orionsangel86 · 7 years
throughfireandice replied to your post “I'm pretty new to spn and i'm kinda wondering if any of the cast knows...”
you forgot that it's also (imo) wildly ooc. but yeah can't agree more.
Lol Yes I also feel it is wildly ooc and I’m glad you agree
treefrogie84 replied to your post “I'm pretty new to spn and i'm kinda wondering if any of the cast knows...”
the first time i contemplated reading it, someone described it as Forrest Gump with more angst and without the decent soundtrack. I uh... ran off to Down to Agincourt instead.
*i take that back it was forest gump with less joy
Heh yeah the Forrest Gump rip off is apparently quite clear. I still haven’t read Down to Agincourt because I can’t quite stomach Endverse!Cas but I hear he is portrayed really well in that fic.
nikoshine replied to your post “I'm pretty new to spn and i'm kinda wondering if any of the cast knows...”
Just don't show fics to the cast period. I don't understand why it's so complicated to understand. If they wanted to read one they'd look for it themselves. Not all fans want to read fics so don't expect the cast to want to read them either.
Totally agree. I don’t think we should be showing the cast  fanfics or talking about fanfics with them as they are not going to want to know about it. Especially if those fics are smutty - I mean do you really think Jensen and Misha are going to want to read explicit pornography about their characters? I know they ain’t at all innocent “Chinese Chair” pfft, but still, its a bit different. Same goes for porny or explicit fanart. By all means be proud of your work, but if its pornographic keep it well away from the cast. 
(on a completely different note if I was an actress in a popular show I would LOVE to read fanfic about myself and my character... because hell yeah that would be awesome... but I am of a fandom mentality and totally used to the smutty stuff.)
postmodernmulticoloredcloak replied to your post “I'm pretty new to spn and i'm kinda wondering if any of the cast knows...”
doesn't it frame cas getting aids as the consequence of him, like, 'letting himself go' because of depression and missing dean or whatever, almost like it was his fault because he wasn't careful, like it's your fault if you got aids in the 80s??
So I have heard. Its basically completely problematic and hence I don’t think it “honours” Cas’s character one bit. I also think it makes Dean into a total jackass and doesn’t do a great job of portraying PTSD properly either. But hey, these are my opinions. Best thing to do is just not read it and hope it goes away (wishful thinking pfft)
destielonfire replied to your post “I'm pretty new to spn and i'm kinda wondering if any of the cast knows...”
i started reading this fic and couldn't get past the first 3k or so...didn't like the characterisation or the writing style at all
Sounds like you did what I did. I read the first two chapters then skimmed to get the jist of the story and hated it. I just don’t understand its popularity, usually even if a fic ain’t written really well or has a few flaws I can at least get through it but I jut failed to remain focused and spent all my time rolling my eyes whilst reading. How is it so popular??
grey2510 replied to your post “I'm pretty new to spn and i'm kinda wondering if any of the cast knows...”
Heh - someone had to say it!
untamedpassages replied to your post “I'm pretty new to spn and i'm kinda wondering if any of the cast knows...”
bless you
Aww shucks I thought you guys would be mad at me!
awed-frog replied to your post “I'm pretty new to spn and i'm kinda wondering if any of the cast knows...”
I’m laughing right now because I hesitated posting that post because it is such a ridiculously popular fic that I honestly thought I would just get people protesting my opinion and getting mad at me. I am amazed that so many others also find this fics popularity fucking annoying. What has completely baffled me is how popular it is. If we all can’t stand the bloody thing then why the hell is it still number one on AO3? (with rumours that they may publish it god forbid) Could this become the destiel fandoms fucking Fifty Shades? (hopefully not because of Forrest Gump plagiarism LOL) or even worse.... our “My Immortal”? *shudders*. I just don’t get it. I will never get it. At least I have finally gotten this off my chest though because honestly I think it was considered like a major taboo not to like this stupid thing in this fandom which is ridiculous really. Anyway, thank you to all who replied. You have made me feel much less alone in this! 
