#no fuji this week but she was mentioned so we rise!
tact-and-impulse · 4 years
Shinkane Week 2021 Day 1
For this prompt of ‘roommates’, it’s a sequel to Propriety! Let’s see where Miss Tsunemori and her faithful former chauffeur have ended up, now that they’re on the run…
“I’m so sorry, but we only have one room available.”
He clenched his jaw. Gino would have his hide if he found out, but it seemed there was no other choice. “We’ll take it.”
Beside him, Miss Tsunemori was feigning interest in the worn floorboards. The innkeeper handed over the key and directed them to the room. It was terribly cramped, with only one futon. Extra blankets would be brought for the other to make do.
As soon as the innkeeper left, he insisted. “You can take the bed. I’m used to sleeping on the floor.”
“But you must be tired too. You drove the entire time.”
He did, because it was the middle of the night and she didn’t know the roads. He wasn’t even entirely confident they were safe yet. He had driven until the fuel ran out, and then decided to ditch their vehicle on the side of the road. It had been a harrowing twenty-four hours, and her entire life had been pulled out from underneath her. “Don’t worry about it. Besides, I’m the servant.”
“Not anymore.”
That was true and he abruptly turned away. “Get some sleep. We’ll think better if we sleep.”
His blankets were then delivered, and afterwards, neither of them spoke. As he attempted to find a comfortable position, he couldn’t help hearing her light breathing and knew she was just as restless.
“I’d like to see the ocean.” She had said, when he asked for a destination.
So, here they were, in a harbor town. They had watched the sun rise over the glittering water, and Miss Tsunemori had darted to the shoreline. He followed her prints, hiding them under his, and joined her at the breaking surf. She was standing just shy of the approaching foam.
“See any monsters?”
“Kougami-san!” She admonished but laughed. She could laugh when they were alone, without worry that someone would overhear and realize that it wasn’t two young men staying in the last room. “No, I haven’t.” She bent down, untying her shoes and removing her socks. After placing them on higher ground, she dipped her toes in. Just as she did, she made a startled sound and retreated. 
He took her arm, steadying her. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I didn’t expect it would still be cold.” She pressed her feet into the darkened sand. “I suppose that makes sense, it’s early.”
Letting go, he copied her, tossing his boots closer to her belongings. He stepped into a wave, the ocean surging around his ankles. “It’s actually not bad. Once you’re in it, you’ll warm up.”
She splashed towards him. “If you say so…”
For a few minutes, they didn’t move. He crossed his arms, breathing deeply of the salty air. “So…where to?”
“I’m not sure.” A frown had settled upon her face. The reality was kicking in, that there was no plan other than running as fast and far as they could.
“We need to decide. Every minute we stall, we risk getting caught.”
“You’d be arrested for kidnapping me.” She had already reached that conclusion, and despite that bleak possibility, he felt a twinge of pride. “And I don’t want that to happen.”
“Maybe, you’d see me again when I’d leave jail in twelve years.”
“Please don’t joke about something like that.”
He glanced at her forlorn expression, her downturned lips. “Sorry.”
A breeze swept through, and she held on to her hat. “If I can keep up this disguise, I wonder if I can study law.” She mused.
“Maybe.” He conceded. His skin itching with the need to move, he walked away from the ocean and grabbed his boots. She followed suit, and they slowly crossed the beach.
“How do we get rid of the sand?”
Her question also brought up the issue of hygiene, so they concocted an excuse that “Akio” had a skin condition and couldn’t go to the public bathhouses, unlike “Satoru”. The story bought them a large basin of water and coarse soap. Miss Tsunemori was eager to use them, and to secure her privacy in this small room, he made a suggestion in case the innkeeper knocked.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, go ahead. Don’t worry, I won’t peek.” He held up the sheet, turning his head to the side. “Let me know when you’re done.”
“Alright, thank you.” There was rustling, as she removed her clothes. He tried to ignore the soft sounds and the liquid sloshing as she dipped below the surface.
He clenched the cotton, searching for a topic of conversation. “We can keep to the coastline, and there’s the option of leaving Japan.”
“I’m not sure if I want to, or even if you do.”
“Why not? There’s jungle out there, hidden temples.”
“Hmm. But you wanted to go to the mountains.” So, she remembered.
“Yeah. I had a teacher once, who said he wanted to live in the shadow of Mount Fuji. To us kids who only knew the rowhouses, his idea of a peaceful life was something we couldn’t really imagine.”
He could hear her smile in her reply. “But you liked it.”
That phrase, accompanied with the fact that she was naked in a tub just below him, caused him to waver. He renewed his grip on the sheet, his reply harsher than intended. “Well, runaways never have peace. Do you want to go home?”
Long moments passed, before she quietly replied. “I think we’re past that point.”
It wasn’t a denial. Before he could say as much, she announced that she was finished. He lifted the cover higher, while she dressed. It didn’t take long before she popped up on the other side, her face flushed.
“Thank you so much.” Her smaller fingers reached up, pulling the cloth barrier down. This close, he could smell the soap, and underneath, the lingering traces of sweet citrus that hadn’t been entirely removed. “Your arms must be sore. Do you want me to rub them?”
They did ache, but her offer was far too tempting for his fraying self-control. “That won’t be necessary. I’m going to the public baths. Keep the pistol, you know how to use it.” He was about to take the basin with him, but she protested.
“I can empty it, don’t worry.”
“…Thanks.” He couldn’t resist ruffling her short damp hair. His hand tingling, he hurried out of the building and down the road.
He was one of the few patrons at the time, and he was grateful. As he quickly scrubbed off the grime, he had an intrusive thought that she would be gone when he returned to the inn. It wouldn’t be surprising; being a runaway wasn’t nearly so glamorous, now that the initial adrenaline had faded.
However, when he knocked on the door, her lowered voice answered. Upon his entry, she sat up in her futon, clearly relieved. “Welcome back.”
And he smiled. “I’m back.”
They kept moving, never staying in a town longer than a few days. Kougami maintained a close eye on their surroundings, but he didn’t spot anyone tailing them. If Tougane was still persistent, he might have lost their trail. They traveled inland, running errands for money; he usually did manual labor, while she was a good scribe.
In one of the larger markets, there was a stall selling books. Her interest couldn’t be concealed, and he encouraged her to peruse, while he bought the remainder of their supplies. She had found one in particular and her gaze was bright as she skimmed through the book.
“Is it about law?” He asked over her shoulder.
“History, actually. But it’s well-written.”
He approached the vendor. “How much?” They spent a minute bargaining, but he was going to pay regardless.
As they headed to their lodgings, she humbly said. “Kougami-san, you didn’t have to.”
“Hey, it’s a gift. That’s what roommates do.” He smacked the spot between her shoulder blades, and she startled. For a moment, he wondered if that was too forward, but she didn’t mention it.
“Well, then I need to return the favor. Let me know if you really want anything.”
There was, but it wasn’t the time, place, or situation to ask for it. He didn’t speak again, trying not to think of a sweltering night that seemed like years ago.
In the evenings, he pored over their maps, marking the places they had left. It was still warm, and he left the window open. The sound of cicadas also distracted him from the fact that he was really itching for a smoke.
Then, there was a slight tap against his upper arm. Miss Tsunemori had set her book aside, holding out an open box of rolled papers, pungent and familiar.
“Here. I bought you a new pack, since you ran out.”
“You noticed.” It was the same brand he liked too. Touched, he accepted the cigarettes. He picked one, lighting it. Noticing that she was watching, he asked. “Want to try one?”
“No, thank you. I’ve gotten used to the smell though. Now, it reminds me of you.”
“Does it?” He regarded her, the smoke weaving around them. She blushed but didn’t look away.
At that moment, a cicada flew into the room. She clamped a hand over her mouth to stop from screaming, and he bit off a curse as he extinguished the cigarette in the ash tray, before grabbing his boot to kill the invader. A few good hits, and he tossed the body out before she closed the window. Damn bugs.
Shocked laughter bubbled from her lips. “That was…scary.”
“I wasn’t expecting that.” But he began to laugh too. It was the first time, since they’d driven away from Tokyo.
After recovering, it was quiet again. Even the cicadas must have tired out. For a second, they stared at each other.
“Well…it’s late.” She slowly said, wrapping up in her blankets. “Good night.”
In every room, they’d been sleeping on opposite ends, but this one was the smallest so far. If he could, he could roll over and close that distance. But he only answered. “Night.”
The final summer days gave way to autumn, and the mountains were abundant with color. Unfortunately, the scenery was the only enjoyable thing. Influenza was spreading, from beyond the borders. The numbers of infected and dead were rising fast. It was recommended to cover their faces with muslin layers, and the masks also served in laying low. However, it wasn’t enough, because he fell asleep one night with a dry throat and woke to feeling cold under his blankets.
She took over, ignoring his attempts to convince her that he should be left behind. She kept their brazier lit, measured his medicine, and even wiped him above the waist. He felt terrible and weak, but he had to rely on her. From morning to night, she looked after him, her brows drawn together in perpetual concern. He wasn’t getting better, not as quickly as he thought, and he knew it.
One morning, she wasn’t there when he opened his eyes, and he made an effort to sit up. The room spinning, he swayed, and his hand landed on the note she had left. She was buying more tea for him, but she would be back soon. And just like that, he was reassured. He didn’t stir again until he sensed her presence.
“I’m back. I’ve brought someone who said he could help. Can you hear me, Kougami-san?” She squeezed his fingers.
“Mm.” He grasped back, comforted by her touch.
“Kougami? Is that you?” The voice was familiar, and he thought he was dreaming as he looked up into the surprised, bespectacled eyes of the man who held weekly lessons for the rowhouse children.
“Saiga-sensei…please help.” Then, he spiraled into delirium.
“Young lady, what is he to you?”
Just as he was beginning to crest over the worst, her temperature spiked. He blamed himself. Staying in one room together this whole time, breathing the same air. She deteriorated fast, struggling with each inhale. Her skin was burning, despite the growing chilliness.
He didn’t leave her bedside, giving her water and broth and the little medicine he was able to buy. Saiga said he had seen other young women survive this, but his expression was serious. Kougami was afraid. Afraid that she was going to die, and he couldn’t do anything about it.
In her fever dreams, she called for her parents. Her grandmother. Her friends. And for him. “Kougami-san! Don’t go!” For whatever reason he was, it brought her to tears, because they spilled down her face, onto her sweat-soaked pillow.
“I’m here.” He hushed her, pressing his hand to her forehead. “I’m here, Akane. I won’t leave you.”
He wouldn’t, because she believed in him. In the silent spaces between her coughing, her words haunted him.
He’s the person I trust most with my life.
“So, you ran away together?” Saiga summarized, as the two of them sat on the back steps of his house. “I admit, I’m not sure what to make of your decision. You must have had your difficulties.”
“It wasn’t easy, but it had its kinder moments.” Footprints in the sand, pages in the candlelight. A sheet between them.
His old teacher smiled. “That’s how life is. It was lucky that I was passing through. I was sick earlier this year, so I’ve been helping out. Kougami, don’t underestimate this flu.”
“It’s going to get worse, isn’t it? Winter isn’t even here yet.”
“You assume correctly. But at the very least, you’re both alive. I’m glad.” Miss Tsunemori’s fever had finally broken, though she was still weak. Kougami was better, but not by much. He still couldn’t bring himself to light a cigarette yet.
“Me too.”
“Whatever you decide next will be crucial. Snowy roads are harder to traverse, and with the infection rates, I’d be surprised if any small town will welcome outsiders. As long as you hold on to logic and clarity, you’ll find a solution.”
“I won’t forget. Thank you.”
With that, his teacher excused himself to obtain groceries, and Kougami went inside. She was reading the newspaper, looking lost.
“Miss Tsunemori?”
“Oh, Kougami-san. Um, sorry.” She hastily wiped at her eyes. “All the news of cases and deaths made me think of Obaa-chan. If we were this ill, then what about her? Masaoka-san too, and everyone else.”
“I know. Even Gino is only human. But if we go back…”
“We’re immune though. We can offer to nurse the sick, in exchange for clemency. We can negotiate.”
“And Tougane?”
“I can always use the pandemic as an excuse for delaying a wedding.”
“I don’t like the idea of you marrying him.” Saying that aloud felt like drawing to the edge of a precipice, that he knew he couldn’t turn back from.
‘I don’t either. But I’ll find another way.” Of course, she would say that. And he had faith in her.
He smiled bitterly. “Alright. Let’s return to Tokyo.”
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daleisgreat · 4 years
Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper
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A few months ago I covered the DVD set WWE released chronicling the ‘unseen’ matches of “Macho Man” Randy Savage. Today I continue that trend covering those lines of DVD collections with 2019’s Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper (trailer). Like with WWE’s other ‘unreleased’ line of home videos, all the matches and segments featured in here have never been released on video before. With WWE already releasing a comprehensive three-disc DVD set to Piper with 2006’s Born to Controversy, that means we are getting a collection full of deep cuts here. This two disc DVD is compiled similarly to the Randy Savage set where we get original, newly recorded interviews intersperse with the archival content. The interviews are from Piper mega-fan, “Rowdy” Ronda Rousey which are mixed in with archived home video interviews with Piper for added context. There are six sets of Rousey interviews, and they are sporadically inserted throughout the collection which also features 19 matches, nine promos and 12 editions of Piper’s legendary interview show, Piper’s Pit. WWE has established that Rousey is essentially the endorsed successor to carry on the Piper legacy, with Ronda paying homage to “The Hot Rod” by rocking her version of Piper’s entrance attire and carrying on his nickname. With that in mind, having Ronda being the featured new set of interviews to draw from seems like a fitting choice to commemorate Piper’s career here and are nice ways to mix up this collection.
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Ronda’s interviews are insightful on how she drew on Roddy for inspiration on MMA needing an antagonist, and how excited she was to finally meet him. I presumed she maintained a close relationship with Piper, and was surprised to learn in Rousey’s interviews here that she only met him once early in her MMA career when she got the blessing from Roddy to use his nickname and then a second time when she appeared on Pipers podcast, which was just a month shy of his death in July of 2015. Rousey went on to say one of her biggest regrets is not having a close relationship with him. There is a nice variety of the nine Piper interviews/promos included. There is a handful of the vintage Rock ‘n Wrestling era promos where Piper bellows out promos in front of a blue screen backdrop. A nice nostalgic bonus is a few vintage commercials where Piper maniacally shouts at you to purchase the latest WWE action figures. There are a few standout go-home PPV interviews here where Piper is on fire and by the end of them he got me just as fired up as Virgil for his upcoming WrestleMania match against Ted Dibiase, and on top of that is an especially intense promo with Bret Hart leading up to their WrestleMania VIII battle. There are three Roddy promos from his late 90’s WCW days, with a bewildering rant from a cell in Alcatrez and Hulk Hogan provoking Piper to cut loose on him and Bishoff in front of his son, Colt, standing out the most. These WCW promos have boisterous crowds capturing the high times WCW was riding at that time in the ‘Monday Night Wars.’
