#nina is afraid to confess because what IF??
hhheyyy buddies on the internet *hyperventilates*
uh. okay. sooo i might want to ask Maggie to. uh. attend a baking lesson with me together yeah you catch the drift
how do I pop the question?? is it too forward if I just go 'hey Maggie dyou wanna come bake with me?' god fucking damn it
what if I pull a leaf out of Mr. Crowley's book and appear at Maggie's doorstep uninvited with a choice selection of desserts and my best coffee? that seemed to work for him.
ugh fuckk why is proper courting so Hard?? so complicated??
please buddies on the internet help me. oh gays of the tumblr give me your counsel
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chlorine-and-daisies · 8 months
nobody had to tell aziraphale that he loves crowley.
neither angels nor demons are taught anything about love or relationships or desire. even though crowley has been saving aziraphale for thousands of years and repeatedly asked him to run away, it still seems to hit him as this whole realization when nina talks to him about their relationship. he finally puts the pieces together that he needs to speak to aziraphale about their feelings. even during his de-facto confession he still seems to shy away from using the l-word or calling them a couple (a group of two).
we don't see anyone have a similar conversation with aziraphale (no, the "you're better off without him" guy doesn't count). he's never told that loving crowley is even a possibility for him.
and yet it's aziraphale who starts to choke out an "i love you" before cutting himself off.
aziraphale who constantly stares at crowley like he's barely stopping himself from pouncing.
he may be terrified of his feelings, but he can't deny that he knows their name. somehow he came to the realization all on his own, long before crowley did. he's been fantasizing for so long, inserting crowley into every romance book he read, probably guilty and afraid the whole time.
and furthermore he also picks up a little bit about crowley's feelings for him! the raised eyebrow when shax says he's not crowley's type, the "rescuing me makes him so happy." maybe he doesn't yet fully realize that they could be together, but he does at least acknowledge the mutual attraction, which is more than crowley does.
why else would he respond to a kiss that was *not gentle,* that he didn't see coming, that makes him cry, with "i love you?"
he recognizes that in the final act, after the long-awaited kiss, the protagonists of a romance are supposed to say i love you, and then they will stay together forever and get their happy ending.
the whole touching fingers to lips thing is absolutely a trope he's seen in books and movies too.
and i think this explains the ball as well. aziraphale is clearly intelligent and always reading, so at first i was wondering how he could have misunderstood jane austen so badly. after all, balls in themselves don't necessarily help characters find true love- balls are for watching from across the room and short conversations, for wondering who your dance partner really is and what could be. austen's characters don't really Fall In Love until they communicate.
take pride and prejudice- elizabeth may stare at darcy during balls, but she doesn't start to truly warm up to him until he explains his actions and makes his good intentions clear in his letter.
it seems more likely that aziraphale isn't misunderstanding austen's writing- instead he's misunderstanding love.
he thinks that the balls- the pining from a respectable distance, in a space with everyone watching you- are all people need to fall in love, because THAT IS ALL THAT HAS EVER COME OF HIS LOVE FOR CROWLEY.
and i cannot wait for him to realize that crowley loves him just as fiercely, that they are capable of giving each other so much more than the wondering and dreaming, that love isn't just the *hunger* but also the communication and the mutual expressions and the comfortable and safe and beautiful life together. the nightingales :)
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enjoythesilentworld · 22 days
another sentence, less painful this time (sorry about those other two)
"I am terrified to fall in love with you"
look i didn't even make it angsty like i said i might! ily Nina thx for this one 💜
“That first day we met,” Wille says, “I remember looking at you and thinking, I am terrified to fall in love with you."
Simon’s lips turn down in a frown, making him look so young, and Wille shakes his head because Simon doesn’t understand yet. 
They’re standing in the middle of the street because they’d just been hanging out at Wille’s, and Wille spent the whole time working up the courage to finally, finally tell Simon how he felt, but he couldn’t, at least not until Simon had already left, so Wille chased after him, and here they are now, random strangers passing by as Wille lays his heart out on the pavement. 
“I was so terrified to fall in love with you because I was so afraid of what would happen to us. And then,” Wille hesitates, bracing himself, “I did.” 
Simon’s mouth drops open slightly, and Wille can’t read his expression, can’t tell if he’s about to receive pity or anger or excitement, so he pushes on, words overflowing now in such a way that he can’t stop them. 
“I fell in love with you, and then I spent the next five years terrified— absolutely terrified that you would find out, because it was even worse now that I knew you, and I knew what I might be losing if you ever found out, but I can’t keep doing this, Simon, I can’t keep pretending that every time you come over I don’t want to hold your hand on the couch while we watch a movie, or pull you closer when we share a bed, or kiss you when—” 
In the time it’s taken Wille to babble out this messy confession of love, Simon has crossed the small gap of asphalt between them and promptly cuts off Wille’s rambling by pulling him into a kiss. And Wille can barely compute what’s happening, can barely connect his words to this outcome because he could’ve never, ever imagined that Simon would feel the same about him.
But, here they are now, Simon’s lips on his, Simon’s fingers in his hair, beautiful, beautiful Simon laughing and pulling away to say, “I’m in love with you, too, you idiot.”
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ao3cassandraic · 1 year
When angels overplay
Angels, playing a human role new to them, routinely overplay, in delight at their own cleverness and the sheer fun of roleplay. (Demons mostly don't. Crowley only piles role upon role on Bildad the Shuhite because Aziraphale prods him into helping con the angel posse. Until then, Bildad's basically just some guy -- if a guy who asks some rather foreboding leading questions -- to Job and Sitis. In s1, Hastur la Vista looks awful, but plays his role at Megiddo tolerably well; it's Warlock's child-outing-the-naked-emperor bit rather than any solecisms on his part that mess up his scene.) Angels just can't seem to figure out that sometimes less is more.
Muriel totally overdoes the Human Police Officer schtick -- Mrs. Sandwich clocks them just from a moment's glance at them, and so does Aziraphale -- because Muriel doesn't really know what they're doing so they think the thing to do is MORE OF IT. They kinda even know they don't know, but they have to get the job done so they just soldier (heh) right on. When Aziraphale pretends to buy their disguise, they are visibly thrilled.
Aziraphale totally overdoes the investigative-reporter schtick with the publican in the Resurrectionist. He settles down once he's getting some actual useful information, but the way he tosses around journalist jargon at the start is just as overegged as Muriel's Inspector Constable bit, and it comes from the same place of delight in roleplay.
Aziraphale's West End stage-magician career is also a masterpiece of Overegging It (when he isn't a basket of nerves, anyway). He only gets away with it because stage figures are allowed to be mega-flamboyant.
Here's the fun bit. Y'all ready for the fun bit? Here it is.
This applies to the Metatron too. He overplays his role as Kindly Oh-So-Human Appreciator of Aziraphale.
Oh, he does pretty well, the astute manipulative formerly-human-himself sod. He gets by Nina, no problem. The latte for Aziraphale (miracled or not) is a great gambit. He gets by Crowley, even -- Crowley's huge, huge, HUGE mistake is letting Aziraphale talk to the Metatron alone. (Crowley's contempt for Muriel's overplay, which he extends to angels in general, does him a very bad turn here.)
But then the Metatron says something that ground my brain-gears to a halt on my very first s2 watch. "You’re a leader, you’re honest, you don’t just tell people what they want to hear."
