#next arch
nexttoparchitects · 3 years
Time for a paradigm shift in architecture
None of us can be sure what will happen to the world in the future.
But let’s take a conservative approach and assume that there is no all-powerful deity, no miracle cure for the many diseases of the planet, and no way to predict or prevent catastrophes like flooding or drought. Instead, it seems clear that our future is one of the massive population increases, massive migrations from regions affected by climate change toward safer areas with sufficient food and water supplies. In other words, this is a future with millions of climate refugees — people on the move across continents because their homes have been rendered unlivable.
Time for a paradigm shift in architecture, aesthetics — yes, but not at the cost of the environment.
Each material used should be cataloged and available for reuse.
🟢 http://aitools.nexttoparchitects.com/issues/greenwashing-in-architecture-895282
#next_top_architects in #NEXTarch We Trust #next_AI_architects
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blackbirdblackbird · 3 years
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It’s you.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Get yourself a friend group who will sit wrapped in a duvet, with horror make-up on, clutching teddy bears, and be horrified till dawn.
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Tankhun doing it right.
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oceluna · 3 years
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Thanks casting director. 👍🏼
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eleventhousandfour · 3 years
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Macarena Achaga as Michelle in season 3 of Luis Miguel: La Serie on Netflix
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vidalinav · 3 years
Stu(died)- Chapter 4
Summary: Nesta weighs the pros and cons of dating Cassian ft. Tailgating 
Nessian Modern AU-university setting.
Masterlist, Stu(died) Chapter List
AN: On second thought... don’t care to edit this. It is what it is. 
"Do you want to go dinner?” Cassian yawns, stretching from where he sits across from her, his arms reaching toward squared ceiling tiles. Nesta watches as that hoodie pulls over his chest. All languid muscles taut and tight.  
His words are nonchalant, a bit casual, but they still make Nesta gape as if he says something shocking. Nesta’s gaze quickly returns to her book.   
Chemistry. Biology. Genetics... What are they learning today?   
“Why would we do that?” Nesta asks. She tries to say the words with as little feeling as possible, but a crease forms between his brows. She knows her words must sound strange. Panicked and high-strung. Nesta coughs, clearing her throat as if that might erase her tone—explain her pitch. 
Still, the silence of the library makes her think of confessions... of warm soup and consistency. She tries to think of his grades instead. His penchant for showing up late. His terrible habit of staring at her lips instead of paying attention.   
It was a fever dream, Nesta reminds herself. Her temperature rising so high who knows what really happened in her room when she set her arm on his.   
“Because we’ve been here for four hours,” Cassian drawls, raising a brow, “and I know for a fact you haven’t eaten, and I obviously haven’t eaten so let’s go get food!”   
“Together?” It’s an obvious conclusion, and the word seems idiotic coming out of her lips. They’ve gotten food together before. 
His favorite restaurant, in fact, is a Thai place tucked behind two apartment complexes. Beyond potholes and construction, in dark corners where their respective residences are. No one even knows it’s there most days, but Cassian knows. He finds it somehow. Like pulling some random book off the shelf, discovering every beloved word as he turns the next page. Cassian suggests going there every chance he gets. The flavors never boring or abysmal.  
Nesta wants to ask him how he makes decisions so easily, how he can stick with something once he’s made up his mind. Why choose this one out of all the rest? 
Cassian seems to pause at her question and Nesta forgets which one she’s asked. He’s probably wondering if she’s still sick from his look of concern. 
Perhaps she is. 
The act of breathing weighs heavily on her chest, her face is hot at the cheeks.   
“I was assuming we’d go together. We always have.”  
We is an intimate word and Nesta’s not sure if she likes that sound. It’s intimidating and secretive, as if they share stories over brunch when the two of them are only meant for study session in libraries. 
“I’ll see if Gwyn and Emerie can come,” Nesta says in a rush. She grabs her phone, already swiping through apps. Heaven forbid, she be alone with this man at a restaurant.   
“Alright... We can go to Belinda’s then.”     
“Why would we go there?” Nesta sputters.   
Cassian frowns outright at her question, “because you haven’t gone all week...”  
“You go every week. It’s your favorite place.”   
Nesta knows that but how does Cassian know that?  
"I’m assuming you haven’t gone, since you were still sick last week.” 
She hasn’t. He’s right about that. She was sick and she had to study. She was sick and he was there... he was watching--confessing.     