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It is no surprise that Piper’s rougher, brawling style will not warrant many five star classics, but a fair amount of his 19 matches here have crowds eating up the chaos Piper is delivering. I have only seen a handful of Piper’s early NWA work before, so seeing a few more of his NWA matches unearthed for this set was a treat, and his match against Jay Youngblood is a smashmouth brawl that goes to a time limit draw, and I loved seeing Piper tag with Ole Anderson against Mike Davis and Buddy Landell. There are a lot of the big arena house show matches here that were previously televised only in local markets, and like a lot of those matches in other sets, usually feature good action until a hokey finish. That is the case here with a killer clash against Paul Orndorff in 1985 fresh into their rivalry, with the crowd going bokers for them until a double countout finish. Just as riveting is Piper’s match in this set against Rick Rude where the crowd is losing it throughout, but a lot of tomfoolery I will not even begin to explain transpires and is the catalyst for one of the strangest DQ finishes I have seen.
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Piper teaming with Eddie and Blue-tista, looking like gold! Piper feuding with the nWo had the crowd on its feet! There are two matches on here against Mr. Perfect worth going out of your way to see. I know Mr. Fuji was an accomplished wrestler in the 70s, but never seen him in a match until this set where he is pummeled for a couple minutes against Piper until his fellow managers run in for the save. A lot of the latter matches in the back half of Getting Rowdy are quick TV matches with wonky finishes unfortunately, but for what it is worth, still draw rabid crowd reactions. There are two Nitro bouts included against Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage in 1998, but both bouts have several nWo run-ins that result in both matches being thrown out. I forgot about Piper’s brief 2003 run with Sean ‘O Haire, so it was nice to see those two again when Piper had a short encounter with Rikishi. The last match is an awesome impromptu bout against The Miz for $5000 of The Miz’s money, with Alex Reilly (remember him!?) as guest referee in 2011. I have zero recollection of this match, and even at a couple minutes long it was an absolute delight!
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Getting Rowdy was jacked with 24 installments of Piper’s Pit, but WWE had quite a few more to draw upon from the vault with 12 more here. Some of the early ones in this collection that were a riot were where both Jimmy Hart and the Brooklyn Brawler ruthlessly provoke Roddy to giving them a a well-earned beatdown. There are a bunch in the second half of this set when Piper would periodically show up on RAW and SmackDown for a special Piper’s Pit. Two that really got me were one with John Cena where Piper does a tremendous job at needling Cena into living up to his then-current t-shirt slogan, ‘Rise Above Hate’ and another where Roddy moderates AJ Lee attempting to get back into Daniel Bryan’s good graces after costing him his WrestleMania match against Sheamus. I enjoyed this collection more than I anticipated. As I mentioned earlier, Piper was not known for his epic wrestling abilities, so I was not letdown from the wide range of match quality from the 19 matches in the set. There are a few matches that are hidden gems in here for what it is worth, but the real reason everyone should check out Getting Rowdy: The Unreleased Matches of Roddy Piper, is for the many unreleased promos and Piper’s Pit interviews. While he may not have been a five star wrestler, Piper was easily a five star entertainer, and that is readily apparent from beginning to end in this collection.
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Those Piper action figure commercials are iconic, and this set is full of iconic promos I have never seen before where the Hot Rod made Virgil look like a million bucks! Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 Eric Bishoff: Wrestlings Most Controversial Figure Fight Owens Fight: The Kevin Owens Story For All Mankind Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Hulk Hogans Unreleased Collectors Series Impact Wresting Presents: Best of Hulk Hogan Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story The Kliq Rules Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat NXT: From Secret to Sensation NXT Greatest Matches Vol 1 OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold Randy Savage Unreleased: The Unseen Matches of the Macho Man RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Hall: Living on a Razors Edge Shawn Michaels: My Journey Sting: Into the Light Straight Outta Dudley-ville: Legacy of the Dudley Boyz Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Then Now Forever – The Evolution of WWEs Womens Division TLC 2017 TNA Lockdown 2005-2016 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania III: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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cherishedkids · 4 years
a letter to kamado tanjiro || tanjiro x reader
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anime: kimetsu no yaiba warning/s: angst, sad, a bit of spoilers, mentions of death and bloodshed words: 1,679 pairing/s: tanjiro kamado x reader summary: A traveller and his sister once stopped by your tea shop years ago. The memories you shared with him stayed with you even after he had to leave. This is the last and only letter you leave him.
A/N: i’m actually thinking of continuing this in tanjiro’s perspective.... but idk! i hope this letter format is understandable huhu
To my dearest traveller,
I do not mean for you to worry, but I feel that my death may be imminent. So even if you receive this letter, I doubt you have enough time to rush to the small countryside of Fujinomiya to save me. Before I leave this world, however, I still wanted to talk to you one last time, even though I know it has been years since.
If you are wondering, yes, I still am living in that shabby tea shop you visited… so many years ago. I believe it was when we were still living in the Taisho era, before the Showa era. Back when times were peaceful and we did not have to endure this… pointless war of egos. I truly hope you and your sister have stayed safe all this time. When you visited me, she was very young and cute. I hope that hasn’t changed since then.
Mt. Fuji looms before me, as the sun is slowly rising and climbing over it. The stillness of the air reminds me of my fate, and I hope you still remember me. I still do. You have left such a huge impact on me, that I almost cursed you. The stars in the night sky that are visible here remind me so much of you. When I go to burn wood for warmth during winter, I see the burning passion in your eyes staring back at me. Even when I go to hang my wet yukata, the cloth billowing in the air reminds me of your checkered haori. Everywhere I go, I could attribute to you. You just had left a mark on everything. I just wish I could see your smile one last time.
You stayed here for a few days. You told me it reminded you so much of the small village you used to visit when you still lived in the mountains, before you left to show your little sister the world. I could see the pain in your eyes when you said that, and from the scars that littered your arms, I knew how much you had to go through to be happy with her. 
Nezuko, if memory serves right, loved the hot spring behind my shop. It was her first time to bathe in one, and you asked me if I could accompany her. I did, and we had a grand time. I remember just how much I looked forward to spending more time in your company. Just the smile that you gave me was enough to satisfy me.
Through the days, more and more customers visited my little shop. I had to attend to them, of course, and the both of you did your best to help me. Even though it did lead to spilled hot tea and my dango mochi looking unformed, you still tried to help. Until now, I still do not know why my eye caught the both of you. Why did I ask you to stay for the week? And why did you ever accept? Because of this, I have been longing for you all these years. I cannot help but blame myself.
Perhaps it was because of the blade you were carrying. There were only a few samurai that were still roaming around, and I had always been curious since I was young. I think it was because you both had caused such a commotion when you arrived. Outside my tea shop, a fight was going on with a drunkard and a homeless man. But you butted in to stop it, saying that it was wrong. I exited the shop and saw the both of you, standing in the sun. When you came in, I was just so inspired that I gave you free tea and dango, which you kindly accepted.
Maybe the reason I will soon be leaving this mortal world is because of my morbid curiosity--the longing to know everything. I will try not to say much about the people who will be coming for me. I do not want any bloodshed to happen even after I die. It is my only wish and gift to the world. In their place, I will die. That way, there is less death. It is better this way.
As more days passed, you confided in me about a war that you partook in. It was different from the wars now, you explained. It was bloodier, and the trail ran longer back in the past, and blood had already dried out. For four hellish years, you had to live through it, and everyday was a struggle for you. Numerous times, you had faced death, and there were days you thought you were going to die. 
I can still remember the hurt in your eyes as you relived the countless deaths of your allies. Just the both of you surviving was a miracle, you said. When I looked at Nezuko, I wondered how such innocent eyes were able to witness death in the eyes and still held bravery to continue on.
But the warm smile you gave me when you said that you and numerous of your allies had defeated the supposed demon was enough to reassure me. When you were alone in your makeshift room that was actually a storage area, I saw you holding up a black uniform. I was passing by, and I read the words ‘destroy’ on it. Was that the uniform you had to wear while you were fighting the war? I ask, as if you’d ever actually reply. Forget that.
In exchange for the stories you told me about your life, I told you about the legends and the history of my family. I don’t know if you still remember, but I told you about my grandfather all those years ago. He was also a samurai, like you. Our bloodline was also wrought with clashing blades and untimely deaths, and I soon came to learn. Love and hate intertwine, and I realised it wasn’t just looks that parents pass on, but also conflicts and feuds. But it is too late to change that now.
That night… Do you remember? I’d hate to bring back memories that meant nothing to you, but this one did to me. Under the prying eye of the moon, and below the dirt palace of Mt. Fuji, you pressed your lips to mine. I wished a second lasted longer. I remember each and every touch. Your hand held mine dearly, and your body was hot as you took me in your arms. It had to end though, but I really thought you were going to stay. I tried pretending for the longest time that I was just dreaming. I did my best, you have to believe me. But it was all for naught. Your memory kept coming back to me, in the most mundane things. This dream turned to a nightmare. A reminder of the best thing I ever had, slipping away from my grasp.
It was a big world, and it still is, but you were on your own journey. The next day, you had to leave to show your sister the rest of Japan. To give her all the things you weren’t able to give to your other siblings. Was I a fool to listen to your hollow words that you were to return as soon as you travelled the country? Or do I just have enough faith in you to keep your word? But I already know I ended up being a fool.
I heard from the others about a counselor in Edo that looked like you. Watanabe Hitoka told me of this certain man’s striking red eyes and slicked black hair with burgundy tips. The scar on his forehead reminded him so much of the traveller that had visited here an era ago. Then I knew, I was a fool. Kamado was his last name, Watanabe recounted. I just hope that I left an impact on you, the same way you left sorrow on my soul when I heard this. Even so, you were able to make me happy, even if it only lasted a couple of days, and even if the pain still stayed and stung me for years to come.
My tea shop is the only familiar thing in my street. The buildings have been through everything, and as time goes by, so do the inhabitants. The young people that used to eat and drink here already have their own family, some have died, and some have been born. I think I am the only one refusing to yield to time. So much so that it has caught up to me, in the form of my ancestor’s debts.
Travellers like you have also stopped by here numerous times. Their tales and legends could never hold a candle to yours, but the ones about war never cease to surprise me. Just how harsh was the battlefield? Were you also caught up in the political hell that is Edo at the moment? I hope not. I’d hate to see you be eaten up by greed and power. I know your sweet soul would never yield, but what did I know? A few weeks together and I knew who you were? Impossible. The men disappear, but the cherry blossoms continue to grow and bloom. These were the only constants in my life. Tea, dango, cherry blossoms. 
I still hope that you returned. Maybe I would not be so miserable, but family came first, I understand that. I confess, I still am holding out a bit of yearning that you’d show up and save me from the hot water I suddenly find myself in. But that only happens in tales, stories like you told me. And I didn’t live in one.
I hope to see you soon, Kamado Tanjiro. Even if it is just in my dreams. But if we end up seeing each other in the afterlife, I hope that I still have to wait a long time before that.
Yours forever,
______ ____
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natsumi-no-hotaru · 4 years
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Chihayafuru #40:  Perfect whiteness laid on Mount Fuji's lofty peak
AKA. So the verse in the episode’s title refers to the Fujisaki t-shirt? Lmao.
[Previously: In which Kana-chan and Tsutomu were totally kick-ass!]
I can’t believe it - it’s already the 40th episode of Chihayafuru!!! Obviously i’m still a long way from the end of season 2 and starting season 3, but still, the 40th episode! This is not the 40th natsumi-watches post for Chihayafuru. yet it kinda felt like it? Probably because I often took forever to get one post out so to even just get to this milestone seemed a little far-fetched. Nonetheless, here I am, miles behind everyone else and against all odds, steadily moving forward.
Well... more than 2 weeks have passed since I wrote the first paragraph, lmao. It’s really silly that I’m taking so much more time to finish up one post and this speed is goddamn slow, considering the lessened work load due to COVID-19 (yes, there is mention of the pandemic right in the middle of an anime watching post). But there are actual worthwhile reasons for my slowpoke-pace of posting! I got hooked by this novel by Kawabata Yasunari - Beauty and Sadness, and spent nearly 2 weeks on writing about chapter 2 in my reading diary, and that is so amazing because a. I was doing some serious literary thinking (it seems wrong to use the word analysis cos the writing itself was still quite messy and done without any research) and b. I initially didn’t enjoy the novel much after the first chapter and skim reading it till the end was not a good idea (but did have its silver lining!) so it is a big deal to revise my opinion so drastically after the 2nd chapter! Besides this lovely return to my more erudite roots, the last few days have been wholly occupied by the 4th season of Boku no Hero Academia (look forward to my upcoming tribute post to this super duper awesome life-saving series!!!). It’s been a much better and funner ride than I expected, in spite of the lessened screen time for my babies Kacchan and Shou-kun (but what a spectacular return though!). 
*rant over* 
Those reading this (wait, plural those, really?) probably didn’t come for the random rant on what slowed me down for the last few weeks. So, I should get back to the program, huh? 
Chihayafuru #40 is an episode that both winds you down (a little too much) and winds you up in a somewhat bizarre manner. The aftermath of Hokuo’s defeat is hilarious and touching to watch (Sudo-san giving the gang a piece of his mind lmao). The episode also slows down a bit as we get a closer look at the dynamics of Fujisaki karuta club, run by the formidable coach Sakurazawa. As soon as the tempo picks up with the match-ups, the brake is hit again with 4 out of 5 Fujisaki players walking out of the room during memorization for some needed relaxation. The following conversation between Arata and Shi-chan raises the stakes a bit, what with Arata actually succeeding in convincing Shi-chan to go watch the final on his stead, but it is the promising face-off between Taichi and “Eromu” aka. the captains that finally kicks up the heat. Will Taichi once again lose to the pressure he built up internally or rise above his (frankly distasteful) opponent? Tough call, this one. 
