#new character soon! take a wild guess who
sleepinthrumyalarms · 10 months
— a study in demon
pairing: wednesday addams x fem!oni!reader
warnings: smut, lesbian sex, a/b/o dynamics in werewolves and demons, penetration, G!P!reader, it's demon girlcock OKAY, cockwarming, breeding kink, size kink, knotting, all characters are aged-up
summary: an unfortunate turn of events leaves wednesday with a very frustrated, very needy oni demon on her hands. what kind of girlfriend would she be if she didn't take care of her beloved?
word count: 4.5k
a/n: jesus christ, look at those warnings. this fic is a whole declaration of war. i went feral. i have nothing to say for myself. hope you enjoy
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The first thing you feel when the annoying buzzing of the alarm pulls you out of your peaceful slumber is the immense heat of your body and the ache somewhere in your lower belly. A groan leaves your throat before you can even blink your eyes fully open, and you blindly reach for your phone to turn the screaming noise off.
You sit up on your bed and squint at the sunlight that streams through the tiny slit in the tightly shut curtains, opening a small calendar app that’s designed specifically for the creatures of your kind – and with a huff you realize your rut is coming in two days.
Damn it. You’ve completely forgotten about it. That certainly explains the aggressiveness and mood swings you’ve been having for the past week.
You open a new text message, sent from your girlfriend at 5:30 AM – not exactly an early riser, but definitely the type to pull an all-nighter on a school night – wishing you the most dreadful morning. You smile to yourself, and the smallest thought of her seems to be enough to motivate you to get out of bed and start the day despite the uncomfortable feeling stirring in your belly.
Thank all the gods almighty – Larissa Weems, especially – that it is still a non-uniform week at the Academy. Sitting in class with that tie wrapped around your throat like a noose would’ve killed you.
You rummage through your wardrobe, pulling out a tee and a pair of jeans, changing hastily, before your gaze falls on a particular item of clothing that definitely doesn’t belong in your closet.
It’s a black baggy zip hoodie, the one Wednesday constantly wears when out of class. It’s a surprise she has forgotten it at your place – your best guess is she must’ve left in one of your sweatshirts instead.
The fabric feels smooth in your grasp. Warm fleece lining. A bit abrasive on the outside.
Just like her.
You lift the hoodie to your face, burying your nose in the softness and inhaling.
Smells just like her, too.
Without a second thought you put it over your frame – though a bit more of a tight fit, it’s still slightly baggy on your shoulders – and zip it up, pulling the hood over your head to take another small whiff of the familiar scent.
That should get you through the day, you think.
And it does. For the first half of it, at least.
You take an extra suppressant pill during lunch, but skip the meal, opting to spend the free time in the quad to ventilate your head.
It feels better. Much, much better. Even though you don’t get to see Wednesday at the canteen.
You’re back inside for your last period – maths, and your mind gets too busy with the complicated equations and formulas to worry about the hormones running wild in your body.
You’re half-way through a very fucked-up problem with roots and sines before a strong aroma suddenly fills up your lungs – an omega’s pheromones, you realize, wide-eyed.
An omega who is in heat.
You lift your head up, giving the students around you a quick once-over – and your gaze meets a pair of golden orbs, a pretty girl with pink plump lips and fiery-red hair tied into a pony tail watches you with interest, her chin propped on her palm. As soon as you make eye-contact, she gives you a smile, revealing a small, adorable gap in the front row of her teeth.
You shake your head and smile back politely before turning back to your paper, but the rest of the class feels like you’re trapped in a suffocating cage of hot arousal that smells of yellow fruit and washed laundry.
As soon as the bell dismisses the students, you hastily pack your bag and bolt out of the door, desperate to lock yourself in your dorm room and just take care of this stupid predicament you’ve found yourself in. You’ve never been more grateful for the lack of a roommate.
“Hey, (Y/n).”
You stop and turn at the sound of your name being called, although the voice is quite unfamiliar – too melodic and gentle to be anyone you know.
“Hey, uh...”
It’s the redhead from maths. She watches you expectantly for a few moments before her face falls slightly, “It’s Dina! I was with the Black Cats last year. We met at the after party? The one Yoko hosted?” She sounds almost offended at the fact that you don’t remember her.
“Oh. Oh, right. Dina. Sorry. I’m really bad with names.” You smile apologetically.
“It’s fine. I’d be surprised if you remembered me, actually. This academy holds way too many ginger werewolves,” Dina chuckles, and falls in step with you to continue walking down the hall. “So, you up to anything right now?”
“No, not really. Just hoping to get back to the dorms and sleep my awful headache off. Been bugging me all day.”
It’s only a half-lie – your temples are still throbbing like crazy, and the pheromones you’ve smelled in class did nothing to help your case.
The werewolf tilts her head, pursing her plump lips, “Hmm... That’s too bad, because, actually...”
The smaller girl suddenly grabs your hips and pushes you – unprepared, you stumble to the side and right through the door of some random classroom. Barely able to catch your balance at Dina’s abrupt movement, your hands grasp at her forearms, desperately trying to steady the rest of your body.
“I was thinking I could help you relieve that pain of yours.”
She looks up at you, tilts her chin up slightly. The smell of citron and fresh linen suddenly fills your nose.
The same one you’ve felt in class.
The omega in heat.
The werewolf in front of you settles with pumping her pheromones at you wildly, her palms flitting from your hips down to your thighs, slowly closing in on your center – you do nothing to stop her, your own hands reaching behind you to grip the edge of the desk. Her eyes are glinting red now, slitted pupils never breaking eye contact with yours.
She presses her nose against your scent gland, and you feel her grin against your neck.
“I don’t smell an omega on you...” Shit. Of course Wednesday’s hoodie doesn’t smell like anything but her usual dark resins and woods scent. As much as it is alluring and recognizable to you, it’s not pheromones. “You haven’t mated with one yet? That’s just criminal... An alpha like you should spend all her ruts with a pretty omega impaled on her cock.”
You take a sharp inhale through your nose, feeling yourself throb treacherously at her words. Dina giggles softly, pressing her lips to your jaw, her mouth now inches away from yours.
“You know…” she starts sultry, voice heavy with unadulterated lust in a way that only an omega’s can sound to the ears of a rutting alpha, “I’ve never taken an oni’s knot before…”
You feel the werewolf squeeze your thighs, bare her claws in a sharp movement, “I wonder what it feels like.”
Your head is heavy, cloudy – you’re practically unable to resist, tusked mouth hanging open with small puffs of vapors fluttering out. The urge to bend the small werewolf over the desk and pound her into the wood feels even harder to resist, too.
An unpleasant feeling rattles through your chest, unbearable and disgusting. An image of dark-brown eyes and soft lips painted burgundy flashes through your mind.
You feel like you’re going to puke.
“No,” you rasp, pushing the werewolf away. “Get off me.”
Before the startled girl can retort, you stumble out of the classroom and slam the door closed, turning the key that has been left in the keyhole by some clumsy substitute.
You stumble for a moment, lifting a clawed palm to grasp at your head that has suddenly turned cloudy and heavy, and make your way towards the ladies’ restroom.
She must’ve felt the rut closing on you, and her own heat triggered it prematurely.
With shaky hands you pull out your phone, opening the messages app and texting the first person that comes to your clouded mind.
bro you gotta ditch
it’s an emergency
i just stumbled into a girl
uhh dina?
she’s from ophelia hall
anyways i think she needs… help
from a fellow omega wolf
i think she hasn’t been taking her suppressants
for some fucking reason
and yk it’s not like me to live a lady in distress
but i really had to dip
i was doing her a favor by dipping actually
i locked her up on the 2nd floor
i really had to leave
Pressing your back against one of the bathroom stalls, you wait anxiously as three gray dots dance on the screen.
The device dingles in your hands.
its okay
i gotchu
u should totes find weds tho
im sure she can help u out ;))
You hide your phone in your pocket and open the tap to splash your face with cold water. It eases the flush of your face, but doesn’t calm the raging beast inside.
Your fingers grasp onto the edges of the sink tightly, almost making the marble crack.
As you walk through the corridors and up the stairs of Ophelia Hall, the only thought that occupies your mind is Wednesday. Wednesday and her dark eyes and her lips and her touch and the beautiful curve of her slender hips and everything that is your mate.
You don’t bother knocking, urgently swinging the door open.
And there it is. Your (f/c) sweater, no doubt one of her monochrome striped shirts under it.
Your palms are sweating. Claws digging into your pant legs, tusks into your lip.
The small ravenette turns in her seat to look at you, her fingers stilling over the keys of her typewriter.
Her braided hair looks pristine and untouched, her posture unmatched, the image perfect even when out of public sight.
“Ma bête,” she addresses softly, brows slightly raised in question. “You’re back. And you look… a trifle uncomfortable.”
Does she not know? There’s no way she doesn’t. Such details could never slip Wednesday’s unhealthily constantly alerted mind.
“Is something wrong?”
Fuck. Of course. There it is, that cruel glint in her eyes. You should’ve known.
She wants you to say it.
You shift on your feet. The temperature is becoming almost unbearable.
Wednesday watches you, tilts her head just a tiny bit forward — dark, haunted eyes deadpan, staring you down, her jaw tightening slightly and relaxing in a way that is barely noticeable but has your gaze flicking down to the enticing slant of her neck.
“I’m… in a rut.” You admit, finally.
Wednesday’s eyes widen slightly — her posture straightens even more, the glint in her eyes turning dangerous, “Oh.” Yes, oh, as if she wasn’t aware. “Why are the suppressants not working?”
Should you admit that the small encounter with the horny omega has sent your hormones spiraling?
Wednesday is by no means a normal human, yet her nose lacks the capability of sensing alpha pheromones. Nevertheless, she can read you like a book, and she probably was aware of your coming rut long before you were. She simply likes abusing the knowledge.
“It must be bad then, if it has you reduced to such a pathetic state,” the goth tuts, drumming her fingers against her desk. “Pure torture, isn’t it, bête? I wish I could help you…”
Wednesday turns back to her paper, shrugging noncommittally, “Unfortunately, it is my writing hour, and you know how much I would detest an intervention in my schedule.”
You whine as the drumming of her keys resumes – like a kicked puppy, you turn to reach for the doorknob, prepared to return back to the restroom and take care of yourself to the thought of your ever-so beautiful and unyielding girlfriend.
Wednesday’s fingers still on the typewriter.
“But I suppose… We can reach a consensus.”
The legs of her chair scrape against the hardwood floor, and you turn to find Wednesday standing next to the desk, palm resting on the back of the seat invitingly.
“Come here.”
You’re beside Wednesday before the whole command can escape her mouth, and she gives a small, amused huff that almost has you howling and gnawing at furniture, then gestures at the chair, “Sit. Unbutton your pants, underwear off.”
You reach to do as told, pulling at a pant-leg to finally discard the constricting garment before the ravenette slaps your hand, “Just the button and the zipper, (Y/n). Do not make me repeat myself.”
You gulp and take a seat at her desk, tugging the elastic of your boxers down to free the hard shaft.
The dark, intense gaze Wednesday is watching you with makes you blush and throb, excitement and arousal mixing with the slightest of embarrassments only her presence can induce.
“Good girl,” she hums, circling the chair like a hunting lioness. “I will allow you to be inside me, just this once. I will not allow you to touch me in any other way. If I feel any movement, internal or external, you will be punished. And by no means are you allowed to cum. Not without my permission. Are the instructions clear, beast? Nod your empty little head if affirmative.”
You nod with a small whimper at the derogatory words, though they do nothing to soothe the aching hardness between your legs.
“Good, good. Well, since the terms are settled, I shall get started.”
Before you can respond, Wednesday steps closer to the desk, slightly flipping her skirt with a quick movement of her hand and letting you catch the smallest of glimpses of her pretty pussy – the show is over before you can marvel though, and the seer sits on your lap, your length pressing against her lower back.
Like this, with no distance left between you, her scent is encompassing your whole being. No pheromones can compare to the way Wednesday smells, the rich, woodsy notes of a forest soaked in rainwater luring you in as you take a small inhale.
You bite back a growl, but a small noise of frustration still manages to reach the ravenette’s sharp hearing.
“Quiet, beast.” She scolds, her tone of voice far from playful, and reaches to straighten her skirt carefully, flicking the non-existing dust off the garment in a graceful movement of her palm.
Then, before you can downright keen with impatience, the same hand moves behind to wrap around your hard member, giving it a squeeze so light it is almost torturous –  Wednesday lifts her hips and presses the head against the warmth of her entrance.
That first contact feels like electricity and fire in your belly, worsened when you feel your cock split her lips open, stretching her taut around it, and the smallest worry that you might just not fit passes through your rut-clouded mind.
Then again, Wednesday might not even be merciful enough to sheathe you fully inside her, but the thought of being too big to be properly seated in her cunt is tantalizing and excruciating at the same time.
A small, relieved sigh escapes Wednesday’s lips –  the sensation of being filled up with you is like no other, and she can’t help but relish in it despite her aggravation. She takes her time, feeling every inch push deeper inside her and stretch her out, the thick shaft splitting her open, then her thighs press into yours and she stills completely.
If she had to, the goth would put all the time and work in to stretch herself out with your girth, to take all of you inside her like she was molded just for that single purpose. It’s not like Wednesday has something to prove to anyone – or maybe she has, to you, that no one else at Nevermore could take you so well and make all your resolve, might and dominance provided to you by nature, or by gods, or by whatever entity has created such a delectable beast as you crumble under her and make it natural for you to submit to the seer.
And oh does submissiveness look good on you, too – or at least it sounds good, if your heavy breathing mixed with quiet whines hitting her ear is anything to go by.
Wednesday is reminded of her goal suddenly when she feels your hips buck instinctually into her, and the ravenette has to hold back a sound of pleasure at the movement, because she can’t fight how incredible the pressure feels, making her velvet walls flutter. She’s still holding the reins when she tightens her pussy around your throbbing dick purposefully, a trace of a small smirk on her plush burgundy lips at the needy and wanton groan that escapes your mouth.
