#no hoodie jumpers? nope
persephoneflouwers · 9 months
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wileys-russo · 5 months
love love LOVE your mary & Delilah fics! was wondering if you could do one where little delilah is brought to a match and she sees mary interacting with young fans who are about her age and gets a little jealous and clingy because that’s HER MAMA
part of the a date to remember universe
my mama II m.earps x reader
"okay which one lilah? purple, black or green?" you questioned, holding up the choices and doing a little dance making your daughter giggle. "i wanna dress myself today please." she informed crossing her arms over her chest with a determined nod.
"okay baby. but its cold, so dress warm!" you chuckled, hanging the jumpers back up and moving to sit down. "no mummy, by myself!" she pointed to the door and hurried over, pushing at your legs.
"okay okay! god i thought i'd get a few more years before i got kicked out of your room, this hurts lilah." you gasped dramatically as she shoved you from her room, only met with a door slammed in your face.
"was that-" you turned around and nodded to your wife. "she wants to dress herself today." you informed with a chuckle, moving into your wifes waiting arms which wrapped around you.
"we've told her she isn't allowed to grow up right?" "nearly every day since was born my love, she just does not want to listen."
"delilah grace earps are you done now?" you called out with a sigh, leaning against the wall by her door which you'd tried to open several times only met with a yell and it pushed closed again, your daughter firmly stating she wasn't ready and you weren't allowed to see until she was.
mary had already been picked up as to not be late for warm ups and you shook your head as you checked the time again already knowing the two of you would be stuck in traffic and miss kick off if you didn't leave soon.
"okay lilah we have to go, i'm coming in." you warned, though before you could even grab the handle the door it flew open and a bundle of colour and blonde hair came tumbling out.
"do you like it!" your daughter beamed, bouncing happily as you bit your bottom lip taking in her choice of outfit.
she had on a pair of black and white light up custom trainers alessia had gotten her for her birthday, pale yellow nike joggers with a pair of green man united kit shorts over the top. on her top half she on a bright purple hoodie with an orange lionesses jersey that was far too big for her with toone on the back and a bright red man united beanie on her head, with its matching scarf tied around her hips like a makeshift belt.
"well...i'm not going to lose you in the crowd, thats for certain." you smiled, knowing no matter what you said or tried there wasn't a chance you'd be getting your daughter changed without a fight and missing the game.
"you don't wanna wear mama's jersey lilah?" you tried, knowing your wife would kick off and ella would be absolutely insufferable in your daughters current choice. "nope! aunty el was sad last time i saw her so i thought this would make her happy, cause you and mama always say orange is a happy colour!" she grinned and your heart melted.
the last time she had seen her favourite aunt and godmother was after a particularly rowdy team night out where both had wound up crashing the night at your place, mary their designated driver and apparently a key influence in just how many shots they'd downed which you'd told her off for afterwards.
the two had wound up crying crocodile tears as mary and you both disallowed them to see delilah, trying to remind it was hours after her bedtime and the two of them were very drunk. which had in turn woken your daughter who'd come to investigate, not understanding why she wasn't allowed to say hello to either of her favourite people.
mary had practically needed to sit on top of both your adopted daughters to stop them racing after you, reminding them over and over that your four year old didn't need to see them in their current intoxicated state and they could see her in the morning.
"we do say that don't we." you agreed with her words, shaking your head in amusement but giving in, not wanting to squash the independence you and mary were trying to instill in her.
"at least you listened about the cold and did lots of layers babe, now time to go!"
you sent polite smiles to the strange looks you received walking your daughter through old trafford, meeting up with marys mum and wordlessly shaking your head at her questioning stare as she scooped up her granddaughter and the three of you made your way to your seats.
normally marys siblings and father would be in attendance but all had fallen ill with a stomach bug so you laughed at the way your mother in law was so relieved to be surrounded by 'healthy non whinging human beings'.
"do you like my outfit nanna?" your daughter chirped for the third time in the hour as you waved to your wife who was very clearly looking around stressed that she'd not spotted you, sighing in relief once she had.
"don't ask!" you mouthed to her perplexed look toward your daughter stood up in your lap furiously waving her and her team mates down. "els!" you cupped your hands over your mouth to gain the midfielders attention as she began to walk off the pitch after warm ups.
maya heard you and grinned before tapping ellas shoulder and gesturing toward you as you spun delilah around to show her last name plastered on your daughters back as her face lit up and you laughed as she raced right over to jump on your wifes back and no doubt lay into her about it.
now delilah was older she'd become a different sort of handful to take to marys games. gone were the earmuffs, dummy and baby blanket she'd needed to settle previously, where she'd often sleep the whole way through happily budled up in someones arms.
nowadays as your mothers both liked to remind you two she was just like you and mary had been as kids, a little unstoppable bundle of energy who often required distraction or bribery of some sort to sit still for prolonged periods of time.
which is how you found yourself racing off midway through the first half to sort out some food, having left in such a rush you'd completely forgotten the bag of snacks and toys you normally carted along with you whenever you left the house with delilah in tow.
thankfully with her grandma more than happy to listen to her chatter and answer her millions of questions you made it through the entire match without a single issue.
the problems started when the game finished and julie had needed to rush off to get back to the family, catching mary quickly before ducking off and leaving you and delilah to patiently wait your turn.
it would seem patience today though was not on delilahs agenda.
"i wanna see mama now!" the girl whined, wriggling furiously to try and yank her hand out of your grip as you sighed and took a deep breath. "mama's just saying hi to some people first baby, thats part of her work!" you tried to explain, even offering her an ice cream as a last minute ditch to distract her but it was to no use.
not even alessia could capture her attention for more than a few minutes as your daughter grew more and more fussy and inpatient the more time passed.
"go! it'll be fine." you forced a smile toward your wifes team mates who'd all taken turns trying to distract delilah as the two of you stood in the tunnel, mary signing autographs and taking photos with a larger crowd than normal.
"wanna go kick a ball tiny?" millie offered in a last ditch effort and that seemed to work as your daughter nodded eagerly and latched onto the taller girls leg, her giggles echoing around as millie zoomed off back onto the pitch.
you kept her in sight as you followed after them, hanging on the sidelines and waving to a few fans who called out your name, mary glancing over apologetically as you sent her a smile and a nod assuring it was fine.
but that tiny lapse in attention was all it took for delilah to break away from millie, maya and ella, sprinting off toward mary who had her back turned and ignoring the older girls calls after her which gained your focus back toward them.
intercepting her you scooped delilah up into your arms and sat her on your hip. "no! i wanna see mama!” you winced as she smacked your chest a few times and pushed away ella who'd appeared to try and help, and you could tell from the wobble of her bottom lip that she was a few moments away from a meltdown.
"hey lilah, look at me please." you dropped to your knees and stood her on her feet, your hands on her shoulders stopping her from running off. "we don't hit people, okay? i know you're having some really big feelings and you miss mama but-" you started, yelping as your daughter suddenly scratched at your hand, racing away toward mary.
"delilah grace!" you called after her, mary looking up a second too late as her daughter barreled into her. "my mama! mine!" she snarled at a young girl who mary was trying to take a picture with as the keeper quickly picked her up and apologised to the fan and her dad right as delilah started to scream.
apologizing to the crowd still awaiting her attention mary hurried back toward you, the two of you falling into step as you made your way into the tunnel and down the hall toward the change rooms. "lilah baby-" you started as her screams turned into sobs and she buried her face in marys neck.
"no, get off!" the girl snapped again scratching your hand as you inhaled sharply and paused, catching your wifes eye who nodded in understanding as you stayed outside and she dissapeared into the change rooms to try and calm your daughter down.
"hey, you alright?" you glanced up to meet concerned blue eyes and nodded, exhaling deeply as the taller girl pulled you into a hug. "thanks less." you mumbled as she rubbed your back, assuring over and over that you were the best mum ever.
promising her you were okay but that you'd need a raincheck on dinner plans you all had tonight both her and ella gave you another long hug and headed off to see their families.
with another deep breath you headed into the change rooms, only a few of the girls remaining as you spotted mary by her cubby. you caught her eye again and raised an eyebrow as she nodded, your daughter still tightly wrapped around her.
