#neteyam x female oc
Kindred (Part 1) - Neteyam/OC fic
Hello all! Thought I'd take a chance at writing my own Neteyam fic. He's aged up a bit in this (18-20) and whilst it's not a reader insert, it is an OC. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: None
The first time he had laid eyes on her, Neteyam swore his world shifted.
His day had begun like all others since they had arrived in Awa'atlu. He had been quite impressed with the progress he and siblings had made learning to swim and hold their breath. It was a welcome challenge for the young warrior who had all but excelled at anything he had put his mind to. He had felt the progression in his body, able to wait for air longer and longer each time he trained with Tsireya, and enjoyed the seeds of his labor. 
While Awa'atlu was warm and adventurous, it was not his home. The strings of his heart still pulled for his forest, his friends, and his grandmother. He’d never voice it out loud, but Neteyam missed home. 
Neteyam was a good son, something he prided himself with. He was the first child, the first boy, and should have been the eventual Olo'eyktan. He followed his fathers every order, hoping to dutifully please him and earn his respect. At his age, he should have been training, preparing, and learning how to be a leader of the Omaticaya; not learning to hold his breath. But the sky people had been relentless and it was his duty to leave his clan and be with his family. 
It was because of this predicament he was cursing Lo’ak to no end. 
Lo’ak the younger who made it his life's goal to ruin any peace Neteyam could have. On another of his adventures, Tuk had screamed at him. While she had tried to follow, he eventually evaded her and it would be dark soon. He knew who would take the brunt of his fathers disappointment, so he chose to avoid it by finding his brother before he did anything stupid.
He had taken off on his ilu in search of Lo’ak, ready to wring his neck for the amount of worry and strain he’d put on his body. It wasn’t far, not really. Lo’ak was able to enjoy his youth with seemingly no care for his family, while Neteyam shouldered all of the responsibility. 
He was tired, hungry, and needed a break. He knew he had ventured too far when he remembered what Tsireya had warned about the waters turning darker and deeper. Akulas lived in these waters, and he would rather not become food for the beast if he could help it. 
When he had first spotted the lone island miles away from Awa'atlu, he had steered his ilu toward it, hoping to regroup and readjust his location. Perhaps Lo’ak had even grown tired of his stupid games and gone home. 
“Fifya,” He whispered, guiding his ilu toward the seemingly empty place. He had spotted some yovo and hoped to enjoy the snack before he ventured onward. 
Petting the creature as he jumped off, he headed toward the trees, so unlike his forest back home. His body ached and the sun bearing down on his foreign skin had caused him to feel nearly exhausted.
“Just for a moment.” He said to himself, hoping to find something to eat and leave. As he grew closer to the clump of trees in the middle of the island, his eyes widened in disbelief. Lines of trees littered with bladder polyps, yovo, and spartan fruit appeared before him. Thanking Eywa for his luck, he climbed the shortest tree he could find and picked the ripest of the spartan fruits. Smiling to himself, Neteyam enjoyed the treat, eating unabashedly, the nectar of the fruits dripping down his chin. How wonderful Eywa was to gift him this moment. 
He closed his eyes, enjoying the sweet taste and felt some of his earlier agitation slip away. He was almost a man grown and he’d nearly had a temper tantrum because he was hungry. Grinning to himself, he turned to make his way back to his ilu and froze in his place.
Neteyams mouth dropped slightly in surprise. The island wasn’t as deserted as he had initially thought. 
Standing in front of him was a young child-No!
 A woman. 
A woman he could tell by her figure, just smaller than most women he had seen with the Omatikaya. 
She looked similar to himself, a deep blue like his family and unlike the sea dwellers here. Neteyam swore he’d never seen anyone more beautiful as her long dark hair fell around her shoulders, the front simply pinned back. She was small, he noted again, only a little taller than Tuk. Her large rounded eyes, yellow in color,  looked upon him in shock…and fear. 
Neteyam had never seen a more magnificent creature and it bothered him that she looked so afraid. He held his hands up slowly, a small smile forming on his face.  He pressed his fingers to his brow, sweeping it down to the bridge of his nose in greeting. “I see you,” He said, hoping the greeting would appease the girl. He tapped his chest. “Omatikaya.” 
The girl didn’t budge, seemingly frozen in place, and continued staring at him wide eyed. He waited a moment to see if she’d respond in any way at all. When she did not, he took a small step forward.
And she stepped back.
Tilting his head at her reaction, he frowned. “I am Neteyam.” Silence. “I apologize if this is your home. I did not mean to steal.”  More silence. 
Neteyam eyed her again, still struck by her beauty. She looked soft and womanly and very different to the warrior women he had grown alongside back home. “What clan are you from?” He asked, hoping he could pry something out of her.
The girl refused to respond. At this point he was beginning to feel a little insulted. It wasn’t common to face such rudeness on Pandora when greeted traditionally. But Neteyam was nothing if not persistent. “I’m looking for my brother, I didn't mean to disturb you.”
A sound near the shore drew his attention away for a moment. Lo’ak! The skxawng was riding his ilu along with Rotxo, whooping and hollering as they went by. 
Neteyam, tormented between speaking to the girl and chasing after his foolish brother, sided with his duty and sighed. He turned to her again, smiling at her shyly. “That is my brother.” The girl turned to look at the young boys, unimpressed by their show. 
Keeping a wide berth between them so as not to frighten her more, Neteyam walked backward toward the shore. He patted his chest once more. “Neteyam.”
When he turned to leave, a small melodic voice trailed after him. “Reyki.” 
Neteyam turned to her with a smile. “Reyki.” He repeated. “It’s nice.”
Seemingly remembering her previous stoicism, the girl straightened her shoulders and quickly took off toward the trees with fruits. Neteyam felt an urge to chase after her but remembered why he had been there in the first place. With one last look at her retreating form, he turned to the shores to strangle Lo’ak before his father had the chance.
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
Lost and found — Chapter 4
adult Neteyam x female human scientist
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Words: 6.2k
Summary: Neteyam hates humans. One day, he finds you all alone and lost in the forest, but quickly decides against killing you. What might be the odd reason for that?
Warnings: explicit smut, neteyam‘s pov, queue play (hehe), Neteyam whimpers, praise kink, heavy size kink, alien biology, slight language barrier, p in v, belly bulge, creampie, hair-pulling, fluff <3
Notes: check my masterlist for all chapters
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To say that his parents weren’t happy about the human that Neteyam bought home was an understatement.
Especially his mother was outright furious by the sight of the little demon, her smaller frame hiding behind her oldest son, seeking protection from her glaring gaze. His father, on the other hand, was very familiar with the story of a human and a Na’vi choosing each other as mates. Of course he wasn't thrilled when he found out that his son had simply chosen to make this decision for the little human, claiming her as his mate when she biologically wasn’t even able to do the same. Technically, he could’ve at least asked her out first, he said. But what was done now couldn’t be reversed. She might’ve not willingly accepted to become his mate at first, but Neteyam had chosen her and fulfilled his claim. (Multiple times by now, but obviously he didn’t tell his parents that.)
What mattered was, that they were mated now. And she willingly agreed to stay.
She got familiar with his clan, with high camp and his siblings pretty quickly. And even though she was hesitant at first, the little human even allowed him to take her on a ride on his ikran at some point, helping her explore places of the forest she had never seen before. It made his chest swell with pride, watching her eyes widen in awe at the sight of all the different flora and fauna he introduced her to.
Neteyam learned quickly, that she was a curious thing by nature. A little shy at first, but once she got comfortable, he jokingly debated putting her on a leash so she wouldn’t just wander off and get lost or hurt whenever he turned his back on her.
At least teaching his human mate the language of his people was easier than Neteyam originally thought. Which was a relief for the both of them, considering they would have to understand each other without Jake, Lo‘ak or any of the humans of high camp around to translate for them.
The forest was quiet today, save for the sound of a few Syaksyuk swinging from tree to tree, ruffling through the leaves where some rays of the sun shined through, warming Neteyams skin where they touched him. It wasn’t the same place they had met each other just a while ago, but similar enough that it bought back pleasant memories. The faint sound of an ikrans call made him aware that it was still there, circling above the trees, patiently waiting for his rider to return. But that wouldn’t be anytime soon.
"Zekwa", his human mate says, rolling her tongue in an attempt to pronounce the foreign word correctly. Finger. But Neteyam shakes his head with a sigh, "No, it’s Zekwä. Try it again, but slower."
"Zek…wä", she tries again and this time he nods, encouraging her to keep trying, "Zekwä, like this?"
One of the reasons she was so quick to understand and eager to learn, was probably the method of reward he had chosen to apply whenever she did something right.
"Good girl", Neteyam smiled, placing a soft kiss to one of her tender fingers. Then he moved higher, to the palm of her hand, kissing her there. "And this?"
"Tsyokx", she responds with a smile that rises her cheeks. Hand.
"What about this?" Neteyam leaned over to be closer to her. Holding her smaller face in his rather big palms, he gently tilted her head to gain better access to the space right below her jawline. Then, his tongue darts out to lick a small stripe along her pulse point and he feels her shiver underneath his touch. "That’s… Nikre", she says. Throat. And Neteyam doesn’t miss the way her voice slightly trembled. He takes a second or two before he moves, just staying close to her and inhaling her scent.
"Hmh", he hums, placing a kiss to her skin, where it was wet from his salvia now, "You’re getting better at this, little one."
While he rests his forehead against her throat, one of his hands comes to lay on her thigh, gently squeezing the soft flesh there. His hand was big enough to almost fully close around her small leg, her size difference making him utterly aware of her fragility whenever he touched her. Handling her with care had become his number one priority over the past few weeks and he had to learn how to gauge his own strength, in order not to break her.
"What’s this called?", he whispers, feeling her swallow around the lump in her throat.
"T-Taeng", she exhales softly to which Neteyam straightens his back and sits up to properly look at her. Of course, her cheeks had turned red. "It’s Ta'leng", he corrects her with a chuckle. Thigh. "Stay focused."
As he moves to sit back on his heels, some of his braids sway over his shoulder, the colorful beads in his hairs clicking together and he catches the way her eyes follow their movements.
Neteyam knew she liked them. He had braided a few strands of her hair himself and they were now decorated with a purplish-blue feather behind her ear and a few beads that were very similar to the ones in his hair. He had made them just for her.
Neteyam had caught her trying to recreate some of the hairstyles she had seen on his people, just a few days ago, but they never turned out how she preferred. He had to admit, she was an adorable little thing when she got frustrated, but he gladly offered to help her.
He just loved how much she cherished her braided hair and all the neat little accessories decorating them ever since.
Now she was staring at his hair again, but something told him that this time, it wasn’t his hairstyle or the pretty beads in his braids that caught her attention. Neteyam could only assume what it was.
"Neteyam?", she calls for him. The way his name rolls off of her tongue, like warm honey, makes goosebumps appear on his skin. It was the first word she had learned to pronounce in Na’vi and he wished it would’ve taken her a while longer to learn, just so he could hear her say it over and over again. He just knew he would never get tired of her saying his name.
Her short fingers point to the thick braid laying over his shoulder, the one that was longer than the rest of his hair. "What’s the Na’vi word for…this?" Neteyams gaze followed the direct of her finger, to see what she was pointing at. Reaching for his painstakingly braided tswin, he held it up for her to see.
"This? It’s my kuru", he explains with a soft smile, "or tswin."
"Oh I think I know that one", the human exclaims happily, "it’s called neural queue in my language!" Instinctively, her hands reach out to touch it and even though he’s a little taken aback by her curiosity, Neteyam let’s her. A pleasant chill runs down his back as she gently feels the braid up and down in awe, seemingly impressed with how tidily his hair was braided. Her hands glide over his hair, starting from the base of his skull, until she reaches the end of it. Turning it from side to side in her hand, the soft hair at the end of his braid part and reveal something that must’ve seem very alien to her, going by the way her eyes widened slightly.
She was looking at the little, pink tendrils, how they moved completely unwillingly and her small mouth opens like she intended to say something, but no words seem to come out. He knew that this wasn’t her first time seeing them. She had seen them before, just briefly when he had bonded with his ikran, but now he realized she must’ve never seen them up close before. And knowing that the humans anatomy did not possess anything similar to his, he doesn’t feel offended by her curiosity. She would have to learn more about his kind one way or another, he thought. And at least he could be the one to teach her.
Inhaling a shaky breathe to calm himself, he continues to let her explore. But curious as his little human mate was, exploring with her eyes only, seemingly wasn’t enough after just a short while. With wide eyes he watches as her other hand moves, inching closer to touch the tendrils and every hair on his body rises by the sheer sight of it.
Neteyam swallows thickly and watching her curiosity get the better of her, his first impulse is to take his tswin from her hand. Despite all of what they had shared together so far, this was still such an intimate part of his body and it felt… strange, to let her touch and explore him there.
But again, he lets her. She was his mate after all. And if she would’ve been even partly Na’vi, they would’ve already made tsaheylu with one another. The thought alone had his tail standing upright, curling and lashing in the air restlessly. He couldn’t deny that his body was yearning for this type of intimacy, the only one he couldn’t share with her.
Neteyam suddenly sucked in a sharp breath through clenched teeth, when she was just mere inches from touching him there. Immediately, her eyes shot up to look at him. It was just for a brief second, yet her eye contact was so intense, as if she was wordlessly asking for permission to continue. And even though it was almost unbearable for him, Neteyam once again decides to let it happen.
Her hand comes closer and closer, slow and steady, and it made his heart race and a warm feeling arose in his stomach. Still, he couldn’t tear his eyes away, until the pinkish tendrils wrapped themselves around one of her delicate fingers.
Neteyams whole body tensed at this and he squeezed his eyes shut as a shiver ran through him, his breathing increasing at the unfamiliar feeling.
"Th-This is tsaheylu", Neteyam murmured while he was trying his best to stay composed, "It’s the… the sacred bond between all of Eywa’s children. It allows us to mentally connect and share information. When you are bonded, you gain access to each other's physical senses. Pain, happiness, fear… ple-pleasure."
Her curious gaze flicked from his tswin, to his eyes and then back, as he spoke. Meanwhile her fingers continued to play with the extensions of his nervous system. Neteyam had to lean back on his palms to put some distance between her and himself, taking deep breathes to sort his own thoughts. She probably had no idea what she was even doing to him, he thought, trying his absolute most to keep all these noises down that arose from deep in his chest.
"But we", he exhales shakily, "we don’t bond like this. We bond by connecting them."
"Oh", she exclaimed quietly at that and he catches the way she looks down on her hands. Her eyebrows rise as if she had a sudden thought, before she asks him worriedly, "am I hurting you?"
Neteyam hesitates, but then shakes his head. What he was feeling in this moment was hard to describe. No, it didn’t hurt. But it also couldn’t be compared to the actual feeling of bonding with one another, it was more like a tingling sensation in his brain. Like getting tickled with a feather, with muscles twitching on their own, having no control over the way his body reacts to the sensation. It felt foreign, maybe a little weird too, but at the same time, it felt strangely pleasant. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before.
The idea of touching his own tswin like this had somehow never occurred him. It wasn’t like someone had specifically told him not to, it just wasn’t something that ever crossed his mind.
Watching and feeling the way the thin tendrils of his kuru moved into the embrace of her soft hands felt like someone was pouring warm syrup straight into his brain. Neteyam could feel how his pupils dilated further with every passing second, until they were almost fully black. The whole time, their focus was entirely on his mate. A low, breathy sound, like a whimper, escaped him as the unfamiliar feeling continued to spread through his whole body, the more she played with him like this.
Once again, he was dumbfounded at the things that this human was capable of. Not only was she able to sent him into his rut, when her biology was so different from his, but she also made him feel things he had never felt before. Things that he was sure no other Na‘vi could make him feel. How did she even know what to do and how to touch him to get him to react like this?
Neteyams breathing wasn’t just heavy, he was almost panting now. Letting his head fall back, he squeezed his eyes shut again to try and calm himself, but the heat that’s been spreading in his core slowly becomes hotter and hotter, until it’s almost unbearable for him to ignore. He doesn’t even realize how little whimpers and moans begin to fall from his parted lips freely, too busy to keep his focus on the strange feeling that could be mistaken as pleasure, entirely created by the humans hands playing with the tendrils of his kuru.
But maybe that’s what it was, what he was feeling. Pleasure.
Neteyam shifts a little as he feels something stir, right there under his loincloth, and he knows if he would look down, he would find himself hard and aching. Surely, this wasn’t supposed to make him feel like that, he thought. But it did.
Swallowing hard, he forces himself to open his eyes again, only to be greeted by a sight that just adds further to the tightness in his loincloth.
Her plump lips are parted, coated in a thin layer of salvia as if she had wet them with her tongue barely a minute ago. Her cheeks are flushed in deep red, eyes half lidded and heavy with lust and for a split second, Neteyams eyebrows furrow in confusion.
Was she… enjoying this?
It was like a switch had been flipped when her eyes suddenly met his. To his surprise, she unexpectedly lets go of his tswin in order to jump up to her feet. While he continued to watch her with great curiosity, she moved to stand directly over him. Even when he was sitting, leaning back on his palms like that, her navel only reached up to his chin and he was tempted to lean in and kiss her right there.
But the question, what she was even intending to do, already laid on his tongue. He quickly swallowed it down though, when she began to undress right in front of his eyes. The human fiddled with her clothes, discarding them quickly, which made her need become obvious to his eyes. She was, in fact, enjoying this.
During all the time they had spend together so far, he had never seen his little human so desperate before. And if so, it was usually him who would make the first move. It was him who would bend her in any position he favored, him who had to make her admit how needy she was, him who had to coax these pretty sounds out of her, because she was too shy and too flustered to act on her own. But not today, though, that was was for sure. Today she was acting different.
Her feather like weight settled on top of him, snapping him out of his thoughts when she straddled his waist. But Neteyam stays unmoving. He lets her act on her own this time, wanting to see what his sweet mate was carving for so much. Almost comically impatiently, her hands reached between their bodies. She scoots back just a little to make room to pull his loincloth to the side, just enough to let his cock spring free. It slaps against her lower stomach with a soft thud and Neteyams lips curve into a smug grin at the sound of her little gasp of surprise to find him this hard already.
His grin drops pretty quickly, as soon as she grabs him, her small hand not even close to closing around his shaft completely and a guttural groan leaves his lips. When her feather light touch becomes more firm and she begins to stroke him, Neteyam arches into her hand like she’s the only source of relief in the world. The contact of her warm skin on his own makes him twitch in her hand. There was no way he would be able to keep his cool when his mate was touching him like this, hovering above him, flushed and beautiful and so needy, she was ready to take what she wanted all on her own. Eywa, he prayed, give him the strength to not take a fucking bite out of her.
But Neteyam was getting impatient. Whatever she had done earlier to rile him up this much, in combination with the way she was sitting on him now– it bought him on the verge of his self restrain. His chest was heaving, sharp canines barred as he restrains every single urge to switch her position, pin her down and claim her like he’s done so many times by now. But no matter how impatient he was, he had to prepare her for his size first.
Mating with her, with a human, meant he had to take his time and get her ready to take him, fully take him, without inflicting any pain on her.
Usually, she knew that too. This time, however, it seemed like she was willing to take the pain that the stretch of his length and girth bought her, if it meant she could fill her entire being with him and not have to wait another second.
Not giving him much time to realize her intentions, the small human lifts her hips and lines his hard cock up with her entrance. Both of her hands find leverage on his shoulders, squeezing the taut flesh there, as she got into position. With a sharp hiss coming from him, his little mate begins to lower herself, letting him stretch her tight hole inch by inch.
"Oh great mother", Neteyam groans through gritted teeth, feeling her warmth embrace his cock as she sinks down on him, "Easy, go slow."
But his words fall on deaf ears, because the next thing he feels, is the suffocating tightness as she forces more of him inside her too quick. She whimpers and clenches around him, yet the little human tries everything in her might to get those last few inches of him inside.
Neteyams hands immediately grab her by her hips, his four fingers digging into the pillow-like flesh as he holds her firm so she’s unable to move any further.
"S-Stop that", he hisses and throws a pointed look at her, almost glaring as he clenches and unclenches his jaw, "You will hurt yourself, if you don’t slow down."
He would lie if he said he wasn’t as desperate as she was. In fact, Neteyam was fighting against his own body to rut up to take and take— take what’s his. Yet he wanted to let her do this, let her take on her own terms. But the reasonable and still rational thinking part of his brain told him that, even if she so desperately wanted to get stuffed like this, he had to be the one to remind her that she’s not supposed to hurt herself in the process.
A small pout formed on her lips at his words, but her face quickly turned into that of determination. He couldn’t deny the fact that he was amused by her strange antics today. But then he felt her shift, lifting herself off of him until only the very tip of his cock was still resting inside her. Neteyam, naïve as he was, allowed her this, loosening the grip around her hips.
It’s him who then throws his head back with a loud groan, every muscles of his body tensing, because suddenly, and too fast for him to react in time, she slams herself down, her tight hole swallowing all of his length to the base.
"Fu-ck", Neteyam chokes out, once she sits on him properly, her full body weight and gravity pulling her down further than he thought was even possible. This position allowed him a new depth that neither of them had ever experienced before. He feels the head of his cock nestled against her cervix, pressed right against the opening to her womb and it makes him physically shudder.
"Are you trying to kill me, little one?", he grunts and when his eyes finally regain their focus, he sees the way his little mate pants heavily, sweat beading on the frame of her mask and her pupils blown, probably just as much as his own.
For a split second he’s worried for her well-being, that she could’ve hurt herself with that stupid stunt she just pulled. If that was actually the case, she must’ve been pretty good at hiding it, because her facial expression was nothing that came close to the ones you’d see if someone was in pain. It was the complete opposite of that.
The little human shakes her head as if she had lost her voice, breath still coming out shallowly. His eyes are glued to her, waiting for her to do whatever she wanted with his body.
It belonged to her by now.
"I– I want…", she whimpers and her face flushes an even deeper shade of red, her breathing almost fogging the inside of her mask. The soft, velvety walls of her cunt squeeze around him at her words and Neteyams eyes almost cross at that.
"What do you want, hm?", he coos, "Just take it. Take what you want, it’s all yours."
It takes her foggy brain a moment to translate his words, but he’s patient with her, like he always is. Instead of a verbal response, she decides to let her body do all the talking for her. Starting with a pace that he least expected now, moving her hips hard and fast— lifting herself up and down on Neteyams cock and spilling moans that he feels deep to his core. His cock almost slips out each time, before she is slamming her whole body back down, turning herself into a moaning, whimpering mess.
Below her, Neteyam groans and his toes curl at the feeling of her tight heat swallowing him over and over again. He had leaned himself back on his palms to enjoy the full view of her, his mouth slightly agape as he watched her breasts bounce with every thrust. She was providing the perfect view of herself, moving how she pleased without a care for anything else.
Neteyam wanted to jerk up into her so badly. He wanted to slam into her, relishing in the way that his hip bones would leave marks from how hard he would thrust into his mate.
Once again, Neteyam realized just how tiny she was compared to him. His eyes had wandered down on her soft curves, stopping at the bulge on her lower belly that was more visible in certain positions. One of his hands comes to caress the swell, where his cock was nestled deep inside her. It was always a miracle that she was even physically able to take all of him. "Feel me inside you, sweet little human? I‘m so deep, all the way up here. See?", he grunts with a breathy chuckle, "You’re taking me so well, always doing so good for me."
Her cheeks burned with the praise, even though she only understood half of the words that were spoken to her yet. Still, it didn’t stop her from responding, "m‘feeling s-so good, haa- fuck, fuck, yes! Oh my– god, feels so good!"
With the way she plunged his cock into her pussy over and over again, deeper with every thrust, he was certain that it must feel like he was already in her stomach. She was moaning like that was the case, at least. The sounds she knocked out of his throat were a mixture of groans, grunts and sometimes even noises that sounded like whimpers, whenever his dick knocked on her cervix like an iron hammer.
"Neteyam, ahh– f-fuck, Neteyam", she moans and the sound of his name makes his cock throb inside her, "I‘m close, oh god I‘m gonna come!"
He knows these words by now, even if they’re spoken in the sky peoples tongue. It meant that she was nearing her sweet release.
Nodding, Neteyam then grabs her hips and when her breath hitches, she stays down against his pelvis, rotating her hips in circles and switching the direction randomly. Neteyam helps her grind herself against him, feeling her cunt pulse around him, her clit dragging against his skin before she slumped forward against his chest and her whole body went rigid. She gasped and moaned into his ear, her arms encircling his neck and holding him tight, while her legs twitched wildly on his sides.
"There you go, such a good girl", he coos softly, whispering the words of affirmation in her ear as she releases more slickness around his cock, "That’s it, come for me, let it all out. You’ve done so good, my pretty little mate."
She’s shuddering in his arms, broken sobs and whimpers leaving her parted lips and echoing under her exopack mask. Neteyam allows her a moment to breathe and collect herself, come down from the high of her orgasm in the warm embrace of his arms.
She still clings to him, even as he plants his feet firm on the ground. He keeps her flush with his chest, even as he spreads the soft cheeks of her ass with his big hands and then slowly thrusts up into her. She mewls and twitches, her body still sensitive from her previous orgasm, but Neteyam declares her as ready and capable enough to continue. It‘ll be quick anyways, with how hard and aching his cock was by now, throbbing inside her, so painfully desperate to finally reach his own release.
"Hmm, still so wet", Neteyam hums as he feels rich droplets of her arousal roll down his shaft and down on his balls, "You have another one in you, don’t you? Will you come for me again?"
The little human only sighs when his cock drives into her again, seemingly enjoying the feeling of being so full of him. Putting just a little more force behind his next thrust, she moans louder and Neteyam chuckles, "I want to come with you, so you have to hold it until I‘m ready, okay? Can you do that?"
Her first orgasm had already drained her to the point that she felt completely limp in his arms, her body covered in sweat that was sticking to him, mixing with his own, fusing them together as one. Her limbs still twitched with the aftershocks of her climax as he thrusted up and into her again, slowly picking up his pace to find a steady rhythm. Neteyam squeezed a handful of her ass cheeks, the supple flesh bouncing with the force of his pounding and she moaned so sweetly into his ear, completely ignoring his request.
"Hey, are you even listening?", he chuckled softly, sounding like the complete opposite of what he was doing to her.
"Hmm?", she hummed but it sounded more like a whine, muffled against the crook of his neck. Of course she didn’t listen. Well, even if she was, Neteyam realized he was probably asking too much of her again. It was already hard to communicate with her when she had the full brain capacity and focus to do so, but trying to get her to listen, translate the words and actually respond to him when she was this fucked out— impossible.
So he repeats the word that he can translate in her language. "Together", he whispers lowly in her ear and Neteyam could practically feel how the little hairs on the base of her nape raised at this. Her sweet pussy clenched and squeezed his cock so tightly, it caused him to groan from deep in his chest. Oh she definitely understood him this time.
His hips then snapped against hers and she tightened the hold of her arms around his neck for purchase.
She moans and whimpers foreign words in her alien tongue, like it’s been punched out of her by the sheer force of his thrusts. It's all garbled and sewn together, like vines weaving through the forest. Neteyam drinks it up, drinks up the begging and the pleases, the way she looks so blissfully fucked out and helpless in his arms while he forces her up and down on his cock.
Her inner walls cling tightly to his shaft, squeezing him, flexing around his warm, intruding length, coaxing him deep inside with each thrust.
Behind his back, he feels her arms shift around as if she was reaching for something and soon enough, he figures out what that something is. There’s a tug, just a gentle pull on the base of his nape, but it’s enough to make his hips stutter for a second.
"Wh–haa fuck, what are you doing?", he chuckles, albeit a little breathlessly, while the sound of skin slapping against skin still echoes through the forest. There’s no response, obviously, but Neteyam could already assume what she’s plotting.
