truegeorge · 1 year
God Helmet
            Watching this paranormal series called “28 Days Haunted.” It was some sort of social experiment to prove the theory of famed paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren. The theory was based on their experience during their paranormal investigations. They discovered it took twenty-eight days before they were able to fully pierce the vail between the living and dead. They had…
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bonefall · 2 years
If you do have "extended family" terms I wonder if they should have a different word, say, for a parent's littermate vs. for a parent's sibling from a different litter, I feel like this would likely show up in a culture where multiple births are way more common than in humans and childhoods are shorter so non-littermate siblings are often a different generation.
Honestly, the biggest reason I'm not making a conlag is just because I want to keep my rewrite simple. With all my family tree rewrites and event overhauls, I don't want readers to have to keep MORE information straight, yknow?
Same reason I don't do renamings unless it's important.
BUT that said I actually have SUPER elaborate headcannons about the actual language the cats speak. I have Tolkien Brainrot where I like to imagine the series is being translated by a woman named Erin Hunter working with a Clan ambassador cat
And so I imagine a LOT of familial terms are cut because of that. They have specific terms for;
Paternal or Maternal family (maternal is more important)
Older siblings, younger siblings, and 5 different terms for littermate sibling relationships (Biggest, same size, smaller, runt, and a kit with no littermates)
Siblings/Auncles with and without kits of their own
A sibling you haven't met, is distant, or lives somewhere else (linguistically this term would be similar to the word for ally)
In addition you'll also notice I use Nespring and Auncle a lot. That's just me being annoyed at not having gender neutral ways to refer to family lmao, that's just my actual real life lingo
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amateurchefstuff · 1 year
Refresca’t i posa color i salut al teu plat
Una amanida fresca amb el verd de l’enciam, els canonges, els espinacs, la rúcula; el roig del tomàquet, el pebrot; el taronja de les pastanagues; el groc del moresc i el pebrot groc; els tons blancs i beix de la ceba, els xampinyons, els espàrrecs i el toc de gràcia de l’or mediterrani, el nostre oli d’oliva verge extra, unes nous i un pessic de sèsam. I ens posem les botes amb macedònies amb…
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bonebabbles · 11 months
Thunder Chapter 6: Trial by Kittens
As usual, the trials for acceptance into another Clan are absolutely stealing the show. These are absolutely the most enjoyable parts of ASC so far.
I really hope that the characterization being given to Spotfur's three kits remains, they're all fantastic and I adore them. I haven't seen anyone compile these new personalities, or really point out the dynamics at play in this little scene though! So I'll do just that!
Misc Info
Apparently, Spotfur cusses in front of her kids lmao. This is the singular most important thing about this book, actually. Stemkit says "SHIT" and Sunbeam is like "WATCH YOUR PROFAMITY" and he protests with "MOM curses all the time"
They had never been outside of camp before, Spot's anxious about this! It's nice seeing her being a protective mom.
UNRELATED SIDE NOTE: I miss how in TPB kits seemed to have "their first prey" as a major developmental milestone, but those times are loooong gone. This situation is scratching an itch for me, though!
Sunbeam's first prey was frog; frogs apparently taste canonically like blackbird. (another side note, i should make a taste guide as a clan culture expansion and check if there's any validity to that... i would have guessed it would taste more like duck.)
She takes a good amount of time just chatting with them, and the dialogue here is actually fantastic. It feels just like being in the middle of a conversation with my nespring, it's great. The writer really nailed the cadence of little kids.
Sunbeam also realizes that she needs to keep all three kids engaged, and so creates a particularly convoluted setup so they're all doing something. Clever!
Graykit Gray-and-white tom
IS REALLY interested in hunting.
He chased after a mouse the same size as him when he was half a month old, though obviously he couldn't catch it.
Dreams of one day catching one of every type of prey around the lake. That's such a fun goal actually?? Completionist Graykit wants to 100% the hunting speedrun challenge. That's fantastic.
Stemkit Solid orange tom
Seems to be the most thoughtful of the kits.
Asks the majority of the questions, responses tend to be very "philosophical" towards things. Will say outright that he does not know something if he doesn't know the answer.
A wise child.
Cusses because he missed a vole lmao. VERY cute. I hope this boy grows up to have a mouth like a sailor. I love vulgar philosophers.
Bristlekit White-and-orange molly
Most impatient, and seems to have a little bit of a mean streak.
Scoffs when Graykit brings up his mouse story, saying that "nearly doesn't count." A bit of a perfectionist!
Also interjects the most when her brothers are rambling.
But is able to back this all up! She is the most focused, and is the first one to scent the vole den.
She also catches two voles when her brothers only catch one each.
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Anthro!AU. There's no real timeline for this.
Names follow 3 formats. Let's grab... Dovewing!
Dovewing is also called Dove, Miss Wing, and Dove Wing.
Turtle Tail is also called Turtletail, Miss Tail (or Miss T) and Turtle.
Cats like Millie or Snake will sometimes take last names, but highly prefer their single name.
Bramblekit absolutely took a cookie when offered while he was at Frostfur's house, thinking they were chocolate chip, only to get oatmeal raisin. He hated it but was too polite to spit it out.
Snowbird cut Ratscar off from seeing his nespring when she found out about his connections to a cult called The Place of No Stars.
Blossompaw and Briarpaw regularly swam in a river nearby their house, with Bumblepaw on watch for anyone coming who might get them in trouble.
