#no but i love how the show is gradually pushing him into more situations where he's completely out of his element
cantareincminor · 16 days
For the Sake of Appearances
It's obvious that Eden Academy is a superficial place, despite the efforts of Henderson and other teachers to uphold its educational mission. Like any elite institution, most of its students hail from rich families and don't actually need a degree from Eden to be more than comfortable in life. Most of them are there acting as proxies for their parents, to accumulate even more wealth and power, often by schmoozing with people higher up on the chain like the Desmonds.
Twilight of course is aware of the dynamics and rules of the game at Eden and is playing to win. He crafts an upper middle class cover that will fit in decently without being rich or powerful himself. He looks for a smart child. He looks for a wife. Because apparently only children with two parents can get into the school.
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Throughout the whole story so far he has been concerned about his family's image, both so his cover won't be blown, and so that Anya will advance Plan A or Plan B. He is sensitive to Anya acting out of turn, like punching Damian, or falling behind academically and having no talents with which to gain extracurricular Stellas.
Back when the Imperial Scholars Mixer chapters came out (before I joined the fandom), I'm sure there was a lot of discussion about the moment Anya made her speech to Damian and said this:
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The sadness around Anya not knowing whether her adoptive father even likes her dominates this chapter, at least for me. But on a second read I thought about Twilight's perspective here.
For someone who has been so worried about appearances -- making sure his family can at least pretend at cultured tastes and manners, somehow pushing Anya to get good grades or preventing her from failing (by breaking into the records room), and ensuring his own image is immaculate -- one might expect that Twilight would also worry about appearances here. His daughter just admitted to his chief target's son that she doesn't know if her father loves her. Is that not breaking the facade of a loving nuclear family, which he needed to project at the Eden admissions interview?
But, sadly, having a loving family isn't actually a requirement among the many appearances people have to keep up in the Eden crowd. Damian himself is exhibit A on that front. Both his parents hardly ever bother to visit him or talk to him, and as we see in Chapter 104, it's made him avoid going home except when none of his family members are there. From a utilitarian perspective, it may be good that Anya said this to Damian, so she could appear empathetic to his situation.
What is really interesting is that we don't get any of Twilight's inner thoughts about Anya's speech, probably because he's so focused on Donovan's arrival. All we see is an "Anya..." which could be Endo hiding any further insights on Twilight from the audience, or Twilight genuinely not knowing what to think, or Twilight turning off his over-analyzing tendencies for once and even forgetting to worry about appearances, because his daughter really got to him with that speech. If the latter is true, it might explain his behavior during the cruise arc where he tries so hard to please Anya, with the whole "I'm a normal father. A good father," piece. Bit by bit, he starts to care about more than just appearances or outcomes, and shows through his actions that he wants Anya to be happy. He doesn't tell himself that her happiness is for the cover or for the mission as often as before.
I really do hope that in some future chapter we get a callback to this scene in Chapter 37 where Anya was uncertain whether her father likes her. After 103, where we even got a brief flashback to their first day out as a family overlooking the shopping street, I feel a bit more hope that at some point Twilight will give Anya the reassurance she needs directly or indirectly.
Or maybe, Anya has already figured it out, from all the things he's done for her and how his behavior has changed gradually since that day in the courtyard.
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avonne-writes · 3 months
in your hs au, it’s really sweet how bucky takes care of and supports gale when he’s dealing with his issues. how does gale do the same when bucky isn’t feeling well? are their love languages different? love your writing btw so so obsessed 💗
Great question, dear! Thank you for reading this au 💕 I think this is going to be a long answer, I hope you don’t mind...
Bucky’s issues haven't been explored in depth yet because he doesn’t have to start facing them and they don’t get unmanagable until after Gale's suicide attempt in their last high school year. So the biggest challenges for him only come during college. It’s the opposite for Gale, who struggles in high school but gets better in college.
Bucky’s main issue comes from growing up with his dad not being around for long stretches of time and then, later, when the man was discovered to be cheating, leaving altogether. He never contacts Bucky. Never sends him gifts or anything, doesn’t care about him. This is so damaging to Bucky's self-esteem that he can’t accept it and therefore clings to (inaccurate) childhood memories of a father who loves and appreciates him.
For example, the sheepskin jacket he keeps wearing was his dad's. It’s only a few years into college that he reaches the point where he's ready to part from it for good. He donates it to charity, and Gale goes with him to support him.
How do Bucky's issues manifest?
Anxiety, excessive worry that something will happen to his loved ones or that they'll stop loving him
Clinginess, severe distress if he has to be alone
Overinvolvement and lack of boundaries with his loved ones
Resistance to certain changes (e.g. relationship dynamics)
As you can imagine, the severity of some of these is not recognized until his entire situation is upended due to high school ending. Moreover, it exacerbates these issues that both his own mom and Gale like the depth of his attachment and therefore it takes longer for them to realize just how not okay some things are.
But onto your actual question - how does Gale support Bucky when he struggles with these?
In general, Gale is a very calm person, so he's good at bringing Bucky down from an anxious spiral. Like he brings him down from overexcitement in Words of Wisdom.
Gale staying over and being there when Georgia has to travel for business is a massive help. He’s always there for Bucky and makes sure he doesn’t feel alone.
He listens when Bucky wants to talk about his dad. Bucky can’t discuss it that well with Georgia since she's also emotionally involved.
In high school, he also indulges a lot of Bucky's coping methods, like letting Bucky touch him and cling to him all the time, spending almost every minute with him, sleeping in his bed, creating habits/jokes/etc. that are exclusive to the two of them to reassure Bucky. These help short-time, but not long-time.
His ability to support Bucky is put more to the test in college. First, they go through a rough transition, and that brings Bucky's problems to light by the time they make up. Thankfully, they’re mature enough at this point to actually recognize the issues and work on them together.
For the rest of their college years, Gale is a steady support through Bucky's long, gradual healing process. He’s very patient with him and helps him push on when he gets distressed.
An interesting and difficult challenge comes when Bucky begins to understand that his mom isn’t perfect either and it was partially her fault that he developed these attachment issues. It causes Bucky a lot of uncertainty and distress, but Gale comforts him and helps him calm down.
Then, at one point, Bucky finally decides to find his own dad and visit him. Gale helps with this too.
As Bucky accepts that his father doesn’t give a shit about him, his self-esteem takes a blow, but Gale makes sure to praise him and show how loved he is to build it back up.
Gale also helps him build boundaries. Between the two of them too, and that's important for their relationship, but also with his mom. Like, not calling his mom every single day for an hour, not worrying that he’ll lose her love if he doesn’t call.
Love languages
*I always struggle with headcanons with this concept, because I feel like they're all important, but let's try.
He starves for physical affection, so that's the primary thing he needs, but he doesn’t initiate it for a long time.
Words of affirmation might be his second, and that works out really well because Bucky is both touchy-feely and chatty, enjoys praising and loving on Gale.
But Gale also craves quality time with people he loves because he doesn’t get enough of that with his parents.
He needs quality time together more than anything.
I think Bucky really treasures objects he associates with his loved ones, so receiving gifts could be something important to him.
But then, words of affirmation help with his anxiety, so that's also something he likes to receive. He treasures Gale's love letter-like texts for example.
Phew, okay, very long reply, but I hope it was interesting! Let me know if you guys have other questions or headcanons. 🩷
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐍𝐮𝐧𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞
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↬☀️ Napoleon notices your sun-burnt face and he's not happy about the fact that you've yet again failed to take care of yourself...
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Napoleon Bonaparte x f!Reader • rating: G • tags: Fluff; Banter; Silliness; Sunburns • wordcount: 756 • masterlist
a/n: It's me. I'm the sunkissed Nunuche in question. While bearing the consequences of my nunucheness I'm staying inside and writing this as a memory of the short holiday I'm on... Looks like Napo is the balm for all my pains, sunburns included lol
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"I might be falling asleep on the beach but at least I'm doing it under the shade. Unlike a certain Nunuche."
Your facial muscles twist in a grimace, and even that hurts. That's the last thing you want to hear from the man who would've found himself in the same situation as you - if not in a worse one! - have you not chosen to wake him up as soon as the sun changed its position and gradually crawled across his bared chest. Like the reverse Sleeping Beauty he is, Napoleon is used to capturing your lips in a kiss in order to leave the depths of slumber, and afternoon naps are included in his repertoire as well, as of recently. Spoiling him like that is a no-no, you discovered as soon as he took hold of the hand shaking him awake and pushed himself off the beach chair to find your mouth and claim it. In public. Luckily, you managed to escape in the nick of time. Still! He's just as deserving of being scolded for his actions as you are!
"You're very distracted. Did you not put on sunscreen on your face at all?"
"I did!"
"After you went for a swim?"
Napoleon lets out a disappointed sigh, not missing a beat as he finishes dismantling the umbrella while making a gesture for you to take off the beach bag that you've just put over your shoulder. You want to murmur something about him showing off with the number of things he is already carrying, but you realize quickly that he must be worried about the state of your reddened shoulders too. Whoops, another missed spot. As usual, he's not vocal about the little things he does in your favor, while choosing to be vocal with his teasings instead.
As your mind trails off about the kiss that never happened, you find another reason to furrow your brows in a frown. The ever-so-perceptive Napoleon notices the sourness painted across your heated face and leans in closer as you two walk down the beach alley.
"Are you alright, Nunuche? Does it hurt that badly?"
"Uh-huh...I must've gotten another sunburn...here."
Napoleon halts his step to examine the area you've put your palm on, but as you remove it for his eyes, he doesn't see any signs of damage done by the mischievous sun of mid-July. As if hit by a sudden realization as to where exactly you were pointing towards, he tips his chin up, returning his gaze on yours.
"Your heart?"
"Yes. It hurts because... you can always get your wake-up kiss when we get behind closed doors but... I won't get my smooch shower...! Because my cheeks are sunburnt!"
Trying to put so much intuition while keeping your voice down is a challenge, and even more so without emphasizing it with a matching facial expression. But you don't want to sound too serious, otherwise he'd just-
"Pfft. Bahahahaha!"
A person or two look your way, no more. It's more than enough. It's plenty. Your face can't possibly get more heated than that, no matter the embarrassment-powered enhancement. You look again at Napoleon, putting on your best mean glare - you didn't want to sound too serious, but now that he laughed at you, you're incited to stand your ground. To your surprise, he's the one looking offended now.
"First you're not giving me my wake-up kiss, now you've deprived me of the pleasure of kissing your face as a whole."
"H-How did you turn things around like that?! That's-"
"You're not taking care of my Nunuche and now I can't give her love properly. I'm looking forward to how you're going to make up for this damage."
Not taking care of his Nunuche... he can't get more absurd than that. All thoughts of tending to yourself once you're home crumble because even now you can see through his words - you've learned how to - and the image of his feather-light touch putting lotion on the sensitive skin appears so very clearly in your mind. Taking a cold shower with him even, if he feels the need to. You know how thoughtful he could get.
"I miss those kisses a whole lot already, so I'll make sure to take proper care of your Nunuche, Napoleon!"
"You miss the kisses? Strange... Are you sure? You've gotten plenty of kisses already, by the looks of it. You're thoroughly sunkissed."
"NAPOLEON! ...Hey, don't speed up your step like that! Wait for me!"
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @my-day6 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
Hannah I'm so sorry but I don't see how consent does not apply to fictional characters. Is rape ok as long as the characters are fictional? What about child molestation? Also a lot of other real world morals are very much part of fanfics, including yours. I love your stories and love the way you write. And I'm not trying to police you. But this is a small part of AG, a story I am really really loving, that I have trouble wrapping my head around and genuinely wanted to hear your perspective. Sure it's completely fair that I don't have to read if it's a trope I'm uncomfortable with and I don't expect you to change your fic. I'm sorry that it upset you, I really only wanted to learn more about how you are approaching this.
ok there are like three conversations happening so let me break this down.
consent does not apply to fictional characters because they are fictional. they do not have the capacity to consent. they do not have agency. they are fictional. they are not real. they are constructs used as a very extensive metaphor to tell a story. full stop. ginny can't consent to any part of already gone whether it be sexual or not because i am making her do all of it. i am the puppet master pulling all the strings and these are my dolls that i play house with. she consents if *i* choose for her to consent. it's not her decision. it's mine.
if i chose to play house in a way that was noncon or dubcon that is my very real choice that i have and i would tag it as such and you would then need to make the choice if you wanted to play with me. it is not a conversation of whether rape and molestation are okay. literally all of us who live in the real world know that is absolutely not okay and a very real crime for very real reasons. but if someone chooses to use rape, or molestation, or whatever, as a vehicle to tell their story, that is their prerogative and that *is* okay. we cannot tell someone that they can't write a rape story. full stop.
now, let me get off my high horse. i think your question is: how is it okay for ginny, who has woken up with no memory past june of 1996, to engage is sexual urges/acts? my original answer to a similar question was "spoilers" and it still is but i have eleven messages in my inbox and i'm over it... maybe my show instead of tell is too much show, maybe i'm not as good as a writer as i thought i was, maybe we haven't quite gotten to the full realization of this storyline. maybe its all three! regardless, it comes down to how does ginny see herself. and how do the people around her see her. do they see her as a 14 almost 15 year old or do they see her as an adult? up to this point, ginny has asserted that she is frustrated with the way harry, her family, and her friends have been treating her. she, as a character, and on multiple occasions, has declared that she is an adult capable of making her own decisions. she had the conversation with healer silverberry where she had him confirm she was of age, she refuses to take outside opinions on situations when she feels she is perfectly capable of deciding on her own, she acts and manifests those decisions confidently and without second-guessing it. she is well on her way to accepting that she is no longer a teenager, but a 20 year old woman whose actions have consequences. i have plans for this to be a gradual awareness for both harry and ginny. this isn't a thing where harry is pushing himself on her or ginny doesn't know exactly what she's getting into. the sex is a resolution. it's them coming together physically as a representation of their decision to still be together after several more chapters of plot points and angst. but if that is not enough for you to feel comfortable with the explicit nature of the last chapter then that is okay and you do not have to read it.
did i miss anything? no? ok i think i'm done with this subject for today.
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loiyaltie · 1 month
“plots please” / for cú!
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I'm thinking about them now, so time to answer this meme and throw some ideas about interaction together:
I think it would be neat to do something around them sparring together. Obviously Cú is an extraordinary warrior and I think it would be fun for Gepard to test his mettle in terms of endurance, just constantly getting back up with that spirit of his, making another shield. It certainly gets them a bit of a crowd but maybe they don't notice so much because they are too focused on the exhiliration of the spar and the opponent opposite them.
Then there's the obvious one, which is - of course - the blind date. I would love to write out that one, where Serval has tricked Gepard into attending, helped by Dee to arrange things and Cú and Gepard get to spend some real quality time together. That crush Gepard's harbouring is fostered, given plenty of ammunition and by the end of the evening, completely and utterly undeniable. I think it would be sweet to see Gepard in a situation so foreign to him, and actually gradually learning to enjoy himself and indulge.
