daily-yokai · 3 months
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Day 164: N'more
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andytriboletti · 2 years
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Hearsay: My life filled with coincidences by crackpot cowboy time traveling hacker aliens. they get a bonus if I notice the coincidence, or if anyone else does, and again a bonus if i post about it or tell people... about 52 and the previous post. a girl i knew and texted nonstop for months had a number that fit perfectly with 52 coincidences. last 4 were 5153. #ketchupcoincidence #sacredwaterdog #whereisarea52 #ElvisPicFromUnBonnie #NMore https://www.instagram.com/p/CogLFdpLj4P/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shibusawaz · 4 months
So, your Madoka Kaname drawing looks amazing, and as a traditional artist, I was trying to observe to see if I could learn from your drawing.
One thing that stuck out to me was the shading and outlines.
How do you shade so well? How do you know which colors to use, and where to use them? Same question goes for outlines, too.
hihihihiii!! first of all thank u so much, im rlly flattered that u were so impressed 🫶🫶 im honestly really surprised how much attention my drawing got gyuh
anyways!! the picture i referenced was from the crash fever x pmmm crossover, so it’s by no means completely original. here’s the side by side comparison of the (cropped) og image vs in my sketchbook!!
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so, most of the actual shading decisions and placements are from the original work. however, i had to change up the colors a bit because of the selection i had. (please note that my version is also darker because of lighting and iphone picture quality 😭😭)
also, for most of my drawings i follow the call of the wind (make guesses) and fufill the prophecies (keep adding more colors until it looks okay)
that being said, below the cut is a full coloring walkthrough if you’re still interested!!
please note that this is much smaller scale and done in less time (took an hour instead of two days 😨) so the quality will be a bit less!!
alright. so let’s say we wanna draw this image, but we tweaked it a bit because drawing BOTH eyes was too much of a hassle.
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after you clean your sketch, the best thing to do is open with an outline that’s not QUITE black but close to it.
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now, i have a rule. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE remember this rule: you can use ANY color. for your outline, shading, whatever. it doesn’t have to match the reference.
if you are using this as a genuine tutorial, please know that i change colors every fucking time i draw. i change mediums too. this is only the process i used for my madoka drawing (as best as i can remember)
cuz, like my art teacher said, you have this thing called artistic license, which means you have the right to change whatever the FUCK you want if you think it makes your drawing better. make her purple, give her one ponytail, whatever. as long as you can make it work, have fun!!
anyways. next, go over that outline with other dark colors of different hues. there’s no rhyme or reason, it’s just fun.
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after, place your highlights on the hair. i used cream instead of the pastel pink in the original because i like cream better and it adds more hues.
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usually, i start with the darkest value instead for shading as it’s more vibrant, but madoka doesn’t have any really standout dark tones. it’s okay though i love her
then, you gotta go in with base colors. simple pink and peach yada yada
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just pick a light base close to the original. don’t agonize over it. apply lightly and gently in circular motions, and you’ll be okay!!
next, we adjust the tone of the hair. i wanted a cooler toned pink, so i added amethyst. i also added a bit to the stray eye.
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after, adjust your tone more as needed. again, any color goes. the means justify the ends, and if you end up adding some blue or yellow or whatever then good!! go bonkers with it. i used vermillion.
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next, add shading blocks (referenced from the original image!) in a color that’s light enough to blend in more but dark enough to see (amethyst is my favorite for this, and i use it a lot!!) you can also add extra shading in some areas to give it some personality.
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after THAT, blend in your shading a bit more with your base colors. by this point you should be pressing down a lot to get the pigment you want. i think for her skin i added beige instead of peach in this step, but that’s also what i did for the above drawing.
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the purpose of this is to mute your colors a bit so they fit together more. however, if you want it to pop, you don’t have to add another base color!!
i also went over the outlines with the base color to lighten them and even out the drawing. i do that with almost every step, as needed. follow your heart on that one
also, i gave her a little bit of blush in that step. just because.
ok, so now is the fun part. for the hair and any accessories/clothes/things of the same texture, add random streaks of random colors.
