#new alternia au
The Humans!!
These are just the sketches of the drawings so they might look rough.
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( Troll drawings )
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weaselmcdiesel · 6 months
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ok so it's not a comic hope thats ok with you but instead it's karkat n nepeta but designed by someone whos madly in love with them both
some more au explanations + transcript beneath the cut
they're maybe around 30-40 yo? This was mostly just an exercise to give both of them adult designs. uh. i'm only calling it an au because I made bs some explanations behind their designs while i was drawing them. so uh, in this universe, sburb never happens + things that happened because of sburb don't happen either, but the alternian society is relatively unchanged. i dont actually know.. what.. karkat does.. like i cant figure out why he wouldnt be culled but it doesnt really matter i just wanted to draw him looking cool! (i am. open to hear about speculation if you have any). also i figured that Kanaya would go to the brooding caverns after her lusus dies, bc the wiki said her lusus would die regardless of the game taking place n whatever, and probaly do something with the matriorb there idk. thats all tho! ill prolly draw them more and maybe develop more lore as i do ^^;
i don’t know what their dynamic is in the canon of this au… but that won’t stop me from making them kiss :]
The Vigilant adult karkat on alternia
new highly developed shoosing skill
honestly has a calmer demeanor because he’s learned what’s worth exploding about… though he probably developped a crazy resting bitch face
pleased (arrow to karkat with a neutral face)
The sash doubles as a sling for when he visits Kanaya in the brooding caverns. He’s also very tranquil around grubs because they don’t cause unmanageable problems. He’ll get mad if someone else bothers one
(yes i’m obsessed with dilfkat that’s why i drew this)
The Predator adult nepeta on alternia
Taller than karkat <3
still a silly goober, but better at getting what she wants
she probably got her title from a history of single-handedly slaying fearsome lusii. she likely takes assassination type of jobs because of her stealth. one of the more easy-going trolls from the group
also! fun fact. i was having trouble designing kk's outfit so i looked in an old antiques catalog book from the internet archive to get inspiration from objects that had the same colors as those that i wanted to use in his design? not sure why i did that. just had a hunch that it would be fun. so this is the object i found that strangely enough inspired kk's fit
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haha.. and i also found one for nepeta, though it was easier to design her fit and i didnt actually need a reference object
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the book was "Antique Trader antiques & collectibles 2009 price guide"
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hydro-city-zone · 6 months
ALTERFALL: 2024 Recap.
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As of last post, ALTERFALL's entire cast of Beta Kids and Beta Trolls have been revealed! Before moving on to any further details such as auxiliary characters (Guardians, Exiles, etc.), Alpha session characters or in-depth looks into the Beta sessions, let's recap - for those who joined partway, or are only joining now!
ALTERFALL is a Homestuck Kidswap/Bloodswap AU in which, due to a single in-universe change, many characters' upbringings are altered due to the landing locations of their meteors being switched. The in-universe event that changes the course of the story and the nature vs nurture approach to changing the characters in their new roles was inspired largely by Inverted Fate, which we definitely recommend to all UNDERTALE fans! Below the cut are some images detailing each character, and at the end a links will be provided to read more about them!
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A group of four human teenagers who communicate online after meeting each other in a series of odd encounters. Together, they intend to play SBURB: a mysterious video game entrenched in conspiracies, hoping to dispel the wild rumors breeding in the depths of message boards, or at least to have some fun. Unbeknownst to them, the game truly is the catalyst for Earth's apocalypse, with the four of them being thrust into another world and given the task of creating a new universe.
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Twelve aliens and previous players of SBURB - or as it is known on their planet - SGRUB. Their gruesome home planet of Alternia has instilled within them all manner of quirks, prejudices and generally colorful personalities (for better or worse), but somehow, against all odds, they managed to succeed in their game and create the universe that birthed humanity. Despite this, these twelve have been trapped in their game session, unable to claim their prize of a new home and festering in their captivity. Connections have been established to the game session of the humans, however, and thus they have gained the ability to send messages to them... At any point in the timeline they so please.
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Humans: John Jade Dave Rose God Tiers
Trolls: Patrons Aradia Gamzee Equius Tavros Eridan Feferi Sollux Nepeta
Misc: Correction Sprite Art Human Modus Descriptions
Chrono Tag
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See you soon.
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
A lot of people were asking about the fussion trolls God tiers So here they are! Plus the dancestors
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In case you forgot them or haven't seen them this is them. They were born like that in this AU, and their hemospectrum it's smaler and has diferent colors as a result.
I'll cover the story of their game as well as their dancestors and ancestors in another post
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Here are the dancestors! Like in canon, they played their game and ended up scratching their game. But things went a little diferent for them...
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The Legido. Araeta has Aradia's aspect and Nepeta's class, while it's reversed with Damlin, who has Damara's class and Meulin's aspect.
There isn't much to say about them, in the alpha trolls session it was Araeta who ascended last moment and stoped Jack noir. Damlin ascended in order to sabotage the beta troll's session, like Damara did in the original story.
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Karlux Captas has Karkat's aspect and Sollux's class, while Mitkri has Kankri's class and Mituna's aspect.
In his session, Karlux took the role of the leader, his classpect Mage of blood should've made it easier to manage leadership (mage=understands aspect. Blood=Bonds) and the session went of well, for the most part, thos the ending was almost the same as the canon one, with them being traped in the meteor and people shooting left and right.
