#new beef jerky husband
oneguardian15 · 1 month
hey guys so
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i started watching the fallout tv show last night and
if you haven’t already noticed…
this is my personality now and for the foreseeable future. all is mr. ghoul man. there is nothing else.
forgive me for being this way. that is all
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(i fuckin love him 💕)
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glostixdix · 6 months
New flavor of beef jerky husband just dropped and oh boy
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cyberneticfallout · 17 days
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Chapter Seven: The GoverMint
Ch 1 - Ch 2 - Ch 3 - Ch 4 - Ch 5 - Ch 6 - Ch 7 - Ch 8 - Ch 9 - More Coming Soon
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Reader Summary: Two men bring you into custody and some new information comes to light. Tags: Slow burn (and I mean SLOWWW), angst, eventually more smut, language, canon-typical violence, chem/alcohol use, more tags will be added Posted on AO3: Smoothie and The Ghoul Word Count: 2.1k
"What? Never had mornin’ wood before, Smoothie?” The Ghoul snickers as you shake your head in confusion. While yes, it’s a fairly natural thing to occur, you weren’t exactly expecting to see his hard-on first thing.
"Alright, love birds,” the man starts, causing both of you to glare at him. “Destroying a legitimate business? That's illegal 'round these parts.”
You exchange a quick glance with The Ghoul, both of you clearly annoyed by the man calling you ‘love birds’. "First of all, we are not together. And - will you please adjust yourself, Beef Jerky - second of all, this... was a legitimate business? Says who?” you ask, gesturing vaguely around the room as The Ghoul rolls his eyes and slowly covers himself with his hat.
"The government," the man proudly declares before abruptly striking The Ghoul in the face with his rifle.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Let's not get crazy here," you interject, raising your hands in protest, realizing that two against one isn't a smart choice at the moment. Your head is throbbing from the alcohol you drank the night before, leaving you in no condition to fight back.
“Don’t worry, miss. Your husband is okay, but you two gotta face justice,” the man replies. You huff a frustrated sigh at the continued assumption that you two are a couple. Looking the man over, you notice a crudely made sheriff badge with the name Troy etched onto it.
“May I call you Troy?” you ask, pointing to his badge. He gives you a smile, indicating it’s okay. “Now, Troy, this man right here isn’t my husband. We are just traveling companions who happened to come across this already destroyed business.”
Troy sighs, “We ain’t stupid, ma’am. We gotta bring ya both in. Rex!” He shouts at the other man, “Tie ‘em up and we’ll move out once that one wakes back up.”
Shortly after, The Ghoul wakes up and the four of you are on the move towards the supposed government. You keep stealing glances at him, hoping for any sign of a plan, but he remains silent and focused on the path ahead. The restraints around your wrists chafe against your skin, causing irritation. These two men seem dumb as hell but the one sure knows how to use rope.
Finally, the four of you approached a building sporting a sign that proudly proclaims "The GoverMint”. The Ghoul shot you a glance, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes in exasperation. The sight of the misspelled sign only reinforced your growing realization that you were dealing with a bunch of idiots. The building itself appeared run-down and neglected, a stark contrast to the grandeur one might expect from an actual government facility. The paint was peeling, the windows were dirty, and the overall atmosphere exuded an air of disarray. As you were escorted inside by Troy and Rex, you couldn't shake the feeling that this whole situation was more absurd than dangerous.
"Well, shit!" a hefty man exclaims, sitting at a table with a plate of food. "I heard it was a ghoul that messed up that Super Duper Mart. Nobody told me it was the ghoul."
"Why, Sorrel Booker," The Ghoul smirks.
You silently mouth to The Ghoul, "You know this guy?"
"You boys know who you just brought in? This sumbitch right here used to be the best bounty hunter to ever shoot a man in the ass," Sorrel chuckles as the two men usher you to sit in front of him. "Kids these days don’t know their goddamn history."
"Say, you got a needle and thread?” The Ghoul casually asks. “I think I got some in my bag, actually. Would you mind?"
Sorrel hesitates for a moment, eyeing him, but ultimately nods his head. Troy hands over the needle and thread, and The Ghoul's restraints are untied. With a calm demeanor, he picks up a perfectly cut finger and begins sewing it onto his missing one. You can't help but watch in disbelief, your mouth agape, trying to make sense of the bizarre scene unfolding before you. What the fuck is happening right now?
"Whose finger is that?!" You blurt out unintentionally, causing silence to take over the room.
Sorrel takes a good look at you as he spits out a piece of meat and puts it in a bowl labeled 'cysts’, turning his attention to the man next to you. “200 years. I don’t know what keeps you going. Maybe you just like the feeling of that good old California sunshine on your wrinkly-ass face. Or maybe you’re still looking for her. Maybe not though... this your girlfriend or somethin’?"
"You really think I’d shack up with some smoothskin? She ain’t even that pretty.” The Ghoul retorts, ignoring your offended look as he scrunches his newly sewn finger to make sure it's functional. “And I sure as hell ain't still alive so that I can have unintelligent conversations with dipshits like yourself."
“Mind your fucking mouth. That’s the president of the government you’re talking to.” Troy speaks up.
“Oh, you’re president now?” He raises a brow, “In that case, I am hearing a whole lot of chatter about some woman. Name of Moldaver. They call her the Flame Mother.”
This new information about a woman catches you off guard, as it's the first time you've heard about her on this journey. While the two men continue their conversation, you find yourself racking your brain as the mention of Moldaver triggers a memory in your mind. You vaguely recall whispers in the air about a woman who leads a group of people up in the mountains. Tension begins to build in the room as you find yourself deep in thought, analyzing her possible connection to the bounty you were originally after. You notice a shift in the dynamics between the men after The Ghoul taunts Troy about killing his father in Filly. It seems to have struck a nerve and Rex is ordered to take away Troy's weapons.
“Take him out back and feed him to the hogs,” Sorrel's harsh order snaps you out of your thoughts. "And this one might be good for the local brothel."
