#nite & daye characters
elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
In wanting to talk about my WIPs more, here's this bit for all of you:
A lot of my OCs have accents since, y'know, most people have some sort of accent. And I often think about the type of accents they would have. So for a specific example with Nite & Daye, with the City of the End being home to many different types of people/cultures, there's quite the amalgamation of accents. Like Aleah comes from her world's version of France, so she has somewhat of a french accent. Daye doesn't really have a french accent but it occasionally comes out with certain words. Nite's, however, is slightly more prominent but isn't anything intense.
Anyways, what I wanted to get to was the fact that Silver has a bit of a country/southern twang and I absolutely love it. And mind you, the City of the End is located mainly in what would be Europe so there are not a lot of Americans (Meries as they're called) in the City so everyone is running around with mainly European/Asian (referring to continents in this context) influences in their accents and then there's just Silver being like "howdy y'all" 🧍‍♂️
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
thinking about all the times someone makes a comment about how Nite and Daye are basically twins because they look so similar and Nite is always just like "us?? we don't look identical" and everyone is just like 🧍‍♂️
granted he says it for very specific reasons but I digress
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Writerblr Introduction (11/10/22)
I figured it was about time to update my writeblr introduction so here we go!
Meet me, the writer:
Hi! My name (as well as my pen name) is Elijah Richard but most people call me Eli or occasionally Ellie (although I respond to pretty much anything)!
My pronouns are He/Him but I don't mind being called any
I'm currently 22 years of age
I am ask/dm/etc friendly! I love when people send me things in my askbox so if you ever want to ramble about your WIPs or OCs, use and abuse it, please (:
Tag game/ask game/tag list/ask event days friendly! Sometimes I get really busy and it takes me a while to respond (or sometimes I miss it entirely, I apologize!) but I still love it nonetheless
I've been writing since I was about 12, despite hating writing in my early years. Ask me about why I got into writing, it's one of my favorite stories to tell (;
I am also the founder of @nathrheimpublishing. It has been my dream to open up a publishing house and Nathrheim is the result of that. I love it a lot so expect plenty of posts about any activity going on over there (:
Things I enjoy writing:
Expect pretty much all of my WIPs to contain some sort of fantastical element to them. Fantasy is the backbone of my writing and my works reflect that.
Angst. Lots of it. Apologies if that's not your cup of tea. I am much too fond of it haha
Many of my stories have horror elements to them, particularly psychological horror. As well as some gore, mainly all sorts of bloodiness.
I often write about various types of trauma therefore the majority of my works include very dark themes. Although I try to have lighthearted moments to break up the heaviness.
Found family or family dynamics make up a big part of my WIPs.
I like making my characters suffer <3
LGBTQ+ characters, whether I outright state which part of the community they belong to. My characters are quite like me in that regard, somewhat unlabeled. Although many of them are queer in some sort of way.
I like large, somewhat convoluted plots. The goal is to make it make sense in the end but do keep that in mind as you peruse my works.
"Happy" endings. And no, I will not elaborate further (:
What I post:
I'm currently working on the rough draft for my WIP with the placeholder title of Nite & Daye. I've posted some information in regards to some of the lore and character introductions. I'm also posting snippets of it as I write it. You can find more info about it here (keep in mind the WIP intro needs to be somewhat updated), as well as join the taglist if you'd like!
I have another WIP, a high/dark fantasy story, I actively work on that I plan on posting more about. The first book is titled Unveiled Dissolution and you can find the WIP intro here.
I also post random things, mainly in regard to my own writing, as well as writing memes if that is up your alley!
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Tea Picrew Tag!
I was tagged by the lovely @minutiaewriter to do this super tag <3 thank you!
Rules: Use this picrew to make some of your WIP Characters!
I decided to go with characters from Nite & Daye that I don't usually talk about!
