#nestor oceteva fic
Beg Me - A Nestor Oceteva/Reader Smut Drabble.
So, I’ve never written for this dude before, but I know a few of you will be interested for me to do so, so here you are!
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Words - 385
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
The slick sound of his fingers rotating within the heat of your needy core fills the air with lewdness, your sighs longing, his hand clutched at your neck as he stares down at you, his eyes like two dark, onyx shards, lips upturning into a smirk.  
“Please, Nestor,” you breathe, your thighs juddering, a little mewl of delight tumbling from your parted lips as his thumb begins to rub a slick circle over your clit, tight and precise, his mouth peppering kisses along your jaw. “I need your cock.”  
He eyes you curiously, his head tilting a little, his long mane of wild, beautiful curls falling like a curtain over your bare flesh. “I know you do, little doe. You gotta tell me the words I wanna hear first, though.”
You know he won’t relent, he will grant no clemency until you submit entirely, his enjoyment at keeping you hanging on the silk threads of anticipation, primed to snap at any moment, far too great for him to show you any mercy. He is not that man, but he is fair. Eventually.  
You wail at the feel of his fingertips massaging sparks through your walls, his grip around your throat tightening and relaxing, the weight of him pushing you down, making you his. As if you would be anyone else’s.  
“Who do you belong to?”
He blinks slowly, nodding. “Yes, you do. All mine, to do with as I please, and fuck, baby. How I want to pin you down and remind you of that, treat you good, fuck this wet little pussy the way you love me to, but I won’t. Not until I hear it.”
The feeling of his fingers moving in an undulating wave, his thumb stroking sugar drenched embers over thousands of nerve endings has you shaking, whining, dying for more, his gaze intent as he watches you descend into the mindlessness he chases you into, grinning at your stupefaction.  
“Please,” you pant, your body arching against his, Nestor pushing you down with the weight of his broad chest, his cock hard against your hip. “I’m begging you. Please fuck me.”
“Mmm,” he murmurs, removing his fingers and finally, replacing them for the thick heat of his cock. “That’s my good girl. All you had to do was beg me.”
A/N - Please, be good to your author and reblog if you enjoyed this. Don’t want to reblog because it doesn’t match the aesthetic of your blog? That’s fine. Leaving a little comment of appreciation goes a long way!
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drabbles-mc · 6 months
Not My Idea
Nestor Oceteva & GN!Reader
Warnings: 18+, language
With the help of This Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting and my trusty Wheel of Names with every character I’ve ever written for, I’m aiming to write a fic in 500 words or less every day of March.
Prompt: nature walk
Word Count: 300
A/N: The second I got Nestor for this prompt I knew exactly what I had to do 😂
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In the whole time you’d known and worked alongside Nestor, there had been very few times when he didn’t look annoyed, or exhausted, or something adjacent to those emotions. However as the two of you trudged across a seemingly endless path of dirt and sand, he looked more pissed off than usual.
You weren’t exactly enjoying yourself, per se, but Nestor’s annoyance seemed to make yours lessen in a childish way.
“Who’s idea was it to stash this all the way out here?”
“Not fuckin’ mine,” he grumbled.
You chuckled, kicking small stones out of the way as the two of you continued to make your way. “Yeah, you don’t seem like a nature walk kind of guy.”
“This isn’t a—never mind,” he stopped himself short, knowing that you were just trying to get under his skin. Problem was that you had a good track record of being successful at it.
“I would’ve worn better shoes if I knew we were going on a hike,” you joked. You paused as you looked at what he was wearing. “You did know and still didn’t wear better shoes so I guess I’ve got—”
“Are you done?” he cut you off.
You laughed. “I’ll be done when we get where we’re going.” You took a couple steps and landed yourself right beside him, doing your best to make your stride match his. “So I’d put some pep in your step if you wanna get this over with quicker.”
He shook his head, not turning to look at you knowing you’d just start carrying on more. “I’d move faster if I had better shoes on.”
You laughed, nudging his elbow with yours. “Was that a joke? You know how to make those? You’re familiar with humor as an artform?”
“Just keep walking.”
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NSFW 18+ - Not smutty but smut implied.
It was one of those rare days in Santo Padre where the cool air reminds you that there are four seasons, the scent of death lingers in the air. The leaves, the soil, the grass, all dying as autumn blows through town, everything tinged brown. The click of her boots echo through the empty park as she slides into the cold metal chair, placing her handbag carefully on the ground she pulls out a smaller bag emptying it on the chess board table. 
Her long fingers placing the pieces from their last meeting, satisfied with their placement she leans back, studying the board. Trying to predict his next move. She doesn’t have to wait long, as he slides into his seat, no acknowledgement of her as he slides his next move. 
A smirk dances across his lips as he watches her, her skin glowing, she’s always been brighter than anything in this town. He watches as she cocks an eyebrow studying the board. Her tongue darted out, licking her lower lip, before her teeth sank in. He wonders what it would be like to sink his teeth into her delicate lips, would she enjoy it, or would she shed a tear? He doesn’t know which option excites him more. 
She finally looks up, his hair is out of his normal braids, his curls cascading around his face, a hint of the wildness that sits just under his skin. Her eyes roam, taking in his wide shoulders and hard chest. His tattoos poking out of his shirt collar and his wrists, she lets her mind wander, wondering just how far down his ink goes. Her fingers hover over her next move, and without a second thought she captures two of his pieces. 
A soft laugh escapes his lips, as her eyes meet his dark ones, getting lost in the soft flecks of gold within. 
“One of these days I’m going to stop letting you win,” he murmurs. 
“You’ve never once let me win,” she retorts. 
“No?” he asks, cocking his eyebrow as he makes his next move. 
She gazes down at the board, thinking of her next move “why would you?” she asks. 
He leans back in his chair stretching his legs out, his jeans brushing up against her stockings, the heat from his body making him shiver. 
“Maybe I just want to get back in your good graces,” he smirks. 
“There are better ways to get back in my good graces” she states, making her move, her eyes studying his fingers, wondering what they would feel like against her bare skin, skimming across her ribs, cupping her breasts, rolling her nipples between them. 
She can feel the intensity of his gaze, as she looks up meeting his eyes again. His tongue darts out, licking his lower lip, another shiver runs through her. 
“You could get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness to start with” she says, moving her final piece into place “Checkmate” she smirks as she packs up the pieces, as he leans back in his chair, smirking at her. 
She slides an envelope across the table as she stands, picking her handbag up and slings it over her shoulder. As she starts to walk away his hand snakes out grabbing her arm, she can feel his warmth through the thickness of her coat, his fingers setting her alight. 
She looks down at him as he smirks up at her “tell me when and where” he murmurs, his voice tinged with anticipation and desire. 
She reaches into her coat pocket pulling out the card she prepared earlier, dropping it into his lap, leaning down as she brushes her lips across his ear.
“Don’t be late,” she whispers, feeling the shiver run through him. 
Straightening up, she walks back out of the park, her heels echoing against the concrete, his eyes burning into her from behind. 
Once she’s out of sight he picks up the card she dropped, heavy paper, embossed with gold detailing only an address with a date and time, neatly typed. 
He smirks down at the card “checkmate” he mutters to himself as he collects the envelope off the table and heads out of the park himself. 
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zaenight · 1 year
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MAMA DIDN'T RAISE NO BITCHES // Ez reyes : Nestor octeva CHAPTER 1
Patiently waiting for ep 1 and 2 of mayans s5 😗
"Uncle Tig we'll be fine , you said Marcus set us up with a house , stop whining." Jess said , Jessie Trager , the youngest niece of Tig , told the man who was spouting out profanities.
"He's right to worry , what if the sons and mayans go to war and they try to kill us for being related to him." Sage , her older sister stated.
"Thats not helping! , and your the one who wanted to move!" Jess exclaimed jumping up and down.
"Just stating the facts." Sage said .
"The lass is right , yer sure ya can't move somewhere close by." Chibs said , he became the president after Jax teller passed , he also happened to be Jessie's godfather.
"Alvarez said they needed a Docter that they could trust , Moving to santo Padre could make the bond stronger." Happy lowman stated , The tacoma killer was the godfather of Sage , who like him , was an expert of torture.
"I like torturing more than I like healing , but we get a house already set up and everything , It would be a shame to waste this oppurtunity , Plus Chucky's there , we'll know someone." Sage stated as Jess made a noise of disgust.
"Still can't belive you lost the card game and had to give up
Chucky." Jess said to Chibs.
"We'll be a call away Little girl , just calll if we need to kill some Mayans." Happy stated as Sage got into their packed car , Jess hugged the three men , hopping in.
"Where's the fun in that when you could do it yourself." Sage said winking  as Jess started rambling about getting this show on the road.
The two arrived at a house , it Reminded the girls of Piney's cabin , which they stayed at frequently , No other houses around , but not too far from town , it was perfect.
"Marcus , Thank you for this." Sage told the man she and her sister have known since they were children , The mayans and sons had their ups and downs , not only that but Sage had dated his son Esai , who would've proposed to her , until his death , she still has the ring on a chain around her neck , It was found by Diana , his mother ,and the first wife of marcus alvarez , who gave it to the then seventeen year old, no one has seen her sense the death of esai.
"No need for that niñita , welcome to Santo padre , if you two need anything , call." He said as they thanked him.
"Angel where's your Prospect?" Obispo Losa , also known as Bishop , president of the mayans charter , asked
the man.
"He went too see our old man." Angel Reyes said , his little brother had some years shaved off his sentence , and is now prospecting for the club.
"Need him on this run , and Marcus wants him to show the trager girls around." Bishop said to him.
"Protection? , and the Bone lady and that little manipulator are here?" Angel said , you may be asking why he called Jess a manipulater , simply because she'll act dumb then end up beating you at your own game.
"Yes those two , Sage will be our go too doctor , Think he's ready?" Bishop questioned.
"Yeah." Angel said.
"Good." The shorter man said as he and Hank walked away.
It went wrong fast , they got shot up , Sage and Jess drove to the rescue , Miguel was Pissed as he greeted the two.
Sage rushed over to Creeper , Greeting the men , Jess knew a bit of medical stuff thanks to her , so she helped with Riz,Ez and Sage locked eyes before she focused on creeper.
"So who was it ?" Miguel questioned the men , Creeper winced as Sage took a bullet out , cleaning the wound.
"Don't know , they were pros." Bishop said as Galindo looked through a book of fabrics.
"Well At least we didn't lose 2.4 million in product to a bunch of amateurs." Miguel stated.
"They ambushed us sir , came out of nowhere." Creeper said as Sage made a makeshift sling out of fabric , Riz had somewhat recover , Its the best she could do without proper equipment , he'll have to go to another doctor untill she can get her hands on Stuff.
"You'll need time to heal , no going out and about for awhile." Sage stated to creeper , as Jess started twirling around in circles until she sat down.
"We change route... , vehicle...,time and day, every run is different , So... they came out of somewhere , and someone gave them the details." Miguel stated getting up.
"No one in my club." Bishop stated as Creeper winced.
"Implying im the one foolish enough , to employ a traitor ? , hmmm." Miguel said , no one noticed the two girls , angel , and coco , glance at eachother.
"The guy holding Gilly was dark skinned , Ink on his arm , it looked like uh... tribal letters , B-T-T." Ez said , as a prospect , a new one , speaking out of turn without being asked was a big no no.
Sage loved it , she was gonna enjoy every second of it.
"He remembers shit , had guns at our heads , who knows what the hell he saw." Angel sajd turning back around.
"The Prospect." Miguel said as Jess got up looking through fabrics.
"B-T-T , base town tribe , samoan gang out of san Bernardino." Bishop said thinking.
"Didn't some of them do time for killing Haji ?" He asked.
"Fallujah , Rival company crazy as fuck." Coco said.
After discussing who it was that shot them up , Miguel wanted the shot caller , and they were gonna get him what he wants , threataning to kill a mayan if the shot called isn't at his church pew by tommorow , but the girls did realize he glanced towards them for a bit.
Yeah so much for not being on his radar.
But anyways Bishop had punched Ez for speaking out of turn.
"You don't speak unless we tell you too , I don't give a shit what you remember , Educate your prospect." Bishop told him before turning to angel.
Sage clapped slightly gaining their attention , Before helping Ez up , checking his face.
They walked away with taza telling them to Bring creeper to the doctor that usually takes care of them , honestly why is she here , he also stated that El Padrino's on his way.
They're lucky she's being paid , Jess was skipping around creeper , who laughed at the girl , who seemed to brighten things up.
"Padrino , Godfather." Ez translated as Angel got him up from the chair Sage sat him down on.
"Alvarez , The reason me and Jess came here." Sage stated , As Jess ran ahead of them spouting nonsense,into the tunnels they went.
"Right there , Careful!" Sage exclaimed , as She helped the older male docter prepare stuff.
"Hiciste un buen trabajo, quizás tenga que contratarte." The doctor said to Sage as Jess sat down.
(you did a good job , I might have to hire you)
"gracias señor, hice lo mejor que pude con lo que tenía a mano, y podría aceptar esa oferta." Sage replied perfectly.
(thank you sir , I did my best with what was on hand , and I might take you up on that offer.)
And then they got to work , with Jess asking when the fuck she learned spanish.
Part 1 of ep 1 perro/oc
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garbinge · 3 months
Do What You Gotta Do
Nestor Oceteva x Erin Thomas
Summary: Erin & Nestor through the years.
30 Day Fic Challenge (29/30)
Word Count: 10.5k
A/N: Another Ao3 exchange fic for @drabbles-mc that i never got the chance to post here!
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Mentions of bullying, killing. angsty, not a happy ending, more angst lol.
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @kmc1989
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Erin tended to stay confined in her room when her sister and her friends were over. It never used to be that way, when the two of them were younger she often was found right next to her sister or close behind. They were loud, Erin usually being the more lively of the two but the giggles that traveled throughout the halls of the Thomas house were from both of them. The two Thomas sisters were actually inseparable, even throughout Emily’s years of high school. It was a sister bond that couldn’t be swayed the way a friendship could, a sister bond that could withstand the typical disagreements and fights of siblings. A sister bond that could still hold itself close to what it originally and always was. A sister bond that would eventually break when Emily came home on break from college.
Erin was never a fan of Miguel since that day her older sister brought him over to meet the family on that first Thanksgiving break of Emily’s college years. He was arrogant, opinionated, smug and overall just a dickhead as Erin so boldly put it. Which is why whenever Emily had him and his friends over, Erin found herself fully content alone in her room.
Currently, she sat on her bean bag chair with her headphones over her ears, there was a notebook in her hand as she doodled the time away, her legs were probably going to start falling asleep as the minutes passed with them tucked close to her chest and her feet tangled in the depths of the sunken bean bag.
Despite the volume of her music being pretty high, she could still hear the laughs and noises of her sister’s company downstairs. It was normally around the time she’d use the noise as an excuse to get up and stretch her legs and then close the door but she found herself at this moment, doorless. It was an old school punishment but her mother had insisted their housekeeper removed the door of the younger Thomas girl’s bedroom after a pretty heated argument between the two. Privacy was a privilege and privacy is earned. Her mother’s words were so typical of a parent who had lost control of their teenage daughter and was scrambling to try and regain it back.
Erin was feeling the consequences of her loss of privacy when she looked up to see someone in the hallway staring at her. If she didn’t know her sister had people over she probably would have screamed and made some flailing attempt at bum rushing the man in her own defense but she just assumed it was one of Emily or Miguel’s loser friends.
“You’re fuckin’ creepy.” Erin had removed her headphones and readjusted herself to stare back at the kid.
“Sorry.” The man looked flustered and pointed behind him to the balcony and then to the stairs. “I, uh, they told me to leave them alone so I’m kind of just roaming around trying to avoid them.”
Erin frowned now and stood up, she saw the man tense up by her abruptness and while Erin loved to tease people, she ignored the temptation in her to jump scare this random person as she moved to look over the balcony into the living room.
The patio door had been opened and through the big living room window she could see her sister, Miguel, a couple random people and someone who looked just like the man 5 feet from her but with a beard in the pool that was just recently opened for summer. It was slowly coming together for her, all assumptions, but she was pretty firm in her thinking.
A nod shook from her head as she pushed off the railing and moved back into her room, just as she re-entered the bedroom her head looked over her shoulder at the man who was clearly nervous and frozen in the middle of the hallway.
“No invite needed when there’s no door to block you out.” Erin waved her hand in a very over-exaggerated way to invite the man in.
He was still nervous but listened to the girl’s words and stepped into her room, trying to look around at his surroundings but not wanting to be any more intrusive than he had been.
“Privacy is a privilege.” The girl spoke those words in a mocking way as she plopped down on her bed and waved her arms again in an attempt to tell the man he could look around freely.
“Is that why you don’t have a door?” He asked, looking around at the posters taped to the walls.
“I don’t have a door because Diana is a bitch.”
Nestor turned to look at the girl with an inquisitive look.
“My loving and adoring mother.” Erin smiled so sarcastically.
“Erin.” The man pointed to the artwork above where her door should have been, it was a calligraphy artwork of her name, each letter made from a different tropical plant.
“That’s me.” She said grabbing a stuffed animal off her bed to use as a pillow to rest her arms on.
“Nice picture.” The man tried to match Erin’s sarcasm but it definitely needed some work.
“Last thing my dad got me before he left.”
“Left to where?” He asked so nonchalantly and was left shocked by her response.
“Prison.” It was one word but it felt so heavy leaving Erin’s mouth despite her light way of saying it. Her inflection made prison seem like it was stepping out to run an errand but the weight of what she truly said wasn’t lost on him. His head snapped to look at her, surprise all over his face and all Erin did was smile. “So you know all these fun things about me, what about you, mystery man?”
“Mystery man?” His eyes frowned.
“Okay, mystery boy. Puberty looks fresh on you.” Her face was twisted in a devious smile at the comment and her eyes were scanning him up and down.
“I just turned 17.”
Erin knew she struck a cord there. “Attacking your manliness, men are so easy.” She rolled her eyes. “What’s your name, mystery boy?” She continued with her teasing.
He stood there, annoyed slightly debating if he was going to walk out or cave in and give his name. It only took one second for his decision to be made. All it took was for the slightest smirk to flash on Erin’s face for all but a second, it was likely her reading him, realizing he was about to bolt but whatever it was it made him speak immediately.
“Sounds like a serial killer's name.” She scoffed and stood up to go by her desk in search of something.
“You’re really rude.” Nestor was again feeling defensive but he had an odd smile on his face.
“Rude or honest?” Erin responded so quickly it made Nestor realize it probably wasn’t the first time she had been accused of being rude. That and she was still rummaging through the things on her desk with no care in the world.
