#new thing to put on repeat
mabith · 9 months
Chen Chusheng and Zhou Shen - 《凄美地》
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justtogetthrough · 3 months
I need continuous musings and discourse about the Hunger Games or my life feels so boring. Please keep posting and tagging, you’re all so smart and insightful and interesting
(Honestly, if you read the books for school, absolutely just post your essays I want to read them aaaaall)
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jesuisgourde · 2 months
i'm so tired of like not knowing how to be a person and connect with other people or make friends or interact in a way that feels like idk i'm on the same level as other people.
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dimitrscu · 10 months
all this talk about wanting to fight bosses in their prime in the dlc is so annoying istg. “i want to fight prime godfrey” brother that was prime godfrey he isn’t getting any stronger. just go fight him rl1 with no stat boosting and a +0 weapon. there you go, prime daddy loux.
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quirinah · 6 months
how do you get your colors to look so nice and your lineart so red and vibrant? i love it
omg anon thank you!! 😭 im going 2 be honest I am Not Great with color theory... but i like having my sketch pages look cohesive to me...
BUCKLE UP this is going to need a readmore bc i like talking.
I always sketch in neon colors it's a habit i picked up from an old teacher but I'll think of a color usually on a whim and draw with that. and then if i want to draw something else ill pick another color that i think goes well with the page. usually most of my color schemes r analogous (colors right next to each other on the wheel)
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yanked this from recent dunmesh post; i kept most of my colors within the pink/red/orange range.
i wouldn't recommend doing everything in monochrome or analogous palettes though because it's sort of a guilty crutch of mine XD.
sometimes when im coloring ill change the layer mode of the sketch. color burn gets you either very very bright or very very deep colors depending on the color of the flats underneath. multiply and linear burn do the same thing but they're a lot tamer and generally always return darker colors. im sure there's some technical bits behind this though. ill either color my lineart afterward to compliment the color of the flats, leave it as is, or mess with layer modes if i feel like it. my favorite trick is color burn + linear burn + some combination of two lineart layers and just fiddling until i get a nice burn effect.
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mithrun was done with crimson red on color burn.
coloring... like 999% of this is relative color which is like. kind of the idea that colors look different when placed next to each other. if you eyeball it a bit it's pretty noticeable.
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what i used to do a bit ago was i would fill in the area i wanted to color with one big mask of color, make a new layer that has a clipping mask down to the flat layer of color, and then draw my actual flat colors. the color of the mask helped me pick my flat colors bc if I picked a color i think stood out too much next to the mask i could kind of just adjust it until it looked a little more cohesive.
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old ish drawing next 2 a canon reference. i ignore local color a lot...mea culpa....but my overall color palette here was a light pink, so the shirt here is actually a desaturated pink? or violet i believe. if you shift sort of that purple color far enough into the gray area of your color wheel it can take on a blueish or even greenish hue. it being next to a lot of warm pinks/fuschias helps.
a neat thing that kind of helps is that if you desaturate or saturate certain colors they can kind of take on a certain hue? not sure if this makes sense. sort of how orange here turns tealish blue the grayer it gets. so if im drawing something that's predominantly orange and i have a blue color i can just take an orange color and desaturate it until i get a color that sort of looks like blue. and that way it kind of looks more harmonious? at least to me XD
shading. i don't apply serious lighting to a lot of my drawings, but a helpful bit is that the shadows tend to be the opposite of whatever color the lighting is? i try to think first about the "mood" or the main color i want to go for in the drawing and then i pick a shadow color opposite of that. so for here, i wanted the lighting to be a coolish magenta so the shadows r lime green. if there's anything off i fiddle around until i get something i like. the shadows on the skin here were too green initially so i shifted them a little more orange.
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there's a "band" of color going on between the transition of the shadows to the light. generally this could be for a lot of reasons and i tend to use it differently (core shadow? overexposure? etc etc). but this is a color post so ill try not to go too off track.
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but generally digital doesn't "mix" colors the same way traditional colors do if you use RGB (cmyk is a bit better with this but is kind of a pain to get used to), so to make blending a little less muddy, i sometimes add an intermediate color to smooth things out a little. for example, mixing digitally blue n yellow tends to get you gray, but generally, blue + yellow makes green, so if im making a blue->yellow transition ill slap some green color in the middle so it flows a little better.
I do a lot more cel shading nowadays. if you've been on here for a while earlier this year i have another style of coloring but it's not really accurate to how shadows really work so i wouldn't recommend looking at it. it's mostly to add zest and texture to the underlying flat colors.
coloring your lineart does a TON to helping your colors look vibrant, though its like the garnish on a dish to me (same with shadows). i think it's good to try and play with your flat colors and try to make sure those look in order first before adding flourishes. usually ill leave it a dark, saturated color that again matches my overall palette but sometimes i go in and color them by alpha locking my lineart layer and picking a color that matches the flat colors underneath? not sure how to explain it properly.