"Oh, hell no," you mutter as Troy pulls you up to take you away. Determined to fight back, you struggle to release yourself from his grasp, refusing to be taken without a fight. Suddenly, a gunshot rings out, causing chaos in the room. The Ghoul, seizing an opportunity, managed to grab Rex’s pistol and shot him.
With the distraction, you act quickly. In a burst of adrenaline-fueled strength, you headbutt Troy, feeling the sharp pain of impact, and then tackle him to the ground. Overwhelmed by a surge of emotions and a fierce desire for survival, you unleash a flurry of tied fists striking his face repeatedly. Blood splatters across your face as you continue to pummel him. He’s surely dead by now but you can't stop - there is no way you are going to a brothel against your will.
Feeling a warm hand touch your shoulder, you are startled out of your frenzy. Looking up, you lock eyes with The Ghoul, who is standing over you with a small crooked smile playing on his lips. There is a glint of amusement in his gaze, as if he is savoring this violent side of you. His presence and subtle expression of approval offer a strange sense of validation for you.
“Goddamn it,” Sorrel exclaims in frustration, throwing his fork onto the table. As you slowly rise from the man you just bludgeoned to death, The Ghoul starts untying the rope around your wrists. Despite gloves covering his hands again, you find solace in his gentle touch as he works to release you from your bindings. Once finished, he strides over to the wall littered with wanted posters and tears off a sketch of a woman.
“I got one question for you, ol’ buddy. Why do you have this picture on your wall?” The Ghoul inquires, holding up the sketch.
“That’s Moldaver. Why?” Sorrel responds, a sense of curiosity evident in his voice.
“Well, that’s not how I remember her, is all,” He remarks cryptically.
“Yeah? Well, how do you remember her?”
The Ghoul doesn’t say a word and without further explanation he leads you both outside. The two of you stand facing each other in silence. He lets out a sigh and reaches for a dirty rag in his pocket, handing it to you without a word. You take it and begin to clean yourself up but it’s proves pointless as it’s just smearing the blood all over.
"Well, that didn't do shit," he remarks as he takes the rag back from you. His gaze scans the area until he spots a barrel of grimy water, prompting him to grab you by the base of your hair and drag you over to it. As he dunks your face into the water, you shout in protest, the shock of the cold liquid causing you to react instinctively. He lifts your head up and looks at you, his expression unreadable.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Do you just like waterboarding women in your free time?!" you yell angrily, spitting excess water onto his face.
"You're clean now," he states simply as he gestures to the now wet and cleansed skin on your face. “Come on, let’s get goin’.”
“Wait, you still want me around?” you question, surprised by his response.
“I saw you back there. Proved useful,” he acknowledges, wiping the spit off his face with a nonchalant expression. He starts walking away, and you instinctively follow his lead, the rhythm of his steps guiding you away from the ‘government’.
Trailing behind him for most of the day, you're left with nothing but the echo of your dream still etched in your mind. The surreal scene of a nuclear explosion as he touched you intimately felt oddly real, even in its absurdity. Your eyes study his form, his posture, the way he moves - every detail etching itself into your consciousness. He dunked you in cold, murky water, and yet here you are, daydreaming what it might actually feel like to have his body pressed against you.
Unknown to you, The Ghoul is wrestling with his own inner turmoil. The dream he experienced replays in his mind like a haunting loop, stirring up emotions he'd rather keep buried. He finds himself irrationally angry with you for making him feel so vulnerable, even though he knows it was just a dream. His mind is now filled with thoughts of you - the curves of your body, the softness of your lips, the gentle touch of your hands.
He feels the weight of your gaze on him, and it unnerves him more than he'd like to admit. His fingers clench tighter around the hunting knife hanging on his belt, a physical manifestation of the internal struggle he's experiencing. He doesn't dare glance back at you, afraid that the turmoil in his eyes might give away more than he intends.
"Will you stop starin'?" His abrupt words cut through the tension, causing you to freeze in your tracks. Embarrassment washes over you as you realize he's aware of your lingering gaze. Attempting to play it off nonchalantly, you open your mouth to respond, but only incoherent sputtering and mumbled words escape. He turns to face you, an intense gaze piercing you like a bullet.
“I am not staring,” you manage to assert, a hint of defensiveness in your tone. “I’m just focused on the path ahead.”
“Listen up, Smoothie. I ain't keepin' you 'round 'cause we're best buds. It's 'cause you're damn good at spillin' blood. So don't be gettin' any ideas about you and me sharin' heartfelt moments or takin' strolls in the wasteland." He snaps.
“What the fuck are you going on about?” You laugh, but then a realization dawns on you. "Oh, hang on.… Am I the reason your 'little friend' made an appearance this morning?"
“Now what do you mean litt-“ He cuts himself off abruptly, “Don’t flatter yourself, Smoothie. I ain’t one for sentimentality or... entanglements.”
A small smile begins to tug at the corners of your lips, a reaction that visibly irks him, his annoyance evident in the way his features tighten. You can’t tell if he's contemplating strangling you or something even worse. Either way, there's a subtle thrill in knowing that you're the reason he’s so worked up. You approach him with a spring in your step and pat his chest, earning a fierce glare in return.
"Don't fret, sweetheart," you grin, your tone dripping with sarcasm as you use the endearing term, "I'll just pretend this never happened. Now, how about we find a spot to camp for the night?"
Tag List: @fallout-girl219 @ellabellabunny123 @sunnexaltation @coolrobloxkid28 @cheshirecat484 @capan-deveraux2 @rebelmarylou
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allsadnshit · 6 days
Cried a little feeling overwhelmed - then went to the store with my husband and returned all the milk bottles we saved so our grocery cost was cut in half for our manicotti dinner / chicken for stir fry / new sausages from a butcher we like, housed a bag of grass fed beef jerky on the way home, and now I am sipping a sparkling yuzu drink and simmering salt water for the pasta
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hey bud 💚 how about 18 "it's so hot when you talk like that" if you're feeling it?