Kana-chan’s decision
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“We should consider ourselves lucky! It wasn’t our ace who got hurt. We have first years to sub in! Mizusawa is set up to win.”
The tension over Kana-chan’s withdrawal and injury from the final match is allayed by the rousing encouragement given to her teammates by the injured person herself. The strength of Kana-chan’s conviction can be felt by all and it speaks volumes to her leadership capacity as the mental backbone of the team.
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It is regrettable to see Kana-chan sitting on the sideline but just like she said, Mizusawa is lucky to have new blood to take over when needed. Tsukuba-kun is certainly not of Kana-chan’s caliber but his enthusiasm, when correctly placed, is invigorating. I’d like to think that for all his desire to hoard attention and show off for his younger brothers, Tsukuba actually has a real caring bone, all the more so considering that he is a big brother. He didn’t notice Kana-chan’s injury but that does not invalidate his concern for her. 
Sudo-san’s pep talk
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The poor things lol. I love that Sudo-san’s sadistic tendency is not just played for laugh but is also written as a kind of tough love. He freely admitted that he didn’t watch Hokuo’s last match carefully because of his over-confident assumption in Hokuo’s place at the final and took to remedy the team’s low morale with a good dose of cheer. It’s hilarious and dorky how wearing the Hokuo’s good-riddance bright red shirts is a huge sacrifice on the part of the alumni and should serve as sufficient motivation for their adorkable kouhai.
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“This time i will watch the match. Hokuo must end the tournament with a win.“
The Mount Fuji banner
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under which we are disunited
The dynamics of a large school club with manpower to spare are a world of difference from that of small clubs with barely enough members like Mizusawa and even the veteran Hokuo. This gives Fujisaki the advantage of never having to play till you drop, which does not come without a fair share of drama of hierarchy and pettiness. 
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This reminds me so much of a certain Igo club from Hikaru no Go (yup, Touya Akira’s middle school nightmare), what with the upperclassmen giving lowerclassmen grief over taking the position of one of their own and the overall unsupportive attitude. Like seriously, even going so far as to demand Rion to refuse the coach’s assignment of playing in the final? And how about wishing the girl good luck instead of crying in the closet over a decision you can’t overturn anyway?
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She seems like a sharp and observant person back when she was watching Chi-chan’s match against Ousaka. Given her familial connection to the reader, she should make for a challenging and interesting opponent to Chi-chan. She’s definitely got my interest piqued so far. 
Tsutomu the prophet
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It’s crazy how accurate Tsutomu’s predictions are, from who would be replaced down to the players’ positions. His notes make me think of Deku’s hero notes and they both have a brain for strategic thinking. Shame that it’s unlikely for him to score a win this time, playing against a Sudo-san level player. 
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The anguish of Kana-chan
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“... or do the tears come from the feeling it invokes”
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Lawd, this girl. She’s so after my own heart. 
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And how ardent the love we share for great voices.
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To each their own challenge
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Fighting spirit ignited by Chi-chan aside, it’s evident that each of them would be facing a challenge entirely his or her own. 
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Lmao, the avengers. 
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No surprise that Tsukuba is shaking here..... 
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Don’t lose that spirit!!
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As always, Tsutomu is awesome - it’s not gonna be so easy for anyone to walk all over him now.
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Take that, Mr. Curled-lashes.
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I love that there’s a tentative bond between the two Tokyo schools. There are well-wishers like Amakusa in the room.
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And it’s not like Tsutomu the prophet hadn’t warned them of the Fujisaki’s habit to get some extra relaxation during memorization time. 
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This is Chi-chan’s last match and looking to be her toughest by the minute. Memorizing takes a toll on her and likely so does forgetting. Most of the cards are 3-syllable and none of them Chi-something cards. 
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“If I don’t forget everything, I won’t be able to defeat a fresh player in her first match.”
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The baton of leadership was retaken by Taichi, after passing through Tsutomu-kun and Kana-chan, in the most surprising of moves. It’s a little out of the blue for Taichi to be so fixated with beating this Arata-look-alike guy. I mean, sure, he does have an inferiority complex when it comes to Arata and can be just as preoccupied by Arata as Chi-chan but I still ... don’t quite get why this guy? 
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“I chose to play against him. If I beat him, maybe things will change.”
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I’m quite worried for Taichi. From past experience, it’s the internal pressure that he stoked up that often proved his undoing. And his opponent is a crafty and experienced one, poking right where it hurt as he brought up seeing Taichi losing to one of the Fujisaka players in a past tournament (which prevented him from ascending to class A). He was also relaxed enough to indulge in a sexual fantasy involving his coach (after lamenting the withdrawal of Kana-chan and her boobs), which is urgh disgusting, but it goes to show how confident he is. 
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Yup, real worried for Taichi. 
On a side note, I’m really looking forward to seeing Shi-chan being a spectator to the Mizusawa match. How would Chi-chan react to this much-awaited presence? Will she be more motivated to play to the best of her ability? I sure hope Chi-chan’s passion will reach Shi-chan, who is about showing the proper respect to the cards and the game. 
Chihayafuru #40 is frankly not much to write home about but it does its job of promising a good game coming up next. Here’s to Mizusawa’s best game ever!
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Until the next time then, folks! Stay safe and AT HOME!!!!
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precuredaily · 6 years
Precure Day 100
Episode: Futari wa Precure Splash Star 02 - “The Welcome Party at Pan-Paka is the Premonition of a Storm!” Date watched: 01 December 2018 Original air date: 12 February 2006 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5CtC8VX Project info and master list of posts: https://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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they bond quickly
This is a great follow-up to a great premiere. We get a better look at the villains, the lore, the girls’ lives, and see them become closer as friends. Basically it builds their world out more, and I love it.
First things first, the villains: we’re introduced to Goyan, an impish little dude who serves as the right hand of the boss, and the big bad himself Akudaikan. Having a right hand as a buffer between the boss and generals is a change of pace from the first two seasons but not an unwelcome one. Goyan is a curious little dude, you never know quite what he’s thinking. He seems like he already knows that Karehaan lost to the Precures and mockingly asks him if he returned with the spirits, but it could also be genuine sucking up. Either way Karehaan ignores him, and this will be the dynamic for most of the show. Meanwhile, Akudaikan is a big dark guy cast in shadow, so all you see are his eyes.
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Goyan mocks him and Akudaikan berates him so Karehaan goes out once more to try to redeem himself, and we learn that Dark Fall, like most villainous organizations, is run by a bunch of dicks, and that is why they fail.
Over in the Land of Greenery, which is the new name for the Garden of Rainbows, aka Earth (most series have a special name for Earth that ties into the lore) Saki and Mai are doing school things. Saki chats with her friends Hitomi, Yuuko, and Kenta about hosting a welcome party for Mai but Mai is already out the door before she can actually invite her. Saki finds her on the roof of their unusually aesthetic school and they chat about the previous day, while Flappy and Choppy explain how Precure’s mission to protect the seven fountains, of which all but one have been conquered by Dark Fall. It’s exposition wrapped in character development as it’s part of a scene where the protagonists try to learn about each other.
You may recall that while Nagisa and Honoka got along fine in Futari wa, it took a while for them to truly become friends. Splash Star decides screw that, Saki is way too gung-ho to wait, and Mai definitely wants the companionship. They have to work for it a little, as that night Mai talks with her older brother Kazuya about her reservations, and he encourages her to try making friends with Saki if that’s what she wants. Mai has a bit of imposter syndrome, she thinks she doesn’t really belong, that Saki already has a bunch of friends and she’s only being nice because Mai is new. Nonetheless, she puts on her brave face and goes to the welcome party. She’s a bit early, so she sits in the backyard and draws.
FW similarity/difference number 2: While Nagisa was part of a working class family living in a high rise apartment complex, Saki's family lives behind their bakery and are afforded such luxuries as a yard. The town of Yuunagi seems a bit more suburban than the setting of FWPC, which seems to correspond to the region of Japan it’s based on.
Mai gets so caught up in drawing that she’s completely oblivious to Saki and friends setting up for the party right behind her, so when she turns around she’s super shocked to see the supplies.
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Side note: Mai is a really good artist.
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I am not and I’m wondering how you get lines that thin out of charcoal
It’s very admirable, and we’ll get to see her develop this skill further throughout the show. The two girls speak candidly for a moment, and Saki insists that they ditch the formalities of Japanese speech by asking Mai to simply address her by given name, and asking if she can do likewise. Mai agrees to this and so they truly become Saki and Mai, rather than Hyuuga-san and Mishou-san. (reminder: referring to each other on a personal-name basis with no honorific in Japanese is a sign of closeness reserved for good friends and family)
 Unfortunately the festivities are interrupted by Karehaan, who turns a potted plant into an Uzainaa and demands the girls hand over their spirits. Naturally they refuse, transform, and quickly get their butts kicked. Karehaan offhandedly wonders how they were such a threat to him previously. But after some scolding words from Cure Bloom about how much she values Mai’s friendship and the party and how DARE Karehaan interrupt that, the girls turn the battle around. To borrow some contemporary slang, they fuckin YEET the Uzaina across town.
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It lands on a beach and Flappy and Choppy instruct them to give chase. By concentrating the power of spirits in their feet, they are able to leap across town as well.... but they have trouble sticking the landing. Fortunately the power of Precure protects them. Bloom gets caught by the monster and Egret gets a chance to return the earlier sentiment by declaring how Saki is important to her before throwing it. The pair recover, land a double kick, and then finish it off with Twin Stream Splash.
After the dust is settled, they detransform and Saki kind of gripes that they’ll have to keep doing this, but Mai says it’ll be okay as long as they’re together, and they begin their friendship anew with a handshake and a smile. Meanwhile, considering how far they leaped from Saki’s house to the beach, I’m left wondering how they’re going to get back in time for the party without arousing suspicion. I would kind of like the show to explain that, but it doesn’t.
The party goes swimmingly, with Mai loving the cake that Saki and her friends made, and then the rest of the class walks into the yard. Saki offhandedly mentions that she invited the ENTIRE CLASS to the party, which is news to her friends because they didn’t make nearly enough food for this, and Kenta starts chasing Saki around out of frustration (these two have a fun relationship, I’ll get more into that). We end on a freeze-frame of Saki and Mai being buddy-buddy, which is the top image.
Honestly my only criticism of this episode is that they detransformed on the beach instead of leaping back to Saki’s house and that’s such a non-issue. Some of the animation is spotty for wide group shots but they go by quickly. Other than those small things, it’s a perfect episode. It’s well-paced, it develops the characters after showing their insecurities (especially Mai) and you can relate to their friendship struggle. It took a bit longer for Nagisa and Honoka to become friends to this degree but they had less going for them. Saki wants to make friends, Nagisa was more like “let’s see what happens”. Plus Mai being the new girl in town makes her an object of interest before they become Precure, and that also means she has more room to make friends. So they bond quickly.
Saki’s other friends, Hitomi and Yuuko, are similar to Shiho and Rina in some regards, in that they’re also on the sports team with her and sometimes struggle to keep up with her. I remember Yuuko a little more prominently from my first viewing, partly because she’s chubby which stands out in a world of thin characters, and partly because of her crush on Kenta (not touched upon here). Kenta himself is an interesting animal. Since Verone Academy was an all-girls school, we didn’t get much in the way of male friendships in FWPC or Max Heart. There was Fuji-P and Kimata but they didn’t feel as close as the girls’ other friends. Kiriya came closer but he had to return to the darkness. Kenta is just a friend... a friend voiced by Takeuchi Junko, who is most famous now for being the voice of Naruto. It’s pretty much the same voice, just without “-ttebayo!” on the end of every sentence. She will also come back to voice Cure Rouge in the next few seasons. Kenta and Saki have a bit of a more aggressive friendship than with the other girls, but not in a bad way. They butt heads a lot because Kenta is a bit of a loudmouth and they give each other crap, but it’s all in good fun.
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As much as I like the emphasis on girls and girls’ stories in Precure, it is nice to see boy-girl friendships that feel natural and aren’t dominated by romantic leanings. I mean yeah, Kenta does have a crush on Saki as will later be revealed, but it’s not the be-all end-all of their friendship. I’m not sure I’m expressing my sentiment well.
Overall like I said up front, it’s a great world building episode and it really makes me look forward to spending more time with these characters (not something I can say for every show). So look forward to more, and hopefully there won’t be a two week wait before the next one.
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 1 Zekkouchou Nari, in the preview.
Miracle Drop Count: 2
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tardisgirlepic · 7 years
Ch. 1: “The Pyramid at the End of the World” Analysis Doctor Who S10.7: Big Payoff Coming, Don’t Trust What You See & Love Is Slavery Theme
My apologies.  I was hoping to get this up here on Tumblr before the next episode aired, but I went out of town.  I did get it posted on AO3 before "The Lie of the Land” aired, as I post there first and then cross-post with photos here.  Because I posted whatever I had on AO3 before I left and hadn’t finished, I went back making some changes to make things clearer before the airing.  At the same time, I had some revelations.  I updated AO3 2 times with the revelations. [See AO3]
Update: As I was working on some changes, I had a major revelation about a Star Trek reference.  I added a bunch of sections talking about the Doctor blowing up the lab and what it references.  Also, I didn't get to finish the part about what was coming up, so I added some more things at the bottom of the chapter.
Update 2x: Another Star Trek reference connects to the Wolf. (Search for UPDATE.)
All links to my other analyses referenced in this chapter go to AO3.  I apologize for that, but I just don’t have time to do lengthy analyses and update the links here.  Check out my Meta Archive on Tumblr for the chapters with photos here.
Note: TPEW = “The Pyramid at the End of the World,” the episode with the incredibly long name that I’m not going to spell out again, unless I have to.  Yikes!
So Much to Say, So Little Time
Sadly, there just isn’t enough time to cover TPEW.  There are tons wrong with the episode and tons to say.  However, I want to get out the main points.  TPEW is very important, and tells me a lot about what is really happening, which is basically the opposite of how it looks.  I’m going to forego most images, except where absolutely necessary, due to time restrictions.
This whole pyramid ploy and impending disaster are part of an engineered plot, not a mistake as the Doctor says.   Most everything in this episode is a lie.  And you may be surprised at what the subtext says about who is part of this plan.  Before we get to the lie and how to tell, let’s look at a few other things, including the purpose of what is happening.
