#nikki robotnik
jokezm · 2 years
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A bunch of old sketches for a 4chan thread
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ministry-twilight · 9 months
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((A Battle of the Bands and a Battle of Eggmans.))
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bigfloomfa · 1 year
an overwhelmingly extensive write-up of my incarnation of mighty the armadillo
Never once have I been asked "hey nikki!!!! whats your mighty like!!" but also I don't care!!! I like to write and roleplay him!!! So here's a short rundown of my version of the best Sonic character in the franchise, because I should post something with proper substance on here for once.
General Info
Mighty the Armadillo is a protector at heart. He's the first one to offer help, defending those who can't protect themselves or tanking hits for his teammates. While he carries intense remorse over his inability to save his parents or his sister, he uses it as fuel to overcome doubt or help drive his protective nature. Mighty deeply cares for everybody who joins his team, and takes it upon himself to make sure they can handle themselves prior to any adventure.
Having all of his immense strength, Mighty has become somewhat of a pacifist. While he enjoys a good fight, he worries that were he to unleash all of his power and actually try, he would seriously injure or incapacitate whoever was on the receiving end, leaving him to often try words first. He's taken to training his sidekick, Ray, in hopes that one day he could get as strong as himself. The desire for a good fight with no bruisers tough enough to give him one has lead him to develop a small Saitama Complex.
As an amalgamation of Fleetway, IDW's Annual, Pre- and Post-SGW Archie, he takes the best of all worlds and folds things together neatly. With an extended family and a few alternate zones below the fold, there's quite a lot for this silly shell boy.
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A (relatively) Brief History
Born to a family of thieves, Mighty's upbringing was destined for some form of tragedy. While he would be soon accompanied by a younger sister, his family would be arrested and were set to be executed by the King of Mercia. He would strike a deal with the mysterious Mammoth Mogul, giving the armadillo unfathomable power in exchange for a nebulous 'favor' that would be forgotten due to the wizard's hypnosis.
Despite the newfound power, a lack of training and control would lead Mighty unable to save his parents from what looked to be their doom, leaving him to place his sister in foster care, exile himself, and wander the lands. Eventually captured by Robotnik, Mighty would be imprisoned alongside Ray the Flying Squirrel and Fiona Fox, and placed in special shackles to override his strength.
Once the blue blur had made his debut, him and Mighty would cause a riot that allowed themselves and Ray to escape via a power gem, though Fiona was captured and Ray was lost during zone-travel. Mighty and Sonic would part ways, but Mighty wasn't alone for long as he would soon come across Newtrogic High Zone. After realizing the island was in the process of being terraformed by Robotnik, he would steel himself and decide to take the mad doctor down!
Thankfully for him, there were another batch of people there ready to do the same! Knuckles, Espio, Charmy, Vector, Heavy & Bomb, all on the island for their own reasons, would join forces and use the Chaos Rings to free the island! Also, busting up Metal Sonic as a nice bonus. While the group would part ways after, they would all remain in contact. After a few more adventures involving the Dark Legion, Enerjak, and other fun activities, Mighty would come across Nic the Weasel.
Mighty and his new companion would meet Fiona once more, who was not pleased with not being saved back then, but would find and rescue Ray nonetheless. The squirrel had hardly aged since the initial zone-travel, leaving him much younger than Mighty and Fiona. After the reunion, he would adopt Ray as his younger brother and the two would begin to wander, just as Mighty had done before.
After a crisis against the Xorda, and then an attack on Angel Island to free Locke, then a massive battle against Mogul, Ixis Naugus, the Destructix and Arachne Clan, the whole Great Harmony thing, a mission with Charmy's old home, a brief scare with Snively's mech, Enerjak returning, launching a massive attack on Eggman's Empire, and then fighting the Iron Dominion and Dr. Finitevus... a lot happened, okay? I'm trying to be brief here and get to the fun part.
Mighty and Ray would return to wandering, as Espio had revealed the armadillo's sister was alive and working for Eggman! During their travels, the two would wind up coming across a calm sage named Moss the Sloth, where the three of them would get along swimmingly, and would begin to stay with the sloth while Mighty searched for traces of his sister.
His history ends with Moss, as everything afterwards is usually where the roleplaying or fanfiction comes in.
What makes him "Mighty"
With unrivaled strength and speed that used to keep up with Sonic himself, capped off by a shell that can take any punishment you could imagine, Mighty is a formidable lightning bruiser that can tear through tanks like a hot knife through butter. Heck, even without his shell he can take some heavier hits, it takes quite a lot to put him down. Thanks to training with Espio and generally sparring with the Chaotix, he is also a very skilled martial artist. Should he be enraged, his strength can soar even further off the charts.
In terms of proper techniques, he is capable of his trademarked Hammer Drop, the Homing Attack, the Spin Dash, and the Boost. Other moves include typical anime air-pressure punches and launching himself while curled in his shell like a railgun. While he may not have much in the way of range, he knows his way around a battle and can close a gap when he has to.
The Family
"Blockhead" Bill - Mighty's grandfather and a now-senile crime fighter of old, Bill is a stupid yet skilled fighter. With an ornate yellow shell on his back, he's pretty durable, but not as much as the rest of his family. While he used to have the super strength associated with Mighty's family, he's since lost it with age. He spends most of his day at home with his partner, Max.
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"Society" Max - Mighty's basically-second grandfather, and a more refined crime fighter of old. Max is Bill's partner, in more ways than one, and is a red dinosaur of average heights. When consuming a strange vegetable known as a Mandrake Root, he can grow to a proper dinosaur that is very capable in combat and can carry Bill. He spends most of his day at home with Bill.
