#next time I’m out I’m getting the pet corrector
fruitless-vain · 2 years
I cannot express how done I am with walking the dogs today.
It’s finally warmed up enough for me to safely get a walk in for the first time this week. I’m just feeling well enough to do one dog walk so I opt to take them both to the human public walking park since it’ll still be empty and it’ll be plowed.
It would have been a flawless beautiful walk but some absolute fucking moron decided it was the greatest idea ever to walk their highly aggressive dog OFF LEASH. I saw a white dog about 50ft off just at the edge of a bend so I assumed it was on leash (since yknow it’s an on leash fucking park) and quickly trotted to a small narrow side trail so we could just stand about 10 ft off the path and let them pass. The dog got one whiff of us, hackles up all the way down the spine and fucking B-lined for us. I body block Yo which caused the dog to slow and prowl instead and I scream at the owners to call their dog.
They let out two half hearted calls, don’t make any attempts to speed up to get their dog, completely unphased. They’re still completely out of sight so I shout with intensified urgency that their dog is about to get bit, they need to get their dog, a fight is about to break out, get your fucking dog. They do not care.
The dog launches at Sham, I had to kick it in the head which thank god startled it enough to stop the attack. It’s now standing a foot away from Sham, stiff, broad chested hackles running down its spine. Sham has tucked himself behind me but still standing tall and facing the dog ready to act of shit goes down.
The owners saunter out from around the bend and lazily call their dog, after the fifth call it disengages from us. I fucking lose it, screaming at them which is not my finest moment but I don’t fucking care right now. They leash their dog and leave without saying a word.
Couldn’t even pretend to say sorry? Fucking tuck tail and run you absolute pieces of shit.
What the fuck. What the FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK.
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Best Boyfriend
Y/n stays in the Holland family household, and Tom learns just how much the incident affected her.
Warnings: Discussion of toxic relationship
A/n: This is part 2 to Best Friends. I really appreciated all the kind comments and requests for this part. I hope y’all enjoy this one just as much.
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     You followed behind the two twins as they guided you through the familiar home. You held your bag to you as you began to make your way around the house looking for anyone to alert them of your presence. You stumbled upon Nikki and Paddy in the kitchen.
     “Hey, Mum,” Sam said first. Nikki turned around quickly when she heard him.
     “Hi, boys. Y/n,” she greeted the three of you as she stood up and made her way to you. She hugged you tightly as she asked how you are.
     “I’m good,” you told her. She pulled away from you and held you at arms length. She looked at you with the serious mom look.
     “Are you sure? You’re alright?” She repeated quietly.
     “Yeah, I’m fine. It was no big deal,” you told her with a reassuring smile.
     “Alright,” she replied to you. “Why don’t you go ahead and put your bag away in Tom’s room, then come back down for a bite.” You nodded your head as you did what she suggested. You weren’t really in the mood for food or a conversation, but you loved Nikki and didn’t want her to worry about you too much.
     You made it up to Tom’s room and placed your bag on his bed. You stood there for a second to gather yourself. You weren’t okay, but you couldn’t bring yourself to tell anyone or show it to them. You were already staying in their home for who knows how long, you didn’t need to bother them with your emotions as well. You took a deep breath to regain your composure, put a smile on your face and walked back down the stairs.
     “Tessa!” You said excitedly as you saw the blue staffie sitting on a chair in the living room. She jumped down and ran to you, excited to see you too. You sat on your knees at her level as she gave you lots of kisses, you petting her.
     “I think she gets more excited to see you than any of us,” Paddy said watching how Tessa reacted to seeing you.
     “That’s cause I’m the best,” you teased him. “And she knows it,” you finish in your baby voice, talking towards the dog. You eventually stood up and sat on the couch, Tessa following you. She jumped on the couch and curled up right next to you, you placing more pets on her back.
     “What are y’all watching?” You asked the boys.
     “It’s a football match,” Harry told you while looking at his phone. “You can change it if you want.”
     “No, I’m good,” you tell them as you start to talk with Paddy. He was telling you about his school and friends and just stuff he’s been doing. Nikki eventually called everyone into the kitchen and ate dinner.
      Not long after you ate, you told Nikki you were really tired so you went to straight to bed. You took your makeup off, wiping away the set liquid from your nose to reveal the purple bruise that had been hidden all day. You had been fortunate enough to call up a friend of yours that knows a lot about makeup, and she set you up with the right concealers, color correctors, and full coverage foundation to hide the huge spot on your face. You’ve never been more grateful.
     You crawled into Tom’s bed and buried yourself in the sheets. You laid with your eyes closed for a second trying to fall asleep. But you couldn’t. You felt hypersensitive to every noise- the people taking and moving in the house, Tessa’s paws on the floor, the trees billowing in the wind outside. It only got worse the later it got.
