#niles x odin
aniquinart · 1 year
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my silly contribution to @fetranshub for this year !!
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frickingnerd · 13 days
Conquest Masterlist
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yandere corrin - headcanons
camilla with a hoshidan s/o - headcanons
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I was re-reading some of the Fates supports, and the Oboro-Niles support might have rearranged my brain chemistry a little bit.
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starrcrrossed · 1 year
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Leo x Odin x Niles!Nina
Reblog or credit to use! Requests are open!
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writingtoomuchtrash · 2 years
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Spent a week on a sort of vacation and worked on some edits. I have some in the works, but they are more then just color palette swaps so they’ll get their own post eventually.
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lattehearted · 1 year
ship tags 3 / ?? - fe a.wakening part 2 and fates (general, no blogs tagged atm)
note to self: s.evera tags? c.orrin tags: l.aslow, n.iles, j.akob, s.ilas, g.aius, family?
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fqreverwinter · 4 months
“guilty as sin?”
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relationship: loki x fem!reader
summary: you were caged in a loveless marriage with thor. ever since you were little, you were in love with his brother. it was never meant to be, leaving you to dream about being with him instead.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: mentions of cheating
notes: this is (obviously) inspired by “guilty as sin?” by taylor swift!! i hate that this plot line always puts thor in this situation, but it’s too good not to write it :) also the “poem” mentioned at the end is actually lyrics from “the downtown lights” by the blue nile that is referenced in taylor’s song!!
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Before you took your first breath, you were already considered royalty, born to the closest Lord and Lady of the Throne of Asgard. Before you took your first step, you were promised to one of the sons of the Throne. It seemed like you had little say in your own life; never once did you get to pick out your own clothes, do your own makeup, make your own meals. You yearned for a sense of control in your life as soon as you understood what control was. Being locked in the cage of regality was the bane of your existence, but there was no getting around it.
To be fair, you loved your parents. Though they gave you little room to breathe, they always made sure you were happy and taken care of. They supplied you with plenty of books, plenty of journals, and other things to keep your dreary days in the palace occupied. You loved the king and queen, as well. Odin and Frigga viewed you as one of their own.
And as for the two princes— Well, they were your closest friends in the whole world. You grew up together, experiencing your firsts side-by-side. You couldn’t have dreamed of better partners in life than Thor and Loki. Your personality was a bit of both of them—the fiery spirit of Thor and the intellect of Loki. No matter who you were with, you always had a good time.
When the three of you became teenagers, feelings started to get in the mix. Your parents had warned you that you would eventually marry one of the brothers. In your mind, that meant you could choose, and you had no doubt who you would pick.
Thor was sweet to you. He always made sure that you had a good time, that you were treated as a gentle and precious woman. That’s not to say he wouldn’t want to battle or get muddy with you, but he would always make sure you had a glass of water and a fresh pair of clothes afterwards. You appreciated his kind gestures, and you noticed his conventionally attractive features.
But it wasn’t him you wanted.
Loki had stolen your heart since you first learned what love was. He was much quieter compared to his brother, but when he did speak, his words were so eloquent and thoughtful that you had no choice but to swoon. You would listen to him talk about his favorite books, his favorite spells—hell, even his favorite rocks if it meant watching his blue eyes glow and his slender fingers gesture as he spoke. He was your confidant, the one you told all your secrets to because you knew he would never betray you. His title meant nothing to you; you never saw him as the mischievous, devilish boy that everyone else saw. You saw his charm, his intelligence, his kindness, his imagination, his drive.
When you were both just teenagers, you were sat in one of the many courtyards of the palace. Loki was rambling about something his father said that ticked him off, but you were just watching him speak. Soon, you saw how frustrated he was. His shoulders slumped as he sighed, staring down at his feet. Your heart broke for him. In a moment of bravery, wanting to offer him comfort, you gently took his hand and leaned your head on his shoulder. He looked at you with surprise, but leaned back into you. Your heart was beating so fast when you eventually looked up at him. His big blue eyes stared back into yours, and he quickly closed the gap between your two lips.
That moment, you knew you were in love.
Then, two days later, your parents broke the news that you would begin a courtship with Thor.
See, when they said that you would marry one of the princes, they failed to tell you that it was the first-born prince. You never had a choice; there was never a chance of you marrying Loki. It shattered your heart.
After they told you, you ran to your room and slammed the door, locking it behind you. You flopped on your bed and screamed into your pillow. It was so unfair that you never got to make any choices in your own life. For once, you found an escape from the thick iron bars that your parents locked you in all your life. But as it turns out, you were never free from that enclosure.
Thor began your courtship with a giant bouquet of flowers and a pair of diamond earrings. Both gifts were thoughtful, but they did nothing to pull your heart away from Loki.
For the remainder of your teenage years, Thor did everything to impress you, to show how much he loved you. He would hold your hand on late night walks along the river. He would bring you new books that he thought you would enjoy. He would keep you close to him at formal affairs, introducing you as his beautiful future wife. The phrase made you cringe internally. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t love Thor. Sure, you had love for him—but you loved him as a brother, as the best friend that you grew up with. You never felt any romantic love for him.
In secret, you yearned for Loki. You thought about him at times when you should only have been thinking about Thor. At dinner, you sat next to your betrothed, but you snuck glances at his brother whenever you could. In the moments you were alone, you went out of your way to attempt to bump into him and strike up a conversation. You pictured him as the love interest in your novels.
But it seemed like Loki didn’t want anything to do with you.
Ever since you began your courtship with Thor, Loki became distant. Your long talks in the courtyards or late night chats in the library became fewer and far apart until they completely stopped. He didn’t smile at you in passing, send you a wave across the room, or send you small notes under your bedroom door. You didn’t understand it; you thought it was obvious you didn’t want to be with Thor. Why wouldn’t Loki take the hint?
But you were wrong.
Loki couldn’t stand to look at you anymore because he was also hopelessly in love with you. He, too, had been in love with you since you were little kids. Loki thought—no, knew—you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. He wanted to be the one that you spent the rest of your life with, not his stupid brother. Every time he saw you, it broke his heart all over again.
Sure, he flirted with maidens and even brought a few back to his room. But he had the same thoughts as you—he saw your face in all of theirs; he dreamed that it was you when he was kissing them. They were nothing to him, just things to fill the ever-growing void in his heart.
He wanted to love you. He wanted to be the man that you deserved. He didn’t want to buy you flowers or gifts; he wanted to love and cherish you. He wanted to listen to your worries, celebrate you in your moments of joy, and talk to you in the way that only the two of you understood. Loki knew he was better for you than his brother could ever dream to be.
But Loki couldn’t tell you any of this. It would be breaking his brother’s trust. He did think about it, because what did the God of Mischief care about trust? But part of him knew that it would be breaking your trust as well, and that was something he could never bring himself to do.
On your wedding day, you felt nothing. Not even sadness or anger - just nothing. During the ceremony, you kept sneaking glances at Loki, but he never once looked up at you. Tears were welling up in your eyes, but you never let them slip.
During the reception, you managed to sneak away while Thor was busy chugging beers with his best friends. You went to one of the balconies in the main wing of the palace and leaned over the railing, staring out at the beautiful spring landscape of Asgard.
“I did not expect to see you out here, Princess,” a deep voice that you knew all too well muttered.
You sighed, “I needed some air. It was getting quite hot in the banquet hall.”
Loki stood beside you, grabbing on to the railing in the same way you were. You looked over at him, admiring how beautiful his face was up close. You were so attracted to him, his fair skin and bright blue eyes and sharp cheekbones. Your heart skipped a beat.
“I was always told that your wedding would be the happiest day of your life,” he said, finally looking at you. “But you don’t seem so thrilled.”
