thechaoticspacenerd · 9 months
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“Come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned.”
I absolutely love this Au with all my heart. It’s like taking a small peak back into my childhood, when times where so much simpler. How I wished to go to neverland, how I wish so much to be whisked away. Who knows maybe I’ll visit one day 😌
Au belongs to @alice-angel12x
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avatarlovers · 11 months
Everything changed when Peter brought a girl named Wendy Darling to Nerverland. He became distant and was more around Wendy.
What was so special about that girl? Something was it, if she got the attention from Peter.
I sat by the fire eating my lunch. I was staring at Peter and Wendy. They looked so happy together and that hurt my heart. I felt someone beside me and saw Felix.
"Hey are you okay?" He asked softly.
"No" I said, my voice breaking. I got up from the log I was sitting on and hurried away from there to my tent before anyone could see my tears. I didn't want anyone to see me crying. I collapsed on my bed and buried my face in my pillow and cried silently. I loved Peter very much. I thought we had something because we were so close before Wendy came. But it was obvious that he didn't feel the same. I heard my tent door opens. I looked up and saw Felix walking in.
"Hey it's Pan, isn't it?" I nodded and sat up.
"I love him Felix, but he doesn't feel the same. He obviously loves Wendy" Felix was thinking for a second.
"How about this? We act like we're dating. That way we can see if Pan really likes you or not" Felix suggested.
"Sure" I nodded. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
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The next morning I got up and went to sit by Felix. I was still a little tired. I sat down by felix and laid my head on his shoulder. In response Felix wrapped his arm around my waist.
"You okay there love?" He asked me and I was a bit confused why he called me that, but then I remembered what we talked about last night. 
"Yes I'm fine" I said and smiled. Felix kissed me on the head.
"Good. Do you want me to bring you some breakfast?" He asked.
"Yes, thank you Felix" I said. He nodded and got up. I could feel someone burning a hole in my back. I turned my head around and saw Peter, he quickly looked away. Felix came back and sat down beside me and handed me my food.
"I think it's working. I felt Peter glare at me and when I looked at him, he quickly looked away." I whispered to him. He smiled at me. 
"Good. Trust me you will be kissing and hugging at the end of the day" He said. I smiled back at him. He quickly kissed me on the cheek.
Soon Peter stood up and addressed the boys.
"We are going to play a game. We are going to play who can hit the most targets. Felix you'll be the second captain. Pick someone" He said.
"John" John walked to Felix. 
"Y/n" I smiled and went to stand by Peter.
"Daniel" After all the lost boys were on a team. Peter gave me the bow with an arrow ready to shoot the first target. I prepared to shoot.
"How's your relationship?"
"What relationship? And when did you and Felix start dating?"
"Umm, your relationship with Wendy? Yesterday" I lied.
"I'm not dating her" My eyes widened and I hit my head with my hand when I pulled the string too fast. I'm an idiot. Peter looked at me concerned.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"No. I'm an idiot" I shouted and I noticed Felix looking this way, but I didn't say anything.
"Why are you an Idiot?"
"Can't you see?" I asked him. He looked confused.
"See what?" I groaned.
"THAT I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU" I screamed. When I realized what I said I slapped my hand over my mouth and ran off.
Peter looked at me.
"Have you been listening this whole time?" He asked. I nodded.
"I have a question. If she is in love with me, why is she dating you?" I groaned and facepalmed. Is he so blind.
"You are an Idiot Pan. We were pretending because Y/n loves you and she wanted to make you jealous. She was jealous of you and Wendy"
"Oh. She doesn't have reason to be" I slapped him in the face.
"Ok, oww. That hurt" He said.
"Go find her and tell her that you and Wendy aren't together because she thinks you are. So if you really love, find her and tell her." I said and he teleported away. 
I ran and ran so deep into the woods. The air in my lungs ran out so I collapsed on the floor and started crying. There's no way he feels the same. I started hating myself and I should never have said anything. All of sudden I felt someone's hand lift my head up. I looked up and saw it was Peter. I gasped and I tried to get away from him but he grabbed my wrist making sure that I didn't leave.
"Could you please listen to me. I love you and only you. Wendy means nothing, she is only a pawn in my plan. If you don't believe me let me prove it to you" He said. Before I could ask how, he leaned forward and kissed me. I never thought Peter would do this because it was unlike anything I thought he would do. The kiss was gentle, his lips were soft and before he could break the kiss. I responded and wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me and deepened the kiss. Peter responded and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. We broke apart from lack of air.
"I love you so much and I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. Would you be my queen?" He asked. I kissed him again.
"I love you too and will gladly be your queen my king" He grinned widely and picked me up bridal style and walked to a tree and sat down with me on his lap, his arms around my waist, my head on his shoulder. It was perfect just me and Peter. 