Something vulnerable. Perhaps on the cusp of diving into these feelings before getting a push from Serval, almost in a will they / won't they scenario. Perhaps they're patrolling together or stationed on call maybe, so not in the fray but nearby. Maybe they just get chatting about life, about those boundaries, how tired Gepard looks, how Cú can see him silencing himself for the sake of others. And they are getting closer but Gepard isn't ready and pulls away from it.
A social event. The patriarch of the Landau family wants to meet the new aid so Gepard is asked to invite them to the next event. Serval wishes them luck and tells Dee if she wants an excuse to get out just drop her name. Gepard admonishes her half-heartedly but at the ball its like his eyes are opened he can feel how staged everything feels, how tight his collar is, how he isn't enjoying it more starkly. He wants to sneak off to the side but also wants Cú with him, so ends up taking him "on a tour" and then they end up in a room off the main hall, and Gepard perhaps gets a little bolder and decides to be a little selfish and do something for him and asks Cú to dance with him here. And of course all the questioning of the Landau patriarch towards the trio, the slights towards Serval, the ways Gepard steps in as Lynx comes up and as the trio do, but never when its towards himself. But in the middle of the false and the show, there is that little gem of happiness where Gepard took the step to doing something for himself.
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PLOTS PLEASE. // @caemthe
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fangaminghell · 6 months
TW: Child Abuse, death.
Sasha's backstory isn't fuuuuully detailed. Not yet. But I have the basics down where it's easy to understand. Sasha grew up in the 7th street. I imagine that his family possibly fell to ruin and was chased down there. His mom isn't in the picture ( unsure of if she's dead or she ditched them), so it was just him and his dad. His dad was the warmest kindest man Sasha ever knew. All he wanted was for Sasha to grow up happy. Even on the streets of 7th Street, he wanted his son to be happy. But their circumstances didn't fully allow that, but he still tried his best. Sasha, being more aware of their situation, ended up stealing to get by, and had to learn how to defend himself. His dad didn't exactly approve, not wanting Sasha to let go of his childhood so soon. But again, their circumstances call for these things, so he couldn't exactly stop Sasha.
One day, Sasha tried to steal from Solaris, but got caught. He got beaten up for it, and if it weren't for the fact that 1) Solaris was actually impressed by the fact that Sasha was still conscious,let alone brave enough to try and steal from him and 2) Sasha's dad coming in and begging to let his son go. The end result was with Sasha still being taken by Meteor bc he "showed promise", but his dad was left behind....unharmed. That was the deal. Sasha would work for meteor, and in return, they would not touch his father. Sasha could also see his father if he excels in his training. So now, more than ever, Sasha could not afford to make mistakes. He had to be perfect.
To say the training was brutal would be an understatement. Solaris and Sirius have pushed Sasha to his limits again and again and again. Sirius, in a way, was always more cruel. Sasha has experienced so much pain in those times. They molded him into the perfect guard dog. Speaking of which! Alongside being The Backup for team meteor, the one they call when things really go to shit, he is mainly the guard for Taka! You would think that Sasha would hate him but no. He considers him as his little brother, and is honestly the main reason he's still standing. Both Taka and Luna: he loves them both so much, and despite his pain, or wanting Taka to leave meteor, he will stay by Taka's side no matter what. The loyal guard dog.
Obviously things go to shit. El was always nicer to Sasha, allowing Sasha to visit his dad even when he was supposed to be guarding Taka. Something that Sasha happily obliged to. One day, El once again let Sasha leave to visit his father. Which Sasha did. Only to find his father killed by some thugs bc of a deal he had made. The thugs were still there, messing with his body. Sasha saw red.
El was the one that found him. Covered in blood with a distant gaze that he has never seen on the child. Sirius wanted to punish him, but Solaris stopped him. Solaris, in his own twisted way, wanted to use experience as a means to "bond" with Sasha. They both lost their fathers to lesser man, after all. But Sasha only listened a tiny bit. He hated that man, after all.
This was when things get blurry for me, but over time, Sasha gradually "recovers". He becomes more and more like the Sasha you all know and love. He is also considered the deadliest meteor member buuuuut that's neither here nor there.
Aaaand yeah! That's Sasha :)
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mejomonster · 6 months
Related: someone or multiple people on the ff7 remake games team was like "we should indulge fans of all the ships" while also being relatively true to the ff7 originals approach of Primarily About this group of Friends with little Actual flirting from cloud. I personally appreciate the 2nd aspect, since I loved very much that the original ff7 never really pushed cloud/aerith or cloud/tifa that hard, if anything it pushed tifa/aeriths closeness (friendship or your headcanon as desired, but its important tifa cares about aerith and they never fought over cloud) and the remake games kept this. Clouds romance in ff7 original, if anything, is a natural extension of him reacting to his circumstances and people he cares about. Its natural he ends up close with tifa and barret by advent children, coraising kids with them. Theyre his closest people left alive. Its natural he was close to zack in crisis core, he clung to this cool guy he admired and wanted to be like and who tried to understand him. Its natural he found safety in following aeriths lead, in following tifas lead as his old friend and childhood crush hes always cared about. Cloud has never canonically been a big flirter, hes just cared and acted on caring.
So like. The new first addition of Adding Shippy Moments with more characters is... interesting. I think its part fan indulgence, and part playing fun with ff7, and im glad that while it is indulgent and not necessarily something needed, it doesnt change who cloud is. For all jessie flirts, its not like hes flirting back (he barely flirts back with tifa either). For all SO many side characters flirt with him who didnt in the original, its playing fun with shipping with cloud or for the player letting the player indulge in the silly flirty stuff while cloud remains his awkward Whyd I Get Into This self. I think its probably appreciated for the fans its for? And it certainly has plenty to go around. Liked Jessie? Biggs? Dio? The new characters? Heres ample flirty scenes have fun. And for fans of the actual core party relationships, heres some more softly indulgent individual party member moments in each quest. Which is quite nice. Its nice to see cloud be close to aerith and open up, to be genuinely awkward trying to relate to tifa again and join her where she is now, to genuinely bond with barret and show how cloud went from putting on a tough guy act to wanting to do anything to help barret, to see why cloud cares about nanaki, to see why barret and the party gradually trust cait sith, to even see how the party goes from finding yuffie annoying and a burden to something halfway between a kid to them like marlene and a genuine fighter in a terrible situation like them (especially as wutai is harmed more). To see Vincent be so weird and mysterious but also how its link to shinra makes him So Much like cloud in some ways. The party writing ive really loved so far in Rebirth.
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dancingbabya-notes · 2 years
Running Away
<-♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ —♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ ->
Keigo x quirkless oc
I just wrote this at the end of december two years ago have fun. I doubt I'm gonna add more to this story. but um I thought I'd mention that it hints at backwards tango, I mean I think most of us know where babies come from by now. I guess theres a lewd joke at the end but um... the ending is more of a joke
<-♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ —♡—♡—♡—♡—♡—♡ ->
Looking at the tests I couldn’t believe it. It was true. Putting every single one in the bag that I’d planned to throw away I swallowed my nerves. This was what I wanted to have a baby. My mother told me it was incredibly hard for women in our family to get pregnant so when it happened hold on and push through. But Keigo didn’t want kids.
“I guess I’ll have to go then.” I mumble picking myself up from the shock.
It wasn’t severe and the symptoms weren’t showing strongly, I could plan this out.
“Hey love bird? Promise you won’t be mad.” Later that night Keigo pouts.
“What’s wrong?”
“I have to go on a few missions out of Tokyo, still in Japan. I won’t be home for a few months.” He explains.
This was perfect. “That’s fine, just take care of yourself. I don't want you to run yourself ragged.”
“I’ll call every chance I get.”
“Once a week is fine, I don’t want you to stress,” I look at him with a small smile.
“I have to leave the day after tomorrow.”
Grabbing his hand I sigh. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
This was working out too well. But this was going to be interesting. Due to certain things you were a bit of an enigma in the system. You were permanently living in Japan, but it was because of the nature of the visa you had that often made others confused. You could leave at any time.
So after letting Keigo leave and waiting a few days for that first call. You left everything electronic there and took your clothes and other things back home. To America.
Everything was different because of the passing of time but your house was fine. You were more than happy to know everything was kept the same.
“Lynn, you look happier than a groundhog in a hole. I thought you weren’t coming back home.” The man waiting for you smiles.
“Plans changed and I decided to come home,” you chuckle nervously. “All my things will be here in about a month.”
“That’s fine, I’m sure there’s some of your ma’s old stuff at the house.” He ruffles your hair and takes the suitcases from you. “What’s it like across the water?”
“It was fun, I’m amazed by how differently everyone handles their repatriations. But not that it means much—“ you covered your mouth trying to stop the natural reaction. Certain smells triggered the morning sickness, one in particular you didn’t expect was chicken.
Rushing to the nearest bathroom you emptied your stomach and cleaned yourself up. Your uncle stood there with a pointed look. This wasn’t an uncommon situation in your family, a girl gets pregnant and runs away to her family for one reason or another.
“What did he do to you?”
“Uncle Clark, I’m fine. He didn’t do anything but be the best man to me ever,” you didn’t have a quirk so often when you were dating the other party believed themselves to be better than you. “He didn’t want kids.”
The tall man sighs. “Let’s get you home. You need a midwife, I’m not trusting my little sister's baby girl to a hospital.”
It made sense, for some reason when the family visited a hospital to give birth it only resulted in the gradual dilapidation of that person like a withering flower. Your grandmother had survived through sheer spite, and you wished to do the same.
The house you had was close to the family land. Your family wasn’t too big considering a lot of the family considered the difficulty getting pregnant as a curse. Getting everything situated it wasn’t long before your belly grew. There were a few hospital things that were unavoidable. Especially considering the nature of pregnancy for a quirkles person.
“Lynn, you look ready to pop,” your cousin laughs.
“Keep poking fun at me Jon and I’m telling on you,” you hiss. “Apparently I’m having twins.”
“Woah two little feet running about in two years. I wonder what they’ll look like? Momma says I get to help you around the house until it’s time.”
“I know. Tell your Ma I appreciate her.”
“She already knows.” You hear the new voice.
“Hi Aunty.” You wave from your spot.
“Your uncle and Konner will be done with the additions to the house soon. They just wanna be sure there was enough light in the room,” she sighs. “Twins.”
You nod. Excitement had grown in the whole family when they found out that you were pregnant. It was usually a very exciting thing considering your moms side of the family.
“Have you talked to the man since you left?”
“No, I’m sure he won’t notice me gone.”
“I don’t know about that sweet pea. Jon, you wanna tell her?”
You look at your cousin confused.
“At school we sometimes do a review of heroes, we took a look at Japan. I told them you lived there for a while and I knew some information about the other heroes. But it seems that Hawks has been going through a rough patch.”
“Yeah, he usually eats chicken a lot. And you know how crazy his metabolism is but he said he gets sick. Then for a few days everyone was concerned because she kept falling asleep.”
You raise a brow. What was going on with him? Despite the estimation you went into early labor.
It took a while but both boys were born safely: Takahiro and Toukou. Your wrinkly raisin babies were in the world. Staying at your aunt’s house until the room was finished you felt exhausted.
The months brought changes though. It was at the first month you noticed red marks on their backs. It wasn’t a bother to them but you did ask the doctor when you went for the check up.
“You said their father has a wing quirk, it could be early quirk development. It is said to be rather painful, so possibly soothing their pain with a warm washcloth could be handy.”
This didn’t help you. But still you took them for their check ups and other things by month four the wing buds were beginning to poke out of the skin. The warm wash cloth was working to help. But it was almost a year that they had a small pair of wings poking from their backs. 
“I’m gonna have a ball with you two aren’t I?” You laugh.
You felt your heart strings pull. With every day they seem to look more and more like their dad with little bits of you mixed in. Takahiro was a little bigger than his twin, his small tuft of hair was the same strawberry red as yours but his eyes were the same gold as his fathers. Toukou had Keigo’s hair but your piercing green eyes. Both of them had the same deep brown skin as you thought.
It felt like if you blinked they were already flying around and talking. Maybe you could go back to Japan to see your little brother, so he could meet the twins. But what if Keigo was still looking for you? 
“Do you want to go back?” Your aunt asks.
“Yes, but I know there isn’t much there for me but my little brother.”
“Just go to Japan, there’s no way he can find you that easily.”
With that you packed your things again and the boys things. They were four and you’d already taught them Japanese, both could speak it better than English. Getting everything in order you were surprised by how easily the visa was accepted.
Japan felt like it didn’t change but it was different. Instead of living at the heart of Tokyo like before you chose a different city and more toward the spacious areas. The house you secured was rent to own and you were excited since the neighborhood seemed nice.
“Momma, are we gonna go to school here?” Toukou asks.
Both boys' wings weren’t red, which was good. They had a matching pair of blue gray wings.
“Yes baby, Takahiro, are you upset?” You ask to look at the other child.
“Are we gonna live with dad?”
You pause. “I dunno. I haven’t talked to your father, first you get to meet your uncle. Then I might see if you two can meet your dad.”
He frowns. “I don’t wanna meet him, if he didn’t have the right mind to keep you he’s not worth our time!” 
Toukou frowns. “If he makes momma sad I don’t wanna see him either.”
“Go plan out the backyard while I finish tidying up.” You pat them gently.
Sure they were okay, you started tearing into boxes. It was dark by the time the three of you sat in the living room eating the takeout you ordered.
Getting the message from your brother you smirk as he called. “Hey, I didn’t think you’d come back after disappearing like that.”
“Things happened?” You shrug. “You coming over right? The boys might be asleep by the time you get here.”
“I’m at your door. Open up.”
You hear the knock on your door and through the phone. Your little brother stood there with a smile. Giving  him a firm hug you practically drag him inside. The twins peek around to see who was there.
“Boys come meet your uncle Kai.” You state.
“Damn, I know you said you had kids but I didn’t know you had two little men!” He laughs. “It’s nice to finally meet you two.”
Toukou was the first one to speak. “Uncle, mom said you’re a hero. Is that true?”
“Yup. I work so you two can go to school.”
You punch him. “Don’t say things like that. I have a job.”
You did take a step back as they talked and eventually the boys fell asleep. With your brother’s help you got them to sleep and finished cleaning up after giving him some food.
Kai looks at his cup for a second as you dry your hands. “Are you gonna see him?”
This made you stop as if you were in a movie. “Um, I don’t know Kai.”
“He hasn’t stopped looking for you.” He eyes you as you grab a beer from the fridge.
“Well, it wasn’t like I was hiding. But I don’t wanna see him hurt.” Sipping the beer you sit on the counter.
He stands up. “Lynn, he didn’t hit you did he?”
You were midway putting the can back up to take a sip. Keigo never put his hands on you with the intention of harm. “No, Kai. He wasn’t anything like dad. Just let it go. I left because he didn’t want kids.”
He watches me for a second and sighs. “Did you even tell him you were pregnant?”