"lilah what do we need to say to mummy please?" mary started quietly, bouncing her knee up and down gently to gain your daughters attention as she pulled her head out of marys neck.
"im very sorry for scratching and yelling mummy." the girl apologised softly, climbing off marys lap and moving into yours, warmth flooding your body as she hugged you tightly and you kissed the top of her head.
you melted even further as your daughter grabbed your hand, carefully kissing over where she'd scratched you before clambering right back into marys lap.
"i'll shower at home, or else little miss is gonna wind up soaked." mary chuckled, gesturing to the way your daughter clung onto her like a monkey, refusing to loosen her grip as you took your wifes bag for her and the three of you waved goodbye to the few girls left and headed for the carpark.
"mama in the back with me!" delilah ordered with a frown once you reached the car, mary having gained a lift with alessia this morning meaning she at least didn't need to drive herself back.
"okay baby, just this once." mary gave in clearly picking up that delilah was being abnormally clingy after seeing her interacting with other kids, something the two of you would need to speak with her about another time.
and for the rest of that night it was the same story, your daughter refusing not to have some part of her in contact with mary at all times. so much so that she'd stayed in the bathroom while your wife showered, insisting you sit with her as well as she held marys hand through the shower door making you smile in amusement.
"my mama." was all that seemed to be repeated, the possessiveness also something new but a conversation for another day as mary waved off your concerns, too thrilled with having your daughters full focus and attention all night.
"oh for god sakes." you'd chuckled later that night at the sight before you. your wife having spent an abnormal amount of time putting delilah to bed you'd wandered up to check in, only to find her dead asleep in the tiny single bed belonging to your daughter, long limbs hanging off the sides with delilah curled into her still very much so awake.
"sh! mama is very tired mummy." delilah warned as you entered the room. "you should be asleep little miss, not mama!" you reminded quietly as she gave you a cheeky smile looking far too much like her other mother and held up the book which was previously laid open on marys chest.
"one more story, please?"
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chelscait · 11 months
(I love your writing btw)
dance with me. | Alessia Russo
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After a successful football weekend, you decided to wind down with a comfort dinner, you and lessi loved to have some times.
As you play for Chelsea and she plays for Arsenal, you both played at different times today. Your game kicked off earlier than hers did, meaning you were back home first in order to surprise her.
You dumped your kitbag in your bedroom, not bothering to strip out of your clothes into your Pyjamas before sliding into the kitchen and enthusiastically laying out all the ingredients you needed.
Getting out all the pots and pans you needed, you couldn’t help yourself but hum, giving you the indication that music should be played.
After placing all the metal on the side, you took your phone out of your pocket before connecting it to the bluetooth of the kitchen speaker you begged Alessia for.
You chose your upbeat playlist, you took part in a full 90 minute game today and won 6-0 but you still had enough energy to jump up and down to the beat.
Your hair started to fall out of its ponytail as you wiggled around the kitchen, finally stopping for a few to catch your breath, slicking back your baby hairs with your palms before you continued.
You unzipped your fleece and chucked it over one of the island chairs as you spun around the kitchen, quietly giggling to yourself as the slippery floor nearly made you fall over a few times.
The loudness of the cooking made you turn the volume of the song up louder which made you oblivious to the noise of the door unlocking as well as Alessia’s signature ‘i’m home’.
She placed her bag next to yours before changing, throwing her kit in the washing bin before putting on a pair of shorts and one your hoodies, a blue one to be direct.
She followed the sound and smell of the chaos from the kitchen, ultimately leaning against the wall as she watched you obliviously dance the night away.
Alessia decided to take advantage of the situation and decide to film the scene you didn’t know she was witnessing.
She tried to conceal the noise of her giggle behind the screen, you now beginning to sing terribly as you stirred the mixture around before looking up slightly through your steamed up glasses.
The scream that left your lungs was deafening, clutching a hand to your chest as you pushed yourself to the other side of the kitchen.
Alessia tore down her walls breaking down with laughter, you now slid down onto the floor.
“You’re such a bitch!”
The comment made her laugh more, rounding the island to pull you up and into her arms.
“I’m sorry, but it was worth it. I filmed it too.”
“No! Delete please.” You whined as pulled away to look at her, noticing inconspicuously that she was wearing your chelsea jumper, taking note to take a photo of her in it to use as blackmail.
“Nope. What are you making?” She questioned as she allowed you to spin around in her arms to concentrate back on the food, settling herself to cuddle you from behind.
“Our fave.” You turned your head towards her before squishing her cheeks to pull her in for a kiss.
“Do you need help?”
“I could never say no.. besides you seem to be better at it than me.”
“It’s the italian in me, baby.” She whispered whilst she spread small kisses across the canvas of your neck before teasingly taking the things out of your hands.
“Ooh! I love this song.” You squealed making Alessia jump before you ducked underneath her arms to continue what you started earlier, dragging her by the waist to join you.
“Y/N! The food.”
“I don’t care, dance with me.” You laughed as you struggled to spin her around, the height difference being a little too different.
That’s how you spent the rest of your evening before concentrating back on dinner and snuggling up in bed that night, the rain pattering down on the windows urging you both into a deep slumber.
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Lestrade x reader - What’s yours is mine
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- Mycroft x Reader or Lestrade x Reader- stealing each others clothes. - @mxacegrey 💜
You wanted to sleep so badly, but the pounding on your flat door was giving you no help, so you eventually got up, looking around you found a jumper on the floor and tossed it on before walking over and opening it.
“Sherlock, John.”
You let the two in and walked to the kitchen to put the kettle on while they followed you and sat down at the table.
“Put some trousers on.” Sherlock said, looking through your cupboards.
You noticed John had his back to you and you laughed.
“I’m wearing shorts of worry.”
Setting three cups on the table you listened to why they had come to the flat at such an odd hour at night.
“So, you’re angry with Greg so you thought you’d come annoy me?”
“I did try stop him (Y/N) I’m sorry.”
Smiling you shook your head at John and turned to Sherlock who was still looking around.
“You won’t find them Sherlock Holmes. I know how to hide cigarettes, I hide Greg’s every time he tries sneaking a new pack in.”
“I just need one!”
You watched him huff and jumped on the chair, tapping his fingers on the table trying to find some way to occupy his mind.
“If you want something to do you can do something for me.”
You told Sherlock about your friend who lived just out the city who Kees having break ins but nothing gets taken, and no matter what she did nothing worked.
“Jealous ex.” Sherlock said.
“That’s the clear answer right? But it’s not, she only ever date one guy, married him, and he’s overseas at the minute serving in the military.”
Sherlock began to list other things it could be but you kept disproving him, and finally you had peaked his interest.
“We’ll go in the morning, thanks (Y/N).” John smiled.
You watched as Sherlock wondered your flat.
You had grown to accept the man was like a huge child, and you couldn’t control him half the time so you just let him wonder.
You turned to John and you guys spoke for a little while before Sherlock came back.
“He’s coming back to apologise to you in the morning, and he’s the one that took your favourite hoodie.” Sherlock said.
“Right, okay, thank you? But I wanna sleep now so like, go home you strays.”
Sherlock frowned at you and he marched over.
“Where are the cigarettes?”
He grabbed your arm, feeling your pulse as he spoke to you, you looked to John and he nodded his head.
“Since you played nicely you’re allowed one. It’s in your coat pocket I put one in there when you hung it up.”
Sherlock rushed to his jacket and you saw them out before going to collapse in bed.
You wanted to take the jumper off, but you liked the fact it smelled like your boyfriend, so you decided to keep it on.
Lestrade came to your flat early that morning, he had the day off and he wanted to spend it with you, he didn’t want to keep arguing.
He let himself in and made his way to the bedroom, knowing full well that you wouldn’t be up at this time.
