#ninjago art of the silent fist
toastingpencils37 · 6 months
Spinjitzu colors are so weird.
Because sometimes the color depends on the outfit that the person is wearing (Such as Zane's pink spinjitzu when he has the pink gi in "Can of Worms")
But other times it has to do with power set (Like Lloyd in "Art of the Silent Fist" having a gold tornado despite wearing predominately green)
And then in cases like Doubloon (red), Misako (gray), and Aspheera (originally pink), they just have a random color that is barely in their color scheme.
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icy-watch · 11 months
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Note to tall people: Do not do this with those of us who are shorter. We will can can bite your ankles off.
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nyaskitten · 9 months
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Just found one of the coolest Spirit Overlord designs and it's on screen for like 10 seconds... I like this one he looks like a jellyfish
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viewlumia · 7 months
Nothing will be more weirder than the Ninjago fandom acting like Cole was in love with Nya throughout Rebooted.
Through the entire Love Triangle ordeal, he never actually acts for Nya, instead only reacting to Jay. Observe:
In the previous episode, The Art of the Silent Fist, there was a scene between Cole and Nya. Throughout that episode, Nya was struggling with her newfound feelings towards Cole (given to her by a machine I might add but that's a conversation for another day). Nya talks to Cole in that scene and it ends with them holding hands and Cole jokingly saying "Don't tell Jay."
Why am I bringing this up? Because I honestly have trouble looking at that through a romantic lense. I often see people use this as evidence even though it doesn't match up with how the show would later indicate romance (they looked at each other so they're in love now! Chemistry, what's that!) More importantly, Nya never actually articulates her feelings for Cole in this scene. This is crucial when getting to Blackout. In Blackout, after Pixal blurts out that Cole is a perfect match for Nya, not Jay, who entered the room at the time, his first instinct is to attack Cole as soon as he saw him! From the POV of Cole, this looks like his friend calling him names and a whole lot of other things seemingly out of nowhere, he never actually heard about the "Perfect Match" results and that combined with the previously mentioned scene leaves us with a Cole who isn't in love with Nya and is only focused on Jay.
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The Curse of The Golden Master
In this clip, after the ninja head into the sewer like a certain other group of color coded ninja, Jay gets into another spat with Cole after Cole dared to *checks note* look out for Nya's safety. This causes the two to get into an argument and ignore Nya falling from the broken ladder.
Now this scene on it's own doesn't mean much, but when paired with the other episodes mentioned, it starts to paint a bigger picture. This scene is a tipping point for Cole, going from someone clueless about his situation and fighting with Jay to letting this petty, near one-sided rivalry get in the way of the task at hand.
This scene is honestly the perfect representation of the Love Triangle in Rebooted: it was never really about Nya, she was just a stepping stone to get to Jay yelling at Cole over a situation he has no idea he's even in. Cole isn't out of the woodwork either as he begins to ignore Nya solely so he can insult Jay, but hey, it can't get any worse right?
Codename: Arcturus
It got worse.
In Codename: Arcturus, we see Jay, Cole, and Nya at the movie theater to "prove who Nya should go out with." Now, you may ask "doesn't that sequence end with both Jay and Cole asking who Nya will date and her kidnapping a cleaning robot?" yes, it does! But the important thing here is that it wasn't even Nya's idea in the first place ("Hey, it wasn't my idea to go on a double date to decide between you two.") Interesting thing of note, this is the only episode in the entire season where it's actually shown Cole fighting for Nya's affection, but even then it's not really about her, it's about getting back at Jay more than anything.
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I know someone will come in wondering about "authorial intent," the intent in question being that Cole could be a potential love interest for Nya moving forward, but while I can see the intent, I can also acknowledge that what actually landed on the page and later the screen does not match the intent at all. Instead of Cole falling in love with Nya and getting into a spat with Jay that way, we got Cole treating Nya like a stepping stone to get back at Jay, disregarding her feelings in the process.
TL;DR: Kai should've knocked Jay and Cole upside the head for being weird about his sister
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Everything Right/Wrong with Ninjago “Rebooted” E2: The Art of the Silent Fist
Disclaimers: Show owned by LEGO. This is not a professional review/critique - it’s mainly intended for comedy!