Briarlight also put flame stickers/decals on her wheelchair. She sometimes rotates them out for seasonal stuff, like holiday themed ones. She put a weed sticker on it once for 4/20 and Millie threw a fit over it.
During the nasty custody battle between Goldenflower and Tigerclaw, Swiftpaw told Tigerclaw he never wanted to see him again, he would rather be dead than have his father hold any custody of him.
Smudge regularly visits and babysits Squirrelkit and Leafkit, he wishes Firestar would move back to Kittypet Town, but understands that his best friend is happier in Clan City.
Leafpool was in a very bad situation when she was pregnant with her triplets, as Crowfeather left her with nothing when they broke up. She pretended that she was going to be a surrogate, as Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight were having trouble conceiving. That was the lie.
Squirrelflight works as a professional chef. Ferncloud works as a stay-at-home mom but makes plush for her friends and their kids, as sewing is her passion. Thornclaw is a PE teacher. Ashfur is a drama teacher. Brambleberry is a chemistry teacher. Leafpool is a doctor. Cinderheart is a receptionist at the hospital Leafpool works at.
Hollyleaf and Cinderheart were "borderline dating" for MONTHS before Jayfeather snapped and screamed at one of them "just spit it out already!"
Jayfeather is a programmer, and works at making more video games and controllers accessible to blind folks like him! He works with Snowtail (Snowkit) who also works helps out gamers who are HoH.
Scourge is a lawyer, who helps Firestar find the evidence that Tigerstar murdered Redtail during an election.
Turtle Tail is preschool teacher, and works with Sorreltail and Snowbird. They work together at Kit School in Sanctuary Lake Elementary School/Preschool.
Clan City has 5 main districts, for the 5 Clans. Everyone is generally very proud of their home and where their family came from, and xenophobia seems to be on the rise... Many come over, but just as many are driven out by the harsh attitudes of the locals.
In another time, there are more districts. Jingo District, Blood District, and Warrior District. There is also Mountain City, and Gorge City where people in the Sky District lived for many years following a massive disaster that forced everyone to evacuate, they lived with the locals there for years, giving a mjor economy boost to a dying city, and caused quite the controversy when they left.
Guardian Village is nearby as well, traditional people who live amongst ruins, as well as many dotted Sister Settlements, where a semi-nomadic traveling group sets up camps. There is The River Kingdom, a valley where a group of secretive cats live in peace, also called The Park by outsiders.
In another time, the 5 founders of Clan City, Skystar, Thunderstar, Windstar, Shadowstar and Riverstar, settled there together after disaster swept the area. Shadowstar came from Mountain Village, plauge causing some cats to leave for hope of a better life, Windstar came from a village on the Moor that was destroyed by wildfires with her fiance Gorse Fur, Skystar came from what would later become Rogue Town, bounced through orphanages with her brother Fox, Thunderstar was born to 2 Mountain Cats, Clear Sky and Bright Storm, soon after arriving in the area, and Riverstar came from the River Kingdom to escape a flood with his young niece Flutter.
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doorrobloxstuff · 11 days
Alright, so, after some thinking. I’ve decided to blow up my old au and rework it :)
After all, it’s two years old and it’s lore has been kinda blown around in the wind. So, resetting everything.
I’m doing the ones I have lore for, as I don't have all the energy in the world anymore.
Important stuff:
Seek’s family + the other entities are trying to escape the hotel. Their family was sealed away by the guiding light nearly a couple thousand years ago.
The entire hotel was pissed off at humanity for destroying their old home, killing Seek’s mother (A-250.), Killing Depth, Some of Rush’s and Ambush’s children, permanently disabling Ambush, potentially killing Silence (they never found their body), and causing Greed to die from a grief induced heart attack.
The guiding light was an angelic being sent to stop them. It built the hotel entity and gave it life, she had no malice towards them, but they needed to be stopped.
It made their prison as humane and as comfortable/natural as possible. Intending for it to eventually return to earth and become their replacement home after their rage cooled and grief healed.
…But never made it inescapable until then, rip.
The other entities work for Grumble and company in various positions.
Jeff betrayed Grumbles and chose to side with the guiding light after seeing that its basically blinded with hate and was making a monster out of its son, Seek.
The upper hotel is the living quarters for the worker entities to stay in except they have their own large suites behind doors inaccessible to humans.
The lower floor is a busy multiplex of pipes and productivity. The pipes are meant to feed into Seek’s mass and get it to a powerful enough state to escape the hotel.
Entities names are actually quite long and complicated! A mixture of sound-words from entity language. The names we call them as are shortened versions or not accurate to their true name! They also have names chosen at the time of their birth, and names they choose. Those change very frequently.
So..let’s get to the hotel’s denizens, shall we?
- Canon characters + lore (in order of sort of importance) -
Grumbthinkle von tentacle:
The ring leader behind this whole operation
Pretty mean and grumpy to be honest. The human-translated name is very accurate.
Jeff’s brother, Seek’s uncle, parent to the giggles. Screech’s GREAT uncle.
Disowned and reverted to its natal name after what happened with Jefftholomew. Wants nothing to do with him.
Imagine a pot of pure, unadulterated rage and grumpiness and resentment and spite and every other negative emotion stewing in a pot. Behold, GRUMBLE.
The boss man :tm:
Okay okay headcanons now.
..and also perhaps with a smidge of sorrow.