Again, there’s a tug. This time, she had pulled just a little harder on his kuru and he couldn’t help but let a deep, wanton moan slip past his lips. The grip he had on her tightened to the point he was sure his fingers would leave bruises on her perfect skin.
So this is what it was about.
"You want to come, huh?", Neteyam asked her, even though he knew his question would remain unanswered, "Are you trying to get me to finish because you can’t– ca-haa— oh eywa, fuck!"
He’s interrupted by a feeling similar to electricity shooting through his body, tingling every nerve in his system and causing him to choke on his words.
Behind his back, he feels her hands move and yet again, a lightning of pleasure seers through his whole body. Neteyam just knew that if he would’ve turned his head to look back, he would’ve found her playing with the tendrils of his kuru just like she did earlier.
"S‘too much", he then hears the human whimper, "need to come so bad, please Neteyam I‘m- I can’t hold it!"
She’s a little more than a trembling, incoherent mess by now, the walls of your pussy bearing down around him as he plunges his cock into her. The squelching sounds of her arousal mixed with his pre-cum filled his ears, growing louder by the second. It was only overturned my sound of blood rushing to his head as she was pulling and fumbling with his kuru, her fingers dancing over the sensitive tendrils once again.
"Hmh that- that’s it", he groans, mouths it against her throat, "keep going. Yeah, just like that. Fuck, I’m close too."
The humans back arches as she suddenly begins to mover her hips again. She tries, tries so hard to fuck herself on his cock even though she’s completely exhausted and her legs must feel like jelly by now, yet it’s enough to drive him over the edge.
"teyaaam", she whimpers his name, or half of his name, and it’s the cutest yet most erotic sound his ears have ever heard before.
Her hands leave his kuru in order to grab onto whatever she could reach to steady herself, her dull nails scraping over his back, while he tightens his own hold on her. Neteyams arms encircle her middle completely now, pulling her close as he bucks his hips up and into her, until he’s not even thrusting anymore, it’s just grinding against each other.
Neteyam feels her insides pulsate, as if she was milking him for all his worth. Her legs tremble and every limb on her body tenses as she comes, clinging to him like her life depended on it. But he does too, squeezing her smaller frame and holding her as close as physically possible as he emptied his pleasure into her, filling her with his cum until he felt it leak out of her, leaving a sticky mess between their bodies.
For a moment, Neteyam feels nothing but the warmth of her body, the heat emerging from the little humans soft skin morphing into his own. He feels her chest expand, her lungs filling themselves with air, chest heaving from exhaustion. He also feels how she snuggles against him, a content hum leaving her lips that make his tail curl around her ankle as if trying to hold her even closer. Feeling his cock soften inside her makes her shudder and Neteyam can’t help but chuckle at this.
"Good lesson today", he snickers in the sky people’s language. Hearing his Na‘vi accent makes her giggle softly, which causes heat to rush to his cheeks.
Neteyam enjoys the comfortable silence that then falls over them, so he rests his chin on top of her head and closes his eyes for a while, just listening to the sound of her breathing and the familiar noises of the forest. But then the little human abruptly sits up, straightening her back to look at her mate. Immediately, Neteyams eyes are wide open again, the little hair on his tail raising in alert as she wordlessly scanned his face.
"It’s my turn to teach you a word", she tells him then and despite the fact that she was still entirely bare and sitting on top of him, her voice sounded small and shy. Neteyam felt a little startled at first, but his ears twitched inquisitively, ultimately giving away his inner thoughts.
"Hmh, is that so?", he hums, finally having found his voice again, "Okay then, teach me."
Her cheeks turn into a pretty shade of pink as he nods, giving her the affirmation to do as she pleases. Whatever it was that she wanted to teach him, he would listen.
To his horror, the little human then inhales a deep, sharp breath, her chest visibly expanding as air fills her lungs and then she hooks a finger under her exopack mask— but before he could even lift as much as a finger and bring her to an halt, she had already lifted the mask above her face, with a cute little grin plastered on her face as she held her breath.
Neteyam could only watch in complete shock, utterly dumbfounded. But then she surges forward, suddenly confident, and her lips find his. They move against each other, her arms wrapped around his neck, chests pressed together as tightly as possible and Neteyam never wants to leave, never wants this to end. He moves his hand from her hip, reaches up to hold her face as she kisses him and he kisses her. She’s so warm. So soft. So sweet.
She called the rumbly sound he made when he was so content a purr, and he loved doing it for her. Loved the smile it brought to her lovely lips, how it sometimes made her giggle when their chests were pressed together almost like this.
The kiss was gentle but searing, slow but all-consuming at the same time. It was good. Addicting even.
Unfortunately, she ends it sooner than he’d like, but Neteyam knew all too well that she had to breathe again at some point. Still, he feels a little disappointed when her kiss-swollen lips leave his own.
By the time she leant back enough to look him in the eyes, her mask pulled back over her flushed face, they were both panting helplessly. But now they stare at each other, a sweet smile across her face and he breathes deeply, soaks up the deep emotion dwelling in his chest. He can’t name it, doesn’t know what she feels, but he wants to feel it again.
"Thats called a kiss in my language", she smiles sheepishly, the sight alone enough to make Neteyam feel warm all over.
"Kiss", he repeats the foreign word, testing the right pronunciation on his tongue. "I’d like to have another", he tells her grinning and she giggles. It’s the most beautiful sound hes ever heard and Neteyam thinks that maybe… maybe humans aren’t so bad at all. Not this one at least. Definitely not his human.
"Okay, since you’re so eager to learn today…", he brushes a strand of hair behind her ear, his gaze lingering on her soft looking lips for a few more seconds, before he meets her curious eyes, "I have something else for you."
"What is it?"
Neteyam looks at her– he really looks at her now, taking in all of her features that seemed so alien to him when they first met, but now they were so familiar, so loved and adored by him. And then, without missing a beat, he tells her,:
"Oel ngati kamaeia."
"And what does that mean?", she tilts her head, nuzzling it further into the palm that’s been holding her face.
"It means I see you, my little mate."
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bubblebaththoughts · 6 months
Aged up!Olo’eyktan!Neteyam x Fem!Na’vi!Reader
kinkmas masterlist
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warnings: 18+ MDNI, p in v, breeding kink, making the bond :),
Tsakarem - Tsahik in training
Tsaheylu - the bond
After the war, The Sully’s thanked the Metkayina and returned home.
With the exception of Lo’ak, he stayed with the reef people to be with Tsireya.
Tarsem wanted to step down from Olo’eyktan, but Jake refused to take the role away from the younger man, so Tarsem placed the responsibility on Neteyam.
With Neytiri gone, Mo’at had to find the next Tsahik, you.
And so you became Tsakarem.
Neytiri always knew that she didn’t ever truly desire to be Tsahik, she always wanted to be a warrior, so she was secretly glad that you took over her role.
Nonetheless, The return of the Sully’s threw you for a loop.
Suddenly, your courtship with Tarsem had ended, and you were arranged to be mated with Neteyam. Which, you didn’t really mind, you just wanted to continue your duty to the clan, it didn’t matter to you who you mated with.
It felt so… domestic.
Watching you teach the kids of the clan different skills.
Weaving, sewing, carving, healing.
You seemed to know everything there was to know.
He knew that being you being Tsakarem, you needed to know all of those things and more.
He wanted them to be his children that you both would teach them everything you knew.
He would put twelve of them in you right now, if you asked.
“You have duties, Neteyam, focus.” His father interrupted his train of thought
“Yes. Sorry sir. What were you saying?” Neteyam looked back at him
Jake merely shook his head.
“You know, you watch her a lot.” Jake discreetly pointed at you
“She is to be my mate, of course I have to look at her.” Neteyam flushed
Jake laughed, again shaking his head, “No… the way you stare is, it’s something else.”
It was the absolute most pestering desire to put a baby in you.
“I don’t know… I don’t know much about her and… I’m curious.” He shrugged
Jake gave his son a knowing look, “What ever you say.”
It wasn’t like you were a stranger to him, you were friends before him and his family left, but now there’s a bit of a rift because of the sudden circumstances you’ve both been put in.
He caught you slipping out of Mo’at’s hut that night, a smile on his face as he realized you were alone.
“Oh! Neteyam! You scared me.” You sighed as he stepped our of the dark
“I’m sorry, syulang… didn’t mean to.” He circled you, like a predator that had cornered its prey
Eywa… what was he doing? He felt almost animalistic as he watched your chest rise and fall.
“You know… When it’s time, we’re gonna need to be really comfortable around each other.” Neteyam tilted his head down at you
“I’m comfortable with you Neteyam.” You replied, an indescribable look in your eye
Neteyam placed his hands on your hips, pulling you against him.
“I don’t know if you know…” He cleared his throat, trying to not notice how close you two were “But we’re supposed to… create the next leaders.”
You nod slightly “Of course.”
“That doesn’t bother you, right?” His hand gripped your hips roughly
“Of course not.” You answered
“You can always say no but, I want to start that process sooner, rather than later.” Neteyam watched your face for any doubt.
His voice is gentle as he speaks, but his words are heavy. He's telling you about his desire to have a baby with you, and he's trying desperately to convince you. You can tell he means it, but it's still a lot to take in.
You don't know what to say. Your heart is racing, and you're feeling overwhelmed. You want to tell him no, or that it was too soon, and on the other hand, you wanted to have a child with him and secure your spot in his life.
He looks into your eyes, and you can see the promise he's making. He'll be a good father and take care of you, you know he would.
You take a deep breath and slowly start to nod your head. You can feel your heart racing as you agree to what he's asking.
He takes your hands, pressing small kisses to them, feeling a sudden wave of warmth and comfort.
“Knew you’d do it.” He leaned in, kissing your neck
He leads you back to the hut that you two would soon share in the near future, laying you down on the soft, handmade mat that was adorned with different things given to Neteyam since he became Olo’eyktan.
“Neteyam…” You moan as he settled between your legs
“Hm? What is it?” He mumbled in between kisses you your neck and jaw
“Need- need to make Tsaheylu, to get pregnant.” You tell him
He pulls back with a smirk “I know.”
He pulls his kuru to dangle in front of you.
“You’re serious? Right now?” You can’t help but laugh
“Why not? Might be breaking a couple rules, but I want this… you want this. And why should we delay something that’s already predetermined?” He explained
“Right…” You nodded, reaching back to bring your own kuru to your front.
He brings his down to yours, you feel a tingling feeling as they seemed to have a pull on each other.
The tendrils danced around each other before joining together.
Your senses felt incredibly heightened, like you could suddenly feel every nerve in your body.
Neteyam leans down, kissing your lips with a fiery passion.
While he’s distracted you, he’s untying both you and his loincloths, discarding them across the hut. His broad shoulders and arms seem to completely cage you in.
Everything was him.
You were feeling him, tasting him, seeing him, smelling him, hearing him.
Him. Him. Him.
He’s gotten you naked now, a small pinch of insecurity is nagging at you but you brush it away as soon as he begins to mumble little praises under his breath.
He pulls away from you, leaning back on his knees in between your leg as he tried to guide the thick tip of his cock to your entrance.
He watches as it goes in, little by little. His jaw hangs open as a breathy groan emits from his throat.
“Fuck- So fucking tight.” His eyes shut for half a second
He looks back down to you as he was leaning in, his arms caging you in once again.
“Baby…” He moans, “Too much?”
You shake your head no.
“Squeezing me so much…” He growled “Here, play with that clit for me, relax baby.”
Tears brim your eyes, feeling overwhelmed by new feelings and new sensations all at once.
“Oh my poor baby.” Neteyam mumbled, his hand finding the back of your head and pulling you into his shoulder.
He gives you a second before he pulled your head back, and placed a kiss on your lips.
As he held you against himself, he began to thrust into you, small and slow thrusts, but just enough to get you whining.
“Play with your clit baby, don’t you dare stop.” He growled at you
You listen, desperately rubbing at your clit.
Neteyam uses his thumb to wipe the tears from your eyes, whispering to you how good you feel.
“Gonna stretch this tight ass pussy out…” He moaned “Gonna make this pussy remember me.”
“Neteyam…” You whine “I need it.”
“Shh, I know baby.” He comforted you, as he nestled his head in your neck and placed gentle kisses on it
His thrusts slowly sped up, making your whines louder.
“Yeah there it goes.” Neteyam chuckled “You can cum on it. Cum on it baby.”
You let out a particularly loud moan as you came on his cock. Your head turned to the side where you held onto his bicep for dear life, leaning forward and let your teeth sink into his sweaty skin.
He tasted like a sweet and salty mixture, something indescribable.
He yelped in pain, his head dropped down to your neck, breathing heavily as he continued to roughly thrust into you.
Once you released him, he pulled back from you, a smile on his lips as he saw your fucked out face.
“Oh look at you.” His hand came up to rest on your cheek, and he began to gently caress your cheek with his thumb.
“Feels so good!” You cry to him
“I know, fuck I know.” He groaned “Gonna cum baby, gonna fucking cum in you.”
You threw your head back at his words, too many feelings all at once that made you feel so intensely overwhelmed. As if they’d never stopped, your tears began to roll again. Your legs wrapped around his waist as a sob escaped your lips.
He put his forehead against yours and pushed your hair out of your face, his eyes full of sympathy.
“It’s alright.” He whispered “Just be a good girl..”
“It’s too much.” You cried
“I know, I’m about to cum, hang on for me.” He moaned “Gonna make you get pregnant… Gonna breed this tight little pussy until it takes.”
Your fingers dug into his shoulders, continuous moan falling from your lips as his thrusts speed up. He’s completely relentless, whispering praises into your ear.
“Oh, Oh my- fuck I’m cumming.” He growled “Cumming in this little pussy… Gonna give you all of my kids…”
He whispered dirty promises to you until you felt the warmth of his cum fill you. You cry out to him from the new sensation, holding onto him firmly.
Even after he’s done, he doesn’t pull out. Opting to instead roll the both of you on your sides and pulling you closer together.
“Gonna fill you up every day until it takes.” He tiredly whispered to you
“A threat or promise?” You jokingly tease him
“Take it as you will.” He shrugged
taglist: @danniackerman @loaksslut
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byunpum · 1 year
I can be a better father
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Pair: Tsu'tey x Child y/n x Child spider
Warning: Sad, jake being a bad parent, tsu'tey being the peer we all love. Neytiri being a sweetheart.
Note: I had a previous version, but I wanted to make this one from scratch. But if you want to read more about "bad dad jake" HERE. I hope you like it a lot, I really enjoyed making this oneshot.
Request: (anonymous) Idk if your the one who did Jake having a daughter from a one night stand thing and him and her having a strain relationship , I was thinking if Tsu'tey is alive and him seeing her and Spider being literally outcast and kinda neglected by the humans for one reayor another he kinda adopted both of them as his own ( and proybe bit petty for Jake being the way he is he do things better) Like reader just call Jake Jake and not dad but have a good relationship with their half siblings ( they call Tsu'tey dad and he may be rough he dose care about his kids )
Avatar masterlist | Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3
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If there was one thing tsu'tey liked to do in the afternoons, it was to go hunting alone. Walking through the jungle, with his bow and enjoying the silence that the jungle provided. He was very comfortable in various branches and bushes, the austrapede was right before his eyes, standing still while eating grass. Just as he was about to shoot, he saw the animal raise its head in alertness and run away. At the same time, he heard a noise coming from his feet. Looking down, he found a small creature. Little Y/N. He relaxed his shoulders, and lowered his bow. Watching as the girl was still literally sitting on he feet with a fruit. The girl was moving the fruit up and down and tapping it on the ground in order to break it.
"y/n" tsu'tey speaks softly, watching as the little girl looks up to see her favorite person. "Tsu…look!!!" speaks the little girl, lifting the fruit in the air. Tsu'tey laughs a little, and kneels down so that he can be at the same height as the little girl. The girl gets up from the ground, and automatically approaches the na'vi. Showing her the fruit. " I want….hunger" y/n speaks, in a very basic na'vi language. The poor thing was trying to learn to speak na'vi and English at the same time. Tsu'tey takes the fruit in her hands, the fruit was very big for a little girl. "What are you doing here alone?" asks tsu'tey stroking the little girl's hands, noticing that she had some scratches and her clothes were all dirty. Out of nowhere, a noise calls her attention…looking up to some bushes ahead. Tsu'tey takes the girl by the arm. Hugging her in order to protect her. "Y/N!!! LOOK…I FOUND MORE!!!" shouts spider, running to the direction where the girl was. Tsu'tey's heart calmed down, as he saw the other human child passing by in the village.
The child run, and bumped into tsu'tey's arm which had them reached out for the child to hug him. "spider…what are you doing here?" asks Tsutey, he knew that spider spoke the na'vi language better and was more extroverted than y/n. "We were hungry and went out hunting" says spider, playfully gesturing with his wooden bow, which tsu'tey had given him as a gift a couple of months ago. "you guys are hungry…wow" says tsu'tey, watching as y/n settles more on his chest. Tsu'tey noticed that spider was also dirty and his tired little face was showing. "Are you tired?" asks tsu'tey, wiping some of spider's hair. They both nod their heads. "How about we go to my hut and I help you cut this fruit?" says Tsutey, the children got happy and started jumping up and down. Tsu'tey stood up and began to guide both little ones home. He didn't have to worry much, both children knew the way very well.
It was not the first time tsu'tey had encountered these two human children. Left alone in the jungle, without parental supervision. This made him uncomfortable and annoyed him. He knew that spider was the son of the man who had hurt his clan, his planet. And he also knew that Y/N was the daughter of jake, well…of the human version of jake. He knew the whole story, neytiri had told him. At first it all seemed strange to him, but with time he could understand. What he couldn't understand was why jakesully didn't love you and always rejected you in some way. Y/n was still his daughter…whatever it was. But apparently he didn't understand this, which caused the man to care much more about the young children. They were both 5 years old, and he could not stop worrying about the welfare of both children. At first it was difficult for him to get close to the two children, but he got used to it.
"Ok…sit over there…and I'll help you cut that fruit" says tsu'tey watching the children running around the hut. Laughing and playing as they sat down where tsu'tey had ordered them to. The man reached for a container of water and a cloth. He had to clean the children up a bit, it pained him to see them so careless. He sat down next to spider, while y/n sat on his lap. "Tsu…I want a giant piece" says spider, yelling a little. Tsu'tey tapped him on the glass of his mask. "Spider…don't scream…I'm right here beside you" says tsu'tey laughing as he watched the boy get up to start playing with some toys tsu'tey had. He made some wooden toys for when they would visit him at his home. "Let's see…you know what you have to do. Hold your breath, pull up your mask and put the fruit in your mouth" says tsu'tey handing a piece to y/n. She was sitting on his lap all this time, quietly.
After the children eat their fruit, he cleans the children. Cleaning their hands, face, combing some of their hair. He even put some beads in their hair, according to him to make them look more of the clan. "How about if I make you some new clothes?" said tsu'tey. The children were so happy, spider grabbed y/n's hand, inviting her to play with him. Tsu'tey enjoyed the view, watching the children play and run around the hut. This felt so good, he always wanted a family. It all seemed so far from reality…he had gotten the idea that he was never going to find his mate. And that he would never have a family. So he enjoyed these moments with the children. After a fun afternoon for him, he decided to take the children to their respective homes. That was the ugly place which humans called 'laboratory'. Tsu'tey had the children carried in his arms, spider was on his neck holding his head, while y/n was on his left arm. The child was holding a little flower she had found on the road. "Y/N!!!" a somewhat loud voice was heard from the distance, tsu'tey watched as jake approached him. The man approached tsu'tey, and tried to take y/n in his arms. But the little girl clung to tsu'tey's arms. "Come here…we have to go home. Where had you gone?" asks jake, his tone of voice sounding annoyed. "They were in the jungle…both children" says tsu'tey holding both children tighter. "I think they ran away from me and…" jake started to give an explanation.
"There is no excuse…you have to be more aware of them. If you don't want y/n, at least watch out for their safety," tsu'tey says even more annoyed. Jake remains silent, he knew his friend was right. Jake did love you, but he didn't have the same connection he had with his children. He was never there during your pregnancy, or in your first years of life. So to him…y/n was just another child. Tsu'tey carefully handed both children to jake. "Take them to a safe place…please" tsu'tey talks, while releasing the little ones. They didn't want to get away from him. Spider was whining and y/n was starting to cry. Tsu'tey gave him a little kiss on the crown of his head and said goodbye to the children. Watching as jake tried to soothe them. It broke his heart, how he wished he could stay with them. But how could that be possible? He could pick up spider, he had no one. But y/n? She had her father…he couldn't go and ask her…that would never happen.
That same week, the children continued to hang out in their hut. Playing and spending all day with him. He practically had two new little tails. He would feed them, which was a difficult task because of the oxygen masks. He also taught them what they needed to know to survive in Pandora. And he gave them lots of love…who would have thought that a man like tsu'tey could be so loving. He combed and cared for his children. He liked to think of them as his…his little babies. Everyone in the clan was surprised to see tsu'tey with two human children, treating them as if they were his own. They talked and said comments but he didn't care. Someone had to take care of these two orphans and he was doing it. While jake and norm were in their own worlds…neytiri noticed tsu'tey's new behavior toward the human children.
Unlike jake, neytiri cared about you. She always tried to take care of you, when you were in the family hut. After all, you were half-sister to her children. It was the middle of the day…and she was sitting in the hut, looking after and watching her young children play. And in that group was y/n…playing with lo'ak. She watched as the little girl ran up, screaming. "'Dad…daddy!!!'" says y/n. Running toward the entrance, neytiri turns around expecting to see her mate. But she was surprised to see tsu'tey standing in the doorframe. The man had a basket full of vegetables, and was kneeling down waiting for the little girl's hug. The girl hugs him with all her heart, as he lifts her into the air, settling her in his arms. Walking to where neytiri was. "Hello…neytiri. I brought something for the family" says tsu'tey, he seemed to be very happy. "Thank you…I am grateful" says neytiri, accepting the basket and watching as her friend sat down next to her. All the children went to greet them, he lovingly greeted them one by one.
Neytiri appreciated the treatment and love tsu'tey had for her children. That's how it should be…after all he was practically her brother. After greeting all the children, Y/n hugged tsu'tey again and settled on her lap. "my pretty flower…how are you? Have you eaten?" asks tsu'tey, adjusting the girl's hair. "Yes… neyney gave me a nice meal" says the little girl lifting up her dirty shirt to show her stomach. Both adults laugh, neytiri reaches over and touches the little girl's stomach tickling it. She liked that nickname the little y/n had given her, neyney….sounded so adorable. "That sounds perfect…look I brought you something?" says Tsutey, pulling something out of a little pouch on his waist. Neteyam had come over, sitting right next to you on tsu'tey's lap. "Is that clothes?" asks the little neteyam, squeezing his sister. "yes, it's for y/n…it's just like kiri's" says tsu'tey, untangling the clothes. Stretching it out to show it to everyone, neytiri was surprised. It was small, but it was very beautiful. With feathers, and very delicate stones.
" My,my,my!!!" y/n speak, raising her arms so she could take her clothes. "Kiri…why don't you help your sister change" neytiri says, while kiri took y/n's hand. Behind the two of them, there was neteyam. "We have to put a bracelet on her" shouts the boy, both adults laugh. Tsu'tey was surprised at how attached the children were to y/n, even neytiri. So the problem was…jake. "She calls you dad," neytiri says, not mincing words. As she looked at what was in the basket. "She just calls 'jake' to her father…" neytiri was about to keep talking, when tsu'tey interrupts her. "Neytiri… being a parent is something you earn. And I think I have done an excellent job with those children." Tsu'tey says, he was proud of his words, for he knew they were true. "I know… and I am very proud of you. I'm aware that my partner doesn't give her the attention that child needs… so you've earned that title," the woman speaks. They both stand in silence for a while.
"I think I would be a better father to her? And also for the boy?" speaks tsu'tey, neytiri now looks at him with concern. She didn't know what to tell him now, this was a difficult situation. "You mean…you want to adopt them?" asks neytiri, she wanted to be sure she had listened well. "Yes, I want them to be my children. I will take complete care of them and Jake won't have to worry about anything…they will be in good hands."
Neytiri knows deep down that this is for the best. Although it was hard to believe, tsu'tey had accepted the presence of those human children. Maybe he felt sorry for them, since they spent all day alone. If Y/N was not with neytiri, she was alone with spider doing what things. She knew tsu'tey would be an excellent father, and she would support him. "I'll talk to jake…but I'm not promising anything" says neytiri, seeing how on tsu'tey's face a big smile was drawn. "She will still come and she will be with her brothers…I just want her to be safe" tsu'tey tries to convince neytiri. The woman puts a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Calm down…I will do what I can" neytiri speaks. They both looked up, when they heard the children approaching. Y/N had the na'vi clothes that tsu'tey had made for him. She also had a few accessories that her siblings had put on her. Y/N runs to neytiri, wrapping her small arms around her neck. "Let me see…you look very pretty. Do you like it?" says neytiri, arranging several pieces of the outfit. "Yessssss!!!" shouts the excited little girl. "Mom…did you see that I put my bracelet on y/n…it looks better on her" says neteyam, arranging more of the piece on her sister's arm.
"They did a great job," tsu'tey says. Neytiri fixes the girl's hair, while her brothers play with her. "Hey…how do you say?" orders neytiri looking at you with a serious look. "Thank you" y/n gets shy, while thanking tsu'tey. The latter reaches over and caresses a cheek of the little one. He could already feel the excitement, hopefully jake would accept. He felt grateful to know that someone cared for her, neytiri was doing a great job in taking care of her. And if he kept the little girl, he would bring y/n every day to spend time with her. He could tell they had a nice relationship. After a while, the man said goodbye to everyone, neytiri told him that she was going to stay with y/n and not to worry. He had to go to the lab to look for spider. He had also prepared an outfit for his little boy.
When he got to the lab, he knocked on the door. Norm let spider out, the man took good care of him. But not well enough, children need to be given love and time. And these people weren't doing that. He waited patiently for his boy to come out. According to Norm, Spider was asleep and he had to get him up. After about 5 minutes, the little boy came out, sleepy. Tsu'tey carries him, and the little boy hugs him. "I brought you a surprise," says tsu'tey, lowering the boy to the ground. As he pulled out a bundle, in which his new outfit was wrapped. Spider was so happy, tsu'tey's eyes lit up at the sight of the little boy's face. So excited, for such a simple gesture. Spider took the gift and ran inside the lab to change. "Wait for me here!!!" shouts the boy tsu'tey laughs and sits down on the metal stairs to wait for the boy. He is convinced that it was a good idea to create their own na'vi clothing, this way they will be cleaner and feel more comfortable.
The day happened just as he had planned it. If everything went well…Jake would agree to let him stay and take care of y/n. If he was a smart man he would agree to let him stay and take care of them. If he was a smart man he would agree right away. Tsu'tey began to clear away the mess he had in his hut. There were a few toys that the children had left in the morning, he was so happy. After a while, he heard someone enter his hut, "Hello…" tsu'tey spoke, noticing that it was Jake who had arrived. He quickly interrupts him. "You think you can just go to neytiri and ask her for me to give y/n to you. That's not how it works" says jake, he was a bit annoyed. This put tsu'tey on alert, how dare he complain to him if he didn't even want to and didn't even pay attention to y/n. "Are you listening to yourself… I'm the one who takes care of those children. I'm the one who feeds them, takes care of them and watches over them. You don't even pay attention to y/n" tsu'tey raises his voice, he is so upset. He wanted to hit this man right now, but he was controlling himself. Just then, neytiri arrives at the hut. She was agitated and you could see her worried face.
"Norm lost the children!!!" says neytiri worriedly. The woman had taken y/n to the lab in the afternoon. She handed her over to Norm, since y/n couldn't sleep all night in the hut, the oxygen wouldn't last long. But couple of minutes later, lo'ak came running to his mother saying that when he went to play with his sister and didn't find her and that norm was looking for her. And that with her was spider. Neytiri quickly tried to explain everything to the men in front of her, she felt that she had interrupted something that was about to end very badly. Hearing that spider and y/n were lost, he quickly ran, pushing jake aside and going to the lab area. Neytiri didn't even look at Jake and took off after his friend. Jake followed some time later.