You shrugged. “The day is not quite how I pictured it.”
“How so?”
You looked back down at your hands.
“I just—I feel like I have never had a sense of control. All my life, I’ve been told what to wear, what to say, what to do, who to talk to… I have just been locked in this tight cage. I always thought that my love would be the one thing I could have control over. But as it turns out, I can’t even have that.”
“Do you not love my brother?”
You snapped your head back to Loki. He stared at you with a specific look, like he knew the answer to that question but was dying to hear you say it. You opened your mouth to answer, but you were cut off by a guard calling your name.
“Princess, Prince Thor has been looking for you. They are about to start the toasts.”
You nodded, adjusting your dress then walking towards him. You looked back to see Loki again, but he wasn’t looking back at you. Your heart broke again as you followed the guard back into the party.
The biggest change after your marriage was that everyone went from addressing you as Lady to Princess. Your feelings never changed; you still loved Loki and felt indifferent towards Thor.
Now, you shared a room with Thor. He would hold you in bed every night, trying to initiate some sort of moment for you two to share. Most nights, you said you were tired and brushed him off. On the nights you let him go further, you still just pictured Loki.
Your only solace was the fact that Thor started going on warrior missions to other realms. He would travel for days, sometimes weeks at a time to either serve as a diplomatic figure or a traveling soldier for different places throughout the cosmos. Those times were the only times you finally felt like yourself again. You got to sleep in your own bed, come and go as you please, and best of all, you didn’t have to worry about being physical with Thor.
Eventually, you cracked the wall that was put up between you and Loki. When Thor was gone, you spent nearly every day with him. It was almost like nothing had happened, no years were lost. You laughed and joked and told stories just like you did when you were kids. It did nothing but deepen your love for Loki, but at least you found some kind of relief for your longing.
Because in your twisted mind, these thoughts meant nothing; if you never took any action, never touched or felt Loki, you were not guilty of any betrayal.
One rainy night, the two of you were locked in the palace’s library, going through countless books of poetry from the different realms. You read them dramatically to each other, making the other laugh and laugh. When you reached a Midgardian book, you found a poem that especially struck a cord.
“Sometimes I walk away,” Loki began, propping one leg up on a couch while projecting his voice for the entire library to hear. You giggled as he continued.
“When all I really wanna do, is love and hold you tight. There is just one thing I can say, nobody…” he began trailing off, losing the excitement in his act.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, your smile running away from your face.
“Um…” he said quietly, not moving his gaze from the book in his hands. This was so unlike Loki; it was rare that he was at a loss for words.
“Sorry, it just caught me off guard,” he finally said, clearing his throat. He looked at you, his big blue eyes blown as he finished the line that he was stuck on.
“Nobody loves you this way.”
You stared at him, your heart skipping a beat when you realized why he stopped at that line. It resonated with your situation, the longing and dreaming that had gone on for years and years. You stood up, moving closer to Loki as his eyes never once left your face. You placed a hand gently on his chest as one of his wrapped around your waist. The two of you leaned in, ever-so close to the moment that you shared when you were merely teenagers.
“Princess!” one of your maidens called, sprinting towards you. You quickly stepped back from Loki as he did from you. The two of you acted like nothing ever happened as she approached you.
“Princess, it is well after midnight. You must head to your bedroom. You have breakfast with the Allmother tomorrow, remember?”
You nodded. “Yes, very well. Goodnight, Prince Loki.”
“Goodnight, Princess,” he replied, nodding his head at you.
You followed her towards the exit. You turned around once to see Loki, expecting him to ignore you like he usually did. But this time, he flashed you a smile and winked. Heat rose to your cheeks as you quickly spun back around, fighting the smile that was taking over your lips.
Once you got back to your bedroom, you closed the door quickly behind you, reminiscing on the moment you two almost shared. You giggled like you were a teenager again, spinning around before crashing into your bed. That night, you dreamt of a marriage with Loki, but this time happily instead of bittersweet.
But the next day, your husband returned, and this time bearing news that he would be back for a while. He embraced you excitedly, happy to be home with you. But you couldn’t feel worse. Thor being around meant Loki would go back to pretending like you didn’t exist.
The more time Thor spent around you, the more you wished to finish the moment you had with Loki. Those few seconds ate away at you like nothing you experienced before. You thought about it when you woke up, when you went to sleep, when you were alone in bed, imagining what it would have been like to finally have your lips against his again. You begged to be set free.
Some days, you really did consider throwing caution to the wind and knocking on Loki’s door. But every time you got close, nerves would take over and you quickly kept walking past. When you saw him in the hallways, you had the same temptations, but again he ignored your presence.
It only got worse with pressure from everyone around you to have a child with Thor. Your mother, your father, Queen Frigga, and even your husband pressed you about when you were finally going to start a family. The first anniversary of your marriage was nearing, and everyone said that it was time for you to produce the next line of royalty.
As a result, Thor tried to be physical more often. It became harder and harder for you to brush him off. Afterwards, he would roll over and fall asleep while you laid in bed restless.
One of those sleepless nights, you heard something rustle near your door. Curious, you gently stood up and walked over, finding a piece of paper that had been slid under your door. You checked to make sure Thor was still asleep then crept to your en-suite, softly closing the door and turning on the light. You read over the note, gasping when you realized what it was.
Through all these dreadful years, you were holding back the urge to cry. You felt like you were not allowed to cry. After all, you put yourself in this situation. You were the one that was not willing to let go of Loki. You were the one that dreamt of cheating on your husband with his brother. You were the bad person in every light of this situation. There was no reason for you to feel self-pity and let those tears fall.
But tonight, you finally let it happen. For that note was no regular note. No, rather it was a piece of paper torn from a book, annotated and signed by Loki, the Prince of Asgard, the God of Mischief and Lies, your true love.
And the note read the poem that you two had shared those few weeks ago. The poem that reignited your flame, that sealed your fate in the loveless cage forever.
Sometimes I walk away,
When all I really wanna do
Is love and hold you right.
There is just one thing I can say,
Nobody loves you this way.
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mask131 · 5 months
You know, if there is a Greek god that rubs you the wrong way, or if you like one element about a Greek goddess but don't like the rest, and still want to write about them in your work or include them in your game or make a fan-art or whatever...
... Instead of rewriting the Greek deity and playing at AUs as if it was your OC, maybe... just look at other non-Greek deities and pick someone else?
As a big fan of Greek mythology I always very glad that so many people are willing to use and explore the Greek gods... But if it is to just reinvent everything and create gods as fictional as the Valar or the Faith of the Seven, it is not worth it. Just invent your own gods for your fictional setting - OR PICK A GOD FROM ANOTHER PANTHEON.
Because here's the thing: people seem to use the Greek mythology as the "default" setting when dealing with mythologies. But you know there are many more mythologies and ancient dead religions and polytheistic set of legends than Greek or Roman mythologies, right? I mean, people usually are aware of Norse and Egyptian mythologies too - but there's even MORE than them. There are THOUSANDS of gods to choose from around the world, so when you take one Greek god but because their characterization displeases you, you change the character entirely, it doesn't feel like "reinventing", it feels like you're a lazy person who didn't bother looking at all the alternative deities that were offered to you.
You hate how the Greek opposed war and wisdom through Athena/Ares? Take Odin: he is both the war and the wisdom! You don't like the animals of Aphrodite and thinks she would look cooler with cats? Just take Freya! You want an hermaphroditic visual but don't like the Greek character of Hermaphrodite? Hapi the Nile god rocks the beard-boobs-beer belly look! You want Persephone to be a guy? Yarilo is awaiting. You like the idea of Aphrodite-Ares couple but you wish they'd be one person? Ishtar is right there!