I'm sorry, are we talking about the same angel? The angel Aziraphale? The angel who flatly refuses to lead his troops in s1? The lying liar angel who lies lyingly even to the archangels and God Herself? The angel who when at odds with Heaven's archangels invariably finds a way to tell them what they want to hear, even if he has to convince them they want to hear it?
That angel?
Look, sure, it's meant as flattery, but the thing is, I don't think that is even the kind of angel Aziraphale wants to see himself as. He's not Michael or Uriel or Shax or Furfur, jockeying for empty titles and authority. He knows he's dishonest, and he's actually pretty honest with himself about it -- he confesses his lies to Crowley more than once over the millennia! He goes along to get along because it mostly works for him (and, of course, because he is always, always afraid).
But the Metatron clearly expects Aziraphale to buy this overegged line of utter boardroom-bafflegab bullshit. (Oxshit. Whatever. It's shit.) And the old boy's pretty damn pleased with himself at how well he thinks he's doing; he just oozes self-satisfaction.
I continue to hope Aziraphale doesn't buy it. He doesn't buy it. He does his standard go-along-to-get-along thing until he can get back to the bookshop and try to (codedly, codedly, anxiously, anxiously, the Metatron is still near) ask for Crowley's help.
I'm willing to be wrong about this; it's possible this is a cue to the audience -- rather than to Aziraphale -- that the Metatron isn't to be trusted. I don't think I am wrong, though. I think the Metatron went too far and Aziraphale (who is intelligent) caught it. Or possibly he'll catch it in (deus et Amazon volent) s3 when he's had a moment to consider.
P.S. I love that for all the swirling uncertainty about the details, the fandom has quickly -- and I believe accurately -- settled on the Metatron as the hate-sink string-pulling villain. We also seem to be pretty much agreed that there's one or several cons happening around the s2 ending, though again we're all over the place on the details. It's funny! I love y'all!
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emblazons · 1 year
I said I was gonna so a whole long post about the monologue after my rewatch so: having watched the whole Vecna monologue v Mike monologue that happens in the Piggyback in full for the first time in actual months…god damn. Just.
There is no way to understand what’s happening with El (and her relationship with Mike) during the monologue without looking at Vecna's monologue that comes right before it. There just isn’t, and if you try you’re 100% going to miss critical context for why things happen the way they do both in mlvn’s relationship and on screen.
First off: after what Vecna says to her, El is fully in self-defeat (and self-loathing) mode. She’d just learned that every single attempt of hers to do "right" with the knowledge she had at the time had actually been useful to the person destroying her world—
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—and despite trying so hard to overcome her sense of destructiveness about things like scaring Mike and hitting Angela by going to “learn who she is” at Nina, it turned out that even the moments she perceived as her “heroic” ones (like closing the gate and stopping the mindflayer monster in S3) were actually tools useful to Vecna…just like her Piggybacking in to save Max.
El is literally hearing that even her best attempts at being “good” were used for evil, which makes her an accomplice to Vecna even if she didn’t mean to be—
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—which we're shown, as El remembers all the moments she thought she was "helping" only to be told each one of those was her having her powers used by Henry/Vecna.
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If that wasn't enough, we literally watched as El paralleled herself directly to the person whose powers are now being used to destroy the world, even as we (the audience) know most of what is happening is just Vecna do what he does best by tapping into her deepest core fears.
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Vecna adds insult to injury here by making it clear that he once "wanted her by his side" in the first place (aka the powers she's been trying to use for good cannot be divorced from bad things)—
—and from this second onward (in El's perception at least) there is no way for her powers to be used correctly even when she wants to be helpful—which is why she “gives up,” lets the vine loop around her neck in the first place, and stares unmoving and crying at Max.
Basically: What Vecna says steals even the little resolve she gained back at Nina…which is why she stops fighting entirely.
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Now, all of this is an extremely fair reason to feel defeated and dejected about trying to fight (on top of traumatizing af for El)—
—the problem is (like everything else wrong in their relationship) Mike once again has no sense of El’s internal state because she doesn’t and has not historically shared it (or can’t in this case), and therefore can only answer what he externally perceives her state to be—which he guesses, based on their last argument, has to do with him not being able to say he loves her.
The disjointedness between what is really happening with El and what Mike wrongly perceives the issue to be is why we see El not only look repeatedly displeased by his confession—
—but why the only thing she can think of in relation to Mike positively is his initial rescue, when he takes her to a space where her powers are neutral / unknown (and not the force for evil even her best attempts at using them just became in her mind).
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That dissonance is also why she doesn’t fight until he starts saying she need to get over herself and save someone else…which is why she looks at Max and decides to fight anyway.
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In truth, Mike could have glossed over the entirety of the “I love you," "not I'm scared of you but I’m afraid of losing you” part and just said “I believe you can do anything, but right you need to fight” and gotten the same result, given that what needed to be addressed was her self-loathing, not Mike’s (lack of) romantic affections.
Basically: even if they weren’t on the precipice of a breakup, Mike’s love wasn’t going to make up for the fact that El has basically just learned that what Brenner said was true—she wasn’t ready, not even physically, but mentally…because she was not prepared to learn that even her best attempts at saving the world were actually helping Henry build to the end of it.
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Combine that with the fact that she ends up losing Max despite trying to fight with Mike's encouragement...on top of the fact that all of her relationship with Mike was rooted in her wanting to feel "normal" (aka what Vecna just shot out the window permanently)?
...no amount of "I love you's" from a boy as insecure as Mike (who she keeps at emotional distance) is was going to help that, especially given that Mike was directly mirroring what Brenner (who she literally cannot stand atp) said to her trying to encourage her.
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All of this...we haven't even touched on anything happening on Mike's side or how her powers (that he so admires her for) are now officially "evil" in El's mind, never mind every other aspect of their incompatibility? ☠️
—I know I'm gonna move from this post on to how what Brenner said to her about "facing the good and the bad / humans are rarely so simple" is actually how El's arc has to be resolved in the end, but.
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For now I'm at 30 images and anything more would get convoluted easy, so I'll just leave us (and my million mile an hour thoughts) here.
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mariikado · 3 months
Good Omens 2 and mistaken identity. Part 2.
And don't show this to Neil! And don't ask him about it!
Carefully! There may be spoilers here.
Part 1.
If you've mastered the first part, here's the second.
Aziraphale returns from Edinburgh, and the same Crowley who caused the downpour carries his wilted flowers out of the bookshop. I still dare to suggest that Crowley here is actually Furfur. I also have questions for Aziraphale himself. The history of 1941 set the heroes in their own way, and this is how they look today. So who exactly is holding a meeting where everyone is acting a little strange?
Before the ball, in Nina's coffee shop, you can hear Queen "I'm Going Slightly Mad", and Nina herself notices that she is going crazy. And judging by the photo, the script for this series was written by Jane Austen.
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I have already ventured to suggest that Shax is Jane Austen. But I also dared to guess that Shax is Gabriel. What kind of meeting is this and what is really going on there?
We will find out this in season 3, now we can only guess. Either way, Jim looks divine, as divine as can be. Could this be a messianic holiday? War between heaven and hell? Maybe Shax's arrival is an attempt to return the bookstore to its real owner? I have many options, this is “The Ball”.
And before the ball there was also an interesting dialogue.