Tsu'tey arrived at the lab upset, norm was in his avatar body holding a flashlight. Tsu'tey grabbed norm's shoulders, he had to tell him where the children were. "No…they said they were going to play nearby, they said something about some flowers" norm spoke quickly, tsu'tey could be quite an intimidating man. As soon as norm mentioned flowers, tsu'tey knew where both children are. He relaxed a little, but not at all, the road to that place could be quite dangerous at night. Tsu'tey started walking, ignoring some complaints from jake and some questions from neytiri. They decided to follow the man without any protests. The path was quite close, it was a place where tsu'tey used to take the children to play. A nice meadow that had a lot of flowers, bright. It was a beautiful place, but it could be a bit dangerous for two five year olds.
Arriving at the meadow tsu'tey saw two small figures in the dark, he approached slowly accompanied by jake, neytiri and norm. "And what are you two doing here?" speaks tsu'tey with a calm and sweet voice. Causing both children to look up, running a little towards the man. Tsu'tey wrapped his arms around them, sighing with relief. "I thought something serious happened to you guys…you shouldn't be here at night" says tsu'tey, looking annoyed at the children. "We're sorry!!!" says both children, holding hands. Jake walks over to where the children are, carrying them. "Well…we have to go" says jake, neytiri stood next to tsu'tey…she knew he was upset. She took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I tried…but he's kind of stubborn" neytiri speaks. "He doesn't know how to take care of them…. y/n. He…" tsu'tey turns away from neytiri and starts walking home.
He could feel several tears running down his cheeks. He felt anger and insufficient… he only wanted the best for these children. He himself felt strange, to feel compassion and affection for human children. He arrived at his hut, and quickly lay down in his hammock. He had to get used to the idea that he could never have his own family, that he would never be able to take enough care of these children, because they did not belong to him and although he did not like the idea, they already had their own parents. He settled down, trying to relieve himself of his feelings. He almost got his sleep, but finally after a long time he was able to sleep. The night passed quickly, and as usual he got up early. Wiping his face, not noticing anything else around him.
Out of nowhere he felt someone moving something in his hut. Turning his eyes slowly, he saw a spider looking in the basket where the toys were. Then he saw y/n sitting down, she was playing with one of the wooden ikran. He couldn't believe it, what was going on? Why were the kids here so early in the morning? "Norm said he'll bring you an oxygen capsule later…so the kids can sleep in there" speaks jake…he was on the other side of the hut. Sitting on the floor. Tsu'tey is surprised, and pulls back. "What?" tsu'tey was surprised, he didn't understand what was going on. ""You're so right….I'm a bad father to Y/N"" speaks jake. Both men talk, and begin to set the record straight. Jake knew that he wasn't the best thing for Y/N, and that he neglected her too much.
He had talked to neytiri at night, she talked to him. That it was best for Y/N to be with tsu'tey. Jake had been thinking about it all night, it was the best thing to do. Besides, he wouldn't be far from her…besides, his daughter didn't call him father. To her, her father was the man in front of him the one who had taken care of her for the last two years. Like Y/N, Jake talked to Norm…he told him that Spider should go with Tsu'tey, that he was the best thing for these children. Jake said goodbye to both children, and walked away without looking back. Although he didn't want to admit it, it hurt him a little to admit that he was a bad father and that it was too late now.
Left alone with both children, tsu'tey sits still stunned by the situation. He could not believe it, eywa had heard his prayers. His heart wanted to burst out of his chest, he was so happy. The little girl approaches her father, and hands him the toy. She had a cute smile on her face. "You know you will stay with me…I-I will be your daddy" says tsu'tey, taking the hand of spider, who had come closer. Both children nodded their heads. "I promise I will take care of you…I promise" both children hug their new father tightly. Even though they always knew…that he was their father.
ps. Thank you for leaving your request, I know it took me a long time to reply. I have had some problems with my laptop, but I will be answering them this week little by little. But don't think I have forgotten you.
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shkudss · 1 year
Weakened by Eywa Pt. 1
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Summary: Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Warnings: curse words, bullying, mental breakdown, English isn’t my first language
Author’s note: it my first Avatar writing, so I hope you like it! This idea was spontaneous and I’m not really good at writing, but I hope you’ll enjoy it! I’m still learning how to use Tumblr properly since I don’t really use it 🥲
Yawntutsyip - darling, little loved one
Yaymak - foolish, ignorant
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You thought that all these days when you flew to the water clans were the hardest in you life. Little did you know that life with Metkayina would be harder. You expected to finally live a normal life, doing your chores without being sacred to be shot by sky people. Now you’re safe, but things didn’t get better.
Since your arrival, these boys were bullying all your siblings, including you. You have no idea why it is important for Ao’nung to see totally similar to him Na’vis. You all are same avatars with slight differences that were unavoidable due to the environment you’re supposed to live in. Oh, yeah… supposed to live.
“What are you even doing here?”
“You’re so useless to our tribe”
“Go back to your monkey house”
All these words almost engraved in you mind without leaving space for other thoughts and hope. It’s been two weeks since you arrived and you still haven’t ridden an Ilu successfully, you can’t hold your breath as Metkayinas do. This makes you feel horrible and believe all these mean words.
“C’mon, Y/N, you can do it!”
Neteyam is trying to teach you how to deal with ilu and his voice is so calming, he really believes in you as an older brother. You wish you could just believe him, but insecurity lays too deep and securely in your mind.
“I don’t know… I can’t…”
Your voice was really soft and quiet as you’re the calmest child in your family. You don’t like loud sounds and fast actions. That’s just the way you are. Neytiri says that Sylwanin was just like you.
Despite being slower and more sensitive that other Sullys they loved and protected you with all their heart. Jake knew that Kiri and Tuk are different, they can deal with their problems a lot easier, while you cannot. When something bad to your family or yourself happens, you worry a lot and you won’t tell anyone about your worries unless they make you to. That was the hardest part of you character.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you need to take a break? We can continue tomorrow, don’t worry yawntutsyip.”
Neteyam was worried about your mental state, you were too quiet these days and it never meant anything good. Trying to make you speak about your feelings was completely impossible. You always think that your family has too much to worry about to burden them with your own issues. You want to be like Kiri and Tuk. That’s hilarious, Tuk is way younger than you but she’s able to deal with her emotions way easier than you.
“I’m good. Can we just take a break for like half an hour? I think my brain melts.”
You awkwardly smiled at the end trying to lighten the mood. Neteyam smiled back, feeling relief as you seemed to be just tired. He didn’t want you to hide anything from him and your family.
“Okay, yawntutsyip. I’ll go find Lo’ak and make sure his ass hadn’t get in trouble again. Kiri is on that side of the beach by the way. You can join her, she’s probably flirting with plants again. Let’s meet here in an hour.”
You laughed at his little joke about Kiri. But that’s a fact. Since you arrived here all she’s been doing is examining all local flora and fauna. You missed your time together in the forest, maybe now you’ll have a chance to talk and just be together.
“Tell me if something goes wrong.”
You knew this look. The big brother look. Sometimes you think how hard it would be for you to live without your family, the way you’re connected to them something really fascinating. And one of your love signs is time. Spending time with your family and each member is the way you show love, the way you feel protected and loved.
You see Kiri laying down in water and looking for something. She didn’t see anyone around, attracted by… water? You didn’t try to understand what’s going on in her mind.
“Hey, pandora geek.”
You stood in front of Kiri and the shadow from your body covered her. Only after that she raised her head and squinted at you.
“I thought you’re with Neteyam. What’s wrong?” She sat on the sand, water was covering her legs a little. You did the same thing, hugging your knees and placing your head on them.
“We took a break, my brain doesn’t work properly. I still can’t ride ilu.”
Hopeless sigh made your sister chuckle, but then she saw your eyes. They were full of sadness, you were not happy. Kiri felt guilt, as your sister she had to be with you, she forgot that Sullys stick together.
“What bothers you?” You were not sure if it’ll be okay to tell her everything. But you family always encourage you to speak what lays in your heart, so you decided to do it.
“There’s a lot… I miss home, I miss flying with you, Neteyam and Lo’ak around Hallelujah mountains.” You were vulnerable now and this is one of those rare moments when you opened your feelings easily. Kiri was the only one you did it with. You could feel tears coming to your eyes, you needed this. “I just miss our way of life. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to get used to it. Especially, when you always hear…”
“Hey monkeys! Still can’t ride ilu? How can you be so yaymak? You’re both freaks!” you could recognize this voice in millions. “One sister has demon blood, another is too dumb to do things that even infants can do!”
Ao’nung and his friends were coming towards you. Kiri’s body immediately tensed, you could feel it.
“What do you want? Is there nothing to do?”
Ao’nung and his friends came closer and you both stood up. Kiri was looking at him angrily, ready to fight. You were supposed to have such a good conversation, opening each other your soul, but this bully spoiled everything.
“My goal for now is to get rid of such fake Na’vis like you two and your stupid little brother.”
You were furious, how dare he talk like this about your family. Yes, he did say mean things to you, but he still picked his words. Now it’s too much. Nobody can talk about your family this way.
“Shut up and don’t get close to me and my siblings!” You tried to get into protective sister mode. Kiri was shocked by the way you raised your voice. She’s never heard such tone from you before.
“Look at this! Little girl knows how to talk?” Ao’nung was teasing you and laughing with Roxto and the rest of his friends. “Maybe you’ll learn how to swim properly soon by the time my future brother or sister will turn 10. Hopefully.”
You clenched your fists, trying to hold all your emotions. Anger, offense, sadness. It felt like a hurricane of extremely high spectrum of emotions, which was hard for you to bear.
“Don’t you dare…”
You didn’t control yourself that you were coming closer and pushing him. The reason why you felt this way was in him.
He did this to you.
You didn’t care that he was taller than you and all you faced was his shoulders. You didn’t care that he barely moved as you tried to hurt him as much as he hurt you. All he did was laughing. It seemed like Ao’nung didn’t understand anything you said, like he didn’t see you breaking into pieces right in front of you.
“Calm down, you little skxawng!” It was a joke for him. For you it was your last piece of composure.
“You’re dumb! So dumb that you can’t even understand how much pain you give me! Every day I wish I don’t meet you so you won’t shower me with all your shit! Every night I cry myself to sleep because all your mean words you’ve said hurt me! And you don’t understand me, how can you be so mean?”
You were screaming at him and trying to hit, mental breakdown took over your senses. You could physically feel how your heart hurts and legs weaken. All sounds were heard as if from under the water, you didn’t see what’s going on around you. Someone’s holding your shoulders and pushing you to their chest to not let you fall on your knees.
“Don’t touch her!”
Furious voice sounded from afar. Neteyam. Your brother who always protects you, surrounds you with love you need. That’s why he calls you yawntutsyip. Little loved one.
You could feel your brother as he came closer to you. His steps were as heavy as his mood. When he saw you breaking down in front of this asshole and because of this asshole, he almost lost his temper. The way chief’s son was holding and looking at you, finally realizing that his actions have consequences. He had to drive you crazy to understand it.
“Back off! Now!”
He pushed Ao’nung as he got closer to him, taking off his hands off you. You didn’t realize it was him, who held you all this time. Was it long? Actually, everything happened in less than 2 minutes, but for you it was like an infinity.
“What happened?”
Lo’ak was here, he saw you crying in Kiri’s hands and Neteyam fighting with Ao’nung and his friends. He didn’t need to check on all details to punch Roxto and other guys.
“It’s fine, we’re here. Don’t worry.” Kiri was sitting with you and slowly swaying, while tapping your head to calm you down.
“I’m sorry, I…” that’s all you could say.
Neither you nor Kiri noticed how the fight stopped until Neteyam came closer and examined you. His eyebrow was cut so as his lower lip, but he didn’t care. Now he could feel only your pain.
“Yawntutsyip… my sister.”
“I’m sorry, Neteyam. I didn’t…” You were gasping for breath from crying, not being able to collect your thoughts.
“Shhh, that’s fine, you’re fine. We’re here, nobody will hurt you again.” Kiri gave you to Neteyam, he was calming you down repeating the same moves as Kiri did. You were crying, letting all pain, that was suppressed inside of your soul, to flow through you.
Your siblings knew that you need to feel it to let it go. That is the only way for relief.
“Let’s go home, yawntutsyip?” Neteyam’s voice was calming as always, he hated seeing you crying.
You just nodded in agreement, hiding your face in brother’s neck and holding him as if someone can take you from him in any moment.
Yes, most Na’vis are brave, ready to fight and protect their beloved ones. But you just can’t do it. You are the one who needs to be protected. Eywa created you that way and you can do nothing about it.
“Don’t ever come to our sisters, you little bitch! Are you so insecure that you’re afraid to battle with me and choose those who are weaker than you?” Lo’ak didn’t miss to say the last goodbye before following after all of you. He didn’t wait for the answer, he didn’t need it.
Ao’nung was standing up there and looking as your figures disappear. No words are in his mind, except for one.
I hope you liked it! I’m not sure if I’ll write the second part🫣 I have an idea but idk if it’s worth it, we’ll see!
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nilsavatar · 4 months
DAY 31 - A/B/O
Parings: Neteyam x Fem!Avatar
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Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI +18, no use of Y/N, ANGST, SMUT in the end, love bites, rubbing, sexual tension, olfactophilia (they both turn on by smelling arousal/pheromones), P in V, manhandling, oral (f receiving), face fucking, fingering, praising, cursing, pet name (ma’uniltı`ranyu - my dreamwalker), rough, knotting, dirty talk, overstimulation, edging, strangers to lovers, first time (first heat, loss of avatar body virginity), begging, difference in power (alpha-omega dynamics), soft-dom Neteyam (mention of marking, possessive behavior but he’s kind and caring), Jamie Flatters cameo. All characters are AGED-UP.
Summary: Living in the body of an avatar is not as simple as one might think.
Little note: OMG! You have no idea how happy I am to have finally finished this fic. It has been on hiatus for so many months that I thought I would never publish it. The more time passed, the more the pressure to write something worth the long wait increased. I rewrote it so many times, but it never seemed good enough, and the editing was exhausting. I hope with all my heart not to disappoint your expectations. Please be forgiving: this is my first Omegaverse. Thank you🥰
If you would like to be tagged in future fics, please write it in the comments. I will be happy to add you all💕
Word Count: 7,6k
Masterlist - Request a fic
Aubree’s knowledge as a xenobiologist fell short in front of the challenges of living as a dreamwalker among the Na’vi.
The presence of a secondary sex was fascinating, fictional in the eyes of a human being, accustomed to a binary system. But on Pandora, things were way different. The natives displayed their primary sex (male or female) from birth, and their roles in the clan were influenced by signs that emerged during puberty. Alphas, predominantly men, possessed a massive physiognomy. Tall, muscular, strong-willed, controlled in character, yet predisposed to irascibility. Betas were the largest group, with an equal proportion of females and males, and the most human-like. Omegas, mostly women, were known for their petite and delicate build, along with a calming demeanor.
When she arrived on Pandora, she had no particular expectations of what her avatar’s designation would be. Still, no one would ever have considered a potential alpha looking at her features. Aubree was a spitfire who was unlikely to be pushed around and knew her stuff in professional terms. Someone who won’t let you get away with nothing. However, her dainty physique and conflict-avoiding tendency were clear indications she would be an omega (or beta at best). The moment she connected with the hybrid, clarity rained down on her like a burst of sunlight breaking through the clouds. Her own body erupted in a chorus of sensations, each one clamoring for attention. It was as if every nerve ending had awoken from a deep sleep, demanding to be felt. The omega within seemed to mold itself to her presence, wrapping around her with the natural warmth of a long-lost sibling's affection. Its voice, like a lullaby, soothed tenderly in her ears, caressed her senses, evoking a bittersweet nostalgia. It had waited for her for a lifetime, patiently biding, though she felt as if it had always been there; their destinies entwined for eternity. The connection felt familiar as if it had always been an integral part of her existence, hidden deep within her soul, longing to be seen. A joyous reunion with her inner essence, theirs, rather than a discovery of something new about herself. As her eyes fluttered open, the blinding white light of the hospital room assaulted her vision, her first instinct was to cry. Overwhelmed by the pent-up emotions that had been building within her.
Yet another factor played a role — a negative note. The recognition wasn’t exclusive to her; everyone around her, from the very moment she had awoken as an avatar, had sensed, smelled what she was. And this made it obvious why omegas often experienced such a designation as a condemnation.
Alphas’ attentions may be... excessive.
From a human perspective, Na’vi were naturally intrusive. The concept of personal space between the two species was totally at odds; they were prone to be close, to touch each other, to smell each other. A fundamental part of their socialization techniques. Aubree could have learned to tolerate it as a cultural trait if her alpha-designated colleagues didn’t engage in the same behaviors. They couldn’t help themselves.
“It’s the pheromones,” said matter-of-fact Max, not having any other scientific explanation. Studies on the subject were stalled. Without a vomeronasal organ connected to the brain, or terrestrial examples to refer to, they couldn’t describe the phenomenon. The only thing palpable to both of them, equally inexplicable, was that her wake was inviting. Alphas were almost reduced to a primal state around her. “You should talk to the Tsahìk about this,” Aubree mentally berated herself for not thinking of it sooner. Who better than the Tsahìk, the spiritual leader of the clan and the highest authority among healers, to provide her with the answers she sought? And maybe even help in dealing with the symptoms.
The healers’ tent wasn’t large. Quite the opposite, it was indeed small. The room appeared even tinier with the disorganized heap of things stacked on top of each other in a jumbled mess, creating the feeling it could burst at any time. An imminent threat to be fair. However, under scrutiny, one could discern an order in the distribution of the items. To her right, tools of various types and sizes covered the entire wall. To the left, on shelves arranged by color, were terracotta jars filled with powders and ointments. Some were large, others tiny; some had regular shapes, others were bizarre, tongued, or angular. Engraved on the bottom of each were symbols. An early form of writing, considering the People were still oral.
A little further down, the counter ran around the entire interior of the room to the nearest post of mattresses where sicks could rest. Behind the cupboard was the massiest shelf of all. Ampoules, mirrors, rolls of cloth, baskets of bandages, needles, and flowers stuffed somehow. That place was a unique contradiction, ranging from manic order to disturbing chaos. Despite the dimness and the oppressive atmosphere, the tent also emitted a serene, welcoming feeling, akin to the mystical aura of a shaman’s lair.
But one not was out of place. Post-its here and there written in… English? What were post-its doing in the Tsahìk tent? They were so out of context.
“I see the human touch doesn’t go unnoticed.” Aubree gasped, more at the dull sound of something heavy being moved across the counter than the surprise itself. A woman emerged from the myriad of baskets scattered across the floor, placed one on the wooden shelf, and emptied its contents. Her hair, just above her chin, was straight but messy. The tswin, displayed in front of her chest, obscured the huge needle that hung from her slender neck. At every movement, the beads of the intricate shawl that covered her shoulders and breasts jingled, as lively as a child’s laughter. A streaked cerulean complexion set off lemon-yellow irises fixed upon her like those of a cat.
How old was she? Her face appeared youthful, almost adolescent, yet her eyes betrayed wisdom and worldliness far beyond her years.
“You must be Aubree. I was waiting for you to show up.” It seemed as if the healer’s pupils flickered at the sound of her name. The avatar stepped forward. “It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Kiri te Suli Kireysi’ite, Tsahìk of the Omatikaya.” Acting on impulse, she extended her hand, but when the young woman didn’t shake it, she hastily corrected the gesture into the typical bow of greeting and reverence. She looked amused.
“No need for formality here. We are the same age and are both researchers. We have more in common than you might think.” A smirk curved her plump lips as she put her fists on her sides. “To what do I owe the glee of your visit? I suppose you need to ask me something.” Her sudden remark made her jolt. The Na’vi woman stopped arranging the shelves and turned to look at her with anticipation. “Well?” “I wouldn’t know where to even start. It’s something I don’t fully understand,” she confessed. “Is it related to your dreamwalker body?” She nodded. “But humans cannot help you.” It wasn’t a question, but the scientist nodded anyway. Kiri drew a smile and disappeared behind a curtain that separated the room from the next one — a laboratory. After several minutes, she reappeared with a small box full of tea filters. “Have one in the morning and another in the evening. It’s a suppressant; it will quell your pheromones.”
Aubree blushed furiously. How…?
“I might be just a beta, but your wake is so strong that it knocked me out for a sec. I dare not imagine the effect you have on alphas.” “Not pleasant.” “Much too pleasant, you mean,” she chuckled. “Be careful not to abuse the drug. You wouldn’t want to find out about the side effects. And remember, it is a temporary remedy. Useless on the verge and during estrus.”
The idea hadn’t crossed her mind at all when she accepted her Ph.D. and joined the AVTR Program. She was so thrilled to pursue her dream she would have accepted any job proposal. And who was she to deny she had always felt a fascination about natives? Na’vi estrus cycle was highly articulated and varied by secondary sex designation. Beta females, like humans, had a menstrual cycle and were potentially always fertile, exhibiting no visual, behavioral, or olfactory signals announcing impending ovulation.
Quite a different story for omegas and alphas.
The former went into heat three times a year, about four months between cycles, and could last up to seven agonizing days in the absence of a partner to care for them. This was their peak fertility period. The latter rutted once a year, and the length of the inter-anestrus was unpredictable. In mated pairs wasn’t uncommon for one’s heat to trigger the other’s.
“What should I do when it happens?” “Well, the most natural advice would be to spend it with a playmate, preferably an alpha, as theirs are the only pheromones that have a calming effect on omegas. There is no risk of conception for those who are not mated, so as long as your kuru’s are not entwined, let go.” “Mm, alternatives?” “Lock yourself in a shelter until it ends, away from everyone. But that is the least desirable option. It’s terribly painful to face heat alone.” “I could stay disconnected as long as my avatar is in this state.” “Risking dying of dehydration and starvation in the meantime? Or worse, that some alpha will have fun at your expense?” Kiri hastened to say, noticing the scientist’s horrified expression. “Yes, it has happened, and I assure you that the physical memory of the trauma remains, even if consciousness was not present.” “But I’ll still have to log out myself. My human body needs care, too.” “All the more reason you should find someone to look after you, and quickly. Your first heat is approaching.”
As if that were a small thing.
“My intuition tells me you’ll be fine. Now go. And drink your infusion.” She was about to leave the tent when one last question left Aubree’s lips: “How will I know I’m in heat?” “Oh, trust me, you’ll know.”
She was so absorbed in Kiri’s words that she didn’t even notice the hungry glances she was catalyzing. Especially that of a distinguished man wearing a feathered cloak. The young Olo’eyktan followed her figure as she made her way back to the human outpost until she was swallowed up by the thick undergrowth.
“She doesn’t have a mate if that’s what you’re wondering,” a voice to his left exclaimed. As he turned, he came face to face with the Tsahìk, whose penetrating stare revealed a cunning expression that hinted at a deeper understanding. “I don’t see why this indiscretion of yours should interest me.” “Mm, I don’t know. Seems like she caught your interest.” “Hard to ignore with the trail she carries.” A corner of Kiri’s mouth twitched: Neteyam had just been trapped in the net. “She’s not the first omega with such a scent passing under your nose, but you’ve barely noticed the others.” The young man’s back straightened. “What's your point?” “I’m just surprised. That’s all.”
Neteyam’s gaze was again lost in scanning the spot where the avatar had vanished, lost in a thousand thoughts. Unaware of the bright, wide smile that now graced his sister’s beautiful face. The satisfied smirk of one who sees three moves ahead.
Upon entering the research division’s canteen, some may have felt as if they stepped into Goldilocks’ fairy tale. Everything in there was big, big or small, small, except for the stove and tables, which were set at an intermediate height so that both avatars and pilots could use them.
Aubree stared at the teapot brewing the concoction Kiri had given her; her nose stung by the pungent yet fresh smell of nettle wafting from the spout. Carefully, she poured the liquid into a cup without straining — Ingest the leaves — and drank it. Immediately, her throat burned and a tremendous itch seemed to want to tear it open.
Shit, even worse than anticipated.
She took a seat on the plush sofa, its velvety fabric enveloping her frame. As she pressed play on the remote, the screen flickered to life, casting a soft glow on the dimply lit room. Her eyes followed the vivid images of a movie for distraction, but her mind was eaten up by the searing prickle that intensified with each passing moment. The discomfort became all-consuming, shielding her from the outside world, as if the itchy sensations had woven a barrier around her, isolating the woman in her own thoughts. She was oblivious to her colleague’s presence until he sank into the cushions beside her. His arm hung weakly on the backrest, almost brushing against her shoulder. But it was his sudden loud snort that jolted her back to reality. Aubree jumped as she turned to her right and found Jamie. His left knee wedged into his opposite ankle, his foot dangling in her direction. His head rested an inch from the wall, eyes half-closed in a drowsy state.
“You look tired.”
The guy let out a low, rumbling laugh in his typical mumble before replying that he felt like a bulldozer had run over him. Fatigue weighed heavily on him, evident in the strain it put on his distinct British accent. She surreptitiously watched him, taking in the details of his avatar that closely resembled the human it was created from. His gaze remained the same, although his blue irises had now turned a striking shade of yellow. His lips and teeth mirrored the original, except for the canines. When he smiled full-mouthed, two dimples appeared on his cheeks, causing his eyes to crinkle at the corners, as if they were smiling, too. His slightly protruding incisors gave his face a boyish charm, contrasting with his strong, masculine features. He radiated a sense of gentleness.
That last remark had the same effect as lightning illuminating the night. They were conversing freely, as they would have if they were humans.
An alpha and an omega.
Aubree had gotten into the habit of avoiding alphas as much as possible when she was in this body; head down, shy look, walk fast. Never within nose reach. But Jamie did not lose his cool in her presence. He didn’t sniff the air greedily. His gaze didn’t become insistent as it passed over her face. He didn’t moisten his lips endlessly or clench his jaw and fists as if to keep himself from jumping on her. Nor did hold his breath and make excuses, running for his life as he was wont to do.
The suppressor was working!
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The success of the next days was enough for the unknown estrus to recede into the background, in the darkest and most hidden place in her head. Who could blame her? Her life was finally back to normal. After all, her avatar's first heat couldn't have been so terrible, could it? Just stick to this simple recipe and everything will be fine, repeated as a mantra.
Remember, it is a temporary remedy. Useless on the verge and during the heat.
Time passed, and days turned into weeks. The taste of the medicine became more tolerable as her throat grew accustomed to its piquant flavor. Even if it wasn’t, the end justified the means. Aubree took the doses with obsessive precision, but after a few months, she noticed the effects wearing off, though she couldn’t pinpoint exactly when it began.  The first warning came in the form of mild dizziness when she logged in, accompanied by a lingering feeling of fever. Then, her appetite waned, alternating with sudden bouts of hunger. Finally, twinges settled in her iliac fossae. She chalked it as harmless PMS, nothing she hadn’t already experienced. Most importantly, not a cause for alarm regarding her host’s performance or health; the hybrid was fully functional.
Wait a minute. Premenstrual syndrome?
As she walked down the hallway leading to the medical area, her mind wandered back to her last period. Her forefinger swiftly navigated the tablet, selecting the calendar app she used to track her menstrual cycle. She was still a long way from the start of the next one, a full two weeks, right in the middle of her fertility window. Maybe I’m ovulating. The symptoms she had been going through lately aligned with that assumption. Breast sensitivity, a slight increase in discharge, heightened lubrication, and libido.
This would have been enough to reassure her, if not for the steady, soft beeping coming from the hospital room, serving as a haunting reminder. Her stare roamed beyond the glass, taking in the circle of Link Units surrounding a pair of desks in the center, a total of eight. It settled on the last station on the far left. Number 3. Her lucky number. Well, not so lucky, given how things were going. The monitor next to it showed the status of the machine, the vitals of the subject inside, the neural activity of the two interconnected brains. The real-time image of the pilot's unconscious face.