"It's so hot when you talk like that." additional tags: hypothetical pregnancy discussion, hypothetical breeding kink, ian's been reading a lot of ABO on the DL
"Can't believe that motherfucker Allen."
Ian closes their apartment door behind them, sealing them away from yet another neighbor interaction. "Makin' Jill carry all those bags when she's - what, thirty weeks pregnant?" He's nosy - don't worry about it.
"Thirty one," Mickey corrects, because he's even nosier. "What a piece of shit."
"Well...least we were there," says Ian, finally able to worm the handle of their plastic CVS bag back down to his hand now that it's not occupied with another family's groceries. "Think they'll make us godparents?"
At the counter, Mickey grimaces. "Ugh. Don't even fuckin' joke about that."
It gets a laugh from Ian - the striking contrast between Jill's produce bags and their CVS bag of lube, condoms, and beef jerky not lost on him in the slightest.
"Better not pull any of that shit on me."
Ian looks up from their spoils. Tries to imagine a world where he'd pull an Allen on his husband. "Never," he says. "I'm a gentleman after all."
"Uh huh..." He can hear Mickey's grin as it trails off into the refrigerator, his head and shoulders blocked by the open door. "Course, for that you'd haveta put a baby in me first."
And oh, the way Ian's sensors go off in his brain... How a little pop of interest licks up his belly... Well that was a thing to fucking say! "Ha ha..." play it cool... "Yeah..."
It's just a stupid, passing comment. They make it to each other sometimes, comfortable in the silliness of it. But that doesn't mean Ian's brain hasn't taken it and molded it into perfect, sexy little shapes for himself.
"You expect me to carry around your pups like that, I expect your ass to cater to me day 'n night..."
Ian takes a slow breath in, his nostrils flaring.
He sets the lube down.
Goes with his gut and approaches Mickey from behind, just as he's closing the refrigerator door. Because if he's gonna keep talking about this shit, then Ian's got no choice but to follow his animal instincts, right?
"Oh," he feels Mickey grin as he swoops in to wrap his arms around him, pulling him close against his chest. "That right, big guy?"
And fuck, Ian's just gonna go for it. Just gonna indulge a little, the fantasy of all those stories he's been sneaking in at night playing out right in front of him on this beautiful Sunday afternoon. "It's so hot when you talk like that..."
He murmurs it into Mickey's ear. Finds comfort in being able to hide his face from him, because he's definitely blushing a deep red when Mickey feeds into it - "What...talkin' 'bout you knockin' me up...?" - because of course he does.
And all Ian can do is hum in affirmation, his hold around his husband tightening as he drags his lips down the side of his warm neck, looking for his pulse point. "Mhm..."
Because that's hot...right? Ian laying Mickey out and pumping a nice big load into him? Getting him pregnant? Taking care of him while Mickey carries his child? Yeah, he knows it's not realistic and yeah, he knows it's a little fucked up, but come on... All those stories are kinda onto something.
In the kitchen's golden afternoon light, Mickey presses his ass back into his lap, teasing at the very obvious bulge in Ian's jeans. "Ya know, stud...we could make a baby right now..."
It's got heat and pleasure spreading through Ian's lap - up through his chest. Holy fuck. "Yeah...?" He fucking loves this man. "Want me to getchya pregnant, baby?"
"Mhm... Want ya to stick this big ol' cock in me and knot me up..."
And Ian is so blindly horny that it almost slips past him. He's so ready to haul Mickey into their bedroom and crack open the new lube but then he-... Wait a minute... He just said-...
Ian grows still behind him, embarrassment waiting in the wings as he carefully asks it. "How do you know that word...?"
"What... Knot...?" He can't see Mickey's face, but god damn he can hear the smirk on his lips. "Same reason I know your phone password..."
And oh... Ohhh boy, should Ian be having a crisis?
No. No, he doesn't think so. Because even with his search history fresh in mind, Mickey's playing along - feeding right into it, with another press of his ass into his lap and then a teasing brow raise as he starts for their bedroom.
"C'mon you alpha freak - come put a baby in me."
Ian stands for a second, at a loss for words in the middle of their kitchen.
But then they kick right in again - his animal instincts - and he's hot on Mickey's tail.
Fuck, he loves this man. He'll carry a thousand fucking grocery bags for him.
[ send me a smutty one-liner ]
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ladylucksrogue · 6 months
[Get to Know Me Game]
Thanks for the tag @impossibleprincess35 and @yourfavoritefridge 🩵🩵
Last Song: Cruel Summer. I have a confession to make....I am notorious for stubbornly rejecting trendy stuff/people/books etc just because they are trendy. Eventually I come around and jump on the bandwagon, at least with some things... deserving things...like Hunger Games or Taylor Swift. I will admit, I don't like the song Anti-Hero because they blasted the thing on the radio every fucking day non stop. The first time I heard it, a few lyrics hit me the wrong way and my kid was like, this song is a like a fever dream, I had to agree...but...besides that song and Teardrops on my Guitar, her music is actually good. I've come to the dark side, I'll admit it. I still can't listen to Teardrops to on my guitar because it came out the year before I had a really nasty breakup with my ex and his name is in the song. During my break up it was on every station, I swear...ugh... Moving on... Cruel Summer is actually epic...and well, I've been kind of on a fanfiction binge lately, was reading some Obikin and just had the epiphany that the song fits some messy modern au so well…
Favorite Color: blue and green. I love bright colors though, like the ones most people hate. Like bright neon green or burnt orange or that weird ochre yellow color. I don't wear said colors, I wear a lot of grey and black, but I like those colors for decorations.
