#new favorite wy to color things
cherrytraveller · 1 year
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colgera better watch out, stay frosty❄️
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
America - What is your favorite place to eat? I get takeout from Wingstop quite often.
Australia - Do you have any quirks when speaking? I talk faster and stumble over my words when I’m nervous.
Austria - What kind of person do you wish to be? Someone who is happy and finds something they’re passionate about to do in life.
Belarus - Is there anyone you love? God and my family.
Belgium - What do you think of your siblings? I love them. My younger brother and I are very close.
Botswana - Do you like to sing? Why or why not? I do, but too bad I can’t sing well.
Bulgaria - Who do you consider close to you? My mom and brother.
Cameroon - Describe your culture. Hmm.
Canada - Favorite wintertime activity? Does Christmas count? I like doing Christmas related activities. 
China - What was the best moment of your life? Wow, I’d have to really think about that.
Cuba - What sort of grudges do you hold if any? Hmm.
Cyprus - What hands-on activities do you like (drawing, carving, building, etc.)? I like to color.
Denmark - Do you wish for something of your past? Yeah, a lot of things. 
Egypt - Do you stand up for what you believe in? How? I’m not one to debate or argue and I avoid confrontation. I’m a quiet person who gets intimidated quite easily. I probably stay too quiet about some things because of that. I keep a lot of my opinions to myself. I wish I did speak up more about some things. All that being said, I do still stand by what I believe in and feel strongly about it even if I’m not so vocal about it.
England - Are you controlling? No.
Estonia - Do you think people often misunderstand you? Yes.
Finland - What do you prefer, kindness, sternness, or apathy? Uh, kindness. These are odd choices.
France - How do you show love for those you care for? By showing support and encouragement, spending time with them, being there for them and helping out, treating them to their favorite things... stuff like that.
Germania - What is the hardest thing you have ever had to do? Say goodbye to my loved ones who have passed away.
Germany - Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself? Yes, most definitely. I’m very understanding and forgiving when it comes to other, but when it comes to myself I’m harsh and very critical.
Ghana - What is our favorite sport? I don’t like sports.
Greece - Do you let others help you when in need? Yes. However, due to health setbacks I’ve had to be very dependent and require a lot of help and that’s something I’m struggling with. 
Hungary - Who is the person you trust most? My mom.
Hutt River - What is the most memorable dream or nightmare you have had? There’s a few, but I don’t feel like getting into it right now.
Hong Kong - Do you fear death? Yes.
Iceland - Do you hide your real personality? Why? Hm. I wouldn’t say that.
India - How important is family to you? Extremely. My family is everything to me.
Japan - Tell us a secret about yourself. I don’t really have any. I share everything on this blog, anyway. <<< Same.
Kenya - What is your favorite wild animal? Giraffes.
Korea - What is one thing you accomplished by yourself? Hm.
Kugelmugel - Is there anyone you have a love-hate relationship with? No.
Latvia - Do you believe you are brave? No. I’m scared and weak.
Ladonia - What is the internet site you visit most often? Tumblr and YouTube. Liechtenstein - How do people underestimate you most often? I kinda feel like people overestimate me more. They think I’m so brave and strong and smart, but I’m like no, I’m really not.
Lithuania - Do you desire power? No.
Macau - What is your favorite festival or celebration? Celebrating Christmas.
Molossia - Do you consider yourself strong? As I’ve mentioned a few times now, no. I don’t.
Monaco - Do you think you are a lucky person? I don’t believe in luck.
New Zealand - Would you rather be an elf, dwarf, Hobbit, or wizard? None.
North Italy - What is your least favorite part of your personality? Most of it.
Norway - What was the most disappointing time in your life? These past few years for sure.
Netherlands - Most generous thing someone has done for you? My family has done countless generous things for me.
Poland - Hardest thing you have gone through? Losing loved ones and health related struggles.
Prussia - Would you prefer to live forever or die alone? If I’m the only one out of my family who lives forever then I wouldn’t want that either. 
Roman Empire - How would you like to be remembered? It doesn’t really matter.
Romania - What is something you are very ashamed of? Myself; the person I’ve become.
Russia - Have you ever suffered from low self esteem? Do you still? Yes, since I was like 12 years old. It’s definitely the worst it’s ever been now, though.
Sealand - Who is your best friend? My mom.
Seborga - What is your favorite beverage? Coffee, Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink, Yoo-Hoo (chocolate and strawberry), Coke, Dr. Pepper, Cherry Coke, and Mountain Dew.
Seychelles - How do you handle people being rude to you? By not doing anything and then talking shit later, ha.
South Italy - What is your favorite part of your personality? I think I’m pretty understanding and open-minded.
Spain - What would you tell to the person or people you hurt most if you had a second chance? That person is me...
Sweden - Are you a leader, follower, or independent? A follower, I guess. I’m definitely not fit for the leader role and I’ve to be very dependent these past few years, especially these past couple months.
Switzerland - Would you consider yourself evil, good, or neutral? I certainly don’t think I’m evil.
Thailand - How good is your poker face? Not good anymore. My emotions show all over.
Tibet - What do you value most? God and my family.
Taiwan - What do you think of the people or person who raised you? I love them more than anything and I’m so blessed to have them.
Turkey - Would you ever want children? No.
Uganda - How would you like others to see you? You’ve asked this a couple different ways already.
Ukraine - What is one thing that has made you stronger in life? You would think the struggles and obstacles I’ve been through throughout my life, but I don’t feel strong at all.
Vietnam - What is something you are proud of about yourself? Nothing.
Wy - What kind of art do you like? Literature, music, and film.
Zimbabwe - Who is your favorite character from any folklore? I don’t have one.
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Episode 117: The Zoo
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“Can you blame ‘em?”
Every Western story about a return journey can be compared to The Odyssey if you squint hard enough, and while Steven’s rescue of Greg has already featured poor decisions and a cyclops, The Zoo is our most obvious reference point to a trial of Odysseus: in this case, the Lotus Eaters. 
Does it make sense that such a small population could genetically reproduce this long? Let alone that distinct races would still be a thing in this inevitably incestuous family tree spanning millennia? Does it make sense that everyone here is roughly the same age, with barely any old people or children? Or that they’re speaking English, a language thousands of years younger than the last human abducted for the Zoo before Greg? Of course not, this is a nonsensical system. But if the choice was eleven minutes going over hyper-realistic minutia of how this system works (most likely, these folks are divided into small packs and we’re just seeing one of many groups) versus an interesting fable about free will and the conflict between hedonism and responsibility, I’m good ignoring the massive leaps required for the Zoo to hold logical water.
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A thorny ethical question presents itself here: if the Zoomans are eternally happy and safe, to the point where they don’t understand the concept of “hurt,” is it such a bad thing that they lack free will? To us, freedom is such an obviously good thing that its value is taken as a given, but all choice does here is make the Zoomans unhappy for the first time since an incident long ago enough to be the stuff of legend. This is a group of people whose culture predates Ancient Greece and is still going strong, outlasting any human civilization that’s ever existed on Earth by an impossibly huge degree, so what right do we have to think our moral code is superior to theirs?
The Zoo is dystopia by way of Dora the Explorer, a perfect prison that has babied its inhabitants for so many lifespans that they can’t even fathom disrupting the system. A friendly voice tells them what actions to take to have fun (Smell the flowers! Go to bed! Swiper, no swiping!) and the Zoomans obey without hesitation; they are essentially to humans what modern dogs are to wolves, a domesticated and perpetually juvenile version of the original model. But they certainly aren’t a different species in that way (dogs diverged from wolves genetically tens of thousands of years ago, rather than a paltry 5,000); we see that the Zoomans are quickly capable of making choice when the idea is planted, but they choose to listen to the little voice. Is it ethical to give them the information to make a more informed choice? My gut says yes, but that’s based on a moral code developed by a society that, like English, is much younger than Zooman society.
The second question that arises from the first is the morality of Pink Diamond’s actions. From a Gem perspective, it’s a no-brainer: free will isn’t a societal good to them, so even if Earth wasn’t destroyed as originally planned when the Zoo was built, bringing people to a paradise whose only cost is freedom is an obvious win. This matters a lot for Blue Diamond, who’s still patronizing in her “saving” of Greg but clearly means well by her own alien metrics of good and bad. And in that way, on first viewing, Pink’s behavior becomes far less ambiguous than “evil alien kidnaps humans.” If she’s anything like Blue, she considered it a favor, and that alone characterizes her more than anything else we know at this point.
In retrospect, the Zoo is more clearly a half-measure taken when Pink was trying and failing to stop the colonization she began. This conflict wasn’t short, and it’s great to see evidence of Pink trying smaller ways to help humans before realizing that more drastic actions were necessary, rather than her just jumping straight to full revolution. The fact that the Zoo is still a thing after her permanent shift to Rose Quartz, however, is one of many indicators of Pink’s childish selfishness. She didn’t release the humans she abducted, just as she didn’t think of how her faked murder might have more violent consequences than a freed Earth. I call the selfishness childish because it comes not from malice, but seemingly not knowing any better. This is the self-centeredness of somebody who’s never had any reason to not be self-centered, which doesn’t absolve the harm she causes, but makes her more interesting than a true monster.