You were still fast asleep and he smiled, taking his shoes off, he changed into some pajama trousers and crawled into the bed with you.
You turned over and put your arm around him, patting his back until you found the hood to the hoodie before pulling it lightly.
“That’s.. mine…” you mumbled.
Lestrade smiled, putting his forehead against yours.
“That my jumper.” Softly replied.
“It smells like you…”
He smiled, resting his chin above your head as he held you softly in his arms.
You shuffled to get a little more comfortable and a small smile graced your face.
“I’m sorry for the other night…”
“Let me sleep…”
He laughed and agreed, tangling his legs with yours as he closed his eyes.
You woke up before him this time, and you slipped out of bed, looking around, you took the jumper off, swapping it for his discarded shirt and changed into some jeans as you started to ready to go to the shop.
“Seriously my shirt? What am I supposed to wear outside?”
“With no shirt?”
You rolled your eyes and looked at him still wearing your hoodie.
“You have a hoodie, my hoodie, so I have a shirt, your shirt.”
“(Y/N) its cold, go put a jacket on.”
You waltzed over and pulled the drawstrings of the hoodie, making him yelp as he quickly loosened it again and watched you put his jumper on.
When you walked back over he poked your forehead and you smirked a little, holding your hand out to him.
“I’m not going outside in your hoodie.”
“Okay, well I’m going to the shop, love you!”
Lestrade jogged after you before you could close the door on him.
He pouted and you laughed at him as you locked your door, and held your hand out to him.
“Does this hurt your pride?” You mocked.
Lestrade laced his fingers with yours and you guys started to walk.
“No, it’s just cold.”
“Well maybe if you stopped stealing my hoodie and jackets I wouldn’t steal your stuff Greg.”
“We’ll just stop buying them in my sizes.”
You rested your head on his arm and he smiled down at you.
Truth be told he stole your clothes for the same reason your stole his. They smelled like you, and it was as comforting to be surrounded by your scent when he wasn’t with you.
You were home, and he was your home, so it was a little reminder who the person you loved and wanted to be with.
Plus he stuck by what he said, if you didn’t want him to steal them stop buying them so big because he was going to keep taking them
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loversj0y · 2 years
fic req :
Wilbur and the reader go stargazing :p
That is literally it but I probably can't write anything good with it 🙂
my god i am so late on this BUT I DID IT
pairing: wilbur soot x gn!reader
It had been a long day.
Everything had gone wrong. It started when you spilled coffee on your new clothes first thing in the morning, and subsequently ended with someone driving through a puddle on your walk home and leaving you completely soaked. And yet, despite the aggressively tough day, you couldn’t sleep. You lay in bed for a few hours, frustratedly unable to doze off completely. Plus, your boyfriend had streamer things to do today, and you weren’t able to see him. Wilbur was in meetings, shooting content, and everything in between, and despite your constant texting, you two just didn’t really have time for each other today. You’d ranted to him about your shit day earlier, before trying to sleep, and though his goodnight text made you feel as warm as usual, part of you still felt empty without his arms around you. Part of you knows that if he was there right now, you wouldn’t be having this much trouble falling asleep.
And as if the universe heard your desperation, your phone dinged on the nightstand with a text. “Hi, darling, are you awake?” You texted back impossibly fast. “Yes. Can’t sleep to save my life right now.” He read the message, but you didn’t get a response. Instead, you got the soft sound of knocking on your door. Quickly setting your phone down, the soft taps of your footsteps fill the apartment as you walk to the door. When you finally open it, you’re met with the comforting and tired gaze of your boyfriend, carrying a blanket and a grocery bag. He smiles fondly once he sees you, walking forward and hugging you tightly. “Hi, darling. I missed you.” You chuckled softly, hugging him back tightly. “I missed you too. Were you just standing out there?” He pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, “Yep.” “What if I was asleep?” “I would’ve gone home all pouty.” You chuckled softly, holding him closer, “Well, no need. I couldn’t sleep either.” “Good,” he pulled away, “Grab your keys.” “What?” “C’monnnnnn, I wanna take you somewhere,” he whined softly. You just laughed, reaching over and grabbing your apartment keys, “Do I need to get dressed?” He shook his head enthusiastically, “Nope! You look absolutely gorgeous like that, darling.” He grinned at your outfit, which was essentially just his jumper and a pair of running shorts. You smiled fondly at him, and he took your hand in his, walking you out.
After a bit of walking, you spoke up, “Wil, my love, my sweetheart, my oversized hoodie, I know it’s October, but if this is some ploy to kill me, I’d prefer to at least die in my apartment.” He laughed, shaking his head, “No, no, I promise, I would kill you in much higher drama, darling. There’d be some world-building about it.” “Ah, like your DnD plots?” “Exactly. A murder is no good if there’s no drama with it. But trust me, this will be a good surprise.” He continued to lead you around for a bit longer, and you two walked in comfortable silence. He led you to a quiet area, a field not far from your apartment, but shielded from the city lights. He pulled the blanket off his shoulder and put it on the ground carefully, then he laid down, grinning up at you and happily patting the spot next to him. You got down next to him, and he opened the grocery bag, pulling out some of your favorite snacks. “Salty or sweet?” “Mm… sweet,” you decided, and he handed you a candy bag he’d bought. He grabbed his own snack, carefully laying down. You followed suit, laying next to him and cuddling up against him, smiling at his soft grin. He looked down at you, and his smile widened, leaning forward and gently pecking your lips. “You’re missing it, darling.” He pointed a hand up, and you followed his gaze to see the stars glittering in the sky above. You spent a moment in awe, marveling at the sight above you. Wilbur pressed a kiss to your cheek, speaking softly, “The building blocks out a good bit of the light pollution, so the stars are brighter out here.” You nodded softly as he wrapped an arm around your waist, content smiles on both of your faces. After a moment, you reached a hand up, pointing to a grouping of stars in a line. “That one looks like you.” He let out a hearty laugh, looking around for a moment before pointing to a small, squarish grouping, “And that one looks like you.” You gasped, “Hey! I’m not that short.” He hummed softly, “What? I’m sorry, not sure I can hear you from down there.” “Hm, that’s such a shame, because down here is where the kisses are.” He whined, pulling you into him, “Noooo, please, I’m sorry, I want kisses,” he started peppering kisses all over your head, pulling you as close as feasibly possible. You hummed softly, leaning up to kiss him gently. He kissed back with a wide smile, gently rubbing your sides. After that, the two of you lay in a comfortable silence, your body resting against his, as you stared up in awe at the sky. He pressed a soft kiss onto your head, gently playing with your hair. “Tomorrow will be better for both of us,” he said softly. You nodded quietly, yawning softly and holding him close. “Tomorrow.”
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mrsbsmooth · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @rebelrayne!!
I've been slowly plodding away at this one whenever I need something lighthearted and fun.
She’d changed. She’d tangled and messed up her hair, throwing it up into a bun. She’d taken off all her makeup and replaced it with a goopy face mask, and instead of leggings and her low-cut jumper, she had baggy joggers on, and a hoodie with– with– “Get that off,” he hissed playfully.  “No,” she smirked, doing a curtsey in the baggy hoodie with Swansea City’s logo plastered across the front.  “Look, I’ve even dripped brown sauce all over myself.” Sasha took a running leap onto the couch, sitting up at the far end. She did a little ‘ta-da’, and grinned at him. “Now I am as unsexy as possible.” She pushed her fuzzy socks into his lap.  Lewie stared at her for a moment, picked up her leg and dragged her down the couch towards him. She gasped, and he pushed her hoodie up to expose her stomach. He pressed his lips to her skin as if he'd been starving for it. “Nope,” he whispered. “Still so fucking sexy.” Sasha cracked up laughing, but he just kept swirling kisses on her skin. “Oh my god, how?” “Because now it looks like you live here.” Lewie pressed another few kisses to her taut stomach before realising what he’d said. He glanced up at her, and found her with a look on her face that he couldn’t read, especially with the bloody face mask. He froze, and she froze.  They stared at each other for what felt like an age. And Sasha’s face began curling into a grin. “Well, if that isn’t the most romantic fucking thing you’ve ever–”
Tagging @sparxaf, @ellegreenwxy @eskiix @queen-of-boops @operationnope @caitkaminski and @lucas-koh
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slutforsfender · 11 months
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Dancing In The Rain - Sam Fender
Sam Fender x Reader 
You were currently cuddled up in your shared flat on the sofa with your boyfriend, Sam, having a movie marathon while the rain poured outside. Your favourite film, 10 Things I Hate About You, was currently playing in the background. Sam had lost attention as he now was typing out lyrics on his phone as you watched the film.
