vintage-tech · 8 months
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So last week's find in an antique store was Dr. Miles' "Fun With Puzzles" advertising edu-tainment. You might remember that I collect the promotional booklets and almanacs from Miles Laboratories, so finding this in the wild for cheap had me fistpumping. Online sources say this volume is from the 1930s, but one ad for Nervine nerve tonic inside says the formula had not changed in 60 years -- yet it came to market in the 1880s so that would be the 1940s. Anyhow. Let's look inside at the text...
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A history of types of puzzles (but not the jigsaw variety pictured on the cover!!), riddles, and brain-ticklers. Followed by some examples for you to gnaw on by the fire while listening to the National Barn Dance on the radio...
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Mercifully they gave the answers.
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stone-cold-groove · 11 months
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When your nerves ruin your disposition and make you lose your friends.
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unfoldingrose · 2 years
Artemisia p. 1 :: Nervine
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[Photo cred:: Native Here Nursery:: Artemisia Douglasiana]
Underlined green text = links
Pink = anagrams [orthographically, phonetically or syntactically]
Bold = emphasis for discussion
Italic = credit
Note: Please read the links as well
Artemisia is a rhizomatous weed belonging to the Asteraceae family (Daisy family). While there are several species of Artemisia, the one I will be highlighting is Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris). Most of my experience is with the wild American species Artemisia Douglasiana and Artemisia Suksdorfii. Mugwort thrives in disturbed soils, and does its deepest work in disturbed bodies. Its aggressive rhizomes can overwhelm and kill roots of surrounding plants. I describe the leaves as flame shaped, with a silver back. Its volatile oil content is why Mugwort has a lengthy list of uses throughout the world.
First, I want to give some backstory on the name of Artemisia. Artemisia stems from Greek goddess Artemis. Delve into the article Becoming Classical Artemis: A Glimpse at the Evolution of the Goddess as Traced in Ancient Arcadia as means to gain more understanding about Mugwort’s functionality both physically, and spiritually- thru the characteristics of Goddess Artemis.
Goddess Artemis’s original prehistoric form was that of an animal-shape. She “appeared as a goddess of wild beasts, especially those who live in remote places in wooded mountains,” and also went by the alias ‘Kallisto.’
Below are some notes to further illustrate Artemis’s origins
Kallisto ~ bear-nymph::
teen girls considered ~little bears::
Artemis Orthia ~ bear figurine//Orthia, meaning straight, upright, in proper order [[anagram Orthia::THOR::ROTH::AORTA]]
Artemis @ Kyrena ~ sacred law of pregnant women to offer sacrifice to the Bear before giving BEARth [[birth]]
Protectress of little girls and maidens until the age of marriage; responsible for safe delivery of children
Now, I’m taking you deeper into the bold words from above. To start, it seems in the article that the primary animal goddess Artemis took form in was a bear. This is important because I learned from an #Oracle that the midbrain, our forward most portion of the brain stem, likens itself into the shape of a bear...funny how that works. I consider this key to grasp how and *where* Mugwort behaves when administered to a person. Succinctly, the midbrain has many functions, and is a continuation of the olfactory cortex responsible for memory [[dream]] processing and smell. The midbrain is considered “archipallium” in origin- which is to say phylogenetically the eldest region of the brain’s cerebral cortex. In the same way, Mugwort is called “the oldest of plants” in Charm of the Nine Worts. Mugwort’s classification as a nervine is due to easing anxiety, nervousness, and primal fears held in the midbrain. The source of this stress may exist due to trauma, karma, *generational or otherwise.
To take things further into the nervine properties of Mugwort, lets step into its signature silver-flame leaves. The Force of the metal Silver is alkhemically attributed to the Moon; on the periodic table Silver is #47. Native silver is mostly found in earth’s crust, and alloyed::allied with gold, argentite, and chlorargyrite. Silver is rarely found standalone- it is usually coupled with metals such as Copper (Venus), Gold (Sun), Lead (Saturn), and Zinc. Therefore, I surmise that Mugwort pairs well with other plants that are ruled by Venus (Copper), Sun (Gold), and Saturn (Lead). A Mugwort person may also need to increase the Zinc in their diets in tandem with the herb. I recommend oysters and fish for ZInc, but I will discuss that in another article.
 In alchemy, refined Oil of Silver “cleanses the receptor sites deep within the limbic system, lowers accumulated stress hormones long enough for the brain to generate new neural pathways that strengthen positive thinking” when ingested. Kymia Arts.
Mugwort’s “flame” shaped leaves makes known the ‘temperature’ and tastes of Mugwort. Warming, pungent, and bitter. This warmth, according to Sajah Popham, is a rare quality in a nervine plant, as most of them are cooling. In this way, Mugwort is not only associated with the Moon, but also fiery sister Venus. With the heat of Venus, it is no coincidence that Mugwort responds well when burned and smoked. It has been recorded several times as a smokeable herb, and even a Kanabyss replacement. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, practitioners use Mugwort in Moxibustion. The special preparation of a flammable Moxa releases fragrant, medicinal oils. According to TCM, this heat warms up various channels in the body and dispels cold, promotes blood circulation, strenghtens Qi, and more. I also say experiment with taking dried or fresh Mugwort in steam rooms and sauna.