Mitkri was the seer of his team, but his vissions only consisted of fatidic scenarios, which his teammates often ignored due to his insistence geting in the way of progresing in the game. in the end, he lost his mind while using his powers in the final battle, losing conciousness. when he woke while his moirail restored his brain, his prediction had already been fulfilled and they had lost the game.
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Teraya has kanaya's aspect and Terezi's class, and Latrim has Porrim's class and Latula's aspect.
As a seer of space, Teraya was tasked with the creation of the genesis frog and was helped by Karlux.
Latrim, she was the secondary healer of the group and kept everyone's mind active
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Tavius has Tavros's aspect and Equius's clas, while Rufuss has Ruffio's class and Horuss's aspect.
This arrangement of class+aspect i did simply because the oposite of a heir of breath + rogue of void would've been a Page of void + Page of breath, and that would've been kinda ridiculous, plus i'm trying to have as many classes as i can.
Tavius literally has John's classpect now, he's more free than ever
Rufuss,on the other hand now has Roxy's exact aspect too, which is a funny coincidence. Like roxy he worked on manifesting things for his team.
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Dear lord this two.
Erizee has Gamzee's aspect and Eridan's class, while his dancestor Crolos has Kurlos's class and Cronus's aspect.
Due to the wierd conection between the Amporas and Makaras this two would've shared class one way or another, since Gamzee and Eridan have eachother's dancestor's class, with Eridan being a prince like Kurlos and Gamzee being a bard like Cronus, but having the rage aspect like Kurlos and eridan having the hope aspect like Cronus.
I decided against having too Bards because i felt like a price creates a straigther path to destuction. Since a prince not only destroys his aspect but with his aspect, wich means Erizee would've appeared Rageless during the game but exploded in the meteor.
Crolos on the other hand whould've been manipulative like Kurlos but ill intended and gaslighty like Cronus, appearing hopeless until he ended up destroying everyone's hope.
His ghost would've kept instructing Erizee on how to proceed when he reached the new session, Erizee doesn't like him.
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The heiresses to the throne of Alternia and Beforus.
again, to avoid having two thiefs (funny enough they would've been a thief of life and a thief of light) Vriezi is a witch of light and Meenea is a sylph of life.
when combining the two Serkets and the two Peixes you get a real interesting result, you get two very similar girls.
To me the fact that instead of them being thiefs, they both have "benevolent classpects" makes it all the more interesting. Makes you think how they can use good powers to cause harm.
Vrieri being the heiress has Feferi's will to dethrone the condesce (wich was alternate-adult Meenea) but Vriska's savage aproach to fighting. And Meenea, like Vrieri, looked forward to dethrone her ruling ancestor (wich was alternate-adult Vrieri) looking to manipulate and eliminate those in her way.
By playing the game, they both lost the chance to do so
if this two cross paths, it'll be a deathmatch on sight
If you haven't realized by now, this means, the two teams of trolls together, compose a full team.
It also means the dancestor's session was unviable from the begining, due to the lack of time and space players. just like the canon Alpha kids session
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lime-bloods · 2 months
i would LOVE a post on that. i have been thinking extensively about pitch romance and how deeply, cruelly toxic it is and how quadrants are in general. a lot of stuff is based in karkat's pov on it (and karkat is like. sooo biased love the guy to death but he is SO BIASED!!!) but sometimes it's in the narration and the existence of auspisticism & the fact that quadrants potentially existed on beforus trips me up as well...
this is a great question! and I suppose "the beginning" is probably the best place to start for a post about this, after all.
it's important to be aware that when we think of Beforus as a planet that is "good", this is not necessarily because it is wholly good by our own standards or even by the author's standards, but because it is good within Homestuck's philosophy, that the "good" is that which is "true" or "real", rather than what is "true" necessarily being good. to put this in another way - which I've only just recently begun to fully understand myself - Beforus being free of Lord English's corruption doesn't mean it's free of problems, just that it's problems are "real" problems, as opposed to fictional problems; they're reflective of problems we have on Earth.
pivotally, Beforus still has systems of gendered oppression, and in that sense it's clear how the intrinsically gendered violence of Alternia's quadrants would find their own place in Beforan society. it's just that in this context, these dynamics arise as part of complex sociological phenomena over thousands of years and aren't put in place solely for a specific purpose by an omnipotent time god, and as such won't necessarily manifest themselves in the exact same ways, or necessarily be "as bad". as with so many things in Homestuck, it's the idea at the core of the concept that's most important; kismesissitude and matespritship on Beforus should be recognisably the same idea as the quadrants on Alternia, just as they are recognisably the same "quadrants" practised by cherubs and humans, despite all of these arising from vastly different and largely disconnected cultural contexts.
the tendency for the same ideas to reliably bubble up to the surface again and again in different contexts is a central law of Homestuck's metaphysics: in the words of the reliable Doc Scratch, "there is essentially nothing new in paradox space." and it's relevant that Scratch is the one to relate this truism, because therein lies a crucial different in connotation between "storyteller" and "narrator"; it is not a narrator's job to invent new ideas, but rather to spin their own interpretation of what has already happened. this is why Scratch's ancestor stories are "troll fanfction"; he's writing an AU of characters who already lived on Beforus. we can only assume that, in the same vein, in "creating" Alternia's quadrants Scratch merely took those parts of Beforus that were convenient to his vision and amplified them to be all-important. (alchemy, as described by 9th century author Jabir ibn Hayyan, was the transmutation of one material into another by manipulating qualities that already existed within all matter, pushing some into the background and pulling others into the fore.)
