#neve bio
felassan · 29 days
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nominzn · 1 year
não consigo parar de pensar no jeno...
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ele é caseiro demais então os encontros perfeitos seriam na sua casa ou na dele.
porque ele é todo fit, no dia do lixo pode esperar uma coca-cola comum e um hamburgão tarde da noite enquanto comentam uma fofoca, ou riem de doer a barriga com uma lembrança, ou um vídeo maluco, até mesmo com um episódio de um sitcom no fundo.
jeno gosta de rotina, de viver o cotidiano. têm horário fixo pra malhar junto contigo, te busca no trabalho/na faculdade, principalmente se largar à noite. vira e mexe te leva pra jantar num final de semana porque surpreender também faz parte.
inclusive foi vivendo essa rotina que se apaixonou por você. numa carona ele decidiu falar que tava interessado, gostou da reação que tu teve e lascou um beijo gostoso logo de primeira. tem cara de quem adora dar uma provocada se afastando de repente, só pra te ver procurando os lábios dele de novo. solta uns risinhos no meio do beijo porque sabe do efeito que tem, de tímido só a casca. mão na nuca, na coxa, no quadril... ai, ai, viu.
mas ele também adora uns beijinhos dengosos no meio do filme até que interessante quando estão abraçadinhos no sofá num dia frio, que ele confessa segredos manhosos na tua boca e vocês podem ser fofos e estranhos sem medo. ama apoiar a cabeça no seu peito e receber um cafuné na nuca, no pé do cabelo, deixa ele molinho.
quando fica doente é do tipo que pede pra vc não chegar perto dele pra não te passar, sabendo que não vai acontecer. a verdade é que ele ama ser cuidado com remedinho na hora certa, sopinha e chamego preguiçoso pra distrair a dor no corpo.
nas férias faz todas as vontades que tiveram durante o ano, se virando em mil pra visitar tanto lugar e sempre pedindo massagem dps que chega em casa porque sair tira a energia dele dum jeito que só tu cura.
se estiver estressado logo te fala e pede ajuda, assim como se brigarem, ele prefere conversar tudo pra não virar bola de neve. ficar bravo é perder tempo.
faz drama quando ta com ciúmes, mas o típico olhinho de lua aparece quando você faz bico. jeno é confiante, mas sua atenção é valiosa demais pra dividir com outro zé ninguém. quando é o contrário, ri todo bobinho e canta todas as músicas que conhece sobre ciúmes: pagode, internacionais, sertanejo... se te fizer rir, abre até playlist pra te zoar.
no instagram esbanja o 💍 na bio, reposta no story todas as suas publicações, comenta com cantadas todas as vezes... adora ser um namorado golden retriever.
talvez ele não diga eu te amo tão frequentemente quanto mostra te amar, mas quando ele diz é sempre com o coração rasgado de sinceridade e doçura.
jeno é o namorado perfeito.
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serickswrites · 27 days
Lonely Place of Longing IV
Master list here (includes chapter links, bios, and summary)
Warnings: restraints, blood, injury, explosion, amputation, shrapnel, bleeding out, unconsciousness, guilt, hurt/aftermath
It was another month before Halle’s healing abilities were tested. Thomas had taken Dylan and a team of twelve on a super secret mission—not even Livia had any idea even though she was likely to be promoted to team leader of another team in a matter of months.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad. They’ve only been gone two hours. Nothing can go wrong in two hours. They’re supposed to be gone a week, it’s probably only a reconnaissance mission.”
“Then why take Dylan?” Halle clutched the book Benjamin had dropped for her to her chest—another one of Dylan’s recommendations.
Livia sighed. “Dylan has many skills at his disposal. Not all are offensive.”
“What does he—“
“It’s need to know, Halle. And I’m sorry, but it’s not something you need to know. Yet. I know you’ve been training for field work. As soon as there’s an opening on the team, I’m sure they’ll promote you. We could really use someone with more medical knowledge out on missions.”
“And a keeper for Dylan. So the rest of you can focus on whatever it is you do.”
Livia nodded. “Exactly! I’m sure there will be an opening soon.”
Halle was ready to head back to her room and curl up with the book when an alarm sounded. “What is that?”
Livia’s face paled. “No. It can’t be.”
But before Livia could answer, Dylan appeared out of thin air, dragging Julian. Julian was missing his left leg from the knee down and he slumped over in Dylan’s arms. “Help,” Dylan said urgently. And before anyone could say anything, Dylan disappeared again.
“MEDIC!” Livia roared.
Livia’s words were enough to spur Halle into action. Halle pulled her belt off, quickly making a tourniquet on Julian’s stump. “Go to the med bay. Get as many healers as you can. Livia, are you hearing me?” Livia’s eyes were wide with shock, her mouth open. She made no movement or gave any inclination that she heard Halle. “Livia!” Livia nodded. “Send for as many healers that the other teams can spare. Ask for supplies. Go. Now!”
Livia hurried away just as Dylan appeared again. “What happened?”
Dylan grunted as he hauled another unconscious teammate. “Ambush. We got caught up in an explosion.”
Before Halle could ask Dylan any further questions, he disappeared. Halle was soon too busy to notice Dylan flit in and out. With each subsequent team member Dylan dropped off, Halle became busier and busier. She directed other healers to triage the team members. The one consolation Halle had as she worked to try and keep the team members alive was that at least Dylan appeared unhurt.
Halle had managed to get all the patients transported to the main med bay. She knew that Dylan would figure out where to bring the others because clearly Dylan had teleported to her specifically. All twenty team members with varying injuries were being treated in the med bay. Which just left Thomas and Dylan remaining.
“He really, really needs help,” Dylan murmured softly as he appeared just behind Halle. Thomas leaned heavily on Dylan. Blood coated Thomas’s face and Halle wasn’t sure what the extent of his injuries were.
“Thomas!” Halle hurried forward. She could see Thomas’s lips moving, but Halle couldn’t hear. “Hold on, Thomas, just a moment.”
Dylan froze as Thomas jerked suddenly, clapping the silver cuff on Dylan’s wrist, its mate appearing suddenly on Dylan’s other wrist. Dylan staggered, dropping Thomas. “HELP!” Halle roared.
What had happened? Dylan was fine a moment ago. Dylan dropped to one knee as he mumbled, “Fuck.” Dylan caught himself from falling forward with a blood coated arm.
“Where are you hurt?” Halle turned her attention to Dylan completely. Her job was to keep Dylan alive. And only Dylan. The other healers could take care of Thomas. She had one job and one job only.
“I….I would have thought this….changed things. I…I seem to n-n-never learrrrn,” Dylan said breathlessly as he struggled to remain upright.
“Dylan, where are you hurt?” Halle said as she took Dylan’s face in her hands. His face was filthy, but unbloodied. Where was all the blood coming from? Dylan’s icy blue eyes were hazy and unfocused.
“Dylan, what happened? Where are you hurt?”
“Lonely….lonely place…of..longing…..where…where I belong.” Halle’s heart quickened. Clearly he had a head injury with the nonsense he was mumbling. She had to work fast.
Halle quickly began to run her hands along Dylan’s hair. His neck. His back. Halle’s mouth went dry when Dylan flinched as Halle’s fingers were quickly soaked with blood as she touched Dylan’s upper back.
“Please….it hurts…..no more. Pl-Please…..no more.”