Make sure to reblog, comment, and like, and tell me your thoughts!
- Theme ✅
- How convenient for the animators that Wu’s memories are all in third person ❌
- “No robots…” Lloyd forgets that Zane isn’t dead… yet. ❌
- Where did Nya get a green suit for Lloyd? ❌
- “There’s a reason [Wu’s] lived as long as he has.” Yeah, because he’s part of nearly every mythical, immortal creature in the book. There’s so many different forms of magical DNA in this guy that, frankly, I’m surprised he isn’t radioactive ❌
- “You guys go ahead. I will stay back and watch [the blades].” Wow, they didn’t even try to argue with him, huh? The DISRESPECT ❌
- Wait, why does Nya like Cole? We saw that the two were assigned as a perfect match, but we never saw hints of Nya actually liking him and now we’re supposed to believe she’s suddenly in love with both of them? What?? ❌
- “But Cole… Cole is not Jay (positive)…” OOOHHHHHHHHH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Seriously though, this is such an awful line considering Jay is her canon love interest. And don’t say they didn’t know Jaya was gonna be canon because I do not believe there was a second they were actually going to make Cole and Nya a thing ❌
- I’m not even gonna sin them for tweaking Garmadon’s design from the end of last season because this one is objectively better ✅
- “Check out the new Sensei… lookin sharp!” Jay is a Garmadon simp confirmed and I really don’t know if that’s a sin or not anymore
- “SILENCE” *WHACK* Ohoh, I’m gonna like him, aren’t I? ✅
- How did Zane not notice the blades being stolen from in front of him? He clearly wasn’t sleeping, and Pixal later even says she wasn’t built for stealth ❌
- “Pixal? What are you doing?” “Discontinuing an old droid!” D*mn ✅
- Was that even a Pixal scream? It sounded a lot like Nya ❌
- “How about we take her apart to find out!” Jeez Kai calm down. Imagine what the others would say if he wanted to dismember a human ❌
- “Relax, not a weapon!” Then why didn’t they just bring them inside in the first place?!?! ❌
- “These nindroids are so much fas-“ Give me perfectly timed cuts for 400 Alex ✅
- “wouldn’t that mean shutting down Pixal too?” “Don’t tell Zane!” The ninja don’t even seem to consider Pixal as a living entity. They only even take her into account as a reference to Zane, nothing else. You can’t convince me they would be this chill about taking out the power if a human’s life was on the line. Basically what I’m saying is the ninja are racist ❌
- “We are all different, but I do not feel so different around you…”⬇️ ✅
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- “Ever since we left I’ve been worried about [the students].” “Oh, Dareth’s looking after them.” Was that supposed to ease Cole’s worries cuz I’m pretty sure it made them worse ❌
- “Ya know, Cole, you don’t get the credit you deserve. You always put others ahead of yourself! I know the other ninja get all the attention but I just want you to know, you’re a good guy.” This is literally just the writers trying to convince us to care about Cole at a point in which such a small amount of the fandom actually did. I love Cole, I always have, but I think anyone who was in the fandom prior to the Wildbrain era can attest to how ignored he was as a character. This went off on a small rant so to clarify, I’m not sinning this because of how underrated Cole used to be (personally I think that’s more the fandom at the time’s fault than the show itself). I’m sinning this because it felt awkward and forced ❌
- “Don’t tell Jay.” Why? There was nothing inherently romantic about that line, or this situation in general, so what is there to not tell Jay? ❌
- “This is where all of Ninjago gets its power.” Zane mansplains something that even Dareth should be able to determine Pixal already knows ❌
- “I will call you Mindroid!” *angry mindroid noises* Worry not, Mindroid. One day we will join together and seek vengeance against all those who mock us with labels like “fun-sized” and “vertically challenged.” We are living versions of the pocket knife - cleverly concealed until the final moments in which we are revealed to deliver the killing blow.