"I have a question" Sam suddenly spoke, placing a kiss on your crown.
"Shoot," You said, looking up at him now.
"What's your like dream romance moment?" He questioned, causing you to think.
"I don't have one really" You lied as you were embarrassed even though you and Sam had been together for a few years now.
"Lies," Sam said, looking into your eyes as you shook your head. "So you're telling me you watch and read all these romance things but you don't have a dream moment like"
"No Sam I don't and if I did you have probably already done it Mr Romance" You joke but he knew you better.
He suddenly flipped you down onto your back, straddling you, and started tickling you making you let out a squeal.
"Tell me or I will keep tickling you" He demanded with a smirk on his face.
All you could think was how you acted like such teenagers while in your late twenties but you didn't want it any other way.
"Sam. Stop" You let out between breathes and giggles.
"Nope, not until you tell me" He stood his ground.
"Fine. Fine. Stop and I will tell you" You made a deal.
"Promise?" He asked, stopping slowly.
"I promise Sam Fender" You responded.
He moved his hands away and helped you sit up on his lap while his hands went to drawing shapes on your hips.
"Dancing in the rain" You whispered with your head hiding in his neck.
He placed a kiss on your neck with a hum of acknowledgment as he thought for a second while you lifted your head from his neck, showing your red cheeks.
"Well correct me if I'm wrong like but I'm pretty sure it's raining and I have jumpers for us to wear and music so we could make it a reality," He said, knowing all he wanted to do was create these moments for you.
"You aren't wrong Fender"
"Get your arse up then. Get some shoes and a hoodie on as well" He demanded with a cheeky grin, grabbing his phone and finding some music.
"Sam, are you being serious?" You questioned, admiring your boyfriend.
"Deadly" He responded, pointing at your shoes in the corner.
You followed his instructions while he did the same before grabbing your hand and guiding you outside. He clicked on a song before putting his phone in his pocket and guiding you onto the dead-end road outside.
You couldn't let out a laugh between you both at this moment between you two. You were stood on a road with rain pouring, both in cozy clothes and Room Service by Holly Humberstone playing.
He placed your hands on his shoulders while he went to his usual place, your hips. You couldn't help but admire his features under the streetlights. The way his blue eyes were sparkling and staring at you. The way his lips were instinctively parted, muttering the words, looking so soft. The way his little curls were showing through his mullet. You just knew you truly loved this boy and everything he did like this, creating romantic moments for you because he knew your past with boys.
"What's going on in that little head of yours?" He questioned as you placed your head on his chest.
"Just how much I love you, Samuel Fender"
"I love you even more for as long as possible" He replied, placing two fingers under your chin to look at him and placing a sweet kiss on your lips which you sunk into. 
i love this lil imagine. short i know but i thought it was a cute idea. also if you read this imagines and enjoy them i think you should check out my sam fanfic anyway love you all x 
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arianatwycross · 1 year
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Chapter 3
continue reading below or read on AO3 here
“Told you he liked you.”
Lily rolls her eyes. 
“Just because I made him blush, doesn’t mean he likes me still.”
“But it does.”
Lily groans, pulling herself from the floor and giving Mary another exasperated look. 
“Who likes who?” Dorcas interrupts. 
Lily groans once again. 
“Lily fancies-” 
“Nope! Not here Mare.” Lily chastises, her tone grave. 
Mary just smiles. 
The common room is not as full as it could be - being a free period for a few seventh years, there’s only a handful of them milling around. 
“Who do you fancy?” Dorcas whispers theatrically, sitting on the edge of the sofa behind Lily. 
“I don’t fancy anyone.”
Mary laughs. 
Before Dorcas can interrogate Lily, the boys wander in - loud and distracting. Lily’s eyes instantly travel to James. He’s taken off his jumper - recently, she deduces but the way his hair sticks up haphazardly. His shirt sleeves have been rolled up and she clocks his forearms straight away - she inwardly groans. 
“Oh,” Dorcas whispers behind her. 
Lily swivels around on the floor to question her oh but finds her looking at James and then back to Lily with a twinkle in her eye. 
Lily just rolls her eyes again. 
“Evans!” Sirius calls out when he spots her. She raises an eyebrow in response. 
“James is going to go for a fly this afternoon, wanna join him? I know how much you love watching him fly.”
Lily should have expected this. She can either rise to his torment, let him embarrass her, or - agree. 
“Ok.” She shrugs, pulling her hair into a ponytail. 
James watches her movement with his mouth wide open, Sirius laughs at Lily’s blase response, Remus walks into the back of James and Peter blinks curiously at the group now standing oddly in the middle of the common room. 
“Wait, what?” James finally says. 
“I don’t mind watching, I need some air anyway.” She manages to say it calmly, however, her heart beats dramatically in her chest. 
“Oh. Ok, cool.” James says, his hands flying to his hair, his eyes darting to Sirius and Remus. 
She cooly watches Remus whisper something into James's ear and Sirius slaps his best mate on the back.
“I just need to get changed.” He says, briefly looking at her before darting up the stairs. 
The entire group bursts into laughter and Lily feels strangely like the butt of a joke. 
She frowns, watching her friends laugh. Mary wiggles her eyebrows at her, making Lily swat her hand away from her ponytail. 
“You want to wear my coat? It makes your eyes pop.” Mary offers. 
Lily stands, brushing down her skirt, smoothing the crinkles. She ignores her friend for all of one minute before she nods and says thanks. 
Surprisingly, it's not awkward between them as they walk down to the pitch. Whatever James did while getting ready, alleviated the tension she saw in his shoulders just ten minutes before. Instead, James seems quite giddy. He’s put on a dark blue hoodie - the aura of cosiness makes Lily feel something almost uncomfortable - too much. He’s got a kick in his step as he leads them to the back of the castle, telling Lily about his previous training session the day before. The one she watched. 
She’s always been entranced with the way he tells stories - an aspect of his personality that she previously tried to ignore but James is the type of person to capture someone's interest whether they wanted it or not. 
She laughs as he describes the way a fourth-year student by the name of Betty, flung herself through one of the goalposts in an attempt to get away from a rogue bludger. She takes the opportunity to touch his shoulder when they pass through a crown of sixth years near the pitch, the action coming naturally to her. She notices a slight pause on James' behalf as her hand touches his jumper, but he gracefully takes a hold of her arm and pulls her through the throng of students. 
They stay touching like that the entire way, brief elbow touches, him guiding her by the back, her smiling as he talks - it’s more intimate than they’ve ever been and it's thrilling. 
He leaves her by the gate towards the pitch as he goes to pick up his broomstick. It's cold outside that afternoon, grey clouds cover the large pitch, making the green of the grass seem dull. She wraps her scarf around her neck tighter, trapping her ponytail and fringe. James appears suddenly, shocking her from her stupor. He chuckles but doesn’t speak as he pulls her fringe from her scarf with two fingers. She watches intently as his eyes track his fingers. Lily can physically feel the air thicken around the two of them, her entire body electrified by just a small touch -that small moment fuelling her need and vanishing her doubts towards him. She knows it could be good between them. 
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louisisalarrie · 21 days
But it’s not the same. Harry is wearing a hoodie and Louis’ doesn’t have a hood. Think there’s another photo taken on a different occasion where H is wearing an Umbro top that looks exactly like L’s….but the recent one of Harry on the bike, nope different sweaters!
