#nl is so close to belgium
darkcreamz95 · 1 year
Hear me out, what if Gustaph came to Joker Out's Amsterdam concert 👀👀👀
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Victoria lives in Maastricht (NL, but very close to Belgium) Sophie in Belgium (but very close to NL) and Jos sold his villa in Belgium to move to NL. So they can all go to Spa but I don’t think anyone of his family will be there
Jos was in Hungary, so maybe he’ll be in Belgium.
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lucidpantone · 1 year
will you ever visit any of the young royals or skam locations?
I doubt it. Sweden I actually spent 3 weeks in. It’s a nice place but kinda crossed it off my list and wasn’t so taken to go back. Plus it’s soo expensive. Not saying it’s not worth a visit I am just saying 3 weeks was good for me. There still so many places I haven’t been too that I have on my top 10 list.
Ummm skam is a huge universe and I have been to a lot of the locations featured in France, Italy, Germany, Spain,NL, Norway and Austin. Just as a tourist exploring the city. Like I have been to or around certain shooting locations in all the major cities featured in these remakes. Like certain train stations or neighborhoods or nightlife locations.
Belgium I have also been too but never Antwerp. Belgium would be the kinda of place I would probably go back to on my way to France or the Netherlands because I have friends in both places. So it would be more so a “hey the border is decently close so I’ll make a detour” but it’s not a place I would craft an entire trip around. Once again no issues with belgium it’s just I got a lot of places I want to see and it’s not high on the list.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
VDS Week 2021 -> Day 1: Fics
here’s a little post-‘Sink Or Swim’ fic entirely in emails to start off :)
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yeetlegay · 2 years
so i have some silly questions. ive seen you and a lot of other kp accounts talk about skam. where do i start? which is the og skam? do i start with that? are all the skams the same but in different languages? should i watch all of them or some or only one? is it ongoing or done or unfinished? where do i watch it? also what is the show about and what are its major tws?
Definitely not silly questions, but holy shit they're big ones 😂 I'll try to be as succinct as I can, with the caveat that I haven't watched all of them in their entirety and the remakes are very much NOT interchangeable despite being adaptations of the same show.
So to break it down—
What is SKAM about?: SKAM was a Norwegian show that aired from 2015-17 for four seasons. The show was set in a high school and centered primarily around two friend groups (fans usually call them the girl squad and boy squad). Each season focuses on a new main character from these friend groups and is told from their point of view, with plot arcs that range from SA to mental illness to coming-of-age struggles, but they're all very grounded and relatable teen issues told with (for the most part) a lot of empathy and hope. The seasons are pretty narratively distinct rather than having major plots stretching across multiple seasons, so while you might miss some context, you don't necessarily have to watch all the seasons or watch them in order.
Now what's really cool about SKAM, and what you unfortunately miss out on somewhat by not watching it live, is the multimedia component. The show's format is something that was never really seen before and hasn't really been seen since, at least not to the same extent. While it was airing, each scene in that week's episode went live in real time throughout the week. So for example, if a scene is meant to take place on Monday at 3:20pm in the story, that scene would be posted online on Monday at 3:20pm. Scenes could drop at literally any time, day or night, and on top of that the characters had real Instagrams that they'd post on and text conversations that would be posted too, again all in real time, so not only was there something new pretty much every day for the fandom to talk about, but all those media components (clips, Instagram posts/stories, texts, etc.) were interconnected so they all fed into the plot in important ways. At the end of the week, all the scenes would be compiled into the full episode, but you wouldn't see the other media components which really add a lot to the story even if they're not 100% essential. I think a lot of the remakes have a fan-made Tumblr where all the different types of content have been collected and put in order so you can get the full experience, so I'd definitely check them out first.
As for the remakes, all of the above applies to them too. There are a total of seven remakes, each from a different country: SKAM France (France), Druck (Germany), SKAM Italia (Italy), SKAM Austin (U.S.), SKAM España (Spain), SKAM NL (Netherlands), and wtFOCK (Belgium).
Where to start: I recommend the original Norwegian SKAM. Some seasons are better than others, and if you're just in it for the gays (I pretty much was lol) then season three is what you're looking for. It's been a while since I watched the og or any of the remakes so I'm not sure where they're available now, but that info should hopefully be pretty easy to find.
Are all the SKAMs the same but in different languages?: Sort of, but also not. Most of them follow the main plots of the og seasons but they vary widely in terms of how closely they adhere to the characters, tone, themes, etc. SKAM España, for example, is SUPER different to the point that it barely resembles the original most of the time (and it's GREAT). Also some of the remakes didn't get to cover all four seasons (SKAM Austin and SKAM NL only got two seasons and I'm still in mourning), while some remakes covered all four AND seasons beyond that (SKAM France just finished its tenth season).
Should I watch all of them or some or only one?: Everyone has remakes they like more or less than others, it's just individual preference, but they're all worth checking out imo. After watching the original, I'd probably recommend SKAM France, Druck, or wtFOCK first as a taste-tester, but genuinely all of them have their strengths and their flaws. My personal favorites are SKAM France (for the cinema and acting), wtFOCK (for the music and general vibes), and SKAM NL (for the cinematography, acting, directing, basically everything).
Ongoing or finished?: Most of the remakes are finished, with the exception of SKAM Italia (which just started season 5 like two days ago actually) and mayyyybe SKAM France and Druck, which both had seasons finish airing recently.
Major TWs: This is hard because the remakes are, like I said, distinct from each other, so some TWs won't apply to all of them, and especially with the remakes that have gotten additional seasons, they have more than the original. I also haven't watched all of them from start to finish so I don't know all the things to look out for.