“Do you feel sick?” Cassian asks. She doesn’t even notice him moving towards her, but suddenly his hand is on her forehead. 
Nesta slaps it away. “What are you doing?”  
“Checking your temperature.” 
Nesta shakes her head, already gathering her things. “Let’s just go before I change my mind.” 
She watches as Cassian does the same, putting away notebooks and pencils he’s barely touched. He doesn’t act as if anything is different, but he should. She’s not the one who confesses feelings better left unsaid. 
Why does he mention it at all, Nesta wonders. He must know she’s going to say no, pull away, push past him. It annoys her that he gets to stand there, picking up notes that she’s filled. All nonchalant, because he doesn’t have to contemplate any of this. 
It makes her want to scream at how calm he is... so she heads for the nearest exit, instead. Cassian brushes against her, and Nesta punches at the elevator keys like she holds something against them.  
“You’ll tell me if you feel bad, though. Right?” 
His gaze surveys her, up and down as if looking for any sign that something is wrong. A headache or a fever or a temper gone hot.   
Something is wrong, she wants to say. 
But Nesta crosses her arms, clenching her teeth. 
No sense in giving him what he wants. 
Gwyn looks tired as she lays her head in her arms. Nesta supposes she shouldn’t have begged them to come. She shouldn’t have told them it was an emergency. Not when Gwyn has been up these past nights for essays or Emerie has her multitude of clubs. But Nesta can’t help it. She’s panicking.  
Gwyn groans, “Why couldn’t we come on Saturday like usual?”  
Nesta doesn’t know how to explain the situation without revealing what Cassian’s said and she doesn’t have much time. He goes to the bathroom as soon as they come in and the restaurant is small. Nesta lowers her voice, afraid he might hear beyond wallpaper. “Because I need you to see if you notice anything different.”  
“Different how?” Emerie asks, frowning.  
Nesta tries to find the words, trying to think of something romantic for her analogy. All she can think about is soup. “Like he’s going to buy me roses...”  
Emerie turns to Gwyn with a quizzical brow and they both look at Nesta like she’s grown two heads.  
“Or sing serenades,” Nesta continues, “Or... buy me a dog so I’ll be forced into a co-parent relationship that I’ll have to spend fourteen to sixteen years not regretting for the sake of its mental wellbeing.”  
Gwyn rests her chin on her palm, pursing her lips. “Are you still sick? Do you need to go home?”
“Cassian said he likes me!” Nesta blurts. The volume of her words has her peering over her shoulder, but he’s still nowhere in sight and for that she breathes a sigh of relief.  
Emerie snorts. “Is that news to you? Please tell me you’re not serious.”  
“Well, it wasn’t serious, but I can’t stop thinking about it!”  
Nesta thinks about it when she tutors him on Monday and Wednesday. When they walk back home after each session. When she looks out the window to the frat house next door, no matter how belligerently stupid she thinks all of them are. She wants to know if she’s going insane. If the flu killed off a few brain cells. The ones that thought rationally. That put classes before everything else.  
“Do you like him?” Gwyn asks, her voice cautiously curious.  
“No,” Nesta says almost too fast. She shakes her head as if that might convince them. “Of course not.”  
"But could you? Like him I mean.” Emerie shrugs a shoulder, and Nesta can tell she’s trying to hide away a teasing smirk. “He is dreamy, even I have to admit... Do you dream about him Nesta? All those muscles and the tight shirts. That floral scrunchy that can make panties drop.”  
“I hate you.”  
Emerie laughs a bright, loud sound. Nesta crosses her arms. She can feel the heat rising to her cheeks.    
“What’s so funny?” Cassian asks.  
Nesta shirks back at the sound of his voice.
“Nothing!” They call out together.    
Cassian looks at them strangely, but Nesta doesn’t say a thing. Instead she grabs the menu, setting it up to hide her face.
She shouldn’t have come tonight. Shouldn’t have told him she’d eat with him or invite them. She could have just told him she was tired. He would have understood. Cassian was always so understanding...
No, Nesta thinks. She shouldn’t think of such things.
“So, Cassian, how tall are you?”
Nesta shoves down the menu to stare at Emerie who waves her away with a slight of her hand. As if to say go back to your menu.
She hates them. She’s serious.
“6’3... Why?”
“Just wondering,” Emerie shrugs. “It’s the perfect height for reaching tall places like... bookshelves. Especially when you’re short as Nesta.”
