#ninjago Sensei Garmadon
juniperjellyfish · 5 months
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pillowdrawz · 6 months
Ninjago Abaddon Au:
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Its been a year Also I read a Fanfiction where Cole is a Doctor HELLO THAT IS SUCH A GOOD CONCEPT AND EVERYTHING EJEBEJ.
Context: Cole Is still the leader of the team Lloyd has a kina -ish childhood he and the darkley kids turned into Vigilantes so when he turned 18 he trained to be the green ninja he isn't the leader so he is a menace COLE CAN EARTHBEND BEING A MASTER OF EARTH CHANGE MY MIND LET THEM BE BAMF-
Also cole being a doctor Im going to draw more hehehehe ninjago my beloved.
Yes i was inspired by Toph training Aang cause it fits.
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buff-daddy-cole · 2 months
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Garmadon wrote a book!
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mysticdragoni · 4 months
Episode 1 - The Lotus
Episode 2 - The Virtues Of Balance.
Oh my god it’s finally DONE! I hope you guys enjoy this! I have been working on this nonstop since May 10th. Even longer since I’ve had her story in the works since last year! Thank you IMMENSELY for the support over the last few weeks, I never would have actually finished this without your help! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Samura Jade is my Ninjago original character, this is episode one of hopefully a series of episodes. I hope that her lore is believable and matches the quality that is Ninjago. I intend and hope that I was able to tell a story that makes a believable supporting character.
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iloveacronix · 6 months
How does bro fit in there💀
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beediona · 5 months
shut up i‘m actually gonna cry
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LOOK AT MY BOYS!!!! i love them so much😪
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The fun thing of making Garmadon live is to have him as clueless as the ninja when it comes to world destroying events and/or have him clueless to the drama around him.
During S5:
Garmadon: Who the hell are you?
Morro (currently possessing Lloyd): Uhm Morro? Y'know Wu's first pupil?
Garmadon: You died??
He turns to Wu who was quietly shifting away from him.
Garmadon: And when were you gonna tell me about this?
Wu:... Eventually
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leafdragon16 · 1 month
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Elemental Fighter AU doodles!
I am very excited that the fic is finally here! Not sure what Frost has against Clouse having functional hands tho
AU by @frost-the-ice-dragon, fic is here
Full page:
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xylomilo · 3 months
Chen: Someone opened the front doors without checking who was outside. You guys know we have cameras, right?
Ash, who was listening to heavy metal as he slept:
Bolobo, who was baking at 2 am:
Chamille, who was making out with Tox:
Gravis, the one who opened the door without checking who it was:
Griffin Turner, who was gambling with the kabukis:
Jacob Pevsner, who was Ash’s neighbor:
Karlof, who was trying to sneak into Chen’s room to assassinate him:
Paleman, who was sleeping like a normal person:
Neuro, who was making out with Clouse:
Shade, who was watching Paleman sleep:
Skylor, who caught Bolobo in the middle of baking and decided to help him:
Tox, who was making out with Chamille:
Jay, Kai, and Cole, who were definitely not having a homoerotic sleepover:
Lloyd, who was definitely not crying about missing his boyfriend Brad:
Garmadon, the one who was let inside: There was what.
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theaceofarrows · 6 months
So my sister does this hilarious thing that whenever we watch something and someone says they're a pacifist, she goes, "So they pass-da-fist into your face" (makes me laugh every time) and it got me thinking that that is exactly the kind of thing that Jay would say about Sensei Garmadon.
Like how in season 3 when Lloyd gets kidnapped (as Lloyd does) and Garmadon says along the lines of , "All bets are off when it comes to my son" I think jay would immediately go "Oooh he's gonna pass-da-fist". And it just sticks around and becomes such a common everyday saying.
[Cole accidentally gives Lloyd a bloody nose in sparring]
Lloyd: Oww!
Cole: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!
Sensei Garmadon: [glaring at Cole]
Jay: Oh man! Cole's about to get passed the fist~
Kai: Oh, you better run, Cole
Lloyd: [holding his bloody nose] I'm okay, dad. It's fine
Garmadon: [still glaring at Cole]
Cole: Oh man- Sensei, please don't pass-da-fist!
Garmadon: [continuing to glare]
Lloyd: [stubbs his toe] Ouch
Nya: I think we're going to need to get a new table
Jay: Why?
Nya: [points at Garmadon] That's why
Garmadon: [glares at the table leg]
Kai: That table's so gonna get passed-da-fist
Jay: Isn't that table new? You really think he's gonna punch it?
Garmadon: [kicks the table and breaks it]
Cole: Huh, I guess he passed-da-foot, instead
Lloyd: [under his breath] Dad, not again...
[On Chen's Island]
Clouse: [does an evil smirk at Lloyd]
Garmadon: [mega Garmadad glare™️]
Jay: [whispering] So we're all in agreement that Snesei G's gonna pass-da-fist on him, right?