     You eventually grabbed your phone and looked at the time. 12:34a. You unlocked your phone and opened the messaging app. You clicked on Tom’s name and text him simply saying “I miss you.” You locked your phone and tried to go back to sleep again.
     You dozed off multiple times during the night but you were never able to fall asleep for longer than a few minutes at a time. It was miserable. You checked your phone again to see it was 6:13 in the morning. You saw you had a text from Tom last night and opened it immediately.
Thomas❤️: I miss you, too, love. I’ll be home soon. Love you
     You laid in the bed just staring at the text. You wished Tom could be here sooner but that’s life. You eventually got out of bed and headed down to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea. You sat on the couch with Tessa and scrolled through Instagram to keep you busy. A while later you heard shuffling come from down the hall; you saw Dom walking toward the kitchen. He looked a little startled to see you.
      “Morning, y/n,” he said. “I didn’t expect you to be up this early.”
     “Yeah, my sleep schedule’s been a little wonky for a while,” you told him.
     The day went by basically the same as yesterday. Watching tv, napping with Tessa, chatting with the boys every now and then. It eventually got dark, and you were in the shower unwinding for the night.
\\ Downstairs in the living room pov //
     Everyone turned toward the door as Tom walked in, suitcases in tow. They all exchanged greetings as Nikki looked at him curiously.
     “How was your flight, dear?” She asked him. They walked into the kitchen away from everyone else to talk.
     “It was fine, slow as hell,” Tom answered his mother. “Where’s y/n?”
     “She’s in the shower right now.”
     “Is she doing okay? How is she?”
     “She’s not okay. She’s putting on a brave face, especially in front of Paddy, but I know her well enough to know it took a toll her,” Nikki said. She loved you like a daughter and hated to see you in distress.
     Tom sighed as he took in his mother’s words. He hated that you were struggling and that he wasn’t there for the most of it.
     “Right, I’m gonna head up.” He said as he started for the stairs.
     “Be gentle with her,” Nikki reminded him. He climbed up the stairs until he made it to his room. He walked in the room to find it empty- you were still in the shower. He took his phone out of his pocket and used your charger in the wall to charge his phone. He heard little noises come from the hallway causing him to turn quickly. He saw you- wet hair falling around your shoulders wetting the t-shirt of his you were wearing.
     “Y/n,” he said, startling you.
     “Tom,” You said as you ran to him and he embraced you in a big hug, holding you tightly. You were overcome with emotions as you finally let out all the tears you had been holding back. Feeling his body against yours, taking in his familiar scent made you break down. Tom held you tighter and rubbed your back as he felt you begin to cry. He softly whispered in your ear to try and comfort you as you released what was long overdue.
     You eventually calmed down, the tears stopping as you pull away from Tom to look at him. He immediately wiped the remaining tears from your face.
     “I’m sorry,” you said quietly as you raised a hand to rub your irritated eyes.
     “There’s nothing for you to be sorry for,” Tom said lightly shaking his head. “Come sit down.” He closed the door behind you, and you both sat on his bed. “You want to talk about it?” He asked as you got comfortable. You sat with your legs crossed underneath you, looking down as you fiddled with your hands.
     “I just had a hard time, seeing him again,” you said. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth.
     “You don’t have to hide anything from me, y/n,” Tom told you as he sensed your hesitation to tell him how you were feeling. You let out a breathe and told him exactly what you were thinking.
     “I feel like I have no control over my life. When I had dated him, he was so manipulative and controlling; it took so long to free myself from his grasp. I thought I had escaped him, but of course he had to show his ugly mug again. When he hit me, it was like a flash of all the things he had done to me, and it scared me. It convinced me that it’s not over, he’s gonna come back and do more damage. I can’t sleep well because there’s this overwhelming fear that I’ll wake up, and he’ll be there.” You felt another tear fall down your cheek, landing on your leg.
     “You don’t have to be afraid,” Tom started. “I know it’s easier for me to say than for you to do, but I can swear to you. He’s not coming near you ever again. And if he does, he’ll have to answer to me.” Tom looked at you as he spoke. You were still looking down, but you finally looked up at him. You felt better after getting the words out of your mind. You scooted closer to Tom as you both laid down in the bed. He held you close to him, you holding onto his arm.
     “I’m sorry you have to go through this- you don’t deserve it. I know that I can’t protect you from everything, but I can promise you that I will protect you from that asshat,” Tom declared placing a kiss to your shoulder. “I love you so much.” You fell asleep as Tom held you.
     The next morning, you woke up to feel Tom’s arm still around you, holding tightly despite being asleep. You turned around to face him causing him to wake up.
      “Morning, darlin,” He said, his voice laced with sleep. “Did you sleep well.” You nodded, feeling it was too early to talk. You both laid in bed in silence, Tom rubbing your back lazily. Waking up this morning, you felt a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. You may not be completely healed, but you were on your way.