“I’m 5′7,” Nesta scoffs. “I’m tall.”
“That’s a pretty average height, actually,” Gwyn says, taking a sip of her water.
“The average height is 5′4.”
Emerie waves her off, “barely a difference.”
“Nesta’s tall,” Cassian agrees. “If not by her height, then for her attitude. She’s seven feet in my eyes.”
Gwyn tilts her head at that, looking to Emerie. Emerie frowns as if that confuses her. Nesta doesn’t know how she feels about it either, so she manages a, "thank you?”
“Oh, it’s definitely a compliment. I’ve never met anyone as sure as you.” Cassian smiles. A little too genuine for a inane conversation about height. “You walk through this world like you know exactly who you are and what you want. I admire that... even wish I was more like that sometimes.”
Nesta forces herself to pull away from his gaze, those warm hazel eyes that say too much and too little, all at once. She returns to looking at the menu. Sticky beige and brown. Words floating on pages. Absolutely no pictures that she can focus in on and pretend she doesn’t hear what he says.
It means nothing, she thinks. So he... fears her. She’s intimidating and he admires that. Good for him.
"Are you all ready to order?”
They turn to the waitress and Nesta sighs in relief at the blessed distraction. She never did like being the center of anyone’s watchful eyes. If it was up to her, no one would even know her name. 
Nesta orders her favorite. The same thing she always gets, but Cassian probably knows that already. She swears he sees him mouth the words as she says it. 
Cassian knows too much. An unfair advantage... she’ll have to dig up dirt on him just to catch up. 
So, Nesta watches him as he talks, beaming up at the waitress like they’re old friends. Cassian is better at casual chit-chat than she is. If she was him surrounded by people he really couldn’t call his friends, she’d be looking at her phone, to the window, her notes. Anything that makes her look busy, so she isn’t forced to smile when she needs to... not that she ever smiles when she should. 
Socializing is exhausting, but Cassian makes it look easy. His face is entirely too expressive. If he ever wants to lie, he wouldn’t be very good. Maybe that’s a good thing--a bad thing for him--but a good thing for her, because he’d never be able to deceive her. 
That thought brings her comfort, somehow. 
“I’ve been trying to convince Nesta to go to the game with us.” 
Nesta grimaces at the mention of her name. She isn’t paying attention and her Emerie raises a mischievous brow knowing exactly what has caught her eye. 
“Come tailgating with me! All of you!”  
Nesta’s keen on objecting, but when she opens her mouth, Emerie is already answering. “We’re in!” 
“No. I am not in.”  
“What? Why not?” Cassian asks, as if he doesn’t already know. 
“I have to work!” The words sound loud and Nesta forces herself to take a breath. She must sound frustrated for Emerie looks sheepish and Gwyn puts on her understanding face. The one that says she’ll placate her by telling her of other things they can do when she’s free, because Nesta misses everything for a shift. 
Cassian scoffs. “You work at 3. Come before then, the game doesn’t start until then anyways. I doubt you’ll be sticking around for that.” 
“Excuse me if I don’t like sporting events.” 
Anyone else would have been perturbed at her voice, but not Cassian... Oh no, Cassian raises an indignant chin. “You don’t tailgate for the sport. You do it for the food.” 
“I feel like someone would punt you for that,” Gwyn mumbles. 
“There will be food...” 
And Nesta’s hungry enough to imagine all kinds. 
“Steak. Hot dogs. Chicken wings.” 
It sounds good enough that she almost accepts... if only for Emerie and Gwyn who wait for her response with unsuppressed glee. 
But Nesta has never made an impulsive decision in her life. 
“I’ll think about it,” she says. 
Nesta sees the yellow notification, but she doesn’t open the message. She’s seen her screen brighten six times now and she refuses to look. 
Emerie holds up her phone, “Cassian’s texted the location.”
“That’s nice,” Nesta says. She stares up at the screen, flipping through the channels. There’s nothing new to watch and she’s quite possibly bored, but she’s not going to look at that phone.   
“You’re going to have to look eventually.” 
Nesta can hear Gwyn laughing in the kitchen. They’ve been laughing all day at her pouty face. Her indecision. Will she or won’t she. She’s been weighing the pros and cons. Even made a chart. 
“I could be sleeping. He doesn’t know.” 
“Everyone knows you go to sleep at like 3 am.” Emerie comes to sit beside her, setting down her text books. “So why don’t you want to talk to him?”