Last TV Show: CSI Las Vegas. Hubs has been binging early seasons. Shrugs. I usually half pay attention half read. It makes him happy.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory. I love stuff like chips or fries. Beef jerky, cheese, etc. I have to watch it a bit, as too much salt is not good for my kidneys or blood pressure but everything in moderation. I love spicy when it's actually done right, like the amazing Chinese restaurant in NYC that had real Sichuan chili oil, so good. Or a good vindaloo curry. Sweet stuff is not really my thing. I stopped drinking anything with sugar (non alcoholic anyway) 3 years ago and now everything with a lot of sugar tastes too sweet. Except chocolate. Chocolate is always ok.
Relationship Status: Happily married. My husband just sent me the link to one of the black series Obi-Wan figures I don't have, telling me he took care of it 💖 He enables my obsession 😆 Nah but for real, he's the best for so many reasons.
Last Google: That was a whole odyssey…the doctor's office fax number so that my insurance could fax a confirmation of insurance for my son. His card was apparently expired and I spent the whole morning playing phone tag to get it sorted.
Current Obsession: Lindt Christmas chocolate, Kenzo’s Cedre secrets perfume, my new flannel blanket, Book Lovers by Emily Henry (thanks again for the rec @yourfavoritefridge I'm halfway through and not sure what to do with my life when it's over, I'm so invested 😂), Seal Team, scarves, and of course Star Wars.
Open tag to whoever wants to participate! I'll go ahead and tag @sendpseuds @quigonsjeans @piccolaromana @elwenyere @spectral-musette
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Junzhe Fig Index
I originally had this page with both Junzhe and individual Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan figs, but I hit the link limit really quick. Even so, this collective group has by far the most figs out of the entire collection - so much so that I have to split it into segments in order to adjust to Tumblr's block limits. The latest posts are always on top.
Figs Part 3
Love Fan
Halloween Junzhe
Two Naughty Ghosts
Sweet Surround
Madame Tussaud's (Handcrafted)
No Way!
Figs Part 2
Happy Birthday (Fat Body) and check out the update here
Wang Meow
Many Seeds Many Blessings
Human Lark Bird Husband
Student Couple
Kissing BB
One Night in Nanjing (plus Special Variant)
Succulent Grapes - BB, Here are Two More Cups
Piece of my Heart
Colorful Black
Happy Childhood - Second Party
J & Z Wedding
Wolf Warriors - Big Hands Small Hands
Citrus Gardenia Babies
Mid-Autumn Mooncakes
Be a Child
What a Big Pearl
Hanging Junzhe
Secret Symbol
Candy Puff - Bow Boys
Fuguihua Couple
Nezha and Shark Han
Wolf Warriors - Big Hands Small Hands
Citrus Gardenia Babies
Mid-Autumn Mooncakes
Be a Child
What a Big Pearl
Hanging Junzhe
Secret Symbol
Candy Puff - Bow Boys
Fuguihua Couple
Nezha and Shark Han
Figs Part 1
Xianxia Junzhe
Blue Flowers
Ask the Flower, Ask the Leaves
New Year Junzhe
JZ Tea
Happy 29th Birthday
Your Shizuka
Pajama Party! (cross posted to JZEU index)
Chuang 2021 and First Concert
New Year Joint Special Project - Orange Soda
Cozy Junzhe Apartment
Plumeria Han and Butterfly Jun
Citrus Gardenia
Cream and Foam
Hanbao and Cubao
MVP Han and Basketball Jun
Minguo CP
Beef Jerky Smooch
Foot Bath
Junzhe Kindergarten
Moon and Stars
Canned Cat and Dog in Bowl
It's Raining
Birthday Proposal
Bedtime Game (cross posted to JZEU index)
Lace and Ribbons
Puffy Jackets
Run to You
Field and Stream
Hex Ring Cat and Dog
Weibo Night
Duan Duan Tangerine Babies
Unlimited Flowering Period
Golfing Han and 50G Surfer Jun
JZ Love Forever Diorama
Ball and You
Truck Full of Flowers
[go back to Master Fig Index]
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "War of the Worlds (8/8) Movie CLIP - No Shield (2005) HD" on YouTube
He's been away for a little bit are we getting ahead of ourselves and our son doesn't know and it's true that he has been away but off and on and he hasn't started the series yet the attacks of his are not that large and not that great and his father is captured and escapes in New Mexico and we feel this happens before that and he goes missing Lily is the pilot who supposedly got sick and was just exhausted and she's grabbed as well and goes missing and is in a lot of trouble and goes on a journey when she might come out of and this hasn't happened yet but it's going to happen fairly soon and they do launch the attack never Midwest and are forced to New Jersey and fail and yeah it means the person in the movie cesario is not Jason it is Tommy f
Thor Freya
Assuming I'm going to do that which it looks like I might and the Brain might be preserved he says and I don't have any memory of it and these people know how to do that but you people don't and Max says he doesn't want us to do it and make knows how to do it and has seen friends that have been dried out. Will and Bill want to assist and he agrees if he disappears it matches up we're going to grab it right now it is in a temperature control box which is sealed and in the tomb of tutankhamun and our friend says that Jason comes back and he's the boy and it looks like he's assembling a pyramid when in fact there is a pyramid being exposed and he's not saying whose it is I'm afraid it might be my brothers Max says
Jason I'm pleased with response to the reply and I didn't know you knew that Mac and he didn't either it's going to be a good day and what Max does to try out like beef jerky and depending on the preservative and our friend here says it's the top notch stuff cuz he can tell even by the smell and others knew it when they were there in Los Angeles he won't be able to tell it's me at all and it says it won't have a clue it's nothing to worry about and most people won't know at all it looks like and I hate to say this but in African so I agree that's what it looks like and that's what people thought and that's what you thought and that's what garth looks like a little bit a lot actually I'll lose a bunch of memory but I wouldn't be gone and the granddaughter of trump shoots me in cesario God damn it this f****** close would you people f*** off....