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Hunter the Armadillo - Mighty's father, a former thief who's thought to be dead. Unbeknownst to Mighty and the rest of his family, he and his wife had escaped the clutches of the Mercian prison system, thanks to chaos caused by a Robotnik attack. With an orange shell and his family's typical super strength, he's a force to be reckoned with, and currently seems to be living in a town stationed in the Great Desert.
Hunter mostly takes bounties, and handily at that. He often wears a brown cloak and obscures his face, creating a persona known as 'The Hunter', hiding his true identity in plain sight. He's generally well-respected and a little feared by the rest of the residents of his town, but he's a well-meaning and caring guy who morally struggles with some bounties he has to take. Once he manages to save enough money, he's planning on moving his wife to a safer, nicer town and dealing with Robotnik himself.
Rose the Armadillo - Mighty's mother and Hunter's wife, Rose was able to escape the grasp of the Mercian prison system with her husband. She has a pink shell, but isn't nearly as strong as the rest of her family. She cares deeply for her children, and is deeply affected by their absence, believing she's failed as a mother and that the two of them have passed.
Overall a loving and peaceful woman, Rose is an excellent cook and spends her days tending to her house. A small part of her heart still holds out hope that her children managed to survive on their own, and that one day she'll be able to meet them again. She's loved by her town and often treats the nicer folk to food and hanging out, though her husband makes himself scarce when she does, in order to preserve his persona. The two of the make an okay living together, but fate may have other plans for the family...
Moss the Sloth - Moss is Mighty and Ray's current mentor, and has become somewhat of a father figure to the armadillo. Despite being a sloth, he's fairly fast, able to outpace Mighty when swinging through his jungle. He is extremely empathetic and capable of seeing what drives someone, or dark forces within someone. After his initial meeting with Mighty and Ray, he would offer the two housing within his humble abode, where the pair continues to live into current day.
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Ray the Flying Squirrel - His best friend and now-brother, Ray is the most important person in Mighty's life at the moment. A blonde flying squirrel, he's the Tails to Mighty's Sonic, with a bond just as strong. The two of them go just about anywhere together, traveling through Mobius when they can, and searching for information on Mighty's sister. Him and Mighty continue to train with each other and take lessons from Moss.
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Matilda the Armadillo - Mighty's younger sister (affectionately nicknamed 'Tilly'), who was long thought to be dead, is a green-shelled armadillo who is currently working under the Egg Boss; Beauregard Rabbot. Originally placed into an orphanage, then roboticized and de-roboticized, before finally being legionized, Matilda's stressful life has left her vacant emotionally and cold. While her natural strength isn't anywhere near Mighty's, her cybernetic arms allow her to get very close. Now that Mighty is aware of her, he spends a large majority of his time searching for information on her.
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Stout the Armadillo - Only existing in X Years Later timelines or the occasional Silver's Future timeline, Stout is Mighty's son. His mother is unknown at this time. He is a brown-shelled armadillo who wanders Mobius, acting as a traveling hero. He has taken inspiration from his father's friends, specifically Bark and Amy, wearing a scarf and knowing how to grapple, and using a Mighty-colored hammer called the Shell Smasher. He's not as powerful as his father, but with the Shell Smasher, he can come pretty close.
Counterparts & Alternate Zones
Much like the main cast of the games, there exists several alternate universes which house their own variations of Mighty, each of them different than the last in a way. There are even some counterparts that come from Mobius... Some of them include...
Metal Mighty - A robotic doppelganger created by Eggman after realizing how much trouble the solitary armadillo could prove, Metal Mighty is an equal to Mighty in every way, with only one flaw. The lack of emotions makes it so it cannot gain the same strength increase as Mighty when enraged. The two haven't met yet, as Metal Mighty has yet to be deployed.
The Boom Universe
Mighty - Within the confines of the lighthearted Boom continuity, Mighty is a treasure hunting powerhouse. He's very physically strong, much like Knuckles, though keeps his standard size and shape, leaving a comedic height difference despite the strength gap. Thanks to a custom-made set of Communicators, he can stay in contact with his Ray and Matilda at all times. They all contain their own Enerbeam functions, allowing the trio for easier exploration across ancient ruins.
Boom Mighty's life is marginally better than his prime counterpart's, as his Matilda is already with him and Ray as part of Team Traffic Light, and the lighthearted universe allows them to escape the tragic origins of the prime zone. His anime-esque rage boosts are more exaggerated, leaving most of the comic-relief villains in the zone afraid of him.
Sir Galehaut - An extremely powerful and skilled knight, who conquered many lands. Called the 'Uncrowned King', he could best even King Arthur. The skirmishes between his knights and the Knights of the Roundtable would last for months. While he could've potentially usurped King Arthur, the events of Black Knight happened before he had the chance, leaving him to long for the chance to duel Sonic one day. Unlike Arthur, Galehaut is actually quite beloved by his people, and considered a benevolent knight. He refuses the throne until he can defeat Arthur in direct combat.
Classic Mighty - In the parallel dimension of the Classic timeline, where the Time Eater had never appeared and the timeline never split, Mighty is a young armadillo boy who doesn't quite have a grasp on his strength. He often accidentally sends his friends flying through walls, but he's also able to take out some weaker boss mechs in single blows, which is nice. Able to scare Metal Sonic himself into using a hostage, Mighty's still a force to be reckoned with, and he's a bit less pacifistic than most of his other counterparts, coming with a shorter fuse to boot.