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gbot17 · 7 months
My motivation is at the brink of death, and my creativity is crumbling. Fun ( ^▽^)
Anyway, painted a flower!
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They're named Red Spider Lilies, but I'm pretty sure most people would see as the "promised nerverland flower" or "demon slayer flower" or whatever anime or story that had enough death to involve this flower
They are common in Japan (I do not remember if it's just Japan and I'm too lazy to Google it) and usually grow in cemeteries because of decaying corpses. They're actually directly connected to death because of that, hence why many animes might put some here and there at some point
For some reason, it's my favorite flower, and I've never seen one before (irl, I mean | Google Images can only do so much)
Anyway, that's it! Bye!!! ( ≧∀≦)ノ
(Dunno when I'll post that thing about Tooth, but no one cares, so whatever.)
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papergirllife · 1 year
seasonal papergirl bias survey:
who's your current fav? 😍😍😍😍😍
why & how 😍😍😍
anything you're obsessed with lately? 😍😍
anything delicious food you've had lately? 😍😋❤️
one thing that makes you happy recently ❤️💕💕
Current fav is probably jaehyun shsjdkdhks, there isn't a solid reason, ig it's because he just gives off a comforting vibe and he's so funny in a lame way shshssjkss.
Obsessed lately🤔🤔🤔 I can't wait for the next season of the glory, sometimes I think about theories from time to time 🫣, other than that, I have 127s new tracks and txts new album on repeat, I rly love skyscraper and farewell nerverland respectively, I also love flowers by miley cyrus, it's such a fun song🥰.
Delicious food I had recently, hmm, pesto pasta probably, I'm like obsessed with that too snsbdksmsn😅, but it's been a week plus, so I miss it again now svshdndnshhs. I also had a rly nice Korean chicken burger, yeah I loved that too🤭
One thing that made me happy, I'm not really sure tbh😅, this ask really cheered me up🥰, I spent some time with my friend three days ago when I had the chicken burger, so ig that's a more prominent event, but my days after that have been shitty so it felt like ages ago 😮‍💨
How have you been, bub? I hope things are better for you😊
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henrioo · 3 months
Any other anime you wacth besides one piece? I used to wacth seven deadly sins,but I now a wacth the spuel of seven deadly sins called Four knights of the apocalypse.
I actually don't watch any anime in some months, maybe one year I guess
One piece I watched only until 400? Then I got to the manga and I read all
But I have watched some anime and read some mangas too
I watched Overlord, Kimetsu, the promise Neverland, Hunter x Hunter, Naruto (lol), Youjo Senki, Iruma-kun, Deadman Wonderland, One punch, Mob psycho, Soul eater, Oshi no Ko
But I didn't finish most of those, some for lazy and others because I didn't like so I just dropped
And manga I read these
The promise nerverland, Kimetsu no yaiba, one piece, blue period
I think I read only that, except for blue period I finish the others
I have read more manhwa, manhuas and others tbh
Mangas I haven't read too many
I guess it's that :))
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freeweedsalad · 11 months
I think Peter Pan dropped me in Lalaland instead Nerverland!
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the-swan · 1 year
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♡ STORYTIME :: a lie within a dream
CHAPTER 01. peaceful sleep
— et elle chante, Ash, comme si les mots n'en seraient jamais suffisant. de ses doigts à pincer les cordes, de son archet à glisser contre l'instrument : violoncelle ,, comme seul réel ami. vibre les sonorités ,, les muses lui en avaient offert : talent des plus précieux ! seule réussite, sur les terres escarpées.
"again and again ! play ! Ash !"
de ses mains à ne jamais devoir être abîmées, enfant sur laquelle l'on avait tout misé : car de sa seule passion ,, les maladresses en semblaient toujours sournoises. et malgré les blessures, et malgré les efforts, à tuer son petit corps, elle souriait ! celle à être amoureuse des notes idylliques.
CHAPTER 02. farewell, nerverland
— rire angélique, merveille de l'univers ,, elle voltige, sautille sur les pavés, fleurit comme bien trop sage. innocence dans l'âme, naïveté à vouloir en croire bonté dans tous : Ash, elle en suivait les papillons dans la rue, s'arrêtait pour en sentir les fleurs sauvages, comme si tous les maux sur ses épaules n'en étaient que chaos dans quelques uns de ses rêves. et de ses gentillesses toujours trop mélodieuses, à vouloir vivre le jour le jour sans ne plus en être emprisonnée : elle en attrapait les étoiles, de ses paumes, pour pouvoir les protéger à leur tour.
