#niki: asks answered
celestialshearts · 4 months
@lonehearts sent: "you've always had an effect on me." ezra to niki / from pre-established relationship prompts
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"um...a positive effect, i'm assuming?" really, niki was lying to himself at this point. even for ezra, the flirting felt...different. but niki was going to keep pretending and that's that. "i mean, i've always been told i'm a positive influence, so if i've helped you out, then good!" niki's voice pitched just a little higher as he replies, trying to avoid ezra's...rather intense gaze. oh great, even his cheeks felt warm. wonderful.
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neptunesailing · 5 months
happy birthday! hope you had a good day. if your requests are open... i've been thinking about your hades game niki art recently, so could i ask for a matching rinne doodle...?
(cw blood)
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o goddess of victory, lend me your boons (let me find a way to repay you)
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scuderia-hamilton · 3 months
top 5 ferrari drivers?
sorry for answering a bit late :)) also i'm gonna be so basic here ngl, but i’m just a girl, so bear with me.
Lewis Hamilton (i know that he’s technically not a Ferrari driver YET, but he will be and i just simply have to rank him first. this is a Lewis above everyone else household)
Charles Leclerc (it’s not a real Ferrari driver ranking without Il Predestinato and i kinda got into F1 because of Charles, so he has a very special place in my heart <3)
Sebastian Vettel (Seb was the first driver i’ve ever heard of, cause my dad used to watch F1 when i was little and he was a diehard Seb fan. little 10 year old me had a huge crush on him and i always watched his podiums)
Kimi Räikkönen (i think Kimi was and still is one of the coolest F1 driver ever. everything he ever did was simply iconic, not up for a debate. like him being the last Ferrari World Champion)
Michael Schumacher (i don't think i have to explain this one, truly one of the best to ever do it)
+honourable mention: Niki Lauda was truly such an idol and he left a huge mark on this sport, we need more people like him.
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inkstaindusk · 1 year
*knock knock* es laying on the floor
Kohaku nearly trips when he enters the practice room and stumbles over Rinne’s prone body on the floor. He stares down at him for a second, stunned, before looking back up. Himeru is here, casual as can be, but Niki is nowhere to be seen. He looks back down at Rinne, who didn’t even twitch at his arrival, though he seems to be awake, if breathing shallowly.
“Rinne-han?” Kohaku says, lightly nudging him with his toe. No response. He glances at Himeru. “What’s up with him?”
Himeru looks up from his phone with an amused smile. “Shiina kissed him,” he says airily. “Then Amagi broke. He’s been like this for the past ten minutes.”
“Seriously?” That’s pathetic. “Where’s Niki-han then?”
“He went to get food, since our practice has been delayed. He said he’ll get up soon though.”
Kohaku nudges Rinne with his toes again, a bit rougher. “Hey, get up. We can’t practice without our center, idiot.” Rinne still doesn’t move. “Are you kidding me? It was just a kiss.” Rinne mumbles something into the floor. “What?”
He lifts his head, squinting up at him, and repeats weakly, “Kissing should be reserved for marriage.”
Kohaku stares at him. In the corner of his eye, he sees Himeru’s shoulders start shaking. “You’re kidding me.” Rinne plops his head back down with a groan. “Oh my god.”
Rinne and Niki are together. Everyone knows they are together. They share an apartment that they use more than the dorms, Rinne declares his love for Niki on a daily basis, and the only reason they’re not actually married is because, as Niki always says, it’s currently illegal for two men to get married in Japan.
“Have you never kissed Niki-han before?” Kohaku asks, genuinely confused.
The door opens and Niki walks in, arms full of bags. “He has,” Niki speaks through the bread in his mouth. He sets down the bags and takes out the bread. “He gets like this every time,” he explains with a put-upon sigh, then kneels down to poke at Rinne's shoulder. “Oiii, Rinne. If we’re not going to practice anymore, I’m just gonna head back alone.”
Kohaku hates them, but especially Rinne. He really does. “Not even Hiiro was like this the first time Aira kissed him,” he mutters as he drags his feet closer to where Himeru is.
Rinne jerks his head up. “Aira-chan did what?”
Ah, shit.
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nonbinary-niki-bog · 4 days
Go to sleep!!
\ @shopping-for-a-casino-owner mod
it's not time to go to sleep yet >:T.
and it's not like you know what time zone i am at :/. and if you do, it's not even that late anyways :/.
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sona-verse01 · 4 months
Relationship with Enhypen
bf!enha x reader
Request: @alaezasmystery235
Main event (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Today's turn
Requests are OPEN.