“Lynn! It’s been years,” he gasps before checking the time. “Shit I gotta go home.Stay safe okay?”
“Course. Keep us safe okay?”
It felt like everything was fine. Until one day when you were sitting on the back porch. It was big enough for you to lay on if you wanted to, but you sat at the edge with your feet dangling off the edge as you sipped the wine.
“Careful there lovebird.”
Your heart clenched as you spat the wine you were about to swallow. Panic filled your senses as you were considering booking it into the house but he was already facing you with his hand holding yours gently like he always did. Tears welled up in your eyes. You were the one who left but it hurt you too. There were other decisions, there were other options but you chose to leave.
“How’s the married life?” He asks with a hollow chuckle.
You roll your eyes. “I’m not married, Keigo.”
“Really? Could have fooled me. Is there anything that you wanna tell me?” He looks at you and you sigh.
“Some time when I’m sober.”
He frowns. “Lovebird.”
You frown as you capped the wine. “Fine. You wanna know? I bet it’s been eating at you for these years, I left because I was pregnant.”
“Who was it?” Your heart stung. He actually thought that you would cheat on him.
“Who else was I sleeping with, Keigo? They are your children.” Just as you consider saying more the door behind you opens.
“Mommy, I had a nightmare,” Takahiro’s whine made you jump up. Pulling him into a hug you let him lean against you.
“It’s okay baby, mommy is here.” You reassure him.
Keigo was bewildered. Indeed the boy in your arms bore a striking resemblance to himself. But he also kept an eye on the boy watching him from the door. His hair.
“Momma, who’s he?”
“Toukou, how about we have some tea? He’s…a guest.” You managed as you picked up the crying boy in your arms.
Your son looked at his father with suspicion and skepticism. What could be on his mind?
“You wanna come in?”
Keigo took his boots off and followed you inside. Takahiro maneuvers around you and clings to your back as you make tea. Sleepy milk tea for them, and green tea for yourself.
Keigo was awkward the entire time. Sitting on the ground while Toukou glares him down, the wariness of a child is evident. You weren’t surprised considering how guarded both of your sons always were.
Placing the tray of cups down you let Takahiro climb down as he grabbed his cup and Toukou grabbed his.
“What are your names?” Keigo asks.
Takahiro moves closer to your side. Toukou frowns.
“Be nice please. He’s not a bad person, you can tell him.”
“My name is Takahiro.”
You kiss their heads and sigh. “Look at you two, I’m so proud of you.”
“My name is H-“
You cut him off. Waiting for them to pause in their drinking.
“He’s your father.”
“What?!” Both of them look at you in shock.
“I’m actually your dad. Not even sure how that happened.”
You give him a pointed look. “You know exactly how it happened. But that's besides the point. You three have met.”
Everyone returned to their quiet tea sipping and you watched. The tension was thick and you weren’t sure if a knife would be strong enough to cut it. They finished their tea and it was still quiet.
Takahiro stands up with a frown. He grips your hand tightly. “Why didn’t you want us?” He despite being the bigger twin was the quiet one.
Keigo seemed confused at this question. “I didn’t even know you existed. How could I decide if I wanted you or not?”
Takahiro frowns, separating you and Keigo with his body. “I know that. But you told mommy that you didn’t want to have kids. Everyday she sat outside crying because she didn’t know if she did the right thing. Knowing that we wanted to see you she still didn’t because she-“
Toukou stands next to him and uses his wings as a shield. “She didn’t want us to be disappointed in case you didn’t want us. What if you left momma alone and never spoke to her because of us? Momma is the strongest person we know, sure uncle is cool because he’s a hero but momma is stronger than any hero we’ve met.”
“Toukou, Takahiro. You two should get some sleep. It’s late and I’m sure you don’t wanna miss the first day of school.” You remind them.
“Okay.” Takahiro drops his wings. “Don’t hurt our mom.”
Toukou drops his wings and looks at you. “Can we sleep with you?”
“Yes, go get ready for bed again. I’ll be up there in ten minutes. Let me ask your father to leave,” you pat their heads.
They disappear up the stairs. You look to the man that is the father of your children.
“Now that you’ve thoroughly destroyed your image for the boys can you please go back to what you were doing,” you state pointing to the back door.
“Keigo, it’s not the time. I’m tired, and I need to reevaluate how I’ve been handling my emotions,” you run a hand through your hair with a shaky breath.
Keigo looks at you before pulling you into a hug. “No. The last time I listened to you, you left without so much as a word. Lynn you made it seem like you’d stay and I’d talk to you next week. I called your phone everyday hoping that you’d pick up. God I asked your brother to tell me why you left but he refused.”
“Kai is smart.” You huff.
“Are you even listening to me? I’ve waited day after day for five years hoping that I could see you again. Now that you’re here within my grasp, I’m not letting go baby,” he looks into your eyes. The raw emotion filling his eyes was making you crumble, maybe you made the wrong decision. It seemed like the right thing to do. Keigo wasn’t a bad person and you did want to go through everything with him.
“On your next day off you can come to the house.” You manage. “I was the one who messed up, because I was scared. Also I know Takahiro and Toukou can’t stand my inability to keep up with them. Japan is more packed than the house we had before.”
“My next day off, I got it. You’re not disappearing on me again lovebird.”
It was odd. Aside from having to move and getting a much bigger place of residence. The walls were higher and you could let the boys fly freely. Keigo took to helping you with the boys almost immediately. Toukou was the quickest to warm up to him but Takahiro was still a little hesitant to get comfortable.
“Mom, can we get another sibling?”
You dropped the cup in your hand. “What?”
“Please we want a baby sister or brother.”
Keigo looks at you for a moment then to the boys. “We’ll have to think about it.”
Considering you had barely survived your wedding and faking that the registration happened sooner you were a bit stuck. Not that you really ever considered having children after the twins.
“But mom likes taking care of babies.”
“You’re my babies, I like taking care of you.” You remind them. “Go finish your homework.”
Later that night you and Keigo sat awkwardly in your room.
“So they want another sibling.” Keigo sighs.
“It’s fine this should pass. They asked for a new baby before I explained to them that I couldn’t yet.” You look at your husband with a hesitant frown. “Do you want a baby?”
“Well, it’s more what you want. You’re gonna be carrying them for nine months and then some.” He points out.
You wince. “You know, I’m glad the boys grew their wings later. I can’t imagine what it’d have been like if they were born with wings.”
“When did they grow in?”
“It took two years. It started when they were three months old.”
He looks at you. “I’m sorry.”
“For what? I’m the one who ran away.”
“No? I should have been clear with you. I was scared I’d be a horrible father so I didn’t want to have kids but now that I’ve been with the boys for this long I-“
“I know Keigo. I thought I’d be a pretty shit mom, but luckily I had things to keep me going.”
“I’m also upset that I missed the swollen tummy.”
“I don’t miss the cravings. You know I couldn’t eat chicken for months.”
“Hehe, neither could I.”
You look at him and sigh. “I guess let’s have another baby. But just know, you’re in charge of all my weird cravings.”
“I get to-“
“Don’t say it.”
“Only this one time.”
“I’m gonna breed my love bird.”
Mm. Yeah, you regret agreeing. Because if you thought the backwards tango with Keigo was tiring when you weren’t trying to get pregnant it was exhausting.
But it yielded quick results. Going to the doctors you found you were pregnant again. This time with triplets.
Luckily the house was big. Luckily you could do it together.
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2n2n · 1 year
Hey miss, there’s something I’ve been asking myself for a long time and I can’t find any answer… did Yako was rewarded for her own selfishness?
She wasn't, but that's a part of carrying a theme and letting it evolve over time; addressing it so early on for a reason, that being that we will come back to it repeatedly. I also think there's multiple ideas of what it means to be 'selfish'.
In many stories, the first instance of confronting something may be opposite to our eventual understanding of it. It's not a matter of inconsistency or contradiction, it's a matter of having to start somewhere, with any narrative. It'll show you many situations, and early on it will be more vague and broad, generally, to get just a kind of.... ecosystem going. Just observe a lot of situations. Observe where our mains are at. Staring Point!
[After all, at the beginning of this story, Hanako himself was pro-system, and the story framed Tsukasa as dangerous or villainous for opposing it; but by now, Hanako is also opposing the system, and we as readers are not fans of it either, and want to see it pulled apart. It's not that it's inconsistent in its belief vis-a-vis the system being good or bad or it being right or wrong to do this or that-- its that our understanding of the purpose of the system and what it does evolves over time, and we follow the perspective of ignorant Nene, who is also figuring out that something needs to change. Even though her and Hanako initially saw themselves as upholding the order. Everything complicates over time, and often, things we malign early on in a story will be deconstructed later-- was it right to lash out? Was it right to punish? Was destroying the yorishiro ever OK, now that we know all that we do? Would Nene have done things differently if she could start over? Would she handle Yako differently?]
When Nene confronts Yako about her selfishness, Nene is completely inexperienced in love. She's a humble, servile sort of girl, who will change her entire personality for the delusion of a relationship. She would toil to appease a boy, to gradually work her way into his good graces, if she had to. As a girl with few friends and little going on in her life... that is her idea of love. It's shallow. It's something she wants to have, as a romantic fantasy. She wants to get to be a person in love.
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Of course a girl like this would see actions like Yako's as selfish and self-serving. Embarrassingly so.
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Nene relates her crude high school crush experience to Yako's experience...
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... but do you think that's accurate? Misaki died. Yako is desperately mourning someone gone. She is a kaii, a mystery, a creature blackmailed into servitude in the school via her attachment to something precious (by nature, that's related to her love). She isn't a dumb teenager working up her courage to ask out a boy she doesn't know just so she can have a boyfriend. Nene has a life ahead of her. What does Yako have? What are kaii's lives typically like, now that we're 100ch in?
Nene's love was selfish in the sense that it was impersonal and strictly self-serving,
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but, Wanting something precious to you at all costs, even if it's not wanted by the other party, that's something Nene experiences firsthand, later. As much as Yako misses even being scolded by Misaki, Nene misses Hanako negging her and pestering her. Misses making him jealous. Because she's in love with him! She wants him back ... even though he's pushed her away willfully.
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sidebar: How about Tsukasa, as well? How should we analyze his action of escaping Hanako's boundary, where Hanako had placed him, and challenging his frozen position as a mystery? Is that something Hanako wanted, or is it Tsukasa's selfish desire to learn more about Hanako? Is it wrong or bad for Tsukasa to wish to learn everything about Amane? Is it wrong for Nene to pursue knowledge about Hanako's past, against his will to keep his secrets, because she loves him, wants to know him? Much to think about....
When Nene forcefully visits Hanako in the far shore, despite his insistence she leave, his insistence that he doesn't want her here, she defends her reason for doing this--
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That's not dissimilar to Yako's feeling. Nene simply wasn't in love, at the beginning of this manga. She didn't understand this demanding desperation. She understood her childish, shallow delusion of getting to have a boyfriend. She didn't really know what love can make you into.
Hanako of all people, would not reward behavior like Yako's-- he sees her as foolish, more than anything. Fighting back against something hopeless, pointless. She should know better, as a kaii, as a mystery... that's how Hanako feels.
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Because Hanako himself (was?) is vividly nihilistic about fate.
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Even the concept of 'bringing someone back' (even deformed, even twisted) like Yako wanted, is something Hanako finds foolish.
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ME reading Yako's story, I felt for her pain, and the way her love had turned selfish made sense. Wanting someone back, even if it were only for them to hate you, because any attention at all, it's something, and it's them. It's even a fragment of them, and that's precious. You would love anything you could have back, wouldn't you? Hmm...
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It's simply the early manga, and we can't tug at this too much just yet. Hanako absolutely won't. His entire deal is 'give up' at the start of this manga.
Yako is a good introduction to concepts we'll dive deeper into, later, with our protagonists.
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ratmonk · 2 years
the car scene with stewy from 3.02 is on some level even more heartbreaking to me than the confrontation with kendall from 2.01 bc this is the second "betrayal" and stewy is trying so hard to be reserved and it's NOT WORKING he is visibly paler his voice is strained he's being sarcastic throwing insults at kendall but they're all weak and falling flat. he sent over a fucking trojan horse for god's sake he's acting out he's completely devastated but ofc mister Ego Bender is too far gone to notice
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and the thing is stewy's enmeshed in a deal w sandy and sandi who (as later eps strongly imply) he doesn't always side with on a personal level. some part of him still desperately wants to believe in kendall but he can't bc kendall is full of shit and is having a manic episode before his eyes. watching his loser childhood best friend college drinking buddy who used to do coke w him in bathrooms and run his mouth abt waystar and egg him for stupid business advice inexplicably destroy everything they built tg and then just kind of kill his dad on national tv without a word of warning to him... stewy doesn't even recognize kendall anymore he really is on the outside now and he needs a line so bad. sensing a dramatic s4 kenstewy betrayal i fear
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Ways the Death Note Cast Show They Trust You
I lost some inspiration towards the middle there, I’m sorry!!
- he will always have Watari make extra servings of food just for you. It’s a bit startling at first. So suddenly there’s just food in front of you that you think is for L, but when you push it towards him, he pushes it right back to you.
“You don’t want it?” He’d ask, leaving you confused until you finally put the pieces together.
“Oh, I…I guess I didn’t realize it was for me. My bad.” You begin eating. “Thank you.”
L simply hums and continues with whatever he was just up to.
- You know that thing cats do where they’re sitting perfectly still, eyes closed, guard slightly down, but still not quite asleep? I can picture L doing something like this during any moment of downtime he gets. Just sitting, scrunched up in his chair or wherever he happens to be, eyes closed but the cogs in his brain are still turning. You notice him doing this when it is only you and him in the room, simply thinking it’s because of the moment of rare solitude. Little do you know, it’s because he trusts that you won’t hurt him or let anything bad happen to him.
- L is a person who prefers to be in charge of his own life. He likes knowing what’s going on around him at all times and when things are out of his hands he can’t help but feel uncomfortable. However, with a person he’s developed a close relationship with and knows he can trust with everything he has, L will feel more comfortable leaving decisions up to them. You’ll have to start small though, like being the one to plan a surprise date. He might feel a bit uncomfy at the beginning, shifting around and possibly even insisting he sit so that he can see the exits clearly, but he eases into it eventually. Soon you both find yourselves joking around in the odd way that you do and gorging on cake and ice cream.
- being vulnerable is something Mello isn’t too keen on. He already feels vulnerable most of the time and would kick himself if he let that show through his actions. If Mello truly trusts you, he will feel as though he can be vulnerable around you without any judgement on your end. Small acts that show vulnerability such as asking you to help him with something he can’t quite handle on his own — even if it’s something as simple as not being able to reach something off a shelf or being unsure about how to fix something. Eventually, he’ll work his way up to the bigger stuff like being physically wounded in front of you or having a mental block.