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This is a game with the meaning of a word. If this Crowley is actually Furfur, Furfur could also be Azazel, then who is Gabriel/Jim?
Crowley is in love with him and at the same time afraid of his punishment. Could this be a clue for us? If he is afraid of punishment, then Gabriel/Jim is Raphael who punished Azazel. But when it comes to falling in love, it's a question. It all depends on who conquered Furfur: Crowley or Aziraphale? And this could be another case of mistaken identity. We don't know what Jim really looks like, and we don't know what kind of soul sits inside this character.
I want to start with the secret celestial files. Watch Metatron move from one place to another. But what if Metatron was always in the same place? Or rather, what if Gabriel had stayed where he was? Perhaps Metatron was not present during this conversation?
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There is no God in the second season either. Where is God? Where is Jesus? Did you find them? I think I've found them. Watch attentively. They seem to exist, but they don't seem to exist.
So, I come to the conclusion that it was not Metatron who brought the coffee in episode 6. I don't know where Metatron is, but the one who came with the coffee is the shadowy figure in this story.
What if Gabriel really was sent to Hell and then came back to take revenge and take over Heaven? But here’s another question: who instead of Gabriel himself? After all, someone left heaven with a box and headed straight to the bookstore. Look here.
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Hell of a poster with Gabriel. There, at the very bottom, in small print, there are distinctive features that you need to pay attention to. Bee wear, huh? So who is actually depicted on the poster? And I won't even talk about the fact that he has the strength of God.
Who actually walked into a bookstore with a box of something that could help them avoid a terrible fate (Queen "You're My Best Friend" was playing in the coffee shop)? Who came to the bookstore because it was necessary? Who confessed their love to Aziraphale right in the first episode?
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But here another question arises: to whom did Jim confess his love?
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Look how he stretches out his arms. He thinks he's doing everything right, he doesn't understand what's wrong. Apparently he was also a little mistaken in defining the character. Who did you confess your love to, Jim? This is also an interesting question.
Think about Jim reading the first line of Good Omens, saying he likes it, and getting very thoughtful, as if he's remembering something. It’s as if he remembers this very beginning, that very nice day.
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And I really think it's Crowley, but there's a problem there too. What if in the scene with Job it was not Crowley, but Furfur. As a result, the characters change again. How many times can this happen? Three? And the last time will be without galoshes (read special spoilers).
Also pay attention to this. Gabriel gains memories, looks at everyone around him, recognizes everyone, but Gabriel does not notice Crowley at all. Would it be a big paradox if Gabriel noticed Crowley? Either way, whoever Crowley and Gabriel actually are at the end of episode six, I think they're the same character.
I also have Nina listening to Queen in her coffee shop, Maggie crying at the mention of "Everyday", Beelzebub having a crush on Gabriel/Jim, and Muriel acting like Aziraphale (Both are great at drawing).
And also these lamps.
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Please note that in the second season, time may have been mixed up and the same characters, collected from different points in time, may have ended up in the same place at the same time. Play with them, it's very exciting. And with all this, if Aziraphale and Crowley were not themselves to begin with (as, for example, at the end of the first season), then the matter becomes even more interesting.
Look for evidence in Neil's special spoilers and Prime posts. I'm sure they are there. Collect them all and analyze them. And also think about the fact that all the parallels may not be parallels, but one straight line.
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beebopboom · 10 months
ok i’ve been thinking about this post here by @nicgoldomens in questioning why the hell Crowley let (barf) Aziraphale go with the Metatron and I have a theory
It’s another test - to him at least
In the minisodes we get a lot of Crowley introducing and guiding Aziraphale through moral dilemmas - with the food, going against Gods plan, grave digging and poverty. In 1941 Aziraphale finally acknowledges shades of gray but we know all this. My point is Crowley shows Aziraphale both sides of each of these dilemmas and then leaves Aziraphale the choice to choose and that’s exactly what he is doing here.
They have established their side - it’s a known fact that these two are connected
and then this Metatron comes in with
“It’s just you and me, Aziraphale”
Crowley is literally right behind him but the Metatron is purposefully separating them with that line and they both know this - and that’s weird
And I think a big thing is Crowley is not afraid of the Metatron - not for him at least the Metatron has already done the worst he could do to him (falling) - so he kind of? underestimates him
however Aziraphale still is afraid of him - enough for the both of them and Crowley knows this
But the thing is Crowley has a lot of trust and faith in Aziraphale - in their side - they have chosen each other before - together right in front of Heaven and Hell - and now it was time to leave Aziraphale to make that choice on his own.
That’s why he is still worried after they leave the shop because he knew that this was going to be a test to their relationship - he had already turned down the offer to go back to Hell - par the course of their whole relationship where Crowley has already made that moral jump - that just leaves Aziraphale to make that choice on his own - the choice to be an us.
Which Crowley firmly believes Aziraphale is going to choose them, I mean why wouldn’t he? He always has before. So now that just leaves the actual confession which he already starts planning a slow romantic one.
(and we do see Aziraphale choose over and over again to stay until Crowley is brought into the conversation with a subtle threat)
And then Maggie and Nina walk in (which I firmly believe the Metatron had something to do with that but that’s a whole other thing) and their talk panics him
They’ve never actually explicitly said what they are to each other and in his head Crowley thinks Aziraphale has to hear his confession before he makes his decision then.
That’s why he wants to go first when Aziraphale gets back into the shop but Aziraphale has already made his decision and Crowley was too late
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thecrxwclub · 2 years
assigning taylor swift songs to grishaverse characters + ships because i don’t want to do my actual work!! this is about to be long as hell!!
notes: i feel like some of these will be unpopular opinions but here we are + there are two instances where ppl have the same song (long story short and you’re on your own kid) but i just think it applies to both characters really well. and idk why basically all the crows are from midnights, it’s just a soc album i guess.
– long story short : evermore
"Past me, I wanna tell you not to get lost in these petty things. Your nemeses will defeat themselves before you get the chance to swing…and I fell from the pedestal, right down the rabbit hole. Long story short, it was a bad time. Pushed from the precipice, climbed right back up the cliff. Long story short, I survived. Now I’m all about you, I’m all about you. Long story short, it was a bad time. Long story short, I survived.”
– this is me trying : folklore
“They told me all of my cages were mental. So I got wasted like all my potential. And my words shoot to kill when I’m mad. I have a lot of regrets about that…I just wanted you to know that this is me trying. At least I’m trying.”
– Mastermind : Midnights
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid. So I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since. To make them love me and make it seem effortless. This is the first time I’ve felt the need to confess. And I swear I’m only cryptic and Machiavellian ‘cause I care.”
– You’re On Your Own Kid : Midnights
“You’re on your own, kid. You always have been. From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this. I hosted parties and starved my body. Like I’d be saved by a perfect kiss. The jokes weren’t funny, I took the money, my friends from home don’t know what to say. I looked around in a blood-soaked gown, and I saw something they can’t take away.”
– Dear Reader : Midnights
"Dear Reader, if it feels like a trap you’re already in one. Dear Reader, get out your map. Pick somewhere and just run. Dear Reader, burn all the files, desert all your past lives. And if you don’t recognize yourself that means you did it right. Never take advice from someone who’s falling apart…Dear Reader, the greatest of luxuries is your secrets. Dear Reader, when you aim at the devil make sure you don’t miss.”