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elvesofnoldor · 7 years
nikoshine replied to your post “platanochips replied to your post “Disney/Star War have said Kylo is...”
omg i thought you icon was Sam too XD But it's an angry Rey! (her angry/about to kick ass face gives me life)
Omg really
It was a screenshot from a gif set where Rey was about to fuck up some stormtroopers before realizing that she didn’t take care of safety first. My heart melted into a pile upon seeing her making that angry and adorable pout, like I can’t believe that I didn’t see just how cute Rey was till a year later??? 
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danceforfools · 7 years
Tumblr media
I forgot it was something I drew a few years back XDBack when I had decided to make a deviantart account under the nikoshine name, but then decided to use dreymart later. I just didn't go back and change the signature.
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wigglebox · 7 years
nikoshine replied to your post: alright i’m on episode 11 there’s another one...
Episode 12 is the last, it comes out Wednesday. We don’t know yet if there will be a season 2.
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holyhael · 8 years
My Love Will Rip a Hole in the Ceiling
12.03 coda. ao3
She takes the 1955 Belvedere from the bunker and drives to nowhere in particular. Just - away. Away from here.
The music on the radio is foreign but she listens to it anyway, just to drown out her thoughts and her memories and the instant regret she feels at having abandoned her boys, again.
But she needs this. She needs the open road and some fresh air. The hunt took a lot out of her. Confronting child ghosts and being possessed by a vengeful spirit isn’t something you can shake off that easily, like the pop star on the radio helpfully suggests.
The pop star also says that heartbreakers are going to break. Mary tries not to project onto that lyric too intensely.
She has no destination in mind, but she finds herself headed East on US-24, then KS-18, and finally I-70 until the green signs on the side of the road tell her she’s only a couple outside of Lawrence.
She takes exit 204. It plops her into a toll lane, which she pays for with the change rattling around in the glovebox. The tollbooth operator compliments her on the car, and she tightly smiles at him before continuing on her journey back home.
The roads are mostly the same as she remembers, with some adjustments, like extra lanes or new traffic lights. It’s muscle memory from 18th Avenue to Carpenter Lane.
The house is as she left it. It hasn’t aged in thirty years. That damn oak tree that she swore would fall into their house in a tornado is still standing in the front yard. The walls are still the soft blue she and John painted it one summer afternoon. Mary yanks the car into park along the sidewalk and marvels.
There are child’s toys strewn across the lawn and a basketball hoop set up in the road. That’s good. This house deserves to have children in it after hers were ripped from it. She wonders how many families have come and gone since John sold the house and took Sam and Dean on the road.
An itch builds from her fingers to her heart to go inside, to see if the house has changed. Mary thumbs at a ripped seam in the seating and bites her lip. She could pose as a mother looking to move into a house down the road with her kids, wanting to know what the neighborhood is like. She could pose as an FBI agent again and ask about a fictional man the family inside may have seen. She could be herself, even, just wanting to go back down memory lane by visiting the first house she ever bought.
While she’s vacillating, a child walks out of the house, his eyes glued to the phone in his hand. He can’t be older than fifteen. His hair is long, and he has to flip it out of his face every couple of steps. He walks down the road, seemingly without ever looking up from his phone, until he meets up with another boy his age. They greet each other with a fist bump and continue down the sidewalk. They turn onto Davidson Street and walk out of Mary’s sight.
Her heart pounds ferociously in her chest.
She steps out of the car.
Her feet feel like they’re on unsteady ground as she crosses the street. There’s a faint hum of life all around her: the buzz of a lawn mower, high-pitched screams of a child’s enthusiasm, cars driving by on nearby roads. The three stair steps leading up to the house feel like Everest as she climbs them.
She can hear her heartbeat in her ears now, and she feels like she could vomit. She knocks on the door anyway.
“Coming!” a woman’s voice from inside responds. Mary can hear her run down the stairs, and for some reason it’s the memory of John play-chasing her up those same stairs that makes her eyes begin to water, moments before the door is opened.
The woman is only an inch taller than Mary, blonde as well, and about her age. She takes one look at Mary and her tearing eyes and asks, “What’s wrong?”
Mary sniffs. “It’s nothing, really. Sorry.” She wipes her nose with her sleeve.
“Oh, don’t do that. Here, come in. I’ve got some tissues somewhere.”
