#new lunar millennium
moonatikart-blog · 1 year
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Marfilita reclaimed! The Empire takes yet another step to restoring justice, order, and progress to the island of Puerto Caballo! A great victory has been achieved!
As the might of the Lunar Empire grew and as more of its enemies were crushed beneath its hooves, the Equestrian Provisional Government in Puerto Caballo remained a thorn in its side.
It was bad enough for the Empire that Puerto Caballo was protected by the fleet of the Kingdom of Aquileia, it was even worse when Aquileian and Arisian forces were providing training and supplies to the Puerto Caballans, and made downright humiliating as Arisian intelligence were transporting Puerto Caballan operatives around the world to strike at Lunar power wherever it sought to impose itself.
Yet this would not last. Quietly, the Lunar Empire had a sophisticated plan of its own to reclaim the islands. Through extensive reconnaissance and planning, an invasion force capable of seizing the islands within months was constructed and put into place. The threat of Aquileian intervention was thwarted as the Empire supported the growing revolutionary republican movement in Aquileia itself by providing funds and intelligence to its organisers and giving them shelter in New Mareland. This culminated in the 2 January overthrow of the Kingdom of Aquileia in a coup/uprising by the local republicans, and a new democratic pro-Lunar government was established. At last, the way was clear.
Operation Hurricane was launched on 11 January, the initial landings involving 120,000 soldiers and the overall operation involving nearly 400,000 troops with support from dozens of ships, thousands of aircraft and tanks, and the Empire's most elite combat mages. The defenders, even with all their weapons and training, didn't stand a chance. Just three nights into the invasion, the symbolic village of Marfiltia was taken by Lunar marines. To celebrate their victory, several of the marines involved in the attack had a picture taken of them posing with the Imperial flag over a Loyalist flag, mimicking a famous piece of Loyalist iconography (seen here).
Victory was declared on 26 March with the total collapse of the EPG. Thousands of Loyalists were killed, many more were captured, and those who avoided capture had been scattered to the wind. Or so the Empire thought.
Even though the EPG itself has fallen, resistance remained strong. Deep in the jungles and high in the mountains, a guerrilla insurgency raged on in defiance of the Lunar occupiers. The question was then a matter of who would break first, the vengeful Empire with all its terrifying might or the tenacious rebels with nothing to lose but each other?
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popculturealtar · 6 months
Magical Girl Hero Series: Neo Queen Serenity
*Disclaimer! This will all be considered UPG, and I may add to this list at a later date. This is meant to be very basic and bare bones, more of a starting point than anything. All information has been gathered from divination, channeling, and research into Neo Queen Serenity.*
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Usagi Tsukino is the main character of the anime and manga Sailor Moon. She is the Sailor Guardian of love and justice, and the reincarnation of Princess Serenity of the moon kingdom Silver Millennium. Neo Queen Serenity is the title Usagi takes as an adult and mother in the distant future.
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Neo Queen Serenity is a considerably more serious spirit than her younger counterpart, Sailor Moon. She is solemn, and cares greatly for her family. She can be worked with as an entity/spirit, a deity, or a hero.
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The moon, love and passion, justice and righteousness, lunar magic, crystal magic, youthfulness, family, weddings.
Signs and symbols:
The full or waxing moon - Connected to her imagery, during this time her power is strongest
The crescent and waning moon - Connected to her imagery, during this time her power is weakest
The new moon - Connected to her imagery, during this time she is asleep
Cats (specifically white, black, or grey) and masks or disguises - Connected to her family
White, translucent, transparent, or silver crystals, rocks and stones - Connected to the source of her power
The lotus flower - Connected to the source of her power
White, grey, silver, and gold - Connected to her appearance
The Empress, The Fool, and The Moon tarot cards - Connected to her story
Offering ideas:
Moon imagery, cat imagery, crystals, rocks, stones, floral imagery, the above tarot cards, love-themed paraphernalia, silk or satin, gold and silver jewellery.
Devotional acts:
Keeping track of the moon phases.
Petting a cat.
Asking out your crush on a date.
Going to a wedding.
Practicing lunar-based magic.
Working on healing from past traumas.
Cheering up a friend, or supporting them.
Playing video games (this is more for her past self, but I included it).
Fighting for justice.
Wearing devotional jewellery and garments.
Getting a good night's sleep.
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dividers by @/saradika
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zofi-persson-quotes · 10 months
Gods of the Outernet
Gods used to exist in the Outernet since its creation. There were mainly the Four Primordials and the 19 major Gods, plus a bunch of Lesser Gods.
They acted as Guardians of the Outernet, rarely interacting with its inhabitants (save for one specific case), but still their presence was large enough for temples to be erected and scriptures to be written.
But that was until 2000 years before the present day, where something came from a still unknown place.
This entity’s name was unknown to even the Primordials, only to be referred to as The Great Evil. 
The moment It came to the Outernet It immediately started to attack every God It came across. All the Lesser Gods were killed, and the Major and three of the Primordial Gods were absorbed into Its body to gain their powers, so they're still there, prisoners with It.
The only one left standing was Abner, and that was only because he took a mortal form long before the Great Evil came.
Then He fought back.
He was there.
Until He was not, His life ending in a desperate last act, sealing away in the Void the Great Evil, His body turning into a statue of black ash, and His spirit left wandering for centuries.
Now, there weren't any more Gods on the Outernet.
Two millenniums passed
Then, something happened… and His spirit found a new anchor, and a new, albeit still incomplete, God was born
Major Gods
There are in total 19 Major Gods, which were tasked to watch over the elements that weren’t under the Primordials’ dominion.
Some of them had only one Element, while others had multiple elements
Those are their names and elements:
Vestja, Goddess of Fire, Smoke, Ash and Magma
Rangi, God of Air and Weather
Aalto, God of Water and Frost
Zora, Goddess of Earth, Metal, Sand and Dust
Aspen, Deity of Nature 
Strela, Goddess of Electricity
Maibe, Deity of Gravity
Afeni, Deity of Health
Hayal, Deity of Emotions, Dream and Astral
Aku, God of the Lunar Element
Mehr , Goddess of the Solar Element
Kikimora, Deity of Illusion, Mind and Guise
Anahita, Goddess of Technology
Citlali, Deity of the Stellar Element
Deryn, Deity of the Animal Element
Wisteria, Goddess of Poison and Acid
Lyron, God of Sound and Shockwave
Prism, God of Glass and Crystal
They are the first Gods, born with the Creation of the Outernet.
