crzygthumbs · 3 months
Munch Mulberries Much?
Tons of Dwarf ever bearing mulberries. Morus nigra are supposed to be the best tasting of the mulberries. If you look online, experts on mulberries say the dwarf ever bearing variety is not a nigra. So, even nurseries mislabel this tree. If you want the nitty gritty try this link. These were sold to me as: “Dwarf everbearing morus nigra” the link above says that that is not correct: That…
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fthrdvs · 3 months
Munch Mulberries Much?
Tons of Dwarf ever bearing mulberries. Morus nigra are supposed to be the best tasting of the mulberries. If you look online, experts on mulberries say the dwarf ever bearing variety is not a nigra. So, even nurseries mislabel this tree. If you want the nitty gritty try this link. These were sold to me as: “Dwarf everbearing morus nigra” the link above says that that is not correct: That…
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foggygentlemenhottub · 7 months
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suleymanuguz · 1 year
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um6r4n19r4 · 7 months
Made another one-
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myxomycota · 3 months
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‘some sort of larva pole dancing on a slime mold’ - by allthingsfungi
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boschintegral-photo · 15 days
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Elder (Sambucus Nigra)
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ktyancey · 2 months
18 weeks today! Should be getting my linea nigra any day now…
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slavicafire · 1 year
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polish villages and elder (sambucus nigra); practical uses and folk beliefs:
• in polish folk medicine, leaves, berries, and flowers alike were used in multiple ways - for humans but for animals as well. for example, pigs suffering from erysipelas would be treated with compresses from elder leaves.
• for humans, a plethora of illnesses would be treated with elder: cough, stomach and bladder issues, joint pain, and even insomnia, asthma, and various emotional or psychological states. for example, “quiet children,” believed to be charmed, would be given elder infusions.
• the berries were also used to make soup: they’d be boiled with sugar and cream and served with potatoes. variations of this soup are still popular today in some places.
• it was recorded in some villages that women would make the ink required for school from elder; it was also used to make multiple types of toys and small instruments for children, such as popguns, whistles and folk pipes.
• ash from the elder would be poured over spots believed to bear the marks of devil activity as a way to cleanse them.
• in some villages it was believed that an elder growing by the house or the barn will protect it from witches and from lighting, or bring good luck to the household.
• you can sleep safely in the shade of the elder as snakes and worms and insects and all other crawling creatures will not dare go near it.
• while in many villages elder was believed to protect one from evil (most notably witches and devils) in many others it was believed to be demonic or evil in nature; it was called “evil” or “cursed” and believed to have evil spirits, illnesses, or devil(s) within.
• due to the belief that devil - or devils - reside between the roots of the elder, it was forbidden to cut it down or uproot it. the fear was that the evil would take revenge after such an act, or the place would be haunted, or bad luck and even death would fall upon the one who destroyed the tree.
• if an elder growing by the water was cut, the water itself would become poisonous. similarly, the consequences of ingesting raw and unripe elderberries were attributed to the influence of the evil spirit within it.
[sources: Komentarze do Polskiego Atlasu Etnograficznego t. VI. Agnieszka Lebeda: Wiedza i wierzenia ludowe, 2002. Podania, przesądy, gadki i nazwy ludowe w dziedzinie przyrody. Cz. 2, Rośliny. Bronisław Gustawicz, 1882.]
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bignosebaby · 5 months
If you've heard of black crested macaques or the Yaki monkey, it is probably this one:
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This black crested macaque became famous in 2011 when the photographer David Slater was taking photos in the jungle of Sulawesi Indonesia where black crested macaques are indigenous fauna. Slater was not the photographer who captured this photo, however. It was the macaque who has since been commonly called Naruto who took its own photograph on Slater's camera. The famous monkey selfie sparked a copyright lawsuit brought by PETA onto Slater, which was settled in 2017 with an agreement that Slater would donate a percentage of any profits gained by the pictures Naruto took to organizations that protect this species in the wild.
For the millions who enjoyed Naruto's selfies online, the story ends there. For Naruto and the Yaki the story continues. The black crested macaque is critically endangered. Slater's website says he donates 10% of the proceeds of all "monkey selfie" merchandise to "a monkey conservation project in Sulawesi", and while he does not specify which conservation project he supports, there is one I know of that does incredible work.
Selamatkan Yaki is an operation with a huge impact. The Yaki is one of the most endangered primates in the world, and it can be difficult to gauge just how many of them are out there. This is where biodiversity monitoring comes in to produce the data needed for effective conservation protocol. A pilot study was conducted in Tangkoko Nature Reserve, which has created the blueprint for surveying the entire province using camera traps and remote sensing to observe the Yaki and their threats over time.
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Using the data gathered from monitoring, Selamatkan Yaki collaborated with the government agency for natural resource conservation to create a Species Action Plan (SAP). This species action plan is not only an evidence based conservation plan designed to save the Yaki, but all the other species that share its forest home. Establishing the Yaki as a flagship species is crucial as this charismatic monkey is just one of many species that is not found anywhere else in the world.
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One of the major threats Yaki face, like many other primate species, is hunting for wildlife trafficking and the bush meat trades. While hunting the Yaki is illegal, it takes a true culture shift to keep endangered animals out of traps and cages. Selamatkan Yaki has developed both community conservation and environmental education programs designed to unite local communities in protecting the species. The community conservation program involves surveys conducted since 2007 so that long term data on human-animal relationships can be tracked to best identify community conservation methods. This data is used in the environmental education program which introduces information on biodiversity and conservation to school curriculum and provides research opportunities and scholarships for post secondary students to contribute to conservation.
Selamatkan Yaki understands that it isn't enough to have a team of people dedicated to saving the black crested macaque-- the more people who care and help the better. Everyone has a role to play in conservation, but right now so many people outside Indonesia have only ever seen the black crested macaque once, in a photo online. That's why I'm partnering with Selamatkan Yaki to spread information about the work they do and the species they protect. To learn more about Selamatkan Yaki you can click the links in this post, and stay tuned for more on the black crested macaque.
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mushroomnoodles · 7 months
How’s Simon coping with the postpartum dad bod?
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hes doing p alright all things considered! sometimes he gets self conscious of the stretch marks but look at his baby!! a pretty fair trade
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los-plantalones · 4 days
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Here’s a comparison of black and white mulberries! Often, white mulberry will ripen to shades of pink, sometimes even reddish purple. White mulberries are milder in taste than other species, but they’re the ones I enjoy eating straight off the tree the most.
In my neighborhood, we have a mix of black mulberry (m. nigra) and white mulberry (m. alba) trees. Surprisingly, the black mulberry is a lot more prolific. I’ve already picked multiple quart containers of them! The white mulberries are just starting to ripen, and I only have a pint so far.
Mulberries in general have a VERY short shelf life, so I use them within 1-2 days of picking. They do however freeze very well – which is usually what I end up doing with at least half my harvest.
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drafthearse · 5 months
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Comatricha nigra, maturing sporangia. Taken in London, UK. This is a Slime Mould.
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sitting-on-me-bum · 2 years
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Arcyria denudata.
Macro Photos by Barry Webb Highlight the Spectacular Diversity of Slime Molds
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Comatricha nigra
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Comatricha species
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Cribraria aurantiaca group
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Stemonitis and insects
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italiasparita · 7 months
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Carlo Nigra (1856-1942)
Castello di Montalto Dora
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um6r4n19r4 · 26 days
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Random digital drawing of @akanemnon 's version of Ralsei, mirroring that funny goat picture.
It's actually for a school assignment. XD
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