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yeah, go ahead, add orange, blue, yellow, whatever. it’s best if it’s of the same value (aka darkness) so it fits in with the base color, but it can be anything!!
you don’t have to do this, but it’s fun.
also, i shaded the eye too offscreen. same process, because pmmm’s style has a very flat texture on characters. thus, it’s okay to use the same shading technique.
now, we can do the same with accessories!! these are simpler and i honestly got too lazy to even reference for the scarf because the hair was the main focus.
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finally, add little details, clean up anything you don’t like, and do whatever you want with it!!
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that’s all i do for shading, and i hope it helped a bit. i mainly work with pen and paint markers, but the process is the same aside from tweaking parts.
just remember:
its your art do whatever the fuck you want
LAYER LAYER LAYER fix anything by adding new things
it doesnt have to be perfect yada yada
fun color = fun drawing
it doesnt have to look like the picture because thats boring and you wont learn if you try and carbon copy everything you see
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dotted-clouds · 6 months
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y'all understand my delusional ass mind of CrackShipping AZ and Volo
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snekthedemonnoodle · 4 months
SO FEW........
SO PROUD........
SO... EMOTIONAL........
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altairring · 4 months
dr ratio showed up ONCE on my screen and i alr fell on my knees
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dawnleaf37 · 6 months
i had to tone it down to 6 legged weirdbeasts because iwas scared
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sword-and-lance · 2 years
((okay yeah so I’ve been meaning to write down a bunch of things about Dae’s Ancientsona Ancient self, Nemesis, and now’s as good a time as any LET’S GOOOO
She’s the eldest sibling out of three with her younger brother and sister being fraternal twins, Artemis and Apollo (we haven’t exactly seen how Ancients age relative to like, normal people, but it’d be the equivalent of ~10 years ish between the other two and Nemesis)
Yeah not Gaia!Artemis, a different Artemis, who is also Amba’s Ancient self coincidentally
No I have not figured out what her parents’ names were yet deal with it
REGARDLESS both of said parents were heavily researching other dimensions, interdimensional travel, that kind of thing, and while they did try they weren’t exactly great at work-life balance and wee Nemesis was more or less fending for herself once she was old enough to like, do that
Also meant she was taking care of her siblings a lot too so they got very attached to her given that they were little little and she was around quite a bit more than their own damn parents
Then said parents opened a portal to the Abyss in their fucking basement sort of on accident and whoops it’s basically Hell to anyone who’s not prepared to like, Deal With The Abyss Being Like That, and the Abyss was rather peeved at being woken back up and peeled their souls out and ate them
And also started eating the house and tried to eat Nemesis and her siblings but Nemesis managed to get them clear of the house fast enough while listening to her parents getting basically mauled
Traumatic it sure was and literally no one knew how to handle that especially for a kid Nemesis’ age, where she wasn’t old enough to really have a coping mechanism but old enough to know damn well what happened
So immediately after people just...kept their distance and hurled platitudes rather than doing anything helpful and yes Nemesis did hold a lot of resentment over that even way later on in life because it felt like she got abandoned (because she kinda did)
That said one of her parents’ work friends, Daedalus, actually wound up adopting all three of them once he heard what had happened and honestly...did his best tbh to help them, even when it was pretty damn clear that Nemesis was proooobably gonna grow up somewhat maladjusted personality-wise
The other two were really too young to understand it or remember it well though and grew up fairly normal, though Apollo had much weaker aetherial potential than Artemis or Nemesis had (even if his soulsight was extremely good)
Yes Apollo is Hythlodaeus, I just am kinda rolling with “it’s ALSO a title” as a very un-canon excuse for it in this ‘verse, shh
It was also about this point that Daedalus got to make the exciting discovery that Nemesis could do blood magic
Yes this is (also) entirely non-canonical, but I do what I please and what I please is making weirdo magic systems for my personal blorbos aight?
So it’s a weird obscure branch of magic that’s kind-of-cousins to healing magic but is done somewhat differently
YOU SEE Ancients’ healing magic requires a lot of aether and also is “permanent” in the sense of “once you’re healed you’re not gonna spontaneously UN-heal later” ya know?
