#never been so happy to finish a gifset
weisshapt · 2 years
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“Trin: I think grandma's heart would break if she saw how quickly her successors went through the family's supplies and tore up contracts and agreements with other clans. And the idea to join Snake Nation? We might as well have asked Raffen Shiv to line us up on the dirt and execute us. What's the difference? That was the true end of the family. That's why I, Ossian, Lil Elam, Afshin, Persia and others decided to leave. S.W.: Do you still keep in touch? Trin: No.”
ft. (in order) Vera “V” De Soto, Ossian “Oz” Mercer, Cairo (pronounced kay-ro) Bohannon, Samara Keene, Trin Bakker, “Lil Elam” Stillwater, Afshin Madani, Persia Theler, Harlo Stroud, and Bodhi Heflin
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scuddish · 2 years
when the exact people i have in mind while creating a gifset find the gifset and get all excited when they reblog... it makes the entire time i spent making the set so worth it i swear <3
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ranchthoughts · 3 months
Happy marriage equality Thailand! 🌈
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A few months ago, @colourme-feral came to me with the idea of cataloguing as many same-sex Thai QL proposals and weddings as we could. And today, to celebrate the bill passing the Senate (and the first post-bill-passing proposal and wedding), I'd like to share with you all our findings! Even though same-sex marriage has not been legal in Thailand until this year (hopefully things will be official in the fall), there have been quite a few same-sex proposals and weddings in Thai QLs throughout the years.
Big thank you to everyone who assisted on this project in some capacity (@airenyah, @bengiyo, @blmpff, @chickenstrangers, @dribs-and-drabbles, @nieves-de-sugui, @twig-tea, @waitmyturtles, @williamrikers) plus all the gif and fanvid makers whose work was instrumental in helping us double check everything (particular shout out to these gifsets by @apathetic-tortoise (1, 2) and this one by @gunsatthaphan).
We found 28 Thai QL shows which featured at least one same-sex proposal (the blue list below) and 15 Thai QL shows which featured at least one same-sex wedding (the green list below).
I was pretty strict with what counted as a proposal or a wedding for the purposes of this project. For example, characters who we know are married but whose wedding we don’t see aren’t counted (like Laws of Attraction’s Maya and Rose, or the unnamed Force and Book characters shown in a “Just Married” car in Vice Versa). There are many shows where there is a ring or someone gets down on one knee but the question is not exactly “popped” (Khun Chai, Star In My Mind Our Skyy 2, etc.), and there are even more shows characters talk at length about commitment and being together forever but there were no mentions of marriage or other details (like rings, etc.) that would specifically suggest it was a proposal (A Boss and a Babe, Ai Long Nhai, Be My Favourite, Cupid's Last Wish, Dark Blue Kiss, Something In My Room, Star in My Mind, Still 2gether, Until We Meet Again, 3 Will Be Free, etc.). Some of these moments might have been intended as a declaration of intent to marry by the characters and the show runners, but they weren’t conclusive enough to be included on this list. Furthermore, I think it’s interesting to see how many shows were, for lack of a better word, explicit in their discussion or portrayal of same-sex marriage (having the characters use the word marriage, showing weddings, etc.), despite being from a time before such a thing was legally possible. 
Note: I've listed the shows with the year they started airing for ease, even though some of them did finish airing in another year.
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(see alt text for the full lists)
The Quick Facts
The first proposal and the first wedding in our data set both happened in Grey Rainbow episode 4, which aired on May 7, 2016. (though this is not exactly an auspicious wedding to start with, as those who know know)
12 shows featured at least one proposal and one wedding (Cherry Magic, GAP the Series, Grey Rainbow, Laws of Attraction, Love Syndrome 3, My Secret Love, Naughty Babe, Never Let Me Go, Tharntype Special: The Wedding Day, Two Worlds, Wedding Plan, and the Wedding Plan Special). 
4 shows feature two same-sex proposals (Cherry Magic, Love Syndrome 3, My Secret Love, and Two Worlds). All these shows also feature a same-sex wedding.
None of the shows in our sample had two same-sex weddings.
The Data Over Time
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As you can see, generally same-sex proposals and weddings have become more common in Thai QLs over time, though of course there are more Thai Qls being produced now than in the earlier days.
Note: I'm only looking at shows which aired before the marriage equality bill passed the Senate, so the 2024 data does not include Wandee Goodday or OMG! Vampire. It will be interesting to see if and how the number of same-sex proposals and weddings in Thai QLs increases through 2024 and beyond now that it will become a legal reality.
It is also interesting to consider the production companies behind the shows in our sample. This sample includes 7 GMM shows and 5 Mandee/Domundi shows, plus 1-3 series each from other production companies like Idol Factory, MeMindY, Studio Wabi Sabi, Copy A Bangkok, Jinloe Media Work, TV Thunder, and M Flow Entertainment. In other words, GMM shows make up roughly 23% of the sample, Mandee/Domundi shows are another 16%, and other production companies comprise about 61% of the sample.