- Sharing his clothes with you or letting you pick his outfit for him. Now, it sounds like he’s just being a little diva and that’s only partially true. But his clothes are important to him, they’re a factor that sets him aside from his plain-dressing rival and in his eyes they make him more interesting than him, visually at least. He’s happy to dress you up, and it is true that he has to have a close relationship with you to want to do so, but you should be especially proud if he lets you alter his appearance in any way.
- He likes to believe that he’s had his goals set out from the beginning. Surpass Near, become the next L, and go on from there. What he pushes to the back of his brain are the moments he’s been studying and he’s asked himself ‘What if I went down a different path?’. He quickly pushes these thoughts away, but they keep coming back. What would life be like if this wasn’t an option for him? What if he were a writer? What if he lived in the city with people he loves and went to the movies every Friday? Unwillingly, he has a whole list of possibilities. If he truly trusts you, he’ll share every single one with you. Whether it’s dropping hints or confessing them one by one late at night, he can’t help but feel that they’re safe with you.
- it seems a bit surface level, but it’s true — Misa will talk down on Light in front of you if she trusts you. But it’s not straight away. She had developed a lot of courage to actually break up with him, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still doubt her decision to do so. It’s only when she finds out from you how loved ones are supposed to treat each other — with kindness and respect — that she feels her decision to ditch Light was the entirely right one. Slowly, she’ll start to admit to you all the things she hated about Light, starting with some of his mannerisms and building up to something like how he forced her to leave the entertainment business.
- Misa is…dramatic. She likes to go above and beyond for someone she’s infatuated with and make sure they’re the happiest they can be. If she trusts you enough to develop this kind of infatuation and, with some development, less of an obsession and more of a strong, bonding love, you will be doted on to the point where it’s almost ridiculous. You could be at home during one of her work days and you’ll get a delivery of lunch from your favorite takeout place because Misa was ‘thinking of you <3’, as she explains when you text her asking why food randomly showed up at your place. It’s rather sweet.
- Misa’s a pretty talkative person in general, that’s a well known fact. She’ll talk about clothes, a cute birdie she saw on her way home, really anything that comes to mind. But, she’ll do that with about anyone who’ll listen. It’s gradual, so it’s hard to notice, but if Misa grows to trust you she’ll start talking about some of the more serious things that have been on her mind for a while, those things that she thought would scare off anyone she liked because of how personal they are to her. Her family before they died, for example. It’s something that Misa thinks about. So much. But she doesn’t really talk about it. She wants to forget, put the past behind her but because she’s never talked about it with anyone it’s hard to do that. She’ll talk about her family to you, the little things her sister used to do and some things her parents did that she misses.
- Matsuda often begins to idolize those who he thinks are trustworthy and have a good heart. He starts to tell you how much he loves when you do x and that he wishes he could perform as well as you in that area. In a sense, he trusts you with his vulnerability, letting you know that he thinks of himself as less than satisfactory and how he wishes he could do better, only he channels it by pointing out good things about you. If…that makes sense.
- This sounds dire, but he’ll risk his life for the people he completely, without a doubt trusts. He was willing to do so with Chief Yagami, someone he saw as a father figure, and he would certainly be willing to do so with you, someone who he feels he has a deep emotional connection to. Whether you’re in a situation where he would need to or he’s just saying that he would, he means it.
- Matsuda trusts you to not make fun of him when he overshares or talks too much or anything his coworkers brush him off for. He feels that he can talk about things he finds funny and talk about his life without worrying about what you think of him when he does.
- he would drop everything to help you. Whether that’s dropping his game to help you kill a bug or leaving his duties behind to help you out of a life or death situation. Whichever scenario you happen to find yourself in he’s there no matter what.
- He’ll invite you into his personal life. I know this is kind of a given but Matt had the chance to become the next L. He had the chance to become something “great” and he said “ummm rather not” to it because it wasn’t something he wanted. If he shares this information with you, he trusts you not to leave him for something better when you discover the status he could have had and refused. He trusts you to appreciate him because of him and not the intelligence everyone but him cherishes.
- He leaves you alone around important technology and software he’s hacked. Unfortunately for him, betrayal comes with the business he’s got himself into and, if Matt really trusts you on both a professional and emotional level, he won’t have a problem worrying about whether or not you’ll take advantage of his coffee break to gather information for some other organization or something. He will literally just go “mkay babe I gotta go fuel up on caffeine real quick, you’re good watching the hacked government database right? Cool cya.”
- Near trusts you to take him to public places. Sounds simple, yeah. But Near has never liked crowds, or even just too many strangers in a wide open place. It’s strange to everyone observing how one day he decides he needs a new toy, his old one having broken due to old age, and asks you to take him to the toy store. He’s questioned, people wondering why he wouldn’t rather you just go alone but Near insists. Apparently the toy that broke is special addition and he wants to make sure you get the right one. He stays close to you the whole way, not really saying much, but he’s there and that’s a big step for him.
- He helps you out with puzzles. Basically cheats for you. When he’s eyeing one specific empty slot, coughing lightly to get your attention, just know that he’s not helping you because he thinks you need it. Quite the opposite actually. With anyone else, he believes that they should be able to solve it on their own. He thinks that if they can’t, then that’s their fault. But with you…it’s as if he trusts that you’re intelligent enough without the puzzle being an indicator of that intelligence, so much so that he thinks the puzzle itself is obsolete when it comes to you. He doesn’t need a puzzle to know how smart you are.
- He’ll eat the foods you make him. Near’s picky eater-ness is above that of a child who only eats chicken tenders and pizza. He doesn’t eat that many people’s food because he knows it’s probably not he way he likes it. But with you, he trusts that you respect his eating habits and know him well enough to get it right the first time. Though he does check the food out for a bit, he’ll eat it. Sometimes all of it. Fuckin astonishing to Rester who had attempted many times to heat up microwave dinners for the guy.
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iveil · 2 years
Yandere Series: Heeseung
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{ EP 5: Fate }
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"Purple?" Heeseung exclaimed. Students passing by, murmurs can be heard, warm breeze passed through him but time seems to freeze as he stares at the short haired girl in front of him.
Confused as to why he was so surprised at seeing her. "Hm?" Chaewon raising her eyebrows,
"You're a student here?" Looking over at Sakura, "And Sakura's best friend?" Smiling widely, he chuckled finally meeting the girl he had fallen in love behind the screen all this time. Hearing his words, Sakura looks over at the said girl.
"You guys knew each other? Wow, you didn't tell me huh?" pouting at her bestfriend, in which she shakes her head completely confused.
"What is this, a surprise?" Him walking closer and instantly hugging Chaewon, making her shocked at the sudden intimate contact, pushing him away.
"Woah, chill. I'm sorry but what's wrong with you?" The atmosphere growing awkward, looking over at Sakura beside her who was a bit surprised.
"What's wrong with me?" Heeseung chuckling, "There now, stop with your silly antics." still smiling at Chaewon who was now cringing and telepathically eyeing Sakura "is this guy a creep"
"You're a creep." She blurted out,
"Sounds just like you, so your name is Chaewon, huh? Now where's my prize?" replied by Heeseung.
"Oh my god, Sakura. This guy is really a creep." now hiding behind Sakura who was still confused about the situation.
"Wh-what the hell is happening here?" Sakura raising her hands up, "What p-prize? I thought you guys knew each other, wtf"
"Yea we know each other."
"No! I don't know him!" They both blurted out, now giving Sakura headache. "Wtf."
In the cafeteria, three of them sitting at one table. The atmosphere were really awkward that Sakura had to speak up first.
"So, that's weird. She said she doesn't know you, but you knew her?" asking Heeseung who had a smirk plastered on his face
"Ofc, I know her very well." ..
"Creep." Chaewon said in a low voice.
"Stop now, I know you're a prankster but get over with it." Heeseung chuckling.
"Hello, it's my first time seeing you so please have some manners."
"God, can you just get over it?" Heeseung rolled his eyes, "It's getting annoying, Chaewon-ssi." emphasizing her name.
"You're the annoying one here. freak" their voice gradually grew louder as moments passed, making Sakura head's go dizzy.
"W-woah, chill.." amidst the chaos, Sakura tries to calm them down both..
"F-freak?" Heeseung scoffed, "You're the freak one for pulling off this shit, stop it now."
"Just where in the fucking dimension of mother earth did you know me!?"
"Seriously!?" Heeseung pulled out his phone from his pocket, swiping up his lock screen and clicking the app. Revealing the chat and pictures of Chaewon, showing it to the two girls. Both pair of eyes widening.
"W-what.. the fuck?!" Snatching the phone, she panics at the multiple pics of her that she never sent herself. "What the hell is this!"
"How did you got my pics??" dozens of questions arise one after another, making the situation far more confusing than ever.
"You send those pics to me, idiot." suddenly, silence ensues.
"Aaah- you must be the hacker then!? A freaking hacker, my phone's acting up because of you!" standing up, getting ready to smash her bag to the boy's face if not for Sakura stopping her.
"H-hacker?? Wtf?" shielding himself, "What's wrong with you!?" by this point, the commotion between them both had took the entire cafeteria's attention, murmuring and gossiping flying around. Sakura face palms herself as she tried to stop them both.
"St-stop! This guy over here is so far from what you call a hacker, more like a fuckbo-" Sakura welps.
"How did you got my pics then!?" Chaewon asked.
"Dumbass, read the chat! You send those pics to me." Heeseung spat out. By now, Chaewon reads the content of the chat. By the way of the texting, she felt something was odd.
"You got yourself fooled, dumbass!" Chaewon scoffed.
Raising his eyebrows, "W-what?" showing the phone's content to his face,
"You've been fooled. This is not me." emphasizing the last sentence. Taking the phone to read the chat, Sakura was astounded as well. "Wow." was the only thing she could say.
"I guess, a random person had been fooling you, Hee." Sakura said.
Shaking his head, he refused to believe it. Tears were threatening to fell from his eyes and hundreds of thoughts passing his mind. The girl he had fell in love with, the face of that girl standing in front of him now, that very face he had grown to adore all this time. All those silly texts, secrets shared, happy and fun moments, all of that was fake?
"Y-you got to be kidding me r-right?" stuttering, his eyebrows frowning as he tried to make sense of it. He got fooled? "Tell me you're just kidding like you always did.." Chaewon stepping back as he tries to reach his hand out for her, "Purple..?"
"I'll say it once and I'll say it again, I don't know who you are, some idiots had fooled you or probably hacked my phone or what but I've never use a dating app so now quit it." She stood up, leaving the two. Sakura immediately standing up chasing and calling for her, "Chaewon!"
Leaving Heeseung alone, as the cafereria soon dispersed doing their own stuff. But rumors will soon fly around about the commotion they had just now.
"(Name)!" you turned your head over the voice, realising it was your grandma calling for you. You look over at the injured butterfly on your hand, so you took it planning to care for it. As you went to your grandma's house, you see her with that usual irritated face.
"Yes, grandma?" She turned to you, clearly annoyed at something, she bend over the table holding your bag making your jaw dropped a lil bit. Shit, you should have hid your laptop, you thought, completely forgetting the fact that your grandma had reminded you not to bring any electronics to her house.
"Freaking (Name)!" She thought angrily. The moment she saw that pictures, she knew it was you. Yet, she obviously won't tell it was you to the boy she had met just now.
"Chaewon-ah!" Sakura calling for her, turning her back at the girl. Taking a moment to take a deep breathe after chasing her for awhile now.
"Wtf, why are you walking so fast-"
"Sorryyy." Chaewon patting the girl's back.
"I'm sorry for Heeseung just now, that guy is a bit crazy in the head."
"It's okay, guess someone had fooled us both. So it's fine." Chaewon mumbled, not wanting to blow your cover.
"Hmm.." Sakura hummed, "But.." Chaewon raised her eyebrows at the last word.
"--it's a bit suspicious tho, if you think about it, how can someone get your private pictures?" Sakura asked, confused. "Also, it looks like someone took pictures of you in your house-"
"Hackers, remember? Plus my phone is acting up recently, must be one of the reasons." Sighing as she facepalm herself, screw you (name), she thought.
Sakura's mouth forming an 'o', "Becareful next time okay? God, try to make a better password next time! Or just get rid of your old phone, duh."
"Obviously not!" Chaewon exclaimed, earning a giggle from Sakura. "I knew you would say that, come here I miss you so much."
Heeseung left alone at the table now clenching the phone in his hand tightly as he felt betrayed and fooled. Fucking Jake, he thought.
"Hey man! Wassup!" Speaking of the devil, he appeared with a sandwich on his hand, munching on it happily, walking to Heeseung and sensing the air was a bit different than usual. "Why are you sitting alone, where's the guys?" turning his head around searching for any of the boys, bringing his attention back to the older boy once again, who were awfully silent for awhile now.
"What's wrong?"
"What do you think?" finally speaking up, Heeseung glared at the boy in front of him, who was a bit intimidated by his cold glare.
"W-why- what did I do again?"
Holding his phone showing it to the boy, "That fucking app you told me to try--" standing up as he shoved the phone to the younger boy's hands, "Has a fucking idiot who fooled around with me for months."
"Wh-whut??" jaw dropping with bits of sandwich in his mouth, as he used his right hand swiping the content of the chat.
"E-eh?? Isn't this C-chaewon!?"
"You knew her?" growing curious as to why Jake never brought up the topic about her to him. "Ofc! I was in an online class with her for a few months ago, remember?"
"Then why you never told me bout it??"
"I did! But you are not interested about it, bro." A bit confused about the situation, he asked again. "But I can't believe Chaewon is that kind of person, it's more like (Name)--"
"It's not her, it's some dumbass pretending to be her." Heeseung said, "Fucking hackers." earning another shock expression from the younger boy.
"What!? Woah, people these days-- how can that even happen--" noticing Heeseung who was in a sour mood than ever, he shut his mouth.
"I- I didn't know this could happen..-"  Jake grew guilty seeing the older boy with his hands on his face now, sighing deeply. "I'm sorry. Heeseung."
"Forget about it, god." Heeseung groaning, hanging his head up staring at the ceiling. The other boy looks down as guilt filled inside of him, his ears soon caught the gossips in the cafeteria. Shooting his head up, he looks around seeing the students looking over at them.
"I know we're hot but why are they looking at us like that?" Jake asked in a low voice, not sure if he wanted Heeseung to hear him.
"Got in a fight with that girl Chaewon cuz of that shitty app." Heeseung rolled his eyes, again Jake was shocked covering his mouth with his hand.
"Man, I'm really sorry. I really didn't expect this thing could happen.." Jake pouted, "I guess Chaewon's mad too, huh?"
"What do you think, huh?" Heeseung said.
The bell rings, signifying the morning class had ended. Somewhere outside the college, on the table outdoors; Sakura, Chaewon and the rest of the girls were chit chatting.
"It's been a long time, Chae~ I miss you so much!" Yunjin pulling Chaewon in a hug, sweetly caressing her hands along with the other two girls.
"I miss you guys too, how have you all been by the way?"