Aro Ace :)
Brilliant at engineering and construction. Built a labyrinthine network of pipes and mines to try and get more resources.
May have..once taught humans how to build aqueducts.
Also really, really likes gardening.
What can I say? It’s really good at digging with those tentacles.
Its favorites are gardenias.
Eyes loves it lmao those two have entire cork boards dedicated to their plants and what they want to plant this “season”. (Sunlight is rare in the hotel dimension.)
Would probably be caught dead with a garden trowel in its hands singing in the worst goddamn voice you have ever heard.
Really close to its nespring, Seek..though..it also may see it as a tool necessary for it and the others to escape and take their revenge.
Often lazes about in its nest when it exhausted itself from working on pumping raw ore and metal into Seek’s mass.
Does give a flying fuck about its underlings..but its number one priority during work hours is GETTING OUT and its second one is GETTING REVENGE.
So..certain things have..flown under its radar.
Adores its children the giggles and often cajoles them + the hotel’s children with tales of its inventions and adventures long past.
Loves to read to them in its deep voice.
It’s nickname is grumby :)
Its stories are long and complicated, sometimes hard to follow but very entertaining if you manage to stick along for the ride.
It frequently dreams of home..sometimes of a certain someone to.
Grumble's Nespring (nonbinary term for neice/nephew), Parent of Screech, Snare + one more.
Married to Figure. <3
Twins w/hide
Still the spiteful little british guy I want to write more of, just huge(r)
Built like something out of vita carnis, think the harvesters with tendrils that suck the everliving shit out your blood and liquidify your organs in an agonizing display of unnatural brutality.
..a bit..err, peeved with the fact that its uncle pretty much is using it to get their way out, sometimes forgetting the fact that Seek is not, just an object for him to use in its escape plans.
Veeeerrryyy particular in the placement of it’s mass.
Hates how much its grown, almost to near dysmorphic levels.
Sick of it all, not gonna lie.
Figure is it's rock and sanity.
No more winemaking rip. But still loves drinking wine and will often be seen sharing a sip or two on a romantic night out with Figure.
Still wears its suits. Still does the fancy thing.
Mischievous lil guy
Plays with the giggles.
Has a more humanoid form, just doesn’t take it.
Is growing quite strong mass wise (see what’s in the nest lol), but Seek FORBIDS grumbles from getting children involved in its plan.
Grumbles concedes, because it kind of agrees, but also because Seek could turn it into an albinistic stain on the wall.
Screech still loves to listen to its to it’s auncle’s stories.
Extremely anxious sometimes to the point of near-neuroticism.
Talks like this this! This! Meant to be disconcerting! disconcerting and all over place! Place.
(There will be translations so people with screen readers can still read! )
Sometimes feels ignored, despite being older then Hide and Seek combined.
Secretly heartbroken about it, but doesn’t say a thing..but they’re boiling over..ohhhh they’re boiling over.
Their emotions are a complicated and LOUD mess.
Besties w/halt they both yap.
Misses their father. Sometimes visits him when they..gets really bad.
Teleports around when their thoughts are everywhere and they want to talk.
Can be dignified..when they want to be.
Don’t look at me! DON’T STOP LOOKING AT ME! Don’t look at m- PICK A LANE GODDAMNIT IT.
Dating Jack, it’s casual and going steady tbh.
Kinda frowned upon that they’re doing so because Jack used to date hide and that was cringe for all involved.
Kinda just is around, likes to cook :) Chef eyes.
Do not bother them in the kitchen they will scream and go crazy.
Giggles + (older giggles/big giggles)
There’s a 100 of them.
Four large ones, and a bunch of increasingly smaller ones.
The four older ones were alive when the hotel collapsed.
Three of them are getting very. very. Tired.
The forth is uhhh..complex.
I’ll do “fourth x reader” fics with the fourth fully grown adult giggle I just want don’t want the aromantic grumble (their father) in any romantic fics lol.
That’s my compromise to you so you do get find romance with one of the nest entities
The four large ones meet every night.
Twins w/Seek
Dating Glitch.
COULD be as strong as Seek, but would never even consider increasing its own mass after what happened with Seek.
Extremely close w/Seek
Much more reclusive.
Afraid of its uncle and hates what he’s doing.
light-based in mass that can become much more gooey when distressed or nervous.
Sometimes looks like a weird abstract painting.
Also grieving its home and mother.
Loves to paint.
Used to a lot of paintings of their old home, which tend to be misinterpreted horrifically by Grumble and would further its resolve and/or be used as an example. So, it stopped painting that.
Instead it’s gotten a bit more..secretive about what the meaning behind the paintings it makes are..some are more obvious then others. (Nudges the paintings of shadow/depth.)
The paintings are mostly used to jab at grumble/show better futures without going through his insane ass plan.
Those who truly know and are be to interpret them correctly and figure out their meaning are their friends lol.
It’s sort of its little artistic rebellion against Grumble.
It may ;) have painted ;) a few ;) familiar friends. ;)
Seek’s and hide’s + eyes dad lol
A couple of thousand years old, created alongside his sibling, Grumble.
Used to live at the bottom of the ocean with him before both of the siblings chose to travel the world in search of a home entity.
It took them awhile, those two going on many adventures, finding treasure, fighting other entities, discovering fascinating creatures, meeting friends along the way (some of whom joined them), procuring knowledge.ect
Whole ass dnd campaign with those two.