Haha my husband is laughing. Ok. Audibly laughing if this stupid son of a b**** goes back 11,000 years and comes forwards it's going to make this whole thing so famous and these clones are going to regret it forever
Hera Zues
0 notes
thaimassagegreenock · 2 years
New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 185
{Tutorials|Some self-help training} {and|&} {helpful|useful|interesting|important} {updates|up-dates|posts|tips|info|information} on {staying healthy|being healthy|healthy living} {with|through} {Thai Massage|Thai Oil Massage}.
Research of the Week
Eating more protein during weight loss .
Less microbial diversity, .
More saturated animal fat, .
Japanese pickle consumption to lower blood pressure.
New Primal Kitchen Podcasts
Primal Kitchen Podcast:
Primal Health Coach Radio:
Media, Schmedia
Some places are …
Interesting Blog Post
to do HIIT.
Social Notes
, thanks.
Everything Else
Did you know that dolphins choose their names? .
Interesting on an Argentine forest community.
Things I’m Up to and Interested In
About time: .
Interesting finding: In , eating 6+ servings of fruit (often dried) and increasing calorie intake are bad ideas.
A safe assumption: .
Interesting development: .
Interesting research: .
Question I’m Asking
What are you doing this weekend?
Recipe Corner
If you love peanut butter, try this .
Time Capsule
One year ago (July 9 – July 15)
—Why to do them.
—Well, why?
Comment of the Week
“My husband is an international airline pilot, they have steam ovens on their planes. He brings sardines, beef jerky, nuts, etc. with him on his fights. We do not eat airport food. I am a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and we practice fasting and drink water w/Himalayan salt during travel days and regularly cook our own foods when we are vacationing and camping. Please choose wisely, people. Your whole future is counting on it.”
-Wise words.
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The post appeared first on .
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{This|The above} {article|post}[/wpts_spin] New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 185 was [wpts_spin]{first |}{provided|published} {here|on this site}.
{I|We} {hope|trust} {that |}you found the {above|{post|article} above} {useful|of help} {and/or|or|and} {interesting|of interest}. {You can find similar content|Similar content can be found} {on our {blog|main {site|website}website}|here} {Thai Massage Greenock|thaimassagegreenock.co.uk|}. {Please let me have your feedback|Let me have your feedback} {below in the comments section|in the comments section below}. Let us know {what|which} {topics|subjects} we should {cover|write about} for you {in future|in the future|next}.
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
What small gifts will Karl or Juniper get each other when they're having a bad day?
Heisenberg is the most food motivated man.
He would especially love something sweet or fried when he’s having a bad day.
Juniper tries to make him eat healthier mostly but when he’s down she spoils him.
Gifts for Heisenberg:
Small cakes/doughnuts
New tools
Beef jerky
Juniper is easy to please. Heisenberg loves making little metal figures after the Revolution and will make special ones for her. He will also take the kids out and they will all find flowers to bring home to Juniper to cheer her up.
Seeing her husband and little ones shuffle in with dirty hands full of wildflowers always brings a smile to her face even on low days.
Gifts for Juniper:
Homemade crafts
Extra spicy instant noodles
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allsadnshit · 1 year
I am feeling so inspired art and cooking wise... I went to the local woman owned butcher that does all grass fed pasture raised local whole animal butchering and I got a whole rabbit to make rabbit stew this week....and I am still riding the high of making my first homemade Chinese beef jerky last week and it being soooo good and I never thought I'd be able to make that! And I've been drawing a lot more without having to force myself I've just been feeling in the mood and my mind has felt so expressive and lively the last two days!!! Got new kitchen clogs and I feel so myself when I wear them + they have a wide toe box so I know they are so much healthier for my feet than any of my toe squeezing sneakers....
I just feel aligned with my higher self the last 48 hours.... and I still have so much im working up to! I've even been much sillier and more uncurated on Instagram which probably sounds meaningless but it actually makes me feel really good to just be myself and say what I want to say without considering how it will be received how how anyone thinks of me. I hate trying to seem cool it's exhausting and I hate trying to seem emotionally stable 24/7 cause no one is!
I did a biiiig stretch last night before bed with my husband and I've been watching movies that I loved as a little kid and it really fills me with a special kind of joy
I really want to prioritize my next cookbook release. I've been slowly working on recipes the last few months and have felt like I needed to halt and really take my time thinking about making it try to my dietary beliefs, accessible for people without much experience, and really get to express my love for food and how much it's healed me in my life. I don't want to remove myself from what I make just because I'm selling it. I want to make a cookbook that really expressed my care and passion for food and the process within cooking that can be shared and manageable for someone learning like myself a few years ago....
Life feels sacred today
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scary-lasagna · 3 years
My Pet,  My Companion
Written shortly after Jeff’s disappearance, Jeff is on his usual errands with Smile Dog, and someone has to ruin the fun with a few bullets.
Tw: Animal death, murder, human death
"Smile!" Jeff's voice cried out, splitting from the panicked volume of guilt and hopelessness of saving his best friend.
Smile's furry body ragdolled across the luscious front lawn of a middle-class home, he should've taken notice of all the American flags of a husband who likes to play soldier-boy in his free time. Jeff was so blinded with rage, his vision tunneled with black haze, and the bullets from the M1911 pistol ripped through his skin like old parchment, and pistoned a cloud of dirt and grass behind the killer.
The raven hair smile-child couldn't feel the blood leaching out of rugged bullet holes under his stained hoodie. Jeff punched the gun out of the man's grip of death and plunged his 8" blade into his ribcage. 
Smile panted with choked breathing, blood was beginning to pool in his lungs, and he was starting to grow tired. The scent of Jeff still lingered in the air. Smile cried out, a terrible scream from such a small animal. He was in pain, and he needed Jeff to make it better.
