#nina zenick
freddycarterus · 2 years
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Shadow and Bone writers confirm Six of Crows 8 episode script is complete and the best writing their team has ever done!
MIND FUCKED right now!
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nyx-lyris · 1 year
the crows when they get sick
matthias: he’s a strong guy, so i imagine his immune system is pretty good. but, if he ever does get sick, he does everything he can to hide it. eventually, of course, nina finds out and insists on tending to him until the sickness has passed. she sends for inej to get the supplies she needs to keep him well so she can remain by his side. he tells her he’s fine, and of course he’s worried about getting her sick, but inwardly he loves having her take care of him. 
nina: nina’s a grisha, so i don’t think she can get sick. however, if she did get sick, she wouldn’t try to hide it - mostly to get matthias to take care of her. she would bask in his attention, and he would give her everything she needed. soup, medicine, a cool press for her head, you name it, he’s on it. or rather, inej is on it - she would volunteer to get anything matthias needed, coming in sometimes to spend time with her best friend. of course, she’s worried about him getting sick, but he tells her not to worry, his immune system is nigh impenetrable. 
jesper: it depends on who he’s around whether he lets on or not. if it’s just him and wylan at the van eck mansion, he doesn’t bother to hide it - but if he’s on a job, he hides it as much as is humanly possible. inej would notice first and insist that he get some rest and get well, but he brushes it off with his usual smile and wink (what do you mean? i’m fit as a fiddle and twice as gorgeous!). kaz would tell him to rest up, too (no good having a member of my crew down right now), but he doesn’t listen to that either. eventually, wylan notices and immediately starts scolding him for not saying anything, before shoving him into bed and taking care of him. jesper flirts with him the whole time, telling him how great of a nurse he is, etc., etc. wylan constantly has to tell him to go to sleep, jesper, you need to get well. jesper just grins but does as he’s told. truthfully, he wants to stay sick as long as possible - he loves watching wylan play nurse. 
wylan: wylan would try to hide for as long as possible. he doesn’t want to be a burden to anyone, after all. there are more important things than him. of course, he’s not exactly an expert at hiding it and eventually jesper just rolls his eyes, wraps wylan up in a blanket, and makes him the soup his mother liked to make him when he was a child. inej and nina would be there, too, doing everything they could to help. kaz would send an anonymous basket of medicines and other supplies (everyone knows it’s from him. he refuses to acknowledge it.). wylan would be more than a little ashamed at the attention from his friends family, but they would all just shake their heads and remind wylan over an over how much he’s loved. 
inej: when inej gets sick, she does what she always does - hides the pain, insists she can do whatever job needs doing. she would keep up the ruse - fairly well, too - until it’s horribly obvious to everyone around her that she is definitely not okay. she would keep insisting, but nina would just sweep her off her feet and carry her up to her room, plop her down on her bed, and order her to remain there until such time as she was well (and i’ll be the judge, inej, not you. nina- you’ll just get up as soon as you’re feeling halfway straight and then you’ll fall off a roof and kaz will kill me.). the others do everything they can for her - nina spends the most time with her, but jesper and wylan make frequent visits, and occasionally matthias stops by to check in on them. kaz comes by as often as he can, but it’s difficult for him to be near her on a sickbed when all he can see is jordie’s face in his mind. so, what he does instead is leave her things by her door - food, medicine, a book she said she was interested in but never had time to read. he never leaves a note, but she knows it’s from him. whenever he does stop by, nina is out of the room instantly - he stays as long as he can, makes sure her condition is improving and she’s getting what she needs. inej makes sure to thank all of them for their help, before and after she’s well again. 
kaz: this man would probably rather eat shards of glass than let anyone know he was sick. he hates getting sick. he has better things to do than lie in bed and wait it out. he refuses to acknowledge it, even though his pallor and sweaty brow are obvious to everyone around him. he keeps everyone as far away from him as possible. he angrily refuses anyone’s help - until he nearly collapses, and inej orders him to bed. his aversion to touch makes caring for him difficult, but he trusts inej. she’s constantly running around getting what he needs to keep him well, recruiting nina or matthias to keep watch while she’s out. he hates being sick, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t love the feeling of inej caring for him. gentleness is horribly foreign to him, and he drinks up all inej has to offer, until he’s well again. 
