pawperanimal · 8 months
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bro got friendzoned
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mistressweems · 1 year
Starting Out...
Hi all,
I have started writing a fanfic... my friend felt it was timing to get back into writing - long story.
I am hoping that everyone out there wouldn't giving my first post a read and help me with any advice? Please don't be too harsh.
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मेरा पहला ब्लॉग
नमस्कार साथी ब्लॉगर्स,
मेरा नाम स्मृति। यह मेरा पहला ब्लॉग है। मैं इसे मेरी सार्वजनिक डायरी कहूँगी। मैं साहित्य में पोस्ट ग्रैजुएट हूँ। मुझे भाषा में दिलचस्पी है।
हिंदी भाषा से मुझे प्यार है। अंग्रेजी भाषा की फिल्में, सिट्कोम देखना बहुत पसंद है। अभी हाल ही में मैंने बंगला भाषा का एक छोटा सा लेख हिंदी में अनुवाद किया। कभी वह भी साझा करूंगी। इस पोस्ट के लिए इतना ही।
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charleeebuddy · 2 years
New here. Need to understand it first.
BTW. First post.
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Scenes From My Walk (Yesterday) - Bumblebee and Wide-striped Sweat Bee, Leafcutter Bee or Sharptail Bee on Horsetail Milkweed on Horsetail Milkweed A new bee is something I didn’t expect to see. I have 3 potential names; Leafcutter may be the most likely #WideStripedSweatBee #LeafcutterBee #SharptailBee #HorsetailMilkweed #Milkweed #Wildflower #NewMexicoFlowers #Wildflowers #WildflowersOfInstagram #NewBee #BeeOnFlower #Insects #Bees #WhatsThat #Naturalist (at Santa Fe, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfP8Ca3L_Mq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pekiacyunn · 5 months
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in a universe where we r insects
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the-blind-geisha · 2 years
I also apologize on falling behind on my writing and stuff. I got struck down so badly with something for over a week that I just didn't have the energy to do anything. ♥
I'm hoping to have Tome's next chapter up this weekend, but I dunno yet. lol We'll see.
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gutsfics · 5 months
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what are Wes AND Chadley doing at Belvoir??????
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dotsnkey · 7 months
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Dots N Key Technologies is delighted to extend a warm welcome to our newest team members: Sakshi More, Aakib Pathan, Vishal Sharma & Muskan Jain.
We are genuinely excited to have you become part of our outstanding team. Your unique skills and perspectives will undoubtedly contribute to our collaborative efforts, fostering innovation and creating a positive impact together.
Anticipate a journey filled with growth, support, and boundless possibilities. 🚀
Let's embark on this exciting adventure together and build remarkable innovations. ✨
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no-rthamerica · 1 year
cookie, they/them
posting about anything, everything, and most especially my current interests
minors dni please  :)
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bachatgadgets · 1 year
Top 5 Best Drones to Buy on Amazon for Stunning Aerial Footage and Photos
Drones have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a unique and exciting way to capture aerial footage and photos. With so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to know where to start when choosing a drone. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top 5 drones to buy on Amazon, so you can make an informed decision and get the best drone for your needs. 1. DJI Mavic…
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View On WordPress
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otome-on-the-side · 2 years
considering all the shell blogs from twitter evacuees Ive had to investigate I’m weirdly relieved to being able to swat the normal bots like flies from this blogs following again slfj
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grungeprincess2 · 2 months
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There is nothing more metal than a kittie -Satan
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2lim3rz · 5 months
Hi! I'm a new Astartes owner and my friend who is in the business told me that he will get me some easier to care for breed and he came in yesterday with a group of five Astartes. He couldn't recall what specific breed they were, so we started checking for distinguishing features but they don't mach anything we could find? They are Silver with with purity seals everywhere and golden writing on the pauldrons. The wierdest thing about them is that their helmets are in a funky shape and the armors are very different from normal. All of them also had power weapons.
Do you know what did we get? And is it a good pick for a newbee?
I was thinking maybe Word Bearers until you mentioned the gold and the weird helmets. I'm 90% sure your friend just dropped you a bunch of Grey Knights.
Personally, DEFINITELY NOT a breed for Newbies. They're extremely headstrong and, similar to Raven Guard and Dark Angels, LOVE being secretive but in a very aggressive manner instead of sneaky. Grey Knights are also extremely aggressive to those they don't see as a part of their unit unless properly socialized.
They're also VERY psychically inclined like the Thousand Sons legion breeds and their offshoots.
However! I'm going with the assumption that these Grey Knights are at least young adult or, at minimum, just fresh from being marinelings, you still have a chance to get them decently socialized and okay with both you and others. Either way, if you do keep them, you are going to have one of the most loyal Space Marines.