Seriously, if you force yourself to make Greek deity stuff, then you're just limiting yourself to one branch of an entire world-tree. You don't need to reinvent Aphrodite as being faithful or Ares as being peaceful or Hephaistos as being loved by all or Hades not scaring anyone. That's just creating false images of these deities, and forcing yourself to come up with the reverse of what they are, in terms of culture, history, religion and archeology.
Just... open your horizons. Search into other religions. Read about different mythologies. Heck you even have some public-domain entire fictional pantheons if you want to really god wild, like Dunsany's Gods of Pegana! So don't tell yourself "But I HAVE to do this with X Greek deity", because you're just lying to yourself.
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chickenmcnuggies · 8 months
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Unofficial Gay Fates 2.1.0 Is here! This update adds in 64 new supports, as well as implemented the new Custom Endings I showed off before! This release features 105 custom endings.
Big thanks to sketchi, who not only commissioned the code patch for the endings from Tildehat, but also wrote quite a few of the ones in this update! Also shoutouts to Tru and Tsunny, who wrote most of the other endings implemented, as well as their usual help coding supports.
Speaking of coding supports, this update would not have remotely as many new supports were it not for Cherrycrow, Mathcat, and Sylvie, who did the bulk of the coding work this update!
As for supports added:
ROMANTIC: Nyx x Azura, Hinoka x Anna, Izana x Yukimura, Selena x Shura, Mozu x Rinkah, Odin x Xander, Kaden x Saizo, Izana x Gunter, Benny x Subaki, Effie x Felicia, Rinkah x Nyx, Jakob x Ryoma, Keaton x Leo, Mozu x Charlotte, Odin x Keaton, Saizo x Izana, Mozu x Setsuna, Jakob x Kaden, Takumi x Hayato, Gunter x Fuga, Hayato x Leo, Izana x Kaze, Izana x Fuga, Mozu x Orochi, Mozu x Kagero, Izana x Odin, Izana x Shura, Nina x Mitama, Fuga x Peri (Platonic S)
PLATONIC: Sakura/Anna, Sakura/Orochi, Elise/Siegbert, Elise/Nyx, Oboro/Elise, Beruka/Rhajat
PARENT/CHILD: Hayato/Forrest PC, Leo/Rhajat PC, Kaden/Dwyer PC, Jakob/Selkie PC, Benny/Caledori PC, Subaki/Ignatius PC, Xander/Ophelia PC, Saizo/Selkie PC, Kaden/Asugi PC, Leo/Velouria PC, Jakob/Shiro PC, Keaton/Forrest PC, Ryoma/Dwyer PC, Kaze/Soleil PC, Shura/Percy PC, Mozu/Kana(M) PC, Izana/Shigure PC, Benny/Percy PC, Leo/Nina PC, Arthur/Ignatius PC, Niles/Forrest PC
SIBLING: Dwyer/Selkie SIB, Siegbert/Ophelia SIB, Ignatius/Caeldori SIB, Dwyer/Shiro SIB, Asugi/Selkie SIB, Velouria/Forrest SIB, Siegbert/Asugi SIB, Forrest/Nina SIB
If you'd like to see what endings are implemented, I'd recommend checking out our new spreadsheet page, which has all the implemented ones marked off in green, in addition to listing their text!
As per usual, the update can be found on our gamebanana page!
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outerspacebun · 7 months
DSJFLKSDF okay since one person liked my post, which is enough for me, I am going to write a long list of who I ship/who I pair with in Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses/Hopes. It's going to be long, will include rarepairs, and oc x canon because I can't help myself.
For Awakening:
Basilio/Flavia (we were robbed of an A Support from them)
Morgan/Nah (doesn't matter the gender for Morgan)
For Fates:
For Three Houses/Hopes:
Byleth/Dedue (I like either with them. Dedue is so precious)
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 year
OC Masterlist
Mostly made to be helpful for those taking part in the OC Creator Bingo event, but if you’re one of my followers I hope you like this little guide to my OCs! These aren’t all of them, but these are the ones I talk about the most, and some I don’t talk about but would like to.
General OCs tag: my OCs
Creations and writing tags: I'm making stuff, I'm writing stuff
Whump blog where I sometimes post oc stuff: @spirit-whump
Cut off is here because this is a long post and nobody wants to scroll past it.
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Full name: Ioana, goes by Joan (no surname)
Fandom: The Old Guard (2020)
Faceclaim: Isidora Goreshter
Their main tags: Joan, Joan vibes
Fics/blurbs available: the Joan ‘verse (AO3), her post of origin, Nile dreams of her, home after a bad day, her relationship with the rest of the guard, Joan learns she’s immortal
Character bio/premise: Joan (born Ioana) died in an earthquake in the 1400s, in what would one day be Romania, and somehow did not stay dead. The Old Guard (then made up of Andy, Joe, Nicky and Quynh) were there in the aftermath, trying to help, and because Joan met them before they could dream of each other, she doesn’t know they’re immortal like her, and they don’t know she’s a new immortal. Some 400 years later, Joan stumbles upon a newly immortal Booker and despite befriending each other for a brief time, once again they part ways without realizing what the other is. 
After roughly 600 years of immortality, Joan is living a comfortable but lonely life, still unaware there are others like her. At least, until she dreams about Nile getting slashed through the throat. The dreams refuse to go away, and Joan manages to track down the young woman - and in the process, finds out not only is there another immortal like her, there’s a whole group of them, and all of them know each other. In an AU where Booker didn’t betray the team, most of her story is just her and the guard getting to know each other, trying to figure out how to make this new dynamic work, and Joan finding a place after centuries of not having anyone.
Joan is aroace.
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Full name: Hestia
Fandom: Thor movies, MCU
Faceclaim: Freida Pinto
Their tags: Hestia, Hestia and Thor (for shipping purposes)
Fics/blurbs available: first post explaining her concept, Light, however sorry they are (AO3), I thought you were mine, Hestia and her relationship with the Odinson boys, “what if” episode au, Loki series meets What If AU Hestia, what Hestia thinks of the avengers, Hestia is kidnapped
Character bio/premise: Based on the goddess from Greek mythology, Hestia is the eldest daughter and princess of Olympus, another alien civilization like Asgard. The eldest daughter, but not the ruler, Hestia has taken care of the kingdom in her own way - tending to the fires and protecting the home and family - ever since they overthrew their tyrannical and abusive father centuries ago and created a kingdom of peace and prosperity - with the exception of their rivalry with Asgard. In an attempt to avoid war between their kingdoms, Odin and Zeus arrange a marriage between Thor and Hestia. While both of them range from reluctant but willing to outright reluctant, they are married and Hestia comes to live on Asgard. She is quiet and some would say "meek" or "weak", and no one expects her to get along with the brash and bold Prince Thor. Surprisingly, her calm demeanor and hidden strength makes it easy to form a friendship with him.
While dealing with culture clashes and coming to understand her new home and her new family, Hestia and Thor become friends, and then (slowly for Hestia, very quickly for Thor) fall in love. They remain happily married for centuries - up until the events of Thor 1 take place, followed by the rest of the MCU, making their lives a whole lot more complicated.
Hestia is asexual biromantic.
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Full name: Marianne Ouellet (maiden name/preferred name), Marianne Schulman (legal name)
Fandom: X-Men prequels (First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse) (Dark Phoenix does not exist on this blog)
Faceclaim: Clemence Poesy
Their tags: Marianne, Marianne Ouellet
Fics/blurbs available: Ethereal (AO3), a little fic about her and her husband, full character profile, text post edits, a little ‘cover’ I made for the fic
Character bio/premise: Born in 1931 in Montreal, moving to the States when she was 19, a single mother to a happy 12-year-old, widow of five years, and owner of a local used bookstore for 12 years, Marianne lives a hectic but normal life. She keeps her store running, her son safe and happy, and is happy to "mom friend" the kids around the neighbourhood. It's a normal existence - up until Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr basically break into her store, tell her they know she has telekinesis, and ask her to save the world with them and other mutants like her.