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While the Gem perspective is clear, Steven provides an ardent opposition to the concept of paradise without choice. At no point is he tempted by a life free of worries, valuing his ties to an existing life despite its many warts. And while Greg shows a few hints of falling for the Lotus Eater trap in his more relaxed attitude towards captivity, it’s crucial that his support of Steven trumps the comfort of this new reality; an entire episode about Greg measuring an easy life versus his son’s happiness, while in keeping from the weird shitty version of Greg we met in House Guest, would’ve been ruinous to his actual character. He’s still chill, and encourages Steven to chill as well for his own well-being, but never goes further in trying to stay at the Zoo; we even know that he tried to escape before Steven arrived.
While their long-awaited reunion is sweet, my favorite Steven'n’Greg moment is the realization that amethysts will likely arrive in response to pain. Steven’s insistence that Greg hit him comes from both impatience and the knowledge that he can take a punch, but Tom Scharpling perfectly captures how insane this sounds to Greg. Even though he’s physically weaker than his superhumanly powerful son, Greg’s willing to get hurt in his kid’s place. And still, Steven hesitates, because neither of these people wants to hit the other despite the circumstances. Finally, after Steven’s punch sends Greg flying, I appreciate his idea to try punching him again; to me, it’s representative of how much Steven thinks of his dad, because he just assumes this middle aged dude is tough enough to shrug off such a blow.
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The two lead Zooman representatives sorta blend together, but I think that’s the point: in a society where conformity is the only option, everyone’s bound to act similarly. They’re both portrayed well enough to avoid boring tropes associated with characters like this (we don’t get airy hippies or droning disciples): Cristina Vee’s Jay-Ten and Lamar Abrams’s Wy-Six are delightfully dopey and just a little bit self-superior when things they find obvious are a mystery to our heroes. Vee doubles as the Little Voice, which is correctly played without a hint of menace, and while Abrams has already proven himself as Buck Dewey, I’m impressed by his ability to play a fully different character just as well (he’s also Garbanzo, who also sounds distinct, but he only says his own name so there’s not much room to measure differences).
While I have no idea whether the pun is intentional, I am all about these people raised beyond the stars being spacier than our more grounded Earthlings. Still, their one-note nature means that my favorite Zooman moments are actually Steven’s reactions to them. His quick decision to escape after being told to do “the bits” bit is low key hilarious, as is his bewilderment at their tiny splashes. These aren’t people that are going to make jokes or clever observations on their own, at least in a way that can match what their terrestrial counterparts can accomplish, but at least I never feel bored with the routine in a way that detracts from the episode.
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In contrast to the mundane hedonism of daily life, the Choosening is just the sort of cultish jargon that one might expect from a society like this, and I love the familiarity implied in Greg’s world-weary comment that there’s always a catch with this sort of thing. We have no way of knowing how arbitrary the Choosening is, but considering Greg gets chosen Choosened right after arriving, it certainly seems random. While arranged marriage is obviously a thing on Earth as well, the power dynamics on the Zoo are more akin to forced marriage. But even this is colored by an earthly glimpse at an alien culture, because we don’t have any societies with an all-powerful overclass and a genuinely content and cared-for underclass. Is it really forced marriage if the parties involved are happy about it? Even if this is due to them being happy about everything that happens in this society? Are they really capable of true happiness when they’ve experienced no alternate emotions?
This is where the theme of choice versus happiness comes to a head, and it’s so important that we don’t get a tidy ending where free will is presented as a liberating alternative to a peaceful life of following orders. Choices allow for more meaningful happiness, but can lead to sadness as well; while this might seem obvious, I’m always down for children’s media explaining why negative emotions can be okay sometimes (see: Inside Out) and that a life free of pain isn’t necessarily good. It would be disingenuous for real choice to be presented without backlash to a society without free will, and we don’t even get to see how the situation resolves in the original series.
The amethysts march in to help, and Michaela Dietz wonderfully captures gruff warriors helping with emotional wounds. But we end the episode with the Zoomans in turmoil, abandoned by our heroes without a second thought. Based on how the system works, all it takes to reject the Little Voice is just deciding not to listen, and it hadn’t been done before because the Zoomans wanted to listen; again, it’s a tricky situation, because perhaps they do have free will and have chosen obedience. .
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As in the last few episodes, we get a cliffhanger ending, but The Zoo bounces back from Gem Heist by having an actual complete story within the chapter. Steven and Greg make a meaningful impact on the Zoomans, but whether it’s for better or worse is up in the air. Our heroes gain the option to eat lotuses in peace for the rest of their days, but choose freedom instead. And they reinforce their bond by sticking together through it all. Now they just have to escape a space station crawling with Gems and find their missing friends and fly home, and that will be all!
Future Vision!
The Zoomans finally return in Steven Universe Future, where their utopia has been expanded to include the Famethyst and Holly Blue. They may be running the station, but they choose to live the way they always have. They’re also petty as hell, which is an excellent development for their passive society.
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
While I appreciate the moral questions prompted by The Zoo, and enjoy the episode itself, it’s not quite something that I’d say I love. There’s nothing I find wrong with it, but it lacks a certain amount of oomph that might make it worthy to stand alongside the likes of Alone at Sea or Maximum Capacity in my rankings; this is a high concept episode that has decent character work, but ratio of focus on concept to character doesn’t align with what I love about Steven Universe.
It’s weird to put it in the same category as Gem Heist, because I like The Zoo a lot more, but this is what I get for not having way too many categories. Enh, I can live with it.
Top Twenty
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
Last One Out of Beach City
The Return
The Answer
Mindful Education
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Steven’s Dream
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Chille Tid
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Catch and Release
When It Rains
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Gem Harvest
Three Gems and a Baby
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Adventures in Light Distortion
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
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toomanysurveys9 · 5 years
How often do you watch the news? pretty much never.
Do you have a dishwasher? we do.
How old are your grandparents? i know my grandparents that live with us are 82 and 80. i know my grandpa randolph is younger than that.
Do you have a piggy bank? i gave it to wy.
What is the worst lie you’ve ever told?
i don’t know. 
Where is the last place you drove to?
here to the hospice center.
Do you have your license? yup. i have since i was 16.
Are you a pyromaniac? nope.
Are you a kleptomaniac? nope.
Are you just a plain ol’ maniac? :P probably.
What is your favorite Disney movie? beauty and the beast.
Have you ever eaten a bug? not intentionally.
What is your mom’s name? sandra.
Are you creative? in some ways.
What were you for halloween last year? nothing.
Have you ever been to a block party? nope. they’re not really things around here,.
Do you have a fan in your room? yup.
What color is your lampshade? don’t have one.
Is there anything you never get tired of eating?
i mean. no. cos i get tired of everything after awhile.
What color are your kitchen walls painted?
Have you ever egged a house? nope.
What about TP’d a house? nope.
Do you like pranking people? not really.
Do you like to wear belts?
not really.
Who’s funnier: Whoopie Goldberg or Roseanne Barr? eh. i don’t really find either that funny.
Do you ever watch The View? nope.
Would you ever get dreadlocks? nope.
What is the most expensive electronic in your room? does the tv count?
Do you like shiny objects? eh. i guess.
What internet browser do you use? firefox usually.
Do you listen to Eminem? occasionally.
Are you subscribed to any magazines? not anymore.
Do you enjoy freeze pops? sometimes.
Cookies or cupcakes? cupcakes lately.
Are you involved with any charity work? i am not.
Manicotti or ravioli? manicotti.
What is your heritage? scottish.
Do you have a job? i do.
Did you ever take a cooking class in school? in high school.
How about a sewing class? yeah but i didn’t take it.
Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? that’s wyatt’s birthday.
Where is your phone charger? in the diaper bag.
Have you ever hatched an egg? i have not.
Would you like to go to a fortune teller? nope.
Are you hungry? nope. i’m stuffed.
Do you chew gum on a daily basis? nope.
What brand shampoo do you use? whatever my mom buys. and she buys whatever is cheap.
Have you ever eaten Synder’s of Hanover pretzels? yeah.
When is the last time you went to an amusement park? it’s been a long ass time.
Which season is your absolute favorite? spring.
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lilprincesstalia · 6 years
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To All the single Mommies and Daddies out there
Name: Talia
Location: Colorado/ or Wisconsin (USA)
Just so you know I’m living in Colorado right now but I’m moving back to Wisconsin for school soon.
I don’t know wy but I’m feeling exta shy today but also like exta needy so I guess here we go.
Ages: Hi evyone I’m talia. I’m a 20 year old trans little with an age of 1-2.
Role: I am 100% a sub little. It’s hard as a trans little to dom daddies but I believe the right one is out there
Titles: I don’t really care cause I’d want my daddy or mommy to pick cute names for me
About me little and big: I’m super new to this whole theing honestly. I’ve been into mdlg ddlg Cgl and abdl for less than a year but it feels so right I know it’s what I want. Honestly I always felt that I acted or dressed a bit younger than any of the oter boys and gils in school with me but I never really got what it meant until now. Um I kinda of a nerd I lovies cartoons and movies and I like playing video games in pc Xbox and ps4 but I’m not very good. Umm I LOVVVE DISNEY MORE THAN ANYTHIG IN DA WOLDS. I really likes stuffies and pacis too a lot but I don’t have any right nows. When I’m adulting I like rugby the outdoors and. But I also like to just stay in to some anime and netflix. The best of both worlds honestly haha. I’m in college studying in geology, I like rocks. And a little I think arts and crafts is one of my favorite things I alsways need some sort of crayons and a coloring book with me sometimes even when I’m big.