That was a good enough treat, she thinks. Now to the sticks.
Wednesday kicks you in the shin with the side of her loafer, pulling you out of your pleasure-induced trance and making you flinch.
“Move closer to the desk, beast. I need to be able to reach the keys in order to type.”
You grunt, shuffling the chair closer with your weight, nudging Wednesday’s body forward, and the slightest shift makes you hiss — she slides a few inches up your shaft before she’s at the base again, seated nice and snug, her thighs resting on yours. Your hands fall to grapple at them, and you receive another painful kick.
“No. Hands off. If you are unable to control yourself, I will shun you out.” Wednesday scolds, though has to hide the effect the feeling of your claws curling around her have, and fails. Her voice sounds more breathless than she has intended.
She has a hard time admitting to herself how torturous this is for her, too. The seer sneaks a glance down to where the thick shaft splits her open, so tight she can practically feel it throbbing against her clit. A small bead of precum runs down, skirting one of the throbbing veins.
Wednesday’s restraint is laudable.
“Messy creature,” she murmurs, her tone surprisingly soft, before the paper in front of her takes over her attention again. Straightening her back, the ravenette goes back to her writing as if she’s not full of demon cock right now.
You try to focus on the rapid clatter of the keys, on the way Wednesday’s elegant fingers dance over the typewriter, maybe try and catch a glance of the words the girl is printing on the paper. Anything to pull your mind away from the tight warmth hugging your aching cock, from weight of the small body pressed against you.
The demon inside of you is raging, howling, salivating between huge tusks. The monster is not as prejudiced as the fellow oni of your clan are – it doesn’t care if it’s another demon or a human you’re nestled inside. It demands the frail body pressed against your own is filled up and bred, demands the goth takes all of you, stretching around your swollen knot before it's barely able to slip inside.
Not just any body. Or some omega. Wednesday. Wednesday who isn’t even a part of that animalistic system, but the beast begs for more, wants all of her more, more with each passing second.
A growl mixed with a whimper escapes your mouth – you have no idea what to do with your hands, so you press them into the edge of the table on either side of Wednesday’s typewriter, claws digging into the dark wood. The involuntarily display of strength has the small female tightening around you with a gentle hitch of her breath, making you groan.
“Wednesday,” you rasp through clenched teeth. “I can’t. Please. I’m losing control.”
“O-oh, are you?” The goth inquires mockingly, hoping you don’t take notice of her slight stutter.
“Mhm,” you nod dumbly. “Wanna take you so bad. Wanna fuck you full of me.”
Wednesday can’t fight the way her pussy constricts around you again, though the determination not to lose control remains, strong as ever. She abandons the keys to reach a hand into your hair, grabbing a fistful of (h/c) locks to pull and make you meet her gaze, “Whose is it, (Y/n)?”
You furrow your brows in confusion, making Wednesday’s frown deepen – a hint for the right answer comes in the form of the seer’s hips lifting and rocking back down, the friction making you hiss.
“Answer me.”
“Yours.” You swallow. “Yours, Wednesday. Every- every inch is.”
“Good. Good girl.” She coos, easing her hold on you to rake her short nails down the back of your neck, making goosebumps litter your body. “Bed, beast. Now.”
A low growl rumbling in your chest and vibrating against her back is the only warning Wednesday gets before she’s lifted into the air sharply.
In a rough, barely controlled movement you stand up so fast you topple the chair over, flipping the girl with ease and walking a couple of steps to press her against the bed, the ravenette’s cunt still snug around your shaft. A clawed hand reaches for a pillow hastily to cushion Wednesday’s head, the last resemblance of caring gentleness in your actions before you pull out to the tip and buck back inside.
Wednesday’s head snaps back, mouth falling open in pleasure as you pin her down into the mattress, fucking hard into the welcoming, tight warmth of her pussy. Despite the dynamics of oni demons still being fairly alien to Wednesday – not as alien apparently, as she knows the frequency and signs of your rut better than you do and isn’t opposed to using it against you – she now seems to understand the appeal of being absolutely destroyed by an alpha that omegas in heat are so partial to.
As delectable as the thought is, it rekindles the spark of possessiveness that she thought has almost been extinguished. The goth wraps her arms around your shoulders, pulling your bodies flush together.
Hers. No one else’s.
Not some other depraved omega girl’s so desperate to get a taste of you.
“You foolish brute.” She pants as if it’s your fault you seem to be irresistible to other women, voice trembling slightly, her breath completely pushed out of her lungs with each of your thrusts. “You better make good on your promise and breed me like a good alpha should.”
The monster inside you roars at the proposition that is so obviously supposed to be taunting. Your palms slide down the girl’s waist, thumbs brushing against the protruding hipbones to dip into the supple flesh sitting low under her navel, holding her tightly, almost hard enough to bruise and match the brutal pace of your hips rutting into Wednesday, your cock splitting her open deliciously in a toe-curling sensation that has Wednesday’s head falling back against the dark pillows.
The sight under you has you growling savagely – your tongue lolls out to lick a thick stripe up the exposed skin of the ravenette’s neck before you bite down, huge tusks clasping around her throat and keeping Wednesday in place completely, her pulse wild against the rough surface of your muscle. Her pussy constricts around your cock, clamping down hard in an attempt to keep the thick shaft buried to the hilt every time you pull out and quivering when you slam back inside and fill her up enough for the tip to kiss the entrance of her womb, never letting the small female catch her breath.
The lustful fog of ardent fervor clouding Wednesday’s brain doesn’t numb her to the sensation of a swelling at the base of your shaft nudging against her opening every time your hips meet hers. It threatens to push in, catches deliciously on Wednesday’s clit with each thrust and she can feel herself getting painfully close.
But she will not. For the sake of the one thing she wants more than anything else, the goth will deprive herself.
“Knot me.” She rasps into your ear, her feet pushing into your lower back to urge you deeper inside. “Mia bestia, mia alfa. Dentro. Ven dentro di mi.”
You’d have no clue what she has just said on a normal day, and you have zero idea right now, buried eight inches deep inside of her, but the breathless, desperate pants of Italian have you turning feral. In one last brutal thrust the knot slips past Wednesday’s tight lips and inside, stretching and filling her so thoroughly and impossibly delicious it has her eyes rolling into the back of her head. A spill of wetness from her own release rushing forth as she clamps down on your cock lubes her aching walls, helping the bulging slide in firmly.
Your lips gravitate to hers, pulled to her like a magnet, and you growl into her mouth as your cum spills hotly, taking up any remaining space inside the small female and her walls ripple, begging for more. Wednesday's arms tighten around your shoulders and legs squeeze around your hips to keep you close.
You throb with sated completion, press lazy kisses to the seer’s brow and flushed cheeks, and watch as her eyes flutter open to meet yours, her chest heavy with steamy breaths.
“Too hot, huh?” You ask, jaw slack slightly.
Wednesday gives a weak nod, and you reach to tug the sweater off her shoulders, then unzip her skirt to slip it down her pale legs, leaving the girl in just her striped shirt. The newly exposed skin provides better contact for you to revel in – you purr in satisfaction and move to join the seer on the bed, careful not to crush her, and maneuver her small body in your palms to pull her on top of you.
Wednesday huffs but doesn’t resist, nudging at your neck with her nose and pressing a soft kiss to your jugular in an uncharacteristic display of affection.
“How did you find out?” You murmur, lifting your hands to start undoing one of the ravenette’s loosened braids leisurely.
“I have my ways.”
You hum at the vague reply, now certain that the disembodied hand following you around the whole day wasn’t just your imagination playing tricks, “I hope you know I had no intention to lie to you or anything. You just- you didn’t exactly give me a chance to speak.”
“Your explanation wasn’t necessary. I’m well aware of what happened.” The movement of the seer’s plush lips tickles your skin pleasantly, her voice now void of its previous detachment.
You smile softly, finished with unbraiding her hair, your fingers threading through the silky raven locks, careful not to give an accidental tug. Wednesday closes her eyes at your touch, and the tranquility of the moment has you feeling like a cat basking in warm sunlight, despite the object of your passions being a complete opposite to it.
“I’ll have to consult Enid on the topic of which herbs are the deadliest to werewolves.”
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i-am-distressed · 9 months
Mai mad at noritoshi and says y/n is getting read for a date with itadori or fushiguro and this man springs up like “helll no” and runs in her dorm begging her not to go and y/n is like… what?
Que Mai running for her mfing life
Character: Noritoshi Kamo x female reader
Warnings: none
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Mai didn’t know why she did the things she did. 
Perhaps it was her upbringing, or maybe her strained relationship with her sister, or she supposes it could’ve just been that she liked causing mischief. 
Whatever the reason- she really didn’t know what made her do what she did, something that will very likely cut her life short. Did she regret it?
“Hey Noritoshi, are you doing okay? What with the news and all…”
Mai wandered into the common room Noritoshi was currently reading in. She had a fake look of sympathy on her face, her eyebrows downturned and her lips set in a frown.
Her voice was uncharacteristically worried for someone she’d hardly consider a friend, but she knew he wouldn’t suspect a thing.
Noritoshi marked his page before he closed his book as set it on his lap, looking up to mai with an eyebrow raised. 
“News? What are you talking about?”
She gasped as a hand went up to her lips, “You didn’t hear? I’m a little surprised she didn’t tell you…” 
Noritoshi’s eyes narrowed, who was ‘she’? Was she talking about Y/n? But Y/n told him everything- for better or for worse actually. 
“Tell me what?” 
His voice had taken on a bit of a bite to it now- it was clear he knew who Mai was talking about and was less than happy about it. Perfect.
“Y/n’s getting ready for a date with Fushiguro…” 
She had more planned to say in order to maximize the damage, but as soon as he heard date Noritoshi stood up, forced out a rushed “excuse me” and speed walked/borderline ran towards Y/n’s dorm room.
His mind was going wild. Had he been too late? He had been developing feelings for her for well over a year now, and he had been planning on making a move soon- oh how did this happen?! 
Where did you even meet Fushiguro?! Well, at the exchange event..and on various missions…but the two of them seemed like such an unlikely pair- then again it wasn’t like what Noritoshi and Y/n had between them was anywhere near normal. 
Did they even have anything between them? Noritoshi had thought they did but perhaps he was wrong?
His heart was pounding, his feet brought him to a sudden halt outside of your dorm room. He didn’t know what he was doing, he was on autopilot at this point. Rationality had long since been thrown out the window. 
The only thing going through his mind was ‘I have to stop this, I can't let her go on that date! She needs to know how I feel about her I-’
He was pounding at the door when he snapped out of his reverie. He could hear his heart thumping in his ears and he could hear her respond to his brash knocking. Her footsteps grew louder, and with it so did the sound of his heart beating.
The door swung open and before he could second guess himself or she could ask him what he was doing there, the words had already left his mouth.
Spoiler alert- Y/n was not getting ready for a date. 
In fact, she wasn’t doing much of anything when her peaceful evening came to an abrupt halt. 
She had been sitting on her bed scrolling her phone for the better part of an hour, music going on in the background as the stress of the day melted away.
She yawned and stretched, phone dropping beside her as she flopped back on her bed and contemplated taking a nap. Maybe she would go and bother Noritoshi, that was always fun. 
Though he always tried acting bothered, it was obvious he enjoyed her company as much as she enjoyed his. Well- she at least hoped he did anyway. 
He had remained her good friend for nearly 3 years now and had only temporarily blocked her number once- something she considered a win seeing as he had blocked Todo for nearly 4 months during their second year. Good times.
She rolled over to gaze out the open window. The sun was getting close to setting but it was still fairly early considering how late she was probably going to stay up. 
*Knock knock knock*
Her head shot up at the aggressive knocking that assaulted her door. Were the dorms on fire?? What was with the urgency of the knocks?!
“I’m coming!” She slid off her  bed and walked towards the door, opening it and-
Her eyes widened in shock. 
For one she had hardly expected the erratic knocking to come from Noritoshi. Secondly- don’t go…to what? It was Friday, and she hadn’t planned on leaving the dorms again until Monday and that’s only because they had school.
Her eyes shifted from shock into confusion at his disheveled and out of sorts appearance.
His chest was heaving- had he run here? His eyes were open, and had the situation not seemed dire she would’ve gotten lost looking into his gorgeous deep blue eyes. 
She cocked her head to the side as her eyes narrowed, “..are you okay?”
He huffed as he ran a hand through his hair, which had been freed from its usual constraints and was falling from behind his ear and into his face. 
“No, I’m not okay. Listen Y/n, I am aware I have no right to tell you how to live, or- or who to date, but-” 
He sucked in a breath before he exhaled a tense breath and his shoulders slumped a little.
“If he truly makes you happy then you should go, but before that I beg you to reconsider.”
Her heart rate was picking up speed. What on earth was happening? He seemed obviously distressed about some date she knew nothing about. Wait…he would be distressed if she went on a date..?
Obviously there had been a miscommunication somewhere, seeing as the only date she had was with the series she had just started. But she couldn’t deny she was incredibly curious as to why he seemed so upset at the idea in the first place. 
“Why?” Her voice was quiet, gentle in a way because of how vulnerable he seemed in this moment.
He paused, his mouth opened before it snapped shut and his hand ran through his hair again before he gripped it out of frustration.
“Because, I- because..” 
His voice was tense, and his brows were furrowed as his jaw tensed.
He huffed, deep blue eyes looking up intensely into hers,“Because if you’re going on a date, I want it to be with me.” 
The second part of his statement was quiet, but she had heard it. She had hardly been able to believe it but she had heard it. She felt her heart bursting with excitement at his confession, her eyes lit up as she was filled with an unimaginable amount of warmth.