Tips on Learning to Read Subtext
I’m trying to break down what I do, so you can understand how I do it.  Therefore, a situation a couple of days after TPEW aired, where my husband questioned me about how I connected 2 pieces of information, prompts me to explain something. 
I had the pleasure of sitting down and re-watching TPEW with my daughter, who is an excellent subtext reader, and my husband, who is learning the basics and applying what he knows to other shows.  When he’s motivated, he actually does a little research to look up something the dialogue or subtext suggests.  If you want to read subtext at more than a basic level, you have to research stuff.
As an example, before we sat down to re-watch the episode, I saw that the actor who plays the UN Secretary-General was in the movie Eyes Wide Shut.  Many times, actors bring with them subtext from what they’ve previously done, and this doesn’t just apply to DW.  Because I had no idea what the movie was about, I looked it up.  Nothing in the description jumped out at me as making a big subtext statement for DW.
Surprisingly, I came across something in the episode with my newfound understanding.  Now, I had a new appreciation for the line
DOCTOR: Hello, I'm the Doctor, saving the world with my eyes shut.
He questioned how I arrived at this connection between the line and the movie title.  Going with the principle of no coincidences, the line was too close to the movie title to ignore. 
This made me realize I need to show you, at times, how I think in other ways than I already do.
After we finished the episode, I went back to the Wikipedia page on the movie because there was a link that I hadn’t followed.  The movie is based on a 1926 novella by the Austrian writer Arthur Schnitzler.  It is called Rhapsody: A Dream Novel, also known as Dream Story (German: Traumnovelle).
It’s absolutely connected to what is happening in this episode and the others.  Based on this and some other new information in the episode, I believe I know where people are.
BTW, 1926 is an important year because this brings in more subtext, too, whether it’s coincidental to the novella and DW or not.  It refers to the 3rd Doctor story “Carnival of Monsters” and brings in the idea of miniaturization of people, as well as a device called the miniscope, which the 12th Doctor mentions as a possibility that he and Clara could be in during “Robot of Sherwood.” 
The miniscope allows the operator to change the emotions of the creatures inside, even making them forget that they have done something multiple times.  We’ve already seen these ideas used in nuWho but in a different way.
The idea of changing people’s emotions is what happens in “The Bells of St. John,” where Clara and others get uploaded to the Wi-fi.  Miss Kizlet, who works for the Great Intelligence, changes her employees’ emotions from a computer tablet. 
Also, this also brings in a connection to Amy.
The novella, BTW, very much pertains to the Doctor, River, Clara, and others.  That’s for a future chapter.
Ploy to Possess the Doctor: The Eagle Abducts Ganymede
The big payoff is coming! Here we see Ganymede getting abducted by the UN and Colonel Brabbit.  Where is UNIT, BTW?
The Eagle
Colonel Brabbit represents the eagle.  In the image below, there is an eagle on his uniform sleeve (red arrow).  It’s true an eagle represents a colonel in the US Army. This, however, is not a real army uniform, nor is it a real colonel’s eagle.  This is all a lie.  Besides, no colonel would be making unilateral decisions for the entire nation.
Brabbit has 4 stars in 2 different places (white and yellow arrows) on his uniform.  The 4 stars represent the Library, so this is taking place in the Library metaphor.   He also has 13 stars on his hat.  The number 13 represents a Doctor.  Here is where the Doctor is both Ganymede and an eagle.
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The 12th Doctor in the subtext in seasons 8 and 9, because he has multiple faces, can be labeled 0, 1, 2, and 3, or he is 12, 13, 14, and 15.  He can also be some multiple of 12 in a series of numbers, such as 24, 25, 26, and 27.  Season 10 is running a bit different, but that will have to be topic for another chapter.
Brabbit, then, would represent the Doctor.  Also, Brabbit = “rabbit” with an added “B.”  Rabbits, as of “Thin Ice,” are associated with redemption.  Unless I missed the horse, there wasn’t any this week for once in many weeks.  This is about the Doctor’s abduction and how it happened.  The rabbit would suggest this is part of getting redemption. Abduction is opposite of rescue, which goes along with how basically everything in this episode is a lie.
This capture may come back to several things, one of which is the Doctor’s words from “Robot of Sherwood.”
DOCTOR: Quickest way to find out anybody's plans, get yourself captured.
I’m expecting the Doctor to be one step ahead, even if it doesn’t look like it.
Both Bill and the Doctor represent Ganymede.  They are abducted and flown to the proverbial Mount Olympus with the pyramid and the Monks. But this all has to do with the Library metaphor.
Bill can represent the Doctor because she is one of his faces. 
Bill’s Cyan Jacket & “The Fires of Pompeii”
Bill is wearing a really interesting jacket.  It’s cyan (a theme color of this episode) with black highlights.  However, before I get to that, the back of her jacket is very important and gives us a lot of information.
The white arrow points to Okinawa.  The red arrow points to a volcano, a symbol of Lobus Caecilius, Capaldi’s character from “The Fires of Pompeii.”  (Caecilius means blind, which is another reason the Doctor most likely had to be blind.) However, that’s not all…
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The volcano isn’t just a volcano, and that was the shocking part to me.  Okinawa didn’t make sense when I first saw this.  The volcano looked like Mount Fuji, a sacred symbol in Japan.  When Mount Fuji is stylized like this, I’ve frequently seen a sun and flowers, like cherry blossoms, with it.   Japan is known as the Land of the Rising Sun, so the sun represents it. 
Wow, this also tells me why in TRODM, Nardole and the Doctor go to the Harmony Shoal office in Tokyo! Mount Fuji is near Tokyo.  Before TPEW, I had no clue why Tokyo was important.
Harmony Shoal hasn’t gone away.  They are truly part of this war with the Doctor. 
Anyway, I really doubted this volcano represented Okinawa, so I looked up volcanoes on Okinawa, which is at the southern tip of the Japanese islands.  There aren’t any volcanoes there.  The volcano on Bill’s jacket is Mount Fuji.
Why Okinawa? 
Names, as well as places on Earth, are always important.
I knew several things that Okinawa was famous for: the longest lived people in the world, who aren’t vegetarians; Okinawan martial arts; and the Battle of Okinawa from WWII. None of these explains why Okinawa is so important.
So I looked up Okinawa and read about the history.  Something important related to the Doctor’s subtext story jumped out at me.  Things will start jumping out at you once you understand the basic story and can connect the dots.  However, you first have to build the context into which to put the details.  This is what I’ve intensively done for the past 4 years and beyond.  I may look like I pull things out of a hat, but I don’t.  So I want to show you how I do this.  It’s all based on research that I’ve done, as well as recognizing patterns, seeing things that tend to hide in plain sight, and connecting the dots.  Everyone can do this too.
I am writing more about this than I planned, but this part is really key and is another example of how I piece together the parts of the puzzle.
Anyway, the importance of Okinawa is about usurpation.  And we just saw in previous analyses that usurpation had to be important. 
A Hungarian-born, Jewish man named Bernard Jean Bettelheim converted to Christianity and became rather zealous about preaching the Gospel.  He became, according to Wikipedia, “a naturalized British subject sometime later, married the daughter of a prominent thread producer, and, in 1844, his first child was born; she was named Victoria Rose.”
Wow, there are a couple of things here, as well!  Conversion is important because the Doctor is going through the Great Work. In fact, TPEW had a reference to “My Fair Lady” where the Doctor says, “She's got it.  By George, she's got it!”  My Fair Lady is a musical based on George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, where Eliza is given speech lessons so she can pass as a lady. In the 7th Doctor story “Ghostlight,” the Doctor referred to Ace as Eliza.  This is a conversion of sorts.
Also, Victoria Rose is another link.  Rose is linked to Victoria in “Tooth and Claw,” which is a story of usurpation where the Scottish boy is stolen by Monks and then possessed by the werewolf!  In Chapter 14 of Fairytales and Romance in Doctor Who, we saw how the 10th Doctor, playing the 12th Doctor in the subtext, is half him and half werewolf.  The usurpation story in DW is very old, so many of these references were set up long ago, actually going back to Classic Who. 
BTW, if you can go back to most DW stories, classic or nuWho, and tell something of how at least parts of any episode fit into the main subtext story, you then know every episode of DW is connected.  I want you to know what is possible, depending on how motivated you are.  I would understand more of the details, I’m sure, if I had watched all the Classic Who episodes that still survive.
So my advice is to go back to Classic Who and watch some of the episodes, if you haven’t already, especially ones that I might point out that are relevant to what we are watching at the time.  However, concentrate mostly on nuWho to begin with, especially seasons 8 and 9, which don’t have all the timey-whimey bits of the 11th Doctor stories.
Anyway, Bettelheim, as a missionary, went to Okinawa with “his wife, Elizabeth M., their infant daughter, Victoria Rose (born 1844), their infant son, Bernard James (born November 1845).… The local officials offered the family shelter in the Gokoku-ji temple for the night, and the priests in residence there left, out of respect for the women's privacy. The following morning, the Bettelheims refused to leave.  They would remain in the Gokoku-ji for seven years.”
Wow, he and his family usurped the temple for 7 years!  Temple is a term DW uses for the Doctor’s body, which may come with a number, corresponding to the number of the Doctor.  So in “Oxygen,” we saw “He’s in Section 12,” which felt like it had a lot more meaning beyond the episode, and now I see why.  It was, indeed, foreshadowing to find the Doctor. They linked Bill to the Doctor, and found him through her.
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So Bill’s jacket is saying the sacred volcano is usurped, meaning Caecilius is the Doctor.  We’ll see how his body is appropriated/possessed/mind controlled.  And that is exactly what we’ve been examining in multiple chapters.  He puts on the beetle, just like Donna, in “The Fires of Pompeii.”  Donna’s beetle spins off a parallel world for her, so we should expect the same with the Doctor.  However, he’s a happy slave before he even puts the beetle on.
How cool is it that the Land of the Rising Sun becomes a symbol of the Doctor?  And how it ties into the amazing subtext stories that surround the symbol?  The Sun metaphor didn’t even occur to me when TRODM Harmony Shoal office was in Tokyo. This is another example of how DW repeats things in multiple ways, so if you miss it in one context, there will be others. 
So this is a subtext reference, too, showing us Harmony Shoal is involved.  The Doctor is in a psychological war with himself, which we already saw in a different context.
We know we are reading the subtext correctly when all kinds of pieces start falling into place. Things move from hypotheses to conclusions, waiting to be shown in canon.  This is the really exciting thing for me, seeing how this all comes together.
BTW, Clara, too, is connected to Japanese things since she had various Japanese items in her apartment, as well as the house in “Last Christmas.”
Bill’s Red Jacket & “The Return of Doctor Mysterio”
In the opening scenes of the episode, Bill isn’t wearing a cyan jacket.  The 2 birds on the front look similar to those on the cyan jacket, but her jacket is more of a pinkish hue with red highlights, shown below. The really interesting things about the birds are that they are phoenixes.  They also look like a forward “C” and a backward “C.”   That’s significant and refers back to TRODM, Harmony Shoal, and the Eye of Harmony, which I’ll talk about more in a few minutes.
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Why does Bill have 2 jackets?
I believe part of the answer to why Bill has 2 jackets can be derived from looking at the 6 elephants in Moira’s house, shown below, from “Extremis.”
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In the second image, shown below, of the elephants, there is a mirror with 2 elephant images on the right. However, those images do not match the ones we see in the elephants on the left.  The two in the mirror are ghosts.  So we, most likely, are dealing with 3 people as One and a duplicate 3 people as One.  Perhaps this is a real timeline and an altered timeline.
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Both Bills can be real like Donna and alternate-Donna.  From what happens at the beginning with Penny, they are most likely in a shared dream.
The Phoenix
Because Bill’s jacket is about Japan, at least on the back, we not only need to look at the phoenix of Greek mythology, but also we need to examine its meaning in Japan.  Then, we need to try and decide from context which version we are meant to use.  Or maybe we need to use both.
The Phoenix in Greek Mythology
According to Wikipedia:
Associated with the Sun, a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor. According to some sources, the phoenix dies in a show of flames and combustion, although there are other sources that claim that the legendary bird dies and simply decomposes before being born again. According to some texts, the phoenix could live over 1,400 years before rebirth. Herodotus, Lucan, Pliny the Elder, Pope Clement I, Lactantius, Ovid, and Isidore of Seville are among those who have contributed to the retelling and transmission of the phoenix motif.
In the historical record, the phoenix "could symbolize renewal in general as well as the sun, time, the Empire, metempsychosis, consecration, resurrection, life in the heavenly Paradise, Christ, Mary, virginity, the exceptional man, and certain aspects of Christian life".
Certainly, the phoenix’s long life, death, and rebirth describes the Doctor.  It’s associated with the Sun, which again is the Doctor. And we come back to the Christian connection and the Trinity.  It’s a symbol of transformation, which, of course, we see over and over, from the normal Doctor definitions to usurpation and “My Fair Lady.”
However, Donna’s “Turn Left” alternate universe was a living hell.  Therefore, instead of paradise, the Doctor will most likely be a slave in a living hell.  CAL, too, was enslaved in a living hell until the end.  She didn’t see it that way while the dreams were her “real life.” The Doctor probably will be very mind controlled at first, believing he’s in paradise, so he won’t see the living hell, either. 
The Sacred Phoenix in Japanese Mythology
The sacred Japanese phoenix originated in China and has different origins from the Greek phoenix.
According to Japanese Buddhist Statuary:
Chn. = Fèng Huáng, Feng Huang 鳳凰 Jp. = Hō-ō 鳳凰 or Hou-ou, Ho-o, Hoo-oo Feng 鳳 represents male phoenix, yang, solar Huang 凰 represents female phoenix, yin, lunar
Often depicted together with the Dragon, either as mortal enemies or as blissful lovers.
One of Four Celestial Guardians of Four Directions Considered equivalent to the Red Bird | Big Bird
In Japan, as earlier in China, the mythical Phoenix was adopted as a symbol of the imperial household, particularly the empress. This mythical bird represents fire, the sun, justice, obedience, fidelity, and the southern star constellations.