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i used a darkish purple for shuro's ponytail to match the dull red of the flat colors (more relative color! trying to simulate a black/brown while keeping the pink palette there) but a lighter crimson for laios's blond. the light was this super intense like blush pink so i thought it might be cool to add this neon salmon red in the areas of that light to really give off that vibe of a very bright intense rim light.
sometimes you could also tweak with gradient maps or color balance, which adjusts hue based on how light or dark a color is. these r fun to mess with as a final touch but i need to watch using them because they can become crutches real fast XD but those are also just tools to help you. in the end just developing a good sense of how color works and how you want to use it is the best place to start.
LONGASS ramble but yeah. tldr just kind of train ur eye for color and look at what you like best. which is unhelpful and a little sucky but it really is just observation and practice and maybe some personal zest.
happy drawing!
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semidecentpoet · 6 months
I think “Art Is for Amateurs” by Jam Mechanics, featuring Bug Hunter and the Narcissist Cookbook, might be replacing “Ghost Stories” by the Narcissist Cookbook as my favorite song and I Don’t Know How To Feel Ab That
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absurdumsid · 5 months
Hey Sid it’s inks birthday
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hey anon its april 16
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gurenmonster · 6 months
Like where is their reddit stories ep about dnd? Where is it?! Or any topic really
No seriously!
A DnD episode would be fun, but also yeah just anything in general? I feel like they would bounce of eachother really well in a reddit discussion...
Pls smosh I know it's an "unlikely" duo but please I would be satisfied for the rest of the year if we get a an hour of these two discussing reddit people
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aeide-thea · 1 year
From a thread by Twitter user @​mykola:
Ok, so, the following thread is going to be dense. I have a model of what I call "Identity Trauma" that is not exclusive to Neurodivergent people but so common among us that almost nobody can actually see it. Let me tell you a story.
When you are an infant, and you have needs that other people don't understand, nobody will be able to meet those needs. And so you grow up, from a very early age, with the empirical, evidence-based understanding that parts of you are not valid. Those parts don't shut up, tho!
Maybe you're an Autistic kid whose hearing is so hypersensitive that it's physically painful to you to be around your (large, joyful, boisterous) family. Maybe you're ADHD and your emotions are so strong that Everything! Feels! Extreme! Always! Whatever it is? It's not welcome.
And like, you try over your early life to communicate to people about this thing. And they don't believe you. They tell you "sometimes people are loud when they're happy, it's ok, don't be scared!" or they tell you "stop with the dramatics, you just want attention."
Every attempt to inhabit your full self is somehow curtailed, cut short, and you receive anywhere from a tiny bit to a WHOLE LOT of Shame for it. This leads to cognitive dissonance: do you listen to the part of you that says "this can't continue", or your caregivers?
(And remember, you're like six.)
The choice, for a sadly enormous percentage of us, is to trust our caregivers. They assure us we're fine. They assure us everyone deals with this, that if we just try a bit harder then we'll be okay. That part of us that's screaming? We start to wall it off.
It turns out we've got a lot of really useful construction material laying around in the form of shame. Every time that pain tries to get out? It gets shamed back in. So we just finish the process, seal it in.
We can't hear the screaming anymore. We can now focus on making sure we trust our caregivers, instead. Except. By walling off that voice, that pain? We've walled off our relationship to our body. But something VERY IMPORTANT lives there: our identity.
Your identity is who you are. It's everything you know to be true, everything you value, everything you feel. It's the name for the sum total of the enormous Thing that you are. One part of that thing is letting you know about unmet needs. But it does so much more.
It answers every question you need to ask yourself. How does it answer them? By thinking about it? No. It uses embodied, somatic, axiomatic knowledge. This is important, read this a few times: It is not cognitive. It doesn't feel like thinking. It feels like feeling.
Emotions are one of the ways our body communicates with us. With one exception, emotions are signals from your body to your self. That exception is shame.
Shame is the only emotion that originates externally. Shame comes from other people instructing us to feel it. That's it. And if you are cut off from your body? It is literally the only emotion you are really in touch with. And so you organize your WHOLE LIFE around it.
Listen, this model I'm describing? This is codependency, right? Because what's happening: your "core" self, your embodied axiomatic somatic source of truth, is gone. So your identity is not grounded in your body. Where is it grounded? In the approval of those around you.
If you're dealing with this shit, I will now perform a magic trick and tell you something about yourself that you will realize you have always known but that nobody has ever pointed out before. There's a special class of relationship in your life. It's not friend, parent, lover or anything else you'll find a hallmark card for, although it frequently coexists with some of the people in these roles. But the special class of relationship you have is that set of people that you trust to tell you who you are. You have complicated feelings about them.