“Here.” She handed him a DVD, Nestor was now realizing this was what she had been searching for the entire time.
“Kill Bill?” Nestor was still so utterly confused by the girl.
“About a killer. Thought you’d like it.” The sarcasm and humor was now dancing with each other as it flew off her tongue.
“She’s technically an assassin.” Nestor was flipping the DVD box over.
“You’ve seen it?” Erin was leaning back against her desk with her arms crossed.
“About a million times. It’s a classic.” He placed the DVD back on her desk when his eyes caught a bunch of different movies scattered around.
“I’m a movie buff.” She shrugged seeing him look over her array of films.
“Classics.” He specified as he noticed the theme to all the disk cases.
“Dying breed.” Erin responded.
“I’ve seen pretty much every one of these at least 3-4 times.” Nestor was still scanning over the different movies. “Except this one.”
“You’re lying.” It was as serious as he had seen Erin since he met her only ten minutes ago. “You’ve never seen Die Hard.” She phrased it as a statement over a question but the way the movie title fell from her lips was like it was a disgrace. “This is like THE classic. I can’t believe you’ve seen The Sound of fucking Music but not Die Hard.” Her voice was full of shock and honestly a little betrayal as she picked up the Sound of Music disk.
“To be fair I haven’t seen The Sound of Music, either.” Nestor shrugged, the odds the girl would pick up one of the few he hadn’t seen didn’t go over his head.
“Whatever, you’re not missing much, I mean Julie Andrews is perfect but it’s singing and nunnery and love. I mean it’s actually great but I can’t believe the serial killer in my room right now has not watched Die Hard.” It was one long-winded sentence and she took a deep breath at the end as she stared at Nestor before jumping into another statement. “You’re coming over Friday. We’re watching Die Hard.” Her head was shaking as she moved back over to her bed and grabbed something from her nightstand.
“You were going to give me Kill Bill to watch on my own.” This was his version of hard to get.
Erin rolled her eyes but it went unnoticed since she was rummaging around her nightstand just to pull out a post-it and start writing on it.
“You get dragged along with your older brother, don’t you?”
Nestor should have been way more aware now to not be shocked by this girl, but he was pretty taken back that she knew.
“How’d you know?”
She turned back around now and looked at him. “If you were friends with them they wouldn’t kick you out. Plus you look like a younger version of the guy that comes with Miguel.”
“Why don’t you hang out with them?” Nestor was genuinely curious.
“Because my older sister kicked me out too.”
“My parents are dead so my brother feels forced to bring me everywhere.”
It was such a heavy statement but said with such ease, very similar to how Erin had told him about her incarcerated father. And Erin got it. She really got it.
Emily and Erin might have had tension between them now that she was getting more involved with Miguel but they both had something that kept them familial. Their parents. Their father was a dark and mysterious man who ended up in prison when they were young and they both equally hated their mother.
With a nod, Erin stood up and stuck the post-it note to Nestor’s chest. He looked down, she wrote on it upside down so he was able to read it immediately.
Movie Night Friday @ 8, bring candy. Tons of it.
“They always get together on Friday Nights here. Ever since school got out for them.” Erin explained.
“So I’ll be here anyway.” He caught on to what she was saying.
“With candy.” Erin interjected.
“With candy.” He laughed and removed the post-it from his chest.
“Nestor!!” A deep voice from downstairs called up interrupting them. “We gotta go!!!”
“I gotta go.” Nestor pointed and began to take steps towards the empty doorway, the smile while faded still filled his face.
Erin smirked, “Do what you gotta do, mystery boy.”
That was all it took. The two 17 year olds became some version of friends as time passed. Honestly, they could have been best friends, but neither of them would have said it out loud. And lucky enough for the both of them, neither Nestor’s brother or Emily cared enough to say anything to them. They probably hadn’t even taken notice enough to even tease them about it.
Erin was passing the bowl of popcorn over to Nestor who was at the opposite side of the couch.
“So you relate to Maria right?” Nestor’s eyes were glued to the TV as his hand extended out to grab the popcorn.
“Are you asking me if I relate to the main character in Sound of fucking Music?” Erin was sprawled on the couch now, her feet taking up a majority of the cushions. She was taking full offense to Nestor's comment and had the tone to prove it.
“I just mean she got sent to this dude’s house because she doesn’t really like rules. Isn’t your mom sending you to that school because you don’t really like rules?” Nestor’s voice still stayed casual despite Erin’s bark.
“We watch these movies because they’re classics not to start a philosophical discussion, blondie.” Erin dismissed him by extending her left foot out and pushing his thigh slightly. The popcorn bowl in his hand spilled out a couple pieces and Nestor let out a laugh at the whole thing.
“I bleached my hair like two weeks ago, when are you going to drop it, red?” Nestor retorted back as he picked up the fallen pieces of popcorn and placed the bowl on the side table next to him.
“Yea, see, Red just doesn’t land the same.” Erin was now crossing her arms and looking over at Nestor. “Plus, you made the impulsive decision to bleach your hair, like, you chose to do whatever that is with your hair,” she pointed to his fried hair which had already grown in his natural roots, “which earns joking rights, I was born with red hair so it just isn’t the same.”
“Julie Andrews has blonde hair.” Nestor pointed to the TV screen.
“Julie Andrews is Julie Andrews.” That was all the explanation Erin needed to use on that argument.
“How is the new school?” Nestor changed subjects.
“Sucks.” It was obvious Erin didn’t want to talk about it.
“Wow it’s like I can envision it with how you describe it.” He wasn’t going to let her dismiss it that easily.
She sarcastically added in an adverb for more detail, “Really sucks.”
“Well now you’re just talking too much.” She had met her match with Nestor.
“Well, we are watching a movie.” The smile on Erin’s face was saying way more than her words ever could. They were saying she felt uncomfortable, that something had to have happened at the school for her to not lay into it in her comedic, sardonic way.
“Why won’t you tell me what happened?”
“Fine you want to know?” Erin was shooting up from her laid back position and now sitting up, her body tense and aggravated. It was like she was a bear and Nestor had done nothing but poke her to irateness. “You really want to know how my new private school is? It’s real swell, we get lockers, mine got vandalized but it’s nothing some nail polish remover and a little elbow grease won’t take care of. The classes are great, learning lots, like how to get kids to stop stealing my stuff or knocking it off my desk.”
It had snapped Erin, the frustration from this last week at her new school was getting hard to cope with and now she was like a floodgate of emotions.
Nestor just sat there, calmly, and listened. When she had taken a moment to breathe deep, he slightly moved forward to pause the movie.
The gesture and the silence that now surrounded them made Erin feel comfortable in some odd way. Comfortable enough to say one more thing.
“They call me Connie.” It was spoken at such a whisper, it was so unlike Erin. Nestor wasn’t even sure if he had ever heard her speak at that volume let alone look the way she looked. She usually took most things with stride, with an attitude and comeback.
“Connie?” Nestor frowned, not only uneasy about her state of being but also confused at the name.
“Short for convict. Apparently everyone figured out my dad’s in prison.”
Now it all came together for Nestor, he knew that could be a tipping point for the girl. She might have been nonchalant in how she talked about it but it didn’t take a genius to realize it was a real weight on her.
“Is that what they wrote on your locker?”
“No, that would’ve been too kind. They drew bars and some shitty version of someone dropping a bar of soap.”
Nestor knew there was nothing he could do, it was a completely different school than where he went and there wasn’t any way he could unenroll her so he did what he did best and just sat and listened to her.
“You wanna finish the movie?” That was Erin’s way of signaling she was done with the conversation. It was Friday night, she wanted a weekend free of school and thoughts of it. Before Nestor could answer he was being interrupted by another voice.
“What are you guys watching?” Miguel had popped into the living room from the kitchen, a fresh beer in his hand as he brought it up to his mouth to drink. His other hand was in his pocket as he stood behind the couch, right in the middle of Erin and Nestor who were still on separate sides of the sofa.
“Hey Mikey.” Nestor nodded to the man.
Erin did all but physically gag as she looked at Miguel. Her eyes rolled, her body language shifted and the attitude was practically dripping off her without a word even being spoken.
“Sound of Music, huh?.” Miguel spotted the DVD case on the coffee table. “Didn’t take either of you as the musical type.”
“It’s a classic.” Erin spoke firmly without even looking at Miguel.
“Ah,” He nodded and took another sip of his beer. “And you’re a fan of the classics aren’t you, Erin?”
“Did you need something, Mike?” Erin snapped her head back to look at the man, the Americanized version of his name slipping off her tongue more harshly than the rest of her sentence.
The smile that grew on his face made her want to grab the popcorn bucket and dump it over his head.
“Actually yea, we were all gonna watch a movie in here, your sister sent me to kick you out. I argued to let you guys be, you seem,” He looked at the large amount of space between you and Nestor and chuckled, “cozy.”
“Erin, out. We’re using the TV.” Emily’s voice came echoing in from the outside patio with a few other mumbles of laughs and conversations behind them.
“We have like 3 TVs in this house, you need this one?” Erin’s voice changed. It wasn’t dripping with the same attitude she had towards Miguel, it was still annoyed, but a lovingly annoyed if that was possible.
“Why don’t you use one of the other TVs.” Emily was barely even paying attention to her sister as she spoke.
“Why don’t you guys do something?” Nestor’s brother was now speaking as he joined Miguel in standing behind the couch. His hand resting on the backrest before he jumped over and plopped down in the middle of the couch. Erin was happy her feet weren’t there any longer because she would have had to jerk them back.
Just as she went to argue, the jingle of metal sounded as Nestor’s brother reached in his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. “Take my car. Scram.” He was throwing them over to Nestor.
“You want to get ice cream?” Nestor asked Erin, not wanting to fight with either Miguel or his brother.
“Foster Freeze.” It was a demand from Erin’s mouth as she stood up and grabbed her stuff off the coffee table and draped her bag over her shoulder.
“Mom’s going to be home at 10. So be home then.” Emily said as she quickly took the spot Erin was in.
“So you kick me out and then give me a curfew?” Erin was turning around with her arms extended out in a version of disbelief.
“For your own good.” Emily acted like she was looking out for her little sister.
“You can lie to yourself but don’t lie to me.” Erin was grabbing her jacket from the closet when the words left her mouth.
Emily had turned on the TV which drowned out the sound of Erin’s voice from her ears. With an eye roll and a heavy stomp of her feet Erin exited the house with a deep exhale, barely missing Nestor’s shoulder with her own. She didn’t want to take her frustration out on him but part of her couldn’t help it when she saw how docile he got around his brother and Miguel.
Silence was at the top of the conversation between Erin and Nestor as they sat across the booth from each other. As each clank of metal utensils hit the glass jars Erin grew more and more annoyed. It felt like her rage was moving a degree up a thermometer with every spoonful of ice cream.
“So you wanna talk about it?” Nestor wasn’t even looking at Erin when the words left his mouth, in fact the words were even muffled as the spoonful of ice cream melted in his mouth.
That broke Erin. Her frustration fully apparent now as she tossed the spoon into her glass causing it to clink around loudly and fall on the table with a couple more loud noises.
“Why the fuck do you suck their dicks like that?”
“Excuse me?” Nestor looked up from his ice cream, frown extremely evident on his face.
“Oh don’t play fuckin’ coy. It doesn’t suit you.” Her back fell against the back of the booth as her arms crossed, her head shook, and her eyes stared off to the side of the shoppe.
“What are you talking about?” Nestor was looking straight at Erin now.
“That shit with them, you act like they’re cool, like–like they’re your friends.” The disgust was evident in her voice.
“I’m pretty sure I said like five words.” Nestor was confused, he had asked Erin if she wanted to talk about it because he thought all her frustration was at Emily not him.
“Hey Mikey.” Erin’s voice got deep as she rocked her shoulders back and forth in an attempt to mock Nestor. If he thought the way she said Mike before was harsh, the addition of the vowel on the end of the man’s nickname in her mockery was ten times that.
“That’s two words.” Nestor was getting annoyed, his leg began shaking as he moved it up and down.
“Yea two words that make me want to throw up–you’re so fucking nice to them, for what?” Erin’s face was twisted in pure confusion. In her head right now there was no explanation that would be worthy to her. She couldn’t stand any one of her sister’s friends, and honestly, her sister was probably top of that list at the moment. Truthfully, all of this anger was a result of pain and hurt. She missed her sister, and blamed the people she hung out with for taking her away. While that did hold some truth, most of Erin’s anger was misplaced there, it really came from her feeling like she was losing everyone around her. She lost her father when he went to jail, her mother shortly after that to her attitude and the bottle, and now her sister.
“They’re all I got.” Nestor’s voice was so much the opposite of Erin’s, his demeanor was calm, solemn, almost peaceful. “When I lost my parents, my brother took me in, he might be a dick sometimes but he’s done everything for me.” He shook his head, “and Mikey, he’s like a brother to me.” A shrug left his shoulders. “I get it, they’re jerks right, but when push came to shove they’d be there for me.”
“You believe that?” Erin still was holding on to whatever parts of her anger that she could even though she sympathized with Nestor, maybe even got a little jealous of the dynamics he shared.
“I know it.” Nestor was firm in his voice, no doubt at all. “It’s the same with you, your sister would do anything for you.”
“I don’t believe that.” Erin rolled her eyes.
“You don’t have to, but it’s the truth.” Nestor scooped the last of his ice cream in his mouth and nodded. “When it comes down to that make or break moment, she’d be there for you.”
Another set of eye rolls came from Erin as she let out a huff. “I don’t have anyone.”
“You have me.” Nestor now leaned back against the booth and crossed his own arms matching Erin’s pose.
Her eyes darted up immediately to meet his. “I don’t believe that.” She repeated the same sentence as before but this time it was said in a way like she wanted him to convince her.
“Well keep up with the crude comments and I don’t know.” He was joking, but before he could double down with another joke his eyes met Erin’s and he knew immediately what she was looking for.
“You got me, you know that, right?”
Erin sat there, there were a bunch of things going through her mind at this point. Her frustration was still lingering. Thoughts of Miguel and Nestor’s brother casually floating around, her sister, the relationship they used to have compared to now, the words Nestor said about Emily, wondering if they really did hold truth. But now, the main thing in her head was that this man, this man who was just some strange boy standing in front of her bedroom door 5 months ago was now telling her he was going to be there for her–no, is there for her. Erin hadn’t trusted a man since her father and despite the love she had for him, he was the reason she couldn’t find it in her to trust anyone. Everyone leaves. It was what she had to tell herself to keep the emotions at bay, control situations, it was why the Emily situation hurt her so much, she trusted her and now felt like she was betraying that trust.
And now, the boy who was telling her that Emily wasn’t betraying her, that when it really came down to it she’d be there, was telling her that he was there.
“I don’t have anyone.” Erin mumbled the words but Nestor heard them perfectly.
“Hey, I’m here.” Nestor was bending his head down to meet Erin’s gaze which had fallen to the floor. His voice was optimistic, it was almost like he didn’t understand the weight of what he was saying, and honestly he didn’t, but it didn’t matter to Erin because in this moment she just needed someone, someone who would be there.
“Okay.” Erin’s voice had completely flipped since the beginning of their conversation. It was soft, shaky, and even a little weepy as a tear fell down her cheek.
Nestor’s hand came out to grab hers and with it came a squeeze. Erin was glad that was all it was because if he had gotten up to hug her it would have released the flood gates entirely and she would be a sobbing mess in the middle of her favorite ice cream place.
“I’m gonna go pay, I’ll be right back, okay?”
Erin had started to pull herself back together, her attitude and normal toned voice coming back along with the tears fully disappeared from her face now as she wiped it clean.
“Yea, do what you gotta do.”
Erin didn’t want to go to prom, it wasn’t exactly her scene. It also wasn’t like she was close friends with anyone at her school, most everyone found their reasons to bully her and make fun of her. All of that gave her one giant reason to say no to going to prom. But then Diana happened to come across the info online. If there was shopping involved, especially for a dress, Diane was in. That didn’t mean Erin wasn’t going to actively and loudly complain about it. Every time they went dress shopping, every fitting, every mention at something to do with prom, Erin let her opinion on it be known. But deep down, she was happy that her mom was forcing her to go, because it brought her and Emily together on something and it was the first time in a long time where the two girls actually enjoyed being together.
The two were laughing, they were whispering and gossiping like middle schoolers, they were causing trouble in stores, having their mother yell at them like they were children again. It made every prom task bearable. Emily had been home for the summer, Miguel had stayed back on campus for an additional month to take a quick summer course. It was what Erin would have described as a dream. Her weeknights were movies with Nestor and ice cream afterwards with Emily. Once or twice the three hung out together, but that basically consisted of Nestor third wheeling all while the young Thomas girl teased him for being so quiet and shy.
The month of May might have become some of Erin’s most treasured days. It didn’t matter that she had to go to prom or that she had to go to that stupid school, she had two of her favorite people to lean on and that was all she needed.
The doorbell rang and it caused a frown to fill Erin’s face as she turned in her floor length royal blue dress that was picked out by her mother. Emily’s face turned into a grin as she moved to the door, resting her digital camera to the side for the first time since her little sister had entered the living room. It didn’t matter that Emily was the one who was upstairs with Erin for hours getting her ready and was able to take all of this in then, she needed to document as much of this moment as possible.
“Who is that?” Diana looked visibly annoyed. The audacity of someone interrupting her special night.
As Emily approached with someone very closely behind her, she stepped aside as the hallway ended and the living room began and swiftly moved to the right. With eagerness in her voice, and a smile that easily reached from ear to ear, she introduced the person who was walking in behind her.
“Look who’s here! It’s Nestor!”
Erin’s face was shocked, not because he was here and seeing her in this ridiculous prom dress but because he was standing 5 feet from her, in a suit. His hair was freshly shaped up on the sides and gelled curls sitting on the top, as Erin’s eyes moved down, she saw his black skinny tie tucked behind the lapels of his black suit jacket, all accented against the crisp white button up. Her gaze moved over to his left where his pocket sat. Within it was a rich blue handkerchief sticking out where a matching boutonniere was clipped on. The deep blue flower and baby’s breath didn’t just match her dress with the perfect royal hue but it was paired with the corsage he was fiddling with in his hands.
That’s when a small smile tugged at her face. As she stared at the corsage in his hands, she saw the rings still on his hands, one his brother had gifted him for his birthday, and the other that he had always sported since she met him. Taking in this completely new Nestor felt a lot easier seeing those rings.
“What are you doing here?” Erin’s voice was a whisper and despite her excitement peaking through slightly, there was still some confusion in her tone.