Malice, the Anti-Mighty - Within Moebius there lives a terrible, horrible scrapper who's taken to calling himself Malice. Whereas Mighty gives people affectionate nicknames, such as 'big guy', or 'lil dude', or what have you, Malice is often degrading and insulting, calling women 'sweetheart' and the like. He carries a fistful of powder to use as pocket sand in the rare case he's losing, and goes around Moebius picking as many fights as possible.
Malice, the menace he is, is an underhanded fighter. While the general 'power level' of Moebius' cast is higher than Mobius', Malice is still usually bored and able to beat down anybody he feels like. His unparalleled strength is still boosted by anger, and his temper is incredibly short. The Anti-Bark and him have a brutal rivalry, culminating in Malice's left arm being torn off during one of Malice's bounty hunting jobs, leaving him to force Miles to make him a cybernetic replacement.
Zighty the Zone Cop - Zighty is the top enforcer of the Zone Cops, able to quell entire riots with just a single blow. While he would be a valuable asset in taking on the terrible Dr. Nega, Zighty actively prefers keeping an eye on the prison, especially after Scourge's jailbreak. Overall, he's Mighty with a laser blaster, he's very deadly but has the discipline to restrain.
The Shatterverse
Molten Mighty - A one man army kept under heavy guard by the Chaos Council, who's usually powered down deep underground in a special facility. A cyborg Mighty who runs without a flicky, Molten Mighty is the most physically powerful thing in New Yoke City, acting as essentially their nuke. With all of Mighty's strength and cybernetic enhancements, he is a truly deadly foe. His Hammer Drop is capable of causing magma to erupt from the ground. Each member of the council has their own key, and he may only be unleashed with at least three of them.
Muscle - Mighty's counterpart for the Boscage Maze, Muscle is a powerful brawler who lives in the jungle. Muscle holds a deep respect for nature, and is allowed to stay in his own cave by Thorn Rose. He mostly goes about his day picking fruits for his family and Thorn.
Captain Might - Captain of the Royal's Bane, Might is a benevolent captain who shares all of his loot with his crew, consisting of a Ray and Matilda counterpart. While small, they are tightly-knit, and more than effective enough to make up for the number disadvantage. They pillage pirates they consider to be dangerous or evil, but leave others like the Angel's Voyage alone.
"Where was Mighty during ㅤㅤㅤㅤ-------?"
Sonic 1, CD, 2, 3 & Knuckles, Chaos, Triple Trouble, Spinball, etc.? - Wandering in his self-exile. While he had met Sonic, they were not a team yet. He would go on to meet the Chaotix after the events of Sonic 3 and Knuckles. After the events of Chaotix, he returns to wandering until otherwise stated.
Sonic the Fighters? - Between Chaotix and Fighters, Ray's rescue should take place. Mighty and Ray were actually invited to the Chaos Emerald tournament, but their invitations were stolen by Fang and Bean, starting a long-lasting grudge between Mighty & Ray and the Hooligans. Except Bark. Bark was already invited, we love Bark.
Sonic R? - He considered showing up to the Grand Prix, however him and Ray were busy trailing the Hooligans in order to teach them a lesson. After hearing about it later, he wishes he made it so he could've fought that Metal Knuckles guy. Perhaps the looming idea of Mighty showing up was what made Robotnik build Metal Mighty, though he was replaced by the Eggrobo in order to keep it secret after realizing Mighty wouldn't be making it?
Sonic Adventure? - Old habits die hard! During the start of the story, the two would be busy with the Hooligans. When Perfect Chaos' attack had happened, Mighty would hear about it from the news, and about how Super Sonic had saved the world. Mighty would consider meeting back up with his old friends, but decided against it for now.
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle? - Mighty and Ray were entirely unaware of the early plot, though would see the moon being blown up. They'd be unable to make a difference as by the time they could get anywhere close to Team Sonic, the story would've entirely gone to space. They'd intently listen to Sonic talk about it after the plot had finished and they met up again.
Sonic Battle, Advance 1, 2, 3? - Smaller scale plots, Mighty wouldn't be aware of them and would continue his wanderings with Ray.
Sonic Heroes? - While UNFORTUNATELY we didn't get the planned team of METAL SONIC and MIGHTY & RAY for Heroes' original release, perhaps the duo had stumbled across a certain scrapnik during the game's story, and merely never crossed paths with the main plot?
Shadow the Hedgehog? - Mighty spent most of the game's time trying not to get directly involved. Aside from a few scattered encounters with Black Arms, who were promptly blown away, and saving some villages or small cities, by the time Mighty decided to properly do something about it, Super Shadow and the Eclipse Cannon would destroy the Black Comet and kill Black Doom.
Sonic Rush, Rush Adventure? - Mighty would manage to hear about Blaze from Knuckles some time after the echidna was knocked out cold by the Sol Guardian. While this left Mighty with a vague distaste for the cat, and a vague urge to meet her at some point, he wouldn't be able to find her as the plot had long since wrapped up. Some time after Rush Adventure, he would be informed of Matilda's situation, and would be even less active than he already was.
Sonic Rivals, 2? - During these games, he should have found Moss and would thus be busy getting accustomed to his new home.
Sonic Riders, Zero Gravity, Free Riders? - While the idea of Extreme Gear really caught his eye, he would have found Moss by now and would be focused on his search for Matilda. For obvious reasons, he wouldn't want to distract himself from that. He has definitely marked Extreme Gear racing on his bucket list for once he does find Matilda, however.
Secret Rings, Black Knight? - he didnt read the books
Sonic '06? - The plot of 06 is quick, quiet, and involves a lot of time travel. Even if Mighty were to hear about it he wouldn't be able to even begin to find the main crew. Sonic's death would definitely be enough to fire him up, but that event caused the Last Episode and the subsequent retcon, leading Mighty no chance to intervene in the plot. He had minor deja vu that day though, he could've sworn he'd already read that archive...