They have the greatest powers and authority over the whole Outernet.
It’s incredibly rare for Overlords to have the elements of the Primordials, and if they do they won’t be able to use a lot of the spells even if it’s their main element. Energy and Creativity are especially rare, with no recorded users in around 2000 years, since the Primordial who ruled over those Elements died. 
But, curiously, recently some Overlords were born with those Elements…
Here are their names and Elements:
Abner, God of Energy and Creation
Kiran, Goddess of Darkness and Light
Aika, Deity of Time and Space
Elu, Deity of Life and Death
Cassian, Deity of the Void and Destruction
Normally the Primordials were the most detached from the mortals, but one of them, Abner, found Himself greatly fascinated with mortals, especially the Overlords, those who seemed to use His Elements of Energy and Creativity more than Stickfigures. So, around 5000 years before the present, He assumed the form of an Overlord to mingle with the mortals he so loved.
Then, around 100 years after His descension in the Mortal world, the Overlord entered in a period of crisis, so Abner stepped up as his God self, saving the species and ending up crowned as their God-King, protecting them with four powerful Overlords he had chosen, who became like siblings to him. That until the God’s Fall and his ultimate death.
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love4heejayke · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS: Born from the full moon's light, Y/N is sent by her witch aunt on a secret mission to Decilis Academy, the purpose of which is to investigate the source of the obscure energy that hovers under the Silver Millennium. However, when she saves her roomate Sooha from the attack of dark creatures with the power to fortify themselves from the energy of nightmares and discovers her secret identity, she promises not to tell her friends, but everything changes once she falls for Lee Heli, one of Decelis' star students and posibily, her past life's lover.
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2 - the new student who wants to learn (2)
Located in the Silver Palace's center is the Crystal Tower, accessible only to the royal family and allies. Erected during the reign of Queen Artemis in the 14th year post-Fall of the Moon reign. This tower was built by its allied architects with elements inspired by the Gothic and Greco-Roman architecture of humans, with its sky blue vaulted ceiling, silver arches on the ceiling, with a silver crescent moon on top, as well as white marble Ionic pillars on the sides. lower corners, with symmetrical curved ornaments on the capital, to symbolize the divine perfection which the royal matriarchy rules over its subjects. To protect the Silver Millennium from Solari invasions and attacks by beings carrying dark magic and their subjects worship the Silver Sister - celestial entity that sustains the official religion of the kingdom and veiled protector of the night, Lunari matriarchs erected 3 blocks of the Legendary Silver Crystal in the center, thus forming the Chamber of Prayers, the sacred place for the royalty and followers of the Lunari religion to perform rituals and prayers of prayers for the protection of the kingdom, and with 3 generations of Silver Millennial royalty now assembled, everyone was ready to to start.
With the white and blue magic dusts, taken from small white bags on their waists, Hecate and Selene drew a circle on the ground and a half moon facing upwards, symbolizing the 2 strongest tribes of the lunar matriarchy and the pillars that support them: The blue half moon at the top designed by Selene, symbolizes os Coronas Plateadas and its Force, which its followers swear to use its abilities in favor of the defense of the individual and the collective, and the white circle in the center that Hecate drew, the Lunarosa and the Spirit, inviting those who chose to shelter in this tribe, directed it their visions beyond the material plane and enjoy only good virtues in life, so that the individual may be worthy of reincarnation. Finally, the mother poured a silvery dust into her daughter's hands to sprinkle over Avys. Dalia bit her bottom lip and hesitated for a while, causing Selene to shoot her a sneer. She had just been reborn in the body of a stranger, who had no bonds to the Lunar Realm, so she feared that if she tried, the ritual would fail, and the thread of life force that still keeps him alive might snap due to guilt. aware of this, Selene used her daughter's internal conflict and mentally warned:
I hope you know what you're doing, my precious jewel, or else you'll have to say farewell to your little friend long before his time.
Although she felt scared by the psychological pressure that her mother put on her, she was sure that behind that divine body and soul, she keeps a human heart, which beats strongly for the appreciation of having him as her friend, and a mind that is proud of the good and bad memories she built with him and how each one of them was crucial for her to reach this moment, so she sighed and threw the silver powder on the top of her head, her mother with her magic summoned light currents of wind to spread it around. it all over your body. With almost everything prepared, the druid puts his friend on his knees in the middle of the circle and with a little of his greenish mana, he makes a cut in the fabric of his feathered blouse on the back, leaving the scars of his wounded wings exposed.  Even unconscious, his hands were still trembling slightly, so he laced his fingers through theirs, not just as part of the rite, but to convey a little calm through his touch, and that was working decently well, as that was enough for Avys stood completely still, but with her shoulders relaxed. Hand in hand and eyes closed, the quartet began the sacred healing rite with the Silver Sister's Healing Chant.
"Viken, Daughter, repeat after us." asked the Corona Plateadas' Mother-Moon
Heil, Silver Sister, Veiled Protector of the Supernatural, Noble Righteous of your life forces.
Heal this heart hurt by darkness and by its light be guided.
Bless it with your glorious radiance and embrace it with your merciful heart.
With the first verses of the prayer, the magic powders that were sprinkled on Avys, began to glow on his skin and slowly evaporate, causing him to float with his legs, arms and knees outstretched and slowly twirl in the air like a ballerina in a music box. The flow of green, light and dark blue and silver manas that came out of the hands of her summoners, completely enveloped her body in a spiral from bottom to top, allowing her to awaken from Hecate's euthanasia. The ornite opened its eyes and mouth wide open, surprising itself with the spectrum of mana involving it from bottom to top and transforming itself into a colorful rosebud shape. A remnant of that specter penetrated his body and destroyed the fragment of darkness trapped in it and accelerated the healing of the wound, at the end of the rite, the bud opened like a rose, along with its restored wings, causing petals of different colors to fall. donate. With a light flap of his wings, he controlled the speed of his fall and landed safely, bending his left knee forward and placing both hands on the ground.
Surprised to see him completely healed, the platinum princess runs to him to hug him, her angelic face flooded with tears of concern. Avys's heart lost its rhythm for a moment, but he wrapped his arms around her back, closing his eyes and letting the warmth of her embrace comfort him, but he disappeared after the princess left his arms and noticed the downcast look. from Hecate to them. They both sighed, but he nodded, allowing the newly reincarnated Moon's daughter to comfort her witch aunt.