“I, uh, asked him to be your date tonight.” Emily had her mouth closed but she was smiling as she said it, her eyes bouncing from her sister and the man to her left.
“Oh shoot!” Emily gasped. “I should have taken a picture of your reaction, can you make the face again, reenact it, oh my gosh, look it’s Nestor in a suit!” Emily tried to mimic her words from before while adding in some description for context of what she was looking for from Erin. But before she could even bring the camera up to her face to look through the viewfinder, there was a nagging voice interrupting.
“Emily, you didn’t match the colors. If you were going to do this little surprise for your sister, the least you could have done was put a little effort into getting them to look like dates.” Diana’s whining voice filled the air.
“Mom, can you just relax, enjoy the moment.” Emily was moving over to her mother to ease the tension she was inevitably bringing to the room. “Nestor, go over by Erin, let us take a few pictures so you both can get out of here.” Emily’s eyes rolled to look over at her mother and then quickly changed to look through her camera, ready to snap a few pictures and push the two out.
The minute Erin closed the car door she was turning to look at Nestor. “What the hell are you doing?
“Going to prom.” Nestor shrugged as he leaned forward to turn the key into the ignition.
“Yea, but why?” Erin looked around to realize that this was his brother’s car, his prize possession. “And why are we in your brother's car?”
“Your sister asked. Plus, I figured you could use some friendly company tonight.” It was said so nonchalantly.
“And the car?” Erin accepted his statement about coming with her to prom and was waiting for the answer to her last question.
“The car,” his grin grew wide, “the car, I stole from my brother.” Nestor began to drive out of the Thomas’ driveway. His left hand was tight on the wheel and his right was resting comfortably on the middle console as the 91 Nissan coasted on the neighborhood streets of Santo Padre.
“He’s gonna kill you.” Erin matched his grin and fell back comfortably in the seat.
“Worth it.” A shrug fell from Nestor’s shoulders before he turned right to get on the main highway. “I know how much you love this car, it’s the one thing about my brother that doesn’t make you mumble under your breath or roll your eyes.” Nestor knew Erin so well. “If anything,” he pointed with his right hand while still staring out the windshield, “you actually stare mesmerized at this thing whenever he pulls up in it.”
“It’s cool.” Her shoulders lifted up and fell quickly trying to seem as indifferent as possible. “Plus,” she quickly added another statement in her own defense, “it's purple, who doesn’t stare at a purple car.”
Nestor nodded, he wasn’t going to argue with the girl, especially not on her prom night. Instead he just looked at how empty the highway was, then a thought popped into his brain. It took him a minute to decide if it was a good idea but ultimately he thought ‘what did he have to lose’? His foot pressed against the gas, his eyes quickly glancing over to see the pure joy on Erin’s face as the odometer kept increasing as they made their way to her school.
Prom was uneventful, but if Erin was honest she was beyond grateful Nestor was there with her. It made the night not just bearable but maybe even a little enjoyable.
Currently the two were leaving the photo booth, full of laughs. ‘The fun flask’, as Erin referred to it, was on its last leg. There was maybe 4 shots left in it which would likely not be evenly distributed between them both.
“You wanna dance?” Nestor’s hand on Erin’s back as he guided her out of the booth didn’t go unnoticed by the girl.
“You’re drunk.” She accused him with a quick whip of her neck to stare at him shocked by his words.
“No, but you are. You’ve been sipping way more from that flask than I have.” Nestor pointed out.
Erin’s eyes moved from Nestor to the dance floor to see the big crowd of people on the wooden tiles. “If I’m drunk, I don’t know how smart hitting the dance floor’s gonna be, Nes.” Erin’s eyebrows lifted up as he head tilted.
“What’d I tell you? I got you.” His hand tightened on her back and before she could answer her feet were moving her closer to the crowd.
The song slowed down, offering them up a moment to take things easy as they swayed back and forth. Nestor’s hands were comfortably resting on Nestor’s back, her long red hair brushing against them as the slight breeze from their side by side movements. Nestor wasn’t drunk, but those couple shots he did take earlier in the night were giving him the liquid courage to have his fingers playing around in the ends of it.
And Erin was drunk enough to not only let it happen but mention it.
“You’re handsy tonight.” She beamed as she said it.
“So are you.” Nestor looked down to where her arms rested on his shoulders, her hands were twisted over each other behind his neck and mindlessly playing with the curls of his she could reach.
“You know, between you and the fun flask, this night went from bearable to maybe a little enjoyable, to one of the best nights I’ve had in a really long time.”
It was one of the handful of times Erin had said something that wasn’t tainted in sarcasm or a joke. Any one of those attributes that while Nestor had a secret appreciation for, he couldn’t help but also love these rare intimate moments with the girl.
“I’m glad I came.” Nestor held his composure as he always did, despite feeling the nerves and sweat all as his heartbeat sped up.
Subconsciously the two moved closer together, their bodies resting against each other, their foreheads centimeters from touching. Nestor’s left hand moved up to grab Erin’s right. His hand first caressed up to her arm, it was light and made Erin’s heart flutter, but then when it rested as a soft grip on her hand her heart started to beat heavy. She suddenly became super aware of how close the two were to each other. Every thought running through her mind at light speed. The endless nights the two had spent together but not one where they were remotely this close, or looked this good. The laughs were nothing compared to the giggles the two shared tonight. Erin never realized any of this before, and if she did she made damn sure to bury it deep without giving it a single thought. Nestor on the other hand, realized it every time he looked at her, every time she spoke, yelled, rolled her eyes. From the moment he saw her, Nestor knew he had feelings for her. But he never could find it in him to act on it.
It’s why now he couldn’t either.
“I have to tell you something.” The words were drowned out by the crowd and music, so when Erin had replied “what?” it was in hopes Nestor would repeat the sentence but instead he just shared the news and to his luck the DJ had just began to fade out the song.
“I joined the Navy, I leave on the first day of summer.”
Erin felt everything in her freeze, but that was after everything dropped. Her heart fell to her stomach, her stomach fell to the floor it felt like and then everything just froze. She thought it was like 10 minutes of her just standing there, but it was barely 10 seconds.
“Wow–uh,–well, we know blue is your color.” Erin’s eyes moved to the boutonniere and her hands loosened slightly from behind his neck but didn’t fall completely.
“Are you mad?” The worry in Nestor’s face did something to Erin. It made everything that she wanted to do just mere seconds ago disappear. The sarcasm was rising back up, her coping mechanism to this exact thing falling into all the right places. But instead of being mean about it, she took her acerbity and decided to joke.
“Not mad, G.I. Joe. Confused how you’re going to make it out at sea when you couldn’t even swim in a pool after watching Jaws.”
“I told you that happened when I was a kid, I was like 10.” Nestor defended himself.
“When we rewatched it I saw how you looked at our pool the next day. Looking for fins and ghosts of marine biologists.”
“I’m glad you’re not mad, I thought you’d be mad.”
If he says mad one more time I’m going to rage. Was the thought in her head but the words that came out were ones of opposition. “Nope, not mad.
“I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.” Nestor smiled, the irony that he was removing her hands from around his neck in the moment he said that. “I gotta take a piss, I’ll be right back, okay?” He squeezed her hands before dropping them and walking away before he could hear the girl’s answer.
Erin stood there, alone, watching Nestor walk away as every emotion she tried so hard to bury for years came barreling to the forefront and just let out a murmur.
“Yea, do what you gotta do.”
The time passed differently when there was a countdown attached to it. There was always a weight hanging over each day, pressure to make the most out of what was left. Each day that the sun stayed out a little longer meant a little less time that was left Nestor went away to boot camp. It was ironic how the days were getting longer but it was just a sign that they were running out.
“Last night home.” Erin plopped down next to Nestor who was sitting on a park bench as the festival that always kicked off the day before summer started commenced in front of them. Erin was holding out a corn dog for Nestor while she started to eat hers.
“I don’t know why you like these things.” He spoke completely ignoring her comment and going to take a bite from the corndog before he took it out of her hand.
“Yet you still eat them.” Erin’s mouth was full as she spoke with a shoulder raise and head shake in disbelief at the words coming out of his mouth.
“It’s like they’re so bad that they’re good.” He explained.
It got quiet between the two as they ate, a comfortable silence as the noises of the festival around them filled the air. Laughs from children chasing each other on the concrete street that was blocked off from cars and littered with food trucks and stands selling things. Music from a live band just a few 100 feet to their left near the park’s lake. The white noise from the bouncy houses that were behind them set up on the large fields of grass.
“Remember this festival last year?” Erin changed topics as she dipped half of her corn dog in cheese.
As she did it, Nestor looked over and realized what she was doing and quickly dipped his own food into the small cheese cup in Erin’s hand.
“Yea, you threw up the 5 corndogs you ate.” Nestor let out a laugh.
“It was 7,” she clarified, those extra two corn dogs might not have mattered to anyone else but to her they were the culprits of what pushed her to get sick, “but I meant the movie.”
“Sound of Music.” Nestor’s voice had a smile in it, almost like he knew what Erin was going to say next.
“The unfinished movie.” There was a bit of disappointment in her voice.
“They might be playing it tonight.” Hopeful, that was the best way to describe how he was speaking to Erin.
“They aren’t. I checked.” Erin let out a sigh as she fell back against the rest of the bench.
“You want to head to your place? We could watch it there.”
It was obvious, the tension in the air. It all came down to these last few hours. Erin wanted to say yes, she wanted to share the full list of things she had started on prom night. She wanted to grab him by his stupid band t-shirt and pull his face to her own, she wanted to tell him how she felt, every thought that she had regarding him. She wanted to tell him not to go, not to leave. But instead nothing of that sort came out.
“No, it’s okay. Let’s just walk around.” Erin shook her head and immediately was standing up so that there was no room for arguments. She was probably two or three feet away when she turned to the man and nodded her head to the side, pointing to the large area of the park that was blocked off with fair games and prizes. “Let’s see who can beat who in the water gun race, we can call it your first bootcamp training.”
Nestor looked down, his arm was extended on the back rest of the bench as he let out a laugh. “You’re on.”
If Erin thought the weight of the days prior felt heavy, this morning made it look like the force of a feather. It took everything in her to get out of bed, to get dressed. It didn’t help that saying goodbye felt nothing like their normal days. Despite the obviousness of it all, it was the surrounding of people Erin couldn’t stand. People who wouldn’t miss him the way she would, some who would but in their own way. Erin stood behind Miguel and the other Oceteva. Emily was there too, along with a few of their other friends. Most of them standing ahead of Erin, giving handshakes and pep talks mixed with hugs and laughs. Erin felt like a stranger, like an outsider. It was a feeling she’d have to get used to, she was about to be alone again. She hated comparing the two, but it reminded her heavily about her father. Erin couldn’t help but think that she was just meant to be in this world solo, no friends, no one close, just her against life.
It wouldn’t be the worst thing, but after experiencing loss time and time again, Erin couldn’t help but feel she just made it worse on herself.
Her thoughts were interrupted when the sun suddenly stopped shining on her face and it was just a dark shadow in replacement of it. Looking up she saw Nestor, in his boot camp uniform, his hair freshly cut, likely by his brother this morning. He looked nothing like the man she knew, which she thought would make this easier but it made it even harder.
“So I guess, this is it.” Erin held her hand up in an effort to block the sun from hitting her eyes but it was just a displacement behavior to hide her face from Nestor and hopefully manage any emotion that was building up.
“I’m gonna write, you know.” Nestor had his typical young-teen jokey tone of voice behind the little chuckle that came out.
He didn’t realize it at first but it doubled down on everything to Erin. She didn’t feel seen, or understood, if anything it made her think that everything she was feeling was invalid or overexaggerated.
The pain became so evident in Erin’s eyes that no sunglasses, hand over the forehead, or shadow could hide it.
“Hey, I’m serious.” His voice turned earnest. Before any other words could be spoken, Nestor quickly grabbed the girl and brought her against his chest in an embrace. His hands were resting over her shoulders and his head just over her own. Nestor would have never admitted it to anyone but he never thought the smell of shampoo would break his heart the way it was now as he took a harsh inhale as the two teenagers hugged. “I get visitor days, too. I’ll let you know when they are, it’s gonna fly by. I’ll be home before you know it.”
Erin immediately thought about time and how quick the days from prom to now went, how she blinked and the moment arrived and for a minute felt optimistic. Until, she remembered how time worked. Time changed things, time passed slowly when inconvenient and fast when you wanted a moment to savor it. Time rarely worked out in anyone’s favor, and time never worked in Erin’s. She flashed back to saying goodbye to her father, how she expected her weekends to be in a prison parloir amongst people just like her waiting to talk to their convicted love ones but that never happen. Erin was taken off the list and never heard from the man again. She wanted to threaten Nestor, tell him that he had to write, that he had to reach out but it wasn’t her. To be honest, the part of her that knew how to guard herself from pain and hurt started coming out the minute Nestor had told her about joining the Navy and right now was the moment all that progress was going to break or become as solid as a concrete wall.
“Plus, we still have to finish Sound of Music, so obviously I’ll be home soon so we can do that.” Nestor was getting nervous by the girl’s lack of words, it wasn’t like Erin to go silent like this. He’d take any type of response from her, even a sarcastic one. Anything was better than the silence. So he thought.
“Alright, sailor.” Erin was pulling away from the hug but to Nestor it felt more like she was pushing him away. “Don’t all stand on the same side of the ship.” Erin let out a sarcastic joke that normally Nestor would have rolled his eyes at or even responded too but the words gutted him. He didn’t want a sarcastic response, he wanted something deep and real from the girl. It’s when he finally realized what Erin could’ve been feeling.
“You know you still got me, right? I’m not leaving you, I’m–”
“Doing what you gotta do.” Erin’s arms were coming to rub up and down on Nestor’s arm. It was a gesture to ease him but nothing in this moment was going to make either of them feel comfortable.
All Nestor did was nod in response. Erin gave a half smile and squeezed his arm one last time to say goodbye. His brother had honked the horn and yelled out that they needed to go to stay on time. Erin knew there were a few more people who needed to offer their send offs so instead of Nestor leaving her, she pushed him away and let that concrete wall in her heart stand strong and tall.
“Alright sailor, go do what you gotta do.”
One letter. No visits. Eight years.
It was about one month in when Erin received the letter from Nestor. It had been following the 3 she sent on her own. The first two were nonsensical, filling him in on silly things like town happenings, new movies, what’s been going on with her family. When she didn’t get a reply she just figured there were rules for the new trainees, they probably had limits and needed to build a tolerance and understanding to being separated from home for periods of time. But when Emily had come home and told Erin that Nestor’s brother had passed away, Erin didn’t care about Navy rules. That’s what the third letter was, it was a beautifully written note of her condolences, her sorrows, and her love and pain for Nestor, despite her opinion on the older Oceteva, she was fully aware of the bond they shared and how this would affect Nestor especially after losing his parents.
When she got his letter back, she knew it was going to be filled with pain and sadness, but she didn’t expect it to be towards her. She read it over and over again, to make sure she was understanding the words correctly. It was a form of torture reading that letter again and again. The coldness in Nestor, the lack of depth in his words, the inadequate reasonings as to why he was doing this.
After boot camp I’m deploying for 3 cycles. Not coming home anytime soon. Writing to let you know that you should stop. Stop sending letters, stop reaching out, stop thinking about me completely.
After the first day of rereading it came the second. On that second day she only read it once before she set it to flames along with any other mental attachment she had to Nestor. Her pain took her so far that she left Santo Padre on the third day and never looked back.
But here she was eight years later. Back in her hometown but a completely different person. One of ferocity and of independence. She was a person who didn’t take shit from anyone, opinionated and never stifled. It was honestly a lot of her traits from a teenager but heightened, pulled more to the forefront. She never stayed in one place or held onto a relationship for too long, either. She was truly a wildcard.
Currently she was holding up the rocker sign to the security camera that sat in the entrance of her older sister’s house. She didn’t exactly want to be there, but when Miguel called her while she could easily say no to him, she couldn’t say no to Emily. And the way he described it, Emily needed help.
Erin sat on the couch, feeling the weight of their conversation.
“I do always disappear because I hate this fucking town. I never loved it like you do.” Erin was visibly stressed as she spoke to her sister.
“I know but it’s where we grew up. So all our memories are here.” Emily had a definiteness to her words.
“Mm-hmm. Yeah.” Erin crossed her arms and looked up at Emily, a sense of power in her stare. “That’s the problem.” A sarcastic smile filled her face for the briefest second before it fell into a straight face. “I thought you out of all people would understand.” Erin pushed off the kitchen island and crossed her arms.
“Understand what?” Emily was frowning as she brought her espresso cup up to her mouth.
“How often do you see EZ, Em? Must be tough living in this small town running into your teenage sweetheart. The pride of Santo Padre.” Erin was purposely choosing words that would sting and felt emotionally heavy in hopes Emily would get what she was saying without having to say what she actually meant out loud.
The look on Emily’s face gave it away. It was a mix of feeling sick at the mention of EZ, since he went away and Emily went to college it was never brought up again, never talked about between the sisters. It didn’t help that the two didn’t exactly have the bond they used to but it was likely that even if they did Emily would have never brought it up.
“I didn’t realize–” Emily shook her head looking for the right words to say, “you left so soon after he did that I just–” she stopped that sentence and started a new one realizing that thought wasn’t what should have been the sentiment shared to her little sister in this moment. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize.”
That wasn’t exactly the most comforting response either but it was better than rehashing the details.
“All good. We all got our own lives to live, shit to do. Obligations.” That last word was said with such grit and harshness, a repetition of something Emily had used earlier in her argument with Erin to get a leg up on her and belittle her little sister but now was coming back to bite her.
“Make yourself at home, Miguel is out on a work thing and I’m about to head out, we’re still in the process of unpacking so it’s kind of crazy.” Emily changed the subject and took a deep inhale as a way to clear the air from their discussion.
“You got doors on your bedrooms so it’s automatically better than the last house I lived at in Santo Padre.” Erin smirked, a smile where her teeth didn’t show and her cheeks barely raised. It was a smile that would have earned her a slap across the face from her mother but from Emily it just earned her the same smile back as she walked away.
Which is what lead Erin to be sitting on the couch, her arm over her forehead with her eyes shut wishing she was anywhere but here. She shot up quickly though at the sound of a door closing, not sure who it could be if Miguel and Emily were out, she knew her sister had hired help around the house with cleaning and that Miguel had security so it was extremely likely to be someone of that nature but it didn’t stop her from being curious.