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Main Couples vs Side Couples
There are 28 shows with proposals in the sample but 32 proposals, because four shows have two proposals each. 26 of these 32 proposals (81%) are between the main characters and 6 of them (19%) are between side characters.
Of the 15 weddings in the sample, 12 (80%) are between main couples and 3 (20%) are between side couples.
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For interest's sake, I also broke this down for GMM and Mandee/Domundi. GMM has 7 proposals in 6 shows, with 5 main couples and 2 side couples popping the question; and 3 weddings (across 3 shows), in which 2 side couples and 1 main couple got married. Mandee/Domundi has 5 proposals in 4 shows, all between main couples, and 3 weddings (across 3 shows), also all featuring main couples.
And now here we are, after the bill has passed the Senate. Congratulations to the Thai queer community, and the happy couples Oyei and Cher from Wandee Goodday and Sen and Run from OMG! Vampire who are the first Thai QL couples to propose and to have a wedding (respectively) after Thailand's marriage equality bill passed the Senate! (The bill passed the Senate on June 18, 2024, and episode 8 of Wandee Goodday aired 4 days later on June 22, followed by episode 6 of OMG! Vampire on June 23.)
I can’t wait to see more same-sex engagements and weddings in Thai shows as we move forward.
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angelsdean · 17 days
you probably noticed this but: right after dean finishes telling the CBGB story, he says “john friggin winchester” and takes a shot, and the jacting joices in that moment are… god. i mean the jacting joices are there the entire time ofc but they kinda give *overemphasizing this as a ‘cool john’ story* to me at first, but in that final moment—dean purses his lips, he shifts in his seat, he stares into the distance… he looks bitter. it’s like dean allows himself to feel bitter about this story for just a second, when sam and cas are no longer looking at him ://
(the exact moment i’m talking about is in a gifset you reposted recently)
Yea there's definitely a vibe throughout the whole thing that he's like, telling it as this "funny anecdote" but underneath there's more feelings brewing about this story. Like the story itself comes up because Sam prompts him to tell it, so it's not even Dean's first thought.
Even Cas asking them "You loved your father?" and Dean's response, "With all I had" is like, on the surface you can take that as a positive statement but it's also pretty vague when you really poke at it. It's like, okay and how much love for your father DID you have? It's not the same as a resounding "Yes, of course!" It's more, "I loved him as much as I personally could, given everything." And I do think Dean loved his father. Dean is full of love and he cares even when people might not deserve it. But, we also know he's no stranger to criticizing his father (as he literally says in the next breath that John was not winning any Dad of the year awards) and acknowledging that he was put through shit he did not deserve at way too young of an age.
Even him saying "damn if he wasn't there when we needed him" it's, I mean, he's literally criticized John for being a deadbeat and leaving them and not answering the phone and putting them in danger before so this line immediately rings hollow. And in the context of the scene it makes sense that he'd say this to Cas because Cas is specifically asking them about John as a way of understanding what a father is supposed to do. He prefaces his questions about John with the fact that HE never knew his father and thus has little experience with this whole Claire situation. He's looking for guidance, so it makes sense that Dean would over-embellish a little and want to paint John in a better light for the sake of telling Cas that "yea a good dad is there for their kids." Which we Know John wasn't always there for them. (Side note but all of this ALSO ties into Rowena and Crowley's subplot this episode, how she abandoned HER kid, wasn't there for him, left him vulnerable but is trying to be there now etc etc. Thematically it's an episode abt imperfect parents and their children). And the fact that Sam prompts the story to me says that Dean was probably just going to leave it at that, simply giving his advice to Cas that good dads are always there for their kids.
But anyways, all this to say, I can definitely see Dean feeling bitter about the story at the end there. Especially as the happy little mood drops and he's no longer trying to "give advice" and is reminded of the case, Claire, and how his own experiences actually relate to hers. It's like he finishes telling the story Sam prompted him to tell in the first place and he remembers, "yeah and that was fucked up. and dad might've been there THEN but what about all the other times he left us vulnerable and open to be preyed on. and now Claire is in the hands of this pseudo-guardian who is also putting her in dangerous and vulnerable situations, and and and."
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In December 1993, TK Strand was born. Now, almost 30 years later, it’s time for a fandom celebration!
Window of submission is now: 07/11/23 - 01/12/23
Hi guys. I have decided to shift from a hard deadline to a window of submission instead. This, in large part, is so I might not miss my own fandom event! I’m also hoping it’s gonna allow people in similar situations time to finish anything they might have been hoping to post/share for the event. Happy creating to all you!
Let’s get creative to celebrate our favourite disaster magnet paramedic!
