hermesmoly · 3 months
Trying to read the Nikaia and Aura myth and it confuses me- All I understand is that Nikaia was somehow Aura’s predecessor who Dionysus got drunk and raped her. Then after having a baby she apparently hung herself which doesn’t make sense because she also becomes the nurse of Aura’s surviving son (who was also a product of rape)
Dionysus is really an asshole in this myth wow. It’s giving awful frat boy who drugs vulnerable women vibe
you know what nonnie I will read the Dionysiaca and try to decipher this because reading Theoi rn I'm just as confused as you are
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tathenaaaaaaaa · 11 months
A friend asked me why I'm always spilling stories and anecdotes almost only on ancient greek culture.
Well, not my fault the folks marked everyone so hard that we always copy them troughout history.
My fault tho that I forged my whole personnality and hobbies around them lol
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dimloud · 2 years
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Holla! #dj #djing #selfie #nikaia #saturdaynight (στην τοποθεσία Cafe' Du Monde) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clt-n1CqQtv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rarougrougrou · 2 years
A plague tale requiem being settled in Provence is so comforting for me (if we forget all the horrors depicted in the story of course) because by being born and by growing up there I recognise EVERY landscape and where it's located. Provence is really beautiful
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babiskavvadias · 3 months
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Sokratis Malamas @ Katrakeio, Nikaia, 02/07/2024
The close-ups
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mothmiso · 6 months
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Bursa, Türkiye (2) (3) (4) (5) by Caspar Tromp
Via Flickr:
(1) (2) (3) Nikaia / Iznik. At the 15th century Suleyman Pasha madrasah, where they now sell artesenal iznik hand made & painted ceramics, like this cute little Turkish coffee cup that this woman make at the place. (4) Byzantine city walls, Nikaia / Iznik. (5) Pomegranades.     
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bukovskikaroly · 1 month
Mi lesz a zaba? Tökfőzelék. Tökfözelék? Az. Ki intézte a kaját? - kérdezte Basileos Caesareai Esebius-t. Arius intézte. Bor lesz? Lesz elég.
így kezdődött a nikaia zsinat. (niceai) Nos, több mint háromszáz évvel azután, hogy egy zsidó ácsot felszögeztek egy fára , minek erdeményeképpen mára bibliának hívjuk amit annak hívunk. Ott rakták össze a csávók.
Nah, faszáim, rakjuk össze a cuccot, aztán húzzunk a vérbe, mondta Konstantin. Várom a javaslatokat.
Márk!, Máté for prezident!. - hangzott. Jani hozzál má egy sört, baszdmeg, kérte súgva Basileos a szolgáját.
Oké, nem csak m betűsök jöhetnek. Mintha János nevet hallottam volna. Be is írom.- jelentette ki Konstantin.
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sarafangirlart · 3 months
Trying to read the Nikaia and Aura myth and it confuses me- All I understand is that Nikaia was somehow Aura’s predecessor who Dionysus got drunk and raped her. Then after having a baby she apparently hung herself which doesn’t make sense because she also becomes the nurse of Aura’s surviving son (who was also a product of rape)
Dionysus is really an asshole in this myth wow. It’s giving awful frat boy who drugs vulnerable women vibe
Yeah the Dionysiaca is such a mess, it even has Pasithea be the daughter of Hera and/or Dionysus it’s so weird.
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inemi · 1 year
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📷 Nikaia Garibaldi
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favzoz · 1 year
I had a great time in Nice, France seeing Ghost at the Palais Nikaia! Here are some photos I captured from the show.
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quietbluejay · 4 months
Unremembered Empire 1
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Ghost time
timeline datum: nearly 2 years since Calth
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hey I'm proud that's an actual rational thing to do here
rational character actually acting in a rational manner when encountering the supernatural
lol he's repealed the edict of nikaia
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that's a take on Hamlet, I guess
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okay WHAT i thought the Emperor explicitly told them nothing about the mere existence of Chaos
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there is a LOT to unpack about Rob here
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where do i even start
guilliman is extremely stabbable. Probably why people keep stabbing him!
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with the implication that, he thinks his brothers have been found wanting
also i know everyone talks about this guy as best marriage material out of the primarchs but this man should NOT become a father without some serious character development
okay you know what i am going to seriously evaluate every primarch and see who has the least/most red flags
[the list has been redacted on account of me already getting clowned on on discord but maybe I will post it at some point. I stand by 40K Lion being the best option and Perturabo being the worst of the guys with all their brains]
moving along!
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yeah this is really Guilliman's way of coping, huh
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THE EMPEROR DIDNT HAVE A FALL BACK PLAN idk can we call guilliman's relationship with the emperor "guilliman gaslights himself into thinking the emperor is much better than he actually is"
AND YOU ALSO DID NOT FUTURE PROOF ANYTHING EITHERRRRRRRRR note from future bluejay: and that really is one of his biggest problems isn't it
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this is kind of cute though he calls her "mam"
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no one expects the Iron Warrior Inquisition!