CHAPTER 03. love me like this
tw. violence conjugale ,, coups et blessures
— et dans les contes, les princesses douces et délicates en trouvaient toujours leur prince. sourire à mourir, cœur à s'éteindre. quand elle avait cru, en ses mots. à lui avoir offert tous ses sourires, les lueurs s'en étaient éteintes, dans son regard.
et de ses coups,,
à mourir :
sous ses yeux.
d'un amour sincère ! quand de fin de lycée, tout n'en avait été qu'illusion perfide : jeu bien mené, ficelles à l'avoir suspendue dans les tréfonds des Enfers. car d'une possessivité extrême face à ses douceurs altruistes, les coups étaient venus en redessiner son corps. de quelques galaxies, de quelques étoiles, là, ici : à toujours en afficher sourire sur ses lippes, pour tout dissimuler. à ne rien dire, se taire ! jusqu'à ce que les joues inondées par les pleurs en reçoivent les bénédictions des cieux. protégée de tout un monde : personne n'avait rien vu ! et elle en était effrayée ,, de chaque geste que l'on venait à lui adresser : comme par instinct de survie, face aux cruautés du monde. réactions automatiques, quand délaissée par le démon pour une autre proie ,, les poumons revenaient à fleurir presque trop doucement.
CHAPTER 04. the swan
— court sur scène, de ses délicatesses si merveilleuse ,, sylphide à se faire fraîcheur de vivre : quand sur scène, elle rayonnait. fierté de ses parents, à trop souvent l'ignorer quand elle n'en brillait pas derrière son instrument, elle venait à en aimer chacun des instants où les doigts en caressaient son violoncelle. à l'enlacer, le chérir, comme réelle personne. personnification : de ses romances inventées ! à rêver comme mélodrame de quelques baisers contre ses joues.
Saint Saens :: à la refaire naître.
quand comme un cygne, d'une blancheur aux puretés qui lui en collaient à l'épiderme, elle en était iconique ! connue, là, pour sa bonté infernale ! quand entre banquets et soirées organisées, elle en était toujours au planning ! de son petit corps trop frêle ,, à rayonner. comme pour en cacher, que les étages n'en étaient pas si élevés par rapport à d'autres.
qu'importe ,,
quand chaque jour :
en étaient requiem fleuris.
CHAPTER 05. starlight parade
tw. harcèlement
— et sur son dos, instrument à se balader ! elle sourit à tout le monde, en vient en aide à tous ceux dans le besoin. bonne poire, Ash ! car de quelques travaux, joueuse incroyable : dans ce conservatoire, sa place n'en est que futile. mais elle aime si sentir entourée ! de quelques visages familiers. douceur d'un temps, à côté des concerts réalisés.
à être :
pantin de certains.
car elle en était trop gentille ,, pour en laisser de marbres ceux aux alentours. entre déclarations factices, pour en voir ses réactions, demandes toujours plus saugrenues, comme pour la tester. il y avait parfois les sarcasmes et les petites bousculades ! celles que l'on accuse de pacifique : quand les jeux n'en étaient pas sains. là, entre les couloirs, entre les salles de répétitions. à lui voler son archet, détraquer son métronome ,, quelques mots sur les partitions : ô jamais vraiment mélodieux. et pourtant, Ash, soleil à briller : elle en avait capturé tous ses rayons sans y faire attention !
and they will just get over it one day.
alors à supporter : à en avoir l'habitude. petite poupée à se jouer du monde, à sembler naïve et beaucoup trop bête ,, à pourtant savoir, au fond, que le monde n'en aimait tout simplement pas ceux qui en essayaient d'être heureux.
CHAPTER 06. mad world
tw. pression psychologique
— famille renommée ,, quand papa en était directeur d'une école de musique très fermée, que maman en était professeure au conservatoire. à devoir être princesse parfaite : quand les doigts à s'en abîmer, elle devait jouer, encore et encore, jusqu'à ce que les harmonies en soient divines, jusqu'à ce que le public en pleure. et d'un petit nom, dans le spectacle, famille invitée à de nombreuses cérémonies et divers évènements, à emmener derrière eux, petite muse à briller : elle était celle à rassembler ! Ash. de ses sourires, de ses délicatesses, à s'être faite un nom !
bousculée :
par de nombreux ,,
quand de quelques mécènes parfois trop vicieux, à se produire ((trop)) souvent, pour son fin corps : elle s'en épuisait souvent ! car les menaces pleuvaient, à ne pas savoir ce qui en adviendrait de sa passion si de ses parents contrariés, elle n'en atteignait pas les Paradis virtuoses. et du haut de leur 82ème étage ,, ô à ne pas en atteindre les sommets ,, il n'y en avait pourtant que désirs à briller, chez ses parents. loin, de celle qui n'en aimait que sa liberté de jouer de son instrument.