"Aunt Hécate, are you alright?"
"So-so. Watching you alive, doing our rituals, reminded me of our old times."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, we had a third moon in our cort, our little sister." the priestess smiled in a corner
"Priestess, do you know where she is now?"
"I have no idea." Hecate sighed deeply "All I know is that she lost her way home and never returned. Every night I pray that our beloved Silver Sister would guide her back to us, that we will be a family together again.  Our grandmother Diana, Selene, you and her."
Like the Spirited Moon, Lunarosians always seek Hecate's blessing in their routine, so she feels obligated not to show herself vulnerable in front of her subjects, but not with Nyx. Even with the rules of etiquette and the rigorous training enforced by the Mockery of the Moon, Nyx was the only faerie with whom Hecate brought her comfort. From her youthful attitude, the games the three sisters played together in the kingdom, to the tricks she invited her to play on the guards with her illusory magic, the two entertained each other and never tired of their company. But when the Psychic Moon sneaked out of the palace on a New Moon night, she was almost lost to find her, but the moment she embraced her, Hecate felt that her dear sister had not returned as the youngest she used to love.  She returned cold, reserved and violent, abusing the subjects of the kingdom and despising the legacy of the old Moon Mothers, so in order not to scare away the new subjects and ensure their safety, Selene and she agreed to never speak about her renegade sister again and erase all records of her and her deeds from the Royal Archives, a decision Spirit Moon regrets to this day.
Impatient with her daughter's delay, the Righteous Moon interrupted their conversation with a clearing of her throat.
"May I interrupt, sister? My daughter and I have a lot to talk about." 
"Yes, Selene" the half sister sighed.
"So that was it?" Avys questioned
"Yes, but Selene and I have a really bad fight. Somehow she doesn't wants me to talk about…" Y/N gulped "her."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know Avys!' she sighed. "If she was such an important Lunari at court, and most importantly, related to my past life, I have the right to know about her. That's the only way I can prevent anything from my world from tormenting them in yours."
The young fairy got up and started to walk in search of more shelves in that cubicle, but was stopped by the ornite, who caught her by the wrist.
"Y/N wait!" Avys fixed her with a passionate gaze. "You belong to that world too! I can't live in it without you!"
"Then learn to live in it from now on, because I don't belong there anymore."
A/N: theory hours are now open, kids, feel free to comment them!
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y2sims · 2 years
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11 Newsea Hairs in The New Hair System.
colors by pooklet.
textures by remi (+ poppet’s wavy on some hairs).
binned, familied, tooltipped and compressed.
all four colors are in one .package file.
all the meshes are included.
requested by kerxingme.
↓ download links and more info under the cut ↓
Newsea Blow and Blow
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16,5k~ polys
mesh conversion by evannamari
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Newsea Chun Li
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Newsea Clockwork Bear
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Newsea Cream Soda
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Newsea Little Moomoo
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Newsea Lunar Pray
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Newsea Torrent
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Counting systems
Various methods of counting existed before written numbers became a thing. Fingers, number gestures, counting across the body existed before various forms of tally marks.
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ScienceABC and By Nigel Cross - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=81756631
For example, it is theorized, based on the extensive use of numbers divisible by 12 in their mathematics, that ancient Babylonians, and possibly Sumerians, counted to 12 on a single hand by using the thumb to count the finger bones (3 per finger), giving them 60 if using the other hand only as digits, or 144 if counting each bone. Other counting systems, such as the Pre-Columbian Mayan and many other in the Americas, are base-20 systems, using fingers and toes. There are others in the Americas that used a base-8 system by counting the spaces between their fingers. In areas around Papua New Guinea, body counting results in a base-27 system.
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By Otfried Lieberknecht - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22110720
After the development of finger counting, or perhaps in tandem with it, tally systems were developed, maybe to keep track of larger numbers or to communicate across language barriers and different counting styles. Prehistoric hand stencils in what might be counting positions from one through five have been found in the Cosquer Cave in France. There are artifacts that date to at least 40,000 years ago that seem to have counting notches on them, maybe recording the lunar cycle or other types of record keeping.
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By © Marie-Lan Nguyen / Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=8452539The earliest definitive accounting system that we know of are the clay tokens found in Tell Abu Hureyra, a site in the Upper Euphrates valley of Syria dating to the 10th millennium BCE. These tokens had animals and symbols that indicated whether the token was for a unit (single animal) or a group of ten, and a third type for sixty, and others for higher numbers that indicated counting was done in base-60. Number tokens were then placed into clay envelopes, hallow balls to hold the number tokens, to help prevent them from being tampered with, after the accounting was done. At some point, these tokens were impressed on the outside of the envelope before the container was sealed.
Around the middle of the fourth millennium, this system started to be streamlined, leading to the development of number systems. The Sumerians also had complex arithmetic based these impressions or maybe a form of an abacus or counting board before they developed numbers. These numbers likely developed as a way to streamline the process of accounting as more commodities were counted. In the beginning of development, there were over a dozen systems in use around Uruk with nearly as many counting systems, depending on what was being counted, which are common around the world today, allowing us to broadly figure out how the Sumerian system worked.
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By Josell7 - File:Babylonian_numerals.jpg, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9862983
Approximately 2700 BCE, the wedge-shaped stylus began to be used, shifting how cuneiform was written. While the system allowed for the writing of fractions, there wasn't a system, like our decimal point, in place that we're aware of that definitively separated full numbers from fractional numbers. By 2100 BCE, a system was in place to define the value of numbers. It was a base-60 system that we now call Assyro-Babylonian Common.
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By Jahobr - Own work, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=58350319
The remainders of this base-60 system remains in our modern world in the number of minutes in an hour, the number of seconds in a minute, and degrees in a circle. The base-12 counting system remains in our dozen and gross remaining numbers that have specific names and significance.
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Egyptian calendar arises at the beginning of 3rd Millennium BC and is the first known solar calendar in history.
It was in full use at the time of Shepseskaf, the pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty.
In Pyramid Texts, the 365 days of the Egyptian civil year are mentioned. It was divided into 12 months of 30 days each, organized into three groups of ten.
At the end of the last month of each year, the five days (epagomena) that were left to complete the solar year were added — dedicated to various Egyptian gods.
