#ningguang figure
dailyfigures · 1 year
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Ningguang ; Genshin Impact ☆ Apex Innovation
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meimikana · 1 year
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So. My mail was very nice today. 🥰🥰🥰
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The ring is apparently burnt out somehow... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so please enjoy my ghetto lighting.
Dumb chatter in the alt text. o7
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ciyuneh-lipas · 2 years
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I had a friend who’d bought Official Genshin Ningguang 1/7 Figure with her Exclusive Display box. Whew, she looks very extravagant.~ 
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iztea · 2 months
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maykitz · 1 year
speaking of this figure has been on my wishlist for literal years but it's a garage kit and i've never even laid eyes on an airbrush
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yuniemaki · 2 years
On beiguang, yin/yang symbolism and the blessed dragon/fenghuang pairing
The Beidou x Ningguang ship in Genshin is heavily inspired by two main symbols in Chinese culture: Yin and yang, and the dragon and fenghuang pairing. In this essay (literally) I will deep-dive into the nuances of these two symbols that make this ship so complex and enthralling to me at least?!
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Let’s talk a bit about the concept of duality in Chinese cosmology. Yin and Yang are complementary forces that interact together to represent duality and balance in all aspects, i.e a shadow (Yin) cannot exist without light (Yang).
Yin and yang are always opposite and equal qualities. Whenever one quality reaches its peak, it will naturally begin the transformation into the opposite quality: for example, a flower that blooms in spring (fully Yang) will wither and die back in winter (fully Yin) in an endless cycle.
This can be applied to all cyclic events in life, for example the rise and fall of things: Yang being the rise and yin being the fall. Creation (Yang) and entropy (Yin) are also two sides of the same coin. 
阴 Yin can be translated in several ways: the moon, concealed, overcast, hidden, shade. Generally, it represents the direction North.
The character 阴 can be broken down into two components:
The radical 阝, the graphical variant of 阜, meaning “mound, abundant, rich”, 
and the character 月, meaning “moon”.
阳 Yang can be translated as, male, the sun, overt, belonging to this world, activity. Generally, it represents the direction South.
The character 阳 can also be broken down into two components:
The radical 阝, the graphical variant of 阜, meaning “mound, abundant, rich”, 
and the character 日, meaning “sun”.
The terms “male” and “female” here don’t refer to gender specifically and are used very loosely – the Chinese believe in “feminine”/”negative” and “masculine”/”positive” energy as two halves of a whole, i.e. both must exist for balance to be. Neither can thrive without the other.
An interesting thing to note about Yin/Yang’s entomology is the way this phrase is written in Chinese. Chinese linguistics typically plac the “male”/”positive” energy first in the language, e.g. 男女, man-woman, and 天地, heaven and earth.
But in yinyang, 阴阳, the “female”/”negative” energy comes first. Scholars theorise that proto-Chinese society was perhaps matriarchal (Empress Dowager being more powerful than the Emperor), or that it was a way to challenge existing cultural preconceptions.
In Chinese mythology, the dragon and fenghuang are the two most powerful celestial symbols. The dragon represents "Yang" while the fenghuang represents "Yin”. 
The Chinese dragon is traditionally drawn without wings. Oftentimes it may be depicted together with a flaming pearl under its chin or in its talons. The pearl is associated with spiritual energy, wisdom, prosperity, power, immortality, thunder (electro!), or the moon.
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The fenghuang is sometimes referred to as the “Chinese phoenix”, but it has a completely different mythos to the Western legends of rebirth and fire.
The fenghuang is a peace-loving celestial being that is believed to only appear in places blessed with the utmost prosperity and happiness. It is said to live atop the Kunlun Mountains, the Chinese version of Mount Olympus.
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Together, the dragon/fenghuang pairing is known as the celestial pairing. The fenghuang is a symbol of luck, prosperity, and success; the dragon is a symbol of status and power. The two are said to strengthen each other when paired. Their union is a symbol of matrimonial bliss and more importantly - balance. 
Balance is a recurring theme in Beiguang, from Ningguang’s life and philosophy to Beidou’s (reluctant) admission that Ningguang balances her (more on that later when we deep dive into them individually).