Below is the mental/psychological picture of one who benefits from Mugwort.
Excerpt from Sajah Popham’s Mugwort Materia Medica:
- Dyslexic, difficulty recognizing words but has complex thoughts - Disorders of sleep and imagination - Body seems to be asleep, but mind is awake - When they sleep deep they have vivid dreams
.... - Lies awake in bed for long periods of time, thinking, imagining - Epileptic seizures, sensitivity to light, sleep disorders - Irritation of the nervous system
“… Dorothy Hall profiles the Mugwort person as being “highly intelligent with complex thoughts that are difficult to describe, speech disorders and dyslexia, highly elevated senses, sensitivity to light and sound, with great difficulty getting deep sleep. It is suited to people in whom the intuitive, psychic, psychological, creative, and artistic side of the mind is highly developed, but who have trouble with expression, or with the world around them.” These are all qualities that we would associate with an excess of vata, or wind/ tension, to connect this description to our energetic qualities above.
In addition to the higher mental qualities of Mugwort, I consider Her to be a Dream Modulator. She has the ability to lessen or increase frequency of dreams. As a dreamer myself, I noticed deeper sleep and reduced dreaming while taking mugwort. However, the dreams I *did* have- the messages provided me with clarity. In an individual who dreams infrequently, or desires to dream more, Mugwort opens them up to the dream world, and increases their dream intensity.
Dream Modulation Notes:
- Soothes the hyperactive & nightmarish dreamer trapped in the astral; allows them to get real rest
- Increases dream activation in those disconnected from the dream realm - Opens one to wisdom when dreaming - Allows for messages to really get the thru the mesencephalon (aka Midbrain) and heal
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prairiefirewitch · 1 year
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Time snuck up on me and I meant to share this earlier, but the skullcap tincture is on the website now and all I can say is that as someone with a racing circuitous anxiety addled brain, I love this plant and tincture so very much.
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envy-nvee · 9 months
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Michelle, when will my wife return from the war?
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butterabrod · 5 months
Old Michelle's Q&A, pt.5
I guess I've been loitering about this for too long
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I've always thought of Nevy as of one of the smartest and cuning demons in the cast. Instead of terrorising her vessel or beign their doormat, she formed a strong bond with Gil. And I was thinking it is genuine somewhat mother (or like older sister) love from Nevy to our lil salty blue boy.
But... from this panel, I've started to doubt her.
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Most of the fandom at that time was worring that the pink lady is becoming weaker and/or growing sick. But even then I was thinking that being the ghost of one of the strongest creatures in the universe, how is it possible for her to be that weak for such a short period of time as like ~13ish years?
Gil is the only person she has met who can interact with her. I can't really blame her for beign pushy: he and his promise to help are the only thing she's got, and she as practically immortal being has seen how weak he is, and his life is short. Nevy really is on a timer with him.
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But what seemed to me as her caring about Gil, now feels like Nevy thinking only about herself.
Gil, as a victim of terrible catastrophe decided to become a doctor to help others like him. It was natural for him to go and help those who were in need.
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Now this moment doesn't feel like her genuine sadness and guilt. I think, she just needed a reassurrence, that she is still the most important thing for him in the whole universe.
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Still, I've thought that Nevy has developed a new more honest and loving personality while being amnisiac. And she changed that much because she remembered a lot of her past.
But did she?
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Did she, thought?
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I think Gil will never get out of toxic cult. Yes, he does have someone who is more important than TITAN as Michelle said.
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It's Nevy, who's not only a politician.
She IS priestess
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And she's not ashamed at all to use religious imagery to influence Gil even more.
She's not ashamed to show a very lonely orphan boy that she, his only friend with mother figure vibes could 'die painfully' because of his disobedience
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When one of the most assholic couples in the universe says that someone is not trustworthy - it is says volumes
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Talking about couples. I think that Gil has no chances to not to fall for Odin
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Also I find it sus that Nevy remembered the feeling of beign in love not near Ava, Wrathia's vessel, but near Pedri's vessel, Odin.
I'm sure she sees herself as the God of love, Venus, Aphrodite or even Eros. People of Antiquity era believed that love and passion were forms of madness. In a bad way, even gods feared Eros.
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And I think she's forcing Gil to fall in love with Odin just to make him even more despirate and lonely, to save her status as the only reliable thing for him in the whole Universe.
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At that point Gil was trying to become the best follower, just to have a chance to learn somethig about Nevy's past. Maggie was the first person in 8 years to remind him, that he might have his own questions.
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And I think Nevy has already failed her vibe check to Odin
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Here is a list of much-much-much better theories and their authors
@biofluxitecovetess https://www.tumblr.com/biofluxitecovetess/182904787000/hello-everyone-i-have-another-theory-so-before?source=share
@crazyangrycupcake https://www.tumblr.com/crazyangrycupcake/183163318965/nevy-makes-this-face-when-she-tells-ava-shes?source=share
@doublethetheories https://www.tumblr.com/doublethetheories/184836709578/gils-dream-dissection?source=share
And another thing to think about
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
Nevy Nervine?