Sonic Unleashed? - While this should fall under the Shattered World arc in the comics where Mighty scraps with the Werehog, if that's out of the question then he would be relaxing at Moss' place in the background, choosing to research Matilda rather than involve himself with the plot.
Sonic Colors? - Mighty and Ray... would actually take a trip to the theme park! They didn't believe Eggman's reasoning for a minute, obviously, but they still thought it could be fun. They got in early and had fun on a few attractions. Unfortunately the duo missed the plot, and had left by the time it was destroyed, though Mighty would be very annoyed at himself in the future due to not knowing about the wisps or trying to help them.
Sonic Generations? - As Eggman was using the Time Eater to erase his losses to Sonic, the encounter at Newtrogic High Zone with the Chaotix was untouched, leaving Mighty uninvolved in the main plot of the game. As for the birthday, he just showed up late, they celebrated with everyone after the credits. It's canon. Promise.
Sonic Lost World? - Home with Moss, this game's basically a filler arc anyway, who cares.
Sonic Forces? - The events of Forces are what finally get Mighty to take proper action. The Eggman Empire would waste a lot of fodder and even a few mass produced Death Egg Robots trying to squash out that small hut in the jungle, and briefly considered sending out Metal Mighty, but would decide to just leave it alone since Mighty wasn't directly attacking him and everything that was sent ended up as scrap. The trio of Mighty, Ray, and Moss would turtle down in their abode.
Once the Eggman Empire was defeated, Mighty and Ray would have managed to finally find Matilda's location, and they finally departed to find her in person. Now that all of Eggman's forces were unanimously weakened by the Resistance, he was more hopeful than ever.
Other Misc. Headcanons
Mighty and Ray carry two Chaos Rings. Mighty the blue one, and Ray the yellow one. Knuckles, Espio, Charmy, and Vector hold on to the other four. The Chaos Rings can also turn someone Super, because they're literally Chaos Emeralds formed around Power Rings.
Knuckles used Master Emerald Shenanigans to knock Sonic out of Super. Mighty can just do that with a full power attack.
Mighty is the strongest mobian! Big is not a mobian, he is Big.
Mighty would beat the hell out of Sonic. He's closer to Blaze, Shadow, Scourge or Silver in terms of power, rather than Sonic, Knuckles or Espio.
Mighty would enjoy TTRPGs, and any form of action video games. All the fun of a fight, with none of the maiming!
An angry Mighty is worth the same as a Chaos Boost Shadow or an ESP Silver. A Super Mighty is a force of nature.
Mighty could crush the Hooligans if he wanted to. His bitterness towards them is surface-level, and he genuinely enjoys sparring with Bark, he just wishes they would knock it off sometimes. If he was mad, he could just ping-pong off Fang and Bean, and rapid-fire homing attack Bark into next week.
Knuckles is as strong as Sonic is fast, but Mina is nowhere near as fast as Sonic, so why is Mighty so strong? Because his family was already really physically strong. He was already set to contend with Knuckles, and then he got the Mogul boost on top of that!
Voice claim is Joe Zieja, specifically as Claude from Three Houses.
Closing Thoughts
All art provided is credit to Fleetway Comics, Archie Comics, and SEGA.
Unfortunately there's no Secret Rings counterpart as I'm not familiar with arabic folklore, I didn't just forget about it or anything. If there are any questions or suggestions, my ask box is open and I am more than glad to respond and engage in Mighty discussion!
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sonicgirlsmackdown · 11 months
Sonic Girl Smackdown Round 2: Archie Edition! :D
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Schedule for when rounds will take place to be out soon!
Matchups under the cut c:
Left Side:
Relic the Pika vs. Chibi Rose
Fiona Fox vs. Dulcy the Dragon
Princess Undina vs. E.V.E.
Thunderbolt the Chinchilla vs. Ella (sonic x)
Anti-Sally/Princess Alicia vs. Frances (sonic x)
Bunnie Rabbot/Bunnie D'Coolette vs. Gae-Na
Cinder the Pheasant vs. Hershey St. John/Hershey the Cat
[Cinder/Hershey] vs. Gold the Tenrec
Coral the Betta vs. Ivanna Robotina
Hope Kintobor vs. Jani-Ca
Jian the Tiger vs. Julie-Su
Lara-Su vs. Lady Agnes Hopkins
Pearly the Manta-Ray vs. Leeta Wolf
Sally Acorn vs. Lien-Da
X-Robot (sonic x) vs. Lupe the Wolf
Abyss the Squid vs. Lyco Wolf
Belle D'Coolette vs. Mari-An
Bride of Constant Vigil vs. Matilda the Armadillo
Bride of the Conquering Storm (pre-SGW) vs. Megan Acorn
Bunker the Tortoise vs. Melody Prower
Right Side:
Breezie the Hedgehog vs. Nephthys the Vulture
Nicole the Holo-Lynx vs. Nikki the Lynx
Saffron Bee vs. Opal the Jellyfish
Mecha (M) Robotnik vs. Payback Fox
Bernadette (Bernie) Hedgehog vs. Sally Moon
Cassia the Pronghorn vs. Princess Amy
Clove the Pronghorn vs. Queen Alicia Acorn
Echo the Dolphin vs. Queen Angelica
The Iron Queen vs. Rosemary Prower
Lara-Le vs. Rosie the Woodchuck
Mina Mongoose vs. Sallactor
Rosy the Rascal vs. Sasha Cat
Wendy Naugus vs. Scarlette Rabbot
Abby the Koala vs. Shadow the Hedgehog
Alexis Acorn vs. Sonar the Fennec
Blade the Shark vs. Sonia Acorn
Bride of Rich Nights vs. Sonia the Hedgehog
Bride of the Endless Reach vs. Thorn the Lop
Buns Rabbot vs. Uma Arachnis
Carrotia vs. Zouge the Bat
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skaruresonic · 9 months
Here's a fun fact for you: the writer of this show, Warren Ellis, wiki broused to write it because he has never played the games and was never interested to do so, describing them as "games where you just make a bunch of pixels jump around"
This isn't even a secret, he repeatedly admitted it during interviews, also stating that the other team members were fans of the games and so would help him out which...yeah they seemed to be perfectly happy with his choices
This actually brought to a bunch of hilarious moments in hindsight:
for example there's an OC in the second season that he wanted to name Mathias because he had found the name on the wiki and liked it, but Konami presumably stepped in to tell him that he couldn't use it because that's Dracula's original human name in the games. This info is on his wiki page btw!