It’s also worth noting that in some areas, the dragon/fenghuang symbol only appears to herald a new era - very much like what Liyue is going through now, heralding a new era of humans without an Archon’s guidance. And how fitting is it that the two most powerful women in Liyue now carry this symbol as they lead the nation into uncharted waters?
How Beiguang parallels Yin/Yang
The duality of Yin/Yang is visible in many aspects of life, from nature to society. One example is the sun moving across the sky. As the sun moves across the sky, things that are once illuminated (Yang) give way to shadow (Yin), revealing what was hidden, and hiding what was revealed.
Similarly, it represents the crux of Beidou and Ningguang’s relationship: infamously public yet ultimately secretive. The Captain and Tianquan talk about each other all the time, but what exactly is their deal? No one really knows.
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Another example is their prized homes. The Jade Chamber is known to block out the moon over Liyue, yet is iconic in its skies – literally seen as the moon. It is passive in nature, still and motionless, and is also the epicentre of intelligence - aka covert activity. All these are symbols of Yin. 
Now we don’t know exactly where True North is in Teyvat’s map, but Polaris, the North Star, has always been known as a fixed point in the sky, which is why sailors use it to navigate their way home.
Similarly, the Jade Chamber is this fixed point in the sky of Teyvat that could be used as a “North Star” to return to Liyue Harbour. North is, after all, the direction that Yin represents.
I digress a little here, but also consider that Beidou is the Chinese name of the Big Dipper, the very constellation used to point sailors towards Polaris. We know from Beidou’s namecard that she believes in looking to the skies when she wavers, and “the stars shall light the way”.
There’s a poetic beauty in the Jade Chamber being representative of Liyue’s Polaris, and Beidou finding her way back to her “North Star'' each time the Alcor sails for home. 
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Back on topic. In contrast, the Alcor on the other hand, is constantly moving and full of activity. It sails across the oceans; it is a symbol of power much like Beidou herself is (slayer of Haishan, Beidou tames the seas). 
And just like the sun, the Alcor docks and leaves Liyue Harbour - a reflection of how only the sun travels across the sky, illuminating different sides of the moon that patiently waits for light to be cast upon its surface (again, something we’ll return to later).
Water itself can also be separated into Yin (still bodies, lakes) and Yang (moving water, river, ocean). The Jade Chamber is home to still bodies of water (Yin symbol) both inside and out; the Alcor’s very home is the ocean, a powerful Yang water symbol.
Ningguang and Yin/fenghuang symbolism
Alright, let’s deep-dive into Ningguang’s character first. Her strongest fenghuang link is seen mainly in her namecard, and it carries a lovely name:
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凝光・凤仪 (Níngguāng - Fèngyí): the admiration/ceremony/rites of the fenghuang
The duality of the fenghuang
What’s interesting about the fenghuang is its duality: in ancient times, the fenghuang was a cohesive yin/yang symbol on its own. Over time when the dragon came into the picture, the fenghuang was altered. When paired with the dragon, it now symbolises Yin. But alone, it symbolises Yang instead.
And that’s why Ningguang’s storied history reflects elements of Yin/Yang balance. She rises (Yang) to power by herself; she retreats from the public eye, hiding (Yin) in the Jade Chamber, yet she is known to publicly flaunt (Yang) her position as a member of the Liyue Qixing.
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The diverse nature of the fenghuang and its original symbolism as balance in and of itself contributes to Ningguang’s enigmatic nature, and why she has so many seemingly contradictory opinions - fame being usually associated with Yang, yet secrets being more of Yin.
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When the dragon/Yang is not there, the fenghuang shines, becoming the “sun”/Yang - Ningguang is, after all, the de-facto leader of Liyue at this point. She has the awe and the attention of the masses, her chamber is unmissable, she is a ruthless business mogul yet adored by the children like an elder sister. 
The parts of a fenghuang
It's also interesting to note that the fenghuang's body parts represent Ningguang's character well: 
virtue (head), 
duty (wings), 
propriety (back), 
credibility (abdomen), 
and mercy (chest).
Beidou and Yang/dragon symbolism
Perhaps the most obvious link between Beidou and the dragon is her Chinese title: 无冕的龙王 Wúmiǎn de Lóngwáng - “Uncrowned King of Dragons”.