Check out my Main M.list here
Enhypen Games
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Who is ur bias?
Do you like the moodboard?
*Moodboard is made by me, but images used in it are from Pinterest. *Don't copy/steal my work. *Tell me if you find something wrong or offensive. *For entertainment purpose only.
© @sona-verse01 2024 - All Rights Reserved
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 11 months
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I hope they win I think we can pull through eventually, as for the doodle request can I get a Techno and Niki?
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ngl, I think my brain forgot what "doodle" means, but I finally finished this!
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wejustvibing · 1 year
"lewis is lewis"
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caffeiiine · 1 month
i'm bored, Soda T^T.
i didn't even get the time to draw today T^T.
draw! draw! draw! always time for drawing! draw before beddybyes!
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chuuyrr · 2 days
just another reminder to always be kind and respectful because even if you're out here on this site, you're no exception.
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mcyt-as-birds · 5 months
Hey!! I hope I'm not bothering you but I just found your blog (love your blog it's amazing) and, as a fellow mcyt enjoyer & bird enthusiast, I just have to ask you what birds you would assign to Niki, Quackity, Ranboo & Jimmysolidarity, based on their character/personality/looks? I'm just asking because I'm making a mcyt harpy AU and you seem like someone knowledgeable in birds and generally like a cool person so I hope I'm not intruding on your time!
So far I think Niki could be a flamingo (despite looking pretty they're pretty tough lol but I'm having second thoughts on that), Ranboo could be a long bird w long legs (maybe some kind of stork or stilt i dunno), with Quackity I'm torn between a Loggerhead Shrike and a Goldeneye Barrow's duck (or any duck bcs well, it's in his name lol. I actually can't decide if I should go for his dsmp character or general mcyt persona) and Jimmy I have no frickign idea (maybe a canary??? I've been thinking about this for days and I have no clue lmao).
Anyways hope you have a good day/night and once again love your blog :]
AAAAAAA so sorry I didn’t see this ask until now!!!! I’ve been absolutely going through it lately since moving but it’s getting better and I’ve successfully seen and photographed a bunch of new lifer birds so like win!!
So, absolutely depends on which SMP for these characters but if we’re going DSMP for niki, ranboo, and Quackity then these are my assignments;
Niki: my first instinct for niki is American kestrel (Falco sparverius), but she also fits one of the jaeger sp pretty well. Personally I’d go with Parasitic Jaeger (Stercorarius parasiticus) also known as the arctic skua. They’re incredibly skilled aerialists that are called “parasitic” because they pursue other seabirds until they give up their catch and leave it for the jaeger. Girlboss of them. Jaeger is also a German originating word meaning “hunter” so it’s double cool! They look like this! They remind me of marble a lot.
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Quackity: I’ve given him two assignments before, but both were for QSMP!Quackity which is very different vibes to DSMP!Quackity but I think they’re generalized enough to still work. The first one, for a General Vibes quackity is the ferruginous duck because duh, duck, but also They Have Secrets. And Know All Of Yours. Just look at those eyes! (Only males have the bright yellow eyes btw.) Barrow’s goldeneye IS a good choice as well so if you wanted to I’d say go for it! I also think ruddy duck (Oxyura jamaicensis) is a great choice personality wise because they are Mean Little Bastards to each other and others rip.
Here’s a male ferruginous duck! Oh god what does he know
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I am, however, a HUGE fan of hummingbird!Quackity particularly for the small size->bigger aggression of some species. It’s so unexpected! There’s also large parallels with how they have to constantly be on the move and eating insects and drinking nectar, with some species needing to consume up to three times their bodyweight each day just to survive! It reminds me a lot of how DSMP!Quackity is always trying to do Bigger and More Things and just never stops, ever, ultimately to his own detriment when he can no longer keep up. Again rip.
Anyways the species I assigned him before based on coloration of the art is the violet sabrewing (Campylopterus hemileucurus) which is one of the larger but less aggressive emeralds. HOWEVER they do end up completely intimidating other species away from feeding flowers just from their size and General Vibes. They’re also cool as fuck so I won’t be changing that. But if you wanted something more aggressive then I’d go with ruby-throated hummingbird.
Here’s what a violet sabrewing looks like!
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Ranboo: This is a bit of a tricky one, because it would be extremely easy to go “black and white bird boom done” and I don’t think that’s like bad but there is More To Him. Past assignments I have given him include swallow-tailed kite (Elanoides forficatus) for a miss beloved design, purple-crowned fairywren (Malurus coronatus) for a general streamersona/r800 ranbrand, and violet-backed starling (Cinnyricinclus leucogaster) for r800.