Halle tried to drag Dylan to an exam table, struggling with Dylan’s weight. He didn’t seem so large standing next to Thomas, but as Halle struggled to move Dylan, she realized Dylan was heavier and taller than she originally thought. Dylan was lean, but he was all muscle.
Halle cried out her frustration as healers and other team members flitted past her, not bothering to try and help. She couldn’t help Dylan like this. “You,” Halle said to the closest team member from Bravo team. The man looked confused. “Yeah, you. I need you to help me get him to the other med bay. Now.”
“Are you sure?” He looked nervous as he spoke. “You don’t think he could—“
“He is going to bleed out on this floor unless I can treat him. And I can’t treat him here if none of you will help. So move. NOW!”
The Bravo team member did as Halle ordered, moving quickly so as to minimize his contact with Dylan. Dylan moaned with pain as he was dragged down the hall. Halle tried not to think of the trail of blood he was leaving behind. “Please….no more.”
“Hold on, Dylan. Hold on. Nearly there,” Halle said as she opened Dylan’s door. She pushed through and shoved everything off the nearest exam table. “Lay him here, on his stomach,” Halle ordered as she began to put all the gauze she could carry in her arms.
Dylan moaned softly as he was dumped onto the table none to gently. Halle glared at the retreating back of the Bravo team member. She didn’t have time to chase after him. “Hold on, Dylan. Hold on.”
Halle inhaled sharply as she could see Dylan’s back. There were so many pieces of shrapnel embedded beneath Dylan’s skin, Halle had no idea how Dylan survived the blast.
“It hurtssss…..alone……p-p-painfulllll. Pl-Pl-Please, nnnnnno-o-o-o-o mmmmmore,” Dylan whimpered softly. His eyes fluttered open and closed as he spoke.
Dylan’s words were so full of sadness. “You’ll be ok, you’ll be ok. I’m going to take care of you,” Halle murmured as she watched Dylan’s eyes flutter closed once more.
“That’s probably for the best, Dylan,” Halle said as she quickly cut away what remained of his shirt. She began the slow, painful process of extracting all the shrapnel and stitching Dylan’s wounds closed. “This is going to hurt a lot.”
It was a miracle Dylan had been alive and walking with the number of large pieces of shrapnel embedded deep in his back. How had Dylan been—what Halle guessed was—teleporting with so many passengers when he should have been unconscious? How had Dylan not seemed to feel pain or suffer from his injuries until Thomas re-cuffed him? Why had Thomas re-cuffed him so quickly? He was just trying to help. He hadn’t made any effort to escape. Or to hurt anyone. If anything, he saved the team.
It was with a pang of sadness that Halle realized what Dylan had been talking about. Dylan wasn’t talking about the shrapnel, or the fact that he was bleeding to death. No, Dylan was talking about what really hurt him: that he was lonely. No one treated Dylan with care or kindness. Dylan, as far as Halle was aware, was completely socially isolated, hated even. Halle made a promise as she worked that she wouldn’t let Dylan suffer in silence any more. Dylan couldn’t help what he was.
From everything Halle understood about Dylan, Dylan had only tried to help the team. Had never tired to break free. Had never tried to hurt a team member. And yet he was kept in a cage unless he was being used as the living weapon he was.
“I’ll be your friend. It seems like you could really use a friend, Dylan,” Halle whispered to Dylan as she bandaged the last of Dylan’s wounds. Dylan still hadn’t woken, but Halle hadn’t expected him to. Halle had started IV antibiotics, fluids, painkillers, and had given Dylan a transfusion. She didn’t expect Dylan to wake for some hours yet. But as she settled into a chair next to Dylan, Halle made a promise that Dylan wouldn’t wake alone, that she would be there. That she would always be there for Dylan.
Tags: @beomsstudio @mousepaw @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @eyehartart @corbytheking
@seysposts @cosmic-butterflys @wormjerky @godnessofmagic
@thatlittlefirestarter @defire @jthecalmone @shook-skull @sagencrafts
@theforeverdyingperson @bilightningwhumper @cryptid-potato @fox-fox234 @deepfriedpan
@4-err0r-4 @half-duck @bigmiki @amberconnverse636 @penguin4473-blog
@abbyreader23 @lateuplight @firelan @octafi @paingoes
@xo7-parad0x @whumpandcomfort @kazekunai @pedro-pedro-pedro-pedro-pe @soul-of-a-local-bard
@dragonkales @kitarajy-kari @carosbee @celestialsoyeon @knightinbatteredarmor
@kay-kayxb177 @alwaysjaywalking @decayanddie @demetercabingreen-thumb @never-enough-novels
@whump-a-bear-workshop @sizzlingtigerwerewolf @urmum-11 @velcrostrip @rattypop
@lexiebiss-blog @whumplump @geozone430 @jumpywhumpywriter
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blues-of-randomness · 8 months
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⭐ Familial relationships: Bubba bubbaphant (Big brother/Father figure)
⭐ Rivals: Hoppy hopscotch
⭐ When he's upset he chirps like a baby chick
⭐ Very very VERY competetive and is quite the sore loser, espically when loosing to Hoppy
⭐ He always strggled with academics growing up, he struggled to read and do even the bare basics math. At one point his teachers gave up teaching him and Kickin just decided to never try any academic again and turned to surfing and sports to give him purpose in life
⭐ Bubba is the only teacher figure in his life that has neve lost his paitence with him and encouraged him to keep going when he struggled with any math or reading
⭐ he comes of as arrogant and very rude but he learned how to behave like this from his dad, I won't go into much detail about his father but I'll just say he wasn't a nice person.
⭐ Kicken has been living on his own since he was twelve, since his father decided that was old enough for him to take care of himself
⭐ the only way Kicken learned that acting the way he did was wrong is because his friends had taught him it wasn't ok, to act like that
⭐ Basically his friends were 10 times a better influence than his actual parent
⭐ His star necklace can mean alot of things, personality wise his star could mean that he always feels like a shining star in the world or that he has a vibrant and shining personality
⭐ Special power wise I looked at the necklace more closely for this one, His star could represent the stars in the sky, however the star looks a little bit like a sea star. Sea stars can regenerate their limbs and in Kicken bio, it is said that Kicken "Dusts himself off and asks what's next" So i came up with the idea that Kicken can heal himself when he get's hurt. This doesn't account for bigger wounds like a broken bone, more like small cuts and bruises, even then it can take atleast a day to heal those
⭐ He has little star nightlights in his room, given to him by Catnap, he loves falling asleep with them on
⭐ He's very attached to Bubba and comes to him whenever he feels sad, scared, or even frustrated.
⭐ if you ask him why he won't give you an answer beyond "Bubba is just a nerd that needs me to protect him.." These answers are jut cover ups though.
⭐ His favorite sport is surfing and he loves to swim.
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Néha egészen furcsa dolgokkal lehet találkozni a városban. Ennek a bio-étterem hálózatnak a neve például "A kurva anyját". Mivel nem itt nőttem fel, egyelőre rejtély előttem a névadás.🤭
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opapxichegou · 11 months
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Por Glinda e sua varinha mágica! Olha só se não é DECEMBER NORTH caminhando pelos corredores da torre DAS NUVENS. Por ser filho de NICOLAS SAINT NORTH, é previsto que ele deseje seguir caminhos parecidos com o do pai. Ao menos, é o que se espera de alguém com VINTE E OITO ANOS, mas primeiro ele precisará concluir o módulo ESQUADRÃO VIL I, para depois se assemelhar como um conto de fadas.