Jeff gained a deep understanding of humans and respect for them. Viewing them as friends and kin while Grumby kind of just- 🤷
They eventually, did find a home entity. One large enough to house them and their friends.
They all moved in and it was a very happy life for awhile. :)
Found a wife. Had Eyes and later Seek and Hide with her.
Then well..
The humans came.
Centuries later he still doesn’t hate them.
Betrayed grumbs and worked with the guiding light to use his knowledge of the archaic and magical and help Guide create the crucifixes.
Was disowned and is now violently hunted alongside Dread and El-Goblino so they will stop murdering humans.
He also managed to place a spell upon his shop so it’s always concealed.
A bit of a silly guy, loves to play coy.
He’s good at drawing magic runes and ancient languages but utter dogshit when it comes to writing in english.
The money (knobs) is magic too.
Help how do I describe him, goddess of everything else vibes.
Is extremely depressed on the inside though, but DARES not to show it.
Is hurt that Grumbles has pretty much turned his entire family against him and (to him) very few actually see that what he’s doing is insane.
More furious then hurt that he’s using SEEK of all entities.
Glad to have to have Dread, Hide, Gobby and Guide so he’s not too early.
He’s also dating dread lol
Toad entity :)
Has pores in his skin and poison in his blood that is extremely deadly.
He can also squirt it in your face.
Also Jeff’s personal spy and pair of eyes.
NO ONE has a clue that he's working with Jeff and except those who are close to Jeff.
Kind of just stands there and pretends to take little naps while secretly spying on others casually.
He's very friendly, so if someone comes up to him while he's listening to others he'll just go about chatting with them.
He also bakes pastries and cooks with Eyes.
Rush and Ambush trust him a lot! He's one of their buddies :)
Him and Bushy are both aquatic entities :)
Tries his best NOT to hurt humans, but given he's older and disabled (Post-traumatic stress disorder + missing an eye.) usually, the other entities will hunt any humans for him so, it's not much of an issue.
However, if a human being IS in his proximity, he is expected and obligated to try and kill them as to not blow his cover.
He prays this will never come to fruition. ^
He's not expected to participate in any active hunts!!
He's the one he least expect.
Overall very well trusted by the hotel's denizens.
Considered one of the hotel's best singers (though to humans he just sounds like a toad)
Yea get that old man.
Pretty much the same as canon.
Just fluffy :)
Outcasted from the hotel AND separated from his wife after what happened with the humans.
Just happy to be here.
The lovely pair of speeding soulmates. + everybody else I actively have the energy to write about.
Married to Ambush! <3
They have had many litters and raised many children over the centuries, but the notable ones are the rooms entities and the Sally + Dupe (who are twins.)
Bonded pair do not separate.
One of Grumble's most violent and ardent supporters.
Still very, very mad about what happened.
Doesn't mean it like it very much, though......Grumbles is very grumpy and disgruntled alot of the time.
Ambush's better half.
Both work as miners/line workers. Whatever is the necessity for the day, but Rush primarily works with the handling of larger ore chunks due to it's strength.
Constantly exhausted and very achey.
Very touchy around the topic of humans, dislikes their situation being discussed. Will get into violent arguments with those it disagrees with, sometimes ending in minor fights that Ambush has to drag it away from.
Hangs out with Blitz sometimes, but doesn't talk a lot, (esp since the backdoor entities are scheming against Grumble).
Flirts w/Ambush while they work. It's like those two are still dating.
Still loves to knit, sometimes does it when its worried.
Bonded pair do not separate
Permanently disabled, it's jaw was twisted in such a way that it could never heal and is in constant pain because of that.
Some days are better then most, but sometimes It's left in bed twitching in pain.
Also super loyal to Grumble, even if the guy can be..mmm..
Smokes a lot to help cope with the pain, and unfortunately is very depressed after losing its sibling and some of its children.
Very tired...just.. very tired.
Is on the verge of quitting working, but doesn't.
Those weird ass flies:
Just a prey item the entities will gobble on
Kind of like flying popcorn chicken to them
Rush and Ambush both love catching them and frying them.
They’re very territorial and will kill someone and then suck their blood.
Flying evil parasitic popcorn
You! That’s right, you’re canon to this au! (Sort of.)
You’re a bit subjective, but depending on your POV, you can get a lot done learning about the lore of this au :)
sorry guys i am very tired, i'll finish the rest later.
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asexual-spongebob · 21 days
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got bored and made this short comic with my zadr smeets and tagr smeet (pink hair) on monday.
im sorry but Zim and Dib give me “Parents who make their kids/nespring cringe” vibes 😭
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wc-confessions · 2 years
Really hate the way people portray Barley and Ravenpaw, usually not as a couple but individually. Barley is canonically short and Ravenpaw isn't described as small after the first book these are facts of life you must accept. Barley has social anxiety and a short temper but he's nice!! He does his best to be friendly, he's not mean. Or even pretend to be mean. Ravenpaw is so so brave and so so compassionate he runs into burning buildings to save dogs and takes his husband's nespring which he just met to SkyClan while dying to cancer and catches snakes and saves Featherpaw, Stormpaw and Mistyfoot from TIGERCLAN he is so brave he is not a shy anxious bean. He is so so scared but he is also so so brave stop pretending he isn't. I'll strangle you. Also RavenBarley is very much Anxiety4Anxiety canon real never ever forget.