"It's fineee~ just a bit noiser than it was before in high school and it sucks!" Yunjin spoke, her head on Chaewon's shoulder, pouting as she missed the girl alot.
"Yunjin's complaining but she obviously loved the attention considering how she keep making tiktok vids in front of the college haha!" Eunchae giggling, earning a soft punch from the older girl. "Shut up!" Making Chaewon laugh at their silly behaviours.
"College was alright, but it's just empty without you." Kazuha spoke smiling sweetly, reaching her hands out holding Chaewon's.
"Your grandma is so cruel, eh." Yunjin pouted. "She stole you from us for a year, pfft-"
"But atleast, she got closer with (Name), right?" Kazuha said.
"Yea, you two weren't really the closest ones as far as I remember.." Yunjin perks up.
"Speaking about (Name), how's she doing by the way? That little troublemaker." Sakura asked, your name taking your older sister's attention.
"Is she still kleptomaniac?" Yunjin asked again, earning a hiss from Sakura as to how she can asked such a sensitive question like that.
"Nah, its okay." Chaewon smiled, "She's doing alright, and yes we really had grown closer after spending time together in our grandma's house for the vacation--" taking a deep breathe as she reminisce what you did before back when you were still in middle school and she in high school.
"You've forgiven her?"
"Yea, I did. I realize I was a bit too harsh on her as a child, her condition just irks me a lot before, but I guess its okay now." your sister sad, flashbacks passing through her eyes as she remembers your little figure.
"I told you to never touch what belongs to me, right?!" she yelled at you as you struggle to keep those tears in your eyes from falling down your cheeks, not wanting to show that you are weak.
"I didn't do it! I might be a kleptomaniac shit or whatever but I never touch what was yours!" you screamed back at her.
Your face, that innocent child-like face that time really made your older sister's heart ache now, feeling a bit of regret. As she drowns in the thought of you, time seems to freeze.  A tall figure walking closer to them, clearing his throat trying to get the girls' attention.
"Oh, Heeseung-ah." that name taking your sister's back to reality, turning her head behind seeing the boy's eyes on her.
"Let's talk a bit." his heart skips a bit seeing Chaewon, the girl in the picture that he had fell in love. What a joke, he thought.
"Is there anything you?--"
"I just want to apologize but.." his eyes darted over the girls, quickly catching up the hint, she stood up telling the girls she'll be back soon.
"How?--" the girls was confused, as to how Heeseung and Chaewon knew each other.
"Some misunderstanding, girls. Just ignore it." Sakura said. In which the girls just nodded their head, still a bit intrigued by the sight in front of them a few mins ago.
Walking to a place where there were less people around, Heeseung turns around, facing the girl, in which Chaewon did as well. He turned around, and his heart skipped a bit seeing the girl in front of him, after all, this was still the face he had been grown to love these past few months.
Stuttering as he spoke, "Y-you see." Chaewon finally looking up.
"I'm sorry for acting up like that, I didn't knew."
"It's okay, I want to apologized too for my behaviour just now." Chaewon gave a small smile, reassuring him. Her smile making Heeseung's heart flutter a bit.
"it's fine, its actually understandable." Heeseung lowly chuckled, making the girl chuckle as well. For a moment, it became silent as awkwardness fills the air.
"Let's start all over again, shall we?" Heeseung smiled.
Fiddling with her bag's strap, her eyes lights up "Sure, Heeseung, isn't?" She asked.
His smile grew wider, "Yea, you're.. Chaewon right?"
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You went to your room, mumbling a few curses and kicking your bag slightly not wanting to make your grandma angry even more downstairs. Plopping on your bed, sighing profusely, staring at the ceiling while the warm breeze past over you. Trying to stay calm..
"It's vacation time, and there will be no electronics as long as you're in my house."
Sitting up angrily, cursing mentally. Your grandma took your laptop, begging her to just let you use it for nighttime in which she obviously ignored it. Turning your head at your parents hoping for them to help you, but even they couldn't do anything about it since well, grandma's house, grandma's rules.
"Fuck." you mumbled.
"Atleast, I still got my phone." Scoffing, you stood up taking your bag and searching for your phone inside it, only for it to have anything other than your phone. Panicking, you turn your bag dropping all the contents inside it. Eyes widening and jaw dropping, your fingers pushed each stuff aside.
"It can't be!?" Groaning, realising you forgot your phone in your room. Why are you so unlucky? Laughing sarcastically, what a good day, you thought. Now Heeseung's gonna get annoyed by your disappearance, rolling your eyes.
But it wouldn't be that bad isn't? Sitting up once again, a bit of disappearance would do right? Just a bit to stir up his emotions for you, right?, lips curving up as your devilish smirk appears again.
You went downstairs as dinner was about to start, stealing a piece of nugget from the plate which caught your grandpa's attention, scrunching your nose as your grandpa was more lenient than his wife, you thought. Hopping happily to the couch, you look outside and saw your mom on her phone wondering who was it. Shrugging it off, you turned your attention to the TV alternating the channels with the remote on your hand.
"Who was that, mom?" You asked your mom who went back in.
"Your sister, college was fine she said--"
"What!? She didn't ask for me?" You pouted, your sudden yell shook your mom.
"Gosh, (name). Tone it down, can you?" your lips still pouting, you scoffed. "She asked how you're doing, but she just can't talk for a bit more since she's busy now."
Your mood lightens up a bit, but your mouth still in a pouting manner. "Still.."
"Just what were you trying to do again, (name)?" Sighing, lowering the home's telephone back on the table. Walking upstairs, she left your phone on the bed, taking a few fits from her closet but then she thought of something. Dropping her fit on the edge of the bed, she took your phone again looking for something.
There's was no dating app. Sighing deeply, she knew how smart you are, reckless and stubborn like you always do, so this was really expected in the first place.
Pressing the gallery app, she scoffed, the pictures you took of her were the same as in Heeseung's phone. "I can't believe this."
Tapping, swiping and checking every little thing she could ever think off. She thought of the very last thing you could have try to hid something. Secret folders. There she saw a list of albums in secret folders, and one of it was named.
Tapping on it,  "So it was really you.." sighing, "Just what were you planning to do again?" Reading the screenshot of your chats, swiping down, in which it slides to Heeseung's pic. Her eyes stares at the pic for a bit, before exiting the app and throwing the phone back on the bed once again.
"You never change, (name)." letting out a heavy sigh.
Throwing his backpack on the couch, taking his phone out from his pocket once again. Staring at the phone for awhile, all those things you said, everything came back all over again to him and so he furiously tap the dating app. Glaring at the entire chat, scoffing as he can't believe he was being fooled this entire time, for months. The door creaks open, revealing Jake walking closer to him, wearing a guilty expression on his puppy-like face.
"Sorry again, Heeseung. I didn't know this kind of stuff could happen-"
"Just leave me alone for a moment, please." Heeseung said.
The rest of the boys came in seeing Heeseung in a terrible mood, and Jake walking over to them.
"Wassup with Heeseung?" Jungwon asked with a concern expression.
"Horrible." Jake answered, "Try not to bother Heeseung for a moment."
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"Chaewon-ah!" the excited voice of Yunjin along with Eunchae, running over to her with bag of snacks in her hand.
"Hey, why so many snacks?" Chaewon chuckled seeing the bright expressions of the girls in front of her,
"It's for the party this weekend!"
"Yea! Come to the party this week, Chae." Yunjin making a cute face, engulfing her in a side hug. "Hm.." taking a bit of thought, "C'mon, it's been a long time since we partied together.." Eunchae spoke up, clearly pouting as well.
"Yea, plus your hottie is over there too~" Yunjin coeed.
"W-what? Hottie? My hottie?" her eyes widening at the words. "Hm! Your hottie, Lee Heeseung."
"Wah, can't believe you didn't tell us that he's your boyfriend. As always, our Chae's effects."
Yunjin cooed alongside with Eunchae, the older girl looking surprised. "E-eh? What?"
"You guys must be mistaken tho, we're not-"
"Didn't you guys got in a fight yesterday? in the cafeteria?" Eunchae nodded.
"Couple's fight~" Yunjin spoke in a teasing manner.
"At least he apologized to you yesterday! What a good manners for a fuckboy still." Eunchae grin.
"I'll slice his head off if he ever tried to mess around with you!" Yunjin squinting his eyes mimicking a sword, earning a laugh from the older girl.
"We're not c-couple tho--, there was just some misunderstanding yesterday." Chaewon stuttered, the two girls looking really surprised by what she said.
"What?" Yunjin's jaw dropping, "But was it that really serious that you get on each other's throats in the cafeteria?" .... "I thought he cheated on you for a moment--"
"Just a simple misunderstanding, but its okay now right?" Chaewon smiled.
"Hm, okay. But yea screw that fuckboy, still on for party this weekends!?" Yunjin squealing again, tugging her arms trying to persuade her to come to the party.
Taking a deep sigh, "Alright, alright." the two girls got excited after hearing that, "But i'll just wear a simple dress, i'm not in the mood to wear a slutty one." said Chaewon, tilting her head.
"Okay~ okay~ as long as you're there~"
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The blaring noise of the speakers, faint smell of alcohol in the air, red and blue lights shine over the room as Chaewon were taking a sip through her red cup on the upstairs, looking over at the plenty of people doing random acts. The rest of the girls had gone to do their own stuffs, leaving her alone. Feeling bored, she took your phone out and thought for a moment of what would she do with you once you came back from the vacation.
"Hey." Chaewon turn her head over to the voice, the sight revealing Heeseung. His outfit wasn't over the top; a pair of long black shorts along with a black-white stripe patterned long sleeve shirt, his bangs fell over his eyes, his smile looking really sweet as if it could make you go drunk. If it wasn't because of the red lights of the house, the faint blush on Chaewon's cheeks would be really obvious.
"Where's the others?" Heeseung asked.
"Others?" why did she feel a bit disappointed? Mentally slapping herself as she replied, "Busy with other stuffs, dunno where they are tho." Heeseung humming with it.
"If you want, I can call Sakura-"
"I'm not looking for Sakura." Heeseung blurted out without much thought, taken aback by his words. She nodded.
"Sorry again for that day." Chaewon turns her attention to the older boy, who has his head low.
"It's okay, it must've been hard for you too." Heeseung looks up to her, their eyes meeting for a sec.
"I've read some of the chats, you seem really sincere-." Chaewon said, as Heeseung nodded, still keeping his mouth shut. Mentally slapping himself as he couldn't find words to say, the girl were making him feel weird emotions. The fact that he had spoken with you with that face, which he had grew familiar with yet the girl in front of him was different and felt like a stranger.
It was silent for a min, as they both struggled to find words.
"I understand how you feel, but its okay," she spoke up again, taking the boy's attention. "Cuz I've went through the same thing too, at least."
"What do you mean?" Heeseung asked, growing curious.
"I got a crush before.. I like him a lot," nodding with her words, "We were so happy together, but that someone just had to ruin it."
"Yeah, so he end up leaving. And he never came back. I cried a lot to be honest, but as time passed, the pain will soon go away. And it goes for you too.." She looks at him, "Maybe you'll gain something by losing something."
Smiling at her words, he nodded, fixing his posture as he turns over her.
"Thanks, that made me feel better." The boy looks at her with a sweet smile, "You see, it must have been fate."
"Yea, fate. That shitty app made us meet in an unusual way. Maybe like you said, i'll gain something by losing something."
"It would be nice really getting to know you, Chaewon." Extending his hand out, getting the hint, she shake his hand. "It would be nice too, Heeseung." Shaking their hands as they giggled.
"Heeseung-ah, it's game time!" Jay calling out for him downstairs.
"Alright, I'm coming!" He answered back, his attention turning back to the girl in front of him.
"Wanna join?" With a sweet smile adorning his face along with red lights flickering upon him, extending his hand out for Chaewon again but this time with a different reason.
"Sure!" She answered back with a smile, taking his hand as he guided her down the stairs.
The rest of the party were spent playing games and doing silly things as the two join in with the fun enjoying the party than usual. Laughter filled the room as they won the game, high-fiving each other.
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"Why do you have to leave so early?" Sakura pouted at her, "Have some better things to do tomorrow, Sakura."
"Okayy then, want me to to take you there? It's really dangerous out there."
"Nah, its okay. My house isn't so far from here, so it's fine."
"You sure?"
"Yea! Don't worry, I can protect myself, you know~"
"Wait, I can help send you back to your home if it's alright for you?" Heeseung spoked up, in which Chaewon smiled, thinking for a min.
"No, it's okay. I don't want to trouble you, really."
"But it's not really a trouble for me." Heeseung said, looking a bit disappointed.
"It's okay Heeseung." making up her mind, the boy nodded slowly not wanting to force her. "But it was fun." Chaewon smiled at him.
The boy beams up, "Same."
Chaewon gets in to the cab, leaving the houseparty. The rest of them went back into the house, but not the older boy as he stares into the direction Chaewon leaves.
"I'll get off here." Chaewon gets off the car, after spotting a small shop outside selling vintage accessories. Taking a look at it, her eyes landed on a piece of accessory, a butterfly necklace. This would look good on (Name), she thought. Smiling, she payed for it not aware of the pair of the eyes watching over here.
The house was already close, so she intended to just walk. As she walks, a pair of shoes were following behind her. And for a moment, it made her feel uneasy, turning around to look back but there was no one. Continuing to walk again as the figure appears, now sprinting towards her. Sensing the sudden danger, she turned around but it was too late as the hands covered her mouth. The box on her hands fell on the ground, revealing the butterfly necklace.
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Almost 2 weeks had passed, you spent your entire time in the vacation having fun, or maybe not. You absolutely have no chance of ever getting your laptop or any electronic devices, strict grandma as you thought. The whole family knew how sly you are, you scoffed. So you just instead took care of the butterfly you took in the other day, but to your disappointment, it died. Sighing deeply, you tried to ask your mom about your sister, but she said your sister wasn't able to call since she was busy with her studies. You pouted, how can she forget about you? Well, it's okay, you thought, your gonna take it back on her once you go home.
Two days more, and the vacation is going to end. As you were walking past the small shops, you encountered an old woman selling pretty accessories on a box. And you thought why not buy something for your sister? Walking to the old lady, you glanced at each accessories and touching them, finding the perfect piece for your sister until your eyes landed on a necklace with a music note pendant on it. You smiled, your sister was fond with music and she was the best with piano. So you thought it would be beautiful on your sister. After all, her birthday is 2 weeks later. Buying it, you smiled. You were excited for your sister's birthday.
"We're home!" hopping out from the car, you look for your sister inside the house. But there were no signs of her making you pout in disappointment.
"Your sister just finished her class, she's going to come back soon." Screaming happily, excited for her to come back, you went to your room looking for your phone. Under the bed, on the table, in the bathroom, you tried to look for it everywhere you could. Just as you sigh, your heard your sister taking to your parents downstairs.
Excited, you went down, "Unnie!" You engulfed her in a hug, in which she returned but when you saw her expression, it was a bit different, the way she look at you. Your parents excused themselves for preparing the dinner, telling you two to rest first.