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i want you to know that youre my favorite anon ever just for suggesting an ava's demon character, nevy is one of my faves <333 shes SO pretty
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choclown · 2 months
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(28 March, 2024)
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letsgetsinfulbaby · 4 months
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an edit of Nevy and Wrathias past with my designs
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demon-time · 6 months
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nevy honey i think your scaring him
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yuckso · 6 months
Wrathia's Plan, the book foreshadowing the goals of each demon
This theory is about how each page of the specific demon actually foreshadows what they desire from each of their pact
First we see wrathia's page
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The page next to her shows titan being stabbed or destroyed by what appears to be her magic, we know Wrathia's goal in the pact is to kill titan, and the page shows that.
We also know Tuls goal is to desire Ranancule, and Tylo's goal is to see her children being freed . And each of their pages show it:
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From these images, the pages is potentially telling us what each of the demons desire. This could also potentially mean Renancule might also desire to meet again with Tuls ^^
So lets us see the rest of the pages of the demons that we know of, that could potentially be their goals in each pact:
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In Nevy's case, first her desire was to recover her memory and be aware of what she is but since she has recovered a considerable amount of her memory. From the page she could potentially desire of what appears to be her and her people reuniting, or somewhat another demon that is part of kingdom.
For Pedri, he seems to desire of what looks like to be the egg that him and Wrathia hid away from titan. We see some sort of chains signifying the egg is locked away in some sort of place. Or it could be some jail like place with a circular door, that he desires to go into.
Now lets us look into the other demons that could potentially be their pages in the book based on their desire:
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Alexa and her demon's goal is to find "someone" considering her demon has this "cloud" like theme, I speculate this page could be hers not only does it have those clouds theres also another demon next to her that could potentially be the demon she is desiring to find.
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Next we have Aurora's demon which Aurora stated that "I was trying to find someone for him" and the page shows another demon that could potentially be what Aurora"s demon is trying to find. Now each of these speculations is just based on their appearances and desires there are actually others pages in the book about other demons desiring to find their partners too. But i picked these among all of them becuase they look the most accurate.
Last we have Tratar's demon:
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I cant post the other pictures(due to the 10 images limit but ill post the full ver in my account again) but in terms of appearance that tratar"s demon only having one eye and the hairstyle. This could potentially be his demon desiring of what it seems to be a city or land that the demon is from.
Thats it for this theory, if this is legit then we can speculate the desires of the future demons we would see soon. Hope you enjoyed reading!
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avasedits · 11 months
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Golden Demons
Second part of my golden cast edits.
Here's the first set with the Golden Hosts.
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edyasuper · 1 month
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Now my eyes and back hurt.(;へ:)
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avas-transparency · 4 months
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Was playing with hair
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duxwriter · 1 year
Pardon my mini theory time, I am very interested in others thoughts on this
I was re-reading Ava's demon (check it out if you haven't) and came across these
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I never noticed this till now, but notice the makeup Wrathia is wearing in each panel shes in
Pink and blue, the colors of Nevy
None/if any, muted, close to natural
Purple, the color of Pedri
Now, idea here
In every panel, it related to her relationship at the time
The pink and blue (Nevy's horns and skin) are also paired with a blue colored fabric top(similar, Nevy wears a lot of blue and Pedri does purples/pinks in the first image, but also note, he has on red in his hair, which might be a hair tie (so possibly it means he has feelings for Wrathia at the same time))
There are also pink nails
The second one, she takes on the colors of the being beside her (possibly an ex lover or simply just a toy(?) Servant(?)
(also note in this, Pedri is not wearing pink, but only purple tones, maybe indicating he no longer had feelings towards Nevy)
In the final image, she has purple makeup and ribbon, maybe indicating some what if a wall(?) with her feelings towards Pedri (Pedri is also wearing red in this image, more items with red than the pink with Nevy)
This is paired with how different it is towards Nevy, who got nails, makeup, and clothes to match her, but Pedri only got a ribbon and makeup
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I'd also like to note, that in the same chapter, we see Wrathia in purple clothes and painting her nails purple
Which might mean all feelings for Nevy are gone, and replaced with only Pedri (which one thinks is obvious because she married and had a kid with him, tho it's theorized she gave Nevy the egg to hide)
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Also in these, Wrathia starts in pink and red
We see Nevy in red
But eventually the two revert to their original colors, red and blue separate (I say blue, because Gil is blue, everything in Nevy's surroundings is blue when with gil or her realm, she wears a lot of blue rather than pink)
Both colors together make purple
Conclusion? None really, I just wanted to point this out because it was interesting to see with colors and the possibility they relate to the characters relationships
(this also happens with normal couples(?) who take on traits of one another, including wearing a favorite color of one another)
Then again this might have just been color choices, but either way it was fun to find
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