griffon
Ship headcanons
relationship headcanons (valentine’s day)
Breakup 1 (submit)
Breakup 2 (submit)
Cute slice of life 1 (submit)
Cute slice of life 2 (submit)
Cute slice of life 3 (submit)
Cute slice of life 4 (submit)
Cute slice of life 5 (submit)
Cute slice of life 6 (submit)
Cute slice of life a house (submit) 
Relationship (submit)
A memory about their proposal/wedding
A memory about when they first fell in love
Dante and Lady having a son/a daughter
everyone but Dante and Lady knowing that they’re in love with each other
Sad Anniversaries
A memory that gets their heart pounding
Dante and Lady wedding/marriage
soulmate headcanons (valentine’s day)
Slice of life
Dante's acquaintances knew about his depression in the anime?
Dante meeting his future SO(whos also a half breed) on a mission
Dante and sadness
Dante scolding his daughter  “ Whaaat?! Why are you mad? I’m you!”
Dante and a stressed SO
Why Dante keeps his hair so long even now in his 40s/50s
What he would see in a S.O.
Drunk Dante! (submit)
I’m A memory that leaves them feeling lonely
A bad-ass - goof S.O.
Explain how they portray feelings of hostility or dislike.
Describe a way to make them uneasy or apprehensive.
What are their creative outlets?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Smart Dante is smart
A Date 
About his d*ck  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What he would see in a S.O.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (lemon)
A memory about a time they were safe and relaxed
A memory about their significant other
About his d*ck ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
What he would see in a S.O.
Nero and Vergil humanity
Describe a physical action that shows complete trust.
Describe a way that will earn affection (whether platonic or romantic) from them.
About Lady
V would be turned on by his s/o kicking his ass when training
Romance (submit)
Doing dramatic readings
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ABC letters A, N,O,Y,M,U,S (lemon) 
sweet  towards his familiars
V dirty talks in ye olde high english
Is V a hugger?
she secretly gives Nero discounts
Dante hopes Patty lives a normal life
makes an appearance in Red Grave City with Dante, 
About Lucia
Religion (submit)
Kyrie favorite possession
Dad Sparda 1 (submit)
Dad Sparda 2
Halloween costume
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icequeenoriginal · 5 years
Thank you for 500 followers
This is just mind-blowing. I never in a million years would have thought I’d let this far. And now that I’m here, I am just in utter shock. I love every single one of you and I am eternally grateful for each and every one of you.
I would love to do something to celebrate this but I don’t know. Send me suggestions. Feel free to also send me prompts and stuff, I love writing what you guys like want to hear. I just have a few rules for that:
1) If you send me a prompt for a ship I do not ship, I will write it platonically, most likely familial. I do not like ignoring prompts but I am not a multishipper in any fandom I am in. (For example, my DMC ships are DantexLady and NeroxKyrie and my Sander Sides ships are Prinxiety, Logicality, Remile, and Demus. However, I have written RemyxDeceit and RED before simply because of the AUs I was writing for and that was simply out of my control.)
2) If you send a prompt (or any ask) that is too inappropriate or out of line, I will reply with “I am not writing this, and this is why”. This is supposed to be fun for all of us
3) Please be patient with me. I do not have a set writing schedule, on top of other responsibilities and general writers' block, but I will never leave an ask unanswered, it just takes me a while. Please do not spam me with “where is fanfic with so and so prompt”, it’s not nice to any writer and is frustrating. I want to do all the prompts, but stuff like that might make me put it off.
Other than that, feel free to send whatever prompts you desire! I have no forgotten any of the asks/prompts that are already in my ask box, I am writing those, my pace is just slow.
Anyway, thank you all so much. I’m already working on my next fanfic and I got a bunch more ideas as well as those prompts you have generously sent me. Love you all and thank you so much!
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fractempyreal · 6 years
Shipping Info Meme
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Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Fandom-wise ,  I don’t really believe I ship Vergil with anyone ( considering that for the most part, all the characters are related in some way or form ) .  I think that if there’s anything I could potentially ship ,  it would probably be Vergil and Lady but it’s not so much an OTP for me at least .  
Roleplay-wise -----  as I’m sure many people have noticed on this blog ,  I definitely love the ship that I have with @destructivour .  It’s exciting ,  considering the extreme differences between the two characters where it’d difficult to even imagine them together to begin with .  Definitely not the conventional sort of relationship especially in terms of their first meeting ,  but with having talked to Jarvia about them so much ,  it’s fascinating to see how they can relate in certain ways .  Most of the time I’m just crying about them though ,  considering that we end up having a lot of juicy ,  angsty ideas that we play around with as well .  100% it’s definitely the OTP that exists on this blog .
Essentially everything that one can think of ,  barring non/dub-con ,  incest, pedophilia, and the such .  There’s no place for it on my blog ,  and there’s no place for people that do write that shit on my blog either . Otherwise ,  angst ,  fluff ,  smut ,  etc . ?  Hit me with it all .  Take me .