It’s also mostly concerned with bringing everything back to the status quo body-wise, making the body return to “baseline”
Blood magic on the other hand is capable of a great deal more effects-wise; it also is predominantly concerned with shifting your body away from baseline more than bringing it back--and it is also much less permanent and wears off over time if not actively maintained
That said, there’s a couple complications with it: the ability to even perform it seems to be genetic to some extent, and also using it generates aetherial “backlash” that acts completely chaotically and, more often than not, violently
This is ofc a bit of a fucking problem for someone trying to use it, but there’s a workaround for it, namely: channeling that backlash into a container of some sort to keep it from ricocheting off in random directions instead
Generally these containers are orbs of some sort, since it’s much easier to just have the magic spin itself in circles rather than have to deal with it putting constant huge pressure onto any corners or hard edges
But minor transformations are generally pretty safe to do without any further precautions because the backlash just dissipates harmlessly courtesy of being so small
...It still didn’t make it any less startling to Daedalus when he walked in and found a wee Nemesis skittering up the wall like a goddamn lizard and heard her go LOOKIT WHAT I CAN DO :D
For better or worse though he had actually studied historical instances of blood magic as a side gig before and so he had a fair bit of forewarning about what it could do--and a lot of literature on it
Sure he couldn’t entirely teach her everything but he could at least do a guided study kind of thing so she didn’t go up and blow up the general neighborhood or the like
And study she did because she found that kind of thing immensely fascinating
HOWEVER she always steadfastly refused to learn how to do it to people that weren’t herself; in her eyes, using blood magic effectively does require thinking about your body kinda like a meatsuit, and while thinking about your own body that way is one thing, thinking about other people like meatsuits is a one-way ticket to starting to treat them like things, and treating people like things is Bad, Okay
She got pretty damn good at the whole thing tbf and while there are certainly a lot of petty personal uses for that kind of magic, she mostly just. Used it to turn herself into varying sorts of critter because that is just how she rolls
So by the time she became a young adult she had had whatever typical schooling that Ancients had, as well as a fair bit of experience in using her particularly odd and semi-useful kind of magic
She also figured out she had a “typical” transformation at that point: a kinda Anubis hound looking thing (as compared to her sister’s deer-looking forest creature)
Ofc her brother had none lol (poor Hyth and his two hulking monster-sisters), but did get the REALLY good aethersight so it evened out a bit
Daedalus had also created a hardwood staff for Nemesis, and of course the first thing she did with it was master how to summon a scythe blade onto it at will
She had also gotten used to making backlash orbs for herself at that point and clearing them out
It was about this point she started to have a bit of an existential crisis because she was basically being expected to get a job, help the star, preserve society--even after that society had pretty effectively given her younger self the finger and kinda looked sideways at a lot of what she could do
(See the above point re: how applying it to other people requires thinking about them not as people, and also the sheer Body Horror potential it has on top of that, I mean. She could basically run around being a mini Final Days if she wanted)
(Thing is that she do not wanted, thank you very much, but try telling that to some people and it just glances off)
Also at that point the Pashtarot at the time was getting tetchy over her being “allowed” to continue practicing that magic anyway, and kept not-so-subtly floating the notion of binding that power away from her because yeah too risky to let that keep going what if she goes evil on us
But of course this is also a strange rare power that damn near never actually comes up, much less in someone that was actually pretty interested in the subject and had done a huge amount of work on it on her own even at that age
In fact the notion of just locking it away without even an opportunity to study it honestly offended Lahabrea’s notion of scholarship and so when Nemesis got offered a position at the Words of Lahabrea--
Okay honestly at first she took it as an insult because she saw in the Ancients’ creations what she saw in herself: flaws, and how black-and-white those flaws were treated, and therefore wasn’t thrilled with the notion of going to a place whose entire purpose was that
But he actually realized that and changed tack to say that she didn’t need to be a researcher, there was actually a sub-bureau (albeit a small one) that was dedicated to just catching rogue concepts
And at that point she realized that this was probably the best combo of “helping people” and “not having to actively participate in making things that’re just gonna get killed the second they’re imperfect anyway” and went OKAY SOLD
So she trained as basically a concept-catcher and while she still really didn’t like how casually society treated the creations they’d make, she also did get to see for herself that yeah actually some of these are just way too fucked-up to keep existing (and Pandaemonium was actually almost an improvement in her eyes, if just because they weren’t just offing them and also had the time-stasis thing going on so they weren’t just being made to suffer)