“So please, if- if there’s a chance you feel the same, I ask that you reconsider-”
“Noritoshi…I’m not going on a date.” 
Her tone was genuine but it held hints of amusement in it as well. He was obviously not doing well at the moment and she wasn’t going to laugh at his pain, but the situation was a little humorous. 
“..you’re not?”
She shook her head with a smile though she tried hiding it by pursing her lips.
“I don’t know who told you that but- the only person I’m interested in going on a date with is standing across from me.”
She watched as he blinked and blinked again before his face twisted in confusion. He looked down as he tried to collect his thoughts. 
The second part of her statement going completely over his head for the moment  as the sheer relief of her not being on the way to a date (with a comrade/friendly rival at that) set in.
He let out a sigh, hand rubbing over his face as his heart beat returned to its normal pace.
“You’re not going on a date…that’s….certainly nice to hear..” 
His voice filtered off as the reality of the situation was finally setting in. He had basically just confessed…and wait- had she just reciprocated?! 
His head shot up and his eyes met hers once again. The earlier panic had faded, the excitement from the current situation greatly outweighed the nervousness he could still feel in his stomach.
“I- you’d want to go on a date with me?!”
She could no longer hold back her laughter. 
She looked at him with a gaze so sincere it’d be impossible to misinterpret her feelings for him. Her shoulders shrugged as a bit of playfulness mixed in with her tone and expression.
“That depends- are you asking?”
His cheeks flushed a bit before he cleared his throat, “I am.”
Her smile widened as she slowly nodded, “Alright then, now I have a date..”
He smiled, laughing under his breath at the absurdity of the situation. All that trouble and she wasn’t even going on a date…
“Excuse me, there’s a classmate of ours I need to speak with.”
She smiled as she watched him jog down the hallway, Mai’s teasing comment and shriek as he began to chase her echoed down the halls.
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
A Fennec Fox's Guide To Botany
→ Masterlist || → Taglist
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Summary: Tighnari comes back from a day of work and is greeted by yet another new patient who has consumed poisonous mushrooms in the forest. That it would be another fennec fox he'd have to save is a surprise - yet not an unwelcome one.
Pairing: Tighnari x Fennec Fox!Reader (gn!)
Tags: Fluff, SFW, mentions of food poisoning and corresponding symptoms (Reader)
A/N: Back with a new fic! This is the first time I wrote something for Tighnari outside of headcanons and I hope I managed to portray his character well. I brainrotted about the idea of this fic a while ago and just couldn't get it out of my head. Hope you like it! :3
→ Part 2 (A Fennec Fox's Guide to Love)
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Today had been a rather uneventful day in Avidya Forest. Now that Irminsul was cured, thanks to the efforts of the Traveler, the number of Withering Zones that still remained throughout the forest steadily decreased every day and they were generally easier to deal with, too. Additionally, Collei was as energetic as ever now that her Eleazar was cured. 
Though just as Tighnari came back from patrol training with Collei Amir, the Search and Rescue Dog Trainer of the Forest Watchers hurriedly ran in their direction as soon as he spotted them back at the camp.
“Master Tighnari!”, he panted breathlessly and came to a halt in front of the pair.
“Amir? What’s wrong? Did the dogs eat poisonous mushrooms like last time?”, Tighnari retorted half amused.
There really was always something, wasn’t there? He should be surprised but he really wasn't anymore. There goes his chance of getting some downtime for once.
“No! Well… yes. I mean, no, not directly.”, Amir stammered.
“Well, what is it now? Yes or no?”
“Please just come with me and take a look.”, Amir prattled on before he quickly hurried back towards the medical hut.
Tighnari didn’t know what was going on yet but his gut feeling told him that it meant nothing good. It wasn’t rare that he was called over to assist with a patient but never before had he seen Amir so anxious.
As he pushed past the entrance of the hut he found Amir and another Forest Ranger standing in front of the bed where he could vaguely make out the legs of a heavily shivering person. If he had to take a wild guess it was likely yet another fool who couldn’t tell a poisonous mushroom apart from an edible one. The usual tourist; they ate everything they could find on the forest floor.
Tighnari sighed deeply and pushed past the others towards the bed and that’s where he found you lying. He stopped dead in his tracks the moment he saw you. You were a fennec fox just like him. The fur on your features was mainly golden-beige colored and had a color gradient toward the tips of your tail and ears that matched your hair color.
Your ears were flattened downwards against your head, your eyes were pressed shut and your mouth was pulled into a pained grimace. Beads of sweat were running down your forehead as you were writhing on the bed with your hands clasped over your stomach and your tail tucked in between your legs.
The anger that had been welling up inside the pit of his stomach the entire way here was gone the second he laid eyes on you. 
All these years he spent thinking he was the only Fennec fox left in Sumeru and then you suddenly appear out of nowhere with a strong food poisoning. As much as he wanted to be as annoyed as he usually was towards tourists, he couldn’t quite bring himself to be. Especially not when you looked so incredibly beautiful. It felt wrong to him to think about something like this in the current situation but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. 
“What happened?”, he questioned Amir without averting his gaze.
“We found them while on patrol. They begged us to help them because they were in horrible pain, babbling something about eating mushrooms and that they were hungry… as soon as we arrived here they started hallucinating and were completely unresponsive. They seem to be deteriorating fast.”, Amir explained with a quivering voice. He looked like he was scared out of his mind and close to tears.
“Did they mention what they ate?”, Tighnari inquired, trying his hardest to keep his composure because if he didn't you'd be a goner. 
He found himself thinking that it is lucky he returned right on time because no matter how good his Forest Rangers otherwise were when it came to medical emergencies or unprecedented incidents, they were completely unfit to deal with them.
“They mentioned something about a… red starshroom with white dots, I think?”
“Star Death Cap… abdominal pain, nausea, fever, hallucinations. Highly poisonous…”, Tighnari mumbled to himself as he rummaged inside the medical cabinet in the corner of the room. He took out several medical supplies and a small bottle containing a bright green liquid.
“Master, can you still help them?!”, Amir hysterically interrupted while nervously dancing around on the spot behind Tighnari.
“Not if you keep making me nervous, Amir. Leave, both of you. I need room to think.”, he bit back.
Amir waved to the other Forest Ranger who had been present the entire time as well and quickly left the hut with a worried frown painted on his face.
Tighnari took a deep breath and pulled a chair in front of the bed where you were lying. He took out a flashlight and pulled your eyes open with his the pad of his thumb to test the reaction of your pupils; and if he was being honest things weren’t looking too good. Your eyes barely reacted to the light at all and you didn’t even seem to properly notice him. Even though he knew from himself that fennec foxes had a high toxin resistance, he still needed to act, otherwise, things were looking grim for you.
He stood up from his chair again and went to grab the cup with the medicine he had concocted for this specific type of mushroom, although he has never had to use it before since people usually didn’t eat the mushroom you seemed to have consumed. It was bright red and basically screamed “danger, don’t eat me”. Although that didn’t seem to be enough to stop you from eating it. If you were going to make it, he’s got to ask you what in Celestia you were thinking.
He lifted the cup to your face and carefully aligned it with your lips when you suddenly grabbed his wrist and looked directly at him.
“A-are you a god?”, you breathed out through pants while you stared at him with eyes wide-blown in surprise.
“What?”, he startled. You were probably hallucinating again, but even though he was very much aware of that, he couldn’t stop his heart from beating an octave higher. “No. N-no! I’m Tighnari, I’m a Forest Watcher.”
“You’re the Dendro Archon!”, you revered and clutched one hand into the fabric of his sweater as soon as you saw the Dendro vision dangling on his hip. He tried to loosen your grip on him again in order to not spill the medicine you so desperately needed to take but you held onto him for dear life.
You pulled yourself up and snaked your arms around his neck, your fluffy tail slowly swaying from left to right behind you while you nuzzled your head against his cheek with a soft hum. Your soft ears brushed against his cheek and he could feel the heat that emanated from your body. The poison in your system was causing you to burn up rapidly. If he didn’t hurry up now the protein in your cells would start to coagulate and he couldn’t let that happen.
“I’ve dreamt about you a lot. I’ve always wanted to meet you… and to think you’re so handsome, too.”, you rambled on, making his heart flutter uncontrollably in his chest. “If I make it you have to promise to give me a kiss.” If you were planning to keep going like that it was he who soon needed medical attention instead.
Despite you making his head spin, Tighnari decided to take advantage of your hallucination-induced confusion and used his “role” as the Dendro Archon to make you comply so he could finally make you take the much-needed medicine. 
“I’ve come to help you. It is my job as the deity of Sumeru to protect its citizens and I have sensed that you are in grave danger.”, Tighnari vowed. He could feel your grip on his sweater loosen and saw you look deep into his eyes, flattening your ears against your head in awe again. “Will you let me help you?”
You slowly nodded and let him raise the cup with the medicine to your lips. You felt a light burn shoot through your system as soon as the bitterness of the medicine enveloped your tastebuds. You contorted your face due to the unpleasant taste and soon after felt how your eyelids suddenly grew heavy, making you fall into a deep slumber.
Once you had fallen asleep in his arms Tighnari carefully tucked you in and rested your head on the pillow. He softly brushed over your hair and ears before smiling to himself. All you needed now was a good night’s sleep and you’d be as good as new.
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As soon as the sun rose over Avidya Forest the next morning, Tighnari went back to the medical hut to check on your condition. He had brewed some tea and prepared some pita pockets for you to eat since he figured you must be hungry. He had thought about making his signature mushroom hodgepodge for you but considering that you had just overcome mushroom poisoning, you probably wouldn’t be eager to eat them again immediately.
When he entered the hut he found you sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard and eagerly staring at him.
“Good morning! Welcome back from the dead!”, Tighnari greeted you.
“Ehe, good morning.”, you awkwardly chuckled, scratching yourself behind your ears while avoiding his gaze. “Thanks for saving my butt yesterday.”
“That’s what we do here. You somehow managed to consume one of the rarest and most poisonous mushrooms in the entire rainforest.”, he explained.
“Guess that is just my luck, as usual.”
"You're lucky fennec foxes have a high poison resistance."
"We do?"
"We do.", he nodded with a small smile. You were beyond adorable to him.
Tighnari passed you a cup of the herbal tea he brought along with him, as well as one of the pita pockets, which you hungrily devoured like someone who hasn’t had anything to eat in a week.
“Say, what made you eat the mushroom anyway?”
You awkwardly averted your gaze again while you felt the blood rush to your cheeks in embarrassment. You were incredibly ashamed about your absolute incompetence, especially because of the attractive man in front of you, who just happened to be a fox like you, too.
“This is kind of awkward… but I’m from the desert and am about to start as an Amurta scholar at the Akademiya in a couple of months. I wanted to get acquainted with the local botany and… I kind of got lost in the forest and eventually was so starved I started collecting mushrooms.”
You were supposed to become an Amurta scholar and managed to consume the most poisonous mushroom in the entire forest. It was so ironic that Tighnari wasn’t able to hold back his laughter which flustered you even further and made your ears droop. At least the fact that you were from the desert explained why you didn’t understand the local flora and fauna.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh at you.”, he said as he wiped a tear out of the corner of his eyes. “It’s just a bit ironic is all.”
“Yeah… I know. I’m kind of embarrassed about it as well. I can’t make a bigger fool out of myself at this point.”, you awkwardly chuckled.
“Mhhh, I don’t know about that, you thought I was the Dendro Archon yesterday and called me handsome.”, Tighnari casually remarked. “Oh, and then then you made me promise to give you a kiss if you end up making it.”
You spat your tea out in full force following his last sentence. How was he able to recite it so casually when your heart was about to burst out of your chest? Archons, how embarrassing.
“I take that back… apparently I can make an even bigger fool out of myself. Forgive me.”, you retorted, pulling your ears over your eyes with your hands in an attempt to hide behind them. And while it was correct, you did think he was incredibly attractive, you had probably ruined every chance with him after this encounter anyway.
Contrary to your beliefs however, Tighnari thought you were beyond pretty and adorable. Even more so when you were flustered.
“Well, coincidentally this handsome Dendro Archon happens to have graduated from Amurta. So, if you’re willing, I could give you a quick rundown of the local botany.”, he proposed cheekily but not without a blush starting to bloom across his own cheeks as well.
“You would do that for me? That definitely sounds like it could save me from trouble like this again in the future.”, you agreed with an awkward chuckle as your tail began to wag.
“Perfect. You’re free to rest here as long as you like before we start your personal crash course… oh and by the way, the name’s Tighnari, pleased to meet you.”, he introduced himself, stretching his hand out for you to shake; unknowingly making both of your hearts flutter in unison.
“I’m pleased to meet you, too.”
What a curious little fox you were. He couldn’t wait to get to know you better. After all, he still had to fulfill the promise he gave you.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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monimccoythings · 4 months
Alastor x daughter!Reader II (Platonic)
Heaven in this series seems to be very unfair and strict, so I guess this wouldn't be too out of character of them. I still don't know how long this is going to be, maybe I'll do a couple more and then that'll be it.
Reminder: Alastor is in hell for a reason; Trigger warnings: gory elements, mentions of blood, threats towards a child, mentions of rape, death.
This is not proof read, so please excuse any grammar and/or vocabulary mistakes.
tags: @anonymousewrites
Part I |Part II (You're here!)|Part III
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It was hot. That was the first feeling you got. Like those summers in the bayou, but a hundred times worse. You wondered if you were running a fever. If everything was just a wild fever dream, and you were currently on a hospital bed fighting off the Spanish flu while your dad worriedly sat by your side.
But as you opened your eyes. You found that there was no fever dream. Only nightmares.
You had been sent to hell for keeping quiet. Heaven considered that the officers death could have been prevented if you had just talked to someone about what you saw. But you chose not to, and also chose to pretend it didn't happen just to try and keep some semblance of normalcy. Your silence had only made you an unwilling accomplice in two murders.