Imagine writing a Sonic adaptation and somehow missing that Robotnik is also Eggman's name when it's one of the first things his wiki page says
Also for your information Nocturne, the sequel show that's coming out at the end of this month, is going to have a native american vampire as one of its villains (he's technically a game character who wasn't native in the games and looked nothing like the guy in the trailers but creating OCs and giving them the names and backstories of canon characters is standard fare with the show)....and let's just say that, given the show's track record with the representation of racial minorities (especially two asian totally not twins in season 3) I'm not holding my breath for that one
the writer of this show, Warren Ellis, wiki broused to write it because he has never played the games and was never interested to do so, describing them as "games where you just make a bunch of pixels jump around"
God, fauxteurs piss me off. Go work in some other medium if you hate video games so much, yeah? When will we get creators who aren't crotchety boomers who thumb their noses at the medium? It's nearing 50 years old at this point, why are we still being subjected to Roger Ebert levels of "games aren't Real Art" cold takes? The other thing is that often what ends up happening is even though they're adapting well-known game franchises (which would imply they're well-known for a reason, but logic is seldom fauxteurs' strong suit), their Superior Vision(tm) rarely manages to match the source material's quality, let alone surpass it. Hence why all of their bluster gets really fucking annoying really fast. Their hubris is unearned, and yet they still have the nerve to thumb their nose at the source material, the reason they have work to begin with. Sit down, dude, you just made things worse with all of your fart-sniffing. And they never stop to consider that according to their own logic, it's almost like video games are still so poorly regarded by the mainstream that they know they wouldn't be able to get work in any other medium precisely because their work isn't up to snuff. It's like how David Cage keeps pumping out glorified QTEs as games because if he pitched his scripts as movies, he'd get laughed out of the room.
This isn't even a secret, he repeatedly admitted it during interviews, also stating that the other team members were fans of the games and so would help him out which...yeah they seemed to be perfectly happy with his choices Actually, I have certain fears that this will happen with Bloober Team and the SH2 remake, despite select members of 2's dev team working with them. I can so clearly picture Reddit in a few years going, "Team Silent approved of it, why are you complaining?"
Woodchipp and I have read excerpts from interviews that heavily imply Bloober Team is attempting to capture 2's vibes and relying on their, quote, "perfect memories" without actually playing it.
Creators will sometimes approve whatever just to make money or because they don't care. For example, Kikiyama, the creator of Yume Nikki, is an intensely private person, so private that some people believed they were dead for years. Kawakura Studios approached them with the idea for Dream Diary, a game that changes the fundamentals of the original's design and symbolism, and Kikiyama approved of it. So approval from creators doesn't inherently guarantee a quality product, or ensure that the new team knows what they're doing. Also, we all know how Sega approved Pontaff's scripts :)
for example there's an OC in the second season that he wanted to name Mathias because he had found the name on the wiki and liked it, but Konami presumably stepped in to tell him that he couldn't use it because that's Dracula's original human name in the games. This info is on his wiki page btw! ...That was literally the very first thing I learned when watching a Castlevania lore video. Am I now officially more knowledgeable than Ellis? ...that's sad lol. tfw you're such a peak writer that you can't even read the wiki. At least Pontaff READ Sonic and Eggman's Wikipedia pages. Jesus Christ the bar is in hell and fauxteurs keep finding ways to dig under it lol ---
Also for your information Nocturne, the sequel show that's coming out at the end of this month, is going to have a native american vampire as one of its villains (he's technically a game character who wasn't native in the games and looked nothing like the guy in the trailers but creating OCs and giving them the names and backstories of canon characters is standard fare with the show)
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cool nicole sonicthehedgehog facts because you commented on her name:
ok so there's three versions of her in different continuities (2.5? it depends on how you count the two archie comics versions but that's its own whole thing. there was an in-universe continuity reboot basically), and in all three of them she's introduced as princess sally acorn's handheld computer AI, but
in the sonic cartoon she wasn't supposed to originally have been an ai at all; the show got cancelled before they could go into her backstory, but she was friends with sally as a kid before getting her mind uploaded by eggman robotnik, and subsequently wiped her own memories to prevent herself from turning evil and taking over the world
in the pre-reboot archie sonic comics (which were partially based on the cartoon, at least early on, and so carried over the main characters), she was programmed by an alternate-future version of rotor walrus and sent back in time to the series's present (there's a whole confusing stable-time-loop thing). there doesn't seem to be a particular explanation for her name; it seems to be stylized as an acronym a lot, although as she catches more sentience it starts to be treated more as "yeah that's just her name"
and in the post-reboot archie comics, sally named her after a past queen of the kingdom of acorn, but also: she was the result of a scientist's failed attempt to save his dying daughter nikki by digitizing her consciousness. she eventually gained sentience anyway though
also in the archie comics she and sally are in lesbians. not outright textually, but the pre-reboot story that introduces her holo-lynx form is extremely yuri, and during ian flynn's run he started writing in the romantic relationship as intentional subtext
wow this was a long ask. anyway. i like her a lot
*GASP* INFORMATION! Thank you!!!!