For the original, you'll definitely encounter drug/alcohol use and abuse, SA and SH, Islamophobia, homophobia, bullying, as well as depictions of mental illness that could be triggering. The show has its heavy moments, but it's not gratuitous about it imo and at the end of the day still manages to be uplifting despite talking about some really serious topics, which is a feat tbh. If you have questions about TWs for specific seasons or remakes I can try to go in a bit more depth. Each remake (and the original) also has a fandom wiki with episode/season summaries that give you a good idea of what to expect, so that could be useful as well if you want to watch out for anything in particular.
I think I got everything! If you have more questions about SKAM, totally happy to help as I know it can be confusing at first to get up to speed with it all lol. And definitely hmu if you want deets about the gay seasons, which are the only ones I've consistently watched because...well, I'm gay obviously lol.
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vs-redemption · 2 years
As someone with an eurovision tattoo, I think I'm qualified enough to talk about this 😅.
Eurovision is a wonderful mess.
Europeans yelling at each other trough music, cursing at countries only, crewing other countries over with voting and all collectively rooting against the UK when it comes last again. Yes it is high in betting odds, but I believe in my fellow Europeans that we can give UK 0 points again. It's tradition!
Though Eurovision has a fascinating history! It started in 1956 to bring Europe together again after the wars. At first mainly Western Europe participated, then in 1961 Yugoslavia debuted, making it the only communist country to participate. The Soviet Union didn't like that the country became close with the West but that's a different story! Yugoslavia actually won the contest in 1989 (with Rock me by Riva), making it the first and last communist country to win.
In 1974 the legendary band ABBA won with Waterloo. ABBA is well known for their musical and movie Mamma Mia and its sequel. Funfact this was Swedens first win, so they won with a Classic!
In 1987 Johnny 'Mr Eurovision' Logan won the contest for the second time, he also wrote the 1992 winning entry 'Why Me' he is the only winner that won multiple times, though many have tried.
In 1993, the first ever pre-qualifiers were held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 7 countries wanted to debut in Euroviaion, the EBU (broadcaster) didn't want that many new nations, so the qualifiers were held. Slovakia, Romania, Estonia, Hungary, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia took part, the last 3 countries qualified for Eurovision. The other 4 debuted with Poland and Lithuania the year after.
There have been many political songs but I wanted to talk about Bosnias Eurovision song that year. Sva Bol Svijeta, all the pain in the world. At that time Bosnia was at war. Sarajevo (capital) was under siege. Europe watched as it didn't want to get involved. So the band Fazla, sung about the war, how they wouldn't give up, halfway trough the song they turned their back at Europe, The same way Europe did at Bosnia. To this day that song makes me cry. The band and spokesperson, who was in Sarajevo giving their points got alot of applause for this.
Well some fun facts
Serbia won the year they debuted in 2007
Portugals 1974 song became the signal against their dictator weeks after the contest.
Lucia Moniz (Portugal 1996) was in the classic Christmas movie, Love Actually. She played the Portugese Love interest of Jamie, the writer. She was also the highest result for Portugal until they won in 2017. Making it the longest wait to win in Eurovision! Now that title belongs to Iceland.
The youngest winner was a 13 year old girl, who lied that she was 15. Sandra Kim from Belgium.
Eurovision is sometimes called the gay superbowl and is more watched than the sport.
3 songs were performed in a made up language (Belgium did that twice and NL followed its neighbor in 2006)
I always root against my country.
Some countries almost won on their first attempt, and for some it's still their best result
Lithuania best result is a joke entry (2006, we are the winners, wich came 6th)
Joke entries are the best and the Baltics are the kings of the jokes.
The presenters of the 2008 contest got married in 2012
The presenter of the 2006, 50 years of eurovision made a joke that Finland would not win if they kept screaming, couple of weeks later Finland won, with a screaming band (Lordi)
Moldova is the meme country (epic sax guy, door meme...
The UK gets voted last as a joke by the rest of Europe.
Euroviaion had a mascot in 1990, called Eurocat. Never saw that again.
Some of my favorite entries if you want to check them out
Hajde da Ludujemo by Tajči 1990
Tih dezeven dan by 1x band 1993
Nekonecna Piesen by Tublatanka 1994
Romeo by Ketil Stokkan 1986
My Star by Brainstorm 2000
Honestly I could go on and on about eurovision and I might send another ask in the morning about Eurovision, but its 3 am and I'm tired!
Wow Enis! You really know a lot about it!! I’ll look at some of your favorites later. I’m excited! I can’t believe it has so much history. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom! 💖
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onzeziggy · 2 years
hey i think i remember before you saying you were from belgium or nl so have you not been to antwerp before? either that or you just speak very impressive dutch!
Hahaha I do speak dutch yes but I don’t live that close to Antwerp actually and I mostly go shopping at other places so to go and watch the places, I thought it would be way much more fun to do it with my bestie in stead of on my own heheh so I’m glad the time arrived :))
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shaydixons · 3 years
would you mind clarifying how skam works? I'm kind of new.
from what I know there was a og skam and 6 remakes, and each one of them has a version of Eva, Noora, Isak and Sana.
but also I heard skam france has 6 seasons, shouldn't they be 4? and apparently druck has a new gen, and I didn't understand much tbh.
now, I don't know if this is a reliable source because I saw those gif packs who are like "the Nooras" "the sanas" etc but
- apparently Shay (skam Austin Isak) didn't get a season and therefore an even and from what I know (but I could be wrong) Lucas from Skam nl is also single.