     “Before I flew home, I told Jon there was a family emergency. He gave me a few days off so I could be here, but it’s not much,” Tom started to tell you. You knew he was going to have to leave eventually, but you didn’t want to face it. “I refuse to leave you again, though. I don’t care what your schedule was, I want you to go back with me.” Tom finally told you.
     “Really?” You asked. You were shocked.
     “Yes,” he confirmed. “I won’t be able to stay and spend time with you like this, but I’ll be around. And you won’t have to be by yourself, especially at night.”
     You were touched that he was so thoughtful, and you were excited that you get to go with him. You had been able to join him for press tours every now and then, but never for filming.
     “I love you,” you told him with a kiss. He kissed you back as you both just laid in bed, content with being together. Not long after you heard a knock on the door.
      “Wake up, love birds. We’re going out for lunch,” you heard Sam yell through the door.
     “Alright, dickhead.” Tom yelled back. He looked at you, “do you want to go, or we can stay here if you’d rather.”
     “I want to go,” you said after a thoughtful second. You got up from the bed, grabbed your makeup bag and began to cover the bruise on you face, Tom watching you the entire time. He was shocked and felt angry when he saw the huge purple mark on your face. He didn’t say anything about it because he didn’t want you to potentially feel worse than you already do.
     Once you had applied the makeup, you began to get dressed- Tom following suit. Once you were both ready, he touched your lower back, guiding you out the bedroom door. You made your way down stairs and saw the family ready to go. You made your way to one of the cute cafe’s in town and had a wonderful lunch. Everyone decided to walk around a bit afterwards since it was such a nice day. Dom walked with Tom slightly behind everyone else.
     “She seems happier,” he told his son.
     “Yeah, I think she just needed to let it out,” Tom told him. “She’s not completely over it, but one step closer is all I can ask for.”
     Dom nodded his head in agreement, as you had turned back to look at Tom. You slowed down to match his pace and held his hand.
     “You okay?” He asked you. You nodded at him with a smile. He replied with a soft ‘good’ as you both kept walking.
     “Thank you,” you said suddenly making Tom look at you.
     “For what?” He asked confused.
     “For coming back. For being with me- listening to me, taking care of me. For everything.” You told him. He stopped walking and turned to you.
     “You don’t need to thank me. You’re the best thing in my life, and I’d do anything for you,” he told you assuringly.
     “I know, but I just want you to know that I’m thankful for you, for everything you do. I don’t know how else to show it.”
     Tom chuckled as he looked at you. He stepped closer to you and whispered in your ear. “Baby girl, I can think of multiple ways -and positions- you can do to show me that,” he said teasingly. Your jaw dropped in shock as you lightly pushed him from you.
     “Thomas!” You exclaimed in pure shock. Tom just laughed.
     “Seriously though, don’t worry about it. As long as you continue to kiss me and hold my hand and tell me you love me, that’s all I want. That’s all I need from you,” he told you. You reached up and kissed him.
     “I love you,” you told him quietly.
     “I love you, too, darling.”
Taglist: @that-girl-named-alex @loxbbg @gypsystuf
I hope this didn’t disappoint anyone. Let me know if you like it or if it sucks, I appreciate the feedback.  
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pollyssecretlibrary · 4 years
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Review: “Say Yes to the Duke”, by Eloisa James
“Say Yes to the Duke” is book 5 of the “Wildes of Lindow Castle” series. A series that I’ve read and enjoyed thoroughly throughout the years. 
All in all I give this book 4 out of 5 hearts/stars/whatever. Because I had a lot of fun reading it. 
This is the story of Viola whose main feature is that… she isn’t a Wilde. She was brought up as a Wilde but she feels out of place, feelings of not belonging haunt her days. She is the daughter of her mother’s first husband but the duke of Lindow, her mother’s second husband, loves her as she was his own blood. Actually, all of the Wildes (and they are quite a lot) consider her one of them.
Because of these feelings of not being a Wilde, Viola is socially awkward, insecure, and she has a tendency of… being actively sick in the stomach at social events, to put it as nicely as possible. One day she even had an accident in a corridor, where there was a couple doing… and she… on his shoes… Ever since then (and a couple of years have passed) she feels insecure and shy towards men outside her family, but then a handsome vicar comes onstage and, well she doesn’t feel sick in the stomach anymore. But he’s betrothed, pity.
Viola intends to win the vicar’s heart and hand in marriage so she arranges a secret meeting in the library at her coming out ball. While she’s waiting for her vicar though, the first people to come in after her are the duke of Wynter and his uncle. Obviously she can’t be found there, so she hides behind the curtains. A classic. 