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the-hadal-zon3 · 2 years
So... Nikki Verse is actually going to be a blend of Sonic Boom and the mainverse games. How? Eggman is Robotnik’s son trying to follow in his dad’s footsteps... but is bad at it.
And... Robotnik had backup plans in case he ever died... which he did via an invention exploding in his face.
I’ve got ideas for a very different version of 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog... including some creatures that weren’t in the games for Shadow to take out during Black Doom’s invasion.
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tklpilled · 2 years
good morning!
gonger poggers did not release my greatness to the world in order to save my dignity (i mixed up someone's backstory) BUT NEVERTHELESS
doof and robotnik work bc they're both evil scientists, except doof is more goofy and robotnik has more genuine evil.
the serious bond they have (i think???) is like 'the world doesn't understand you or me, but i understand you' but because they are absolutely bonkers they have no angst whatsoever
so its always like 'bye babe, im off to go blow up innocents :]]]' 'you're so funny nikky, have a nice day 🥰' with perry casually watching in the vents like 🧍🏾
speaking of perry, i despise generic tumblr sexymen (white, thin, and god forbid BLONDE), and i have a great taste in men (all men) so i am extremely qualified for the duty of making a satisfying human!perry
taking into account that perry's alternate persona around his kids is absent-minded and dumb, he now exclusively wears orange and blue hawaiian shirts with cargo shorts and flipflops. he's also fat and hairy and trans bc again, i have good taste <3
we already know doof's and perry's dynamic so i'll simply elaborate on perry's and robotniks
they both know the other is dating doof, although robotnik's is more of a 'very, very good friends with benefits (the benefits are death lasers and kissies)' and perry's is more 'long distance(ish) but very dedicated'
they don't,,,, despise each other, they actually quite respect each other and are loyal as hell, but they wouldn't call themselves friends??????? bc it's funnier to say 'my boyfriend's boyfriend who i keep beating in chess'
just imagine them cuddling with doof at night and glaring at each other over the top of his head, but then doof goes 'snork mimimi' and they melt slightly and make each other swear, stone faced, to protect it
also robotnik is also trans but he blasted his tits off with a laser, which doof finds very admirable while perry just shakes his head.
i’m not sure how i’m supposed to react to this. i admire the effort you put into it
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circus-k · 2 years
i keep making more and more aus it's becoming a problem
i think i might've stolen this one????? i dunno
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dailyshadowdoodles · 3 years
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Day 11
Yume Shadow
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starlitskvaderart · 3 years
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Art Fight attack on @jammerlee - her Ada and my Jenny!
(I’m StarlitSkvader on Art Fight - Team Steampunk!)
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beast-feast · 4 years
Bakugou Katsuki, Smile, Sonic, Shadow, Robotnik, Hawker
Man what an array
Push off a cliff: Hawker, nuff said about nasty ass WAIT FUCK HE CAN FLY
Kiss: Shadow bc edgy boys gotta stick together and be gay in the back of the hot topic
Marry: 😳
Set on Fire: sadly Sonic bc ↓
Wrap a blanket around: Bakugo, contain the anger in a blankie and he'll maybe calm down he doesn't deserve the blanket and Sonic doesn't deserve to be torched but hey
Sonic isn't angy boy
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beevean · 3 years
I apologize if i already asked this, but thoughts on all the sonic cartoons and anime?
I don't remember either lol
AoSTH: never watched it. I think I watched only the first episode ages ago? Anyway, it looks like Discount Looney Tunes to me so I never bothered. To be fair, there wasn't much material to work with back then so a wacky cartoon was more than okay. And Eggman was genuinely funny! And of course this iconic scene <3
SatAM: never watched it. Again, considering there was very little to work with back then, I find the concept interesting: it's a serious evolution of something that in the games is merely a background item, the fact that Eggman "turns animals into robots" - in the games he uses them as batteries, but in the cartoon they're straight up converted into machines. And Robotropolis at the end of the day is similar to the Bad Futures in CD! Can't really speak for anything else, though, I only know that Robotnik here has barely anything in common with the canon one.
OVA: watched it. The only thing that has aged poorly is that Eggman's plan hinges on having children with Sara - I don't want to hear anything about Sonelise's creepiness when this happened 😬 everything else is still fun, and while the setting is a little odd (who had the idea of the Land of the Sky and Land of Darkness?), this was for years the most faithful adaptation of Sonic in spirit. Also this is, by far, the best Metal in the series - you can't tell me you didn't get the feels at the end.
Underground: never watched it. And I don't think I ever will.