-skam nl and Austin don't have a Magnus? don't get me wrong, even better so every female character isn't paired and so we aren't full of male love interests, but why?
-am I wrong or does druck lack a Jonas?
okay sorry that was a lot, I really hope it wasn't confusing and it wasn't too much.
hiii so a bunch of countries (netherlands, belgium, germany, france, italy, usa, spain) bought rights to adapt skam and i know the contracts had specific rules about what they can and can't change though i don't know specifics. in theory every character is adapted but the important characters (the girl squad, isak, jonas, w*lliam, pchris, eskild, even, ingrid) all have direct equivalents and some minor characters (magnus, mahdi, sonja) don't, but certain remakes took certain liberties and others stuck to the original more closely.
original skam only had 4 seasons so skam france & druck (which both went beyond the 4 seasons) went into original characters (from what i understand, the vildes evens and jonases weren't allowed to have their own seasons which is why skamfr did a season about lola who was the vilde character's sister instead of doing a vilde (daphne) season). but like any season beyond 4 has to be totally original, thus druck and skamfr doing "nextgen" type of stuff instead of doing like a vilde season or whatever. also druck has a jonas and his name is also jonas. and as for skamnl and austin not having a magnus: tbh magnus was introduced in season 3 and neither of them got season 3s so there's not really a magnus or mahdi but that's not to say that there wouldn't have been. but yeah coming to skam late must be a bit confusing lol
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universe-n-3276 · 4 years
5004 Seconds
wtFOCK + Skam NL Social Media AU
Chapter 16.5
>Chapter 16<
They had managed to be friendly, after all, and it hadn't been too bad, Lucas told himself, starting to walk home, holding his phone a little too tight in his hands.
He was fine.
Why was he suddenly shaking?
It was cold.
It was December.
Yes, right.
His phone rang in his hands. A message from his father asking him to get bread too.
A wet drop landed on the screen.
The boy raised his face to check the sky.
It was sunny.
It wasn't raining at all.
So what?
Brushing his fingertips on his face, Lucas realised that he was crying, and suddenly, all of the feelings, he tried so hard to suppress for months, hit him like a punch in the face.
He felt pain everywhere.
His heart was aching, and his head was uncontrollably spinning.
He wasn’t well.
Lucas should have never left Antwerp.
He had always felt “the Dutch boy in Belgium”, and once he went back to the Netherlands, thinking to be finally in the right place, people kept referring to him as “the Belgian guy”.
Lucas felt like a hybrid.
Never in the right place.
Split in half.
Except with Jens.
Jens was home.
He had never made him feel only half of something.
Wrong, different.
Since the moment they met, Jens had made him feel whole, abundant.
And then, Lucas understood.
What he was trying to find in the Netherlands, had always been, indeed, in Belgium.
That’s what he had been trying to figure out for months, years maybe.
All those days, in which the time seemed to be endless, and every single day had lasted two.
As cliche as it may sound, home is not a place, home is a person.
That person, who doesn't make you feel wrong, or less yourself.
Lucas had already told Jens years ago.
"With you, I feel more than myself."
How could he forget about it?
How could he have wasted all those months, looking for an answer, when he had it in front of him, since the beginning?
Jens had always been the answer.
And now, they had been four months apart.
Four months of suffering.
Four wasted months.
They only had one life to be together, and those months would never come back.
But perhaps in another life, they would meet each other again, because they were soulmates, and Lucas could feel it deep down in his bones.
The boy wiped his tears with the sleeve of his jacket.
That revelation made his heart lighter, as if he finally reached something, that had slipped from his hands, for all of his life.
He turned himself to come back to the grocery store and found Jens' tall, thin figure, right in front of him.
He had a serious frown on his face, that made his forehead wrinkle.
As soon as they eyes met, there was no need for explanations anymore.
In the blink of an eye, the distance between them was closed, and the boys found themselves in each other's arms, unable to let go.
Finally home.
They stayed like that for a few minutes. Lucas sobbed against Jens' chest, holding on to his jacket, as his life depended on it, and Jens squeezed him tightly, without ever loosening his grip, rubbing his nose in the other's curls.
Jens realised in that moment how much he had missed Lucas, and that, maybe, he should have fought more for what they had.
He had felt Lucas slipping from his hands months before, forgetting that his boy always acted that way, when he was afraid. Lucas couldn’t help but shutting everyone out, because after all, he was the most fragile person, despite how he chose to present himself to the world, and the fact that, in that moment, he was sobbing uncontrollably in his arms, was proving Jens right. Lucas had chosen to hurt himself alone, than to let someone else do it.
Jens placed two fingers under his chin, to make him raise his face, and those huge, blue eyes full of tears, made him fall in love even more.
"It is you." The boy whispered, with the most sincere look on his face. "You are the answer to the question that consumed me for all of my life and I only figure it out now. Like a fool, after losing you. "
Jens shook his head and gave him a small smile.
"Look at us. How can you even think that you have lost me? There hasn’t been a single moment in which I wasn't completely yours. "
Lucas bit his lip.
"Do you still want to live with me in a small, shitty flat for a few years and then ask me to marry you? Do you still want to get married in June, with all of our friends, while Charlotte cries all the time? Do you still want to have a small, loving and chaotic family, and die together at 150 years old, holding hands? "
Lucas saw Jens' eyes become slightly shiny, as he listened to his own words, pronounced by Lucas this time. Those words full of pain and anger, now sounded like a familiar melody. An inevitable truth.
“I want everything from you, Lucas. From the first moment. That's how it has to be. "
After a long time, both of them had their hearts full of happiness. They finally found themselves again, in their little bubble of love.