According to legend (mostly from China), the Hō-ō appears very rarely, and only to mark the beginning of a new era -- the birth of a virtuous ruler, for example. In other traditions, the Hō-ō appears only in peaceful and prosperous times (nesting, it is said, in paulownia trees), and hides itself when there is trouble. As the herald of a new age, the Hō-ō decends from heaven to earth to do good deeds, and then it returns to its celestial abode to await a new era. It is both a symbol of peace (when the bird appears) and a symbol of disharmony (when the bird disappears). In China, early artifacts show the Phoenix (female) as intimately associated with the Dragon (male) -- the two are portrayed either as mortal enemies or as blissful lovers. When shown together, the two symbolize both conflict and wedded bliss, and are a common design motif even today in many parts of Asia (see below).
All of this is important, too.  Interestingly, the Chinese and Japanese phoenix ties into the concepts of yin and yang, lunar and solar, which ties back into what we looked at with the taijitu in the 2nd chapter of my analysis on “Extremis.”   The lunar and solar aspects also tie back into what we’ve looked at with the Great Work and the Moon and Sun metaphors.
The “One of Four Celestial Guardians of Four Directions” probably relates to the Library, which is represented by four directions.
Once again, we have a reference to a royal bloodline related to the Doctor, especially the empress. The Doctor was associated with the Mother of God in “Extremis.”  While empress doesn’t necessarily mean “Mother of God,” the meanings in the context of DW are very similar, and the genders are the same.  Certainly, Bill and Nardole could also be of the royal bloodline.  I’m expecting it.
The Doctor has been abducted, so symbolically he has disappeared.  Disharmony or harmony, all of this isn’t so simple because of the lies, like with CAL in the Library.
The dragon is interesting because Peter Harness co-wrote this episode.  He also wrote “The Zygon Invasion” and “The Zygon Inversion,” as well as “Kill the Moon,” where the dragon hatched from the moon.  The dragon represented the Doctor.
Wedded bliss turns into mortal enemies, so this all makes sense because the altered timeline represents a threat to the main timeline if we go by “Turn Left.”
Interestingly, in southern China, regarding the Red Bird:
Its plumage is of the five mystical colours - black, white, red, green and yellow, and it has twelve tail feathers, execept in years when there is an extra month, when there are thirteen. It feeds on bamboo seeds, lives in the branches of the dryandera tree, and drinks from fountains of fresh water.
This is really interesting because 4 of the 5 colors relate to the Great Work.  Also of interest are the 12 tail feathers, which relate to the 12th Doctor, and so do the 13.  However, 13 here could also relate to Brabbit.
One more interesting thing from Wikipedia:
Phoenix talons (S:凤爪 T:鳳爪) is a Chinese term for chicken claws in any Chinese dish cooked with them.
Therefore, a chicken can substitute for a phoenix in certain cases.  Rory is associated with chickens.  He certainly is a phoenix, dying multiple times and being resurrected.  However, Bill and Penny are both associated with the chicken dish in Moira’s kitchen.  Bill is a phoenix in that she flatlined according to the audio in “Oxygen,” so she died and got resurrected.  Penny is associated with the 12th Doctor.
Usage of Colors in TPEW
One of the really interesting things about TPEW is how color is used.  I’ll have to go back and reevaluate previous episodes with these new concepts in mind.
The Story of One Bottle, 2 Images
Douglas in the lab is hung over and talks about breakages.  However, we only see one breakage the first time, which made me question that.  Not only that, the first time we see a green bottle, I thought it would be empty.  However, when it breaks, brown liquid spills out. That’s even odder, given the bottle isn’t darker.
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Later, we see a brown bottle until the camera shows the green top.  This bottle looks odd too.  I’m not going to post more photos here.  If you watch the episode again, watch the bottles break exactly the same both times, which is impossible.  (Keep an eye on the cracks of the largest piece of glass.)  No two bottles will break exactly the same.  There is a point DW is trying to make, which I’ll get to below.  The bottles are the same but colored digitally incorrectly on purpose for a reason.
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DW wants us to notice there is one bottle but 2 flavors, so to speak.  This relates back to the Trinity where 3 people are One.  And then we have 2 versions of Bill.  Could there be something else, too?
Bill’s Jackets: Cyan and Red
Red and cyan are both complementary colors, or in photography they are the negative of each other.  Both of those concepts give us some information.
In modern color theory, complementary colors are pairs of colors that cancel each other out when combined, producing a grey-scale color like white or black.  Modern color theory uses red/cyan, green/magenta, and blue/yellow.
The traditional color model says that complementary colors are pairs of colors that are opposite one another on a color wheel, like red/green, purple/yellow, and blue/orange. When they are combined, they produce brown.
So cyan and red are part of the modern color theory.  It’s the terminology with the colors that I find interesting.  Negative and cancelling each other out seem quite significant, especially when talking about CERN, particle physics, and Dan Brown’s novel Angels and Demons with an antimatter bomb.  This is especially relevant, too, when talking about Ragnarök and the destruction of the world.
The symbology may be that one set of people is like matter and another like antimatter.  When both are brought together, they annihilate each other, which is mostly what happened in Ragnarök.
Interestingly, Nardole is wearing cyan and red; Bill most of the time is wearing cyan and black with gray and a red stripe; and the Doctor is wearing red and black.  Since when does he go around with his button-down shirt not tucked in?
Since complementary colors cancel each other out, producing a gray-scale color, it’s possible the Doctor’s calling card is meant for 6 people as One.  The TARDIS, after all, is meant to have 6 pilots. 
Colors & the First Aid Kit
There’s a green first aid kit on the wall (yellow arrow) in the lab.  However, it’s not the normal color.  Maybe it’s a European thing, but most first aid kits that I’ve seen in the US, if the cross is not within a circle, are red with a white cross. Regardless, this may have additional meaning.
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Both Erica and Douglas are not who they seem to be.  Erica has a hidden face.  She, Douglas, and the Doctor are all associated with the first aid kit, which may have something to do with the color.  It’s a fact that they are associated with the cross.
The Greek Cross is associated with the church or temple, which comes back to the Doctor’s body, regardless of a number.  Erica and Douglas are both faces of the Doctor.
Since modern color theory is used with Bill’s jackets, green becomes suspicious because it is used with the traditional color model and opposite the red of a first aid kit. Modern and traditional could be used to describe the duplicate sets of 3 people, where traditional is meant as the originals.  I’m thinking aloud here to show you that DW does get quite obscure like this. 
Also, I’m spelling out my thinking process here, so you can see how I connect ideas.  If you want to read subtext, you have to be able to do that and think outside the box.
Duplicates & Truth or Consequences
The Zygons metaphorically are showing up again here; however, the references, writer, and the setting of the Zygon episodes may be as close as we get since Capaldi is leaving. Zygon references had to return because of the duplication of the Doctor.
Like “The Zygon Invasion” and “The Zygon Inversion,” TPEW has similar weird dialogue and plenty of wrongness, which we’ll look at in a bit.  However, there are some other very important references.  First of all, the setting of Turmezistan is the same, so that brings in the Zygon training camp and splinter revolt.  Second, it brings in Truth or Consequences from New Mexico and the Doctor’s war speech with the boxes. 
Another reason for revisiting Zygon references, which TPEW pointed out, was how the Doctor should have received Consequences and died in TPEW.  Instead, it looks like we will get Truth, which is a lie because Bill sold Earth’s soul to the devil, so to speak.  This looks like it might be like the Doctor Faustus contract.
Bill signed the contract without fully understanding the terms.  She asked questions that were not answered or fully disclosed.
Also, there’s the idea in the Zygon episodes of usurping someone’s identity, which, of course, is the point of the duplicate, but once again here’s the usurping theme.
So modern and traditional could be related to the original person being kept prisoner in dreams, like Clara was, while the duplicate assumes the original’s role. 
Is Rassilon Back & Taking Prisoners?
In a previous chapter, we looked at an image from “The Five Doctors,” which showed Rassilon’s insignia.  According to the Doctor’s calling card, Rassilon may be a face of the Doctor.
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It looks like Rassilon will be back because the insignia shows up below on the lab, but in the opposite direction, like the backward “C” on Bill’s jacket.  Not only that, but check out the 6-spoked pattern to the left of Rassilon’s insignia at the bottom, which I forgot to mark.  This building is a prison, referring back to Prisoner 6 from The Prisoner.
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So it’s not surprising at all when 2 chains show up in the lab (red arrows).  I would have been surprised if there weren’t any.
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Here’s a close up of a chain, which is odd, although the Monk’s round camera is there, which could have meaing. This photo is odd because it’s a close up without a person near it.  This may mean The Ghost is a prisoner, which would make sense, or it could mean something else.  This is the 1st time I’ve seen something like this, which is why I am questioning its meaning.
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It’s a little hard to tell here, but there is a chain behind Douglas, shown below (red arrow).  He is a prisoner and is being controlled.  The whole impending disaster/non-disaster was engineered.
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Not surprisingly, the Doctor has a chain behind him, which has nothing to do with him being locked in the lab.  There would be no need to use a chain for something obvious.  He is a prisoner before Bill sell’s his soul to the devil. Caecilius was a happy slave before he put on the beetle.  Why?  I expect that we’ll find out.
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Most likely, the best thing to do is to think of the Doctor as CAL in the Library with Doctor Moon brainwashing him into thinking the real world is a lie and the dream world is real.
OMG, That Lab & the Silliest Dialogue!
OMG that lab dialogue, imagery, etc.!  Quick, someone call the regulatory agency in Yorkshire for, well… I’ll go over a few highlights
Most of the intentional wrongness in the episode shows up in the lab.  If you’ve ever been in a lab or have knowledge of lab practices, you may have been cringing, or maybe you played spot-the-problems like my daughter and me.  It’s a textbook case for how not to build or run a lab.  Students, don’t try these things in the lab!  There are so many wrong things in the lab, but I’ll just call out a few.
Initially, I was cringing when Erica came in with coffee (red arrow), which then started the spot-the-problems game. Douglas calls her an angel.  Um… no!  He looks poisoned when he dies frothing at the mouth, and his blurriness starts right after he drinks the coffee.  Where’s the big sign that says, “No food or drink in the lab!”?  Health and safety violation.
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Also, why are they testing bacteria on live plants?  The plants should already be harvested. 
Then, Erica and Douglas are not even looking at bacteria on the monitor.  The little creatures are more complex than bacteria and much bigger. I recognized a paramecium, the big slipper-shaped thing zooming by.  Bacteria are tiny and come in specific shapes.  This is when Erica says the silliest dialogue:
ERICA: It's gone crazy. It's much too strong. It's not just breaking the root system down, it's killing the whole thing. We have to seal off the lab, the greenhouse, everything. This can't be allowed to get into the atmosphere.
Wow!  What exactly has gone crazy?  Um… why is a scientist who works with plants surprised that if you kill the roots of the plant, the whole plant dies?  How can she even tell what’s happening since there are no plant parts there? This, most likely, is a slide of pond life since paramecium are quite abundant in ponds.  Is that a clue to Amy?
And why is a biohazard lab venting hazardous materials into the atmosphere?  Where is regulatory when you need them?
Douglas running out of the biohazard lab with a sample was not a mistake.  It wouldn’t have made any difference anyway because the airlocks weren’t designed properly.  They are supposed to use pressure to force pathogens back into the lab.  People can’t run in and out of the doors like they did. 
And not wearing a biohazard suit…
I could go on and on.
One more thing, the butterfly effect comes up again with small things having a big effect.  The butterfly is a symbol of transformation.
The Lab, the Doctor, Star Trek & the Legend of the Changeling
Blowing up the lab is an absurd move by the Doctor, but he, too, is being controlled.  I feel like he is the Nomad probe from the original Star Trek.  It got damaged and had its programming changed.  Sterilize…sterilize.  It tried to sterilize everything, destroying whatever was imperfect.  (The Doctor tries to destroy non-human Heather in “The Pilot” by sterilizing her in Dalek gunfire, which doesn’t make sense.)  Sterilizing things in fire, requires a certain amount of time in the heat.  There is no way a bomb blast will do anything good, except spread the plague faster through the high-speed blast.
*** I’ve added the sections below ***
Wow, OK, I’ve had a major revelation about this whole sterilization thing.  I was going to go back and put in the Star Trek episode title “The Changeling” in the paragraph above when it dawned on me why the Doctor wants to sterilize things in ways that don’t make sense.
Spock, Rose & the Doctor
DW really is making a reference to the title of the episode “The Changeling,” which is based on an Earth legend.  Before I get to that, I forgot to mention that there is a very important original series Star Trek reference in the 9th Doctor episode “The Empty Child.”  Rose tells Captain Jack Harkness that the Doctor’s name is Spock. 
If you don’t follow Star Trek, First Officer Spock is a half-human, half-Vulcan science officer on the starship Enterprise, and he is brilliant and telepathic, like the Doctor.
Spock’s name comes up 5 times in “The Empty Child.”  Here is one of the conversations:
JACK: Good evening. Hope we're not interrupting. Jack Harkness. I've been hearing all about you on the way over. ROSE: He knows. I had to tell him about us being Time Agents. JACK: And it's a real pleasure to meet you, Mister Spock. (Jack walks forward to the ward.) DOCTOR: Mister Spock? ROSE: What was I supposed to say? You don't have a name. Don't you ever get tired of Doctor? Doctor who?
So Spock, a hybrid, is associated with the Doctor.
The Changeling: A Legend of Usurpation
Captain Kirk in the episode tells Spock about the changeling legend:
KIRK: An ancient Earth legend, Mister Spock. A changeling was a fairy child that was left in place of a human baby. The changeling assumed the identity of the human child. So, it is to sterilise, and for sterilise read kill.
Wow, here is yet another reference to someone being usurped!
In this case, the changeling is the probe, which the Doctor is, at times, emulating.  Initially, the Nomad space probe was launched from Earth during the early 21st century, and its mission was to explore the galaxy.  Clearly, something has changed in its mission, so Spock mind melds with the probe to find out what its purpose is.
SPOCK: Fascinating, Captain. The knowledge. The depth. KIRK: What does it mean, we are Nomad? SPOCK: It was, it was damaged in deep space. Undoubtedly, the meteor collision. Its memory banks were destroyed, or most of them. It wandered without purpose, and then it met the other. The other was an alien probe of great power. Somehow they merged, repaired each other, became one. KIRK: Then it isn't Nomad? SPOCK: Not the Nomad we lost from Earth. It took from the other a new directive to replace its own. The other was originally programmed to secure and sterilise soil samples from other planets, probably as a prelude to colonisation. KIRK: A changeling. SPOCK: I beg your pardon?