But if we are going purely DSMP!Ranboo, I have two different ideas.
Personality: killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)
Design: secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius)
Personality wise, the killdeer fits mainly because of its well-known predator responses “broken-wing display/injury feigning” and “ungulate display.” The former is where the adult killdeer will pretend to be injured (and thus, an easier target) in order to lead predators away from their nest and chicks. Then, they’ll lose or frustrate the predator until they give up and it’s safe to return to the nest. The other predator response is what I affectionately call the “fuck it, we ball” response, where the bird lowers its head, raises its wings, and charges at the predator. It is frequently fatal. I don’t think I have to explain why it’s so Ranboo coded but if you need evidence look up anyone threatening Michael lmao. Also you probably didn’t want to hear that much about them but listen I love them so much they are so cool and baby.
They look like this when doing the broken wing display! They also just kind of have the panicked deer in headlights look that I feel like he embodies.
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The second option, the secretarybird or secretary bird, is even funnier looking but fits the aesthetic so well and honestly some of his strange and unsettling vibes. The secretarybird (Sagittarius serpentarius) is the largest bird of prey by height and length. They are almost entirely terrestrial and hunt their prey by—get this—stomping it to death. I’m not kidding. They have been described as “what you get when you mix an eagle, a stork, and a bad hair day” because of the stupid little feathers on the back of their head. They kinda look lights on but nobody’s home sometimes. Drumroll please for this absolute fucking creature (affectionate)
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Yeah, I wasn’t exaggerating. Why do they look like that.
Jimmy: is an extremely difficult one, tbh. Everyone assigns him canary which, like, fair—but honestly it does not fit his personality or his design, and only really works for life series!Jimmy. And they don’t even give him a specific species! (Although ppl usually mean domestic canary without saying it.) No hate to people who do this and the canary in the coal mine symbolism is cool I just have Opinions and Propaganda and I’ve been Enabled.
I have assigned him one bird before, the eastern rosella (Platycercus eximius) and I kinda stand by it for the content creator, but it doesn’t fit his general minecraft sona.
To figure this out, we must go even deeper. Into the deep dark, mind the wardens. You probably didn’t want this but Too Bad you’ve activated my trap card and now you have to suffer.
Jimmy is a peculiar character because he is very dear to everyone, but also the butt of every joke—and he likes it that way! He’s a key player in many important events in storylines, but also the most often discarded. His luck is terrible, yes, but it can be argued that he brings about misfortune for others more than he himself experiences it. This is across hermitcraft, the life series, and empires.
So I propose this to you and the general fandom:
Jimmy is a snowy albatross.
The snowy albatross (Diomedea exulans) previously described as the wandering albatross along with the Amsterdam, Tristan, and Antipodean albatross sp, is a bird that is heavily steeped in superstition. While generally considered a bird that would bring sailors good luck, to harm or kill an albatross was to bring about the sea’s wrath upon the entire crew. In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the Mariner kills an albatross that is being cared for by the crew. The crew became very angry with him, believing that he had called upon bad luck, and forced him to wear the albatross around his neck. This is where the metaphor “an albatross around his neck” comes from, symbolizing an unwanted burden causing anxiety and distress. At the end of the story, the mariner learns to care for all the sea creatures and his releases from his curse, but is forced to walk the earth for eternity and tell his tale. This is where the albatross has also become a symbol of past sins, regret, and atonement.
Jimmy personifies these qualities so much, along with hidden power, vulnerability, and unconditional love SO MUCH I need the fandom to see my vision so bad. Albatross Jimmy propaganda!!!!
They look like this
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And the chicks are so cute it’s not even funny.
I could go on and on about how Jimmy is so albatross coded it’s not even funny and facts about them AND I WILL LETS GO albatrosses have specialized wing anatomy that allows them to lock their shoulder in place and fly hundreds of miles without flapping their wings even once! They also follow ships and will eat anything and everything presented to them, including garbage, and will gorge themselves on food until they are so bloated they can only float on the water. They can live for over 50 YEARS, the oldest known lasyan albatross (and bird in general!) is a female named Wisdom who is 70 years old and still kicking! They are often considered silly or ugly birds by people unfamiliar with them but are very beloved by those within the birding and research communities and snowy albatrosses are one of the most researched bird species in the world! They are fiercely loyal, highly protective, and also absolute little goofballs. Like Jimmy. They are also social birds, with a huge range of vocalizations and displays LIKE JIMMY they are kind of bad at survival (but mostly human threats) and need a lot of help LIKE JIMMY (please protect your local albatrosses) and they are very loud LIKE JI—[*I am forcibly yanked off the stage by a shepherd’s hook in cartoonish fashion*]
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celestialshearts · 1 year
❝ i brought some seeds for your garden. i thought about bringing a bouquet but— this way you can grow them and enjoy them longer. ❞ (for niki ... >:3)
conversational sentence starters // not accepting !!