We have Caecis (top left), Soz (top right), Vell (bottom right), and Micrathena (bottom right) <3
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I'll no pressure tag @memento-morri-writes, @sanguine-arena, @mr-writes, & @inkspellangel as well as an open tag!
tagging @bloodlessheirbyjacques for the sprinkle of Soz content (also an invitation to do this too <3)
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
❄️ Snowflake: talk about a unique trait or aspect of your favorite OC. Have they been living rent-free in your brain? It’s time to talk about them!
🔥 Fireplace: what type of scene are you most comfortable writing? Emotional, action, dialogue-heavy?
🧣Scarf: tell us about a secret your OC has and what would happen if they revealed it.
For the OCs giving you brainrot right now 👀
Jacques my beloved, how are you??? Thank you for the ask, I'll happily talk about the OCs giving me brainrot any time <33
ask game
❄️ Snowflake: talk about a unique trait or aspect of your favorite OC. Have they been living rent-free in your brain? It’s time to talk about them!
So other than the main players currently in Nite & Daye, Soz (another character in N&D) is one I've been thinking a lot about <3
I think my favorite aspect about Soz is the fact that although he doesn't really show emotion externally (like at all), he's internally a very emotional person. It often leads to people misunderstanding him but he's got the patience of a saint and will try to work with a person in order to get over the misunderstandings (': It doesn't always work because some people won't admit when they're wrong but even so, he gives it shot.
Honestly, a lot of people tend to judge him based on his outer appearance but he is the kindest soul and I love him for it (':
🔥 Fireplace: what type of scene are you most comfortable writing? Emotional, action, dialogue-heavy?
I've answered this one before but dialogue-heavy scenes for sure!!
🧣Scarf: tell us about a secret your OC has and what would happen if they revealed it.
OH! This is a really good one >:)
Honestly, my mind went immediately to Nite (maybe one day I'll go without mentioning him once but today is not that day). While I wouldn't consider his to be the biggest secret in N&D (that prize would go to Aleah), he has a very big secret related to his past with Aleah, and whooooo boy. It does actually get revealed in the story and when it does... let's just say there's a chance someone doesn't make it out alive (:
Anyways thank you for letting me ramble about my OCs for a moment <33
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Find the Word Tag!
I was tagged by some absolutely amazing people so thank you @fearofahumanplanet, @aohendo, @dogmomwrites, and @inkspellangel!! Thanks so much <3
So since I was tagged by 4 people, that means 20 words so expect a long post (:
Jane's words: Jump, Trust, Gift, Session, Bin Hendo's words: Risk, Reward, Rush, Rule, Rampant Yav's words: Pass, Back, Learn, Help, End Koumori's words: Bold, Small, Careful, Throw, Fear
I was actually able to use quite a few from Nite & Daye so enjoy some free snippets from that??
cw: small mention of blood and a little bit of violence
As always, everything is under the cut <3
(Nite & Daye - Free Write)
“Not going to follow me? “No, I’ve got all I would’ve needed anyways. And some more. I also have my own things to attend to.” Nite chuckled. “It seems we both have secrets to keep from Daye.” Soz shook his head and Nite gave a small look of surprise. “What I’m doing, Daye would’ve asked of me anyways. I’m just jumping the gun.” Nite gave a small nod and a sigh.
(A past NaNo Project)
Allieret blew into his cup, water sloshing over the sides, feeling like a slight pressure had been lifted from his chest. He knew he could trust Ledri and that trust alone seemed to cure any concerns that ailed him. He set the cup down just as Ledri walked into the room, taking a seat across from him.
“Fucking pudding-head thinking I’d let him go after he begged. You should just be glad that I’m in a pretty good mood. My dearly beloved should be returning any moment so before then, why don’t I craft him a welcoming gift? Which part should I take, hm?” Il circled around him, spinning the knife between bloodied fingers.