Novo conto: Fera Ferida - Bryce, o caçador.
goleiro dos Leões
pinterest - bio completa - conexões - jingle bells
resumo: December North é a personificação da alegria, possui uma personalidade calorosa e compassiva. Nasceu no País das Maravilhas e aos cinco anos foi adotado por North após encontrar sua fábrica e fazer uma grande bagunça por lá. Dee carrega a herança do espírito natalino e da generosidade, embora tenha enfrentado desafios após a perda da fábrica de seu pai para os vilões. Nunca se conformou com o fato dos vilões dominarem tudo, por isso, decidiu ir para Tremerra, mas acabou se perdendo um pouco depois de ficar abalado ao descobrir o conto ao qual estava destinado, no entanto, sua personalidade otimista e seu desejo de fazer a diferença o motivam a buscar maneiras de mudar o curso da história. O problema é que agora só lhe restam dois anos e o tempo está acabando. Nort está cada dia mais deprimido e fraco (de magia), algo que preocupa constantemente Dee. Os dois possuem um ateliê em Norvina onde consertam brinquedos e outras bugigangas. Dec adora fazer brinquedos e animá-los para dar de presente nos orfanatos nas noites de Natal, em segredo ele também tem o hábito de ir até Shadowland no mês de Dezembro levar presentes para as crianças boazinhas e pedir para quem continuem acreditando no Papai Noel.
apelidos: Dec, Dee, Decie, Demy, Badalo e Happy;
ama coisas coloridas, costuma se vestir e usar acessórios coloridos, além de ser apaixonado por meias coloridas;
é uma pessoa incrivelmente calorosa apesar de ter nascido no inverno;
não gosta muito de frio mesmo o inverno sendo sua estação favorita, afinal é a época do natal;
cookie com leite, chocolate quente, sorvete e marshmallow são algumas de suas comidas preferidas;
adora criar brinquedos e outros objetos artesanalmente, também é ótimo com costura e gosta de fazer bichos de pelúcia para depois animá-los;
curioso e inteligente, December ama ler e sempre foi muito dedicado aos estudos;
possui uma paixão secreta por cantar e tocar violão, mas não é algo que faça em público;
animado que só, precisar gastar energia, o esporte se tornou uma ótima forma de extravasar;
ama dar presentes e fazer surpresas pra quem ele gosta;
é péssimo embrulhando presentes;
não é nada organizado, seu quarto vive bagunçado;
adora festejar e beber com os amigos;
é um ótimo cozinheiro;
sempre dorme abraçado com um travesseiro;
Daemons: O ovo que recebeu quando entrou para a academia lhe lembrava o Natal e isso bastou amá-lo profundamente, Dee cuidou do ovo de modo espetacular, com carinho e dedicação. Passava horas o ninando durante a noite, contava histórias, costurava roupinhas, dormia com ele ao seu lado. Já haviam se passado alguns meses e nada… até que na primeira noite de inverno eclodiu. O medo de que virasse pedra deu lugar a um encantamento ainda mais poderoso tamanha era a beleza da criatura. Seu nome não poderia ser outro: Jingle Bells.
Uma espetacular dragão fêmea de pura beleza e encanto. Sua coloração é verde claro com detalhes brancos que parecem neve, suas escamas são douradas e seu corpo é decorado com laços natalinos vermelhos. Suas asas são largas e brilhantes, lembram papel celofane transparente. A crista é dourada e os chifres elegantes também, mas eles se curvam graciosamente para trás. Os olhos são grandes e expressivos, brilhando com uma luz calorosa e gentil que reflete sua personalidade amável. Jingle é carinhosa e protetora, adora interagir com filhotes e está sempre perto de December quando pode.
Animação de objetos: December consegue dar vida a objetos inanimados (estátuas, tapetes, brinquedos em geral, peças e etc), animando-os a agir/se mover por conta própria. Os objetos animados funcionam sem que Dee os controle, porém, eles podem funcionar como extensões de sua vontade, nesse caso, só é possível controlar dez objetos pequenos por vez, cinco medianos e dois grandes. Controlar algo do tamanho de um prédio não é possível. Apesar de Dec possuir a habilidade de criar/construir/fazer brinquedos e objetos, isso não tem a ver com seu poder, ele não consegue realizar essas criações com magia, apenas animá-las.
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n3hmof1sh · 2 months
'wgat the fuck who is this.... 😦' WAAHWHAHWHSAHWHHAHAH WAILS IM SO SORRY /GEN
also checks in on you politely
hiw are yu rn ><
Im doing great Im finally finishing up an au design sheet cast thing
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vengefuls · 1 month
updated muse list below the cut! oc bios will be done later. PART 2.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤmadison  montgomery      —   canon divergent,      she / her.    based primarily during coven,    portrayed   by   :   ester  exposito.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤmallory      —   canon divergent,      she / her.    based primarily at the end of apocalypse,    portrayed   by   :   havana  rose  liu.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤkelley  blake      —   canon compliant,      she / her.    from the drive in episode of american horror stories,    portrayed   by   :  madison bailey.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤcassie  robinson      —   headcanon based,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   greta  onieogou  &  kylie  bunbury.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤclaire  novak      —   headcanon based,      she / her.    au where she retains some angel grace from castiel’s possession of her.     portrayed   by   :   kathryn  newton  &  renee  rapp.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤrosie  holt      —   headcanon based,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   kiernan  shipka.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤmeredith  sulez      —   canon compliant,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   maia  reficco.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤklaus  mikaelson      —   canon compliant,      he / him.    portrayed   by   :   austin  butler.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤkatherine  von  swartzschild  pierce      —   canon compliant,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   daisy  jelley  &  madison  iseman.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤderek  hale      —   anti - canon,      he / him.    derek kept his abilities as an alpha when he saved cora. and he survives the end of the teen wolf movie.    portrayed   by   :   tyler  hoechlin.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤeli  hale      —   headcanon based,      he / him.    portrayed   by   :   jack  champion.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤtheo raeken      —   headcanon based,      he / him.    portrayed   by   :   cody  christian.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤemerson argent      —   original character,      she / her.    the only child of chris and melissa argent,    portrayed   by   :   luna  blaise.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤnegan  smith      —   canon compliant,      he / him.    dead city based,    portrayed   by   :   jeffrey  dean  morgan.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤrick  grimes      —   canon compliant,      he / him.    post the ones who live based,    portrayed   by   :   andrew  lincoln.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤjeff  grimes      —   canon divergent,      he / him.    survival au,    portrayed   by   :   glen  powell.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤaddy  jones      —   canon compliant,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   kiernan  shipka.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤkate  carter      —   canon compliant,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   daisy  edgar  jones.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤtyler  owens      —   canon compliant,      he / him.    portrayed   by   :   glen  powell.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤveronica  lodge      —    vampironica canon,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   maia  reficco.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤbode  leone      —   canon compliant,      he / him.    portrayed   by   :   max theriot.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤdaphne  blake      —   canon compliant,      she / her.    mostly headcanon & mystery incorporated based    portrayed   by   :   madelaine petsch. 
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤsally  mcknight  thorn      —   canon compliant,      she / they.    lead singer of the hex girls and witch.    portrayed   by   :   lizeth selene. 