Despite the pragmatic approach to, uh, existing in this society, she also wound up managing to weasel an arrangement out of Lahabrea that she could actually keep some of the “flawed but not turbo dangerous” stuff at a compound by her house, and that actually helped take some of her rougher edges off when he actually like, agreed, albeit on a case-by-case basis per concept, under the conceit that it was another “facility”
And she caught onto that and actually did run it like one, and after it led to her being a lot more cooperative and congenial with him, he just kinda ran with it even if he thought she was being really goddamn weird about the whole concepts thing
(But hey she was a very good catcher and dedicated to what she was doing so whatever, he could roll with it if it meant keeping her around and interested in continuing to do her job, AND he got to study her blood magic by proxy too)
In fact he wound up basically making a registration system for her various forms so they could both keep track of that, and while she groaned a lot at first about the paperwork, it was kinda neat to be able to flip through a whole book of things she had accomplished with that magic
So basically yes they both mildly annoyed each other but kinda ran with it because they had a nice little academic mutual exchange thing going on
That said, this whole time Athena has also...been A Thing That’s Happening, and while Nemesis was never particularly fond of her, she mostly just wrote it off as yet another person I don’t like (of which there were many lmao) and left it at that
Especially because by the time Athena was seriously ramping up her bullshit and she was rather casually discarding concepts, including a number of severely dangerous ones, and leaving them for Nemesis’ department to clean up, so Nemesis was a wee bit too busy to think about the weird chick married to her boss’ boss anyway
At least until Athena swanned in one day wanting to experiment with Nemesis’ blood magic, anyway
At which point Nemesis basically got all the bad vibes and went hm. no. and got into a verbal brawl with her over it, and then had to get prodded off of that particular argument by her direct manager so they didn’t all get in hot water with Lahabrea over it
Nemesis also around that time got a (rather nebulous and circumstantial) piece of evidence tying Athena to the rash of escapes but before she and her direct manager could do anything about it, the whole incident with Erich had happened and so yeah she just dropped it because she wasn’t gonna try to persecute someone that was fuckin dead (and she also genuinely thought it was just an accident at the time like everyone else, least up until she gets pulled into the Pandaemonium questline but anyway)
And from there she basically just kept on keeping on: catching rogue concepts, keeping some of the less-bad ones, inevitably being yanked into a friendship with Azem, having to put up with Emet-Selch of all people when he started dating her brother, her sister being Emmerololth and then retiring to be a Fae ambassador...so on and so on
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earlysummer1951 · 2 years
people ask me if I'm ok and it's like no!!! cindy williams is dead!!!
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m1shapanda · 1 year
my mom made mango float. everything is right in the world
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caramelmochacrow · 2 years
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i think im obssessed w writing chatfics...
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unikhroma · 7 months
hi i slept through the utdr newsletter drop but i'm awake now and i looked at the video and tobert has now driven me nmore insane
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my interpretation of this is that
1) he was promised perfection and definitely didn't get it, look at how glitchy he is now not to mention the whole puppet thing
2) i guess seeing errors/glitches makes him think of things that he's afraid of. wonder what those are
though "suspicious waves" is very, well, suspicious. is it the way that the fountain flows in waves? weird telephone signals? weird television signals? it's hard to determine
(i feel like showing spamton's regular sprite at the end was there to imply that this message has to do with him for real instead of the spamton value network spamtons)
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also tried to determine the very last line on this warning message but i couldn't decipher it. here are some screenshots if you want to chew on it yourself. the sentence structures seem to be "_____ ____ __ ____!!! ___ ______ __!!!"
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xylophxn · 2 months
Trying out digital art but I'm pretty bad at it. I accidently made him way to kawai and he doesn't really look like Jon nmore but ! I think I like it (ill probably redo it traditionally tho)
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calocera · 13 days
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fruit review #33: wax apple
wax apples are another syzygium! These are smaller than mountain apples,nmore watery, and a bit tart. they aren’t super sweet or sour. they do honestly feel a little waxy in your mouth and a bit more astringent than other large syzygium fruits.
i personally don’t love these, but they are a good snack especially when you want something cooling!