Favorite big item: this is a hard one I don’t know either one of my game systems or like my rugby ball.
Fav little item: I have this super cool fluttershy colored paci and it’s the only paci I have and I love it and it makes end fee little cause I love fluttershy and she’s like the bestest pony. But I think I lost that paci somewhere.
Shows and movies: in big space I like space stuff and fantasy stuff my fav three series are Star Wars Star Trek and lord of the rings but when I’m little that all changes. I honestly can’t stand movies that are pg13 and up if I don’t have someone to watch with. No matter the type of movie I just get to scared in little space easily.
Dream partner:
Um I’m looking for my forever parent. Gender or age doesn’t really matter as long as you’re over 18. I’m looking for a long term relationship twitch someone that can handle a needy baby that really wants to learn and grow as a little with my partner. I would prefer them to be strictly daddy or mommy rather than switch but I’ve never had a real relationship so I’m open for any type of daddy or mommy honestly. I’m also fine to just make new friends in he community and learn more about it. I’m 5’11 170 If hat matters.
Partner likes and dislikes: I like when I know that my partner can tell if I’m upset or grumpy. Um and I like when they’re ok with me being clingy and I like when they text back and I dunno.
Don’t likes: I don’t like when a partner is a meany. Like not just teasing but is like actually making me. Um I don’t like bully’s and cheating and being ignored for a long time.
Relationship type: I don’t usually feel very sexual when I’m in little space but when feeling big I’d definitely like sexual. But this is all tbd depending on the person.
Um if you want to talk to me you can just message me here or you can talk to me at my kik taliaruffles I cant wait to here from peoples
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zealoptics · 6 years
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From New Zealand to North America: “A Ride With Purpose” 
Words by Christian Little
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Christian shares a bit of her return from New Zealand to North America this summer in her latest blog, "A Ride With Purpose." Join us as she shares of her summer adventures on two wheels through Colorado, British Columbia, and Jackson Hole and the journey of continued growth on and off the bike as she rides with purpose following her near death experience and recovery from a broken back and spinal cord injury over 2 years ago. She hopes sharing a bit of her journey through her lens encourages and inspires you along your adventurous journey. 
New Zealand Round 2 
It can be bit of an adjustment to return to your country after being gone for several months. It turned out to be a mix of emotions returning for me after such quality healing time and adventures in New Zealand for round 2 there. I had a lot of time to reflect alone but also explored with new and old friends adventuring New Zealand. We surfed and mountain biked the beautiful country while even dabbling in some less familiar sports such as pack rafter rapids, SUP surfing, orienteering through the jungle, and island hopping by ocean kayak. I really tried to make the most of my time in the South Pacific and even managed to squeeze a cheap ticket and trip over to Samoa to moto around the Islands exploring, cracking open fresh coconuts, and surfing while getting immersed with the locals and their culture. 
Returning to New Zealand was a healing time as my prior time in NZ was cut short back in 2016 due to suffering and broken back and spinal cord injury. This time in New Zealand brought a peaceful and loving connection with God in his creation as my healing continued in New Zealand round 2. Being able to return to the trail I fell on was a very special experience, which you can get the full story by checking out "Miracles and Mountain Biking." 
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(Stopping to savor the moment at heavens door in New Zealand which happens to be just past where I nearly died after tomahawked off the mountain 2 years prior.) 
Back in North America 
Fast forward to being back in the states following New Zealand summer 2018. I felt my healing had made huge progress while in New Zealand, yet I still was having a hard time. Trauma is rough and takes time to get through, so I encourage you to love and support others out there in the journey of life. I encourage you to live life to the fullest, live it well, leap2fly, don’t give up, and let your light shine. Adventures awaits! In the midst of working through my hardship and healing I have so much to be grateful for... 
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(Back in North America. Living life to fullest. One highlight of the summer was hopped onto a 45 minute ferry in Nelson, BC at the Trans BC race to drop into steep and gnarly terrain with epic views like this. Photo by Noah Wetzel.)
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(My home base for the summer was Jackson Hole, WY. I was practicing physiotherapy, MTB guiding and coaching, and you could often find me riding Teton Pass and hitching rides from the stagecoach for more laps.)
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(While adventuring on two wheels is my favorite way to adventure, I wanted check out areas of the Tetons a bike isn't allowed, so I got amongst the Tetons by foot.) 
Riding with Purpose 
When I returned from New Zealand I did not know what was ahead other than my plan to continue riding with purpose. Riding with purpose signifies mountain biking for a bigger purpose than myself. My faith is what has inspired and gave me hope through the toughest of times and has given me purpose to ride on. Also, a big part of why I feel I survived the fall in New Zealand is for the purpose of inspiring, encouraging, and positively impacting others lives through the outdoors and biking. Specifically I returned to North America to continue growing Leap2fly in Colorado and expand into Canada, so I could continue to see lives positively impacted through mountain bike retreats. 
Leap2fly is a mountain bike retreat business that offers retreats in Colorado, British Columbia, and New Zealand. I started Leap2fly to support, encourage, inspire, and empower growth on and off the bike by providing an opportunity to connect with yourself, others, and the outdoors in some of the most epic mountain bike locations in the world. My goal is for every person who comes to adventure with use on a retreat to leave not only stoked at an epic experience with lots of hi fives and laughs with new friends, but to feel it was a life changing experience for them that they truly embraced "Leaping to fly" on and off the bike. 
Recent Leap2fly MTB Retreats 
Ladies shared stoke and supported each other in the midst of riding some of the most epic trails in Crested Butte. Leap2fly retreats started the morning with yoga and yummy food and embarked each day on an epic adventure into the backcountry high alpine mountains of Crested Butte. Sharing the amazing trails and taking in the moments of breathtaking beauty with the ladies was such a special experience. Each day provided an opportunity for participants to truly embrace "Leaping to fly" while we grow on and off the bike together over the weekend. So many laughs and smiles from stoke where shared and each lady left encouraged, inspired, and positively impacted. 
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(Ladyshredder train at Leap2fly MTB Retreat)
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(Gotta leap2fly in Crested Butte, Colorado) 
What's ahead for Leap2fly 
Leap2fly offers ladyshred retreats as well as co ed retreats, but absolutely there is something uniquely awesome about women supporting and encouraging each other at the ladyshreder retreats. 
Next up for Leap2fly is our Durango Ladyshred MTB Retreat. I will be partnering up with friend Lindsey Richter, founder of Liv Ladies AllRides to offer a skills clinic the first day to kick of the Retreat at Purgatory Resort. I'm also in the process of planning for a mountain bike adventure retreat in New Zealand for the NZ summer that will include epic mountain biking as well as surfing. Next year more Colorado MTB retreats in Crested Butte and Durango. Also, starting a Retreat for those interesting in Enduro racing or progressing in acing in partnership with Anne Galyean who was the first and only female on Yeti's factory team. checkout more at: leap2fly.com 
follow on instagram @leap2fly or @christian_little 
Summer adventures in North America 
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(Soaking in the moment with a Teton sunset. Photo by katielozancich.com)
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(Photo by katielozancich.com) 
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(Spending a bit of time in the Tetons this summer riding Teton Pass, Shadow Mountain, and guiding at the JH Resort.)
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(Enjoying technical enduro style goodness from steep slabs to wood features as I traveled throughout British Columbia in July.) 
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(After the Trans BC race a crew of us continued on to Revelstoke, BC to continue adventuring together on the big mountain technical trails around Revy.)
What inspires you? 
My faith has inspired me as I am in awe of the miracle that I am alive and know part of being alive is to share my story and Leap2fly to inspire/encourage others. Seeing participants "leap 2 fly" at the retreats inspires me to press on to continue hopefully creating a ripple effect to inspire each person who comes to a retreat. I am in awe of Gods creation and every time I am out adventuring on two wheels I am inspired by the beauty in all things and all around me. Life is short and I want to continue soaking in the adventurous journey of life inspired to live it to the fullest and hopefully inspiring and encouraging others to "leap 2 fly" in life too. 
Where do you #findyourzeal? 
Riding with purpose. Adventuring on two wheels in the mountains and/or helping others in the journey of life and biking. 
On the mountain tops after a long climb or on the descent as your stoke level is high flying down a technical section on the trail, when sharing a hi five and stoke on an epic adventure with friends, when stopping to take in the moment of the beauty all around (watching the colors change in the sky and the temperature drop as the sun begins to set while surfing or mountain biking), stepping into the unknown exploring in the mountains around the world and sharing the experience with others, and when she "leap 2 fly" in biking and life and/or help others in the journey. 
I really value living this short life to the fullest and encouraging others in their journey in biking and life. Mountain biking has opened up a whole new world with adventures, friendships, and travel around the world that I love to share with others. What truly inspired me to start leap2fly is encouraging others to "leap to fly" in biking and life to live it the the fullest. You've got one life. Live it well! Let your light shine! 
What Zeal products do you enjoy riding in? 