Aubree’s face.
And so she realized the symptoms were none other than the avatar's. Ovulation, PMS, cravings were all alarm bells that the heat was near. But who gave her the coup de grâce was Jamie himself.
The guy was running towards her, calling out and weaving, eager for something he was about to share if he didn’t put the brakes on his run. With his palm up to cover his mouth and nose, he said, “Woah Bree... You stink.” His pupils showed a hint of dilation. “It’s time, isn’t it? The suppressant isn’t working anymore.” “Guess so.” “Um, I don’t wanna freak you out or anything, but...” He scratched nervously at the back of his head, no longer holding her gaze. “... if you ever need help dealing with… that. I mean, if I were in your shoes, I’d prefer a friend taking care of me over some random dude. So...” “Thanks, Jamie, for the offer. I know it’s from a genuine interest, and that you’re not trying to take advantage of the situation. I appreciate it, but maybe the Tsahìk can help me out while I’m in the shelter.” “It could last for days.” “I still haven’t come to terms that intercourses are the only way. She's possibly making it sound worse than it actually is.” “Possibly not. Thinking you’ll be locked up somewhere suffering...” "I'll log out for the night," Aubree giggled. “Besides, it would be kinda weird, don’t you think? We work together.” Now he couldn’t help but laugh. “I do science. Stuff like that won't faze me. You better hurry, based on the scent you're giving off, you could be in heat any minute. If you change your mind...” With a last playful wink, Jamie left.
Free to return to her concerns, Aubree’s smile turned into a taut line. She had to find Kiri. Quickly.
As she battled the relentless fever, the seemingly endless and overwhelming path to Hometree stretched out before her. Every step was a struggle, her trembling hands clutching onto the rough tree trunks for support. Fatigue weighed heavily upon her, her eyes squinting against the blinding rays of the sun as it dipped below the horizon. The intense heat made her perspire profusely, the dampness seeping through her clothes, clinging to her body like a second skin. She wished she could strip off her garments; the discomfort unbearable. The thought of dying of shame seemed trivial compared to the fire that consumed her from within, leaving her skin burning and blistering. 
Sounds of prolemuris filled the air, their calls echoing through the dense canopy. The heavy, rich, damp bouquet of lush vegetation mingled with the freshness of rain and whiffs of her scent, alerting a hunter nearby to her presence. His senses heightened. With narrowed eyes, he tasted the air, as if savoring a fine wine. The particles rose into his nostrils, painting a vivid image of Aubree in his mind. Her sweet face, adorned with sparkling eyes, and sinuous curves stood out against the dry features of the People. 
As he continued to track her trail, his pupils dilated, his senses enticed by the lingering aroma. Every step he took, he could feel the dampness of the forest floor beneath his feet, the rough texture of the leaves brushing against his fingertips. The air was alive with anticipation, as if holding its breath, waiting for the inevitable. But as quickly as the scent had captivated him, the hunter’s instincts kicked in. He realized that if he could smell her, others could too. The realization sent a shiver down his spine, a reminder of the dangers that lurked in the rainforest. With a determined resolve, he pressed on, his senses alert, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
He left his prey to almost run the distance that separated him from the woman. His omega. The moments it took him to reach her seemed like hours when they were a handful of minutes at most. He found her at the foot of a plant, curled up in a ball, her cheeks stained with tears as she whispered incomprehensible words under her breath. The man staggered, his senses assaulted by the unmistakable pungent smell of her heat stench. A wake so overpowering that left him breathless and struck, unlike anything he had ever smelled before. Teeth gritted and jaw clenched to the breaking point, he bravely advanced towards her, finally falling to his knees. If only he had resisted his natural urges. He could not allow himself to give in. Not him.
With a gentle touch, he cradled her jaw in his palm and soothed her with slow, reassuring strokes along her side, repeating, “It’s alright, it’s alright. You’re safe now. You're not alone; I'm here for you. You’re going to be okay.”  Her cry-streaked face trembled as she whispered, “Please... I can’t take it any longer,” cheeks dampened by an endless stream of tears. “Just take care of it.” He cursed in frustration, powerless that he couldn’t even bring her to his sister. Kiri was assisting a primipara in childbirth. “Please!”  Before taking her in his arms and laying her gently against his chest, the Na’vi sighed, his voice filled with resignation, “Yes, whatever you need.”
Walking backward towards the nearest shelter, he kept his gaze fixed on the path, his piercing eyes fully focused on his surroundings, scanning for any signs of danger. The very direction he had originally come from. Not that anyone could have stood up to him under those circumstances. Regardless of whether he had reached the woman first, no one would have been foolish enough to challenge the clan’s top warrior. 
Groaning, Aubree nuzzled against him, finding solace in the familiar and calming scent that emanated from his skin. Like lowered into a light, peaceful bubble, his soothing alpha pheromones everywhere. An alpha she couldn’t recognize, her vision too blurry, but to whom the omega inside her was singing a serenade. In this foggy confusion, she could only hear the beating of his heart against her ear and the oh-so-big, firm hands holding her up. And though she could not see him, starry eyes appeared in her mind’s eye, looking tenderly at her. 
Her fantasy drifted away, picturing him holding her close, his lips exploring every inch of her body, and their lovemaking leaving her in a state of euphoric surrender. A shiver ran down her spine and made her throbbing quicken at the mere thought of being touched where the tremendous burn concentrated the most. The brush of his lips on her forehead and the tip of her nose made her believe, if only for an instant, that reality had merged with her imagination. His voice lingered in the air, like a gentle gust against her mouth, hinting that they were just moments away from their destination.
Where, she would have inquired, but there wasn’t much room for consistency in her head right now, her perceptions too chaotic to form a coherent question. She would have gone to the ends of the Universe, as long as it meant she could be near him.
Next to her, on her, inside her. Her heart raced with anticipation.
As the hunter laid her down on the mattress and went to fetch water, it was no surprise that her expression crinkled, her eyelids opened slightly, and a low moan eluded her parched lips.
“You need to drink,” he said softly, his voice filled with concern, as he offered out a small bowl. The liquid inside shimmered, reflecting the soft glow of the room. However, she shook her head, causing the contents to spill onto the floor, the sound of the liquid splashing echoing through the silence. A flicker of frustration crossed his face, but it quickly melted away, replaced by a deep-seated worry as he watched her. Her arms opened towards him, inviting him into her embrace. He had never encountered such desperation and helplessness in an omega before. 
Calmly, he laid down beside her, pulling her gently towards him. As he hugged her, she could feel the tension slowly leaving her body. But it wasn’t enough. Aubree craved more, she needed more. And so he leaned in and kissed her. His lips were soft and tender, like a delicate caress. When she bit into them, the taste exploded on her tongue, a blend of sweet honey and warm sunshine. The flavors danced and mingled, delighting her senses. Closing her eyes, she felt a rush of sparks and stars illuminating her mind. His tongue explored her mouth with a gentle touch, mirroring the soothing sensation of his hands as they massaged her tense shoulders.
She felt perfect, cocooned in the strength of his embrace. The soft glow of candlelight danced across their entwined bodies, casting a warm, intimate atmosphere. The warmth of his arms, his faint scent mingled with her own, enveloped her, creating a sweet, comforting haven from the outside world. Yet, an intoxicating sensation filled the air as she nestled against his chest, hearing the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. A soothing melody that resonated deep within her. Every touch, every caress, sent waves of bliss coursing through her body. In this moment, she found solace and contentment, knowing that she had found her rightful place - in his loving arms.
She was exactly where she belonged, complete and fulfilled.
When he let go, she was panting, her lungs desperate for oxygen, her heart pounding in her chest. All she could see were his eyes, lost in darkness. Delighting in her exquisite taste, surpassing his wildest dreams, he pressed his lips against her face and kissed her deeply. The overwhelming passion seemed to consume her, suffocating her with its intensity. He gently moved away, giving her a chance to catch her breath, and as he did, he positioned himself on top of her, taking off the thin t-shirt she had on.
As much as he longed to press his skin against the avatar's, the Na’vi couldn’t help but be drawn to her curvaceous physique, a stark contrast to the ruggedness of his own kind. He took his sweet time to admire her; the naked breasts, the rounder hips, he could not resist stroking them with his fingertips. Aubree’s scent brainwashed him, a slave to the instinct to take her where she was, but in the back of his mind, there was still enough clarity to realize that he was truly amazed by the wonder of the woman before him. He liked her. He really liked her. He had liked her from the first moment he had noticed her, her trail so enchanting that it could not be ignored.
Once again, he yearned to taste her, to hold her. He placed his lips upon every reachable inch, leaving his mark with his intoxicating scent. He lavished attention on her face, caressed her eyes, nibbled on her ears, traced her collarbones, and claimed her neck, burying his nose in her skin, his tongue tenderly exploring the hidden depths behind her shoulder. It was a remarkably sensitive spot, causing her to surrender to pleasure, her corneas tilting backward in ecstasy. The surge of pheromones transformed into a primal growl, resonating deep within her core; uncontrollable shivers coursed through her body. He pressed harder against her hips, releasing a second wave that intensified their connection.
Aubree wrapped her limbs around him, squeezing him in a fervent embrace. The sound of their mingling breaths filled the air as their lips met once more, a symphony of desire. Overwhelmed by the sensation of his body against hers, she reveled in the way he effortlessly fit into the curves of her form. Each kiss and caress he bestowed upon her skin brought a cascade of relief that engulfed her senses.
Through the graceful dance of their bodies, she felt the weight of his longing against her. Every movement spoke volumes of his desire to please her, to alleviate her anguish. As his lips explored her skin, a low, guttural moan escaped her throat, resonating with a mixture of gratification and pain. In the air, a spice of raw passion intertwined with a hint of vulnerability. In his touch, she could sense the depth of his caring, his soulful dominance.
She realized how similar they were: two people subjected to their nature.
Equally desperate, her lungs aching, she reached a trembling hand towards his tail, fingers brushing against the coarse texture of the loincloth. The tightly cinched knot resisted her efforts, causing each tug to reverberate with a faint sound of strained fabric. The hunter, his muscles trembling with anticipation, propped himself up slightly, his breaths mingling with hers in the dimly lit room.
Time slowed to a torturous crawl as he painstakingly unraveled the knot, his fingers working with meticulous precision. The sensation of the fiber slipping through his grasp sent shivers down his spine, a mix of alleviation and frustration intertwining in his chest. The weight of the tewng around his ankles became a physical reminder of the barriers they both longed to shed. Almost on the verge of tears, he yearned for liberation from this confining cloth, craving the proximity and warmth they shared. With a swift motion, he freed himself from the bindings, the garment rustling quietly as it fell to the ground. In an instant, he pulled her back into his embrace, his arms blanketing her with a renewed fervor.
As their bodies tangled, a rush of emotions flooded their senses — the scent of their shared desire hung heavy in the air, mingling with the musky aroma of sweat. The touch of their skin, now unencumbered, ignited a fire that burned with an intensity they could no longer deny.
The scientist loved every moment; his piercing, smoldering gaze fixated on her, lolling in every tender touch, every flattering word, but she reached her limit, and he could sense it. Suddenly, the biting cold dusk shrouded her exposed form. Her garments were violently ripped away, leaving her vulnerable. The icy sensation lasted only a fraction of a second, though, for that was all the time it took for the stranger to plunge into her doused core. His intricate braids tickled against the satin-like skin of her inner thigh. The balmy breeze of his breath danced upon her as she rolled up her sticky legs around his head. “No need for that,” she giggled, her voice trembling. The sharp edges of his canines teased her, causing a playful tingle to spread across her lips. His smile showing both desire and mischief.
With exasperating slowness, he inhaled in a long sniff, his expounded pupils pulsating as they reopened. He dove in to guzzle the juicy nectar at its source, emitting a hoarse moan with the initial sip. She gasped, feeling the vibration against her quivering lips, as a blissful wave rippled through her soul, intensifying her arousal. Gripping her silky hair, he nestled his face, exploring every crevice, nuzzling her thoroughly. His insatiable tongue and eager lips caressed the velvety walls of her intimate entrance, skillfully teasing the supple skin and delicate clitoris. His left hand, loving and firm, cupped her slender ankle, his touch sending shivers up her bone. Slowly, he trailed his hand up her smooth thigh, his fingertips tracing every contour, igniting a fiery anticipation within her. With a whispered whoop, he sank his index into her swollen, drenched core, the wetness coating his digit. There was no resistance, only an overwhelming urge for more. In sync with her ragged sighs, he added a second finger. The sound of their combined panting saturated the air as her grip tightened around his relentless, plunging fingers.
At this point, Aubree was trembling with need as every fiber within her begged to be fucked. The alpha’s dominant pheromones beguiled her, while his languid, deliberate movements captivated her gaze. His hungry eyes, dark and all-consuming held her spellbound by the way he devoured her. The crushed combination of his present and skill left her subdued, infatuated even. As her back arched in pleasure, a primordial scream tore through her open windpipe. Excitement was so intense, a fiery mixture of ecstasy and release so gratifying and flawless,  that her omega felt a devastating love than just heat. In that instant, he hit her G-spot with caustic precision one final time, causing her to pour forth in a torrential climax. A violent, passionate eruption met by the man’s eager mouth, which drank her essence like a thirsty beast.
However, something unexpected happened as the orgasm subsided. Aubree burst into tears.
Copious tears streamed uncontrollably down her cheeks; wet, hot streaks that burned almost as scorching as the new, unbearable fire festering in her belly. Sobs rang through the shelter as he called her back, holding her tightly in his protective embrace, now curled against his chest seeking consolation. “Shushu... ‘Upe kemwiä? (What is it?).” He murmured, his lips resting on her temples as he futilely wiped away her tear-strained cheekbones. “It doesn’t go away, it doesn’t go away.” She cried, her nails scratching his chest, desperately trying to hold on to something. Her nose rubbed against his rib cage, then his jaw to impregnate him with her perfume, his heart pounding wildly.
In a frenzy of kisses and bites and touches, he let her vent, his digits grazing along her spine, confused by the speed with which the urge had reassembled in her. The Na’vi was confused by the speed with which the itch had reassembled within her. Normally it would take a few hours after such a powerful first orgasm. Time to rest, eat, drink. Aubree badly needed hydration to combat the incessant fever that plagued her and the fluids she was losing.
“Take a moment to rest. You need to drink.” “Screw the water, I want you,” she confessed, her misty eyes fixated on him. They shimmered with unstoppable tears and thirst. Her face flushed with a violent purple. It was the most powerful heat the man had ever witnessed, and he wondered what had triggered it. That it was her first heat? Had the suppressors made her high? It was because of him? The alpha in him reprimanded him with the natural mildness of primal appetites. Just take her, she’s pleading for it. But he shook his head. It wasn’t him. He was better than that. He had been raised to care for others, not to use them. Alphas protect, that was what gave them purpose; he would do anything to protect his mate, even from herself.
Even though she wasn’t technically his mate.
Despite not being bonded in the traditional sense, their connection was undeniable. Aubree, unbeknownst to her, held a special place in his heart from the very moment they met. It was clear from the start that this outcome was unavoidable. Calling upon anything that could keep him sane, he held some sort of energy drink under her nose. “Näk (drink).” The omega sounded at this command. It was as if by speaking in his native language, he was able to assert himself a thousand times more forcefully, even if she didn't get his words. The omega knew for both of them. “Can you do this for me? Drink this and I'll give you everything you want.” She had never heard anything more beautiful. She swelled the entire contents in one gulp, her head dizzy from the sudden amount of sugar. She fell back between the pillows with a quickening pulse, even if he was stroking her hair comfortably. The fall brought a fresh whiff of her needy wake, filling the entire hut as well as his nostrils. Instinctively, the hunter took a deep breath. A breath, that stopped halfway as his brain registered the source of the trail between the woman’s legs. A shimmering fountain that caused him to let out a guttural roar of defeat. He was so weak to her.
As he settled between her groin, the tip of his erection brushed against the warrior’s waistband, still clinging to his torso. The only garment Aubree had allowed him to keep.  The sight of him, breathtakingly elegant and athletic, thanks to Eywa’s mercy, overshadowed the idea of how many other omegas had the privilege of having him inside them before her. But now he was all hers. That thought alone ignited a fresh wave of excitement to blossom. He pressed his full weight onto her, and she wasted no time running her hands over his taut, strong, muscular back. Every contour, every sinew, was exquisitely formed and enticing under her touch. The closeness they shared, their bodies pressed against each other, sent a thrill through her. He smelled so damn good, hard and bothered for her. The way he responded to her advances only heightened her desire, flaring up a foreign heat in her veins, surpassing even her own natural instincts.
His shaft, long and thick, glided inside her, stealing her a gasp as he filled her in one fluid motion. Pleasure trembled through her, evident in her labored breathing and tightened walls. The barriers of her depths easily acclimated to his divine cock, satisfying even her smallest wishes. It was almost embarrassing to realize how every aspect of him was designed to please her — the texture of his body, the touch of his skin, the taste of his lips, the sound of his voice, his tantalizing scent.
She couldn’t help it and was somehow ashamed of her weakness. Her intimacy clenched at some point, in response to the blows he gave her, the few but deep sounds he made. So securely he gasped at the faint pain before rushing to her mouth in a ferocious kiss. Demanding, needy. He bit and pulled at her lip, pushing his tongue to lick the arch of hers, to suck her teeth, making her vibrate around him.  Had she mentioned that his lips were amazing? Yes, she had, but who cared? She would have repeated over and over again how unworldly they melded with hers in such a sublime way that they would have stunned her if she weren’t for the crazy pheromones already. Aubree didn’t even know who this man was. Her senses tangled, preventing her from recognizing his face or voice, despite a nagging suspicion of familiarity. Her mind sporadically focused before touch or smell overpowered it. Now taste. His lips felt like fresh fruit, sweet and full-bodied. She would have spent hours luxuriating in them, but the impression she was about to burst grew and grew, driving and unbearable.
She moaned uncontrollably as the Na’vi drew back his hips until only the tip rested against her core to thrust again before effortlessly thrusting again. Each new point of contact stung inside her. The avatar felt an insatiable desire to take all of him, to never let go. Her heart filled with euphoria — little bites, caresses, kisses ran through her body, which now smelled like his. She tugged at his hair as he made his way back to her mouth, her wet thighs encircling his waist, her heels nestled in the dimples of Venus. Clinging to him as if the contact of his epidermis, his chest, his arms weren’t enough. She craved more. Their hearts pounded in unison, like furious galloping horses, their passion untamed. “Tsahey, sı`ltsan’efu (oh hell, feels good),” he grunted, his timbre low and gravelly. Kind of a dirty move whispering praise in Na’vi into her ear. His words danced to the tips of her toes from the dull joy it gave her to feel appreciated, as the sound of their frames colliding echoed in the hut, a symphony of lust and devotion. Her cries grew shrill, a melodic chorus that fueled his every thrust. He was so hot, his skin flushed and glistening with sweat, as he moved faster, the friction intensified, sending sparks shooting through all of her body. Aubree clasped her legs around his waist, hankering for everything he offered. His grip on her shoulders steadied, his fingers digging into her skin. The force of his thrusts increased, each one hitting her with a mix of pleasure and pain. Her nails dragged along his back, leaving red trails in their wake.
The man rested his forehead against hers, their breaths mingled; his lukewarm exhales covering her face and his ears full with her gasps. The smell of their passion hung heavy in the small space, a heady mixture of steam and need. He watched her in both ecstasy and disbelief. The sight of such intensity in his gaze overpowered her, but she clung to it, relishing every moment when his dick struck a sensitive bundle of nerves.
As she felt his knot dwell, alpha pheromones crept into her subconscious, drowning her omega in the musky aroma of dominance and submission, an exhilarating fog that pushed her further into surrender. The place seemed to darken as her soul naturally responded to him; her pulse hastening with trepidation. Each frantic gasps for oxygen a struggle against the sweeping emotions. She had no choice but to capitulate, to cry out for him. It felt as if her very DNA had been written to covet him, to lock him inside, but the native held her back, prolonging the exquisite torture.
“That’s not a good idea. It’s your first time.”
A new growl escaped her windpipe, vibrating hungry rage. A rumble that allowed no response, a warning that made him bend his ears back and sink to the point of no return. His stare fixed on her with a longing that knew no bounds. Now only orgasm could free him from her clutches. His expression seemed pained, a flicker of hesitation, but it lasted only a second before the most animalistic and savage sounds she had ever heard rose from the back of his throat. The researcher bit his neck to stifle a moan louder than the others, desperate to repress the burden that threatened to consume him. The last thing she wanted was for him to stop for concern of hurting her. He gasped, his grip on her hips toughening as he plunged more fervently, the rhythmic slapping of their bodies reverberating through the room.
“Don’t ever come out. Stay in forever,” she stammered in confused, fading whimpers. His reaction was harsh, his hips digging with such force that the knot scraped hard against her walls, inducing her to writhe in ecstasy. “Nga tsun ke pawm fula tsonta oe… Nga zir fìtxan tsìltsan (You can’t just ask me that… You feel so amazing).” His voice strained with lust. In response, the woman gyrated her hips even deeper against him, moaning with abandon until he filled her completely. His burning seed spread inside her, as he released a final wave of pheromones that triggered an orgasm so powerful it knocked her unconscious — her frame succumbing to the overwhelming fulfillment that exhausted her. “Are you okay?” He kissed her temple, but she could barely nod, still breathless. “Good.”
Amid that swirling sea of dizzying, carnal lechery, the Na’vi caught a whiff of her enticing trail, drawing him in like a magnetic force. He twisted her neck gently, planting kisses and licks behind her ear, where it released all sorts of fragrances that blended with the aftermath of their passionate encounter. Aubree shivered, her skin tingling as he grazed his teeth over her sensitive flesh. The aroma of her essence intensified here, so potent it could dance on his tongue, so tantalizing to explore further.
As he indulged in a small taste, her partner’s presence surged within her; his dick twitched, and automatically her inner walls throb around him. Just as her apprehension grew, fearing his bite, his lips found her ear where he murmured: “Don’t be afraid. I won’t mark you until you ask me to.”
Suddenly, a clarity washed over her, as if the dense intoxication of hormones had dissolved, leaving her lucid in its wake. The researcher pushed her lover away, panic coursing. Her narrowed eyes hinted at a revelation, now that she could finally name the alpha who had guided her in her very first heat, still mating with her with a satisfied and dangerous grin.
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk’itan. Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya.
Her eyelids suddenly grew heavy. Aubree fought not to close them, but with each blink it became harder and harder to keep them open. She felt his fingertips brush the hair from her face, then caress one cheek as he lowered himself to place a light kiss on her forehead.“Hahaw, ma’uniltı`ranyu. Nga kin ne tsurokx. Tätxaw ngeyä tawtutetokx. Oe veaywng nga kay sìn. (Sleep, my dreamwalker. You need to rest. Return to your human body. I’ll take care of you from now on).”
Special thanks to @pandoraslxna for the prompt!
@neteyamssyulang @layla2-49
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neteyamsyawntu · 5 months
Neteyam te Suli
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“I’m a warrior like you, I’m supposed to fight!”
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SERIES *:・゚✧*:・゚
And So She Danced With Death (Recom!Neteyam)
ONE-SHOTS ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Distracted (sub!Neteyam) Breed Me (Dom!Neteyam) I Need You, But I Don't Want You (Drunk!Neteyam) Request My Hero... (Dom!Neteyam) Request My Little Tawtute (Nete x Curvy!Human Reader) Love Me Tender (Lazy sex with Neteyam)
Violent Little Thing (Neteyam x Bratty Na'vi!Reader)
Imagine Neteyam going down on you (Nete x Human!Reader)
Intertwined Desires 1k Special (NeteXReaderXLo'ak) LunasKinktober2023 Avatar12DaysOfKinkmas
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oakbuggy · 6 months
Liar, Liar Chapter 4
Recom!Neteyam x female OC
Summary : Tala of the Tawkami gets captured by a familiar face and to both of their misfortune, they are trapped together due to circumstance. They are extremely vexed by this and each other and also very horny.
Warnings: Minors DNI, non-con+dub-con, explicit smut, dirty talk, authority, power struggle, mentions+depictions of blood, minor violence, character death, marking, biting, scenting, ANGST
!! Each chapter will have images throughout the chapter, only the AO3 will have the NSFW-uncensored versions. Please keep this in mind as you read !!
Chapter 4 (NSFW) ~9.8k words
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Tala unceremoniously woke up in her cell, her body completely sore and wrecked, and no memory of how she got back. She endured hours of self-pitying and Orlek’an’s intense questioning of what happened and if she was okay and yes, the sex was extremely good and she didn’t want to think about it anymore.
Her next sessions in the lab were more bearable, a silver lining of pleasantries was included in each meeting. Patty had also surprisingly apologized and ‘gifted’ the Tawkami with her own starched white lab coat, filled with pockets.
Well, it was less of a gift and more of a ‘all the bites and marks on your body are making us uncomfortable so please wear this piece of clothing’-type offering. Tala did question why not they just look away but she couldn't necessarily blame them, the soldier wasn’t very gentle with his ‘playing’. She had also been spared embarrassment and given a replacement tewng, but this one was so strange. It was a tawtute piece of clothing, underwear that dug into her hips a bit, an ugly grey color. Still, better than the shreds Neteyam had left her with.
Scientists trusted her more and allowed her closer to materials. So much closer that she was able to build up her own collection, including a paralyzing agent to coat Orlek’an’s crude darts and needles with. The pockets were like godsend.
The only one who didn’t trust her any more in the time she’s been here was unsurprisingly and so frustratingly, Corporal Tom.
He dragged her away at careless hours of the day and night since then, to the quiet and somewhat disturbed acceptance of all the scientists and Patty. Every kiss was wounding, every touch was rough, and his steadfast meanness was grating on Tala’s resilience.
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And by Eywa, so was his stamina. Any peak she caught of the soldier in the hallways made her scowl. While each step made her wince and tremble, oh no, perfection himself had the swagger of a palulukan prowling their territory. 
He’d come to find her every few or so days, so Tala took these breaks as little gifts from Eywa. Hidden in high corners, hallways, and window corners, she would etch clues of the prophesied danger. ‘Tsefta’ Eywa’ [Eywa’s Revenge], she wrote. Vrrteps could translate it, true, but the People would know it was a warning, a true sign. Even if Tala got caught, the rest would follow in spreading the message, though she obviously hoped this wouldn’t happen. 
A few days passed, it was no worry. The few days stretched into a week and she still hadn’t seen neither boot nor tail of him. Not that she was worried. 
Not that she missed him, Great Mother, she’ll poison herself before she ever admits that.
“Haven’t seen Corporal Tom in a minute, he… alright?” Dr. Hanson said awkwardly as the two of them waited for the droid to bring out the next sample. Tala snorted, how would she know?
Patty knew. “He sick.”
The Tawkami proudly fought the urge to twist her body at a breakneck speed to interrogate the guard but her shoulders did tense. He’s never been sick, and, extreme headaches aside, he was all the makings of a healthy and hardy soldier. 
Dr. Hanson spotted Tala’s pinched focus on the table, so he took pity and asked for her.
“Sick with what?”
Patty shrugged.
“Ramirez spotted him hiding out in his room and the medics are salty ‘cause apparently, that’s just ‘what he does’ instead of going to them.” The guard explained, picking dirt from underneath her nails which only got a scolding from the other scientists. Tala could feel her ears perking up, intrigued, but she kept her mouth shut and her eyes focused on the plant material before her. It wasn’t any of her business, even if she burnt for answers.
Before her was a cluster of hardened plant sap and crystals before her, golden, and still connected to violet tree bark. Previous thoughts of the Corporal were quickly replaced by delight.
“Oh. This is… sweet thing. Honey.” She replied in her simple English, and Dr. Hanson’s previously unreadable expression broke when his eyebrows shot up.