“He’s just not that interesting.” 
Gwyn hums her agreement as she makes her way to the living room, a cup of tea in her hands. 
“I thought you guys were friends.” 
Nesta scoffs, “of course not. We don’t match.” 
She ignored the look Gwyn gives to Emerie. She knows it’ll be something like disbelief, because, by all means, they’ve had this conversation before.  
“When’s his birthday?” Emerie calls, “we’ll settle this right now.”  
Nesta blinks, shrugging, “Why should I know?”  
“Fine. I’ll ask him.”  
Emerie grabs her phone, talking as she types. “Hey C, what’s your B?” Emerie snorts a laugh, “Lol.”  
“Did you just say lol instead of laughing?”  
“Hush, Mama’s typing... He doesn’t know what ‘B’ means.” Emerie rolls her eyes.  
Nesta can’t say she blames him, but the situation is just odd enough that she sets down the remote. She’ll say it’s the curiosity.   
“Birth-day.... Now he’s asking me why I’m asking. I think your boyfriend has trust issues...” Emerie taps a finger to her chin, “Such a Scorpio move.”  
"Now you’re just guessing,” Gwyn says.  
“Well,” Emerie shrugs, “I only have twelve options. Eliminate Taurus over here," She gestures to Nesta and Nesta frowns, “And obviously he’s not a Virgo. So, ten left. Wait—he sent ‘who’s asking?’ I think he thinks you’re secretly digging for information.”
“What are we in fifth grade?”  
“We are digging for information though,” Gwyn says, shrugging a shoulder.  
“Okay. He says it’s December 16th. Yikes a Sagittarius.” Emerie nods, looking to the TV, “Actually that makes sense. Good for him.”  
Nesta looks to Gwyn, but Emerie watches the show. She picks up the remote flipping through the channels. She settles on the food network... big surprise there. 
“And?” Nesta calls.  
“Oh, your relationships fucked.”  
"See!” Nesta affirms. “We’re not meant to be together.”  
“You’re not meant to be together? I thought we were discussing friendships,” 
“Yeah, Nesta,” Emerie sings. “I thought we were discussing friendships.” 
Gwyn blinks as if she honestly can’t believe it. “Do you want to date him?”
Before Nesta can respond, Gwyn’s waving a hand as if erasing the conversation entirely. “Zodiacs are nonsense. 
Emerie huffs, “you say that because you’re Capricorn.”  
"Well that settles that, then,” Nesta says, sinking into the couch. “We shouldn’t go.” 
“Oh no, I think we should go.” Gwyn rolls her eyes. “And not just for the food or the experience.” 
Emerie snorts, “but you hate Cassian.”  
“I don’t hate Cassian... I’m just wary of Cassian. If we go, I can sus him out. Find out what he really wants.” 
“He wants Nesta. Naked, probably.”  
“I’m going to choose to ignore that for a second, and say, you know you guys can go without me. I’m sure Cassian wouldn’t mind.” 
“He wouldn’t,” Gwyn says, holding up her phone as if to say check your messages. “He’s told us that.” 
“But we’re not going without you. Come on, Nesta. Hoes before bros.” 
“Think of it as a science experiment,” Gwyn offers. 
Emerie laughs, “How many ways are Nesta and Cassian not compatible?” 
Gwyn shrugs, “if nothing else, free food from the frat boys who are most definitely loaded.” 
Nesta rolls her eyes, but the excitement already thrums through her chest. The anxiety, too. But... Gwyn and Emerie will be there, and they’ll have a good time. And she won’t miss out on something for once. 
“Fine! But I’m not painting my face or sticking ribbons in my hair and you can’t make me!” 
“There’s so much food!” Emerie calls out, brightly.
There are hot dogs and steaks and corn on the cob. Wings and chips and potato salad. Abundance is what Nesta sees. Abundance and money thrown on the table. Who could possibly eat all this?   
“What are you talking about?” Emerie scoffs. “You eat for a table of five. I guarantee you could eat all of this right now... and if not you, I will.” 
Nesta rolls her eyes, a bit perturbed that she’s said her thoughts aloud. It’s become a bad habit of hers lately and one she’ll soon have to squash. No one needs to know what she’s thinking. 
Cassian watches them all, the perfect host grinning wide. 