The woman brings her arms around Mary’s shaking shoulders and ushers her into the house. Through her watering eyes, Mary notices the color of the walls and not much else. It’s changed.
She’s brought to a chair and pushed down in it. The woman brings her a box of tissues and sits down next to her. They’re in the dining room. The chandelier Mary loathed has finally been replaced with a simple fixture.
“I’m so sorry,” Mary mutters, running a third tissue under her nose. “I shouldn’t have come here.”
“No, it’s okay.” The woman speaks with a gentle voice, as if Mary were a frightened animal, a flight risk. She supposed she is the latter, having just run away from her family with barely a moment’s notice. She dabs at her eyes some more.
“It’s just -” Shit, she hates how her voice cracks. “I used to live here. A long time ago. My name’s Mary.”
“Mary,” the woman echoes. Her finger taps over the tabletop. “You know, you look familiar.”
Did this woman see her when she was a ghost? Was this woman there? Mary’s eyes flash up to hers, but the woman isn’t looking at her; rather, she appears like she’s looking into the past.
“Mary… Winchester,” the woman says at last, meeting Mary’s gaze. Mary swallows the knot in her throat. “No, that can’t be right.” She shakes her head.
Oh, you’re right. Mary doesn’t know whether to say that to this woman though, so she holds her tongue.
“I’m Jenny,” the woman says, thrusting out her hand for Mary to shake, which she does. “I moved in about twelve years ago.”
“Nice to meet you,” Mary says. “I’m sorry about this. I’ve just had… a really crazy last couple of weeks. I wanted to be…” Home. “Somewhere I recognized.” And she does recognize it, in the same way she recognized Lawrence. Some things have changed, like the light fixtures and the color of the walls, but at its core it is still the home she dreamed of raising her family in. The kitchen is in the same configuration, with the refrigerator tucked into the corner and the oven set in the center of a row of cabinets.
Jenny nods as if she understands. Her brow is set in a sympathetic curve.
Mary doesn’t know what else to say, but she doesn’t have to come up with anything, because someone else is bounding down the stairs and coming to a halt in the archway between the dining room and the living room.
It’s a teenage girl, on the cusp of becoming a grown woman. She looks puzzled as she looks from her mother to Mary, and then recognition flashes in her eyes. “No way.”
“Sari, what is it, sweetie?”
“The fire woman,” Sari says bluntly, and Mary flinches. Sari’s expression is disoriented and suspicious as she looks at Mary from head to toe.
“The fire woman,” Mary whispers.
“Sari’s childhood best friend,” Jenny explains. “It’s just a coincidence, honey.”
“Yeah. Sure.” Sari doesn’t sound like she believes her.
Mary can feel the tension rising in the house, building exactly like a fire: slowly, then consumingly. She rises clumsily from the table.
“I’m sorry, I should be going. I really just wanted to see the house again.”
“Yeah, no problem.” Jenny stands up, too, with a worried look in her eyes. “You’re welcome anytime, really.”
Her, a stranger? A stranger who should be dead, no less. A stranger who died in this house.
“It’s a lovely home,” Mary says, and she lets herself out.
The door closes behind her. She breathes in the mid-October air.
She didn’t know what she expected from this visit, but this isn’t it. She didn’t think she’d leave in tears. She doesn’t feel any sense of closure.
Her hand is on the car door, about to pull it open, when Sari calls from the front steps.
Mary freezes. Sari comes closer.
“Are you really the fire woman?”
Mary lifts her eyes. For just one moment, when she looks at Sari, she doesn’t see a nearly-grown woman: she sees a young child, afraid of monsters in the dark. The image doesn’t even last a second before it’s gone, but the impression continues. Sari, maybe nine years old, clutching her blanket and praying to angels to keep her safe.
“I’m sorry, Sari,” Mary says and leaves it at that. She climbs into the car, keys it to life, and drives away. Sari stays in the rearview mirror until Mary turns onto Davidson Street. She passes by the pair of boys and leaves them, too, in her wake.
She is the fire woman. Where she goes, destruction follows.
But also life.
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butterflydm · 9 years
osirisjones said: *whispers* i think you meant 10.20 in the title not 9.20!