We went through this and people analysed it. There’s more photos of the back and yes, it looks like a hoodie, but it isn’t. HL Fashion can’t find an Umbro jumper online that would be the one Harry’s wearing if it had a hood, and confirmed that it’s the same one that Louis’ wearing.
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callsignbaphomet · 6 months
Warm & Cozy Asks
Loke (Oracle version)
Do they get cold easily?
Nope. Just puts on a hoodie and he's out the door.
How do they warm up when cold?
If he thinks it's gonna get freakishly cold he bundles up as much as he can. Will drink his weight in coffee.
Do they wear jumpers (sweaters)? If so do they fit perfectly or are they baggy?
Absolutely not. He's more of a hoodies type of person.
Do they have a favourite hot drink? Tea? Coffee? Hot chocolate? Hot cider? If so, how do they take it?
Yeah, coffee. Black, two sugars, and cream. Loves hot chocolate. He didn't drink tea until he met Uthorim and he started to actually drink it. He prefers if the tea is sweetened. Even then it's a once in a while thing. If he could he'd shot coffee directly into his veins lol.
It's cold and wet outside, your OC has just come in the front door. What do they do to get warm?
Steaming hot shower. Like hot enough to turn the damn bathroom into a sauna kind of hot. This is assuming he's in his own apartment or any of his friends's or family. If not he'll just grin and put up with it till he can shower.
What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in?
Him and Uthorim snuggling up to each other on the sofa, snacks at the ready, Lyn (Loke's GSD) curled up next to them and watching a movie.
Does your OC have a particular trick to get them asleep at night?
Just puts his head on the pillow. That's it. The second he says he's going to sleep it's done, he's going to sleep.
Does your OC wear pyjamas to bed? Do they have a favourite set?
Just a t-shirt. That's it. Just a t-shirt. An old worn out Hellfest shirt he got when he, Jelani, Trevor, Angelus, Abigail, Ginger, Varg, Thor and some others went a few years ago. It has a small patched up hole where he got shot. Woohoo, 13 weeks with a shattered collarbone.
What side of the bed does your OC sleep on? Why is that?
He doesn't care, he'll sleep in whatever side he can get.
Does your OC nap easily?
More than a lazy ol' Basset Hound.
Does your OC enjoy a cuddle?
Yes! He loves to cuddle! He'll cuddle up to anyone willing to let him. Especially when he's sick. Extra especially if he's feeling some type of way, when he's like that he cuddles up a lot to the person he wants to fuck/get fucked by.
Does your OC enjoy a particular gesture of affection? Does it calm them?
Cuddling is one. Hugging will melt him. His very favorite is kissing though. He could be absolutely devastated, pissed the fuck off or scared out of his mind but if Uthorim gently grabs him and kisses him that guarantees he'll calm down.
There's another gesture but it's one shared by him and Jelani. They've been doing it since for-fucking-ever. If Loke or Jelani are feeling off, either depressed or scared or sometimes angry being reason they'll grab onto each other's shirt, jacket or sleeve. They don't even have to say anything to each other, they'll just know something's off and without words or even looking at each other the other will grab the other one's hand until the one grabbing on is ready to talk.
What makes your OC feel safe and secure?
Glossing over the separation anxiety he has that's only comforted and at ease as long as Jelani is close by and feels safe with him around or at the very least being able to talk to him (phone or chat). Hugs actually make him feel safe and secure. Hell, Uthorim's presence alone makes him feel at ease, comfy and secure.
What are some of your OC's comfort foods?
Grilled cheese sandwich or sweets and candy.
How much does your OC wrap up when they go outside? Hat, scarf, gloves and multi-layers or is the cold anything to them?
If we're talking freakishly cold temperatures he'll use scarves, gloves and heavy coats.
How light of a sleeper is your OC?
He's not. At all. He has 10 alarms and he won't hear the first 5 alarms. A grenade could go off in his room and he won't hear that. You literally have to shake him awake.
Can they fall asleep anywhere? Or are do they need an optimum condition to sleep in?
Loke can and will sleep anywhere and through anything. When that guy says he's going to sleep he means that shit. Weather, situation, place--doesn't matter, he's going to sleep.
What does a lazy morning consist of?
Bold of you to assume he gets up in the morning. Unless he has to he ain't waking up any earlier than 12:30. Mornings? lol no. But if he has to get up in the morning he moves at a snail's pace to get out of the bed, brushes teeth and showers, drinks coffee, gets dressed, makes breakfast for him and Uthorim or anyone else that came over in the morning, gets his pets their meals, eats breakfast and drinks more coffee, takes the dog out, comes back and drinks more coffee and then heads out to do whatever he has to do while internally cussing out society for functioning before 1:00 pm.
Does your OC prefer early nights or late mornings?
Late morning and by late mornings I mean early afternoon.
Do they hog the blankets?
No. He doesn't move around much when sleeping. In fact, he tends to scare people. Anyone that's shared a bed with him tends to freak out 'cause he barely moves, doesn't make a sound and is such a heavy sleeper that nothing wakes him up unless you shake him. Once he goes to sleep he cuddles up to whoever he's sleeping with and kinda doesn't really move much after that.
Does your OC have a favourite pillow? A favourite duvet set? A favourite cuddling toy? Blanket?
There's a sable fox stuffie his grandparents got him some years ago and Angelus and Ginger put a calming enchantment on it. If he's not feeling right he'll hold on to it and cuddle it. Enchantment activates with a squeeze and lasts for a while.
How would they solve the one bed and two people scenario? Could they share a bed?
IF the other person says they don't mind sharing a bed he'll share. If the other person isn't comfortable or is sick or injured he'll be okay with sleeping on a chair or sofa, hell, even the floor as long as he has a pillow. Most often though he'll offer the other person the bed.
Does your character have a favourite place to chill?
His brother's apartment. To be fair that's sorta where everyone kinda meets up but yeah, he likes to hang out with him there.
Where does your OC sit of there's not enough chairs at a gathering?
He'll take the floor, he doesn't really care. Or Uthorim's lap.
What's something your OC does to wind down after a long day?
Depends on how tired he is. If he's not too tired he'll shower and if he has nothing else he needs to do he'll spend a few hours playing video games. If he's too tired and Uthorim isn't home yet he'll shower and lay down on the sofa flipping between Twitch and YouTube. If Uthorim's home he'll shower, find his husband and cuddle up to him for as long as Uthorim can stand it.
Is your OC the one who receives the jacket or gives the jacket in their relationship?
Gives the jacket but let's be real Uthorim also gives the jacket even though Loke is super at ease with the cold. Both are caregivers so they tend to cancel each other out but Loke is gonna keep insisting if he sees Uthorim is cold. Please, the man was born and bred in a subarctic part of Norway. He didn't know what heat was until he was nearing his 50s.
Does your OC get any winter illnesses? If so, how badly do they get ill?
Not really, berserkers can get sick but he's mostly accompanied by non-humans who can't actually get sick and the few humans and other non-humans that can get sick all get vaccinated as well as him. But when he does get sick he gets hit with whatever is ailing him pretty hard.
Your OC has the sniffles. How do they handle it?
Anything that compromises the lungs will royally fuck him up because of the asthma. He doesn't handle fevers well, they fuck him up as well to the point of not being able to keep any solids down at all. He's super on point with meds and drinks twice as much water and get very, very needy.
Your OC has a sick day off. How do they spend it?
In bed. He doesn't go anywhere unless it's an emergency or to grab more snacks if he doesn't have a fever. He'll spend the entire day watching movies and sleeping.
Does your OC play with the thermostat/heating constantly or are they rigid about it's use?
Depends on the weather/season. If it's winter and really cold he'll keep it comfortably warm but not too hot. If it's 80 or above outside that thermostat is staying between 66 and 70 and gods help you if you dare to touch that thermostat.