“The Egyptians were the first of all men who discovered the year, and they said that they found this from the stars.” (Herodotus Histories II-4)
As Egyptian civil calendar did not have the fourth day that the astronomical solar year has in excess, every four years, it lost a day, so it became a “wandering calendar,” where “astronomically fixed periodic” events roamed through the months of calendar.
Since the dawn of the Empire, Egyptian priests carefully recorded the level of the waters, which they measured with nilometers.
Timing of sowing or harvesting depended on it, and after years of observations, they discovered that the cycle repeated every 365 days.
In Herodotus’s words: Egypt was a gift from the Nile.
This comment is not a literary image but a reality.
Annual river floods caused by the monsoon flooded the fields, covering the desert sands with fertile silt.
In Egypt, various calendars – Lunar, Solar (civil), and possibly a third secondary lunar calendar – were used to accurately calculate ephemeris.
Egyptian astronomical priests discovered that lunar calendars were not practical to predict the beginning of Nile floods, calculate the seasons, or count long periods, then comparing them with a measurement referring to the apparent movement of the Sun and the stars, they preferred to use the solar calendar for civil uses for the first time in history.
Egyptians may have used a lunar calendar before, but when they discovered the discrepancy between the lunar calendar and the regular passage of the seasons, they probably switched to a seasonal calendar, basing their regular onset on each annual Nile flood.
First flood according to The Calendar was observed in the first capital of Egypt, Memphis, at the same time as the heliacal rising of the star Sopdet (Sirius).
Egyptian year was divided into the three seasons of an agricultural nature:
• Flood (late summer and fall)
• Sowing (winter and early spring)
• Harvesting (late spring and early summer)
Astronomers in Middle Ages used Egyptian calendar because of its mathematical regularity.
Nicolaus Copernicus, for example, built his tables for the movement of planets based on measurement of time with Egyptian year.
Egyptian civil calendar had three seasons of four months of thirty days, plus five epagomenal days.
Only after the New Kingdom will the months of the civil calendar have their own names.
Name of months underwent variations over time, as well as the exact date of the beginning of the year.
The name given to each of the twelve months corresponds to the time of the New Kingdom.
Plus, five Heru-Renpet days (“those that are above the year” or epagomenal days), from August 24 to 28.
They were also known as (“of the birth of the gods”), since the birth of five Egyptian deities was celebrated in them: Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys.
Later, in the Coptic language , they were called Piabot Nkoyxi (“the little month”).
© Historical Eve
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Lunar New Year means… *AI Junko is hit with the Millennium Bug*
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iimexpensiive · 8 months
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"Happy New Years!!"
It wasn't very common for him to partake in celebrations now-a-days — the urge to do such had long died out for him. Yet, the Lunar New Years was always one he made a slight effort for. Nothing overly fancy or such but just enough of a display to honor the new millennium.
Plus, he did enjoy the fireworks display that happened. His own little celebration being brought up to the rooftop of his hideout — having set out some decorations and a few special treats. It wasn't often he cooked but this was a special occasion after all. He even brought out a couple of his finest wines for it too.
Raising a glass as another display went off overhead, cheering to it as he gulped down the drink. For now, he had some peace at least.
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infinitestars-rp · 1 year
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𝐏𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐑𝐏
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Infinite Stars is a brand new Sailor Moon-inspired roleplay set in two eras. The first roleplay arc explores the Silver Millennium in an alternate course of events of the rise of Chaos and the eventual tragedy resulting in the deaths of Princess Serenity, Prince Endymion, the Sailor Senshi, and more, which leads to Queen Serenity saving them by sending them to reincarnate.
In the second arc, both the royal court and the corrupted agents of Chaos have been reborn in modern-day San Francisco. As those aligned with the Silver Millennium begin to awaken, the forces of darkness are determined to finally seize control of the Silver and Golden Crystals to take over the galaxy once and for all.
We are currently in...
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Arc One begins with Queen Serenity and the royal family of Earth announcing a diplomatic exchange program in which the royal heirs and their courts will spend time on the other’s respective planets: first, the Lunar Court on Earth, followed by the Terra Court coming to the Lunar Palace. This is to smooth tensions left over from a long-ago war in which Metalia, located at her base on the sun, and Earth fought. The Lunar Court initially assisted the Terrans but seemingly abandoned them at their weakest point – a betrayal not easily forgotten by the Earth Kingdom. By corrupting people across the galaxy, Chaos has been secretly causing divisions and conflicts in the utopian Silver Millennium. The increasing political unrest on Earth gives Chaos the perfect opportunity to bring their plans to fruition.
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radix-outpost · 2 years
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This... uh. Hrm.
So, AUs. I enjoy making them, as well as seeking them out to see what new spins people put on familiar material. Very early this year, I came across one Sailor Moon AU that, to its credit, devised a clever way to introduce male Sailor Guardians and clearly had a lot of passion put into it. To its demerit--Jesus Christ, where do I start.
Lan and I picked this AU apart several times over the course of ‘22; eventually (by which I mean “today”), all the fixes and edits we made, along with the fact that nudging the AU even slightly towards canon compliance breaks it irreparably, accumulated into “Just Fork This Thing Already”. These images, made with good ‘ol Senshi Maker v3, are very rough drafts of what I’m calling the B-Team (i.e. the Solars) and C-Team; sometime soon, I hope to draw more refined concepts.
A not-so-brief rundown of what I liked about the original AU, what PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF, and what my intentions are for my own version. (I will not name the artist, in case someone with a wild hair up their ass tries to track them down.)
The Good: The Solar/Lunar system itself, which forms the AU’s basis. Every major planet has a Lunar (female) and Solar (male) Sailor Guardian, both using the same title; the exceptions are Sailors Moon and Sun, who are essentially each other’s opposite attributes, and the Starlights, who have both. Definitely feels like a more natural expansion to the setting than some other attempts to integrate male Sailor Guardians or knights that are pretty much the same thing.
The Bad: [insert protracted noise of frustration here]
* RAMPANT (INTERNALIZED) MISOGYNY. In brief, it’s the Solars who are all the true heirs of their planets--and because they all get OC girlfriends, the canon Lunars seem to be pretty much locked out of succession. (It’s not even clear what Usagi and Mamoru are meant to do come the Crystal Millennium, since another pair of OCs become the future rulers of Earth) Said OC girlfriends largely exist only to be love interests, some of them literally prancing in out of nowhere to declare themselves such. Special mention to Solar Uranus being of the highest caste (Uranus-the-planet’s culture is modeled on India here) and canon Uranus being classless pond scum who’s forbidden from wearing the official planet colours.