Ha, yes, thanks! I’ve edited it.
nikoshine said: I mean 10x18
I hadn’t think about Sam/Jess, but she was brought up again in 10x20, so maybe?
Yeah, it was the recent mention of her that made me consider the possibility. OTOH, we have seen Sam in Heaven before and he didn’t share one with Jess, so, maybe not. Or maybe Heaven is more willing to accommodate things like that now, with Hannah in charge.
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misachi · 9 years
nikoshine reblogged your post:witchofvigilskeep: in other news, I was utterly...
It’s in the song :)
HA-  Well I guess that explains why the fandom latched onto it.  XD
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holyhael · 9 years
nikoshine replied to your post: what are your favorite au occupations ...
I like teacher!Cas and gardener/florist!Cas. Or beekeeper.
he has this little bee bag in my fic, it’s really cute. thanks for the suggestions! (:
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bakasara · 9 years
nikoshine replied to your post: oh my gooodddd
Is this about his retweet about the motw episodes?
It was about the sneak peek. Wait, what retweet?? Link please?
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butterflydm · 9 years
brief replies re: the 100
Anonymous said:March 23rd 2015, 8:15:00 am · a day ago
yeah i did mean clexa , its not my ship, but you havent watched it yet maybe you will see it differently. we share feelings on finn , yeah bellamy does develop but im not carrying a torch for clark/bellamy either. lol
selfihauntyouithink said: Ignore this person’s issue and give the ship a chance. Trust me.
I still haven’t met Lexa, but I definitely plan to keep an open mind about all developments! 
And nikoshine - I’ve seen the Blake family flashback episode now, so I understand why you compared Bellamy to Dean. And his behavior with Charlotte makes more sense, too, after seeing his mom with Octavia.
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casandpuppies · 9 years
Claire will be back next episode. They filmed two episodes with her so far, but I don't know if there will be more later in the season.
I hope that she'll be in more than just these two episodes. :( I'm a bit worried though, because I'm pretty sure the next episode is written by Buckner and Ross-Leming, and we all know how much I detest them and their writing "skills" and the fact that I don't trust them at all. Claire has a lot of potential, I hope they won't squander it too bad. And I mean, if they aren't going to let us have much in the way of Dean and Cas interaction, I'd just as soon have Cas with Claire as opposed to alone (and I don't want anything to happen to Claire either). Also I really like their interaction so far so hopefully we'll get a good bit more with them. (I mean, this show always manages to disappoint me, but still, I'll hope anyway.)
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lovehannahspn · 10 years
nikoshine replied to your post:
Quickly : Hannah in the bunker, using the telescope to watch the stars. Or Hannah dragging Castiel in planetariums.
oh my gosh both are so adorable!! i think hannah would use the telescope first, and when she learns planetariums are a thing she’d go all the time
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elvesofnoldor · 9 years
nikoshine replied to your post:That language post, what does it say in Chinese?...
In French it’s “I want to choke on your cock”
omg nsfw much anyone? 
yeah i did not look at the french one either, i just assume i saw “Je t’aime”.  
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bakasara · 9 years
nikoshine replied to your post: Previously on spn: where’s cas Next o...
They go LARPing. It is very enjoyable for the two of them. (Winchester-who? Mark of Cain? Naaan, they have better stuff to do.)
I like your style
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butterflydm · 9 years
nikoshine said: I watched the two seasons in a week. (Both are on Netflix Canada). I really love the characters and I had tears in my eyes more than once, which had not happened often. Bonus :  if you split Dean Winchester in two you’d get Bellamy and Clarke.
Bellamy is... Octavia’s brother? The one who seems a bit older than the rest of the kids and keeps pushing his hair back?
The only characters I could really identify on sight were Clarke & Lexa (who hasn’t shown up yet - no one seems to know about the people already on the ground yet; ps please no spoilers on when she shows up! thanks) b/c of the kissing gifsets.
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ssjdebusk · 10 years
nikoshine replied to your post: netflix got gilmore girls goodby...
It’s not on Netflix Canada, you gave me false hope!!! Have fun with your marathon!
you should use the "hola better internet" extension and change your country to america and then you get all the things on netflix that america gets LOL
(also try this with changing it to the UK for lesser known british shows)
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