#nessie steed
tsarisfanfiction · 2 months
oc ficlet ask game: O, V prompt: gnomes
OC Ficlet Ask Only one of these is an Apollo kid, so we're subbing in a Hermes kid to accompany him! Don't think I really hit the prompt word here though, sorry, unless you wanna infer that Owen is being as responsive (or not) as a garden gnome... Instead, things got angsty. Manhattan fic time!
Everything hurt, but it was the sort of hurt where it wouldn't last too long before it all faded away - although that wasn't a good thing, because Owen knew that it wasn't the pain that was going to fade, but him.
No regrets, though. Well, maybe a couple, like not getting to see his Mom again, and the fact that he wasn't the only one dying, or already dead. He'd seen siblings and friends fall, and he hadn't been able to heal them because he'd been too busy fighting for his own life.
That was a lost fight, too. The same abilities that had let him help people for so long were telling him now that it was his time to go to the Underworld. Maybe he'd make it to Elysium, going out the way he had. What was more heroic than fighting for the gods, after all? No-one had ordered him to come back and fight. He'd left camp years ago, more than a decade ago, but when the rumours had reached him about this war, about the children that were going to be fighting for it, he couldn't do nothing.
Well, he'd done something, same as the other dead and dying adults around him. Hopefully, it had been enough. Hopefully, they'd managed to cull the army's numbers down to something the children could fend off. Hopefully, he wasn't going to die in vain.
It would be nice if the pain-fading part of dying would hurry up, though. Owen knew he was beyond saving, torn up and hot-and-cold where his insides met the cool New York air, but he was beyond moving, beyond doing anything except waiting, and patience had never been one of his stronger suits.
He had long since lost track of time since Kronos' army had left him in their dust. It was daylight, now, with his father's sun streaming down to highlight the city, but he didn't know how long it had been sunny for, or if his slips in and out of awareness had hidden an entire day from him.
There was movement, feet running through the battlefield, or what had been one. He couldn't focus clearly, but he saw the fuzzy figure of someone, bright orange familiar even though he hadn't seen that shade for years, come to a stop near him.
"This is horrible," a girl's voice rasped. "I don't- I don't even know these people." She stumbled forwards, and Owen felt clumsy fingers on his wrist. "Hello? Can you- I think that's a pulse, that's a pulse, right?" she mumbled, seemingly to herself.
Owen was past being able to respond, but that didn't stop her. "You- you're gonna be okay, whoever you are. My- my name's Nessie, and I'm gonna- I'm gonna go get some bandages, okay? You stay still. Don't move."
Bandages weren't going to be of much use, not any more, but Owen couldn't tell her that, just like he couldn't tell her that he couldn't move. All he could do was lay there as the teenager - why was she alone, did that mean the war was won? - tried to fuss and not panic, spewing nonsense as she staggered to her feet and ran off.
OC List: Owen Bell, Apollo kid, aged 29 Vanessa "Nessie" Steed, Hermes kid, aged 16
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undeadassassin666 · 2 years
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Bigfoot: Onwards, my plesiosaur steed!
Nessie: But I'm a lake monster...
Bigfoot: Silence, water horse
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dare-to-dm · 3 years
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I was told it will be a Western themed campaign in the underdark with dinosaurs. So here is my half orc cowboy Carver with his trusty steed, Nessie.
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nessie is the flatwoods monster’s loyal steed
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Thaise verhaaltjes voor het slapengaan
Verslagje numero uno
Dag luitjes, wederom zijn wij weer gearriveerd in het land van de glimlach, oftewijl Thailand. Dit na twee vluchten van Schiphol naar Moskou, en van Moskou naar Bangkok, met onze kameraden van aeroflot. (Leuk feitje Rusland is nu het enige land ter wereld waar we meer gerend hebben dan gelopen). Eenmaal aangekomen in Bangkok waren wij aangenaam verrast over het gebrek van afval en met name de bijbehorende lucht. Wat bleek, de Paus was op bezoek geweest, dus hebben ze de boel de stad uitgeveegd. Na een korte treinreis en een oplichter van een taxichauffeur kwamen we aan bij ons favoriete hostel in misschien wel heel Thailand. The Oasis hostel, wat gewoon echt een oasis is in Bangkok. Geen herrie van schreeuwende irritante lui maar een groene plek van rust en gevuld met fijne medereizigers van over heel de wereld.