niki stares at the seed packets rowan handed to them, they'd never received seeds as a gift before! the seeds were all different kinds of flowers, all brightly coloured and beautiful...niki was so touched.
"this is so thoughtful of you...thank you." they beam at rowan, stretching up to kiss his cheek. they could feel their cheeks heating up, they must be so red right now.
"you know...this just means when they're fully grown, i'm going to have to give you back the actual flowers. it's only fair."
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
About Ferrari being the anti hero, did we ever get Niki Lauda’s reaction to them messing up? Or was it not as out in the open in the Prost and later Alonso days? Would be interesting to hear him comment on what happened to his team.
At this point Ferrari* is Haas with money.
*the strategy team, not the excellent drivers
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Rough translation: "What is Mercedes supposed to do when Ferrari basically throws spaghetti on the road and can't put their car on the track properly, is the tone thats the Mercedes board chairman takes about Mercedes dominance." (anyone w better German pls chime in)
However, he did praise Seb especially - 2017; 2016 ; 2015; 2014;
and my favourite in 2018:
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inkstaindusk · 6 months
i got too excited about your short mention of a potential rinniki snippet with 51 so if you don't mind writing for additional prompts, could i request 51 with rinne and niki? (also, very intrigued by the rinne and aira snippet you wrote for 4! i'm so curious about it)
Yeah no problem, I just thought the dialogue would fit them lol And thank you, I had fun writing the Rinne and Aira prompt! I think they should be forced to interact more 51. “If we die, I’m going to spend the rest of our afterlife reminding you that this was all your fault.” “That’s cool, I wouldn’t mind having company while being a ghost.” send me prompts!
Niki always knew that someday someone would send people to get rid of Rinne once and for all. He just hadn’t expected to be there when it happened. Or that Rinne would stick them in a closet while hiding from the angry—gangsters? He’s not really sure. He didn’t get a good look before he was grabbed and forced to run.
The closet isn’t very comfortable. It’s narrow as is, made tighter by the shelf shoving itself into Niki’s back. Then there’s Rinne, who’s doing an impressive job of not touching Niki too closely in an impressive show of self-control. Despite that, he’s still very close. Niki is used to being close to Rinne, but not when forced by a compact room and people out to kill them.
“I can’t believe you made me an accomplice,” Niki huffs, squirming to get just a little more comfortable. It doesn’t work. This may be as good as it’s going to get. “I should just open this door and let them get you. Maybe they’ll let me off easy.”
“You’d do that to your own fiancé?” Rinne gasps. This is usually the part where he’d put his hand over his heart, but the hand is already technically there, arm smushed in between their chests.
“Since when were we engaged?!”
“Well, you never said no.”
“I never said yes either!”
A few shouts sound from outside, muffled enough to know they’re distant but still too close for comfort.
“Who even are these guys?” he asks, squinting at the door. There’s a light overhead, but for the sake of being inconspicuous, it’s switched off—not that there’s anything to see in here other than each other and various cleaning supplies. It takes him a second to realize the door locks from the inside and he’s relieved that Rinne seemed to have taken care of that already. He won’t tell him that though. No need to give him any real credit for a situation he put them in.
Rinne tilts his head in thought. “You know, I’m not really sure?”
Niki should have left him on that street all those years ago.
The shouts get louder and they both freeze. They don’t stop getting louder, becoming gradually clearer until it’s obvious that they’re basically right outside. Someone begins swearing. Niki holds his breath as he hears loud thumps and bangs, all way too close to the door, and then the doorknob begins to jiggle.
Niki hopelessly tries to think of how to get out of this alive, but it’s no use. He’s stuck.
“If we die,” he hisses as the shaking gets more aggressive, “I’m going to spend the rest of our afterlife reminding you that this is all your fault.”
“That’s cool, I wouldn’t mind having company while being a ghost,” Rinne responds automatically. His other arm—the one not stuck between them—has already slipped around to Niki’s waist, ready to pull him if needed.