These are the people that you have tasked, often without their knowledge or their consent, to serve as the grounding for your sense of identity. They are your surrogate embodied self. And they hold unfathomable power over you. (This is why we are so susceptible to abuse.)
Healing is in part about taking back those parts of you that you have invested in other people. That was never a gift to them, that was not about love -- that was an abdication of your responsibility to be a PERSON. It's not your fault. You didn't know. Your self was taken.
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orcelito · 2 months
I'm being like astoundingly social lately. Starting from Thursday last week, I saw my girlfriend, then spent time with family on Friday, then saw my girlfriend again on Saturday + some of her friends, then watched a movie and drew stuff with friends on Sunday, then had a session 0 for new dnd on Monday, then watched anime with a friend on Tuesday. Off day on Wednesday. Then on THURSDAY I hung out with my girlfriend, had a study session with friend group (with mixed success at the studying part), AND watched anime with a friend again. And then today, watched a different anime with a different friend.
And TOMORROW I'm going to a concert with family and a friend, Sunday I'm hanging out with my girlfriend, then Monday I've got dnd thing again (probably? Need to double check). And then potentially more hangouts to come.
It's insane. What is this new social me. I don't think I've ever hung out with this many different people in such a short time before.
#speculation nation#it's fun though i probably will need to slow down a bit to not tire myself out bfkshfkd#the concert and the family thing last weekend are not normal occurences at least.#the movie and the study group were both from my discord server. tho with mostly different sets of people.#i think im at like... in just the past week ive hung out with... well...#3 on friday (plus saying hi to others at the temple but i dont rly spend time with them)#7 on saturday... i think it was like.. six? on sunday? i think. then Uhhhh#4 on monday. i think. 1 on tuesday. thursday had 3 new with 3 repeats from earlier in the week#and today was another person i hung out with earlier in the week#which puts me at TWENTY FOUR....... different people ive hung out with this week....holy shit....#granted on saturday 6 of them were my girlfriend's friends and im not very good at talking in a group irl#so i mostly talked to my girlfriend there. but even if U didnt count them that's still 18 people i hung out with#crazy. mind boggling. im a total introvert so this is like unprecedented.#I SWEAR I DONT NORMALLY COUNT PEOPLE LIKE THIS..... im just like. trying to put it into context for myself#and surprisingly i dont feel That exhausted by it... it helps that only 3 of these days had in person interactions#bc thats more tiring to me than just talking online. physical space takes more energy to emote etc etc#i think this is good for me honestly. spending time with people. not just wasting my life away with video games. you know.#tho i do need to balance it with writing.. i havent written anything since i posted the itnl update#and i rly need to get that reverse bang fic finished....hmmmmmmmm#ah well. i'll try to get lots of writing done next week. next week for sure..!!
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dailytomlinson · 2 years
The track begins with Louis' vocals atop a sparse piano melody, not too far removed from that of Walls album track Fearless. Delivering a vocal drenched in confidence, the unlikely subject of the song soon becomes apparent.
"Air Maxes with silver tongues, settle in for another heavy one," Louis sings; the lyrical content a sharp contrast to the instrumental.
Louis' incredible growth as an artist is already noticeable here. He's taking risks, avoiding the obvious and embracing more abstract approaches to songwriting.
Then, 30 seconds in, Silver Tongues takes a complete 180.
Shifting sharply from ballad-esque chords to an arresting, upbeat guitar riff, Silver Tongues sees Louis break boundaries sonically. While pop-rock sensibilities are certainly synonymous with his solo music, this track steps that sound up a gear. Or five.
"You know it’s times like these we’re so much happier. Nights like these, we’ll remember those stupid jokes, only we know..."
Now we're in proper, stadium rock territory.
"You know when I’m with you, I’m so much happier. Nights like these, we’ll remember those songs we wrote, only we know...You smile at me and say ‘it’s time to go,’ but I don’t feel like going home."
Not entirely dissimilar to a football chant, Silver Tongues' chorus is truly anthemic; akin to that of his 2017 single Miss You. It's safe to say this song will shine in a live setting and prove a standout on Louis' 2023 tour.
What follows post-chorus is a raucous piano and electric guitar-led instrumental that's perhaps one of the most euphoric moments across Louis' entire discography. This isn't where we saw the song going based on the opening verse, but we're certainly not mad about it.
As we enter verse two, Louis' inimitable Doncaster inflection comes out to play.
"You said grass was a dirty drug, you like to preach with vodka in your mug. I love other things, you know, but I’m king on a 50-metre rope."
Louis' artistic development is clear once again; something he attributes in part to Silver Tongues co-writers Theo, Joe and David.
