#ngl I flopped with this one
eepwriting · 27 days
Hi, since your alphabet for IV included him not being as experienced as he seems, would you be interested in something where both him and reader talk a big game, only to get to their first time together and awkwardly have to reveal neither of them know as much as they seem? I feel like it would be kinda funny and sweet
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You Can Touch Me ✶ IV x GN! Reader
Warnings: kissing, drinking
Omg omg omg I love this. Thank you so much for this!🤍 It’s more of a blurb because I didn’t want to ruin the sweetness with full on smut lol
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You had an…odd relationship with iv. The two of you relentlessly flirted with each other, often shared loving and teasing touches, found yourselves in a couple of tipsy kisses. Definitely more than just friends but neither of you had ever tried to take things any further.
You couldn’t deny the massive crush you had on him, but you were admittedly intimidated by him. You had only been in a single relationship, and you didn’t dare let iv know that. Sure, he had asked about previous relationships or flings you had but you always kept it very vague. Never revealing any numbers, letting him guess for fun. You let him believe you had more experience than you really did. He constantly makes remarks about how you must have a whole roster of people throwing themselves at you.
The first time he said that, you ran with it. It helped you feel more on his level, because you just knew that man got around. He himself knew he was attractive and he let everyone around him know that.
Your inexperience was really the whole reason you never tried to take things further with iv. You were scared, didn’t even know where to start.
You watch him from across the room. Despite the high energy of the small house party you were currently at, you could really only focus on him. You had always found his overwhelming suave and cool demeanor almost intoxicating. You always notice the way energy shifts when he walks into a room, all eyes on him.
You catch iv’s eyes when he looks over at you, sending a wink your way. You give him a flirty smile, nodding your head to the side in a way to call him over. His eyes rake over you quickly before he turns back to the small group of people he was talking to. A short while later he saunters over to you.
“You clean up nice.” He says, his eyes scanning over you again.
“I was gonna say the same thing about you.” You giggle, taking a sip of your drink.
He reaches out to pull you into a hug, humming as he wraps his arms around you. He sways you side to side before pulling away to look at you. The way he’s watching you makes you nervous. There’s a look in his eye you don’t think you’ve ever seen.
You reach out and grab his hand. “You okay? You seem distracted.”
He nods at you, leaning down to you slightly. His eyes are glossy as he looks at you. “Can I kiss you?”
You’re taken aback by the forwardness of his question but giggle and nod your head. Reaching up, you tug his mask over his mouth before pressing your lips to his.
The two of you had shared kisses here and there, usually just small pecks, always pulling away laughing together. This time it felt different though, like there was a neediness behind his movements. His hands slide up your arms to cup your face in his hands. You can taste the alcohol on his tongue when he pushes it past your lips. You hear the faintest groan from him and your pulse quickens.
This is way more than either of you had done and you were nervous on how to react. You’d be lying if you said his actions were having no effect on you. The way his hands held your face so tenderly, they way his lips and tongue moved against your own, it made you dizzy.
“Can I take you somewhere else?” He pulls away breathlessly.
You panic at his words but your head nods quickly. He’s fast to grab your hand and drag you to the nearest room, ushering you inside and locking the door behind himself. His mouth is on yours again but his hands stay by his sides. You hesitantly reach up to hold his shoulders.
You itch to feel his hands on you. Reaching down, you grab his hand, placing it on your own hip. “You can touch me, you know.” You let out a small laugh as you pull away from him, your hands hooking around the back of his neck.
His hand squeezes your side slightly before he speaks. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little nervous right now.” His previous calm, cool and collected demeanor had seemed to slip away now that the two of you were alone. His eyes dart around the room.
You let out the breath you’re holding, a small bit of relief fills you. “Nervous? Why are you nervous?” Your mind races with answers he could give you.
He sheepishly shrugs, his eyes never looking into yours for long. “Uh, I’ve only ever been with one person and it’s been a while. You make me nervous. I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.” He speaks quickly and breathes out a shy laugh.
You’re caught off guard by his answer. A million questions race through your mind. One person? How is that even possible? “How? You’re…you.” You laugh. “I don’t know what I’m doing either. I’m freaking out over here.”
Confusion flashes across iv’s face as he takes a small step away from you. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve only been with one person. I play up my dating life so I can relate to you. I thought you got around.” You shrug and laugh again, your hands sliding down to hold his hands.