Sonic X: watched it, except for Season 3. I'm a bit torn on it. I was, of course, super hyped when I discovered a cartoon about my new favorite series was airing, back in 2004, but something about it felt disappointing and I didn't have the words to express what. Now I do: the first season was rather formulaic and focused more on Chris' adventures with Tails an Amy than actually Sonic (and yeah, I didn't like Chris, but not because I felt he was a bad character, I simply didn't wany any human stealing the spotlight lol). I remember being confused and irritated at the fact that Sonic needed a Ring to Spin Dash, and being even more confused when I learned that the idea came form SatAM (me? being a canon stickler since my childhood? who would have thought). The second season was a little more intriguing because it adapted the Adventure duology + Battle, but it also had a clear budget drop and, well, Chris stealing scenes. I think the main fault of X is that its interpretation of the characters bled over the main series, especially Eggman, Amy and Knuckles. And of course I personally had to deal with the shitty Italian dub of the shitty English dub ("l'arca della colonia spaziale") 😬 that being said, it has its moments, it's entertaining, and the episode with Sonic and Helen is '06 done right
Sonic Boom: watched it. If you forget that it's supposed to be Sonic, it becomes one of the funniest cartoons I've watched recently. The writing took a handful of episodes to evolve, but when it did, it didn't stop. The fact that Boom was supposed to be an AU made me warm up to how different Knuckles and Eggman were from their canon counterparts, and they became my top faves lol. The second season was even better (the Roger gag is iconic), and we discovered that Cindy Robinson is also a good writer! Speaking of which, I'm grateful that this cartoon showed that the 2010 cast is actually good if there's a proper voice direction, especially Roger himself that gives his best here.
I really can't say anything for the manga because I know almost nothing about them lol. I know a little about that manga where Sonic was Nikki's superhero alterego, and he was Amy Emi's boyfriend, and Charmy was there, but that's about it.
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maggyoutthere · 3 years
Have my hyperfixation list. I want to start doodling other stuff besides STH stuff soooooooo here goes all the stuff I like XD
In no particular order~
Lemon Demon/Monster (Friday Night Funkin)
Metal Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Amy Rose (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Candlejack (Freakazoid)
Seccom Masada (Yume Nikki)
Professor Membrane (Invader Zim)
Pilot!Dib (Invader Zim)
Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax 2008)
Gonta (Danganronpa)
Twogami (Danganronpa)
Kiibo (Danganronpa)
The Bensons (Toy Story 4)
Broadway!Plancton (SpongeBob SquarePants Musical)
Dark Danny (Danny Phantom)
Dracula Tepes (Castlevania)
Aku (Samurai Jack)
Spinel (Steven Universe)
White Diamond (Steven Universe)
Diamond!Steven (Steven Universe)
Movie!Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog 2020)
JFK (Clone High)
Akira (Devilman Crybaby)
Sealed Vessel (Hollow Knight)
Pyramid Head (Silent Hill)
James Sunderland (Silent Hill)
Michael Myers (Halloween)
Doomguy (Doom)
Eddie/Venom (Venom 2020)
Eclipsa (Star VS The Forces of Evil)
Globgor (Star VS The Forces of Evil)
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
 So, the end of the year is practically upon us, and I wanna ask the question I ask pretty much every year: what are your favorite videogame tracks from this year?
You know me, I’m a big advocate for video game music being just as valid as any other type of music, and most if not all of you I know here also think the same way. So, why don’t we cut to the chase? Let yourself loose and talk about those tracks that made you vibe a lot this year. I’ll leave mine after the break.
Starry Night Act 1 - Sonic Megamix Mania [SHC 2020 Demo]
What can I say? I’m completely in love with this track. You take what’s probably my all-time favorite Sonic track and remix it with a pretty clear Future Funk vibe (fun fact: I used to listen to a lot of FF back in 2015-2018), and what you get is a latin-dr-robotnik in love so hard it feels like my first middle school crush all over again. Megamix Mania is fucking amazing, and this track is just in another level.
City Outskirts Act 1 - Sonic Megamix Mania [SHC 2020 Demo]
Okay, this is another remix from the OG Megamix 5.0, but what I said the first time I heard it still stands: this mod is trying to out-mania Mania, and it’s succeeding at that. Listen to that funky beat, that loud bass... it’s nuts.
vs. 1010 (EDM Version) - No Straight Roads
You might know I’ve been following Funk Fiction since the Sonic Before the Sequel days (2011/12), and I simply cannot get enough of his style. He did kick off this year carrying a banger of a remix in the form of Sun’s Song from December last year, and then an amazing remix of K.K. Cruisin’ with none other than the man Lopes himself. But his work on NSR has been nothing short of incredible. Around my birthday I used to listen to a lot of vs. DJ Subatomic Supernova, but since I learned the existance of this remix I literally dropped everything else. You could interchange this mention with the base version from James Landino (I also follow him since the BTS days), but this version speaks personally to me as a Funk Fiction fan. NSR has a top tier OST, though, so don’t sleep on it.
vs. SAYU (Base Version) - No Straight Roads
If you haven’t listened to this but you follow my work, then you might find a lyric or two familiar. James always had a particular style that made him stand up quite a bit after the Sonic BTS/ATS days, and for a couple of years now he started doing some vocal tracks with Nikki for Cytus II that in my opinion were simply amazing. Then 2020 came along and the duo suddenly drop this song, this fucking song. 
I remember reading the song title, reading James and Nikki’s names and then thinking “yeah I know what this gonna be like”, and I wasn’t wrong at all. It’s everything great with Bullet Waiting For Me times ten. It’s cute, it’s catchy, it’s the culmination of years of their work together. It deserves to be so massively popular.
Main Theme - Streets of Rage 4
Before NSR and before Mania Megamix, Streets of Rage 4 was the biggest candidate for OST of the year to me. Don’t get me wrong, I actually voted for this game on the Steam awards (Since NSR won’t be on Steam till next year.)