The door opens.
Niki squints as the light enters the closet and blinks until his eyes adjust. Instead of a group of people ready to kill them, Kohaku stands on the other side, staring at them with an unimpressed scowl.
“What the hell are you two doing?”
(Note: When Rinne and Niki look past Kohaku’s shoulder, they see a bunch of unconscious bodies. Also, Kohaku totally picked that lock.)
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nonbinary-niki-bog · 18 days
Tiny wave
*tiny waves back*
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sona-verse01 · 1 year
❁ Enhypen ❁
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ You make them blush ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇
Pairing: idol!bf x gn!reader
My bias: Jay
Genre: lots of fluff!
Warning: none!
Request: @revegene
English is not my 1st language.
Don't copy/translate/steal my work.
Images are not mine, downloaded from internet.
It is purely based on my imagination ONLY. It has nothing to do with Enhypen and their personalities.
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❁ Jungwon:
Holding his hand in public.
You went to park with Jungwon. You could see many couples holding hand, or kissing. You wanted to experience the same, but you knew Jungwon was shy to initiate skinship in public.
When you both reached a less crowded area, you held his pinky with your pinky. You could see his ears turning red, but he didn't say anything.
You thought he didn't like it, so you removed your pinky and looked other way. Jungwon understood what happened, then interwined his hand with yours. When you looked at his face, he was all red from blushing and being shy.
❁ Heeseung:
Cooking for him.
Heeseung always appreciated small gestures of love from you. He came to your house after 1 week. You decided to show him how much you missed him, by planning a candle light dinner for him.
You cooked his favorite dishes and got dressed as well. You wore tight fit dress and when he entered your house, he was too stunned and his face slowing turning red.
You noticed that as well and couldn't stop yourself from swooning over his red face. He made sure to tell you how much grateful he is to have you. At this moment, he wanted nothing more than sliding a ring in your finger.
❁ Jay:
Admiring him.
He was focusing on his work. You were reading your novel. You both were in comfortable silence. You usually got shy in eye contact with Jay, so you rarely got chance to admire his face.
While he was working, you took the chance and started admiring his face. His beautiful eyes, nose, cheeks, visible forhead, his lips (😘), and the way he used his tongue to glisten his lips.
You were too lost in admiring, that you didn't notice that Jay has caught you staring at him. He snapped in front of your face and you came out of your thoughts. Then you noticed the redness of blush he had on his face, looking handsome as ever.
❁ Jake:
Kiss (on cheek) in public.
You were out on grocery shopping with your bf Jake, who was following you like a lost puppy. You could feel stares on your back.
So, you faced backwards to see some guys staring at you. Jake also noticed that, he wanted to hold your hand, but couldn't (hands full of bags).
You felt Jake's discomfort, so you kissed him on his cheek. (Not to mention, it was first time you kissed him on cheek). He was literally on cloud 9 with blush evident on his face, ears and neck. You were also blushing, but couldn't stop yourself from cooing.
❁ Sunghoon:
Holding his face.
You decided to clean your bf's dorm wardrobe. Hoon was helping you as well. You both were too busy to notice how close your faces were. Hoon dropped something, and looked at him.
You both were lost in each other's eyes, when you heard jay coughing at the door. You both came to senses, and Hoon crouched to pick his belt.
When he got up, he didn't notice the self. His head hit the self directly and winced at the pain. You held his face and blew air on his forehead. He couldn't help but blush, seeing you caring so much for him.
❁ Sunoo:
Close proximity was very rare in your relationship with Sunoo. As you both were shy in this scenario. Whenever he gave you kiss (on cheek), you both would keep your eyes close.
You both were having dinner at a nice restaurant. Sunoo was eating pasta (I'm suddenly hungry). There was some sauce on his lips. You asked him to remove it, but he didn't clean it completely.
You searched for some tissues. You left your sit, and went to him. You held his face close to you, and removed the sauce. When he noticed the closeness, he started blushing like red sauce, even though he was eating white sauce pasta.
❁ Ni-Ki:
Cheering for him.
You went to enha's dance studio, to meet Ni-ki. Opening the door, you saw Jay and Sunghoon having a dance battle. You also started cheering for them, along with other members.
After them, next were Ni-ki and Jake. You started cheering loudly for him. Red blush on his ears was getting darker. His heart eyes for you, were visible to everyone.
He tried his best to calm his heart, and paid attention on their battle. After he won, immediately came to you and hugged you. He was happy for having a very supportive partner.
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2023 © @sona-verse01
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