I sport the radium sunglasses on a sunny day as they provide coverage riding in the sun, yet have a rad design and are light weight for riding in. I also love sporting them on just about any sunny adventure. I just got some zeal googles to shred in with my full-face helmet for those technical days in the dark forest.
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(Photo by katielozancich.com)
As we head into fall we are in the midst of changing seasons. May you embrace the beautiful journey and find peace and joy beyond what you thought possible as you take in the light moments along the way. Don’t give up along the way and believe in the light, love, and purpose ahead. Hope my personal journey brings you encouragement and inspires you to Leap2fly in your life. You’re on your way. Adventure awaits! Enjoy the ride!
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lurking-umbra · 6 years
11 Questions Tag
I was tagged by the wonderful @a-marvellous-miscellany (I totally did not briefly forget about this. ...twice. The other part of the time was me trying to come up with 11 questions.)
Rule: Answer 11 questions and then write 11 of your own (tag people).
1: How many cats is too many cats?
There is no maximum number. Live your dreams. Have all the cats.
2: If you had to stay on a desert island, who would you LEAST like to come with you?
Probably one of the few people from high school who I still remember being mean to me. Specifically the one who I ignored for like half the year despite sitting next to him in class. 
3: What’s the first book you remember reading on your own?
I’m sure I read a lot of things, but like... specifically? Probably Alanna: the first adventure. Or a Mary-Kate and Ashley Mystery book.
4: What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn, but never got around to?
Japanese. I started a little on duolingo, but I didn’t really learn much. 
5: What kind of old person do you want to be?
The kind of old person who doesn’t care what other people think who’s maybe a little wild but still very kind. 
6: What weird thing do you parents call you?
“(insert name here), a biscuit” idk why or where it came from.
7: What’s your favourite bridge?
I had to google it, but the Senator William V. Roth, Jr. bridge is very pretty. I also like the Chesapeake Bay bridge because of memories and the Verezano-Narrows bridge a slightly distant third for pretty much similar reasons. 
8: If you had to take the place of a character, and live their life, who would you be?
*tries to think of characters that still have both parents* Sailor Moon/ Serena? Plus then I get to live out my dreams of being a magical girl.
9: Did you have a thing you were really good at drawing as a kid?
Animals in general I think? I had a how to draw horses book even. 
10: What’s your favourite song to sing in the shower?
All of them? Recently it’s been a fair mix of Wicked, Twenty One Pilots, and High School Musical (1-3), with some Walk the Moon thrown in.
11: If you had to move to a different country right now, where would you go?
New Zealand? It was very nice and I miss it, but I’d also miss my family.
My 11 questions:
What job would you do if money weren’t an issue?
What animal would you have as a pet if you could have any pet (real or mythical)?
What is your favorite feel good movie?
What is a favorite quote of yours?
What episodic series do you follow religiously (can be tv, podcast, etc.)? 
What is your favorite song of the moment?
What is your favorite book/series?
What’s your favorite color and why?
What is one gift you treasure dearly?
Do you prefer professional/adult phone calls or face to face interactions?
What’s your favorite dessert?
Tagging: @bk-the-pk-squared @dragonfuckerllc @b-wow-fish @kalikatze @wy-vern @inmortequiescam (or whoever sees this and wants to do it)
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led123123 · 4 years
wszystkie was jebać dziwki 
pozdrawiam wszystkich cieplutko wy dziwki jedzcie moje gówno
should I use wingman?
I should do a pool 
there’s really no point of taking my teammates banners
damn I hate playing with these lowest ranks
I hate playing with these lowest ranks
my life motto is.. “fuck you all”
I need to make cocoa again.
cioty zjebane przyjechały znowu.. ta kurwa zjebana.. i teraz nawet kakaa nie zrobie ani nie pogram wogule już dzisiaj
kurwa zjebana ciota kurwa kurwa kurwa
kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa
cioty przylazły.. przyleźli czy przyleźli.. przyleźili..
wow I played gib.. and.. his dome cooldown is really short
lol the meme dude understood the meme..
damn.. there was market opening in town.. so my brother.. bought shitton of food because there was a lot of promotions.. because the market wants to make smaller shops go bancrupt
I got apple juice. damn. 2 bottles of apple juice. this is what I wanted. I wanted more apple juice
droped to lowest rank again because of new update
wingman is really useless
this is my favorite
lots of colors and very good choreography 
this one also looks good
wow like.. hkt48 and..
“ABK48″ and they both have a lot of colors
very good songs
some of the songs are really like.. the ones that I would listen to a lot
because they look really interesting
like. the most interesting to me right now.. there are like.. a lot of them are really interesting
like. probably like.. half or more than half idk
so there’s a lot of interesting ones
I can’t listen to them all at once
this was the most interesting
perfume was making similar songs
and few of them I know 
like fancy in example
2ne1 I heard some songs 
I love this one
I have other stuff to do.
napping staring at my wall and eating food. 
I can’t listen to all of these songs at once
I’m hoping that my teeth won’t break again
damn. I just bit.. and.. I’m feeling this cold feeling again
after biting
because these roots got deeper
they are supposed to.. like.. break though.. 
to have access to blood etc
imagine having.. like.. infection like.. you know.. like.. lets say.. your leg is rotting.. so doctor wants to amputate you leg so infection doesn’t go further
omfg.. he’s cutting his foot when he’s conscious?
oh sh*t..
avoid hospitals.. there was a song. “better avoid hospitals and better dont’ get sick”
I was like.. why are people so insensitive..
when I went to hospital they wanted to cut out.. some gut from my stomach
my mother took me to hospital. and they signed me for operation. and my mother agreed. and she wanted me to go but I didn’t want to get my guts from stomach removed..
yeah I would just.. it would be better for her to just.. kill her
I also though that she should die because it’s so much pain
I also.. broke.. nail.. and.. it got black.. too
it’s like.. the.. infection.. is like.. 
how does that infection work..
why was her leg so looking like it’s melted
it’s dead. it looks like a mummy..
oh sh*t that’s a whole foot and a leg sh
that’s a foot I though it’s a hand
those are bones left.. from a foot
only bones left.. the rest dried out.. but like.. the leg of this other woman.. looked different.. it should like.. dry out.. and her.. father or someone.. had.. black leg.. so.. and she didn’t have black she had.. melted.. because his leg was dry.. and her leg.. was.. covered.. so it couldn’t dry out.. everyone knows.. that.. like.. I know that.. that.. bacterias and.. all the mold.. happens when there is moisture.. and.. that’s why.. bacterias were attacking her leg. because it was covered so it couldn’t dry out.. and bacteria was eating all her flesh on her bone
because it was covered so it wasn’t drying out
if it dried out then it wouldn’t get attacked by bacteria as hard.. I don’t know why people actually wrap wounds in bandages.. it prevents wounds from drying out.. and makes the wound rot more.. 
that’s really stupid.. thing that people wrap wounds in bandages
oh.. it’s the snake bite.. okay.. 
hope this will never happen to me. because I will have no idea what to do
I had infection around my eye for a long time though.. & I didn’t know what  to do
this is gonna be my favorite song now
k-pop has more english than j-pop.. do they speak english in jpop at all at all at all??
I told the historic reasons.. korea was getting threatened by china and was attacked by japan also.. and america didn’t want china to expand so they protected korea from china so china couldn’t take their territory.. like.. vietnam.. is kinda.. similar story I guess.. vietnam was split in half too
I do feel like.. I don’t feel as good if I don’t get like.. sunlight.. like.. I usually try to get more sun because if I don’t get enough sun then I wouldn’t feel as good as having more sun
I could feel worse or bad if I wouldn’t get enough sun so I try to get more sun
but.. I don’t believe that pills with “vitamin D” could replace getting sunlight
crypto is counter to caustic traps
also like.. nades are also counter I think
no.. nades are counter to watson
it’s so much more difficult to win these days in ranked.. so many people stay alive till the end
a lot of progress on biting.. so far I was biting on not the last tooth but the one that is in front of it.. so.. I wanted the last one to get better.. and more straight but now that I bit on the one in front of it maybe I could make the last one straight 
because now I can get to the last one I guess or sth
the last one is easier to bite on 
so maybe I it will get.. deeper.. you know.. its roots I’m guessing mabye.. were like.. not perfectly straight.. so it takes time for them to adapt so they can fit properly and straight
because if they’re not straight they won’t go deeper.. so it takes time for them to get more straight maybe
see? their roots are.. you know.. it takes time for them to adapt
damn apple juice is good
and I started biting on the other side..
so these teeth roots may take time to get straightened up
I bought another hard drive.. because I run out of space..
I remember.. when someone had.. spider or fly avatar..
6200 тепер
damn storm again.. storm is boring
думал зто мущчина был настоящий
my teeth don’t hurt at all now.. I didn’t drink anyting with sugar today though..
I ate.. one really big bar of oreo chocolate today though.. because.. as I said.. my brother bought a lot of food because new market was opened in town.. so they had a lot of promotions so I had a lot of food
because this market wants to.. destroy other shops..
0 notes
vradmic · 7 years
And I also got tagged by the master of all the beans, @beanmaster-pika ! Thanks, pal!
Rules: Answer the questions, then make your own and tag people.