it's easy to think of auspisticism, meanwhile, as unique among the quadrants in that it superficially seems to provide a service that is beneficial to all involved, and certainly towards Act 6 a lot of the children seem very interested in interpreting it this way. but in the narrative context in which it's introduced to us, I think it's clearly much more about control. as far as the ashen quadrant is concerned, what happens to the participants themselves is inconsequential; a successful ashen quadrant merely upholds the social idea of monogamy by stemming "widespread black infidelity." which is on its own a patently absurd idea: fidelity enforced by the race who practice punishable-by-death polygamy in order to mix all of their genes together in a single pool?! yes, it makes sense within the context of a nonsensically complicated alien reproductive process, but the nonsensical complicatedness of it all is entirely the point; the quadrants are designed to intersect in ways that not even the trolls themselves could ever fully understand. just as it's often impossible for a troll to distinguish between feelings that are platonic, pale or red, when Eridan attempts to "spark a rivalry wit)( [Sollux] to get [Feferi] to auspisticize [...] and pull us out of our quadrant" it's "t)(e oldest and lamest trick in t)(e book" precisely because it's the quadrant working exactly as intended! all of the quadrants serve to make relationships messier under the guise of making them more structured because messy relationships make for a great story, which is Alternia's fundamental purpose.
I think the Karkat point is worthy of another post deconstructing all the quadrants more broadly, because a lot of different things have been said about it already and it's worth getting into, but straightforwardly I think it must be understood that Karkat and "the narration" have fundamentally the same bias; the narrative wants us to take Alternia seriously because Alternia as a machine is a construction of the narrative for the purposes of the narrative, and Karkat wants us to take Alternia seriously because he's a massive stooge who has made his whole life's purpose out of buying into that narrative.
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daedalusdavinci · 2 months
29. Favourite fanfiction(s) of your ship(s)?
you may not know this already, but i have a recs tag where i post exactly this in depth! but i LOVE to boost my favorite fics, so ill do it all again, just for you anon <3 if you want more recs for any of these ships, i promise there are TONS in that tag, (or you can send me another ask for something more specific,) but ill stick to just my absolute top reads in this post
my favorite fanfictions of my favorite (homestuck) ships
starting under the cut bc it got long slkdjnfsjdfn
for halquius, the funniest hs ship-
Second Chances by @mtjester
Lil Hal never said anything about what it meant to be the AI avatar of the God of Heart. After he and Equius had split, everyone had assumed he would go back to Dirk and serve as a sort of spirit companion, the hyper-perceptive Shades of the God of Heart. But to that, he had simply responded, “Nah.” He stayed firmly on Equius’s face, and Equius asked him no questions about it.
this fic is so in character. it captures some of my favorite things about this ship, like how obnoxious they are and the very specific ways they click and enable each other. it also has an absolutely fantastic sequel! its short and funny, and always the first rec i drop for this specific ship.
(the second rec i would drop is my own fic, Hold Me (Accountable). its a space au with mechanic!equius and bounty hunter!AR, and i maintain that its hilarious and a must read if you like this ship at all.)
my resident favorite ship, eridave-
Lee Shore by @jumpingjacktrash
“I asked Egbert to ask you if you have Ampora’s new contact information.” “No, man, I didn’t even know the old info was old. How can you not have a contact for him? It’s not like he changed his chumhandle, email, and phone number all at once.” “As a matter of fact, that is apparently exactly what he did. And deleted his Facebook and his photo blog.” “Dramariffic.” In the years after the game, the twelve trolls and eight humans have tried to stick together, because no one else would understand. When Eridan misses one of their yearly reunions, Dave makes an impulsive decision to go find him.
ive said it before, and ill say it again. this is THE eridave fic. this is the one. if you only ever read one (and its not one of mine), it should be this one. i love how dave takes eridan seriously without enabling him, and how easily they both cut through each others bullshit. the handling of eridans character is DELICIOUS, and i literally think about his relationships with the other trolls in this fic all the time. i dont even know how many times ive read this fic but it goes so hard.
davekat, the classic-
Fait Accompli(cation) by @dragonomatopoeia on tumblr
In Which a Mutant and an Alien Meander Towards a Quadrant of Indeterminate Identity at a Glacial Pace While Examining the Internalized Toxicity Perpetuated by Their Respective Societies, and The Nature of Friendship is Determined to Be More Universal Than Originally Theorized [Banned In Alternia]
this is the quintessential meteor fic. its everything you could ever want in a meteorfic, and deals very heavily with karkat and dave unpacking toxic cultural ideas from their respective planets and coming to a new understanding of who they want to be together. its long, its slowburn, its everything, and the authors put SO much obvious effort and research into getting the voices just right, i still think about and admire it years and years later.