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evermore-crow · 2 years
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si me quedas tú, me queda la vida
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A Six of Crows Hunger Games AU would go so hard. Hear me out. (And don’t steal this idea cause I might write it.
Kaz gets reaped when he’s eleven and Jordie volunteers for him. Jordie dies in the games and Kaz becomes deeply traumatized and feels partially responsible since Jordie died to save him. Following Jordie’s death, Kaz slowly becomes friends with Jesper and starts to recover somewhat, similar to Katniss’s friendship with Gayle minus the weird possessiveness.
But then. When Kaz is seventeen, Inej gets reaped. Kaz knows of her and admires her, but they haven’t spoken much. But THEN, Jesper gets reaped for the boys. Kaz is paralyzed with fear because he already lost one brother, he cannot lose another. So in a panic he volunteers. Jesper is furious but he can’t change anything about it.
Kaz and Inej’s mentor? Nina. She won the games the year before Jordie was reaped and is severely traumatized. Also, I’m thinking Matthias was a peacekeeper and they fell in love on Nina’s victory tour following her win, but when they were found out, Matthias was sent to the capitol to work underground.
Okay so then Kaz and Inej form a tentative alliance, yk, for survival. But once they’re in the arena, Kaz is trying to be all tough & every man for himself, but THEN, he gets his leg injured!! Like Peeta does in the og. And because Inej is so wonderful, she finds him and takes care of him. But Kaz is still touch averse so they have troubles. Cue them being forced into a fake relationship for the cameras to survive, which obviously muddles up both of their real feelings for each other. Kaz feels incredibly guilty for being attracted to Inej even though she’s only kissing him to save her own life; Inej feels deeply sad that the only way she can have any kind of romantic contact is if she’s pretending to want someone (bc in the original Finnick is forced into prostitution much like Inej so that definitely exists in the hunger games world unfortunately). But also Inej does want Kaz. Deep down. And they’ll get together eventually.
But then once Kaz and Inej survive the first games and become mentors the story could get into catching fire territory. Matthias comes back but he’s highjacked against Nina. Wylan is the son of a high ranking government official but his father tried to kill him so he ran to district twelve, but he knows all important government secrets so him and Jesper start to scheme to bring the capitol down. Wylan thinks Jesper is just doing it for Kaz, but he slowly realizes that Jesper cares about all the children who were victimized, not just his friend. They fall in love.
Do you see the vision???? Feel free to add to this in the tags. (PLEASE ADD TO THIS IN THE TAGS I WANT TO READ IT).
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rebelside · 2 years
I liked it, but I don't get it?
If they thought they might not get a 3rd season, why wasting Nina and Matthias sl? I really didn't get their sl this season
If they plan a crows season, why spoiling kanej and wesper sl all in this one season? Why should inej come back?
Other things I don't like (because this post is about what I didn't like though I liked the season)
-I don't know Alina nor mal sl in the books, but that ending from mal felt pretty stupid, leaving for adventures after 2 seasons of pining
-I gel like Zoya and Nikolaj were extremely underused given the fastness of their plot. Not even meeting?
