guzmapkmn-archive · 2 years
Happy Birthday to your Oswald! Hope y'all have fun! What kind of cake are you making? ~@nikkzships
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All these birthday wishes are making oswald so strong... so powerful....
ALSO I made a confetti cake!!! My mom was annoyed that I made purple frosting bc we ALWAYS make confetti cake with pink frosting. But purple is oswalds color so I had to make it purple. Also I just had a piece and it was delicious I am sharing it with all of you <3<3
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canongf-archive · 2 years
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AAAAA THANK YOU @cowboyslover & @nikkzships!!!!! we appreciate you both so so so much!!!!! 💗
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 years
Happy Anniversary! ~@nikkzships
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hirayarts · 2 years
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some trades / commissions i've finished (part 2/3)
i'm posting these late, my apologies... i call this the chibi batch <33
for @softfuzzyships, @nikkzships and @my-amora
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amessageonthewind · 1 year
Tagged by @dudefrommywesterns (I’ve been summoned shdhdhdh)
Post your: Lock Screen, Home Screen, last song listened to, last image saved
Tagging: @nikkzships @nerdstreak @crushes-georg and whoever else wants to :3
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
ACCIDENTAL KISS WIRH BLUE BURB BOY PLEASE?! Sorry, I am so hype to read your drabbles. I need some cuteness in my life today. /gen. ~@nikkzships
Oh ho HO sounds like a fun creative challenge 👀 (also that means so much aaaa ty sm 😭)
7. accidental
The day was bright and shining, birds were singing and flowers were blooming. A small monster girl with a mushroom cap was practically floating down the sidewalk. Noelle, the sweet girl she is, helped organize a little hangout between her, Palette, and Berdly. Noelle even said she'd run a little "late" to give them some alone time. Palette nearly hugged the life out of her!
It was down by the river, and they all were supposed to bring their Swatches to play some multiplayer games. Palette had a small bag, said Swatch inside along with some of her games. They looked up at the beautiful trees and clouds, a big ol dopey smile on her face. Today was going to be fantastic!
She finally made it to the river, the nerdy blue bird himself already sitting near the edge and watching the water.
"Berdly! Hi!" She called out, catching his attention.
"Ah, my pal, nice to see that you you've arrived!" Berdly smiled, smug as usual. The little mushroom quickly jogged over and placed her bag a safe distance from the lake before sitting semi close to him. "Noelle informed me that she'll sadly be late, but luckily I am here to entertain." He proudly boasted, hand on his chest. She giggled a bit, something that briefly made his heart skip a beat.
"Well, I'm happy to send time with you." She smiled, slight blush creeping up on her cheeks. Well, that was some slight unexpected kindness. Berdly quickly shook the weird feeling off and grabbed his own bag.
"And you'll be even more happy once you see what I have riiiight here!" He brought out a video game with a flashy cover, making Palette gasp.
"You got HareWare Switch it up?!" Her eyes sparkled as she flapped her hands, stimming in excitement.
"Yup! Good grades continue to reward you." His smug smile grew, glad he could insert his smartness in the conversation.
"Yeah they do!" She scooted up closer. "Can I watch you play? Just for a bit?" She begged. Berdly thought about it for a moment, he didn't particularly like the idea of leaving Noelle out. But her big grin and shining eyes...how could he say no to them?
"Why of course! I might even be generous enough to give you a turn." She clapped happily, making a cute squealing noise. A genuine smile took over his face, until the smug look he tended to have. He took out the game from it's case and put it in his Swatch, Palette scooting even closer until their sides were touching. The bird's feathers fluffed up, but he lightly shook it off before finally booting up the videogame.
A good couple minutes has passed, neither of them really knew how long. Palette was just enamored, watching the game intently while Berdly focused on doing his best, aiming to impress. Between the sounds from the videogame, the splashing river, and the occasional gust of wind on the warm day, it was very, very calming.
So was his heart beating so fast?!
Accidentally, he had lost his last life, the level ending.
"Aw, you were so close too!" Palette pouted, looking up at the bird.
"W-well it won't be hard to get back where I was-" Berdly had turned to face Palette, unknowingly closer than intended.
His beak was now right against her lips. Not exactly a kiss, but oh my god their lips were still touching holy crap holy crap-
They both immediately flew back onto the grass as if physically shocked, bright red blush overtaking both their faces.
"D-did we just?!" Palette's face covered her cheeks.
"Uh, Maybe?! I don't know?!?!" His feathered hands gently touched his beak, his heart now so loud he could practically hear it in his ears.
"I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean- Oh gosh no I-"
"You're fine you're fine! You're okay it was fine! I-I mean-!" Crap, words were failing him now. Curses!
"Sorry for being late, I'm here!" Noelle called out, smiling for a moment before she noticed both of her friends, red faced and wide eyed.
"Uh...Did I miss something?"