The Eurydice Suite, v2.0 by @callmearcturus
Dream-sharing: a highly illegal little industry in which agents delve into people’s dreams, and unearth their deepest secrets and memories. Within this business, the Strider-Lalondes are known as the best there is — until Dirk Strider gets his fool-ass trapped within the confines of his own subconscious, with his Auto-Responder playing malicious prison warden. To save him, the best and brightest dreamers in the world will have to form a team. Backed by the token rich friend, lead by the surliest extractor ever bribed out of retirement, haunted by the shade of the latest, greatest agent in the biz, and on the run through a dangerous tiered dream in a hostile mind… It’s going to take a miracle to pull this one off.
arc doesnt need any publicity from me, bigname that they are, but i gotta say of all of their fics this one is one i still come back to and reread from time to time all these years later. the au is really cool, and the drama is potent. karkat and dave have a very loaded and complicated, vaguely antagonistic relationship that takes time to get resolved, and you dont see that very often in davekat fics!
davekat, the superior-
Crash Standing by @asukaskerian
It’s been eight days since the end of Sburb and Davesprite is not coping especially well.
IVE SAID IT BEFORE ILL SAY IT AGAIN. BEST. HOMESTUCK FIC. dont look at how many times ive read this dont worry about it. davespritekat is just better than davekat, okay? im sorry. everything is better w davesprite. if youre a davesprite fan i dont even have to say anything else you already know youve gotta read this, but for people who arent- dude, this fic. its such a poignant snapshot of the awkwardness of teenagerdom, especially as a very traumatized teen, and the interpersonal relationships between characters outside of the main two are just so delightful. the john&dave&davesprite dynamic is one i think about constantly, and me and my friend STILL have running jokes about davesprite co< kanaya, which is perhaps the greatest thing to ever be invented, and we have fully incorporated the phrase "sparkle princess alone time" into our day to day vocabulary. i LOVE the gossip chumps, they are everything to me. underrated friendship.
another classic age ship, johndave-
play ball! by spacepuck
When Dave moves to Washington, he expects to spend the summer alone in his room until school starts. But when he stumbles on the sandlot, he discovers a baseball team needing one more player. He quickly gets dragged into the mix, but there's just one problem: he knows absolute dicksquat about the game. Luckily, John, the high school's best baseball player, swoops in to help. (this is basically a sandlot/baseball au. happy summer!)
ive actually been meaning to reread this one, since its been a long time. im adding it to my marked for later rn. i think of all the johndave fics i ever read, this is the one i think about the most years later. ive never read a fic that just. FELT like summer the way this one does. its intimate and sweet and its got the exact feeling of a hot summer night, lying in the grass and staring up at the stars with your best friend. when i read a johndave fic, i want some real fuckin falling in love with your friend as a stupid kid shit, and this is that
Vanitas Vanitatum by @oxfordroulette
You've determined the hobbies of the monarch you serve are as follows: 1. Ill-timed pranks. 2. Cooking. 3. Subconsciously pulling elaborate political schemes off perfectly, ad infinitum, every one of which inches his mind closer to some ineffable dark chasm you're curious to find the depth of. Anyway, he makes damn good lasagna.
when i tell you this is the best dirkjohn fic i mean nothing else has ever even COMPARED, and that includes my own goddamn fic. fuck ammfh, read THIS. its political intrigue and messy, MESSY relationships, and a john who is an absolute delightful trickster with serious fucking PROBLEMS. the john/vriska/dirk friendship in this is everything, and the design of the strilondes is so fucking cool??? im ngl i think about those blindfolds everyyy time i make an au. its magic, its kingdomstuck, its dnd, its got illustrations, its EVERYTHING. oxfordRoulette is like a fucking professional at writing fics where everyone kind of sucks and is super toxic and a little bit evil and its THE BEST. LOVE this fic
for bropsii-
just read anything by captorvatiing. just go do that. or read the entirety of the @askpsii blog again?? for the ten millionth time? and cry about how theres like no content.
all of my other favorite ships are too niche to have fics </3 lol. read MY fics, thats what you should do. just go read the fics for the tags that i personally started sldkjfnsdlfsdf
ALSO YOU SHOULD READ LET'S BE OUTCASTS BY @curlicuecal. this is the only time ill ever recommend anything thats incomplete but GOD ITS SO GOOD. i wont say anything else. just that its SO. GOOD. and if you like hal or the exiles you will LOVE this
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Fandom: Homestuck/Hiveswap
Character: Nepeta Leijon
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Type of fic: short story
Other info: Would be nice if it was holiday themed :33 You pick the theme
Hope you enjoy! I really love Nepeta, lol. AU where Nepeta is alive on Earth C. Darling is human. Used a Homestuck quirk generator so her lines may be off (I had to edit them a bit so they could be understood)
Snowy Day
Yandere! Nepeta Leijon Short - Winter Event Request
Pairing: Matesprit❤️/Moirail♦️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Some minor culture shock, Restraints, Implied isolation, Dubious on if you are kidnapped or not, Forced cuddling, Forced relationship in some way.
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Cold white flakes drift towards the ground, a substance Nepeta has never seen before. Alternia, her old home, never got this cold. The new experience had her staring at the white surface of Earth C with eager eyes.
According to her friends this time of year was special for human culture. The olive blood feels excited as she keeps her eyes on the snow outside. Oh… it looks like it'd be so fun to pounce!
Nepeta has heard many things about this time of year. In the cold it “snows” and you can play in it. Humans often bake desserts, give gifts, and all sorts of things. However… Nepeta found one thing very appealing.