Any medium of work is acceptable, from fic to fanart, videos to gifsets, as long as there’s a focus on his birthday where possible. If that’s not possible and you just wanna make something out of appreciation for TK as a character, that’s great too! It still counts! Anything at all you’d like to create to mark the occasion of TK Strand’s 30th birthday. (Also any genre is fine. Give us birthday fluff. Give us gritty birthday angst. Give us birthday smut 👀)
Although TK’s birthday is canonically in December, I thought it might be nice to give ourselves three months to the day to work on our pieces, meaning they will be posted on November 7th, which in fact is Ronen Rubinstein’s 30th birthday! I thought this might be a nice little way to mark our appreciation for both Ronen and TK.
On November 7th, please tag all works with #tkstrandturns30 and I will put together a masterlist in due course.
Below the cut are 30 prompts for possible birthday related shenanigans. Please ensure that when November 7th arrives, all work is appropriately tagged so we can help each other stay safe and informed. Happy creating!
Carlos stresses over what to get TK for his birthday, TK bombarding him with constant guesses all the while.
On TK’s birthday, Carlos takes him somewhere they’ve never been before.
Flashback to a previous birthday.
On TK’s birthday, one of their plans goes terribly wrong.
Another pet is added to the mix.
TK is moved/overwhelmed/astounded by the beautiful toasts/speeches his friends and family make at his birthday party.
TK becomes aware that his father’s latest midlife crisis is a direct result of the prospect of having a 30 year old son.
Carlos and TK celebrate alone.
Carlos buys TK an “experience” of some kind for his birthday.
TK and Carlos spend TK’s 30th in New York.
Someone ends up in the emergency room.
TK has his last near death experience of his 20s.
TK and Carlos discuss what they want from the next decade of their lives together.
Carlos hides 30 small surprises in the loft.
TK’s friends plan a surprise party, which either goes remarkably well or astonishing badly.
On or around TK’s 30th birthday, someone from his past makes an unwelcome appearance.
TK’s 4th coma. Will he wake up in time to see his birthday?
TK and Carlos plan a trip, and get stranded on the way there.
Owen is an emotional drunk at TK’s party, causing an unusual amount of chaos.
TK gets a birthday text from an ex.
TK thinks Carlos has forgotten his birthday.
TK receives an unusual gift from one of his friends.
TK leaves his birthday party for a moment of quiet introspection.
Enzo sends TK a birthday gift: something that belonged to Gwyn.
Carlos brings the wrong cake home from the bakery.
Carlos dresses as a clown for the party, not realising Owen is afraid of them.
TK accidentally finds out what Carlos is planning for his birthday, and has to choose whether to tell him, or pretend not to know.
Carlos and TK do something new in the bedroom.
TK gets the PERFECT birthday gift from an unexpected source.
Lou II wears a party hat, but who on earth got it onto his head?
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melanoradrood · 7 months
It's been two years since I was last on tumblr, so to open it up and see that my rogue one gifsets are still going strong gives me all the good vibes and happiness for this fandom.
also a lot of messages about my dramione fanfics I never finished...
anyways I have a manuscript due to my editor this friday so bye.
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victoriaspriing · 9 months
2023 writing gif-making round up
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about.
I was tagged by @swearphil! thank you sm renee <33
Hii!! so 2024 is right around the corner, happy new year yayay. Actually, if I think too much about it I think I'll start crying cause like what do you mean we're less than 42 hours from staring a new year?!! 2023 doesn't feel real tbh time in general doesn't feel real but yeah anyways I'll save that convo for another time. I'm here today to reflect on all the gifsets I've made throughout this year, which let me add, has been A LOT. I'm going to start by sharing some fun stats (yes renee I'm copying you <33), and then I'll do a fun top 5 of my fave gifsets, and to finish it off I'd also like to use this to shout out some of my fave people and creators on this hellsite cause you all made my 2023 so much better and I love you all for that <333
fun statistics:
In total I made 61 gifsets in 2023
57 are heartstopper (not surprised)
3 are 911 lone star (mostly tarlos)
1 are dan and phil
In august I made 20 gifsets, which are the most gifsets I've made in a month this year
In may I made 1 gifset, which is the month I made less gifsets this year
6 of the gifsets are song lyrics edits
3 of the gifsets are heartstopper comic edits
31 of the gifsets are scenes from heartstopper
6 of the gifsets are heartstopper compilations from s1 and s2
top 5 gifsets from 2023 (in no particular order)
that one dnp gifset: I think most people know that I was and still am a big dan and phil fan, and that I spent most of my teenage years obsessing over them and giffing them and only them. Well, they went on hiatus and they stopped having a big impact on my life util they decided to come back and ruin my life again (in a good way). This gifset was the first time I giffed them since like idk 2019/2020, and it does mean a lot to me :') it's not really about the concept and the coloring, I chose this one to be apart of my top 5 for sentimental reasons, and I think that's valid.
give your friendships the magic you would give a romance: once again, sentimental reasons. when I read this quote on loveless it just spoke to me in so many levels. One of the things I love the most about heartstopper is the importance they give to friendship and I just had to make something that highlighted that and I think it turned out super good.