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jaehwang · 1 year
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Polaroid Love
Shout Out
Billy Poco
Future Perfect (Pass the MIC)
10 Months
Walk the line
Limbo (Lee Know)
Love Untold (Hyujin)
miss you (Hyujin)
Deep End (Félix)
Stars and Raindrops (Seungmin)
Hug Me (I.N)
ice.cream (Hyujin)
CASE 143
Silent Cry
Lonely St.
The View
Secret Secret
Red Lights
God's Menu
Back Door
My Universe
Sugar Rush Ride
Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock)
Farewell, Nerverland
Blue Hour
New Jeans
Hype Boy
Taylor Swift
Cruel Summer
The Way I Loved You
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I just remembered The Promised Nerverland manga has ended. I need to catch up so I can see how it all got closed up
I have high hopes because it’s such a good series
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babiologia · 1 month
o sentimento angustiante de não querer acabar the promised nerverland ao mesmo tempo que eu quero muito acabar 😞
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itzskzidle · 11 months
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yuqi bubble update
Nerverland goodnight and fighting today! Thanks for today~ I love you❤️❤️ This is a no makeup present~
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dahliaisback · 1 year
EMBER nine Masterlist
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General informations
Members profile
Relationships between members
💜 - Me Gustas Tu (debut) - 01.09.2015.
💜 - Ice Cream Cake (1st mini album) - 24.08.2016.
💜 - Bon Bon Chocolat (2nd mini album) - 12.09.2017.
💜 - FEARLESS (1st full album) - 01.02.2019.
💜 - PSYCHO (4th mini album) - 24.09.2019.
Ember’s vlog (05.07.2019.)  - ep.35 yoga pt.1. 
ep.35 yoga with Sujin, Kana and Hannah pt.2
💜 - Phantom (Monster) (5th mini album) - 12.01.2020.
Ember’s vlog (18.01.2020). - ep.48 Phantom BTS
💜 - Your Eyes (Valentine’s Day Special single album) - 14.02.2020.
Live 14.02.2020.
Airport 18.02.2020.
Kana - Cloud (12.04.2020.) - River Cafe visit with Sujin ep.18
💜 - Ponzona (6th mini album) - 07.09.2020.
EMBERS’ vlog ep.60 “Ponzona” MV behind the scenes
EMBERS’ vlog ep.61 “Ponzona” MV behind the scenes
performance at Nerverland Music Show 
EMBERS’ vlog ep.62 NMS
EMBERS’ vlog ep.63 NMS
Chillin’ with embers ep.1    /    episode 2    /    episode 3
ICLOUD (episode with Soobin)
special suit dance performance for Studio Zoom 
Sujin’s photoshoot for Prada 
💜 - Love Me Like This (2nd single album) - 14.02.2021.
Special dance performance as disney princesses 
Ember’s vlog (16.02.2021.) - ep.72 LMLT behind the scenes
Ember’s vlog (17.02.2021.) - ep.73 LMLT dance practise
💜 - Flip That (2nd full album) - 26.06.2021.
EMBER’S vlog ep.81 - bts
EMBER’S Vlog ep. 82 - karaoke time
SM Town concert
Neverland Music Show
EMBER’S vlog ep. 83 - SM Town concert bts
EMBER’S vlog ep.84 - celebrating
24.09.2021. - I AM
Chaewon activities 
11.10.2019. - Special episode of Hi!School - Love On Drama pt.1
From 09.02.2020 to11.02.2021. - NMS MC (Neverland Music Show)
                    - Special episode of Hi!School - Love On Drama pt.2
Wei activities
Wei’s Studio Night Lives:
Episode 200 with Hannah
Hannah activities
Hannah cooking show ep.1 (with Sujin)
Cooking show ep.1
Sujin activities
Kana activities
River Cafe visit with Sujin ep.18
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donovanoliver715 · 2 years
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Next year will be the 70th Anniversary in February of Walt Disney’s classic, Peter Pan. Based on books by J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan is one character that everyone around the world believes in. Especially in London on a quiet street in broomsburry. The home of the Darling Family at the corner house. A Nerverland place filled with Pirates, Indians, Mermaids, Lost Boys, and of course a Crocodile that seeks to eat the notorious Captain Hook having obsession with Peter Pan. Not to mention fairies like Tinker bell. All it takes is faith and trust, and pixie dust. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci3cNTUudz-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hxzelwallflower · 2 years
( 🌻 ) - :: Alright, I’m still working on this but for now I’m gonna dump this little Dreamlight Valley Verse concept for Eileen, since I’m still progressing in the game.  She’s very much into collecting herbs, and flowers of sorts . Sometimes she grows extra to take to Wall-E so he can plant them too , and makes a conscious effort to bring him little samples . Sometimes he watches her toss some of the more editable floras and herbs together for salads .  She also may or may not have asked Merlin on several occasions if Nerverland exists.
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zuzcreation · 3 years
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Anna Friel as Elizabeth Bonny in Nerverland (x7)
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