You were not made for hell, never were. And suddenly finding yourself in a place were anyone could easily kill, rape or torture you didn't do wonders for your psyche.
You spent the next ninety years hiding in the corners, eating what little crumbs you could feed yourself, barely sleeping just in case some of your 'friendly neighbors' decided to take you by surprise and avoiding all kind of human (or demonic) contact.
You would be lying to yourself if you said those were the only reasons for such a paranoid way of living. The other, and principal reason why you kept moving and hid yourself was the very same reason why you ended up here.
Not even a week had passed before he had suddenly spawned there as well. Host of his very own diabolical radio show, he had quickly seized control of the former overlords and killed them one by one, broadcasting their cries of fear and pain to all the city. Positioning himself as a prominent member of the new batch of overlords.
He was a monster. 'Alastor The Radio Demon' he was called in fearful whispers. And he kept getting worse and worse. You couldn't help but wonder if the man who had raised you had really been there at all or it had been just another facade, for his own entertainment and amusement.
Everywhere you go you would faintly hear the static of his radio program, it almost seemed that he was following you. There was no escaping his influence. Had he found you? Did he know you were there as well? Did he even care at all?
Sometimes you resented him for breaking your happy mortal life, sometimes you wished you could show yourself to him and maybe everything would be magically reverted to the way it was back then. Sometimes you cried yourself to sleep, fearing that the first thing he would do if he found you would be slaughter you and broadcast your screams.
Fear always got the best of you, so you kept running, hiding, avoiding the exterminations as best as you could and doing some things for the sake of survival that would haunt you forever.
You will live to see another day. You had to. You may not be able to kill anyone, but you will survive.
Until one day you got caught.
You should have listened to your instincts that were screaming at you that that dump was not safe to rest. But you were too tired to care.
As soon as you close your eyes for a quick nap, a huge hand grabbed you by the hair and forcefully pulled you out. You screamed and struggled, throwing wild kicks. But a strong set of arms held you and made it impossible to move.
"Looks like we got ourselves a fighter guys!" an enormous hyena demon cackled manically.
"Boss surley will give us a fucking raise for this one. Can't wait to see how he beats the fuck out of your spunkiness."
You were terrified. What? What were they going to do to you?? You were just a kid!! How was this allowed?? You had to escape, you had to run and hide before it was too late and you found yourself enslaved to some of the most depraved souls.
You screamed, cried and begged them to let you go. But they didn't listen, they shoved you into the back of some van with other terrified demons and drove off to the worst parts of an already hellish city.
They threw you roughly on a cold hard floor, you swore that after so many years in a living hell you would have run out of tears to cry. Well, there you were bawling your eyes out.
The mob boss just laughed, a disgusting pig like demon. "Look at her, ain't even started and she's already crying. Oh, little one, you're going to make some owner the fucking happiest guy ever. And I know the right guy."
So that was it. It was over for you. After everything you had gone through, it seemed like your fate was to be forever enslaved, tortured and finally killed at the hands of a demon. Nobody would come to rescue you. You doubted there was even someone out there who would really miss you.
Maybe you deserved it.
Maybe it was time to really pay for your cowardice.
The tears didn't stop flowing, but you had already resigned to your fate.
The demons were coming closer, some of them with chains, another with a collar, and one with a branding rod.
You could almost feel the burning of metal in your skin. The painful beginning of a new chapter in your afterlife.
And even then, despite everything you had gone through and your fears, whatever remained of that innocent little girl you once were, was quietly praying Daddy would barge in and save you from the bad guys.
The lights suddenly went out, which only terrified you even more. Knowing what they were going to do was bad enough, but not being able to see it? They may as well shoot you dead.
For a couple of seconds everything was in complete silence. "The fuck are you waiting for? Turn the fucking-" The boss was interrupted by a loud radio frequency screech. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up, you felt the cold hands of terror grab a hold of you .
You weren't- You didn't- You prayed he wasn't actually going to show up. Despite being trapped between a rock and a hard place, you cursed yourself for your childish wishes.
The static kept getting louder, to the point you had to cover your ears to avoid having your eardrums split. In the corner, right on the left where your assaulters stood, some of them doubled over in pain with blood coming out of their ears, a mass of shadows started moving on their own.
A sob got caught in your throat when you realized where this was going to go. Now it was really over.
The shadows kept getting bigger and bigger, shaping themselves until all that remained was a giant and grinning entity of darkness.
You were completely frozen in your spot, not daring to make a sudden move, just in case you attracted that monster's attention. His Glasgow smile kept getting wider, some drool falling from his lips. He was like a hungry predator watching a tasty piece of meat.
You thought that the worst part would be when more tentacles shot from his back, launching themselves against the assaulters and tearing them apart easily while some chunks of blooded meat fell on his open mouth and others got stuck on his massive antlers. The sound of radio static mixed with his hysterical laughter generated a deep feeling of anxoiusness and fear inside you.
As you dared to look into his pupils, now red radio dials, hoping to find something that would anchor you to whatever remained of your sanity, you knew that had you been alive, you would have died again from fright.
Because there was nothing that could remind you of your father in those eyes.
And with that last thought, you happily welcomed unconsciousness.
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 1 year
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐:𝐀 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
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𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎:You and hobie where dating .After one big argurment who knew that he would almost lose you and your earth...
𝐀/𝐍:I Literally love this idea so much , if the Spanish and or British slang is wrong 1. Blame google and google translate.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Angst , arguing mention of atsv characters , due to me knowing the knowledge of prowler miles age HE IS AGED UP TO 21.
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𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲:She aware that I’m watching so she Gon put on a show -She Knows Remix by Ne-Yo
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It had been 3 days since Spot had got rid of your earth for good. Before it was officially gone You and Hobie got items you loved.
You guys would get two different Flats. His would of course be right across from yours.
You and Hobie haven't really been on speaking terms due to the argument on the balcony. He has seen you around on several occasions it is obvious. Yall have the same occupation and live in the same Flat.
He try’s to see you more by playing the electric guitar late,so he can see you before he decides to go to bed . No matter how many times you complain he’s happy to see you .
Hobie happened to be on a mission while you where in your flat.
You weren’t on the mission due to you telling Miguel to remove him off of your partner list.Your Not on his partner list and he’s not yours.
When he heard the news about it he wondered why you did it. You only had one sentence on why you did it.
“To Fight My Own Battles”
He would roll his eyes at you saying his words back to him . Yes you were petty , who wouldn’t?
Right Now it was the afternoon soon it was going to become night . You where on your couch watching living single .
You hear a knock at your door . “Do I really wanna answer the door “ you question yourself.
The person beings to knock louder than the first time .
You take the blanket off your body . You walk to the door in your crop top and comfortable sweatpants.
They knock louder than they both times continue. “I’m coming ok “ you yell to them .You walk to the door , you begin to unlock the door and open it for the person. “What is it” you ask them in a unfriendly manner.
“.¿Porque estas siendo tan descarada“(Why are you being so cheeky) you friend maya asks.
“ah maya que haces aqui”(Oh, Maya, what are you doing here? )you ask her
“no puedo extrañar a mi mejor amigo”(I can’t miss my bestfriend). She asks you
“sabes que no quise decir eso entra”. (You know I didn’t mean it like that , come in) . You tell her , you open the door wide enough so she can come in .
“I know you not letting that lad take away your happiness “ she tells you .
“I’m not I just don’t wanna go out ,I still am technically taken “ you whine to her
“No excuses, bebe estas saliendo” (baby your going out ) She demands to you.
“Lemme guess your gonna rade my closet to see what you want me to wear “ you ask her
“correcta” (correct). She forces a smile and drags you to your bedroom . “I’m going to pick the outfit out because if I let you…” she shakes her head at the thought of your outfit.
“Hey I can dress! “ you tell her and laugh
“Sureeee” she says sarcastically
She begins to look through your closet , you had no idea what she was going to pick … she’s a fashion wild card .
No outfit she makes will be the same each outfit will be different.
“Ah ha “ she smiles as takes the outfit off the hanger .
“This is the … Outfit , go put it on “ she hands you the outfit- the first outfit
You go put the outfit on , you look in the mirror, it was complimenting your body and your skin. You walk out to show her the outfit.
“Oh yes , you’re wearing that , where some clear heels with that “ she smiles . You search around your room to find the heels. You find them and put the heels on . “Alright I’m finna get dressed and you can do your make up or whatever, than we leaving “ she says .
You do your makeup for a soft and natural look, you didn’t want your face to look like a whole new one . Once y put finished you looked around for a purse to match your outfit . You find the purse you where looking for . your friend is done with everything she wanted to do
Time to head out
You guys made it to the club, at first you didn't want to be there, you were only there because your friend was tired of noticing that you were slouching on the couch.
You walk around the club, chilling in the corner watching people have fun and laugh while your like “What am I doing here “ . Music starts to blast from different genres. Rnb to hip hop to afro beats back to rnb then to Latin Music.
You slowly made your way to the dance floor instead of just standing and looking like a creep. You start to dance and enjoy yourself. Many guys try to flirt with you and others are weird creeps.
The creeps take you to the bathroom, that'd when you put up a fight leaving them unconscious.
You walk out like nothing just happened
You go back to dancing catching an individual's eye. “Who's that,” he asks his friend “I don't know, it's my first time seeing her, “ they tell him.
He starts to become hesitate, did he want to say hi? Or did he wanna risk the fact of never seeing you again?
In that moment courage started to build in his body. He was going to ask you out!
He walked up to you “hola linda mami” (Hi pretty mommy ) .
She looks around trying to see who the random male was taking to :
“Estoy hablando contigo, el único bonito”(I'm talking to you , you the only pretty one) you thought the accent was cute
“Ah gracias. guapo” (Ah , thank you handsome) you respond a slight smile shows up on the face . His eyes where only on you ,
"No hay problema, mami bonita (No problem pretty mommy) He says with a wink, a slight grin shows up on your face
“Cuál es tu nombre” ( what’s your name ) he asks you
“Y/n “
“ahh bonito nombre para una chica bonita” (ahh pretty name for a pretty girl) . You smile at him
“y tu nombre” (and your name ) you ask him
“Miles “ he says
“Cute “ you tell him
“Wanna dance “ he asks you
“Why not “ you wink at him.
You guys move to the dance floor , you start to dance with him and talk . Your arms make it around his neck .
“You know I would love to , take your home or see you more “ he tells you
“I would love to also but life right now is complicated” you tell him
“What’s wrong” he asks
“Well my boyfriend, stood my family up twice and kinda disrespected me in the process “ you tell him
“Princess just know i wouldnt ever do that to you“ he says as he gives your hand a kiss.
“ i can tell “ you smirk and wink
You get a notifacation of a crime happening at a corner store.
“omg i gotta go , my friend needs me . You tell him .
“That’s um ok , my Friends are doing the same” he says , you guys both chuckle then head different ways.
“I gotta go” you give her a wink so she knows why .
You swing run to your apartment to change into your suit. You change in your suit and sling around to find the criminals.
“Not so fast ” you snatch the money out of the criminals hands. You swing back to the corner store to put the money back in store with a stick note .
“From your lovely friend-spidey” . Your spider senses start to go off as you start to draw the mini spider man . You turn around to see someone with a arrow and sleeping darts .
You start to dodge them one by one until he shoots you in the foot. “Oopsie spidey spidey “ the voice whispers to you . It tosses you over the shoulder, the person walks out leaving the note and the money.
Meanwhile with Hobie
Hobie started to head to your apartment to apologize. He brought some flowered and some chocolate. He climbed through your flats window by picking it with a lock pick .
He sits in your arm chair hoping you wake up , so he can give you the flowers and chocolate. He turns on your bedroom light to see the club outfit on the ground. Your purse was thrown on the bed and your heels where on the side .
He realized your phone was on the charger “you left your phone on the charger “ he mumbles keeping it as a mental note.
He checks your phone to see a notification from a friend saying, “be safe, text me when you get home from saving crime” she says .
Hobie became concerned and confused, what crime was she talking about.
He begin to look around the flat , maybe you where in another room. He checks all the rooms, and the nook and crannies .
You were nowhere to be found.
He takes a break in the couch searching about recent crimes that happened in the area . He found a link talking about “corner store robbery” . He clicks on the link . And scans the article with his eyes , he stops seeing the keyword “Spider” His eyes start to light up , with hope . He read the sentence in his mind
“Superhero Spider Girl , would come to the rescue and return the money “ he begins to smile at it . “ That’s my girl “ he says with a smirk .
Although he was proud you happend to get the money back , he was also worried.
He proceeded to hologram Miguel about the issue . “ Find y/n’s location “ he demanded. They started to try to find it . “We don’t have it “ he says . “Well try harder” he told him . “Look I think she’s missing so if you don’t find her , I will” he told Miguel .
Miguel started to try and find it , yet he couldn’t. Hobie hanged up the hologram. In slight anger , he felt like no one was taking it seriously.
It wasn’t like he could just go to the police and ask them to make a missing person report on you , because they would ask how do you know and what was your evidence .
He started to create a rescue plan , and a way to find the location.
You wake up ,you feel the back of your body on cushion, you feel tied down . You start to wiggle your legs , chains start to rattle.
“You can stop you know, you can’t escape” The prowler says .
“Oh fr , I couldn’t tell “ you say in a sarcastic tone
“Funny , really funny “ the prowler says .
“I know I’m really good at making jokes “ you tell him .
“So what was the point of you know like , taking me “ you ask the prowler
“You have a nice bounty “ he smiles .
“ Aye “ you joke .
“Don’t you find this serious “ he asks .
“Kinda , but anyways how’s your day” you ask him
The prowler becomes confused but begins to talk about it .
“Well you know I went to the club with my friends because they basically forced me to go.But while I was their I met someone named Y/n.She is really pretty, but I might not see her again “ he told you
You started to giggle at him . “You find that funny “ he asks you . “sí, cariño” (Yes , Honey). You laugh
The prowler becomes confused “Eres tú” (it’s you ) . He questions you , you begin to chuckle .