“Honey? So, just edible, no medicinal properties?”
Tala smiled and quickly swiped a tiny crystal to taste, causing the scientists around the table to squawk.
“What are you doing!”
“Spit it out!”
Tala let it melt on her tongue, smiling cheekily. “Properties… makes other medicine easier to eat.” She said with a giggle and pushed the cluster towards the tawtutes. They eyed each other before shaking their heads, deciding to input their observations instead. She shrugged, savoring the sweet, tart, taste, the flavor like a melody on her taste buds. It’s been so long since she’s really tasted anything besides those miserable dry bricks of vitamins. As she licked her fingers clean she remembered something.
He liked honey when they were younger, didn’t he?
Tala blew some dark strands out of her face, eyelashes fluttering like a tizzy and she paused. Her green eyes snapped up to see Dr. Hanson’s extremely observant and bespectacled brown ones.
She felt her cheeks heat up, Great Mother, how affection-starved was she to consider Neteyam’s continued absence discomforting? 
She blinked twice before smiling, pointing her ears down as if bashful. “You’re staring very hard, it embarrasses me.” She teased and puffed up internally when he sputtered.
Dr. Hanson sheepishly looked down and with a glance around the room, pushed the honey cluster towards her. 
“You can have it.”
“Well, I think honey’s a small price to pay for saving my life.”He said with a small smile. He straightened up nervously but Tala delightedly leaned across the table close to his face. She blinked prettily at him and smiled, her nose almost touching the glass of his exo-pack. 
“I think you just like me!” She said delightedly and carefully placed the little cluster in her pockets, licking her fingers. When the tawtute’s face flushed, Tala smiled to herself. She was far more used to this sort of reaction. Not Corporal Tom’s indifference tinged in distaste.
She grimaced suddenly when the sweetness on her fingers made her feel so terribly homesick. 
She missed her medical alcove, the crunch of grass as she walked, and the smell of everything in the air. She didn’t miss the raids, nor the trepidation she felt every time she awaited her friends to return from their own missions.
But now because of one single prick, she was forced into a new normal. Tala was sure he saw it as Eywa’s strange sense of humor that he was burdened to come find her for his aching head. Both the one on his shoulders and the one between his legs. 
The mark on her neck stayed ever deep and ever sore. And yet despite the evidence of his outright obsession, which Tala felt like she was running in circles in making him admit, his bruising indifference was prevailing. The tranquil seed in her back fangs didn’t feel like enough to get back at him for, not by a long shot.
The mechanical doors whirred open and already her mouth poised to snark at the corporal for his absence, but the face she saw was much uglier than she was expecting. Corporal Halloway smiled broadly, to her chagrin, and noisily stomped into the lab, arms wide open.
“Hey there eggheads, and Private!” Corporal Halloway walked into the room with the confidence of a man who was not sporting a healing black eye. The disgust replaced shock when he grabbed her chin, making her hiss.
“Aw, hey to you too, sweetheart. Still mad?” He asked with mocking kindness. A hazmat-suited scientist guffawed from the corner.
“Your black eye looks like it’s healing well.” They said in the back smugly. The corporal flipped them off and fingered through Tala’s braids roughly until he found her kuru and pulled it harshly to get her feet. She shouted from the pain and her legs bumped painfully against the side of the table.
“Not feelin’ like talking to the eggheads today. How about you and I get some privacy?” Corporal Halloway said heatedly, eyes dangerously gleaming. She grimaced and the rest rose to their feet as well.
“You can’t-“
“We’re in the middle of-!”
The corporal leaned over Dr. Hanson in a way that made the scientist step back and strain his neck. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t have to and even Patty was shifting her eyes in apology.
After a few seconds of tense silence, he suddenly laughed.
“Thought so,” Halloway said and quickly dragged Tala out of Lab 12. In the narrow halls, he dug his dirty nails into her hip.
“Hurts.” She tried to say without hissing but her revulsion peaked through too obviously. His loud boot stomps echoed along the floor, her own feet skidding along. He had dragged her out so quickly that thankfully her inhibitor cuffs were still unlinked, but who knew how long that would last?
“You don’t seem to mind when it’s the big blue boy scout doin’ the hurtin’.”
Her nose scrunched up. Maybe her reaction was a touch dramatic because the Recom barked a laugh loud and hard, so pleased.
“What, you don’t like him either? That’s a shame, I think you’re his favorite.” His eyes looked strange when he said that last word. Tala didn’t like that, didn’t like him, for some reason, she felt like something more dire than a disappointing fuck was awaiting her and her mouth felt dry. His gaze right after he kicked her to the floor was so… intense. Scary.
The sour aftertaste of honey stuck to her tongue.
Corporal Halloway nearly dislocated her arm when they made a turn into an unfamiliar set of hallways. While Tala appreciated the new addition to her mental map of the facility, the pit in her stomach grew. Just weeks ago she was fine with Halloway’s advances, but now he seemed even more disgusting an option. His already awfully-stale smell was mixed with blood and gunpowder, smoke. He had returned recently from battle.
Tala’s green eyes worriedly darted around, the empty metal passages, the corporal’s face that towered over her with an unsettlingly friendly smile, and his gun still holstered on his harness. She had forgotten that despite his harshness, ill-treatment, and manhandling, Corporal Tom never acted with an intent to kill her, not really. Corporal Tom cursed and used her, but he was at least reliant on her, even if he hated it.
Tala avoided making any further eye contact with Halloway. She knew that looking into them would only set off more dread.
Neteyam could smell her before he could hear her and at first he thought those whiffs of honey and rose were only his delusion.
His body was sore, his bedsheets were covered in his sweat and he huffed, vexed at the thought of her.
A simple mission turned out to have much more annoying consequences than Neteyam had expected. It was a simple raze and redevelop; Raze the ground and redevelop for more RDA bases. More Bridgeheads.
The roads were developed but on this side of the moon, barely inhabited. Most fled, the few warriors the na’vi were more focused on evacuating the many young they traveled with, which the Omaticayan thought was so outrageously reckless of them. How could one think to travel with so many helpless clan members in the open? How could they let themselves be targeted like that?
Neteyam’s scope remained fixed on grown warriors, knives and bows in their calloused hands. Halloway’s accursed chuckles from his throat comm about ‘easy pickings’ made his jaw tense. 
But his headaches and mind soothed with each shot he, as a soldier, took. Perfect, accurate.
The battle was barely worthy to be called such. His migraine returned to manageable levels, his supplies were hardly dented and when Quaritch recalled the team to the center of the field Neteyam saw no movement.
The arrow shot at Neteyam’s clavicle was surprising, to say the least. He had seen the half-dead na’vi on the ground, her arm still in the air, and the both of them dropped onto the grass to bleed out.
Visceral shadows of sensation coursed through his body as he bled out, it prickled muscle memories that he didn’t know where from. Had he bled out before? His scars felt like they glowed red-hot but he had enough sense to apply emergency care and pressure to staunch the bleeding.
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“Tom down, requesting extraction.” He hissed into his throat-comm and he knew he was conscious as another squad member arrived and dragged him back to the helicopters. He knew he was awake when the Colonel asked for his condition, of which he answered positively, and Halloway painfully clapped his hand on his back like a dickhead.
And maybe Neteyam was awake when Quaritch then told him to report to medbay and Neteyam instead went back to the darkness of his private quarters, deciding he’d rather hunker down and tend to himself. He had made his own collection of RDA medical supplies inside his room, increasingly avoiding any medical staff if he could.
He didn’t know why he did. He just never wanted them to touch him, never to set him inside one of those chambers.
Neteyam, still in bed, looked down at the haphazard bandages awkwardly applied around himself to cover his clavicle and the dried blood on his mattress. Ah, yes. After he got shot, he developed a fever and continued to seclude himself.
He groaned when he realized he could still catch her scent, still provoking him and perplexing him. It must have been days, how did she always manage to worm her way into his thoughts? She confounded him, which was precisely why he avoided seeing her. Neteyam needed actual strength every time he saw her, or else he’d end up falling for her cloying words or stabbing her dead, it was for both their sakes really. He kept her distant even despite their intimate closeness, kept her screaming with his fingers instead of letting her poke her away around his mind with careful touches. He kept her shut up with kisses that made them both taste blood because even if he couldn’t stand her, his feet would take him to Lab 12 and back in the sights of her infuriatingly pretty green eyes.
Damn her. And damn Eywa, for making him reliant on her, he could feel the veins on his forehead pulse and it felt like gunshots were hammering away in his head. He was fine before he found her.
Halloway’s barking laughter was so loud Neteyam could hear it through his door and thankfully he harbored absolutely no goodwill towards that irritating person. He regarded his fellow Corporal with the barest respect, he was more cruel than he had to be on the battlefield. It bristled against Neteyam’s previous warrior sensibilities, he would definitely have considered Halloway dishonorable.
Neteyam shot up in his bed as the pieces of his mind finally clicked together. Halloway and Tala?
The soldier walked to his door with minor difficulty and it hummed fully open. There was Halloway, lecherously draped around Tala, leading her through the soldiers’ living quarters. Her tail was swishing anxiously.
Neteyam glowered when the two of them turned towards him but all he was focused on was Halloway’s hand squeezing her ass through her lab coat.
Her fucking pert, round ass he’d watched bounce on him just a week before-fuck. His nose wrinkled, he didn’t feel like sharing.
“Get over here.” Neteyam’s voice rumbled through his chest dangerously low, not acknowledging his fellow squad member. Tala blinked her stupid pretty eyes and she cautiously leaned her weight forward, toward Neteyam. The soldier above her kept her still.
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“Hey sunshine, you finally awake? How you feeling, big guy?” Corporal Halloway greeted him, friendly, but when he adjusted his grip on Tala to kiss into her hair she could feel the temperature drop as Neteyam’s pupils turned to pinpricks
“Fine. How’s your eye?” The snark in Neteyam’s voice felt too personal and the way Halloway’s pulse quickened made Tala immediately look back up his face, the black eye. He did that?
“Cute. I’m gonna go get my dick wet now, you can have her when I’m done. But, uh, I wouldn’t wait.” The Recom said dryly, winking, and began dragging Tala back to their original destination. Neteyam’s growl was enough to get everyone to freeze and Halloway faced him again, she could see Neteyam’s knuckles turn white.
The Tawkami na’vi thought quickly, a second option had become available to her and though she loathed to admit, Neteyam was by far more attractive. As an option.
She discreetly rolled the thinnest of Orlek’an’s crude darts at the bottom of her lab pockets with her thumb and finger. The Anurai woman had taught her some new tricks and Tala’s tongue ran over the tranquil seed still tucked securely in her back fangs, another option if things went awry.
She could do this.
Tala pressed herself firmly onto Halloway’s arm and let him feel the contours of her body through her closed lab coat. Both soldiers’ ears perked up, alarmed. She fluttered her eyelashes up at Halloway coquettishly while ignoring the holes she felt burning on the side of her head.
“Can we go already~?” She whispered with a small whine, and Neteyam could feel his fever spreading tenfold down his fucking bloodstream what the fuc-
Halloway’s eyebrows shot up and the wolfish grin on his face was so immense Neteyam considered kicking his teeth in. Halloway turned to him, dramatically shrugging.
“You heard the little lady.” He said before picking Tala up, she tried to hide her yelp as a squeal of delight. When her eyes caught Neteyam’s unreadable yet simultaneously rageful expression Tala tilted her head and smiled innocently, her tail flicking lazily behind her.
He looked so stupid, what was he all angry for? Adorable.
The Omaticayan was losing his mind, his scowl was deep and he huffed when Tala smiled. When the door shut, he bruisingly hit the side of his fist against the wall. Yomioang [chalice plant], he couldn’t have picked a better plant for her, she seemed all too fine with ensnaring whoever she could with her nectar and it left a bad taste in his mouth.
Neteyam felt all too much like the stupid boy he’d acted around Tala when they had first met as children. Pretty flowers, sweet scents, he wanted to murder something.
Tala wondered if she had gone too far, seeing the way the male na’vi’s back muscles flexed, tight. His hair had whipped away from her so dramatically. But her attention was demanded when Halloway punched in the code for his private quarters and nearly threw her in his bed.
The smell overwhelmed her, and so did he as he immediately ripped her coat open, groaning at the sight of her in this grey underwear. He grabbed at her hips and pawed at her breasts, and Tala obliged despite feeling her skin crawl.
“Finally got you all to myself. Come here, sweetheart…” *He breathed into her darker blue skin as she held the crude needle in her palm. She sighed breathily and arched her back to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
Halloway started to laugh. “Don’t worry I’m not going anywhe-ERK!” Halloway’s body nearly suffocated her as it fell on her diaphragm, heavy as a rock. She quickly pulled out the needle from the space near his adam’s apple, just as Orlek’an had taught her. A new trick, just to cause a fainting spell.
Tala blew more dark strands of hair away from her face as she poked him hard a few times and checked if he was still breathing. He was out cold and Tala nodded to herself, impressed. She would need to ask the Anurai woman to teach her more, though she did also offer a quick prayer to Eywa that she hadn’t just killed him.
After some major effort, Tala rolled the soldier off of her, bit into his skin here and there despite the revulsed reaction it brought to her tongue, and scampered quietly to Neteyam’s door.
She knocked. Nothing. She knocked again, louder.
A crack opened and even from the tiny space, Tala could confirm what she thought she had smelled earlier: dry blood.
She could see Neteyam's bright golden irises blaze at her through the crack and she beamed at him.
“Missed me?”
The door quickly shut and she made the brilliant decision of letting Neteyam nearly break her toes as she tried to stop it. She bit her lips and hissed in pain. Neteyam smiled, almost amused.
“Ow!! Really?” She whisper-shouted to him, feeling extremely vulnerable out in the bright hallways of Bridgehead.
“What did you do to him?” Neteyam asked, eyes flicking to Halloway’s door. Tala rolled her eyes. “He’s fine, he’s just taking a little nap.” She grumbled and attempted to get further inside by squeezing her arm in now, the door digging painfully into her tit as she tried to force her way through.
“You told me to get over here, didn’t you? I had to think of something.” She huffed.
“You looked like you were enjoying yourself.”  He kept his hand firmly against the door, though her efforts amused him. He kept enjoying the view of her breast squeezed, her lab coat now open, he let his eyes rake through her exposed figure.
“Toys have to look like they want to play if they want to survive, adorable warrior.” The tease in her voice died when Tala’s nose scrunched, the smell of sickness apparent on him. “Let me in, you’re hurt.”
Neteyam quirked his brow but relented, not wanting the two of them to get caught by anyone.
Tala entered and immediately re-examined him. His striped body was covered in a light sheen of sweat and pale, She noted a mass, of bandages she assumed, protruding from underneath his black, tight shirt, around his right-side clavicle. When her hands reached out he pushed it away.
“Show me your pockets.”
“What?” Tala’s ears folded back. Neteyam raised his brows as if his request was predictable and she was the one being unreasonable.
“How did you ‘make him sleep’, Tala?” He said, a slight growl to emphasize his soberness.
Tala made a face. This wasn’t cute.
“How do I make you sleep, Neteyam?” She replied, a challenging swish in her tail. She crossed her arms, they stared at each other in silence, his mouth was set in a hard line.
They stared.
Neteyam lurched forward and dug his hand into her pockets himself.
He pulled back only to reveal fingers covered in sticky and spiky clusters of honey. Tala’s heart had jumped out of her chest for a moment there but his fingers were mercifully too big to sense the tiny needles still deep inside. She made a very good show of her innocence with sass.
“Yes! I poisoned the poor corporal with honey, best be careful. This yomioang is just full of tricks.”  The Tawkami woman said tartly as he stared down, still confused about what the heck was on his hand. He hadn’t seen honey since he had left the forest with his family.
“Why do you have this?” His voice was more full of wonder than she had expected.
“The scientists. They-“
“Dr. Hanson just gave me some as a thank you. That’s it.” Tala looked up at him through her eyelashes. “And I didn’t hurt the corporal or poison the honey if that’s what you’re going to ask next.”
Neteyam pursed his lips, it was. Tala sighed and stepped forward and he was damned to admit that the gentle air of her perfume did make him feel better.
“If I wanted to hurt him I wouldn’t have come back to you now.” She cautioned another step forward and she delicately picked out the sticky sweet crystals from Neteyam’s hand. He froze, eyes warning as the veins on his neck pronounced itself. She was close enough for him to count the tanhi on her face and now the real sweet thick substance was setting his nerves on fire.
“I promise, I won’t hurt you. You know I know how to help, let me help you. If I’ll heal the vrrteps, I’ll heal you. Please.” Tala said again, her green eyes gazing straight at his, she noted how the golden syrup reflected against his eyes. She used to think he was sweet. For that, she couldn’t ignore how his mottled blood-stained stank, how the sick clung to his skin and his breath was short.
Neteyam’s eyes softened a percentage under Tala’s determination. The plea in her voice seemed sincere to him.
He sighed and kept his eyes on her, suspicious. She frowned, about to give up and her fingers started to leave his skin. 
The soldier sighed again, tugged off his shirt, and sat on the edge of his bed.
Tala let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding as she quickly looked around the windowless room, closed off and the only comfort it possessed was that it smelled like him and the forest. Pine, sunlilies, and, somehow, sunlight.
She picked out what she needed from the available medical supplies and sat down delicately next to him, barely disturbing the wrinkles.
The bandages were decent, but they were old, Tala worked quickly. He hissed when she cleaned the wound.
Tala pushed the small cluster of honey she had recollected from his hand into his mouth as if she were comforting a child.
“Tawtute medicine stings, you’ve always known that. Just enjoy this.” Tala said, a small smile quirked on her lips as she foresaw the scowl begin to sink into the wrinkle of his mouth.
He definitely didn’t appreciate it but kept stoic as he let the honey roll around on his tongue. Sweet, his eyes flickered to the navi in front of him. The scene felt so… familiar, despite his best efforts to resist 
The Tawkami alchemist finished and quietly touched his exposed forehead. The fever wasn’t too strong, he had sweated out the majority of it and Tala had spotted some pill bottles earlier. She wished she had her usual ingredients, the Tawkami medicine and recipes that could heal him faster.
“How did this happen?”
“Do you really want to know?” Neteyam mumbled though he did admire her handiwork as he looked down.
It wasn’t from uncooperation that he asked this, Tala knew. She paused if she really did want to know. What was a messy scar and a fever for this solder was likely something much more permanent for whoever did this to him, it made her chew the inside of her cheek. The tranquil seed was still always an option.
“Why didn’t the vrrteps heal you? Your wound shouldn’t have gotten infected.” She switched her question.
“I told you I don’t like the scientists.” Neteyam thought her change in topic was prudent.
She nodded and he realized she still didn’t understand.
“I’d rather tend to myself, I know how to and I don’t need them to run their… tests on me. Keep me under observation for something as small as this.”
Curiosity flashed in Tala’s eyes and Neteyam mentally decided he’d only humor her for as long as this small ball of honey in his mouth lasted.
“Do they do that often? Keep you under observation?”
“They brought me back from the dead, Tala. Of course.”
“What do they do?”
“They check my vitals, lay me inside one of their bio-lab chambers.”
“And what else?”
The ball of honey was melting fast.
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“I’m unconscious when I’m in the chamber.”
“But does it… hurt? When you wake up?”
Neteyam didn’t feel like answering, so he sucked until the honey disappeared completely on his tongue.
“Thank you for tending to me, Tala. I’ll call a guard to escort you back.” He was not surprised from the severely offended look on Tala’s face.
For she didn’t appreciate the clipped ‘thank you, get out’ from Neteyam’s mouth. Tala kneeled up to tower over him, letting the unbuttoned lab coat fall off her shoulders as she placed her hand on her hips.
The soldier would hurl himself off a cliff before confessing that his eyes strained not to stare at that deliciously thin, tiny, piece of grey cloth that covered her cunt. She looked too good in it, no loincloth to cover the supple fold of her flesh, her thighs and pelvis meeting- focus.
“You didn’t answer my question.” She said.
“I’ve answered enough.”
“You didn’t answer an important one.” Tala was slowly realizing she should not have missed him as much as she did in his absence. She sighed, and Neteyam took minor offense to being treated as if he was the source of her vexation.
“I’m just… Of course, I’ll leave, you need to rest.” She figured she wasn’t going to get any more information and a larger part of her was scolding her for trying in the first place. This skxawng wasn’t worth the effort, she had done her duty as a healer and alchemist. This was enough.
Neteyam stilled his movements, taken aback at her so quickly giving up. He regarded her suspiciously and sighed. He lets the wrist tech fall to the floor.
“You drop-” Tala was about to be very helpful and reach down to retrieve it until Neteyam suddenly grabbed her by her waist and pulled her down with him, letting his back fall onto the mattress.
“Neteyam! Your wound!” She yelped.
“Just be quiet.”
Tala looked at him in complete disbelief, Neteyam kept his eyes trained on the ceiling since he didn’t need to look at her to already know what her expression was like. She was stunned, to say the least, but Tala was also minding the feeling of her body pressed onto his bare chest. This felt the closest thing to tender between them.
She decided being a little selfish for the comfort wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Instead of asking more questions, which the soldier was preparing himself mentally for, Tala surprised him by simply sighing and settling in, tracing the stripes on his chest. Her fingertips danced lazily on the skin, careful over his old gunshot wound on his left pec. Whatever, looks like she was stuck here.
Now Neteyam knew he was still delirious from his fever when he found himself not stopping her. When he found her soft curves like a blanket on top of him and her careful touch endearing. This was why he needed strength every time he saw her, already he was letting her entrap him like a small animal, attracted to her warmth and smell. He had to remember that even wasps also settled within her, waiting to attack him on all fronts.
His tail thumped softly against the side of the bed, agitated. Tala noticed but stayed quiet. She reminded herself that every show of embarrassment was because his ego was crying, not because he considered her capable of affecting him.
“Why do you help me?” When Neteyam asked it he wondered to himself why he was so eager to get eaten and stung.
Tala could feel the bass of his voice tremor through her and she raised her face to look at him.
“A healer doesn’t need a reason to heal, remember?” Tala replied softly, simply, she rested her cheek on her arm. In the end, this was what she believed in, even if her wartime experience told her this was reckless.
The Omaticayan was not expecting to be so unscathed.
“Mm.” He hummed.
“Did you give Halloway that black eye?”
There it was, the first sting. Neteyam shrugged and then winced. Tala was immediately amused and scooted closer to his face, grinning.
“How come?” She asked, beginning to sound all too excited.
“… You were unfairly punished, remember?” His heart didn’t know whether to feel lighter or heavier when she giggled.
“You got revenge for me before I even asked!” Tala was smiling, wasn’t this a treat? Did this skxawng actually have the capacity to be charitable? “How come you didn’t tell me?”
It was when it dropped that he realized he was smiling at all. He trained his eyes back on the bare ceiling. He remembered when he used to ache to see stars.
“What would you have done if I did?”
“I probably would’ve kissed you.”
He furrowed his brows at her, unimpressed. Tala scoffed and laughed again.
“A real kiss. Not that bloody mauling you make us do with our lips.”
Now that offended him, Neteyam propped himself up by his elbows.
“I don’t ever hear you complainin-”
Tala pressed her lips so completely softly against his, it should’ve been so easy for him to shove her off. 
Yet his voice broke off instantly and her eyelashes brushed against his cheek. Her eyes were mercifully closed so she couldn’t see the war his ears flushed red.
Another sting.
“You taste like honey,” Tala said, smiling into the kiss. She didn’t have any real reason why she was doing this. Maybe she wanted to prove herself wrong. Maybe she wanted to check really how little Neteyam cared for her… and how much.
His body felt hot, Great fucking Mother why was she so… It was embarrassing how quickly he was getting enraptured by her whims. She always did whatever she wanted, he hadn’t seen that as something attractive before.
The Tawkami pulled her face back and so embarrassingly his own chased after hers until she put his hand over his mouth.
“See? A real kiss.”
Neteyam dumbly nodded and only when Tala ever so softly giggled did he regain some sense. He scoffed and quickly turned the both of them to properly lay in his bed, pulling the covers over them.
He settled his face into her soft breasts, the only thing that he felt hadn’t betrayed or embarrassed him that day.
“Excuse me??” Tala squeaked, amused though.
“Shu’up. Tired.” His voice was muffled into the fat of her breasts but Tala basically understood. She chortled, was this fondness she was feeling? His resistance towards her was bordering so much closer to adorable than to infuriating just then, the flashes of his old self were… bring up warm reminders. Of when he was much nicer and much funner to be around, much kinder.
Tala settled in, supposing correctly she wouldn’t be let go any time soon. Her hands softly patted his back as they laid there.
“Fine, I’ll leave you be since you’re hurt.” She said in her magnanimous good grace. She decided to also ignore Neteyam snorting between her breasts. 
Silence returned and Tala considered speaking of something of much more substance, of importance. Like the war, his family, but the words stuck in her throat. They were virtually strangers. Even strangers in war could share intimacy like this if they were desperate and tired enough.
The thought made playing with Neteyam’s unadorned braids of hair feel… invasive. She stopped.
They were just starved for warmth, that was all. Neteyam felt lucky that he was drowsy now. Like Tala, there was too much he didn’t want to think about, no intention to release it all.
Both kept silently awake for hours before drifting into slumber.
Neteyam’s face was lit by stinging sparks of fire and magma.
It was hot, so hot he could barely breathe. He looked around, coughing, and there he saw the slender back of someone who looked too eerily familiar. He groaned internally, he had always hated Eywa’s ability to send visions in dreams, did he really have no place for solace?
Neytiri turned, her amber eyes wide and blazing as she looked at her son with a face of anguish. She ran towards him, through plumes of burning stone.
“Maitan [my son]!”
Neteyam grimaced as his mother’s arms encircled him, her grip tight and pleading. She was shaking, he could see how aged the skin on her hands had become, her smell of daffodils.
He saw his songcord hanging on her hips and he felt as if the splatters of fire were less painful a sensation than seeing that.
Neytiri stepped back to look at her firstborn, miracles and blessings on her tongue. Her fingers wandered along his face, his scars, the one on his forehead was hidden from her however.
Her reverie was cut short when she truly looked at the RDA vrrtep uniform he was fully clothed in
“You are alive.” Her voice trembled regardless, too much pain and happiness bubbled up to the surface as the lines of her conflicted smile deepened, she was trying not to sob.
“Mother.” Neteyam couldn’t help but want to be kind. He had often daydreamed of how such reunions would go. He had calculated soon enough his mother would see him, as he is now. He knew she would know she’d have to kill him and how she would want to refuse to. He counted on it.
“M-my son, how could you think like this?” His mother’s voice broke at the question, somehow everything the two were thinking was so plain to them here.
Their ears flicked at the roars of fire and heaviness settled.
“If the People give up Jake Sully, I won’t have to.” Neteyam said and he could feel his mother start to draw blood. Nothing, it felt like barely anything.
“What is this poison, Neteyam? What have they done to you, maitan?” Neytiri nearly shouted, her own songcord swinging as her whole body shook in anger, imitating the volcanoes around them. “I will kill them, I will avenge you-“
Jake Sully first. He alone should be the only casualty, Neteyam knew that, all of Eywa'eveng knew that. But even in his clearheadedness, not at all shrouded in migraine, he could feel his scars emanate a heat hotter than fire. Nothing to hide behind, resentment filled up so much of his core.
His head and his heart wanted revenge. It wasn’t even his fault, none of theirs, Neteyam knew so logically.
He turned his head so quickly his plain braids whipped to see a na’vi too familiar to him. Five fingers, eyebrows, face and limbs inked with dark tattoos, and taller. He walked towards them, somehow feet not burning and the heat made his visage blurry but not his emotions.
“Lo’ak…” it was their mother, Neytiri called out to him in warning. The son in front of her, she would not dare take her eyes off of him now.
Not when the inferno reflected in Neteyam’s eyes was overflowing, his jaw tightened, if his nails were longer he’d long be drawing blood into his palms.
