yui-lover-33 · 8 months
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WOW I FINALLY DREW THE FNAF NIGHTGAURDS AFTER FUCKING YEARS!!! I have been wanting to draw them again for SOOOO LOOONG esp my phone guy being maskless!!
I love drawing my maskless phone guy since I think he looks so cool personally esp with my idea of him! <3 I also ofc care and like the other guards but love phone guy and vincent the most if you couldn't already tell.
I got my own stupid ideas of them esp of their past since I love making characters deeper than they need to be! Like how I made phone guy/Scott a DC nerd! Something no one needed but thought was a nice touch to his character!! xP
Anyways, sorry for rarely posting art esp of them but love and cherish the night guards! Just very mulitfandomed over the last few days as I bounce back from postal to FNAf and DSAF!! as well as now walten files :T
Again, I'll try to post more! <3
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ogzieoggleton · 10 days
I humbly hand over my art request of "this one irrelevant but named security guard side character called Joey" and then prance away
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I hope this joey doddle suffices, thank you for your request :]
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skores · 8 months
The Crying Child really is Vengeful
Here are some canon reasons/theories that prove cc is actually vengeful towards Michael and probably William as well. (cc means crying child)
In FNAF 1 you play as Michael (He is a night guard) and you see the words “Its Me” coming from Golden Freddy. Cc is likely taunting Michael and reminding him of what he had done (The Bite of 83) Michael did kill him after all accidental or not.
Now as we know William didn’t directly have anything to do with the Bite of 83 cc’s death so we can assume that most of cc’s rage and vengefulness is directed towards Michael.
Okay so I am going to move into more of my own theories. I think that cc might have recognised Michael unlike everyone else who confused him with William. Before I start talking more about that let’s quickly address Cassidy.
the phrase “Its Me” comes from both cc and Cassidy however I think it’s directed towards 2 different people those being Michael and William respectively. Cc is one of the only kids who WASNT killed by William. Cassidy and cc would both be a sort of vengeful golden duo in my opinion.
Now going back to cc possibly recognising Michael it goes to show that cc is MORE THAN WILLING to kill Michael probably out of revenge and rage. It also makes sense Michael did constantly bully him to the point of his death and let’s be honest Cassidy probably encouraged cc’s violence towards his brother.
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oreos-chaos · 4 months
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Paper men
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Some fun Ideas I've come up with about the fnaf × DC AU over the past couple months because I have literally nothing better to do except think and walk my dog:
William hates like every other robot Maker in the DC universe with like a burning passion. He will actively complain to other villains who use Tech and critique everything about their designs-
I think William would have a freak out if he found out about the Lazarus pit...
Charlie's a lot like First appearance red hood .. She Straight up murders people.. Her only goal is to protect herself and the rest of the city and she believes that monsters like William deserve to die slow and painful..
I think Michael has a severe dislike of Harley Quinn- Like he doesn't interact with her often but whenever he does he either gives her the death stair or just walks out of the room.
Mike's stomach is his main weak point the rest of him is pretty much numb. Kiss better sight and hearing than he used to but his sense of touch is like terrible-
Mike's super hero name is Nightguard! He likes using flash bangs
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I think William and Lex Luther fight but not like fist fighting just sending animatronics after mechs after animatronics (I want to watch them fight in hand to hand so bad I want to see William smushed like a pancake and Lex with bite and scratch marks I think the deadbeat dads should fight to the death)
Him and Ras would trade immortality potions or at least William would try to
Okay so I’ve been thinking about fitting Joker Junior into this au (because it is my curse as a Tim Drake enjoyer) and that gives Mike so much more reason for his hatred of Harley
Sorry that’s just one of my favorite Michael headcanons (along with him having to use crutches because of the degradation of his muscles due to him ya know being a corpse)
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butchdykekondraki · 1 year
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normal about this btw
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Ask Open! Accepting questions and dares!!
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imnotkosmic · 1 year
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My FNaF OC, Leah in the Scooper Room.