Oh yeah, everyone gets sorted into neat little heterosexual rows. This is important to note, because--
* Equally rampant heteronormalcy, which dips into outright homophobia. Only M/F relationships are taken seriously; Solar Sailor Venus, who is bisexual, is the victim of a shitty running gag wherein he expresses his attraction to Sailor Sun and gets assaulted for it. In fact, Solar Venus is punished for interacting with any guy, period, and the AU only stops kicking him around when he hooks up with a lady, Sailor Cupid.
And the Outers... let’s see if I can explain this with minimal profanity.
* Some people make Shitennou equivalents for the outer planets. Some people have them be all-male like the canon Shitennou and then pair them up with all four Outers, because they’re twats. And then [redacted] took this a step further and established that not only did Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto sell the Moon Kingdom out to Beryl, but Uranus and Neptune’s relationship was the result of Beryl’s influence. And all three of them did a dying face-turn, asked their fiances for forgiveness, and hooked up with them in the present (or maybe the Crystal Millennium).
There’s other shitty things piled onto Uranus and Neptune here, but this is the most rage-inducing.
* As for Pluto, she betrayed the Moon Kingdom because she got betrothed to a General and not a fellow Sailor Guardian. (Which Sailor Guardian, if any? Who knows, chump) Then she changes her mind for no apparent reason. But the demonization doesn’t end there: not only did the AU feel the need to “explain” why Pluto’s and Saturn’s powers were swapped (they weren’t), but Pluto, under Beryl’s direction, poisoned Saturn in order to facilitate this, by making Saturn too weak to invoke the power of time. All that bullshit, and the artist barely drew her in comparison to the other Outers.
* One of the antagonists is Hotaru’s (and Serenity’s) past-life cousin. His plan involves brainwashing and seducing Hotaru in the present day. When she is still twelve. And he’s a grown-ass adult. While it’s not fetishized, the gross aspects are not acknowledged, either.
I have other criticisms, such as a lack of cultural consistency with names, but these are the most important ones.
So What Am I Doing Here: Fixing shit, mostly.
* Cutting the cast down to (for the most part) the canon Sailor Guardians, the B-team, the C-team, and expies of the Outer Shitennou.
* The Lunars are back in charge; their Solar counterparts are lords at best--certainly not the “true” heirs.
* Those expies of the Outer Shitennou? I have plans for them. Sapphic plans.
* The Outers sure as fuck did not betray the Moon Kingdom. One set of counterparts may have, though...
* You might wonder why Sailor Sol (not “Sailor Sun”; I already have a character with that title) is absent. Well, who in canon SM was heavily associated with the Sun?
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moonatikart-blog · 1 year
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New story! Midnight Starlight!
The title should be self-explanatory, it follows what happened to Starlight and Sunburst in the New Lunar Millennium.
First chapter is already out: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/539083/midnight-starlight
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infinitestarsads · 1 year
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𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 is a brand new premium jcink Sailor Moon-inspired roleplay set in two eras. of which we are currently in Arc One. Arc One explores the Silver Millennium in an alternate course of events of the rise of Chaos and the eventual tragedy resulting in the deaths of Princess Serenity, Prince Endymion, the Sailor Senshi, and more, which leads to Queen Serenity saving them by sending them to reincarnate. In Arc Two, both the royal courts and the corrupted agents of Chaos have been reborn in modern-day San Francisco. As those aligned with the Silver Millennium begin to awaken, the forces of darkness are determined to finally seize control of the Silver and Golden Crystals to take over the galaxy once and for all.
𝐀𝐫𝐜 𝐎𝐧𝐞
Arc One begins with Queen Serenity and the royal family of Earth announcing a diplomatic exchange program in which the royal heirs and their courts will spend time on the other’s respective planets: first, the Lunar Court on Earth, followed by the Terra Court coming to the Lunar Palace. This is to smooth tensions left over from a long-ago war in which Metalia, located at her base on the sun, and Earth fought. The Lunar Court initially assisted the Terrans but seemingly abandoned them at their weakest point – a betrayal not easily forgotten by the Earth Kingdom. By corrupting people across the galaxy, Chaos has been secretly causing divisions and conflicts in the utopian Silver Millennium. The increasing political unrest on Earth gives Chaos the perfect opportunity to bring their plans to fruition.
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egyptologylessons · 2 years
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Sopdet 𓏚𓏏𓆇𓁐 “spd.t” is the ancient Egyptian 𓂋𓐝𓎀𓀂𓀭𓏪 “rmṯ” name of the star Sirius and its personification as an Egyptian goddess 𓊹𓏏 “nṯr.t”. Known to the Greeks as Sothis, she was conflated with Isis 𓊨𓏏𓆇 “3s.t” as a goddess and Anubis 𓇋𓈖𓊪𓅱𓃣 “inpw” as a god. Sopdet was depicted as a woman with a five-pointed star upon her head (photo 2), usually with a horned hedjet similar to Satis 𓋴𓄝𓏏𓏏𓁐 “stt” (photo 2 - A stellar goddess, possibly Sopdet, from the c. 1300 BC tomb of Seti I). Sopdet was also depicted as a reclining cow 𓇋𓎛𓏏𓃒 “ı͗ḥ.t” in a solar boat from the old kingdom and occasional throughout the ancient Egyptian history (photo 3 - Dandera ceiling) During the early period of Egyptian civilization, the heliacal rising of the bright 𓅱𓃀𓐍𓏏𓇶 “wbḫ” star 𓇼 “dw3” preceded the usual annual flooding 𓅱𓆓𓈖𓏌𓏲𓈗 “wḏnw” of the Nile 𓎛𓂝𓊪𓏭𓈘𓈗 “ḥpy”. It was therefore apparently used for the solar civil calendar which largely superseded the original lunar calendar in the 3rd millennium BC. Despite the wandering nature of the Egyptian calendar, the erratic timing of the flood from year to year, and the slow procession of Sirius within the solar year, Sopdet continued to remain central to cultural depictions of the year and to celebrations of Wep Renpet (Wp Rnpt), the Egyptian New Year 𓄋𓊪𓏏𓆳𓏏𓏤 “wp.t-rnp.t”. She was also venerated as a goddess of the fertility brought to the soil by the flooding. Sopdet is the consort of Sah, the personified constellation of Orion (photo 1) near Sirius. Their child Venus 𓋴𓃀𓇼𓍑𓄿 “sb3-ḏ (y)” was the hawk god Sopdu 𓏚𓅱𓀭 “spdw”, ‘Lord of the East’. As the "bringer of the New Year and the Nile flood", she was associated with Osiris 𓊨𓁹 “wsir” from an early date and by the Ptolemaic period Sah and Sopdet almost solely appeared in forms conflated with Osiris and Isis. #Egypt #egyptian #ancient #ancientegypt #hieroglyphics #ägypten #thisisegypt #egyptologist #myegypt #egyptianhistory #egyptology #hieroglyphs #madeinegypt #egypte #egyptians #egyptshots #loveegypt #discoveregypt #egitto #埃及 #مصر #egipto #constelation #sirius #dogstar #sopdet #astronomy #flooding #inundation https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8ZZbOOJ_b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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love4heejayke · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS: Born from the full moon's light, Y/N is sent by her witch aunt on a secret mission to Decilis Academy, the purpose of which is to investigate the source of the obscure energy that hovers under the Silver Millennium. However, when she saves her roomate Sooha from the attack of dark creatures with the power to fortify themselves from the energy of nightmares and discovers her secret identity, she promises not to tell them, but everything changes once she falls for Lee Heli, one of Decelis' star students and posibily, her past life's lover.