“You do not want this.” Neytiri’s voice rose as Lo’ak approached them, his lips parted. Wonder, horror?
“Bro-, Neteyam. Neteyam I’m so sorry-“ Lo’ak wanted to believe it was because of the way even the air sizzled that he found it harder to breathe, not because of his… did he have the right to call him a brother?
“First, Dad. Because we shouldn’t even exist and you know it.” Neteyam’s voice was eerie and he stepped closer to his younger sibling, it made Lo’ak’s feet falter and Neytiri’s throat bubbled up with panic.
“What- What are you talking about-?”
“There was something Quaritch told me since the time I’ve come back.” Neteyam spat at the words ‘come back’ as if he had any choice in the matter. Neytiri followed as her sons came closer and closer to each other, no one backing down. The lava was following the steps of each warrior.
“Something about the ‘sins of the father’ to be paid by his children.”
Lo’ak kept his gaze steady, his hands twitched at the threat. Neteyam didn’t have a clue what his face was like now, but he could feel it through Lo’ak. Monster, freak, he supposed it was unsurprising. 
A son that was supposed to be dead.
Both sons of a traitor.
Neteyam stopped a meter away from the younger. Their heights seemed even, Lo’ak’s warrior garb and belly band looked similar to the one he had had. He wanted to laugh, was that a tribute to him?
Lo’ak’s ears turned down, jaw set.
“Do you really think that’s fair, baby brother?” His voice was too calm.
“Neteyam, stop this, they have poisoned you against your own family, your people! Please, just come home maitan-“
Lo’ak heard the mistake in his mother’s plea too late.
“Home? Like when I asked to come back home when I died?” His fury was overwhelming, Neteyam was seeing things he did not recognize. He was shot in the head, when had he the time to tell them? What was this dark view of the stars, faces of loved ones looking down on him, where was this from?
The other two sensed the confusion, only making their own burst through.
“Neteyam, please, just listen to us-“
“Maitan, it will be okay! Your-your father has barely slept since you-“
“Why should the People continue to suffer for his actions? Jake Sully already doomed this place-!”
“Dad doomed this place? Are you out of your fucking mind?” Lo’ak’s tone turned grave with this outburst and he ventured closer to his brother despite Neytiri’s protests.
“You’ve got to fucking joking. You’re actually on the side of the people that ruined our lives, destroyed our homes, killed everyone, killed you, mom’s family-?!” They were growling at each other now, Neteyam no longer had the significant height advantage he was used to. Their fangs gleamed red in the dream, as if already bloodied, he always hated Lo’ak’s were sharper but he was confident it wouldn’t help that much.
Both were suddenly aware that in their respective war costumes, both had knives strapped to their bodies.
“No!” Neytiri sobbed with a pain that both brothers knew they’d never forget. She reached for her own, to protect, to defend, Neteyam’s gloved fingers wrapped around the handle of his black combat knife, and Lo’ak’s citrine eyes begged for peace as his hand reached for his carved hunting knife.
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Neteyam recognized that knife. He gave it to him, a present for Lo’ak’s iknimiya, recently sharpened. Neytiri’s knife hung with a feather he had gifted to her as a child.
Neteyam now truly knew Eywa was cruel.
The soldier gasped and immediately hurled his body forward to break the bones of whoever was in front of him.
Tala choked and she placed her hands on his face.
“Breathe, Neteyam.”
One blink and he could see the cool-toned blues and greens of dull and dark silver walls in shadow. Bridgehead. His room.
Inferno-yellow eyes met cooling leaf hues. Green, green eyes, Tala.
The breath he let out was shuddering and violent, he immediately crumpled tightly around her and Tala found herself now trying to hold the soldier up with wrinkled, damp blankets.
“I’m sorry, shit, I’m sorry…” he gasped out quickly, his entire body felt so fucking cold now, it hurt. Tala blinked owlishly but her sleepy state focused on comforting him.
“It was a dream, just a dream. You’re okay, you’re okay.” She whispered soothingly, she rubbed his back. They were sitting up in the middle of his bed now, though Neteyam was still hunched over and breathing hard to regain himself. She felt his calloused hands dug into her body as if tattooing her stripes into his palms…
“It’s your fever, you’re sweating, you’ll warm up in a bit.” Tala continued and her voice stayed calming and even. She couldn’t do much else when Neteyam’s remedy to whatever he had seen in his sleep was to bury their bodies impossibly closer together. The soldier hadn’t meant to hurt her. 
He pushed his face into her softness, desperate for real warmth, not the clammy fabric of the blanket.
“Li’Tala…” Tala jerked her entire body away, stunned. He didn’t know why he said it, her full name, one that he knew-
“Don’t call me that, Neteyam.” She said, her firm voice edged on icy.
“Only my mate is allowed to call me ‘Li’Tala’ so I don’t want to hear my name out of your mouth again, you!”
“Oh, and I’m sure your mate will be crying tears of gratitude for finally becoming worthy of it, of you, beautiful Li’Tala.”
Their second meeting as young adults was not… frictionless. But as childish as it was, Tala never wavered in this little dream of hers. Who cared that it was immature, she didn’t allow exceptions, even though the Omaticayan prince bristled hard when not given one.
Neteyam always remembered this of her, yet her insistence and denial of him now made his body feel that much more frozen-numb.
He chased after her skin and stuck his tongue out to taste its natural salt, reminding him of the first time they had reunited. Her taste and her everything, his whole body was shaking for it.
“Li’Tala, Li’Tala…”
“Neteyam–stop–” Now Tala started to squirm in his desperate hold. She could feel his hardening arousal between them, settling so perfectly against her vulva. She pushed against him.
“You need sleep, not a fuck.” She hissed. Tala shivered as the soldier switched between licking, sucking, and biting lightly along the tanhi on her shoulders and chest.
“I need you, Li’Tala.” He rasped deeply. She ignored the way his voice made even her toes curl because now her blood was pumping far too loudly. What did he just say to her? Was he losing his mind, what pills did he take??
“Eywa, get a grip!” 
He suckled at the flesh of her tits, Tala shoved his face away with the thick metal of the inhibitor cuffs. He groaned and settled for simply pulling her onto his lap closer than ever, taking a break from his ministrations.
She huffed, she was panting much harder than she realized.
“What happened, what did you see?”
Great mother or whatever being out there, if there ever was one…  what could he do to make her realize his ache for her?
“... I need your help, Li’Tala.” He started, fangs catching onto her skin as he spoke. It all made her freeze, she peered down and tried to gently bring his face back towards hers. He let her and looked up at her, she caught herself thinking it was as if he was beseeching her. There was no way.
“I need to forget it. I know you can help.” He said, sunspot yellow met with her cool green. She knew she could to, it’s just…
“Stop calling me Li’Tala” She tried again, this time much more softly. He groaned.
“Let me pretend.” He whispered hotly, his fingers reaching for her cheek. His fingertips barely touched hers and yet she felt only heat.
He still felt so cold.
She gulped. What did pretending mean, what was he thinking of? Tala usually felt like she was the one getting burnt by him, now it seemed like he was starving for her kindling because now… his fire was weak. He was begging her.
Tala bit her lips, frustrated, conflicted. She could just do the same to Neteyam as she did with Halloway, she didn’t need to comfort him.
The Tawkami glanced at her wrists still heavy with metal inhibitors, he needed her?
She would blame her drowsiness for it, just… fuck it. Fuck it.
“You follow my lead then.” Tala whispered and Neteyam swore he could feel his cock twitch at her tone. He nodded eagerly.
Tala then smashed their lips together. His tongue immediately sought inside her, to explore the cavern of her teeth.
She was practically sitting on him now. She could feel his bulge dig into her thigh, he was pawing at her, palming whoever fat he could. He groaned into her perfume.
Tala shushed him softly. She raised her hips just enough for him to frantically shove down his sweats and Tala delicately pushed the tawtute tewng to the side, it squeezed her pink and puffy folds so perfectly that it made him nearly weep. He was already leaking as he heaved, not noticing the bitter look on her face.
“Don’t worry.” She cooed so nicely in contrast. Her voice was like those tawtute myths he was told about by his father, angelic. She slowly and carefully sunk down her pelvis, his cock head breached her open none too gently and she muffled a high-pitched moan, letting Neteyam’s hard shaft split her open. The stretch ached but she kept her voice even and breathy.
“Be good.” She whispered and waited for his reply. The soldier groaned, every strand of muscle forcing him to not push her down right there and then.
Tala sunk down completely it made Neteyam groan harshly and loudly at the feeling of her tight and warm walls surrounding him. His nerves were shot. Naturally, he was about to fuck into her heat when she did it for him. She dragged her hips up unbearably slowly, both reveling how her cunt squeezed each ridge, so hot, so tight.
“Stay still.”
She slammed her hips down with a ferocity that made both of them moan loudly, she nearly cried out. She started to bounce, holding onto Neteyam’s broad shoulders for support.
“Mmmm…” Tala moaned low, each moan punctuated every time she felt her ass slap against his thighs. He moaned with her, finding himself on the receiving end of her fast pace. He groaned into her hair wantonly, cock twitching inside her.
“Fuuckkk, hahh, fuck.” He cursed softly then latched his mouth on his first mark on her. She stopped suddenly and it embarrassed him how nearly he fucking whined.
“No biting.” She cooed and Neteyam thought he was being driven insane tonight. Today. Since he had taken Tala.
He growled but nodded, settling into a tight embrace instead. He looked at her expectantly, was this allowed?
Tala’s smile was enough to replace the ache for stars he usually felt whenever he looked up in his room.
Then his eyes nearly rolled back when she slammed and bucked harder onto him.
“F-uuuck, haaah, aangh~” Tala graphically moaned into his ear. She panted and her tits bounced as she pistoned herself on his cock. “Aahhh, nnnggg…” she quietly moaned, angling her hips just so to make the fat tip brush against her sweet spots. Neteyam rutted into her uncontrollably, losing himself as he mindlessly chased her warmth. His mouth was open in a silent moan, holy shit.
Tala’s so fucking wet now and she rolled her pelvis to award herself louder moans from Neteyam’s lips.
“Li’T-tala, so good, fuck you’re so good.” He praised, face still stuck to the crook of her neck. She switched her pace and started rotating her hips, rolling them as she still lazily stroked herself along his shift. She felt her self-satisfaction spike when the soldier’s yellow eyes rolled up and fluttered, pupils were so blown out. She admitted he was adorable like this too.
She brought Neteyam’s hand to her belly, pushing down his hand with hers against the bulge there. They both groaned deeply at the sensation, Tala was near hiccuping from the pleasure. A toy that she was, she had only a toy’s ability to see Neteyam unravel. And she chased it hungrily.
His vulnerable expression contorted from the pleasure. To say Tala’s pussy was the best medication he’s had all week would be an understatement.
“Am I doing good, mighty warrior?” Tala squeezed her walls tight for good measure, a moan ripping out her throat as she did. It was worth it, hearing Neteyam’s louder and deeper one that ended with his teeth back on her skin. He quickly ripped his head back when he remembered her little rule.
“So fucking good, please. Fuckk…” He groaned, massaging her belly now even harder, the thought alone made him want to cum. Tala gasped.
“Mmmm, nnng!!” She squealed, and she fucked herself on his pulsating and thick cock even faster, the squelching sounds fueled the both of them.
Plap, plap, squelch, the mattress started to creak. The soldier switched to holding onto her hips, just to make each thrust that much deeper, to feel her cunt flutter at every brush near her cervix and Tala was seeing stars.
Each ridge and thick vein on his shaft was melting and massaging her cunt. She was enjoying herself fully, from the perspective of the toy she was. He certainly needed this toy so badly now.
“Mmm, mmm!! Haah, hahh, is this really helping? Is your toy pleasing you? Maybe we should stop…” She teased, suddenly slowing down, and was delightfully surprised when he mindlessly begged.
“NO! Fuck, please, dont’s-stop, such a good toy, Li’Tala. So fucking wet, so fucking tight.” He blathered, arms only tightening around her desperately.
Tala threw her head back when Neteyam reached between them, with intense accuracy, to squeeze her clit.
“Oahhh!! Mmmg- Neteyam!” She cried out, the sounds of slapping skin made him laugh dumbly. Their pelvises were completely covered in each other’s slick.
“Take my cum, Tala, need you to take all my cum..” he muttered into her ear and he used his grip on her clit to guide Tala’s pace, she was so close now. 
“Don’t stop, so fucking good ma’fil, Li’Tala…” he breathed out, his voice unsteady and deeply tinged in pleasure. The way Neteyam husked her name made her pussy walls convulse.
“Haa, haaa, ahh, I’m close~! I’m close, Nete-yam, Neteyam, so close, close!” Tala whined and dug their pelvises so tightly together that her pearl of nerves rubbed harshly against his toned muscle. She grinded on him wildly, his cock hitting her gummy walls so good, she abused her sweet spots with him.
“So hot, so hot…” he was praising her, the sight of her had made him completely forget how he felt like he was freezing just moments ago. Her soft breasts bouncing, torso in a light sheen of sweat and her eyes so fucking focused on him, her cunt was devoted to squelching lewdly every time she grinded on him.
He was close too, he could feel how heavy his balls were now and without either of their warnings, Neteyam spilled his load into her, it made her mewl as she came hard with him.
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Black spots dotted their vision as they painted, their juices had overflowed inside Tala and usually the sight would irritate Neteyam, making him wanna fuck it back into her.
But Tala didn’t mind the mess. In fact, she wanted more. After a few seconds, she rolled her hips again and even though they stuttered, she felt herself able to overcome the crackles of overstimulation.
Her hands delicately laced through his hair to gently stroke at the base of his kuru.
Neteyam hissed loudly and squeezed onto her ass in warning, barely able to stop himself from bucking into her overflowing cunt.
Too fucking soon, the sensation of her pink flesh was overwhelming, the friction was making his muscles involuntarily twitch, he groaned as he rested his head back.
“What’s wrong? You don't want to?” Tala asked, her voice soft and sultry. The question just sounded like the deadliest taunt to him. She was rotating her hips and twisting him from inside her, his cock felt like it was being choked in different ways, squeezed and massaged in a way he hadn’t been before. She was fucking milking him, Neteyam only dumbly shuddered and thrusted upwards weakly.
Her tiny pussy was soaking him, his balls, and his mattress but that didn’t matter when it was the only thing on his mind, her gummy flesh was the only thing reminding him he was still breathing. 
After what felt like an eternity of the most delicious torture, Tala finally screamed her last climax and mercifully stopped, shivering from aftershocks of pleasure. She had pulled so much more ropes of cum from him and just staying inside her nearly made him cum again, it made Neteyam whimper low and hotly, his golden eyes barely able to stay open. Tala finally collapsed on him, muscles were burning and she was breathing heavily, but the look on his face made it all so worth it.
She was impressed with herself, her body was heavy with what felt like deep buckets of creamy liquid spilling out of her. She noticed now how tightly his tail had encircled her thigh, a slight mark left from it now.
“Fuck… Li’Tala…” Neteyam drawled out wearily, he collapsed onto his back and brought her with him. Her full name brought back shudders along her spine, the way he said it was positively lewd and so, so, intimate.
Tala hummed, fully able to feel the slowly calming pulse on his neck. She licked her lips, she was enticed. Not one had she left marks on him, she never felt a desire to.
The Omaticayan breathed hard, when he felt her fangs push past her perfect lips and onto his skin. It wasn’t deep, barely a bruise, but Tala finally figured out why he enjoyed doing it to her so much. The way his scent covered her face and somehow she could taste it in his skin was intoxicating.
She licked the small wound while Neteyam fought internally how horny he instantly became again despite his exhaustion. Tala hummed, the two too tired to even look at each other from where they rested.
“Good boy…” She said softly before fading into slumber. Only Neteyam could feel how hard his cock twitched when he heard her whisper. They were fucked out and warm and his miserable dreams were nothing but fuzzy images.
His own consciousness was fading fast and any shiver his body felt was definitely from no bite of cold, regardless of the sweat. Now it was more like pinpricks of pleasure and pain, definitely distracting. Neteyam closed his eyes.
He embraced Tala tenderly, he breathed in her hair, and his mind was completely soothed. He slept wholly to Tala, to the smell of her sweetness, the beat of her heart, the sound of her breath, choosing to forget about those damned dreams and his damned existence.
He breathed out once again, vague recollections of fire licking at his skin.
Neteyam forced the thoughts away by lightly running his fingers on the mark Tala just left on him, barely aching, he could only find it by carefully sensing the barest indentation. He then felt for the one he left on Tala all that time ago, the texture of the scar made it much easier.
Both comforted him, grounded him, he didn’t notice the way his tail wagged a bit too contently. All of his muscles relaxed and gratefully his sleep was dreamless.
His last thought was how much he enjoyed calling her Li’Tala than ma’fil.
tag list: @xylianasblog @itchaboi-itchyboy @hotdsworld @pandoraslxna @luvv4j4ybe11 @neteyamsyawntu @akoyaxs @whatevenisagrapefruit @teyamsatan @justcaptiannoodles @theblueflower05 @neteluvr @neteyamssyulang @plooto @hao-ming-8 @teyamsilly @vivid-ink @vampirefilmlover
notes: hi! finally getting into the plot portion of the fic lol, hopefully this will be all finished v soon! maybe 2 or 3 more chapters? hope yall enjoy~
167 notes · View notes
quest-for-pluto · 7 months
To The Moon and Back
Platonic!Sully Kids x Human!Female!Reader
Summary: What if the Sully kids were captured instead of Spider? (A long drabble/short prompt?)
"No!" Neteyam pounded against the glass, gritting his teeth. "Let us out!" When no one answered he growled, throwing himself against the wall. Expectedly, it didn't budge.
"Neteyam, stop it," Kiri wrapped a slender hand around his forearm, pulling him to face her. "You're scaring Tuk."
His eyes softened as they landed on his youngest sister, murmuring out a gentle 'sorry', before they hardened again as they landed on Lo'ak. His younger brother was silent as he sat curled in on himself, staring blankly at the wall with his head in his hands. Kiri couldn't stop him this time as he charged towards him, yanking him up forcefully by his necklace to sneer in his face. Lo'ak's eyes widened in shock.
"None of this would have happened if you had just used your fucking head!" He shouted, pupils dilated with aggression. "Are you happy now? We're all trapped here because of you!"
"Get off of me!" Lo'ak snarled, shoving harshly at his shoulders.
"Stop it!" Kiri cried, trying to step between them and coax them apart, but Neteyam refused to relinquish his hold or his glare.
"Cut it out," a foreign voice rang out in the white room, making them all pause. To their collective shock, the wall on the right lightened until it was completely transparent. The siblings warily huddled closer together as they saw two humans, a man and a woman, facing them on the other side of the window-like wall. Tuk wrapped her arms anxiously around Neteyam's waist.
The man clucked his tongue in annoyance, turning towards the woman. "See? This is why they should have been put in separate holding cells."
Neteyam felt Kiri's grip tighten on his bicep at their words.
"Would've been a waste of space," the woman huffed, quickly typing something on her laptop keyboard, before shutting it and giving them her full attention. Her stare was intense and very much unnerving.
"Where are we?" Surprisingly that had come from Lo'ak. His spine was rigid in an attempt at channeling their father's intimidating demeanor.
The man smirked, striding up closer to the glass barrier. "Far from home, kid. That's for sure."
"You can't keep us here," Kiri hissed, but Neteyam could feel her hands trembling against him. "Our clan will come for us and kill you all."
"That's what we're banking on," he chuckled, shoving his hands in his pockets as he whistled lowly. "We really lucked out with these ones, didn't we doc?"
Neteyam cursed under his breath. They were planning to use them as bait to lure his parents here. He needed to find a way to get in contact with them, but all of their communication devices had been taken away when they were thrown in here. Fuck.
"Don't entertain them," she snipped, giving him an unimpressed stare. "We're not here to play games. I actually have a job to do, if you haven't noticed."
"Trying to get rid of me already?" He put a hand over his chest, a mock wounded look downturning his lips.
"Yes," she replied bluntly.
"Come on," he jeered, waving his arm at them like they were some sort of freak show. "Don't tell me you want to be alone with the savages?"
Neteyam and Lo'ak bristled at the insult, baring their teeth. Tuk whimpered behind Neteyam's leg.
The woman glanced at them, wrinkling her nose in disgust as if she was instead looking at a giant, steaming pile of ikran dung. "Of course I don't, but I also don't want to be homeless," she gave him a pointed look, jutting her chin towards the exit. "Now, if you'll excuse me I have some work to do. Alone."
The man raised his hands in surrender. "Fine, fine," he chuckled, striding leisurely towards the door. He was almost there when he paused, turning around with a raised brow. "Coffee later?"
"Get out," she said flatly.
The door opened and closed, leaving the room blanketed in a tense silence. It was also then that she started behaving weirdly.
She began frantically shuffling through the objects on her desk, lifting papers and shifting around devices. After a few minutes of this, she seemed to come across what she was looking for: a small, round dark object about the size of her pinky nail—which she promptly threw on the ground and crushed under the heel of her boot. It made a small crunching sound as it succumbed to the pressure.
"Fucking Madden," she hissed under her breath.
After kicking away the debris, she lifted her gaze, staring at them contemplatively. She slowly approached the glass barrier, her features becoming more distinguishable the closer she got. The siblings tensed, not able to tell what she was going to do next.
"Believe it or not, I'm not here to hurt you," she said finally, her stare heavy and unwavering. "In fact, I'd say I'm your best ticket out of here."
Neteyam narrowed his eyes. He knew how the sky people were, heard stories of their greed and destructive nature and even witnessed it firsthand. She couldn't be doing this out of her own good will. Why would she risk her livelihood and possibly her life for them? "What do you want?" He growled. She had to be after something.
"Your names," she said simply.
"What?" They all reeled back in disbelief.
"Well, more specifically, I'd like to get to know more about you," she elaborated, the harsh look in her eyes softening into something that looked suspiciously like curiosity.
"Why are you doing this?" Kiri's voice wavered from beside Neteyam, staring warily down at the small woman. Well, small to them, at least.
For the first time, a genuine smile crossed the woman's face, taking them all by surprise. "Didn't your father ever tell you," she said, something unreadable twinkling in her eyes. "That Sullys stick together?"
*Takes a deep breath*
—internal screaming—
Guys. I’ve been WANTING to read something like this for so long that my brain just vomited it out. This is just an idea I wanted to share cuz it wouldn’t leave me alone and won’t be continued at the moment.
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onskepa · 1 year
Anon again with new idea I have been thinking of.
So what about neteyam x human fem reader where she shows him her outfits and makes a fashion show for him (yk just for fun). Neteyam is just amazed with her style and find it a bit strange but he still finds her adorable with her posing and twirling and stuff.
Hello! I gotta admit, to me at least, this was cute to write about! hope you enjoy!
Eyes on me
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It was a long day for neteyam, between training, scolding his brother, and going on raids with his father. He was wiped out. despite how busy he can be, he will always have time for his sweet mate.
He darling human mate who lives with the others in the base, he would always make time for her. She was a breathe of fresh air. Always making his days conclude with kisses, hugs and loving words. He enjoys everything about her and would refuse to hear anything negative when it comes to his mate.
Well, technically, they aren't mated yet, however, they are in the processing of courting. Have been together for 2 years and neteyam thinks its time to take it seriously.
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He arrives in the base, doing the needed procedure and wears his breathing mask. He hates it really, but cant complain. Because of it, he understands more the needed safety when his beloved walks outside and wears her mask.
It was night, so every other human was in their rooms asleep or doing something else. So quietly neteyam goes to his beloved's room. Being one of the few girls in the base has its perks, she has one of the bigger rooms. Especially when na'vi come in to visit.
He opens the sliding door and to see his dear one wearing something. "Yawne?" he calls out to her, she jumps a bit, startled. "neteyam! you scared me!" she giggles. Neteyam smiles warmly as he goes to her and hugs her tightly. "I'm sorry, what are you wearing?" he takes a good look at her. She was wearing a bright long cloth that covered her body excluding her arms and neck. His beloved smiles and makes a little twirl. "do you like it? it is a summer dress", neteyam tilts his head in confusion and curiosity. "a summer.....dress??" he repeats, his beloved smile and explains to him that for humans, to adapt to different climates they wear different clothing to fit that climate. Neteyam was very intrigued by it, "can you show me more? I want to see you in all of your people's clothing" he tells her. His beloved was a bit surprised. She know of the na'vi clothing and choice of style they wear, which is drastically different from how humans see clothing.
"r-really....?" she blushes, getting excited to show him all of the clothing she has. Neteyam smiles as his tail wags in happiness, "yes, I want to see my yawne in everything". So, she does that.
She performs a little fashion show for him, her number one audience. Wearing different dresses, varying in colors, patterns, and the flow of the dress. But, dresses wasn't the only thing she present for him, wearing shorts and tank tops, button up shirts, but neteyam's favorite were the bikini styles. He enjoy seeing her body in the natural way. Flawless was her skin, soft to touch and smooth to feel. Far different from how his skin feels, tough and firm.
Seeing his mate wearing various clothes made him appreciate her more. She was just too beautiful! and he come to enjoy some of the clothing she displayed for him. Anything that has blue or yellow. Like the yellow summer dress with green leaves decorated on them. Or the blue dress with star patters on them. She looked better in blue he personally thinks.
Of course neteyam would praise her in every outfit she wears. "That is all of them" his beloved says, neteyam gets up and pulls her in his embrace. "You look beautiful in every one your clothing, it is interesting how vastly different you humans perceive clothing". He kisses her on top of her head, then cheeks, then on her soft petal lips.
"stay with me?" she asks him, he smirks and nods, still wearing the blue white dotted dress that neteyam has come to favor, they lay on her bed to sleep, ending the day.
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Yawne = beloved
Fyolup = exquisite, sublime in style
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that is all for this fic! Tell me what ya think!
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pandorascrush · 1 year
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SUMMARY: The reader is a part of the Metkayina clan. She couldn't help herself as she watched and wanted Neytiri and Jake. Maybe it was because they were the first forest people she had ever seen. But she wanted them like a hunter wants its prey. Little did she know that they had also wanted her and were willing to hunt her if that was the only way they could have her.
 WARNINGS: nsfw(18+), smut, minors dni, clit play, degradation kink, fingering, squirting, avatar/na'vi!jake, dilf!jake, fem!bodied reader, metkayina!reader, creampie, unprotected sex, breeding kink, dry humping, pet names (babygirl, dirty girl), poly relationship
PAIRING: jake sully x neytiri, jake sully x reader, neytiri x reader, jake sully x reader x neytiri
NOTES: My song suggestion for this part is… Disfruto by Carla Morrison<3
“It is time we make the bond ma mates.” She said as she pulled her braid from behind her back. You looked over to Jake and you could see him pulling his own braid from behind him. All that was left was for you to bring your braid. It was finally happening. You would have your own mates, your own family, and the love you've been yearning for forever. It was time for the hunter to finally become the prey.
You felt the air around engulfing you, suffocating you in the best way possible in anticipation of what’s to come. As you sit there naked, your skin begins to feel hot again as your hand moves to your back on its own accord. You can feel as it wraps around the base of your braid and you slowly tug it forward. Jake and Neytiri scoot closer to you, all three of you kneeling in front of one another as you finally bring your braid forward. Jake and Neytiri stare at you first, before they turn to look at one another. He cups her face with his hand bringing her in for a kiss before bonding to each other first, and you watch as their pink tendrils of their queues connect. Their eyes blow wide and then they close as they begin to nuzzle their faces into each other, and once they open their eyes, they turn to look at you. They each hold their connected queues by the base of their braids as you bring your own forwards, their intertwined queues waiting for yours. You slowly inch yours forwards, and the pink tendrils from your queue inches forward, searching for its mate, when it finally reaches them, your tendrils wrap around theirs and you close your eyes and gasp for air as you feel them. 