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cappuccino-bear · 1 month
Cat family dynamics and teminology
Parents: the one taking care of the kittens. Both have equal responsibility over them and are expected to spend equal time. In cases in which a parent is missing or unavailable the nurse will step in. However the parents don't need to be the ones to have created the kitten! In cases of surrogacy and adoption, the parents are only the ones that take the kittens under their care. It is a role in the clan first and foremost, not always a way to track lineage.
True Parent: referring to a parent who adopted kittens when the other parents cannot. This does not refer to all adoptive parents, it was used to refer to stolen kittens' caretakers long ago, however now it's used when another cat gives up a litter to someone else, either because they're dead, or sick, or disgraced, or any other reason to be unavailable in their kittens' lives. Fireheart is the True Parent of Cloudtrail because it was known he was adopted from someone else, and the responsibility of raising him became his alone.
Siblings: cats who come from the same parents, either from the same or different litters. Littermate is specific to those in the same litter, otherwise older/younger siblings is used. In the same litter all kittens are regarded as the same age, there is no firstborn.
Wanderer: a kitten dead before having seen their third full moon. A wanderer is a spirit who either entered or got trapped in a body by the Nurturer when they blessed the kittens after the birth. This spirit is not ready to let go and will go back to Starclan as soon as possible, but the closer they get to the third moon before death, the more it is seen as a bad omen.
Grandparents: the parents or caretakers of the parents of a kitten. This role is more loose, a grandparent is any older cat who the parents want to involve in the kittens' lives. It can be the actual grandparents, but also great auncles, great grandparents, older friends, former mentors, a nurse, anything goes. They're supposed to be a good influence in a kitten's life, an extra set of paws who guides them.
Kin: term used to denote auncles, nespring and cousins, so any blood relative who'd on the same level as a kitten's parents, the kitten themselves, or their children. The clans do not have a concept of lineage, therefore they believe that their blood is only notably shared up until a second generation. There is another way they (and I) prevent inbreeding between themselves which is musk, which I explained in another post.
Heart kin: a cat who for all intents and purposes is seen as just as important as another official relative: a heart parent, heart sibling... this is a mark of trust and love between cats that is considered very strong, as if two cats' blood was mixed in their time together and now they share it.
Disgraced kin: if a relative is disgraced it is seen as a complete removal and rejection of that family line. It can happen for many reasons, and sometimes not the entire family will accept it, but to be officially removed from a family there is a ritual to perform, by the leader and eldest cleric.
Distant kin: any relative that is a higher degree of separation than what is mentioned before and has not taken any other role (such as parent, True Parent or grandparent). Rarely noted outside of family talk, it's rare any cat regards distant kin as part of their family and not just a clanmate.
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troutfur · 11 months
We need a horrible man from Shadowclan to ship Leaf with now, complete the collection.
Does Rowanclaw count? He was like really xenophobic to his nesprings Jay, Holly, and Lion the first time he met them and that sticks in my mind a lot about him.
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legacieswcrp · 4 months
Would you mind explaining more about how character cool-downs will work, esp at the beginning of the rp? It sounds like an interesting system. 👀 Glad there won't be any hard limits bc I already have three different concepts rotating in my head like a rotisserie chicken.
Ah yes, the OC rotisserie, my old friend. ♡
"Cool-downs" may have been the less apt term to use in retrospect, but essentially you can create OR drop one character once between each monthly world update announcement. This is mostly to keep staff pressure light and provide ample time both for new characters to set up and for outgoing characters to get all of their loose ends accounted for, but also to encourage players to think carefully about which characters they bring and hopefully avoid falling into the "revolving-door" cycle of making and dropping characters that gets the better of a lot of WCRPers. Making new characters is fun and exciting, but with Legacies we want to keep the story and the world front and center with as consistent a cast as we can comfortably manage.
That said, we do have space on the server for AU drabbles, character/story drafting, ClanGen save sharing, and so on so you can still tap into that new character hype when you want to! Rapid character turnover isn't something we consider a bad thing, it's just not what Legacies' RP proper is built for.
Submitting a character into active play and removing an active character from the RP setting/roster are bound to monthly limits. Creating adopts for others to pick up is totally free rein, and adopts can be very simple to make if you want them to be - our only requirement for adopt listings is that all adoptables must be stated to be sufficiently closely related to an active approved character; close family (including mentors, apprentices, and found family) and friends are fine, but nespring, grandparents, cousins, etc are not adopt material at Legacies unless they have a clear close bond with an established character. This is so we keep plenty of room for creating family trees between players, and so we don't flood the RP roster with unplayed NPCs. Picking up an adoptable character to RP, however, is also limited to the monthly timeline, since that is functionally the same as submitting an OC. Normally, you can only do one of these three things one time each month, unless you specifically need to gut your roster for essential activity purposes (in that case, just ask staff; we'll usually be happy to help!)
For example, if you choose to drop an active character in June, you can't pick up a new adopt or drop a second character until July. You can ask adopt makers to hold their adopts for you, though, and while there aren't currently rules about this specifically, we are going to encourage that sort of patience and flexibility when it comes to adoptions specifically because the timeline for roster edits is so slow.
There are some exceptions to this timeline, though:
Newcomers to the server can make or claim two characters in their first month. This isn't just for server launch, but for all future openings.
New faction openings will give all current players the option to create one "freebie" character in or related to that faction without any impact on their roster timelines.