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fazbear-ent-official · 3 months
Hey so id like to file a complaint there was a weird purple nightgaurd and thats not the worst part, the worst part is hes BRITISH
we're really sorry about this unfortunately he's the boss's son we can only tolerate him
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
SPEAKING of my Andriods Nightgaurd ficlet? And my ongoing campaign of Sexy Civilian!Tim encounters?
Night Gaurd Tim? owo? Jason doesn't die. But Tim's dad still does. New Dad is rich but An Asshole. So Tim studies like mad to get outta there. Lands a shotty apartment in HIS name. And a job!
That the Riddler destroys.
Okay... second try... SECOND job! Two-face. MOTHER FU-!
It keeps happening. He starts taking potshots at goons. He WANTS HIS PAYCHECK, damn it. He's tired of cheap ramen!
One of his Dad's old buddies see's him on a viral clip. He... *awkward cough* maaaay have swung a bat at Condiment King. To be FAIR... the shot super staining GOO all over the fashion line Tim JUST unboxed. He may have snapped a little.
But! It lands him a job!
Night Gaurd~ *jazz hands*
It's not like he sleeps at night anyway! Might as well get payed! He gaurds the satellite building used for staff overflow. It's only really in USE during certain seasons. But the don't want squatters or stolen company secrets.
O7 got it.
What he DOESN'T realize? That building has an EXCELLENT vantage point line of sight from certain parts of the roof. It's been part of the Bat's intersecting patrol paths for YEARS.
He doesn't notice them, at first. But they notice him. He's the cutie in uniform. Background check reveals some memes and that he used to be their neighbor etc.
Now, this can go one of two ways~ "Ivy assisted Fuck Seduction" or "I swear to GOD I WILL TRESPASS YOU-" It? Depends on if you want Timmers to notice! That waaait a second *squint*
Why does the roof... look EXACTLY the same as it did 8 days ago. Because he has freakishly good memory. Leading to him realizing the cameras? Hacked. There are 17 randomly played "night footage" banks. Son of a- *keeps open roof access to find the Bat's mid patrol Bat Burgering" YOU. #TheyCanExplain?
Or! Ivy, miffed that Bats made her MISS her girlfriends BIRTHDAY, decides? Fuck you in particular, actually. And hits him with a Pollen bomb.
He was standing RIGHT in front of the intake vent for the air conditioning. The whole BUILDING gets dusted. Not as concentrated, since it's spread out. But still exposer. Tim? Starts feeling off. Fever maybe? Weirdly horny. Really distracted, actually...
The Bat's? Drive Ivy off. Okay, who was hit? Everyone gets their antidote. We good? Let's head hooo-OMG! THE GAURD! FUCK.
And yep. Too late for an antidote too be effective. But don't worry Really Hot security Gaurd! They will- stop shoving! No you will not! I will-! No you have-! I said I WILL *Sibling jostling for the right to Help Tim*
Batman, NOT allowing himself to be distracted by gorgeous legs or the TIGHTEST little- Regardless, NOT letting himself getting distracted. Lends quite literally a hand. Gotta get that consent. For medical assistance. Because Bruce TOTALLY hasn't been fantasizing about taking this boy apart. Rocking his world then buying him breakfast.
He's just here to lend a dick in these trying times. Hero's duty and all.
And once Tim? Bat Fan and Bi Disaster realizes he has fucked the Bat's and they seemed REALLY into it? :Y he uuuh *cough* I mean, he's just SAYING... no one said you had to STOP... options THERE...
Now? They REALLY like that building. Great rest stop. Grab a bite to eat, drink something, fuck the night gaurd, take a nap, you name it!
Tim REALLY likes his new job. He's great at it.
tim being the shared fucktoy among the bats❤️
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So idk if this is the best dream I had or the weirdest
So I just, randomly met Larry in the street and challenged him that I could get a job at where he works and he was like "ok, I need help being the night gaurd at the national museum of history anyways" and I was excited bc I wanted to stay up
Anyways, I get there, I get freaked out by rexy until someone (i forgot who) tells me too throw the bone and I was like oh ok
Anyways I meet Teddy Roosevelt and Sacagawea and they're really nice right?