She’ll ignore how good he looks in red. She’ll even ignore the way he smiles at her ribbons. Two tiny ribbons woven into the braids at her temple. 
“I brought my own sweater this time,” Nesta says, flicking at the white lettering.  
Cassian’s gaze shifts to her chest. When Nesta raises a brow, his face turns a pretty shade of pink. There’s nothing about the sweater that’s particularly alluring. She bought the largest size she could find, so Nesta doesn’t understand what makes his cheeks flush.  
“You won’t have to use mine then.” His words sounds casual, but Nesta swears she hears a tone of disappointment in his voice. Cassian gestures to the table and then to them, “I have to man the grill, but you guys can sit and I’ll get you something when it’s done. How do you like your steak?”
“Bloody,” Gwyn answers, her tone deadened. 
“That wasn’t ominous at all,” Emerie says, setting her things on the picnic table. “But medium, please!” 
“You got it!” 
Nesta watches as Cassian winks at her friend, and then turns to her. His smile seems sweet. Even fond. There’s something about his face that softens when he looks at her. “How about you, Nes?” 
“That’s not my name... but medium well.” 
Cassian lips raise lightly as he nods, and Nesta shuffles towards the table. She feels like she needs to walk around a bit, wiggle her arms. There’s this nervous energy she can’t seem to get rid of. 
Nesta resists looking back at Cassian... but she admits, it’s difficult. She can feel his gaze, his presence. Five feet or five miles. He’s there and he doesn’t seem to go away. 
She doesn’t know if she likes that. 
“I hope you’re making enough for all of us.” 
Nesta pauses at the feminine voice. 
She definitely doesn’t like that. 
“Oh.” Nesta turns at the sounds, just as Emerie and Gwyn do. “You invited people.” 
“Mor... Az... this is Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn.” Cassian gestures to the three of them and the silence is palpable as they eye each other. 
To be fair, Nesta should’ve seen this coming. 
Nesta should’ve known. Some things are just too good to be true, and Cassian is a friendly guy. Cassian makes friends with waitresses and cashiers. He surrounds himself in a frat house with strangers and disease. Why else would he be manning the grill but to feed his friends and family? 
It can’t possibly get worse, she thinks. 
But then another one of them appears seemingly out of nowhere. He holds up a bag, waving it around like a flag. “I got the pie! Oh!” 
He glares where he stands, “Nesta.” 
Cassian looks between the two of them, “you two know each other?” 
“Not by choice,” Nesta remarks. 
“We were in the same class last semester.” 
“We were in a group project,” Nesta explains further, gritting her teeth. That should say enough, but Cassian looks confused. Of course, he is. 
She’s not going to elaborate, so Nesta turns back to the table. 
She can hear a scoff from the bag boy, but Cassian wishes to appease as always. “Well, settle in. Bond over food or... something. I don’t know.” 
He sets a plate in front of her with a steak the size of her head. 
“It’s the biggest one,” he whispers loudly. Like she’s in on a secret. Like it’ll make her happy to know. 
Cassian sets down the other two plates for Gwyn and Emerie and Emerie grins widely. “I love tailgating!”  
Nesta does not love tailgating. 
“So, how did you meet our brother?” Rhys says, eyeing her as he would a mortal enemy. 
Emerie snorts, but the other two don’t laugh. 
“Oh, you’re actual brothers?”  
Azriel shrugs, going to sit across her. “I’m still waiting for the DNA report, but yes.” 
“How do you all know each other?” Nesta asks, ignoring the question Rhys throws her way. He glares at her for that, and his look of annoyance brings her joy. 
It’s Mor, with her bottle blond hair, perfect even in this wind, that says, “we’re all legacies.”  
“We grew up on the same block,” Azriel adds, “went to the same schools. Our parents went to this school and so on and so forth.”
Mor tilts her head as she looks at her and Nesta doesn’t know what she wants to find by staring at her like that. But she seems to be evaluating her. Head to toe. “Did you grow up around here?” 
“No,” Nesta answers, not offering any more information.    
“Where did you grow up?” 
“Here and there.”  
“What do your parents do?”  
“This and that.”  
Nesta can’t keep the irritation from her voice. Rhys, stupid Rhys, looks amused by that. 
The steak doesn’t even taste good as they watch her, and she blows away a piece of hair that falls in her face. Stupid wind. Stupid braids. Stupid Cassian... and tailgating. 