Devin is looking for a wife. He needs to get over with the question so he can go back to his Math problems (his passion). His uncle (an adorable man, let me tell you) knows him well and advices him to pursue Viola’s hand but Devin prefers Joan (Viola’s stepsister, also not a Wilde, she’s the daughter of some count, it doesn’t matter). In the young duke’s opinion Viola is unsuitable because she’s not a Wilde and her father was a mere lord (A good man who died when she was only two, but who cares). And he goes on and on about the subject of the “I want Joan, she’s a duke’s daughter, Viola isn’t” (let me remind you, Joan isn’t a Wilde, she’s a darling, but not a Wilde darling) unaware that the young woman can hear every single word he’s saying. 
Mere moments later our handsome vicar comes into the library expecting to find Viola (expecting something about church and counsel, and, stuff. Yes he’s THAT naïve). Viola then reveals herself and starts an electrifying battle of the wits with the duke. The chemistry is undeniable. And (the cheek!) Devin starts wooing her on the spot!
This is only the beginning of everything. Just a moment of the novel, even if it sounds long. There’s so much in the newest Eloisa James novel (as of May 28th, 2020). There are two things that strike me as odd in this novel but I can only talk about one, since the other is spoilers. It is the fact that once Viola reveals herself to the duke, the adorable uncle, and the vicar (oh God, this sounds cheesier than it is) the duke, Devin, starts chasing her, EVERYWHERE, like a lost puppy. Not in the stalking way, he’s actually a decent guy (asking for consent ALL THE TIME), but it feels like instalust? (the corrector refuses to acknowledge this word but it’s MY review). It feels odd because he’s been ranting about how she’s unsuitable, a little thing, uninteresting… blah blah and then she reveals herself as being 100% THE DUCHESS (in his mind, let me tell you) at first sight! He had a divine revelation, praise the lord… uhm yeah. Eloisa James did it again, I mean, I enjoy the ridiculousness of some situations she creates, and she does it on purpose. And I know it, and… this is the sh*t I was asking for thank you Ms. James.
I all aspects Viola is a Wilde, she was raised with North, Parth (also not a Wilde), Alaric, Betsy… she was looked after by (my beloved) aunt Knowe. She has her little traits that make her unique, to make her stand out as a Wilde character. She’s a Wilde child. Unfortunately although I liked Devin very much… believe me, I did... he’s not a Wilde, I’m sorry… he’s not North, he’s not Alaric, he’s not Parth… I loved these three so much when I read their books. He’s not even the duke who fathered them all (we can call him the One duke, his will be Eloisa James’ next book I can’t wait!). Devin is very nice, extremely nice… he’s got a little secret that perhaps Viola won’t like but, hey we all have demons in our closets. He’s a good man, a proper duke… and he was fine with Viola keeping a pet crow, that counts.
Apart from the matter of asking for consent which was incredibly well done. Sweet even. One feature of this book that I loved… no, actually that should go in capital letters, I LOVED the fact that Ophelia, Viola’s mother, has THE TALK with her daughter. Yes, sex ed, but not in a shy, polite, nice way, no. Ophelia leaves no room for doubt. Her daughter will enjoy her sex life, she’ll make sure of it. The duchess of Lindow gives her daughters actual useful advice. I repeat, USEFUL ADVICE. Sex-ed in the 18th century? Yes please.
Lastly, Ms. James I don’t think you are reading this, but if you are I have an apology and a request. The apology goes in case you’re reading this and you feel bad about it, it wasn’t my intention and I hope it doesn’t come out as disrespectful (I’m deeply sorry). And the request is well, if you would be so kind as to create a love story for Aunt Know. I love her and I don’t want her to spend her days in solitude after raising all that Wilde progenie! It would be fantastic if her love interest was a woman (she had a little bit of fun with her friend Emily in “Say No to the Duke” and it was sweet)
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meaninginmakeup · 7 years
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Big makeup day, eyeshadow gets its own paragraph under the rest of the products listed in the look. 
Mascara- They’re Real Tinted Primer with Roller Lash on top, both by Benefit. 
Brows- Eyebrow Powder Pencil in Brunette by Nyx. 
Foundation Primer- Photo Finish by Smashbox. 
Foundation- Photo Focus in Porcelain by Wet N Wild. 
Powder- HD Finishing Powder by Nyx. 
Highlighter- Trickles by Colourpop (from the My Little Pony x Colourpop collection, no longer for sale) with Illusion from the Blacklight Highlighter Palette by Bh Cosmetics on top. 
Concealer- top left pan of the 6 Color Concealer And Corrector Palette in Light by BH Cosmetics and Studio Finish in NW15 by Mac. 
Setting Spray- De-Slick by Urban Decay. 
Lip Color- Melted Latex in Unicorn Tears by Too Faced. 