As she stood up she peaked into the kitchen where she saw the fridge door open and a pair of slacks and dress shoes. The top half of the person was covered by the door but she assumed by the looks of it, it was a security person.
“Just announcing my presence, don’t want to be shot or anything, I’m Emily’s sister, gonna be here for a while.”
A hand rested on the door of the fridge now it stayed there for 10 seconds before it closed revealing the person in entirety.
Erin recognized him immediately, eight years of differences but she could see right through them. After looking at everything that was the same, she took in what was different. He was more built now, he always had a broad chest but now it was more defined. His hair was in two french braids but you could see the curls peeking out through his baby hairs. As her eyes moved down she saw him wearing a button up dress shirt, anyone else could have overseen the purple color to it, but it was a perfect match to what the eldest Oceteva brother drove when they were in high school.
“What are you doing here?” Nestor’s voice was shaky as he spoke.
Erin let out a scoff. “What am I doing here? It’s my sister's house. What are you doing here?” Her eyes looked down to the holsters across his arms, the guns snuggled tightly in their respective places and it hit her. “Holy shit, you work for him.”
Immediately, she thought about all the things she was going to say to her sister for not warning her, for not giving her the heads up, especially after the things they talked about. It might not have been direct, but Erin knew Emily understood the weight of everything she was saying and she was definitely going to ring her sister out.
Nestor just stood there, not sure what to say.
“You know, I pictured this, running into you back home, the part of me that still romanticizes shit thought maybe it’d be at the day before summer festival, Sound of Music on that stupid blow up projector. I thought you’d apologize, tell me what the fuck happened in that thick ass skull of yours five years ago. And even if nothing came out of it, we’d have some type of fucking closure, some answers.”
“Erin.” Nestor spoke like he was going to take a step forward but he was still frozen in place.
“You’re just as much of the mystery man you were when I first met you. Serial killer and all.” She pointed at the guns on his side, a smile on her face but it was one of full shock and heartbreak.
“I pushed you away because it was the best thing.” It was the first real thing Nestor had said since the two were sharing space in the kitchen.
“And this?” Erin waved her hands in reference to the house around her. “Is this the best thing?” Her hand moved to her head as if a headache was onsetting which wouldn’t have been much of a surprise based on the situation going on right now. “For fucks sake, Nestor. We used to make fun of these guys, we used to shit on them, we hated them.”
“I never hated them. I told you. I told you Mikey was like a brother to me.” There he was the young vocal Nestor that only Erin and a good amount of alcohol could bring out these days.
“So you decide to come and do his dirty work, be his little bitch?” Erin wasn’t going to hold back now. “Real brotherly. Would a brother take your life from you, what kind of fucking life is this Nestor?”
“One with purpose.” He responded so quickly like it was an automated response, like he was on a job interview or was given a script.
Erin let out a laugh. “And to think I loved you.” Her eyes were wide at the statement, it was something she never said out loud before, she thought it, but never spoke it. But that wasn’t why her eyes were wide, it was the shock of whatever was unfolding in front of her.
At the mention of love, Nestor went soft. His eyes softened. Yet another way the two were on completely different pages, completely different wavelengths.
“Don’t worry about it, Nes,” Erin retorted with her own nickname. “We just became the people we were meant to be.” Erin shrugged and made her way toward Nestor. The two were now inches from one another like they were the last time they saw each other, except now Erin wasn’t going to hide any of her emotion, she wasn’t going to bite back any anger.
“I’m not planning on being here long. Got a disappearing act to keep up with. Wouldn’t want to drop any stars on Yelp, you know. Erin the wild, in your city one day and out the next. Guess I have you and my dear old dad to thank for that.”
“Erin.” Nestor whispered her full name and went to move so he could try and grab her hands but she pulled them away like she was near a hot stove. Her hand gravitated to his shoulder and patted it in such a sarcastic manner, the attitude dripping off every syllable she spoke before pushing past him and leaving him alone in the kitchen.
“You do what you gotta do, Nestor. Like you always have.”
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Valentine's Day Bingo Completed and Scheduled!
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All fics have been written and booked in between 31st Jan - 29th Feb
Some of the character selections have changed because the pairings weren't working for me.
All fics are currently on early release over on Patreon if you want to read them before they hit Tumblr otherwise please see the schedule below:
31st Jan: Whiskey - Che 'Taza' Romero x Ben Harrison - Taza and Ben haven't talked about what happened on New Year's Eve. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Hates Valentine's Day)
1st Feb: Tinder - Terry Bruno x Reader - Terry discovers you’re single when he downloads Tinder (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Dating App)
2nd Feb: Polaroid - EZ Reyes x Reader (NSFW) - EZ finds the pictures you’ve left in his book (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Naughty Pictures)
3rd Feb: Coffee Shop AU: Blind Date - Neron 'Creeper’ Vargas x Reader - Neron is surprised to meet his blind date (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Blind Date)
4th Feb: Love Letter - Criminal!Joe (feat: Terry Bruno) - Terry gives you the letter Joe left for you. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Love Letter)
5th Feb: Moment - Filip 'Chibs’ Telford x Reader (NSFW) - Chibs savours the moments he has with you. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Secret Relationship)
6th Feb: Napa - Juan 'Juice’ Ortiz x Reader - Juice takes you on an overnight trip to Napa. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Wine Tasting)
7th Feb: High - Jubal Valentine x Reader - The evening takes a violent turn when you run into your ex Nestor Vertiz. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Seeing Your Ex)
8th Feb: Bold - Damien Powell x Reader - Damien hasn't kissed a woman in years. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Champagne Kisses)
9th Feb: Red - Bobby Goren x Reader - You tease Bobby in the Squad Room. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Red)
10th Feb: Makapipi Falls - Jesse Boone x Reader - Jesse tells you the truth about his feelings during a trip to Makapipi Falls. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Feelings)
11th Feb: Commitment - Tig Trager x Reader - You'll never be Tig's wife, but then again he'll never be your husband. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Expensive Jewellery)
12th Feb: Moonlight - Benny Miller x Reader - Benny's always found the water soothing. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Moonlit Stroll)
13th Feb: King (NSFW) - Angel Reyes x Reader - Angel's Reina needs her king. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Lace)
14th Feb: Mix Tape - Will Trent x Reader - Will finds an unexpected gift on his desk. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Homemade Gift)
15th Feb: Stillwater - Stuart Scola x Reader - Things take a sinister turn after a surprise gift arrives at the house. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Secret Admirer)
19th Feb: When in Rome - Scott Forrester x Reader - Scott waits up for you after a depressing case. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Hotel Stay)
20th Feb: Break (NSFW) - Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson x Reader - Beau inspires you to take a break. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Forgetting)
22nd Feb: Blossom (NSFW) - Michael 'Riz' Ariza x Reader - Riz and you invite a third into the bedroom. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Wild Night)
23rd Feb: Paint (NSFW) - OA Zidan x Reader - You help Omar to relax in a creative way. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Body Paint)
24th Feb: Fair - Vostanik Sabatino x Reader - You find Nik sitting on your doorstep. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Single on Valentine's Day)
25th Feb: Gifts - Nestor Oceteva x Reader - Nestor always works Valentine's Day. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Working on Valentine's Day)
27th Feb: No Questions Asked - Damien Powell x Reader - You give Damien a place to call home when he first arrives in Budapest. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Romantic Meal)
28th Feb: Kicking - Bishop Losa x Reader - Bishop feels his daughter kick for the first time during Coco's wedding reception. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Slow Dance)
29th Feb: Pink - Connor Rhodes x Reader - Connor thinks back to the day the two of you met. (Valentine’s Day Bingo: Wearing Pink)
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proceduralpassion · 6 months
WIP Game
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Tagged by bestie @drabbles-mc
Would y'all believe if I said this is how many WIPs are in my files after deleting hella stuff that's been in there for years lmaoooo. This is crazy but idc 🤷🏽‍♀️ please indulge me and ask me stuff
As Fate Would Have It (Original Fiction, Sci-fi/Fantasy)
PIGZ (Original Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic Horror [think Walking Dead but with college students])
I'm The Sky To You (Original Fiction with Aaron Pierre x Jayme Lawson as face claims, Romance)
For Still Loving Even When I'm Aching- OA Zidan x Tiffany Wallace (one-shot)
Turning Tables- OA Zidan x Tiffany Wallace
Love You Like I Will- OA Zidan x Tiffany Wallace (OrganizedCrime!OA x PrivateInvestigator!Tiff)
Always Win- Vorrester (Celebrity!AU, childhood sweethearts)
Live and Die- Vorrester (Syndicate!AU)
Unrelenting- Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x OC
Ached For- Jake Seresin x OC (Hockey!AU)
Going To The Chapel- Javy Machado x OC
Deeply Stuck- Kevin Atwater x OC
Warm Embrace- Kevin Atwater x OC
Always Yours- Kevin Atwater x OC (High School Sweethearts!AU)
All I Ask- Burzek (Biker!Adam x Assassin!Kim)
Dangerous Road- Juice Ortiz x OC
Got Me Feeling The Way I Do- Opie Winston x OC
Fallin'- Nestor Oceteva x OC
Shoot 'em Up- Jay Halstead x OC (Mafia!Jay)
One Chicago Next Gen Fic
I've Got You- Ivan Ortiz x OC (one-shot)
It's Gonna Be A Scream- Chicago PD (Slasher!AU)
No presh tags: @roosterforme @rayslittlekitten @imagineredwood @darqchilddaydreamz @withmyteeth @ashlingiswriting
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Below is a link to questions about requests!
Questions About Requests
Below is a link to my masterlist!
Masterlist - The masterlist is updated right after I post a new fic so it’s always up to date!
Below is a link to my taglist form!
Taglist - Fill it out so you never miss your faves!
What categories do I write?
What fandoms do I write for? Who in those fandoms do I write for?
Wrestling - You can ask me and I’ll let you know if I do or don’t.
AEW - Majority.
Impact - Majority.
NJPW - Select ones because I’m not caught up yet.
WWE - Select ones because I don’t really watch anymore, but I catch the highlights from Twitter and Instagram.
Law and Order: SVU - Seasons Watched: All
Nick Amaro, Sonny Carisi, Rafael Barba, Mike Dodds, Peter Stone, Joe Velasco, and Terry Bruno
Sons of Anarchy - Seasons Watched: All
Jax Teller, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston, Chibs Telford, Tig Trager, Half Sack, David Hale, Herman Kozik, and Ratboy
Mayans MC - Seasons Watched: All
EZ Reyes, Angel Reyes, Coco Cruz, Gilly Lopez, Bishop Losa, Hank Loza, Manny, Marcus Alvarez, Miguel Galindo, Creeper Vargas, Nestor Oceteva, and Riz Ariza.
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nestor423 · 9 months
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Thy Art is Murder - A Nestor Oceteva/Reader Smut Short.
Just a little thing that popped into my brain, so I had to write it. Enjoy!
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Words - 451
Warnings - Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
He wore his hair down. You should have known right away at witnessing those onyx tendrils cascading around him like a dark halo that he’d seek to play your weaknesses. Every single one of them. Your body is the canvas on which he paints the most vivid of sins, your verbal reactions to them the symphonic accompaniment. If art is pleasure, then he is the truest master of such creation.
The bindings that fashion your wrists, intricate knots and twirls of rope binding you to the bed frame are replicated at each ankle, Nestor tying you so that you are a X upon his bed, the marked spot of where his focus draws, where he begins his creation. What he gives, you seek more, from his tongue and fingers to the soft caress of a feather, or the chilled, sharp kiss of a blade, he strokes you before you’re marked, pleasure prefacing the pain.
He maps out all areas with keen exploration, a tongue under the curve of each breast, fingertips stroking the arches of your feet, lips kissing the round of your knees, until he hears the strain against the ropes, the wordless beg for him to acquaint himself with you more intimately.  
"Little dove," he murmurs. "All you have to do is ask."
“Please, Nestor,” you grit, your body shuddering from the radiating hum of energy he’s slowly and carefully been building. “I need to feel you mouth lower.”
He pauses the decadent, slow trawling lick around your navel, dark eyes focusing on you. He then shifts, placing a kiss upon your hip. “Here?”
The action has you in spasm. “No.”
He smirks, his tongue rolling over the apex of your inner thigh. “Here?”  
He chuckles, his breath misting heat as he nears your folds, the scent of your arousal like summer wine to him, rich, full-bodied and so very sharply sweet. “Tell me where, mi amor.”
“Right on my clit. Please. Please!” you whimper.  
He kisses your folds, your nectar wetting his lips, repeating, watching the way the muscles in your abdomen bounce, before finally, his tongue grants what you so desire. The action sends warm wells of ecstasy tumbling through you, little pricks of pleasure melting down your spine, his tongue soft, circles drawn lazily over your bud. It’s gratification unmatched, but alas, not for nearly as long as you require.  
You whine, and he reprimands you, slapping your sex with the flat of his fingers. “Uh, uh,” he admonishes, moving to suck upon your nipple. “You will not be greedy. Understand?”  
“I do,” you breathe, his mouth meeting the juncture of your neck.
“Good,” he breathes, tongue moving to flick your earlobe. “Masterpieces always take time.”  
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Bad Choices
Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
Whumptober 2022: No.11 "911, What’s Your Emergency?”- Sloppy Bandages & Self-Done First Aid
Warnings: angst, language, blood/injury, Young Nestor Feelings
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Okay so @narcolini dropped this picture in the chat the other day and dragged me right back into my Young Nestor thoughts and feelings. I’m not upset about it at all. I’ve missed him.
Mayans Taglist: @buckybarneshairpullingkink @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @queenbeered @kelpies-shed @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @gemini0410 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @amorestevens @garbinge @themoonandthewicked @bucky-iss-bae @bport76 @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop @choochoo284 @blessedboo @holl2712 @lakamaa12 @masterlistforimagines @shadow-of-wonder @withmyteeth @crowfootwrites @redpoodlern @punkgoddess-98 @black-repunzel99 @lexondeck​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @mijagif​ @frattsparty​ @winchestershiresauce​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @mveggieburger​ @thanossexual​ @littlekittymeow​ @beardsanddetectives​ @anditsmywholeheart​ @passionatewrites​ (If you want to be added to the taglist, please let me know!)
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The sound of someone knocking on your door roused you from your deep sleep on the couch. You slowly opened your eyes, the light from the television feeling much brighter than it had been when you fell asleep. You groaned quietly as you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. For a moment, you thought that maybe you misheard things. Maybe it was a few doors down, or maybe it was just your upstairs neighbors being obnoxious again.
You were about to flop back down and go back to sleep when the knocking started up again. It was definitely outside your door. You huffed as you swung your legs off and stood up. You dragged your hands down your face as you made your way to the door. You looked through the peephole, and you hated that you weren’t surprised by who you saw on the other side of the door.
Undoing the chain and flipping the deadbolt, you pulled the door open. Nestor stood on the other side, a lopsided grin on his face as he held his one arm tight against his side.
“Hey,” he said, not sure how he was supposed to introduce this entire situation to you.
“Hey.” You tried and failed to bite back a yawn. “You good?”
“Um. Not really.” He took his hand away from his arm and you saw where the blood had soaked through the fabric of his long-sleeve shirt. Honestly, the fact that he was wearing something with full sleeves should’ve been your first clue that something was wrong.
“Fuck,” you tried to keep the curse quiet as you reached, pulling him in by his good arm, “Get in here.”
You shut the door and flipped the lights on in what seemed like one swift motion. Nestor squinted his eyes for a second, trying to adjust from the dim light of the hallway outside your apartment and the previously nonexistent light of your living room.
He was holding onto his arm again, and you weren’t sure if it was helping with the pain, the bleeding, or if he was just trying to continue hiding it from you because the look on your face when you saw the blood wasn’t reassuring.
“What the hell happened?” you asked as you turned the television off, giving Nestor your full attention.
Suddenly he felt like he was being put on the spot. And, in a way, he was. He was no stranger to people grilling him, but it was different with you. The anger in your voice was just a shroud for your worry, and that’s what put him on edge. Straight-up anger he could deal with. Not this.
“Um,” he picked at the stained sleeve of his shirt, “things got kinda messy earlier.”
“I can see that.” You shook your head. “How messy?”
“Can’t go to the hospital because they ask questions, kind of messy.”
“Jesus.” You were still shaking your head at him as you motioned to the couch. “Sit down. I’ll grab some stuff to try and fix you up.”
He nodded, on the brink of saying thank you when you turned and took off towards your bathroom. He sat down on the couch, awkwardly looking around your apartment. It was far from the first time he’d been over, but it had never been under these circumstances. You knew him, you knew Miguel too. While you didn’t have all the details of everything, you still knew. But you never pried, and he never really offered anything up. Plausible deniability or whatever other excuse he could come up with to keep you at arm’s length away from it all. But now he was sitting on your couch with blood leaking out of his arm and the very real danger at hand was about to become impossible to ignore.
A couple minutes later, you walked out with your first aid kit and a few washcloths in your hands. You set them on the coffee table before walking into the kitchen, turning the sink on, and letting the water run till it got hot while you grabbed a bowl to fill. Once it was full, you carefully walked back over and set it alongside the other items that you’d just put down.
Then you sat on the edge of the coffee table so that you were facing Nestor. Now that you were taking a moment to really look at him, you saw how tired he looked. He hid it well, but you’d known him for too long to be fooled. Letting out a sigh, you leaned forward so that your elbows were propped against your knees, only then realizing that your legs were slotted between his. You pushed that fact from your mind, choosing instead to focus on the whole entire reason that Nestor had showed up to your apartment in the middle of the night.
“Where else?” you asked as you pulled on a pair of gloves.
You gestured vaguely to his whole body. “Where else did you get hurt? Shot, stabbed, bit, whatever happened here,” your laugh was half-hearted as it punctuated your sentence.
He chuckled. “I didn’t get bit. What do you think I do?”
“I don’t think I want to think about it too much,” you told him honestly.
He frowned for a moment but he couldn’t get mad at your honesty. He especially couldn’t get mad about it considering he was the one intruding on you like this. His hesitation spoke volumes. You leaned back, looking at him with raised eyebrows. When he didn’t move or say anything else, you nodded towards his chest. “Gonna have to lose the shirt, Nes.”
“You lose your hearing today too?” you joked. “I can’t get to your arm while you’ve got this on.” You tugged at the sleeve on his good arm. “The one time you decide to wear something with sleeves.”
“I wore the sleeves,” he said as he carefully pulled the shirt off over his head, “so not everyone on the street would see me bleeding.”
“Just me?” you asked as you took the shirt from him, setting it on the table next to you while making sure the blood didn’t get on it.