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1 - the new student who wants to learn (1)
CW: blood, scar exposion, read at your own risk
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The huge library of the Silver Millennium, contains shelves with books as far as the eye can see. In its 30 meters of literary space, whose walls are covered in white marble, light noble wood shelves, blue roses on the pillars and green vines on the ceiling, gave color and naturalness to the place. In the upper corner, a giant concave ceiling of tempered glass and its windows in the same format, some replaced with stained glass from the ancestors of the queens. In its vast shelves, several manuscripts written over the first 5 centuries of the Silver Millennium on Earth are kept, all of which the peoples of the Moon managed to recover at the end of the war between the Solari and Lunari. So much knowledge in the wrong hands could lead either to the domination of the lunar kingdom or its annihilation, that's why Diana: the Aspect of the Moon, dedicated herself to protecting her reign until her last breath, so that in the future, her daughters Selene and Hecate, could guide you to your full prosperity. Today, under Selene's command, the eldest queen travels throughout the Elysian empire, day and night, leaving to her sister Hecate and the Boys of Destiny, the noble mission of taking care of her daughter Dalia, reincarnated in fairy's body, Y/N.
At that moment, Taho and Avys entered the library looking for the princess, hoping to find her again immersed in the books, as this is one of her favorite hobbies. The two split up, splitting between different sections of the bookstore. The younger platinum searched for the Astrology section, located in the fifth hall on the first floor, climbed the marble stairs to reach the Mythology section in the second hall of the second floor, Witchcraft in the fourth hall on the left and descended back to the first to fetch the princess in Mystical Ecology in the second corridor, the oldest platinum turned to the History of Magic in the third corridor to the right on the third floor and when going down the straight stairs of the bookstore again, he went to the seventh corridor of the second, where he was located the Sociology section. Both looked around the place, hoping to find either a woman with fair skin, medium height, with a sugary voice and velvety touch on the skin, or another with a magnetic presence that attracts whoever she wants to be around, but the two did not find none of the "phases" of Selene's daughter. When bumping into one of the corridors in the middle of the dead end on the second floor, Taho admits to Avys:
"This is pointless, my friend. We should get going."
"Yeah, Her grace shall appear eventually."
As they descend the stairs to the first floor, the duo scans with curious glances one last time, but nothing is found. Until as they pass through the Gemology corridor northwest of the entrance gate, they hear the sound of footsteps around them. Avys blinks her eyes and stares at Taho with a dubious expression.
"Did you hear that?"
"I did. What do you think it is?"
"Let 's find out."
Amid all the morning light, a small black shadow floated between the shelves. The duo took slow steps to corner the shadow, but it was sneaky and didn't seem to want anyone to bother it, but for a moment it landed on the ground and lay down, giving up its dark disguise to reveal its true form. They crouched down and cautiously watched the body that was once intangible, being replaced by black fur everywhere. On top of her head, two pointed ears, eyes as blue as the morning sky of the reign, upturned nose, lined mouth and thin whiskers on her cheeks, and on her hairy body appeared the 4 legs and a thin tail, this Sapphire, the princess's familiar. The cat stretched, opening her mouth and extending her front paws, turned her head and meowed. Taho couldn't understand it, but thanks to a small evolution in his power, Avys did.
"Hey, girl. Did we interrupt you?"
The cat sketched a confused expression, but then smiled and approached the youngest and rubbed her fur on her leg, an act that he reciprocated with a caress on her head. With a frown on his face, Taho was amazed at how close Sapphire and his friend were.
"You're really the familiar's best friend."
"Or so it's true what they say about familiars being a reflection of their owners."
"Do you think she can tell us where our highness is?"
"Sapphire, do you have any idea of your owner's whereabouts?
The cat said nothing, just shook her head and floated out into the corridors on the first floor of the library. They stared at each other confused.
"What was that?"
"I think she wants us to follow her. Let's go."
So the boys ran around, looking down every aisle in that bookstore, hoping to find her hiding in some of them, but the amethyst in Taho's eye began to glow, warning that something was wrong with the place. The more they ran, the more the shelves moved randomly, turning that room into a maze, soon they realized where they had gotten themselves into. This was the Forbidden Section, with books and manuscripts of Moon magic and other events banned and burned by Solari priestesses in the middle of Hecate's first reign. When Selene took the crown, her sister used chronomancy to restore some of the denigrated manuscripts that the Lunari Royal Family managed to get and stored in this corridor, unbeknownst to her mother and older sister. But to prevent magical creatures from getting hold of this forbidden knowledge, she used her mana to create this illusion to drive them away, but what she didn't expect is that her noctua wizard apprentice would be so exemplary in his learnings to the point of detecting in less than 2 minutes, traps and illusions that no other tribe could get out of.
"Brother, I think we have a problem." Avys tried to move to escape the wall, but it moved in the same direction, blocking his path.
"I've noticed it."
"Can't you break this?"
Finding this odd, he moved his head to invoke a spell with the purple mana contained in the amethyst of his eye, but even so, they still saw the shelves moving and all the space around them distorting.
"I can't. It was summoned and sealed with full moon mana. Only a member of the royal family can break that seal."