1. If you could live in any themed bedroom, what would it be?
No preference, really. I would prefer calm and lighter colors, I suppose.
2. What’s your favorite time of day?
*shrug emoji* I honestly don’t know. Probably night as that is when it isn’t so hot here, but eh...
3. Would you rather never have to do laundry the rest of your life, or never have to do dishes?
They both can get very dirty... I honestly don’t mind doing dishes too much, so I have to go with never having to do laundry.
4. If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be?
People will probably expect me to choose Saten Ruiko, my choice is actually Yamabuki Saaya. More specifically, I want to go to the Yamabuki bakery! and not because that means I have a good chance of running into some of my other faves of the franchise
5. If you were a mythological creature, what would you be?
Wy...vern...? I guess...?
6. Do you have a favorite planet?
Does Earth count? If not, I think I have to go for Neptune.
7. What’s your favorite Greek myth?
*shrug emoji V2* I honestly have no idea ^^’
8. Are you more of a nighttime person, or a daytime person?
Nighttime. As said earlier, it’s cooler during the night which makes all the difference.
9. What’s a food you could never give up?
Probably pancakes if I have to be honest here. They’re great, they’re nutritious, they’re easy to make, and they are easy to eat.
10. What are you most looking forward to about today?
Breaking past 22k of NaNoWriMo I suppose XD
1. Do you have a weird guilty pleasure?
*shrug emoji V3*
2. Tea or coffee?
Tea please
3. Do you have any pets?
I don’t, but this house does have five cats so we got that going for us I suppose.
4. What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
Honestly, checking my messages. Timezones and stuff, I get a decent amount of messages while I’m asleep... so I need to make sure that I didn’t miss anything important
5. Favorite sleep position?
*shrug emoji V4*
6. How many languages do you speak?
Let’s see... English, Dutch, Indonesian, Mandarin, a decent amount of Japanese is what I would like to believe... that makes five, and I have signed up for a course on Spanish in the upcoming Spring semester, potentially bringing the number up to six.
7. Favorite food?
I honestly don’t have a favorite food ^^’ I’m not a picky eater ^^’
8. Do you have any plants in your home?
We don’t inside the house, but we have a small patch of ground that acts as a small garden outside.
9. What’s the greatest thing that could happen today to you?
Good question... I was going to say “getting good scouts in my gacha games”, but then I remembered that I won’t be scouting in any of them today... probably get close to 23k words for NaNoWriMo?
10. Favorite song?
“telepath ~ Hikari no Tou ~” by Misawa Sachika, an insert song used in the Toaru Majutsu no Index: Endymion no Kiseki movie that aired in 2013.
1. If you can bend elements like in Avatar Last Airbender which element would you choose?
2. Cat or a dog person?
I already said that we have five cats in this house, so I guess that answers the question already...?
3. What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
... I honestly can’t remember.
4. What’s something that amazes you?
That there is still good in this world, whether it be good people, good places, good news, despite all of the horrible things that are happening.
5. What is your strongest sense? If you had to give one up, which would it be?
I kind of want to say smell... and I’d rather give up my sense of taste; contrary to the belief of my classmates in high school, we don’t technically “taste” our food... we “smell” it.
6. What’s your favorite season?
Fall. It’s a nice season...
7. Favorite pizza toppings?
I’ve been away from the world of pizzas for so long that I honestly don’t know XD I know I like mushrooms on my pizzas, so I guess that’s my answer?
8. What would your chosen superpower be?
Teleportation all the way~ it’s been my favorite superpower ever since, Raildex has made me love it even more, and it just has a lot of great utility in a lot of different scenarios. It’s one of those superpowers that is relatively basic in nature, but has almost unlimited possibilities.
9. Favorite activity?
For now, I suppose that would be writing XD
And then my own questions...
10. What would you tell the you of five years ago if you could talk to that version of yourself right now?
1. Solar eclipse or Lunar eclipse?
And I’m tagging @reiriniverse @dapokemonmadster @shawn-and-aiden-frost-9 and @xadhoom-xado
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vadianna · 7 years
Tag Meme
I was tagged by @jesuisbetejesuispatissiere!  Thank you very much!
Rules: post the rules, answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write 11 questions of your own, and tag 11 people.
Cut because I do not know moderation.
1. What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen? A tie between sunset at Devil’s Tower, WY and Point Pleasant, WV.  The latter - yes I was visiting the Mothman museum, but it’s at the confluence of three rivers, and WV is a very beautiful place
2. What is your favorite classic painting? Saturn Devouring His Son by Goya.  But I’ve also spent a lot of time staring at A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte by Seurat between classes, because it is enormous and I still can’t believe the way the color works and I loved watching people view it.
3. Are you a fine cook? What is your best dish and can I have the recipe? I am a terrible cook!  The only thing I’m good at is preparing tea, and I keep recipes, but they are equipment and prep-based.
4. Best advice you’ve ever heard? I had a former supervisor tell me, when I was trying to train folks, that everyone is good at something, and you just need to find what that is and let them thrive.
5. Do you have siblings? Yes, a younger brother.
6. Why did you choose this URL? Stolen over a decade (or two ;_;) ago from a Sailor Moon character.
7. Could you give me a summary of what you think will happen in TLJ With the New Republic government obliterated, the Resistance is now the only one able to stop the First Order, but they’re hunted relentlessly, so it’s hard for them to make a move or try to help the scattered remnants of the Republic.  Rey and Luke are out of action on their island, and the FO is rolling out their invasion fleet and taking over.  Probably a few people from the Resistance (Finn and Rose, at least) infiltrate the FO to find their plans and a good place to strike, then the Resistance does an underdog attack.  Kylo Ren is beating them, then Rey comes in to fight him, or he gets to face off against Luke (and probably wins).  Actually, I could see the movie ending that way, on a low note to set up the third.  Hux is there, somewhere, for a couple minutes, and Snoke is a sneering villain in a gold bathrobe and an unnecessarily huge Star Destroyer.
8. Do you have tattoos? No. I’m horribly indecisive, and would change my mind and regret the design immediately.
9. Do you have plushies in your bed? Gggggoooooooddddd....  A Sandman Pillow Person (the one making the awful face in the lower left corner) from when I was a kid that begs for death every night.  It’s disgusting.  It’s been washed so many times that the fabric is sheer and you can see the curdled decades-old stuffing inside.  My mother also tried filling it with socks when it started to go flat.
10. Can you give me the URL of a very good fanfic? http://archiveofourown.org/works/7570705/chapters/17223523 - Psychomachia, by @longstoryshortikilledhim.  I really love longfic that suck me in, and this one was great.  Something that stuck with me was a comment Ren makes about Hux, that his conscience is clear because he is always so sure he’s making the right decision.  They get really bitter and violent towards each other partway through and eventually reconcile, but the fighting is absolutely epic.
Bonus - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8246462/chapters/18897563 - Fanboy by @helvel. They are actors at a really terrible Star Wars theme park and it is funny and Hux is clueless and I am embarrassed to admit how many times I have read this.
11. What are you planning to do tomorrow? Sleep in, write most of the day, maybe rollerblade through a forest preserve, if I muster the energy to drive.  Also play Etrian Odyssey II and probably finish Herland.
And eleven questions... hmm.  I am obviously writing this after waking up, drinking tea, and thinking about work.
1. What was the last thing you bought in a store? 2. Do you have an unusual collection of anything? 3. What’s the longest boat ride you’ve taken? 4. What was your first job? 5. How many mugs/coffee cups do you own? 6. What was the last book you read? 7. What was the most interesting class you’ve taken? 8, How often do you change your bedsheets? 9. Do you have a particular ritual for falling asleep at night? 10. Do you have a condiment you use excessively? 11. What’s your favorite drink?
I am horribly shy about tagging folks, but if you’d like to do this, tag me back. <3
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idratherdreamofjune · 7 years
11 Questions Meme!
I was tagged by @morfinwen a little while back. :)
1. What’s your current favorite song? In the Night, Andrew Peterson. Heard just this past week on my new favorite radio station, Pilgrim Radio here in WY.
2. Weirdest book you’ve ever read? Ooh. This will take some thought. No, wait! I’ve got it! The Woman in the Wall. Read it ages ago (>10 yrs) but wow was it weird so I still remember most of it. This girl is always ignored, by literally everyone, and sometimes they can’t see her?? So at a young age she uses her precocious carpentry skills and makes hidden rooms in her family’s big house and disappears into the walls and her family literally forgets she existed! They call her the house gnome, or something, because she does things for them when they’re not looking. This goes on for years, but then the sweet neighbor guy learns about her and finds her and saves her when the house burns down. Wow.
3. Someone gives you a million dollars, tax-free. What’s the first thing you spend it on that’s for you? Hm good question. A portable mini washing machine. Or tickets to Europe. XD
4. What color would you say you speak in? Kind of a pale lavender? Because usually I’m trying to be inoffensive and kind, and I’m very quiet.
5. Henceforth, you must always eat the same thing for breakfast. What is it? Oh dear. Cheerios and milk, I suppose. Healthy enough and not too strongly flavored.
6. What was the chore you liked best when you were a kid? Scrubbing down the dining table benches every few months. I loved seeing how dirty the washrag got. XD
7. What stereotype best fits you? Quiet wallflower, probably. Hopefully in a few years it’ll be the quiet nurse always on hand to help.
8. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to your younger self (5-10 years ago)? Another hard question. How about, “People aren’t watching you as much as you think, and even when they are there’s no point in worrying about it. Lighten up and be yourself more.”
9. What was your favorite era of history to study? Do I have to pick? ;) Probably WWII.
10. Favorite Winnie-the-Pooh character? Winnie the Pooh himself. Without question. I still have my Winnie stuffed friend I carried everywhere as a kid.
11. Do you ever wonder why we’re here? Not really - I know we’re here to learn about God and glorify Him. :)
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toomanysurveys9 · 6 years
How old will you be in 4 months? twenty-five still. Have you ever felt betrayed? yeah. i have. How long have you been friends with your best friend? we’ve been friends for several years now. we were kind of friends in high school and whatnot, but we didn’t get close until after. Do you think your dependable? i think so. at least for some things. Are you single? If not, what is your significant others name? nope. i’m married to jake.
Are you happy? i’m okay. i don’t know that i’m happy right this second, but i’m not upset or anything either. Why did you cry the last time you cried? wyatt and eliana were both nursing. it was late/early and i was exhausted. and wy was kind of hurting me, although he didn’t mean to. he just has a lot of teeth. Has anything exciting happened today? nope. Team Edward or team Jacob? i was team edward back in the day. ha. Do you even like twilight? i used to. Where you single on your last birthday? nope. What color is your digital camera, if you have one? i have one but don’t remember. it’s been awhile since i seen it. i think it’s silver though? What grade are you in? i’m no longer in school. What did you do yesterday? nothing really until jon and jade came over. they announced their engagement and then we went to see their new house they just bought. :) Who did you last hang out with? my mom, ashley, wyatt, and eliana. Would you rather shower at night or in the morning? whenever i can. What are you wearing at the moment? black pants and a tshirt with the joker on it. How did you and your best friend meet? school. What is your biggest fear? failing my kids. What are two words that best describe you? insecure and anxious. Do you always reply to texts? not always. depends what i’m doing and who is texting me. Who last made you laugh? wyatt. What is the last movie you watched in theaters? venom i think. Who did you watch it with? jon, jade, and jacob. What are your plans for tomorrow? no plans. Would you rather go out or stay in? most of the time, i would rather stay in. unless i’ve been staying in too much. then i need to get out. Two best friends or a big group of friends? two best friends. i don’t need a lot of friends. How much time do you spend on the internet? not much these days. kiddos keep me busy. What is your favorite type of music? i listen to several different types, but i mostly listen to country these days. What is your favorite movie right now? hm. one is deadpool. Would you rather be funny or serious? i’m more serious. i wouldn’t mind being more funny sometimes. Do you hate when people typ lyk dis? yeah. it’s kind of annoying. What is the last book you read? the second book of the relentless series is the last one i finished. What color is your hairbrush? gray and green. What is the last thing you ate? strawberry jello. Can you drive? i can. If so, have you ever been in an accident? not while i was driving, but i have been in a couple accidents.
Do you tan? i burn. How many best friends do you have? two. Are you fingernails painted? no. they’re never painted. Is anyone else in the room you’re in? rose, wyatt, and eliana. How many people live with you? twelve, plus three dogs and a cat. What is your least favorite color? orange or yellow. What color shirt are you wearing? it’s mostly black. Where is your dad? he’s at his work. Do you have any siblings? i have four sisters and a brother. What are you listening to? the kids and law and order is also in the background. What time is it? 5 pm. Did you like this survey? (: it was okay.
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crownstar · 7 years
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, write a post with 82 truths about yourself and then tag 25 people (I am not doing that). I got tagged by @queencasper  
under the read more for length
Most recent…
Drink: water Phone Call: my sister  Text: like actual text text? that i sent? “im ready whenever you are” to a friend picking me up to carpool... 3 days ago.  Song you listened to: Deluxe by Ark Patrol  Time you cried: idk??? 
Bold if you’ve ever..
Dated someone twice. Been cheated on. Kissed someone and regretted it. Lost someone special. Been depressed. (I mean probably) Been drunk and thrown up. :(
Bold if you’ve in the last year…
Made a new friend. Fallen out of love. Laughed until you cried. Met someone who changed you. Found out who your true friends are. Found out someone was talking about you. Kissed anyone on your fb list.
List three favourite colors: green, purple, pink How many people from your fb list do you know irl: all. tho some i only met a few times at events so...  Do you have any pets: of my own, no.  Do you want to change your name: not really?? idk what i would change it to What did you do for your birthday: drove thru WY and SD but we did stop at two bars in SD cuz it was my 21st. lol.  What time did you wake up today: like? 8am?  What were you doing last night at midnight: uh... laying in bed?  Name something you can’t wait for: hmmm... to get trained in for my new job so i have good hours again now that school’s started. lmao. 
Last time you saw your mom: on Friday What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: to not have eczema?? or allergies??   Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ye. i have a grandpa and a cousin named tom.  What’s getting on your nerves right now: i just spent $250 on two textbooks... Blood type: no idea... Nickname: uh, i have joke nicknames. Mooly, Millie... psycho stutter, nosebleed...... Relationship status: single Pronouns: she/her
Favorite TV show: idk... im currently rewatching archer. i like new girl and bones as well. i don’t watch much tv...  Long or short hair: long? chin/shoulder length....  Height: 5′ 7″ Do you have a crush on someone: nah man Right or left handed: right First surgery: i had a mole and cyst removed near my right eye in like the 7th? grade.  First best friend: uh, probs @fairycatch lol. in kindergarten??? First sport you joined: Track and Field since the 3rd grade yo. (tho i think i did soccer for like 1 month before that? i don’t really remember it tho)
Right now…
Eating: I just had spaghetti Drinking: water I’m about to: no plans man Listening to: uh Lovelife radio now... (the specific song as i write this tho is Control by Olympic Ayres) Kids: no? Get married: idk? Career: uhh...
Which is better…
Lips or Eyes Hugs or Kisses  Taller or Shorter (shrugs) Older or Younger (shrugs more) Romantic or Spontaneous (both?) Sensitive or Loud (i guess, i don’t like loud people) Hookup or Relationship (i mean...?) Troublemaker or Hesitant (i don’t need that stress)
Have you ever…
Kissed a stranger: lol no Glasses/contacts: i wear glasses Had sex on a first date: no.. Broke someone’s heart: uhhh yeah... probs.  Turned someone down: lmao yeah Cried when someone died: no... Fallen for a friend: nah
Do you believe in…
Yourself: maybe Miracles: not really Love at first sight: hmm not necessarily  Heaven: :/ idk Kissing on the first date: generally, i’d say no? 
Not gonna tag anyone... so uh... yeah. 
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northendoffroad · 6 years
Have an off roading enthusiasts on your holiday list?
  In this post we’ve compiled the ultimate 2018 gift list, everything to make sure
“you-are-the-best-insert relationship here-ever!”
to your favorite off road enthusiast!
    Landcrusier Ugly Christmas Sweater by Tool and Dye Designs
Show off your favorite rig, even at the office Christmas party! Tool and Dye Designs has over 500 designs, so you know you’ll be sure to find your favorite ride.
While on their site, be sure to sign up for “The Beard’s” (yes, he has a God given name… but ain’t nobody calling him by it) email list. He sends great tips and keeps you up to date on any sales in the shop.
    Wicked Landcruiser by Chatham Ivy
The sisters at Chatham Ivy created a line of water color designs that celebrates the spirit of New England and their fun loving dad, Nick Noble. Good thing for all of us he was into classic rigs! Be sure to order by December 10th to have one of their designs under your tree this year!
We fell in love with their Wicked Landcruiser long sleeve for obvious reasons:
 It’s a FJ40
The sweet pup looks like our naughty pup, Ginger
Ford Bronco to Woody Wagons, they have your preppy vintage 4×4’s covered!
    40 Series Land Cruiser Christmas Stocking by Point Hats Designs
When Andy saw this stocking he got the idea the Landcruiser needed her own stocking… to which Crystal replied- “heck yes”!
The stocking is created by Scott in Sheridan, WY. He creates the stocking out of recycled coffee bags. Scott then hand sews the felt and screen prints the FJ40. Pointy Hat Designs also offers FJ55, FJ60 and FJZ80 + Norwegian designs!
Scott was also awesome enough to send us a FJ40 Land Cruiser screen printed plush ornament/Dash Buddy. He also screen prints the vehicle and then hand paints the ornament.
Use code 25PERCENTOFF at checkout to receive 25% off your order of $25 or more.
    Bolinas Car Air Freshener by Air Out There
The crew at Air Out There sent over three of their car air fresheners… which led to an argument about which one was going in which rig-
They all smell AH-MA-ZING!
Lola the Landcruiser received first choice and has their “Bolonias” hanging from her rear view mirror. It’s a great coconut smell and makes us want to hit the road and wind up somewhere tropical! Crystal’s daily driver has their “Marlin” (inspired by ocean breezes and saltiness) and Andy’s daily has their “Sierra”, which makes you feel as if you are driving through a forest of redwoods.