Spending time with loved ones.
Nepeta felt if anything this was the purrfect way to bond with her human. Yes… her human! You two already share a house together on Earth C! Yet… you seem so cold recently, like the snow littering the ground.
No matter because Nepeta has plans to change that!
Nepeta pries her gaze from the window to face the couch. A roaring fire crackles at the fireplace to keep the room warm. It feels nice on the skin.
On the couch sits you, "Nepeta's human". You sit with your hands and legs tied, it's a set of ropes keeping you on the couch. Nepeta can't help but grin at you, even if you look at her with fear and betrayal.
“:33 < don't you f33l better!? this time of year is best spent with people you love, right?” Nepeta purrs as she runs over to sit on the couch. You don't make an effort to move as she slips a blanket over the two of you.
Nepeta is so happy she met you! On Alternia she was rather lonely in her cave except for Equius and her unrequited feelings for Karkat. Well… now she has you!
Moirail… Matesprit… She doesn't care. She's just happy she has someone like you. Especially when she wants to cuddle someone while the snow falls!
“:33 < there's no n33d to be so scared! we love each other, don't we?” Nepeta grins, pulling you closer and nuzzling. “:33 < we'll k33p each other warm... i'm so glad we're together!”
Together… but not really by choice on your end. You try to ignore the feline troll snuggling into you and stare at the fire. This winter could be beautiful and nostalgic… if you weren't in this situation.
You hear the troll yawn next to you as she curls up against you. You lean away a bit to lay down but Nepeta just follows you closely. Her grip is like that of iron and you swear she's actually purring.
Nepeta tiredly watches the snow outside as the fire crackles away. She feels so warm against you, it's putting her to sleep. Feeling content and happy… the olive blood closes her eyes and falls asleep on top of you.
You feel the troll sleeping on top of you and try to pull at your restraints. Sadly she knew to put them on tightly with many intricate knots. Nepeta has caught you like you're her prey and you're at her mercy.
All you can do is watch the snow and fire… praying Nepeta decides to let you go outside tomorrow.
Or at the very least… out of the restraints.
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pass1onepr1ncess · 4 months
Hi! Could you please tell us more about your Homestuck AU please? (Or any of them if you prefer, but I’m really curious about your rendition on JJBA(GW) x HS since it’s mixing my two specific interests)
Anyway, good luck!
Funny enough, the HS AU is one that covers multiple Jojo Parts!! Specifically parts 1-6! Lemme go copy and paste the info for it from Google Docs because oh boy sjcbfjf
Phantom Blood
Jonathan - Page of Space, Prospit
Dio - Witch of Time, Derse
Will - Heir of Light, Prospit
Speedwagon - Page Blood, Derse
Erina - Maid of Life, Prospit
Battle Tendency
Joseph - Seer of Mind, Derse
Caesar - Knight of Heart, Prospit
Lisa Lisa - Knight of Rage, Derse
(The pillarmen are trolls who made their way to Earth from Alternia to conquer the planet. There's no time shenanigans, they're just there to take over and add to the Alternian Empire)
Kars - Fuschia, Heir of Life, Derse
Esidisi - Violet, Prince of Blood, Prospit
Wamuu - Indigo, Rogue of Heart, Prospit
Santana - Teal, Mage of Mind, Prospit
Joseph being Mind and Caesar being Heart, being two sides of the same coin while also picking up where the other lacks. Joseph, despite being a mind player, starts off by being more driven by his emotions and heart and being reckless, but because during their session and as he trains with Lisa Lisa and Caesar he learns to be in tune with his Mind aspect and he begins to make more rational, strategic decisions. This leads him to choose not to go rushing into battle to beat the Pillarmen. Caesar, on the other hand, is his complete opposite. He starts off thinking much more logically and decisively, and though he had already started to align with his aspect it's not until he trains with and grows closer to Joseph that he fully realizes what it means to be a Heart player. However, because of his growth it causes him to be more emotionally driven and he runs off to beat the Pillarmen only to be defeated by Wamuu.
Stardust Crusaders
Jotaro - Witch of Time, Derse
Kakyoin - Page of Space, Prospit
Polnareff - Knight of Hope, Prospit
Avdol - Seer of Heart, Derse
Iggy - Sprite, Prototyped with a handful of sand by Polnareff
Stardust Crusaders takes place in the universe created by Dio and Jonathan when they won their session in Phantom Blood! The reason why it's not in a Universe created by Joseph is because he didn't actually end up winning his session in Battle Tendency. Instead, Joseph uses his Seer of Mind abilities to figure out hos to pull a Scratch out his ass somehow even without a Time or Space player. He uses Caesar's bandana to protect his soul (because Caesar was a Heart player) and is able to stay alive and keep his memories post-scratch. The reason Dio is also still alive after the Scratch is because of Enya.
In the Stardust Crusaders session, Dio steals the black queen's ring and becomes the Main Enemy the Crusaders have to beat in order to win the game. Jotaro does so after godtiering and gaining access to his Witch of Time powers (which are ofc the same as Dio's) and he clutches it for Polnareff and Joseph in order to win their game and claim the Ultimate Reward.