He’s quiet for a moment before he laughs as well, stepping closer to you. “Definitely don’t get around.” He smiles as he shakes his head. “I wanted to impress you, I think.”
Blushes rises to your cheeks as you pull him to you, lips meeting his in a sweet, shy kiss. His arms are slow to wrap themselves around your waist. Your heart beats even faster when he pulls you flush against him. Your hands reach up to rest on his shoulders again.
He pulls away, letting out a deep breath and clears his throat. “Sorry, still freaking out a little.” You can’t see his cheeks but you imagine they’re stained a pretty red.
“It’s okay. Me too.” You cup his face in your hands. “We’ll figure this out together.” You laugh.
He laughs and nods, pulling you to him again, still smiling as he presses his lips to yours.
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ANON!! I was struggling with this lol idk why tho. I hope it’s not horrible 🫣
K. Bye bye.
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crowliphale · 28 days
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I wonder who's holding the umbrella
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acapelladitty · 2 months
something lost, something gained
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Summary: After being snatched by human traffickers while exploring an abandoned schoolhouse, Lucy fights to survive as she waits for Cooper to find her. (3.9k words)
(warnings for: attempted sexual assault, biting, blood, face slapping, groping, violence, murder, aftercare, hurt/comfort, cooper trying his best in a bad situation)
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
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Awaking with a languid groan, Lucy's eyes flittered open for only a moment before slamming shut again as a dull pain to her temple made her wince and gasp. Raising her right hand to press at the skin, she was surprised to find her left hand moving in tandem and her eyes snapped open as she realised that her hands were bound together.
Gazing down at the coarse rope which encircled her wrists, panic arose in Lucy's chest as she glanced around the small, cell-shaped room and immediately understood that she was not anywhere recognisable. It didn't even look like the same building she last remembered walking into.
"Cooper?" Calling out with a dry, uncomfortable voice, a sense of irritation laced the anxiety which rolled through her. "What the fudge? Why am I in here?"
The door to the cell creaked open and Lucy glanced up from her slumped position to see a man she did not recognise fill the doorway. He was very tall, head almost brushing the top of the door frame, with a mop of raggedy blonde hair hanging limply across his shoulders and something in the way he looked at her made her skin crawl with unspoken danger. An instinctive disgust which made her mouth tighten.
"Finally awake." The man spoke, his voice sharp, light and slightly pitched. "We were worried we'd done some real damage to your head there."
At his words, Lucy finished her earlier assessment as her fingers once again grazed the hard lump which had formed on her temple - the skin feeling raw and wounded under her fingertips. Dragging her fingertips away, she found them flecked with her own blood.
"Who are you?" She asked, wide eyes darting across the limited space. "Did Cooper put you up to this? Or my father?"
"Don't know who any of those people are but we saw you going into that old schoolhouse with a ghoul so we snuck in, waited for you to split, and gently smuggled you out."
Gently smuggled.
The wound on her head suggested otherwise.
"Why?" A reflex question, one Lucy didn't think she wanted the answer to as the blonde man took a small step in her direction to stare down at her with a lecherous smirk.
"Cause you're in our territory and you're ours now. Me and my buddies have a little side business going on and you're our latest catch." His gaze roving across her white tank top and blue pants, one of his hands settled on the visible bulge of his groin as he winked at her. "We take them, break them, and pass them on to be sold. 50/50 share. And, baby, let me tell you, you're gonna fetch us a pretty price."
The panic in her chest now clawing at her heart as she scrambled her back against the cool stone of the wall, Lucy felt sweat break out across her body as she took in his candid admission with open-mouthed horror.
"No. You can't-"
"Yeah. I can smell the vault on you so I know you probably aren't rolling with the same diseases as all the other cunts we pick up."
Flinching at the term, Lucy fell back into what she knew best as old defense mechanisms kicked in to protect her as best they could.
"Let me go and I'll get you whatever you need. Caps, meds, weapons. I know people who could hel-"
"You?" Laughing openly at her offer, the man steadied himself against the doorframe. "Maybe that bulky ghoul we saw you with could have worked some muscle for us but you haven't got shit we need. Well, aside from-"
His hand still groping sleazily against his bulge, the man stepped fully within the cell and kicked the door shut before him. An action which made Lucy jump as her body shuddered and tensed to the point of discomfort, sensing the danger and violence to come.