The husky's skinny legs twitched in an effort to gasp for air, desperately staring at Jeff's busy form. He didn't know why Jeff hurt people, or why he was so sad all the time. But he loved Jeff. He loved the pets each morning, and the way he smells when he's petting him, and the beef jerky at the end of each day from the gas station they pass on the way home. Jeff is his life. Smile doesn't want to leave Jeff. Smile wants to stay. Jeff took pleasure in savoring the raw fear from his widened eyes as he delivered another harsh blow to his chest. Blood pulsed from the slayer's body, yet Jeff didn't stop until the 27th physical grievance of his pain. He didn't care if the man had a family, a new baby daughter, or a wedding to attend next Thursday. If Jeff looked past those merciful details, Smile wouldn't be lying motionless in a pile of whimpering dog-blood.
Jeff heaved over the murderer's body, scowling through his permanent smile and ugly tears. Adrenaline was still pumping through his veins with rage and vengeance. Like a stupid child, he thought revenge would bring life to his best friend. His dear Smile Dog. He thought once that terrible man dropped dead, that Smile's wet nose would tickle the back of his sweat-coated neck and bring Jeff down from his mania.
It didn't happen.
Smile's jaw lay slacked open with the ghost of his last whimper, the last call to see Jeff as he died painfully with blood leaking from between his fluffy fur. Jeff wasn't there when his friend's heart ceased a familiar pulse that soothed his panic attacks.
He wasn't there to calm his scared friend in moments of death, to tell him it will be alright while running calloused fingers through his dark fur and scratch that sweet spot under his jaw that let his hind leg twitch.
Jeff stood motionless.
His dull blue eyes held fixated on Smile's limp corpse. The screams of the widow behind him rang like sirens in his ears. Jeff didn't care. He only wanted Smile back. He wanted his friend to jump up, shake the dirt and blood off of his body, and jump up so excitedly that Jeff falls over and shields his face from slobbery kisses.
Smile didn't move. He was dead. His body could already be cold, and Jeff was struggling to gather the courage to say goodbye. He couldn't bring himself to hive him a last pat on the head or hear his collar jingle after death.
Jeff grit his teeth, gripping his slippery knife with white knuckles, teas leaked over his scars and past his healing smile. Each step weighed 1,000 pounds as he approached the body of his companion.
"Smile, buddy..." His legs couldn't take the pressure and collapsed in the squishy, blood-soaked grass. "Please wake up." Jeff blinked rapidly through the salty tears blurring his vision. They traveled down the bridge of his nose and landed on Smile's blood-soaked fur.
"You're such a good boy." The teen croaked and stroked his companion's fur with a trembling hand. "My good boy." While a pathetic sob fell out of Jeff's scowling mouth, he pressed a kiss to Smile's cooling forehead. Before scooping Smile off of the wet lawn, he smoothed his fur around his whiskers, and closed the slacked jaw to bittersweetly admire his Chesire grin Jeff woke up to each morning.
"C'mon pup, let's go home." Jeff scooped up Smile's limp body from the cold ground, the canine's head lolled to the side, and his limp jaw fell open again. Jeff had to stop many times on the way home to pridefully carry his best friend with respect. Without anyone by his side, Jeff felt hopeless. No one was there to love him, or shove him out of bed each morning.
No one to care.
On long days of agony and days that Jeff simply needs condolence, he settles on a plastic bag kept securely in his dresser. A large collar protected in plastic. The fur and dried blood clung desperately to the braided fabric, his eyes swelled with tears, and he stroked his thumb along the braided fabric.
"Good boy."
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your “luke and alaric are married af” series made me transcend. they absolutely ARE. when i watched the show i really expected them to be in a canon relationship bc. it just seemed obvious. (me and magnus: you mean you’re NOT married??????) i’m surprised it’s such a small ship tbh. there is so much potential... i would love to hear more from u!!!!! what ideas do u have? first dates? how does maia react (i bet she’s like... duh? you’re my dads)? the story of luke’s epiphany omg???
for real!!! the chemistry and the love between them was so real and palpable and like hello? the way they always were on each other's corner? the Partners to Lovers dynamic?? the obvious mutual respect they had even though they were always butting heads? the way they always seemed to be growing together and not just fighting??? again the CHEMISTRY?? the fun little snippets we had like "it's never too early for teriyaki"?? literally we had so much to build an amazing romance and alaric is such a minor character his actor isn't even an actor he's a stunt double
like they had what 5 scenes and they all had such a great setup for romance or even for them to have been married the whole time??? they certainly had old married couple dynamics. fuck jocelyn i am speaking her out of existence. also i mean open relationships but why would luke even have a relationship with jocelyn when he had an actually good relationship to compare it to?
also the potential of their getting together being tied up to some personal growth from luke as an alpha and a downworlder in general like... most of their conflicts was because a part of luke still felt indebted to shadowhunters and their heritage and he kept putting the wolves last, and it would have been so good to see luke slowly realizing that he doesn't owe them shit and he gets to prioritize his own people and the people who are there for him, and him eventually choosing alaric over jocelyn being tied to choosing himself as he is now to who he used to be as a (terrible) shadowhunter...