KIRK: An ancient Earth legend, Mister Spock. A changeling was a fairy child that was left in place of a human baby. The changeling assumed the identity of the human child. So, it is to sterilise, and for sterilise read kill.
SPOCK And it has the power and sophistication to do it. KIRK: Yes, it's powerful, it's sophisticated, but it's not infallible. It's space-happy. It thinks I'm its mother.
This sounds suspiciously like what has happened to the Doctor or will happen.  Nomad gets reprogrammed and seeks out biological infestations to destroy them. Um… this sounds ominous, but we know the Doctor has killed a lot of people.  In fact, that was certainly made clear in “Extremis” on the execution planet.
Purpose of a Changeling
This might explain why the Doctor is in an orphanage as a child.
According to Wikipedia:
One belief is that trolls thought that it was more respectable to be raised by humans and that they wanted to give their own children a human upbringing. Some people believed that trolls would take unbaptized children.  Once children had been baptized and therefore become part of the Church, the trolls could not take them.
Beauty in human children and young women, particularly blond hair, was said to attract the fairies.
In Scottish folklore, the children might be replacements for fairy children in the tithe to Hell; this is best known from the ballad of Tam Lin. According to common Scottish myths, a child born with a caul (head helmet) across his or her face is a changeling, and of fey birth.
“Night Terrors” & Another Type of Changeling
In “Night Terrors,” 8-year-old George, a mirror of the Doctor, contacts the Doctor via psychic paper, asking to be saved from the monsters.  George has very strong powers, such as the ability to use perception filters. Also, he has telekinetic powers, among other things, and sends all the things he is afraid of to the dollhouse.
His adoptive/foster parents didn’t remember they couldn’t have kids because George made them forget with the perception filter. The Doctor talks to his adoptive/foster father, Alex.
DOCTOR: George is a Tenza. Of course he is. ALEX: He's a what? (Peg dolls are approaching from all directions.) DOCTOR: A cuckoo. A cuckoo in the nest. A Tenza. He's a Tenza. Millions of them hatch in space and then whoomph, off they drift, looking for a nest. The Tenza young can sense exactly what their foster parents want and then they assimilate perfectly.
Cuckoo birds lay their eggs in another bird’s nest, letting the young be raised by foster parents. Certainly, the foster parent sounds like Moira with Bill.  And Bill is a face of the Doctor.
Interestingly, Wikipedia says
In Greek mythology, the god Zeus transformed himself into a cuckoo so that he could seduce the goddess Hera; the bird was sacred to her. In England, William Shakespeare alludes to the common cuckoo's association with spring, and with cuckoldry, in the courtly springtime song in his play Love's Labours Lost. In India, cuckoos are sacred to Kamadeva, the god of desire and longing, whereas in Japan, the cuckoo symbolises unrequited love.
We have 3 connections here: Zeus turning himself into another bird (Zeus or his proxy is the Doctor), Love’s Labours Lost in “The Shakespeare Code,” and the cuckoo in Japan with the Harmony Shoal connection with Bill’s jacket.
The Lab, Pi, Star Trek & “Wolf in the Fold”
*** This is a whole new section UPDATE 2x ***
Wow, this has just blown my mind how Star Trek is being used!  I had another revelation of something in the lab that didn’t make sense.   On one of the monitors, there is the Greek letter pi, which my daughter caught.  It was very out of place because it wasn’t part of the screen, which was blank, except for a big white pi, like more as a reflection-type thing.  Obviously, it had been digitally added.  However, it didn’t make sense at the time.
Now, I get it.  With the Star Trek reference above for “The Changeling,” I see how DW is using Star Trek.  I need to modify my thinking to include Star Trek episodes and titles.
Star Trek was my favorite TV show growing up here in America, so I'm geeking out about the Star Trek references in DW.  Not having watched the episodes in a long time, I couldn't remember which Star Trek episode had the computer calculate pi, so I looked it up. 
It’s an episode called “Wolf in the Fold,”where Scotty, the engineer on the Enterprise, is suspected of murder.  Memory Alpha says,
However, a more sinister force may provide a connection between this murder and many previous around the galaxy, including a rampage on ancient Earth.
The sinister entity can possess people, so here is yet another reference to usurpation.  The Doctor has to get usurped.  This theme is just coming up all over the place, and it’s an example of why my hypotheses get moved to conclusions, which are head canon, waiting to show up in real canon.  When a theme or topic from the subtext keeps hitting you over the head, you know it has to happen.
Check out the connection to fear and usurpation, which we’ve seen in previous chapters, and I talked about it below before adding this new section.
SPOCK: An entity which feeds on fear and terror would find a perfect hunting ground on Argelius, a planet without violence, where the inhabitants are as peaceful as sheep. The entity would be as a hungry wolf in that fold.
People who were afraid were easily taken over.  The Doctor is very afraid right now.
The entity entered the computer, and Spock told it to calculate the value of pi, which is never ending.  The crew ended up getting rid of the entity
So here is a connection to the Wolf, which goes with the werewolf and the Doctor from “Tooth and Claw.”
References to “Oxygen”
There are quite a few references in the lab that relate to “Oxygen,” although the first thing I recognized was something in the command center. 
Duct Pattern
The pattern on this duct (red arrow) was on the space base in “Oxygen.”
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We see the same pattern on the duct in “Oxygen.”  They are reused to draw a comparison.
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Hazardous Similarities
The biohazard lab was very similar to the dangers on the space station.  Both require special suits; both have airlocks; both have deadly environments; both are engineered to fail.  Douglas and the Doctor go without full biohazard suits, like Bill and the Doctor in “Oxygen.”   People in the lab are being watched, like the “Oxygen” suits.  The deaths were engineered just like in the lab.
Plague & Pyramid References
Both TPEW and “Oxygen” refer to plagues.  The TPEW plague is obvious, although there is also a plague cross on the plane. However, the plague in “Oxygen” is only in the subtext.  Check out the photo of the Doctor’s suit (red arrow).  There is also a pentagon, meaning a weapon of mass destruction.  
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However, also notice the triangle (yellow arrow).  I had wondered about this.  Of course, it can refer to The Ghost with 3 sides, which I assumed.  However, I figured it might have some connection to a pyramid because of the shape being the side of a pyramid and because of what the pyramid shape means.  “The Wedding of River Song” took place in a pyramid in an alternate timeline.  The Bank of Karabraxos in “Time Heist” was the shape of a pyramid, where the Doctor metaphor is a slave.  Pyramids also have a connection to the 4th Doctor story “Pyramids of Mars,” where the Doctor’s body gets usurped. 
So here’s how these pyramid stories are tied into the 12th Doctor through TPEW.  It was inevitable that we had to come back to a pyramid, especially because the subtext shows the Bank of Karabraxos is on a rift, which ties in the Sisterhood of Karn and the Sybilline Sisterhood in “The Fires of Pompeii.”
As far as triangles go, the Monks monitor has triangular sides, so they can easily be related to the problems in “Oxygen.”
One more thing about the plague and TPEW: when connected to the volcano on Bill’s jacket, that connects to “The Empty Child,” “The Doctor Dances,” and “The Fires of Pompeii.”
Health & Safety Violations
Then, there are the health and safety violations in the lab.  This was also mentioned in “Oxygen” when people try to pick up Bill in her suit. The suit complains.
VELMA: Warning. This is an illegal manoeuvre. ABBY: The suit won't let us. Health and safety. NARDOLE: Health and safety?
More to Come from “Oxygen”?
This all makes me wonder if part of this dreaming is damage from lack of oxygen, like hallucinations. Or did the Doctor make a bargain with the devil to save Bill.  Regardless, it feels like there must be some other connection here that we haven’t seen that goes back to “Oxygen.”
The Lie of the Engineered Impending Disaster
If you didn’t catch all the images that flash by when people are looking at the Monks’ simulation, life still exists on Earth.  For lack of time, I’m not going to post them.  It’s a lie that everything is dead.  All the images are of natural disasters, except possibly 1 where there is a fire coming out of a building.  This is not about the plague at all.  Here are the images shown:
·      Forest fire with many burned trees
·      Flood and damage
·      Storm clouds
·      Huge flood where houses get submerged, except for the roofs.
·      Tornado/hurricane damage with a car turned over
·      Fire coming out of a building
·      Hurricane with palm trees bending severely
BTW, I have a really hard time believing the Monks have modeled every event in human history. The amount of computing power needed would be staggering, unless we are using all the dead Time Lord brains in the Matrix and all the knowledge of human history on the Library planet.
Those threads on the simulation machine are interesting.  The first thing I thought of was string theory, but I also thought of weaving a tapestry, which reminds me of the Moirai from Greek mythology or in English the Fates.  We examined fate in a different way with the Magic Haddock story from “Smile.”
The Fates & Moira
The Fates, according to Wikipedia,
were the white-robed incarnations of destiny; their Roman equivalent was the Parcae (euphemistically the "sparing ones"). Their number became fixed at three: Clotho (spinner), Lachesis (allotter) and Atropos (unturnable).
They controlled the mother thread of life of every mortal from birth to death. They were independent, at the helm of necessity, directed fate, and watched that the fate assigned to every being by eternal laws might take its course without obstruction. The gods and men had to submit to them, although Zeus's relationship with them is a matter of debate: some sources say he is the only one who can command them (the Zeus Moiragetes), yet others suggest he was also bound to the Moirai's dictates.  In the Homeric poems Moira or Aisa, is related with the limit and end of life, and Zeus appears as the guider of destiny.
The ancient Greek word moira (μοῖρα) means a portion or lot of the whole, and is related to meros, "part, lot" and moros, "fate, doom",[6] Latin meritum, "dessert, reward", English merit, derived from the PIE root *(s)mer, "to allot, assign".
Moira is a power acting in parallel with the gods, and even they could not change the destiny which was predetermined.
This also reminds me of the 3 witches in “The Shakespeare Code.”
Since it’s the Monks who have threads that simulate Earth’s events, they seem to be playing the Fates’ roles.  Interestingly, Bill’s foster mother is Moira, so it seems there may be more to her than it appears.  In fact, this all may suggest the Doctor’s entire life has been controlled by those represented by the Monks.  Certainly, the 12th Doctor has been a prisoner for his entire life, so this makes sense.  We know someone is controlling him.  Part of it, obviously is love, but why was Caecilius a happy slave in “The Fires of Pompeii” before he put on the beetle?
BTW, the actress who plays Moira played a woman in “Grid Lock,” who was married to the cat man named Brannigan, and they literally had a litter of kittens together in their Motorway car.
The Love Is Slavery Theme
In TPEW, the Monks must be loved
MONK: We must be wanted. We must be loved. To rule through fear is inefficient.
DOCTOR: Of course. Fear is temporary. Love is slavery.
Love is slavery has been a long-time theme.  Here are a few examples.
“Human Nature” & “The Family of Blood”
We’ve examined this very metaphorical image, shown below, multiple times from “Human Nature” where the 24th Doctor (Roman Doctor) is trapped in the Library metaphor. It really is one of my favorites because it tells us so much.
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If you missed it, my lengthy examination is in Chapter 13 of Fairytales and Romance in Doctor Who.  Here’s an excerpt:
The gyroscope, which is centered on the Doctor’s heart at the bottom center, has an arrow through it. Gyroscopes balance themselves and provide stability or maintain a reference direction in navigational systems, automatic pilots, and stabilizers, and gyroscopes are part of an inertial guidance system.
However, this gyroscope has an arrow through it, so the system can’t balance itself. It represents Cupid’s arrow shooting through the Doctor’s heart, causing him to lose his sense of stabilization and direction.
Love has unbalanced him, which very much matches up with what we saw in the episode and its second part “The Family of Blood.
He’s trapped and framed in, meaning he is being used against his will, and he has strong fears.  He is a slave to love.
“The Shakespeare Code” & the Number 57
In “The Shakespeare Code,” the 3 witches (Carrionites, who are yet another species from the Dark Times) cast a spell on Shakespeare, enslaving him to write his lost play Loves Labour's Won, which is possibly a sequel to his play Love's Labour's Lost.  Through the power of his words and a string of numbers, a code, spoken in the Globe Theater, a gate opens allowing other Carrionites to come through.
This episode not only specifies how important words are, especially Shakespeare’s, it tells us how important numbers and shapes are, too.  Additionally, there is a hint given to us to help decipher some DW numbers, including the number 57, which comes up quite a bit.  The 10th Doctor uses it in “The Shakespeare Code.”
DOCTOR: Come on. We can all have a good flirt later.
SHAKESPEARE: Is that a promise, Doctor?
DOCTOR: Oh, fifty seven academics just punched the air. Now move!
Some numbers in DW refer to Shakespeare’s sonnets.  In fact, Sonnet 57 is about being a slave to love:
Sonnet 57
Being your slave, what should I do but tend Upon the hours and times of your desire? I have no precious time at all to spend, Nor services to do, till you require. Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you, Nor think the bitterness of absence sour When you have bid your servant once adieu; Nor dare I question with my jealous thought Where you may be, or your affairs suppose, But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought Save, where you are how happy you make those.    So true a fool is love that in your will,    Though you do any thing, he thinks no ill.
When I hear this poem, I can’t help but think of the original Star Trek.  Captain Kirk spoke the first few lines in “Plato’s Stepchildren.”  Interestingly, I’ve thought of this Star Trek episode several times lately in regards to DW, but for other reasons.  Star Trek may have a broader significance to the current events than I’ve realized so far.  Update: Once I wrote this, I started thinking about it.  Yes, it does have a broader significance, as my updates suggest, but I’m betting I’m missing a whole bunch of Star Trek connections because I haven’t thought of this previously.  This is how these things happen with subtext references. Something can radically change how you view things.  Then, you have to rethink a bunch of episodes.  The color scheme I’ve showed you in this chapter is another example of this.
Back in my analysis on “The Pilot,” I talked about “The Shakespeare Code,” as well as how the Doctor and River are stuck in looped time because the 12th Doctor wasn’t there with River in the Library to help her, so the 10th Doctor comes.  River enslaves the Doctor with knowledge of the future.  He is a slave to love and can’t get past this point until something changes.
This is a canon problem that has to be resolved, which is another reason why River has to come back or at least we need to hear another resolution to the story with how it affects her and the Doctor. 