-no way inej is a pirate but not captain of her own ship, I'LL FIGHT YOU
-didn't get why Matthias would *work" for Pekka Rollins. Plus why does Pekka want to punish him, makes no sense
-jesper being a durhast is too much in your face, plus it lacks his, not malevolous, duplicity against wylan's innocence
On the bright side (something I really really liked)
-Nina being nina
-inej and Nina, my brotp
-the whole Kaz backstory, though it broke my heart again
-nicolaj, though he is not how I envisioned in the books I thought he was well written and well played
-the finale was fantastic and I love how they make you think of the ambiguity of Alina
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our-chaos · 2 years
I’ve always had a hard time imagining modern scenarios and AUs for characters that are very obviously not modern…
I can’t stop thinking about modern! Kaz who wears dark black Ray-bans while driving or modern! Jesper getting drunk and calling Wylan to pick him up at some random club and modern! Inej picking up crochet because it’s calming and knitting scarves for the rest of the Crows during winter and modern! Wylan spending hours listening to audiobooks because he so desperately wants to enjoy literature like others and modern! Matthias not knowing how to use social media and modern! Nina being a shopaholic
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sleepless-crows · 1 year
how can a person misspell a character's name so many times
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minicapybara · 1 year
I'm finally reading King of Scars, and Nina finally letting go of Matthias has me SOBBING. Nina is my favorite Crow, and I'll fight anyone who talks smack.
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percysjakcson · 1 year
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Danielle Galligan and Sujaya Dasgupta as NINA ZENICK & ZOYA NAZYALENSKY  | Shadow and Bone Season 2
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freddycarterus · 2 years
More BTS cast photos
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starless-nightz · 2 months
Yes, two of them are based off of two Six of Crows characters, sue me. Some of the backtories might be changed over time.
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Age: 16
Height: 6'1
Birthday: 15/4
Parents: Artemis and Zoe Nightshade (both bio parents, she was born by magic)
Appearance: long dark brown curly hair with a white streak, brown skin and silver eyes.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Likes: woods, wolves/animals, playing the guitar, open space, the hunters, food, McDonalds, Nico, reading, music.
Dislikes: men/boys, Percy Jackson, being indoors too long, most gods, Lucas, camp, quests.
Backstory: She was born from magic as the bio daughter of Artemis and Zoe Nightshade and was raised as their daughter, she adores her brother but thought he abandond her and the hunt when he disappeared one day. She blamed Artemis for Zoes death and she and Nico tried to bring back Bianca, her first love. She eventually learns to accept her death and moves on with Piper.
Love intrests: Bianca Di Angelo (deceased), Piper McLean (girlfriend)
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Age: 21
Height: 6'4
Birthday: 27/5
Parent: Artemis (adoptive mother, she gave him her "blood" when he almost died so hes a demigod), bio parents unknown.
Appearance: medium-length curly blonde hair and blue eyes, muscular.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: reading, music, playing a guitar, walking, animals, birds, rivers, Nina.
Dislikes: almost all gods, camp, quests, most guys he met, some hunters.
Backstory: He was abandond in a forest as an infant, he was found by the hunt and they grew fond of him. Artemis and Zoe raised him as if he was their own son and the hunters treated him like a younger brother. He almost died when he was 5 years old and Artemis was able to save him with Hecates help by giving him her "blood", making her biological son. He disappeared one night when he was 14 years old, Carmilla hates him, thinking that he abandond them.
Love intrest: Nina Zenick (fiancee)
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Age: 20
Height: 5'10
Birthday: 3/9
Parent: Hecate, bio parent unknown.
appearance: long, curly brown hair and green eyes.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: reading, dancing, flirting, going out, shopping, nature, magic.
Dislikes: salty/spicy food, quests, mud, fighting, flirting with men (not including her boyfriend).
Backstory: Nina was abandond when she was a baby and was raised in an orphanage until she ran away when she was 12, thats when she met her now fiancee Lucas and the two found a small cabin in the woods and have lived there for a few years before meeting Wyatt.
Love intrest: Lucas Aylin (fiancee)
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Age: 16
Height: 5'7
Birthday: 6/2
Parent: godly parent Hephaestus, adoptive father Reginald Henson, mother Mary Henson (deceased)
Appearance: short curly brown hair, brown eyes.
Sexuality: AroAce
Likes: reading, crafting, playing his flute, hiking.