I think nellie loves him: well, now I think I snapped with this one akdhjahak I just love it so much. the coloring.. the heartstopper tv scenes with the heartstopper comic scenes, like chef's kiss, just perfect. of course this is not an original idea so I'd love to thank @rose-nobles for inspiring this gifset <33
mr. ajayi loves museum dates with his grumpy bf: and just like that we are back to sentimental reasons ahdhkas. well, this was one of the first gifsets I made when season two came out and it blew up. I've never had that many notes on a gifset, and honestly I think it's well deserved cause the coloring is good and I had finally just figured out how to sharpen gifs, so yeah love that for me.
I'm bi actually: I had so much fun making this one. the amount of bi coded elements and colors I included on this, I WAS ON A MISSION. the fact I made the font wobbly hsjgdjaka, I love love this gifset.
a little shout out to my faves (I hope you all have an amazing 2024)
@swearphil ☆ @barrowsteeth ☆ @narliee ☆ @cafecdramin ☆ @heroeddiemunson ☆ @nelsonnicholas ☆ @curlyhairedprince ☆ @wylanvannecks ☆ @aimeegbbs ☆ @indimlights ☆ @jelloandsugar ☆ @perrieedwards ☆ @imogen-heaney ☆ @thatwasthenightthingschanged ☆ @klinejack ☆ @birthdaysentiment ☆ @seeleybooth ☆ @sonseulsoleil ☆ @taraolssons ☆ @immortals-malec ☆ @parissquads ☆ @rose-nobles ☆ @itwasmagic ☆ @perccyjackson ☆ @naomismcpherson ☆ @neverfindmegone ☆ @charlieisverybored
Okay I think that's it, I'm so sorry if I missed someone. I'm also tagging everyone that wants to do this, just say I tagged you in it <33
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adampage · 20 days
haven’t been feeling up to making anything despite wanting to make gifs and stuff. i have so many different ideas to create (fancams, gifsets, fics, articles even) but i just can’t bring myself to like, Do Anything. I had a really nice time in london and it turns out i really love walking around and just looking at architecture. i am a sucker for old shit.
on the other hand, i’m signed up for my last class to finish my second undergrad year, and next spring i have to figure out where to transfer to. i am pretty happy that despite finding time to spend lots of money to visit places i’ve never been, i am still doing okay financially and i can still afford school.
it doesn’t feel like i do much, and i don’t think i do much. but i feel like people will tell me that yes, in fact that’s quite a lot. but i still feel this sick feeling like i don’t do enough, or i spend too much time scrolling my phone and not actually experiencing anything. but i don’t know. i guess life is just like this now. it makes me angry, frustrated, sad, but above all i think i am just tired. i don’t know.
i hope everyone here is okay, and i do miss you all.
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michellemisfit · 10 months
Shameless Fandom Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag my love @darlingian 💚
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
What haven’t I read more than once? I have 350+ open tabs and yet, here I am, re-reading @loftec’s None The Wiser. AGAIN. Because it makes me happy, and what is fandom about, if not making you happy? Other things that make me happy: Two of Your Earth Minutes by @the-rat-wins, The Menagerie & Twenty Strangers & On Top by @crossmydna, Cooperative Gameplay & Like Real People Do by Gray, An Exception to the Rule by @gallawitchxx, Weaver of Fate by Ravenheart, Life or Something by @palepinkgoat, The Garden Song duology by @gardenerian, Ristretto by @howlinchickhowl, let the bodies do the talking by @captainjowl, basically anything that @sam-loves-seb has ever written!!! Also anything by @crestfallercanyon who has been completely blowing me away. And like, a million more!!!
I also still merrily re-read stuff from the Merlin fandom and the Shadowhunters fandom, so if that’s of interest to you, hit me up and I will link you to several excessively long rec lists on the @f-f-podcast website, complete with accompanying podcasts!
All I’m saying is: RE-READING IS LOVE!!!
(Also I formatted this on my phone so hopes and prayers that all of these links are correct!!)
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
‘Kiss me and I’ll cut your fucking tongue out’ into Club Kiss. It is genuinely one of the cleverest things I’ve ever seen!!
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
Mickey going along to Ian’s therapy session, on Ian’s request, and eventually deciding that he’s going to give this therapy thing a go himself.
What’s a fanart you love looking at?
I am utterly in love with @deedala’s style and Smokey Mickey and Gardening Joy always make me smile. I also absolutely adore @gallawitchxx’s style and wish I could be that bold and succinct in my own art.
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
I’ve been thinking about Ian & Mickey shot gunning for like… a year now 🤦
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
Currently discussing every episode of Shameless over on @f-f-podcast so basically discovering new things every week! Check it out if podcasts are your jam <3
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of?
There can never be too many coffee shop AUs, right? Not an underrated trope, but surprisingly underrepresented in this fandom 😭
What’s your favourite season?
Autumn! haha
Honestly, I’ll tell you when we’re done with South Side Rules, as we’re rating every episode, but we’re also rating each season overall so… watch this space in 2025!