- “Stupid technology!” Kai said, to the glass case ❌
- “oh who cares about probability!” this is character development… I have absolutely no idea where it came from or how Pixal developed but it sure is there ❌
- How unlucky was Pix that she just happened to land on the ONE laser we’ve seen throughout this entire episode? ❌
- *Mindroid breaks into office* “Great! Now they come in fun-sized!” ✅
- “This is no time for a lesson, Kai!” Actually, the climax generally is the time for the lesson, Jay
- The nindroids might have Storm Trooper aim but that doesn’t make it okay for the ninja to dodge in the worst possible way just to show off ❌
- Lloyd - beloved Green Bean - you’re supposed to cup the water in your hands, sweetie… not just stick your whole face in the pond like you’re bobbing for apples… ❌
- “This is why I took an oath of peace!” Why? So you and your son could get mauled by a giant, robotic dragon?? ❌
- Mindroid dies, and although killing him is 100% sinnable by death, this is actually a sin because he appears unscathed later on multiple times ❌
- Why does it take so long for Pixal to lose power? ❌
- “Your mission was important. I was not. I am to assist; I assisted.” The show never acknowledges how tragic this scene is. Well, it does, but only with Pixane, not Pixal as her own character. We constantly get to see glimpses of Pixal’s insecurities, but rarely see them built on or developed. ❌
- The only source of power for ALL of Ninjago is operated by this one tower and no one thought that was a bad idea ❌
- “We are compatible?” “Yes, yes we are.” ✅
- Look, Pixane is my favorite canon ship, but I still hate the way it happened. It was rushed, under-developed, and just didn’t feel right. ❌
- But also, Pixal only has feelings for Zane once it’s obvious that he feels that way about her so… recipromantic Pixal canon? ✅
Sentence: Mindroid coming for your kneecaps
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ninjagobrackets · 1 year
Welcome to the best ninjago episode bracket!!
Lego Ninjago has 210 episodes and counting, after several rounds of preliminaries we have narrowed it down to a 128 seed bracket!! It is randomly seeded and there is a redemption built into round 2!
The News Never Sleeps! vs Shintaro
The Call of the Deep vs The Gift of Jay
Ninjaball Run vs Christofern
Corruption vs Ninja Roll
Can of Worms vs The Benefit of Grief
Codename: Arcturus vs Five Thousand Fathoms Down
The Fall of the Monestary vs The Son of Lilly
Curseworld Part 2 vs Day of the Great Devourer
Only One Can Remain vs The Corridor of Elders
The Royal Blacksmiths vs Papergirl
Rise of the Spinjitzu Master vs How to Build a Dragon
Secrets Discovered vs One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
The Call of Home vs Compatible
Rise of the Snakes vs Tick Tock
Fire Maker vs Krag’s Lament
Day of the Departed vs Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea
Two Lies, One Truth vs The Green Ninja
Dead Man’s Squall vs The Way Back
Dungeon Party! vs Pause and Effect
Infamous vs The Last Hope
Ghost Story vs The Ascent
The Darkness Comes vs The Last Resort
The Real Fall vs Never Trust a Snake
Superstar Rockin’ Jay vs The Council of the Crystal King
The Invitation vs The Forgotten Element
Island of Darkness vs Ninjago Confidential
Grave Danger vs Game Over
Lost in Time vs Awakenings
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago vs The Titanium Ninja
The Quiet One vs Boobytraps and How to Survive Them
Ninja vs Lava vs A Big Splash
Trial by Mino vs The Traveler’s Tree
The Tale of Benthomaar vs The Explorer’s Club
My Dinner with Nadakhan vs Snake Jaguar
Way of the Ninja vs Radio Free Ninjago
Snaketastrophe vs Return of the Ice Emperor
Queen of the Munce vs True Potential
Peak-a-Boo vs The Skull Sorcerer
Green Destiny vs Game of Masks
The Art of the Silent Fist vs Secret of the Wolf
Dungeon Crawl vs The Curse of the Golden Master
Child’s Play vs Wasted True Potential
Racer Seven vs The Jade Princess
The Temple on Haunted Hill vs Home
Ninjago City vs Ninja vs A Line in the Sand
Safe Haven vs Brave But Foolish
Long Live the King vs A Lesson in Anger
A Fragile Hope vs Farewell the Sea
Quittin’ Time! vs Public Enemies 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5!