“si cariño, soy yo” you smile , he begins to take off your spider mask. “Surprise” you say . “Ah Mami” he smiles , before clicking the mask off .
He begins to lower the punching bag and unties the chains from the back. “Hey” you smile at him . “Hey” he says to you . “Do you have like a shirt I can wear , only have the suit” you joke to him. “Don’t worry , I got you “ he smiles and winks .
You and miles head to his apartment, which is where he gives you one of his shirt . You make him turn around and leave his bedroom, while you change .
You leave his bedroom and you see him on the couch watching , Friday . You begin to watch the movie with him , you lay on his chest , he places his hand on your stomach.
“But I got you home though “
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delopsia · 2 months
Hello and welcome to "Del wants to ramble about the Outer Range season 2 trailer." I hope you're ready for a whole lot of nothing...
The CGI continues to remind us that it is, in fact, CGI. What the hell is this?
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Flash scene of Wayne burning his damn house down. I'd know that bald spot anywhere.
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Y'all already heard me ramble about this, but there's something wrong with this dinner scene. Aside from us knowing that the family is not together, there's one major oddity in the background.
Rhett's truck is an entirely different color.
That's his lightbar with the iconic four lights. Still a single-cab GMC Sierra. But Rhett's truck is blue. Not tan.
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Wilder, we see Rhett's truck a few scenes later! You can even see how the hood is bent from hitting the billboard.
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We finally confirm that Amy is 8. Even though the writer said she was 9...😑Brian Watkins, I had faith in you being correct. If you squint, you'll notice that Rhett's right hand is wounded. I doubt this stems from the rodeo because he always uses his left hand to hang on to the bull. The only injury we saw was to his left shoulder.
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I'm taking the guess that up until now, Rhett likely didn't know that Amy went missing during the rodeo. Which may cause him to realize that Cecelia never abandoned him; she was just looking for Amy.
In the official Season 2 press notes, the following is mentioned: "After Amy's disappearance, Rhett is torn between his dreams of starting over somewhere new with Maria and being a dutiful son to Royal and Cecelia." So, I can assume that this might be what sets that into motion?
Offhanded, but this is SUCH a good look on her
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MY TOUCH THEORY IS DOING THINGS. Look at Autumn's hand. Royal's touching the back of it, and as soon as he pulls away, the cute cosmic lights stop.
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I'm so happy to see this random side character make a return. I was so nervous that she was one of those characters that appear for two minutes and that's it.
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...this is a wild way for Joy to get in touch with her roots. But unfortunately for her, talking about it will more than likely get her a one-way trip to a psychiatrist.
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Clyde is alive and well; bless him.
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I've said it once, and I'll say it again. How the hell did Billy survive being shot through the neck??
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and also
WAYNE? All it took was Billy feeding him a little bit of time powder and he's back to his old menacing ways. Meanwhile Luke looks like he lost part of his soul when that herd of buffalo ran him over.
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Luke, what does this gesture mean. Strangle? Punch? My jaw hurts? And I assume this is Autumn we're seeing on the corner? Patricia maybe? I dunno.
Edit: I'm 99% sure that's Patricia.
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PERRY YOU DAMN IDIOT. HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING FROM YOUR LAST BAR FIGHT?? I don't know who this other dude is but I hope he gets Perry square in the mouth <3 please I need to see Perry get his ass handed to him
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This gives me so many thoughts. Rhett's shorter hair. He's a hand holder, your honor! Sentence him to a lifetime of snuggles and interlaced fingers!
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So we know that for sure, Joy will somehow return to the present timeline. I don't know who could be driving this vehicle, but it looks a lot like the one that was sitting in the Tillerson's driveway in S1. We know Billy drives the older red vehicle, so this can either belong to Luke or Trevor.
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Hear me out, hear me out. We can assume that the blonde woman is Autumn, considering the whole...cult thing. We've seen a handful of scenes of her with Luke in this trailer, so what if that's him holding her hand? That hat silhouette looks an awful lot like the one we saw in S1.
Alternatively, It can also be Rebecca and Perry, but I have no evidence to back this other than the blonde hair.
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*in my best patrick star voice* WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?
I cannot be convinced that this is a real scene. It's gotta be some kind of dream that Royal is having, especially when you take note of the little white things floating around. It gives a sort of dreamy effect.
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THIS IS SHERRIF JOY! Not only is the outfit the same in the following scene (not the one of her running lmao, that's just to show you what the gun looks like), but you can see the gun on her hip.
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The hand on Rhett's throat is smaller than his is. Look how thick his fingers are compared to the mystery ones. I'm betting my left foot that this is a female character doing this to him. Autumn and Rebecca are on my list of suspects.
But also, what the hell is he looking at? Never once is he looking at the person doing this to him; he's looking at something behind the camera. Baby, what did they do to you this season?? 😭
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I hit my picture limit, but Wayne (I think) diving into the hole made me giggle. He picked such an iconic pose.
Someone says quote "Time reveals all." But I don't think we've heard this voice before?? Who the hell is speaking?
This final shot is insane. Don't know who is coming out, presumably Perry or Wayne, but you could ABSOLUTELY spin Outer Range as a horror if you really wanted to. The elements are all there; they just need a little reworking!
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kkarmiic · 1 year
okay so like, the demon bros with a short reader who picks fights with pretty much everyone. like, when mammon is complaining about "babysitting" them when they first arrive the readers first impulse is to give him a rude response. i just think it would be very funny. gn reader please. -⭐
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\\ synopsis: hcs of the demon brothers with a short confrontational reader
‘+ genre: fluff
*# warnings: lucifer tries to punish you, suggestive content for asmo
// authors note: sorry it took so long! life got in the way!
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When you first meet him, he isn’t shocked by your height, after all, it was on your medical files.
What he wasn’t expecting however, was for you to be so… confrontational, to put it simply.
As soon as Mammon whined about quote on quote ‘babysitting you’ you snapped back.
Oh. Okay!
He instantly knew you either 1. Were not going to take any insults from Mammon or 2. Were going to be the biggest headache for him.
It was the latter.
He tries to punish you?
Not on your watch.
You start yelling at him, not giving you excuses, just fully telling him how his methods and reasonings for punishments are unfair.
For a moment he’s shocked, nobody ever really speaks back to him like this.
You make him age it’s that bad.
When a lower level demon starts talking down on you, to your FACE.
You lose your goddamn (ha god) mind at them.
It’s kinda wild to see.
You’re now the new chihuahua congratulations.
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Mammon however is extremely shocked by your height.
Obviously you were going to be shorter than he was, he was a demon.
But short by human standards? You’re never hearing the end of this.
He’d come up with the most inventive nicknames you’ve ever heard.
“Hey ankle biter!”
“How are you knee-high?”
The list goes on.
At some points it just gets… annoying?
And you finally snap.
You tell him commenting on your appearance isn’t funny, that you don’t like it, that you’re sick of it.
You tell him exactly how you feel, not sparing any rude comments or gestures as you do.
He’s definitely shocked by this.
He’s the great mammon and all that!
He doesn’t make fun of you for your height again.
It clearly made you upset enough for you to call him out on it and he gets it in a way, always getting the punishments from lucifer etc.
If you’re dating him he does call you nicknames RELATING to your height.
Like doll or such, but it’s endearing.
He also appreciates the way you stand up for him, confronting people (lucifer) when he can’t.
He really likes your confrontational nature (and your height)
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I imagine he teases you at first, mostly about your height.
You yell at him, telling him he isn’t funny.
“A worthless otaku like me isn’t funny.. I know.” Or something like that.
It would probably take both of you off guard.
?? Worthless otaku?
He likes how you stand up to people for him though, even though he’s more than capable of doing it himself.
Mammon is trying to steal a limited edition Ruri-Chan figure from his room?
Nah. You call him out!
Lucifer tries to punish him?
You start yelling, kicking up a fuss, yelling.
Lucifer then tried to punish you.
Yeah that doesn’t work either.
He gives up after that.
Levi would also make you cosplay with him, but you only as the short characters.
OHOH he finds it so funny!
Calls you gorgeous though, so I guess there’s that?
He finds your height quite nice, makes him feel less ‘jealous’ in a way.
“Yeah! MC is mine! See how I can lean?” Does that cute lil shoulder height lean thing that people do.
He also definitely crouches down to speak to you, which obviously gets on your nerves.
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For me this is very fifty fifty, depending on night bringer or shall we date right?
In night bringer, if you call him out, if you’re confrontational, you’re only going to make his anger fits worse.
In shall we date? Sure, he’ll get a little upset, but after literal centuries, he’s calmer, he knows how to handle it.
He finds your height aesthetically appeasing.
Recommends books with a main character or love interest whos shorter than average, just to make you feel less ‘weird’ about it. (If you do)
Satan likes the way you don’t let anyone treat you like shit.
Lucifer trying to punish you?
Oh boy do you have a mouth on you!
You call him out, letting him know how unfair, how unjust his punishments are etc. etc.
Satan thinks he’s found his soulmate, his perfect match.
And now another person for the anti-lucifer club.
Constantly trying to recruit you.
“Hey so you know how you don’t like Lu-“
“Satan. Seriously?”
If you say no though, he won’t hold it against you.
You’re quite upfront about your feelings, that’s just in your nature.
He won’t get angry, or upset, you have the right to say yes or no.
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Okay this is oddly specific, but I imagine that in the devildom, the demons are weirdly tall.
Almost freakishly tall.
(Biblically accurate demons)
And so because of your height, you find it quite hard to get clothes that actually fit you!
He understands the important of fashion and feeling confident in clothes that actually fit you don’t worry <3
Gets your clothes custom made if he can’t find any that fit you.
“Ooh? You like that style? Okay!”
Just know you’ll never have any issues finding clothes in your style, perfectly fitting to you, with him around.
As for your temper?
He likes your no nonsense attitude.
Infact, he finds it quite hot.
You don’t take shit, especially not from lower level demons.
They comment on your height?
You’re going off.
Fuck scary dog privileges, you are the scary dog.
People underestimate you, expect you to be relaxed, or shy, but in reality you’re the most confrontation human they’ve ever met.
There’s definitely been times where he’s had to pull you away from a demon before because you started confronting them about something they’d said about asmodeus. (Especially following night bringer lore!!)
However, if when you meet, he comments on you in a negative way, at all.
You go off on him too.
He’s shocked!? Nobody ever talks to him like that?!
That’s when he knows he wants you in his bed.
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Okay, so with your height, and my whole head canon about the demons being taller than average, they’d need to eat a lot more.
He’d be concerned about you, to be completely honest.
Why are you not eating as much as him?
Are you sick, whats happening?
He’s constantly hovering over about you.
Talking to others about you.
He’s so interested in the new human living in the house with him.
To be honest, it makes you a little bit unnerved.
Like ?? Why is this buff fucking demon asking about me??
You confront him about it!
Asking him why he’s basically stalking you.
Why won’t he leave you alone?
He soon explains that he’s worried because you don’t eat as much as him (even though that’s normal) or his brothers.
To which you explain because you’re shorter, your stomach isn’t as big, you don’t need as much food as him to maintain your body and keep yourself healthy with nutrition.
Well that makes sense.
He still checks on you though, you’re short, some lower level demon is going to try and eat you alive.
He’s the scary dog now.
Can you imagine the height difference though?
Like… What?!
You’re tiny, that man is huge.
He uses your head as an armrest sorry not sorry.
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Okay, so this one for me is a little complicated.
I don’t think you’d be as naive to let him out the attic.
But if you do, you hold that shit against him.
He complains about how you’re not a good enough pillow because of your height?
Bringing it up!
It’s like your humour, your inside joke.
And if anyone tries to wake him up from his nap (or his many naps)
You don’t let them.
You tell them, albeit very not politely, to go away.
That he’s sleeping, why do they want to bother him!?
You’re a lil aggressive, he never really knows, after all he’s in a super deep sleep (as per usual).
But the one time he catches you doing it, he was just dozing off when he heard you talking to someone, telling them to leave him to sleep, that he’s tired etc.
He feels a little smile twitch on his lips.
He’s so… happy?
It’s an odd feeling for him.
It feels nice to be protected by you.
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posted by: apollo
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romanxeisdeadbutimnot · 5 months
Zosan nsfw drabble// cw: noncon, forced noncon? If that makes sense, violence (this is dead dove so be warned) wip
There wasn’t much that could detain Sanji and Zoro, but that didn’t mean it was impossible. Rogue Marines were more powerful than they originally thought - could they even still be considered Marines?
The grogginess that came with waking up from the clinking of keys was nothing compared to the absolute shame and patheticness Sanji felt at being chained to the wall. His arms were stretched above him, his shoulders aching for release. His ankles were bound more securely to the ground, his body in an awkward slumping position.
Sanji couldn’t look around to see where Zoro was - he knew he was there from his breathing, but it sounded muffled, like something was in his mouth.
Spending the last few nights trying to scheme and get out of there (and no response from the brute), Sanji had to put his trust in either a rare opportunity or his captain that was searching for him. He had no doubt that Luffy would get them out of here, and then maybe Sanji could cook for all of them.
A low grumble from his stomach made him want to double over in pain, but Sanji couldn’t. His eyes were still closed, and he wished very much that he was back on their ship with the others.
“Wake up, you sack of shit.”
Sanji could barely hold his head up, and his eyes struggled to stay open. In front of him were a handful of colorful characters. That familiar branding on their clothing that could suggest they were officials burned into Sanji’s memory.
“Come back to kick the shit out of me more?” His voice was gritty and strained, exhausted from the beatings. Sanji didn’t know their motives, but he could take a wild guess that it had to do with his crew’s bounties.
“Don’t flatter yourself. You aren’t who we’re looking for.”