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤsidney  prescott      —   canon compliant,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   neve  campbell.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤriley  kincaid      —   semi-canon,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   nicole  wallace.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤamber  freeman      —   canon compliant,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   mikey  madison.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤbilly  loomis      —   canon compliant,      he / him.    portrayed   by   :   skeet  ulrich.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤemma  brunner      —   canon compliant,      she / her.     portrayed   by   :   monica  barbaro.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤluke  brunner      —    canon divergent,      he / him.    canon compliant,     portrayed   by   :   arnold  schwarzenegger.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤkang  hana      —   psychic medium and lead singer of celestial static,      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   kiernan  shipka.     affiliated  with  kim  nari.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤdaisy  carter      —   1 of 2  survivor of ‘the lovers lane executioner’ attacks in her hometown.      she / her.    portrayed   by   :   madelaine  petsch.
MISC. ( muses i’m testing,  will need some plotting, or are by request. )
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤlucy  gray  baird      —   a ballad of songbirds and snakes,      she / her.    canon compliant, main verse has her surviving.    portrayed   by   :   rachel  zegler.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤmonica  dutton      —   yellowstone,      she / her.    canon compliant.  testing while i watch.    portrayed   by   :  kelsey  asbille.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤjade  waters      —   criminal minds: evolution,      she / her.    canon compliant.  testing.    portrayed   by   :   liana  liberato.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤjessica  “sammy"  hurney      —   abigail,      she / her.    canon compliant.    portrayed   by   :  kathryn  newton.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤgabby  hearst      —   thanksgiving,      she / her.    canon compliant.    portrayed   by   :   addison  rae.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤallie  pressman      —   the society      she / her.    canon compliant.    portrayed   by   :  kathryn  newton.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤkate  wallis      —   cruel summer      she / her.    canon compliant.    portrayed   by   :   olivia  holt.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤransom  drysdale      —   knives’ out,      he / him.    canon compliant.   by request.    portrayed   by   :   chris  evans.
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤryan  flores      —   the strangers: chapter one,      he / him.    canon divergent,  survival au available.     portrayed   by   :   froy  gutierrez. 
⚔︎ㅤ…ㅤnoa  olivar      —   pretty little liars: original sin,      she / her.       portrayed   by   :   maia  reficco. 
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phantom-after-dark · 2 months
A very warm welcome home. cayde-6 x guardian reader
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so here it is. the utter utter filth that came from my brain. there is a plot....if you squint, and turn your head sideways. who am I kidding this is just straight porn. i have no idea if this is decent, enjoy. reader is AFAB with female pronouns.
this is basically unedited, i will go back at some point and make corrections.
Enjoy xoxox
warning: NSFW below the cut, nothing of a violent or gory nature but, as expected, lots of sex, unprotected sex, its just sex. and some swearing. 18+. any interactions without an 18+ age in their bio WILL be blocked.
It had been long. So long. The mission had gone south leaving Cayde abandoned in the ass crack of nowhere in the freezing cold with nothing but his sparrow, his ghost, and the most awful rations. When help finally arrived, he slumped back in the seat of the ship that he had been, quite unceremoniously, hoisted into by the guardians that had come to get him after receiving his SOS signal. His optics flicker off as he tilts his head back, still vaguely aware of the goings on around him but relaxing as the heat seeps back into his body. He could think of only one thing, the same thing that had been on his mind since he left for that shit show of a mission.
Your smile, your eyes, how soft your hands were when you let them wander him without restraint, your lips on his neck, how hot and tight and wet you were around him as you fucked yourself silly on his-
“Cayde!” A voice snaps him out of his daydreams, he jumps slightly, optics flickering back to life, and he sits bolt upright. Glancing down he was glad his cloak had settled across his lap; he didn’t need to see it to know just how hard he was.
“You good?” the guardian that had woken him, Marcus, he thinks their name was, looks at him with concern.
“Uh, y-yeah. Yeah, I'm okay just uh… systems still heating up from being in the cold so long. Gets me a little sluggish you know” he bluffs, semi convincingly as he subtly readjusts himself in his armour before standing. Nice save, Cayde he thinks giving himself a mental smack on the head.
The ship had come to a stop in the hangar, the bay doors opening letting in a rush of chilling air. The hangar was as busy as usual, ships coming and going, guardians bustling around and throwing themselves off the edge only to be revived seconds later by ghosts with seemingly unending patience... So, the usual. None of that interests him though. The only thing he wanted-no NEEDED was you. And like a hound with a scent, he found you.
“Cayde!” you call out, voice filled with relief and happiness to see him safe again. Your voice was like a balm to his weary soul.
“Hey sugar” he smiles, wrapping his arms around you.
“Shit, cayde! You’re freezing” you hiss but don’t let go, holding him closer as if urging your heat into his body. “Hey, let's get you to that little ramen place you love. We can get your stomach filled with some actual food and warm you- “
“No!” cayde interrupts you with surprising desperation, his face buried in your hair. “No. Home I want to go home please”
It takes you a second, then as you shift in his arms it hits you…or rather it presses against your stomach. Oh…ooooooh. You can’t help the chuckle that escapes you. “Okay, cowboy let's get you…warmed up” you purr, gently pulling him towards the hanger doors. He follows, of course, like a desperate, obedient puppy having a treat dangled in front of it.
It doesn’t take long to arrive at Caydes apartment, it takes even less time for cayde to have you pressed up against the door, hips grinding against yours as he presses his face into the crook of your neck, already panting, puffs of hot air sending goosebumps across your body.
“Been so lonely, doll. So cold on that god-forsaken planet. All I could think about was you. Please. Please don’t deny me tonight” he mutters, voice laden with a desperation you had never heard from the exo before.
“I've got you, sweetheart, let's move to the- “
“no” he interrupts you once again. “Now. need you now, please. Waited 2 fuckin’ weeks I ain't waiting any longer” he pants, gloved hands snaking underneath your shirt. You don’t even remember him taking your stir off until his mouth is kissing and licking down your chest. He bites down on the soft skin above your collarbone.
“Cayde!” you gasp, scolding him in sheer surprise, not able to see the blossoming red and purple mark on your skin. He normally isn’t so bitey so soon.
“The one I left’s nearly gone” he mumbles, licking over the almost totally faded hickey he had marked you with before leaving on his mission. You can't help but think back to that night, how he had you bent over every surface in the apartment that would take your combined weight until your legs couldn’t hold you up, and even then, he had you in his arms bent in half against the wall until he couldn’t give any more.
He begins to move lower, leaving a trail of kisses and bites in his wake before reaching your breasts. “fuck” he mutters under his breath, one hand moving up from your waist to cup your right breast, his other holding you to him tightly. “Missed these” he sighs before licking a long stripe across your left nipple. He can't hold back the whiney groan that escapes his throat before he latches on. One hand toying with your right breast as he kisses and licks at the other, all while moaning. You had never seen him like this before, so desperate, needy so…. loud. “Taste so good. Better than any food. Need to consume your doll, please. Please, can I?” he's on his knees now, looking up at you with a face of desperation you'll be seeing in your wet dreams for weeks.
His hands move to your pants. You'll be there forever if you let him try to remove your clothes but the pathetic whine that he emits when you gently bat his hands away causes you to freeze, heart rate picking up. He’s so impatient, face already buried between your thighs, your pants still firmly around your hips as he nuzzles up to your clothed crotch.