Fun Fact:
There was actually a different ending to Nite & Daye's story that basically involved Aleah causing the apocalypse and pretty much everyone dying because of it. Also involved the God of the End. Which is where I got the name of the city haha
(Nite & Daye)
He finally crossed the final road and walked into the corner store. The soft dinging of the door alerted the person behind the counter of his presence and they pointed next to the door to let him know where to put his umbrella. He shook off the excess rain before tossing it in the bin.
Fun Fact:
Speaking of Nite & Daye, there was even a version of the story where Eero was able to time travel thanks to Vell and from seeing the future, comes back to save Daye so they can fix the future together. And then later there was a version where Eero, Vasin, and Daye all had to time travel. Yeah... for someone who does not like reading/writing time traveling, I was leaning into it hard with this one.
Fun Fact:
Apparently, I'm dedicating these fun facts to talking about the different evolutions of Nite & Daye's story?? I mean, I could talk about it all day but anyways
Silver actually used to be a kind of antagonistic character with a COMPLETELY different role. Although I'm a very big fan of their current rendition, I also really loved the personality they used to have. Probably because it's my favorite to write haha
(Nite & Daye)
Daye knew exactly what was going to come next and went to rush past them. "No," was all he could get out when he moved past them, throwing the few items he had in his hands at some random shelf, not bothering to look if they made it.
It hadn’t been long since those of their kind had moved to this new world, one few of those without their innate abilities knew about but Soleil found it much more restricting than the previous one. There, in the other world, the rules were simple: don’t do magic in front of anyone who could not use it, and do not use it recklessly. Now there were so many more tacked on. Don’t use it to gain an upper hand amongst your peers. Do not make riches out of thin air. Do not use it to cause harm to anyone. How. Dreadfully. Boring.
Fun Fact:
Keeping on theme with Nite & Daye evolutions, the very first version of Soz was a female demon who used to nanny for Aleah and Maverick's kiddos 💀 Then was potentially another romantic interest for Aleah, and then someone who was jealous of Aleah and would become a traitor...
Yeah I could probably sit here and talk about Soz's past versions for hours haha
(Nite & Daye)
Daye walked down a familiar path as he made his way to his favorite convenience store. As walked, he noticed there were a few more cars driving on the streets than normal. Not there were many cars in general but the slight influx of them didn't pass Daye's eyes. There could be a few reasons for it, although that feeling in Daye's gut told him he probably already knew the cause.
(Nite & Daye)
It was in turning around that Daye realized that the cashier had left the back and was now standing in the aisle with him. He opened his mouth to make a comment about how he was probably to grab one more thing and check out when the cashier spoke before him.
“You’re mad.” He said after catching up to Caeles. “Of course I am. I finally get you to agree to be my teacher only to find out you won’t teach me magic until I learn Latin.”  “I would first like to point out that I only agreed after you tormented me for days on end. Any sane man would give in after dealing with so much,” Nox then paused and looked down at Caeles.
(Freewrite - Continuation from "Rule")
Soleil couldn’t help but roll their eyes at the thought of it. All this new world was anymore was playing nice with others and making magic a small, “wholesome” thing. It could be, of course. However, there was so much more it could do.
(Nite & Daye)
"No, thanks. There's really no point to having one now, just keep it." The man shook his head and handed it over to him, making sure Daye had a grip on it before letting go. "My destination is right around here. I'll be fine without it for a moment. Take it with you so you don't end up any more soaked than you are." "Why? It's not like I'll catch a cold." "No, but it can't be comfortable." Daye just stared at him after his statement.
Fun Fact:
Leaving this off with a lowkey banger: I think I can say that Nite & Daye's story might be longer than I intentionally planned. Which was only one book but we'll seeeee
(Nite & Daye)
"Daye, listen to me," they said as they reached forward and grabbed ahold of Daye's forearm. Daye stood there staring at them before realizing what they had said. "How the fuck do you know my name?" Daye tried to pull his arm away and the other gave it a small tug.