Sanji’s head felt limp as he let it hang, no longer looking at the group. His body was slowly getting weaker, and yet he still had the nerve to retort so freely.
“Hey, look at me!”
A rough hand grabbed Sanji’s face and jerked it forward, the force making his shoulders stretch painfully. His breathing quickened, the pain searing through his body. Sanji swore he was going to lose his arms soon.
The fury that enveloped Sanji was evident on his face, the urge to spit on his captors overwhelming.
“I won’t tell you shit!” Sanji hissed, his words coming out slurred because of his squished face.
“You can’t beat it out of me!”
An outrageous laughter from not one, but all of the men. It sent chills down Sanji’s spine, his body tingling from the pain, hunger and fury.
“Oh, we have something new in store today!” Sanji’s face was let go, and he could still feel the warm indent of those rough fingers.
What sick new game could these people be playing? Sanji could think of a few things, but he’s already lived through them. His loyalty knew no bounds, handing anything these monsters could throw at him.
It came as a shock when one of the men stepped closer, unlocking one of the ankle chains. As he did so, he was rough, but Sanji felt relief as the metal clasp came undone.
The same was done with his other ankle, and Sanji tried to flex his legs to get some semblance of control. Of course, this didn’t work. The Marine that had held him gestured to some of the men, and two came forward to pick up Sanji and stand him up.
Despite his power in his legs, this position he was in for the last several days had made him a bit weak and unsteady. Sanji’s legs shook, and the two men held him roughly as he saw the men at face level.
“What, are you going for punches now? Finally ready to get your hands dirty?” Sanji let out the most pathetic sounding attempt of a laugh, despite how grim his situation was.
It was just as he said - the main Marine took a huge swing to Sanji’s gut, making him grunt out in pain. Bile rose in his throat, but he managed to swallow it back down. He felt sick, almost thankful for the men holding him up so he didn’t collapse back into that dreadful position.
“You really don’t know when to keep your little jokes to yourself, you stupid pirate!”
The main Marine stepped forward until he was almost face to face with Sanji. His breath smelled of rot, booze and the thick stench of old tobacco. It nearly made Sanji puke.
“You know who we’re looking for - and I suggest you tell us, before we make sure you won’t be able to walk again.”
A whiny laugh, one that could grate the nerves of anyone around him. Sanji looked at the main Marine, his eyes making contact with theirs.
“I would rather die than tell you anything, you deplorable, rotten sack.”
A punch to the face, and Sanji saw stars. He could taste blood in his mouth, and his head felt as if it were going to break in two. He didn’t even make a noise in response, and instead collapsed back on the ground.
Sanji’s shoulders burned as he collapsed, the sudden yank of the chains on his arms made his eyes water. There was no way he was going to get out of this in one piece, and the sudden onslaught of potential failure made Sanji nearly tear up.
He could hardly make out what the Marines were saying, his head still spinning from the punch. The pressure in his head was so intense, he almost couldn’t see anything.
But he could feel - oh god, he could feel.
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cyberhopper · 2 months
Wet Floor Sign
Characters: Luigi, Daisy Genres/themes: Minor injuries, early friendship Also posted on AO3
From the moment they first met, right in the middle of the Spring Tennis Tourney at Peach’s Castle, Luigi had known that Daisy wasn’t someone who often listened to reason. Her thoughts were like a wild river twisting and turning through an unexplored forest, every new idea like a splash of water hitting whatever unsuspecting person happened to be closest. As for the woman herself, he wasn’t sure whether “tornado” or “fireball” described her better.
Daisy was someone who did whatever she liked, and Stars forbid anyone try to stop her. Of course, this led her into trouble more often than not. Nothing serious ever came from her shenanigans - until one day, Luigi saw her slip and hurt herself because she chose to dash through a bathroom in wilful ignorance of the very noticeable wet floor sign.
She went over backwards and smacked her head on the cool tiles, and Luigi, who had been behind her at the time (it was a unisex bathroom, alright, he wasn’t a creep), only had time to suck in one sharp breath before panic set in.
He’d always hated having to be responsible in scary situations, preferring to let someone more suitable - like his brother or Princess Peach - take charge. His tendency to flail and flounder aside, he hated the idea of something going wrong because of his decisions. But when it came to Daisy, he wasn’t sure if he could consider her the responsible one between them.
And there hadn’t been anyone else in the room at the time.
He waited all of five seconds, desperately hoping that someone would materialise out of nowhere and take charge, before his instincts began to push him forwards. Daisy might have a head injury; she wasn’t moving; she could be unconscious; if he didn’t act now she might--
His knees hit the floor and his hand carefully slipped beneath her head, both to cushion it and to check for open wounds. Auburn hair, damp with sweat, caressed his fingers. He found himself idly wishing that he wasn’t wearing gloves.
Her eyes fluttered open, but didn’t seem entirely focused. They aimlessly wandered the ceiling for a moment before forcing themselves to settle on Luigi’s face with what looked like obvious difficulty.
“Woah, woah, woah, don’t move,” he said - not because she’d tried to but because he knew the idea would enter her mind soon enough.
“Weegee?” He was relieved to hear her voice sounding normal - if a little dazed - but more relieved to hear the familiar nickname falling from her lips. She recognised him. Good sign.
“Don’t move,” he repeated. “You just, ah, fell and hit your head. I need to call for the medics.”
Her head rolled in a feeble imitation of a nod, pushing against his hand. He wondered if she was in pain. “Yeah, OK. I’ll just... stay here, I guess...”
Despite not wanting to leave her, Luigi propelled his wobbly legs into action, got outside, and managed to wave down a group of Toad medics within five minutes. He dithered in the doorway like a spare part while they clustered around Daisy and piled her with questions (“Do you know what day it is?”, “Do you remember what happened?”); to his relief, she was able to answer all of them with only a moment’s hesitation. The Toads put her on a stretcher and took her to the hospital anyway, despite her insistence that she was fine.
“Head injuries should be taken seriously, Miss!” one young Toad squawked. “You might have... internal bleeding!!”
The next day, Luigi was sitting at the edge of one of the tennis courts, watching the sky fill with clouds and wondering if today’s matches would even be able to go ahead, when he saw a familiar yellow and orange shape approaching out of the corner of his eye.
Compared to the last time he’d heard that word, it was spoken in a tone of utter confidence. He instinctively got to his feet (was it rude to stay sitting while a princess addressed you?) and was promptly pulled into a hug vigorous enough to be considered a form of attack.
“Uh, hi, Daisy...” he said meekly. It came out muffled because his mouth was being pressed against her upper chest. He tried very, very hard not to think about this.
She pulled back far enough to look into his eyes, but her hands remained firm upon his shoulders. He had never seen her grin so widely, and that was saying a lot.
“...What for?”
“For helping me out, obviously! I remember everything that happened. I slipped and fell in the bathroom, and you were the only one there, and you got the medics for me!”
“Oh. Well... you’re welcome, but you don’t need to thank me. Any decent person would have done it.”
“Yeah, but not everyone is decent,” she said, nodding wisely. “So thank you for being a decent person, Luigi.”
And that was pretty much where the conversation ended, because right at that moment, people started showing up for the tennis matches. For the rest of the day, Luigi’s interactions with Daisy consisted mostly of her hitting balls at him as hard as humanly possible while he flinched and let them fly by unchallenged. His doubles partner, Birdo, gave him a lot of peeved looks that day. But Luigi didn’t even care, because he had Daisy’s praise playing on repeat in his brain.
They had never exactly been friends before, but after that incident, Daisy never let him believe they were anything else.
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wandering-tides · 2 months
most of the movies iirc aren't canon so kaishin being cousins MIGHT not be true. but if it is honestly i think most people will straight up ignore it (i mean, its been 3 decades... some of the people who have been shipping this for close to a decade are in their final years of high school or a freshman/sophomore in college.) though i do feel like a hypocrite being a little worried if new fanworks for them will take a nose dive, since i personally am not comfortable with any form of inc*st. 😮‍💨
You are right, movies in det con aren't canon, and they aren't regarded as such until something in the movie is shown in the manga too later on. So yea, not all movies are canon. But i've seen people say that this particular info of the kudo's and kuroba's will show up in the manga too. Not sure about that tho, guess it will be confirmed only when it actually shows up in the manga, however long that takes...
I think its kinda hard to say anything too soon about what will happen to the kaishin fandom. Will many people leave? Or will people simply ignore and stay, what will be the majority choice?
There could be a chain reaction, like, if people start leaving, most would follow the majority not really thinking things through, or the other way around.
The choice, the kaishin fandom would take regarding this is still very much hanging in the air cuz a lot of people are trying to stay away from the movie spoilers, so no one can really say for sure about how this is going to end.
But I do understand where you are coming from when you say ince*t, cuz I hate it too.
But, I have been a kaishin shipper for over 10 yrs at this point and it's kinda hard to suddenly stop shipping them after shipping them for so long... this is probably the first time I somehow ended up shipping an incest ship, even if we did not know it would really turn out so...
So I am totally going to ignore canon, I don't always do so, but this is a special case I suppose. They are supposed to be cousins? Nope, it's just a wild rumor a refuse to believe.
People keep making fanworks for them? Go for it. If this was Gosho's way to turn the kaishin fandom into shambles, to highlight his canon couple, we gotta show him we won't turn into what he wants us to. (because what other reason could there be for revealing this after almost 3 decades?)
(Plus it's common in Asia, especially around south Asia where cousins marry each other so there's that too, cousin marriages don't raise eyebrows over there)
But yeah, I do have conflicting feeling about this... because, cousins.
So in that sense, I suppose, people who decide to stay in the kaishin fandom and ignore canon (like me), and don't really like incest could be considered hypocrites. But oh well, Gosho can fuck off. (Also, these are fictional characters so.)
Let's see what happens to kaishin shippers.
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eulaties · 2 years
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After watching the new PV, I started thinking: what if every nation had at least one corresponding Harbinger? Given what we already know about La Signora, Tartaglia, Scaramouche, etc. I think that this theory may have substance.
So, which nation is each Harbinger from? I’m going to try and compile what we know from canon, my own understandings of each character, and some of Tartaglia’s voicelines from 2.8 (not released yet, so those are technically leaks). Although there will be some speculation and wild guesses on my part, I hope that more generally, this post can serve as a comprehensive guide for the Fatui Harbingers :) 
Let’s get started!
(last updated 7/11/22)
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about him: "After he took the Gnosis, we lost all contact with him. Now comes the task of trying to hunt it down and get it back...I actually don't mind it—it means I get to travel all over. Wonder if I'll run into you somewhere along the way?" (Source)
Nation: Inazuma
Background: He was a puppet created by Ei herself, but because he shed tears upon his creation, he was deemed too gentle to serve as a vessel for Ei’s Gnosis. His power was sealed and Ei allowed him to take control of his own life, causing him to wander Inazuma until he met the Fatui.
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about her: “I never got along with her, you know that. I guess there's not much more worth saying about her at this point. When you're a harbinger, you have to accept that death could come at any time...But don't worry about me. No matter what happens, I'll do whatever it takes to keep myself alive.” (Source)
Nation: Mondstadt
Background: Five hundred years ago, she was a regular woman from Mondstadt who left to study in Sumeru. Though separated from her lover, she always treasured the hydro timepiece he gave her, as it reminded her of him. But disaster soon struck during her time abroad—when the Cataclysm claimed the life of her lover, her grief consumed her to the point where she no longer had control over her powers. So, with her rage fueling her sorrow, she decided to use "her life's flame" to cleanse "the world's crookedness,” and thus became the Crimson Witch of Fire. Before she could be fully devoured by her own flames, though, Pierro encountered her and convinced her to join the Fatui.
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Nation: Snezhnaya
Background: As a child, he was known to be easily frightened and hesitant, causing his father to dote on him. After all, to survive Snezhnaya’s cruel winters, you must persist, and to persist, you must have strength; Ajax had none of that. That remained the case until one day, he fled his suffocating life at home and went into the forest to prove that, like his siblings, he was just as worthy. But that was easier said than done. After encountering a pack of wolves, he ran and made it further and further into the forest, eventually losing his footing and falling into the deep darkness of the Abyss. It was there that he met Skirk, the mysterious swordswoman that taught him all he needed to know to survive against the grisly horrors of the Abyssal creatures. So, Ajax was forced to become stronger, more tenacious. After three months had passed, he somehow made his way out of the Abyss. To his family, though, it was not three months that passed, but rather three days. And it was clear that he had changed drastically. Compared to the way he was before, he was more frivolous and confident, and with his newfound thirst for battle, he quickly gained a reputation of being a “nexus of strife.” His father, no longer doting on him, had no choice but to send him off to the military; he only hoped that its strict regiments would temper this unpredictable nature of his. Yet this was done to no avail. This disappointed his father, but it caught the eye of Pulcinella. Under the guise of punishment, Pulcinella ordered him to start from the bottom and work his way up to the top. If he managed to do so, then he could personally serve the Tsaritsa. Naturally, Childe succeeded at this, and in turn, he became the youngest and newest member of the Fatui.
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about him: “I heard that he took segments of himself at different ages, made prostheses out of them, and assigned different tasks to each one. I know...all my comrades are a little weird. Come to think of it, if I met my own prosthesis...hah, we'd have to fight then and there to decide which one of us gets to survive.” (Source)
Nation: Sumeru
Background: Denounced as a heretic and chased out of his hometown because of his inhumane scientific ideas, Dottore eventually wound up at the Sumeru Academia. While still having the reputation of being a monster and madman, he restrained himself enough to not be expelled, because—after all—he still needed an environment “conducive to research.” During his time at the Academia, he was approached by Pierro, who asked for his loyalty to the Tsaritsa in exchange for resources and funding for his research. Since he could only stand to benefit, Dottore naturally agreed.