Lucas pulled the collar of his boy’s jacket, to bring him closer, and pressed his lips against Jens’, unable to stop smiling, even for just a moment.
And there it was, the kiss they had been waiting for nearly five months.
And they knew, they would never be divided again by those 5004 seconds.
>Chapter 17<
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toneelspeelster · 5 years
portraying trauma, a skam and remakes comparison
disclaimer: i’ll start this by saying this meta will be critical of the way wtfock portrayed their version of a traumatic experience (the gay bashing). if you do not want to engage with criticism on this, i’d advise you not to read. this will also discuss only a few versions (skam, druck, skam nl and wtfock) in particular because i didn’t want to make it too long and because i feel these versions deal with trauma in an interesting way. 
common reactions
in any case, i’d like to start with common reactions after experiencing a traumatic event, be it a sexual assault, emotional assault, physical assault etc.
1. anxiety and fear 2. re-experiencing of the trauma. 3. increased vigilance 4. avoidance 5. anger 6. guilt/shame 7. grief/depression 8. self image and view of the world is negative, trust is difficult. 9. difficulty with sexual relationships 10. substance abuse (i’d include negative coping mechanisms here too).  source
now, i mention this not because i think every remake hits these but rather because i want people to see what commonly happens after traumatic events to people and how wtfock in one instance (robbe/sander) misses the mark completely while in another (zoe) it actually sort of works. and how other remakes have dealt with the subject matter. 
first off: skam
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to start with even’s traumatic experience and his response. i’m starting with even mostly because it’s the original series, not necessarily bc i think it’s the most elegant portrayal (bc it’s definitely not). but in essence, what it does show is the effect of a traumatic event in the long run. even’s experience at bakka, where he kissed one of his friends he had a crush on; who rejected him; even being in a manic episode; resulting in a suicide attempt and his self inforced isolation from his best friends by going to another school and ignoring their messages - it’s touched upon in his initial season but expanded in season 4. and still at least one year later, still even freezes up in fear immediately after seeing his friends. even is incredibly anxious; it’s clear he’s recalling past memories he’s been trying to avoid for forever; he feels immensely guilty (he wants to see elias, he really does, he just doesn’t know how) and even though i think even’s self image is not necessarily the result of this experience, it does have an even more negative effect on his self-image. even has difficulties liking himself, seeing worth in himself, even in season 4. after reconciling w him (however that even went we don’t know) he appears in one of their vlogs and still you can see how uncomfortable it makes him to talk about it. but, this is what it ends on: you see the strength of even reaching out to those he loves and for them being able to reach out to him too. in the end, it’s healing. it is discussed throughout the season.
 then, numbers two: druck and skam nl
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i’m combining these two in one entry bc i feel like these two portrayals deal with the repercussions of traumatic experiences to the life of these two very well. 
first off, we have david, who came out as transgender at a previous school and was met with intense transphobic reactions; deadnaming, invasive personal questions and just generally awful treatment by people - it resulted in david feeling very unsafe, difficulties sleeping and hiding and running away in the hopes of avoiding these situations. it affects his world view of the world as unkind, and him forcing himself to be okay with being alone bc the only one he trusts is himself. he doesn’t let people too close (wanting to stay anonymous) and when matteo breaks up with sarah he runs bc matteo is getting too close. and then, it happens again. he’s outed on social media in his new school, having difficulties even doing his exams bc his teacher is being a transphobic dick and he’s scared of both him and the kids at school. he then, after staying with his godmother, hides himself away at an unsafe, abandoned pool and even staying there for a night. 
then, we have liv. earlier in her life, she’s implied to have had an eating disorder - a traumatic experience in itself. and although she seems very aware of her needing to be careful not to fall into those patterns again, it unfortunately does come to the front again when faced with the fact that she’s been sexually assaulted in her sleep and it’s been filmed without consent. as an eating disorder survivor, i’d say her body is already something she might have difficulties with. to combine that with sexual assault.. it results in liv isolating herself at home, resorting to doing her white(!) laundry multiple times in one week and her stress baking cookies only for her to give them to her roommates. her mum even asks her if she’s eating well - for a mother who seems emotionally and physically distant otherwise, liv must’ve not sounded well. even when she seems a little bit better, engel still comes over to check up on liv and cook for her. engel has similar ed experiences so she knows it’s not something that’s just gone one second to the next. 
these portrayals work well bc it is clear that their experiences have become a detriment to their view of the world and result in them resorting to very unhealthy coping mechanisms. they both clearly feel the loss of control, the triggering of (past) experiences; the avoidance and the isolation. liv feels immense shame, david feels immense anger and fear - they both have difficulties trusting people, even the ones they care about the most. 
but, in the end? 
david does let matteo subtly know where he is, bc he knows matteo will see him and find him. matteo calls him even out on it: you are not a damned vampire who needs to hide away, he says - something that david didn’t even see about himself until matteo told him. he finds support in matteo and all of his friends and his sister. he doesn’t need to be alone anymore. 
and liv? she tells her friends about her troubles eventually, and they support her wholeheartedly, telling her it’s not her fault and flashing boobs while doing so. liv finds the strength to confront her attacker and blackmailing him, and eventually her boyfriend tells her she needs to go to the police to report his brother. 
these are both david’s season-long storyline and liv’s multiple episode storyline (all her clips for the first week after her experience focus solely on this). it’s healing to see this happen to survivors of these experiences. 