"You see, cunt. I'm much nicer than my two friends out there and I'm willing to cut you some slack. Wrap your lips around my cock and suck it like your life depended on it, and I'll tell the boys that you're willing to be a good girl for us. They'll even leave their nasty 'breaking in' toys at the door if they think you're gonna be a good girl."
As he spoke, his body inched closer towards Lucy and her fingers shook terribly as she struggled against the rope holding her wrists, vision quick to blur as genuine fear rocked through her body.
He's going to rape me. Repeated in her head like a cruel, merciless mantra. The elders had told them what rape was, explained that they needed consent to ensure that everyone in the vault was happy and able to share their bodies without problem. They knew, in the vault, they all knew what was okay and what wasn't.
"Cooper!" She hollered out, voice breaking on the second syllable as she attempted to back up against the wall enough to scramble to her feet. "Please, fudge, someone help!"
A memory rose, unbidden in her mind as Lucy rolled her back against the wall. Not long after her body had started to change, one of the elders, a slender old guy named Ernest, had caught her in the gardens. He had asked her questions about her changing body, questions that made her heart feel heavy in her chest as a sense of how wrong he made her feel forced her to back away from him.
He had moved to grab her, his hand wrenching her arm away from her chest when her father had appeared from nowhere. He had been causal in his greeting but even as a child, she had noticed how tight her dad's smile was and how quickly he ushered her back to her room so he could have a quick chat with him.
Ernest died soon after. One of the first to be lost to the latest famine as the crops failed due to an unknown blight. She hadn't questioned it then, too many good people had been lost, but now, in this moment where that same childish fear weighed heavily at her limbs, she wondered if her father had killed him for what he had tried to do.
Kicking out with her feet as the man dropped to his knees before her, his fingers were quick to lock around her ankles - pulling her free of the wall and stealing the breath from her lungs as her head collided with the floor.
"Please, no. Don't do this! No!"
"First times always the worst."
Flashing rotted teeth at her as he straddled her waist, his hands pinned her own roped palms to her stomach as he burrowed down into her space. His breath was awful, smelling foul and rancid, and it sparked a retch in Lucy's throat as she twisted her head to the side. His tongue trailed across her cheek, tasting the grime on her skin as he growled in her ear.
"Just gotta remember to be a good girl and-ARGH!" Breaking off into a pained scream, the man reared back as blood poured from his mouth to drip down on her tank top.
Spitting out the large portion of tongue she had ripped free with her teeth, Lucy used her attackers moment of stunned pain to knock him free of her body. Crawling on her knees, she almost made it to the door when a rough hand wrapped around her hair.
"Stupid cunt!" The words lisping due to his injury, the man's hand was like fire in her hair as he snatched at her scalp viciously. "Gonna break your fucking nose for that."
Yelling as her hands locked around a small shard of metal that lay by the closed door, the man's foot having accidentally knocked it within the cell as he entered, Lucy gripped it tight as she spun on her knees, digging the shard deep into the closest foot she could reach before pulling it free with a vicious twist.
A fresh cry of pain broke free of her attacker as he crashed to the ground, his hands tight around his foot while he snarled obscenities at her.
Fuelled by adrenaline, fear and rage, Lucy pounced on him like a cat, knocking his back flat to the floor as she stabbed the metal as roughly into his throat as she could. Memories of her fraudulent husband flashed before her eyes and she hollered a vicious snarl as she dragged the metal through his skin until the blood flowed and the gurgling of his throat ceased.
Breathing heavily, she stayed in that position until his glassy-eyed stare repulsed her, the scent of fresh blood making her heave anew. Body shaking and mind rattling, it was only when a new voice broke the silence that she jumped as though an electric bolt had fired across her spine.
"Fuck, Petey. She's killed Owen."
Rolling off the corpse, Lucy was quick to take her earlier position - her stained fingers clutching the metal shard as her back pressed against the wall once more.
"Owen was always a dipshit. We'll be better off without him." The taller of the two newcomers added.
Looking just as filthy as the first guy, Lucy's eyes were wild as she pointed the metal at each of them in turn.
"L-let me go. I'll do the same to you." She stuttered, a sinking feeling of despair making her skin feel cold and clammy. "I've killed people before and you'll be next."