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved?
Urgh. Don’t. Yikes… Yevgeny. Mandy. Fiona. Everyone else on Shameless who disappeared and then was never spoken of again. Like… what the heck? You don’t need to get the actors back. Just get the other characters to mention them, so I don’t feel like the writers forgot they existed! Also don’t give me Dichen Lichman and then just take her away!!! 😭
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough?
Every time Mickey has to say the end of his sentence directly into Ian’s mouth because Ian can’t wait the extra 3 seconds to let him finish, he needs his lips on that boy’s mouth NOW! They’re so precious and horny and I love that for them!
What line/dialogue/description from something else do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
90% of Richard Siken’s poems
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What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale?
They’ll be deliriously happy forever and ever and nothing bad is ever going to happen to them. It’s terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day.
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berestweys · 8 months
since 2022, after watching kinnporsche twice that summer and losing my marbles, i've fallen into a deep well of thai tv.
shout out to love in the air, bad buddy, and cutie pie, my 2nd, 3rd, & 4th bls watched in the fall of 2022. they were all so delightful (in very different ways) that i simply had to keep going.
in 2023 i watched 24 thai dramas: mostly bl's but 1 notable gl gap the series (and another tiny gl if you count zero photography with inkpa my beloveds), and two shows that are neither (mama gogo and the warp effect should be on everyone's watch list! so great!) i have never in my life watched this much television.
my favorite of 2023 is definitely my school president. there was a lot of competition (wedding plan! moonlight chicken! so many more omg) but msp is the only one i rewatched immediately. the chinzhilla babies stole every inch of my heart. it couldn't be anyone but them.
last twilight is still ongoing so i'm going to count it as 2024, and since it hasn't finished i can't say for certain it will end as beautifully as it started (i think it will. i hope it will.). it is currently rearranging every molecule in my body 24/7. i think it's going to be one of my favorite shows ever heyyyyyyyyy. I'M SERIOUS I AM VIBRATING
also currently watching cherry magic with taynew and it is completely adorable. my dash is soaked to the gills with the sign and pit babe, though i'm not watching either show. it's entertaining to watch them both in gifs (every pit babe post i see hacks another week off my life though. lord.)
2024 is off with a bang.
it's pretty funny that so many of us started watching thai bl's because of kinnporsche, looking for more of ~that~, because as it turns out there is no other show like kp, and yet i am completely hooked. i think i've seen enough of them at this point that i have a feel for the rhythms of the genre, though my watchlist is tiny in comparison to a lot of the blogs i follow. i love it and i have loved learning more about thai language, culture, & politics.
it's been a wild fun time, and i'm thankful to everyone i follow, including my handful of mutuals who have given me recs, made gorgeous gifsets & vids, written fic, & thrown some of the best and most hilarious tags in any fandom i've been in. you're all fantastic!!!
happy new year and let's keep collecting blorbos
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nataliescatorccio · 9 months
rules: unburden yourself from the abandoned WIPS collecting dust in your folder and share 5 gifs, then tag five people.
thank you so much riya (@thebookluvrr1816) for tagging me!
so what's maybe different about my giffing process is that i actually rarely abandon gifsets. like if i start making it, i'm locked in, i have to finish and get the idea out my brain. on the rare occasion i don't finish a set, then i'll readapt any gifs i made for another set (but i could actually only find one instance of a set that i had abandoned this year, and i'd adapted it for another set instead). so this is a selection of gifs that i either cut from a set as i had to narrow down choices, or an 'original' look at a gif before i changed it. because of that, i'm going to link the set it was made alongside or was adapted into for comparison!
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this gif became altered for this kanej week + book to screen gifset. it originally started off as just a quote gifset. i started making this just after s2 dropped, but i think a mutual posted a set of kanej + this quote around the same time and i didn't want to be copying it so i ended up never finishing the set. when kanej week rolled around i ended up reusing the two gifs i made (this one + the one that became 'never stop fighting'), but damn, i did love this blue, and looking at it now i actually think this one came out better
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2. an early version of my kanej week quotes set. i did several for this set with a gif inside the font, but i just really hated the way it looked overall, and at the last minute changed it. i still reused all the gifs i'd made though - you can see the two here in the second panel!
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3. the original take on the third gif in this inej eps set. i ultimately changed it because i didn't like the blend, particularly that you couldn't see the knife being played with which is a moment i really wanted to include. but i do adore the yellow light shining on her as she's praying, there's something almost saintly about it, and wish i'd been able to incorporate it as i wanted to (please ignore the line it's just there because i gave up and never fixed it!)
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4. a gif from this 'la vie en rose' ed and stede gifset. i thought the way they looked at each other with stede tilting his head was so cute, but ultimately i found blending the scenes a little messy and it didn't really match the other gifs/the lyrics so i cut it.