Certain RP events may introduce new adoptable characters or openings for plot-specific character roles; these also function as exceptions to the standard roster timeline, but require staff approval before starting. Some characters of this nature may be temporary to the RP setting and tied specifically to the plot that introduced them, while others may be or become long-term residents - ultimately these details are down to whoever is running the event.
Other players dropping plot-essential characters is a major point of staff concern at Legacies that we hope to address by giving players the option of creating substitute characters - not copies of the absent characters, but new faces filling similar relationship and story roles where they are needed to keep RP accessible to everyone - in the event of a drop, character death, or other major plot event that might otherwise render an associated character or storyline difficult or impossible for others to safely play. These special staff-assisted plot adopts will never be bound by roster timelines so that the players who post them may get back to the action as quickly and smoothly as possible.
Kit births do not qualify as extenuating events in the RP, and kit claims function as standard OC submissions and adoptions on the same timeline as other standard characters. This is because Legacies runs in-RP litters as player or staff-run adopts, with the actual kitting only happening once adoptions for the litter are closed.
That said, the roster timeline is not a hard 30-day wait - creating a character at the end of one month doesn't mean you'll have to wait until the end of the next month to make another, you can make your next submission or drop as soon as the next monthly RP update goes live (something we will endeavor to always keep within the first week of each month). We just ask that you don't add or drop multiple times in a single month, as both can be complicated affairs that require a lot of attention and writing work for involved and affected players.
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thetrailofflames · 1 year
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Astéra Jayfire
(Jaybird ~ Jay)
Rank: Commander (former Lieutenant, former ranger)
Residence: The Splinterclaws Guild
Appearance: Jayfire is a large, bulky, muscular, medium-furred pointed white blue-gray charlie with blue and yellow eyes with a dark blue-gray mane. They have a small scar under their right eye, and a two claw scar on their lower right foreleg. He has burn marks on their back, left foreleg and left shoulder. Xe wears a brown belt with green highlights on the knife holster. She wears jay and swan feathers at the base of xer tail, fox teeth in his left ear as well as coyote teeth in his antlers.
Agender ~ Any ~ Demisexual-Biromantic
Parents: Dovemoon† and Slatetail†.
Siblings: Swantalon† (littermate). Addertail + Rattlenose (half-sibling via Slatetail)
Uncles: Stoneheart† (via Slatetail). Pigeonsight† (via Dovemoon).
Nespring: Snowdroptuft
Partner of Bristletalon†. Partner of Sweetgumheart
Children: Blizzardheart ~ Seedling
Trained by Stoneheart† and Dawnface†. Former overseer of Sabersong and Frostbite.
Fierce ~ Blunt ~ Empathetic
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bonefall · 2 years
Since it is Stormpaw's Demon time in the ask box, I was wondering about how you are going to handle Mudfur's story. I think it's really interesting how he's a former strong warrior who becomes a medicine cat out of disillusionment towards war and duels Adderfang to spare everyone else the battle, though his motivation regarding Brightsky's death seems a little weak in that Brightsky just dies in a way that has nothing to do with the warriors' battle culture which somehow makes him be disillusioned with constant war. I wonder if that will be changed in the rewrite so that Brightsky's death more directly connects with his arc or his motivations don't have to do with Brightsky at all and maybe she lives longer than in canon (especially because it feels odd to have two unrelated deaths in childbirth in one clan in one book when that's pretty rare for cats). I even thought that maybe you could play on how humans tried to capture Brightsky in canon and have her get captured after a particularly bloody battle, give birth to her kittens in a human house and decides she'd prefer not to come back. Hailstar basically decides he doesn't want a willing traitor but takes Leopardkit back, leading to Mudfur still raising her alone and being left with the haunting realization that Brightsky isn't wrong about the horrible parts of Clan life, and was it really right for Leopardkit to be taken away? So he wants to create a world that is peaceful enough that his daughter really would be better off in the Clans, only for said daughter to grow up to be one of their most violent members. This could also make Mudfur a sort of foil to Leopardfoot in their reactions to their kits' other parent becoming a kitty pet, with Leopardstar and Tigerstar maybe bonding over this as young warriors.
I would love to see how his principled opposition to his culture plays out during all of the events of TPB and pre-TNP with the TigerClan sympathizers still running around (I remember @feathermedics suggested Mudfur should have called for the disbandment of RiverClan after the TigerClan incident to show he really does stand for something, that could be interesting).
I would love if, even if you are gutting a lot of Leopardstar's Honor, you kept some kind of novella to cover Leopardstar's drypaw stage and her relationship with her father because I think that is interesting material.
Also regarding Mudfur, I think it would be interesting if there is differences in the Clan culture about whether Mudfur should really be allowed to be a medicine cat. Like RiverClan is fine with it and thinks it doesn't violate the celibacy vow thing if he doesn't have kits while he's a medicine cat, but WindClan, who was responsible for making the vow as harsh as it was back in Ripplestar's time and are known for being extra pious, think it's bad for someone who already had kits to be a medicine cat and generally give Mudfur dirty looks and disrespect at gatherings.
That's a good point about Brightsky I hadn't considered; that her death doesn't actually have anything to do with the horrors of Clan Culture during the late Chivalric Period.
That DOES work better, to have her leave instead. Added. She's either a kittypet or part of BloodClan now. (She could be a friend of Pinestar, even... hmm.)
There's no need to have so many childbirth deaths anyway, especially not for the "Big Players" in Clan politics. I don't like how WC keeps implying that badness comes from Sad Childhoods lmao.