“You want to borrow my hair tie,” Cassian asks. His voice is soft. Soothing as he looks her over. That assessing gaze. The one he keeps since she was sick. 
Before Nesta can object, he’s already pulling it off his wrist. He holds it out for her, and Nesta looks to her fork. The plate of food.  
“Here, let me,” he says, reaching up behind her.  
His hands run through her hair and Nesta can barely speak. She doesn’t know if she should shove him off or yell. Lecture him about personal space.  
Nesta doesn’t really want to do either.  
His hands are large, and his fingers are soft, and the movement feels... nice. He doesn’t tug. In fact, his hands gently gather her hair into a ponytail, all of it neatly pulled from her face by his floral scrunchie.  
The others watch him as he does it, there eyes wide as if it means something.  
It means nothing, she wants to scream.  
But it means something... because Rhys scowls at the action. 
Nesta throws her head back, meeting Cassian’s gaze. He smiles at her as he pulls the band tight. 
“Who is this, Cassian?” 
Nesta straightens at the tone. Cassian grins widely at the man dressed in all sorts of red and white. A true fan.  
She sighs, taking another bite of her steak. 
Tailgating sucks. 
Nesta’s just gotten the smoke smell out of her hair when she hears a knock at the front door. 
Emerie’s gone grocery shopping. Something she likes to do at night. Less people, she says, and Gwyn’s gone with her this time. Nesta stays behind because she can’t handle any more forced outings. 
One is enough for the day. 
So she expects Gwyn and Emerie, probably with a handful of bags and lost keys somewhere. She isn’t expecting Cassian, who runs his hands through his hair as if he’s nervous to see her. 
“Hi,” he says, waving a hand. 
Nesta notes the way he rocks back and forth on his feet. A habit of his, when he’s anxious. 
“Nesta, can we talk for a second.”  
Cassian gestures beyond him, to the frigid open air and Nesta’s scowl deepens. 
“I’m in my pajamas.”
In the tiniest top and shorts... 
Cassian looks at her clothes just as she does, and he quickly averts his gaze. His face blooms a deep shade of red, but Nesta finds his expression amusing so she lets it slide without a snarky comment about frat boys and boobs. 
He rubs at his neck, another habit that Nesta knows well. 
“So am I,” he says, gesturing to himself. Indeed, he’s wearing pajama pants and a flannel that has reindeer on it. 
It’s not even close to Christmas. 
“Let me go grab my coat,” she says. 
Hell no is she standing outside when it’s 50 degrees and windy, just because Cassian wants to say something he can’t on the phone. But hell no is she letting him inside her house, when she’s alone and there’s this... thing between them. 
Nesta pauses. 
What if he’s going to confess again? 
She fiddles with her coat on the rack, looking to the door where Cassian waits. 
He’s going to confess again and she’ll be awake... 
Oh no. no. no. no. no. 
Nesta glowers at the man who has no problem inconveniencing her. Turning her life upside down must be entertaining to him. 
“Here’s your hair tie,” Nesta calls, practically shoving the floral pattern in his hands. 
“Oh, you could have kept it. I have more.” 
So it wasn’t even special. 
“It’s fine. What did you need to talk to me about? If it’s about your test on Tuesday, I’m sure we can iron out a study plan that might work.” 
“It’s not about the test.” Cassian’s brows furrow, and Nesta watches as he bites his lips. So many habits, Nesta’s memorized. She can’t help but hold her breath, bracing herself for the proclamation. 
“Do you want to spend Thanksgiving with me and my family?” 
“I heard when you said you don’t usually do anything, and that’s fine if that’s what you want, but I make a ton of food, and my family is... well they’re honestly insane, but they’re welcoming,” he rambles. 
Nesta doesn’t know what to say. She can only stare at him wide eyed. Cassian talks with his hands, she’s noticed, and he gestures wildly as he speaks. 
“You’ve met my brothers and my dad already, so that’s most of the family. You might not even like Thanksgiving. Bloody history aside, it does promote gluttony and wastefulness.” 
Nesta nods, and she tries to hold back the smile that appears on her face. The laugh that wants to burst out of her lips. 
“But I don’t like that you’re alone, and I know that you like to be alone, but holidays are for family gatherings more than anything, even if you’re family is bullheaded and makes you wish you had a new one. And so I’m offering, just in case... you would rather spend it with me.” 
Cassian takes a breath, holding up his hands as if to say I’m done. He begins to walk backwards, waving goodbye because he knows she needs to sleep on it. She never makes an impulsive decision. 