A Cold Goodbye vs Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire?
The Day Ninjago Stood Still vs The Never-Realm
Public Enemy Number One vs A Painful Promise
Endings vs The Upply Strike Back!
Masters Never Quit vs Winds of Change
The Last Voyage vs Roots
The Turn of the Tide vs The Hands of Time
Return to Primeval’s Eye vs The Fall
Into the Breach vs The Spider’s Design
Once Bitten, Twice Shy vs My Enemy, My Friend
Versus vs The Mask of Deception
Nyad vs Stop, Drop, and Side Scroll
Never Trust a Human vs I am Okino
Dragon Form vs Assault on Ninjago City
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basicallyjaywalker · 4 months
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I've been down for the count with a nasty stomach bug HOWEVER. My boyfriend got me these books and y'all know I'm about to annotate these like I'm doing a Master's Thesis in Ninjago
We've got:
Reader's collection of 4 novelized (well. Not novelized but in book form!!) episodes (Pirates Vs. Ninja, Child's Play, The Surge, and The Art of the Silent Fist) which I'm excited to see if they have cool writing tidbits about the episodes in question
Ninja Heroes which is two-page profiles on all the ninja (INCLUDING PIXAL PRE SAMX? HELL YEAH I LOVE REP FOR MY GIRL) and also ZANE BLUEPRINTS. HELL YES
I've already liveblogged me reading Book of Spinjitzu (and cited it extensively in a Wu essay) so I'll just be going back and annotating that, but I plan on going through the other two soon and sharing any cool facts I see! Including those Zane blueprints for sure hehehe
Alright time to collapse back into squeezing my almost 5' unicorn plushie and regret the bowl of cereal I just ate 🫡 we'll be back!
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miqotepotatoe · 2 years
Badly Explaining Ninjago: Rebooted
The Surge - Ninjago has a robot uprising
Art of the Silent Fist - The Ninja turn of Ninjagos wifi
Blackout - Cute Pixane stuff, cursed love triange stuff, Kai gets beat up by blackbeard Wu
Curse of the Golden Master - Ninja learn of another evil prophecy from now pasafist snake people
Enter the Digiverse - Everyone is the golden ninja
Codename Arcturus - This is why Kai doesn't get sent out on solo missions
The Void - Ninja and space do not mix
The Titanium Ninja - Everyone's favourite robot saves the day by self desructing
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trulyauthentic · 8 months
Timeline pt. 3
From Post Final Battle to Season 3
Post Final Battle - 8 months (August 5 - March 24)
It would take a lot of time to change the city into New Ninjago City.
The ninja become teachers in the next school year (January).
Season 3 starts end of March.