as a ender: wtfock
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i think it’s important to establish first that this is first and foremost about robbe/sander’s gay bashing. robbe and sander have been dating approximately three days when they are violently and verbally assaulted and seemingly left for dead in antwerp’s streets. the next episode makes a point of robbe and sander being hurt badly with bruises and cuts and black eyes, robbe doesn’t sleep much and is irritated quickly and sander has a very weird reaction to violence in general and doesn’t want to go to the police. later, robbe is scared that sander was put off by the idea of going to the police, that he felt forced. within that same first episode, robbe tells milan the true story and zoe a little off story and they react sympathetically, zoe even offering her doctor. robbe’s mum’s psych also refers him to a therapist and he calls her. 
but then the storyline, after episode 6? it ends? milan seems to weirdly reference it sometimes but it doesn’t come to any conclusion in the end. after reconciling sander and robbe have no trouble kissing in front of everyone. there’s no sense of robbe or sander having internalised a different world view after this experience. they even never discuss it ever again after that first week. robbe going to a therapist is not even shown or referenced at all, even with the opportunity being there with social media updates. there’s no real repercussions, except for loss of sleep and sander maybe sort of seeing it as a way of destroying something time and again but that’s more his world view bc of his mental illness i’d say. it’s a storyline for one episode, that’s it. and with how irresponsibly they portrayed it by not immediately showing them being alright or together or taken care off but waiting hours for an update, it triggered a hella lot of audience members instead. as a bisexual woman myself, i felt scared watching that. 
zoe’s storyline of having to testify even got more of an appropriate portrayal as she’s scared to testify and also feels pushed by the people who love her the most (milan and senne). her breaking up w senne feels more an actual genuine decision bc of messed up feelings about the whole situation (senne being quite... aggressive with how he approaches her about it sometimes.. it felt like he wanted it for himself mostly, not for her). her not being able to sleep and feeling exhausted, months after the actual traumatic experience happened. it has an effect on her and how she responds and how she makes decisions.
experiences like these have repercussions. but apparently in belgium only sexual assault results in trauma. gay bashing doesn’t. it had no true purpose except to educate straight people about the plight of lgbt people being attacked violently. but, as people far more eloquent than i have said, why? homophobes will not watch this series and suddenly turn around. and the world is damned if people just don’t realise that beating up people is bad and shouldn’t happen. 
the true purpose of skam is to teach people of all kinds, and to show people of a certain minority, community or with same/different life experiences that there is hope, and a lot more to them than just what they have experienced. now even the good portrayals could have all benefitted from telling the audience that it’s good and okay to go to therapy about this... but at least they didn’t shy away from a storyline that shows how deep this runs for people. they devoted time to it.
and that’s all wtfock really needed to do if wanting to make a point by including this. they didn’t. it’s sensational fodder at best. and i think that the characters as well as the audience?
they deserved better than that. 
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robbstarkl · 5 years
okay so i'd rlly like to get into skam (because of you mostly) but i'm so confused? i have no idea where to start or.how to watch it? any help would be incredible! thanks sm ilu💓💓💓
I feel terrible because I received a similar ask last week but I had no idea how to answer then so I hope that anon sees this too!! I’M SO SORRY!!!! (especially if you are the same person!!) 💗💗💗
hii! I hope you’re having a good day
Firstly, that’s so sweet that I made you want to watch SKAM! I know lmao, it’s quite confusing!
Each season of SKAM follows a different protagonist. The show is very original because it happens in real-time. Clips get uploaded real-time (onto various platforms depending on the broadcaster), e.g. at 09:47. The episodes are typically then shown fully at the end of the week. Many of the characters also have Instagram accounts or other social media and text messages outside of the clips (typically between the main and another character) are also shown (again, where these get uploaded is dependent on the broadcaster).
I’d start with the Norwegian version since it’s the original. You can find all the episodes here with English subtitles. Links to the character’s Instagrams are on the left and the link that says “timeline of all social posts” above the episode links will show you the text messages etc, but it is not necessary to read these to follow the story. The wiki can be found here.
Then there are the remakes. Each remake has counterparts for each character from the original SKAM and most follow the same mains for each season, e.g. Eva is the main of season 1 of the original, her counterpart Hanna is the main of season 1 of DRUCK (the German remake). The exceptions are SKAM Italia, which switched s2 and s3 around, and SKAM España, which follows a different character in s2 whose original counterpart never got a season in SKAM, but the season follows some plot points from the original s3.
The remakes vary in how different the seasons are from the original. Some are very similar and some are somewhat different, but they typically all include the same major plot points and most follow the first season quite closely because it sets the other seasons up.
The remakes and where you can watch them (with English subs):
SKAM Italia (Italy) - s1 and s2 can be found here. s2 can also be found with s3 here. The wiki which includes a list of the characters with their Instagrams can be found here.
DRUCK (Germany) - s1, s2 and s3 can be found here. s1 and s2 can also be found here. The wiki which includes a list of the characters with their Instagrams can be found here.
SKAM NL (Netherlands) - s1 and s2 can be found here. s1 can also be found here. The wiki which includes a list of the characters with their Instagrams can be found here.
wtFOCK (Flemish Region, Belgium*) - EDIT: s1 and s2 (which is currently airing) can be found here. Clip translations, social media updates and full episodes of s2 and 2/3 of s1 can be found here. s1 can also be found here. The wiki which includes a list of the characters with their Instagrams can be found here.
SKAM France (France/Walloon Region, Belgium**) - s1, s2, s3 and s4 can be found here. s1, s2 and half of s3 can also be found here. The official broadcaster also uploads the clips onto youtube here without a Geoblock a.k.a. it can be watched without a VPN and community translators add English subs. The wiki which includes a list of the characters with their Instagrams can be found here.