Ife from the Magic Palette by Juvias Place. Then I applied Bye Bye Undereye in the middle of the eyelid, then I applied Kesi from the Magic Palette on top to set it to attempt a halo effect. Tried applying Faso on the whole lid, since it didn’t really want to stick to the middle of the lid. Didn’t really work out how I wanted, so then I applied Dive Bar by Urban Decay on the whole Eye for a better look. Lastly I applied Super Shock Shadow in Sunbeam (also from the My Little Pony x Colourpop collection, limited edition) by Colourpop. 
Holy shit you guys this primer is a life changer! It’s soooo hydrating. I had a few samples of laying around, so I thought it couldn’t hurt to try it out. It looked so smooth with very little foundation needed on top of the primer. 
Anyway, I bought a similar product from Nyx (called the Studio Perfect Primer) since according to one YouTube review, they were pretty much the same product, but for a $20 difference in price. The blogger noticed the half of their face that they used the Smashbox primer on, their nose was oily (which was something I noticed when I got home, and you can see in my end of the night picture). Granted the blogger said they don’t usually have an oily nose, I do, so this was something that I weighed for looking at a dupe. They said the side with the Nyx primer was more matte, so I’m going to test that out the next time I go to do a full face of makeup.
Lastly I wanted to show how the makeup held up post concert with setting spray. I had a lot more fall out than normal with the Super Shock Shadow this night, and I’m not sure why. I also had issues with blending the shadow, but was in a rush and had to just leave it as it was. Considering a drunk friend petted my forehead, I’m impressed how well the brows held up. I should have probably used the lipstick version of Unicorn Tears, but went with the gloss. Which means it didn’t really hold up, especially since I drank from a water bottle multiple times that night.
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basketnovel50-blog · 6 years
Review: 3 Month Subscription to Petit Vour
Do you subscribe to any subscription boxes? If you’re not familiar with the idea, I’ll tell you what they’re all about. There are boxes for all kinds of interests. Subscription boxes can be a great way to sample products you’ve never tried before. Do you love vegan snacks? There’s subscription boxes for that! Do you like trying new cruelty-free makeup and personal care products? There’s a box for that! Want to spoil your pet every month? There’s boxes for that too! You subscribe to the box of your choice and the company sends you a curated box of products on a regular schedule. Some boxes go out monthly, some bi-monthly, and some quarterly.
I’m a regular subscriber to the Dollar Shave Club (new replacement blades for your razor, monthly or bi-monthly.) I’ve also subscribed to BarkBox in the past (a box with a selection of dog toys, treats, and chews for your pup each month.)
I’ve always liked the idea of subscription boxes but I’ve never tried any that excited me.
Through blogging I’ve been able to sample a few different vegan snack subscription boxes but I’ve always found them underwhelming. They always seem to be the same: dried fruits, energy bars, and lackluster snacks. Not very exciting and not worth the money. (PS: If you have subscribe to any vegan food boxes that “wow” you every month, I’d LOVE to hear about them!!)
The subscription boxes that interest me most are the vegan beauty and makeup boxes. I love trying new vegan skincare, makeup, and personal care items.
I wasn’t sure which company I wanted to subscribe to so I decided to try a few. I’m signing up for different vegan makeup/personal care boxes for 3 months each.
To start with I wanted to sample Petit Vour. Petit Vour is a subscription box that helps you discover luxury cruelty-free and vegan makeup and skincare. Petit Vour offers many levels of personalization. You begin by filling out your beauty profile. You’ll answer questions about your style, your skin and hair type, and your fragrance preferences. They offer different options for your expectations of vegan and cruelty-free products too. Do you expect products that are all-natural? Or maybe you don’t care, as long as the items are vegan. Whatever you like, Petit Vour has something for you!
Petit Vour also has a rewards points system. Every month you can review the products you received to receive up to 400 Petit Vour points ($4.00) which you can spend on Petit Vour products.
For my subscription I was willing to sample anything, as long as it’s vegan. I was curious to see if Petit Vour would introduce me to products I’d want to buy again. And of course, I wanted to know if I thought the subscription was worth the price.
For each box I’ll tell you how many products I received, how many products were full-size or trial sized, and whether or not I’d buy any of these products myself.
Let’s get to the boxes! Here’s what I received throughout the 3 months I subscribed to Petit Vour!
# of products received: 5 Full size products received: 3/5 Trial size products received: 2/5 Items I would buy again: 0/5 # of products I loved sampling: 4/5 # of products I’d buy if I had the budget: 2/5
Zabana Essentials Banana Colloidal Oatmeal Mask:
No longer available from Petit Vour – $24.95 for 2 FL OZ / 56 Grams from Zabana Essentials
Would I buy again? No Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes! Would I buy this product if I had the budget? Maybe! Additional comments: This “mask” made my skin feel great. My skin was so soft and smooth. I loved the gentle exfoliation. Unfortunately this mask is so messy, it gets everywhere! It wasn’t the kind of mask you can apply and then do as you please. This mask did inspire me to try making my own mask using oat flour, clay, and a facial oil which offered similar results.