While she initially refuses their offer, she later changes her mind, needing to keep her son safe. When she joins the other mutants, she finds herself joining a community she didn't know she needed, becoming the unofficial Team Mom of the group, and facing emotional issues she had pushed down for years.
Marianne is bisexual.
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Full name: Kristina Maria Stark
Fandom: Iron Man movies, MCU (canon divergent after Avengers)
Faceclaim: Olivia Cooke (young Olivia Cooke - I've had her so long, I've seen her faceclaim age with her)
Their tags: Kris, Kris Stark, scarlet girlfriends (for shipping purposes)
Fics/blurbs available: an ask explaining her character, “You saved my life” wandaxkris fic, short krisxwanda fic, “what if” episode au, what Kris thinks of the avengers, Kris vs Alicent Hightower venn diagram
Character bio/premise: As the beloved daughter of Tony Stark and heiress to Stark Industries, Kris basically has everything she could ever want, and she loves it. Until she and her dad get kidnapped by terrorists and are trapped in a cave for three months. After returning home, forever changed by the experience, her dad wants to go out and make sure Stark Industry weapons are wiped from the planet, while Kris just wants to forget it ever happened and return to her normal life. It takes being terrorized by her honourary grandfather and her father creating a supersuit and becoming a public superhero to realize that their lives are never getting back to normal. It takes her father nearly dying less than a year later for Kris to take up the mantle as another superhero, pushing her life as far from normal as it gets.
Kris is a lesbian and dating Wanda.
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Full name: Rose, codename Venom
Fandom: Power Rangers: Jungle Fury
Faceclaim: Brittany O’Grady
Their tags: Rose
Fics/blurbs available: a whole post I made about her premise, her choice of animal, her having a breakdown, what happens in Ghost of a Chance (AO3)
Character bio/premise: 10,000 years ago, Rose - abandoned as a child, then abused and tormented by her Pai Zhuq master - chooses to join the evil Dai Shi, wanting revenge on humanity for the pain she’s suffered. She’s made into a double agent, spying on the humans for Dai Shi. It goes well, until the war is won by the Pai Zhuq and Dai Shi is sealed away. To keep her safe, Dai Shi turns Rose to stone, and she waits for 10,000 years before he returns and tasks her with being a double agent once more, this time spying on the power rangers who threaten his attempts to take over the world.
It’s supposed to be an easy mission. She sews discord in the group, avoids getting too close, and reports back to her Lord with information to destroy the rangers. But slowly, the safety and kindness of her fake life starts to feel more welcoming than the cruelty she had accepted before, and Rose suddenly finds herself at a crossroads - to choose revenge and a life she’s been told is the only one she deserves, or her new friends and a life she thinks she actually deserves.
Full name: Ryoko
Fandom: Original content
Faceclaim: no official one yet, but either Li Bingbing or Fan Bingbing would be good, as both have roles with white hair (The Forbidden Kingdom and The White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom respectively)
Their tags: Ryoko, Ryoko and Ten, Ten and Ryoko (relationship tags)
Fics/blurbs available: human vs god appearance, commissioned art!, Forgotten, Never Stopped,  All Trussed Up, Traveling Companion, Ryoko and Ten being silly, Ryoko’s healing abilities, Ryoko’s immortality, kidnapped (humor), NFWMB, Ryoko needs to sleep, Ten is insecure and Ryoko’s a good friend
Character bio/premise: Ryoko was a human woman once - about 10,000 years ago. When she discovered how to achieve immortality, though, she chased after it and became the first god in her world - the god of war, fire, death and the sun. Many others followed in her footsteps, and for thousands of years, they all ruled the world as a pantheon, with her as their ruler, the Queen of the Heavens. Flashfoward to present day, millennia later, and she’s the only god left in the world after she killed the rest of them. She wanders the world, alone as she has been for centuries now. At least, until she meets Ten, who wants to be a god and knows she’s the only one who can help him achieve his goal. Although she knows it didn’t end well last time, she finally agrees to help Ten, thinking that by helping them, she’ll be able to find a way to end her own immortality. The two of them set out on an adventure and despite her best efforts, she becomes too close to Ten, despite knowing she’s using them for her own selfish purpose.
Full name: Ten (no last name as of yet)
Fandom: Original content
Faceclaim: None yet, if you have any suggestions let me know!
Their tags: Ten, Ryoko and Ten,Ten and Ryoko (relationship tags)
Fics/blurbs available: Traveling companion, premise, goals and some background of their world, Never Stopped,  All Trussed Up, grudges, piccrew appearance, Ten is a history nerd and Ryoko is unhelpful, Ryoko and Ten being silly, Ten is insecure and Ryoko’s a good friend
Character bio/premise: Uses he/they pronouns. Raised in a small farming town, and the eldest living child of five, Ten was always told by his parents - and everyone else outside of his siblings - he would never amount to anything, that he was a waste of space. Desperate to prove everyone wrong, they moved to the city to find work and support their family while also trying to find ways to achieve more, to learn and study their passion - history and legends of the world - and become more than what they are. Eventually, he crosses paths with The legendary icon of their world, the only living god - Ryoko, queen of the heavens. Knowing this is the only way they can prove everyone wrong, they convince her to show them how to achieve godhood, and to their surprise, she agrees. They set out on a grand journey together, and despite all the terrifying legends of her and her own personality, Ten finds himself growing closer to the woman, unaware of the secrets she’s hiding from him.
Ten is nb and uses he/they pronouns.
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Full name: Cara Anderson (chosen name), Carina Alvarez (legal name)
Fandom: MCU (canon divergent after Avengers)
Faceclaim: Odette Annable
Their tags: Cara, Cara Anderson, my sister’s ocs
Fics/blurbs available: None
Character bio/premise: Raised by HYDRA to be an assassin, Cara never knew anything but abuse and cruelty, except for the love of her twin, Quinn. That all ended when she realized just how fucked up HYDRA was and made plans to run away with Quinn. Those plans came to an end when SHIELD attacked their HYDRA facilities and Quinn died in the attack. Grieving, but ready to leave HYDRA behind, Cara agrees to join SHIELD (not knowing HYDRA and SHIELD are one and the same) and become an agent for them after being given a second chance by Clint Barton, as well as Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury, and Maria Ross (who would eventually become her best friend). Years go by and she’s definitely one of their best agents, although she still has a lot of unprocessed trauma and anger. Things get a little better when she finds a family with the Avengers. Things get a lot better when she meets Sam Wilson, whose good heart and entire character is a bright spot in her stormy life.
Cara is bisexual.
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Full name: Valerie Jenkins
Fandom: MCU (canon divergent after Avengers)
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Their tags: Valerie, my sister’s ocs
Fics/blurbs available: None
Character bio/premise: Valerie is just a kid when her parents die and she’s sent to live with her aunt. She’s still just a kid when her aunt is in a car accident and ends up in a coma and Valerie is sent to live in foster care, before running away and living on the streets. She’s still just a kid when she discovers she’s a mutant with the ability to control metal. For years she lives as a drifter, but eventually she’s able to get off the streets and make ends meet as a waitress in NYC - up until aliens attack. Using her powers to fight, she’s discovered by the Avengers and SHIELD and recruited, and ends up living in the Avengers tower with the rest of them. After years of not having anyone, she’s finally found herself a space space and a family - a family that gets even bigger when the Maximoff twins show up and she finds herself growing closer to Pietro.
