#ninas favs
stqrsdust · 5 months
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this is for sure the gayest scene ive ever seen in my life.
and ive watched heartstopper!!
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crocodiiia · 25 days
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nina :3 shes my fav
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googiesita · 8 months
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tell me more female creepypastas and clothing styles that would fit them! pls
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barrel-crow-n · 6 months
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That's how the clock tower brawl scene went, right?
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silkroaad · 4 months
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I just vanished away like a father that had to bring milk but here I am collabing with my friend @niyanoireee with NinaKate ship art!!
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wulanvansunshine · 2 months
Having a bad day, going to reread six of crows to cheer myself up
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pop-roxs · 2 years
this is a yana toboso art appreciation post(specifically of all my fav characters(plus sascha bc why not theyre cool))
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stef-gallery · 6 months
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[ID: A photo of an apple. A photo of hands playing the piano. A picture of torn paper with the word "divorce" on it, and a gold ring on either side of the split. A photo of the human chimera Nina from Fullmetal Alchemist. A photo of a storefront with a faulty sign that reads "LIES PLUS". A screenshot from Toy Story that says "I don't believe that man has ever been to medical school!". An edited photo of a woman cheering "The cunt! The cunt!". A photo of a 'seasonal depression man' plushie from a high angle, showing his yellow coat and neutral face. A screenshot from Venom of Eddie saying "Woah, he has one up his ass, too." End ID.]
please enjoy these malevolent season 3 spoilers presented without context :)
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grishaverse-chaos · 1 year
following up on my post from earlier, I'd like to remind all darkl!ng stans that Nikolai faced all the same problems as king (in the kos duology) that the darkl!ng did, as well as several other new problems (the demon, having to find a wife, etc) and committed ZERO mass murders. your fav could never
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girl-intrigued · 1 month
crying over how Nina and Matthias will never be reunited in the show 😭😭
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grishaverse456 · 1 year
Matthias 🤝 wylan
Blushing furiously whenever their respective partners flirt with them
Or, alternatively:
Nina 🤝 Jesper
Doing everything in their power to make their respective partners blush furiously
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the-wraiths-wife · 2 months
ANOTHER kids movie crow parallel
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Ferdinand and Nina = Nina and Matthais. Matthias is the bull, Nina's well, Nina.
Why do I think so? Nina from 'Ferdinand' spends the whole movie trying to convince everyone that Ferdinand is not a monster and not like other bulls (who would and could kill people)
Nina from SoC spends her time trying to prove matty innocent and when she meets Zoya and the other Grisha she tries to tell them Matthias is not like the drüskelle any more. Show!Nina also tells Zoya that Matthias is not just a slab of fur
Conclusion : go re-watch 'Ferdinand' (the 2017/2018 vers)
Should I do all the crows? I've done Kaz. I have Jesper and Wylan ready.
Tags : @caityrayeraye @helnikdaily @she-posts-nerdy-stuff @bookworm-center @ell0ra-br3kk3r @wraith--2
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athena-xox · 5 months
Musical theatre eah headcanons because my post about the musical in fairy’s got talent got some attention.
Part 1 soprano’s
Apple: this is canon (and obvious) “…Apple’s high, pure soprano…” (the story book of legends by Shannon hale chapter 17). She’s probably classically trained or something. Also the fact that she wakes Raven up in the morning with her singing… she is that obnoxious soprano (from the obnoxious soprano)
Cupid: Cupid would be a whisperer. She would sing so quietly. Her falsetto would be inaudible but I think that Justine would probably help her become more confident in her singing.
Lizzie: more of a belter but she also has a very clear and strong falsetto. Also in my head Lizzie is the #1 theatre kid. Like in wonderland she would just burst into song and any given time and that was normal. She also probably annoys the shit out of duchess with her karaoke all the time.
Meeshell: I mean this one’s pretty obvious. Do I just imagine her to sound like Jodie Benson… yes. Also can we talk about how in her webisode her singing was horrible? Idk if that was some sort of joke that went over my head but yikes…
Farrah: she would have a pretty decent range. I think that she would be more on the acting/dancing side rather than singing. I think that she wouldn’t have any tone. Her singing would be like talking.
Kitty: I think that she would be a pretty good singer. More in the mezzo range but still can sing soprano. She just wouldn’t take it seriously. But she does take muse-ic class canonically.
Holly: I don’t she would be a bad singer she just wouldn’t hold a candle to Lizzie or Apple. She would have a pretty strong voice but she would have difficulty singing on key.
Nina: I think that she would have a unique voice. Her voice is probably better suited for solo singing than choirs but she still does good for group harmonies.
Bunny: ngl I was contemplating putting her in the next part as an alto and saying she just speaks high in her register but then there’d be way too many altos. Alto or soprano she would be a very shy singer. Lizzie would have convinced her to try out (or ordered her).
For those who don’t know soprano is a voice type. It’s the highest voice type.
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heliophaestus · 9 months
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everyone say THANK YOU to quelin sepulveda. brought us gods silliest soldier and my fav they/them gomens character yet
[ID: A sketch of the character Muriel, from Good Omens. They have light tan skin, short curly dark hair, and dark eyes. The drawing is done from a perspective slightly above, and they are looking up and off to the side while smiling brightly. Next to their face are two small hearts. /End ID]
more of them. under the cut >:]]
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[ID: Three smaller drawings of Muriel, in which they are looking off to the side with a surprised/inquisitive expression, sitting down holding a cup of tea, and saluting with enthusiasm. /End ID]
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phantomram-b00 · 7 months
Before I go to bed, I just gotta say, Nina and Maggie or at least Maggie is blasting All I want for Christmas while either nina joins her or would go “Maggie? Sweetie. We’re in November—“
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