not that it's alaric's job to fix luke obviously, but i don't think it would be "fixing" and this definitely wouldn't be a "teaching luke out of racism" story because when luke helped alaric as he became a werewolf he was already somewhat settled into werewolf life. i just think that a part of luke feels like he still owes loyalty to the people who hated him and it could have been a nice parallel to see him letting this go and getting with alaric. especially because alaric never coddled him, so, you know. and i think luke needed that little push in that sense. and alaric meanwhile would also be growing more confident into his role in the pack and in their job and getting the support he obviously still needed, and like, it could have been so good? definitely rocky before they sorted it out, but good. and of course sh had to waste the opportunity without even giving it thought because when don't they
anyway!!! as for your actual questions! first date is honestly so hard for me because i feel like their first date would feel like their billionth date. again i say, THEY ARE MARRIED whether they know it or not. so i can see their first official date going one of two ways: it's very lowkey, nothing they haven't done a thousand times before (like going to a small little family restaurant that they like, eating together, talking, maybe sharing a milkshake and they feel stupid but they're giggling and can't stop smiling and it makes them so happy that who cares) and it's absolutely PERFECT; OR they try to go all out and make it special and ~woo~ each other and it feels a little weird at first but it's still good and they get to enjoy the romantic ambience, hold hands over the table, and they're both a little shy because it feels like such a leap but it feels right
im gonna elaborate a little bit on both because i really love both??? so like they go to this little joint that is not the jade wolf or anything too close because they want to have this moment for tHEMSELVES, away from wherever anyone else from work or the shadow world might see them and from where they would think about it and associate with it. i am thinking... ohh some nice little place near where alaric's grown up? i'm headcanoning him as hondureño since we got no specifics other than his last name being rodriguez and i'm feeling like making him central american
and ALSO a great typical honduran dish is marinated meat and since luke is a beef jerky fan he would be all over that shit. i headcanon that luke knows alaric's family to some extent (i made a very quick reference to that in the second fic of the series) and i really love to think that luke has been to at least a few carneadas with alaric and his family?? which is aaaaaa another whole thing to talk about i might get back to it in a second but the DATE
also i like to think that luke would fall in love with rice and beans/casamiento because that is my rights. so like them going to the restaurant and having some meat (it's not really a carneada outside of the context of a carneada and for a date but like.. maybe pinchos or ye regular steak with urucum? i've had that in central brazil a few times and god i love it to death. or maybe chimol which sounds like something luke would like) with casamiento, tajadas, u know, the regular stuff? and it's lowey intimate because they are sharing the dish and it's something from alaric's culture you know??? god damn it i'm still talking about food. ONTO THE DATE
the point is that it's very casual and intimate but also uplifting and fun because this is a honduran restaurant we are talking about, so there's probably music, noise, alaric knows the family that runs it and possibly luke does too but they still have their space. maybe they get to dance a little bit because please god i am begging you, and luke has never had too many opportunities to dance before but it turns out he is a natural even if a little self conscious. i am picturing them dancing salsa which i kNOW is not an honduran dance but if the restaurant just leaves a Latin Music™ radio on as they usually do in latino restaurants in the US it's not that unlikely that it would play. and with alaric not being actually cuban he wouldn't humiliate luke too much. lmao
anyway most of the time they are just talking and teasing each other and every time luke takes a bite of the food he moans a little bit because he's a sucker for marinated meat and alaric wasn't even the one to cook it but goddamn if he doesn't feel proud of himself. and they share a drink (i guess the milkshake idea doesn't fit as well here but whatever they will get two straws for their iced tea or Tropical if they're feeling silly or agua de ensalada if they're feeling traditional. the point is that the lack of milkshake won't stop them from doing their dumb sappy thing) and are kind of laughing the whole time because it feels so teenage-y but to be fair luke DID just find out he was bisexual and figuring out your sexuality always brings in second puberty in terms of experiences. and alaric is not going to complain because it feels so sweet and right
and then the dancing which is fun and intimate and a little challenging for luke even if they aren't Full On Dancing Salsa, just a few moves here and there together but they get to be close and intimate and maybe alaric does some impromptu spinning and it makes them both laugh and maybe rub their noses together while they laugh and they are being so silly but they don't care
and basically they go home after hours, as you do, holding hands and a little drunk on each other, bumping shoulders on the way, alaric resting his head on luke's shoulder and luke on top of alaric's? and it makes walking a little awkward but god They Don't Care. and it just feels so perfect, like home and family and everything they are to each other :))))
really wanna add an "and then they fuck like rabbits" at the end but anyway i'll try not to ruin it
second date option! full out fanciness. they are already partners, they have seen each other in every possible situation, they know their worse, they know their married ways, but they want to have a ROMANTIC first date! lay thick their new relationship status. woo each other! show each other what amazing caring boyfriends/husbands they are. be adults!
they pick some fancy restaurant that luke may or may not have gotten suggested to him by magnus when he called him in a bit of panic because he is not very well versed in fancy restaurants and the like. maybe magnus even takes that extra step and portals them somewhere extra romantic like venice or whatever but i think they'd want to be independent in terms of going there and back so maybe not. anyway the point is, fancy restaurant! suits! they are a bit more nervous than they usually would because they haven't been in a place like this in waaayyy too long and they've never done anything remotely similar to that together before so it feels like a new territory and they kiinda want to prove something even though that's stupid because they've already chosen each other
but it goes well???? not as natural as the first date idea but that might just be me and thinking that casualness is the most romantic thing, and either way, it still feels so right and good. they get to sip wine, hold hands over the table, say something sweet to each other over entrees, share dessert, bicker over who gets to pay. again the marriedness of it all absolutely slips through but there is that new element that they are getting to explore and that feels so nice
and it's never stilted and forced, even if they are a little nervous, they are still themselves and it goes down smoothly and they are happy that it worked so well because there is always that fear in a best friends to lovers kinda situation that things will just feel weird, especially when you're both adults and have so much history. but it doesn't, it feels romantic and new and exciting and as they leave they tease each other a little bit like "after you, gentleman" and laugh together 🥺🥺🥺
and they have their first kiss as they leave and they both linger a little bit as they just stand under the stars and keep their eyes closed and their hands linked together and i need a moment oh my god
this got too long so i'm separating the answers for the different questions: maia's reaction (link), luke's epiphany (link)
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celestialinent · 3 years
heaven can’t wait is such an EPISODE
•dean being the shitty kid in ur group project who won’t pull their weight
•cas giving me ALL the autistic energy he possibly can
•cas’s manager asking cas to babysit because she trusts the weird gay homeless guy with her CHILD?!?
•Dean’s longing stare at Cas through the Gas’N’Sip storefront before strolling in.
•Actually the whole scene “I’ll have some beef jerky and a pack of menthols” like tell me that scene isn’t two recently divorced people meeting at the former housewife’s new job, while the ex husband rudely belittles the new life she’s carved out for herself.
•we don’t keep crowley around for his one-liners...We don’t?!