The purple aura revealed another, a silver one that kept the illusion invulnerable to touch, but when Sapphire's fluffy body floated through one of the illusion books, the mana barrier was broken, revealing a dark corridor, but with bookshelves and all. organized around, opening free passage for them to walk. Halfway there they saw an intense silver light that almost blinded their vision and heard sounds of leaves moving, so they quickly ran to check what it was, soon they entered a small room with a light noble wood shelf guarding some of the numerous books outside and a silvery white sofa trimmed with silver metal. Next to him a tall woman was standing, with her eyes wide and hands that ceaselessly moved in uncoordinated movements, exhaling a huge aura of silvery mana around her, for her, the books spun around her and turned their pages in an absurd speed. Taho then deduced that all that power released at once and without any control not only affected that cubicle, but also the entire Forbidden Section, but even so they knew that woman was not a stranger, neither to Sapphire nor to the boys, so he didn't hesitate to call out to her.
"Her Grace?"
Upon hearing his voice, she broke free of her trance instantly, causing the books to fall all at once, but she managed to catch them all by floating her hands and moving them to put them back in their proper places. When turning her face towards them, they saw a girl with an inverted triangular face, with a birthmark of a silver crescent moon on her forehead and pointed ears. Her skin was as pale as winter snow and her long white wavy hair fell to her shoulders like the glow of the full moon. Although her almond-shaped blue eyes are small, they were capable of carrying the depth of 1000 black holes, but at that moment they were red and teary, her thin nose was also flushed and swollen, as well as her pink lips, confirming with relieved sighs that this was Princess Dalia, daughter of Queen Selene and future heir to the throne by the Coronas Plateadas. Although she looked and mentally destroyed, the guys still felt compassion for her, but unfortunately for them, she was not in the mood to talk at that moment.
"Oh, there you are". she sighed heavily
"Thank Vahgr your highness is fine." Taho exclaimed "We thought you were gone."
"We're glad to see you." Avys added.
"I'm happy to see you too, but I know you only came here to drag me back to training with Eugene." Dalia frowned
Exchanging glances with her, Avys quickly understood what was going on and found a way to calm her stressed nerves.
"Can you leave us alone for a bit, my friend?"
"You gotta be kidding me, Avys." Noctua gave a sarcastic laugh "After all the horror your highness made us see, do you still want to be alone with her?"
"I know you think that what I'm asking doesn't seem wise, but please give ourselves this time." she pleaded with her downcast gaze
"Alright." Taho sighed "But what should I tell Eugene if he's looking for you?"
"Tell your brother that I'm fine, and that I shall return soon."
Even though he wasn't happy with their requests, he gave up and left. Now that they were alone, Avys could open up to his friend.
"I don't know what you're going through, your highness, but know that you can count on me for everything, that's why I want to talk to you."
"Well, say it." the princess nodded
"No, Your Grace. I want to talk with the real you."
Quickly understanding who the ornith was, Dalia abandoned her fairy princess form and assumed her human form: long, wavy black hair with a fringe covering her forehead, brown eyes, pointed ears, and freckles around her nose and cheeks. Now he was in front of his friend and former UVIC Entertainment's trainee, Y/N.
1 year after Star One's last comeback, UVIC recruited magical girls to debut a new girl group. Out of the 5 girls who passed the auditions, Y/N was among the oldest at 22 human years, but unlike the other trainees, she still didn't have full control of her powers and when dealing with strong emotions, she ended up unintentionally targeting her fellow trainees. and herself with her casualness, so Seomin — the girls' manager, made an agreement with DK and joined them with Star One for joint rehearsals, but everything changed when a creature from the shadows crossed the limit of ELYSIUM and she woke up her Full Moon powers, she has since given up her future career as an idol to save her people, reincarnated as Princess Dalia.
Although her mother had promised that she would help the Boys of Destiny find their true names in exchange for her daughter's training, Avys was one of the few to feel close to her, not because of her looks, nor her status, but because of her huge character and melodious voice that calms you down and motivates him to walk his own path in their mission.
When one of the followers of the Dragon Slayer Sect injured his younger sister, she comforted him, when he broke his wing rehearsing for the first Star One tour, she took care of him and when he was losing his emotions from the Blackwater potions, she restored them. He could always count on her for whatever he needed, but now, it was her turn to count on him.
"I know you don't like to open up that much, but whatever you're feeling right now, know that I'll listen to you and I won't judge." the blonde laid a hand on his friend's shoulder.
With a deep sigh, the fairy raised her head and didn't hesitate to tell her everything.
When Y/N awoke her Princess Dalia form for the first time, 4 weeks ago, the Boys of Destiny returned to the Silver Millennium, with Solon carrying Avys on his back. When they reached the Hall of the Silver Throne, she broke the silver mana barrier and opened the door using the silver handle. Arriving there, the boys let the youngest sit on the lowest throne dedicated to the princess, it was low, completely ornamented in silver metal and with blue upholstery sewn on the back and seat.
"Okay, here we are" Soule sighed
The princess, lifting her chin from Avys, saw his pale and trembling body, his white robe and wings plucked, and an open hole in her aching chest, covered by dark shadows. Although she was in shock, she tried her best to hold back her tears.
"Are you in any pain?" the elf asked again
"Yes, Soule, I..." he grunted as he stood up
"Don't move! This could only make everything worse." Eugene warned with eyes wide open
"Stay still there and I'll make a potion to stop the pain a little, ok?" Viken ran to the kitchen
That confrontation against one of the witches carrying dark magic left everyone visibly shaken, with their pale faces and eyes drooping in sadness, they managed to fight with their skills and come back safe and sound, but to see their most powerful and gentle friend on the verge of death and the princess of a kingdom that is possibly linked with their "True Names" being reborn on the same night, it will certainly not be the memories they would like to take with them when they leave there.
Soule and Taho heard the sound of a silver portal being opened, and noticed two women with blue eyes, pointed ears, pink lips and silver crescent moons marked on their foreheads came out. The first was tall, pale white skin, had long straight platinum hair, oval face, flattened nose, dark thin lower lips and a defined body that wore a long white lace dress, the second was of medium height and thin, with her hexagonal face covered by a long black silk veil, long wavy light hair, flattened nose and light drooping lips, wearing a long black dress with the sleeves falling over her shoulders and a black choker with a silver triple moon around her neck, those were the Lunari priestess, Hecate - Taho's mentor - and Queen Selene herself.