“The Wedding of River Song” & 57 & 22
In “The Wedding of River Song,” River doesn’t want to kill the Doctor, so time is stuck in a loop at 2 minutes past 5 in the afternoon on April 22.  We don’t see the seconds until later.  All of time is happening at once, and the clock won’t move.  Once the Doctor grabs River’s arm, we see the clock advance, starting from 05:02:57.  Everyone is a slave to an alternate timeline because of River’s love of the Doctor.
The number 22 is also another reference to Shakespeare and Sonnet 22:
Sonnet 22
My glass shall not persuade me I am old
So long as youth and thou are of one date;
But when in thee time’s furrows I behold,
Then look I death my days should expiate.
For all that beauty that doth cover thee
Is but the seemly raiment of my heart,
Which in thy breast doth live, as thine in me.
How can I then be elder than thou art?
O therefore, love, be of thyself so wary
As I, not for myself, but for thee will,
Bearing thy heart, which I will keep so chary
As tender nurse her babe from faring ill.
  Presume not on thy heart when mine is slain;
  Thou gav’st me thine not to give back again.
“The Pyramid at the End of the World” & 57
OK, I had to spell out the darn title again.  The Doctor touches his sonic shades, which then show the time as 11:57.  Everyone's phones ring, showing a time of 23:57:00. Time is caught in a similar type loop as in “The Wedding of River Song,” although time isn’t happening all at once in TPEW.  I’ll call this the Doomsday Loop for the Doomsday Clock reference.
This episode draws heavily from the 5th Doctor story “Kinda,” which I’ll talk about in a few minutes.
“Last Christmas” & 57
In “Last Christmas,” the Doctor and Clara are trying to figure out if they are dreaming.  The Doctor passes out 4 manuals.
DOCTOR: These books should be identical in the real world. But as they don't exist in your memory, in a dream, they can't be. Agreed? Clara. Give me any two digit number.
CLARA: Fifty seven.
DOCTOR: All right, all of you, turn to page fifty seven and look at the very first word. Right, when I point at you.
So 57 gets mentioned twice here.  The Doctor, in fact, puts himself in another layer of a dream to save Clara.  The Dream Crabs found Clara through the Doctor. In TPEW, the Doctor is mirroring Clara, having been found through Bill.
“Heaven Sent” & 57
We know the Doctor kept going for 4.5 billion years in “Heaven Sent” because of thoughts of Clara, so it’s not surprising that the number 57 comes up.
(A clock ticks, but it is actually the Doctor tapping a finger against the arm of his chair.)
DOCTOR [OC]: It's funny, the day you lose someone isn't the worst. At least you've got something to do. It's all the days they stay dead.
(The flies arrive.)
DOCTOR: Fifty-seven minutes?
(He gets up and leaves just ahead of the Veil's arrival.)
It’s significant that he talks about losing Clara while sitting near her portrait.  Then, he mentions 57 minutes.
“Time Heist”
The male Teller, being the last of its kind, is a metaphor for the Doctor.  It’s enslaved and doing terrible things in the Bank of Karabraxos. Later, we find out that it was because of love.  A female teller is held hostage to enslave the male Teller and make it do Karabraxos’ bidding.  The relationship between the Tellers is never mentioned, so I’m just calling them kin.
From this, we know the Doctor has to be a slave to love, whether romantic or not.  Someone he cares about and loves is being held hostage.
Bill is the one who is the face of the Doctor here.  She enslaves everyone to save him, and that mirrors River.
“The Curse of Fenric”
While the term “slavery” isn’t used in the 7th Doctor story “The Curse of Fenric,” love is used as a weapon of mass destruction.  It’s part of the curse to win the war.  Drop the love bomb on one side and wipe out lots of people.  I talked a little bit about this in Chapter 16 of Fairytales and Romance in Doctor Who.  It sounds a lot like Davros’ reality bomb.
Ace is beginning to have feelings of love, which is canon.  However, the subtext says her love is for the Doctor.  He ends up saying some cruel things to her to break her confidence in him, exactly like what the 11th Doctor had to do to break Amy’s confidence in “The God Complex.”
I expect this may happen with the 12th Doctor and Bill.  In fact, does he intentionally provoke her, so she tries to kill him? He will sacrifice himself at some point because it occurs numerous times in the subtext.  That may also be part of what the Monks have been alluding to when they said they killed him many times in the simulation.
The curse also comes back to Rose and Bad Wolf, besides Ace, Clara, and Martha.
Enslaved by Love & the Memory Block/Mind Wipe
While 57 doesn’t come up in the dialogue in “Hell Bent,” Clara and the Doctor (like River and the Doctor) are slaves to love, whether it’s romantic or not.  The subtext shows it is romantic.  Clearly, they love each other in whatever capacity that is.  And they are alchemically married.  In “Before the Flood,” Clara mentions love.
CLARA: No. Doctor, I don't care about your rules or your bloody survivor's guilt. If you love me in any way, you'll come back. Doctor, are you?
He comes back.  And she programmed him to always come back, which he does in “Hell Bent.”  This programming is also a problem.
He wants to block her memory to block any thought of him, so the Time Lords don’t find her.
DOCTOR: Because it's the only way. That stuff in your head, the image of me, they could use it to find you.
However, we see in TPEW why the memory block or mind wipe is needed.  They used Bill’s knowledge of the Doctor to find him and abduct him. Not only that, it was Bill’s love of him that has now enslaved the Earth (the Doctor) and humanity.  According to the subtext, he will be the Teller, made to do terrible things.
Enslavement & Death of the Earth
No doubt from the clips of the upcoming episode “The Lie of the Land,” we see an altered timeline, and it looks like humanity is enslaved.  It’s probably because of the enslaved Doctor’s words, since the Doctor is the Shakespeare mirror.  I imagine he becomes like Doctor Moon, who brainwashes people. 
In TPEW, we see a visual of the Earth as a metaphor of the Doctor.  After the opening credits, we get a look at the Earth (yellow arrow) from space, which fades out simultaneously as the top of the Doctor’s bent head (red arrow) fades in.  While the Earth is the Doctor, it’s his head, not his face, which is associated with the Earth.  That tells us that the metaphor applies to all Doctors.
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Controlling Earth means controlling the Doctor’s mind.  The actual death of the Doctor would be the death of Earth, which needs to happen in an alternate timeline.  However, what if he is like CAL and there are living minds there?  Just thinking aloud here.  We always have to consider the bigger subtext story and how this fits in.
Tip: Ask yourself lots of questions and try to piece together as many data points as you can.
Since we are dealing with Harmony Shoal, he would get possessed like what Harmony Shoal tried with Grant.  Of course, the Doctor is a mirror of Grant, the most powerful person on Earth.  Harmony Shoal (the Monks) possesses him.  We don’t see a brain swap in the same way because that was metaphorical silliness for the Christmas specials.
If we go by what happened in the Library, River prevented CAL from self-destructing by integrating with her.  River’s and the Doctor’s actions reactualized most of the living minds like Donna’s.  Since we are dealing with the Library, I think something like this may happen at some point.
The Doctor may, indeed, be hurt more than we have been told.  He knows his death is coming shortly.  And his speech at the beginning very much reminds me of the beginning of “Heaven Sent.”
(After the titles, we get a look at our blue marble hanging in space, then at the Doctor picking a melancholy tune on his electric guitar.) DOCTOR: The end of your life has already begun. There is a last place you will ever go, a last door you will ever walk through, a last sight you will ever see, and every step you ever take is moving you closer. The end of the world
[Ordinary street]
(A little woman comes out of her front door and puts her handbag down to stop it closing.) DOCTOR [OC]: Is a billion, billion tiny moments. (Her husband is following, staring at his smart phone.) ERICA: Don't shut the door! (But he does, smashing her glasses which are inside the handbag.) DOCTOR [OC]: And somewhere, unnoticed MAN: Sorry. DOCTOR [OC]: In silence or in darkness (She hold up the ruined glasses.) ERICA: Damn it! (And gives her other half a Look.) DOCTOR [OC]: It has already begun.
BILL [OC]: You talking to yourself in there? DOCTOR: I'm meditating. BILL [OC]: You've been in there for hours. I've been trying to talk to you. Have you double-locked this thing?
Interestingly, he mentions silence and darkness.  Silence is another metaphor associated with River, Amy, Rory, and the 11th Doctor.  Did you notice the 11th Doctor’s theme playing in this episode?  Darkness most likely refers to his blindness.
Meditation is a reference to the Season 9 episode “The Magician’s Apprentice” and its humorous minisode prequel, “The Doctor’s Meditation.”  In “The Magician’s Apprentice,” Clara asks Missy a question:
CLARA: How's a Time Lord supposed to die?
MISSY: Meditation. Repentance and acceptance.
When I think of the Doctor’s death, while there are many episodes showing that he sacrifices his life, 5 episodes stick out: “Dark Water” & “Death in Heaven” with Danny Pink, who dies being hit by a car, like Rose’s father, but sends back his younger self because he promised; “Turn Left,” where alternate-Donna has to sacrifice her life; “Father’s Day,” where we see Rose save her father and then how he sacrifices his life; and “The Unquiet Dead,” where Gwyneth volunteers to be a gateway for what she believes are angels, but she sacrifices her life to stop them when they turn out to be malevolent, ghostly creatures.
We’ve examined all of these, except “Father’s Day,” which has some important additional subtext, suggesting who Bill might be.
“Father’s Day,” Bill & the Doctor’s Sacrifice
In “Father’s Day,” Rose and the 9th Doctor go back in time because she was a baby when her father died, and she wants to see him.  They tragically watch her father step out in front of a car.
On an impulse, seeing this about to happen a 2nd time, she runs out, against the Doctor’s orders, and saves her father from being hit.  It changes the timeline, and people start disappearing at a wedding. Reapers come to the church to take people away, or people are there one minute and not the next. One Reaper is shown below, which looks really clunky on purpose.  This image of a giant bat-like creature is not really what one looks like.  
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Scientifically, a different timeline would spin off, and people would just not be there.  Or other people would show up.  A good example is the first Star Trek movie of the reboot, directed by J.J. Abrams. 
So the Reapers are metaphorical, but important.  They show us that things change when the timeline is damaged.
The Doctor, over the years, has damaged the timeline seemingly without consequences.  If he’s in a simulation, there may not be any consequences.
BTW, below is an image of Rose and the Doctor with a horse picture. They are part of the rescue plan.
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Rose’s Father
Rose, the 9th Doctor, her mom, baby Rose, and dad, along with others take cover in the church that the Reapers attack.  Below, the Doctor and Rose’s father are going to look out the window.
When I first saw this scene in the church and recognized the metaphor of the crucifix (red arrow), shown below, the scene shocked me.  Both the 9th Doctor and Rose’s father are associated with the crucifix in this scene, meaning they are the crucified 12th Doctor.  This equates Rose’s father with the Doctor, so here Rose metaphorically is the Doctor’s daughter.  What this means is that the Doctor’s daughter, whomever she is, saves the Doctor and spins off an alternate timeline.
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While this all really was shocking to me when I first saw it, there is an image, which confirmed this for me. We see a scene below from the viewpoint of one of the Reapers, where the 9th Doctor is walking down the sidewalk.  Surprisingly, the Doctor is 2 different people, 2 heads (red and white arrows) with a blurry body.  Scientifically, there would be the mainline Doctor and an alternate timeline version in 2 different universes.
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 We’ve got dreams, illusions, simulations, etc. going, so anything is possible.  They, most likely, are in the Matrix.
Anyway, this duplication comes back to the 12th Doctor, and the 2 versions of him, Bill, etc. that we are seeing in “Extremis” and TPEW.
To set the timeline straight, Rose’s father sacrifices his life by stepping out in front of the car. We don’t see people return when he does that.  Scientifically, Rose’s father’s death wouldn’t fix the timeline because they are 2 separate universes, like the Star Trek reboot and the original series.
In “Turn Left,” alternate-Donna’s fix of the timeline by sacrificing her life suggests other things are going on.
Is Bill the Doctor’s Daughter?
Bill saved the 12th Doctor from dying, which mirrors both River and Rose, where we see alternative timelines created because the Doctor and Rose’s father survive.
Bill also mirrors many other companions, but can one be the Doctor’s daughter?
There is something in “Oxygen” that lends support to that.  When Bill and Nardole are trying to hurry the blind Doctor away from the zombies, Bill’s suit locks up and refuses to move.  The Doctor has to leave her behind.
DOCTOR: You will go through hell, but you will come through it. And I will be waiting on the other side. BILL: But what if I was going to die DOCTOR: You're not going to die! BILL: Would you just say exactly the same? DOCTOR: I will see you soon. BILL: Just tell me a joke before you go. (They all leave her.) BILL: Just tell me a joke! He didn't tell me a joke. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Mum! Answer me! (A zombie touches Velma.) VELMA: Instruction received. Complying. BILL: Mum!
We see images of Bill’s mother flash by.
VELMA: Please remain calm while your central nervous system is disabled. Your life is in our hands. (As electricity plays over Bill, her last thoughts are of the photo of her mother. Then she joins the back of the train of zombies.)
The really odd thing here is that Bill calls out to her mother twice, which doesn’t make sense for what we think we know.  Bill doesn’t know her mom, who died when Bill was a baby.  Under duress, most people are not going to call out to someone who is dead to answer about not telling a joke.  It would be natural to call out to Nardole and the Doctor.  Nardole, shown below, has a really pained look when Bill does call out, and the Doctor looks distressed, too, in the scene.
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The Doctor is the one who took the photos of Bill’s Mum, but what if the Doctor is trying to protect Bill to keep her identity secret.  What if she is his daughter?
Rose spun off an alternate timeline when she saved her father.  It looks like Bill does something similar with the 12th Doctor. Shooting the Doctor, however, would be like River or Amy, where Amy shot at the little girl in the astronaut suit in “The Impossible Astronaut.”
Also, shooting the Doctor could mirror the Master’s wife shooting him.  With people playing all kinds of mirrors, many things are possible.
Where Are They?
The title of the 10th Doctor episode “The Family of Blood” suggests that it’s the Doctor’s own people who are after him.  Given who all is involved, like Rassilon, the Monks most likely are Time Lords. 
Since Bill has a forward “C” and a backward “C” on her jacket, this has to do with the Eye of Harmony. Most likely they are part of the Matrix, so for right now, I’ll refer to the Matrix as a metaphor that includes virtual reality, dreams, and illusions, like the 4th Doctor said about being in the Matrix.