– Karma : Midnights
“Karma is my boyfriend. Karma is a god, karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend. Karma’s a relaxing thought, aren’t you envious that for you it’s not? Sweet like honey, karma is a cat, purring in my lap ‘cause it loves me. Flexing like a goddamn acrobat. Me and karma vibe like that.”
– Bejeweled : Midnights
“Sapphire tears on my face, sadness became my whole sky…And you can try to change my mind. But you might have to wait in line. What’s a girl gonna do? A diamond’s gotta shine. Best believe I’m still bejeweled. When I walk in a room, I can still make the whole place shimmer…Diamonds in my eyes. I polish up real, I polish up real nice.”
– Anti-Hero : Midnights
"I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser. Midnights become my afternoons. When my depression works the graveyard shift all of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the room…It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me. At tea time, everybody agrees. I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror. It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.”
– You’re On Your Own Kid : Midnights
“Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned. Everything you lose is a step you take. So make the friendship bracelets, take a moment and taste it, you’ve got no reason to be afraid. You’re on your own, kid. Yeah, you can face this. You’re on your own kid, you always have been.”
– ivy : evermore
"How’s one to know? I’d live and die for moments that we stole. On begged and borrowed time…oh, goddamn. My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand taking mine, but it’s been promised to another. Oh, I can’t stop you putting roots in my dreamland. My house of stone, your ivy grows, and now I’m covered in you.”
– Clean : 1989
“Hung my head as I lost the war, and the sky turned black like a perfect storm. Rain came pouring down. When I was drowning, that’s when I could finally breathe. And by morning, gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean.”
– Sweet Nothing : Midnights
"On the way home I wrote a poem. You say ‘what a mind’, this happens all the time. ‘Cause they said the end is coming. Everyone’s up to something. I find myself running home to your sweet nothings. Outside, they’re push and shoving. You’re in the kitchen humming. All that you ever wanted from me was nothing.”
I Did Something Bad : Reputation
"They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one. They got their pitchforks and proof, their receipts and reasons. They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one. So light me, go ahead and light me up. They say I did something bad. Then why’s it feel so good? They say I did something bad. But why’s it feel so good? Most fun I ever had, and I’d do it over and over and over again if I could. It just felt so good.”
– epiphany : folklore
"Keep your helmet, keep your life, son. Just a flesh wound, here’s your rifle…With you I serve. With you, I fall down. Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out. Only 20 minutes to sleep, but you dream of some epiphany. Just one single glimpse of relief, to make some sense of what you’ve seen.”
– Only the Young : Featured in “Miss Americana”
“They aren’t gonna help us, too busy helping themselves. They aren’t gonna change this, we gotta do it ourselves. They think that it’s over, but it’s just begun. Only one thing can save us…Don’t say you’re too tired to fight, it’s just a matter of time. Up there’s the finish line. Only the young can run.”
– long story short : evermore
“Fatefully, I tried to pick my battles ‘til the battle picked me. Misery. Like the war of words I shouted in my sleep. And you passed right by, I was in the alley, surrounded on all sides. The knife cuts both ways. If the shoe fits, walk in it ‘til your high heels break.”
– Renegade : How Long Do You Think It’s Gonna Last?
“Are you really gonna talk about timing in times like these? And let all your damage damage me? And carry your baggage up my street and make me your future history? It’s time, you’ve come a long way. Open the blinds, let me see your face. You wouldn’t be the first renegade to need somebody. Is it insensitive for me to say ‘get your shit together so I can love you’?"
– Long Live : Speak Now
“Long, long live the walls we crashed through. All the kingdom lights shine, just for me and you. I was screaming, long live all the magic we made, and being on all the pretenders, I’m not afraid. Singing long live all the mountains we moved, I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you. And long, long live that look on your face. And bring on all the pretenders. One day, we will be remembered.”
– Paper Rings : Lover
“Kiss me once ‘cause you know I had a long night. Kiss me twice ‘cause it’s gonna be alright. Three times ‘cause I’ve waited my whole life. I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings. Darling, you’re the one I want, and I hate accidents, except when we went from friends to this.”
– The Great War : Midnights
"And we will never go back to that bloodshed, crimson clover. The worst was over. My hand was the one you reached for all throughout the Great War. Always remember we’re burned for better, I vowed I would always be yours. ‘Cause we survived the Great War.”
– invisible string : folklore
“Time, curious time. Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs. Were there clues I didn’t see? And isn’t it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?”
– Dear John : Speak Now
“You are an expert at sorry and keeping lines blurry. Never impressed by me acing your tests. All the girls that you’ve run dry have tired, lifeless eyes ‘cause you burned them out. But I took your matches before fire could catch me, so don’t look now.”
— Last Kiss : Speak Now
“But now I'll go sit on the floor wearing your clothes. All that I know is I don’t know how to be something you miss. I never thought we’d have a last kiss. Never imagined we’d end like this. Your name, forever the name on my lips.”
— Lover : Lover
“My heart’s been borrowed, and yours has been blue. All’s well that ends well to end up with you…Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close, forever and ever? And I, take me out, and take me home. You’re my, my, my, my lover.”
— Daylight : Lover
“I’ll tell you the truth, but never goodbye. I don’t want to look at anything else now that I saw you. And I don’t want to think of anything else now that I thought of you. I’ve been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night, but now I see daylight. I only see daylight.”
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shegoesbyjoy · 1 year
Okay I need to blab about my thoughts on Good Omens S2 because ASKFJFHSJKSK I LOVED IT. Spoilers ahead of course, you've been warned!
Crowley was undoubtedly the MVP of this season for me. I was kicking my feet and giggling repeatedly every time I saw him in A Situation
Not David Tennant wearing a red fez in the same episode where they mention Doctor Who by name lmao. And then there's the "bigger on the inside" comment. And the fact that the actor for the Fifth Doctor showed up.
ALSO David getting the chance to revert to his normal accent and be EXTREMELY SCOTTISH was an absolute delight
WHOOPS STILL ON CROWLEY I LOVE HIM OKAY but him drinking poison and his body going all Alice in Wonderland was very amusing (not to mention Crowley calling out the issue of morality and the choices we make as it relates to wealth disparity??? Absolute king.)
GABRIEL AND BEELZEBUB?! 🥺🥺 They were so cute together?!?! Oh my goodness that entire montage and them running off together was so precious it really was
Speaking of romantic-ass scenes I cannot believe we got to see Crowley dance not once but TWICE for Aziraphale. Azi taking Crowley's hand to lead him out to the dance floor......my heart 💞
While we're here, I gotta talk about the confession. I was afraid he wasn't gonna be able to go through with it—it's such a fucking trope that whenever someone starts to confess and they are interrupted by the other person, the confession ends up not happening. Crowley did it anyway, and I once again have to commend David Tennant for his performance bc gosh the emotion in that scene... I cry
"I forgive you" yeah well I don't forgive YOU Aziraphale what kind of a response was that!!!! 😡😡
From Crowley and Azi's earlier "I don't think your 'not exactly' and my 'not exactly' are the same" conversation, to the two of them interpreting the phrase "nothing lasts forever" in entirely different ways in the finale hahahaha just end me 🥲
The rain symbolism. Idk just the raining of space matter in the beginning calling back to a similar moment when a wing provided protection from rain last season, the rain being conjured to bring Maggie & Nina together and having it ultimately fail.... idk I have nothing clever to say about this I'm just here like... *grips your shoulders* R A I N
Anyways season 2 was a jolly good time and I cannot wait to see where this story goes next!!!