Glancing between themselves, both men burst out into a cruel laughter and their movements were quick as they descended on her. Fingers already trembling, it was easy for them to wrestle the metal from her hands and pin her to the floor; their much larger bodies easily holding her knees apart as they pressed them to the floor with their own legs.
Rough hands fished inside her tank top and Lucy found herself unable to do much but bare her teeth and fight off a sob as her chest was pulled free of her bra; breasts spilling over the fabric as matching grunts of approval escaped her attackers.
"They'll do nicely. Fuck, might not even sell this one, what do you think?" The one named Petey asked, his free hand gripping at her chin painfully as he tilted her head to the side in a crude inspection.
Cupping her left breast as though weighing it in his hand, the other man flashed a yellow smile at her.
"Could play with her for a few weeks without going to the others. Would you like that? A few weeks with us and then a ten minute walk up north to meet the rest of the boys?"
Refusing to answer as a fat tear rolled free of her eye, Lucy chose to remain quiet and not give them anything as she struggled in vain.
"You owe us for you did to Owen." The second man continued, his face an open leer as he released her jaw. "So I'm gonna fuck you and then Petey is gonna fuck you and then we're both gonna fuck you. Then you're gonna open those pretty lips wide for-"
A sharp hand collided with the side of Lucy's face, the blow catching her across the mouth and bursting her lip open in an instant as the taste of copper flooded her mouth.
"Not asking, cunt."
Their hands were all over her, one set fondling her breasts while the other pulled at the hem of her tank top to expose her stomach. They were everywhere and the feeling of them, hot and heavy atop her body, made her feel sick - her throat constricting and panicking as her breaths came short and fast.
The vague sound of the door slamming open touched at her senses but it felt so far off that she didn't think much of it until all hell broke loose.
A fresh splatter of blood sprayed across her face, the sensation matching by a booming gunshot which made her ears ring in the small space as the taller of the two, Petey, collapsed dead atop her - a hole leaking blood and brains from the front of his forehead to her exposed chest.
In shock, both Lucy and the remaining man stared at the corpse for a second before Lucy felt half the weight on her body disappear as the final attacker was pulled free. Her eyes unfocused and blurred with tears, she saw the flash of familiar, tattered leather which hurled her would-be attacker against the wall.
Sounds of exertion were quickly followed by a fresh death gurgle as Cooper's knife flashed in his hand for only a second before being drawn across her attackers throat; the arterial spray swiftly coating Cooper's clothed chest as he let go of his prey and allowed the fresh body to drop to the floor.
Not trusting her eyes, Lucy tilted her head back and cast her gaze to the dingy ceiling as her thoughs spiralled into a messy haze.
After a moment, Cooper's face swam in her vision and the close sight of him sparked a myriad of emotions within her; shock giving way to genuine relief before settling on fear as she took in the genuine fury which blazed in his stark white eyes as they darted across her battered face and disjointed clothing.
He wasn't angry with her, she knew that, but the sheer rage which rolled from his coiled frame made her want to curl into a ball and hide away from it. He smelled of leather and blood, the scent of fresh violence making her nose twitch as the corpses of her attackers lay motionless, crowding the floor of her cell.
"S'alright, I got you, sweetie." Cooper's hands were firm but gentle as he wrapped them around her shoulders, hoisting her enough that she were able to lean against the wall in a sitting position.
Despite everything, his voice was like a balm and she relaxed into his touch as her trembling fingers were gripped within his own - his knife glinting once more as he quickly severed her bindings and let the rope fall to the floor. In an instant, her knees snapped to her chest as her arms looped around them, her body curling in on itself as a wave of nausea made her throat feel tight.
Still on his haunches before her, Cooper studied her for a solid moment before matching her position as he leaned against the opposite wall, his legs outstretched and his back straight against the cool stone.
"Fix yourself, darlin'. I'd offer but I don't think you want another monsters hands on you before the day's out."
Keeping her knees tight, Lucy brought trembling fingers to her chest - her relief at being saved having made her forget about her state of undress - and she tucked her breasts away back into the off-white bra with a lifeless motion, the skin feeling sensitive and sore due to their abuse. Made decent, her arms were quick to loop around her knees once more, her chin sitting atop her knees as a gloomy, far-off expression graced her features.
"Did they-" A half question which Cooper quickly thought better of as he abandoned ship and adjusted it on the fly. "You okay?" It was a quiet ask, the words so low that Lucy knew she could ignore them if she wanted to.