Na weer vriendelijk te zijn ontvangen wagen wij ons snel weer aan het Thaise bier, wat ons het gevoel geeft alsof we nooit weg zijn geweest. Dit voelde als een aangenaam ontbijt na het lange reizen. Na een korte pitstop in club het Nessie voelde we ons als herboren, hup wat heerlijke disco knallers aan, en klaar waren we voor onze 1e uitdaging: Koh San Road. Onze guilty plessure als het aankomt op foute uitgaans locaties. Je weet dat je na een avondje daar nooit nuchter thuiskomt, aandacht krijgt van alle geslachten in welke gedaante dan ook, voetmassage om 2 uur 's nachts, gegrilde schorpioenen en ga zo maar door. Als er één plek in de wereld bestaat waar alles een onwerkelijk circus is van een bij elkaar geraapte meuk, dan is dat wel Khao San Road. Nu snappen jullie zelf ook wel dat wij deze straat niet kunnen verlaten zonder deze als een Mario level uit te spelen, en jongens dat is ons zeker gelukt. Onze tweede dag was vooral een dag van
7-eleven bezoekjes en diepe conversaties waarin we 5 en een half keer wereldvrede hebben behaald. Deze dag moest natuurlijk wederom gesloten worden op Khao San Road. Hup nog een nachtmutsje bij ons hostel, wat zeer gezellig was natuurlijk, totdat een van onze Amerikaanse medealcholisten zijn kop zo hard stoten op een bloempot, dat wij er van uitgingen dat hij zeer waarschijnlijk een hersenschudding had opgelopen. Wat erin resulteerde dat wij de hele nacht plus ochtend wakker zijn gebleven voor deze gast. Dag drie was er een van herstel. We zijn ook geen 18 meer ook al gedragen we ons zo, Ik (sean) heb vooral een goeie date gehad met club het Nessie. Dag vier: na een goeie dag van rust en herstel (voor Sean) werd het toch tijd om Bangkok te verlaten. Na een ochtend nadenken toch maar besloten om naar Ayutthaya te gaan. Dit is een stad ten noorden van Bangkok. De stad is vooral bekend als de oude hoofdstad van Siam (Thailand). En dit is te zien aan de nog steeds aanwezige tempels en kasteel ruïnes die her en der uit de grond schieten als paddenstoelen. Uber Nederlands hebben we een fiets gehuurd en een rondje Ayutthaya gedaan. Het was vooral ruïnes en hoopjes verkeer. Maar toch, 9 uur club het Nessie verlaten en gaan met die banaan. En de fietsen, tuurlijk is het een Nederlands ding om te klagen, en om goeie fietsen te hebben, maar verdomme dit waren barrels. Ze verhuren dus fietsen die wij kopen van junks in Amsterdam enzo. Maar goed, wij alsnog die fiets op en gaan. Stel je voor, 35 graden, 100 en 20 procent luchtvochtigheid. Verdomme dat was een workout. Maar eerlijk, de foto's spreken voor zich. Uit eindelijk was alles rode stenen, maar verdomme wat was het indrukwekkend. Zo symmetrisch, zo uitgedacht, ook voor de tijd dat het werd gebouwd. Na de tour was er gelukkig nog ruimte voor wat ontspanning. En geloof ons, dat hebben we gedaan. De volgende dag zijn we ook nog cultureel wezen te lopen te doen. Vanaf ons hostel was er een een tempel tour met een boot. De eerste paar tempels hadden buddha's 14 keer groter dan in de achtertuinen thuis. Man dat was indrukwekkend, een Buddha ter grote van een goeie flat, en van goud. Toen helaas weer terug naar Bangkok voor het oppikken van Anton en natuurlijk de verjaardag. Ons kennende kunnen jullie je waarschijnlijk wel voorstellen hoe die dag is verlopen? Dus zullen we niet verder gaan in de details treden (ook omdat wij een deel van die details niet meer weten). Maar nog wel bedankt voor de vele felicitaties iedereen, het was een verjaardag, en 48 uur eigenlijk meer, voor in de boeken. Dit was alweer ons korte avontuur in Thailand, volgende stop Laos!! Dag vriendjes, en vriendinnetjes, tot het volgende verhaal maar weer.