She is specifically given the title “King”/王wáng instead of “Queen”/女王Nǚwáng - masculine energy being a strong Yang quality.
A symbol of Yang quality
Unlike the fenghuang, the Chinese dragon has always been a representation of Yang, which is why Beidou’s character very clearly represents the quintessence of Yang: well-liked, respected, reputed, masculine (in her feats - slaying Haishan, leading a pirate fleet, taming the seas), always on the move, never on land for long.
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Traditionally, the dragon has always symbolised power and confidence. The Chinese dragon is the ruler of water and weather, especially moving bodies of water such as the sea, which might suggest why Beidou is able to navigate the sea so very well, to the point that her crew “believe her capable of taming the storms and billows on the sea.” 
She also “understands” the sea almost intimately, as seen in her CN voiceline “About us: an eye for people”:
“I’m good at reading people. When you’ve seen the wide ocean, the little splashes (changes) on people’s faces are just too easy to understand. Haha, so, I noticed you from the start.”
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Beidou refers to the “changes on people’s faces” as “小水花/splashes (of water)”, implying that once you learn to read the sea (often known as a cruel mistress), people become easy to read in comparison. And to read the sea, you observe. You study every wave, every detail, so you can understand her subtleties. 
Despite being a pirate, Beidou’s dragon-symbolic traits show up in her honourable personality, her ability to command the loyalty of her crew, and her commitment to helping the less fortunate.
The dragon's history
Initially, the dragon was benevolent, wise and just, but the introduction of Buddhism added malevolent influence to the dragons. Water can raise and water can destroy. So dragons became able to destroy through floods, tsunamis and storms. 
Similarly, that could also be why Beidou, although symbolising the dragon, was also named to be a cursed child – perhaps a tribute to the dragon’s newfound duality.
Yin/Yang Symbolism in relation to Beiguang
Okay, we’ve got that all down, so now we can study Beiguang in the context of Yin/Yang and dragon/fenghuang symbolisms. Remember the bit earlier about how the sun is the only celestial body to travel across the sky in astrologers’ eyes, illuminating different sides of the moon? 
Present-day Ningguang resides in Liyue Harbour and (as far as we know) rarely leaves the nation. Beidou comes and goes as the sun rises and falls, and it is with her return that we have been seeing different facets of Ningguang come alive under the light of the sun (Yang). 
Ningguang has a voiceline in particular titled “About Us: Observing”. There is one key difference in the CN version of this voiceline, which I’ll translate:
“You’ve followed me for so long, (I’m sure) you’ve learned how to observe. Then, try to observe me, until you become my trusted confidant.” 
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She asks Traveler to observe her. But what can you observe in the obscured until it is illuminated? Who illuminates her beyond the Tianquan that the masses know? 
Most of the key Liyue events in 2021 featuring Ningguang, Archon Quest aside, have also featured Beidou in some capacity. And we learn the most about Ningguang from and through Beidou, like how Yang casts light on and reveals what was previously hidden (Yin). 
Romantic gestures aside, their business relationship is also reflective of the dragon/fenghuang motif. Now the dragon symbolises the Chinese Emperor, known as a descendent of the celestial dragons, and the fenghuang symbolises the Empress. To be more specific, the fenghuang represents "power sent from the heavens'' to the Empress. 
This brings me back to the way Yinyang is written: female first. 
Traditionally although the empress dowager (Yin, fenghuang) supposedly holds more power than the Emperor (Yang, dragon), she works from the shadows, often more covertly. For all intents and purposes, the emperor has the final say. Similarly, Ningguang uses Beidou to do her dirty work.
Yin/Yang - two halves of a whole
Beiguang is essentially a perfectly balanced couple, and the game alludes to this in various ways. One is this interaction between Paimon and Beidou during Moonchase, after Ningguang and Beidou have their little squabble in front of the giant rock and all their friends:
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The idiom she uses for "evenly-matched" (势均力敌) is usually used in context of a game/polls/tournament/etc. If you break down the etymology, it literally means "power/influence are equal (in a situation), (so our) strengths match".