Tears streamed down the boy’s stained cheeks. Il took a step forward, placing his foot on the kid’s dislocated shoulder. He stared at the knife in his hand and after a moment of careful consideration, gave the shoulder a rough kick, relishing in the screams that came out of him.
(Nite & Daye)
With the money he got from Aleah, he could just buy a new umbrella but the sentimental value greatly outweighed the monetary value so he couldn't bring himself to throw it away. 
(Freewrite - CRASH)
He stared back up at those black glasses that reflected the fear plastered on his muddied and rain-streaked face. The familiarity of those dark depths was slowly becoming comforting, easing Crash as he swallowed, letting out a shaky breath.
Leaving this an open tag but if you do this your words will be: hope, pair, flame, address, and forget
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Changes Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @inkspellangel!! This is a really cool game, I'm excited to take part >:)
Tagging: @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks, as well as anyone else who'd like to do this!!
Rules: Share 5-10 things that have changed from the initial concept of your WIP till now.
I'll be doing this for Nite & Daye (kind of) since I talk about it the most <3 (and it's technically the WIP that has changed the most haha)
Also I only did 5 because I talked at length so prepare for a novel under the cut (':
1. I think I might have talked about it briefly but originally this story and honestly entire universe started with Aleah. The very first version of this story was with an Aleah who was half-human/half-vampire. She lived a private life with her two male partners until one day a vampire elder comes along and kills them, thus sending Aleah on a revenge plot. It's much, much different now (clearly) but I actually keep a lot of elements from this earliest version (:
2. So while the Daye we know and love didn't really exist until about a couple years ago, several versions of Aleah's son have existed before. So when I first started giving Aleah children (which didn't happen until I would later create the character Maverick!) she only had a daughter but I think it wasn't until 2016/2017 I gave her a son? Then from there on she had both a daughter and a son. Then I overhauled the entire story, giving her only sons in what are now the final versions (:
3. I think the biggest change is no longer making Aleah the main character. In fact, most of the WIPs that would come to be because of this universe I created for Aleah (literally, I initially made this entire universe just for her and can't say that isn't entirely still the case haha), none of them feature Aleah as an MC. Although I can't say she still doesn't have her hand in majority of them (;
4. Okay so this one is going to be kind of hard to talk about without spoilers but since it's the biggest change, I want to talk about it haha. So in regards to the boys' parents, Eero and Vasin's have always remained the same since the day there created. Vasin's is Mordecai (which is mentioned in the relationships post) and although I won't say it here, it's not super hard to figure out who Eero's is. However, Daye's other parent has changed (a few times actually, I could never quite decide) and originally Nite wasn't actually related to Daye at all! But they are, I promise. No red herrings here <3
5. And I guess I could talk about the biggest change??? Our beloved Nite who didn't even exist until this year <3 Honestly, I had felt it for a while but as I continued to develop this story I felt like something was really missing and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was. Then randomly out of nowhere, I was thinking about this really specific scene in the story (I can't say what it is bc spoilers <3) and I imagined someone else there that wasn't there before. And I just ran with this, creating an entirely new character and that's where we get the earliest version of Nite haha
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes Tag!
Thank you for tagging me @inkspellangel!!
I'll be no-pressure tagging @thenightmarewrites, @marigoldispeculiar, @andromedatalksaboutstuff, @dogmomwrites, and anyone else who'd like to do this!
Rules: use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag as many people as quotes you listed.
Featuring some Nite & Daye content (;
Daye: Editor's note: What the fuck?
Daye: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much. Nite: Oh, you’ve been? Daye: Once. In Monopoly.
Nite: So, Daye, do you have a crush on anyone? Daye: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.
Nite, texting: Answer your phone Daye, texting back: Wait a minute, I can’t find my phone Nite: Understood Nite, 5 minutes later: You’re a terrible person. You know you’re killing me. You’re killing me, Daye.