“Just you.” The tiny smirk that was pulling at the end of his mouth made you want to slap him.
“Let me see what the damage is, then.”
You reached for his arm, and you noticed that the smug, amused look on his face faded quickly as your fingers wrapped gently around his arm. You frowned as you looked at the way he had haphazardly wrapped gauze around his arm. It was amazing to you that it was even still clinging to him at all.
“What the hell did you do?” you asked as you slowly and carefully began to unwind the gauze from around his bicep.
You held the sad string of bandage in your hands. “I mean what the hell is this?” You laughed despite the situation. “You were in the Navy. They didn’t teach you how to wrap a bandage around a wound?”
“I wasn’t a medic, alright?”
You smiled and shook your head. “Thank god for that. All those officers would’ve been fucked.”
He shook his head at you, but you could see it on his face that he did find it all a little amusing. Neither of you said much as you cleaned up the blood on his arm. As you cleaned away the blood, you saw what the injury on his arm really was. You hadn’t been expecting a bullet wound, although maybe you should’ve known better. Your frown reappeared as you looked closer at it. You knew that he probably needed more help than you were able to give him, that his wound maybe needed the attention of things that weren’t handy in your little first aid kit. But you also knew that the chances of him going to the hospital were slim-to-none. Hospitals asked questions.
You looked at him, and judging by the expression on his face, he knew exactly what you were thinking. He gave a small shrug and shook his head at you. He knew that you were right—you usually were. But he wasn’t going to run the risk of getting seen by a professional. You almost wanted to ask why he didn’t go to Miguel with this. Certainly that family must have someone on call.
“What?” he asked, seeing the way your facial expression kept shifting as you worked through all of your thoughts.
“Nothing.” You didn’t want to get into everything that you were thinking and feeling. Apparently his day had been shitty enough. “Sucks that your ink is gonna be fucked up now.”
“Least I get to keep the arm,” he joked, matching your sarcastic tone.
You exhaled sharply through your nose, something reminiscent of a laugh. “At least, yea.”
Both of you fell quiet as you finished meticulously cleaning out the wound to the best of your ability. He cringed and winced as you moved his arm around, winced a little harder when you dragged the swab with medical alcohol over it. He didn’t pull away, but the tension in his body was impossible to miss. You felt a little bad for him, but you were also keenly aware of the fact that he was the one who decided that this was the next apparently logical step after finishing his Navy stint. You’d never asked too much about it, and you were trying to figure out if you were regretting that now.
“Now,” you grabbed your fresh roll of gauze, “take some fucking notes, alright?” You managed a smile and a small laugh. “That way whatever happened earlier,” you nodded towards the trash can where you’d tossed the old gauze, “won’t happen again.”
“Wasn’t that bad,” he said.
You pulled a face, but it eased into a bit of a smile. “It was pretty bad.” The only reason you were able to joke about it a bit was because it wasn’t as though he was bleeding out on your couch. It was messy, but it wasn’t fatal.
You tore your eyes away for a moment and were surprised to find him actually watching you very closely. His brows were drawn together, lips turned down into a slight but pensive frown. You found yourself smiling at the sight as you went back to finishing the wrap. It was secure, but it wasn’t going to cut off circulation, which was pretty much all you could guarantee him at this point since he wasn’t going to go and get real help.
You almost went to take your gloves off but you stopped yourself. “Any other injuries I should know about?”
He waved you off with his good arm. “I’m fine.”
You pursed your lips for a moment before choosing a different question. “Where else did they get you?”
He huffed out a quiet sigh as he reached for his shirt. He repeated himself. “I’m fine.”
You grabbed the shirt and held it out of reach, feeling like a bit like a schoolyard bully but with better intentions. “Answer the question.”
“I got a graze on my calf but it’s fine. Didn’t even need a bandage.”
You laughed. “I definitely don’t trust your opinion on that.”
“Why not?”
“I saw how well the arm situation went over.” You motioned towards his legs. “Lemme see.”
“I don’t—”
“You came to me, remember?”
He sighed, not able to deny that. He hated how easily he found himself caving when it came to you. It’d always been that way. He used to try and find excuses as to why it worked like that with the two of you, why he could be so cold and harsh with other people but he always seemed to fold when it came to you. He spent years trying to justify it. Somewhere along the way on his drive to your apartment that night, though, he realized that there was no use in trying to come up with reasons for any of it anymore. It’s just how it was with you.
So he gave in. Again. He pulled the leg of his pants up so that you could inspect and decide whether or not you were going to give his cleanup job your seal of approval. He was right that it wasn’t nearly as bad as the wound on his arm. It didn’t need to be wrapped the same way, but a couple band-aids wouldn’t hurt. You didn’t say anything to him about it as you reached for another cotton swab, dousing it with medical alcohol and quickly running it over the cut.
He pulled his leg back. “Fuck. Warn me next time.”
“It’s not that bad,” you said as you rolled your eyes at him. “You got shot today—medical alcohol is the least of your problems.”
He saw you tearing the paper wrapping off of a band-aid and he started shaking his head. “I don’t need a—”
“Keep arguing with me and I’ll put superhero ones on you instead.”
It got him to shut his mouth. He watched, shaking his head at you as you carefully placed the two bandages over his cut so that it was covered. Once you tossed the wrapper into the garbage can, that was when you took your gloves off and let out a sigh of relief.
“Now can I have my shirt?” Nestor asked.
You’d been so wrapped up in your concern that you hadn’t really thought about the fact that he was sitting there shirtless in the middle of your living room. Heat rushed to your face and you hated that you got so distracted so quickly. You cleared your throat as you shook your head.
“It’s disgusting. No way you’re wearing this home.”
His face contorted in confusion. “You want me to just walk out of here shirtless?”
You laughed, shaking your head at him. “No. You’ve got stuff here. I’ll go grab you a shirt that isn’t soaked in your blood.”
“Not soaked,” he said as you made your way back towards your bedroom.
When you walked back out to the living room, Nestor’s new shirt in your hand, he was doing his best to straighten up the mess that had been caused because of him. The garbage can was back where it was supposed to be. You noticed that he’d put his bloody shirt in there as well and you weren’t going to pretend that that wasn’t a bit of a relief. He’d put everything back into the first aid kid and closed it, leaving it neatly in the center of the coffee table.
He looked a little out of place, standing shirtless in the middle of your living room like that. You chuckled to yourself, your amusement being just enough to drown out the other feelings bubbling up in your chest. Looking at the ink that covered his skin, some of his tattoos pristinely finished, others only partway to completion and leaving him looking like a bit of a sketchpad, it was hard to remember that he had been in the Navy not that long ago. His tattoos would’ve been hidden, of course, but still. You’d seen the photos of him in his uniform and you still couldn’t really believe it.
But it was also hard to picture him in his new role with the Galindo family too. It made a little sense, in a weird sort of way, but you still weren’t totally sold on it. You didn’t know all the details of what Nestor did for Miguel and his family, and it was undoubtedly better that way. But if he hadn’t even been doing it for very long and he was already turning up to your place in the middle of the night with bullet wounds, you didn’t necessarily see it getting better from here.
“That for me?” his voice snapped you from your train of thought.
“Oh,” you cleared your throat as you held it out to him, “um, yea. Here.”
His brows knit as he reached for it. “What?”
“What?” you parroted back to him.
“What’s the face for?”
It was difficult to miss the touch of sadness in the laugh that you let out. “I mean. You turned up at my door with a gunshot wound. Sorry if I’m not exactly thrilled about it all.”
He pulled the shirt on, raking his fingers back through his hair once it was on. “I’m fine, though. You fixed the bandages.”
“Nestor…” your voice trailed off, calling him out on his deflection without really having to say it.
He sighed, dropping the act for a moment as he stepped in closer to you. “I know.”
“Why are you doing this, anyway?” Your eyes drifted to his arm, the bottom of the gauze visible as it peaked out from underneath the short sleeves of the shirt you’d given him. “You could’ve re-upped.”
He shook his head. “I was sick of bouncing all over the place.”
You couldn’t pretend that you didn’t understand that. But still. “And…this,” your fingers trailed delicately down the outside of his injured arm, “was the only other option?”
He sighed, eyes locked onto your hand, unable to pry his gaze away from where your fingers were touching his skin. “What do you want me to say?”
You sighed, dropping your head back so that you were looking up at the ceiling. “I don’t know. I just. I worry.”
He chuckled. “You didn’t worry while I was enlisted?”
“It was a different worry.”
He nodded understandingly. “I know.”
“Is this gonna become our new thing?” you asked.
“Thought you’d like the excuse to see me.” That stupid little grin was back on his face like it never left.
You rolled your eyes. “Literally any other excuse would do. You don’t even need an excuse.”
“So I got shot for no reason?”
You shoved him on his good side. “Shut up.”
He chuckled as he pulled you into a hug. “It’ll be fine.” He took a deep breath, feeling you relax against him as you finally gave in and hugged him back. “You know I love you.”
“You better,” you mumbled against his shoulder. Neither of you said anything for a moment and then you pulled back so you could look him in the eye. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“What’s that?”
“Is this gonna be a regular thing? You showing up here all…you know…”
“I don’t plan on getting shot all the time, no.”
“Sorry.” The apology sounded mostly genuine. Deflection just came too easily to him. “It’s a risk. Just like everything. If you don’t wanna be involved, I get it, but—”
“No,” you cut him off, “I mean. Yea, I’d rather you worked for someone who didn’t let you get shot up like this. But…but if you get hurt…I’ll always, you know, I’ll always take care of you.”
He smiled, pulling you back into him again. “Good. I hate hospitals.”
You laughed, the sound muffled against his shoulder but he could still feel the vibration of it against him. “Yea, well, not like I can leave you to bandage yourself up apparently. So I’m kind of your only choice.”
He chuckled, resting the side of his head against yours. “Not a bad choice.”
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thegirlwhowritesfics · 6 months
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Chapter Twenty-Seven is now live!
this is a long chapter and has a lot of violence, please read authors notes and take care of yourselves!
AO3 Wattpad
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zaenight · 1 year
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Continues from last chapter
Ep 1 Perro/oc pt2
Saw the new eps and lets just whew.
"ambos hombros, uno dislocado y otro baleado."
Angel said as Sage passed the elder man a flashlight.
(both his shoulders , one dislocated and another shot.)
"va a ser un tiempo está en su músculo." The doctor said as Sage checked over the wound nodding.
(its gonna be awhile it's in his muscle)
"What's he saying,Tell him I'm an La mexican." Creeper said.
"Don't worry I don't know what their saying either." Jess said patting his knee.
The boys Joked around Saying creeper wanted a sex change.
The La mexican was very confused , Sage even let out a few chuckles.
Jess had no Idea what was being said , so she sat with Creeper,who was asking what the hell they were saying as he grunted in pain , Sage telling him not to move.
The guys Laughed as it was time to go , The girls having to go with them , saying their goodbye's to the doctor , and a very confused and concerned Creeper.
"When you guys comin' back ? , Angel , Guys." Creeper questioned as they walked out laughing.
Onto the busy streets , stopping at a place , The girls hanging outside with Ez.
An older man started yelling at a little boy who stole some corn , catching the trio's attention.
"dejalo, el esta conmigo." Ez said as Jess helped the boy up asking if was okay.
(leave him , he's with me)
"solo tenia hambre señor." Sage stated with a glare as the boy's hand held onto Jessie's arm
(He was just hungry sir )
The man said he didn't pay him as Ez pulled out a dollar.
"Estás bien?" Ez questioned as the boy stayed silent.
(You okay)
A woman came up to them , the girls knew who she was , Sage and her communicated with their eyes , not that the other two noticed.
"Gracias." She said as they walked away , two of the  girls with her looked like they wanted to go to Sage , As Ez looked away for a second , she signed she'll see them soon.
As they walked away they heard her telling him he had to be faster than that.
"De nada." Ez said as they walked away , He noticed them go into the same building as his brother.
"Well that was somthing , whatcha reading Ez peazy ? , get it , Ez Peazy." Jess rambled as Sage let out a breath.
"Just a book." Ez stated as they were startled by A police siren.
As they got up they noticed them around a dead man , how they didn't notice , who knows.
They looked at the words on one of the walls saying , "Mata Al Diablo Resuctia Mexico."
(Kill the Devil Resuctia Mexico)
"Damn." Jess said as Angel,Gilly, and Coco came out.
"Hey! Ready to go home boy scout?" Angel said to Ez.
"Actually I need him to help me with somthing ,  can you take Jess to the Clubhouse , Please ?" Sage stated.
"Yeah sure bone lady." Angel said.
"Don't call me bones , and don't flirt with Jess." Sage stated as the reached the bikes ,with Jess getting on the back of Gilly's Bike,however what the youngest trager,or really nobody noticed as Coco slighty clenched his jaw and jealous stare.
"I'll give you directions." Sage said as she got on the back of Ez's bikr and then rode off from the others.
"Here we are." She said telling Ez she needed help Fixing the Sinks and outside lights , you would think they would've been fixed already.
"You sweat alot , here drink." Sage said as Ez , who was now in a  tank top , sweaty , said thanks.
"What made you two move out here?" Ez questioned.
"What made you start prospecting , did my research , You did eight years for killing a cop , accidently , got the rest shaved off , why waste it here?" Sage asked non chalant as the man tensed.
"You don't beat around the bush do you?" He said his gaze soft as he looked at.
"I don't know what that means." She said as she grabbed his bicep , looking at his tattoo.
Her fingers traced the line work , Ez stared at her face , her eyes stuck on the artwork.
"You know if you keep looking at me like that , I might think you want to sleep with me." She said to him.
"Maybe , maybe I just wanna get too know you , take it from there." Ez said raising a brow with a small smile , she wasn't like anyone he's ever met.
"I can do that , occasional flings , but if you want somthing more , that will be turned into a patch , and then we'll go from there , last relationship with a mayan didn't end well." She said tracing his Jawline , and Pointing at his Prospect badge.
"Heard you were related to a Son , how does that work?." He questioned.
"I don't know we were inlove , then he was gone , we were young , eight years ago , when I turned 20 , me and Jess moved out of our uncles , tried to stay away from club shit." She said helping him up , taking off his sweaty tank top.
😃*Small smut warning*😃
"But Enough of that , Show me what you've got Prospect , Are you a little bitch , or are you a beast trying to escape his cage." Sage said Grabbing his belt.
Ez lifted Sage's shirt as she unbuckled his belt , his eyes noticied two scars , one looked to be created by a jagged knife , the other right below her belly button , however that was a gun shot.
Sage noticed the small storm brewing in his eyes , rage and lust mixed together as he traced the scars.
Sage grabbed his hand as she stared into his eyes , she's had flings before , but this , this was diffrent , like when she was with Esai.
"It happened a long time ago, all my wounds have stories that would take ages to tell." Sage stated as the fell back onto the bed.
Ez traced them once again  before kissing the wounds.
"One day I would like to know all about them , no matter how long it takes." Ez said as Sage pulled him into a kiss.
Soon all their clothing was gone , as moans and grunts filled the room.
As the two reached their finishing points , they laid silently on the bed , Ez had a nack for noticing and remembering many things , the small tattoo on her right shoulder blade , worn by the old ladies of the mayans mc , was etched into her skin , along with a name , esai.
Sage leaned her head back , resting it against his chest,she could feel his stare on the tattoo , she turned around and rested her hand against his cheek .
"That story is an even longer one,with a bad memory." Sage said as Ez looked at her with a understanding gaze.
"For having no female contact and sex in 8 years , you sure know how to pleasure a woman ,and it's somthing i would like to do again somtime, but right now we should get to the clubhouse ." Sage said tracing shapes on his arm around her waist.
"I would like that,and you don't beat around the bush do you." Ez said kissing her neck ,as she laughed.
"I still don't know what that means,but we should get going." She said as he chuckled.
Then the two headed off to the clubhouse where a very hyped up Jess was beating Angel at pool.
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garbinge · 1 year
Minimum Wage
Nestor Oceteva x F!Galindo!Reader
Day 02 these April Prompts: “Minimum Wage”
Summary: You left the Galindo name and life behind, but it always seems to come back after you.  
A/N: Just something short, there’s something so intriguing to me about a Galindo sister who just ~hates~ the family business. 
Word Count: 1.4k words
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Angsty, very angsty. 
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini (Not sure how many individual Mayans fics i’ll have in the future but happy to add anyone to any potential future fics!)
Part 2 
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“Come on, can I please drive you home?” Nestor pleaded with you as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the run down diner in his slacks and suit jacket. 
“I told you, that’s not my home.” You said as you passed him with two plates in your hand. 
Carefully, you placed them on the table farthest from the door and asked if they needed anything else, taking out your guest check ready to take notes. After writing down their updated drink order you retreated back behind the counter and poured two more cups of coffee. 
“I have strict orders to not leave until I get you to agree to come home.” Nestor was now a step or two closer to the counter now. 
“Well, you better make yourself comfortable because my shift isn’t over for another 2 hours.” 
Your eyes didn’t even bother to meet him as you said it, but you took one of the coffees you just poured and left it on the third seat from the corner on the diner counter for him before you moved to take more orders. 
The lunch rush died down, with only a few minutes left of your shift, you made your way back to Nestor, pouring him what was probably his 3rd cup of coffee since being here.
“I’m not coming home.” You said as the liquid poured. 
“I know.” Nestor said nodding and not making eye contact with you. 
Your eyes jumped from the mug to his eyes. His hair had grown a little since you last saw him, his grip was firm  around the coffee mug, you took in his outfit fully, you never envisioned Nestor like this, that it would ever get to this point. 
Being Miguel’s younger sister, you grew up with Nestor. While Miquel would hang out with the eldest Oceteva, you would be stuck with the younger, both of the big brothers being forced to bring the younger siblings with them. Over time your relationship evolved from being stuck with Nestor to actually enjoying your time together. You started hanging out more on your own, you invited him over and you’d hang out for hours, sometimes days if your dad was out of town. 
It was sickening to you, to see how much things changed again. Nestor always felt like yours. Not in a possessive way but in a way that only you knew him, his secrets, his flaws, his mannerisms, his favorite things, his pet peeves. That was all information that only you knew, and now there was a whole new set of secrets, of flaws, of mannerisms that Miguel knew and you didn’t. That broke you. 
“Then why are you here?” You asked him genuinely. You believed that he truthfully knew there was no chance he was going to be bringing you home. Because just like he felt like yours for all those ways you knew him, you felt like his for the same reasons. 