"Unnie!" You asked excitedly again, "How was college?" Silence, as you followed her through her room. You watched her as she put her bag on her bed, fixing her hair, and then turning around to you. "Is there anything wrong?"
"Yes, this right here." Holding your phone, your eyes widen in fraction, trying to think of how she could have possibly got your phone. Opening your mouth, you tried to say something but was cut off by your sister.
"Just what the hell were you thinking when you put my pictures for freaking dating app?" Your sister asked in an oddly calm voice, not wanting to let your parents heard downstairs. Oxygen drains from your face, growing pale, fiddling the hem of your shirts, trying to think of something. Think. Think. Think.
"What, cat got your tongue?" Your sister turns her head, "I thought you were smart?" Walking closer to you, you stood still.
"I-.. just wanna have some fun." you hiccuped.
"Fun? Your having fun by messing around with a boy from my college?" Your sister whisper yelled, what she said widen your eyes in fraction as you take it in.
"Lee Heeseung, the one you're messing with for 4 months, is a student from my college." She spat out.
"I-i didn't know!" defending yourself, "I'm serious! I just want to mess around with random people in the internet, and it was just for a moment, that's all! I didn't know about it."
"By using my pictures? You're still doing that shitty thing, huh?" Your eyes tearing up at her last word.
"I'm never doing that again, I promise! It was just for a short time." your mistakes in the past coming all over again to your face, guilt filled your heart, it was too unbearable for you to even think about it.
"I'm sorry." your head hangs low, covering your face with your hands. It was silent for a moment, but it felt like eternity for you as you cried. Then you felt your sister engulfed you in a hug. Surprised, you didn't wanna say anything so you hugged her back.
"There, there." She caressed your hair.
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Few days had passed, your sister promised you she won't blow up your cover, and that she had forgiven you but made you promise not to do it again. And you did, and you were grateful for it. However, you felt it was odd that your sister had forgiven you that quick. Shaking your head, you've never expected that Heeseung was in the same college as her, but what can you do now? Your sister said she and Heeseung are good friends now, and so you asked her if you could come out and apologized to him. But she said, there's no use. She doesn't want you to have a bad name in front of her friends once again, so you nodded in silence because you also didn't want to put her in the same situation in her new college like you did before.
But it was still a bit odd, unable to shrug it off, your mind flashing back to that moment when your sister hugged you. She didn't seem that angry, now that you think about it.
Staring at your phone in your hand, which your sister had given back to you. The dating app with Heeseung's chat on your phone's screen which you had installed back, because you just wanted to check it again. Twirling your phone between your fingers as you never expected that Heeseung was the popular boy in your sister's college. You should've plan this much further, you thought you were reckless and that you were rushing for ignoring the fact Heeseung told you before. The old texts in front of you showing:
Hee_01: ah, let's say im a bit popular in my college.
You facepalm yourself for forgetting to ask him for his college's name, you frown. You had wanted to play just a bit more with him, just a bit more. Closing your eyes, the boy's face flashed through your mind. Groaning, you sat back up again, just get over that feelings, you thought. Then a car pulling up outside caught your attention. Standing up, you look over the window seeing a black car. You've never seen this car before, who was it?
"Coming!" you saw your sister coming out, looking cheerful than usual and waving to someone inside the car. Curiosity getting the best of you, as your sister opens the car door but not wide enough for you to see the person in it. Tilting your head as the car soon left, you wondered who was that.
Ever since you came back from the vacation, you noticed your sister were a bit different than usual. You who were reading a book while your sister on her phone, smiling and blushing. Since when was she on her phone this much, you thought, and even more so blushing? Your curiosity getting the best of you.
Soon, your mom called your sister for something in which she stood up leaving her phone on the couch. You lowered down your book, standing up to see the phone's screen was still on. The number doesn't have any name, but you saw the text:
: see you at your birthday party later~❤️
You heard your sister's footsteps and so you hurried sitting back on the other couch again and pretending to read your book, peeking at your sister who's now on her phone once again. You immediately caught on that there must be something.
"Hm?" your sister looks over at you with a smile as always but with a faint of blush on her cheeks which you had last seen way before back when you and your sister's relationship were not the best. Ah, you caught on. Lips curving up, your heart jumps in excitement.
"Unnie has a boyfriend, huh?" your sister's eyes widen and her cheeks grew redder. "Right?! You're blushing!" Teasing her trying to get something from her, as you tickled her.
"Not yet, but--"
"But what!?" you pouted.
"We'll see." your sister clearly looking happy, giggling. You felt happy, Your sister had someone she likes, someone that would make her happy, finally. You smiled, as much as you want to ask more, you kept quiet just wanting to see your sister's happiness bloomed even further. This time, you'll be your sister's number one supporter.
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Today was your sister's birthday, you were in your sister's room playing games on your phone. Your sister were fixing her makeup and her hair, obviously wanting to look more beautiful than usual. You giggled, shaking your head thinking how your sister looks really adorable doing that. You were excited to finally meet the guy who took your sister's heart, and possibly threaten him a little, giving him that discussion to not hurt your sister.
Night soon arrives, your house were filled with balloons, banners, pretty lights and guests coming in. You were upstairs, glancing at the guests trying to search for your sister's supposed boyfriend. Soon, a group of girls came in hugging your sister, immediately catching up that they were your sister's friends back in high school. Minutes passed, you haven't seen a boy around your sister's age yet. Pouting, you look at your watch, the party is about to start soon. Tapping your foot once in awhile, growing impatient, you walk down the stairs calling for your sister who was talking with her friends.
Opening your mouth to call for her were replaced with a voice calling for your sister. turning your head to the voice the sight in front of you made your eyes widen in fractions.
"Heeseung-ah!" you heard your sister answered back with a little enthusiasm than usual, you move back a bit feeling a bit intimidated by the guy's height who passed just in front of you.. This was the first time you had seen him, you knew he was tall but you didn't expect him to be this tall. You wondered for a moment to why he was here, but then you remembered your sister already told you that they grown to become good friends.
Your sister then noticed you and called for you, which took the boy's attention to you instead. You regained your composure, not wanting to look so painfully obvious that you knew him. Your sister extending her hand to you, you hold her hands pulling you a bit closer to her left side as the boy's soft doe eyes stares at you.
"Heeseung-ah, this is my sister (Name)." your sister smiled sweetly at him. Heeseung smiled at you, looking down at you whose obviously much shorter than him. He's really a titan, you thought.
"(Name), this is Heeseung, my boyfriend." Wait, what? Your eyes widen, looking at your sister with a shocked expression. Moving a bit closer to her, he pulled your sister to his chest, wrapping his arms around your sister's waist and gave her a peck on her cheeks in which she giggled. Turning his attention back at you with a sweet smile he had on his face since he went in.
"Nice to meet you, (Name)." his lips slowly curving up into a lazy smirk.
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Author's note: srsly I edited this in the draft for 3 times and I swore it showed as 'saved', but it always end up going back to the original draft imma go crazy I wanna smash my phone lmao 💀💀 but this is by far the longest ep I've written yet, and I already had the next ep planned in my head but it's just so hard to write it down TwT so I'm not sure if I can post the sixth ep this week. But still, I hope you enjoyed my story! Again, sorry for any grammatical errors!
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years
Mr. Confident
Warnings: Simping over tama, smut under the cut, daddy kink (eventually), dom/sub dynamic, he calls reader bunny, dumbmification mentioned, breeding kink, degradation (kinda)
Description: Tamakis secret confident/dominant side (you will pry this from my cold dead fucking hands)
Tamaki Amajiki was a shy guy, there was no doubt about that in everyone's mind. Well, everyone except you. You could see it, the glint in his eye when he took charge of a situation which were few and far between.
You saw it when he had to take charge and hold back three villains on his own during the mission to save Eri.
You saw it when he had to take charge during a situation with panicked civilians, when he would take charge and while yelling orders he would still be able to calm them down with his natural demeanor.
You saw it when he got recognized by a child, albeit it was much smaller than but it was there, he knew at that moment he wasn't the shy student but he was the brave pro-hero.
Now Tamaki being shy was NOT a bad thing, you found it cute and endearing. And so did everyone else, it is what allowed him to be so loved by the people.
While Mirio and Nejire were both loved for their bubby personalities he was different out of the big three. He was loved because even tho he could be 'Mr. Confidnet' as his friends would call him, he could still be soft-spoken and full of stutters.
You wouldn't change him, honestly, you wouldn't. But there was one other time you saw that glint in his eyes, and that was with you.
When you would look up at him his larger stature causing him to also have look down at you. it flickered whenever you would say "yes sir," in a teasing manner. It happened really whenever you came around, you noticed it his friends noticed it and so did he.
He enjoyed the feeling of confidence that washed over him when it came to you. Of course, he still blushed and stuttered and he never acted on what his confident mind wanted him to because in his mind you fell for shy him you wouldn't want 'Mr. confident'.
He was wrong in that regard, you see while you may be a hero and you may be an independent woman, you were also a naturally submissive person.
You remember the first time you really saw his confident and dominating side in your relationship. Not that he was ever the submissive mainly because you were too submissive to ever dom him.
But the first time it happened was when it was just the two of you. You on top of him riding him in bliss loving how he made you feel. And you didn't mean for it to slip, honestly.
there were other times you wanted to bring it up, on many occasions in fact but you never did because it never felt like the right time. But you two had been together for two years, you were out of high school and into the hero world.
And after being with him so long your submission was already his, there was no doubt in your mind. You always tried hard to hold it back till you two talked about it but this time it slipped.
"P-please sir!" His body tensed but you didn't stop as you saw the glint coming more to life in his eyes. "Please l-let me c-cum." you moaned out as you continued to ride him. The words that rang over and over in your mind, the begs that you never let out began to slip.
A surge went through him when the words fully processed in his head and before you could blink you were underneath him, your ass in the air. Tamaki didn't like to be on top often acting like he was too shy to pound into your tight heat like he wanted. He was just so worried you wouldn’t like that, but he did have a suspicion you would and those words just seemed to confirm it for him.
you whimpered as you felt empty and you were so close to your high, but it was cut off by a loud moan as he slammed back into you.
"Do you want to c-cum for me b-bunny?" He said lowly in your ear as he continued to move rapidly inside you. You nodded quickly but he tsked at you, "Now now I know my g-girl can use her words cant she? Be a good girl and tell me." He purred into your ear as he bit at your ear and neck his hips no longer moving.
"Please, sir! Please I need to cum so bad let me cum for you!" He relished in the way you begged for him, his confidence only growing.
"Go on bunny, cum for me." He said as he began to pound into you once again. He reached his arm down so his hand could find your clit and he rubbed it as he continued. "Show me how good I make you feel."
As he felt you come undone around him he wasn't far behind his thrust gradually becoming sloppy. But your begging pushed him over.
The words poured out of your mouth on their own accord as ecstasy washed through you. “Yes please fill me with your cum! Want your cum deep in me, breed me please sir!”
That seemed to be the final push for him and his mouth poured absolute filth into your ear as he came deep inside you.
“Gonna fill your tight little pussy bunny. You feel me stuffing your greedy little hole? This is what you wanted, isn’t it? Want me to make you my own personal breeding toy?” And all you could do was moan and blissfully take it.
After that day you two sat down and had a proper talk about it. Deciding your hard and fast limits and negotiating others, setting safe-words and signals as well as establishing roles. And surprisingly Tamaki was less blushy and stuttery than you.
“Alright, bunny let me ask you, what do you want from me?” His voice was soft yet steady as he looked at you. You forced yourself to hold his gaze.
“I-I want you to-to take care of me. I want to serve you and make you feel good and I....” you trailed off.
“And you? Go on bunny, being so good for me already~” he cooed to you softly.
“Want you to make all the thoughts go away when they’re too much.” You mumbled softly get loud enough for him to hear.
“And how can I do that baby?” He whispered as he cupped your cheek.
“By uh.... well y-you know by-“ you broke finally the heat in your cheeks becoming too much as you covered your face with your shaking hands and rapidly shaking your head.
He eventually coaxed it out of you albeit, in a somewhat roundabout answer he found out you like the idea of dumbification, you want him to fuck you stupid whenever it gets to be too much.
The thought made his clock twitch but he decided that would be for another day so he allowed you two more time to talk about what you needed to.
And now a month later the time has come. He could see it, the jitteriness in your form. The agitation and the snappy attitude, you were never a brat for him every time you tried all he had to do was whisper something along the lines of
“I thought you were my good girl?” Or “don’t you want to make me happy, bunny?” And you were once again his obedient little thing.
You two had yet to delve into anything too hardcore, the most being rougher sex and dirty talk mentioning breeding. He had yet to cum in you more than once whenever he did. Nor did he act on the idea of degradation or dumbmification.
Although the idea of you becoming nothing but a babbling little cocksleve for him to use always made him rock hard. So when you came home and slammed the door and promptly threw yourself into his lap he knew what he needed to do. He wanted to see if you would ask first though so he waited.
“Hey, bunny.” He whispered softly running a hand up and down your back and running his nose along your hairline. This was the first time you two could see each other for more than just a fleeting kiss. Thanks to hero work you two had been busy.
You said nothing but have a low grunt in response along with a deep sigh. “Long few days at work?” You nodded. “Wanna talk about it?” You shook your head.
He held you for a bit and he could feel you grow restless. Your body shifting above him just barely stopping when his hands met your hips. “Bunny?” He whispered and you still said nothing. “If you want something use your words.” He could practically feel your body just melt at his dominating tone.
“N-need you sir.” You finally mellowed.
“You already have me right here silly.” You groaned knowing he was teasing you. Knowing he wanted you to say it. He felt your cheeks heat up as you hid your face deeper in his neck.
When he still didn’t give you what you wanted when you tried to roll your hips only to be met with his hands holding you still he heard your needy voice right near his ear.
“Please, sir. Please use me for your pleasure and don’t let me think about anything but you. Jus’ wanna make you feel good. I just want to be your little toy~”
His breath hitched, of course, he was expecting it but to hear you begging for him like that sent a wave of excitement through him.
"You want me to use you?" He whispered his teeth grazing against your earlobe as you shivered at the feeling of his warm breath.
"Yes, what?" He asked moving to grab your jaw, squeezing your cheeks together to form a pout on your lips. "Go one bunny, yes what?"
"Yes, daddy!" You finally squeaked and this time you had caught him off guard. No one moved, and no one spoke. You had half the mind to get up and run from the embarrassment but the second you made to do so you were being flipped onto your back only to have a blown-eyed Tamaki on top of you.
"T-tama?" you whispered.
He chuckled the sound low and deep sending a vibration through you where your chests were connected. "That's not my name anymore bunny."
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sodasback · 3 years
JJ Maybank x Reader
Reposting from my deleted account with minor edits.
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Not my photo. All credit to original poster @pop-punk-maybank​ <3
"You wanna put some stakes on this, Maybank?" You asked, feeling especially cocky.