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 years
Maybe Daniel after today sprint he sees Lando and he is like nope „my sweetheart you are going to rest cause I don’t want you be sick” so he takes his jumper putt it on Lando grabs him like a bride and take him to his car. Meanwhile Lando snuggling to him fell sleep cause he is so tired and sick
This is too adorable!!!
Lando looking like a zomie after the sprint. He just looks pale and exhuasted and so small that when Dnaiel sees him alarm bells start going off in his head that have him shrugging off his jumper and wandering over to him in the garage. He just wraps Lando up in his hoodie, and kisses his curls then glares at Andreas and Zak for suggesting Lando just lie in his drivers room for awhile and do a long debrief after
Daniel just nopes out of there, picking Lando up and cuddling him close. Lando's so exhausted and sick he just dozing the whole time Daniel is caring him, and only reall wakes up when they reach the hotel and Daniel is picking him up again.
Lando just gets lots of cuddles, and spoon fed some soup when he has energy to sit up and try eat
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survey--s · 1 year
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What was the last song you listened to on repeat?   You Were Mine by The Chicks.
When was the last time you saw fireworks? 💥   New Years Eve, though someone was setting some off the other night too.
Out of all the community service or volunteer work you have done, what has been your favorite, and why?   I’ve never done any community service or volunteering.
Would you rather visit New York or California? Why?   New York, just because it appeals to me a bit more, I guess. I remember my mum going with work when I was a teenager and I was SO jealous haha. She brought me back an Abercrombie hoodie and loads of Reese’s pieces, lol.
Do you normally eat healthy? 🥗   No, I’m pretty rubbish at maintaining a healthy diet.
Which do you use more: your computer or your phone?   My phone.
Who is your favorite Disney princess?   Belle or Anna.
Have you ever tried hard drugs?   Nope, I’ve never tried any illegal drugs actually.
What are three of your favorite toppings for a pizza? 🍕   Pesto, sundried tomatoes and proper Italian mozarella.
What are three of your favorite ingredients for a salad? 🥗   Parmesan, sundried tomatoes, rocket.
What color was the last hoodie you wore?   Pale grey.
Would you rather ride on a ferris wheel 🎡 or a merry-go-round? 🎠   Ferris wheel.
When was the last time you went to the mall? 🛍️   Just before Christmas.
Are you comfortable with silence?   I am, but generally I prefer a bit of background noise - like at the moment I’m sat on my own enjoying the peace but I still have a film on in the background.
If you wear glasses, what color are they? 🤓 and what grade were you in when you started wearing glasses?   They’re black and purple rimmed ones - I’ve been wearing glasses since I was seven, which is year...2 I think.
Do you express yourself better out loud or in writing?   In writing as I can correct myself and read over what I want to say before actually saying it. In person I tend to mix my words up a bit.
What are three little things that you enjoy?   Scented wax melts, sherpa fleece blankets, peanut butter cups.
What was the last book you had trouble putting down? 📖   The “Alice” books by Christina Henry.
What is one thing you are enthusiastic about?   Horses (and animals in general).
What is the best compliment you've ever received?   Mike marrying me - I mean, someone committing to spending their life with you, no matter what, is a pretty huge commitment.
Do you believe in miracles? ✨   No.
Have you ever witnessed or experienced a miracle? ✨   Well, no.
What color is your favorite sweater?   I have three favourites - one is black, one’s grey and the third is purple.
Do you like the smell of old books? 📚   I love it. I actually have a scented candle that smells of vintage books lol.
Do you own a dreamcatcher?   Not anymore, but I had quite a few when I was younger.
Have you ever made a dreamcatcher?   No.
What are three ways in which you are not normal?   I have autism so I’m just not normal in any way, lol.
Would you rather be able to travel through time or through space?   Space, for sure.
Would you rather eat Chinese food or Italian food?   Chinese, but only decent Chinese food. I find like, cheap supermarket Italian food is better than the Chinese equivalent, but proper takeaway Chinese is amazing.
How many bracelets are you wearing right now? 📿   Zero.
Do you prefer tea or coffee? ☕️   Coffee.
What are three of your favorite things to do at the beach? 🏝️   Read, paddle in the sea and walk barefoot in the sand.
Do you sing in the shower? 🚿   Sure, all the time.
What is your favorite season, and why?   I love different things about all four seasons. Spring because of the sunshine, the longer days, baby animals and flowers, summer because of the long, warm evenings, days out and the weather in general, autumn for the colours, the leaves and being able to wear big jumpers and cosy boots, and winter for those crisp, clear, frosty mornings, snow and of course, Christmas!
What is your favorite musical? 🎭   Les Miserables, Rocky Horror, Sweeney Todd, Phantom of the Opera.
How many people have you hugged in the past year? 🤗   That’s really not something I’ve ever kept track of, lol.
Do you like hugs? 🤗   That depends on who’s hugging me.
When was the last time you painted something? 🎨   Uh, I painted the living room three years ago, during lockdown. That still feels like such a surreal thing to have experienced, lol.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy?   I’m not really a particularly creative person.
Are you truly happy with your life right now?   Yes.
Which genre of music do you listen to the most? 🎶   It really depends on my mood.
When was the last time you lit a candle? 🕯️   About an hour ago, when the one in my wax burner ran out.
When was the last time you built a blanket fort?   Uh, about 8-9 years ago.
When was the last time you took a relaxing bath? 🛀   Yesterday - I always have a bath after my beach rides.
What are three random things you are good at?   Uh, being organised, remembering names/dates and working with animals.
What types of cancer are in your family (that you know of)?   Bowel and prostate cancer, both on my dads’ side.
When was the last time you blew bubbles? 🫧    A few summers ago.
What color are your eyes? 👀 Brown.
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an-ambivalent · 4 years
#Bruh my high school was really fucked at times eh. I remember when I was in yr 12/13 girls weren't allowed to wear pants#or tights in winter#Only stockings under skirt (which is so fucking stupid bc yk how uncomfortable stockings are for some of us?).#There were a couple of guys in my year that has started to grow their hair and wanted to put them up in buns and stuff#but they were told to cut their hair and they weren't allowed facial hair either (again so fucking stupid).#Few years before this (the school I went to many students came from poor families) and teachers took away students hoodies or jumper#that werent school uniform#And NZ is one of the places that when its cold in winter here its REALLY cold. Your bed can literally feel like cold wet water.#Not to mention idk how it is in other countries but compared to India school uniforms here are so expensive..#$150-$200 or something just for thr school jacket.#This is how they treated a bunch of adolescents. It was even worse in intermediate.#We were only allowed one specific type of black leather shoes we couldn't wear even simple earrings or any other jewellery.#Again not allowed any tights to wear under skirts. You'd expect better in NZ but nope 🤷‍♀️ they had two teachers sitting#at the entrancr of school gate at one point who checked everyone's uniform. But when you got bullied and needed help they did nothing.#i felt really bad for this guy because he was so proud of his long hair but teachers constantly told him off
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lilyrizzy · 2 years
you’re my ex but i think i still have feelings for you... nothing i love more than post break up angst (that ends, of course, with getting back together)
cw: mentions of infidelity/real life partners
A week after testing, Max knocks on Daniel’s door in Monaco.
They don’t live in the same building anymore, and Max hates how he has to leave his apartment and go to a different part of town to increase the chance of running into him, away from a track.
And they don’t do this anymore, spend time together on purpose, away from racing. Not since-
Tonight, Kelly had looked across at him, in the harsh fluorescence of their bathroom light as they stood at their twin sinks and asked, Amor, are you okay, and Max had thought, I don’t think so, and had said, “of course.” It must have been enough, because she had gone to sleep curled close to him. Max had slipped out of bed as soon as her breathing seemed deep enough.
And now he’s here. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, except that it’s 2 am and if he isn’t here, he’s not sure he’d be anywhere.
Daniel answers the door, one hand swinging it open and one hand tangled in his hair, and he looks a little pissed until he sees it’s Max. Then he just looks- Max doesn’t know.