Leopardfur can have problems with Skyheart when they're little, and she can have a complicated relationship to the disappearance of her mother (she won't be told she's still alive though, that's Hailstar's and Mudfur's secret, they take Darkstar's Commandment very seriously), but 4 people don't have to die to accomplish Bonefall Leopardstar becoming the threat she is.
On that note, I could actually use a couple of her genetics. I just checked the wiki, and it looks like there's 3 free kittens for me to work with in RiverClan! Their names were Oatkit, Waterkit, and Carpkit.
So poll time! Pick the kitten you want to see.
(Note: The other two might get shuffled around to other warriors in RiverClan, or go live in Chelford with their mom.)
I'm not very interested in preserving Leopardstar's Hoopla because I don't think she actually gains anything by getting an entire SE. I think she exists perfectly as an intimidating, honor-bound force of nature whose late TPB shame was only a temporary lapse in her pride, her death considered a great loss even by her enemies.
But Mudfur... I wouldn't mind trying to preserve and elevate Mudfur. Especially since he was definitely a cat who worked with Deerfoot, Dawnflower, Reedpaw, and the other TigerClan Rebels. One of the cats saved by Deerfoot refusing to rat out his accomplices.
For now I'll definitely promise more time in the redux of A Shadow In RiverClan-- The Tiger in RiverClan and consider more.
Also... I need more girls. I might hit Mudfur with the Woman Beam. Brightsky can either trade genders, or I'll shuffle the runner-up kitten to be a sibling so they can honor-sire (though it would mean losing a valuable extra kitten).
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blimbo-buddy · 11 months
Sleekwhisker helped Darktail kill her mom, then she attempted to steal/kill her nespring after Rowanstar welcomed her back to Shadowclan before he had Shadowclan join Skyclan so it then became Leafstar's problem. Just finished AVOS so yeah, Sleekwhisker was majorly f-up. She could have been great though, but they tried to give her the Darkstripe treatment at the last moment? Which is like...Darkstripe never managed to kill anyone, and he never does anything to his mom? So idk why they'd do that.
well if we want to get technical with it, darkstripe did help kill stonefur by holding him down while blackfoot sliced stonefur's throat open
anyways I don't know what else to respond with so happy halloween here is pure sugar cat candy
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lupinenight · 1 month
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FERNPROWL — deputy of the Sky Order.
> a large brown and cream tom with green eyes.
Aloof and quiet demeanor to hide the rot festering in his heart. He’s irrational and short-tempered, assuming the worst in others at all times. Prefers letting loose his anger in physical displays rather than, y’know, processing it healthily. Doesn’t really like any of his Ordermates, but wants the Sky Order to expand their territory and push the other Orders out anyway.
Sister was Frecklebird and their mom was Littleoak.
Older siblings Moosecall, Sunwhisker, Larkfeather, and Snaptail are all dead. Not that he was close to them, anyway.
Not close to his nespring— Hollowbirch, Quicksnow, and the late Quivercrane— out of spite, but knows of them.
Hated Talcsnout, the leader before Dawnslash.
Mother, Littleoak, died early into her kits’ lives, and showed signs of illness even sooner. Fernprowl remembers nothing about her but her existence, and only knows secondhand how good of a mother she would’ve been, if given the chance. He distanced himself from his older siblings out of jealousy, clinging to his sister and littermate instead for the shared trauma. He never found himself able to become attached to anyone else and it irked him when Frecklebird showed it wasn’t mutual. It didn’t help that her mate, Pondburr, was genuinely not great; Fernprowl’s warnings fell on deaf ears, mostly because he couldn’t express them in a way that didn’t make him sound like an asshole. His anger only increased, often starting fights on the border or recklessly attacking dangerous creatures to elevate some of the pressure building around his head.
Due to his violent tendencies, Talcsnout barred him from border patrols unilaterally, even forbidding him from leaving the camp alone because he’d proven he “cannot be trusted”. Predictably, this did not calm him and Talcsnout became a target of silent vitriol. He began to hate peace entirely, wondering endlessly why the Sky Order didn’t push the others out while their numbers were big and everyone else was weak with the sickness or fatigue from fighting. In his eyes, Talcsnout was a fool who couldn’t see an opportunity when it bit her in the nose.
He projected his feelings onto Talc’s deputy, Dawnslash, too. To him, the leader had overstepped by controlling the patrols when he was booted from them; because he was furious, he imagined Dawnslash was too. It was certain that Dawn didn’t express dissent only to keep harmony with the Order, not because she agreed with Talcsnout’s decision. Her choice to make him deputy proves that and spits on the grave of her predecessor, as Fernprowl had always wanted.
His pelt is decorated with feathers from a northern flicker.
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mistblaze · 5 months
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[Image created with this]
Stars damn it give this guy a break
Whitestorm is a snowy-white tom with yellow eyes
fluffy coat, solid shoulders, great sprinter
Scars over his back and nicked ears
He often has a tired, stressed look
Whitestorm would like the World to stop fucking up his kids, please
Yes he includes Mist in this FIGHT HIM, BLUESTAR!!
He grew up with Bluestar acting a lot as his mom, which later cooled and then turned to ice
There is no War in the Bluekin Family
He and Patchpelt got on well, nothing major, standard apprenticeship.
He and Willowpelt are close friends who want to raise children together, not a romantic couple. They´re both happy with that.