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blackhakumen · 8 months
Mini Fanfic #1172: Odin's Homecoming: An Unexpected Réunion (SSBU X Fire Emblem)
12:54 p.m. in the Streets of Smash Town.......
Kyoko: (Happily Walking on the Sidewalk with her Lovers and Odin, Carrying Lots of Shopping Bags) This has GOT to be the best Shopping Spree Day I've ever had in my whole life!~ (Squeals Very Happily)
Misako: (Smiles Brightly) Same! We brought a crap ton of more stuff than we usually do.
Dark Pit: (Gives the New Guy a Very Impressed Smirk on his Face) You didn't tell us you were low-key rich this whole time, Odin my man.
Odin: (Smiles Sheepishly While Now Wearing a Casual Attire) Oh come now, I am far from being the wealthiest guy known to man. The punch of money was actually founded given to me by my good friend, Niles, as a departure gift. (Starts Rolling his Eyes a Bit) Either that or he pickpocketed a couple of poor bandits in presence I could never get that guy some- TIME!? (Suddenly Felt Something Yanking him Back)
Misako: (Pulling the Back of Odin's Shirt Collar) Hey! Careful! (Points Odin Towards a Now Busy Road) You don't wanna get yourself ran over on the spot, do you?
Odin: (Eyes Widened in Fear at the Amount of at Various Types of Vehicles Driving on the Streets in Front of Him) Nope. ('Glup') No, I do not. ('Sigh') I should really stop underestimating the busyness of this town......
Dark Pit: (Shrugs) Told ya, man: New world, new experiences. You gotta live and learn sometimes.
Kyoko: (Gives Odin a Reassuring Smile on her Face) I'm sure you'll get used to the city life sooner or late. This kind of stuff just takes times, you know?
Odin: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Yes, time will heal from my cluelessness of this place. The last thing I want to do is cause you all any more trouble.
Misako: Oh relax, you're fine. We don't mind helping out a new friend or whatever. By the way, do you have any idea where you're gonna stay at in the meantime?
Odin: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Hmm....I'm not sure....I'll probably find a nearby inn to stay at for a few days. Hopefully one that doesn't cost too much.
Dark Pit: Or you could stay with me in the Smash Mansion. We got plenty of space and rooms.
Few Minutes of Walking Later.......
Dark Pit: (Presents a Surprised Stunned Odin to the Smash Mansion in Front of Him and his Girlfriends) See?
Odin: Mother of a Titan.....This can't be no mere Mansion, IT'S A FREAKING CASTLE!
Misako: We thought the same when Kyoko and I first came here. But no, it's a mansion alright.
Kyoko: A really, really, really, REALLY huge one!~
Odin: A very marvelous one at that......(Turns to Pitto) Are you happened to be a prince of some kind? Maybe born in a royal family?
Dark Pit: ('Heh') I wish. But nah, I'm neither. I'm just a carbon copy of my twin brother, Pit-Stain.
Kyoko: (Starts Pouting at her Boyfriend Along with Misako) Pitto-Kiiiins, we've been over this.
Dark Pit: I know, I know. But to be fair....(Shrugs) I technically did came out from a magical mirror in the past
Misako: And? You're still you, your own person. No one else.
Odin: (Gives Pitto a Reassuring Smile on his Face) Your partners in romance are right, my dark angelic friend. Despite your upbringing, you and only yourself are the key to behold and take control of your own fate and identity.
Kyoka: See? Odin gets it! Be more proud of who you are, babe!
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Alright, alright, I will. Now can we please go inside already? I'm freezing here.
Meanwhile at the Dining Hall, League of Villains' Table.......
Tablet: He make things complicated~ No wonder Samus hates him~ EVERYBODY HAAATES RIDLEYYYYYYYY!~
Bowser: (Starts Bursting Out Laughing) AHHHAHAHA! Oh man! (Wipes a Tear From his Eyes) That was freaking priceless! Phenomenal even!
Ganondorf: (Chuckles Lightly While Clapping his Hands) Yes, that was a remarkable performance indeed. What were group's name again? (Grabs his Chin While Reading the Title of the Video on the Tablet) "The....Koopette's in Harmony"? I don't think I've ever heard of them before.
Hades: That's because they're still brand new in the music scene. Started their debut weeks ago and they've been reaching stardom ever since.
Ridley: (Already Fuming in Anger) Yeah? Well their stardom is about be plummeting soon once I'm done with them! (Angrily Typing on Something on his Phone)
Sephiroth: (Turns to the Angry Space Pirate along with Pichu) What are you doing?
Pichu: Pi?
Ridley: Finding myself a lawyer! I'm gonna sue the group and the writer who wrote this shit!!
Ganondorf: (Raises an Eyebrow at Ridley) You do know lawyers cost a fortune nowadays, right?
Ridley: Oh come on. They can't possible cost that much to- (Eyes Begins to Widened at the Costs For Each Laywers on Screen) HOLY FISH PASTE! They charge cilents ten-thousand dollars for their services!? What kind of pompous bullshit is this!?
Hades: (Casually Shrugs) Well, that's law business for you. They'll never fight for you unless you cough up their pay in return. (Place his Arm Around Ridley with Untrustworthy Grin on his Face) Luckily for you, I'll be more than happy you out for very small price.
Ridley: (Turns to Hades with Deadpinned Look on his Face) You, the God of the Underworld, is a full time laywer.
Hades: Part-time laywer actually. I may not look like it, I have you know that I've managed to win a decent amount of cases in my line of work. (Summons a Small Business Card With a Snap of his Finger Before Handing it Over to Ridley) You can look it up and more on the card if ever get the chance.
Ridley: (Looks Down at the Card, Still Unconvinced) Suuure. I'll think about it.....
????: Magnificent!
Ridley abd the rest of the villains turns to see Pitto abd his group walking in the dining hall.
Odin: (Looks Around the Room with Sparkle Glittering in his Eyes) I can't even begin to imagine how many grand party gatherings you had in a room as enormous as this!
Dark Pit: (Shrugs) We've thrown plenty of them here on occasions. But some of us come here to chill in our respective hangout spots.
Misako: (Starts Glaring at the Villains Along with Kyoko) And one of them just so happens to those jerks over there.
Kyoko: Villains......
Bowser: ('Sigh') Good to see you too, kids. You here to beat up Hades again?
Ridley: We got our phones and tablets right on standby.
Pichu: (Happily Picks Up Both of Sephiroth's Electronics) Pichu!~
Hades: (Scoffs While Rolling his Eyes and Crossing his Arms Together) Oh really bold of all of you to assume I couldn't handle two mere brats.
Sephiroth: Then why are you turning away?
Hades sowly turns back to the girls, only to be greeted by both of their dark, blazing glares staring directly at him as they pull out their respective weapons.
Hades: (Already Sweating Bullets) U-Uhhh. (Quickly Turns Away Again) Cause I can. I'm Hades! I do what I want.
Sephiroth: Riiight. (Turns Back to the Kids) Who exactly is the young gentleman standing next to you, Pitto?
Dark Pit: A new friend we made-
Odin: (Does One of his his Flashly Poses) ODIN THE DARK! The darkest, most powerful mage you see before you, at your humble services. (Politely Bows at the Villains)
Ganondorf: The Darkest Mage you say....
Odin: Don't forget powerful! (Crosses his Arms With a Proud Smirk on his Face) I may not look it, but I'll have you know that I am a master of being one with the darkness and all of it's majestic glory. Observe.
Odin creates a dark light on the palm of his hands and let it zoom around circular rotation for a few amount of seconds, infusing the purple colored aura into his fists before screaming out "ASTALIVENTETA" and bringing his hands up into the air, shooting out twin vicious lightnings from out both palms, creating the name Odin in streaks of purple electricity, leaving everyone in the room either amazed or impressed.
