#no evolution necessary
whositmcwhatsit · 6 months
I’ve only recently become a fan of Elvis. I’m ashamed to admit it but before my opinion of him was based on grotesque caricatures in the media. I didn’t appreciate his insane musical talent, and I definitely didn’t realise what a wonderful kind and humble man he seemed to be. Everyday now I listen to his music. I watch his interviews on YouTube and I try to cram every bit of information I find of him into my brain. Honestly I feel like I have regressed into a starstruck teenager…and I am loving it.
From what I have seen, the Elvis community seems so warm and welcoming; and it is blogs like yours that reaffirms this belief of mine. You just seem so lovely and it’s reassuring to find others who love this flawed but hugely talented and wonderful man who, all these years later, inspire others. I was in a dark place, but finding Elvis’s music has really helped me.
Basically I wanted to say thank you for helping to fuel my obsession with Elvis. I have been devouring your blog, reading it on my way to and from work (even with my phone battery hating the tumblr app) and smiling all the while.
Sorry for the random message, but I felt that I needed to say thank you for creating such a wonderful blog. So thank you!!
Hi! What a truly sweet message! I'm glad you're enjoying my blog, since honestly, I'm mainly just babbling to myself the way I usually just do in my head anyway.
And I love the idea of fuelling your obsession because it was older, OG fans that did the same for me, sharing their pics, records, videos and memorabilia (turning a blind eye when some of it "went missing") and I think one of the most amazing things about Elvis was that he was for the fans and by the fans. We discovered him, we cultivated his career, we kept him successful when, quite honestly, it seemed like the people employed to do that job either had no idea what they were doing or were actively sabotaging him, it's hard to tell! And he knew that. It was a mutual love affair.
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It still is.
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And, yeah, the caricature stuff is pervasive and so damaging. It began when he was alive and exploded when he died. It's dehumanising in the extreme and I lay a lot of blame at the feet of EPE, but that's a whole other rant!
But yes, from what I've seen the Elvis fandom community on here is lovely, warm and positive, and you're going to fit right in!
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What's your favourite Elvis song so far? Feel free to reach out any time!
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Gonna give live reactions to the new season of criminal minds because I can so to start off.
That party scene for Garcia was so cute. And everyones relationship with Rossi is still adorable.
Also can’t believe Rossi Is hallucinating thats always the worst
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batrachised · 3 months
i really loved the wildcat movie, EXCEPT for the fact that it brushed over/downright denied Flannery O'Connor's racism - it was more a commentary on her life than a faithful biography, sure, but it didn't sit right with me that they acted like she was the voice of reason by attributing her racist quotes to other characters
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hibiscera · 5 months
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Another writing wip… (:
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Are ancients actually anemones? Are they a group of anemones that became bilaterally symmetrical separate from other bilateral organisms?
oh you ask such things of a non-native english speaker who isn't even that deep of a biology nerd...
i understand what bilaterally symmetrical means, i googled it n i get it now, but how does the. sentence of them becoming separate from other bilateral organisms comes into place. do you mean evolved into the leading dominant species on the planet and therefore being separete from the others?
oh-! or is it more on the subject of Everything Else in this world is some kind of insect/arachnid yet They are Anthozoa?
i actually got That figured out n was one of the main things i was lookin into while trynna figure them out- here's me ponderings from my n Shkiki's dms on the subject:
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on the question of: if the rest of the fauna has adapted to this new oxygen rich environment, why haven't the ancients?
i'm thinkin that this world got "this is so fucking weird, it might as well happen"-d in the form of evolution through the Respawn Mechanic. the animals didn't exactly have a choice but repeatedly die until they learnt to somehow deal with it (and if physically then so be it), while the Ancients adapted by creating the rebreather masks
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memorys-skyscraper · 5 months
yknow going through the whole yakuza/LAD series as quickly as i did made it really interesting to see how the series as a whole and some characters in specific evolved over time in response to changing audience interests, specifically a growing desire for pathos in their video games
if you'd told someone who'd just played 1 & 2 on the ps2 back in 2006 that by 2024, several of the most recent entries in the series would end with the protagonist having an absolute sobbing meltdown and/or begging the main antagonist to give up in lieu of just punching them into complete submission, there's a 0% chance they would've believed you
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eeveelutionproject · 2 years
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Noeneon - The Double Pokemon
An Eeveelution that evolves via level up while knowing Twin Beam.
This is an interesting one, since I actually made this concept ages ago with the idea being that it’d be the evolution for Double Hit. But, then Scarlet and Violet came out and introduced Twin Beam, and I realized it fit that evolution method way better…
I actually ended up redoing the shiny and some of the info due to that! Initially it was a Normal type with a brown and tan shiny and it’s ability was Skill Link with it’s hidden ability being Contrary.
Anyway, I think it’d learn Psycho Shift upon evolution.
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prismit · 9 months
finished everything in the indigo disk now... overwhelmed with shiny hunting options lol
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wr0ngwarp · 2 years
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the unlikely resurrection of evan elwood
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bad-pokemon-ideas · 1 year
Bad ███████ ████:
Bad ███████ ████: A ███████ that evolves from “Unown” called “Unoun,” that gets rid of all the █████ from your █████████.
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amystarrstuff · 1 year
On a more positive note, what's something that makes you really happy? It can be anything
Something I like is how sea otters like to fidget with rocks by shuffling them between their paws rapidly close to their body in a manner called 'juggling' :) They also have pockets of skin near their arms where they keep their favorite rocks!
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cloud chambers filled with supersaturated vapor which allow us to visualize particles flying off radioactive material when placed inside.
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aparticularbandit · 4 days
"It seems the Sovreign are trying to evolve to get more powerful so that they can defeat something they won't be able to defeat without it."
"What would the Sovreign be scared of?"
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sa-sssa · 2 months
It's taken me my whole life so far to learn that you can't help a person who's constantly screaming out for help if they themselves can't even hear the sound of their own screams. Realising someone is hurting, yet blind to their own wounds, can be painful to coexist alongside. And yet, you've got to let people sit by themselves and learn to self-soothe. People can only learn to be truly vulnerable by themselves. You've got to let it be. Life has told me this one thousand times, and I resented the message. But it's true, it's true, and it's true.
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enbyleighlines · 2 months
Having my period is like:
“Why does my back hurt?” “…Oh right, I’m on my period.”
“Why am I suddenly nauseous?” “…Oh right, my period.”
“Ugh, why am I so grumpy today??” “…Right. My period…
“Why doesn’t this shirt fit anymore— DUH, I’m bloated. Because of my period.”
And my favorite:
“Are those period cramps or poop cramps?” “Oh, they’re both. Lucky me.”
And that just continues on repeat for the next 3 to 5 days.
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consuetudinari0 · 3 months
mind-control project
mind-control project Is a complex and controversial topic: Discussing its ethical implications, scientific research, or perhaps fictional portrayals in literature and media! Regarding my Eight digital publication: continue with the postmodernist sequence of mass distribution, inherited from the printing press to upload —-my Apple of knowledge—, in the branch of free knowledge, without an…
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xxthedragonrebornxx · 8 months
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