We were super impressed with the scents and appreciate that all their air fresheners are printed with eco friendly inks on recycled paper in the good ol’ US of A.
  Adventure Chasers Overland Shirt by Venture Works Outdoor Outfitters & Design Company
David at Venture Works is all about getting out and enjoying adventures. He has a mix of activities covered on his Etsy shop, but of course we had to rock the FJ40 Adventure Chaser. FJ40 not your thing (what is wrong with you?) He also has designs of FJ60, BJ40 and even a Jeep design.
Need something modified? Talk to David! He’s open to small customizations such as color, location of design and printing onto tank tops instead of t-shirts.
Be sure to tune into our social media pages on Friday, December 7th to learn how you can win some swag from David at Venture Works!
    Jeepster Briefs by Saxx Mens Underwear
We heard about this brand from our nephew, at first Andy didn’t get his excitement… oh but now he does! Saxx is changing the game when it comes to men’s underwear. They have an innovative design that keeps everything in place and supported, without feeling like a rig on a tight trail.
*wink wink*
With breathable mesh panels and Flat Out Seams™, the BallPark Pouch™ helps you to not feel like your skin is getting a trail pin stripe. Jeepster, the vintage rig print we received, comes in shop briefs, shop boxer briefs, shop loose boxer briefs and multi pack!
    Travel Journal by Cruiser Convoy
This compact leather journal makes capturing your thoughts while on the back roads a snap. It fits standard 3.5″ x 5.5″ notebooks and only gets better with age!
Cruiser Convoy also has other Landcruiser inspired gifts- key chains, leather consoles inserts, wallets, shirts, etc.
One of Crystal’s favorite hats is the Cruiser Convoy Trucker Hat!
    VO Membership by Veteran Overland
There are other overlanding memberships that are offered, but we choose to feature Veteran Overland. Andy is a Marine Corp veteran and we know how important groups like Veteran Overland are.
A membership with Veteran Overland brings the recipient into a community of like minded individuals that are out to “Hunt the good stuff”.
$5 of every membership goes directly to a veteran organization. As for the perks you receive for becoming a member of this elite group; patches with your membership number, 10% off products, access to being in the know for future events and a membership only facebook group!
    North End Off Road Swag
We’ve put together some of our own swag here at North End Off Road. We have Lola the Landcruiser green can stubbies (learned that’s what the Aussies call can coozies… we like it), and North End Off Road decals.
Follow our social media to learn how to win 1 of 5 North End Off Road swag giveaways!
    We hope you fell in love with these products like we did, now get to it and order them up to show your rig enthusiasts some love this holiday season!
    2018 Ultimate Gift Guide Have an off roading enthusiasts on your holiday list?   In this post we've compiled the ultimate 2018 gift list, everything to make sure…
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vincentbnaughton · 7 years
2017's Most Favorited Home in Every State
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Not only is it the holidays, but it’s that time when we look at the homes favorited most on Zillow (yes, we’re talking about that little heart button at the top of each listing!). In 2017, the top picks ranged from grand mountain chateaus to modest suburban homes - and even a spooky listing that went viral. Whether they earned 283 favorites in South Dakota or 7,290 favorites in California, these homes all have their selling points.
So what’s the most favorited home in your state? Scroll down to find out!
598 favorites 6605 Cedarwood Ct, Mobile, AL Our favorite features: old-growth trees, a newly remodeled kitchen
Photo from Zillow listing.
572 favorites L53A Whiskey Lake, AK Why we adore this home: remote location, rustic wood interior
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,736 favorites 976 S Wanda Dr, Gilbert, AZ Simple pleasures: a large backyard with no neighbors in sight
Photo from Zillow listing.
717 favorites 16240 Kostner Dr, Rogers, AR Reason to adore this home: movie theater with built-in projector
Photo from Zillow listing.
7,290 favorites 924 Bel Air Rd, Los Angeles, CA The wow factor: private helipad, two fully-stocked wine cellars
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,507 favorites 600 Chateau V, Evergreen, CO Fun fact: modeled after the famous Biltmore Mansion in North Carolina
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,058 favorites 163 Creamery Rd, Durham, CT Selling points: expansive windows, surrounded by nature
Photo from Zillow listing.
604 favorites 24908 Crooked Stick Way #4333, Long Neck, DE Selling points: dog park within walking distance, solar panels on the roof
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,038 favorites 11112 Ancient Futures Dr, Tampa, FL Reasons to call it home: arched doorways, high ceilings, hardwood floors
Photo from Zillow listing.
3,056 favorites 1055 Ada Ave NW, Atlanta, GA What we love about it: bright hardwood floors
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,546 favorites 72 S Kalaheo Ave, Kailua, HI Where we’d rather be: this home’s poolside bar or cabana
Photo from Zillow listing.
728 favorites 8602 W High Ridge Ln, Eagle, ID Eye-catching feature: a bright red front door
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,897 favorites 1932 N Burling St, Chicago, IL Windy City wow: 25,000 square feet in the heart of downtown
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,383 favorites New Edition Floor Plan, Harrison Lakes, Fort Wayne, IN What’s warming our hearts: the fire pit and covered patio
Photo from Zillow listing.
603 favorites 2209 E 9th St, Des Moines, IA Things to ogle: historic character, leaded glass windows
Photo from Zillow listing.
652 favorites 11613 Barton St, Overland Park, KS Things we love: vaulted ceilings, covered deck
Photo from Zillow listing.
832 favorites 324 Wilson Downing Rd, Lexington, KY Why we love it: newly remodeled with hardwood floors throughout
Photo from Zillow listing.
672 favorites 1448 4th St, New Orleans, LA Fun fact: film location for a few movies
Photo from Zillow listing.
933 favorites 35 Seafarer Cv, Whiting, ME Standout features: private dock, fireplace
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,751 favorites Lincoln Dr LOT 1, Jessup, MD Why we’re mad about this MD home: 5 large bedrooms on a large lot
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,235 favorites 22 Old Colony Avenue, Pembroke, MA Selling points: historic home with modern upgrades, access to a nearby pond
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,045 favorites 20 Peppers Trl, Montague, MI This listing had us at: “tree house on the shores of Lake Michigan”
Photo by Roger Wade Studio.
1,827 favorites Haverhill Apartments, 32 Spruce Pl, Minneapolis, MN The draw: restored brownstone walking distance to downtown
Photo from Zillow listing.
543 favorites 706 W Pine St, Hattiesburg, MS Why we love it: old-world charm, modern upgrades, a small backyard pond
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,067 favorites 597 Harper Ave, Saint Louis, MO Reasons we fell in love: 100+ years old, located by a park and golf course
Photo by Jason Fry.
1,191 favorites Montana’s Shelter Is, Rollins, MT The obvious reason we love it: private-island castle
Photo from Zillow listing.
634 favorites 2114 S 46th St, Omaha, NE Reason to ‘heart’ this Heartland home: 19th-century charm
Photo from Zillow listing.
3,611 favorites 1033 Tabor Hill Ave, Henderson, NV Favorite feature: private backyard pool for hot desert days
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Hampshire
956 favorites 3 S Main St, Newton, NH Why we adore it: fully remodeled in 2012
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Jersey
1,298 favorites 18 Frick Dr, Alpine, NJ Selling point: less than 10 miles from New York City
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Mexico
562 favorites 5724 Fairfax Dr NW, Albuquerque, NM Reason we love it: upgraded kitchen with a subway-tile backsplash
Photo from Zillow listing.
New York
1,769 favorites 635 W 42nd St #45th Floor, New York, NY Why we love this Big Apple beauty: breathtaking river views
Photo from Zillow listing.
North Carolina
1,620 favorites 196 Bayview Dr, Stumpy Point, NC Why we love it: historic home in a wildlife refuge
Photo from Zillow listing.
North Dakota
339 favorites 5039 Elm Tree Rd, Kindred, ND Things to ogle: not one but two sunrooms
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,001 favorites 3903 Saint Lawrence Ave, Cincinnati, OH What we love: historic Victorian with six fireplaces
Photo from Zillow listing.
971 favorites 707 Martin Cir, Sand Springs, OK Why this OK home is more than okay: views of Tulsa from every floor - even the basement
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,529 favorites 1135 SW Coast Ave, Lincoln City, OR Why we adore this home in a word: oceanfront
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,227 favorites 122 Squirrel Rd, Buck Hill Falls, PA Reasons to ‘heart’ this home: historic log and stone structure, beautiful views
Photo from Zillow listing.
Rhode Island
611 favorites 252 Thatcher St, Rumford, RI Fun fact: overlooks a country club
Photo from Zillow listing.
South Carolina
1,259 favorites 709 Michaelmas Ave, Cayce, SC Why we’ve seen this home before: viral status
Photo from Zillow listing.
South Dakota
283 favorites 2613 S Van Eps Ave, Sioux Falls, SD Fun feature: wood-paneled accent wall
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,436 favorites 2325 Golf Club Ln, Nashville, TN Reason to sing about this Music City home: private recording studio
Photo from Zillow listing.
4,459 favorites 10711 Strait Ln, Dallas, TX Proof everything is bigger in Texas: 10 bedrooms, a bowling alley inside
Photo from Zillow listing.
796 favorites 1886 S Geneva Rd, Orem, UT Luxury feature: motocross course
Photo from Zillow listing.