No minors ,  at  all .  Even at his youngest age shown in games ,  Vergil is still of age and again I don’t support the idea of writing ns/fw or shipping with a character that is a minor .  In terms of being of ageless beings ,  I do feel like the other character has to at least appear to be around the similar age as Vergil ,  and considering that I sometimes like to RP him as someone that’s a couple centuries old ,  it’s a thing where there’s a bit more leeway as to what goes and what doesn’t .  
YES .  Very much so .  If you know me from my other blogs ,  then you know how this tends to go .  Most all my muses are extremely difficult to ship with ,  and Vergil is no different .  In fact ,  he’s perhaps the HARDEST to ship with if only because of his disposition and overall disinterest in about 95% of all things .  Shipping with me takes A LOT of work ,  and if you’re not willing to put in the effort or show interest outside of smut ,  then it’s  basically impossible to get a ship off the ground with me .
Once they’re performing the act ,  it’s NS/FW  and will be tagged and placed under a readmore .
Again ,  I could ship Vergil with Lady if there’s some sort of development between them .  Overall though ?  I ship him with power ,  as well as peace because there’s a lot of shit going on in his head .
YES. This is very much preferred because otherwise I’m probably going to assume that every relationship between our muses is platonic .  Of course ,  I should mention that I only have romantic ships with close friends ,  and depending on the muse that I have ,  it kind of varies what sort of ship it might turn out to be .  I do encourage a lot of platonic relationships ,  as those are ones that I’m most accustomed and used to RPing .  Idk there’s just always something nice about someone wanting to have a platonic relationship with a muse instead of a sexual/romantic one .
Not very often .  Again if you know my other blogs ,  then it’s pretty obvious that I’m not ever that focused with finding ships for my muses because I don’t much care for them due to previous ( somewhat bad )  experiences involving shipping .  Chemistry between muns and muses is critical as well ,  if there’s no OOC connection or I’m the one that has to constantly initiate any conversation about ships ,  then I view it as disinterest on the other side and drop the ship .  
Ship more-or-less .  Again ,  I’m not very keen on shipping seeing that there’s always been some kind of petty issue that follows so I try to keep away from it because honestly ,  there should  be more of a focus in terms of interest in a character rather than the focus of  ‘ I wanna bone that character ‘ .  If we already have a ship together though ,  then I’m definitely ship-obsessed and will talk about them with you  ( i.e. scream ,  send you posts/gifs/images that remind me of them ,  and have you come to the conclusion that I’m actually Satan  )  essentially 24/7 or leave you messages about random thoughts that I’ve had throughout the day in terms of AU’s or just more angst material .  Essentially ,  I’ll annoy the fuck out of you about our ship .
Not really ?  I do have some muses that are selectively multiship  ( which tbh tends to mean dualship more than anything )  or even single ship .  Again ,  there’s hardly ever an emphasis on shipping on my blogs and if there is any kind of multishipping going on ,  it tends to be with Jarvia’s other muses or muses of friends that I’m super close with .  
I’ve never been a huge shipper so I never looked at the characters in DMC and thought to ship them together ?  Also because there’s so few characters to ship with that aren’t related to each other to begin with lmao .  If I do have a ship ,  it’s most definitely DantexHappiness .  In terms of actual people ,  then I can go with DantexLady, LadyxTrish. . . uh. . . NeroxKyrie has potential if the relationship was actually developed between them .  SpardaxEva are the OG’s without a doubt .
Become my friend and derp around with me .  Read my rules on my blogs and most questions will already be answered there as to whether or not I’m looking for some kind of ship on my blogs or not .  It tends to be pretty obvious who does read them and who doesn’t just based on initial OOC interactions .  If we have good OOC chemistry ,  then shipping could possibly happen after a little bit of work between our muses .
Tagged by: A couple of people I don’t even remember omg I’m sorry I’m a sham Tagging: @destructivour, @vvaytofall, @lunima, @akumeis, @hybridea | @hallowedcraft | @rookonteur, @divitale, @hhemeraa, @hopewrought, @atlaslain, @vxmpirehunterd | @hishumbleself, @godscale | @misahpyr, @faterror, @zonnelicht, @vitxale, @warsrph, @chainedaccursed  *DABS*
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giuliavince · 6 years
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:"... and if I become a demon, so be it... I'll endure the exile... anything... to protect her ..."~
Nero: @me
Kyrie: @chiara_hina
(A little preview of our NeroxKyrie's set 💜)
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Tagged by the best dude @fromeroicawithlove
Rules: Tag some people you want to get to know better
Favourite colour: Purple. Usually purple.
Top 3 ships: I’m not much of a shipper? But if I had to choose: NeroxKyrie (devil may cry), BeauxJesterxYasha and still riding that MollymaukxCaleb train *sad woot woot* (Critical role)
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last song: Radio by Rammstein 
Last film: Ummmmmmmmmmm probably FFXV Kingsglaive?? Cause I got back on my bullshit for a little while.
Current reading(s): I’m not really reading anything right now, but the books that have been started and not finished on my bookshelf at the moment are Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard, The Wicked King by Holly Black and that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.
Tagging: Just whoever wants to do it (cause I’m too nervous about tagging people and annoying them haha
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