Cassian’s half way down the stairs when Nesta peaks over the railing. 
“Yes,” she calls out into the night. “I’ll spend Thanksgiving with you.” 
@arinbelle @my-fan-side @sophilightwood @nestaarcher0n @duskandstarlight @soitsgorgeous @swankii-art-teacher @lordof-bloodshed @thewhelk @daisy-in-danger @highqueenevankhell @lovelynesta @sirendeepity @champanheandluxxury @ladynestaarcheron @moodymelanist @teagoddess99 @spoilersteph @angelic-voice-1997 @bo0kmaster69 @drielecarla @generalnesta @cozycomfyliving08 @confusedfandomslut @dread3r @sv0430 @unhealthyfanobsession @simpingfornestaarcheron
I think you should know that I lost my sanity, gained it back, and than lost it again, a few more times really, all while writing this fic... I had about four mental breakdowns. So I suffer for my art.  
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pan-gya · 3 years
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💸💸Everyone’s favorite Bastard of the Barrel💸💸
Please Reblog
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estuaryorange · 3 years
Ok, been scrolling through the text filtered ted lasso tag for awhile (bc the main tag seems to be 100% gifsets?) and I haven’t seen anyone saying what was one of my first thoughts on the s2 finale:
Keeley leaving means Richmond is short a head of PR and Trent Crimm, an experienced journalist(and fan favorite) is short a job and looking for something new
Trent is going to be Richmond’s head of PR next season
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so, I have this headcanon that on Fred and George's first day of Hogwarts, when Fred was called for sorting, George went up instead, and the hat realised, and told him off. George ran back to Fred sniggering, and the kids found it hilarious, and the teachers just rolled their eyes/facepalmed at what they'd have to put up with for the next 7 years.
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rockshortage · 2 years
Ya know havin big ol arch immediately at least respect Hector for his animal loving ways could maybe help him out quite a bit, yeah? I mean of course Hector doesn’t really know if Arch can be trusted right away but for the most part in Arch’s head if the animals like you he likes you soo like right off the bat Hector has got himself a big scary lookin ally? I don’t know if it would actually help Hector but it’s better than nothing and it gives them lots of time to plan gatorclaw/mirelurk rescue missions
Oo yea I think that would definitely help. Like you said, it would take a while for Hector to know if Archer can be trusted, but Arch already being in his corner gives him some protection from more immediate criticisms from the raiders.
It's possible Hector might be able to warm up to Archer fairly quickly, for similar animal-related reasons. If he's knowledgeable and compassionate with animals, how bad can he really be? And Arch approaching him about the gatorclaw/mirelurk issues, that only the OB can hope to solve in the Correct way, may just be a very large incentive to see this thing through. Then Gage just has to make sure they deal with the other parks first and boom Hector's in it for the long haul
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phrynewrites · 2 years
the image of jealous whippedsco being “i’ve seen the leg and back thing several times! i’m aware of how hot it is! 😠” is so funny to me
Daya’s like “okay but like her back is blown out but she’s standing up how are you calm about this???”
And Bosco’s here, tightest grip on their drink like “I’ve literally blown her back out I’m aware of what this is I’ve done it I’ve lived it everything Jasmine does is hot look at her but also Do Not I can and will destroy you for talking about this again”
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nexttoparchitects · 2 years
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platinummice · 2 years
I have this image in my head of like Arch being probably just a little bit to protective of Gage after Friend Status is acquired. Like he just hangs back but he definitely is always on watch, someone gets a littlllle bit too mouthy a littlllle bit too twitchy,,,, and like he wouldn't really do anything at first cause Gage is literally his first human person friend so he's trying to be cool,,, but he would shift around just enough in the background that people know hes there. Really use that height to his advantage and mostly just intimidate people.
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pinejay · 3 years
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so the difficulty judges just didn’t see her literally put her hand down huh. i counted btw, the only way she could get 5.5 DB is if they literally gave her everything including the pathetic 7 second dance steps with an AD right smack in the middle, and all 3 rotations of the ring pivot despite hops without traveling. but who am i but a person with eyes
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marztodd · 2 years
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Flats of team Shadow Lore, featuring our favorite dick head™
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sammyloomis · 2 years
unplugging my playstation until im done with uni was a good move in terms of productivity but in terms of enrichment??? im a husk
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