Nite: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
I think what's the funniest part of this all is that most of these are pretty correct for them haha
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
just a general question for blorbo blursday— who would you consider your main blorbos from your wips & who do you think future fans/audiences would claim as their blorbos? are they the same?
Love me some good general questions >:) but how are you doing, Ren? Writing/art going well?
Also thank you for the ask <3
who would you consider your main blorbos from your wips & who do you think future fans/audiences would claim as their blorbos? are they the same?
For the sake of not having this be too long, I'm just sticking with my main 2 WIPs, Nite & Daye and Unveiled Dissolution (:
My main blorbos from N&D are Nite, Soz, & Vell and my main blorbos from UD are Ayre, Silence, & Vex.
Based on what I've seen so far, I would absolutely not be surprised if a lot of people chose Nite as their blorbo! I think Aleah and Silver might be big ones too but I could absolutely see Nite and/or taking home the trophy as like #1 blorbo or something haha.
For UD, I can see a lot of people claiming Silence but with the massive cast of characters (yes, technically even bigger than N&D), it's kind of hard to tell? I think each character are very relatable in lots of different ways that I can for see the blorbo crown being split several different ways (':
As for the last question, I can see a lot of them being the same but with my obsession of creating a slightly large cast with plenty of diversity, I think it'll be an interesting outcome if that makes any sense haha
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
lemongrass, ceylon and chai?
Hello, Pixie!! Thank you for the ask <3
From this ask game
Lemongrass: Favorite genre to read?
This is a good question! I tend to read and enjoy most genres but I'd say Fantasy as a whole is definitely my favorite (:
Ceylon: Best writing advice you’ve ever received? 
Just write.
It's extremely simple but honestly just writing, whether it's good or not has helped me immensely with my writing in general. I tend to get so stuck on making sure everything's perfect before I write that I never get to write so kind of forgoing the perfectionist mindset and just writing, perfect or not has been 10/10. Would highly recommend.
Chai: Favorite character from your WIP? 
Okay normally I would say Nite but as I can already see him being a fan favorite (alongside Daye haha) therefore it can't really count, I'm pushing him aside and admitting that Soz is my fav 🧍‍♂️
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Hi! Here's a question you can answer if you want: What’s a scene that you are dying to write and why?
Hi!! Hope you are well <3
So I can't go into it too much because of spoilers but there is this one scene in my Nite & Daye WIP that I literally cannot wait to write. Basically, one of the main characters reveals this uh,,, fairly crucial information about themselves that turns the tides of pretty much everything. I absolutely love writing reveal scenes and with this being one of the most important ones, I'm just super excited to write it!
Thank you so much for the ask!!
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday!!
How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Can they say it without meaning it?
What is their fatal flaw? (Bonus: are they aware of it?)
What is their darkest or best-kept secret?
What is/are their love language(s)?
For any characters you want!
~Morri🗡 (@memento-morri-writes)
Happy Blorbo Blursday, Morri!!! Thank you for the ask, I hope you are well <3
Answers under the cut as usual (:
I'm doing Daye and Soz because I'm having massive brainrot for them right now (might have to do that the current chapter I'm working on is from Daye's POV but I digress)
How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Can they say it without meaning it?
Daye: So for Daye, saying the words "I love you" are actually really hard for him. Which might be a little funny considering the answer to the second question is that he can and has said "I love you" without meaning. I guess I should say that to see "I love you" WITH meaning is really hard, just saying the words "I love you" without meaning is fairly easy.
Soz: Okay with Soz, it's fairly easy for him to love something but to say "I love you" is rough. Mainly because he never really heard it from the people he loved and the one person who did tell him they loved him is now gone. It's not that he doesn't want to say it, it's just pretty foreign to him. As for the second question, he will not say it without meaning it. So you know he loves something when he outright states he does.
What is their fatal flaw? (Bonus: are they aware of it?)
Daye: I think Daye's would be his fear of Aleah. In terms of being aware of it, I would say subconsciously he does but opts to actively ignore it.