Diamond is Unbreakable
Josuke - Maid of Time, Prospit
Okuyasu - Prince of Space, Derse
Koichi - Page of Blood, Prospit
Yukako - Knight of Rage, Derse
Yoshikage Kira - Lord of Void, Derse
Reimi Sugimoto - Muse of Hope, Prospit
For some reason I imagine Reimi and Kira somehow ended up in a two-player session where Kira killed Reimi and abandoned his own session and made it to Josuke’s timeline by traversing the Void. He wanted to simply live his life until he realized that Josuke and his friends had started a new session and again used his Void powers to survive and now trying to get to another timeline so he can live a peaceful life. However, Reimi’s dream self is still alive and she talks to Josuke and his friends when they sleep and tells them about Kira. They then try to find Kira in order to stop him from going to another timeline and killing innocent girls.
They also don't win their game, but Josuke teams up with Jotaro and they use their Time powers to transport the group to a timeline of Morioh where none of them played the game!
Vento Aureo
Giorno - Sylph of Life, Derse
Bruno - Knight of Space, Prospit
Leone - Seer of Time, Derse
Fugo - Bard of Rage, Derse
Mista - Knight of Light, Prospit
Narancia - Rogue of Doom, Prospit
Trish - Witch of Space, Derse
Diavolo - Prince of Time, Derse
Doppio - Seer of Time, Prospit
Ironically, I don't have many thoughts on how the Vento Aureo session would go! Sorry about that.
Stone Ocean
Jolyne - Maid of Doom, Prospit
Ermes -  Knight of Blood, Derse
Foo - Maid of Heart, Prospit
Anasui - Thief of Space, Derse
Weather - Heir of Breath, Derse
Emporio - Page of Hope, Prospit
Pucci - Page of Time, Derse
I also haven't thought much about the Stone Ocean session, but I know for sure that Pucci's Made in Heaven would be him just Scratching the universe. Emporio would be the only one to retain his memories through his Page of Hope powers, and because he also wished for all of his friends to still be in the scratched universe it leads to Irene and Anakiss and all the alternate versions if them!
idk if I'll ever include SBR, Jojolion, or Jojolands but I'll reblog this post with those additions if I do!
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groggygrimalkin · 9 months
Meet my AU's Emperor of Alternia!
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So basically my homestuck AU sits in its own little corner of paradox space and this big bastard went and made deals with horrorterrors after this universes "original" Alternia was destroyed in the reckoning when some nerds played a game. That actually ended up working for him and the horrorterrors upheld their end of the bargain and he became the emperor of the new timelines Alternia. His plan was to eradicate caste based inequality and forcefully "take care" of anyone who opposed and stopped the culling of mutants. In his eyes wealth and status shouldn't be something you're born into, it should be something you earn with hard work. Truthfully though he didn't stop the culling of mutants because he felt because of empathy, more trolls and drones means more subjects for him to rule over and in his eyes everyone, no matter blood color, is beneath him. Years later he began his campaign to take over Earth since Alternia was beginning to get a bit overcrowded. It started with him befriending famous celebrities while disguised as a human. He would then pick them off and replace them with Alternians using technology to disguise themselves as said celebrities and later began doing the same to everyday people, implanting Alternians disguised as humans into Earths society. The formal invasion of Earth began on New years eve and lasted only 22 hours. Earth was no match for the Alternian empires sheer numbers as well as the fact that most high ranking Earth officials (and alot of civilians) weren't humans but high ranking alternian military disguised as humans. Afterwards Homosapiens go from being Least Concerned on the endangerment scale to Critically endangered and our lovely(that's sarcastic he's anything but) Emperor made Earth into a prison planet. Trolls on Alternia with criminal records, even ones with petty crimes records like littering were sent to Earth. Factories began to be erected in cities across the world for prisoners of the Alternian empire to work and make supplies to be sent back and used on Alternia. It was hard for both the imprisoned trolls and the few humans left to get used to eachother understandibly, but after a while and some "encouragement" from drones and Alternian military acting as guards on Earth the two species began to coexist. The Emperor however still itched for more subjects to rule over, and the horrorterrors scratching at the inside of his skull didn't help. To his relief it stopped when he made another promise,and soon carapacian settlers came to earth. None of them had any recollection of how they got there, but most quickly settled in. Earth is a near empty shell of its former self with organic Alternian architecture dotting areas. Trolls, Carapacians, and the few humans on earth get by working odd jobs if they're not working in factories while the emperor sits comfortably in his palace on Alternia
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
people say "mom friend" as if a female character can't just be nice or worry for her friends. not the best example, but back when i first got into homestuck (didn't know much english, was fairly new to the internet) i was so confused at the THOUSANDS of fanart showing kanaya as karkat's mom. and every AU or fic i saw afterwards had rosemary as the "adoptive moms" of de-aged characters, like....homie i'm gonna need you to take a chill pill.
the thing with kanaya specifically is that she is, thematically, tied with motherhood. she is virgo, the virgin maryam. a big part of her arc is how she feels like a failure for being unable to continue her species the way a jadeblood is supposed to, and its largely why she resonated with so many lesbians and trans women. but people took it to such the wrong conclusion, its insane. the entire point of 10/12 of the alpha trolls was to make fun of fanon flanderisation of the characters, and one of the ways this is shown is porrim maryam babying kankri vantas. yeah, kanaya loves her friends, but i dont think theres a single point where she actually acts "motherly" towards any of them. shes just a decent person to them, because she is a decent person. but for act 5, shes not a mum. she is 13 years old. with other friends who are 13 years old. her desire for motherhood wasnt actually a desire for motherhood, it was so she wouldnt fail her purpose. which is a very obvious allegory to how women in real life are treated more like prized breeding horses and caretakers than actual people, especially with how jadebloods are almost exclusively female. once again, porrim brings this up, by pointing out how even if alternia has a matriarch, its still a misogynistic society ("fuschia down matriarchy, purple down patriarchy"). but people just saw kanaya, who was 13, and decided she just really wanted to be a mum, you guys. she wanted to be a housewife.
she was 13
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zoethehead · 6 months
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I just made these using nepeta's sprites from the Sprite resources in homestuck, cause I was thinking of an au called "the nepeta that everyone forgot".