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ts-virgil-angst · 6 years
Story prompt of an old woman, and war and a fireplace
TW: none that i can think of just message me 
Word Count: 1591
Prompt: Alcohol changes everything. Even love.
Note: this takes place in a fantasy like world and if you need an explanations hmu
Logan and his sibling had been travelling for longer than he could remember.They had been running for so long, too long. As the winter had set in, thewar had followed. Logan remembered the slow way the soldiers came vividly. Theway the stores got shut down one by one. How the streets slowly becamedeserted. When the mornings became something to dread instead of something tolook forward to.
He remembered the day their parents were killed infront of him, how Patton had cried silently as Logan kept his hand clapped overtheir mouth to keep the sound.
Now, the two of them were walking east. He had heardof a haven for people like them. For kids without parents. And for magic usersthem.
“Logan?” Patton tightened their hold on Logan’sshoulders, as Logan readjusted them on his back. “Are we almost there?”
“We’re close, Patton.” Logan huffed, his breathcoming out in a puff of smoke. He wasn’t actually sure how close they were. He was going on a hunch after all. He couldn’tbe sure that there even was a haven after all, but that hope was the only thingkeeping him going.
There had to be something, though. There had to be. Magic users weren’t weak andfor the most part they were smart. Before the war, they had been ordinary citizens,most of which used their magic to help others. Like Kanikós, normal humans, there were goodand bad Gifted—it truly just depended on the person. But now…
A rustle to his right cut his train of thoughtshort. His heartbeat shot out of his chest as he slowed moving the side of the path,setting down Patton. Whatever it was, it couldn’t be good news in the forest thislate at night.
Two men on horses slowed down next to them, gunsdrawn.
“The hell are you two doing out here?”
“Our home was burned down in a raid a few nights ago.We’re on our way to our cousins house.” Logan kept his eyes to the ground,careful not to look him in the eyes. Lawmen saw that as disrespectful and hecouldn’t risk them accidently glowing. His story wasn’t a total lie. Their housedid get burned down, but only after Lawmen killed their parents.
“I’m sure.” The one on the bigger horse dismounted, bootskicking up dust as he landed. “Eyes up boy.” Logan’s gaze flickered up for amoment, taking in the man’s face, clothes, his partner, the trees around them. Ithad taken time to be able to do this, but with the practice of being on therun, taking in his surroundings was nothing he wasn’t used to now.
The man shuffled his feet, taking a stronger stance.“I said: eyes up boy.”
Patton tightened their grip on Logan’s legs, shufflingtheir feet before looking up.
Two things happened as Patton looked up: the secondman dropped from his horse and Logan dropped, placing his hands flat on theground. His eyes glowed green as the earth opened up, dropping the two men intoa new hole in the ground. As an Earthen, he had a certain sway over the earth. Shewas happy to help any of her children and right now, Logan needed all the helphe could get.
As they fell, the Lawmen’s guns went off, clipping Patton’sshoulder. Patton’s eyes welled up with tears as they bit their lip to keep in theirscream. Their eyes were glowing yellow as they pressed their hand against thewound.
“You Goddamn, Heathens!” The men were jumping up,trying to get a grip on the side, but they were too sheer to grasp. Theyspouted curses, but Logan ignored them, carefully approaching the horse. If hewas lucky, then maybe they’d have to health supplies. Either way, maybe hecould win over the horse to make it easier for them to travel.