"No," she stuttered, feeling weary despite the adrenaline which still pulsed in her veins, "but I have to be because what else is there. So I have to be."
Making a small noise of agreement in his chest, Cooper's gaze rose to the ceiling as he plucked his hat from his head and dropped it to the floor by his open lap.
"That you do, darlin'. Nothing else for it."
They sat in silence for a bit, the only slightly pained sounds coming from Lucy's throat as she adjusted to the various aches which afflicted her body. Her face was the worst as her temple throbbed like a bitch and her burst lip felt huge and ugly against her mouth. The bodies forever doomed to lay in messy piles, Lucy's eyes ghosted over them and settled on the growing patches of blood which each steadily leaked to the cell floor.
"You killed them all?" She said, already knowing the answer and unsure why she even asked.
"Not all of them. One of them was already dead when I got here and I'd recognise the teeth marks in that hunk of ripped tongue anywhere." Despite the guarded nature of his tone, there was a spark of warmth as he flashed his, well, her, finger at her, and Lucy swore she heard the slightest hint of pride leaking through. "You did good, sweetheart. You fought like a hellcat and you didn't let them win."
"Didn't win." Lucy mumbled miserly. "You did."
"Oh, I have no doubt you would have gotten them both in the end. They might have taken a few strips from you, but that fire in your belly would have scorched them dry."
Mouth upturning at the praise as she fought off the urge to cry, Lucy swiped at her eyes with the back of her hands as her breathing quickly grew erratic.
"All these bullshit lessons you've put me through and it still wasnt enough." She blurted out with a desperate gasp. "They're evil. I hate it here. I hate their cruelty. I hate their hurting. I hate-"
Finally unable to hold back the swell of emotion which threatened her, Lucy broke off on the final word as a heaving sob replaced any chance she had of cohesive speech. It was something raw and unfiltered, mourning the loss of some part of herself that would never be returned as she was forced to mold herself into a creature of violence and hate just to survive in their world.
Cooper, to his credit, let her cry without any false sympathies or interference. His face lacked any judgement, the hole in his face flexing slightly as he inhaled and exhaled steadily, eyes never shifting from Lucy's sobbing frame. Something difficult to pin down flashed through his gaze as though a multitude of possible outcomes were pushing at his thoughts.
After some internal debate, a grunt slipped free of Cooper's lips as he leaned across the short space and pulled at Lucy's shoulder.
So lost in her own misery, Lucy didn't fight the pressure of his strong hand as he pulled her to the side, dropping her to the floor in such a way that her head pressed against the upper part of his legs as she faced away from him. It did nothing to stop her tears, but it did give her something to lean on as he immediately retracted his hand to fold his arms fully across his chest.
Cooper's thighs were like unyielding steel beneath her head, giving Lucy something solid to pin her senses on as she fought to quell the quiver of her lip and the shudders which continued to wrack her body. Their journey had been hard and the hunt for her father was a disaster of interference and dead trails of information.
This was just the latest set-back in a long list of utter shit.
Offering her no other physical support, unsure if it would cause her to act out or break down further, Cooper waited until her breathing was a little more even before speaking again.
"Be sad." He paused, allowing the rare piece of advice to sit heavily in the air between them. "Be angry. Feel that fire in your gut burn so hot that you get the fear it's gonna burst free and raze everything around you to the ground. Hell, curse the day your momma brought you into the world if that's how you feel. But don't break."
Stopping once again, Cooper felt a rare moment of genuine pity for the woman as he glanced down at her. Lucy Maclean, who foolishly tried to choose peace in a peaceless world, still had a lot of learning to do when it came to the way that same world worked.
He could only show her so much, some lessons had to be learned the hard way, and if she could take them, then he would do his part to keep her whole.
"Whatever they do to you, survive it. Skulk off, lick your wounds, come back stronger. Get that revenge your blood sings for." Speaking as much to himself as her, Cooper allowed her a peek into his own thoughts, an insight he knew she wouldn't fully understand quite yet. "Never let them break you. Better off dead than broken in this world."
Gathering herself enough to shakily speak, Lucy gripped Cooper's knee with clawing fingers as she clung to him like a lifeline.
"There's more of them. Ten minutes up north. That's who they were- who they were going to sell me to."