Ganondorf: (Slowly Claps his Hands With an Impressed Smirk.on his Face) Very impressive, indeed With abilities like that, I'd say ypu would make a perfect addition to our group.
Odin: (Raises an Eyebrow in Curiosity) Your group ypu say?
Dark Pit: Oh don't even start with that, Ganon!
Misako: Odin, don't even THINK about accepting his offer.
Kyoko: Yeah! (Points at Ganondorf) He's this big, evil wizard guy who clearly can't be trusted!
Ganondorf: I'm more of an evil tyrant myself in actuality. But I have done my fair share of sorcery in the past. And I'm more than willing to share and maybe even teach some of my most powerful spells to you IF you agree to join our League of Villains.
Odin: (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) The offer does sound tempting.....(Shakes his Head One Time) But I'm afraid I can't accept. My powers maybe dark, but my heart is still bright as a solid gold blazing within.
Ridley: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Like heartburn?
Odin: Yes, but less hurting and more fuel in pure motivation.
Bowser: That wouldn't that hurt your chest even more if you feel more burned?
Odin: Well...Yes, theoretically if it goes untreated for a long amount of time-Look, the point is, I owe it to my past comrades to continue to guide my heart and soul to brighter path of tomorrow and I REFUSE to let it be tarnished by measly yet somewhat appealing offer in my presence! For my name isn't OD-
??????: Owain?
Everyone in the room (sans for Odin) turns to see a young woman in long blue hair staring at the dark mage in the distance.
??????: Is that....really you?
Odin: That voice......(Turns to See the Woman As Well) Could it be? (Eyes Starts to Widened as He Smiles Brightly at the Blue Haired Girl That Called Out to Him) It is. Lucina, my dearest cousin! Ahoy there! (Speed Walks his Way Over to Lucina)
Misako: So those two are cousins, huh?
Kyoko: (Clasps her Hands Together in Happiness) Aww~ We reunited a family, you guys~
Dark Pit: That'snice and all. (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) But his name was Owain this whole time?
Bowser: Yeah, not gonna lie, I kinda like his Odin name better.
Ganondorf: Agreed. He still has potential though.
Dark Pit: Shut up.
Owain:I haven't seen you in so long! ! How have you been? I had no idea you have been living in this town this entire time. (Chuckles Lightly) But I sure you have better custom to this place than I ever coul-
Everyone: ('GASPS'')
Dark Pit: Oh shit.
As everyone stares in shock of what just happened, Owain slowly moves his hand onto his cheek, feeling a small, yet surprisingly effective sting that given to him by one slap. He then looks down to his one and own cousin, shaking in distraught.and anger.
Lucina: Where have you been?
Owain: Lucina.....
Lucina: You, Severa, and Ingio went missing on that day and we have spent countless hours and months on end to try and find either of you, with little to no success whatsoever. Do you have any idea how much worry, hurt, and stress you three have brought to our families, our friends, our comrades, and the kingdom as a whole on that day? (Looks Up at Owain woth Tears Coming Down From her Eyes) How much you've worried ME as well? We've made a vow that we continue to fight for the people we love and stock together till the bitter end and yet you decided to disappeared without telling anyone and show up here of all places? (Angrily Stomps her Foot onto the Floor) HOW DARE YOU!? (Starts Whimpering in More Distress) ('Sniff') W-Why would you leave us like this?.....Why.....
Owain and Lucina has been an inseparable duo throughout their childhood. They would support each other's woshes and dreams while fighting alongside each other from any threat amd challenges that stands in each other's way.
Owain has always admired his dearest cousin since then, even considering her more worthy of being named the "Chosen One" than he ever hoped to becoming. So it would always take him aback whenever he sees her crying on rare occasions. But now that they've finally reunited after so long, HE'S the one that's making her cry this time around. And feeling of guilt is currently creeping up to him as we speak.
Owain: (Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Speaking) The night we've disappeared, I should've known it would cause each and everyone of you nothing but grief abd sorrow from that day forward. It pains me so much to know that I wasn't far off from the truth. (Gently Grab Hold of Both of Lucina's Hands) I know neither of us have no excuse for what we've done that night, but regardless of that, from the bottom of very heart, I am.....so very sorry for hurting you like this, after all this time even. (Sighs as He Gently Let's Go of his Cousin's Hands) But I understand if you choose to never forgive me.....I'll even be willing to get out of your sight if you truly wish-
Lucina: (Immediately Hugs Her Cousin) NO! Don't leave! Please!
Owain: (Taken Aback by Lucina's Suddenly Action) Lucina!
Lucina: ('Sniff') It's true that I've been upset for some time now. ('Sniff') Maybe I am still upset with you some degree, but even still, above all else....(Looks Up at Owain in Her Watery Eyes) I'm just so happy to see you standing here, alive and well, you know? ('Sniff') I missed my baby cousin so much~
Owain: (Hugs Lucina Back) I missed you too, my-(Immediately Pulls Away) WAIT A DAMN SECOND!! I beg your pardon!?
Lucina: (Pouts at Owain While Wiping her Tears Away) ('Sniff') Did you hear what just said-
Owain: (Pouts Back) Oh yes I heard you loud and clear and I REFUSE to let you go around fabricating our age in this town!
Lucina: Well, it's not my fault that I was born three months earlier than you.
Owain: AND!? Even if we're born months apart, we STILL have the same age! Least I hope so.....
Lucina: Perhaps. But who always had to be in charge of taking care of you when we were children, hm? Who always had to keep you from getting yourself in trouble and killed upon numerous occasions? Ooh! Or better yet, who always had to be one to take the fall for you every time you tried to steal pie from Auntie Lissa's-
Owain: Okay, okay, okay, I see your point! (Rolls his Eyes) You were always the most responsible one out if the two of us, I cannot deny.
Lucina: (Simply Nodded) And don't you forget it. Don't also forget that I still love you deeply. (Gives Owain a Kiss on his Slapped Cheek) I'm..... sorry I slapped you there.
Owain: (Gives Lucina a Reassuring Smile) Don't be. I deserved it.
Lucina: No, you don't. Not completely anyways. I realize now that you have your own reasons as to why you left that day. (Hugs Owain Again) I just....don't want us to be separated. Never again.
Owain: (Hugs Lucina Back) Neither do I, my dearest cousin.
Misako/Kyoko: (Clasps Their Hands Together While Gushing on How Wholesome the Scene is in Front of Them) AWWWWWWW~
?????: Owain!
The duo turns to see a white haired man wearing a dark brown cloak walking towards them.
?????: Is that really you?
Owain: (Eyes Begins to Widened Once More at the Sight of His....) Father! Hello!~
Everyone: Father!?
Dark Pit: Robin's your DAD!?
Owain: (Happily Nodded to Pitto) That's indeed correct, my friends! Although, he is an alternative version of the father I originally had in my timeline. Before it was burned and demolished completely......(Smiles Brightly Again) But that's neither here nor there, of course.
Robin: (Already Has a Worried Frown on hus Face) Everyone was so worried when you, Severa, and Ingio left, your mother and I especially! Where were you this entire this time?
Owain: ('Sighs Heavily') It's a long, long, story to explain actually. B-But I'm more than willing to tell it all to you if you like.
Robin: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Yes. I would like that very much actually. You have a lot to explaining to do, my son.
Lucina: (Went Back to Pouting Again While Pulling on Owain's Ear) That goes double from me, mister!
Owain: (Starts Feeling Pain) Owowowow! Alright! I'm gonna! Honest!