And I keep exploring the museum and I get to this one part and this guy is like:
"This room is full of prostitutes :D"
And, aspec me is like "oh fuck no" this guy grabs onto my FUCKING SHOULDERS (if you know me, you know that there's only like 3-4 people in this entire world that im ok with touching my shoulder) and kept telling me I should go in there
I go back to teddy and sacagawea and tell them what happened
Me: i DoNt WaNt To gO In ThAt RoOm BeCaUsE tHeReS pRoStItUtEs iN tHeRe BuT tHiS gUy KeEpS tElLiNg Me i ShOuLd Go iN tHeRe ;m;
Teddy: uh, that's the hall of miniatures
Sacagawea: yeah, theres no prostitutes in there
Me: oh ._.
So I go in the hall of miniatures and its like the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I spot Jedediah who is playing with some Roman kids (adorable) and I want to tell him im the new nightgaurd
And then my dream ends :(
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Dave and Jack are gay and there is proof
So the fandom liked my post on the wedding dress thing so I’ve decided to make yet another DSAF text post on DSAF headcanons with rationals behind them. This time on a much bigger one with far more evidence actually, that is all but (and might actually be) confirmed.
This headcanon of course I am speaking of is Dave and Jack being gay. This is the most popular headcanon in the fandom, and for good reason. I have yet to hear any opposing opinions actually, the fandom is again unanimous. I’m going to make this post anyway for new fans and the like.
Just about anyone who has played, watched, or engaged in any way with DSAF has likely noticed that Dave (a character who can either be your best friend or your nemesis depending on your route) and the protagonist of the game, Jack, occasionally have interactions with decidedly fruity undertones.
Although I have not seen as much evidence that JACK is gay, given that his personality varies greatly depending on how he’s played in most games, although his being gay can quickly at least be surmised from his final speech to Dave in the true ending of the third game, although not directly stating anything specific about their relationship, does have Jack imply subtly that there is something there.
If you count things the player can make Jack say specifically rather than just things he says on his own, then Jack being gay is a resounding yes, as lines of dialogue like “thanks bae”, *blush and nod*, and more are very much in the games.
Furthermore, Jack compares if not straight up calls Davetrap his ex during the good ending of DSAF 3 with Roger. Dave and Jack also slept in the same bed while in Vegas.
As for Dave being gay, there is a lot more there. Like infinity more than I think I could ever cover, but I’ll try.
Dave very frequently calls Jack pet names, in fact, I think I can count on one hand how many times he’s actually called Jack by his actual name. He also seems to blatantly flirt with him ingame.
Dave confesses to having seen Jack’s bedroom before, and in the third game further is revealed to have set up cameras in Jack’s house, connected his vents to his house to “protect” Jack, and have had frequently used his shower and toothbrush. Not exactly healthy behaviour or signs of a healthy relationship, but DSAF is DSAF, there is an ending in the third game where you burn down your restaurant because of furries.
Davetrap, although a manipulative character, and not a very good person, is one of the bigger causes for Dave being clearly gay. Davetrap, having less restraint than his Flipside counterpart and being more disturbingly obsessive, has done a number of things to confirm the ship.
First of all, Davetrap waited 30 years for Jack, and fixed Henry’s old suit in order to try to springlock him so they can be together forever, and that’s just not a thing you do with a friend. Even if it’s toxic and fucked, we’re trying to prove he’s gay, not that he’s a good person, honestly, Flipside Dave himself after his whole redemption arc is Chaotic Good at best, Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Evil at worst, although I believe more Chaotic Neutral.
If you side with Davetrap, things get gayer from here. If you chose to hire the female nightgaurd, Davetrap berates you, not due to sexism, rather because she has an extra hole to fill with animatronic parts, going on to talk about how his own asshole is a cavern due to previously mentioned animatronic parts. The interaction ends of course with Dave implying that he wants Jack to “find something” to fill the hole. Well ok then.