“Did you miss me like I missed you?” he mumbles, muffled by the material of your pants. “Smell so good. Are you wet for me, doll? Yeah,” you can't help but gasp when you feel his thick tongue lick a strip up your clothed cunt. That was the last straw for your self-control, so much for feeding him a hot meal and getting him rested in bed.
With swift determination you unbuckle your pants, pushing his head away you resist looking at his face knowing he's giving you that kicked puppy expression as you yank them down along with your soaked panties. Your whole body jolts as his hands push your hips, pinning you to the door as his face dives in between your legs.
No teasing touches, no playful taunting, not even the few seconds he usually takes to spread your petals and admire the wet mess he’s made you before diving in. just sheer and unadulterated desperation.
“Fuck yes” he whines, slight static lacing his voice, though you barely notice over the sound of the sudden moan he rips from your lungs. His tongue went straight to your clit, lapping up the wetness that had accumulated in the short span between there and meeting him at the hanger. “Fuuuuuuck, dreamed of this, dreamed of your sweet cunt every fucking day I was away. Starved without you” he moans, not stopping his dedicated worship between your legs with his tongue.
“wider” he mumbles, pushing your legs further apart, giving him access to your tight entrance. His tongue is there immediately, the long blue appendage promptly diving inside. His hand, still clad in leather gloves, moves his thumb in clumsy desperation to toy with your clit. You clenched around the long blue appendage that was lapping up everything you had to give, ripping a long moan from the panting exo that was knelt below you. His tongue pushes in and out as far as he can get it, which surprises you every time he does, it never looked that long. You're just as loud, gasping and panting, hands on his shoulders as you struggle to keep your legs from giving out.
You look down, the view almost makes you cum alone. Caydes eyes are almost completely closed, looking up at you. The tent in his pants makes your mouth water, the large bulge begging to be released, a faint orange glow matching his oral cavity lights shining through the fabric. As fucking divine as having him worship between your legs was, you knew what he needed. And you were going to give it to him.
Your hand gently wraps around the horn on his forehead, and you can feel him fight against you as you try to pull his head away from your crotch. He finally relents and sits back on his heels looking up at you. He was a mess, cloak hood pushed back, mouth agape and panting with your juices all over his chin. He doesn’t bother wiping his mouth as he stares up at you, pleadingly “Why? Why did you stop me? Please, i-I need…I need- “
This time you interrupt him “I know what you need, come on. Bed now”. With a quick and obedient nod, he's back on his feet, and pulling you to the bedroom, you just about make it without falling over.
When did he remove his armour? You don’t care and don’t have the time to care as he's picking you up and putting you on the bed. Before he can resume his assault on your sopping heat you get a cruel idea. You stop him, pushing him back into a kneeling position. He gives you that kicked-puppy look again and you almost let him continue.
You lay back on the pillows and appreciate the view in front of you. Cayde knelt before you and was completely bare. Is chest heaved with each ragged breath, you swore you could see steam exit his mouth with each heave. You let your eyes travel lower, to the source of his desperation. You missed that sight. At its widest circumference, it's about the girth of your wrist, the shaft swells in the centre and tapers towards the tip and hilt before swelling widely again at the base. The shaft was 2 colours, a deep blue panel of silicone beneath the tip, then the rest of the shaft is comprised of black silicone. Running up the sides was a see-through panel allowing the warm orange optics to shine through. The tip was a soft pastel blue, swollen and leaking more pre than you’d ever seen before. It made your mouth water.
“Doll, I-I can't take you starin’ at me like that. Do somethin’ I'm begging you” he his pants softly, snapping you out of your gazing.
That’s when a devious idea enters your brain. You lie back and spread your legs, making sure cayde gets a view of everything. His eyes are fixed on your slick entrance as you trail a hand between your legs and gently rub light circles on your clit, a soft gasp slipping through your lips as your back arches slightly. He squirms in place; he had cottoned onto your plan.
“Baby don’t do this please” he begs. Begs. That was a first, and you intended to get many more out of him that night.
“What?” you ask with faux innocence as you slowly slip a finger inside yourself “So wet” you moan softly, knowing it was only adding to the poor exos torture. “Is this what you want?”
“Yes!” Cayde doesn’t care how desperate he sounds anymore; he was so hard it hurt. He didn’t know how much pre he had leaked but the small puddle forming between his legs on the bed sheets spoke loudly of how much he needed you. “Been 2 long weeks, too long. I need- I need you, need anything. I’ll do anything, I’ll do all my paperwork, I’ll do all the housework I’ll do anything sweetie just-fuck-just let me fuck you”
His words head straight to your pussy, and you can feel yourself tighten around your finger. You're no way stretched enough to take the monster cayde calls a dick inside you, but for him, you would. You pat the bed beside you “Lie down, let me take care of you”
He eagerly lays down on his back, eyes watching you eagerly. You wrap your hand around his length, and he hisses, head rolling back as you slowly stroke the shaft, drenched in his own pre cum. His hips buck up needly into your hand “M-more, m-more need more. Please baby, i-I can't wait- i-I won't last want to be inside you” he babbles desperately.
You shift forward, your legs on either side of his hips as you grind your hips down onto his painfully hard erection. He shoots forward sitting up, gripping your hips, pressing his face into your shoulder. He wasn’t even inside you yet and he was on the verge of whimpering. You slowly shift your hips back and forth, your wetness mixing with his seemingly unending amount of pre, pulling moan after moan from his throat. They were unrestrained, filled with static.
“Fuck! Please, please stop teasing me, love” he hasps, his fingers digging into your hips. They were definitely going to leave bruises, but you know your ghost could heal them…not that you would want it to.
“Beg” you smirk. He freezes momentarily.
“You heard me, sweetie, beg” you purr, slowing down the movement of your hips to a tortuous pace.
“Please, doll. Been thinking of you since I left 2 weeks ago, has been hard since I left. Couldn’t do jack shit about it, left without you for so fucking long. Thought about how fuckin hot and wet and tight you are, please baby, doll, sweetheart, just stop damn teasing me” he whines, flopping back onto the bed, looking up at you, eyes wide.
You finally take mercy on him, lifting your hips and lining him up with your entrance. You can see him struggling with his self-control, trying not to force himself up into you. You sink down onto the head, the bulbous tip was a painful stretch in the most delectable way, made even better by the debouched groan that manages to find its way through the static of Caydes voice synthesiser. “So fucking tight” he growls “just like I imagined-no-better”
You take your time, slowly sinking onto his shaft, wincing slightly when you reach the wider point at the centre. You feel so full, so delightfully stuffed and you're only halfway down. You try and pace yourself but it's hard when the exo whose dick is half sheathed in your cunt is a squirming mess of broken whines and barely distinguishable begs. You reach the final hurdle, the swollen base of his cock, almost knot like and you drop your hips, arching your back as your ass finally settles on his hips.  “So fucking big” you groan, leaning back onto your hands which were rested on his thighs. You can feel the faux muscles, taught like a coiled spring.
His eyes are fixed on where his cock disappears up inside you, and his fingers reach out, trembling to trace the dull orange glow that reaches just below your belly button. His fingers lower to play with your clit causing you to get impossibly tighter. His optics stutter on and off as his head lolls back “t-traveller above, you're so damn t-tight!”