It’s just such an episode
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remnantsrp · 3 years
Tumblr media
Name: Dani “Doc” Bocanegra Age: 42 years old Pronouns: She/Her Hometown: San Francisco, California Occupation before the Infection: Physician with the U.S. Army Role within the Caravan: Medical Team FC: Zoe Saldana
tw: mentions of gore
Before the infection.
Dani used to be a wild child, Always got into trouble with her parents and superiors. She was never afraid to speak her mind since the age of 3. If she did not get what she wanted she’d run off, make her parents worry sick about her, till they find her probably eating fried chicken with an old woman at the KFC across the street. Besides her mischievous ways, Dani had a pretty normal family. Her mother stayed at home, taking care of the house and raising both Dani and her little brother Felix, and her father was in the Army as a Captain, working in a nearby base in San Francisco. 
Of course she grew out of her vexatious ways in her early teens, and became more disciplined by joining karate classes, participating in ROTC club at school, Science club which helped her ambition of becoming a doctor, and was a skilled defensive midfielder in soccer. Dani had a small circle of acquaintances which she hung out with here and there, but she was always known to keep her best friend Edward Krikorian close.
At the age of 17, a day after her graduation, Dani’s father had passed away suddenly in his sleep, it so happened he passed from a brain aneurysm and there was nothing that could have been done about it. Still, the loss of her father had her sights set on joining the military and accelerating her medical studies through the Army. First she went through medical school to become a surgeon, 9 years later after earning her PhD, she enlisted in the Army medical corps, and after intensive training and being deployed as a field medic in Afghanistan she was ranked the title of surgeon general, a high honor in the US Army.
When she had time to have a life. She moved to Nevada, married a fellow soldier and had a baby girl, Sofia. She was happy. Successful and she felt that she had meaning in both her private and professional life.
The Outbreak.
Her daughter, only 5 yrs old, was left with her grandmother while Dani and her husband Jesse were stationed at the army base in Hamilton, Nevada. Dani was flustered with calls from the white house and the pentagon. Talks of a deadly outbreak and how she should be joining them at the Pentagon, for it is natural for the General surgeon to be around during emergency situations such as this.
She was about to leave in a helicopter sent by the president but at its arrival the helicopter swerved and smashed into one of the nearby buildings. Soon enough the base was flooded with the infected. Dani and Jesse decided there was no hope for the base and thus decided to stick together to survive.
They packed up their belongings, picked up their weapons and medical kits, and planned an escape route out of the army base. So far all has gone as planned but they did not expect the mob of zombies by the exit. Tired and almost out of ammo they did their best to keep up their footing and use less of their gunfire to make it out. Finally when it seemed they’d be free and set out to a new survival plan, Jesse got lost in the mob and snatched by the Zombies, a few already biting down on his arm and leg. Dani turned and ran back towards him to help, but he yelled back “No"  whilst he freed himself and ran towards the gate, reaching not for Dani but towards a button that closed the gate. That day, Dani lost her husband and found herself alone and lost.
Finding the Caravan.
Dani was almost out of resources, her canteen down to just one more sip of water and there were a few bites of beef jerky left. Her goal? San Francisco, where she had left her daughter and mother with hope that they both may be still alive. 
She knew that the chances of making it to San Francisco with what she had was slim to none, so she mentally prepared herself for her death. The heat was too much, she was thirsty and incredibly hungry, she thought she saw shelter ahead, her hopes showing upon her tired face but then doubt set in and calling it a mirage as her steps began to slow again. 
A figure then slowly approached her, she stopped walking and tried to use what was left of her strength to stay standing so she may get a good look at this stranger. /Was it human or a zombie, is this it?/ she told herself. As soon as the figure came closer. she dropped her bags and fell to her knees, the last thing she sees was eyes, eyes that were familiar to her. before passing out.  
The next day she woke up in a makeshift infirmary, The man who found her sitting near. He quickly turned to face her once she woke "Ed?”
Now reunited with her childhood friend and surrounded by other survivors who also had their own personal goals, Dani had positioned herself as the Caravan’s surgeon, using her skill to heal, scout for proper medicine and try to save the lives of those who fought so hard to stay alive.
positive personality traits: scrupulous, determined, intelligent, fierce
negative personality traits: stubborn, direct, restless, defensive
played by Orlik, She/Her
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kelseaaa · 4 years
Oh boy! Thank you for all of these!!! Sorry in advance for the long post lol.
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
-If we’re talking Choices, the first would be Gaius Augustine and the second would be Bryce Lahela. Not Choices would be Belle and Beast from Beauty and the Beast
📅 Your birthday
-October 24th! 18 more days!
🎥 Fave film
-Dazed and Confused
🎙 Can you sing
-I mean, not well lol. But I enjoy singing.
🌐 Languages you can speak and/or are learning. Which are you fluent in
-Sadly, just English. I wish I had the time and patience to learn a new language. Even ASL would be something I’d love to learn.
🌎 What country do you live in
📝 Fave quote
-”I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen.” -Say Anything...
📖 Fave book
-Choices: Bloodbound. Not Choices: The Hobbit
🎁 Best gift you ever received and why
-For our 1 year wedding anniversary, my husband got me this custom charge that had the planets aligned the exact way from our wedding day. I’m a sucker for space shit and I just fell in love with him even more.
📏 How tall are you
- Five feet, six inches
🏢 Your job (You don’t have to be specific) or dream job if you don’t work
-I work at a resort!
⛪ What is your religion
-I don’t practice any religion, I guess the term would be agnostic. But I’m pretty indifferent to all of that.
👻 Do you believe in ghosts
-I would like to believe that there are spirits or the “presence” of ghosts, maybe
👾 Do you believe in aliens
-Same thing as ghosts, like I’m sure there is something out there that is “alien” to planet earth. Maybe not little men with large heads and black eyes lol
🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of
-I loooooooove white cheddar popcorn and beef jerky. I’m also currently obsessed with hummus and pita chips, though that’s not exactly junk food lol
These were fun :) Hope y’all enjoyed learning about me lol
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