You left home the minute you turned 18, similar to how Nestor fled to the Navy, you fled to here. You got a minimum wage job, a few of them, and made it work. You had a decent place, you paid your bills, you changed your name, completely separated yourself from the Galindo business. It came as a shock when you heard Nestor had done the complete opposite as you when he returned from the Navy. You had written him letters, you two talked frequently, and he never mentioned once about his plans for after. He just stopped writing. Then showed up to the diner one night very similarly to how he did now. 
“To see you.” His eyes now met yours. That look, it broke you. It was hard to stare at him and really look at him, it reminded you of everything you could have had, everything that was supposed to be yours but was robbed by his decision to go neck deep into the Galindo Cartel, by your brother who was dragging him in even deeper. 
“Doesn’t it hurt?” Your words left your mouth before you could think. “What’s the point of this, Nestor? I’m not coming home, you’re not leaving. Why put ourselves through this shit.” 
“Because I miss you.” He said without hesitation. 
It sounded like a pick up line, but you knew it wasn’t. Nestor wasn’t going to play a game with you, things were too complicated for that. If he wanted a quick fuck he could get that easily, he wasn’t hard on the eyes, he had access to money if it really was finding itself to be a difficult task but you knew that wasn’t what he was here for. 
“I miss you too.” You closed your eyes before turning and putting the coffee pot back. “But this, this isn’t going to help anyone.” 
“I don’t care about anyone. I care about you.” Nestor had planned this out, he didn’t come here on a whim, it was on Miguel’s orders, yes, but he didn’t come here without thinking through his words. It was something the Nestor you grew up with never did, but Navy Nestor always did. With every letter he sent you, there was thought, intention, the service matured him in a way that your pining over him turned from a childhood crush to the man you wanted to marry. The man you knew would be a good husband. Protective. Funny. Thoughtful. Smart. Aware. But he took all those traits and gave them to Miguel instead. 
“You care about Miguel.” 
“And you don’t?” He retorted back to you. 
“He’s my big brother. Of course I do, but I can’t spend my time worrying about him–caring about him, he made his choice just like I did.” You lifted your hands up in defeat. 
“You work minimum wage at 4 jobs.” Nestor didn’t mean for it to come out harsh but it did, he just meant to put things into perspective for you. And he did. 
“And yet, I’m happier than I ever was then.” Your words also didn’t mean to come out harsh but, it did. 
“You gave up everything.” Nestor phrased it weirdly, it wasn’t so much a statement but it wasn’t so much a question either, somewhere in the middle of both. 
“Yea, you did.” You said staring deep into his eyes. 
It got silent, things got tense while you took a deep breath and kicked off the counter behind you. 
“In another life, maybe we chose each other.” You hoped the statement offered some type of closure, you knew if you didn’t end this now it would never stop. “But in this one, we made our choices clear and we have to live with that.”
Nestor nodded, he stood up from the seat and reached to his back pocket for his wallet. 
You lifted your hand up and shook your head. “On me.” 
Nestor hesitated, it didn’t feel right but he also knew it was barely a dollar worth of coffee so he nodded and turned to exit the diner. The bells from the door jingled as he opened it, the breeze hit you along with the realization of the situation.
“Nes.” You called out his nickname as he turned to look at you. “I wish things were different.” You wanted to leave him with some kind of peace, but deep down you knew it was also for you too. 
“Me too.” He nodded his hand still keeping the door open. “I’ll see you.” 
With that he closed the door, letting his hands fall into his pockets while he retreated to his black escalade that was parked in the lot. 
Your eyes looked down behind the counter, where your duffel bag sat, packed with all the things you needed to start new again. Having your own life where your brother knew where to find you wasn’t ideal anymore, you couldn’t live with one leg still connected to the Galindo family, so you knew this was the best thing moving forward. You’d find new jobs, you already had one lined up, it was a promotion too, not a minimum wage gig but something that paid more and was way more stable with the hours. The life you wished you would have had with him, but you were going to make for yourself at least. 
“No,” You shook your head as you mumbled under your breath. “You won’t.” 
Part 2
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frattsparty · 3 years
My Heart Needed You Part 27
AN: YALL, We’re having a baby 🥰 dad Nestor just makes me swoon.
Warnings: smut, Nestor being the sweetest man of all the men.
Tag list: @lexondeck @redpoodlern @withmyteeth @thegirlwhowritesfics @chibsytelford @bellisperennis0 @lyly00 @oklahomapeach @nessamc @enjoy-the-destruction @stephaniem1519
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Your pregnancy went by without any major complications or issues, mostly you worried you would go into labor without Nestor or he would miss the birth.
However, he and Miguel have shocked you by staying close the last few weeks. Not going away for any long period of time and if something did require time they handed it off to one of the other guys so they could be ready. Eva is away at puppy training camp until the baby comes.
“Hailey, do you have your hospital bag done? I want to get it into the car. I already have the car seat in, I checked and rechecked it so it’s set.” He’s been in dad mode for weeks since your doctor said the baby could come at any time. And as much as you love that he is so ready to be a dad he’s annoying you with his hovering. “You really have to get that done, it could happen anytime, we need to be ready.”
“I know that, Nestor. I am the one who deals with your child kicking me all day and night.” You huff as you try to get your shoes tied.
“Let me help you.” He bends down,  fixes your shoes and puts his hands out to help you up. “I’m sorry for nagging you.”
“I’m sorry for being difficult.”
“You’re carrying my baby, you can be as difficult as you want to be.” With his hands resting on your swollen belly he gives you a lingering kiss. “Let’s go on that walk, then I’ll help you with your bag.”
The two of you walk hand in hand through the neighborhood, moving at a snail's pace. “I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore, Nes.”
“I don’t know, Hails, I love you pregnant. So sexy.” He purrs at you.
“Haha, I’m swollen, fat, I pee every 10 minutes and I can’t comfortably wear your shirts anymore, I can’t put shoes on, I’m short with you…”
“Stop, Hails. You’re so fucking beautiful, you are healthy, you’re keeping this little guy healthy, and I’m the luckiest man in the world. Pretty soon we will have the most perfect baby in our arms…” he looks down at you, “And then you’ll be begging me to fill you up and get you pregnant again.”
You burst out laughing, hardly able to stay upright, your hand squeezing his arm for balance, “Nes I just told you I pee alot, I’m going to pee my pants from laughing. Then you won’t find me sexy.”
“Nope I would still find you sexy, piss pants and all, baby.” He pulls you in for a heated kiss, one that immediately has you wet and ready.
“I need you.” Taking his hands you encourage him to follow you … back home. “Now.”
“See I told you, sexy as fuck.” Grabbing the back of your legs he lifts you into his arms which is more difficult with your belly and carries you the rest of the way home.
He’s all but running into the house going straight to the bedroom, “how do you want it Hails? What’s most comfortable?”
“I don’t care, I just want you inside me.” Grabbing his shirt you pull it over his head and immediately start pulling his sweatpants down.
Deciding he’s not moving fast enough you hit your knees and take him in your mouth causing him to hiss at the sensation. Using his thighs to hold yourself steady you take him completely, his hands pull your hair back and you get to work, taking him all the way again. “Hold it there, Hails. Feels so fucking good.”
He begins thrusting into your mouth, you have to focus on breathing through your nose. You can tell he’s close just by the noises he’s making, so you relax your throat and take him all the way again. Swallowing and moaning around him, that is all it took for him to release down your throat.
“Fuck, baby, I swear you get hotter and hotter.” Stepping back, “It’s your turn.” He reaches his hands down to help you, not willing to let you do it on your own.
Immediately his lips are on yours, his tongue asking for permission to enter. He’s walking you back towards the bed, and once your knees hit it, he’s gently laying you down.
Slowly, too slowly, he strips you of your shirt, then your shorts, leaving you in just a bra and underwear. “So beautiful, Jesus Christ you are perfect.”
Your emotions have been all over, and his words and the way he is looking at you brings tears to your eyes. But before you can go too far, he’s pulling your bra off and gets between your legs to pull your underwear down.
When he moves his head between your legs you grab his necklace to stop him. “I just need you inside me, please.”
“I’ve got you, Hails.'' Standing he positions himself between your legs and pushes into you, going all the way until your bodies are flush with each other.
“Oh my god, Nes.” Panting, you can already feel yourself close to a release as he slowly thrusts into you. “Fuck, harder Nes.”
His hands find yours and hold them above your head as he gives you what you asked for. Leaning over, his lips find yours before traveling down your neck and chest, then focusing on your nipples.
Gasping you start chanting his name, squeezing him tightly. “There you go, that’s my girl. Fuck you feel good, Hails.”
Catching your lips with his he continues to thrust into you hard, chasing his own release. The pain in your back from this position though has you pushing back on him, “stop Nes, I need you to stop.”
“What’s wrong? Was I hurting you?” Immediately you see guilt on his face as he pulls out and helps you sit up
“No, I loved it” kissing his lips to reassure him. “Laying like that hurts too much.” Moving, you turn so you’re on your hands and knees and he’s behind you. “This is better.”
He looked unsure, he is never one to be rough and if he hurt you he wouldn’t forgive himself. “Nes, I promise, you didn’t hurt me.”
“You tell me to stop if it’s too much. Yes?” His hands are holding your hips, his voice serious.
“Yes, come on Nes.” You beg wiggling your butt for him, needing him back inside you.
Entering your slowly, you let out a low moan and begin pushing back into him to meet his thrusts.
“Just like that, Nes,” a whine escapes your lips, “just like that, so good.”
“Spread your legs further,” his knee taps the inside of your leg. So you spread your legs wider like he asks. He wraps his arms around your belly and takes on the heavy weight causing you to groan loudly.
“Nes that feels so good”
“I’ve got you, baby.” He continues to thrust into you deeply. You’re chanting his name, groaning with each thrust. “That’s it Hails, just enjoy. Let me take care of you.”
He continues his movements until he feels you tightening around him, then he starts to rut inside you pushing himself deeper until he comes right along with you.
“Fuck, that was good. I told you that you’re sexy as fuck baby I had to hold back so I didn’t cum first thing.” He’s kissing along your back and shoulders, still holding you up as you catch your breath.
Once you’ve calmed down he helps you off the bed and to the bathroom where you both take a hot shower together.
“We should probably get your bag ready,” you’re about to roll your eyes when he chuckled and says, “Sex can induce labor, and I just fucked you good.”
“You’re so cocky,” wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss. “You have to pack it and I’ll tell you what I want, you’re a better packer than me.”
“Well, that is very true, you just throw the shit in there with no attempt to fold or organize.”
Giggling, you nod knowing he’s not wrong.
Turning the water off he steps out of the shower and reaches for you to help you out. Then he wraps a towel low on his waist and gets a towel and starts drying you off and then proceeds to put your lotion all over, and combing and drying your hair. You can’t help but feel emotional at the love he has for you, his gentleness, the reverence he shows towards you.
“I love you, we’re lucky that you’re ours Nes.”
“I’m the lucky one, no question.”
Once you’re dry he picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bed. “I can walk, you know.”
“I know but you should be spoiled.” He kisses your cheek, but you grab his face not letting him pull away and kiss his lips and all over his face until he’s laughing.
“You really are the sweetest man.”
“Don’t tell anyone, you’ll ruin my reputation.” He winks at you as he goes to his drawers and pulls a shirt out for you. “This one will fit for sure, I got a few in a bigger size to ensure I could still watch you walk around the house in a thong and my shirt.”
“Well when your son gets here that is a view you probably won’t see often.”
“No, I’ll get the view of you loving my baby, taking care of him, being the best mom. That will be my new favorite view.”
Wiping a tear from your cheek he leans in, leaving a kiss on your forehead. “I have to go check in with Mikey. I’ll pick up dinner and we can pack your bag.”
“Okay, I have court in the morning with my dad, it will be my last day before the baby. So I’ll prepare for that and wait for you.”
Nestor’s POV
Your meeting with Miguel took a bit longer than planned,  but you’re still home at a good time with Hailey's favorite dinner.
The house is quiet when you get in, Hailey isn’t in the main area so you make your way to your room and you smile wide as you spot her sleeping in the middle of the bed, a million pillows surrounding her, the paperwork she was studying tossed at the end of the bed. You spot her packing list on the side table as well.
Walking to her quietly you gently run your hand through her hair and then lightly rest your hand on her cheek. “Hails, baby, I have dinner. You need to eat.”
“Noo, I want to sleep…” she pushes your hand away and tries to roll over but her belly is holding her back. Huffing she grumbles and finally opens her eyes. “Fine…but you have to help me get up because I think I’m stuck.”
Chuckling, “I’ve got you.” Lifting her up you carry her to the living room and sit her on the couch. Going to the kitchen you get dinner and bring it to her so you can eat together.
“Ohh my favorite, I knew I said yes to you for a reason.” Doing her little happy dance you hand her the pasta and move to get pillows around her ensuring she’s comfortable.
“I’m fine, Nes, eat and stop fussing over me.” She giggles as you leave feathers light kisses all over her face.
“I’ll never stop.”
The two of you eat in comfortable silence, the TV playing a random show in the background. Once she was done eating Hailey rearranged the many pillows and laid down, resting her head in your lap.
She’s been a champ this whole pregnancy, taken it all on with so much grace even though you know she’s uncomfortable and not feeling her best. Running your fingers through her hair she lets out a content sigh and you see the smile on her face.
“How are you feeling? Are you sure you’re up for court tomorrow?” You are trying to approach this gently knowing her abilities are a sensitive topics
She looks up at you, “I feel okay, uncomfortable and I keep having Braxton Hicks contractions, your child has run out of room in there. But I’m good, it will just be for a few hours in the morning and then I’ll be home.” Grabbing your hand she kisses your palm, “Nothing to worry about.”
Just then she squeezes your hand and hisses, “ow, ow, ow,” she breathes out. “That was a strong one.”
“You okay? Hailey I really don’t think you need to go to court tomorrow.”
“Baby, I’m fine, it’s just Braxton Hicks.” Moving to sit up she rests her hand on your thigh to push herself up. “Let’s just go to bed, please?”
“Fine, but you need to check in with me throughout the morning.” Grabbing her hands you help her stand up. “Maybe I should just drive you.”
“Nes, I’ll be with my dad, I’m going to be fine. Seriously, stop stressing because your stress makes me stressed and I don’t need that.” Turning she leaves you standing there to go to bed.
Grabbing her wrist you stop her, “I’m sorry, I just worry. I can’t help you with this, I’m not in control and it scares me.”
“I know, I’m scared and you are my rock and I need you to be that for me. When you get worried it makes me feel like I should be too.” Wrapping your arms around her you pull her as close to you as you can, the belly not letting  you close enough.
“I love you, Hails.” She looks up at you with a small smile on her face.
“I love you too, daddy.” She whispers the last part right into your ear.
Groaning, “Why do you do this to me? Now I’m getting hard and you just want to sleep.”
Chuckling her hands grip the waistband of your jeans, “I didn’t say I wanted to sleep, I just said we should get in bed.” Taking your hand she drags you to be and motions for you to sit up by the headboard. Reaching your hands out to her you help her on the bed and into your lap. Where she instantly starts kissing your neck, nipping as she goes. Getting to your ear she whispers “take your pants off.”
Her hands are at the hem of your shirt tugging it over your head and then she pulls hers over her head while you free yourself from your pants.
Shoving your hand away she took a hold of you, giving you a few strokes before hovering over and sinking down on you. Grabbing her hips you hold her down on you, both of you moaning at the feeling.
“You’re so fucking deep this way,” taking ahold of your neck she smashes her lips to yours, and bites your bottom lip as she pulls away. “Nes I need to move.”
“Just a little bit longer, I love being inside you like this.” Kissing her chest and neck, you move one hand down to between her legs where your finger starts doing figure eights on her clit causing her to let out a gasp and whine.
“Oh my gosh Nes,” whimpering, “please let me move.”
“Do it, baby.” Almost immediately she starts bouncing up and down, gasping as you keep up your punishing pace on her clit.
You’re so close and you can feel that she is too. You sit up straighter, pushing your hips up into her. Leaning forward you kiss just below her ear, “cum for me.”
With a few more thrusts from you she’s screaming your name and your head is thrown back. Falling forward she holds on to your shoulders as she’s catching her breath.
“Now that might get labor started.” You laughed at your own statement.  Scooting down, pulling her with you and rolling so you’re on your sides. “Time for sleep, Hails.” You’re still inside her, just enjoying the contact.
“You have definitely worn me out today, Mr. Oceteva.” Moving her hand she rests it on the side of your neck, like she did every night.
“Well you were the one asking for it, soon to be Mrs. Oceteva.” You punctuated that statement by pushing your still hard erection up into her a little further. Causing her to let out a quiet whine.
Waking up the next morning Hailey is holding on to you, she’s tossed and turned a lot during the night and finally got to sleep only a few hours ago. So as gently as you could you pulled yourself from her. Adjusting the pillows to keep her comfortable.
In the kitchen you get coffee brewing, and then pack her work bag, ensuring you gather all of her paperwork, putting her wallet and phone inside. Once that is together you do a few more things before heading back in the kitchen and making chocolate chip pancakes, her favorite.
Putting her breakfast on a plate and making her coffee just how she likes it, you take it to her in bed. Hoping the breakfast will soften the blow of waking up.
“I’ve got breakfast for you, Hails.” Setting it down, you rest your hand on her belly feeling your boy kick.
“You’re too good to me.” She whispers as she puts her hands out for you to help her sit.
“Well when you do such a good job taking care of my baby you deserve it.” Kissing her on the lips you rest your hand on thigh. “I’m heading into work, kick their ass in court baby. And please call me if you don’t feel good or you need me.”
Grabbing your face she pulls you into one more kiss, “I will, dads picking me up so he’ll be with me the whole time. I love you, be careful today.”
Haileys POV
The breakfast was amazing and the coffee SO needed after tossing and turning all night.
Getting up you get in the shower letting the hot warred relax your tight muscles and sore back. You were feeling pretty crampy today and you’ve had Braxton Hicks all night. But you just had to get through this last day of court with your dad.
Once you were showered you wrapped a towel around yourself and went to work on drying your hair and getting it curled and then focusing on your makeup. Then came the hard part, getting dressed, so few things fit comfortably but you have a stretchy pair of nice pants and a flowy top that will have to work, your usual heels have been replaced with cute flats. Going into the kitchen you see your work bag packed and ready for you, along with your water.
Smiling, you grab your phone from the bag and send a quick text to Nestor, “You really are the best man. I’m so grateful for you. I love you!”
Just then there was a knock at your door and your dad walked in.
“Hey sweetheart, you ready to go? Last day before the best day!” He comes over giving you a big hug.