After a second to adjust, you drag your hips up before dropping them back down, his grip on your hips tightens, and you can see the tension in his jaw, every slow rise and slam down onto his cock causes a ripple effect, static increase g in his voice, optics flickering on and off in rapid blinks. Despite how loud his broken words and moans are, the wet slapping of your cunt on his cock can be heard.
You continue your tortuously slow movements, relishing in the way he’s, stuffing you full in a way that feels like he was moulded to fit you. “f̴̻̪̺̮͍̰̹̰͓̈́̃̅̿̄̽̋̕͝͝-̸̡̜̭̰̅̚͠f̶̻̣̜̋͛̀͋̉a̷̡̤̖̱̥̱̅̆́̂̄͘s̷͎̤͗̎̄́͒̓̋̈́͋̕t̵̗̖̥̰̤͎͈̊̆̄́̍́͝e̵̢̞̦̝̜̻͋͌͆ͅr̷̨͉͉̹͌͊̈́̽̈͛̓͑͝,̵̡̥̗̖̈́͂̿͠ ̵̡̯̫̜̰̾̉͑̐̏͑̚͝ͅ sweet girl please ,̵̻̫͕̘́ ̸̗̞͒͝p̵��̗̪̤͙̪̯̺͓̳̈́��̃l̶̳̮͖̰̪͈̈̂͜͝ͅẽ̸̛͙̗̈́̋̋́̇a̷̖͚̠͍͌͜ş̷̧̫̠̭̼͖͈̥̾̒̽̂̍͋͐̓͘ḙ̵̢̝͓͚̥͍̄̑̐̇͂̕ ̸̧̞̖̤̮̻̠͐̄ faster̶̙̖̙̎̊̎̍̚” he begs, his voice becoming more and more filled with static. His hands grip your hips with urgency as he tries to buck up into you, each time he does, you still your movements earning yourself groans of frustration.
“Aww what's wrong, Hunter Vanguard? You a little pent u-AHH!” your teasing him is the straw that broke the camel's back. His feet plant onto the bed and he flips the pair of you with a growl. The next thing you know you're on your back beneath him, he's still sheathed in you to the hilt.
“that's it. If you won’t give me what I need, I'll take it,” he growls before pulling out till just the tip remains inside you before slamming back into the hilt, starting a brutal pace. His hips slam into your own with bruising vigour, his face buried into your neck. Between his static-filled moans in your ear and the sound of his body slamming into your own, you can barely hear your own cries of pleasure. Overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure that blurred with pain you grip onto his shoulder, legs spreading wider to accommodate his hips and allow him deeper.
“Thought you could get away with t-t- t̶͈͖̺̿̅̒̾͂̎͑ě̵̛͇͉̲̊̉́̚͜a̵̢̝͈̙͉̫͚̐̃̓̾́͐͜ŝ̶̯̥͍̳̠̻̖͙́̍̌͒̕ḭ̷̹̮̟͙̣̲̘̲̭͌̒͗̑́͂̒͐͘̚n̶̰̓̈̆͗̇͌̉̕g̴̡̛̛͛-teasing me? After I've been away from you for so long?” he growls, each word punctuated with a thrust. “Think I could resist this sweet cunt?” his smirk falters, smug voice devolving into a desperate moan. He shifts his hips slightly, his tip finding the spot inside you that makes your toes curl. Your core tenses, a familiar feeling building up like an elastic band being pulled tighter and tighter. “You're close, aren’t you? cum for me, sweetie. Cum all over this cock, show me how much you missed me” he pants, pace not faltering once.
You feel the tension snap, your vision going white as your back arches, and you clench around him as you reach your climax. He fucks you through your orgasm, he grabs one of your legs, pulling it onto his shoulder allowing him to hit a whole new angle. You can’t find words, it's like you can feel him in your chest, each thrust pushing the air out of your lungs.  
Every touch, every caress sets your skin on fire, looking up at cayde his optics flicker on and off, his face is tensed, jaw clenched with determined desperation. Everything was becoming too much, too good. You were so overstimulated, but he was not slowing down.
“s-sorr-sorr-sorry” he moans “can’t s- s̵̢̠͔̘̤͓̲͕̍͆͌̏̂͝͝ţ̷̳̮̳̙͖̋̋́̈́̾̈̚̕͠ò̸̡̖̣̜͖͙͍̪̥͆͂̄͘p̶͓̟͔̣̬̞̘̆̎͂̀͋̂̉-stop”. His movements become more frantic, pace becoming less fluid and more unrestrained.
He drops your leg, bending over as he continues pounding into you, he holds you close, littering your neck and chest in hickies, kissing, and licking each one as moans turn into frantic whimpers. “Please, please so close so close. So perfect so tight so hot. Mine p̶̡̳̪̬̯͔̗̆͌̈͋̉̂̿͜͝͝l̶̨͔͇͍̫̏ĕ̸̳̰̭̖͕͌͂͌̅͌̈̋̊̂â̸̢̲̯͕͓̬̻̄͠ş̴͖̐͆̈̇͛̐́͝͠e̴̛͓̎͌̽́͑̊̆͆͝-please” he grips you hips as his rhythm stutters.
“inside-p-please ins-s-s-s-inside” his whole system was beginning to glitch, optics blinking, the lights in his throats, also glitching out as his voice was barely audible over the static. You nod eagerly, body covered in a sheen of sweat, as you pant and moan beneath him, trying to move your hips back onto his time with his rushed thrusts.
The nod is all the conformation he needs, thrusts becoming harder and more eager. “f-f- f̶͈͙̳̻̙͓̤͈̿͋̀̈́̏́͜u̶̯̖̔̓̏̌̅́̉̚c̷̝̉̇̈́̀͛̊̇̚k̵̨̞̩͉͙̻̲̐͊̓̔̒̉̃̀͌͝-fuck i-i-I lo-love you! G-go-gonna fffffill you” he whimpers “make y-y-you so f-full. B-be leakin’ o-out for d- ḑ̸̧̛̩͕̤̬͔̫͈̟̅̋̑̀̓͛͠ă̸̬̠̥̱̪̼͑̈́́y̶̧̙̰͚̝̪̳̍s̴̲͉͖̦͙͎̀̋̃͜͝-days”. You wrap your legs round his hips and tats all it took to push him over the edge. A desperate whimper rips from his throat, it becomes a staticky whine as he thrusts one final time. His whole body trembles, his cock twitching as he spills into you, painting your inside with his cum, leaking out of you around his cock due to the sheer volume as he completely stuffs you.
His body suddenly slumps onto you, you can hear his internal systems whirring loudly, his optics off and body still. You muster as much energy as you can to gently place a hand on his head which was face first in your neck.
“c-cayde? ” you mumble. A groan comes from him as his optics slowly flicker to life. “you okay?” you ask him softly.
He says nothing but nods. The pair of you hiss as he pulls out of you, his body flops beside you as he pulls you into him, arms around your middle.
“Miss you” he manages to mumble out, static finally starting to leave his voice. “don’t wanna be that far away from you again, doll”. You nod in agreement, aching body seeking his, it had been too long. Between your legs aches in the best way, you can feel the remnants of his seed leaking out of you but at this point, you're too tired to care, you can clean up later.  