706 favorites 1796 Cheney Rd, Lowell, VT Reason to break out the maple syrup: classic log cabin on 20 wooded acres
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,912 favorites 2975 Desert Rd, Suffolk, VA Why we love it: giant front yard for recreation, private sauna for relaxation
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,651 favorites 935 Deerbrush Dr SE, Olympia, WA Our favorite feature: yellow front door
Photo from Zillow listing.
Washington, D.C.
1,184 favorites 3030 Chain Bridge Rd NW, Washington, DC Why it caught our attention: timeless exterior, modern interior
Photo from Zillow listing.
West Virginia
755 favorites 1103 Juliana St, Parkersburg, WV Why we love it: century-old columns
Photo from Zillow listing.
887 favorites 743 N 25th St, Milwaukee, WI What we love: classic Queen Anne-style with a cupola
Photo from Zillow listing.
391 favorites 2005 S Crescent H Rd, Wilson, WY Why we keep staring: floor-to-ceiling glass walls you can slide open
Photo by Josh Franer.
Top featured image by Roger Wade Studio.
The Most-Loved Kitchen of 2017: Did Your Fave Win?
House of the Year: A Treehouse Tower With Water Views
The 2018 Pantone Color of the Year is Here, and It’s Purple
0 notes
feamproffitt · 7 years
2017's Most Favorited Home in Every State
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Not only is it the holidays, but it’s that time when we look at the homes favorited most on Zillow (yes, we’re talking about that little heart button at the top of each listing!). In 2017, the top picks ranged from grand mountain chateaus to modest suburban homes - and even a spooky listing that went viral. Whether they earned 283 favorites in South Dakota or 7,290 favorites in California, these homes all have their selling points.
So what’s the most favorited home in your state? Scroll down to find out!
598 favorites 6605 Cedarwood Ct, Mobile, AL Our favorite features: old-growth trees, a newly remodeled kitchen
Photo from Zillow listing.
572 favorites L53A Whiskey Lake, AK Why we adore this home: remote location, rustic wood interior
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,736 favorites 976 S Wanda Dr, Gilbert, AZ Simple pleasures: a large backyard with no neighbors in sight
Photo from Zillow listing.
717 favorites 16240 Kostner Dr, Rogers, AR Reason to adore this home: movie theater with built-in projector
Photo from Zillow listing.
7,290 favorites 924 Bel Air Rd, Los Angeles, CA The wow factor: private helipad, two fully-stocked wine cellars
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,507 favorites 600 Chateau V, Evergreen, CO Fun fact: modeled after the famous Biltmore Mansion in North Carolina
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,058 favorites 163 Creamery Rd, Durham, CT Selling points: expansive windows, surrounded by nature
Photo from Zillow listing.
604 favorites 24908 Crooked Stick Way #4333, Long Neck, DE Selling points: dog park within walking distance, solar panels on the roof
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,038 favorites 11112 Ancient Futures Dr, Tampa, FL Reasons to call it home: arched doorways, high ceilings, hardwood floors
Photo from Zillow listing.
3,056 favorites 1055 Ada Ave NW, Atlanta, GA What we love about it: bright hardwood floors
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,546 favorites 72 S Kalaheo Ave, Kailua, HI Where we’d rather be: this home’s poolside bar or cabana
Photo from Zillow listing.
728 favorites 8602 W High Ridge Ln, Eagle, ID Eye-catching feature: a bright red front door
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,897 favorites 1932 N Burling St, Chicago, IL Windy City wow: 25,000 square feet in the heart of downtown
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,383 favorites New Edition Floor Plan, Harrison Lakes, Fort Wayne, IN What’s warming our hearts: the fire pit and covered patio
Photo from Zillow listing.
603 favorites 2209 E 9th St, Des Moines, IA Things to ogle: historic character, leaded glass windows
Photo from Zillow listing.
652 favorites 11613 Barton St, Overland Park, KS Things we love: vaulted ceilings, covered deck
Photo from Zillow listing.
832 favorites 324 Wilson Downing Rd, Lexington, KY Why we love it: newly remodeled with hardwood floors throughout
Photo from Zillow listing.
672 favorites 1448 4th St, New Orleans, LA Fun fact: film location for a few movies
Photo from Zillow listing.
933 favorites 35 Seafarer Cv, Whiting, ME Standout features: private dock, fireplace
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,751 favorites Lincoln Dr LOT 1, Jessup, MD Why we’re mad about this MD home: 5 large bedrooms on a large lot
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,235 favorites 22 Old Colony Avenue, Pembroke, MA Selling points: historic home with modern upgrades, access to a nearby pond
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,045 favorites 20 Peppers Trl, Montague, MI This listing had us at: “tree house on the shores of Lake Michigan”
Photo by Roger Wade Studio.
1,827 favorites Haverhill Apartments, 32 Spruce Pl, Minneapolis, MN The draw: restored brownstone walking distance to downtown
Photo from Zillow listing.
543 favorites 706 W Pine St, Hattiesburg, MS Why we love it: old-world charm, modern upgrades, a small backyard pond
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,067 favorites 597 Harper Ave, Saint Louis, MO Reasons we fell in love: 100+ years old, located by a park and golf course
Photo by Jason Fry.
1,191 favorites Montana’s Shelter Is, Rollins, MT The obvious reason we love it: private-island castle
Photo from Zillow listing.
634 favorites 2114 S 46th St, Omaha, NE Reason to ‘heart’ this Heartland home: 19th-century charm
Photo from Zillow listing.
3,611 favorites 1033 Tabor Hill Ave, Henderson, NV Favorite feature: private backyard pool for hot desert days
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Hampshire
956 favorites 3 S Main St, Newton, NH Why we adore it: fully remodeled in 2012
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Jersey
1,298 favorites 18 Frick Dr, Alpine, NJ Selling point: less than 10 miles from New York City
Photo from Zillow listing.
New Mexico
562 favorites 5724 Fairfax Dr NW, Albuquerque, NM Reason we love it: upgraded kitchen with a subway-tile backsplash
Photo from Zillow listing.
New York
1,769 favorites 635 W 42nd St #45th Floor, New York, NY Why we love this Big Apple beauty: breathtaking river views
Photo from Zillow listing.
North Carolina
1,620 favorites 196 Bayview Dr, Stumpy Point, NC Why we love it: historic home in a wildlife refuge
Photo from Zillow listing.
North Dakota
339 favorites 5039 Elm Tree Rd, Kindred, ND Things to ogle: not one but two sunrooms
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,001 favorites 3903 Saint Lawrence Ave, Cincinnati, OH What we love: historic Victorian with six fireplaces
Photo from Zillow listing.
971 favorites 707 Martin Cir, Sand Springs, OK Why this OK home is more than okay: views of Tulsa from every floor - even the basement
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,529 favorites 1135 SW Coast Ave, Lincoln City, OR Why we adore this home in a word: oceanfront
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,227 favorites 122 Squirrel Rd, Buck Hill Falls, PA Reasons to ‘heart’ this home: historic log and stone structure, beautiful views
Photo from Zillow listing.
Rhode Island
611 favorites 252 Thatcher St, Rumford, RI Fun fact: overlooks a country club
Photo from Zillow listing.
South Carolina
1,259 favorites 709 Michaelmas Ave, Cayce, SC Why we’ve seen this home before: viral status
Photo from Zillow listing.
South Dakota
283 favorites 2613 S Van Eps Ave, Sioux Falls, SD Fun feature: wood-paneled accent wall
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,436 favorites 2325 Golf Club Ln, Nashville, TN Reason to sing about this Music City home: private recording studio
Photo from Zillow listing.
4,459 favorites 10711 Strait Ln, Dallas, TX Proof everything is bigger in Texas: 10 bedrooms, a bowling alley inside
Photo from Zillow listing.
796 favorites 1886 S Geneva Rd, Orem, UT Luxury feature: motocross course
Photo from Zillow listing.
706 favorites 1796 Cheney Rd, Lowell, VT Reason to break out the maple syrup: classic log cabin on 20 wooded acres
Photo from Zillow listing.
1,912 favorites 2975 Desert Rd, Suffolk, VA Why we love it: giant front yard for recreation, private sauna for relaxation
Photo from Zillow listing.
2,651 favorites 935 Deerbrush Dr SE, Olympia, WA Our favorite feature: yellow front door
Photo from Zillow listing.
Washington, D.C.
1,184 favorites 3030 Chain Bridge Rd NW, Washington, DC Why it caught our attention: timeless exterior, modern interior
Photo from Zillow listing.
West Virginia
755 favorites 1103 Juliana St, Parkersburg, WV Why we love it: century-old columns
Photo from Zillow listing.
887 favorites 743 N 25th St, Milwaukee, WI What we love: classic Queen Anne-style with a cupola
Photo from Zillow listing.
391 favorites 2005 S Crescent H Rd, Wilson, WY Why we keep staring: floor-to-ceiling glass walls you can slide open
Photo by Josh Franer.
Top featured image by Roger Wade Studio.
The Most-Loved Kitchen of 2017: Did Your Fave Win?
House of the Year: A Treehouse Tower With Water Views
The 2018 Pantone Color of the Year is Here, and It’s Purple
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