Soz: For Soz, I'd say excessive loyalty and he is somewhat aware of it but not to the extent that it is.
What is their darkest or best-kept secret?
Daye: Daye's past from the time he left Aleah's care up to events leading to the beginning of Nite & Daye.
Soz: Soz isn't really one to keep secrets unless he's asked to but I would say his somewhat affiliation with Aleah.
What is/are their love language(s)
Daye: In terms of expressing love, Daye's love language would be quality time.
Soz: Soz's love language (again, in terms of expressing it) is acts of service.
also tagging @bloodlessheirbyjacques for Soz content <33
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Happy WBW!
How do people travel long distances?
How do they communicate via long distances?
How did you name the locations in your story?  Was there a specific theme you used?  Any special or hidden meanings?
Does religion play a large part in your world’s culture?  How so?
How is society organized?  What determines someone’s social standing?
What kind of government does your world have?
What do people think of the government?
How are new leaders chosen? / How is succession determined?
~Morri🗡 (@memento-morri-writes)
@memento-morri-writes always coming in with the good questions <3
How are you doing?? I hope you are well <33
Okay so this is going to be long one, questions and answers under the cut (:
Answering these for Nite & Daye <3
How do people travel long distances?
So since the City of the End is where most people/places are located, it's really uncommon to travel long distances. However, in the case that someone does, most people commonly use a vehicle. Technically, they could get places faster not using cars because they're, y'know, supernaturals but what's the fun in that?
How do they communicate via long distances?
Cellphones haha. Nite & Daye takes place in what would be slightly futuristic so it'd be like the iPhone 200 or something but basically phones.
How did you name the locations in your story? Was there a specific theme you used? Any special or hidden meanings?
Yeah! So a lot of the names for former places are actually the Latin names for actual places. So Gallia is Latin for France, which is where Aleah comes from. I tend to talk about that a lot so I thought it would be a good example haha.
Everything else has a little more straightforward name towards it or it's taken from IRL things. A good example is the City of the End because... well... it's the city where the end takes place. Pretty straight forward
Does religion play a large part in your world's culture? How so?
Kind of? I think I've talked about it before but religion does absolutely exist and I do have characters that pertain to religion. There's also speech that's influenced by the main religion in the world but like, I wouldn't really say religion is a big part of the world? Maybe that's just something I need to develop a little more haha
How is society organized? What determines someone’s social standing?
Okay so in the universe of Nite & Daye, seniority is a REALLY big deal. Or it has been for the longest time. Basically, the older one is the higher their social status. In fact, many of the political figures are of high social standing because of age, which helped get them into the positions in the first place.
What kind of government does your world have?
So I think it would be considered a democracy but basically, there's the main leader for each supernatural type (including sub-types) that is elected by people of said type. So Blue-Eyed vampires elect a Blue-Eyed vampire to be their leader, Bratus Angels elect a Bratus Angel to lead them, and so on and so forth. Then Aleah comes around and convinces everyone to add another member, which is the leader who oversees all, and to no one's surprise, Aleah takes up the position. That's an extremely basic rundown of it but yeah
There's also a fail-safe "secret" group who are pretty much the true rulers of the world but that's a whole mess and a half that I'll eventually get into.
What do people think of the government?
Well, it kind of depends? If a citizen is on the side of Aleah, they tend to mistrust the government and think they are out to get her, therefore out to get them. If they're not on her side, while they might like the leaders, they're frustrated because they're clearly not powerful enough to get rid of Aleah. And there are people who are in a gray area or just don't care at all haha
How are new leaders chosen? / How is succession determined?
As I said before, they are elected by the citizens (: There is definitely some sketchy business of nepo babies but most of the time stuff like that gets nipped in the bud. (Although there is kind of a case like this where the people actually wanted a former leader's kid to be a leader too so like, it doesn't really count but kind of.)