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5. cut from this choni set, i basically cut this because there was a lot of movement in the scene and i wasn't happy with the colouring - they lean in to kiss and that meant there were a lot of issues with colouring layers overlapping skin and at that point i'd done a lot of frame-by-frame colouring and was feeling too lazy to do this one too.
there we go! this gives a bit of an insight into my giffing process too, it's always interesting how gifsets change as you continue to work on them to find what works, so hopefully this also provides a bit of before and after!
tagging some talented mutuals (but no pressure as always!): @ughmerlin, @crowley-anthony, @seance, @saws2004, @taiturner, @natscatorrcio, @morgana-pendragon, @singularities, @khaotunqs
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nctsworld · 9 months
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this will be a modified version of what people have been tagging me as i'm inconsistent with posting and i'm a hybrid cc.
thank you so much to @bethereforme (lia's year in review), @jjsungie (angi's year in review), @lee-minhoe (mel's year in review), @ambivartence (siyuan's year in review), and @fadedinmysong (n's year in review) for tagging me! love you all ♡
mark on expectations for him vs. his brother - nct 127: the lost boys ep. 1
mark + the compression sweater // mix&max choreo-record
xiaojun // nct nation: tokyo
xiaojun // i'll pick you up [the show 230704]
johnny on taeil's role in nct 127 - nct 127: the lost boys ep. 2
johnny x longines x esquire korea
doyoung in the black turtleneck for anadktfab series
mark - golden hour || favourite lyrics
j³ + glasses // dream loop: the last midnight #1
jaemin - areanahomme+ china behind
jeno x the black tank top // nct nation 2023
johnny + yangyang + jaemin from nct connection 2023 (it never showed up in the tags T_T)
mark's birthday set
best nct 127 album
quick workout with jaehyun!
that one renjun fancam for anadktfab series
as y'all can tell, i make the most sets during my break time from work LMAO i cannot believe i've made almost 150 sets this year! during summer, i'm pretty sure i made almost 1-3 on average a day haha. as many have mentioned, it's disheartening to see the notes on the sets, but we do it cause we love to, right?
fever pitch - pro!baseball player mark
at your earliest convenience - in which haechan asks convenience store clerk!reader on a date
8:38pm - dance and college au with jisung (pwp)
i am so happy that fever pitch got so much love because it took me two years since beautiful mv came out to finish it. it's now officially my second most popular fic on this blog! i'm also pleased people enjoyed ayec; it was just a cute little fun fic. i really hope i continue writing the connection series and i hope to post at least one christmas fic soon! (i also have a slytherin!yangyang fic in the works too...)
a big thank you for all of you who follow me and support me, whether it be for my gifs or stories or both! i can't believe i hit 10k followers this year - that's crazy! i know i had the celebration, but i honestly had only 2-3 requests, so it was a bit disheartening and a little embarrassing for me to want to do it TT nonetheless, i love you all! have a safe, happy holidays and i wish you the best for next year ♡
TAGGING (if you've done this already, ignore my tag + on the flipside, if you decide to do this, please see the other year in reviews i linked for a different version!):
@huangrenjuns @hyuckworld @hy-ck @neocitycafe @neoneun-au @sehunniepot @twiceland
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sleepyheadgallavich · 5 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday 🌟
Thanks for the tag @iansw0rld✨️🖤
Name: Sarah
Age: 29
Location: California
And now...
Latest music discovery: Crosses! they're so good and I'm happy that I stumbled across them
Latest movie: Last one I watched that I haven't seen before was Shattered
Last TV show you finished: Shameless...again lol
Most recently started book: It's been a while since I've read an actual book lol
Most recent trip out of town: outside of normal shit because I have to leave my town to do literally anything...probably my anniversary weekend
Most recent trip out of the country: Never :(
Most recent gift you made yourself: I made a new gifset this morning that I really liked so that!
Most recent gift you made to someone else: probably the gifset I made Georgia (@iansw0rld)
Most recent text message you received: not gonna write the whole thing out because boring but it was about school pick up for my kid lol
Most recent text message you sent: "sounds good to me" in response to said school pick up plans for my kid
Last fic you read: currently reading one about mobster mickey
Last drink you had: sweet tea
Last thing you ate: barbecue chips lol
Latest piece of clothing you bought: clothes for my kid
Latest piece of advice you received: I honestly couldn't tell you
Latest piece of advice you gave: wasn't necessarily advice but it was a gentle reminder to a friend that the hard choice she had to make was the right one and that she is worthy of love
Latest thing you promised yourself: That I would do better at taking care of myself
Thank you for the tag! <3
Tagging these cuties if you want to partake, if not, this is a friendly boop🖤
@mickittotheman @mickeym4ndy @whatthebodygraspsnot @heymrspatel @onthepyre @jessieoneday @samantitheos
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lamonnaie · 1 year
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Thanks for the tag @fiercynn !! This is a really lovely idea :)
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself hi i'm mars, i use she/her pronouns, i live in australia and i've been into thai/asian bl for a little over a year now. i mostly just lurk and mass rb on tumblr lol, but i'd definitely like to get to know more people !!