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ohno-thereisnoescape · 8 months
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“This is the first time Crowley realized he loved Aziraphale” “It’s the first time he realized humans could tell they were in love” you’re all wrong.
Obviously, both Crowley and Aziraphale know that what they feel for each other isn’t simply friendship. They’re not dumb, as much as we like to pretend they are. They know what they are to each other.
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(I mean, just look at this shot from 1945 pt 2)
I think it’s even reasonable that they know most humans can pick up on it. They get humans. They get that they’ve “gone native”. Heaven and Hell are the ones who can’t see what’s going on. They’re the reason the two have to talk about each other in code. Except they don’t actually have to anymore.
What Crowley is realizing in his conversation with Nina isn’t that they’re being watched. It’s that they’re not. They’re free agents now, they don’t have to pretend to be enemies anymore. They don’t even have to pretend to be friends. They can drop the act. That’s why he hesitates in the middle of his standard, rehearsed line:
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That’s why the next scene is Crowley waiting for Aziraphale at a restaurant with a flower and a bottle of wine. It’s not a risk anymore. He wasn’t planning on confessing anything, he didn’t think he needed to. They both already knew. But this was the first time Crowley realized they could act on it. So he brings a flower to dinner, and he reciprocates Aziraphale’s touches, and he dances with him at the ball (even if he’s a bit distracted). They get to be together in public, without fear.
And that’s why the Final 15 feels like such a betrayal to Crowley. I don’t think it’s about Crowley disliking Heaven, at least not primarily. It’s because they were finally free to be together. They finally got what they had been too afraid to dream about for 6,000 years. And Aziraphale going back to the system that had kept them apart, even if it was for a noble reason, was not even a possibility that Crowley had anticipated. He didn’t even know that that was an option. Look at the shock and desperation on his face. This man is fighting for his life.
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Because this is what they had been waiting for. But Aziraphale hadn’t caught up with him yet.
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kazscrows · 1 year
Six of Crows Reread🪶
Chapter 44: Jesper
Jesper has no idea that Nina altered Wylan to look like Kuwei
Kuwei seemed friendly enough, but his Kerch was rough, and he didn’t seem to like to talk much. Sometimes he’d just appear on deck at night and stand silently beside Jesper, staring out at the waves. It was a little unnerving.
Cry laughing because he doesn’t know it’s actually Wylan—
Only Inej wanted to chat with anyone, and that was because she seemed to have developed a consuming interest in all things nautical. She spent most of her time with Specht and Rotty, learning knots and how to rig sails.
I had forgotten this small detail
She’s already reaching to act on her new dream
What’s that Tangled quote? “Go. Live your dream”
And then Kaz is Flynn saying he will and wanting to be buried in piles of money “Not you. Your dream stinks-”
Jesper worried about Nina, but thinking about her made him feel guilty. When they’d boarded the schooner and Kuwei explained parem, a tiny voice inside him said he should offer to take the drug as well. Even though he was a Fabrikator without training, maybe he could have helped to draw the parem out of Nina’s system and set her free. But that was a hero’s voice, and Jesper had long since stopped thinking he had the makings of a hero.
Woah poor Jesper 🥺
But even if he had helped then he’d be the one suffering withdrawals…
I wish I could hug him
“Does the Council know the scientist is dead?”
“I put it all in my note to Van Eck,” Kaz said. “I told him Bo Yul-Bayur is dead, but that his son is alive and was working on jurda parem for the Fjerdans.”
“…Did he haggle?”
“Not in the note. He expressed his ‘deep concern’, but didn’t mention anything about price. We did our job. We’ll see if he tries to bargain us down when we get to Vellgeluk.”
He’ll do a lot worse than haggle—
A lot worse…
“Where’s the other longboat?” Jesper asked as he, Kaz, Matthias, Inej, and Kuwei rowed out from the Ferolind with Rotty.”
“Repairs,” said Kaz.
Jesper really is quite observant
Actually Jes, Kaz is lying, the longboat already left with one Kuwei, Nina, and Spect?
The island was less than a mile wide, a barren patch of sand and rock distinguished only by the wrecked foundation of an old tower used by the Council of Tides.Smugglers called it Vellgeluk, ‘good luck’
How ironic
“All right,” Kaz said. “Let’s go get rich.”
“No mourners,” Rotty said, settling down to wait with the longboat.
“No funerals,” they replied.
Kaz thinking of the reward before offering good luck
Rotty offers it actually
So it’s definitely a Dregs thing and not just a Crows thing
Two men lugged a heavy trunk between them, staggering slightly with its weight.
“So that’s what thirty million kruge looks like,” said Kaz.
Jesper gave a low whistle. “Hopefully, the longboat won’t sink.”
Imagine they pulled off that whole heist just to drown because their reward weighed too much….
I’m having lots of thoughts so I’ll just include this scene and butt in when necessary
Van Eck smiled. “I will confess I am surprised, Mister Brekker. Surprised but delighted.”
“You didn’t think we’d succeed.”
“Let’s say I thought you were a longshot.”
“Is that why you hedged your bets?”
“Ah, so you’ve spoken to Pekka Rollins.”
“He’s quite a talker when you get him in the right frame of mind,” said Kaz, and Jesper remembered the blood on Kaz’s shirt at the prison. “He said you contracted him and the Dime Lions to go after Yul-Bayur for the Merchant Council as well.”
With a niggle of unease, Jesper wondered what else Rollins might have told Kaz.
Huh… this is kind of an odd thought
I’m pretty sure Jesper didn’t realize he had outed their location when they first were leaving for the heist so he shouldn’t be feeling guilty for that right?
Or am I just remembering wrong…
Either way, Jesper is definitely a little afraid of Kaz
Which is kind of sad but also fair
Any sane person should be a little afraid of Kaz Brekker
Van Eck shrugged. “It was best to be safe.”
“And why should you care if a bunch of canal rats blow each other to bits in pursuit of a prize?”
“We knew the odds of either team succeeding were small. As a gambler, I hope you can understand.”
But Jesper had never thought of Kaz as a gambler.
Gamblers left something to chance.
Kaz Brekker always has a plan
Kaz Brekker is careful. He thinks of every possible interaction and result
For the most part
Jesper could see the stacks of bills in palest Kerch purple, emblazoned with the three flying fish, row after row of them
I forgot their money is purple in Ketterdam
Matthias thinks it’s odd too
Aaaaannd here comes the chaos—
Jesper reached for his revolvers. Hadn’t he wanted something to shoot at? I guess this place is good luck, he thought with a rush of anticipation. Looks like I’m about to get my wish.
Of course Jes would think of the coming fight as good luck
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iwillbemeforever · 1 year
Good Omens S2E6 Finale Brain Rot
I don't believe that Crowley didn't know Aziraphale loves him. And I also don't believe Aziraphale doesn't know that Crowley loves him.
They know it.
But they just don't spell it out loud. They have never given a label to their relationship.
I think the reason for that is because they had to protect each other. Hell will punish Crowley while heaven will punish Aziraphale. So they were together without spelling it out.
It oozes out in their behaviour and how they treat each other. They are so comfortable with each other.