"Mistress!" Taho exclaimed, running towards him to give him a bow. "I'm glad you're back, I need your help."
"What 's this, sister? What's the reason for such…?" Selene questioned
The eldest was ready to give another one of her sermons, but her heart raced the moment her deep eyes met those of her daughter, who she had prayed for centuries for her rebirth, now stood before her, noticing her eyes red and her face flooded with tears, as the two rushed to give a tight hug, with the mother feeling the comforting warmth of her daughter's arms.
"Dalia, my treasure. I've missed you so bad!"
"Your Highness, I'm so glad you're here. I need your help."
"What is it, daughter? Don't you remember me? What happened to you?"
What was once just a small hole in Avys's chest, grew exponentially as an opening for dark purple and green veins popping out, drops of blood dripping and feathers falling from the wings onto the white, translucent floor of the hall, with it the young ornithe growled in despair, while Taho pressed the wound with his hands bathed in mana, but even so, it didn't stop so easily. Scared of what could happen if she kept still, the platinum girl got out of the woman's arms and pleaded with her teary eyes.
"I beg you, lady, let me help him!"
"My jewel Dalia, have I really lost you to these... mortals?"
"We don't have time for this, sister! Help us now!" the brunette begged
Selene sighed and stared at her newly incarnated daughter, but now with furrowed brows and a fixed gaze, which the girl refused to look directly at.
"Okay. But then I demand that you explain everything to me, you have centuries of explanations to give me."
At that moment, Viken returned with a cup of calming potion of sun passion flower and desert strawberry, both harvested from an oasis in the state of Inti, located northwest of Eldorado, the Solari Kingdom. Even with the imminent risk of the outbreak of a new war between the tribes Sun and the Moon's tribes, Selene as the current mother-moon in power, Hecate and she represent the Corona Plateadas and the Lunarosas, attending several meetings of the Celestial Council, when Political representatives from each reign of the Elysian Empire meet to discuss blueprints for the empire's future. Although Hecate and the Lunarosians only represent the Silver Millennial clergy, the Lunari's magic combined with their advanced technology are the elements that keep invaders at bay, so the alliance between the two tribes is what allows them to occupy some seats in this council. As queen, Selene applies her diplomacy to negotiate a possible ceasefire between the Solari and the Lunari, however some Eldoradorian conservatives did not see advantages in this, mainly because they feared that either of them would commit abuse of power, so it was decided since the last one, that the Silver Millennials will be able to consume their products, but they will have to pay higher taxes for them.
Heading to the throne, Hecate and Selene and he joined his apprentice, the elf and the princess to examine the state of the ornite, then when the witch-queen finished, she opened her mouth and widened her eyes in shock.
"Is it bad, master?"
"Avys, do you remember being hit by a dark energy bolt similar to a spear?"
He was too weak to respond with words, so he nodded his head in agreement.
"As I suspected, you were hit by a Piercing Darkness blow."
"Piercing… what?" Viken asked
"Piercing Darkness is a direct hit of dark magic, which deals damage and immobility to the target, but depending on the intensity of the attack, it can also do... this." Hecate sighed, pointing to the wound in his chest.
"Does it have a cure?" the druid asked
"Yes, Viken, but only two types of mana can fully heal the effects of forbidden magic, sun or moon mana." Hecate argued.
"Do you understand, Your Highness? Avys threw herself into the darkness to save me!" Dalia exclaimed "I can't let him die like this, however this healing is performed, I want to be a part of it."
The queen was reluctant about her daughter's request. She didn't understand why she put so much trust in mere mortals, even more in those who promised to help with her powers, but the glint in her eyes made it difficult for her to sympathize with them, so she sighed and nodded.
"Fine, daughter. But be brief, heal him and return to the palace immediately. Don't commit any more imprudence."
"Yes, Your Majesty."
"Come. We'll heal him in the Chamber of Prayers. Druid," the queen asked," Shall you accompany us?"
Viken didn't hesitate to accept her invitation, so they entered a crystal transporter and teleported to the top floor of the Lunari Palace.
However, before Y/N could continue with the story, she is interrupted by a question from Avys, who questioned her with a confused face:
"That part I remember quite well, but why can't I say the same for what came after?"
"You'll know as soon as I tell you, may I?"
"Oh, sure." he scratched the back of his head. "Continue."
Although the potion that the druid had given to her ornite friend had worked, Hecate felt waves of pain in his subconscious, for the queens spell to take effect, the body and mind need to be free from any internal or external disturbance, so the priestess performed another spell, but this time it gradually slowed Avys' heart rate, leaving him in an ephemeral state of euthanasia...
"Wait, did I die? The Spirit Moon killed me?!" he screamed
"Look, if you keep interrupting me I'll stop here!"
"No to no, Y/N! Keep going!"
"Okay" the brunette sighed "But keep your mouth shut until I finish, okay?"
He nodded, looking intently into his friend's hazel eyes as he continued to tell her what had happened.
A/N: ANOTHER cat in the HYBE universe, but don't worry, this is a good one.
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Hi! Follow up question on the Jewish calendar having specific events happen on determined seasons. I understand it's calculated with the moon, but would climate change it in any way? Given that some seasons are being altered and all. (This question came up when I read your post explaining that some events were organized around agriculture. I wondered what would happen if the seasons were altered a lot).
Side question, do the solstices/equinoxes count for anything in the Jewish calendar given that it is lunar?
Thank you for taking the time to answer!
For the last nearly 2000 years we haven't calculated the calendar the traditional way, we've been going by a calendar that was pre-calculated and pre-written in the first millennium CE. So climate change wouldn't affect that since the calendar dates were pre-set a long time ago. Additionally, while many of our holidays are agricultural-based, in modern times it's more symbolic (although we still observe certain agriculture-based practices in Israel). Wheat and barley hasn't been the primary source of commerce in Israel for a long, long time, yet our holidays revolve around the wheat and barley crops nevertheless. It's a good question though, and I imagine if we still determined the months the way we did when the Temple was standing, it would be a question of great concern in Jewish discourse.
Solstices/equinoxes don't really affect the calendar as those events are actually more solar-based than lunar. (Think *sol*stice)
The Jewish month follows the cycle of the moon. The Shabbat before the first day of the month we announce the new moon, and once the new moon is visible for a certain number of nights (the amount of nights depends on the community), we bless the new moon.
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