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom? I was actually trying to track down the exact date recently (i failed), but i watched it for the first time around mid-september 2022, ended up binging it in a day and been a part of the fandom since
favorite ship(s) patpran <3
favorite character(s) pat !! he's one of my favourite characters from any media ever. I just love how selfless he is and how he transforms through the show, and how bright he is but knows when to stand his ground. i could wax poetics about him fr <3
favorite episode(s) Whenever i watch/rewatch bad buddy i tend to binge it so i can never distinguish betweens episodes lol. In general, ep 12 is definitely one of my favs because i feel like it ties things up nicely and i like seeing them happy :) i can probably give a better answer for favourite scene...
favorite scene(s) ...which is why it's great that this is the next question!
In no particular order: the staircase proposal scene, the bus stop roleplaying scene, the post-curtain bench hand holding scene (specifically that one face pat/ohm makes which imo is the single most most heartbreaking frame in the entire show), the ep 12 post-credits scene (wait was it actually post-credits, i don't remember ajksdjf), the screaming on the rocks at the zero-waste village scene, and the rooftop kiss (ofc)
Basically i just like to see them happy (most of the time) :)
one thing you would change about the show if you could the whole making-it-up-to-wai arc was not it for me. WHY was pran the one apologising and going after him??? still makes me mad to this day, but i think i'd have a lot more animosity towards wai if ep 12 didn't exist (also all the wai redemption arcs in fanfics have made me warm up to him :P)
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? ahhh so many!! joy of stanning a show that's finished is that it stays going through fanworks, but also now there's too many that i absolutely adore to remember in the moment, sp here's some:
we both know you're my only dream (fic) by @fiercynn: one of my favourite fics ever that i constantly go back and reread whenever i'm having a bad day (or not)
yield strength (fic) by @dulosis: the physics analogies do something to my brain /pos
10 things i hate about you (fic) by @nobodynobodyno: this one's so cute and i reread it all the time
this fmv to tujh mein rab dikhta hai by @transpat: desi moots, iykyk. but fr this holds such a special place in my heart, the lyrics are so patpran and the editing and clip choice is just *chef's kiss*
this fmv to dandelions: IT'S SO GOOD. all the parallels, the dialogue overlaying is just perfect, and the TRANSITIONS (the one at 1:28 especially)
every single one of @hereforlou's art: i'm literally obsessed, i don't always see everything on my dash so i'll literally check their tumblr every couple days. is this stalker behaviour? possibly, but if you've seen their art i think you'd understand.
Also special mention to this one gifset of the staircase proposal scene which was my first ever exposure to bad buddy, it made me watch the show to begin with, but i didn't rb it when i first saw it so now it's lost to the times 😭😭
I have an insane amount of fanfic i wanted to put here but for the sake of length of this post, i restrained myself ajskdjf
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made? i do not (yet 👀)
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol) pretty much every fmv/edit that i've rewatched a couple times set to a song will make me thing of bbs lol, so some are tujh mein rab dikhta hai and dandelions from above, emily by Jeremy Zucker and Chelsea Cutler because of this amazing fic, and gorgeous by Taylor Swift because of this gorgeous edit (y'all please go watch it it's amazing).
idk anything else you want us to know? It's the perfect timing for this because these are my nails right now ):)
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honestly not super sure who of my mutuals are bbs moots so i'm just gonna tag some people, feel free to ignore this if you've already been tagged/don't want to do it! :)
@nobodynobodyno @dropthedemiurge @justafriend-ql @cornflowershade @hometothecanyonmoon @7nessasaryevils
If you see this and you want to do it, this is is me tagging you as well !!
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vcrnons · 1 year
hello j!
relate your mutuals to svt songs go!
Mutuals as SVT songs, let’s GOOO<3
- @ikigaisvt : circles. i’ve said once and i’ll say a hundred times that sammy is, to me, like if a comfort blanket was a person. i play circles so often that it’s possibly gonna be in my top 5 on spotify this year, and every time i need to be reminded that everything’s going to be okay, it’s my go-to track (of any artist i listen to, not just svt). something about it just brings me such a warm, calming feeling from the deepest parts of my soul, and that’s what sammy means to me too. i genuinely cannot scream about her incredible nature enough, and even if i could find the words, i’d be a blubbering mess before i could finish saying them. i didn’t even have to think about this one. sammy, circles is for you.
- @irlvernon : wave! i adooooore this song so much you don’t even understand. it’s just one of those tracks that like… it doesn’t matter what mood i’m in when it comes on shuffle, i WILL, immediately, crack a smile. it’s a never-skip song okay. something about it feels so floaty and free and i just get that energy from max too. i cannot be a grouch when you’re in my dm’s. it’s scientifically impossible. i don’t know what that’s about but i’m VERY happy that it’s true. you’re wonderful. mwah.
