compuexpresstijuana · 21 days
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hellbreakfast · 8 months
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Sam time! Disclaimer: a lot of this art is very WIP, just concept work or like 4 years old. Sam is ever a WIP.
I don't post much of this OC, but he's my oldest, and somehow both hardest and easiest to mess with. I've had him since my teens, and while his design and the details of his story have all changed with time, the core of who he is is remarkably similar to the sad soldier-boy I first created over summer break. He's also weirdly tall, standing at 6'4", among my more average-sized or even short characters. Early trans wish-fulfillment, I think.
The setting is a scifi one- humanity has taken to the stars, found planets and colonized them. Known Space is a big place, and there's hundreds of different places humans have taken up, with even more countries in these places. I'm not interested in buiding a massive universe detailing every single country on every single planet or whatnot, but I am interested in providing the illusion of a lived-in universe. The whole idea of a planet being like a country is kind of a bugbear for me, but I digress.
Sam's from a libertarian hellhole that's really only a nation in name only. It's more like a loose confederation of corporations that have an uneasy alliance out of convenience, more than anything. You don't actually see his homecountry or homeworld in the story- you see the affect that growing up in such a place has on this individual.
He grew up essentially a sharecropper on corporate land. Things were fine until they weren't. His mother got sick, then he did, too. And there were complications. Sam's eyes aren't his original set. They aren't even his second set. But he'd die in the Confed without eyes- we have to fight tooth and nail to get companies to offer accesibility options right now, do you think they'll treat the blind as more than baggage if they make the rules?
Sam pushed hard in school- his family paid for him to attend past elementary education- and it paid off. He was scooped up for a deal: the medical wing of Lucky Seed was going to take him in, educate him, and he got the choice of either taking the debt later or signing on with them for a set number of years after his education. No pay, just a basic needs stipend, with the option to maybe work for them officially later. A lot to put on a kid at 16, but it wasn't abnormal- his own docs had taken the same deal. So, he jumped at the chance, signed, and was funnelled into a more science-focused school (thoughtfully price-matched to his normal one, because of the wonderful deal!) to finish his basic education. All normal. Goes to the college they want him at.
Majors in Designer Medicine. Organs and glands made to order, installed by the friendly surgeons at Nextep Medico. Most of these have an obvious use- Sam's eyes are an example of said designer organs. He can't use cybernetics because of an immune disorder he has. Body rejects them out of hand, as well as most biotech. His eyes were the last ditch effort his doctors could take, grown from his own dna. But they didn't express his original color- instead, they expressed blue, the default for lab-grown ones. Something about the growth process.
Of course, there are other uses for a designer organ than replacing something that's gone bad. A gland that gives small doses of painkillers for chronic suffers, each dose calculated for the host's biology, shifting type subtly here and there to avoid tolerance. Then, there's the recreational variant of the same gland. Muscle implants that really function, bioluminescent skin, skin with chromatophores, ribcages that could survive high-speed collisions, all manner of things. All manner of things.
Like, for example, what if your employees never needed to sleep? Just close their eyes for a 30 minute hyper-REM session. What if they were important, and you didn't want to lose track of them? What if they, maybe, needed an incentive to, say, remain in one area and not run off?
Of course, Sam never knew of any of this- wild rumors, don't scare people like that. Of course.
And, of course, Sam remembers why he's volunteered to work off his debt to the company via community service as a contract soldier. He knows why he's on a planet with no appreciable name, that has a field around it that kills anything more electronically complicated than a sparkplug at ground level. Of course he does. He remembers very well the last project he was working on, and why his medical license is listed as not just revoked, but expunged, as if he'd never completed his schooling.
Oh, he knows all of that. But he'd like you to tell him more about it, to… You know, to see if you remember it all right.
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eurekadiario · 1 year
El BCE eleva la rentabilidad de las Letras del Tesoro a niveles de la crisis de deuda
La rentabilidad de las Letras del Tesoro Público tanto a seis como doce meses superó en la subasta de este martes el 3%, por segunda vez en lo que va de año. Hacía más de diez años, en concreto desde 2012, que el organismo dependiente del Ministerio de Economía no pagaba tanto por el papel del Estado a corto plazo. Aunque por circunstancias totalmente distintas a las actuales.