Mist was his first apprentice and they were, as previously stated, a match made by StarClan
In hindsight, Mosslight and Nightleap absolutely arranged that
He loved her like a daughter, and Mistpaw loved him back and finally cut Leopardfoot out completely, calling Whitestorm Mi in private
Nobody ever knew just how close they were
Until Thistleclaw LOST HER, that is
Whitestorm was in the healer´s den when that happend. Roe deer hunt gone slightly wrong, he had a dislocated shoulder and Featherwhisker let Spottedpaw take care of him alone.
Mistpaw was happy just helping out around the den and pestering Featherhisker with questions
"You make Whypaw a valid name idea, Mist" "But I want to KNOW!!"
Bluefur offered to take her squirrel hunting in the pines, and Mist wanted to impress the deputy because everyone looked down at her already, so Whitestorm let her go
This day haunts him. He knows, if he could do it all over again, she´d hate him if he held her back
He knows she saved a life that day. That she doesn´t regret saving Shadow, not once.
He´s angry at everybody. At Thistleclaw for causing the entire situation. At Tigerpaw for ATTACKING HIS OWN SISTER. At Bluefur for just ... accepting Mistpaw leaving, rather than stand up for her
It´s a very, very public fallout, that ends with Whitestorm disowning both his aunt and his father rather loudly
Tigerpaw tries to point out that Mistpaw wasn´t even his.
"If Leopardfoot wanted her, she should have raised her."
Things Do Not Get Better
Maybe he and Bluefur could´ve fixed it with time, but she continued making all the wrong choices
First, Sunstar dies and Bluestar becomes leader
Whitestorm and Willowpelt have their first litter, Darkkit and a fading kit sister
Instead of giving into Whitestorm´s continued pleas of looking for his missing apprentice, Bluestar gives him a new apprentice
Whitestorm and Mousepaw are ... a desaster
Maybe it would´ve gone better with Runningpaw, but hindsight is 2020
Whitestorm tried, but Mousepaw resented being a replacement
She wasn´t, not to Whitestorm, but she always felt like one in the eyes of the Clan
They had a very cordial relationship, and it never gets better. Whitestorm does try, but ... it just never works
He kinda gives up on mentorship, for a while
Bluestar gives Darkpaw to Tigerclaw, thinking responsibility will "smoothe over" some of his "sharp edges"
Whitestorm has to watch helplessly how his son is drawn into the dark spiral of Thistleclaw´s legacy
He tries to be there for his son, but interfering with the bond between mentor and apprentice is a MASSIVE cultural taboo
Redtail and Runningwing have a kit, and Whitestorm is there to be a supportive, playful pseudo-uncle
Redtail wants him to mentor Longkit, but Whitestorm says no. He proposes Lionheart instead
Remember Bluestar´s pattern? Yeah it doesn´t stop at Whitestorm´s somewhat-nespring either
Can you smack your leader if your leader makes unhealthy choices? Asking for a friend
He and Willowpelt have a second litter, three healthy kittens they utterly adore. Whitestorm doesn´t name one of them Mistkit, convinced that his first apprentice is still out there, alive
He becomes head of hunting and while he´s not fully happy, he does his best
Redtail becomes deputy and Whitestorm, who halfway raised that feral little bastard, cheers the loudest, with only Spottedleaf and Runningwind matching him
Redtail has another litter, and this time he, Spotty and Runner are determined to make Whitestorm mentor one of them
There´s a Greencough epidemic. Through the entire leaf-bare, cats die
Whitestorm loses two kits, his foster mom Robinwing, her mate Fuzzypelt ....
He works his paws off trying to keep everyone fed, gangs up with Redtail to make Spottedleaf SLEEP FOR ONCE
There is no time to grieve when cats are dying and two other Clans are threatening your borders!
They´re all tired that newleaf, but Red, Spotty and Running convince Whitestorm to take one important step
He becomes Sandpaw´s mentor and swears to raise her like he raised Mistpaw
He will soon hate how literally he´s forced to take that vow
Whitestorm is a dad. He loves kits, he loves teaching, he will literally sit at a campfire all day, roasting mice and teaching kits how to play scratchstone
He´s a really good teacher, actually. He will help you hit your stride and then push you to see how far you can go, having your back all the way
He can and will pick physical fights for his apprentices, weather you´re a cat from a rival Clan or his own Clanmate
He´s deeply affected by his losses. His first apprentice, his two kits, his mother, his relationship with Bluestar
He knows how to ask for support! It took a bit, but Willow, Golden, Spotty and Red bullied him into it and it´s a lesson he will pass onto Sandpaw and his kits
He loves to cook almost as much as he likes to hunt. Mist gets it from him
He´s extremly frustrated by Bluestar
Bloodline notes:
I tossed out him having kits with Brindleface. The kits will exist, but they´re not Whitestorms
All of Willowpelt´s kits are Whitestorm´s too, and I only allowed this because the events of the story will prevent it from becoming a genetic bottleneck
Graystripe has kits with Silverstream, so fresh genetics. Sootfur is gay and doesn´t want kits. Rainwhisker is either not getting a mate or having kits with a Tribe cat or other fresh blood, I haven´t decided yet. Darkstripe is the only Willowkin cat that stays in ThunderClan, so any potential kits of his won´t be a problem. Sorreltail is the only one who mates with another ThunderClan bloodline, and all of her kits will either not have kits, have kits with other bloodlines or move out
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