EiR NYC Sunset Oil:
$35.00 for 8 OZ
Would I buy again? No Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes Would I buy this product if I had the budget? Unlikely
Au Naturale Color Theory Creme Corrector in Sweet Basil:
$24.00 for 0.14G / 4 Grams
Would I buy again? No Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes! Would I buy this product if I had the budget? No, if I were looking for a colour correcting product for redness I wouldn’t choose this one. Additional comments: The “Sweet Basil” colour corrector is more blue than green. So while it helps combat redness, a true green corrector would work so much better.
Lauren B. Beauty Reparative Cuticle Oil Treatment:
$22.00 for 0.34 FL OZ / 10 ML
Would I buy again? No Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes! It came at just the right time when I needed to rescue my cuticles and it really did help. Would I buy this product if I had the budget? No. I’d probably opt for a more affordable oil.
Everyday Minerals Velvet Eyeshadow in Fresh Glowing:
$7.00 for 0.03 OZ / 0.85 Grams
Would I buy again? Unlikely, but possibly in a different shade. Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes Would I buy this product if I had the budget? Maybe! Additional comments: I wasn’t a huge fan of this shade because it’s SO light not particularly reflective. I liked the formula though so I think I’d enjoy a different shade more.
# of products received: 5 Full size products received: 1/5 Trial size products received: 4/5 Items I would buy again: 1/5 # of products I loved sampling: 3/5 # of products I’d buy if I had the budget: 2/5
Juice Beauty Green Apple Cleansing Bar:
$12.00 for 4.8 OZ
Would I buy again? No. Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes. Would I buy this product if I had the budget? No! I’d be more likely to opt for Lush bar soaps.
Clove + Hallow Lip Glaze in Candied Hearts:
Would I buy again? Unlikely and certainly not in this shade. Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yep! Would I buy this product if I had the budget? Unlikely. Additional comments: I wasn’t a big fan of the formula, applicator, or colour.
Vert Mont Perfumery Cyrena Perfume Oil:
$5.00 for 1.75ML sample | $35.00 for 10ML
Would I buy again? Yes! Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes! Would I buy this product if I had the budget? Yes! Additional comments: I love this scent! It’s unique and I’d love to buy it in full-size. It’s a nice deep blend that’s both smoky and sweet.
MUN Anarose Hydrating Rose Toner:
$7.00 for 10ML | $65.00 for 100ML
Would I buy again? No Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes! Would I buy this product if I had the budget? No! I don’t think I could justify this price regardless of my budget!
Goldfaden MD Facial Detox | Purifying Mask
$65.00 for 1.7 FL OZ/50ML
Would I buy again? No. Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes! Would I buy this product if I had the budget? No. Additional comments: I actually really really enjoyed this product. I loved it but I can’t see myself spending $65.00 on a single face mask regardless of my budget! It was really calming. I liked using it as a mask and as a spot treatment for breakouts.
# of products received: 4 Full size products received: 0/4 Trial size products received: 4/4 Items I would buy again: 0/4 # of products I enjoyed sampling: 4/4 # of products I’d buy if I had the budget: 0/4
Ursa Major 4-in-1 Essential Face Wipes:
$7.00 for 5 | $24.00 for 20
Would I buy again? Unlikely, but I haven’t tried them yet! Did I enjoy sampling this product? Unsure at this point, I’m saving these for travel. Would I buy this product if I had the budget? Nah, I’m happy with ELF or Wet n’ Wild makeup removing wipes.
Lilah B. Divine Duo Lip & Cheek:
Would I buy again? Unsure at this point, I’m saving these for travel. Did I enjoy sampling this product? I’m sure I will but I haven’t tried them yet. Would I buy this product if I had the budget? At this price? That’s very unlikely!
Osea Essential Hydrating Oil:
$32.00 for 0.34 FL OZ
Would I buy again? No. Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes! Would I buy this product if I had the budget? Probably not, there’s a lot of great hydrating oils I could buy with $32.00!
Little Barn Apothecary Aloe + Rosewater Balance Mist:
$16.00 for 2 FL OZ./60 ml | $32.00 for 4 FL OZ./180ml
Would I buy again? No. Did I enjoy sampling this product? Yes! I really enjoyed using this mist after cleansing and before applying serums, acids, moisturizers, and oils. Would I buy this product if I had the budget? Again, unlikely… I just don’t see myself spending $32.00 on any facial mist.
Cost: (Prices in USD (includes shipping) USA: $18.00/month or $180.00/year Canada: $23.00/month or $240.00/year (I was charged about $30 -$32 CAD per box) Worldwide: $25.00/month or $264.00/year
# of products received: 14 Full size products received: 4/14 Trial size products received: 10/14 Items I would buy again: 1/14 Products I loved sampling (I’d buy them again if I had the budget): 11/14 Did Petit Vour introduce to me to new products that I’d actually buy? Not really, no. Did I enjoy trying new cruelty-free vegan products at this price? I did!