SKAM Austin (Texas, USA***) - The official broadcaster uploads everything onto Facebook so s1 and s2 can be found there (obviously no English subs required). s1 can also be found here. The wiki which includes a list of the characters with their Instagrams can be found here.
SKAM España (Spain) - s1 and s2 can be found here. s1 can also be found here. EDIT: The official broadcaster also uploads the s2 clips onto youtube here without a Geoblock and translators add English subs. The wiki which includes a list of the characters and their Instagrams can be found here.
*Belgium is home to two main linguistic communities, Dutch and French, which are more or less separated geographically. The Flemish Region is home to the majority of the Flemish Community, who speak Dutch, and it is in this region wtFOCK is set.
**SKAM France is also known as SKAM France/Belgique which includes the Walloon Region of Belgium, which is home to the majority of the French-speaking community, although the series is set in France.
***I have no idea why SKAM Austin is not called SKAM USA or SKAM Texas and whether there are plans to do other states but whatever, I guess.
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a-little-engel · 5 years
Marlou’s Mega Guide to WTFock
I’ve seen quite some new people in the Wtfock fandom and some people may not know everything about it, so I made a guide for any confused people out there. Hope it helps!
What is Wtfock?
Wtfock is the Belgian remake of Skam. It takes place in Antwerp, which is in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium (so if you think you recognize the language from Skam NL, then you’re right!). Wtfock has had two seasons and the third season will start soon. Until now, Wtfock has stayed pretty close to the original version of Skam.
Who is who in Wtfock?
There’s an overview of the characters and the original characters on the Dutch Wikipedia page.
When will season 3 start?
At this point we’re pretty sure it starts Saturday 12 October at 21:43. Fans who entered a contest have received a t-shirt with ‘Saturday 21:43′ on it and a recent newspaper article confirmed that the season starts later this week.
Who is the main character of season 3?
We don’t know. We suspect it’s Robbe (Isak) but we’re not sure because there has been no trailer or other sign about season 3. The official website is pretty much quiet (except for the t-shirts of course). So we’ll have to wait until Saturday to find out. Mind you, this is not strange because the exact thing happened with season 2.
Where can I watch Wtfock?
Wtfock releases its clips and episodes through their own website. The website is geoblocked, which you can circumvent by using a vpn, such as JustVPN or Hola! (if you’re using a different one please check if they also work for Belgium because I’ve found that it’s not really common).
Another disadvantage of the website is that the clips do not allow for English subtitles. If you want/need those, you can go to wtfock-skam (they also have an overview of other language subtitles) or wtfockenglish here on tumblr. I’m pretty sure you can also find subs on Instagram but I don’t know where.
I haven’t watched Wtfock season 1 and season 2. Where can I find it?
Both tumblrs have subbed season 1 and 2. I think wtfock-skam missed the last few episodes of season 1 due to exams so you will have to turn to the other one for that.
Where can I get updates on Wtfock?
I’m not sure about this, but I think the best way is to follow the Wtfock instagram page and turn on notifications. Or do as I do and constantly check the page.
Where can I follow the characters?
You can follow characters on Instagram. There’s an overview on Wtfock’s website.
I don’t want to watch or I don’t have time to watch the first two seasons. What did they change?
I would say the most significant change is that at the end of season 2, Senne (William), doesn’t leave for London or any other city. Instead, Zoë (Noora) asks him to move in with her. So Robbe (Isak) likely doesn’t move into Zoë’s old room.
Another thing that is different from the original is that Robbe experienced quite some homophobia and harassment in season 2. The girl squad really wanted to find out whether he’s gay and Jana (Eva) even tried to kiss him for that purpose. Milan (Eskild) was also in on that and also gave it a try in the last episode. Moreover, some of the boy squad members used homophobic language around him. Personally, I hope they address this in season 3.
If anyone has any additional information (e.g. on the Instagram accounts with subs) feel free to add! If you have any additional question, feel free to ask!
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lucidpantone · 4 years
King Fic Preface
Historical context you will need to know before reading
Disclosure: For this to work Sander or Robbe will need to be English (sorry Belgians, I’ll need to borrow one and make him a York)
The year 1471 (The War Of The Roses)
- Edward IV (deposed King of England) flees to Flanders or better known as Burgundy (Modern day Belgium/Netherlands) Historically Accurate
- Edward IV never marries Elizabeth Woodville he instead allows the Earl of Warwick and Louis(Lucas) XI of France (see what I did there, ;0) to negotiate a betrothal on his behave to the Burgundian princess (Mary of Burgundy) to pacify the demands of Charles The Bold The Duke of Burgundy (Not Historically Accurate, People are Historically accurate) as he fears a french invasion on the horizon (Historically Accurate France does invade eventually)
Wtfock+Skam nl = Burgundian royal court (Historically Accurate that was regional Burgundy)
SkamFR = French Royal court
Yorkist court (Edward IV paternal court)= Most likely Skam Austin(ya know since british and USA history, makes sense) or TBC (to be created)
Skam Espana = Spanish Royal court (they didn’t do much in TWOTR but they married a ton of prince/princess off to the above courts). So cameos.
Things that will absolutely happen at the times they did in history:
Burgundy established via Charles the Bold will fall in 1477(not for exactly for the same reasons but the date stays)
Epilogue content = The  Battle of Bosworth Field on 22 August 1485 (Battle is happening, who’s on what side TBC)
Epilogue content =  The rise of the House of Tudor (1485)
*The fic will be composed of 6 chapters covering every year before the fall of Burgundy.The fic is a love story and that's the priority I will try to avoid getting to into the war weeds and I’ll stay as close to history as possible.*
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rylie-studies · 4 years
So I saw another skam ask on this blog- I've only watched the original where do you recommend starting with the other versions?
