Neutrœmme Pride Flag
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Neutrœmme (neutroemme or neutreomme): the combination of neutremme and neutromme; a centrigender of neutral, male, and female, meaning a gender in-between femache (or femasle) and neutral.
Different from neutrangi, it's specifically femmache instead of androgyne (although some use interchangeably). Also it can be considered a mix of two circa-binary centrigenders, for example: gender shuffler or multigender.
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What's the difference between neutrogender, neugender, and neutra- (eg. neutra(fe)male) genders?
I have a hard time distinguishingly memorizing them all. Neutrigender idem
Neutrogender is a gender that is primarily neutrois while being partially another gender as well. It's sort of like a magigender neutrois. 50% or more neutrois and 1-49% of another gender.
Neugender is a gender that is both neutral and another gender. It's any neutral gender, not just neutrois, and the amounts of each gender are not specified.
Neutramale, neutrafemale, and similar terms can be considered neugenders. They are simply neutral genders mixed with other genders. Specifically, they are partially neutral and partially another gender. Neugender isn't specified to be part one and part other, so I would imagine it can be one whole gender or maybe even two entire (not partial) genders.
From less specific to more specific, it's neugender > neutrogender > neutramale/female. And neutrogender is the only one that specifically mentions neutrois, rather than neutrality in general.
I hope that helped! - 💙💚
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Neuflux Pride Flag
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Neuflux (neugenderflux), neutriflux (neutrigenderflux), neutflux (neutgenderflux), neutrgenderflux (neutrflux), neutreflux (neutregenderflux), neuterflux (neutergenderflux), neutraflux (neutragenderflux) or neutroflux (neutrogenderflux): When one feels mostly or all neutrally gendered most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of neutral gender identity.
Similar to neutroisflux, but in this case specifically with gender neutral identity. Can be specific combinations, like neutragender, neuter(gender), neut(gender), neutre(gender)/neutral, etc. -A-p
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