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twistedappletree · 1 year
the rest of the MDZS fandom: THE PAIN, THE ANGST, THE LONGING here’s my amazingly in-depth 10 page relationship analysis of wangxian and a thorough presentation of my headcanon on why they would be Bad Dragon loyalty members
me: ok so hear me out……. lan sizhui putting a flower in jin ling’s hair 🥺👉👈 I rest my case. 🌸
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eifri · 1 year
i wonder where all these notifications are coming f-
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suncaptor · 5 months
there's something specifically inside my head that is closing up that makes trusting anything so hard. i have to manually keep my mind open to the potential of anything being significant. i am so used to things being bad and things hurting and things not working and being powerless that it takes an exorbitant amount of mental energy to make sure I don't let myself shut down possibility. and I do it because I never want a certainty inside of me besides love to rule anything. but I want my brain elastic again. i want it open like breathing. it doesn't erase the unfairness or the critique or any of the bitter-built philosophy.
#it's so hard to describe what I mean. i think it's the combo of the like. specific part of my brain's development + the amount of trauma#I have endured + the degree of which that has been taking place on a backdrop of the world being incredibly injust no matter what I do#this is very very silly but the extent of how much this impacts me was made clear by how like. closed off I was to even liking an album by#my favourite singer. like obviously I am obsessively keeping myself open I would never let my preconceived sense of doom and stubbornness#control my willingness to let things in#but it shouldn't be so hard to keep my mind open to things like... liking my favourite musician of most of my life's music...........#and that's a VERY silly example but that's why it's easier to talk about. it takes so much work to be open enough for things like therapy#or religion because they've damaged me so much#how am i supposed to handle this on a backdrop of constant constant helplessness in the face of living insecurity and illness and trauma?#the problem is if you try so so so hard again and again and remain hopeful regardless of how illogical that hope is#but you get let down so constantly since you're never stop trying ever even when systems fail you again and again#and you're watching horrible things happen and everything that shapes you is horror#then regardless of how much you try it's so hard to let yourself let go of the very realistic lived experience of doubt and critique#and I DO. do NOT get me wrong. I am obsessive and refuse to be my own problem#but the act of doing so shouldn't be like this. it's in everything i do. from simple things like listening to new music to even the mere#possibility of a future#i am very worried this one is going to be misinterpreted bc I AM NOT saying I'm stubborn in the face of systems that have repeatedly failed#me. I AM NOT. I am saying to not be shouldn't take this work when it envelops the rest of my life.#if anyone reads this far please please acknowledge the degree of which I almost pathologically try again and again when I can guarantee#nearly everyone wouldn't and still fight to keep myself open to hope because that's just something in me that is like that. but BEING like#that is. repeatedly putting yourself in situations where you are powerless already and helpless to get better and then are hurt more and#there's no way to escape it's just the repeated nature of it and then trying to not be the issue.#it's the problem in itself.#my ambition SHOULD be smarter.#god I'll go into this when I fully understand it another time. i don't think i have this phrased in a way to make all the dots of what i#mean correlate in the significant ways to anyone but me#but hey i guess i'm expecting anyone to read this in a light to misperceive me in the first place instead of accept maybe I'm not explainin#well or giving me the benefit of the doubt. see.#delete
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planet4546b · 7 months
state of drafts is dire atm
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bmpmp3 · 10 months
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i dont use spotify but i did end up doing a new install of poweramp almost exactly a year ago because i switched phones so here's what's the top of the "most played" category. i wanna be involved too LOL
#now this is not a list of the things i most listened to - because the way poweramp categorizes plays seems to be like#how many times you specifically click on a song#and i listen to everything on shuffle forever. my method of listening to music is put the thing on shuffle and press next until i find#something i wanna listen to and then put that on repeat#and i dont think poweramp classifies finding something on shuffle nor does it classify repeats as more plays#BUT these songs were specifcally clicked by me a bunch so thats something LOL#not the top 10 because my settings make only the top 8 visible in a screenshot HFJDKHJD BUT if u wanna know#9 was kage asobi (another jump into the new world song LOL) and number 10 was the poet and the muse from alan wake 1#as u can see i was listening to the liella subunit album a LOT and specifically i was clicking the different songs often#largely cause i was trying to get a handle on the new girl tomoris voice HJKDS but also because 5yncri5e sounds FANTASTIC#especially a little love like kinako and tomori OWN that song they song so so good in it#also for some reason i remembered that portugal the man song from like the far off year of 2010 and it was stuck in my head a lot hjkdhd#triage is great i dunno its just a really fun song to listen to. i was also so very shocked by the video that shidou. is a dad. LOL#mkdr/dscf is just an addicting song so i definitely was aiming for it often#idol is just a very good song also LOL#and hanako by atarashii gakko is so fun everyne should listen to atarashii gakko#also like most of these songs i like partially becaue they make me think of specific ocs but im too lazy to say which ones are which LOL#but thats another reason they were clicked on rather than shuffled to. thinking about.....ocs HJKFSL
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