Hey angel! Okay, so first of all, if you haven’t checked out this post of mine yet, then you totally should! I did make it last year though so there might be some changes that have occurred throughout the time, but it should help a little bit with getting to know how the other remakes are like and choosing which one seems to vibe well with you. Tbh, I don’t think there’s really any set order of how you can watch the remakes after you’ve finished the original, but if you really want my advice, I’d say start with SKAM France first because, from what I’ve heard, it seems to be the one that follows the original storyline closely yet still emphasizing French culture. I think there’s also like six seasons out currently so they’ve decided to expand the storyline too! I’ve heard great things about SKAM Italia and also the fact that they’ve deviated from the storyline and are putting their own little twist on it so maybe I’d recommend that as well! All in all though, I feel like there’s really no right way to go on about it and I would actually recommend doing something that I did before (which honestly wasn’t intentional at all like I was just so impatient and I wanted to see what each of the remakes were like) which is watching the first few episodes of each remake! It doesn’t have to be substantial like maybe just the first and second episode of Season One and then see what you think of it! If that sounds too overwhelming though, then I’d definitely recommend just going ahead with SKAM France then maybe followed by SKAM España, SKAM Italia, SKAM Germany (Druck), SKAM NL, wtFOCK (Belgium/Flemish), and then doing SKAM Austin last since it’s so different from all of the remakes combined. I hoped this helped a little bit, sweets! Good luck with your SKAM journey and feel free to reach out for anything else; talking about SKAM is one of my favorite things to do! 🤍
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eurosong · 5 years
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Good evening, folks, and welcome to today’s statistical blog, where we’ll be taking our first look at the odds of qualifying after the producers of this year’s Eurovision decided where to put the songs in the semi-final. If anyone had a doubt at the potency of starting position, they should look at some of the extreme changes in betting that have happened only on the past day or two after this was revealed. We’ll take a look at the songs currently predicted to qualify, and how we think the running order influences odds changes.
Near-certain qualifiers: The idea of SF1 being rather more wide open than SF2 is backed up by the current odds. SF1 has only two songs with 85% qualification odds or better - Greece and Cyprus, who not coïncidentally have decent spots in the running order. Meanwhile, SF2 still has half of its qualification spots notionally tied up - Sweden, Russia, the Netherlands and Switzerland, all either in plum spots historically or given a favourable juxtaposition amongst other songs, were there already, but they’re joined by a strongly climbing Azerbaijan, who gain betters’ confidence and jump almost 10% in qualification probability with their show-closing status.
Likely qualifiers: This is a very crowded pack in SF1, with 6 countries who have mostly seen their qualification odds weaken, most notably Belgium, Estonia and Czechia. Eliot had topped the bookies’ odds just a few days ago, but now finds himself only 5th most likely to qualify because of a massive drop in probability of 16.5%. His position in the semi surely isn’t bad, but perhaps betters had been thinking he’d get a nicer slot towards the end of the second half? Lake Malawi are the second biggest droppers of both semis at the minute, dropping almost 18% - 6th is usually a good starting position, but perhaps they see fellow likely qualifiers, Slovenia, potentially outshining them. They drop below Hungary, who, like Slovenia, only saw their qualification odds drop a little. The only country in this entire group whose odds didn’t worsen is Iceland - their qualification odds stay precisely the same, but because of other songs falling, they find themselves 3rd likeliest to qualify, compared to 6th a few days back. A great position between two songs that may well feel tame in comparison from Australia and Estonia may have helped maintain the spot.
In SF2, this group is almost comically tiny - just 3 countries - as it feels there’s confidence in the frontrunners performing strongly, but little else. Malta drops into this group and marginally out of the top 5, Norway drop modestly too - it’s never easy to precede a fan favourite like NL - and Armenia complete the group, the only ones to increase their odds within it, in no small part because of opening the semis.
The narrow qualifiers:  Two countries in each semi final are currently rated as narrowly qualifying. In SF1, it’s Portugal, whose qualification odds have dropped 10%, perhaps because of the risks of preceding new SF favourite, Greece, and Australia, whose odds also decreased a tad but who found themselves jumping up two spots anyway. In SF2, it’s a tale of two momenta: Denmark clings onto qualification despite dropping 8%, perhaps because of directly preceding Sweden, whilst Romania jumps into possible qualification from a previous 13th place - maybe it stands out more after contemplative Latvia and sweet Denmark. Analysis continues below!
Bubbling under: This category contains 6 countries, 3 in each semi, which have a 45-56% chance of qualifying and are seen as most likely to rise to the remaining qualification spots if songs directly above them take a tumble. In SF1, we have a big contrast between Poland and Serbia dropping in their odds, the latter even out of the top 10 as a result, whilst San Marino climbs high with the biggest odds increase of the lot, an almost 20% jump. In SF2, Macedonia and Albania modestly improve their odds, and are joined by a dramatically plunging Lithuania, who had been 9th but are now 13th, certainly influenced by being the most underwhelming part of the Malta-Russia sandwich.
Hope in the darkness: This is a small grouping of three countries whose qualification odds aren’t looking good, but for whom there is some hope as their odds have increased a little. Finland and Belarus have each seen a ~7% odds increase despite less than ideal starting positions. (Incidentally, there was a REAL oddity in the middle of yesterday when Like it was given a 97% chance of qualifying before crashing down again. Odds manipulation, patriotic betters, a glitch? Answers on a postcard!) In SF2, Austria could be forgotten after two up-tempo numbers, or could defy the predictors and stand out, especially if it closest its half - perhaps this is why it jumped up more than 10%.