"More side-tracking bullshit." Cooper sighed but his voice grew more contemplative as his gravelled tones mused on her words. "That said, been a while since I hunted down some proper vermin. No bounty. No rules. Might be fun to let loose for once."
He let the idea hang in the air, curious if she was hinting at what he suspected she was.
"You coming with me?"
Unseen by the shaking Lucy, a pleased smile split Cooper's lips as he glanced down at her steady answer.
It wasn't often he took on a companion, far less one that he'd actually indulge, but the odd woman intrigued him with the hypocrisy of her very existence. A vaultie with a edge, naive blood screaming out for wrongs to be righted just like his own as she fought alongside him like a harpy.
It did help that they both wanted her dear old daddy strung up like the traitor he were.
But revenge would see her right.
She was owed a debt by those who had tried to take her, a debt of honor, and he would see that she avenged it in a glorious explosion of violence that would help keep her nightmares at bay as they would leave no doubt that the beasts responsible were well put down and unable to haunt her.
By gun or by knife, she would get at least that.
He had seen the broken ones. The ones used and abused by so many across the wastelands that they gave up everything and became husks even more devoid of humanity than the ghouls who lost the battle and went feral. It was a fate worse than the many deaths he'd experienced in his time.
No one deserved that.
Especially not Lucy Maclean.
His hand ghosting over her head, fingers only an inch away from her fine head of mousy hair, Cooper tilted his head to the side as he took her exhausted frame in.
"Sleep for now, vaultie. Time for this little killer to save her strength. So take it for what it is and when you wake, we'll see about righting some of the wrongs that happened here."
Feeling more safe with the violent ghoul who had shown her the new reality of her world than any other of the awful creatures she had met since leaving her vault, Lucy's eyes fluttered close as his voice washed over her and exhaustion claimed her before she could do anything to muse on that odd feeling of safety.
Links to the rest of the series:
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
146 notes · View notes
thefrsers · 1 year
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432 notes · View notes
seance · 1 year
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438 notes · View notes
sleepytoycollection · 5 months
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New horse and horse-adjacent additions
I would say I've been finding more ponies lately, but honestly it's about the same amount, I've just actually been more interested this time
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Since Valentine's Day is tomorrow I have decided I must put out a Brobecks/IDKHow listening guide for the people.
For the single/Valentine-less:
Don't worry, me too.
Die Alone by the Brobecks, is an old favorite of mine and honestly iconic. (can be found on YouTube and the live versions are amazing, definitely recommend listening to those)
Sleeping Pills by the Brobecks, not related to love, but is for all my people who have issues with sleep (like me!). (can be found on YouTube)
Better Than Me by the Brobecks, title speaks for itself, song is a mood and was one of the first of their songs I liked. (can be found on all streaming platforms)
For the heartbroken:
A Letter by the Brobecks, is a breakup letter being read out with vocals and instrumentals. 10/10, and is one of my favorite Brobecks songs (can be found on YouTube)
I'll Break Your Arm by the Brobecks, honestly didn't know where to categorize this one, but it kinda fit here. Another one of my favorite Brobeck songs that will typically make it on a playlist if I want to listen to the Brobecks. (can be found on YouTube)
For the Infatuated/Obsessed:
Get help, please.
Infatuation by I Don't Know How But They Found Me, the title speaks for itself. I've been obsessed with it lately and will recommend it of course. (On all streaming platforms and was released last month!)
From the Gallows by IDKHow, amazing, brilliant, absolutely in love with it. One of my favorite tracks off Razzmatazz and this just screams obsession. (Can be found on all streaming platforms)
March 2 by the Brobecks, talks about someone who is obsessed with someone everyone tells them to leave alone. Loved this song a few years ago, but not as into it anymore. (can be found on YouTube)
If You Like It or Not by the Brobecks, fucking love this song despite not listening to it much. It just a vibe and is super danceable. (one of the few Brobecks songs on all streaming platforms!! Go stream Violent Things, it's amazing)
West of California by the Brobecks, one of my all-time favorites by the Brobecks. 10/10, will always recommend. (Sadly only on YouTube)
For those in love/Valentinee's (idk if that's a word, but IT IS NOW):
Le Velo Pour Duex by the Brobecks, absolutely love it, about Dallon Weekes' wife so it can come in this category. (On all streaming platforms)
Love at First Sight by the Brobecks, this is one is self telling, what kind of person would I be if I didn't add this??? Is super fucking cute and was honestly one of the first songs I liked by the Brobecks. (On all streaming platforms with some pretty good live performances)
City Lights by the Brobecks, is another one of my favorite Brobecks songs (definitely makes my top 3). 10/10, no notes. (Only on YouTube :,) )
Kiss Goodnight by IDKHow, is literally my favorite song by IDKHow, absolutely in love with it and would go fall in love just so I have an experience to tie to this song. (On all streaming platforms!!)