"You think you can beat me at beer pong?" JJ asked incredulously. You had to admit it was pretty arrogant of you to think you could beat JJ, aka beer pong king of OBX.
"Oh, I know I can babe." You doubled down. JJ smirked.
"Alright, what do I get when I win?" JJ asked confidently, putting his hands on the table and purposely flexing his muscles as he leaned forward.
"Whad'you want?"
JJ smiled. "After the game is over, you have to jump off the dock, into the marsh." You frowned. You were a little let down by the anti-climatic nature of his dare; it was unlike the blonde.
"I didn't bring a bathing suit." You quickly retorted, shaking your head, knowing that wasn't an option.
“Yeah, I know. You aren’t wearing a bra either.” JJ smiled devilishly. A chorus of “oohs” came from the group that was gradually gathering around. Your mouth dropped open a little.
You closed your mouth and glared at JJ for a second. “Bet.” You said and gasps of disbelief and giggles left the small crowd. Even JJ raised his eyebrows, a little surprised at your answer, but he regained his confident front quickly. “And if I win, you have to show me the video Pope took of you from last weekend.”
JJ immediately dropped his smirk. Pope and John B shared glances, obviously knowing what JJ says/does in the video. “Yeah, that’s not happening.” JJ said looking away.
“Only if you lose.” You reminded him and JJ looked up at you. “What? Is JJ Maybank scared to lose at beer pong to a chick?” You challenged.
Laughs and more “oohs” came from the small group of party-goers. 
JJ looked at you for a minute. “Fuck it. Fine. Let’s do it.”
The game got set up.
“Last chance to back out, Y/L/N. You ready?” 
“I’m always ready for your JJ.” You teased. He shook his head, knowing the tactic of trying to distract him with flirting all too well. You looked at each other in the eyes and took the first shot at the same time to see who would go first. Your ball bounced off the rim of the solo cup and of course, JJ’s sunk in one. You took a breath in and JJ smiled and cocked his head at you. 
“Get used to passing those back to me, Y/N/N, because you’re not gonna keep them at all tonight.”
“Yeah, keep talking shit, JJ. We know this is the only way you’re scoring tonight.”
JJ’s first shot of course went right in. “Drink up, babe”
You smiled and grabbed the first cup, downing it easily. “How’s losing taste?” He asked, getting cockier by the second.
“Just shoot your shot.”
He does and sinks another one, shit-eating grin only growing more. “Balls back.” He smirked. You glared for the umpteenth time that night, but matched his smirk as you rolled the balls back and downed another cup. 
“You regretting this bet now?” JJ asked as he sunk another one. 
“There’s a lot of game left, Maybank.” You continued feigning confidence. 
Finally, JJ misses one. “Fuck” JJ whispers under his breath. “Alright, Y/L/N, let’s see what you got.”
You shot and made it, grinning at JJ. “Okay, okay. it’s just one.” JJ says and gulps down the first drink. You sink another one. “Balls back.” You smile.
You waste no time sinking the 3rd one. “Getting nervous, J?” You ask. But before he can answer, you’re missing your 4th shot, “Not really.” JJ replies cooly. 
The game went on and of course... JJ won.
“Never shoulda bet against me, Y/L/N.” JJ gloated smugly. “I definitely should have raised the stakes though, because jumping into the marsh with your clothes on isn’t really that satisfying for me.”
“Who said I was gonna keep my clothes on?” You asked seductively as you shimmied out of your denim shorts, but leaving your cheeky underwear on. JJ gaped at you for a second before regaining composure and smirking at you. You turned your back to him and took your top off before swan diving off the dock. 
“Fuck that’s cold!” You yelled when you resurfaced and approached the ladder to get back on the dock. JJ had a towel ready for you, but when you went to grab it, JJ pulled it back, just out of reach with that shit-eating grin on his face. You shot daggers at him with your eyes.
“First, say: ‘JJ is the sexiest, funniest, smartest guy I know and I was completely wrong for thinking I could beat him at anything.” 
If looks could kill, JJ Maybank would be one dead pogue from the scowl you were giving him.
“Fuck that. JJ, give me the fucking towel.” You said reaching for it again and not realizing your bare chest was coming out of the water. JJ smirked down at you and licked his lips, before you threw your arm over your chest to cover your boobs. He chuckled to himself, “The water really is cold, huh?” he teased, 
“JJ.” You said sternly.
“You gotta say it.” 
You inhaled deeply, “JJ’s the sexiest, funniest guy and I was wrong for thinking I could beat him.” You muttered and slurred quickly under your breath.
“What was that Y/N/N? I didn’t hear you.”
“Fuck you ...JJ is the sexiest, funniest, smartest guy I know and I was wrong-”
“Completely!” JJ clarified.
“-completely wrong for thinking I could beat him. Now give me the fucking towel, Maybank.”
JJ held the towel out, unfolded so it completely covered the view of you climbing the ladder so no one could see you, but he didn’t turn away, instead he kept eye contact with you even as you struggled to cover your boobs while climbing up the ladder. Once you emerged, he wrapped the towel around you and smiled. You held the towel around you as you kept eye contact with JJ a little longer than usual. You looked away first and cleared your throat. Getting nervous, you stuck your hand out for a handshake. “Good game, Maybank.”
“Good game, Y/L/N.” He said sweetly. And with his guard down, you easily pushed him off the dock and into the water. You laughed as did a lot of the party who witnessed it. 
JJ surfaced, “Oh you are so dead, Y/N! You know that right?” JJ said dangerously as he quickly paddled over to the ladder and you started to retreat.
You and JJ ended up in a tickle/wrestling match, after he chased you. And as the party continued, JJ only seemed to cling to you more. You couldn’t help but think that maybe the relationship between you two was more than just shameless flirting, that maybe it could be something more. JJ let you borrow some of his clothes after you both ended up in the marsh, so you could be warm and comfy. You were in his lap with is arms around your waist, sitting around the fire, when your brother texted that he was on his way to pick you up. 
“Time to go?” JJ whispered to you, resting his chin on your shoulder as he read the text on your phone. 
“Yep, it’s that time.” You sighed and leaned into him for just a second before standing up. JJ followed you away from the fire. “So I’ll see you tomorrow night at the movie thing? I’ll bring back your hoodie all washed.”
“Oh no, don’t worry about it. Looks better on you anyway.” JJ smiled as he brought a hand up to your cheek and ran his thumb along your jaw. You couldn’t suppress the butterflies swarming your stomach. You both looked down at the other’s lips when a horn honked loudly. 
Both of your heads snapped in that direction and JJ’s hand immediately fell from your cheek. “Y/N let’s go!” Your brother yelled from his truck
 Now, Jj was the one who cleared his throat awkwardly, “Okay, so yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You laughed at the awkwardness of the situation, “Bye” 
JJ bit his lip, shoving his hands in his pockets and smiling before turning back to the party.
You walked over to your brother’s truck. “I’m just gonna go inside and go to the bathroom real quick.” 
This earned an eye roll from your brother.
When you walked out of the bathroom and out of the Chateau, you saw JJ grabbing a drink from the cooler ...and he wasn’t alone. Your heart sank as you saw him handing a girl you’d never seen before a drink, both smiling and laughing before JJ followed the girl and sat next to her around the fire. 
Maybe it was all in your head. Would JJ Maybank actually be more interested in you than just a friend he flirted with? He did flirt with everyone after all. You just thought maybe it was different with you. Did it really only take 5 minutes for him to move on to the next girl? 
“Hey, you okay?” A voice asked, pulling you out of your heartbreaking thought spiral. It was Pope. He was headed inside to get some water. Pope followed your gaze to where JJ and the girl were, the tears in your eyes threatening to slip out.
“What?” You asked after not really processing what he said as you finally broke your gaze off JJ and looked at Pope who gave you a sympathetic smile. “Yeah, I’m fine!” You said wiping your eyes. “My brother’s waiting to take me home, so I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You sniffled. 
Pope smiled sweetly, “Yeah, see you then Y/N.”
You got into your brother’s truck and he started driving back to your house when you got a text from Pope. 
Pope: I know you lost, but I’m gonna show it to you anyway.
Then another text came through, this one was a video. The video of JJ from last weekend.
In the video, all 3 boys were out in the hammocks, visibly drunk, or high ...or both. JJ being the worst of the 3.
Pope was holding the phone. “So JJ, your turn: who’s the one girl on the island for you?”
JJ scoffed drunkenly and it was clear that he didn’t know Pope was filming: “Bro, obvusly it’s Y/N/N dude. Y/F/N fucking Y/L/N. I’d simp so hard for that girl. ...I just want to buy her flowers. I think she likes peenie...ponies...pennies ..whas it called?” 
“You mean peonies?” Pope clarified. John B looked at Pope and realized he was filming and gave Pope a knowing smile. 
“Yeah those. Penonies, pen- whatever. I just want to treat her like a princess. Like sleeping beauty ...Y/N loves taking naps. Or Belle... she reads a lot n stuff ...or ooh Ariel, that’s the one. She’s just like Ariel ...like a mermaid.”
“Y/N has y/h/c hair” Pope stated but JJ ignored this.
“Yeah anything else, J?” John B asked wanting JJ to continue.
“I dunno dude. I just want to brush her hair n feed her grapes.”
John B and Pope couldn’t help but laugh, “Feed her grapes?” John B asked laughing.
“Yeah, dud-” and with that JJ finally turned and realized Pope was filming, “Arr you fucking recording this?!” JJ asked starting to reach over and wrestle with Pope. 
“Oh my god. I cannot wait to show this to Y/N.” Pope laughed.
There was more wrestling between JJ and Pope before the video stopped. 
You smiled down at your phone. “Thanks Pope <3″ you replied back.
Taglist: @railmerafe @moniamaybank  @hernameisnoell @moonrisebeach @october-cameron @abbyj1822 
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spilledkauffie · 3 years
SFW (Fluff) Alphabet · Zemo
List made by @caitlinpotter || Sorry I’ve been so absent this week; I promise I have content for the weekend!
*xFemale!Reader || NSFW Alphabet ❤︎
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Quite affectionate— he loves giving you affection, and it’s all across the board with him. It can be from soft sweet touches to actual affectionate actions done for you.
Full HC list on this soon! ✧
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend?)
Literally the best— for starters he’s super loyal, because if you’re truly friends with him he’s not giving up on you easily. Your friendship wasn’t exactly easy to get to, mostly thanks to his profession, but once you’re in, you’re in. 
100% defensive of you— anyone tries to come at you in any negative way, he’s got a comeback to absolutely destroy them. Also, having someone of his reputation around can be beneficial for when you want to be left alone, as he seems to intimidate people a little bit.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
When you cuddle him— he loves it when you just come over without saying a word and cuddle up next to him, he doesn’t ask questions he just lets you get as close and be as cute as you want. Sometimes he has to chuckle at just how physically needy you are, like absolutely burying your face against his back, nuzzling softly, with your arms around him in an attempt to get his attention / also loves waking up to you cuddled right up against him.
When he cuddles you— he can just tell when you need it, so often times he reaches out for your hands with a “come on, come here,” naturally, you give in, he pulls you into a hug, slightly rocking you back and forth. It’s a lot of soft touches and feathery kisses.
↳ if you’re lying on your stomach, he’ll lie down with you. Resting his head on the small of your back, brushing his fingers across or down your back, sometimes he places soft kisses against your skin, which always gets your attention. You either: 1). turn on to your side, he hooks and arm between you legs and uses your thigh as a pillow. 2). you lay on your back, letting him rest against your stomach, gradually he makes his way up to give the corner of your lips a kiss.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they around the house?)
For sure— it’s not long before you’re practically living with him. Now that you’re in his life, he wants you around for everyday life; what is his very soon becomes yours. You picked up on it when he started to suggest “why don’t you stay here... tonight? And maybe tomorrow?” more often.
Around the house— he’s quite casual. You never feel expected to get up at a certain hour (regardless that he gets up early), you’re never expected to be downstairs and dressed immediately, it’s more of a calm atmosphere that lets you wake up. You don’t constantly have to be around each other, he knows space is important. Sometimes it’s just doing your own things in the same room in silence together. Despite the status of Baron, he behaves like your average individual around the house, he likes to do things himself.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It’s actually really hard for him— it’d have to be in person though, as hard as it would be. For starters it would take a lot for him to actually call it over, he’s extremely patient and an expert at working things out with you, because he truly doesn’t want to it end.
↳ a most likely situation for ending it would be that he can’t guarantee your safety due to whatever he’s getting himself into, and he’d rather make the call to let you go than to have no choice in truly losing you because of his own dangerous choices. 
He’d leave it open though— sitting across from him, you stay quiet after both coming to the conclusion that it’s over. However, he leaves you with: “if you ever need anything, in any way. . .” you nod, a few tears falling as you stay silent, staring forward. Coming over to you, he softly wipes a tear away, kissing your temple, whispering, “I’m sorry,” before walking away.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’s definitely committed in the relationship— ring or no ring, if you’re in a relationship with him he’s all in, not the type of person to just have a fling here and there. It’s total dedication to you, and you only. 
Considering he’s done it once before—there’s a lot of past memories surrounding the topic of marriage for him, which is why there’s probably going to be a good amount of time together before any proposal. He just wants to be sure, plus there needs to be time to talk everything out before rushing into anything. 
↳ when the time does come though, it’s a mad romantic, but personal proposal, with the most gorgeous ring in the world.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically— he’s super soft with you. He never wants to startle you, it’s always what you’re comfortable with. Touches are more than just flirtatious with him, they can be comforting, encouraging, supporting, etc. (He also knows what you’re not comfortable with as well so he can avoid it)
Emotionally— it’s a little more complicated. With your emotions he’s super gentle and understanding, always. He listens to anything and everything you say or just need to vent. He doesn’t interrupt and only gives his thoughts when you ask for them. He never intends to hurt you feeling either, he’s very careful. However, with his own emotions however, he’s a little harsher. He doesn’t really like to show any of the more complicated emotions. And doesn’t always give himself much grace for feeling certain ways, he tends to repress.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? What are their hugs like?)
Only from you— he doesn’t really like other people getting friendly, unless he really really knows them, even then it’s different. He doesn’t get physical with other people unless it’s a “move— you’re in my way,” situation, but that doesn’t count as friendly.
Extremely handsy— he love to bring his arms around you, so he can completely hold you whilst hugging you. Whether it’s around your waist, shoulders, hips, etc., just depends how the hug is done. He also tends to stroke his hands when hugging you, up and down your arms, back, sides, thighs, wherever.
↳ he likes to nuzzle against your neck, during front or back hugs, with the bridge of his nose, or his lips. He also gives tender kisses while he has you so close. Not kisses with other intentions, just sweet loving kisses that make you smile. Sometimes he brings his hand under your jaw, to tilt your head just enough so he can kiss your lips.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes time, but it’s not forever— when he knows he will tell you with no hesitation. He doesn’t debate telling you or worry about it being too bold, nope, he means it when he says it and he says it when he means it.