Just, uh, do not get them near any Chaos breeds. Grey Knights and anything chaos is like mixing oul and water. As pretty as they are, I could never have any Grey Knights in my home because they'd absolutely murder all of mine :(
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chaifootsteps · 7 months
Also involving TADC. This isn't some no name. This is Gooseworx. She has a long line of animation before this that was popular. And I mean it that it has better wider appeal.
I tried to show my friends Hazbin back when the pilot released at a party, and I got stopped by someone saying "that creator is a pedophile, transphobic, racist, homophobic, disgusting person" and I got threatened to be kicked out of the party after trying to show someone the pilot. Now, dear readers, I had not heard the allegations at that point because I just wasn't on those parts of the internet, and I only knew VIvzie from her Die Young and speed paints. I knew of Zoophobia, but it did not interest me much so didn't read it. I will be honest I was orginally really sceptical, since that was alot of accusations being told to me aggressivly. I asked the guy where he saw this and said he had never heard of the creator until that week on twitter. I honestly was a bit suspicious since this was during the time of hunicast and everything seemed great. I almost got kicked out of a party over it too, which is not a good way to get someone to be sympathetic to your opinion if they had heard nothing up to that point. This was sometime after the pilot when the main big spike in controversy had started to settle and alot of callout posts got deleted by this point, so I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on. I couldn't find the evidence after all the big deleting and broken links, since it might be obvious to us, but it can be rough figuring it out for a newbee to the controversy. Especially back then when things were overwhelmingly more positive. I also wasn't going to condem someone for something I couldn't even find evidence for. I never spoke of Hazbin amongst anybody for years, and it was my biggest secret, since I knew folks were weird about it because of some twitter post I couldn't even find anymore. Maybe I should have read the writing on the wall, but I don't blame myself for being skeptical when I had such a hard time finding the evidence in the beginning, and the few I did find were some of the more softball accusations that leaned toward more a slap of the wrist like how she could he kind of a brat on twitter or something (alot of people are, so not gonna drop her over that. That's like alot of internet personalities). Obviously I found the stuff later and now things make more sense.
Not to mention some of the Hazbin content is edgy without a purpose at times, so it takes some disclaimers when showing a friend. The Hazbin pilot was not the worse, but you wanna show a friend the Helluva Boss Pilot. Good f***ing luck. You'll get alot of silent judgement. I will give credit that actual Helluva Boss after the pilot is more sharing friendly a bit. I think I could shiw a friend some early HB epidsodes especially the harvest moon festival without too much incident. Hazbin is pretty okay without the controversy with some bad moments like the Jeffery dahmer joke and shit, but you can kind of get by. However, Viv's controversy kept the show back from being shared more. It also sometimes push the envolope but rather than in storytelling it was edgy humor and you would have to ask yourself "Do I want my friends to associate this with me?"
My main point though. Throughout this entire time we watched the shit out of goosworx and would even hang out having "viewing parties" aka an excuse to hang out and eat. I never have been nervous about showing their stuff. I don't think you have to be no controvercial or plain for that either. Look at little runmo. My friends and I were obsessed with the idea of a capitalist metephor and some of the theories we made with deeper themes. But it was never crude in an embarassing way so it spreads through word of mouth better. That's why Vivzie has a fandom more than viewers now. You gotta already have bought in to watch it.
I'd say that at the end of the day, the adult show that you can show your friends, kids, and mother is going to have an easier time finding a bigger audience than the one that opens with the r-word...but Family Guy and South Park.
Vivzie's shows have several hurdles in place just by virtue of being an extremely crude animated show. And then, after all those, they've got to overcome Vivzie.
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wiypt-writes · 2 years
Does it ever happened to you, that you look at a fic's nots and be like "ahh, I wish they were more I put so much into this.". Just asking 'cause as a newbee, sometimes I look at my fic and asks this.
All the time, honey. All the time. I put my heart and soul into every bit of fiction I write. I don’t get a lot of notes or replies really. And recently it has nosedived spectacularly.
I also sometimes read something someone else has done that I don’t think is as well written or as good as mine, see it has more reblogs or comments and get really annoyed and this isn’t a nice place to be.
This is one of the reasons I think that when my current series are all finished I’m kinda done. Bar the odd one shot maybe. I just…🤷‍♀️ plus I’ve discovered a really TOXIC side to this fandom recently over all the reactions to CE dating Alba, it’s kinda making me question a lot of things.
My first long fic got me thought a dark time. My second saw me through the pandemic. And for that I’ll always be grateful and I’ve met some amazing people through this hell site.
The best advice I can give is remember you write for YOU. And whilst you enjoy it, don’t get beat up on the numbers. Notes don’t always reflect the quality of a fic. Some of my favourite writers in here have what’s considered a low note count and I ADORE them.
When the enjoyment stops, that’s when it’s time to quit.
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