Read below for the synopsis:
Essentially the basis Is that nepeta( specifically this one) V
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ends up being thrown from a rift into another timeline, one where the beta and alpha kids never existed; nor any of her teammates from alternia, so she has to pick up the pieces and start a new, with her suddenly seeing all the deaths she's faced right in front of her eyes while she's in between rifts, and she has an Aradia moment, realizing how sick and tired she is of dying, essentially its an au for those who were devastated (like me) at nepeta's death.
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It is time….
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I can only do 10 pictures per post so…. Multiple parts!!
Beta kids (Here)
Alpha kids
Trolls Rust - Gray
Trolls Olive - Cerulean
Trolls Indigo - Fuchsia
If you like these designs please check out my AU!!
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Got a few asks which served as a reminder that a while ago, I promised you guys some album reviews! Let's do a couple now.
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Homestuck's first album features a lot of songs that we're going to see remixed later on. We've already heard quite a few versions of Showtime and Sburban Jungle, and it seems like a lot of the comic's more 'iconic' songs came from here.
This is a very 'video-gamey' album, featuring songs like Harlequin and Showtime (Original Mix) - which makes sense, since Act 1 was when the comic was trying its hardest to be a video game parody.
My overall impression is that if this was any other comic, this would be an excellent soundtrack - but because this is Homestuck, it serves as excellent raw material for the fantastic soundtrack we're going to be getting later on.
Top tracks: Sburban Jungle (Brief Mix), Showtime (Original Mix), Skies of Skaia, Aggrieve and Sburban Countdown, which I previously praised for how well it evoked the mood of its scene.
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Vol. 2 is a nice evolution of the musical style we first heard in the previous volume. It's clear the music team were getting the hang of the 'sound' of Homestuck by point, and it shows.
The second half of Harlequin (Rock Version) is great, and I’m sad it didn’t show up in the animation. Upward Movement’s intro is also new, and I didn’t recognize the song at first. It’s very different from the comic version, and feels a lot more experimental.
This album features four Bill Bolin tracks - several of which were referenced later on, by tracks that are still featured in the comic. I wonder if that was controversial?
This album also features several of the tracks from Jade's FreshJamz account, which the kids canonically produced together. They're definitely newbie tracks, but they have a lot of potential. Hopefully they'll return to this endeavor when we're done with all this Sburb nonsense, because this is clearly where their real talent lies.
Top tracks: Upward Movement, Explore, and Jade's sick bassline from Verdancy.
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Vol. 3 features more FreshJamz tracks and a few new remixes. I particularly like Harleboss, a boss remix of a track that probably wasn't intended to have a boss remix. It sounds like the theme for a bar fight in a tavern run by clowns.
Dissension is excellent. It sounds awfully mournful for a Guardian battle track, until you take a closer look at Grandpa, and realize why it has the tone it does. We're also treated to a remix of Dissension, which sounds like the track that would play if Jade fought a living Grandpa. That's an AU I'd love to see.
Top tracks: Dissension (Remix), Ohgodwhat (Remix), and Pony Chorale - a track whose final few seconds might just have featured Rose's canonical voice.
That's it for this episode of Tunes with Sally. Next time we'll be reviewing Vol. 4, Vol. 5 and Alternia!
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ask-warmer-hues · 10 months
begging pleading tell me everything about marsti in this au!!!!!!!!
Everything? Okay.
So, in Warmer Hues, Marsti works at a mediculler unit (hospital) in Sector RBN-0718. She has plenty of colleagues, but she’s especially close with Chixie. Marsti got Chixie the job at the unit and, as such, feels very responsible and protective of her- which is a theme amongst most of Marsti’s relationships. Marsti specialises in emergency nursing, so she’s constantly dealing with a conveyor belt of new patients, all of varying severity and temperament. It’s stressful work, but Marsti is well-equipped for the job. She tends to use her few moments of respite between patients to clean; it’s sort of like a meditation for her. While a professional to her core, she also sometimes bypasses unit rules to help her fellow lowbloods get the most out of their care, such as informing them of financial loopholes and giving them extra care.
Marsti is in a matespritship with Skylla. They met on Alternia and it was love at first “hey, this lusus just tore a hole in my leg, please help”. Their relationship is very measured and healthy, but Skylla’s reckless behaviour and Marsti’s emotional repression sometimes causes tension. They get through it together though; they’re nothing if not diligent workers. Marsti is defined by needing someone to look after and/or dote on, but Skylla helps balance this by always being happy to cook up a nice meal for her and make her feel appreciated. To be honest, she probably needs it, because Marsti is going through it in this AU.