Do I think a subscription to Petit Vour is worth it? It depends! I enjoyed sampling luxury vegan products but I’m not likely to actually buy any luxury vegan products. I would have liked to see more full-size products in the boxes. If you’re located in the US and interested in trying Petit Vour I’d probably try it (if it’s in your budget!) Outside of the US, it gets quite a bit more expensive. At $30-$32 CAD per box I felt it was a quite expensive, especially for boxes where I didn’t end up loving every product.
This post was not sponsored and does not contain affiliate links!
Next month we’re reviewing the VeganCuts Beauty Box!
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Source: http://www.ilovevegan.com/review-3-month-subscription-to-petit-vour/
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I had more things I wanted to write down.
next year I want to be better about money.  I hope our year end bonuses are good.  it better be way more than i got last year or i will be flaming pissed.  more than half will go towards paying things off, some to savings, and some to our long awaited trip to europe.  prague for hubby, unless I can find a deal to another place that will be too good in price to pass up.
so i was supposed to have a lash fill in last weekend but I cancelled because I was sick and shouldn’t have left the house.  Then as my extensions started falling out more, I noticed my natural lashes in that spot were so short and sparse.  I have started to fear that the fake lashes are making my own lashes to fall out too much.  And therefore since there are less lashes to glue to, the fake lashes aren’t as WOW as they were before. I was kind of getting that feeling, but I wasn’t really sure - that each time I got it, it was still pretty but not WOW and I was wondering why.  Anyways I think I’ll take a break from that.  besides, it’s 45 every two weeks... that I could be allocating differently.
same with food.  Don’t really think it’s good for us to grub hub 3-4 nights a week.  for our wallets or our waist lines!  plus all those fees really add up.  but i’m just so lazy to cook anything by the time I get home.  I think that means i just have to buy differently from the grocery store.
which leads to, should i be (or would I be ) saving money if i went to the store for things rather than buying through peapod?  I’m not really sure due to the unpredictable nature of the impulse buy.  peapod, i more or less stick to a list.  at the store, whatever I see might end up in the cart.  ah well.
am i also being super lazy buying so many things from amazon?  I swear their costs are cheaper or the same... and then it just appears at my door! how can there be anything wrong with that!?! i dunno, I’ll have to take a look.
and i should not be wasting money on purses.  i told myself that this year and i still ended up with a fair share.  it’s not important!  and i already have too much stuff!
on American Gods, i’m surprised there wasn’t a god of Materialism featured, lol.
Getting older I am also now really thinking of a few other things.  Will my hair thin if i keep getting it colored? lol.  Maybe that’s another plus side of balayage... the highlights aren’t at the roots!
but i am getting more greys popping up :( yet another concern.
I feel like i also really need to look in to proper skin care now.  creams and potions to keep looking young.  for 70, my mom looks amazing... but I know it’s because she’s been really good at taking care of her skin.
one of the presents ate gave me was a bunion corrector kit.  i do love the spacer thing, lol.  when i know i’ll be on my feet all day i wear it and then there is no throbbing at the end of the day.  so my feet, there’s another concern.
anyways, fears of getting old and wonders about how life is just passing by so quickly.  a year seems to go by in a blink of an eye.
we need to treasure every moment with our friends and loved ones.
Wicked was great!  better seat at the Oriental than at Cadillac palace where we saw School of Rock.
anyways all the pets are waiting on their breakfast.  i better get moving! :)
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pkansa · 7 years
As I teased back in our overview article on the MWW Beluga, we were working on getting in a review loaner.  No surprises here, we did get one, and today we’ll give you our take on the watch.  Of note, while there is an option for a more traditional dive bezel on the watch, the loaner we got in has the controversial Ascent bezel on it.  On to the review of the MWW Beluga!
Presumably, the first thing you want to know about with the MWW Beluga is that Ascent bezel, right?  Well, here’s the thing – I’m not a diver, so I am in no way qualified to really speak to it.  I will say that it being a clockwise rotation is a bit jarring, as we’re used to them turning the other direction.  So, that means if you’re going to use it to try and time something (say, how long the kids are brushing their teeth), you need to look at it as a “count up”, rather than countdown, bezel.  Past that, though, I can use it like I’d use any of these bezels – mark the start time with the arrow, and go about life (and, more often than not, forget that I’m using the watch to try and time something).
I will say that the lumed sapphire insert on the MWW Beluga is quite lovely.  Gives a nice glossy shine to the top surface, of course, and glows brightly with crisp outlines.   This then works quite well with the lume colors on the handset (green on bezel and hour hand), which then switches colors (to blue on the hour hand and indices).  I also like the use of multiple lume colors.  Again, not sure how great that would be on a dive, but on land, it works.