A Similar Episode from Classic Who: “Kinda”
TPEW draws heavily from the 5th Doctor episode “Kinda,” which is pronounced with a short “i.” I made the mistake of using a long “i."  A few months ago, I watched about 6 minutes of the first episode and stopped, so I went back and watched the whole thing the day after TPEW aired.  It draws heavily from The Prisoner.  Also, there is a Doomsday Clock, although it is not labeled as such, which is also at 11:57.
The Kinda are telepathic, but most don’t speak.  However, there is a wise old blind woman, Panna, who can speak, along with a girl, Karuna, who speaks and is telepathic.  Women have a gift that men don’t, and they can look into a Jhana box without going mad.  Men, however, go mad or else are idiots.  The Doctor got labeled an idiot.
There are a lot of mind-bending things going on, especially with Tegan, one of the companions.  She gets duplicated, where one copy is an illusion, turning into 9 other copies of her.  An evil being wants her to become him.  He has a snake tattoo that transfers to her after she is worn down by psychological warfare.  The Mara possessed Tegan, but later transferred to a Kinda male.  He somehow ends up making all the Kinda obedient to him.
The Doctor experiences many mind-bending things, too
What to Expect Coming Up
Based on various episodes, we can get an idea of some of the things that might happen. 
Fear, Possession & Hostage Situation
Fear and a weakened condition invite possession, and we know the Doctor is very scared about his blindness, which he talks about in TPEW.  Depending on the hostage situation, he might submit willingly to a possession or a situation where he has to choose the lessor of 2 evils, so to speak.
“Tooth and Claw”
In “Tooth and Claw,” set in Scotland, the werewolf talks to Rose: 
ROSE: Where are you from? You're not from Earth. What planet are you from? WEREWOLF: Oh, intelligence. ROSE: Where were you born?
WEREWOLF: This body? Ten miles away. A weakling, heartsick boy, stolen away at night by the brethren for my cultivation. I carved out his soul and sat in his heart.
So the Doctor is abducted by Brabbit and the Monks and most likely gets possessed.
In the 10th Doctor story “Midnight,” we see Skye (who most fears an invisible entity) getting possessed.  Her possession passes into the Doctor, so this supports the possession hypothesis.
“Time Heist”
There’s the hostage situation we looked at above in “Time Heist.”  In it, 3 Doctors are implied.  The one who is a hostage, the 12th Doctor that we see, and the Architect from the future.
Wealth & Empire
We know the Doctor would never pursue wealth and power if he is in his right mind, but a possessed Doctor or a Doctor-turned-human might.
“The Fires of Pompeii”
In “The Fires of Pompeii,” Caecilius, as a human, wanted to get rich, so the Doctor will most likely get rich.
“Rise of the Cybermen” & “The Age of Steel”
In “Rise of the Cybermen” and “The Age of Steel,” John Lumic builds an empire.  He is CEO, director and co-founder of Cybus Industries, which creates Cybermen.  Lumic is responsible for a lot of deaths.
The Man Who Fell to Earth
In The Man Who Fell to Earth, Newton builds an empire.  He really is trying to do good things with his businesses, unlike Lumic, but he is also psychically affecting people in not so good ways, which he probably doesn’t realize.  Much of what we see is not reliable since it looks like he is caught up in hallucinations, illusions, and other altered realities.  He is being controlled.
Some Master Episodes, Like “The End of Time,” Parts 1 & 2
We’ll most likely see the Doctor mirroring the Master in more ways, since we’ve already seen a lot of mirroring.
Eye of Harmony
At some point, we’ll have to see the Eye of Harmony, like we did in “The Impossible Planet.”  That would be the black hole and another planet, unless we see only something like what was in the DW movie.
Rescue of the Doctor
Of course, the whole rescue plan is about rescuing the Doctor, so we have to see that.  “The Empty Child” and “The Doctor Dances” will play a large part to stop the plague that we’ve examined across many chapters. If you haven’t read about the rescue plan or the plague cross and what it means, check out Chapter 17 of Fairytales and Romance in Doctor Who plus the next 2 chapters. We examined how there had to be a plague somewhere before Season 10 even started. 
The Doctor’s Family
I expect that we will learn who the Doctor’s family is.  I’m expecting several people to come back.
At some point, the subtext says the Doctor will sacrifice himself.
One thing is for sure: it will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
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cutiecrates · 6 years
Cutie Top 10: Hoppechan!
⋆。°✩ Ta-da! ⋆。°✩
Here it is Cuties, my very first ever CUTIE TOP 10 list! Aren’t you excited?!
As you can see I’m in a better mood today and I’ve rid of all the stress and drama from last week. So here I am ready to make an ultra-fun post for everyone!
Or at least try 。(*^▽^*)ゞ
Okay, so if you’re new here or forgot, I’ve been planning to do Top 10 list topics for quite a while now. I’ve only done one, based on the Top 10 Items I’d Like From Kawaii Box, or something like that. If you click that bold text you can go check it out :3 Ah, I should mention- number 7 and 2 on the list we actually did get from a Kawaii Box sometime after I made it. I was so surprised.
For now, head under the cut for brand new images and my top 10 list of Hoppe!
Before I start, I counted the Hoppechan I own, and I have a total of 16! It took me probably twenty minutes or so to sort them out and determine which ones I was going to include- then probably another twenty due to lingering doubts and double-checking.
If I had 20 of them, I probably would have done a top 10 list, or maybe a Top 10 Hoppechan I didn’t like (if even possible!) to balance this one out.
In this post I will be counting down, so the Hoppechan who takes 1st place is my absolutely favorite of them all! I’ll also be providing a small bit of information with each one, what I like about them, etc.
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To celebrate 2017, Hoppechan dressed up like Mt. Fuji to celebrate Hatsuhinode; a special new years event where people gather on various mountain tops to witness the first sun rise of the new year.
A simple, light blue Hoppechan representing the mountain, with cream on top in place of white top. A miniature red Hoppe was even included, colored red to resemble the bright shining sun, and there’s even a tiny mountain on top! Both Hoppechan are made from silicone, along with the cream. The mountain and tiny Hoppe’s bow is made from plastic, while they both have black gems for eyes, and gem cheeks. The larger Hoppe has pink cheeks, while the red one has white.
In the about 2 years that I was getting Hoppechan, I realized that I really liked the smaller sized Hoppechan. They were so cute, I couldn’t resist them. So while overlooking my collection, I was instantly drawn to this one. I know it might not seem like much, but the well thought out details were also pleasing to the eye.
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Inspired by the Magpie forming a bridge for the separated lovers Orihime and Hikoboshi, this Hoppechan takes flight for the holiday. It is recommended that the owners of this Hoppechan bring her along for July 7th, so that they can celebrate Tanabata and have their own wish come true; maybe even find true love. How dreamy~
This is another simple design, featuring a pale pink body and multicolored gem cheeks that alternate between light shades of pink and blue. She has a simple, glittery pair of white wings and an ultra-sparkly translucent star, giving her an angelic design.
As much as I enjoyed the elaborate looking Hoppechan, I also appreciated the simple and sweet looking ones like this. Pale pink is my favorite color, and I loved how her cheeks had a multicolored shine, her glittery wings and star just made this one all the more irresistible~
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This slightly smaller than average Hoppechan is celebrating summer with a sunflower and some kakigori, or shaved ice. What makes this hoppechan special is that she GLOWS, and she came with three different “flavors“ of shaved ice: Ramune, Strawberry, and Melon- which are naturally Hoppechan’s favorites when she visits a summer festival.
This Hoppechan has a muted white body (made from glowing plastic) with basic eye and cheek gems. On her head is a plastic sunflower with a cute little translucent leaf charm. Her bowl is plastic and features a common design on most shaved ice cups. The shaved ice is clear silicone with a touch of color for that realistic ice effect.
I’m a strawberry girl, but my favorite popsicle/shaved ice/snow cones/etc have always been the blue ones. I’m not a huge summer season fan, but whenever I look at this Hoppechan, she reminds me of the fun times I’ll have anyway. Like going to all the fairs and festivals I look forward to, the shaved ice and sweets I’ll eat, the games I’ll play!
Yes, this Hoppechan does glow, if you were curious. Back when I reviewed it I tested it out under my desk. She glows a greenish color.
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Now this Hoppechan, I don’t have information on. She was the only one I couldn’t find the booklet for, but I do remember her being my second Christmas themed one. What makes this Hoppechan unique is that it’s also a PIN you can wear or attach to items.
This one has Hoppechan take a “back seat“ as the star- but that doesn’t mean she still won’t wear one✩ Hoppechan and the wreath are made out of silicone, while she has the same star from her Tanabata style. Three pearls, each one a unique color rest opposite of her, and on the top corner is a red polka-dot velvet bow. Hoppechan’s eyes are normal, while her small pink gem cheeks have a green shine in them.
Not only did I like the concept behind this one, but I love that it was also an accessory; it’d be perfect for any Hoppechan fans who wanted to bring her along.
6: Sakura Hoppechan
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For the month of April, Hoppechan was preparing for Hanami, the cherry blossom viewing event. The inspiration behind her design is the water as petals land upon it. Be sure to take her with you when you go to visit the cherry trees!
(Admitting, I didn’t think to do that. We have some pink trees that she would have probably loved to have seen.)
Similar to the first Hoppechan on this list, this one has a very soft, baby blue body. What makes her unique is that rather than gem cheeks, she has pearls for an extra bit of elegance. On her head is a translucent pink sakura petal, along with a translucent pink and white flowers of different shapes and light glitter coating. The white flower has a tiny gem in the middle.
What I liked about this Hoppechan was her elegant and gentle design. As much as I love gems, I couldn’t resist her unique cheeks and her pretty decor. They go so well with her blue color but still stand out, bringing the eye straight to them.
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This was my second Hoppechan I ever received- and back then I thought she brought a lot to the party. Inspired by the Halloween elements she likes so much, this Hoppechan decked her ”hat” out with a jack-o-lantern, a big shiny star, a bat, and even some sweets in order to make it look like a Halloween Cupcake. She even spent the season decorating her shop for the holiday; she’s definitely a mood maker!
Making herself as Orange as a pumpkin, she has her normal gem eyes and cheeks. Her body and vibrant, unique purple cream/hat are silicone, while her decorations are all plastic.
To put it into words; this Hoppechan impressed me so much that I found it impossible to like the second Halloween inspired one we got- despite it being cute and sharing a few elements (it even came in a few different color options and had white gem cheeks!), but in comparison it looked so plain, I wasn’t interested. This is the only one I have that featured a different cream color, and I happen to like bats, as well as Halloween.
But, as much as I like this Hoppechan though, there is a reason why she isn’t closer to the #1 spot~
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As the Queen of Decoden Hoppechan has always dreamed of making delicious cakes and running a bakery (that’s also my dream x3 besides becoming an Idol- but that’s never going to happen). Here we have a bright, shinny gold serving tool with a delicious chocolate cake piece waiting to be served. On the very top is even a dollop of cream that looks like her! She was available in Chocolate cream, and Strawberry cream.
Or is it her playing a little joke?
This is an extremely elaborate Hoppechan composed of the gold utensil (and chain! The only time her chain changed color out of the ones I own!). The layered cake alternates between chocolate cream and cake, and on top are layers of chocolate and white cream decorated with a chocolate heart, a tiny gem heart, and a strawberry. The tiny pale pink Hoppechan has tiny gem eyes and cheeks, and wears a pink pearl flower-shaped ornament.
I admit, I was a tiny bit disappointed I didn’t get the strawberry cream one, but at the same time who could resist chocolate? Not only was I amazed to see Hoppechan that small, but I fell in love with the creative design inspiration behind this one. I had never seen anything like it! The detailing and quality put into the design blew me away- I’m also a sucker for realistic/detailed food looking things like the cake.
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A girly and tiny Hoppechan charm focused on Hinamatsuri/Girls Day. Here, she sits on top of a Hishimochi, a special type of mochi that is only eaten on March 3rd to celebrate the health and happiness of all Japanese Girls.  
Featuring the three layers of a Hishimochi, a pile of cream rests on the corner, adorned with three colorful pearls and a single pink flower. The tiny Hoppechan is lilac colored with a peach-pink flower. She has normal eyes and cheeks.
Besides the general elegant design behind this one, I essentially liked her for things I’ve already mentioned. It’s all around small size is just precious, and it looks so deliciously cute with it’s sweet pastels~
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Hoppechan is all decorated for Christmas this year. She’s tended to the tree and got ready for her approaching date. She loves Christmas due to its lovely cake designs- and why wouldn’t she? She’s cream!
The inspiration behind this Hoppechan was not only a yummy looking cupcake, but the fresh, fallen, fluffy snow. The base is brown and made from plastic, along with her colorful tree, present, and translucent red bow. Her eyes are normal, while her pink cheeks are brightened considerably and have a colorful shine to accent the pearls and gems lining the glittering, translucent cream piled beneath her. A gem adorns her bow.
Honestly for a long time, I always though this Hoppechan was my favorite. I mean look at her! She’s super glittery and shiny! Not only that but the creative design and inspiration- if you ask me, this Hoppechan was made to spoil her beloved fans!
We’ve got one more now Cuties, are you ready to see my most Favorite Hoppechan?!
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As a fan of Cosplay and all things cats, Hoppechan was delighted to bust out her several pairs of nekomimi (cat ears) for her shop. She also adores Hello Kitty and did a collaboration with her in the form of various merchandise to celebrate her 40th anniversary. Squishy cats are her favorite, because they’re like her. 
Yes, here we are! Neko Hoppechan is my most favorite! Is that any surprise from a cat lover? But that isn’t my only reason, just look at her pink kitty parts, she even has a TAIL (and a bow on it but you can’t see it here), and a heart on her translucent glittery bow. She was made from several things I love!
She was also my very first Hoppechan, so she’s always been special to me.
Alright Cuties, I hope you enjoyed this kinda long dedication to Hoppechan! I love her so much, I really wish I could collect more. Maybe some day I’ll find a way to, and if I do I’ll be sure to show them off or make a brand new Top 10 featuring different Hoppechan. In a way, this topic brought me some closure, so while I still wish Hoppechan was included in the box, I’m more understanding of their decision now.
Meanwhile, I have at least 6 or so other ideas for Top 10 lists planned, but I’ll probably spread them out between Reviews and Box blogs. Tomorrow/later I plan on getting the next Review up, and on Wednesday or Thursday I’ll be posting my first “Crate Update/News” topic!
Until next time, stay Squishy Cute!
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