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kazpng · 7 months
another one for all the postal dude simps out there 🫡
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praise-suns-and-chill · 3 months
Replaying Sword and Shield
I am not quite sure why, I thought about restarting X/Y first, and actually did, but since my plan for a X/Y Legends fanfic seems obsolete now, I guess I am looking for alternative ideas xD
Bede deserved better. He's a little twat but in the end he was just taken advantage of and dropped when he stopped being useful. I just like this little tsundere cottoncandyball
Also, just did the Isle of Armor questline, never actually did before. It's fun, I like it! Kubfu is cute af and it's evolution is now permanently on my team, OG Ogerpon but we didn't need to be involuntary assholes to get it, its ours and we don't need to feel bad about it.
I prefer that!
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My girl Glory, and
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Her current Team
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petorahs · 11 months
am i the only mf that thinks strega (including takaya and jin!! chidori's usually the only one people like) are okay.. they're like "tell not show" which is kind of bad writing-wise but i like the little hints of characterization we get for them throughout the game?
people at port island station think takaya's tattoos are weird and that he looks malnourished lmao, and a lot of people including the gekkou students think chidori's fashion is cute but also weird (because of her rbf most definitely).
most of all i think jin is the most underutilized... a woman at the strip mall says "there's this popular site that people like because the guy that runs it just gets them. wonder what that's all about?" which is definitely an early nyx-cult precursor. the way they got so many people under their thumbs is because jin was so tech-savvy and used socmed to his advantage and this fact is only mentioned off-handedly by fuuka close to endgame like, once. but apparently the hints are there and it took my second playthrough to see it. also this kid outside the arcade says "there's this guy that tosses his ball up and down but i dont know where he got it?" definitely also jin.
just the thought of strega being most active during the Dark Hour, but also living life outside during daytime frequenting arcades and going around stations in their peculiar getups. and for however much they yearn for Nyx/Death, they are also quite at the mercy of life too seeing as they're still living in the same world the mcs do. as much as dying is inevitable, so is living.
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raidenloml · 3 months
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SQAOI ON MAIN?!?!? WHAT!!!!!!!!
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katsutora · 1 year
gave up on tumblr a year ago bc there’s no interaction whatsoever and it gets hella lonely lmfao. someone pls be my regular & share your thoughts w me. or if my fellow writers see this uhh wanna be moots with an itoshi rin kin idk idk
ps: as for now the obsession is blue lock but i also love tokyo revengers !! im also too scared to slide into anyones dms so hopefully this works
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dylanconrique · 1 month
wait... why do i suddenly really love monica after that opening?????
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francy-sketches · 1 year
just randomly remebered a book series i read as a kid ok no actually i just read books 3 4 and 5 for some reason and there's like 6 but I was really into it for a while. anyway it was one of those geronimo stilton books but the stupid rat was not in them idk why they had his name on the cover they were actually kind of gruesome from what i remember. ngl they went hard they had cool little sketches in them too and there was this blue dragon with half a tail i loved him sm i was so upset when i couldnt find fanart bc nobody knew this book u.u I'm like 99% sure it was never translated so its just an italian thing but. any of my fellow italian girlies remember this. was I the only one to ever read it
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haha--lorge · 11 months
I know you're in a (yellow heart) mood, but could you bless us with your farmer spam au here... I want to draw him.
oh man yes absolutely!!!
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kxllerblond · 10 months
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Trying out a new interaction format, bear with me.
Leave a symbol/color in the replies. Multi-muses, leave a target muse if you can!
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🟧 (orange) - A random one-liner/short && unplotted starter.
🟫 (brown) - A lyric starter.
🟨 (yellow) - Come plot with me instead.
🟥 (red) - Go reply to one of my open starters instead!
🟪 (purple) - Send me some memes instead.
🟩 (green) - There's a wishlist plot or a specific verse I want a starter for (link me!)
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