I think the reason why Crowley seems surprised when Nina suddenly asked him if he was a partner to Aziraphale. I think it made him realised that, they never labelled it. What were they? Friends? Lovers? What? But also, I also think it made him realise that even human strangers notice their affection for one another. They really weren't hiding it well.
And maybe, once knowing that, if Gabriel and Beezelbub can run off together, then maybe, they can too. They can have that future for themselves too.
He poured his heart out into the confession.
But he didn't expect that things would have taken a turn and Aziraphale would choose Heaven.
Aziraphale on the other hand, probably was just afraid. I think as much as Aziraphale loves Crowley, he can't quite betray Heaven. Especially when Heaven has offered a possible route. The reinstatement of Crowley as an angel.
This way, they can be together without worries.
What Aziraphale never realised is, Crowley doesn't want to be an angel again. Because to Aziraphale, he has seen Crowley. He has seen him do good and kind things. To him, Crowley isn't evil. Crowley should be an angel again.
So he thought that if Heaven offered it again, Crowley would take it.
But it never occured to him that, maybe Crowley is bitter from the whole experience of falling. And also Crowley isn't wrong. Heaven and Hell are both toxic and full of shit.
So in a way, Crowley also isn't wrong.
They both aren't wrong.
Them wanting to be together is the very thing tearing them apart. Them, trying to protect each other is also the very thing tearing them apart.
Crowley wants them to be safe, away from both Heaven and Hell. Then, they can be together.
Aziraphale thinks being an angel will keep both of them safe and they can be together.
BRB. I broke my own heart. Hahaha
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lucy-shining-star · 5 months
So...decided to try 'what if Luna spoke first'
Heart beating
-I know what we are going to do. -Said Simon.
-What? -Asked Luna.
-Okay I also have something to tell you. It’s also making me nervous.
-Yes, really. I’m going to tell you, so you can tell me after. Got it? So we relax with each other, I’ll take the first step. Then you have to tell me. -Luna pondered it for a moment and shake her head.
-No. I need to tell you first otherwise I’m never going to do it. I already postponed it for too long.
-Well…Okay then tell me.-Luna took deep breath.
-So…Do you remember how you noticed that my heart is beating like crazy?
-Day after party? Yes I remember.
-Well…And do you remember how when you broke up with me you said my heart isn’t beating faster when you come close? -He stopped smiling.-And I said that things can change, that with time I could…You said that no, but it did.-She looked him in the eyes.-Simon, my heart beats faster because of you.-Simon looked away and was quiet for a moment. Moment that felt like ages for Luna. Her heart started beating even faster now. She started to open her mouth to say something but then silence stopped.
-…So that’s why Matteo asked that question…-Luna raised her eyebrows.
-I’m confessing to you, and you talk about Matteo?-Simon scratched his hair.
-You see after he was behaving weirdly in the park I later met him at the lockers and tried to ask him about it…And he asked me what’s going on with me and you. -Luna tilted her head back with visible same question in her eyes and it going in her head mind like an echo ‘What’s going on with me and you? What’s going on with me and you?’ if Matteo asked Simon that question…did it seem like she and Simon were dating? If so…Then Simon’s answer got to be what she is hoping for? - And when I said that nothing that we’re good friends and I love you he stopped me and said that’s not what he heard. -Luna felt her hope slowly crashing…but maybe he said that because he wasn’t sure about her feelings?-And I said that I don’t know what he heard that you and I are just friends and I asked him why is he asking me that. And then he tried to convince me he was just asking if everything is alright and we are still friends. I believed him but now I think I know why he asked me that…You said to him you are in love with me?
-No. No I didn’t I don’t know how he found out. I just told Nina… But she said he might have realized …I guess she was right. But…-She looked at floor. Her hope was crushing faster every second but she still hoped maybe it wasn’t actually going to crash. But…She needed confirmation one way or other.-What you said to him…Is this really how you feel?-Maybe not? Maybe he just didn’t want to annoy Matteo? Maybe since he didn’t know why Matteo asked him that he didn’t notice her feelings and that’s why he thought they are only friends?
-Yes. Luna I’m sorry but my heart isn’t beating faster for you anymore. -She felt her hope crash completely.
-Don’t you just…don’t believe me?-She asked desperately. Maybe it was because of last time…Maybe he was afraid she isn’t honest because he thinks she wasn’t honest then. Wasn’t she? Or was she just less stressed then because she knew his feeling? Simon sighed.
-Luna is not just that I’m not in love with you anymore. What I wanted to say to you…I’m in love with someone else. I’m sorry. -Luna felt her heart breaking in thousand little pieces. Tears started to form in her eyes.
-Who?-Question escaped her mouth. Why is she even asking that? Does it matter? The only thing that mattered was that there was no place there for her.
-I don’t think it’s good idea to tell you that now.-Tears started coming down her face. Simon instinctively made move to hug her, but stepped back before he reached to her.-I will…I will go get Nina.-Luna nodded. He run out of room.
He run to table where Nina, Gaston and Matteo were sitting. He leaned to Nina.
-Nina, could you go to talk with Luna? She is backstage, please, she really needs you now.
-Oh, Okay. -Said Nina. -Gaston sorry, I need to go.-Gaston nodded.
-Don’t worry, you are not leaving him alone his best friend also wants to spend some time with him.-Said Matteo, while throwing his arm around Gaston. Nina went backstage.
-Sorry.-Said Simon looking at Matteo, and went closer to stage. Gaston looked surprised.
-Did he said that to me or you? Would make more sense that he said it to me that since he asked my girlfriend to went somewhere else but it looked like he looked at you?-he asked.
-I think…I think I might know why he asked her to go.-said Matteo.-I think Luna might have confessed she has feelings for him.
-…And he went away and asked Nina to go talk to her instead of staying there or coming here with his now girlfriend? What?
-Oh right, I didn’t tell you conversation I had with him when I went to leave your rose at Nina’s locker. You see I asked him what’s going on with him and Luna…and he said they are just friends. So well…he probably broke her heart and think it’s better idea for her to talk to another friend.
-That’s why you are suddenly so sure you can make Luna forget about Simon while you were so sure you lost your chance not so long ago?
-Yes exactly.
-And…Are you sure he didn’t tell that just because he thought she isn’t in love with him?
-Yeah I’m sure. He is pretty easy to read, if he was lying that would be visible.
-And you sure he can’t fall in love with her again?
-Well…I just have to make her forget about him before that can happen.
Nina went backstage but didn’t see Luna there so looked in changing room when she also didn’t find her and lockers when she did find her. -Oh, here you are.-She said, seeing Luna sitting on bench between lockers with her face in her hands.-Are you crying?
-Yes.-answered Luna in between sobbing.
-What…what happened? Simon told me to come talk to you that you really need me now…Did…did you tell him?-Luna nodded.-I’m guessing it didn’t go good.-Luna raised her head.
-No. No it didn’t. He told me…Well at first he just told me that he realized why Matteo asked…Matteo apparently asked him what’s happening between him and me and he said we are just friends.
-Matteo asked him that? …Oh so he did notice and Simon saying that was reason he changed his mind about Open!
-Oh, sorry, not time for that.
-Wait…but if it is he could warn me so I didn’t embarrass myself…
-…Luna I don’t think that was his place to do that.