Robin: (Chuckles Lightly) Calm yourself, Lucina. He's telling the truth. Let's go out and talk in private, yeah?
Lucina: (Nodded in Agreement as He Lets Go of Owain's Ear) Sure.
Owain: Sounds good to me. (Turns to His New Friends) My apologies, my friends. But I'm afraid I must cut our time together short for now.
Dark Pit: Nah, don't worry about it.
Misako: You go on and deal with your family business, alright?
Kyoko: (Happily Waves at Owain) We still had a really good time with you today!~ Thank you!~
Owain: (Stares at the Trio For a Brief Second Before Happily Bowing to Them) Much oblige.
Owain begins to walk away with both his cousin and father by each of his sides, leaving everyone else behind in the room.
Bowser: Well.....That all happened.
Ganondorf: 'Least it wasn't nearly as messy as the Mishima Family drama.
Dark Pit: ('Sigh') Thank Goddess Mom for that.
Palutena: (In the Background) Your Welcome, sweetie!~
Dark Pit: (Smiles a Bit) Honestly, I'm just glad they got reunited.
Misako: (Hugs Onto one if Pitto's Arm) Same here.
Kyoko: (Happily Nodded in Agreement While Hugging Pitto's Other Arm) Mmhmm~
Hades: Yes. Nice. (Forms a Conniving Grin on his Face) Say, you wanna know how we could live the room a bit?~
Misako: (Angrily Points at Hades) If you're thinking about showing any more nasty stuff to our boyfriend-
Hades: A song about how Everyone Hates Bird Boy over there. (Points at Ridley Beside Him)
Ridley: WHAT!?
Misako: I'LL KILL YO- Wait what now?
Ganondorf: We saw a video of a chorus group singing how hated Ridley is and it was pretty good.
Bowser: (Starts Snickering) And super funny too.
Misako: (Snickers as Well) Really?~
Dark Pit: A song about how much Ridley sucks....I'd be down to see it.
Kyoko: (Rapidly Raises her Hand Up) Me too, me too, me tooo!~
Ridley: (Glares at Everyone) No, no, and NO! None of you are allowed to see it once I sue them for everything they got!
Hades: You could do that ooooor- Portal Up! (Quickly Sumons his Portal Behind Ridley)
Ridley: Wait, what are you- AUGH! ( Suddenly Gets Pushed into the Portal by Hades)
Hades: He'll be fine (Closes the Portal with the Snap of a Finger) There's nothing in there he can't handle. Probably. (Forms an Evil Grin) Now about the video.....
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sigyns-drafts · 10 months
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Norse mythology
Sol & Mani
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Brunhilde (including all Valkyries)
Shiva + his wives
Lu bu
Adam & Eve
Kojiro Sasaki
Jack the ripper
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Maman Brigitte
Ao kuang
Baron samedi
Chang e
Cu chualinn
Da ji
Erlang shen
Guan yu
He bo
Hou yi
Iz chel
King Arthur
Morgan le fay
Nu wa
Sun wukong
The Morrigan
Yu Huang
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Ror!Thor x Fem!Sif reader(A kiss under the evening sun)
Ror!Hermes x NB! Human reader (Enchanting music of the night)
In whistling spirits can be growth (Hades x Persephone)
With an Honorary status, beware the rubble (Odin, Loki, Sigyn, Angrboda)
The unlikely jackal-headed companion (Ror!Anubis x fem!reader)
Bonding by the Nile (Smite!Sobek & Neith)
With parental aid, my cycle's dread will fade (Hel!Reader with Loki and Sigyn)
Slumber in the Divine Boardroom (Gn!Reader x ror!Hades x Buddha x Loki x Poseidon)
Secret crushes and seashells (Ror poseidon x oc)
You remind me so much of him (ror buddha x fem!reader)
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findroleplay · 2 years
Heya, I'm Vee, 18+ years old, female (she/her) from the CET timezone! I'm looking for a few new Fandom Roleplays!
I'm looking for Canon x OC, FxM only (will double for AxA) and very much offer to Double! I only roleplay on Discord.
I am semi-literate to literate. I can write a couple paragraphs, but I prefere not having too much pressure when it comes to length. I usually type around the max. length on Discord, sometimes more. But somedays it might be a bit less.
I write my OC in first person and the character I double as (plus any additional ones) in third person.
I am in college and not the most active (most likely no rapid fire), yet I try to answer regularly and ask of my partner to be patient. Roleplaying is just a hobby for me, so I don't wanna force myself to reply, if I still got work to do or wanna spend my freetime with something else.
I am a big fan of Romance, Angst and Drama! I also like mature themes and topics, like unhealthy relationships, perhaps some yandere here and there and a couple AUs! Smut is possible, yet would I prefere to let it be an afterthought, instead of the whole story.
I also enjoy love triangles (or squares) and am always up to also double for those!
When it comes to Fandoms, those are the ones that I'm looking for, as well as which characters I'd wanna pair my OC with. The coloured ones are my favourites! I can double up as any names characters, as well as a bunch more!
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Denki Kaminari, Eijirou Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Yuga Aoyama, Mashirao Ojiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, Hitoshi Shinso, Neito Monoma, Mirio Togata, Tamaki Amajiki, Yo Shindo, Inasa Yoarashi, Seiji Shishikura, Natsu Todoroki, Rody Soul, Shota Aizawa, Keigo Tamaki/Hawks, Taishiro Toyomitsu/Fatgum, Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye, Enji Todoroki/Endeavour, Toshinori Yagi/All Might, Kai Chisaki/Overhaul, Touya Todoroki/Dabi, Jin Bubaigawara/Twice, Atsuhiro Sako/Mr. Compress, Shuichi Iguchi/Spinner, Tomura Shigaraki
Byakuya Togami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Mondo Owada, Leon Kuwata, Nagito Komaeda, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Gundham Tanaka, Kazuichi Soda, Hajime Hinata, Izuru Kamukura, Nekomaru Nidai, Gonta Gokuhara, Kokichi Ouma, K1B0, Shuichi Saihara, Kaito Momota, Rantaro Amami, Ryoma Hoshi, Korekiyo Shinguji
Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir, Luka Couffaine/Viperion, Felix Graham de Vanilly, Kim le Chien
Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Apollo, Frank Zhang, Octavian
Shulk, Reyn, Dunban, Kallian, Rex, Zeke, Jin, Malos, Mikhail, Akhos, Adam, Minoth, Hugo, Noah, Lanz, Taion, Isurd, Zeon, N, Bolearis, Aizel
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Felix Hugo Fraldarius, Ashe Ubert, Dedue Molinaro, Claude von Riegan, Chrom, Frederick, Stahl, Vaike, Lon'zu, Virion, Gaius, Henry, Gregor, Owain, Inigo, Yarne, Brady, Alm, Lukas, Gray, Tobin, Kliff, Clive, Forsyth, Python, Luthier, Conrad, Fernand, Berkut, Ryoma, Takumi, Xander, Leo, Odin, Laslow, Niles, Silas, Kaden
Junpei Tenmyouji, Santa/Aoi Kurashiki, Sigma Klim/Kyle Klim
Kaname Date, Kuruto Ryuki, Saito Sejima, Moma Kumakura, Lien Twining, Gen Ishiyagane
Shu Amiguchi, Nenji Ogata, Takatoshi Hijiyama, Keitaro Miura, Ei Sekigahara, Takemi Wajima
Towa Asakura, Aya Kamiyama, Rui Miyamoto, Ryuuji Tada, Kyosuke Wakamiya
Kyo Soma, Yuki Soma, Shigure Soma, Hatsuharu Soma, Momiji Soma, Kureno Soma, Akito Soma
Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Miya Chinen, Kojiro Nanjo/Joe
Tamaki Suoh, Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru Hitachiin, Takashi Morinozuka, Kyoya Ootori
Hunter, Edric Blight
Lance McClain, Lotor, Keith Kogane
Ed Nygma, Victor Zsasz, Bruce Wayne, Jerome Valeska, Jeremiah Valeska
John Constantine, Leonard Snart, Mick Rory, Ray Palmer, Rip Hunter, Nate Heywood, Behrad Tarazi, Jefferson "Jax" Jackson
Gilbert Blythe, Jerry Baynard, Moody Spurgeon
Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove
If interested, my Discord is: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ#5078
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Finally got around to posting all the stories I wrote for CBL. Feel free to ask any questions about what I had planned or what this was all about
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eimaremia · 5 months
Crossover Relationships
between characters from different FE games~ Pink indicates romance. Purple italic indicates a potential for romance.