Logan held his hands up in a placating manner. He wentto the bigger horse first, watching for signs of distrust. After the gunshotwent off, both were skittish. One misstep and it took off, kicking up dust inits trail. He glanced at Patton, making sure their wound was covered. Pattonhad torn part of their coat and with a gust of wind, cleaned off the dust andwas tying it around their arm. It broke Logan’s heart to see this. Not that hewasn’t glad they couldn’t take care of it, but because they had to take care of it. They were tenyears old—too young to know how to take care of a bullet wound.
He turned back to the remaining horse, going slowerthis time. He didn’t have time to lament his sibling’s loss of innocence. The temperaturewas dropping, and they needed to put distance between them and the Lawmen.
This horse was thankfully less skittish. Horses,like most animals, understood that Gifted were different, but no inherently anymoredangerous than anyone else. Logan pressed his hand against its side, trailingalong until he reached the bag.
Logan sighed, almost ready to close up the hole he’ddropped the Lawmen in for their bags being so useless. There was only anothergun, some bullets, and a few Wanted flyers.
He managed to mount of horse with little fight fromthe steed. A few calming words and he was able to lead her toward Patton. With oneheft, he pulled Patton up on the horse with him. Patton leaned back against Logan’schest, still pressing against the wound.
“You’ll pay for this, Heathen!” The men cried. “We’llget out of here and then we’ll kill you. Both of you!”
Patton lifted one hand slightly, blowing some snow ontop of the men. They very rarely used their powers as an Ether, but now they weremore inclined to use them.
“That will fix itself in an hour.”
“You bastard! We’ll freeze out here.”
Logan whipped the reins. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
- - -
“Logan, are we there yet?”
“There’s a house up there. We can ask if we can staythe night.” It had been a month since they’d run into those Lawmen and sincethen they’d almost managed to hide again. Almost.
In the woods once again, they were off the trail inthe hopes of avoiding attracting attention. There was nothing they wanted morethan to just stop. Stop moving, stop hiding, stop being scared to turn acorner.
The only good thing was that he had grown betterinto his powers, using the earth to track safe places to stay—even they onlylast a short while.
As they trotted up to the small cottage, Loganchecked around the place again. The earth had never steered them wrong, but hecould never be too careful.
Patton slid off, patting the horse they’d affectionatelynamed Remy, while Logan dismounted and brushed off his clothes and hair. Beforehe could even approach the door, it opened viciously, an old womanframed by the light of the room.
“Who the hell are you two?”
Patton tensed, standing closer horse, but notbacking down. Logan stepped forward. “We have nowhere to go. I was hoping that perhapsyou could help us. Shelter us for the night.”
It was hard to make out her features from her shadowysilhouette. “And why the hell would I do that? How do I know you’re not Heathens?”
Logan gritted his teeth as he always did but managedto keep his civil tone. “Our house was burned down by them. If you won’t takeus both, at least take my brother.”
“But Lo—”
“It’s fine, Pat. I’m fine.” It wouldn’t have beenthe first time the two of them were split for the night.
The woman stared at them, eyeing both cautiouslybefore stepping aside. “Get in here both of you. Can’t have the heat escaping.”Patton led the horse to the side of the cottage, tying him before grabbingtheir things.
“Thank you for keeping us, ma’am.”
“Not a ma’am, kid.” She shut the door behind them. “Justcall me Joana.”
“Thank you, Joana.” Patton set down their things bythe door as Logan surveyed the place. It was one large room with a kitchen/dinningroom on the left and a bedroom/living room to the right. Two couches wereacross from the bed and a hearth sat between them. “I could start the fire, ifyou’d like.”
“No, no. I can take care of it.” Joana winked, eyes flashingred lighting the fireplace. He and Patton froze for a moment as shesaid, “Like recognizes like.”
“But how did— We were—” Logan was at a loss for words.There were so many emotions going through him, but the only thing coming forwas anger. How did she figure them out when he had been so careful as to not doanything that would make them seem different?
“Don’t worry, hun.” Joana moved to the kitchen,opening up a cupboard and taking out three teacups, grinning. “When you’re oldlike me, you get great at recognizing someone on the run. Can I know your names,dears?”
Patton looked at Logan, and though he knew they weretrying not to, hope was working its way into their features. Perhaps they weren’twrong to have some kind of…positive thoughts about her.