Season 3: Rebooted - 3 weeks (March 25 - April 14)
The Surge - March 25-26
The Art of the Silent Fist - March 26-28
Blackout - April 1-2
The Curse of the Golden Master - April 3
Enter the Digiverse - April 4
Codename: Arcturus - April 4-9
The Void - April 9-10
The Titanium Ninja - April 10-14
Ninja Ages:
Lloyd - 15
Nya - 15
Jay - 15
Kai - 16
Cole - 16
Zane - 16
See previous
See next
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lnaax15 · 1 year
-• Book: 1 Fushichō no Hikō •-
-• Cover •-
-• Acknowledgements •-
-• Introduction •-
-• Prologue •-
-• Chapter: 1 Way of the Ninja •-
-• Chapter: 2 The Golden Weapons •-
-• Chapter: 3 King of Shadows •-
-• Chapter: 4 Weapons of Destiny •-
-• Chapter: 5 Rise of the Snakes •-
-• Chapter: 6 Home •-
-• Chapter: 7 Snakebit •-
-• Chapter: 8 Never trust a Snake •-
-• Chapter: 9 Can of Worms •-
-• Chapter: 10 The Snake King •-
-• Chapter: 11 Tick Tock •-
-• Chapter: 12 Once Bitten, Twice Shy •-
-• Chapter: 13 The Royal Blacksmiths •-
-• Chapter: 14 The Green Ninja •-
-• Chapter: 15 All of Nothing •-
-• Chapter: 16 The Rise of the Great Devourer •-
-• Chapter: 17 Day of the Great Devourer •-
-• Chapter: 18 Orphanage •-
-• Chapter: 19 Darkness Shall Rise •-
-• Chapter: 20 Pirates vs. Ninja •-
-• Chapter: 21 Double trouble •-
-• Chapter: 22 Ninjaball Run •-
-• Chapter: 23 Child's Play •-
-• Chapter: 24 Wrong Place, Wrong Time •-
-• Chapter: 25 Catch Up •-
-• Chapter: 26 The Stone Army •-
-• Chapter: 27 The Day Ninjago Stood Still •-
-• Chapter: 28 The last Voyage •-
-• Chapter: 29 Island of Darkness •-
-• Chapter: 30 The Last Hope •-
-• Chapter: 31 Return of the Overlord •-
-• Chapter: 32 Rise of the Spinjitzu Master •-
-• Chapter: 33 Aftermath •-
-• Chapter: 34 The Surge •-
-• Chapter: 35 The Art of the Silent Fist •-
-• Chapter: 36 Blackout •-
-• Chapter: 37 The curse of the Golden Master •-
-• Chapter: 38 Enter the Digiverse •-
-• Chapter: 39 Codename: Arcturus •-
-• Chapter: 40 The Void •-
-• Chapter: 41 The Titanium Ninja •-
-• Chapter: 42 Rebuilt •-
-• Chapter: 43 A New Ally and an Old Enemy •-
-• Chapter: 44 The Invitation •-
-• Chapter: 45 Only One Can Remain •-
-• Chapter: 46 Versus •-
-• Chapter: 47 Ninja Roll •-
-• Chapter: 48 Unmatched •-
-• Chapter: 49 Spy for a Spy •-
-• Chapter: 50 Spellbound •-
-• Chapter: 51 The Forgotten Element •-
-• Chapter: 52 The Day of the Dragon •-
-• Chapter: 53 The Greatest Fear of All •-
-• Chapter: 54 The Corridor of Elders •-
-• Epilogue •-
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bellaizumi13 · 1 year
OC Compilation
Here’s the final picture that I’ve been working on that I gave a sneak peek of in that oc championship  post. It’s a collection of all my various ocs that I’ve made (sans the like 20ish MHA ocs I’ve made).
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Info on characters under the cut
Bashira “Bella” Izumi (Digimon) - Bella is part of the original group of digidestined from Digimon Adventure. She was one of the younger kids, like TK and Kari. She’s Izzy’s younger sister. Pictured here is her during Adventure 02 when she’s older. Her partners are Lupamon and later DarkSalamon. She’s also the namesake of my blog
Sara Kanno (Bakugan) - Sara is part of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. She joined the group during a Bakugan tournament where she met her partner, Ventus Leonidas. The group worked together to beat an evil Bakugan known as Vladitor. After they won, Sara became a Battle Brawler and continued to help save the Bakugan in later seasons
Christy Cane (Pokemon) - Christy is from the Unova region. She is in training to become an Aura Guardian. She lives in a secluded manor in the woods near Nuvema Town training with her grandfather and the other aura guardians to eventually lead the Unova branch of Guardians. Her team is Samurott, Zorua, Luxray, Altaria, Ribombee, and of course, Lucario
Emiko “Elise” Daigo (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Elise is a member of the Ra Yellow dorm at Duel Academy. She duels using a Lightsworn deck. She is also one of the few people who are able to see duel spirits. Her closest spirit is Wulf: Lightsworn Beast. She always tries to stick up for the Slifer students despite how pointless it may seem
Juliet Walker (Ninjago) - Juliet is Jay’s twin sister and the master of plasma. She become a ninja after her brother when her true potential awakened in season two. She was trained by Sensei Garmadon and is well versed in the art of the Silent Fist. Her weapon is bladed tonfa and she’s dating Zane and PIXAL