-You are right. I’m just…I’m just so embarrassed. And sad. And angry. And partially at Matteo, cause I guess I partially blame him for Simon rejecting me…-If he did leave her alone then. If he didn’t insert himself between her and Simon, if he didn’t mess with Simon’s mind, maybe they would still be together. Or maybe now if he didn’t for some reason suddenly started being friends with him Simon wouldn’t have rejected her…No. Matteo wasn’t reason this time.- even though…Simon said he is in love with someone else anyway.
-What? -Nina sat next to her.-Who?
-I don’t know. He said he doesn’t think it’s good idea to tell me now. …As it would have be good idea ever.-She started crying again.-Nina hugged her.
-Well it really is worse idea now than other time.  -She stroke her hair.-What do you say we go home now? We really don’t need to watch Red Sharks performance and Jazmin’s probably ended already.
-Nina no. Gaston came I don’t want you to not spend time with your boyfriend because of me.
-Well…My best friend needs me. And his best friend wants to spend some time with him too. So…do we go to your house or my house?
-Okay we will go but I don’t want to occupy your whole day like having to also get me back to my house later so we are going to my house so you can return here faster. Even though later Ambar would be there and seeing her wouldn’t…-A thought struck her and she became silent suddenly.
-Luna? Wouldn’t what?
-Nina…Do you think she is the person he is in love with?-Would he fall in love with Ambar again after what she did? That…that would make sense for why he was nervous to say that. If he wasn’t going to confess to her, and he didn’t realize she was in love with him…Why would he be nervous of saying who he was in love with? It had to be Ambar. Why did his heart started to again beat faster for Ambar not for her? Or maybe…It didn’t stop?
-What? Luna, no, that’s impossible.
-What is impossible?-They heard Jazmin’s voice and jumped up.
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About Crowley only just realizing his love in Season 2
So, the entire Season 1 we all think Crowley was the one pinning and was the first one to fall in love,and Aziraphale was the slow one, and/or the one who wait for Crowley to pop the question. Season 2 proved my ass wrong so hard. Aziraphale fell first, but Crowley fell so much, much harder.
But something was bugging me. That thing become more obvious when Crowley reacted to Nina's "other people's love lives look so straightforward compare to our own". We know how hard Crowley was head over heel for Aziraphale, but why he looked so genuinely surprised at Nina confirming their relationship?
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So I spent a lot of time thinking over and saw 3 theories. I can't choose the real one, because I saw three and all of them are equally real to me. Although I have my favourite, we will talk about that later.
1. Crowley never realize what he feel all those time was love (part of it because he didn't want to taint the pure angel maybe), never realize angel was in love with him, thought what he felt was friendship, what they are was a special friendship, until Nina told him.
2. He always knows he loves Aziraphale but didn't want to taint the angel, and fear that Aziraphale might not love him back, so he keep his mouth shut until Nina told him that he realized Aziraphale might love him back.
3. He always knows he loves Aziraphale and he knows Aziraphale loves him back but (again) he's too afraid to taint Aziraphale and to break the relationship (it's not like the current relationship isn't working). But then Nina told him and he realized the potential of them, being together *together*, could come true.
(2.5 & 3.5) He's panicking because now he knows everyone knows. His lying ass was being exposed so he get drunk to forget the embarrassment.
So (1) is denial Crowley and (2) and (3) are lying Crowley. The reason why I like (1) and think Crowley just only realized his feeling are:
+ Compare to Aziraphale, Crowley never look like he actually consider Aziraphale someone equivalent to human's lover. We know his love language is act of service, but he probably thinks that's what he ought to do for his good friend. Some people can say it's because he hide his emorion well, but doesn't he look like the type of living in the present and won't hide what he thinking?
(I need to clarify myself again, that I didn't mean that Crowley never thought of Aziraphale that way, he just didn't know the love he felt toward Aziraphale was that *love* kind of special. They're angel and demon, so their concept of human love will be a bit weird.)
+ I strongly believe Crowley is the type to act very fast when he finalize his feeling (he's impulsive, doesn't really bound by Hell rule, he doesn't have the self-discipline thingy like Aziraphale) (judging by how he literally confess 1 day after Nina exposing him, and when he saw Beelzebub off with Gabriel). He wouldn't keep it for 6000 years.
+ Dissecting his reaction in that scene. When Nina asked if they are together together, he didn't flustered or hesitate to deny it, compare to Aziraphale who never deny the claim. He was not coldly denying it, just very sweet because "we're good friends". The thought of them being life partners never cross his mind.
(I'm gonna borrow that tweet when they say the longer the i in hiiii the more in love the girl was. Crowley said more than one no, you get what I'm saying—)
+ "He's too pure to be someone's bit on the side." He didn't sound like he was regret that Aziraphale didn't love him back or that they could have something if he was braver, he just want to defend a pure angel he knows very well. Very protective. He knows Aziraphale more than anyone else.
+ He became a bit emotional when he said "He's just an angel I know", a bit like he was genuine. He was the only angel by his side, but that's it. They're nothing more, not a couple, not a-
"Other people's love lives look so straightforward compare to our own."
Something seeped into his train of thought. His 6000 years of "friendship", to other people, is straightforwardly a lover relationship. Now, he's not the type to care about what other people think. Why is that this one affected him?
He does not care what other people think about him. But this is the first time (that we know of) someone tell Crowley what they have always been doing is what lovers do.
Now, a demon on Earth like him know how wicked a human can be, but not how human love work. He never really understand it, grumpy when Aziraphale kept talking about the feeling of love in the air that he knows nothing about (we both know that the two of them don't actually know how people falling in love, just look at their Operation Lovebird). Even if he did, he didn't think two supernatural beings like them would be like those human puny, short-life love, their relationship is so much more longer (6000 years), deeper (they are enemies yet still together), much more-
He needed time to processing the information. Probably rethinking about all the time they spent together. He got drunk. He poured his frustration on the man that tried to kill his "friend", even though just yesterday they were normal together, because he just realized again how close he was to lose the one he care so much about.
(Very unpopular opinion ahead)
Even at this point, I don't think Crowley even come to the conclusion that he loves Aziraphale in that way. Or even if Aziraphale loves him back. He looked too calm, too busy thinking about other things, get irritated at Nina shot him The Look™ when he called Aziraphale his friend in front of her, dealt with the legion of Hell, went to Heaven to save Aziraphale. It was stressful times.
He was too busy thinking when Gabriel and Beelzebub fell in love and went away, when Michael said she would delete Aziraphale, when Metatron dragged Aziraphale out. He didn't get to that point even when he told Muriel they are gonna have an us time at the Ritz. No, no, he didn't. If he was going to confess at the Ritz like people said, at the best place they should have their confession, then Maggie and Nina was not enough of a reason for him to speed up his plan (like I said, he's not the type to care what people think about him, he only listen when they were right.)
He was tidying up the bookshop. To how they used to be. Always was. But something wasn't right. He pushed the chair again in frustration. Still not it.
Then the Ineffable Shopkeepers came and told him they never *talk* to each other. He found what was irritated him. Just like how Aziraphale told him to talk to Jim, now it's time they really talk to each other. Because he saw the two human in front of him, and finally finalized his feeling that was the same as theirs. That they can be happy just as those humans be.
He was prepare to just lay out his heart, just like that. And Aziraphale cut him off.
So yes. In the mist of the desperate (result of Aziraphale's Poor Life Choice™ & Religious Trauma™) confession, Crowley fully realized, what he wanted was like Beelzebub and Gabriel, like Maggie and Nina. Like lovers. Like love.