“Yup, I’m ready! Nestor made me the breakfast of champions so feeling pretty confident too.”
“How’s our sweet boy treating you?” He takes the bag from your hand, not allowing you to carry anything. The men in your life have gone full protective mode, even the Sons and Mayans.
“He kept me up most of the night, and I’ve been having some contractions.” He stops where he is and looks at you.
“Hailey if you aren't up for this you don’t have to go.”
Shaking your head you push him towards the door, “I’m fine dad, I promise.”
He nods and the two of you make your way to court.
About an hour into being at the courthouse you’ve realized you really should have stayed home. You’re so uncomfortable, having contractions that are getting longer, stronger and closer together.
After a brief recess you are back in the courtroom, sitting in these chairs has to be the most painful thing right now but you’re trying to keep it together.
Your dad leans over and grabs your hand for you to squeeze. “I called Nestor, he’s coming to get you.”
“I’m okay, I can finish.” You counter just as another big contraction comes and you squeeze his hand tightly and try to take deep breaths.
“No you can’t, you need him and you need to go to the hospital.” Turning to the judge he asks for another short recess so Nestor can come get you, the judge clearly seeing you in pain agrees quickly. Your dad pulls your phone and wallet from your work bag and sets it aside. “I’ll take this home with me, that way you don’t worry about it.”
Finally Nestor comes storming into the courtroom, and his eyes fall on you as you squeeze your dad's hand with another contraction.
He’s by your side in an instant taking your hand, you look at him and you see a smirk on his face. “If you say I told you so, Nes, I’ll beat the shit out of you when this is over.”
Chuckling, “I don’t doubt that, but I did tell you that you should rest today.” Grabbing both hands he helps you stand and grabs your phone and wallet.
Your dad comes up giving you a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, “You're going to do amazing, I love you Hailey bug. I’ll call your mom.”
“I love you too!” Looking toward the judge, “Thank you, your honor.”
“Best of luck, Miss. Teller, I look forward to seeing you in my courtroom again.”
Once you’re in the car it hits you, last night you didn’t pack your bag. Tears pricked your eyes knowing you just had to do that one small thing because Nestor did everything else and you didn’t do it. “Nes,” you whisper, causing him to look at you with concern seeing the tears in your eyes.
“Hails, what’s wrong?” He stops his effort to buckle you in and rests his hands on your cheeks.
“I never packed my bag,” and with that the tears came.
Wrapping you in his arms, you feel his body vibrate as he laughs, “baby, I packed it this morning while I let you sleep. I found your list so everything is there for you.”
Looking up at him you have tears for a new reason, “You did? Even after I was mean to you about nagging me and not doing it myself?” He just nods, and you have to keep the tears at bay. “I love you!”
“It’s the least I could do since you have done all the hard work.” Kissing your temple he moves to buckle you in. “Now let’s go have our baby!”
The ride to the hospital was uneventful, Nestor held your hand the entire time and cheered you on through each contraction as best he could while still watching the road.
Upon arriving the nurses got you all settled and hooked up to the monitors, and your doctor came in to check your status.
“Hailey, how long have you been having contractions?” She asks from between your legs.
“Well we went on a long walk yesterday morning, did some other things,” you give Nestor a side eye and he does a terrible job hiding the proud smile on his face. “And at probably around 7pm I started having what I thought were Braxton Hicks and then pretty much had them all night and this morning.”
“Well that would make sense because you’re almost 7cm dilated.” You are shocked .
“But my water didn’t break.” She smiles as she removes her gloves and helps you get covered back up.
“I’m going to have a nurse come in and we’ll have to break it ourselves. Once that's done do you want an epidural?”
“No, I feel better when I’m up so I want to be able to walk around.” She nods.
“Sounds good, I’ll be right back.”
Nestor’s POV
Now that her water is broken her contractions are becoming more intense, but she’s insting that the two of you walk the halls.
Groaning, she stops walking, pulling her hand from yours. “I’ve got you, Hails.” You move in front of her letting her wrap her arms around your neck and lean on you while you rub her lower back. “You’re doing so good baby,”
Swaying side to side you let her lean on into you, her forehead resting on your chest. “I think I need to lay down, Nes.”
Nodding you rest your hands on her hips as she steps back, once you’re sure she’s ready you take her hand and start the walk back to the room but not before stopping for three other big contractions. She’s a fucking champ.
Getting her back in bed just in time for the doctor to come in you take your place by her head, gently running your hands through her hair.
As the doctor moves the sheet to check her she has another big contraction, her face is scrunched up in pain, and her hand reaches out for yours. “Breath, Hailey, you have to breathe through it baby.” She’s struggling you can tell, she’s tired.
“Come on Hails, breathe with me, look at me.”
Her blue eyes meet yours and you can see the unshed tears. “Breathe with me,” she nods, as another contraction comes. “In” you both breathe in, “out” you both breathe out, this goes on as she makes her way through that contraction. “Good job, baby, you’re doing amazing.”
Forgetting the doctor was still in the room she smiles up at the two of you, “it’s time mama, we’re going to get you all ready and you’ll meet your baby before you know it.”
Haileys eyes meet yours again, “I don’t know if I can do this, Nes, I’m so tired.” The nurses are coming in setting up and you take her face in your hands.
“Look at me, you can do this, you're so strong baby. You’ve powered through labor like it was nothing, I know you’re tired but just a little longer and you’ll have our sweet boy in your arms. I’m right here, I’ve got you, you can do it.” Kissing her lips softly you rest your forehead on hers. “You’ve got this baby.”
As her doctor walks in, the nurses help her get her legs in the stirrups and give her a rundown of what to do. Immediately her hand finds yours.
“Alright, Hailey, on the next contraction I need you to push.” Hailey gives her a small nod.
You can feel her start to grip your hand and you knew it was time, the nurse across from you coaches you on how you can help, so immediately you help to hold her leg and use your other hand that she let go of to put behind her to help her stay up while she pushes taking what pressure off that you could.
The nurses and doctors were saying words of encouragement, telling her how good she was doing. Seeing her pushing with all she has, giving it her all makes you emotional. This woman that you’ve loved your whole life is exhausting herself, bringing your child into the world.
“You are so close, Hailey, I know you’re tired but this next one don’t stop pushing until I tell you okay.” The doctor says from between her legs.
Shaking her head, she’s holding in the tears, “I can’t, I’m so tired, I can’t Nes.”
“You can baby, you’re so close, give me one more good push baby.” letting go of her leg you rest your hand on the side of her head, thumb lightly rubbing her cheek. “What do you need me to do, how can I help you?”
“Hold my hand, just hold my hand.” Immediately
you take her hand and she squeezes tightly. Another nurse steps next you to hold her leg and you solely focus on her. Letting your other arm rest above her head while you gently stroke her hair.
“You can do it baby, you’re about to have a contraction aren’t you?” She nods. “Okay, squeeze my hand as tight as you need to and push baby.”
She does just that, you can tell she’s giving this all she has. Every now and then she lets out a little whine, but she remains quiet and steadfast throughout the whole labor and delivery. Once the doctor tells her to stop she leans back and you resume lightly running your fingers through her hair. “So good, Hails, you did so good, I’m so fucking proud of you.”
“This hurts so fucking bad, Nes, it hurts so bad. I need to push!” She grits out.
“Not yet, Hailey.” The doctor says and Hailey lets out a small whimper, you want to take this pain from her. Squeezing her hand you get her to focus on you, “One more little push and he’ll be here.”
She nods, squeezes your hand and pushes one more time, only stopping when she hears the strong cry of your baby boy, who is immediately laid on her chest. Her tears start instantly as she holds him tight while a nurse starts cleaning him up.
She looks up at you like a proud mom, and you can’t help but kiss her. “I’m so proud of you, Hailey. You did so amazing.”
“I love you, Nes!” She kisses you back and turns her attention back to the baby in her arms.
“He’s so perfect, baby, you did so good.” You can’t control the tears streaming down your face. The two of you stay focused completely on each other, like he knows where he is once Hailey starts talking to him and rubbing his back he relaxed and calmed down in her arms.
“Thank you, Hails.” She furrowed her eyebrows in question. “For him, for giving me a second chance, for loving me, for everything.”
She looks at you with a bright smile on her face and kisses your lips. “I love you so much!”
Haileys POV
That was the hardest, most painful, exhausting, scariest, rewarding thing you've ever done. You are simply amazed at what your body has just done and are completely obsessed with your perfect little boy.
You couldn’t have gotten through this without Nestor. He kept you calm, encouraged you and did everything he could to help you. Today made you love him even more.
Looking over at Nestor holding your baby his bare chest, the evening sunset illuminating then, you can’t help but smile. Knowing it was a fight to get here but it was worth it for this moment. “How are you feeling, Hails? Need me to get you anything?” Nestor stands hands holding Niko snuggly to him.
He’s been so attentive to you this whole pregnancy but during labor and delivery and right now, he’s on it. If you need it he’s getting it, not letting you lift a finger, the diapers, the paperwork, feeding yourself, it’s all him. He’s handling it. Continually telling you to rest.
“I’m good, that was such an amazing nap. How was he?” You scoot over and pat the bed next to you, wanting your boys close to you. Gently Nestor joins you, bending his knees so Niko can lay back and you can both stare at him.
“He was perfect. He ate a full bottle, the nurse was very impressed and said he was the most handsome boy with his dark hair and long lashes.” He smirks knowing those are all his looks.
“Well he is the most handsome boy, he’s so amazing Nes.” Leaning your head on his shoulder. “We should have done this sooner.”
“What?” He looks at you.
“Made babies, we could have a whole house full.”
He shakes his head, “I don’t. I wasn’t who I needed to be for you back then. I didn’t appreciate you enough, or love you how you deserved. I was selfish.” Taking your hand he laces his fingers with yours. “I’m not sure me back then could have even been half the person I was this morning for you. You deserve the fucking world Hailey, and the guy I was when we were 18 and 24 didn’t treat you that way. I do know that now though, and I’m going to give it to you, both of you.”
“Nestor you know my hormones have me randomly crying,” you giggle, as you wipe your eyes. “We love you so much, and I definitely couldn’t have done what I did today without you being by my side.”
Yawning you snuggle close into Nestor’s side, he wraps an arm around you pulling you to his chest. Your hand finding its way to the side of his neck as always when you slept. “Go back to sleep, I’ve got him.” All you could do was nod before you fell back asleep wrapped in his arm.
The next time you woke up it was a nurse coming in to check on you and to take the baby to the nursery for his vital check. Nestor moved so she could take a look at you, and then handed her the baby to take with her. “Also, I hope you don’t mind but I grabbed your phone and took a few photos for the three of you. I think I got some good ones.” Giving you a genuine smile she leaves.
Nestor grabs your phone and joins you in bed, the two of you go through the photos she got and you’re in tears. She has on right after Niko was born, he’s on your chest, you're watching him with tears in your eyes, as Nestor looks at you, then another of you and Nestor smiling at each other, then kissing, another where he has his arms around both of you kissing your temple.
The last one she must have taken right before she woke you up, it’s the three of you sleeping, Niko on Nestor’s chest, a pillow protecting him from falling and Nestor holding you close.
“Gosh these are so perfect. We should send one to Miguel to let him know, and mom and dad too.” You say scrolling through them again.
Nestor didn’t respond so you looked over at him, “Hey, what’s wrong?” Turning your body you rest your hand on his neck, rubbing your finger over his jaw.
“Should we tell my parents?” He looks at you, and you feel his sadness. “They still don’t really talk to me, but should we send them one?”
“That is up to you, I will do whatever you want in regards to them. That baby is OUR baby, and I do agree if they can’t have a relationship with you they can’t be in his life. So you tell me what you’re comfortable with.”
He looks away and you know he’s thinking, “Maybe we send them the picture just letting them know? See what they say.”
“Okay, do you want to send it or me?” You ask as you send the picture in your family group chat that also includes Nestor and then to Miguel.
“You can, they would rather hear from you.” So you send them the same message you sent to your family.
Nestor POV
You and Hailey enjoyed the whole day and night just the three of you, no visitors, just your little family. You’re sitting on the bed, Niko cradled in your arms as Hailey walks out from the bathroom. She’s brushing her wet hair as she walks towards you in a pair of leggings and a tshirt.
“I don’t know how I can say this, but that might have been the best shower of my life.” She scoots in next to you and rubs her hand over Niko’s dark hair. “Hospitals just make me feel so gross, I can’t wait to go home.”
“It will be so nice to be at home and not have nurses coming in every 30 min waking you up.” You lean over and kiss her cheek. She rests her head on your shoulder and the two of you just stare at Niko. “Miguel asked if he could come by this morning, are you okay with that?”
She nods, “Yeah, my parents are on the way, they'll be here any minute.” You want to ask about your parents, but you are afraid the response will break you further from them. “Your parents said congratulations and asked if we wanted them to come up or wait until we’re home. That’s your call baby.”
You’re quiet for a bit, trying to decide what you want. “I guess I’m okay if they come up here, but after Miguel gets to meet him.” She nods against your shoulder and kisses your jaw as she grabs her phone to text them. She must be able to feel the tightness in your body, because she sits up and wraps her arms around you. “We love you, Nes. Don’t ever forget that, baby.”
Just then a knock at the door has her letting you go. Her parents walk in and her dad goes straight to her. He wraps her in the tightest hug like he always did when we were kids. “How are you feeling sweetheart?”
“I’m good, tired and sore, but good. He’s so amazing.” She smiles up at him. His arms are still holding her. Only letting her go for her mom to hug her.
“You did so good, baby. He’s perfect.” She comes up and hugs you tightly as well, kissing your cheek. “I heard you were the best birthing partner? Not just from her either, a few of the nurses had some things to say about how they’ve never seen a better dad during birth.” You’re speechless and blushing, Hailey is giggling beside you and takes your head. “Now let me hold him, we patiently waited a whole day so you could have time together.” You hand her Niko, not sure what to say still.
“You are the best, it’s true.” Hailey says leaning over to kiss your cheek. Her dad gives you a smile, you see pride in his eyes.
“She deserves the best.” That’s all you could think to say. Both of her parents are beaming, nodding their heads.
They stay for a while trading off who's holding the baby. Her mom goes into full mom mode whenever she doesn’t have him. Asking all the questions, doting on her, braiding her hair. While her dad just enjoys sitting and rocking Niko. For a man that you know did terrible things for Jose he’s the most gentle man, always kind and loving with his family. He gave you hope that you can be the same.
You’re sitting beside her dad, the two of you both in awe at the baby in his arms, when you catch her watching you, a large smile on her face and so much love in her eyes.
Just as her parents were heading out Miguel was coming in. Coming right to you giving you a hug.
“I’m so happy for you, brother! You deserve this.” You pat his back, holding in the emotions you’re feeling.
“Hailey, you don’t even look like you were pregnant and just gave birth. You look fantastic.” He beems as he hugs her tightly. Niko was lying on the bed in front of her and Miguel was looking down at him. “You did so good, he’s beautiful.”
She has the proudest smile on her face as she nods her head. “Do you want to hold him, Tio Mikey?”
His smile grows as he scoops Niko into his arms and walks around the room with him. “This is exactly what I remember you looking like as a baby, Nestor.”
The four of you spent time together, chatting and laughing, it felt good, normal. No cartel business, no security, just three best friends and a baby.
Hailey gives you a pointed look and a nod from across the room, you knew she was waiting for you to bring up The Godfather position to Miguel.
“Mikey, we have something to ask you. Kind of a favor.” You say as you get up and sit beside Hailey. Mikey is still holding Niko in a chair by the window. He looks to both of you ready for whatever you’re going to ask. “Will you be his Godfather? You’re our best friend, put the wheels in motion for us getting back together. You’re family.”
He’s quiet looking down at Niko, a soft smile on his face. “I would be honored. I love you all so much.”
Miguel stayed for a few hours, never letting Niko out of his arms. Once he started crying to eat Miguel headed home.
Not long after Hailey got him fed and you changed him there was another knock at the door, your parents had actually shown up.
You were in the chair beside the bed, Niko held close to you. “Hey, is this an okay time?” Your mom asked from the doorway. Hailey smiles, nodding her head.
“Absolutely, come on in.” You can tell she’s tired but she’s not gonna let you do this alone. Your mom walks over to Hailey giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then comes to you.
“Oh he’s so handsome,” she doesn’t acknowledge you at first, simply watching Niko. Hailey didn’t tell them the name, afraid they would be upset. “How are you feeling, Hailey, was it a smooth delivery?” Your dad currently had his arms around Hailey.
“I’m feeling good. Labor and delivery were smooth, I had the best partner by my side. I couldn’t have done it without him.” She turns to you, smiling and takes your hand. Making sure you know she’s here.
Finally after that comment your mom gives you a small hug, “How does it feel, Nestor? To be a dad?”
“Amazing, this is the greatest thing to happen to me.” You can’t hold back the huge grin on your face. “Do you want to hold him?” Her eyes finally meet yours and she smiles, nodding at you.
Once you hand over the baby, your dad just gives you a nod from next to your mom. You feel a pull on your arm and it’s Hailey, encouraging you to join her on the bed. “So, what’s his name?” Your mom's voice broke the silence.
You look at Hailey and she smiles, “Niko Nathaniel. Named after his uncles.”
Both of your parents nod, “It’s a good name.” Your dad says. “A strong name.”
The room is quiet for the rest of their visit, your parents not really speaking to either of you but sitting side by side just watching Niko sleep. Looking up your dad notices that Hailey is resting her head on your shoulder dozing off. “I think we should head out, mama needs a nap.” Your mom looks up, and with a smile agrees.
You get up to take Niko, and your mom gives you a brief hug before doing the same with Hailey, then your dad surprises you and pats you on the back, “We’re proud of, Nestor. It’s good to see you happy.” That’s the most words he’s spoken to you in years.
“Thank you, I’m glad you both got to come up.”
With that they left and after a long morning and afternoon it was just the three of you again cuddled on the bed. Tomorrow you get to take them home and you couldn’t wait to be there with just them.
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say-al0e · 3 years
In My Arms
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Rating: PG-13
Summary: Nestor returns home from a week long work trip a little worse for the wear. He isn't expecting you to be waiting up for him but it prompts a discussion that's been a long time coming. Anon request for, "Oh my god, that's a lot of blood." + "It looks worse than it is." for Nestor. Warnings: Blood and injuries, mentions of m*rder (not explicitly but implied), allusions to s*x Pairing: Nestor x fem!Reader (I think it could technically be GN reader but just in case) Word Count: 4.3k (we're getting there) NOTE: If you want to be tagged in my Sons/Mayans fics, please let me know!