He also says it in different ways— it’s not always “those three words,” through his gestures and other phrases you hear I love you a lot.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Not if it’s someone you’ve known before him— he’s not intimidated by pervious friendships that predate your relationship. 
When people flirt with you knowing he’s with you— he gets real jealous, real fast. Given that fancy occasions are kind of a routine thing, you’re around a lot of other people who want to flirt with you, and often do pretty openly. It’s rare that Zemo ever leaves your side, which helps, but that doesn’t stop people from trying, which he hates. Typically he just tries to keep you physically near, so he can be there to prevent it.
↳ one time he left to get you a drink and an old rival of his found you. Trying to be polite you remained in conversation, feeling fine until he caressed your shoulder. Almost immediately Zemo was back at your side. Handing you your drink civilly, with a “here you are, Darling,” he then glared at the man standing across from you. Not so subtly, Zemo slipped his arm around you, literally pushing off the unwanted hand and replacing it with his own. You leaned into him more, attempting to make a point, as Zemo continued giving a half smile half glare.
He doesn’t do much about it in aftermath— he’ll calmly admit to you that he was jealous, but he also gets you with “I understand why people want to talk, flirt, and be with you,” he shrugs, “you’re beautiful, they’d have to be blind not to see that, but yes,” he tilts his head, “but. . . I have to admit, there’s part of me that wants that only to myself, of course.” It makes you smile how calm he tries to keep himself, despite the frustration. It’s usually you who actually does anything after these type of conversations though.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Lightly running fingers up your neck— when he’s kissing you, he traces his fingers slowly up the side of your neck, until he reaches your jaw, there he strokes his thumb across your jawline.
Holding your hand— sometimes when you’re flirting with him, you like to get as close as possible without touching, he knows the game and subtly slips his fingers between yours, then he goes in for the kiss. He can feel your smile and your hands hold his tighter as you give in.
Hand kisses— he gives these whenever, wherever, and however often he can. It’s a cute way of showing affection in a very classy way. He uses them as hello / goodbye greetings, although typically you require more than a kiss on the hand for saying goodbye.
Soft, but turns into more— it starts out as a super sweet gentle kiss, but slowly you can feel it deepen, to which you usually break the kiss with a smile, “Helmut,” you laugh, holding onto his arms around you, as he moves his mouth to your neck, “I don’t have time for this,” you try to stop giggling.
As for himself— he loves the taste of you lips, so every time you kiss him, he adores it. However, there is a sweet spot at the base of his neck, that when you kiss there makes him stop mid sentence.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Fantastic— he’s actually perfect with kids. Maybe it’s past experience that plays into it, but he’s so sweet with kids. When they accidentally run into him, he gives a “be careful, little one,” before stepping out of their way. Something you’ve noticed is that he talks to them like they’re little adults, which is adorable.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Staying in bed— one way or another one of you convinces the other to stay in bed. Sometimes it’s him asking you to stay just a little bit longer, when you can’t, he understands and watches you get dressed, asking what your day looks like. / Other times it’s you compelling him that it’d be more fun to stay and cuddle with you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Relaxing— it’s a calm, safe, and warm environment when you can both just relax from the day in each other’s arms. Sometimes you’ll lean back against him and ask what he’s reading, when he says Machiavelli, you smile and get cozy, “perfect, that sends me right off,” you close your eyes as he begins to read aloud.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s not an open book— there’s a lot of history with him, some good, but also some bad. Even before the whole campaign to end Super Soldiers, he has a bit of a shady past, with his own military exploits. Some he’s made amends with, others he hasn’t.
Depends how much you already know— if you already know a good amount about him, 1). he’ll ask to even the playing field, so he can know you equally as well 2). he doesn’t mind you asking questions since you’re already aware of his general history.
Surface level stuff— interests, fascinations, favourite this-or-thats, he’s pretty open about though! He doesn’t mind sharing or talking about any of the casual topics about himself, it’s just the more personal stuff that takes time.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s extremely patient— The only way you would know is by a facial expression. His looks give him away more than his words or attitude does.  
↳ if you’re not getting along, he’s the first to apologise, and it’s not an “I’m sorry” end of conversation apology. It’s a well thought out apology, because you don’t argue about the little stuff, it’d have to be something big to get you at odds for a while.
Silently frustrated— even if he gets mad, he keeps his cool in circumstances. Never raises his voice, his tone just gets a little deeper.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers everything— seriously, he does not forget anything. You’re his number one priority, so of course he pays attention. Even if there’s something you just mention at random, he’ll remember it. Say you mention how you used to have/like/want something, there’s a good chance it’s showing up again.
He also asks— he’s genuinely curious about you and wants to know as much as he can about the person he’s in love with. So, he loves childhood stories, random details, and little quirks about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The moment you said those three words— when you know everything about him, his past, his lifestyle, and you still decided to say I love you. And you still standing by it even though it meant waiting for him.
He also loves remembering the first time he saw you— he says he could never forget it, it was like a divine beauty just walked in.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
Veryyy— he’s extremely protective of you, but not overbearing, he’s good a being distantly or subtly protective. In other words in public / at events / new places he keeps an eye on you, even if it’s from a distance.
He will literally do anything— there’s no limit with how far he’d go to protect you from anything or anyone, even if he knows he’s outmatched, he’ll find a way.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates— he puts a lot of effort into them, mainly trying to make it a perfect yet comfortable setting. So if you like quiet restaurants, that’s what he’ll find. If you like outdoors, he’ll find a stunning walkthrough garden, etc.
Celebrations— it’s always extravagant and grand and beautiful whenever you’re celebrating anything with him. He wants you to feel like the royalty he believes you are.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
How easy criminal life is for him lol— you love the fact that he surprised you with a real classic art piece for your birthday, but the exact details on how he got it isn’t as pretty. You frequently ask if there’s any other way he could make a living.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not vain— despite the fancy and classy lifestyle, he’s never thought himself as an individual of great beauty. He likes beautiful things, which is why he says he was so attracted to you, but personally he doesn’t think much of himself.
He cares though— it’s not like he doesn’t care whatsoever, which is why he’ll usually ask you “what do you think of this?” in regards to fashion. He wants to look nice for you, and he knows how to do that. But he’s not the guy to check himself in the mirror, or constantly fret about his looks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He doesn’t need a relationship— but that’s what makes your so special. Since he’s not the type to just constantly need someone to feel complete, the fact that he does need you make you and your relationship all the more important to him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He can crash literally anywhere— you’ve found him on the couch, on the floor, in a chair, and you have no idea why it’s a habit of his, but it is! And you have definitely addressed him about it before.
↳ walking in to his study, you found him asleep on the floor between the couch and coffee table, shaking your head and crouching down, you woke him up. Looking up to you, you asked, “Helmut, why are you sleeping on the floor?” / “Hmm- wh- I’m not on the floor, you’re on the floor,” he states sitting up, brining you into a hug with him.
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t-lostinworlds · 3 years
Twenty-Five (Tom Holland)
a/n: well, i haven’t posted a fic in a while and i’m scared asdfghjkl. anyhow, this was a last minute idea, a.k.a was written fairly quick so bare with me for it may be shit lol. hope you guys enjoy! oh, and happy birthday to this handsome man in a turtleneck!
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pairing: tom holland x female!reader trope/genre: none summary: Tom unwraps his last gift for his birthday, from you. warnings: implied smut (18+), nothing detailed, will include a glimpse of dom!tom at the end. word count: 1.6k+ (short but sweet spicy)
masterlist in bio
It's been ten minutes since you arrived back home from Tom's birthday dinner, a simple yet eventful night with friends and family. It was a given that the birthday boy was probably tired from all the fun and rowdy activities, add that to the fact that he'd been entertaining his guests the whole evening. But, with one last gift, it was also a given that your night was far from over.
You were nervous, there was no denying that. This was the first time you'd ever bought something like this, much less, show it to someone else. Despite being together for almost two years now, you hadn't really dabbled much into showing Tom a much more alluring type of clothing. But since it was a special occasion, you found no harm in giving your man a little surprise, a gift, as you might say. So of course you were nervous since this was going to be the first time that Tom will see you in something so...lacy, dainty, and well, sexy.
After checking yourself countless times in the mirror to make sure everything was right—with a few pep talks thrown in as well—you tied up your short, red, silk robe before finally coming out of the bathroom.
You found Tom sitting on your shared bed, still sporting his outfit of the night which was his tight, black turtleneck, biceps practically begging to be free with the sleeves rolled up to his forearms. It was paired with his striped pants, one that was making his thighs look even more ravishing, inviting. He was looking handsome as always. His eyes were glued to his phone, fingers typing away, probably responding to more of his endless sea of greetings.
You silently made your way in front of the bed, fingers toying with the hem of your robe from the jitters. Taking in a few steady breaths, you tilted your head and said,
"Tom, go on and unwrap your last present for tonight."
"Huh? What present—oh," Tom cut himself off, eyebrows rising once his gaze landed on you. He hurriedly put his phone away, even doing as much as putting it inside his drawer, and you could only assume he turned Do Not Disturb on as well, the eagerness written all over his face. His smirk grew wide as he stood up from his place, walking over to you with his brown orbs gradually turning a shade darker. His hands found themselves on your waist once he was in close enough proximity, squeezing it tenderly. "Is my present under that robe?" he asked, voice falling down an octave.
"Maybe," you said with a shrugged, a feign innocent smile playing on your lips.
Tom shook his head. "I think I might need to sit down for this," he chuckled deeply, settling himself on the foot of the bed, spreading his legs wide so you could stand in between.
He kept his eyes locked with yours as he twirled the tie of your robe around his fingers, smirk only growing wider once he saw you swallow the lump in your throat. With how close you were, he could probably hear how your heart was beating so loud. Tom always found pride whenever he earned any reaction from you by doing absolutely nothing yet. It was very smug of him, but Tom being confident and in control will never fail to be so damn attractive, who were you to complain?
Agonizingly slow, he undid the ribbon, eyes never leaving yours even until the fabric had loosened around your body. Then, Tom reached up, fingers slipping underneath the silk, touch unhurried as he gently pushed it off your shoulders. The smooth material slipped down your body with ease and pooled at your feet, Tom still holding your gaze but only for a moment. With a deep breath, his orbs flickered down, features befalling with awe, his jaw dropping as he cursed,
It was a simple, red, 3-piece, lingerie set. The garter and lace detailing covered so little but enough to still leave something for the imagination. It was hugging your body in all the right places, accentuating your shape in the most flattering of ways. The set was practically see-through yet the fabric was still cut out in certain areas to show even more skin. There was a ribbon right on top of each bra strap and then a matching one right in the middle of the hem of your panties.
"Absolutely stunning, you are," Tom marveled, almost like a gasp, hands wandering from your shoulders, down your arms, curling around your waist before proceeding down your thighs. His touch was laced with utter worship and praise. Add that to the way he was gazing you up, your nerves were quick to be replaced with confidence. You giggled softly, cheeks flushed as Tom did nothing else but caress your flawed skin amorously, making sure that there was nothing left untouched. His eyes were roaming just the same as if he was being extra sure that he wasn't missing a single detail, both on your perfect imperfections and the lace alike.
"You like it?" you asked.
Tom scoffed, shaking his head as he looked up at you with much adoration. "Like is a massive understatement." Squeezing your waist, Tom let you go as he leaned back on his arms, now all sprawled out with a wide smirk. "Step back a little, darling, I want to see all of you," he drawled. And you did, walking back a few steps so he could get the full scope. Tom shook his head with a low groan, "Fucking gorgeous."
"Now, give me a spin."
You laughed timidly but did so anyway, nothing but hums of satisfaction and appreciation coming out of your man as you did a full 360. Once you were facing him again, you found him with his head tilted far to the side, bottom lip caught between his teeth as his eyes stayed down to which you assumed was ogling at your backside. Your assumption was swiftly proven right when Tom threw in another request.
"Turn to the side a little, sweetheart," he asked, not at all trying to be discreet as to where his eyes were glued. With the confidence brewing in you, you posed for him sideways, chin on your shoulder as you flashed him a charming smile. Tom bit back a groan, admiring you from head to toe, shaking his head and blowing out his cheeks once he did so. After a few moments, he met your gaze again with nothing but a proud and satisfied look on his face. "Difficult decision," he pondered, a soft hum with his voice all deep.
"What?" you giggled.
"I can't decide if I should rip it off of you immediately," Tom paused, tilting his head at you with a knowing grin as he continued with a guttural tone, "Or fuck you while it's still on."
You bit your bottom lip to suppress a whimper, thighs instinctively pressing together which only earned a low chuckle from you man. Yet with your newfound confidence, you took a breath, a soft sigh as you ran your hands slowly, teasingly over the lace repeatedly. Tom's eyes followed your fingers, brown orbs coated with much hunger and lust.
"Well, don't rip it yet. It's new," you hummed, pouting at him sweetly before you shrugged. Toying with the garter of your panties, you added, "Then again, you are the birthday boy, you can have your way however you may please."
Tom's eyes snapped back up to meet yours. There was a flicker in his orbs, like a switch, and that was when you knew he caught on that your words meant more than just the lingerie.
"The latter then," he concluded, sitting up straight before his hands patted his lap, beckoning you closer. "Come here."
You walked over to him slowly, making sure to sway your hips sensually, which made Tom shake his head at you with a low groan. Once you stood right in between his legs, you lifted a hand to grab his shoulder for support, ready to straddle his lap. That until he caught your wrist midway into the air.
Tom shook his head no, tutting with a menacing smirk. He brought your wrist to his lips, giving it sweet, chaste kisses before he slowly guided you to where exactly he wanted you. You felt your insides churn when he simply said, "On your stomach, my love."
With a sharp breath, you did as told, situating yourself on your stomach, your body sprawled right across his thick thighs. You shivered once Tom ran his fingers down your spine before tracing the fabric that hugged your body so delicately that it may have seemed like he wasn't even touching it at all. He was silent, merely admiring, and dare you say it, enjoying his view. If the certain hardness that was poking your stomach wasn't a dead giveaway, then the way he was breathing heavily, would. Yet once he spoke again, you felt your whole body fire up, every inch of your skin tingling with utter fervor and excitement.
"How old am I again, darling?"
You gulped. It was rhetorical, but an unanswered question could only do more harm than good for you.
Tom only hummed in response. There was no use for words anyway when you felt his warm palm smooth over the supple flesh of your ass that was exactly in his line of sight, exposed for his and his sight only. Yet in contrast, the cold metal of his Rolex on your skin emitted another shiver from you, a shaky breath escaping your lips soon after.
Tom chuckled proudly at your reaction, a few seconds of silence floating over you both before a sudden, sharp smack rang in the air.
Your body jolted in utter surprise. The stinging sensation immediately covered your cheek at the harsh impact, starting from where Tom's hand once was before the heat spread to your very core as you breathlessly moaned,
thank you for reading love! like, reblog if you enjoyed and lemme know your thoughts! x
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