Neutrœmme Pride Flag
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Neutrœmme (neutroemme or neutreomme): the combination of neutremme and neutromme; a centrigender of neutral, male, and female, meaning a gender in-between femache (or femasle) and neutral.
Different from neutrangi, it's specifically femmache instead of androgyne (although some use interchangeably). Also it can be considered a mix of two circa-binary centrigenders, for example: gender shuffler or multigender.
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Neufemache Pride Flag
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Neufemache or neutrofemache (neutrofemasle or neufemasle): being male, female, and neutrois.
See also: neutrandrogyne, neuangi, neutrandrogynous; neufemasc; tritrinary/pantrinary/omnitrinary, neuambinary/neutrambinary; ambonec.
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