- @aceofvernons : xan is home;run to me every single day of the week. you’re very very very very very (x10^15) cool and you bring me so much joy. i see your tags on any of my gifsets and need to take a seat before my knees give out from beneath me. your responses to my unhinged vernon asks could give me the energy to get through anything. so this works because any time i listen to home;run, i just get filled with so much pure happiness? one of those songs you wanna scream at full volume in the car on your way to wherever the fuck and i need you to know that in my head, xan is in the passenger seat screaming it with me.
- @ncteez : light a flame. do i need to explain this? i feel like it explains itself lol but OKAY fine let’s go. light a flame is such a soothing song and it’s SO easy to listen to but it’s also so MF HOT? look. if i deep this track for too long i start getting butterflies. and that’s how it feels reading anything hon writes, first of all, but just her ✨ energy ✨ is very light a flame. those pretty woozi high notes are her sweet, softer sides and the deep wonwoo parts = her ability to completely derail my week (complimentary). tldr hon, ur hot and nice and i like u.
- @hwanghyunjinenthusiast : anyone! okay this is an undeniably fantastic song and the video for it makes my brain short-circuit which are also two things about rj that are literally just facts. in the same way i always go to rewatch any of the anyone performances and tell myself i’m able to handle it, i go crawling into rj’s inbox with usually something feral and i always come out feeling like i’ve been hit by a train (affectionate, complimentary). HER BRAIN. IS HUGE. and it causes me real strife but i keep going back for more because it’s delicious and that’s just. how anyone makes me feel. one of my absolute favourite svt bangers for one of my dearest, most precious mutuals.<3
- @eoieopda : domino!! this was one of the first svt songs i ever listened to and i maintain that it is one of the best in their discography. domino is so lovely and bouncy and ANY time i see jade on the dash, i’m about to do a cartwheel i swear to god. also here’s some lore nobody asked for: if i need to do something, esp at work, and i feel like i’ve got a mental block trying to start it, domino is one of my ultimate hype songs. whichhhh is relevant if you’ve ever seen jade’s fic feedback. the BEST hypeman (/gn) ever. i want to put every single comment they’ve ever left me in a locket and wear it over my heart forever.
- @xukmins : snap shoot : max’s energy is V E R Y snap shoot to me. i can’t really explain that properly but it is, it makes sense in my head. she’s very bouncy and exciting and energetic, and truly any time i think about max or she’s in my inbox, i really just see so much brightness and fun and the happiness that you could always see in the snap shoot stages.<3
- @haechannabelle : _world!!! i don’t know if it’s the mv for it that springs to mind when i think of world but i immediately start thinking of bright colours and summer and that’s what i think about with annabelle too? your art is always so vibrant and even if it’s not of an artist I listen to, im always sat there looking at my screen like 🥹🥹🥹 because your pieces are always SO gorgeous. but you come across as so vibrant and bouncy too and this song just fits you SO well in my head.
- @cheolhub : is it. cringe. to say all my love. OKAY LOOK we don’t rly actually talk a bunch but i see sar in my notifications and it’s like someone put a fuzzy cardigan around my shoulders and has come to hold my hand. there is not a single part of all my love that i don’t adore; i could have it on repeat for a whole day and not get bored just listening intently to every member’s voice and remembering all the reasons i adore seventeen. to that end, i could equally scroll sar’s blog for a whole 24 hours and be sat with hearts in my eyeballs the entire time.
( i’ve definitely forgotten some lovely people and i’m SO sorry for that aaaaaa. i went back through my recent interactions & stuff but i do also have the working memory of a walnut && will no doubt be kicking myself in like two hours time for not including one of my loves in this ;_; pls forgive me. you’re all so very dear to me & don’t you dare forget it.<3 )
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thebunnyremix · 29 days
Finally figured out what's up with me...
So, I went to a doctor and had bloodwork done. You'll never guess what the problem is...
Did you guess hypothyroidism? Because I sure as fuck didn't. But that's the problem they found.
It gets better. Because guess what hypothyroidism can cause?
Hair loss
Weight gain
Heavy periods
You know, all the shit I've been dealing with for the past year and a half.
I know I sound really snarky right now, but truth be told, I'm actually relieved. Hypothyroidism isn't hard to treat, and I'm really happy we can put a name to what's been wrong with me. I thought it was just a burnout I couldn't recover from. Turns out it was a bit more complicated.
All this being said, I've been preoccupied with medical stuff. I know I meant to work on more gifsets and be more active on here, but adulthood had other plans. 😒 For added fun, I won't be able to see an endocrinologist until the end of November, because they're fully booked until then. But thankfully, I can see a dermatologist to look at my scalp early next month.
I still have new gifsets I'm working on, and I promise I will finish them when I can just find a peace of mind. Until then...
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I am going to turn my Queue back on, so this blog can at least seem active-ish and no one thinks I'm dead.
Thank you all for your patience and sorry for being so quiet the past few months. Hopefully I can get back on track soon.
😭 Wish me luck!
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