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about him: “Oh, now that guy has a head full of grandiose plans fueled by raw ambition. I don't understand a word he says once he starts talking about his theories...Eh, but as long as he keeps our cash reserves stocked up, I'm not complaining.” (Source)
Nation (speculative): Liyue, maybe? From what we know about him, he appears to be very strategic/logical. Moreover, his surface-level obsession with wealth may indicate something deeper, such as how he closely values stability and giving as much as one takes (which then hearkens back to Liyue’s emphasis on equal contracts).
Background: He was born into poverty and never received a vision. This led him to question the nature of the world, and whether or not Celestia deserved to control humanity to this extent. Thus, he struggled his way to the top and, at some point, became recruited into the Fatui. Currently, he is the wealthiest Harbinger and is in control of Snezhnaya’s economic policies.
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about him: “I don't know what his motivations could be, but he seems genuine about wanting to help me. He treats me just like family. Oh, and speaking of family—Tonia and Teucer are always telling me about the pastries and other gifts he brings them when they write. So while I've been away from Snezhnaya, he's kept his promise to take care of my family.” (Source)
Nation (speculative): Snezhnaya, most likely. Along with Pierro, he is able to recruit Harbingers, so I’m guessing he has some sort of seniority. Looking at his clothes/general sense of style, too, no other nation stands out to me for him. He gives off very wintry vibes!
Background: Not much is known about him, but from the quote above, he appears to be compassionate towards Tartaglia. But at the same time, when he talks about him in Secrets From the Depths of Winter, he says that Tartaglia is trustworthy but then warns against “growing attached to him.” So what’s up with this contrast? It could be that he has ulterior motives or, you know. Maybe he really is just a family man. Either way, I want this little goblin man to be playable in the future.
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about her: “The Harbingers are ranked by strength, and I have no idea why that girl is No. 3. I'd test my skills with every Harbinger who ranks above me if I had the chance, but when it comes to her...something just doesn't feel right. Anyway, you should be careful around her.” (Source)
Nation (speculative): I’m not sure of which one yet, but going purely off of design, she might be from Snezhnaya or Fontaine. Personally, I’m thinking more Snezhnaya.
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about her: “She always seems engrossed in her research. Hmm.. I wonder if those machines have anything to do with her? Anyway, I've only met her a few times, but every time she looked like she wanted to murder me. I have no idea what I possibly could have done to annoy her.” (Source)
Nation (speculative): Same as the Damselette, I’m thinking either Fontaine or Snezhnaya. But she seems more likely to be from Fontaine, judging by her clothing/general sense of style; she looks pretty aristocratic to me. Also, we know that Fontaine has a steampunk/machine theme, so that lends credence to my assumption.
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about her: “Look, I've got nothing against people who have their own agendas—I myself joined the Fatui to get more experience in combat. But I don't like her at all. If she stood to benefit from betraying others, she'd turn against the Tsaritsa in a heartbeat. There isn't a sane bone in her body.” (Source)
Nation (speculative): Like the last two, she gives me Fontaine or Snezhnaya vibes. However, her quote in the PV makes me unsure on which one she leans towards: “Rosalyne died in a foreign land...But you heartless businessmen and dignitaries, always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of your homeland...You couldn't hope to understand.” So for now, it’s ambiguous.
Background: She runs the orphanage House of Hearth, which takes in orphans and raises them as members of the Fatui. Based on the Harbinger PV, we know she cares about her “children” to some extent (she states, “We don't want to make the children cry”).
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about him: “I've seen him in battle before, and oh what a sight it was. Perhaps I'm ranked too low for him to notice me right now. Well, he may not recognize my strengths yet, but one day, I'll show him what I'm made of.” (Source)
Nation (speculative): The previous Harbingers are already from 6 of 7 nations: Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, and Snezhnaya. The only one left is Natlan, and I think that makes a lot of sense once we consider what we already know about the nation. First, from the manhua, we know that the clans of Natlan used to hold tournaments in Murata’s honor, who is the God of War. Second, from Vennessa, we know that the Natlan people “pass down the art of war to their descendants.” Therefore, Natlan probably has the most skilled and capable fighters in all of Tevyat. This knowledge, combined with Tartaglia’s voiceline, makes it seem very likely that Capitano is from Natlan.
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Tartaglia’s voiceline about him: “He was the first ever Fatui Harbinger, and today he is our leader. He only appears on important occasions. As for his accomplishments...To be honest, I don't really care. I owe my loyalty and devotion to the Tsaritsa, no one else.“ (Source)
Nation: Khaenri’ah
Background: Before the Cataclysm occurred, he warned the Khaenri'ah sages that "tearing away at the veil of sin” would bring severe consequences. Yet this was done to no avail—because he was not perceived as trustworthy by the sages, nor by the ruler of Khaenri'ah, he was forced to stand aside and watch as they flew too close to the sun and singlehandedly brought destruction to the homeland. Even more, he witnessed Celestia’s cruelty firsthand and quickly became embittered by the truth of the world. And so, with his wish to burn away the Old World, he aligned with the Tsaritsa’s cause and became the very first Fatui Harbinger.
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simemeoww · 8 months
Caught red-handed
Author's note: This is based from my character Mateo, who happens to be a yandere. I made a visual novel where he is one of the main characters. If you wanna play my game(to what i will be really happy) here is the link: https://simemeow.itch.io/love-stuck
You're having trouble sleeping, though that's not big news. But you still continue to go to bed, hoping that you will fall asleep soon. And now, you closed your eyes and tried to direct all your strength to something that ordinary people don’t try to do. They were so lucky, you thought. Or maybe you trying too hard is your problem? Maybe you need to relax and let your body cope with this task without any tension. No. You've already tried. And not only that, but how many things have you not tried, including pills? They were the most effective, but Mateo, noticing that you were getting addicted to sleeping pills, decided to hide them from you somewhere away. This was his precaution; he explained to you more than once that this kind of pill quickly exposes a person to dependence, from which sleep hormones may no longer be released on their own. But did that bother you? Naturally not. You just want to sleep.
“Stupid Mateo,” you thought to yourself. He was with you on your foldout couch, scribbling something in his sketchbook. The artist was not yet planning to lie down next to you, letting his imagination run wild on the snow-white paper. Judging by the sounds emitted from his small pencil, used to the limit, he had not been in a state of passion for a long time, the kind that only inspiration can give. The sounds seemed to echo inside your skull, which irritated you greatly, causing your teeth and jaw to clench tightly.
But you won't interfere with Mateo. Let him draw, who knows when he will again depict something so zealously, when such a blessing will come to him, which, like a ghost, will inhabit his hand and create a work that Mateo will not look at with contempt. Well, there was also another reason why you needed to lie still. Mateo promised that he would spoil you with a pleasant surprise if you could fall asleep on your own without the help of drugs.
And now you're pretending to be asleep to get this mysterious surprise. "Crap. I want to get out of bed so badly. I can’t do it anymore,” you thought. At this point, Mateo stopped drawing. “Is he already done with his drawing? Somehow too fast,” flashed through your head.
Mateo put his sketchbook on the cabinet next to the sofa. His hands slowly reached up, causing the T-shirt he wore especially for sleeping to rise, showing the back of his back. Having relaxed a little, he sat back down on the bed. You felt something was wrong. Which made you want to open your eyes to make sure you were either safe or in danger. Mateo began to slowly crawl across the bed towards you. His body loomed over you, taking away your tiny opportunity to escape from him. Your heart beat hard and fast. Oh, this treacherous organ, just like that, easily betrays your true feelings, which you wanted to hide in the very depths of your body.
The realization came to you that Mateo's face was moving closer to you, due to his breath that you felt on your cheek. “And I know that you are not sleeping,” Mateo whispered quietly. You opened your eyes in surprise.
"Hahahaha. I knew that I was right. Usually, when you sleep, you snore a little,” Mateo said, smiling.
“How do you know,” you asked.
Mateo just laughed even louder. "It's a secret!" - he answered you.
"You watch me when I sleep!" – you screamed.
"Maybe. But I know that you are also watching my sleeping body. So I guess we're even, right?" - he asked you teasingly
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unsightedjoker · 1 year
Spider-man: ATSV NSR AU
Ok, I usually don’t post stuff and only reblog and like stuff but since i just watched Spider-man ATSV and I really liked it that it hasn’t left my mind and won’t leave it any time soon I’m still so hyped I feel like sharing this. I was on my way home when I started to listen to the NSR soundtrack and the inevitable happened just remembering the premise for the game and what happens in the movie I started connecting thoughts and this entire AU happened.
My writing isn’t the best to make a fanfic that does justice to my ideas at the moment and hell if I can’t write I have even worse at drawing so making fanart for this is also out of the picture.
For anyone who doesn’t know NSR (No Straight Roads) it’s an indie game from 2020 that’s very underrated from what I’ve seen. The plot is very simple a Rock duo Mayday (a guitarist) and Zuke (a drummer) enter a competition made to scout for new talents that want to join NSR, a company that besides functioning as a music company works as the main energy supplier for the city by using a Mcguffin that transforms music into energy. Anyways NSR turns out to be a group of EDM artists that have complete control over the city and never allow any other genres to join especially not rock, so after getting rejected and suffering a city wide power outage (which NSR is completely inmune from) our rock duo decides to start a revolution to bring back Rock and take down NSR by hijacking their concerts. If you have not played it take this as a recommendation the art style, gameplay and music are reaaaally good (worth mentioning the music for each boss is dynamic it starts as EDM but as you start having the upper hand the music turns into a rock version of the same song).
The premise for the game and having Gwen and Hobie right there in the movie made this AU inevitable in my mind so I’m sharing it here.
So the characters I’ll be using changing for the AU will be the two main protagonists and the 6 main bosses of the game.
First off the protagonists
Because it’s a guitarist and drummer Gwen and Hobie take Mayday and Zuke’s place that one seems a bit obvious to me. It can also be Gwen and Miles but I ended up choosing Gwen and Hobie. However instead of starting their movement after being rejected by NSR they’re fully into their revolution agenda and hijacking the EDM concerts
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The first boss is Dj Subatomic Supernova and honestly that one was also an easy pick as he directly fits with Spot, especially because of his last phase in his fight where his face breaks and it looks like a black hole ejecting black matter or whatever. They’re both also so self-centered and silly.
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Sayu is the second boss and consists of a virtual idol (like Hatsune Miku) made as a project by four adolescents so for the au she could be made by peni parker and the virtual reality spiderwoman (i can’t remember her name :’) ) but idk who else could be put as one of Sayu’s creators in this AU.
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Yinu is a child pianist prodigy so for her I’d go with Mayday Parker, since Yinu also gets help from her mother during the fight I guess Mary Jane helps her or maybe Peter B. idk? It’s just that Yinu’s dad in the game is dead and that’s also one of the reasons she plays her piano because her dad taught her. Yinu’s character is supposed to represent the lack of control child prodigies have in their lives because their parents or guardians are in charge of making all the decisions during their youth so I imagine Hobie would spend a bunch of this confrontation telling her to go wild and start doing whatever she wants to do while Gwen would tell Peter or Mary Jane to pay more attention to Mayday and be a better single parent, culminating in the piano solo at the end of Yinu’s boss fight
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So this one’s a bit weird but hear me out. 1010 consists of a boy band made up by 5 robots that are almost identical with the exception of their color and hairstyle so in this case it’s five alternate versions of Miles Morales robots as a boyband while the original Miles (the one that isn’t a robot) is Neon J (the creator of 1010) in this AU. I ended up choosing Miles for this one because despite how much Mayday says she despises them she has a crush on 1010 and while Gwen and Miles wouldn’t really act like Mayday and 1010 respectively I still chose this because of that.
In a similar way Gwen has a crush on 1010Miles but she isn’t entirely into it because the Miles robots have an artificial vibe to them like prefabricated charm and personalities, they can fool a lot of people but not everyone. Once one breaks and the real Miles comes out to replace it they start focusing on him, Gwen and Miles throughout the fight start to realize they like each other mean while Hobie goesout of his way to show how he’s in the wrong as he should question the stuff they do and shouldn’t be following NSR, by the end when they defeat Miles he ends up accepting it and actually rooting for them to beat the remaining members.
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I’m using an action figure as a substitute for robots lol
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This one I reserved for my favorites Nadia (EvE) and Pavitr. Eve happens to be an eccentric artist and Diva that is the second in command because of her skill. There’s a couple of reasons I chose to have Pavitr in Eve’s place:
First, during the briefing before her fight it’s stated that the “instrument” she uses to make her music is her body and mind in contrast to all the previous artists which have actual specific instruments (from sinthesizers to a piano) which doesn’t explain much until you get to her fight and see her dance, she dances (and probably uses a bit of magic as well or something) to make her music. If I’m gonna give the ability to make music through the movement of their body to anyone it’s gonna be Pavitr.
Second, during her phases Eve shows she can warp the space around her in what she refers as the Diva’s realm and from what I remember the part of diva’s realm is supposed to be a reference to Deva’s realm and Devas are deities from hinduism if I’m not mistaken, so there’s also that.
Last but not least I like a bit of angst. In the game its shown Zuke and Eve used to have a good relationship as they were a duo and know each other closely to the point Zuke knows what’s going on in her mind while many don’t, however after a certain incident they disbanded. Similarly in this AU they used to be a duo until they received an invitation to join NSR, Pavitr wanted to share his music and art and be in contact with everyone in their community so he accepted, this however was a deal breaker for Hobie so they disbanded. Once he got his position Pavitr could share his music however after being put in a pedestal he no longer could keep in touch with his community as much when he wanted leaving him feeling isolated and only focuses on his craft now as a way to cope. Their fight besides being about taking him down would have the purpose of mending Hobie and Pavitr’s relationship.
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This one was also very obvious Miguel takes Tatiana’s place. To begin they’re the respective leaders of their antagonistic faction but also majorly because the entire story of NSR and ATSV happens because both of them had a very specific personal problem and instead of dealing with it by themselves or getting help to solve it they decided to make it everyone else’s problem and never even try to recognize that maybe they’re wrong.