It’s looking grim: Lastly, we have 5 countries who, quite frankly, it’s looking not so peachy for. In SF1, the bottom 2 shuffle about as Georgia surpasses Montenegro whose positioning as #2 has surely killed what little chance they had of qualifying stone cold dead. In SF2, Croatia and Moldova, preceding favourites from Malta and Switzerland, have seen their slim qualification hopes grown slimmer, whilst the most brutal drop of all has been that of Ireland, quite horribly put into #2 spot, making them drop 17.7%.
The next big influence on the booking odds will be the pre-parties. Unfortunately, a few acts like Bilal and Michela seem to have chickened out, but I’m sure we’ll see many other acts soar and plunge after them. All of these drastic changes just because of running order, though, make me reïterate for the hundredth time: how is it fair to give this much power to one (nowhere near impartial) person? It’s like if some big teams in the world cup faced only minnows on their path to the final, whilst others had a deliberately difficult route there. I sincerely hope, one day, for the return to random draw.
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2-skam-sluts · 5 years
11 questions asked and answered
I was tagged by @ilsuosorrisoilmiopreferito
-Always repost the rules
-Answer the questions given to you by the person who tagged you
-Give your eleven questions
-Tag eleven people
1. Favourite boy squad
The Italian boy squad- Contrabbandieri. Every single one of them seems so fun to be around and of course, Gio. I love him. Period.
2. Favourite version of P Chris
The og. Herman really gave off that fuckboy type vibes and he was just so...... handsome. I mean, just look at him. God’s gift to the human race. I really like Cris from Skam España too. I had this weird dream about him and I’ve been in love with him since then.
3. Favourite season of the OG (i’m guessing that’s what you meant)
It’s a tie between the second and the fourth season. I like the 2nd one not because of the ‘good girl, bad boy’ thing. I was never into that concept in the first place. But their relationship was really deep. It went deeper than everything. It was about two people being lonely and how they perceive the world. While Noora had a very optimistic approach to everything, William thought that world was black and white and that the only way to survive in this world is to become and act like a total asshole. They had their own versions of messed up family. They found families in their friends and in each other- that’s the most beautiful thing ever, tbh. More than that, they both KNEW how different they were from each other yet they tried to understand each other. So... I mean, it was super nice. As for Yousef and Sana. Yousef is the best character written in the history of television. I’m not a very big fan of Sana because she’s just too cold and closed off for my liking but god damn I ship Yousana so hard. I loved Sana when she was with Yousef. I loved who she was with him. She tried to understand what other people think. She realised that she was not right always. These two were just so... pure. And their relationship was beautiful. Again, it’s because of how different they were yet they tried to understand each other.
4. Which character would you go on a date with
Yousef, Gio, Edo, Senne, Cris
5. From which country would you like to see a version of skam
Any Asian country. Probably India. It’s culturally very diverse so it’d be fun to watch all the characters.
6. Favourite version of Vilde
Nope. I don’t like her. But if I were to chose, I’d say Engel. I dislike her the least.
7. Favourite season of every remake you have watched
OG- S4
France- S3
Druck- S1
Italia- S1&3 (Ele’s)
Austin- neither
NL- S2
España- S2 (Cris’)
Belgium- S2
8. Which character from the Skam universe would you bring with you on a deserted island
Noora because she’s really good at calming people down and I’ll need that since I’m phobic to animals and insects. I start shaking and crying.
Eleonora because she’s a plant mom and she’ll tell us which plants are edible or not.
Edoardo because I’d die in like 10 mins and I’d really like to die in his arms.
9. Which places from the skam universe would you like to visit
Uhm London? So that i could demolish it and no William even thinks of going there ever again. XD
Just kidding.
Ele’s house. It just seems so warm and beautiful and also because I love plants almost as much as Ele does, if not more.
Alex’ condo from Druck. It seems like a very cool place.
Senne’s appartment because I LOVED THAT ROOF.
I’d say Edo’s house too but I’m too poor to even think about it so.... nvm
I know these are not ‘places’ places but it counts..... i think?😂
10. Top 5 moments from the remakes
Marti coming out to Gio;
Cris and Joana reuniting in the last episode;
Ele and Edo’s every scene except for when the fought;
Every scene of Zoënne;
Yousef and Sana’s date;
Edo and Slivia’s sance in S1 (we were blessed);
Nora taking Alejandro down (she called him a puppy ffs)
More than 5 because I can’t hold it in
11. Your top 3 characters from the skam universe
Yousef, Edoardo, Senne, Giovanni, Zoë, Eva (italy), Isa
My questions:
1. Your favourite remake
2. Your favourite character from every remake and og
3. If you get a chance to change one thing about Isak’s character, what would it be?
4. If, say, you are in a gang with any 5 characters from across the skam universe; who would they be?
5. One thing you like about every season
6. One thing you’d like to change about every season
7. One character you relate to the most
8. I don’t get the hype about ___________
9. Least favourite character from every remake and og
10. If every remake and og get to make 1 season each, about which character would you like it to be?
11. I don’t understand why people don’t like _________
I’m tagging:
@edoardosincanti @skamyeets @noorhelmgifs @uhyeahmaybenoidk @eleonorafrancesca @hauntedfinnick @edonori @willhelmsnoora @ducktocks @skamedits @martinoramettas
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