It’s like nothing you have ever felt before or imagined, it’s better. You close your eyes, lost in the feeling of them, you can feel all of them. All the way from the sway of Neytiri’s tail, to the soft grass underneath Jake’s knees. You can feel them both and individually at the same time, you don't know how to explain the feeling.You feel the love they have for eachother, their children, and for you know.It fills you with so much love and joy, feeling complete and happy at the same time, so much that tears begin to pool at your eyes.You feel as they both nuzzle into you, each one on either side of your neck. 
“I love you both ma mates, I see you both.” You say as you pull back enough to stare at each one. You can feel your tears fall freely and they both stretch out one hand each, wiping them away. Your left hand reaches Neytiri’s face and your right Jake’s shoulder. You take time to give each one a kiss feeling excited at the fact that you’ll finally be a part of a loving family. You begin to feel as they kiss down your neck, Neytiri making small nips at your neck with her fangs and Jake sucking softly at your collar bone making sure to leave marks so that everyone knows who you belong to. As Jake lowers his head even more, he reaches your breast and begins lightly sucking on your nipples as Neytiri leans over kissing you again. She slips her tongue into your mouth as you do the same, while your hands pull at her top, exposing her breasts to you as Jake unties her loincloth exposing her to him. Without breaking the kiss you begin to cup her breasts, pinching her nipples lightly as Jake continues sucking on your nipples as his right hand finds Neytiri’s pussy, running his fingers up and down her slit. You feel as Neytiri’s right hand cups your pussy, and her fingers search your slit nimbly looking for your clit. You feel Jake’s need through the bond, and you reach for his cock, taking it in your hand as you begin to pump him, his cock ready and hard.
“I need you both.” You say as moan, needing to feel them both at the same time. Carefully you begin to move around, making sure you don't break the bond of your braids. You push Neytiri to the floor lightly, having her lay down as you sit on top of her as she grasps your hips. You feel Jake come behind you, settling in between her thighs as he spreads her legs putting them around his waist. He begins rutting his cock over her pussy, making sure to gather her wetness on his cock as his hands reach from behind you cupping your breasts. You can’t help but look down at Neytiri as you begin grinding your pussy over her stomach, needing friction to alleviate your aching clit. Jake drags his cock over her clit one last time before he reaches down with one hand and pushes into her, inch by inch. She lets out a moan as she throws her head back once he bottoms out inside of her, as she lets a hand come up, rubbing slow circles on your clit as you begin grinding again. You can’t help but look down at her with an excited smile as your next words catch them by surprise.
“I want you to cum in her ma Jake - I - I want us both to carry your next children at the same time.” You let out shyly as her eyes widen and Jake lets out a small gasp. You still for a moment afraid you said something wrong before a wide smile spreads over Neytiri’s lips as Jake let’s out a happy chuckle.
“Nothing would make me happier ma y/n.” Neytiri let’s out as Jake whispers into your ear in agreement. Jake begins a steady rhythm of slow thrusts into her pussy as she drags your hips up to her face. She slowly seats you over her face as she begins dragging her tongue up and down your pussy, tasting you as you feel Jake speed up behind you. As her mouth closes  in around your clit sucking lightly, you can hear as Jake grunts throwing her left leg over his shoulder as he begins pumping in and out of her fast. All you can hear around you is the sound of skin slapping skin, Neytiri’s wet pussy squelching around Jake, and her moans vibrating into your clit. You can’t help but feel the coil inside of you begin to break as you grind down on her face, feeling as your pussy and legs begin twitching. You reach an arm back, rubbing on her clit and you can feel as she begins to squirm and her legs twitch. You can feel Jake thrusting into her hard and fast, his balls slapping her ass as he grunts behind you. Neytiri begins devouring your clit with her mouth as she reaches up and pinches your nipples into hard peaks. The sound of Jake’s hips slapping against hers, his grunts as he fucks into her like an animal, her tongue on your clit all make you fall over the edge. You cum with a cry as your legs clamp around her head and your legs twitch, grinding down harder on her face. The vibrations of her moans send little shocks throughout your body. You feel as she’s close to cumming, so jump off her face carefully and go to kneel next to her as Jake continues to fuck her like an animal in heat. You grab her right leg and pull it down towards her chest as your free hand goes to rub tight circles on her clit. She begins to cry out, close to cumming so you rub tighter and faster circles over her needy clit. She cums with a loud cry, her legs twitching as her pussy clenches around Jake milking him for all he’s got. His hips begin to falter and he cums with three hard thrusts, bottoming out and stilling inside of her as he throws his head back and bares his fangs, his white cum coating her insides. He slowly brings his hips to a stop, as his cum starts leaking out of her he grabs her hips putting them at an angle so his cum stops leaking out. You all take a moment to sit there, embracing each other's presence as one.
“You next ma y/n.” Neytiri says as she lets her hand caress up and down your thigh. You feel Jake’s hot breath in your ear as he begins letting his hand wander down to your pussy.
“Come on baby, you’re gonna give me a baby too. You said it yourself.” He says as he begins pulling you towards him. He ends up putting you on all fours, arching your back so your ass is in his face. He begins licking long hard swipes on your pussy, making you squirm in his hold as Neytiri goes to sit in front of you. You spread her legs so she’s open and exposed to you, and you slowly begin pumping two fingers in and out her slowly, stilling them inside of her making sure Jake’s cum stays inside. And you slowly feel Jake teasing your needy pussy with the head of his cock, making sure to swipe at your clit. You begin to thrust back into Jake, needing him to thrust inside of you, filling you to the brim with his cock. He takes this as his signal, and with one hard thrust bottoms out inside of you, his heavy sack laying against your clit. You gasp as you feel his hard cock inside of you, squirming you need more. He begins to pull out, just to thrust back in and continues to do this as you moan out begging him to give you more. He begins a rhythm of hard thrusts as his sack slaps your clit every time he thrusts. You lean down into Neytiri’s pussy, immediately finding her clit and you begin sucking. You keep one arm across her thighs holding them down as you feel them start twitching beneath you.
You get lost in the feeling of her sweet taste as you begin to feel Jake speed up his thrusts behind you, the head of his cock rubbing against that spongy spot inside of you each time, and his heavy balls slapping your clit with each thrust. He lays a hand down on your back, making you arch even more, reaching deeper inside of you with this now angle. You can’t help but moan into Neytiri’s pussy, sucking hard onto her clit as your fingers begin thrusting into her. The sounds of her moans spurring you on as you begin to thrust back into Jake’s hips, indicating for him to fuck you harder. You can feel Neytiri’s legs twitch below your arm, so you hook both fingers inside of her caressing that spongy part inside of her as you suck harder. You feel her still and she cums, clenching around your fingers as you suck hard on her clit. She cries out as you continue to suck lightly on her clit as she comes down from her high and you slowly release her legs, letting your hands rest on her thighs as you begin to lose balance as Jake speeds up his thrusts behind you. He reaches from below you and lets one hand pinch your nipples as his other rubs hard circles on your clit as he ruts his hips into yours. You can’t help but lay there on Neytiri’s thighs as he fucks into you, she caresses your head encouraging you to hold on. You begin to feel your pussy clench around his cock as your wetness drips down your thigh creating a delicious friction. His fingers rubbing tight circles on your clit, his hands pinching your nipples, and Neytiri’s delicious scent in your face all have you cumming. You cum hard clenching around his hard cock as you bite down on the inside of Neytiri’s thigh, letting out a hiss. You feel his cock twitch inside of you as the head of his cock brushes your cervix with each thrust and he lets out a roar as he cums inside of you. He bites down onto your shoulder as you feel his hot white cum coat the inside of your needy pussy, as Neytiri coos at you, massaging your scalp. He lets out a few final hard thrusts, as he stills inside of you, making sure his cum doesn't leak out as he keeps your hips at an angle as he uses his cock as a plug. You do the same, making sure your fingers never once pull out of Neytiri, feeling as they’re coated with her cum and Jake’s. You stay like that for a while, fucked out and in a state of euphoria, imaging what your life will be after this. He slowly pulls out of you, just to lay you down on the ground, him in between Neytiri and you, one at each of his sides. You and Neytiri turn to lay on your sides, throwing a leg each over him, intertwining the three of you. You lay your head on his chest, and Neytiri rests her own at the crook of his neck as you feel her hand searching for your pussy. You do the same, and the both of you slip two fingers inside one another, using them like plugs so his cum doesn't leak out. You can't help but look at her, and then at him as you sigh in a blissful state.
“I see you Neytiri. I see you Jake.” You say, giving each one a soft kiss as you feel Jake caress your back.
“We see you y/n.” Jake says softly as he gives you a light kiss on your head. You can’t help but let the sound of his heartbeat lull you to sleep as your free hand holds onto Neytiri’s. You can finally sleep in peace, knowing that you’re a part of a happy family. You’re excited and nervous at the prospect of being a second mother to the kids, and to soon experience the pregnancy and birth of your own along with Neytiri. You sleep peacefully knowing you won’t be alone, you’ll have your mates with you and you realize that sometimes it is good to let yourself become the prey.
AHHHH HERE IT IS GUYS!!!They’re finally mated and it’s something I really wanted them to have, a happy ending. Like I'm totally down to write something with angst but, they’ve been through too much. Time to be happy for a change!! Let me know what ya’ll think, i’ll probably write a blurb after this of their domestic life. Enjoy!
TAG LIST : @neteyamforlife @fanboyluvr @n1ght5h4d3-24 @itssomeonereading @myheartfollower @nyahhhsstuff @yeosxxx @alohastitch0626 @neytirishottie @whydo-theyhate-rey @cleverzonkwombatsludge @iikatsukii @slutforsmut4ever @acorspee @kyber4crystal @jiminsthickthighs @frfavatar @tulken-toruk @arminsgfloll @keeyuu-u @hai-kbai @jakesullyssluttt @babyymeme @im-in-a-pansexual-panik
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
okay what if neteyam makes you squirt for the first time and he’s just so amazed and finds it so hot that he overstimulates you, desperate to see you squirt again
adult Neteyam x female reader, minors dni 🔞
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Neteyam watches with wide eyes, how your clear juices run down the palm of his hand, over his wrist and then dribble onto a small puddle on the ground.
This was the first time something like this had happened to you, the first time you had squirted and you could feel the embarrassment spread all over your cheeks, tainting them red.
"Oh my— Neteyam I’m, I’m so sor–"
"Don’t you dare apologize", he cuts you off. Neteyam was still panting, leaning on his forearm to get an even better view of what was happening between your spread thighs. His fingers were still toying with you, spreading your puffy lips, thumb circling over your throbbing clit.
Everything felt so warm and sticky now, making you squirm as you became utterly aware of what had just happened. Neteyam’s hand was still drenched in your cum, but surprisingly, he didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. Now it was your turn to watch him with wide eyes, as he suddenly brings two of his digits to his mouth to lick them clean.
"Hmm fuck, you came a lot. That’s so hot", he moans at your taste, tongue swirling over his fingers before he pulls them out of his mouth with a wet pop. "Did my pretty girl enjoy herself?"
"Uh-hu", is all you could manage to respond, feeling like your brain was dangerously close to a short circuit.
In an instant upon hearing your response, Neteyam‘s hand was buried between your legs once again, fingers prodding at your slippery entrance, causing your legs to twitch.
"Good. Because you will do it again", he tells you with a grin. You gasp when two of his digits slide into you with ease.
At this point, he knew exactly what to do to make you finish within seconds, so he begins to thrust them in and out at a rapid pace. Your hands claw at his forearm, moans spilling from your lips like a damn waterfall when he curls his fingers just right to hit that spongey little spot inside of you.
"F-Fuck, too much! Teyam it‘s— s‘too much!" You whimper, hips desperately trying to squirm away from his hands. "I- I can’t, I just came!"
"Oh, I know", Neteyam chuckles completely unfazed, "but you’re my good girl, aren’t you? You can take it. And you will cum for me again, right?"
He keeps pushing insistently against that spot, finger-fucking you so fast that you grew dizzy. "Come for me", he growled, "Come on me. Get me wet and fucking drench me." You couldn’t stop the stream of slickness from squirting out as soon as you hit your second peak, a steady flow that has your eyes rolling back, because of his thumb simultaneously circling your clit.
You didn’t know why it made you tingle all over, hearing him groan like it bought him pleasure as he watched you cum on his fingers, but you were so dopey and more satisfied than you’ve ever been.
You suck in a rush of air when Neteyam shifts to kneel between your thighs, grabbing both of your ankles, so that you’re nearly folded in half, before he lines his cock up with your entrance. With his thumbs, he spreads your folds and more of your juices seep out of you freely.
"You have such a pretty pussy, look how wet you are", Neteyam hums and you have just enough time to prepare yourself, before he thrusts his cock fully into you with a moan.
"One more time. Do it for me, sevin."
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bubblebaththoughts · 5 months
Mating Press
aged up!Neteyam x Fem!Omaticaya!Reader
kinkmas masterlist
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warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut with some plot, mentor!Neteyam, p in v, very slight age gap. Neteyam is around 23 reader is 19, mating press turned into pronebone
Numeyu - Student
Karyu - Teacher
Syulang - flower
“You’re doing it wrong.” Neteyam’s voice dripped with disappointment “Do it again.” He pointed at your bow
You grimace, glaring at him as you readjusted your footing.
“Do you never pay attention to me during instruction?” Neteyam asked, making your ears twitch is anger
He sauntered over, coming close to you. He drops down to is knees at your feet, helping you to adjust your foot as he grumbled to himself. Then he stood up and stood behind you to gently maneuver your waist so you had the correct stance.
Neteyam brings his hands down to yours, using them to put your bow in the perfect position. “Now draw, and take the shot.”
You had been trying to aim for a yovo fruit that he had tied to a high up branch. Neteyam stepped back, out of your way.
Drawing back the arrow, aiming, and then Neteyam sighed, making you stop all of your movements. Your head slowly turned back to him, another disappointed look on his face.
“What?” You asked, careful not to move too much
“Don’t hold your breath like that.” Neteyam came closer once again, placing a hand on your ribs, gently pushing down on them, relaxing you. “One fluid motion, don’t over think it.”
“Draw again, and take the shot.” Neteyam pointed forward, stepping out of your way once again
You nodded, drawing the arrow back, aiming, this time you didn’t hear any disappointing sounds coming from Neteyam, so you took the shot.
“Did you get it?” Neteyam peered up, but the fruit was no longer in sight.
It was practically a race to get to the tree where the Yovo fruit was hanging, but there, on the mossy ground, laid the yovo fruit, now splattered on the ground, but your arrow perfectly through the middle. Its juices had splattered all over the other yovo fruits that Neteyam had picked for you.
A smile forms on your face as you pick the messy thing off of the ground, showing it to Neteyam. “Look, karyu! I did it!”
“Thank Eywa.” Neteyam crossed his arms, though a smile began to tug at his lips.
You roll your eyes, dropping the mess on the ground once more, taking the arrow.
“Shall I do it again?” You picked up another from Neteyam’s pile
“No, enough for today.” He gestures you to give him the fruit, you toss it to him and he catches it effortlessly
It seemed like it was always like that for Neteyam. Everything was always done so efficiently yet effortlessly.
“You did well today, numeyu.” Neteyam mumbled before he bit into the juicy fruit.
You watched the juices drip down his chin, the sweet smell of the fruit made your nose twitch, you hadn’t eaten anything today.
“You need to work on relaxing, hear me?” Neteyam began his lecture, just like every other day, it was always the same deal, letting you know all of your mistakes first and then telling you what you did well in.
He bit into the fruit once again before continuing, “Oh and you need to be quicker with your hands, when we were sparring, if I wasn’t someone who was truly trying to kill you, you would have been dead, you can’t always rely on your…” You drowned him out until you two reached the rest of the clan.
“And I’ll see you at dinner, right numeyu?” Neteyam asked, his hand resting on your shoulder.
“Yeah, sure.” You answered dismissively
“‘Yeah, sure’?” Neteyam asked, his voice going up a pitch as he mocked your dismissive words
“Yes sir.” You sighed, glaring up at him
“Good, you need some food in you. You haven’t eaten all day.” Neteyam shrugged
Your ears twitch in anger, it was his fault you hadn’t eaten yet today. He had gotten you up before the sun had come up gave no breaks today as he gave lesson after lesson.
“I’ll see you at dinner.” You fumed. Neteyam only added fuel to the fire when his face looked at you expectantly. You knew what he wanted, so you reluctantly spit out a “Sir.”
Neteyam curtly nodded, walking off gracefully to fulfill the rest of his duties.
You rolled your eyes, perfect Neteyam, with his perfect little life, and his stupidly perfect face. He was only about four years older than you, though he acted as if it were more like ten years. Claiming that because he remembered you being born, he was less of a tutor and more of your mentor or teacher.
You failed your Iknimaya, twice. So your father asked that you be helped, and of course, the Olo’eyktan recommended his own son to take the reins of your training.
Even in the beginning Neteyam was hard on you. He started your training completely over, starting you from where the younger kids usually started. He was more determined to have another win under his belt, than to care if this training was actually even good for your wellbeing.
Not to say it wasn’t working, it definitely was, it had just really taken a toll on you. Neteyam explained that this was his own method, he would train any and every second he got, and that’s why he passed his Iknimaya the first go around.
He liked routine, you would even go so far to say that he loved it. Any time you would find him veering off of his routine was all was an exciting site to see. He would get frustrated, so frustrated.
It wasn’t often that he would mess up his routine though, and rarely was it ever on purpose.
Which is why you were surprised to find him standing outside of your hut when you walked out for dinner.
“What are you doing here, Karyu?” You asked as you brushed past him
“I- I uh, wanted to make sure that you came down for dinner.” Neteyam nervously explained
You stopped dead in your tracks, turning slowly to face him. He had a concerned look on his face, his eyebrows knitted together and his lips pulled into a tight smile.
Neteyam? Nervous? Was the world flipping?
You eye him skeptically. “Why?”
Neteyam clears his throat, avoiding eye contact. “Just need to make sure my student is being nourished.”
Ah, he was just covering his own ass.
“Because you starved me all day?” You scoffed, turning back to continue your walk
“Because I care about you.” Neteyam defended, following you
“You just want another notch in your belt.” You state, anger flooded your words
“That’s not- No, that has nothing to do with this.” He grabbed your arm, holding you back.
You pull away from him, “Admit it, Neteyam. You are just doing this because you want another victory. Golden boy, right? Always does the best?”
Neteyam shoves you against a tree “You’re not going to speak to me like this.”
You wince, the tree bark digging into your back. “Neteyam!”
“I was trying to be nice, why must you be so obnoxious?” He held you against the tree, roughly
Your heart pounded in your chest, you were sure he could feel it as his hand roughly held you against a tree.
His hand is holding you against the tree by your neck “If I was a predator, trying to kill you right now, how would you get out of this?”
Only Neteyam would turn his own anger into a lesson for you, because of course he would.
“Get off Neteyam!” You whine, thrashing against him
He roughly shoves you against the tree again, “You need to grow up, Numeyu. I’m definitely not going to be there every time something or someone pops around a bush, you hear me? What are you going to do to get out of this.”
Unexpectedly you aggressively push him away while grabbing the hunting knife that was strapped to your chest. You hold it up, standing back in a protective stance, and hiss at him.
Neteyam stumbled back in surprise, a smile fell across his face as he regained his sense of control.
The two of you stalk each other, circling around one another as you hold your ground.
“So you have learned.” He spoke lowly “Such a good girl, aren’t you.”
He tried to step closer, but you were just as quick to step back.
“I’m not gonna hurt you baby.” Neteyam tried to ease forward once again but was met with another hiss
Neteyam seizes forward, taking the knife from your hand. “What are you gonna do now?”
You hiss again, circling him like he was prey. In a blink, you’re on him, taking him by surprise as you tackle him to the ground. Your arm under his chin as you held him to the ground.
“Cute.” He growled, immediately flipping you over on to your back.
One hand held both of your wrists in a tight grip. His bigger frame caged you in. Both of his thighs, each seemingly bigger than your own head, now on either side of your waist. His other hand held on to your chin as you barred your teeth at him.
“Such a fuckin’ brat.” He grumbled, pushing your head against the ground
You buck your hips against him, desperately trying to throw him off to no avail.
“Neteyam! Let me go!” You whined
He laughed, shaking his head. “Gotta do better than that, Syulang.”
You try to thrash against him, despite his hold on you.
He leans down to your neck, inhaling deeply. “You’re scared?” He tilted his head, his thumb dragging across your bottom lip
“No!” You cry
“No? Well… You should be.” He growled, leaning down to sink his teeth into your neck
Your scream was muffled by one strong hand across your mouth.
“Just relax… everything is just fine.” He mumbled as he pressed kisses to his bites
Tears began to well in your eyes, and you let out a low sob against his hand.
“Shush, pretty girl. Don’t cry.” He cooed, his lips moving against your neck
His other hand reaches down to your thigh, hiking it up over his shoulder for better access to you. He teasingly rubs over your loincloth, purposefully not giving you enough.
You can feel his arousal pressing against your thigh and it only adds to the slickness between your legs.
He stops, hid hand gently lying on your hip.
“Tell me you want this.” He demanded “I know your pussy wants this, she’s practically singing to me. But I want you to tell me you want this.”
You nod frantically “I want this.”
With one hand still gripping your hip, he reaches down and pulls your loincloth to the side, exposing your dripping core. He groans at the sight, unable to resist the temptation any longer.
He positions himself between your legs and slowly enters you, his length stretching you in the most delicious way. You moan loudly, arching your back as you adjust to his size. He starts to move, his thrusts slow and deep, hitting all the right spots inside of you.
As he picks up the pace, his hands move to your breasts, squeezing and teasing your nipples. The combination of his rough thrusts and his skilled hands has you moaning and writhing beneath him.
He leans down and whispers in your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. "You feel so good, so tight," he growls, his words only turning you on even more.
Without warning, he flips you over onto your stomach, your ass in the air as he continues to thrust into you from behind. His hands grip your hips tightly as he pounds into you, each thrust hitting deeper than the last.
You can feel the tension building in your stomach, the familiar feeling of an impending orgasm. He senses it too and quickens his pace, his grunts and moans filling your head.
You can't hold back any longer and with a loud cry, you come undone, your walls clenching around him as you ride out your orgasm. He follows soon after, his body tensing as he spills himself inside of you.
He collapses onto the ground beside you, both of you panting and sweating from the intensity of what happened. He pulls you close, your bodies still connected as you both catch your breath.
"You’re amazing," he whispers, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
taglist: @danniackerman @loaksslut
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byunpum · 1 year
I can be a better father | Part 2 | Songcord
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Pair: Tsu'tey x Child y/n x Child spider
Warning: none, cute moments.
Note: Here is this second part, this request I wanted to make as part of this mini-series. I do not expect that you will like tsu'tey as the reader's father so much. And I have also received a lot of requests about many ideas, for more parts. So wait for them<3
Request: (anonymous) Tsu'tey being a dad to Spider and reader, how would he be when he realized that human children never have a songcord? And how would their songcourd be when Tsu'tey is making them?
+Language: yawntutsyip (darling) sempu(dad) sempul(father)
Avatar masterlist | Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3
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Tsu'tey's life as a single father was on the verge of chaos, and a life of pleasure. It had been a year since he adopted his babies. He loved his new life, he had two beautiful children who loved him with all their heartsr. But integrating his children was a struggle. They were human children, in a completely na'vi clan. And even though Max had offered to raise his children in the lab, Tsu'tey refused. Tsu'tey refused, he wanted them to be real omaticaya children. From head to toe. So he decided that his children would enter the children's group of his clan. In this group, the children took lesions, and learned about survival. The children were guided by a guide, a guide who was his friend, so he felt safe to let them.
"They'll be fine, don't worry," says neytiri, touching his friend's shoulder. Neytiri had also left her children, who were Y/N's siblings. the children run to where their sister was, hugging her and laughing. Jake reached the group of adults. "Tsu'tey you have to let them be free" spoke Jake, getting a dirty look from Tsu'tey. He was nervous as hell, he thought some animal was going to eat them. It wasn't the first time the children were in the jungle, but they were going out of the safe zone. "Neteyam come here!!!" yells jake, getting the boy to hear him. Jake kneels down. "I want you to keep an eye out at all times for your sister and spider….So tsu'tey will be more calm, right?" speaks jake, neteyam nods his head. Running to her sister, taking Y/N's hand. The girl accepts without arguing at any time. "Better?" asks neytiri, both adults look at tsu'tey. Which had its ears back and tail curled around its legs. "No…I feel like I'm not breathing" speaks tsu'tey. Jake and neytiri laughed out loud, as they gave encouragement to their friend. Watching as the group of children walk away. They'll be fine…they know how to survive out there.
The children would be one night away from the clan. Tsu'tey had prepared them. They had their little bags, with oxygen refills (oxygen that Max gave them) and their siblings would be watching over them. Kiri was next to spider, and next to Y/N was neteyam who had not let go of his sister's hand at any moment. He had a mission and he was going to accomplish it. On the other hand, Y/N wanted to follow and be with lo'ak, who was ahead of her. Running and prancing. After a long hike, they took fishing and survival injuries. They decided to make camp, all the children settled in. Some were playing around, and others were in groups. As was Y/N with his siblings. Spider was lying next to his sister, while Y/N was sitting. Neteyam was next to her. In front of them were kiri and lo'ak. On the other sides were other children.
"You know…my mom added a new bead to my songcord…she said it was for an important moment" says the girl, kiri claps a little. Telling how neytiri had also added another memory. This caught Y/N's attention, giving her brother a quick glance. Spider looks at her curiously, he didn't know what they were talking about either. Both children continued to listen to what the others were saying. They were fascinated with the idea, listening as their little friends told stories and important moments of their lives. They wanted that too…but how could they have it? After a long talk, the mentor ordered everyone to sleep. Y/N lay with her brothers, resting. Morning came quickly, as soon as everyone was up. They set off on their way home.
All the children arrived safely at their homes. Tsu'tey was waiting impatiently for his little ones. Nervously at the entrance of his hut, in the distance he could see how the guide was leading his little ones. Both children, upon seeing the figure of their father, run as fast as they could. Hugging him, and talking about how their first trip went. "Hey… don't talk together, let's go inside the house and tell me everything" says tsu'tey laughing a little, seeing how both children run inside the house. Throwing everything on the floor, looking for their toys. Tsu'tey took care of verifying that his children didn't have a scratch on them. He fed him, and now he was going to dedicate himself to combing his babies' hair. Tsu'tey knew that hid children had played a lot the day before, because the spider's hair was uncombed, and y/n's long hair was tangled.
Spider was in front of them, playing as he watched his sister being combed. Y/N was on tsu'tey's lap, while his father carefully untangled her hair. He had to braid her hair, he thought this would be an easier and more comfortable hairstyle for him. There was a comfortable silence between them, not until Y/N broke the silence. "sempu" asks the little girl. "What happened my yawntutsyìp?" tsu'tey speaks as he continues to work on his daughter's hair. "What is a songcord?" asks the little girl. Spider looks up, also to watch her father's reaction. "A songcord… it is a string that every Na'vi has from the day of their birth. On it beads are placed at the most important moments of his life" tsu'tey does not take his gaze from the work. Both children listen attentively. "A song is sing, to remember the most sacred moments" tsu'tey speaks.
"Do you have yours?" asks spider, moving closer to his father. "Sure…when one comes of age. Your songcord is given to you, and it is a memory of your life" tsu'tey pauses a bit, as he watches Y/N turn away. "sempu…we have a songcord?" speaks Y/N. Tsu'tey froze, not knowing what to tell them. As far as he knew, no. "Mmmm should…why not?" tsu'tey didn't know what to say to them, both had their eyes darting around their faces, waiting for any kind of answer. "We don't have one, do we?" spider asks, tsu'tey's heart broke. The child's little eyes were dilated, and sadness could be seen. He was impressed by the connection both children had with eywa, understanding and feeling so quickly.