Dislikes: sports, politics, the gods, his adoptive father.
Backstory: Wyatt is the adoptive son of Reginald Henson, a multi billionaire who owns many companys and brands, he was abused by his stepdad after his mothers passing when he was 10 years old, he ran away from home and met Lucas and Nina, who he sees as parental figures, he plans to one day give half the companys and brands hes going to inherit from his stepdad to Lucas and they would be co-owners.
Love intrest: No one
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evermore-crow · 2 years
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*the Crows before getting Inej back in Crooked Kingdom*
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ashessonfire · 1 year
hey if your headcanon requests are still pen, could you do something with nina x reader who has chronic pain?
Nina Zenick x (Chronically ill) Reader - Headcanons <3
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- Pairing : Nina Zenick x Chronically ill! Reader
A/N - Hello loves! I am back, and I have so many works almost ready to be shared, so please wait for me! Hopefully this does Nina justice since it's my first time interpreting her character in my writing. (feel free to let me know how I did ) I will be trying to post as much as I can before I move into uni, so get your requests in soon or it may be a long time before i get to them XD
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Although Nina's Grisha abilities do not mainly lie in healing, her heartrender skills are exceptionally welcomed to combat your chronic pain
Early on in your blossoming relationship, your condition is brought up during the start of a flare up
Nina is relieved, somewhat, to know she can soothe an ache, or lift a sharp note of pain with her powers
Running her fingers along your tender skin, she would ease out as much as your discomfort as possible, strings of soothing words distracting you from the process
Nina is not a healer however, and as much as she wishes it, she cannot remain by your side constantly
So, she comes up with small solutions to brighten your day, and distract you from the discomfort your condition brings you
Evidently, Nina loves her food, and would always cook or bake whatever your heart desired when your body began to throb
"I know you only asked for the soup, but look at the crust on that bread huh?"
I can just picture her serving up heaps of steaming meals and snacks, catering to your every need in an attempt to steal your attention
Another method I can picture the brunette adopting is talking
It is well known within the crows, and the entirety of the Dregs, that Nina loves to talk
On several critical heists, she had been bruised by Kaz's cane thumping against her legs to quieten her chatter
So I don't think it would come as a surprise that she would try to talk your pain away
Some days, she would huddle close to you under a mountain of blankets, arms wrapped around your body as her powers numbed the pains into dull aches
Leaning towards your ear, she would recite tales from Ravka, twisting beautiful folk tales into iridescent pictures in your mind
Depending on your mood, she could talk for hours about her childhood, Ravkan folk tales, her training as a Grisha, and occasionally an hour or two of foreign languages
Although her tales could not physically extract your pain, her love and care would be more than enough to distract you from the worst of it
Nina would go to the ends of the earth to bring you as much comfort as she can, and facing the wrath of Kaz Brekker was nothing in comparison to your needs
No matter the time of month or day a flare up came, Nina would storm into his office and demand a cut of her paycheck, just so she could buy you the best medicines available
After this became more than a regular occurrence, Kaz began to set aside sums of Nina's money just to stop her visits to his office
Knowing that you would have the very best pain medication whilst she was absent gave her some peace of mind, although being by your side always calmed her more
Nina often feels guilty that she cannot do more, but with her warm embraces, and gentle love, it gets easier to deal with the struggles of your pain <3
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P.S : As a chronically ill person myself, I just wanted to say that my requests will always be open for ideas like this, and my private messages are open for anything. If anyone is experiencing any form of chronic illness and needs someone to talk to, I am here for you!! It can be super isolating and difficult, especially when those around you cannot understand your struggles. Hopefully this post can find all my spoonie crow fans!! <333
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calicoquinn · 1 year
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A fanart of Nina Zenick to heal the heartache that comes from waiting desperately for a six of crows spinoff announcement :D
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rebelside · 2 years
Not really spoilers for shadow and bones if u know the characters from the books...but just in case
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