“Can I come in?”
Daniel rubs his eyes, sighs like the way used to over the phone when Max would call and ask to come over, when he was sure Kelly would be out and busy for a long time. It’s different, seeing as well as hearing.
“I don’t think so.” It’s gentle and firm, and Max is always amazed by how Daniel can be both. Daniel’s hand holding the top of the door, how it’s punched through doors and then touched Max like he was something to be careful with. Max is looking now because he hasn’t in so long, at Daniel, in his tiny shorts and a hoodie he must have pulled on when he got out of bed, because Max knows he sleeps naked, and the familiar, twisted want is there, like always. Daniel is looking anywhere else than at Max, eyes bouncing around. He looks over his shoulder and-
“Is- is someone here?”
Daniel doesn’t say anything and Max’s cheeks heat, panic rising inside him. What is he doing here? But then Daniel shakes his head, says, “Nope,” popping the ‘p.’ When Max doesn’t say anything, can’t around the feeling of whiplash, the relief flooding him hotly, he says, softer, “But I meant what I said- last time.”
Max doesn’t want to think about last time. The high, still, from winning, and then the cold crash of losing something else.
“I know,” he nods, even though he doesn’t. “But- Please?”
He can see Daniel struggle with it, how to tell Max no and still be nice. If Max was a better person, he’d tell Daniel it was okay, to not give Max things he didn’t deserve.
“Fuck it. Okay.” He swings the door open wider but still doesn’t move, so Max has to duck underneath his arm. Daniel strolls past him then, media-Daniel swagger and it feels so untrue. It’s just me, Max wants to say but that is stupid because who is he to Daniel anymore?
Daniels place is a little messy like always, dirty dishes in the sink and a few jumpers thrown over the back of chairs, the couch. Daniels family and friends beam down at Max from the walls, like always. It looks lived in, in the way Max’s apartments never have, because he’s never had enough to spill out from the hiding places of cupboard and drawers, and now, because Kelly doesn’t like what she calls, ‘clutter.’
“Want a drink?” Daniel asks, already pulling out a bottle of something brown Max knows he won’t like and a bottle of something pink Max knows he will.
Max shakes his head, still stupid, because Daniel has got his back to him. “No.”
Daniel shrugs, “suit yourself,” and puts the rosé back.
When he’s made his drink he finally turns, looks at Max, but only over the rim of his glass. “So to what do I owe the pleasure of this,” his eyes flick to the clock hanging above his dining room table, “two-twenty am visit, Max?”
“I-“ Max is doesn’t want to lose anything more. Daniel had said, we can still be friends, and had smiled at Max when they saw each other at testing, had asked how his winter break was like he cared, like he hadn’t ignored the phone every time Max had tried to call and tell him. If that is friends, Max is scared to see what less looks like.
But he can’t not try.
“Please- tell me I am not imagining things.”
“Max, what?” Daniel puts his glass down, a harsh crack against the polished marble counter.
“Tell me-“ Max reaches down into the dirty pit of truth, “I cannot tell what is real and what is just what I want to be real.”
“Max-“ Daniel begins slowly, “you told me you were going to ask her to marry you.”
“I know.” Max says because he had been going to. He’d bought a ring with his mom and he’d chosen a date, Valentine’s Day. Then on February 13th he’d dreamed about Daniel and he’d woken up and put the ring back in the box, hidden in his shaving kit.
“Max, I asked and you told me you loved her.”
“I do,” Max says and it feels true when he remembers Kelly’s smile, the way she would make him dinner, how she comments on all his sister’s Instagram photos with little love hearts. But- “But this,” he gestures between himself and where Daniel is standing, “This feels different.” More.
He needs Daniel to tell him that yes, this is all in Max’s head, so Max can go back to his almost-fiancé and live the life he should have, and stop thinking about the one he wants.
“Max- I can’t-“ Daniel puts his head in his hands, words muffled but Max still hears him say, “You can’t have both.”
Max knows that, had thought if he couldn’t then it was for the best that Daniel made the choice for him when he told Max to stop coming home with him after races. “I don’t need both.”
“Right,” Daniel nods, “then why are you here?”
“Because-“ Why is Max here? Why isn’t an apartment with a women who loves him, full of paintings and furniture she picked out for them enough? Why does here, where nothing of these things are Max’s, feel more like home. “Because I want the thing that feels real.”
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soft--dragon · 3 years
Tail Troubles
This is based around a headcannon I discussed with some friends on discord! Finally got around to doing it ^^ Hope you enjoy <3
Word Count: 4,825
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
The life of a hybrid wasn’t easy. It had its ups and downs, instincts to follow, mannerisms to learn and upkeep. For Philza, it was preening his wings and keeping his feathers clean and straight. Techno, being part pig, meant he had to cut his hooves back a bit to prevent overgrowth. Wilbur, being Phil’s son, needed to preen his wings as well, the luscious feathers didn’t stay perfect without his help. Tommy was a raccoon hybrid, and with having a fluffy tail, one would think the boy would keep it brushed and in peak condition, not wanting to let the fur get dirty and matted.
Tommy refused to touch his tail for reasons unbeknownst to the rest of the family. They used to do it for him when he was young but he grew up independent and didn't let them touch it past age five.
Any time Tommy brushed his hair, Phil would innocently ask him to do his tail at the same time and Tommy would just about throw the damn hairbrush across the room. Wilbur had offered to brush it for him but Tommy hissed at him and wouldn’t be in the same room as his brother for a whole day. Techno made one comment on the dirt stuck in the fur and Tommy flushed with a growl that really wasn’t that intimidating.
It was when Tommy once came home from hanging out with Tubbo and Ranboo, his tail thick with leaves, sticks, flowers and residue water, that Phil put his foot down.
Tommy was changing into more comfortable clothes in his room when he heard his dad call through the house.
“Tommy! Come here please!”
The request made the boy’s ears flick up with a confused noise. It wasn’t his night to help with cooking...was it? He’d done his chores before leaving the house to hang out with his friends, he hadn’t done anything wrong. Or at least he thinks he didn’t. Shrugging he pokes his tail through the back of his hoodie and hops down the staircase to the lounge. He poked his head through to the living room, his bright eyes on the man who was sitting on the couch. “Yeah Dad?”
Phil’s eyes were on his tail, a mix of concerned and mildly hidden dismay. “Your tail” Phil stated, “Tommy, this has got to stop, your fur is a mess.”
Tommy’s ears immediately flattened to his head with an indignant huff. “It’s fine Dad” he grumbled, very much aware that it wasn’t, but he refused to let himself care.
“It really isn't” Phil disagreed firmly.
“It’s my tail, let me look after it how I want to” Tommy growled, crossing his arms tightly.
Phil gave him an unimpressed look. “Tommy.”
Uh oh. The Dad Voice was out. Tommy refused to crumble though, squaring his shoulders and glaring at his father defiantly. “I’m not brushing my tail.”
Phil raised a singular eyebrow. “You really want to do this Toms?”
Tommy's tail subconsciously flicked nervously, ears starting to fold back without his permission. He put on a brave face and shook his head. “I’m not brushing it” he stated again.
Phil sighed, pinching the skin between his eyes. “Wil?”
Arms wrapped around Tommy’s middle and hoisted him into the air, the boy screeching in alarm and gripping onto the sturdy limbs holding him captive. “FUCK! WHAT?!” He swung his head around to see Wilbur’s wide grin, fangs bared and all.
“Where do you want him?” He asked Phil, re-adjusting his grip when Tommy started fighting tooth and nail for freedom.
Phil jabbed his thumb to the couch with a small smile. “Keep him there for now, I need to go grab a brush.”
Tommy squeaked at Phil’s words, scrabbling at Wilbur’s unrelenting hold. “Nononono! No this is against my rights! I’ll call the police! I swear to god I will!”
“And I call bullshit” Wilbur snorted, carrying Tommy to the couch and dropping him onto it before promptly sitting on his younger brother.