  The bezel of the MWW Beluga also calls attention to the proportions of the watch.  The eye can’t help but be drawn to that large glossy circle, which makes the dial feel small.  And that’s a shame, because the proportions on the dial are sharply done.  And, normally, I’m down for a smaller dial that works with the movement sizing.  Here, along with the proportion thing, the smaller dial undersells that maelstrom pattern that the dial has.  When you get it catching the light just right, it’s a fun visual treat.  And, with the smaller dial, that forces a smaller cutout for the date window, so you’re not quite as alarmed by the non-color-matched date wheel.  But, that’s a pet peeve of mine, I suppose.
Back to those proportions, as there was another thing that bothered me a bit on the MWW Beluga.  When it comes to dive watches (particularly those measuring in at 43mm in diameter and 50mm lug-to-lug), we expect a big, beefy bracelet.  And, we do have a sturdy steel bracelet here.  At first, I just rather liked that it didn’t feel overly heavy.  After viewing the watch in profile a bit, though, I realized that the bracelet – while functional – feels off in relation to the case size.  Coming in at 20mm, with a taper down to 18mm, it just looks too narrow against that case profile.  I think it it jumped to a 22mm lug, or had the first links flaring out to the width of the lug horns, could remedy that a good bit.
Given these last two paragraphs, it would seem like I’m damning the MWW Beluga with faint praise.  That’s not quite what I was going for, but with how well-sorted the prior watches from MWW have been (at least for my tastes), these proportional issues seem to be surprising misses.  It’s not that they make the MWW Beluga a bad watch – it’s just not as good as it could have been.  One might surmise that a lot of focus was given around the bezel and it’s new way of doing things, and then some of the other details didn’t quite get the love and attention they may otherwise have.
But you know what?  With an ETA 2824 inside and a price tag of $810, I would be surprised if the 300 pieces had a hard time finding new homes (though one wonders how many will opt for the more traditional bezel insert; there’s also word of a plain steel insert in the offing).  And that’s a good thing, because that opens up the door for a 2nd gen of the MWW Beluga.  And, as we saw with the earlier watches, the brand is not afraid to change things up and improve the models for better traction.  There was, of course, some pushback on the forums with the bezel, and the brand reacted quickly to that.  Small brands do rise and fall on the sales of their new stuff, but they’re also able to pivot quickly.  That means, while the MWW Beluga may not have been quite a home run for me, I still am looking forward to seeing what comes next from the brand.  manchesterwatchworks.com
Review Summary
Brand & Model: MWW Beluga
Price: $810
Who’s it for?  You like divers, you like Swiss movements, and you’re not afraid to try out a new way of measuring elapsed time
Would I wear it?  Probably not – now that my eye has caught the proportion discrepancies, it would bother me as I wore it
What I’d change:  First adjustment would be flaring out the bracelet to match the lug horn width.  Past that, slim the bezel a bit and enlarge the dial some.
The best thing about it:  A great (and new) texture on the dial, along with generous use of luminous paint.
Tech Specs from MWW
Ascent Bezel TM*:
Patent pending bezel indicator with 120 click clockwise unidirectional bezel
Ceramic bezel insert fully lumed with Superluminova C3 to match the minute hand
Bezel diameter of 43mm for easy gripping
Watch Head:
Brushed and polished solid 316L stainless steel case with a 41mm diameter and 50mm length and 13mm height (including crystal)
500m water resistance with helium escape valve
Screwed down caseback with double Viton gaskets; screwed down crown with double gaskets – Raised and beveled sapphire crystal with inner anti-reflective coating
24 hour brushed steel outer dial ring
Signature microengraved maelstrom patterned dial with Superluminova BGW9
Minute hand lumed with Superluminova C3 to match the bezel insert
Hour hand lumed with Superluminova BGW9
White seconds hand lumed with Superluminova BGW9
Drilled through lug holes
Swiss made ETA 2824-2 timed and regulated to 3 positions
Hours, minutes, sweep second. Self-winding mechanism with ball bearing. Date, corrector. Stop second device. Regulator system ETACHRON and regulator corrector. 28.800 vibrations per hour; 4 Hz. 25 Jewels. 38-40 hour power reserve
Custom made solid, brushed finish 316L stainless steel strap with screw bar link adjustments, machined solid endlinks and stainless steel clasp with solid bridges
Included sand colored custom made ‘seatbelt’ nylon dive strap with extra spring bars Included Accessories:
Steel strap changing tool
Canvas travel roll custom made to fit watches up to 50mm in diameter
Microfiber watch bag/cleaning cloth
Diving into a review of the @manchesterwatchworks Beluga #divewatch #under$1000 #diver As I teased back in our overview article on the MWW Beluga, we were working on getting in a review loaner.  
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