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💐🐇⛲ w Sun/Moon. ~@nikkzships
I'm gonna put these under a read more too
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Orange for sun, purple for moon, and regular text for flowers that go in both bouquets (I'm using the second source again and will list the flowers the same way as in Alex's)
Ambrosia (love is reciprocated)
Aster (symbol of love, daintiness, trusting)
Balm (sympathy)
Black-eyed susan (justice) [since the poor guys were abandoned ;; ]
Blackthorn (protection, hope against adversity, good fortune)
Bouvardia (enthusiasm)
Celandine (joys to come)
Clover, white (I promise)
Dandelion (overcoming hardship)
Diphylleia (I will show my true self to you)
Goldenrod (encouragement)
Moonflower (dreaming of love)
Rose, blue (mystery, attaining the impossible, love at first sight)
Sunflower (pure and lofty thoughts, adoration, loyalty)
Tulip, yellow (cheerful thoughts, sunshine, hope)
Yarrow (healing, inspiration)
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I'd say they're both playful, they can be territorial and they stomp when they're upset (it's honestly adorable 🥰)
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Our anniversary is in early spring! We actually just stay in and celebrate by spending the whole day together
Thanks for the ask, @nikkzships ^^
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cinna-vanilla · 2 years
Skrunkle+ friendo mutual. ~@nikkzships
!!! thank u Nikki !!! back at you <3333
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Happy birthday!!! ~nikkzships
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Thank you! 😊 @pandapup @incubusshipping @r0sedevil
Hope you & your f/os have a great day & thank you for the ask! 😊💛
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guzmapkmn-archive · 2 years
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Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love / Spotlight shining, it's all about us
Happy 3 years, here's to many more 💖
taglist (ask to be added/removed!!): @bleckships @permafrown @sweethardtz @me-myself-and-my-fos @reaperofcondemnation @ilovekirei @sweettoothselfships @knightfallships @nikkzships @basilships @cyberwoman @lovinglittlecrow @halsdaisy @deanportmans @librarian-lover @dissonantyote @sennamybeloved @lowkey-obsession @gideongrovel
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canongf-archive · 2 years
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AAAAA that’s a good idea too @nikkzships!!!!! 
that’s so smart and such a good way to incorporate more of him into the whole thing, to still make it cool and metal!!! you’re brilliant!!! i’m so grateful for fan fiction because i can get as wild and creative as i want with it and it’ll all still turn out okay in the end because i said so!!! that’s so special. i love it. i’m having fun. thank you so much for giving me this idea!!!!! 💗💗💗
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dudefrommywesterns · 2 years
Crossover (from the ask game). ~@nikkzships
Crossover: if your F/O could meet your other F/Os, which would they get along with the most, and which one would they hate the most?
hmm. i think chase would get along with anthony the best. anthony is geuinely sweet and not hard to get along with. though, i think he'd find his naivety a bit annoying.
it's hard to say who he'd get along with the least. he, caius, arthur, and henry are all jealous types. i think it'd end up in a messy four-way brawl and henry would win (depending on whether or not his murder tactic can kill a vampire).
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amessageonthewind · 3 years
I adore all your ships omg!!! And your most recent Deltarune stuff *chefs kiss* you come up with great ideas and it's amazing! I adore how your write and just your gentle kind nature that helps me get a happy giggle seeing your ships like, "there's one of my favourite couples and people.". ~nikkz
you guys are trying to make me cry on a sunday night, hhhhhhh
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lex-n-weegie · 3 years
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Here is the picture of the boy as requested~ i saw a whole lot of cat pictures, but no doggos, so I hope this helps further cheer you up. ~nikkzships
Sleepy boi!! They look so pet-able rn it's not fair that I can't pet them through the screen 😤
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alovesickdork · 3 years
💌 + Hatecraft? ~nikkzships
Oooh! Thank you Nikki! @nikkzships I haven't written for Hatecraft yet. My choice huh? Gonna go with an "I miss you" text cause they make me soft.
Send an F/O and an emoji/prompt:
💌 - OP’s Choice
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junkratsloverat · 3 years
A,C,D,E from the fluff alphabet with Junkrat?
A = Attractive (what do they find attractive about the other?) 
 “Right, you want this by letter or by date? I could be here a whi- c’mon, baby, they asked about you! What, would you rather me lie? Good!
Alrighty, so... the first one that I think of is her hands. They’re so soft, always careful... She don’t like ’em as much, thinks they’re small n stubby, but I love ’em! And always hold one if I can!!”
C = Cuddle (how do they cuddle?)
“Usually with one of us face-first in the other’s chest, holdin’ each other. That or I’m on my back with her on my chest, cuddled up like a koala. We go back n forth with spoonin’ though. Whoever needs holdin’ most calls dibs on small spoon.”
D = Dates (what are dates with them like?)
“If she’s plannin’, they’re usually somethin’ at home. Blanket forts n movies, watchin’ the stars... cute shit!
There’s a lotta places we can’t really... go. Unless we wanna risk gettin’ caught. You’d think Overwatch would get us off a couple lists, but noooo... But, if I’m ever allowed back, I wanna get us a date at the same baseball thing we met at. She loves watchin’ ’em play, and I hate that the last time she was there... went to shit like that. I’m gonna make it up to her one day!!”
E = Everything (you are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“Treasure! Best one I’ve ever got, and the best one I'll ever have~”
[ fluff alphabet ]
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