Luna the Rabbit (Sonic) - Luna is the older sister of Cream the Rabbit. She is very close to Team Chaotix, specifically Espio. She has the ability to blend into the shadows and move freely between them. Cream looks up to her a lot
Hinoka Kato (Beyblade) - Hinoka is a blader from Japan. Ginga and the others meet her during the Battle Bladers tournament where she ends up losing to Kyoya in the quarterfinals. She ends up becoming a Legendary Blader when a secret third set of Legendary Bladers are revealed, along with Tsubasa, Masamune, and Yu. Her bey is Flame Salamander
Kanako Sera (Naruto) - Kanako is a shinobi for the Hidden Leaf village. She was in the same class as Naruto in the Academy and became a genin with her twin brother. Their sensei was Genma. She has a wind chakra nature and has the Scorch release Kekkei Genkai. During the Blank Period she ends up with Shino
Shina Kelley (Tenkai Knights) - Shina is another member of the Corekai. Her alternate form is called Zenith and attribute is Tenkai Flexibility. Her weapon is spiked knuckles and has control over the element of plants
Christy (SRMTHFG!) - Christy is Chrio’s twin sister. She was imbued with the power of the Power Primate when she and Chrio both activated the Super Robot. The two of them pilot the Torso Tank together. Slight confession, Christy was actually my first OC, not Bella who is actually my ever second OC. I just forgot Christy existed
Delilah North (South Park) - Delilah is the New Kid in South Park. She moved there because her family is on the run from the government that’s trying to use her powers of gaining followers online to their advantage. She quickly makes friends with the kids in town and gets roped into their crazy games of fantasy and super-heros
Raven the Party Spirit (Danny Phantom) - Raven is from the Ghost Zone. She just wants to have a good time and won’t let anyone tell her how. She sometimes comes to Amity Park with her followers to throw huge parties, even if threatens to destroy the town
Izumi “Belle” Steele (MHA) - Bella is my first MHA OC. She is training to become a hero at UA. Her quirk is Volatile Water, which gives her the power to manipulate water and steam. Her hero name is the Hydration Hero- Nympha and she trained under Gang Orca during her time at UA
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toastingpencils37 · 5 months
So during Rebooted, we know that all of Ninjago's power came from the electrical farms.
But after the ninja took it down temporarily during Season 3, the inhabitants may have moved some of the power harnessing elsewhere to avoid a situation like that again (while also not relying on technology as much as during Season 3 to avoid another situation with the Overlord rising like that occurring again)
(And it is reasonable to assume that if they hadn't prior, after the Merge and the world got much bigger (and some places seemed to have gone missing), they did, as many buildings in the Crossroads have multiple windmills and barrels on them, probably to harness power and store water)
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icy-watch · 11 months
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This shot is so interesting to me. If you look at the trees and how they're making an arch (called a proscenium arch) and framing the village and the temple. It a simple staging technique utilized mostly in theater to remind the viewing audience that they are viewing a show. It is a divider, in other words.
Many more modern theaters have done away with this, preferring the more utilitarian theater designs. It allows the actors to break the fourth wall, and allows the audience to see beyond the little window the proscenium arch makes.
In the shot above, we have Zane, by himself, looking on to the village and the temple.The weapons, you can note, are within the frame of the arch. He, however, sits just beyond it. It divides him from the others.
From this simple placement and setting, one can assume that he will leave the others at some point in this season.
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Ninjago Sins/Wins but the biggest sin is my attempts at maintaining some sort of schedule ahahahahahahah
Anyways Everything Right/Wrong With Ninjago Rebooted E2: The Art of the Silent Fist being posted tomorrow!!!!!
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ninjagobrackets · 1 year
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cyrusbugged · 3 years
Golden Nails
In which Nya and Sensei Garmadon bond over something unexpected.
A/N: hey y’all! very excited to post this one, i thought it was really cute. like my previous one-shot, takes place between seasons 2 and 3. hope y’all enjoy!reblogs > likes
requests are open!