SOR 4 is a return to form in every single way: great gameplay, a fun little story featuring most of the characters we know and love, and the triumphant return of Yuzo Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima as composers (among many others, though!) This main theme tells you everything you need to know: the 90s never ended, just took a small 26 year break before coming back strong as ever. This is such a beastly song. Yuzo Koshiro is still a legend among VGM composers.
Rising Up - Streets of Rage 4
Lead composer Olivier Deriviere had his work cut out for him: he had to compose for the return of a series whose last entry was 26 years ago, and do it also with the tall shadow of Yuzo Koshiro linging over him. But he did it, he knocked it out of the park.
Y Tower is your typical tower gauntlet you know and love from SOR. This is a long, tough level that will take you from ground level to the top, and surviving this gauntlet was made a lot better thanks to this absolute masterpiece of a track. During the final elevator section the synthwave kicks in, and my goodness it feels so fucking good, every single time.
The Commissioner - Streets of Rage 4
This is quite the underrated gem, just take a listen to that nasty, NASTY bassline, or them punchy drums. The second half of this song kicks harder than a mule.
Good Riddance (Eurydice Solo) - Hades
Y’know, Hades is my pick for Game of the Year 2020, and this music certainly lives up to expectations. Think about it, you’re fighting your way room by room at a frantic pace, just to arrive to a small chill checkpoint with Eurydice singing this piece. It’s so soothing, so beautiful. Of course certain things change later on, but I won’t say anything...
The Painful Way - Hades
There’s something I love about most tracks in Hades, and it’s the fact that these songs start pretty chill, pretty Greek-like, but then at certain moments they tap into their inner DOOM and suddenly they turn into massive rock bangers. This track and Scourge of Furies are some of my favorite examples. Rip and tear until--oh, you’re dead already, well... try again then!
Final Fall - Fall Guys
Hey, Fall Guys is still a great time. Y’all just left it for Among Us but ya boi is still kicking everyone’s ass at Hex-a-gone on a weekly basis. That’s what happens when you let a big platformer fan play on a competitive game about platforming your way to victory. :P
This track has a wicked bassline and it’s full of adrenaline for the final rounds. What else can I say.
Well, that’s all from me. I’d be surprised if anyone actually read everything. If so, then tell me if any of these tracks got your attention!
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kennydennys · 4 years
What I’ve gathered about Luigis Mansion 3 characters based on what I’ve heard on discord and tumblr, along with just my General Impression™️:
Hellen: I think she owns the hotel? She’d probably kill me without a second thought. I’d let her.
King Boo: I know this one! Big boi, absolute unit, absolute bastard. Dunno what role he plays in the game but he’s very cute and I like him.
Luigi: The best brother, do NOT @ me I don’t take criticism.
Gooigi: Goo Luigi??? I have no idea what the hell his deal is but he looks like Luigi if he was made of jello.
E. Gadd: Okay so I have no goddamn clue what’s up with this dude. I think he’s the dude who gave Luigi the fancy ghosty machine? Mostly cuz he looks like a scientist. Also he looks a little bit like a very young Dr. Robotnik.
Goobs: Kinda like the Goombas of ghosts? Like, basic enemy, but kinda the Trademark™️ one? Also they’re very cute and I love them a lot.
Hammers: They look like Anger from inside out.
Oozers: These mfs look like the oogie boogie man got deflated like a balloon.
Slinkers: Purble bois? They have two little tail things so that’s neat. Definitely gremlin energy. I vibe with that.
Trappers: I know nothing about them other than that they’re orange.
Steward: He’s a bellhop. And he’s just doing his best. Probably overworked and underpaid. Twink supreme. He’s cute and I like him.
Chambrea: Looks kinda like a really nice mom, but I know she tries to kick the player’s ass so maybe not quite.
Kruller: (To the tune of “Pompeii”) Paul Paul Blart Mall Cop Paul Paul Blart Mall Cop Paul Paul Blart Mall Cop Paul Paul Blart Mall Cop-
Soulfflé: Probably French? Not really sure. Would sell your soul to Satan for one corn chip.
Amadeus Wolfgeist: He makes the classical musician in me really really happy. “No talk me I’m angy.” Is literally just trying to play the piano and be dead in peace but Luigi exists so he goes apeshit. Which, yknow, understandable. Twink.
MacFrights: Medieval king kinda theme? He’s absolutely a manlet, reminds me a little of the Burger King mascot but with more beard.
Dr. Potter: Like Chambrea, I’d assume that he’s just a nice old man trying to do his thing if he wasn’t one of the bosses. I like his gnome/plant aesthetic. Cottagecore but more goth.
Morty: BABEY!!! I LOVE HIM!!! This man has never done anything wrong in his entire life. He just wants to do his goddamn movie stuff. Let him. 11/10, good to hug, friend shaped.
Ug: Ghost hulk.
Clem: Am odd mix between a redneck, an engineer, and a steampunk. Bastard energy, I stan him.
Serpci: Hooohhghhghh... pretty snake lady,,,, Based on an Egyptian pharaoh, maybe? Either way she’s really pretty n I would like to hold her hand.
Nikki, Lindsey, and Ginny: Gremlin energy. Would play pranks on anyone unfortunate enough to let them out of their sights.
Captain Fishook: Shark!!! Pirate shark. @spinesgay likes him because he’s a shark.
Johnny Deepend: A high school jock who never quite grew out of it. Would probably ask you to play water polo and then spike the ball so hard it sends your head flying off when it inevitably hits you in the face.
DJ Phantasmagloria: Ok so first off: her name makes my ADHD go “hey WHAT?” She seems fun though. Probably the femme lesbian who knows every bit of drama that everyone else has, but makes nothing known about herself. I’d jam with her.
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