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Así, el tipo de interés medio de las Letras a seis meses cerró en el 3,134% TAE, mientras que a un año, la rentabilidad escaló hasta el 3,216%. No se veía un precio parecido desde mediados de 2012, cuando España, junto al resto de países periféricos (Portugal, Irlanda y Grecia) era el epicentro de la crisis de deuda que azotaba a la eurozona y que obligó a un recién llegado a la presidencia del Banco Central Europeo (BCE), Mario Draghi, a salir en defensa del euro. En ese época, concretamente en julio de 2012, las Letras a seis meses abonaban un TAE del 3,691%, mientras que a un año el interés era del 3,918%.David Ardura, director de inversiones de Finacess Value, explica que aunque estemos en tipos similares para la deuda del Estado son situaciones muy distintas. En aquel año, la prima de riesgo española llegó a marcar máximos en los 650 puntos, con la rentabilidad del bono español a diez años en el 7,6%. Un escenario totalmente diferente al actual, donde la prima de riesgo ronda los 110 puntos y el bono español roza el 3,5%.
Para Ardura, ha sido el cambio de rumbo en la política monetaria del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) lo que ha motivado el incremento de las rentabilidades que ofrece el Tesoro Público. Hay que tener en cuenta que el supervisor europeo comenzó a subir los tipos en julio del año pasado y poco a poco este incremento se fue trasladando al tipo de interés que ofrece la deuda del Estado, ya que abandonaron las rentabilidades negativas ese mes, aunque el verdadero aceleración fue a partir de diciembre de 2022.Ardura recuerda que el interés que han ofrecido las Letras del Tesoro en esta subasta es fiel reflejo de cómo había repuntado la curva de tipos tras la última subida por parte del BCE. Además, destaca el experto que “en 12 meses la demanda se ha situado por encima de los 5.500 millones de euros, frente a un total adjudicado de 3.800 millones de euros, por lo que sigue habiendo interés en este producto".
Para lo que resta de año, Ardura pronostica que el interés de la deuda del Estado a corto plazo, hasta doce meses, debería seguir al alza. En ese sentido, recuerda que la presidenta del BCE, Christine Lagarade, dejó la puerta abierta a más incrementos del precio del dinero. “El BCE ha dejado la puerta abierta a seguir monitorizando la inflación subyacente, que se resiste a caer”, señala el director de inversiones de Finacess. Esto supone anticipar alguna subida más de los tipos de interés y, por ende, de la rentabilidad de las Letras.“
Iremos a tipos más altos en las próximas subastas”, explica y advierte que se irán ajustando al tipo de referencia del BCE, pero hay que “enmarcarlo dentro de la normalidad”, con la idea de que es factible que el tipo de interés de las Letras del Tesoro se anote todavía un incremento de 25 puntos básicos de aquí a final de año. De la misma opinión es Víctor Alvargonzález, director de estrategia y socio fundador de Nextep Finance. El experto señala que la rentabilidad de las Letras ya está en precio, es decir, ya estarían descontando las dos subidas que prepararía el BCE y, por lo tanto, "el interés no estaría mucho más arriba". Es por eso que Alvargonzález apostaría ya por invertir en plazos largos, a un año, y no tanto a cortos.
Lo cierto es que la rentabilidad que ofrecen las Letras del Tesoro ha provocado un auténtico furor entre los inversores, especialmente los particulares, huérfanos de productos conservadores que ofrezcan un interés atractivo. De este modo, los minoristas se han volcado con las Letras ante la ausencia de una oferta generalizada de depósitos por parte de la gran banca, ya que los mejores, que llegan a ofrecer un 3% a un año, provienen de bancos extranjeros y neobancos.
Así, los particulares atesoraban en febrero en papel del Estado a corto plazo por 7.613 millones, 3.918 millones más que en febrero de 2023. En términos interanuales, supone multiplicar por 476 los 16 millones de euros de hace un año. Las entidades financieras también han elevado su exposición a Letras del Tesoro al calor de la subida de las rentabilidades. Hace un año tenían en cartera 7.463 millones de euros, frente a los 15.891 millones de euros actuales, lo que supone un incremento del 113%. Las entidades aseguradoras también han duplicado su inversión en estos productos.