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And that’s it that’s all I have in my mind
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Oh shoot, I just realized that Kilmeny's climactic moment isn't actually in the next chapter. In my defense, her dialog is centered and bolded and several font sizes larger than the rest of the text, so it really looked like a chapter heading. Also narratively I was absolutely expecting it to be a new chapter.
Anyway, so Kilmeny doesn't just speak, she yells! And it is clearly understandable and complete sentences! I don't think this is how that works, but I will admit that I know nothing about adults who have had medical conditions that prevent them from speaking learning to talk. Maybe you are able to form words without issue if you grew up hearing and understanding the language. I do feel like at minimum she's going to have kind of an unusual accent. But again, this is a book where a woman is mute because her mother sinned against her own father, so I'm not sure it's terribly science based, you know?
So Kilmeny yells to warn Eric and Eric doesn't realize who yelled but looks behind him on instinct and sees Neil, who did see Kilmeny speak. Neil drops his axe in horror and runs away -- we assume that he knows that everything is lost for him now.
But we ignore him for a hug, because Kilmeny can speak now! End of chapter for real this time, and frankly not as good of one. Come on Maud, give me one cliffhanger!
Moving on to chapter 18 for real. Eric and Kilmeny run to tell the Gordons about the miracle that has happened. Only Eric hastens to assure us that it is not at all a miracle, David Baker had said such a thing might happen, it is all very scientific and explainable. Eric Marshall is going to move to fairland and run a steam train across it.
Thomas Gordon is having none of it though. It is a miracle and he's going to appreciate it as one. I wish we had gotten more of him -- he's one of the few characters who takes none of Eric's nonsense. Which I guess is why he doesn't get to talk on page much.
She spoke naturally and easily. The only difficulty which she seemed to experience was in the proper modulation of her voice. Occasionally she pitched it too high—again, too low. But it was evident that she would soon acquire perfect control of it. It was a beautiful voice—very clear and soft and musical.
Confirmation that Kilmeny does not have a noticeable accent. Sure. Fine. I'm with Thomas Gordon -- this makes much more sense if it's just magic.
Thomas asks what to do about Neil, and Eric, because he is a benevolent colonizer, says they must forgive him. Because Neil isn't an adult, who can be held accountable for his choices, he's half boy half wild animal and as such it's not his fault that he reacted accordingly to heartbreak. (I will note that I am paraphrasing here -- they don't quite say it like that. But it's the vibe.)
“That is true, Master, but it does not alter the terrible fact that the boy had murder in his heart,—that he would have killed you. An over-ruling Providence has saved him from the actual commission of the crime and brought good out of evil; but he is guilty in thought and purpose. And we have cared for him and instructed him as our own—with all his faults we have loved him! It is a hard thing, and I do not see what we are to do. We cannot act as if nothing had happened. We can never trust him again.”
I am going to strongly dispute the proclamation that the Gordons loved Neil. The only time they talk about him is to say bad things about him. Only Kilmeny ever had anything good to say. And, I was thinking back, and there is zero mention of him in any of the stories about Margaret's return and Kilmeny's childhood. Neil would have been four years old when Margaret came home after her marriage. A four year old child is going to be deeply impacted by the heightened emotions and tension in that house during those months of Margaret's silence. I think LMM just forgot about him, but what it conveys is that the Gordons forgot about him, or didn't care enough to mention him.
Neil was like their weird charity case kid that their dad insisted they keep. He doesn't seem to have been considered part of the family at any point except, again, by Kilmeny.
Conveniently, Neil has solved their problems by leaving town of his own initiative. Probably the smartest decision he has made all book, not going to lie. Eric learns this from Robert Williamson, who wants to know what on Earth has happened over at the Gordons. Eric tells him part of the truth -- that Neil scared Kilmeny greatly and in the process she gained her voice. And then Eric goes off to bed and Robert leaves us with this delightful line:
“Well, I never heard anything like this in all my born days—never—never. Timothy, did YOU ever hear the like? Them Gordons are an unaccountable lot and no mistake. They couldn’t act like other people if they tried. I must wake mother up and tell her about this, or I’ll never be able to sleep.”
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gayleviticus · 23 days
assorted thoughts on the two new doctor who episodes (spoilers below)
space babies
Weird concept but I think it worked. i dont think the token political allegory had a ton of depth but the stuff about stories is interesting enough i feel like i need to think abt it a little bit
my biggest issue is it feels like the doctor and ruby do a very jarring 180 on sparing the bogeyman at the end. like, i think in some ways it was predictable, but it happens so abruptly after they show zero concern for the bogeyman even knowing the truth of its origins I was super confused. like, i was just content to dismiss it as literally a pile of snot and not a living being.
ironically given the pro-choice vibes in the episode, this actually reminded me a little of kill the moon, where the episode doesn't spend any time actually fleshing out what the Bogeyman is, whether it has consciousness, its degree of sentience etc, the characters just decide killing is bad.
since this episode doesnt try to make a moral dilemma of it it feels less bad than kill the moon (altho I think unfair moral dilemma is a very deliberate choice on KtM's part to make you empathise w Clara aginst the Doctor) but I think it makes the 180 more baffling given the episode seems so uninterested in the Bogeyman as an actual being? if that makes sense?
the devil's chord
to be honest, while it was a fun watch at the time, this felt like an episode that ran out of ideas midway and the more I think about it the more I sour on it. at least scripting wise - i do think this was a very strong episode presentation wise!
Based on this and the Giggle I genuinely don't think RTD knows how to write godlike adversary; both these stories generally collapse into just 'godlike enemy hams it up and does goofy things while the doctor tries random stufff to save the day.' Like, as soon as Maestro turned up it felt as if the thread of narrative logic snapped and it just became a random events plot. And I felt the same with the Toymaker.
I think the issue is that these episodes overplay the power differential so much the Doctor doesn't have any kind of plan - but because these godlike entities like to toy w their victims it means neither the protagonist or antagonist are really driving the plot? i think the fact Maestro read as hammy rather than threatening also didn't help.
I also think these episodes don't set up clear enough rules. If you're going to have godlike aliens with gimmicks confronting the Doctor, the obvious appeal is that it's a story about manipulating the rules of the game to come out on top. It's like dealing with the Fey - or even Weeping Angels; the tension is in figuring out how to rules lawyer the godlike alien out of existence. But instead too much is made of the Doctor not knowing the rules and not attempting to discover the rules and it becomes boring. And if you take that aspect away what actually is the appeal of Doctor vs godlike alien?
They should have played devil went down to georgia during the music battle smh
The Beatles saving the day felt cheap, but it would have been incredibly cheap if they weren't real life people. Like can you imagine any other Doctor Who episode where one-off characters dismissed in the first 10 minutes save the day?
ngl while the ending song was fun and not lyrically terrible... it did feel like the lyrics were ironically the same kind of thing as the bad songs they were lampooning at the start of like, just perfunctorily rhyming random things together? idk. i guess it wasn't as pedestrian but i found it a bit funny
i feel like these episodes had a bit more of a return to a kind of procedural investigation format of Doctor Who - characters turn up to a new location and slowly have to piece together what's going on, the rules. which we also had previously in Wild Blue Yonder tbf, but i think it's interesting.
I like how there were moments where Ruby takes charge and says something a bit Doctorly - like when they enter the recording studio in devil's chord she says something like "Right, let's go!" and leads the way. It's a small touch but it just subtly chips away at the dynamic where the Doctor is always In Charge yknow?
Space Babies riffing on End of the World and Devil's Chord riffing on Pyramids of Mars for exposition scenes is perfectly justifiable (esp in the latter case given Pyramids of Mars is like 50 years old now), but I did definitely feel w those scenes that I'd seen it all before? Like, it's one thing to reuse a tropey scene because it's an efficient way of moving the story along, but I felt w both those scenes as soon as I knew what was going on I'd seen it all before. Nothing new. I could go to the toilet for a couple minutes
The magical realism is interesting (the handling of godlike beings aside) but i especially like the ideas of memories, songs hidden in Ruby's soul, and the snow appearing - that's very cool!
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 116
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This is it!  The climactic conclusion of the best fight in Dragon Ball Super!  There must be a winner!
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Against all odds, Goku has somehow tapped into Autonomous Ultra Instinct for a second time!  Whis never dreamed he would figure it out ever again, much less a few minutes after the first time!  So Kefla’s doomed, right?   Well don’t write her off yet.  Kefla’s still got a lot left in the tank.  For example, she decides to see Goku’s Ultra Instinct and raise him Super Saiyan 2!  Well, that might not sound like a big deal, but when a Fused Saiyan does it, it means a lot.
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And there’s the abs.  When I got to these episodes, I was kind of shocked by how skinny Kefla was in her base form, and then she went Super Saiyan and bulked up, but not as much as I remembered.  Now at SSJ2, she’s starting to look more like I remembered.  The key to this is that she’s combining Caulifla’s SSJ and SSJ2 forms with Kale’s Legendary Super Saiyan form, which gets more muscular the stronger she becomes.  So I guess they had to start with a pretty skinny Kefla, because they couldn’t have her beef up as big as Kale, or that would defeat the idea of it being a fusion with a smaller character. 
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Oh this is a really cool shot of the arena. 
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So it’s pretty much like we saw the last time Goku used this power.  Jiren couldn’t touch him, and neither can Kefla now.  And it’s not for lack of trying.  As strong as Kefla is, I think there’s a solid argument that she could give Jiren a run for his money. 
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Okay, I think her hair tie is gone now, the same way Kale always loses hers when she transforms.  Kefla’s hair has always confused me so just knowing that there’s been a hair tie involved is a relief.  
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Meanwhile, Vegeta watches Goku playing the artful dodger and he finally gets a clue: this was the ideal style that Whis told them about in Resurrection F.  Vegeta’s all mad that Goku went and surpassed him again.  Sure, Vegeta, he did it just to spite you, because that’s what everything is about, after all.
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Here’s a cool spot where Kefla flies after Goku who falls off the side of a cliff, and then he digs his heels into the rock and leans back so Kefla can’t hit him.  Wild.
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Or, rather, he does this so he can hit her.  But that’s the trick, you see....
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As powerful as Goku has become in this state, he’s mostly only able to use it for defense.  Kefla can’t even touch Goku, but on the other hand, Goku’s attacks aren’t nearly as strong as Kefla was expecting.  He makes a little headway with it, but he’s still not hitting her hard enough to defeat her.  And maybe he could take his time with this and wear her down, but he doesn’t have that long.  The UI power could wear off any second now. 
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As Whis explains to the others, even those who can use Ultra Instinct have trouble using it offensively.  Goku’s problem is that he’s still having to use his brain to tell his body how to attack, and that interferes with his body acting autonomously for defense.  That’s why his attacks are so weak.  And if he doesn’t figure out a solution soon, he’ll run out of juice and Kefla will win.
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So Goku calls his shot: He’s going to end this fight with one more attack.
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Kefla doesn’t take kindly to this, and ramps up her power even further.  Now she’s shooting concentrated ki blasts in every direction, and they rip up everything they touch. 
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She just starts slinging all this red shit everywhere, and Goku hops and flips through it as he moves in closer to her...
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And the whole time, he’s chargin’ up...
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Kefla’s just screaming and cackling like a maniac.  I really have to hand it to the dub VA’s for this, Elizabeth Maxwell (Caulifla) and Dawn Bennet (Kale).  DBS was the first time I ever watched a Dragon Ball series in Japanese first, and I was curious how the dub would handle the new characters, and I’m really pleased with Kefla’s manic energy.  They nailed it. 
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She keeps firing red lasers, but Goku’s getting closer and closer...  Finally he jumps toward her, ready to fire...
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Ah, but that plays right into her hands!  Remember, no flying in the Tournament of Power, so now that Goku’s jumping at her, he can’t steer or dodge!  So now she can concentrate all that power she was slinging around every direction, and aim it right at him!
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But then Goku just does this sweet midair flip and skates along the front of her blast, using his ki ball like a weird little skateboard!
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Kefla gets blasted through the stage!  Then her Potara shatter, and coincidentally...
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... the Fusion dissolves, and so it’s Caulifla and Kale who tumble to the bench!
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They’re OUT. 
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Kale apologizes for losing, while Caulifla cries out for revenge.  Yes!  Fight Goku again!  Give us Kefla/Goku II!  Make it happen!
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So now Team Universe 6 is down to just two fighters: Saonel and Pilina. They vow to win, but come on.  What chance could they have?
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Meanwhile, that last round with Kefla finally got Jiren’s attention.  At least he’s not meditating like he planned to do for the second half.
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As for Goku, he’s tapped out all over again.  I guess it’s a net positive, since at least this time around he won a fight with Ultra Instinct instead of eating a super punch from Jiren.  But still, if he plans to defeat Jiren, he’ll have to do Ultra Instinct a third time, and can he even handle that?  Well, those are matters for later episodes.  As for this one, what else can I say but:
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This was a brilliant finish to a classic fight.  A lot of dumbasses out there were only happy to see Caulifla and Kale eliminated from the competition because they hated those two.  But discerning Caulifla and Kale likers, such as myself, know the truth, that Episodes 113-116 were a bona fide barn-burner, and the best of what Dragon Ball Super had to offer.  Show me a fight in GT that came anywhere close to this.  No, don’t bother, because I already watched GT recently, and I have 65 haikus that say there isn’t one. 
I’ll admit, there have been times where I thought this liveblog was a mistake, because most of the stuff I’ve been covering has been pretty weak.  A lot of it is downright terrible.  But I knew the Tournament of Power would cheer me up, and that these four episodes in particular would really cheer me up, and I was right.  It’s like all the frustration and regret from before has metled away.  There’s 15 episodes of Super left to go, and I’m refreshed and ready to tackle ‘em!
Well, later, I think. 
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