You're not sure which of the two of you fell asleep first, but it's cayde who wakes you, carrying you to the bathroom where the bath slowly fills with soapy water.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, sweet pea” he chuckles, “let's get you cleaned up, I ordered us dinner, least I can do for that welcome home.”
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felassan · 29 days
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Dragon Age: The Veilguard - companion bios all together
[source, two]
Text in each image reads:
"Lace Harding This dwarven scout has a positive outlook and a ready bow – as well as unexpected magical powers. At her core, Harding is still a girl from Ferelden; she loves adventure, animals, and nature and is fiercely protective of her family and friends. Abilities – Seismic Shot; Heavy Draw; Shred; Adrenaline Rush; Soothing Potion Neve Gallus A cynic fighting for a better future, Neve is both a private detective and a member of Tevinter’s rebellious Shadow Dragons. Born and raised in a working-class neighborhood of Minrathous, she does not believe in the superiority of mages. Abilities – Icebreaker; Blizzard; Glacial Pace; Time Slow; Replenish Davrin Bold and charming, this Grey Warden has made a name for himself as a monster hunter. Though he was raised in a Dalish clan, he craved excitement and adventure. He’d rather make history than reflect on it. Now he cares for Assan, a young griffon. Abilities - Battle Cry; Death From Above; Heroic Strike; Assan Strike; In War, Victory Bellara Lutare Bellara is creative, romantic, and obsessed with uncovering the secrets of ancient Elvhenan. She has a strong sense of self – a clear idea of who she is and what she wants – and will push herself to her limits to find the answers she seeks. Abilities – Fade Bolts; Enfeebling Shot; Replenish; Time Slow; Galvanized Tear Taash A qunari dragon hunter with the Lords of Fortune, Taash lives for adventure and doesn’t mind taking risks. While her interests include sparkling treasures and hitting things with an axe, she is also deeply knowledgeable about many topics. Abilities – Fire Breath; Dragon’s Roar; Dragonfire Strike; Spitfire; Fortune’s Favor Emmrich Volkarin A necromancer of Nevarra’s Mourn Watch, this well-mannered scholar comes complete with a skeletal assistant, Manfred. Emmrich is as serious about his duty to protect innocents from the occult as he is about his studies of the mysteries of the Fade. Abilities – Final Rites; Replenish; Entangling Spirits; The Bell Tolls; Time Slow Lucanis Dellamorte Lucanis is an expert assassin for whom the Antivan Crows are a family business. Poised and pragmatic, he would rather not be the center of attention, focusing instead on his work. Lucanis specializes in executing powerful mages and has earned the title Demon of Vyrantium. Abilities – Eviscerate; Abominate; Soothing Potion; Debilitate; Adrenaline Rush"
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fuzzy-oooze · 1 year
your bio says wizard-slaying. how many wizards have you slain? also what percentage of wizards have you met and not slain? just out of curiosity, totally not a wizard trying not to die.
ah, well, I neve kept track. it was like... maybe 12, 16 tops. I've spared a few, not too many though that's more because wizards are rare than it is morality
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rennisaturate · 6 months
open to: anyone relationship: ur muse and neve are currently in the midst of a break up?? or maybe she's moving for her job, or maybe there was some infidelity?? surprise baby possibly ?? lots of possibilities have fun !! ✨geneva is new so her bio's not up, so if u have any questions abt her just ask !! ✨
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" if you came all the way over here to try to talk me out of this, it's not happening. don't bother, "
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ilcovodelbikersgrunf · 10 months
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 - Photos of the day 🌊 MAREGGIATA POTENTE. Liguria, ma soprattutto Toscana, hanno assistito ad una nuova intensa mareggiata quest'oggi, sabato 2 dicembre. Livorno e Marina di Pisa sono state le aree più colpite, con allagamenti diffusi per le strade.
La boa di La Spezia ha toccato un'altezza d'onda significativa di 6 metri, e successivamente un periodo fino a 10 secondi.
❄️ Arriva la neve? Seguici per rimanere aggiornato. Potete trovare il LINK DIRETTO alle previsioni in BIO ⤵️ 👉🏻 @meteo_limet 👉🏻 @meteo_limet
📸 Immagini: 1-7/9) @andreadaniphoto 2/5) Unknown. DM for credit
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bislacha-wolf-1234 · 10 months
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Nome: freddy frostbear(frosty)
Gênero: masculino
Espécie: urso furry
Raça: helltronic t2 (animatronics infernais t2)
Festividade: natal
Idade: 22
Aniversário: 25 de dezembro
Personalidade: fofo, inocente e carismático
Signo: peixes
Laço familiar: Tojo e Mali (pais adotivos), grim e jackie (irmãos).
Sexualidade: bissexual
Interesse amoroso: shamrock freddy(sham)
Abilidades especiais: frosty consegue pular alturas surpreendentes, pode congelar qualquer coisa em segundos, tem dominação sobre o fogo azul.
Símbolo de representação: um floco de neve
Curiosidade: frosty consegue pular e correr mesmo com uma pata engessada; quando suas emoções se intensificam faz surgir decorações natalinas no ambiente; frosty consegue controlar o fogo azul, utilizando-o para matar queimadas as vítimas de forma mais rápida.
Versões especiais: frosteybom e leviafrosty
Música do personagem: fireflies(owl city), cold nights(hate smoke).
Mascote: guizo
Poder próprio: frosty libera uma magia(branca ou negra), que faz as pessoas ficarem animadas ou assustadas e ria objetos, consegue entrar na mente das pessoas para abençoar ou amaldiçoar.
Opinião geral: depois que eu conheci esse ursinho eu comecei a gostar de fnaf ar, o frosty é meu ursinho favorito, ele parece fofo e fraco, mas é bem forte e poderoso possuindo o poder da magia negra e branca, assim como seus irmãos, ele é um dos poucos que possue duas músicas para representa-lo, mas ambas combinam bem com ele.
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stcrdoms · 2 years
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𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏, 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔 pinterest / spotify / long bio / stats
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꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀alexandra savior.  25 . demi woman.   she/they.⠀⠀⠀⠀꒱        hold your f*** horses !   elise “elise eden” taylor   has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being the   keyboardist   in   monarchs  and have been signed with the label for   four years.   they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @edensgarden.  fans know them for being   whimsical   but i swear they’ve got an   intelligent   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   warm summer afternoons, large grassy fields in the open country,  and  a used deck of tarot cards.   stan twitter even voted them most likely to   start a solo career.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
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full name: elise sophia brown taylor preferred names: elise eden, elise nicknames: fur elise, ellie, sophie, tay, eden age: twenty five d.o.b. : july 12th 1998 gender: demi-woman pronouns: she/they birthplace: bearwood, england education: bachelor's of music education at NYU occupation: keyboardist in monarchs & owner of spiritual shop and studio in a small space in NYC
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• elise was born in bearwood england to two loving parents john & marianne taylor. john being much older than marianne a former hippie and touring musician turned music teacher. marianne an artist and spiritualist. to constantly question and never settle. also a cultivated space that their love of music and the arts. elise was exposed to views and ideas that more often than not are not understood by the main populace. • constantly traveled mainly due to both their parents desire to find some new inspiration and to escape the static nature of life. elise's parents constantly viewed their lives as an adventure. a trait which was carried on to elise. • has lived in several places across americas and the uk from the time she was twelve. has lived in phoenix , utah, washington state, california, and currently new york. • went to nyu to study music education, wanted to teach others the joys of music. its there where she met the other members of monarchs. • is generally the forgotten member of the group by fans mainly due to their nature as a keyboardist. nobody really notices the person behind the keys with a mic.