While Marsti has always been one to care for others (albeit very implicitly), this part of her was tripled after coming off-planet following the death of Folykl. I think it’s… unrealistic to assume that Folykl would make it off-planet- and even if she did, she would probably get culled. Regardless, Folykl’s death was traumatic to Marsti, as she blames herself for not being able to save her. Marsti also harbours a lot of guilt towards Fozzer’s situation, as she was one of the few trolls who knew him prior to his procedure and knows why he had to have it in the first place (little hint for this one: read Lost and Found, an old fic of mine. It’s unfinished, but it’s canon to Warmer Hues).
In regards to some upcoming stuff, I don’t want to spoil too much, but I will say that Marsti’s love for those around her often gets her wrapped up in stuff she didn’t sign up for. Marsti also has a pretty strong sense of justice, so even if she doesn’t want to be involved in something, she’ll follow through if it’s for the right reasons.
Hope this gives you a bit more insight :)))
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meraki-sunset · 2 years
If you were to write Tavris into an au without them exploding, how would you do it?
Let me see...
Tavris can't tolerate their own existance because Vriska's and Tavros's personalities are irreconcilable and completly incompatible. The short term solution for the problem would be knock them unconcious. Let's say Jane get's scared when Tavris is suddenly created and knocks them out.
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from there Vriska and Tavros could wake up in the bubbles but they wouldn't be ghosts anymore, they would be alive, like when the kids went to sleep and woke up in the bubbles. but their "alive body" is still tavrispritre. therefore, neither one wants to wake up. So they roam around the bubbnle they're in until they realize it's really small and they're the onlyones there
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from there they would fight, stay as far away from eachother, before eventually trying to coexist. they would slowly talk about their relationship and how fucked up it was. the bubble would look like alternia and their lands giving them a chance to talk about their childhoods and their game.
back at the game, the timeline got doomed like it did in canon but this time, since they're alive, the sprites carry Tavris with them to john's land. erisol and arquius got draged by jasper like in csau while fefeta joined them later but this time carring Tavris. John, crow, Roxy, Jade, Nanna and the 4 sprites make it to the new timeline.
In the bubbles Vriska and Tavros are gettign along after the 6 months between tavris's creation and the end of the timeline they were in. This whole time tavris has been asleep but they never needed food or water since Sprites are game entitiesand don't actually need that (they can eat if they want to tho). They still don't want to wake up, but what else is there? Eventually tavros wants to wake up and give living like tavris a chance, vriska doesn't, she feels uneasy and doesn't want to feel that much hate again. but tavros wants to be alive even if it's in that form
At the game they defeated the condesce and are waiting to open the door when Erisol decides to intervine on the whole tavris deal. He knows what the "fussion self hate" feels like and it's kinda pissed tavris just got to sleep and not deal with it. but also he knows it can't go on forever and he can help to wake them up, hopefully feeling better.
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Erisol uses his Hope powers on tavris. The hope energy surrounds them and put's their mind at ease. On the bubbles Tavros and Vriska start to lose the feeling of dread that prevented them from waking up. they begin to feel hope, hope for the future, even if it's as tavris and stuck together forever. with all this hope surrounding them they finally wake up.
Tavris wakes up. They freak out a little at first, but being alive feels a lot less awfull than the first time.
From there they have a whole arc learning to exist like Erisol did, finding the meaning of their new life. They ascend before going to the new world and they never explode. the end
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grumbums-ooc · 6 months
where do i start
ehh, ill leave the best for last (a sneak peek of my other ocs)
1. starrs is not okay (were they really ever okay?)
when i first made them, they were alternian and had the same blood color as karkat. they were also supposed to be my trollsona. that uh. didnt work out. now i have a better trollsona, whos a gempio! and literally is me
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eventually when i started worldbuilding for the universe starrs is from, i started changing things, such as what mutants actually are, which blood colors were extinct, e.t.c. anyways, back to beta starrs, originally they were 7-8 sweeps and so was kitten, kitten showed starrs off to her friends, but the relationship was actually kinda abusive. no that does not correlate to me irl i just like giving my characters trauma :3
i made this drawing when i first made the two and it shows starrs with a black eye cuz... you'll never guess this
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(help it looks so ugly and i never finished it 😭😭😭)
anyways, starrs was never okay and will never be after kitten broke up with them
(they will recover on the meteor but you wont see that yet. not on grumblr. grumblr's an au.)
yeah originally starrs n kitten were supposed to live together but since the living on real alternia idea got scrapped, kitten is still a jerk and a shitty ex-moirail at 6 :)
(i forgot to mention, kitten is lying abt her age in her grumblr bio)
eventually starrs breaks up with kitten, and finding no one else to fill the gap in their heart, they resort to kraken in canon and avy in grumblr au :)
3. kraken is a shielded motherfucker
being a fuschia in-hiding, kraken has built up a shield of anger and defensiveness to anyone who isnt starrs, kitten, raymon (ooh who is that?! omg guys you just have to wait n see), raymons friends, and his bunkermates
which is why hes such a dick
alright babes! nows the moment youve been waiting for!
i have 4 new ocs (from starrs universe) ready to be queued up to grumblr blogs, but i probably wont do all of them, just 2 (which im really excited to reveal!)
(raymon is one of these 4 and the 2 who im actually planning to make blogs for :3)
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