(I might not be the best one at interpret movie scenes and tones, so I stand corrected. That's my current point of view of the whole thing, though.)
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
Wibble, I need you to explain me something about the van scene pretty please. It's about Will mentioning "playing nintendo and dnd for the rest of their lives", was Mike sad about El or was he sad because he remembered their rain fight in S3? I'm not entirely sure about this, so I really need your thoughts about this.
short answer: he was thinking about el
long answer: ok so to answer this we’re gonna really have to consider the weight behind that line and the context we were given going into that scene
I’d suggest watching the scene itself while i talk about this bc i can only use photos and those don’t relay the information as well as the scene
so! context. what’re we being set up with? the stuff with mike and will us in the middle of their conversation. it seems they had been looking at stuff on the map already when will brings up vegas. mike responds to will’s question, “from vegas?” as if they had been seeing how far other things were from NINA. probably stuff like gas stations or motels or restaurants, but then will brings up vegas which doesn’t really fit with other stuff so that’s why mike asks “why?” (pronouns: whaey..? with extra breathlessness)
what’s important about mike’s body language in this scene is that he’s watching will intently, staring at will as he talks.
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we see mike have this staring problem in scenes when he’s thinking about will because his eyes are naturally drawn to him. will just so happens to occupy a lot of mike’s thoughts, so it happens a lot
there’s a change in this body language after he brings up DND and nintendo, though. mike is no longer able to hold eye contact with will for very long. he’s thinking about something else and he’s thinking about it hard
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why does that line trigger this change? well, let’s think about it. DND, video games, rest of their lives. those are all very important in mike wheeler code for loving will. i think it’s important to remember here that mike is still waiting for an answer from will. he’s confessed his feelings and will has yet to confirm or deny his reciprocation. will has just brought up something that immediately reminds him of the struggle of s3 that involved both will and el, specifically the romantic issue. he’s currently in the in-between phase of breaking up with el and being with will here. mike has confessed and will hasn’t responded. el has returned the sentiment that she doesn’t love mike by signing off her letter “from, el” rather than simply breaking up with him
mike being in this weird limbo with both of them and having those old memories brought up probably shone a light on mike’s biggest fear about breaking up with el; losing her. he doesn’t feel like he has value to her outside of being her boyfriend, and he’s been able to ignore it this far but will has just brought up the very thing that almost caused him to lose will because he was obsessing over el. in the same way, i think he’s afraid that when he and el officially break up and he returns to the things he pushed away, he might lose her.
his following rant is mostly filmed like this;
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whenever mike is thinking about will, he’s in frame if he isn’t looking at him directly. even when the moment definitely should not call for him to be in frame, he’ll be there if mike is thinking about him. my favorite examples of this!
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during this rant, mike is only occasionally and quickly glancing at will before staring back at nothing. will isn’t in frame for the vast majority of his little self deprecating speech!!
really, mike was thinking about el at that point. mike knows he’s in love with will, confessed to him, and he also knows el isn’t in love with him. waiting for will’s response has left mike with a lot anticipation and he’s started to get closer with will in many ways. he’s not afraid of what will has to say, so that isn’t what’s stressing him out right here. he’s worried about how truly embracing himself will impact his relationship with el. he doesn’t want to lose her, but they’ve already started the process of falling apart and he’s been able to distract himself from it but then will says something that hits the very core of a lot of mike’s pain around his feelings for both of them.
that’s why mike looks Like That when will says, “you’re scared of losing her.” he read mike’s mind, but just not in the way he thinks
but basically, he was thinking about el here. he’s spent a lot of time using el as a cover before this conversation, but this wasn’t what one of those moments. when he uses el as a cover, he watches will intently for reactions and he speaks vaguely. none of what mike says is vague and he isn’t looking for a reaction from will. he’s just ranting about his fears to the one person he know he can trust with this information
hope that explains it 👍
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kiss-my-freckle · 10 months
The overwhelming majority of SE fans call Elena falling in love with Damon in 3x01 a Plec retcon because of what she said about the sire bond to appease them. I don't get why they would assume that because when they shot 1x19 they specifically told Ian to look like he was in love even though the love confession didn't come till later. Also Elena's dress in 1x19 was blue and Damon's shirt was white. In 3x01 Elena's dress is white and Damon's shirt is blue. Although 3x01 is the first time I saw Elena look at Damon in a significantly softer way and she looks lost in his eyes while smiling softly, and then she asks him to put on the necklace. They must have told Nina to look in love in that scene like they did Ian in 1x19.
It's not a retcon. You can tell that she fell in love with Damon just by watching how they respond to each other. I mean... even immediately after she got her birthday gift. She takes his drink out of his hand and basically swaps spit with him in front of Alaric. When she searches for him in his bedroom, she enters without knocking despite any risk of seeing him naked - like she did earlier. In 3x2, she makes her feelings known on the Smoky Mountains. That's why Damon confronts her in her bedroom. He already knows she's in love with him, he just wants her confession. She then outs herself to Stefan in 3x18, and in the same manner. Elena being afraid to admit her feelings for Damon doesn't change the fact that she's in love with him. When you have a character that denies their feelings, it's best to watch their body language. Watch Elena's body language through the entire 3rd season. That's why she doesn't want Damon getting close to her in the water in 3x2. She's in love with him and trying to fight her feelings.
There's no doubt that Damon fell in love with Elena in 1x19. Like Elena in season 3, it's in the way he acts around her, even immediately following the dance. I did a heaven and hell theme not long ago, which shows why Damon is often at the bottom and Elena is often at the top. Elena is raised above Damon quite often because she represents his heaven, his angel. That's why she's dressed in blue. That blue then turns black as she joins him in vampirism. He's her darkness, her handsome devil. After the dance, he sits outside Stefan's cell with her because he wants to be around her more. He fell, so he can't stand to be apart at that point. He then jokes about his feelings to hide the fact that he's in love with her. Unlike Elena, his denial only lasts for so long. You get that in his scene with Rose. "I'm not in love with anyone." It's the same for Elena in season 3 lol... "You wanna try that again." That's why Stefan sends her to Denver. Elena is lying and he knows it. But unlike Damon, she has reason to fear losing Stefan, so her denial lasts longer.
Delena was always gonna happen. And I do mean always. Whether they stuck with Delena was an entirely different matter. The books were taken over by ghostwriters. The only way to know the true endgame of the books is to talk to L.J. Smith directly. However, she speaks of TVD being the story of Elena falling in love with Damon. Even in the show, they make it obvious that she'd end up with Damon at some point. Love triangles don't exist without that second ship. I'm saying that if they never planned to pair them up, they wouldn't have Damon fall in love with Elena. They would've had him fall for someone like Bonnie. They planned for Delena the moment they had him fall, and he fell in 1x19.
I often hear the same claim about the night Damon and Elena first met, and I call bullshit on that too. Damon always made it known that he met Elena before he met Elena. I know fans like to think that he just dropped out of the sky as a crow and hit Bonnie's windshield, but no. They had to show how Damon knew she existed just as they had to show how Stefan knew she existed. They show both in flashback at the same time. But when Damon is talking to Stefan in the pilot, he's quite literally referring to the first time he met Elena. Unlike Stefan, he simply didn't tell Elena they met before they actually met. He had no reason to tell her. Stefan did because she caught him in a lie.
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