Heroes x Shadows of Valentia
Alfonse & Leon
Heroes x The Binding Blade
Roy & Sharena
Heroes x Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn
Mist & Sharena
Heroes x Awakening
Alfonse & Chrom
Alfonse & Lissa
Brady & Sharena
Robin & Sharena
Sharena & Lissa
Heroes x Fates
Alfonse & Niles
Alfonse & Nina
Alfonse & Takumi
Elise & Sharena
Forrest & Sharena
Leo & Bruno
Niles & Bruno
Orochi & Sharena
Sharena & Niles (siblings-in-law)
Sharena & Velouria
Selkie & Sharena
Heroes x Three Houses
Caspar & Sharena
Ingrid & Sharena
Marianne & Bruno
Mirabilis & Linhardt
Heroes x Engage
Fogado & Sharena
Hortensia & Sharena
Mirabilis & Amber
Mirabilis & Chloé
Mirabilis & Merrin
Mirabilis & Panette
Pandreo & Bruno
Panette & Bruno
Sharena & Amber
Sharena & Rosado
Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light / Mystery of the Emblem x Awakening
Marth & Chrom
Marth & Lucina
Chrom & Caeda
Lucina & Caeda
Shadows of Valentia x Awakening
Nina & Leon
The Binding Blade x Awakening
Libra & Saul
The Binding Blade x Three Houses
Ingrid & Dorothy
Saul & Sylvain
The Binding Blade x Engage
Diamant & Lilina
Diamant & Roy
Dorothy & Pandreo
Saul & Pandreo
The Blazing Blade x The Sacred Stones
Ephraim & Hector
Lyn & Eirika
The Blazing Blade x Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn
Ike & Hector
Hector & Soren
The Blazing Blade x Awakening
Robin & Lyn
Hector & Chrom
Ninian & Inigo
The Blazing Blade x Fates
Leo & Hector
Lyn & Takumi
Ninian & Laslow
Nina & Lyn
The Blazing Blade x Three Houses
Caspar & Hector
Felix & Eliwood
Felix & Hector
Felix & Lyn
The Blazing Blade x Engage
Fogado & Lyn
Lyn & Alcryst
Ninian & Merrin
Ninian & Pandreo
The Sacred Stones x Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn
Ike & Ephraim
The Sacred Stones x Awakening
Lyon & Robin
The Sacred Stones x Fates
Lyon & Takumi
Niles & Eirika
The Sacred Stones x Three Houses
L'Arachel & Sylvain
Lyon & Hilda
Lyon & Linhardt
The Sacred Stones x Engage
Alcryst & Eirika
Chloé & Eirika
Chloé & Ephraim
Chloé & L'Arachel
Hortensia & Eirika
Louis & Eirika
Pandreo & Eirika
Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn x Awakening
Brady & Boyd
Henry & Ranulf
Henry & Soren
Mist & Lissa
Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn x Fates
Elise & Mist
Ike & Nina
Ike & Takumi
Lethe & Selkie
Lethe & Velouria
Nina & Soren
Selkie & Ranulf
Velouria & Ranulf
Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn x Three Houses
Ingrid & Titania
Lethe & Ingrid
Marianne & Ranulf
Lysithea & Soren
Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn x Engage
Fogado & Elincia
Fogado & Soren
Hortensia & Soren
Ike & Amber
Ike & Fogado
Ike & Rosado
Ike & Timerra
Lethe & Merrin
Louis & Soren
Ranulf & Merrin
Timerra & Soren
Awakening x Fates
Brady & Laslow
Brady & Nina
Brady & Selena
Elise & Lissa (daughter and mother-in-law)
Henry & Elise (father and daughter-in-law)
Henry & Nyx (father and daughter-in-law)
Henry & Odin (father and son, default)
Henry & Selkie
Henry & Velouria
Leo & Owain
Libra & Camilla
Libra & Forrest
Libra & Laslow
Libra & Nyx
Lucina & Laslow
Lucina & Laslow (sister and brother)
Niles & Owain
Nina & Inigo
Odin & Lissa
Odin & Lucina
Awakening x Three Houses
Brady & Bernadetta
Dorothea & Inigo
Felix & Lon’qu
Henry & Bernadetta
Inigo & Hilda
Inigo & Sylvain
Marianne & Libra
Libra & Dimitri
Libra & Seteth
Libra & Sylvain
Robin & Linhardt
Awakening x Engage
Brady & Fogado
Brady & Pandreo
Brady & Panette
Chrom & Pandreo
Diamant & Lucina
Fogado & Chrom
Fogado & Inigo
Fogado & Lissa
Goldmary & Inigo
Goldmary & Severa
Henry & Ivy
Henry & Panette
Hortensia & Lissa
Inigo & Rosado
Ivy & Lucina
Libra & Pandreo
Libra & Rosado
Libra & Yunaka
Louis & Chrom
Louis & Lissa
Louis & Lucina
Maribelle & Pandreo
Owain & Amber
Panette & Lon’qu
Panette & Maribelle
Robin & Pandreo
Timerra & Inigo
Fates x Three Houses
Dorothea & Laslow
Dorothea & Forrest
Felix & Takumi
Forrest & Hilda
Laslow & Hilda
Laslow & Sylvain
Leo & Dimitri
Leo & Lysithea
Marianne & Kaze
Marianne & Kiragi
Marianne & Selkie
Marianne & Velouria
Nina & Sylvain
Nyx & Linhardt
Nyx & Lysithea
Nyx & Seteth
Orochi & Sylvain
Fates x Engage
Alcryst & Takumi
Camilla & Yunaka
Chloé & Nina
Diamant & Ryouma
Elise & Rosado
Fogado & Laslow
Fogado & Nina
Forrest & Rosado
Forrest & Timerra
Goldmary & Laslow
Goldmary & Forrest
Hortensia & Elise
Hortensia & Forrest
Ivy & Niles
Lapis & Kiragi
Laslow & Rosado
Leo & Alcryst
Leo & Ivy
Leo & Yunaka
Louis & Forrest
Louis & Nina
Nina & Rosado
Nyx & Yunaka
Odin & Amber
Panette & Niles
Selkie & Merrin
Timerra & Laslow
Velouria & Merrin
Three Houses x Engage
Annette & Timerra
Bernadetta & Alcryst
Byleth & Pandreo
Diamant & Dorothea
Diamant & Linhardt
Dorothea & Merrin
Dorothea & Timerra
Dorothea & Pandreo
Felix & Timerra
Felix & Yunaka
Goldmary & Sylvain
Ingrid & Merrin
Ingrid & Chloé
Jade & Bernadetta
Jade & Nina
Jade & Sylvain
Lapis & Dimitri
Marianne & Alcryst
Marianne & Amber
Marianne & Chloé
Marianne & Merrin
Marianne & Pandreo
Marianne & Rosado
Pandreo & Seteth
Timerra & Linhardt
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