Finally getting to the part I’m sure most of you have been waiting for, Davetrap’s confession, the reason I said this might be fully canon. During the bad ending of the third game Davetrap takes you down to the Fazbunker, trying to cheer himself up as he feels something is wrong. In the final room he figures out what it is, and apologizes for springlocking Jack, showing genuine care for his well-being. Jack, manipulated by Henry, then scares the shit out of Davetrap, and rips off his head. However, just before his death, Davetrap says “Don’t do this, I love you”. The reason this doesn’t fully prove it in my mind is that it could have been said out of desperation and that only Davetrap says this, Flipside Dave never says anything of this manner specifically. However I do not believe that Davetrap was lying here, as the lines previously in which he expresses guilt towards his actions and his affects on Jack prove that he does indeed care a lot for him, and while he might have been desperate, all evidence proves that he was not lying. I just can’t accept this as full undeniable evidence as, again, we never get anything like this from Flipside Dave.
That’s not to say Flipside Dave is not in love with Jack however. To the contrary, he most definitely is. Case and point. The pizza flirt.
When interacting with the pizza thingy I don’t care to learn the name of, Dave asks Jack how he likes his pizza, then proceeds to ask him if he’d ever be willing to have eggplant on his pizza. This, in context, is a very clear case of Dave very non-subtly flirting with Jack.
To go to the ending of the good route, upon finding out Jack cannot move on due to not having a soul, Dave freaks out, says he can’t go on without Jack, and says he would rather stay in the void with Jack. Jack only gets him to leave giving him Blackjack, the embodiment of his own soul which cannot join back with his body, telling him Blackjack will not leave him.
For misc evidence, during the evil route of the second game Dave changes his plan to include torturing Peter when Jack gets fired because it bothered him, referring to Jack as his “orange baby”, and insinuating that he cares more about Jack’s pain than his own.
There is an ending in which Dave says “Old Sport you will be mine” while attempting to shoot up Freddy’s.
Although Flipside Dave unlike Davetrap never actually says that he loves Jack, he does call him the “tangerine to my aubergine”, which in my opinion is pretty close.
During the neutral ending of the third game, Jack yells at Davetrap, saying how he only opened his Freddy’s location for money, specifically saying “do you think any of this was because I loved Freddy’s? Or loved YOU?”. Davetrap then responds by opening up his mask (if I recall the only time he does this), crying and saying he’s going to go cry in a dumpster, alone.
On one of Dave’s tapes he goes crazy and vows to find Jack.
In Dave’s diary he says he’s “really wild about Jack”, and writes his nickname a lot. I also heard something about having files of pictures of Jack in a maid dress, and Jack having pictures of Dave in a maid dress, although I don’t know if this is true or not.
Finally, what all of you have been waiting for. Doggo has confirmed that both Dave and Jack are pan or bi, Jack having a preference for men. Doggo has also stated that he himself ships these two, although it was intentionally made ambiguous.
So to close off my argument, here are the results. In all endings of DSAF 3, as well as all prior games, Dave is in love with Jack, Jack himself varies, seemingly only being gay during the third good ending and some routes in the previous games, although in the neutral route and the bad route of the third game he decided does not like Dave at all.
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Daley!Reader at the Glorious Masquerade event: No doubt they don't trust Rollo Flamme on the spot, especially at the climax of the Masquerade itself! The miniatures getting their own outfits and just enjoying the City of Flowers with the Night Guard's friends.
But fr tho, The Daley! Reader has seen their dad face evil Nightgaurds, an egotistical pharaoh, and a delusional Knight of the Round table. BUT ALSO, AAAH THAT IS SUCH A CUTE THOUGHT♡♡
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oreos-chaos · 4 months
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simmi23 · 4 months
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just some drawings of the nightgaurds in almost each games of fnaf
[These are probably inaccurate, but I tried my best to my knowledge]
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starryyskies · 4 months
*Cough cough.*.. do you perhaps still do nightgaurd art? I discovered ask the nightgaurds too late and missed all the fun 😔.. im hoping you still draw them.
You are a wee bit late to the party LOL, my whole fnaf phase lasted like 5 years so I’m def not drawing them any time soon. I still love and enjoy the whole community but those days of gay night guards are over for me. I may draw them from time to time still but that would be very rare lol.
Thanks for your interest tho! I did love running that ask blog. Use the ‘myart’ tag on that blog to see all the fun asks and draws n stuff.
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