Fuente: https://www.lainformacion.com/
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Nextep Charitable Foundation Donates $10,000 to Urban League to Support Local Black Community #BusinessToBusiness #CorporatePhilanthropy #CharitableFoundation #Nonprofits #CreateAwareness #SupportingBlackCommunity #ePRNews @Nextep
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difracto · 5 years
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🎉 ORAC, premier single de mon futur EP dispo sur toutes les plateformes ! 🎉 ->LINK IN BIO<- Enjoy !! 🎵 . . . . . . . #electro #difracto #electronicmusic #electronicmusicproducer #light #nextep #inside #orac #downtempo #bassmusic #futurebass https://www.instagram.com/p/B99eNKFK7vR/?igshid=8bbdgak4xk3h
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raveonthedole · 5 years
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Nice to have a clean studio for a change! Cleared out all the crap out ready for recording over the weekend!! #nextep #raveonthedole #norwich #homestudio #noise #music #relics.#band #ukunsigned #spotifyartist #applemusic #deezermusic #bandlife (at Norwich, Norfolk) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzOkh84jdgZ/?igshid=ni7pm2uaizd2
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arme1009-blog · 6 years
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MOSAIC México ✝ #mosaic #mosaicmexico #nextep #arme #armeadventures #pleasureformysoul (en Plaza Antara Polanco) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_PGFpnjMy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m3aamlrebi90
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yehetno · 4 years
flora & fauna
king x ram, 10k
the new big cat handler is very intense.
(king tries his hardest to turn that frown upside down.)
read on ao3
i did a bad & i’m sorry.  let’s ignore it.
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compuexpresstijuana · 21 days
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dadoodirtyshow · 7 years
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#NewMusic #Top40Artist #Boyfriend #NextEP #LGBTUrbanCharts
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Aruto does say ‘we have to destroy him’ or something like that when Isamu mentions Horobi…
This could def get interesting, and I hope it does… ^^
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meistoshia · 5 years
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schibukai1719 · 8 years
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#onepiece #nextep #luffydmonkey #mangaddict #anime #strawhatcrew
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kausligi · 5 years
i     feel     like     hxh     rlly     is     one     of     those     well     i     can’t     stop     Now     shows
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smilingperformer · 5 years
Aaaand we're tearing up. Serena I love you so much ;______;
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kenzietatterton · 4 years
making bloom candles
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Before actually making candles I went online and researched all the different ways you can make candles and everything I needed to do so. I looked at different recipes and instructions so I knew exactly what I was doing when it came to me actually making room.
Equipment and ingredients that are used for my candles were: Saucepan, metal spoon, glass Mason jar, wooden wicks, metal weights, Glue, soy wax, fragrance essences, dried flowers(pansey, daisy,sunflower.
I started off a few days before I actually melted the wax picking fresh flowers which were pansies and daisies so that they would be dry enough in time for pouring the wax. I picked all the flowers I needed. I placed them in between two books so they would flatten and fit against the glass of the mason jar flush. Once I did that the Nextep was to apply a tiny bit of glue To the flower and then stick it to the Side of the glass jar. I did that to both of the jars and both the types of flowers making sure that they were properly stark so that the wax wouldn't go in front of them and ruin the whole effect. After that I used the weighted metal pieces then placed the wooden weeks in them and then placed them in the bottom of the jar, making them as central as I could to get an even burn. Next it was time to pull the wax in for jars,So that's what I did. I heated the soy wax up in the pan on a low heat adding the fragrance essences to create a nice smelling fresh candle. I had to carefully pour in the soil wax ensuring that the wax wouldn't move the wick or go in front of the flowers. Next it was time for them to dry so I put them in a cold room overnight. Last step after drying them was to put the lids on and place the logo stickers on the sides and top of the Mason jar candles.
Overall I think my candles were quite successful, even though it was the first time I've ever made candles. If I made them again I would make sure to stick down the flowers more so that you can see them from the outside more. moving on from this I am going to and create digital work from them and also photograph them to create marketing images
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