“Logan Sanders and my sibling, Patton.”
Joana held out her hand. It was pleasantly warm. “Niceto meet you, dear.”
@fugitive-angel​ @netzoflix​ @paragonofsophistication @angsty-anxxiety​ @thesmallestalien​ @saltequeen​ @theanxofthethomas​ @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch​ @miniritzcrackers​ @ninjas-forever​   @stjernemaskin​ @deathshadowrules​ @nessie-drawgon​ @misty2-0​ @kenanscloud​ @tea–ghost​ @massivehoagiepastahumanoid​ @aznasalon​ @lilreadergurl​ @thagrinbery​ @fury-of-rome​ @spooky-ash-because-its-halloween @cosplayingdisn3rd @lunareclipse-13​ @probablysomeproblems​ @choppedfestdelusion​ @julia-loves-cupcakes​
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wanderingmoonsword · 7 years
We're not covering a brain monster this time, but a sea horse! Not a giant seahorse – that was a while ago – but creature part horse and part fish from the original Monster Manual. Fast swimmers, these creatures are every bit as intelligent as humans but by default incapable of speech with a chaotic good alignment that casts them as independent-minded but benevolent. Hippocampi might drag lost sailors to shore at incredible speeds or rescue children who are swept into the raging path of a flood or maybe they're reclusive, shy creatures who come only to those who prove worthy.  Pathfinder’s are less mighty and have a neutral disposition – possibly a better choice for some games.
There's a surprisingly long association between horses and water in European culture, and the name itself goes back to Greek mythology. Despite his popular modern remberance as the master of the oceans, Posiedon's broad portfolio was hardly limited to the seas, and his influence reigned over horses. In some stories he – or his Roman equivalent Neptune, probably by adaptation from Poseidon – was said to have been their literal father by one means or another.  Posiedon’s chariot was also described in Homer as being drawn two-hooved horses. Among the Celts, the water horse occupied a place similar to popular lake monsters today like the Ogopogo or Nessie, and the description as having a whale's flukes is possibly the direct antecedent to the hippocampus.  Enigmatic Pictish carvings also depict similar creatures. These traditions were carried forward into medieval heraldry, often appears on the coats of arms of those with a seafaring background.
Feared far and wide across the waves, the marauding band of undine cavaliers known as the Black Coral Raiders is less well known. Their hippocampi steeds have the hindquarters of massive sharks and the sea stories say these shark-blooded beasts were born where the waters of the legendary River Styx spill out into the sea and they ruthlessly fall upon any sailor unfortunate to fall into the water near them. Whatever the truth of their mounts’ origins, the Black Corals are deadly raiders, striking ships without warning to take away the most valuable goods, then disappearing beneath the waves to haul their booty to market.
In the seaside realm of Kotrait, an ageless ritual practiced every summer solstice sees learned elders bringing earthly fruits to the hippocampi to guarantee a bountiful catch in the coming year, echoing the friendship won in tales passed down for generations. This year, the hippocampi never arrived, leaving much of the community in doubt. Fearing the worst, a band of adventurous youths have proposed to set out to save their livelihoods, bringing along the bounty of the earth to emulate the heroes of old.
The numerous fjords and inlets of coastal Kargrave are infested with pirates, often outcast ironbeard dwarves and half-orcs pushed out of their native tribes who row small, fast boats to overwhelm merchant ships. In such dangerous waters, the triton warpriest Ecthelia and her trusty hippocampus steed Igsirion. While Echtelia’s divinely granted abilities are flashier, Igsirion is a skilled and canny fighter, with a knack for adapting to combat situations just as formidable as any surface brawler’s. Though no coward, the hippocampus has a degree of common sense and restraint that the stubborn, occasionally impulsive Ecthelia sometimes lacks.
- Tome of Horrors Complete 368 and Bestiary 2 155
I recommend reading through that Wikipedia article on Posiedon, especially the origins and the way the god was interpreted in different regions. There's a lot of interesting things in ancient Greek myth and lore that have gotten lost in the popular renditions that can inspire a game. 
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