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astroels · 1 year
E.williams drabble
Ellie copes with Joel's death and her guilt by drinking her nights away and reader comforts her.
a/n: saw a video that brought attention to Ellie's collection of alcohol bottles with a photo of Joel on the tabletop with empty cups and it inspired this
0.8k words
alcoholism, apocalyptic au,
Your shared bed with Ellie grew cold with her absence. Groggily waking up, you realized she was gone again in the dead of night. Ever since you came back from Seattle, it was like this. You spent the days as if nothing happened, but once nights hit, you knew Ellie was off trying to soothe her guilt. Her habit had grown frequent, never having consecutive nights of being present in bed.
You laid in bed, still partially unconscious, but soon rose to look for Ellie. You called her name softly as you made your way downstairs. No answer came back to your voice. She must have been deep into her drinking process. You couldn't help but feel guilty about not waking up earlier. You really tried every night, but she fought you sometimes, you knew she didn't mean to, but it was reaching a point that would break both of you.
You saw the back of Ellie's head; She was seated near the familiar dresser that held the achohol, her body fluid against the chair as she looked out the window. You walked up to her silently, not knowing how she'd take your presence again. When you got closer, you decided to put your hand on her shoulder to alert her. She kept looking out the window for a few seconds, then turned to you and met your eyes They were red and puffy, almost like they wanted to sleep but fought, like she'd been crying all night.
"Ellie..." You said softly. You spoke again after a moment. "Let's get back to bed, yeah?" Ellie moved her head limply to face the window again. " 'm fine here." Her words were slurred but you understood what she said. "it's pretty late 'yknow." You moved in front of her, bending down in front of her legs so she wouldn't have to look up at you. "and?" Ellie said nonchalantly, grabbing to pour even more alcohol in her previously empty cup. She hiccuped before raising the glass to her lips. You stared at her in uncertainty, should you grab the cup and be stern or try and talk her out of it on your own?
"Hey... you really need to stop doing this Els." You gently laid your hand over hers that held the cup. Her grip tightened before she let go defeated. You placed the cup back to the tabletop. "Doin' what?" She grunted almost angrily. "Drinking your nights away, it won't help Ellie," You said in the softest voice you could to not stir her. She scoffed at your words. "haven't done that, 's not what I do." Her words came out quiet as if she was talking to herself. You unconsciously gave her a pity look, just wanting her to break her wall and share how she felt already.
You didn't want to argue with her, but this issue was only getting progressively worse. You took her hands in yours, getting her attention. "You've traded so much of our stuff for this crap," you looked at the alcohol, "It'd be better if we helped you in a healthier way than this." Ellie laughed. "Haven't done a thing, I don't need help." She rolled her eyes as she continued. "Everyone drinks, 's normal." She mumbled to get it out but got her point through.
"Not like this, Ellie. Please let me help you." Ellies laughter died down, a sudden tenseness filling her body. She hesitated to speak, but it came pouring out. "his face, screams, stuck in m'head." She gave a half smile as if too make it less awkward, but slowly turned into chokes and nose sniffling as she continued. "Can't do it 'nmore." Her back fell limp and no longer supported her, leaving her bending forward with her hands holding her face. She shook with each sob that got lead out. "I failed hm." You stood up and brought her into a hug, standing her up. Her head laid into your shoulder as she cried. "I miss him." The way she cried made your heart swell up too. "I know, baby, it's gonna be okay." You soothed her back and hair. She cried in your arms for a good while.
Once her sobs became sniffles, you decided it was a decent time to speak. "There's water waiting in the room, we should sleep, okay?" You brought her face to look at you. She looked at you with a saddened face, a tired one. You brought your hand up to her forehead to brush her slight bangs behind her ear. Ellie melted into the touch with closed eyes and nodded.
Once the both of you were under the sheets, you hugged her from behind. You gave her your warmth and love. You touched her tenderly as if you could take her pain away. You kissed her back goodnight. "I love you, baby, I'll take care of you." You softly spoke. Ellie was sound asleep, her slight snores filling the silence of the bedroom. She was all you had; You were all she had. Things like this were meant to be worked through no longer how long the cycle repeated. The love you shared was enough to get through more nights and less drinking.
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jnjzksekfjvn · 6 months
alfre... alf... alfreded.... alfredo sauce.... alfrod as statue of liberty
hey pokiee my stup id ass read only first part but i rea du the enzt part later so
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as a nEw yorkah!!🗽🚨👶‼️🗣️ mysel f tgis was god thank u
yes i
yes i change torch for kf c fleshlighht nmore fitting for murica
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