"I'll…I'll figure this out..ok, don't worry" tsu'tey tries to distract his children. He finishes fixing Y/N's hair, to now go with spider's turn. This was going to be a very interesting afternoon. Tsu'tey took the children to the bed, which was in a kind of capsule. In this capsule he could put the children, and they could rest without the discomfort of the oxygen mask. Norm had installed it, at Jake's request. After telling them a story, and kissing him goodbye. He decided to go in search of the materials he would use to create the songcord for his children. He didn't care that it was late, he had to have everything ready for tomorrow. By the look on his children's faces, he could tell that they were very upset that they did not have a songcord like the other children. Checking that everything in the hut was safe, he grabbed a bag. Tying it around his waist and setting off into the jungle.
Y/N te Rongloa Ateyo'itan, Born in 2154. That was the first line tsu'tey braided. Naming his new daughter, with hid surname. Placing a precious crystal green gemstone. The first time he saw his little girl, was in Jake's arms. He was holding her, and introducing the little baby to Mo'at. Neytiri was next to him with a large belly, where her other son neteyam is. For a moment I felt some disgust, it was a human baby, an alien. But all the negative thoughts she had about the baby were erased when Jake handed her the baby in his arms. She was so small, he could hold her in the palm of his hand. In that moment he knew her and he knew he would protect her all his life. He continued braiding, decorating the cord with some precious objects. Like a piece of wood from the first bow he made for y/n, as a surprise when she was three years old. Then he regretted it, because the little girl almost put her eye out. He had to laugh to himself, as the memories came flooding back.
Spider te Rongloa Ateyo'itan, Born in 2153, his eldest son, the son of the man who was part of the destruction of his clan. He placed a ratchet, which had a break in the side, as a sign of the first time he saw it. Walking in the jungle, he heard some crying. As he approached, he looked down and found a small boy, about one year old. His knee was cut, and he was crying inconsolably. He was a broken child, he had escaped from Norm. So he took care of him and from then on the little one always followed him. He continued braiding the cord, and placed a cord more colorful than the others, this represented the bracelet of bravery that he had given to spider, the first time the child followed him to the floating mountains. He was a very brave boy. Tsu'tey's chest fills with pride as he finishes the last line of both cords. He stopped working on the pieces, deciding that the last part had to be special.
The next morning after getting the two children up. He gave them their breakfast, and cleaned them up. Both children sat next to him, watching as their father put various materials in the center. And also pulling out the two ropes. The children's little faces lit up, seeing what their father was holding in his hands. "sempu….that's a songcord" speaks spider, excitedly touching the string a bit. "Yes… one for each of you. See…" tsu'tey picks up two stones. Both pieces had a red color, with white details. Tsu'tey had polished it, to make it perfect. "These two stones…they are going to represent the moment when you became my children…because you must know that you make me the happiest man in the whole clan, right?" tsu'tey pokes y/n's nose, causing the girl to giggle. "Yes…our sempul!!!" spider is so excited, now he had gotten up, to hug tsu'tey from behind while swinging around his neck. Tsu'tey carefully braided the last piece, noticing how his children watched intently. Then he carefully showed him, and explained each of the parts.
Tsu'tey began to sing a lullaby, for his children. Taking them in his arms, as both little ones snuggled into his chest. He felt so grateful for eywa…these children seemed sent by the sylwanin herself. They were the light in his eyes, the only thing that mattered to him right now. Cradling his little ones more in his arms, he sang the last phrase of the lullaby:
"Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe, Tonìri tìreyä, Ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe. Srrìri tìreyä, Ma Eywa, ma Eywa" tsu'tey bends a little to give a kiss on the crown of his children's heads. After so long, he felt so loved.
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shkudss · 1 year
Ma Txe’lan
Summary: you have an argument with Aonung after putting you life in danger
Warnings: mention of death, curse words, pregnancy
A/N: I’m not sure if I have to tag people from my previous work, but I did it🥺 If you don’t or do want to be in a permanent taglist, please let me know! I hope you like this one💕
Txe’lan - heart
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Since you and Aonung officially got mated you didn’t have a lot of arguments. And if you had ones they weren’t really serious. Mostly they happened because you liked going out somewhere without letting him know about it and Aonung got really worried when he couldn’t find you. That was always the most serious case. You thought that it couldn’t get more serious, both of you are so understanding and hearing that you don’t have reasons for a huge argument. You were so wrong.
Today was the normal day. You were going to hang out with Tsireya and Sullys as usual. You all have fun, swim and collect pretty shells. Aonung was supposed to be with all of you, but his dad asked him and Neteyam to help other warriors to hunt. They couldn’t say no, moreover, it was an honor for them to be invited by the Olo’eyktan. You were used to it, so you let him go leaving a little kiss on his lips.
“Don’t get in trouble while I’m gone. Stay safe, okay?” In fact, Aonung was the one who is always worried about you. He knew you won’t do anything that puts your life in danger for fun. But he also knew that sometimes you don’t really think about potential consequences and that’s what gets you in trouble. “And what’s more important, don’t listen to Loak” you laughed at this. His expression was extremely serious when he said this. For you it wasn’t a big deal. What might happen? “I’m serious, y/n.”
Aonung looked straight into your eyes and you sighed understandable. You know that he worries about both of you.
“Please, take care of you too.” He gently places his big warm hand on your belly. It became his habit since you found out about your future baby.
“I will.” You put your hand over his and squeeze it a little.
He leaves a soft kiss and goes to his parents’ marui to join other warriors. For you this event was normal and you didn’t worry about it, but for Aonung, whose protectiveness increased twice since that evening when you found out about your pregnancy, it was a big deal. He didn’t want to leave you alone for long.
When he finally left your marui, you remembered that you wanted to see Ronal and ask her about the baby. Since it’s your first time being a mother you had a lot of questions and she was the only one who could answer them since nobody but her knew about this. You wanted to keep it as a secret for as long as possible.
“Hey, we want to go to see Payakan. Loak wants us to meet him.” Tuk came out of the blue as usual. “Come with us!”
You weren’t sure if it’s a good idea for you since Aonung asked you to stay safe. Going out of the reef, even though you’re Metkayina, can be dangerous for pregnant woman.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea…”
“C’mon! We’ve done this so many times, everything will be fine. And today is a special day, Payakan really wants to meet you all. Neteyam and Aonung will join us next time.” Loak was really excited about it, his eyes were almost shining, so you couldn’t say no.
“Okay, tulkun boy” you rolled your eyes sarcastically.
The closer you got to the tulkun, the more clearly you could see this red pierced thing. You didn’t understand what’s going on, but Loak found out quickly.
“Sky people did this! They’re coming, we need to take it out of him!” He was panicking, because of the fear for his spirit brother.
You immediately jumped on him and tried to help Loak to take it out, but nothing helped. Kiri and Tsireya joined you. Tuk started screaming and you got really scared.
“They’re here! Hurry up!”
Your heartbeat increased twice. You were afraid that it might be your last day, skypeople can do anything with all of you.
“Dad, they’re here! They shot Payakan and want to kill him. We’re trying to save him.” Loak used his neck microphone to call Jake.
“What?! Who’s there?” He was with other warriors and you knew Aonung hears everything.
“Me, y/n, Tsireya, Kiri and… Tuk.”
“Get out of there, now!” Jake immediately replied with worried tone in his voice.
“We’re will get out this thing and immediately go back yo the village.”
You tried to pull another time, but it didn’t help. Then you saw ilus and finally had the right idea. Guys tied the rope to your ilu and you tried to pull it all together. In less than a minute you managed to get it out. This GPS arrow was in your hands and you knew that they can detect you. And that’s why you tried to swim as far as possible from you village so that everyone will stay safe, especially Tuk. You just hope that other guys will go back to the village and you will manage to get out of this situation.
You don’t know how, yet.
“Oh Eywa, please help me!” You mumbled while trying to avoid corrals and plants. You also knew that right behind you there’s this huge machine chasing you and you don’t have right for mistake. The last minute your Ilu got so scared that it just left you the moment you lost your bond.
You have to survive for Aonung and the baby that you carry right under your heart.
You had no choice but to hide in the huge plant that had some air inside. You’d been swimming for too long to get them far from village. Before finding this plant, you threw that red GPS, hoping that they won’t keep chasing you after this.
Aonung’s pov:
“RDA are hunting for Tulkuns. Payakan is shot, they’re trying to save him.” Jake explained situation quickly while all men went back to the village.
Only question that Aonung had was about you and he didn’t want to know the answer. But he has to.
“Who’s there?”
“Loak, Kiri, Tuk, Tsireya and…” Jake looked cautiously at him before saying the last name. “Y/n”
“Fuck. I have to go there now.” Aonung raised his speed and changed direction straight to the reefs.
“What are you doing? Y/n is with them, they can handle it by the time we will come. She’s strong.” Tonowari tried to calm down his furious and anxious son.
“She’s pregnant.”
That’s all he said before leaving everyone in shock. When he got closer to the end of the reefs, he met Loak and the rest of the group except for you.
“Where’s she?” He was furious. In fact, he was scared deep inside. “I asked where is y/n!” He raised his voice like his father does and it shocked everyone. Nobody knew he can be that serious.
“She was distracting RDA. She’s supposed to come soon.” Loak said this like nothing serious happened, but Aonung’s face said that he fucked up.
“If something happens to her, I’ll kill you.” He pointed to his chest angrily and left without saying any other word.
You tried to calm down and make no noises so that RDA won’t find you. You’ve been staying here for too long and it seems that you won’t get out of here soon. Tears start to come, panic slowly takes over you.
“Aonung, I miss you.” You whispered starting crying. The thought that in the morning it was your last kiss with Aonung and you didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to him. You were supposed to have a baby and live a happy life, but it’s going to end today.
With the side vision you notice something moving towards you and you moved to the side, trying to save yourself. You wiped your tears and tried to pull yourself together as much as possible before RDA soldier will come for you. But before you could do or say anything, the familiar head appeared right in front of you.
“Aonung?” You were surprised to see him. He sighed in relief that you’re okay and right after it he got really serious.
“What the hell are you doing?!” He knew you must be stressed out, but couldn’t help it. “It’s been only a couple of hours and you already in trouble. Loak is supposed to protect everyone, not you!”
“I’m the eldest in our group, I had to take responsibility.” You didn’t want to have this conversation now, but there was no choice.
“Take responsibility for you own life first! How can you be a mother if you don’t know how to take care of yourself?” You didn’t expect him saying this and it hurt you. You lowered your head, not willing to continue this argument.
“I want to go home, Aonung.”
“Wheres your ilu?” He was still angry and you didn’t try to calm him down as usual. You also needed support. More than him.
“It got scared and left.” Your voice was really quiet.
“Okay, let’s go back home.”
Luckily, RDA left you and your way home was quick and safe. However, the tension between you two was almost visible. You hated it. It was the first time such thing happening in your relationship and you didn’t know what to do.
“My child, are you okay?” Ronal was the first one who noticed your arrival and came straight to you. She hold your hands, examining all your body for any wounds you luckily didn’t have. Everyone in the village looked at you with worry. Now they know about your baby.
“I’m fine, just got stressed a little. Thank you.” You slightly squeezed her hands and gave a tired smile.
“Okay, go rest then. If you need anything, just let me know.”
You nodded and Aonung took you to your Marui. All that time he didn’t say anything and that stressed you out even more than sky people.
“Aonung?” You asked tentatively, trying to catch his gaze.
“What?” His voice was sharp and it really made you upset. He never talked to you this way.
“Please, say something.” You tried to touch his shoulder, but he didn’t let you do this. You bit your lip, to stop yourself from crying, and sit on the floor. Otherwise, it might be hard for you to stand during the tornado that’s about to happen.
You needed his hug and love now. All you want now is to feel the warmth of you husband’s heart and body. He’s the one you could be vulnerable with, but now it’s not working.
“You want me to say something? I have a lot of things to say.” He looked at you seriously towering over you. “What did I ask you when before leaving?”
“Don’t get in trouble…” you felt like a little child who gets scolded by their parents.
“Don’t get in trouble. Which word in this sentence you didn’t understand? Do you even know how I felt when Jake said you’re chased by sky people or when I met Loak and others without you? You’re having our baby and you’re still acting like a 15 year old you. I thought we overcame this problem, but turned out we didn’t.” You were about to loose your last piece of calmness. Aonung is the most important person in your life, that’s why he’s the one who can either hurt and heal you easily.
“I thought I can loose you and you didn’t even think about it. You didn’t think about how I would feel myself if I see you dying or wounded. I could loose not only you, but our baby.” And this was your last straw. You broke in tears, letting out all emotions you suppressed until this moment.
You were crying, sobbing and shaking. Re-living that situation and remembering Aonung’s words again and again.
How can you be a mother if you don’t know how to take care of yourself?
I thought we overcame this problem, but turned out we didn’t.
I could loose not only you, but our baby
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want this.” Aonung immediately sat down right in front of you, trying to calm you down. “I was scared that Tuk and other would get hurt. I didn’t want them to be captured by sky people.” Your eyes were full of sorry. This broke Aonung’s heart. “I know I don’t think think about the consequences in the moment, but I don’t do these things for nothing. I have reasons to act certain way and I’m sorry that I make you worry, but I also got really scared. I also thought that today might be the last day I kissed and touched you. I was scared to loose you too. But I don’t regret doing this and I would do it again if I have to. I better safe four lives for mine, than save my life for four others.” You tried to explain everything, sobbing and crying, while Aonung hugged and tapped your head softly. He knew he shouldn’t have to scold you. The first thing that he must did was to comfort you after that stress you’d gone through.
“I’m sorry, ma txe’lan, I’m sorry.” He whispered same words, while hearing you crying. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there and help you. I’m sorry I didn’t think about your feelings and pressured you.”
You didn’t want to say anything, focusing on his soothing voice. With all tears your stress and tension in the body and mind were relieved. You two were still in each other’s hands, listening to your breathes, enjoying each others warm bodies. You’re alive. You’re still together. You’re still going to have a family.
“You’re my txe’lan, y/n. You own my life. If they take you from me, then they take my heart. Please, don’t let anybody do this to us.” Aonung was sitting and hugging for from behind, placing his head in you neck crook. It was your favorite pose, as you both could feel each other completely. “Can I…?”
You knew what he wanted to do. Some Navis think that young couples mostly love to feel each other sexually, but it’s not your and Aonung’s case. You enjoy your sexual journey with him, but the most precious moments are when you feel each other. Sitting in such pose in your marui or at the beach at night, looking at the sky and having tsaheylu. You don’t have to use it only during the adult time. You can use it just to feel your partner. And that’s what you do now.
You both need this, you need to make sure that you’re alright. Aonung takes your and his braids and makes a bond. Shivers go through your body. You feel his heartbeat, his breath, you don’t need words anymore.
You’re the one
You live in each other
You will be the one even the afterlife
“I see you”
I couldn’t tag those who are in red :(
Taglist: @elegantkidfansoul l @ijwsbdinp @universal-s1ut @myh3artt @lynbubble @jjkclub @kenzi-woycehoski @marvellover4 @ssc7514 @stvrligghtt @johfaam @simplecole18 @flavaliz @chrisbelle @bajadotcom @jak3suiiyscvmslvt @a--1--1--3 @roxannedaybreakermidnight @aonungmyaddiction @neteyamsmate4life @boilingpots @fanboyluvr @zilena9 @maxie8life @makiis2mk @damscore @yeosxxx @imnyira @neytirisblog @adaiasafira @lovedbychoi @oceanstar19
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
Aged Up Yandere Neteyam x Reader x Lo’ak Part 5
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Notes: Uhm sorry this is actual shit guys, uhm I kinda rushed it at the end sorry 😢 Anyways I hope you guys still enjoy it
Warnings: Blood, gore, murder, knives, stabbing, heavy mentions of death, despair, sadness, yandere, screaming, bloodbath, nightmares, fighting, slut shaming, hitting, physical abuse, Neteyam being a lunatic again, kinda forced bonding (?), kissing,
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
As you awoke, your body longed for touch, moving back, you found yourself alone. No body to hold you into them, where had he gone? Sitting up, your nose scrunched from a horrid smell close by. It was retched, and it stung your senses the more you inhaled. Your vision seemed blurry the more you opened them, groggy from the night before. Your ears began to twitch at a strange noise, turning your blurred gaze to the noise, your eyes instantly widened at the sight in front of you. It was Neteyam, sitting on his knees, his back glistening in sweat, and a red ink? “Neteyam?” You asked, rubbing your eyes. The more your eyes awakened, the faster you realized what was happening. He had a knife in his hand, a bloody knife. Dripping in ivory red, the liquid trailing down the length of his arm. He was hunched over a tall figure, mumbling nonsense to himself. There was blood pooling around him, staining the wooden floor. The smell was horrid, your nose kept getting a whiff of it the more you woke up. The scent soiling the room, sticking to the walls, overriding the smell of the mossy forest. There was ichor splattered all across the walls, turning the room into a bloodbath. Death immersed the space you had slept in, the place you woke up in every morning. It was unrecognizable, covered in the aura of demise, and ending.
The more you watched, the faster your heartbeat picked up, heightening the longer your stare lingered. You were scared, frightened at the sight in front of your innocent eyes. You didn’t want to move, you wanted to stay, watching, never leaving. But it seemed your body moved by itself, your feet landing on the moist flooring, blood swamping around your toes. It was warm, hot almost, as if it’d been sitting in the sun all day. But that’s not where it was supposed to be, it’s meant to be inside of that blue capsule, kept warm and safe. Flowing through us, pumping our heart, rushing through our veins, helping our bodies move throughout the day. But instead it was here laid, and sprawled around your room, tinting your walls with death. Your feet moved, one by one, step by step. Lingering by the unrecognizable man in front of you, every step made a splashing sound. Spattering blood onto the sides of your dark blue ankles. Hugging the flesh of your legs, dripping down little by little the more you walked. Your eyes stayed on him, scanning every part of his body over and over again.
Then it came to a stop, your movements halting at the realization of just who you were looking at. Lo’ak laid in front of his older brother, mouth open, foaming with a thick red coloring, trickling down the sides of his face. His eyes were wide awake, but so dull. All life pulled out of his once loving eyes, his bright golden tinted orbs, now a dark orange, the color of a dark sunset. Such a rare shade, reserved only for the passing, for the ones whose time had come to an end. His thick eyelashes hovering over his tangerine toned spheres, an interesting picture to say the least. His lips turned brittle, layered in dried blood and drool. His large hand laid over his once dark blue skin, now painted scarlett. His callused hands splayed over a hole, a gaping hole of flesh. You could see right through it, a window looking out of his own body. Deep cuts surrounding it, cut right through his skin, his baby soft skin, now darkened and rose colored. His body stayed still, his chest flat, no oxygen coming in and out. Lifeless, dead, a corpse splayed in the middle of your room. He was gone, no more fighting, his soul was with Ewya now.
You wanted to cry, let the river come down your sapphire skin. Let the salty liquid cloud your vision as you wept. But nothing came out, a desert was all that was felt. Empty of any emotion, lifeless almost. You just stared, not talking, only standing and watching. “Isn’t it wonderful?” He asked, standing to meet you face to face. Just inches from your frozen form, unable to move. Caressing your cheek, he noticed your strange aura. You were so scared but so calm, what a good girl you were. “It’s only us now my love”.
They shot open, like a door flying unlocked from a gust of wind. Your eyelashes hitting the top of your shadow, it was a dream. Nothing more, a figment of your tainted imagination. But it seemed so real, you could smell the blood on your body. The ivory pooling around your boyfriend, and the wounds he had made on his brother. But where had that smell gone now? It had dissolved into thin air, disappeared into nothing now. And where was Lo’ak? He was there laying next to you, holding you tight in his grasp. The inside of his palms flush to your stomach. Your body had become sweaty, dripping down your body, falling off your fingertips like honey. It stuck to your skin, seeping out the more you tried to wipe it off. Your forehead was glistening, the bioluminescent dots making your body sparkle. You were steaming hot, and Lo’ak’s body temperature wasn’t helping. Slowly you decided to pry him off of you, slipping out of your hammock as he laid sound asleep. Your window showed you the night sky, the moon shining down on Pandora. It was in a crescent tonight, as if someone had sliced off a piece and left it hanging in the sky. It was a beautiful sight to see, but it wasn’t abnormal for you, it was very common in fact. The nights seemed to repeat themselves, showing you the same scene every nightfall. Of course the moon was in a different shape every dusk, but the way it shined was no different, the moon cycle never ending. The stars seemed to be holes in the sky, like it was a background on a table and a child had plucked holes into it, showing it’s true colors. There were so many, too many to count. Was this how the humans sky looked like?
Did they have holes in their solar system just like you? Neteyam would probably know, since his father was apart of the sky people. You found yourself admiring the sky for awhile, but you wanted to be closer. Tip toeing out of your hut, your feet stood on the dirt, the roots slightly poking out from nearby trees. As you walked through the clan, your eyes never lost the midnight sky, observing every movement that flashed through the empyrean. Your bioluminescent dots lead you through the forest, your pace picking up the farther you ran. It seemed so quiet at night compared to the sounds of rushing Na’vi around you. You wanted it to stay like this, only being able to hear the sounds of the rushing rivers and animals, and your breath picking up the more you did. “Y/n?” He spoke, blocking your pathway before you could go any further. “Teyam?” He came closer. “What are you doing up?” His voice was so demeaning towards you and you hated it, you were not a child anymore and he wasn’t your father. “I could be asking you the same question” moving past him, your hair hitting him in the face.
“Don’t be like that y/n” following behind you, annoyance hinting in his tone. Ignoring him, you continued on with admiring the sky. It seemed the stars had moved ever since you took your eyes off of them. Noticing your glance, he asked “what are you looking at?” Interested in what could be more important then him right now. “The stars” he glanced up at them “what’s so special about them?”. “Their always there” your eyes still glued to them as you spoke. “I never hear you talk about them” “I don’t have to tell you everything” sassing back to your aggravating boyfriend. “I tell you everything don’t I?” You looked at him finally, eyes piercing through him “No you do not” “You think I’m lying?” “I know you are”. He smirked, as if he knew something you didn’t. “Alright then what have I not told you?”. There were so many answers to that question, but you just rolled your eyes, obviously wanting to be alone at the moment, but as always he never gave you what you wanted. “You didn’t tell you how much you hate Lo’ak, or about how jealous you are of him” you shot back, looking back up at the stars. “I’m not jealous of him, he’s jealous of us” “Keep lying to yourself”.
He stopped, pulling you back to meet him “Why are you being so fucking rude? Huh?” you instantly slapped his hand off you, causing him to hiss at the sudden sting. “Go away Neteyam, I do not want to be around you right now!” he looked down at you, eyelids half opened as his eyes turned to slits before you. He was obviously furious at the way you were treating him, you had never been so rude to him before. And he knew exactly why “This is Lo’ak’s fault. He’s putting things into your head isn’t he? Or maybe your giving it to him you little slut” his finger pushing into your chest as he moved into you, causing you to slightly stumble. Your eyes immediately widened at him, who the fuck did he think he was talking to? “Get a fucking grip Neteyam, I’m not doing shit with your brother” you pushed him away, making your way as far as you could. He just laughed at you, following right behind. “Then where’s he sleeping tonight huh? Cause he’s not home” he pushed back, quickly matching your pace. “Go and look for him if your so worried then” you shot back, getting anxious that he somehow knew where he was.
He stopped dead in his tracks, as he began putting the puzzle pieces together. A lightbulb flashed in his mind, a sly smirk forming on his face. He started smiling to himself, a dangerous smirk creeping on his face. You could hear a chuckle coming from him as he stared you down. “Oh you are so childish y/n” he teased in a sly tone. the hair on your back stood up from his words sending a shivered chill down your spine. “Thinking I wouldn’t find out?” He smiled slyly, what a foolish girl you were. He stepped closer behind you, his breathe catching on your neck. His hand coming to wrap around your chin, his hands were rough as was his tone. “W-what are you talking about?” You asked, trying to play it off. Your cheeks were becoming hot as you became anxious.
He hissed at your lies, before turning you around with one swift movement. He pushed you down to the ground as he smiled down at you, he was a different man than before. He looked just how he did in your dream, with murder on his mind. “Don’t play fucking dumb with me y/n” he scowled, before leering at you again. “You’ll see what I’m talking about when I have his head on a stick” he smiled at that, smiling at the mere thought of killing his own brother. Turning away from you, he made his way to your hut “Stop!” You screamed as you ran after him, you pulled him away, scratching and hitting him in fear he was being serious. “Let go y/n!” He yelled, as he turned to you, his face had changed. His eyes were dark and black, no color in them anymore. He was an animal, he was not Na’vi anymore he was a beast. A beast who was hungry for bloodlust, you didn’t even have to look at his face, his body languge was enough to show it.
He pushed you against a tree as he looked down at you in fury. “Maybe if you weren’t such a slut I wouldn’t have to do this” he pushed you hard into the tree, putting you back into your place. “Neteyam please!” Your voice was dripping from fear and desperation, you held onto his arm to try to reason with him. “Please don’t hurt him! I’ll do whatever you want Teyam” you cried out as your grip tightened on his bicep. His ears perked up at your words, a sick idea coming to mind. You were so pathetic to him, so easily manipulated. “Anything you say?” He chuckled, looking back to you as his agonizing eyes met yours. “Yes Teyam anything! Please don’t hurt him!” You begged, tears prickling at the sides of your eyes. He didn’t answer for a minute, thinking long and hard at your suggestion. “Mate with me” he came closer, caressing the sides of your face ever so smoothly. “Now” he was stern, he wasn’t asking, he was demanding you to obey. “R-right now?” You asked, fearful of what he meant. “What the fuck else would I mean?” He hissed back, his face twisting in annoyance at your idiotic question. You looked down in submission, trying to weigh out your options.
After awhile you looked back up at him, your hand coming to hold his as your eyes sparkled in the moonlight. “Ok” you mumbled, and that was all he needed. It was like a switch went off on him, his adrenaline was pumping, his veins popping out of his biceps in excitement. He practically lunged at you, his hands coming to hold your neck as his lips intertwined with yours. His kiss was deep, passion tingling through his skin. He’d been waiting to do this for so long, so many moons to do this to you. His grip on your waist was dangerously tight as his mouth traveled down your neck. “T-Teyam” you whimpered out as his lips molded onto your body. “What is it pretty girl?” He asked teasingly, his gaze meeting yours as lust filled his eyes. You wanted to answer so badly, but his grip was sickening on you. And his gaze scared you, it was something you had never seen before. You didn’t answer, and he didn’t bother to ask again. His hands traveled down the length of your body, his hand coming to untie your top quickly.
He reached behind your back as he brought your queue in front of you, he looked down at you through hooded eyes. He was more then excited, so so much more then excited. He was thirsty for you, his desire growing by the second. He gave you a look asking if you were ready, you nodded slowly as your breathe picked up right away. Your palms were sweating from anxiety, this was it, you were his forever after this. That was the last thing you wanted right now, but did you really have a choice? He grabbed his queue from his back, and brought it up to your face as he smirked at you in lust. Your eyes stayed on the queue, as they filled with anticipation and fear. Slowly he brought them together the tendrils enclosing around one another. Your head shot back in surprise as you connected, your pupils dilating right away. Your chest heaved as you held onto him for support. Your reaction was far from calm, you began to shake as you started to feel everything he did. His jealousy, the lust he felt for you, and the obsession. The obsession scared you, he was infatuated with you and it was frightening. You heard every thought that ran through him and you looked up at him with a frightened state.
What had you done?
Taglist: @h3l3na-pandora @iman-lu @neteyamsluvts @arminsgfloll @afro-hispwriter @silententhusiastdreamer er @liluvtojineteyam @ihatethridperiod @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @marybby @reinap06 @leaveitbythewave @xreadersstuff @vitalanidragonbane @jjkclub @jimfiqs @xoulalousing @myh3artttt
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