Cole: Oh, yeah
Kai: 100%
Lloyd: He's not gonna make past 48 hour
This is canon to me now
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shadowpeachceo · 8 months
Ninjago incorrect quotes Garmadad
Lloyd: What are you doing here?
Emperor Garmadon: I could ask you the same question.
Lloyd: I live here. This is my house.
Emperor Garmadon: I should probably ask you a different question.
Lord Garmadon: I’m going to hell.
Lloyd: Probably.
Lord Garmadon: I'll pick you up?
Lloyd: *nodding* Carpool.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Sensei Garmadon: *types in Lloyd*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Sensei Garmadon: How fucking DARE YOU-
Emperor Garmadon: Quick! You must come with me! Your in great danger!
Lloyd: Why?!
Emperor Garmadon: Because I’ll kill you if you don’t.
Lil Lloyd: Help! I’m drowning!
Lord Garmadon: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water!
Lil Lloyd: But that’s censorship.
Lord Garmadon: Well done. You are correct. You’re being censored. Now go.
Sensei Garmadon: Just be yourself. Say something nice.
Lloyd: Which one? I can't do both.
Emporer Garmadon: Ah, Hello again. We really need to stop meeting like this.
Lloyd: Maybe we would, if you would sTOP BREAKING INTO MY FUCKING HOUSE!!!
Lil Lloyd: Honestly, I am so evil. So full of darkness. I feed of the souls of the living I strike fear into-
Lord Garmadon: You sleep with a teddybear.
Lord Garmadon: I love cooking breakfast. It makes the whole house smell like bacon.
Lil Lloyd: That’s true, but it also smells like fire and panic.
Lord Garmadon: You and the smoke detector need to get off my case.
Lloyd in season 4: *About to do something incredibly stupid*
Sensei Garmadon: I know I can't stop you, but I won't let you go by yourself.
Lil Lloyd: Hand me the people opener.
Lord Garmadon: ...
Lord Garmadon: Pardon?
Lil Lloyd, annoyed: The g! Just hand it to me!
Lord Garmadon, stressed: WHAT THE FUCK IS A PEOPLE OPENER?
Lil Lloyd: How do you not know what a people opener is? Its pointy- you know? With a handle?
Lord Garmadon: Knife. It's called a knife.
*Lord Garmadon raised Lloyd Au*
Lil Lloyd: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Lord Garmadon: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Lloyd: *Kicks the door open, looking panicked*
Lord Garmadon: What did you do?!
Lloyd: I think it's time to start fucking some shit up.
Garmadon: Oh no.
Lloyd: More like "oh yes!"
Lloyd: Might I make a suggestion you possibly won’t like?
Sensei Garmadon: Do you make any other kind?
Season 3 Garmadon: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated!
Season 11 Lloyd: Killed without hesitation.
Emperor Garmadon: If we lose, you'll go back to not being my son.
Lloyd: I was your son again?
Movie Garmadon: *dangling from a rope over a pit of fire* Remember when I said I’d tell you when we’re in too deep?
Movie Lloyd: Yes?
Movie Garmadon: We’re in too deep.
Sensei Garmadon: How has life been treating you lately?
Movie Lloyd: Horribly.
Movie Garmadon: What do you call a dictionary on drugs?
Show Lloyd: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you.
Movie Garmadon: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better.
Movie and show Lloyd: ...
*movieverse At the police station*
Movie Lloyd: Hi, I’m here for Lord Garmadon.
Police officer: Who’s Garmadon?
movie Lloyd: Ah, you must be new.
Sensei Garmadon: How are you today?
Oni Lloyd: Please don’t make me think about my life.
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Missing scene from Master of Destruction
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mysticdragoni · 3 months
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Created these in July of last year for the Garmadon art I did x
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iloveacronix · 6 months
Imagine not caring about some guy choking your daughter right in front of you💀
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Bro started laughing💀
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molllydoodl3s · 2 years
The sillys
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Trying to come up with a reason on how Garmadon survives S4 is so confusing like???
From what I remembered, the reason they defeated the fake anacondrai was due to Garmadon's sacrifice bringing in the Anacondrai generals basically telling Chen that he was a stupid try hard and then boom Chen goes to the Cursed Realm
(forgot how they defeated the army did they go to the cursed realm too? or did they just?? Straight up vanished??)
If I make Wu take Garmadon's place it would really amp up the angst meter
The two would have the opportunity to finally become brothers again.
They could learn how to train the ninjas instead of that God awful "OnLy OnE cAn ReMaIn" shit
We could have Garmadon and Misako finally talk about how they wanna raise Lloyd and giving the three an opportunity to be a proper family.
And so much more but imma yap about it in another day
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