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oh it's a specific dude I've heard of this guy also warhammer chronic illness character strikes again!
so he's calling them from another planet
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that's a very exact number
and more than 2 years
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a traitor named Barabas huh also, Iron Warrior with a spine
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I do feel as if Dantioch is looking forwards to it, despite nominally being on the same side as the Fists
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squints nine months and now it's born maybe i've just spent too much time in transformers this better not become a Thing Abnett I really do not want to have two nickels here for mpreg I swear if Guilliman knocks up a planet I'm going to throw hands (okay I'll be honest I am joking around here, of all the things I didn't like about MTMTE the pregnancy stuff did not bother me nearly as much as most of the other things it's just kind of a funny background detail. Except the Overlord birth scene that was absolutely cursed)
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so his adoptive dad wanted to Make Ultramar Great Again
and guilliman did lol so it's just a cycle of reconquering the five hundred worlds lmao (looks at dark imperium)
so the Pharos is a weird thing built by aliens and they couldn't figure out what it did
technobabble time
oh huh over to some Space Wolves
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so like what happened to their gellar fields
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you know if i had a nickel for every time i read a wh40k book where an iron hand was besties with someone from another legion i'd now have two nickels
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Abnett's writing has definitely become less clunky
ngl this guy (Kleve) seems like one of the most well-adjusted Iron Hands I've run across
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me reading Ahriman novels
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:) :) :)
Image limit hit once again! TBC...
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muzzlemouths · 2 years
I noticed you made a new DnD character.
If you tell me about your favorite character build I’ll tell you mine 😁
Oh man I love making builds I probably couldn't pick just one...
The build of my most recent character (Althos "Lucky Snout" Marfras) is a halfling dragonborn, and follows the Luckiest Man Alive trope because I just had to have a character that gets through life on charisma and coincidence alone.
His background/race/class all combine to give him just stupid amounts of luck. Which is great because he has -1 Strength and a tendency of running headfirst into danger.
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I haven't gotten a chance to use him in a campaign yet but I'm really really excited to.
If I had to pick a build that's already been used in a campaign, it'd be my favorite d&d character, Nikaia! A paladin Aasimar with a knack for healing and a patience without end (but which is constantly tested by their party members lol)
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Their art is done by the wonderful @71eh
Unfortunately they never ran over Lvl 2 because they're kiiiiinda a stick-in-the-mud and the party they were a part of leans more towards silly times and memery so they didn't really fit in. They're still my favorite though <3 I'll find another campaign to put them in one of these days.
ANYWAY. I love making d&d characters lol. What's YOUR favorite? :D
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One of my hatchery pairs fully outfitted! I just love a matching set ^_^
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babiskavvadias · 3 months
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Sokratis Malamas @ Katrakeio, Nikaia, 02/07/2024
The long shots
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brasideios · 1 year
WIP Game: A Story Set in Sparta and Eukleidas, please!
Happy to oblige 😊
Eukleidas, also subtitled The Wrestler, is little more than the first stirrings of a new story, a couple pages long atm.
It begins:
The thunder rolled across the sky, reverberating and amplified in the colonnade overlooking the palaestra. Eukleidas paused on his path towards the wooden archway which led out onto the Hyakinthian Way, almost bewitched by the sudden intensity of the downpour; his ears crowded with the muted hammering of rain against roof tiles, the air filled with the heady scent of rain hitting dry ground, parched after the long dry of summer. He was carrying a faded red chiton and he began to absently wipe away the copious sweat from his shoulders and face, reddened by the just-won bout of wrestling, and saw blood come away from his ear. He dabbed at it again, but as usual, it bled for only a moment. His ears had been damaged so many times, it was almost as though they’d given up trying to contain blood.
A Story Set in Sparta is an accumulation of scenes that I've felt compelled to write over the last few years about Brasidas' life before the beginning of the war, and is focused on him, his foster brother Adimantos, and his first wife, Nikaia. I don't know if it will ever be finished; I tinker with it now and then, and think about it a lot.
Anyway - this is how they meet:
Nikaia was so lost in thought that she wasn’t paying attention to what was going on around her; and the next thing she knew, she was sprawled in the dust with an older boy, a shooting pain in her head where it'd hit the ground, and both knees stinging, no doubt skinned on the stony road surface. She pushed him off, close to tears, but determined not to cry. As she scrambled back to her feet, she snapped, Look where you’re going!  He’d picked himself up, and turned to face her. You look where you’re going!  From the same direction, another boy appeared, taller and more angular in his features. He was holding a fabric bag, filled with what may have been bread, or perhaps vegetables of some kind. He saw her looking and tucked it behind his back. He hissed with great urgency, Brasidas! We have to go! Brasidas. She would remember that. Erata had hurried up. Are you alright, Nikaia?  Brasidas looked from the other boy, to her. He said with a suddenly disarming and entirely charming smile, I apologise for knocking you down, Nikaia.  Then he was gone, his bare feet flying as he and his friend ducked away; a moment later an older boy, perhaps a new hebonte, came around the corner while Erata was still examining the lump on her head. Did two boys run this way? He asked brusquely.  No, Nikaia said promptly. I think I saw them run down that alleyway. She pointed back the way he'd come, to a place where the road led into one of the side streets of Pitana. Thank you, he said, nodding, and turning back.  When he was gone, Erata stood and looked at her strangely. Why did you lie? Nikaia shrugged guiltily. He didn’t mean to knock me down… she paused a moment before adding, and I feel sorry for the boys. They always look so hungry. They turned back towards home, Nikaia walking carefully, wincing at each step. Erata didn't say so, but she thought that this was the first time she had seen her young charge act selflessly, truly kindly. She knew no Spartan should think that way - the boys were meant to suffer, it was what made them warriors; but to her, it had always looked like cruelty - cruelty that had destroyed her life.
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agartcreator · 2 years
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Video info:
🗓️ Nov 2022
📍 Nikaia, Athens, Greece 🇬🇷
🖌️ Created by @agartcreator 🎨 & @agartcreators 📸
for 👉🏻 🛍 @lifequalityshop 🦋
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