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compared to the others in monarchs elise has a gentler personality. they consider themselves to be the anchor of the band. the level head, the voice of reason when everything seems to go to shit. it seems elise is just seen as the girl on the side with the keyboards more than anything. though despite that she never complains and plays their part well. the keys depending on how they're implemented can either clash with the music or create something harmonious . elise would consider themselves to be one of those more sensitive players. she doesn't just bang keys and notes to see whatever works, instead she plays it by feeling. getting a feel for the song and trying to work with it rather than against it .although to the fans elise may seem as unimportant her keys are another part of what brings monarchs their unique sound. the way it brings out another color and life to the song to contrast against roxie's vocals. while most of the time they are seen on the far side of the stage with their keyboard elise has much more talent to offer. besides being the band's primary keyboardist elise can also play guitar, write lyrics, and even contribute backing vocals. in this way she's seen as the hidden gem of the band. and while she is more than content with her role in monarchs there is a part of them that often years for more. though there's this fear, not many people make it after splitting from their band. plus she's not as charismatic or charming as roxie. in their eyes it would never work. with all their drama and scandal the music makes it worth it. with their fourth album in the works elise wonders how much time until everything bursts again.
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• elise is the mediator in monarchs, compared to the other band members she'd rather take life as it comes and not get involved in conflict • she's a cat person, owns two cats • after the band has some personal conflicts elise offers them all a healing session to clear any negative energies, it usually works. most of the time anyways • elise would say the organ was their first love, while not classically trained they did recieve lessons from their father • speaks with a distinctive birmingham accent from growing up in the area • with the money from monarchs she opened a small pyschic shop & studio where she sells crystals, tarot decks, etc. but also a place where she can conduct readings and do deity work. • is an apprentice under the goddess hectate, has an altar and offerings to use while contacting hectate. • is probably the more approachable of the six members of monarch, appears to be quite homely. genuine a good head on their shoulders and not much of an ego. • looks up to other great keyboardists in rock like christine mcvie, jon lord, ray manzaek, john paul jones, etc. • their favorite albums include Fleetwood Mac's Rumors, Led Zeppelin IV, Beatles Rubber Soul among others • grew up listening to a lot of classic rock and hard rock influenced by their father & mother. • practices wicca and paganism, is known for keeping a deck of tarot cards on hand and a crystal pendulum in hand.
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• mentor - perhaps an older more paternal figure who could offer elise some guidance as she navigates the music industry? someone who looks after them, advises them, and in general looks out for them. • assistant - elise would consider themselves to be fairly kind . they have no need for an assistant and is seen as being far too nice to order anyone around. this would be an awkward relationship. in which said person wants to do their job and help, but elise can't bring themselves to let someone. .to all the hard work alone. • collaborators / industry friends - i figure that elise might not always be playing keys for monarchs. sometimes they'd likely do session work for other artists in the label or help someone write lyrics and produce a track . • role model- someone who elise looks up to and admires? doesn't have to be a musician in the label, can also be an employee. but overall someone who inspires elise to be better. • other ideas? i'm open to any other ideas if you have them or if anything about elise inspires you!
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co-arch · 2 years
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RFZ / Madonna di Campiglio
Progetto di ristrutturazione di un appartamento in un edificio degli anni ’70 vicino a Campo Carlo Magno a Madonna di Campiglio. Il progetto parte dalla ridefinizione degli spazi interni ricollocando i servizi e dando una nuova configurazione agli spazi della zona giorno. Dove prima si trovava la cucina a vista, l’idea è stata quella di creare un nuovo volume nella zona giorno, che contenesse i servizi, il nuovo bagno e un angolo cottura separato dal soggiorno ma che contemporaneamente desse ordine e ridefinisse la zona giorno. Il nuovo volume è rivestito in legno lamellare di larice con finitura naturale per rendere visibili le venature calde del legno, scandito da listelli verticali della stessa essenza. La sfida è stata quella di ripensare le classiche “perline” da montagna mantenendo il materiale ma rivedendone la tecnologia e la finitura. La zona giorno è ora delimitata dal nuovo cubo di legno servizi e dalla parete vetrata con vista sulle dolomiti del Brenta. L’uso di materiali naturali sia per il pavimento che per gli arredi su misura riscalda l’ambiente e lo rende accogliente e montano allo stesso tempo. La zona pranzo è caratterizzata dal disegno lineare di una nuova panca su misura che si accosta al tavolo e alle sedie esistenti, in stile tirolese. Sono stati ridisegnati anche i copricaloriferi in larice con fori rotondi CNC. Il corridoio è scandito dagli stessi listelli verticali, presenti sulle pareti della zona giorno, posizionati equidistanti, per dare ritmo alle pareti intonacate bianche e sono intervallati da piccoli appendini in legno di larice. Le pareti intonacate hanno una finitura materica in intonaco d’argilla per contribuire col legno al ritmo di luci e ombre. I faretti e le placche sono nere opache per enfatizzare il nuovo intervento e per creare un contrasto col legno di larice. Le maniglie IKI sono un prodotte DND anche loro scelte in nero opaco. Il corridoio porta alla zona notte: due camere doppie e un bagno, la nuova divisione dello spazio permette di avere una camera con bagno all’interno. Un’apertura quadrata con vetro flutes multirighe verso dalla camera dà luce naturale al bagno esistente, prima cieco. Per i rivestimenti dei bagni è stato usato Cosmo di 41zero42 un brand nuovo che fa ricerca sui materiali coinvolgendo i designer, uscito quest’anno nel 2021, nei colori cotto e grigio verde, dato che col suo puntinato ricorda i fiocchi di neve. Per i pavimenti di tutta la casa abbiamo scelto il larice di Fiemme 3000, materiale certificato bio a tutti gli effetti, l’azienda descrive così l’effetto benefico del materiale all’interno dello spazio: Per garantire in casa lo stesso habitat del bosco, le emissioni rilasciate dai pavimenti, sono le stesse che si ritrovano in una foresta incontaminata e, proprio come queste, agiscono in maniera benefica sulla salute delle persone. Basti pensare che si trovano l’olio essenziale di cirmolo e di abete rosso che da soli emettono nell’aria l’Alfa-Pinene, sostanza terapeutica per eccellenza, tipica dell’aria di montagna. Arredi / Furnishing CUCINA SU MISURA in LEGNO DI CIRMOLO Boiserie, armadi e pareti in legno su disegno di co.arch studio Maniglie IKI di DND design by Alessandro Stabile e Mario Scairato Luci / Lights Wall lamp TEN by FARO Barcellona Faretto da soffitto nero opaco Flos Kap80 Paralume cilindro Alpi Ganzaie by La Corallina Paralume ventola a parete Alpi Lagoria by La Corallina Paralume ventola a parete Alpi Misurina by La Corallina Architetti co.arch studio / Giulia Urciuoli e Andrea Pezzoli https://www.coarchstudio.it/ https://www.instagram.com/co.arch.studio/ Photos by Riccardo Giancola https://www.instagram.com/riccardo_giancola/ Molto felici di essere sulla homepage gi DnD Hangles https://www.dndhandles.it/projects/rio-falze-campiglio/
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