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Happy WBW!
Does religion play a large part in your world’s culture?  How so?
How have ideas or attitudes changed over time? (For example, things that were previously outlawed, but are now legal.)
Are there conflicting narratives over any parts of your world’s history? If so, how do they differ?
~Morri🗡 (@memento-morri-writes)
Happy WBW, Morri! How are you doing?
We've got some phenomenal questions here >:) I've provided the answers under the cut since this is a bit of a long one haha
All answers are for my WIP Nite & Daye!
Does religion play a large part in your world’s culture? How so?
While religions do exist and do influence some parts of the character's speech (ie like how we say "For christ's sake" and such", as well as some interpretations of history, it doesn't currently take a large part in the world's culture. Religion is more of a casual thing. You believe in what you want, worship who you want, practice what you want, etc. but it's rarely brought up in things like politics and such.
How have ideas or attitudes changed over time? (For example, things that were previously outlawed, but are now legal.)
Okay so funny enough, there are many stories in this universe/world that come before this one and you can plainly see how ideas/attitudes have changed over time.
I would say the really big ones have to do with how the supernaturals see the humans and vice versa. So in the events of Nite & Daye, no full humans exist in the world. Often you'll find supernaturals reliving the nostalgia of a bygone era. Particularly supernaturals who were once human. ALTHOUGH when humans were still around, supernaturals HATED humans (same w/ humans disliking them) and it wasn't until towards the end of humans did they kind of reconcile their differences to try and keep the human race from perishing. However, we can clearly see how well that ended haha
Honestly, there are so many examples of things that have changed over time but the biggest is supernatural going from make-believe, to feared (and hunted pretty much) when their existence couldn't be denied, to being envied, to... honestly so many things because it changes so much over time haha.
I'll happily go over specific things should anyone be curious but I'll spare you for the time being (;
Are there conflicting narratives over any parts of your world’s history? If so, how do they differ?
YES. Absolutely, YES.
In fact, it's a common thing amongst Those Who Are Just Not A Fan(TM) of Aleah to mention that history is often one of two things. Aleah's history and the True history.
So, here's a good example:
Aleah is an extremely prominent figure in society and as such, people often inquire about her origins. Aleah often says that she was once just a regular, human Gallian girl (mainly truth) who was suddenly approached by a distraught individual who basically ends up attacking her and after she turns, she searches for the individual and eventually kills them. The truth is actually somewhat of a spoiler but I will say that there is someone who was a witness to the "supposed" event and goes on to say that Aleah actually went with the person who turned her, and lived with them for quite a while before finally offing them. So take that as you will haha
But basically, Aleah is someone who changes history to her bidding and spreads her version as the gospel truth. However, there are people who actively fight against that and try to preserve actual history as well as they can. So there are often fights over what's real and what's not. Kind of a mess, not going to lie.
Anyways, thank you so much for the ask!! Sorry for kind of just rambling on for the most part haha
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
happy storyteller saturday! what’s a language your characters would learn?
Happy STS!!
That's honestly such a good question! For the characters in Nite & Daye, I think since they're basically like super humans and it wouldn't take long for them to learn any language, I think they'd choose to learn something really archaic? Maybe Latin, maybe Greek. Maybe just for funsies, they'd learn ancient Sumerian or something.
Thank you for the ask!!
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Every time you talk about Nite & Daye, I can’t help but think about a character I made in high school who was a half-fairy with a human form and a fairy form. The human form was called Day and the fairy form was called Nai. When she was hiding her identity, she went by Danny. Anyways, I love day/night duality and there can never be too much of it, imo 😊
Oh, I absolutely love that!! She sounds so cute <3
It's kinda funny because the universe that Nite & Daye exist in once had fairies. I just couldn't get my version to mesh well and ultimately decided to scrap it haha
But yes! Day/night duality is one of my favs so you'll see plenty of it or things like it across most of my WIPs!!
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