Nestor expected you to be asleep when he slipped into your shared home a little after three in the morning. He’d been gone nearly six days, across the border with Miguel and Marcus, and hadn’t known what to tell you when you’d asked how long he’d be gone this time.
Giving you a timetable for his return was always a shot in the dark. Sometimes, things went much smoother than anyone could’ve anticipated and he was home in time for dinner and able to crawl into bed with you at a decent hour. Others, well, he was lucky to get a few hours of sleep before climbing out of bed and leaving you alone once more.
He kept in touch with you as much as he could while he was gone - as much as it was safe for both of you to do so - but he rarely let you know when he’d be home these days. Now that the pair of you shared a home, he knew that any message he sent to let you know when to expect him would’ve resulted in you losing sleep to await his return.
And, as much as he wanted a moment with you, as much as he needed it, he also needed to be selfish.
Nestor never wanted to share more of his professional life with you than he needed to. Call it practicality, call it paranoia - he never wanted to endanger you further than he already had by falling in love with you. However, the more pressing reason - the reason that he felt so selfish for not wanting you involved - was fear.
He loved you in a way that sometimes scared him and the last thing he wanted was for you to see the darkness that surrounded him on a daily basis. You knew enough to be informed but he was hesitant to bring you in any deeper than that. You were a source of light in his life, a brief moment of respite in an otherwise difficult existence, and he didn’t want to taint that with the knowledge of who he truly was.
Despite his desire to slip in unnoticed for the night, Nestor knew you. He knew that you would be awake before he was ready to face you but that didn’t stop him from hopingthat you would wait for him to come to you. He didn’t know how but you somehow always knew when he stepped foot into your home and if he didn’t come find you, you’d certainly come find him.
It would be a lie to say that sleeping without Nestor by your side and without knowledge of his well-being (or lack thereof) got easier the longer you were together. If anything, the uncertainty only got harder to stomach the tighter your lives were bound. However, somewhere along the line, you learned to manage.
Somewhere between the first ‘I love you’ and the moment sleepovers began to stretch into multi-day affairs with shared drawers and dedicated closet space, you learned how to quiet the nagging questions about his safety. You took the few messages he was able to send you as confirmation of his well-being and went on as best as you could.
One night alone was no big deal. Your sleep was lighter on those nights - Nestor joked that you slept like the dead but on nights he wasn’t sharing your bed, you woke at the slightest sound - but relatively normal. More often than not, you woke to either find evidence of Nestor’s presence - no matter how small - or a message that would keep your thoughts quiet until he returned.
Anything more than that made it difficult to sleep.
You tossed and turned more, thinking about anything and everything just so you wouldn’t think about Nestor. You missed the warmth that radiated from him and the way he tended to gravitate closer and closer as the night wore on. You missed the quiet chatter about life, about music, about theories you never shared with anyone else. You missed combing your fingers through his hair, grinning when he made noises of contentment and leaned into your touch.
You missed Nestor.
When he’d been gone this long, your sleep grew restless and despite the effort Nestor took to be quiet as he stepped into the house, the slightest noise was enough to wake you. A glance at your alarm clock told you that it had only been an hour since you forced yourself to stop scrolling through social media and truly attempt to get some sleep but the time didn’t really matter as a wave of relief crashed over you.
You didn’t know what shape he was in but he was home.
You debated waiting, staying put and letting Nestor come to you, but you’d always been the impatient one in your relationship. Knowing that he was home, that he’d made it back to you, was enough to push you upright in bed.
You did wait a few moments, sitting half-beneath the covers and staring at the bedroom door, to give Nestor a chance to disarm and decompress. You heard the rustle of his clothes as he shrugged off his jacket and the light ‘thunk’ of his shoes as he kicked them off at the door. His holster followed shortly after, placed near the door, before he ventured deeper into the house.
You tried to keep quiet yourself as you climbed out of bed and stepped into the hall. You could see Nestor’s silhouette, illuminated only by the moonlight filtering into the window, as he stood near the end table, staring at the lamp. You waited for him to turn it on, to flood the living room in its soft glow, but instead, he ran a hand over his face before turning toward the kitchen.
You lingered in the hallway and watched as Nestor shuffled into the kitchen to grab the bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. As he poured himself a drink, you took the time to observe him in the dim light that filtered in through the window. You couldn’t make out very much - his silhouette didn’t answer the questions that threatened to overwhelm you - but he was standing and moving without much difficulty and that was more than you’d been expecting.
He kept his back to you and from the way his shoulders hunched, you could tell that things hadn’t exactly gone according to plan. He sagged against the counter, his hands pressed to the cool countertop, and let his head drop forward. You heard him pull in a deep breath before he exhaled heavily, lifted his head, and reached for his glass.
You knew that Nestor sensed you the moment you climbed out of bed. Just as you knew the moment he returned home, he seemed to know the moment you sought him out. He’d likely heard the creak of your bedroom door as you nudged it open or your steps as you wandered down the hall but he kept his back to you as he downed his drink in one go.
You didn’t want to break the silence, not when he seemed so downtrodden, but it felt stifling the longer it lingered. Silence with Nestor was fairly common and you knew that not every one needed to be filled but this one settled on your chest and prompted you into action. You stepped a little closer then, just into the living room and into his line of sight if he turned, as you asked, “Rough week?”
You could see the way Nestor’s body relaxed slightly at the sound of your voice and, any other time, the sight would’ve made you smile. You wanted to be a comfort to him, a presence that made him feel normal, but you doubted there was much you could do when he stiffened almost immediately and pulled himself up to stand a little straighter.
Nestor exhaled sharply through his nose, a humorless huff of laughter that clearly indicated his answer, and nodded slowly as he turned to face you. “Rough week,” he confirmed. His voice was rough, thick with exhaustion, but you hadn’t expected anything else. You knew that a good night’s sleep was rarely on the agenda when he was gone so long but it still sent a pang of something bitter and sharp right to your chest.
“Want to talk about it?” You knew the answer before he spoke - he rarely did, especially after the week you imagined he’d had - but you felt compelled to ask, anyway. Though Nestor rarely spoke about work at length, he sometimes talked through things he deemed safe enough. It seemed to help, even if only for a moment, and you wanted to offer something to soothe him.
“Not really.” His tone wasn’t exactly terse - Nestor tried not to snap at you, regardless of the day he’d had - but it was sharper than you’d heard from him in a while. You could tell that it was taking a great deal of restraint to keep engaged and not brush past you and head for the bathroom to shower.
You bit your lip to keep from sighing as you moved further into the living room in search of the end table. You couldn’t blame him for not wanting to delve into it all when he’d just spent nearly a week living it. He would come to you when he was ready, when he needed to, and you were prepared to wait however long he needed.
Though Nestor had a habit of bottling up the rougher parts of his life and brushing off conversations about them, he indulged you in your habit of giving him a once-over in search of any new bumps or bruises. He willingly sat for you, dark eyes locked on your face as you cleaned any cuts or scrapes, and never let you leave without pressing a soft kiss of gratitude to your temple. It was routine, part of your life now, and you figured this would be no different.
When you turned on the light, you expected the typical scrapes and bruises - maybe even a few deeper cuts than you’d grown used to. However, you were startled to find Nestor covered in blood and dirt, looking far worse for the wear as he lingered in the kitchen doorway.
“Oh my god, that’s a lot of blood.” The words left your mouth before you could stop them and sounded far too loud in the silence of your home. You winced as they settled into the already tense air and closed your eyes for a beat as you took a deep breath.
You knew that Nestor didn’t want to worry you - he had a habit of downplaying his injuries, even when you knew better - and that your anxiety would weigh heavily on his chest. After being with him for so long, you knew how to put on a brave face but it seemed that he was still able to surprise you.
When you opened your eyes, you met Nestor’s wary gaze. He opened his mouth to speak, to assure you that he was alright, but you shook your head before he could. “Sorry,” you breathed as you crossed your arms over your chest and tried not to stare at the blood that matted his hair. “I didn’t… I’m guessing you haven’t seen a doctor.”
“It looks worse than it is.”
You shot him what you hoped to be a withering glance as you stepped away from the table and padded across the living room in the direction of the hall closet. The closer you got to him, the more you longed to pull him into an embrace in hopes of softening the week he’d had, but any thought of reaching out for him disappeared when you moved close enough to truly look at him.
Up close, you could see that Nestor was right. There were a few deeper cuts scattered across his face - the biggest source of the blood, if you had to wager a guess - and a few shallow scrapes that ran down his neck and marred his hands. None of them would require stitches and none of them seemed to explain the amount of blood that stained his clothes and skin. But the closer you got, the easier it was to understand what Nestor meant when he assured you that it looked worse than it was.
There were spatters of blood staining the fabric that stretched across his chest, droplets that didn’t belong smeared across the sliver of chest exposed by an undone top button. Crimson stained his hands, far deeper than any of the shallow cuts across his knuckles could’ve painted them, and the metallic tang in the air that grew stronger with every step told you that the black fabric of his slacks would run pink in the wash.
It looked worse than it was.
Your steps faltered as you moved close enough to reach out and touch him, the realization hitting you with a force you hadn’t seen coming. It wasn’t as if you were completely in the dark about what Nestor did for a living, about what he had done before. But knowing and seeing were two vastly different things.
Nestor was nothing if not observant - for him, observation meant the difference between life and death - and you were one of the things he paid the closest attention to. You knew that he caught the moment your eyes widened and your breath caught in your throat as you came to the realization. You knew that he could see the way your chest rose and fell a little quicker than normal. He saw the way your eyes lingered on the blood staining his shirt and the way your hands shook as you tugged at the hem of your t-shirt.
He didn’t try to speak this time, clearly at a loss for what to say, and you were suddenly grateful that Nestor was a man of few words when he truly wanted to be. You weren’t sure what to say, either, and worried that whatever you said might make matters worse.
So instead of speaking, you opted to ignore the obvious and focus on your ritual.
You cleared your throat and shook your head to clear it as you hurried across the living room to grab the first-aid kit you kept in the hall closet. “I’ll clean you up a little before you shower,” you offered, raising your voice slightly as you rifled through the boxes you had yet to unpack, “that way you don’t have to scrub so hard. When you get out, I’ll bandage you up.”
Though you tried to hide it, you knew that Nestor heard the quiver in your voice. Knowing him, he would mistake it for fear. He never said it but you knew that he worried you would one day wake up and see him as a monster rather than the man you loved. He worried that you would one day wake up and fear him.
You weren’t afraid of him - after loving him for so long, you didn’t think you could be - but you were afraid for him.
You didn’t know how he’d gone this long without letting you see him this way - you didn’t want to know - but this was the worst shape he’d ever come home in. It tied your stomach in knots but there wasn’t much you could do about any of it. This was his life, a part of him that existed long before he met you, and you’d accepted that when you fell in love with him.
As you gestured for him to take a seat, Nestor kept his eyes trained on your face. You weren’t sure what he was searching for - reassurance, maybe? - and you couldn’t tell if he’d found it when he sat on the coffee table instead of the couch.
The corner of his mouth lifted in a half-hearted smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes when you raised an eyebrow at him and took a seat opposite him on the couch. “Didn’t want to ruin it,” he explained, his voice rough with exhaustion and disuse but softer than it had been moments before as he watched you rummage through the kit.
“Too bad,” you hummed, shooting him a small smile of your own, “I’ve been looking for a reason to get rid of it. You’ve got good taste in many things, babe, but comfortable furniture is not one of them.”
Despite himself, Nestor laughed quietly as you moved to the edge of your seat and shifted to slot yourself between his thighs. “That why you insisted on mattress shopping instead of just letting me order something online?”
“Absolutely.” You shared a quiet laugh at your confirmation that quickly turned into a sharp inhale from Nestor as you accidentally brushed one of the deeper cuts that marked his cheek. “Sorry.” You hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether Nestor would find the teasing helpful, before you added, “You know, the only reason I ever got any sleep at your place was because you wore me out beforehand. Sleeping on your mattress was like sleeping on the floor.” You paused, considering, before you amended. “Actually, I think sleeping on the floor would’ve been more comfortable.”
Another puff of air from his nose that passed for laughter as he leaned in closer to you. His eyes tracked your movements as you examined his hands. “You never said anything.”
You shrugged, not bothering to deny what you both knew to be true, and let go of his hands to grab the packet of wipes from the kit to clear away some of the blood. “I knew you’d worry about me not sleeping but we never really stayed at your place so I just didn’t say anything. Didn’t want to make it a thing, you know?”
Nestor made a noise of acknowledgement but let the conversation end there. He sat quietly with his eyes locked on your face as you gently swabbed at the deepest cut on his cheek. It was overwhelming to have him stare at you so intently under the best of circumstances, however, when he was at such a low point, you had half a mind to ask him to close his eyes.
You tried to control your expression, took great care not to react as your fingers ghosted over an area that was bloodier than it should’ve been, but you knew that Nestor could read you better than any well-loved book. There was a look in his eyes that you had never seen before - something dark, akin to fear or maybe anxiety - and his jaw ticked as he mulled over whatever it was he wanted to say.
You knew him. You knew that he was going to attempt to mollify you, to soothe the anxiety he could easily read in your eyes, but you weren’t sure you could take another hoarsely whispered, “I’m okay, querida.”
Before Nestor could open his mouth, you shook your head slightly. “Please don’t tell me you’re fine, Nes. Even if you are, don’t say it. Not tonight.” You weren’t quite begging, not yet, but even you could hear the slight edge to your tone.
Nestor heeded your request and sat quietly long enough for your heart rate to return to normal. The shaking in your fingers had stopped, even as you began to carefully unbraid his hair and found yourself raking your fingers through the matted sections, and your breathing had evened out. You’d kept your eyes on the task at hand, not wanting to risk looking into his eyes when you were so worried about what you’d find, and wondered if he’d nodded off as you worked your way through the first braid.
You startled a little when he moved, reaching out to place a hand on your thigh, and turned your head to face him with a soft smile on your lips though you knew he could see the confusion on your face.
“I worry sometimes,” Nestor began slowly, the words slightly stilted as he seemed to search for the right ones to say, “that one day you’ll see this, see me, and ask yourself what you’re still doing here.”
Nestor’s voice was barely louder than a whisper but in the silence of the house, he might as well have shouted his doubt into the room. The words echoed in your ears, ringing uncomfortably, and made you frown as you released the strands of hair you’d been gently parting and moved your hand to the cheek with the fewest scrapes.
“Nestor, I’m not second-guessing anything here, especially us. I’m not asking myself what I’m doing because I know. I know what you do. I’ve known for a long time,” you reminded him, your voice quiet but steady as you offered him a reassuring smile. “But I also know who you are.”
You shifted a little closer, pressing yourself further into Nestor’s space, as you met his eyes. “I see you every day, Nes,” you assured him, hoping to drive home how serious you were. “I see you in the little things. I see you in the way you make my coffee for me because you know I sleep as long as I possibly can before work and won’t have time to do it myself. I see you in the way you toss a box of my favorite cookies in the cart at the grocery store, even after I convince myself not to buy them, because you know I’ll pout about not having snacks later. I see you in the way you indulge me in spontaneous dates, even though you’re a planner and would prefer to know what we’re doing beforehand. I see you, Nestor, every day. And I love the man I see.”
Nestor’s eyes fell to where his hand rested on your thigh and you felt a gentle squeeze as he took in your words. You could tell that he hadn’t expected that answer - the pair of you were evenly matched in that you sometimes struggled to adequately convey your feelings - but it was something you needed him to hear.
“Your job doesn’t define you, honey,” you reminded him gently when he lifted his eyes to yours once more. “I didn’t… I was just surprised tonight. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this before.”
“I know.” Nestor sighed quietly as he gently released his hold on your thigh. “I didn’t want you to see me like this. I know you worry.”
“I do,” you nodded, “but I’m always going to worry. It doesn’t matter if it’s a paper cut or something that needs stitches. That’s just how I am. I’m sorry I got a little overwhelmed tonight and I promise I’ll try to keep it together next time, but I don’t want you to pretend like you’re fine when you’re not.”
Nestor nodded slowly, his eyes on yours once more, before he reached for your hand. “I can’t promise much,” he began quietly, “but I can promise that I love you and I’ll do my best to come back to you.”
“I know.” You did. He said it more than you expected him to, verbally and in the ways that mattered more than any well-written proclamation, and never doubted that it was genuine. “I love you, too.”
You could tell that your tone took him off guard but Nestor took it all in stride. He leaned in, placed a hand on your cheek, and pulled you into a soft kiss. You let him lead, let him pull away when he needed to, and offered him a soft smile when he rested his forehead against yours.
“I love you,” you repeated, your voice quiet in the silence of your living room, “but you’re kinda gross. Go take a shower and I’ll bandage you up before bed.” A beat of silence passed before you asked, “Please tell me you have tomorrow off?”
Nestor hummed quietly, neither confirming nor denying. “If I don’t?” When he pulled away, you could see the slight glint in his eyes that gave you the answer he hadn’t.
“I would threaten to call Miguel but I know you wouldn’t let me.” While you and Miguel were cordial, you’d never quite understood Nestor’s devotion to him, even after his explanation. He got under your skin for a reason you couldn’t quite explain and you were looking for a reason to argue with him. A fact that Nestor knew.
However, he surprised you when he laughed softly and shrugged instead of shaking his head. “I might.” He was teasing you but it made you smile to see him light up if only a fraction. “I want to hear how that conversation pans out for Mikey.”
“I’d do it in a heartbeat, you know that.”
This got a real laugh from Nestor as he nodded. “I know you would, querida. But you don’t have to. Not this time. I have the weekend off.”
That brought a real smile to your lips. An entire weekend off was a rarity and you knew that Nestor needed it to recuperate. “Good. No mean three in the morning phone call for Mikey, then.” Another laugh escaped Nestor’s lips as he shook his head fondly. “Go shower, Nes. I’ll be here, on this uncomfortable ass couch to patch you up when you’re done.”
Nestor leaned in to press a kiss to your temple before he lifted himself off the coffee table. He made it halfway to the bedroom before he stopped and turned to look at you. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Author's Note: Who am I? Two Saturdays in a row? We love to see it. I don't know who I'm writing for next. I haven't gotten that far. But I'm leaning toward Ez, Benny, or Angel. Any thoughts? Also any thoughts on the fic? I'd love to hear them.
Taglist: @confettucini, @peoniarose, @karie-me-home, @rachelwritestuff, @stardust-galaxies, @deliciouslydisturbed365, @a-louise-juliane, @ben-is-a-hoe, @weasleywinchester
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