Reminder that yin and yang are not just equals - they are also opposite qualities. Life and death, light and darkness, rise and fall. This is why Beidou and Ningguang “profess antipathy to each other’s way of life”, and yet they are united for Liyue’s greater good. They are the direct opposites of each other (law vs crime, elegance vs boorish, luxurious vs simple, light vs dark), but they are also equals. 
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And Ningguang values this very much -
“Of the many candidates available, she picked Beidou.” 
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She values time as her greatest resource, making businessmen bid for her time - but Beidou is given the permission to “come up any time” for a game of chess. 
All that said, their yin/yang dynamic is not new in Chinese romance stories. Off the top of my head, the titular characters of C-drama Who Rules The World essentially share the same Yin/Yang dynamic as Beiguang does. It’s a lovely trope that adds great complexity to character dynamics.
I do love how hyv has interwoven the dragon/fenghuang symbolisms deep into their lives however, such that Ningguang and Beidou both live and breathe the cultural symbols that they are inspired by, rather than letting it simply be a romantic trope. 
Beiguang nation, this be my first gift to you. Hope it’s been a fun read! Next up: GINKGOS.
Beiguang masterlist
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dandelion-wings · 2 years
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A triumph! All of my level 90 characters are fully* built, insomuch as they are all at least 9/9/9 on talents and have a fully-leveled set of artifacts. :D There is some fine-tuning I intend to do on some of them (more are getting crowned, I want to swap out some artifact sets as I get new ones, etc.), but they are all fully combat-functional and my completionist brain is satisfied. I leveled the Spiral Healers to 90 before doing anything else to them and it was making that part of my brain itch so badly because for so long they weren't done even though their level made them look that way, so from now on anyone I'm building gets to sit at 80 after their last ascension until their talents and artifacts are built up.
*I managed to convince myself that crowning talents was a special treat for my faves and not something I have to kill myself grinding for, since crowns are so rare and hard to get. >>
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neferrious · 2 years
Beidou, talking about Ningguang: Kazuha, If I were gonna go lesbian, she's the last les I'd be in.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 8 months
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Genshin shelf update 👍🏻
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Assigning random chaotic things in my room to genshin characters; a shitpost
the miniature plastic baby figures stuck on my wall; hu tao
georgia, the emo mannequin head (serving as a wigstand); venti
the empty chewing gum vintage machine; Lisa
the lamp with the letters arranged to say "women kisser"; yae miko
the crochet mushrooms that can fit nothing in them; tighnari
the charms on my curtains i made as a child, contain a dried apple and a cinnamon stick; Klee
the unused lava lamp bc i have to keep it on for hours so it doesnt stop working; yoimiya
the rock collection; bennett
the 50 mini pride flags in a plastic bag i bought as a joke; itto
my failed chemestry experiment that consists of a silver-colored glass bottle; albedo
the hand sanitizer i made in chemetry class and dyed with red coloring and as a result it looks like blood; sucrose
the decapitated pony figure i had as a kid and decided to keep (it was my brothers fault btw); diona
a plastic box full of little plastic figures i got from an event at a store and that represent for the most part emojis (it was at the time the emoji movie was out); childe
a...cheetah-themed wooden dreamcatcher ? ; ningguang
the green pig magnet i stole from someone's locker in elementary school; childe again
one of those japanese-style cats that wave their paws that i bought at a dollar store and only works with soloar energy; Ei
the very bad self made luffy straw hat who stinks of glue; bennett again
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zarpasuave · 2 years
I’ll post an art catch-up later but for now marvel at the sheer beauty of my Ningguang
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zuble · 1 year
wait ok depression cancelled it’s her birthday
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girlbossningguang · 1 year
i think its funny how people hc kazuha as beidou/beiguang’s little kid cause he’s probably in his late teens early 20’s. this is not to say beidou doesn’t treat him like a kid, just that he probably hates it. like she rustles his hair and calls him kiddo and he is just like -_-
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jueyun-chili · 2 years
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APEX 1/7 Ningguang Figure
Mama Ning finally comes home and she is absolutely gorgeous 💛💛💛
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screamingshark · 2 years
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Barbara and Mona came home so here are a few pics of them and the current genshin section on my shelf
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c0rpsedemon · 2 years
eeeeee i just ordered my first 2 scales <3
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