In was a peaceful day in Ninjago. One of the first peaceful days in a very long time. The Overlord was gone, and the world was slowly rebuilding itself.
In the very far outskirts of the city, Sensei Wu, Misako, and Nya were helping Garmadon with starting up his lessons at the new monastery him and Misako built. Wu and Nya were there to add some extra support.
After a very long day of working, Nya was sitting outside on one of the benches, painting her nails crimson. It had been a long time since she was able to actually do so, and since the work was done for the day, she decided to have at it. She had forgotten about the mini nail set that came with crimson and gold bottles of nail polish (along with a few tools for nail care) that she had stowed away in the bag she brought.
“Hello, Nya,” a voice said.
Nya looked up. “Oh, hey Sensei G.”
It was kind of... odd seeing the new Garmadon. Rather than looking like an evil warlord who would stop at nothing to crush everything in his path, he looked like a sweet old man. Very similar to his brother, really. (Minus the beard and the baldness.)
Garmadon smiled, then looked down at her nails. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, I’m painting my nails. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually been able to sit down and do so. Since the boys are off doing... whatever they’re doing, and since we’re done with work for the day, I decided why not,” she explained while finishing her left hand.
“Hmm, interesting,” Garmadon responded, looking to his own nails, then to Nya’s.
His weren’t in the best shape, since they were quite cracked and uneven.
“Want me to do yours? I have a gold color in my bag, and I think they’d match your robes,” Nya offered.
“Oh,” Garmadon said. “Well, I don’t think Misako and Wu need my assistance as of right now...”
“Great!” Nya said. “Once this hand dries, I’ll get started on yours.”
After a few minutes of shaking her hand and blowing on her nails, Nya dug into her bag and picked up a bottle of gold nail polish. “Sit down in front of me and give me your hand.”
Garmadon put his staff down, then did what she said, sitting crossed-legged and holding his hand out for her.
Nya looked at his nails, then pursed her lips. “On second thought, I’ll probably have to file them first.”
“That’s fine,” Garmadon said.
Nya dug into her bag again, pulling out a nail file. She filed his nails so they were even on both hands, then picked up the nail polish again, and began on his right hand.
“The kit was a gift for my birthday from awhile ago,” Nya explained. “I honestly forgot about it, I guess I must’ve just shoved it into my bag when I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Did you use to paint your nails often?” Garmadon asked.
“My mom and I did when I was younger,” Nya responded. “But after she passed I didn’t do it as much. It just turned into something I’d do if I was really bored with nothing to do.”
She finished his right hand, began on his left.
Garmadon nodded. “I see. I always thought it was interesting. Misako used to paint her nails when we first started dating.”
“I tried to get Kai to let me paint his once,” Nya said, finishing up his left hand. “I told him the red would go great with his gi, but of course, he said no.”
Garmadon chuckled. “That sounds like Kai.”
He pulled his hand away when she was done, examining his nails. The gold reflected nicely in the sun, and did match his robes quite well.
“Thank you, Nya. You did a great job,” Garmadon commented.
“No problem, Sensei. I try my best,” Nya replied with a smile.
And every so often, whenever Garmadon and Nya had nothing better to do, Garmadon’s nails would be painted the same golden color and they would chat for a little. About their past, about memories, about anything that would come up in conversation.
“Ah, my son. So glad you could join us,” Garmadon said, walking with his staff for his next lesson. His pupils sat around the room, and among those was his son, Jay, Kai, and Cole.
“Hey, it’s been awhile, father,” Lloyd responded, then squinted. “Uh, dad? Are your... nails painted?”
“Yes,” Garmadon said, admiring the golden color. “Nya did them for me a few days ago. I think they match well with my robes, don’t you think?”
“Uh, I mean, yeah,” Lloyd responded. “Sure.”
“Lookin’ sharp, Sensei!” Jay said.
Garmadon laughed. “Thank you, Jay. Now” - he pointed his staff at Jay, whose eyes widened. “-close your mouths, and open your ears. Tonight’s lesson is the Art of the Silent Fist.”
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