“Wilbur! Get the fuck off me!” Tommy shrieked, throwing his arms back in hopes of hitting Wilbur but only getting his wrists held in a gentle, but firm grip.
“Settle you feral gremlin” he chuckled. “We’re just brushing your tail, no need to go apeshit.”
“I don’t want you to! Let me up!”
There was a sudden series of distressed chitters making Wilbur look down at his younger brother in surprise.
“Wilbur, please” Tommy begged, his ears pinned back to his blonde hair, his shoulders drawn up close.
Wilbur's eyes widened at the desperate, genuine plea. Tommy was staring up at him with wide blue eyes, his face pinched in an odd mix of nerves and fear, his tail tucked protectively against his side. Wilbur immediately recognized the defensive action and let go of his wrists, sliding off the couch to kneel beside Tommy. The boy immediately curled into a ball, his tail covering his face and his hands gripping the fluffy thing tightly.
Tommy shook his head, a soft whine pulling from his throat, refusing to look at Wilbur. He stared, confused and worried in stunned silence. He barely heard Phil return but quickly pressed a finger to his lips when Phil began to speak. He held his father’s gaze for a moment, flicking his eyes between Tommy and his dad. Phil gave a slow nod, putting the brush on the table and sitting on the couch, close, but not touching his youngest son.
“Toms?” He asked softly. “What’s wrong?”
Tommy’s ears pricked at his father’s voice but quickly dipped again. He clenched his tail in his hands, the dirty appendage dropping little bits of the forest into the cushions. Phil couldn’t care less though, his boy was upset and cleaning could wait.
Wilbur hesitantly reached out brushing his fingertips over the tops of Tommy’s ears, pleased when they immediately perked at the feeling. “What’s going on sunshine?” Wilbur murmured softly, gently stroking the fluffy things.
The tip of Tommy’s tail wagged from the gentle motions and he made a low sound. “You’d think it’s dumb…” Tommy’s voice whispered from behind his tail.
“Never” Phil rested a hand on Tommy’s leg, rubbing his calf gently in a reassuring way. “Nothing you feel is invalid Toms, we’re listening.”
He briefly caught a glimpse of Tommy’s bright eyes glancing at him before being hidden behind his tail again. It was quiet for a moment before his voice muttered, “I...I don’t…” Tommy sighed, letting go of his tail to press his fists into his eyes. “It hurts…”
Wilbur glanced at Phil then gently rubbed the edge of Tommy’s ear, smiling a little at the quiet chitter he got in response. “Your tail?” He asked softly.
Tommy nodded. “I left it too long...it got matted…”
Phil hummed in understanding, “And now it hurts to brush?”
Tommy nodded again, leaning into Wilbur’s hand. “I didn’t want to bother you guys...I try to do things on my own because I’m getting older but…”
Phil gave a low, comforting sound. “It’s okay to ask for help Tommy, especially with your hybrid traits, we’re family yeah? We’re meant to help each other.”
Tommy lifted his head a little to look at his dad, a wary look in his eyes but it was quickly dashed at the reassuring smile sent his way. He uncurled himself, now fully pressing his head into Wilbur’s hand, chittering softly at the soft scratching around the base. He let himself melt into the affection before glancing at his brother and sighed. “We still gotta brush it huh?”
Wilbur nodded, cupping his cheek and stroking his thumb over his cheek gently. “Yeah, gonna have to sunshine.”
Tommy smiled at the nickname but his eyes had dropped to the carpet. “Okay…”
“Hey,” Wilbur gently tilted his head up to meet his gaze. “You want me to hug you as Phil brushes it? Would that help?”
Tommy bit his lip, his tiny fangs just sticking out from the action. After a moment of consideration he nodded, stretching his arms out to his older brother. Wilbur immediately scooped him up, holding him close as he sat cross legged on the couch, Tommy pressed close and wrapped around him.
Phil shuffled a little closer. “I’ll just clean out the sticks and leaves, okay Toms?” He said gently.
Tommy nodded, head over Wilbur’s shoulder and holding the back of his soft yellow jumper. Wilbur felt the tightness of the grip and gently rubbed his ear again.
“He’ll be careful Toms,” he promised, “he’s not gonna hurt you.”
Tommy buried his face into his shoulder with another small nod, biting back a nervous whine as he felt Phil’s hands gently hold his tail to keep it still, picking at the mess within the fur. It was unbearably quiet as Phil worked, Wilbur’s hug only helping his anxiety somewhat.
“Wilby?” Tommy murmured.
“Yeah sunshine?”
Tommy hugged his older brother shyly, the nickname always made him soft. “Could...could you sing please?”
Wilbur smiled, kissing the side of his head fondly. “Of course.”
Wilbur’s warm, velvety voice made Tommy melt further into him, eyes slipping closed and content to just listen to the comforting tones, and soon enough, purrs started to emit from his throat. Wilbur gently rubbed over Tommy’s back, trying to help relax his little brother as much as possible. He had once left his wings for too long and had to get Phil to help preen the feathers, the pain was tolerable, he couldn’t imagine how bad having matted fur would be. It seemed his singing was doing enough as it was though, Tommy had relaxed into him, his head resting against his brothers and letting out a stream of gentle purring.
After a few minutes of Wilbur’s quiet singing and Phil gently removing bits from his tail, Tommy was almost asleep, he hadn’t let anyone touch his tail in a long time, he had almost forgotten the other reason why...
“Toms?” Phil murmured suddenly.
Tommy let out a small grumble, shaky with his rumbles, not lifting his head from Wilbur’s shoulder.
“I’m gonna start brushing your tail okay?”
Tommy’s purrs cut out immediately, his whole body tensing up in Wilbur’s arms and Wilbur cooed sympathetically. “It’ll be okay Tommy, he won’t hurt you.”
Tommy knew that, of course he knew that, but he still pressed his face into the crook of Wilbur’s neck and the man was surprised at how warm the kid’s face felt. “You good?”
Tommy nodded but refused to make a sound. Wilbur shared a worried look with Phil and mouthed “Be gentle.”
Phil made a soft noise of agreement, picking up the brush and resting it on the base of Tommy’s tail. The boy flinched, shoulders jumping up to his ears and letting out a small gasp.
“It’s okay Toms,” Wilbur promised, carding a hand through his hair and nudging his head gently. “It’s okay.”
Phil had softened his brushing so it just went through the top fur, easily untangling any small tufts that had stuck together. He kept a rhythmic pattern, going from the base to halfway, leaving the end of the fluffy appendage for later as it was the most knotted. He kept a gentle hold on the boy’s tail, even when it started twitching from the brushing.
He was jolted from carefully watching Tommy’s tail when he heard a muffled sound, glancing up to where Tommy’s shoulders were bouncing and his face was pressed firmly into Wilbur’s shoulder. Wilbur’s eyes were locked to his baby brother, he looked stricken and wild with worry.
“Dad- Dad stop, I think he’s crying” Wilbur quickly smacked away the brush, his wings fluffing up protectively around Tommy.
Phil immediately ceased, dropping the brush and worriedly watching as Wilbur tried to coax Tommy to look at him.
“Tommy, sunshine, hey, can you look at me, Toms?” Wilbur gently slid his hand underneath Tommy’s jaw, gently tilting his head up to catch his gaze.
To his surprise, Tommy had a wide smile on his face and a pink tinge dusted his cheeks and nose, his eyes were shy and nervous, his gaze flicking from Wilbur to the couch.
“Tommy?” Wilbur murmured in confusion. “Wha- you’re smiling? I thought you were in pain…?”
Tommy would’ve hidden his face back into Wilbur’s shoulder had his brother not been holding his cheek, keeping him still. He brought a hand from clutching Wilbur’s sweater to bring it up to his warm face, covering his eyes with a small, shaky sigh. “I-I’m...it’s fine…” he muttered quietly.
“Fine-? Tommy it sounded like you were crying-”
“I said it’s fine Wil” Tommy’s tail unintentionally lashed on instinct, managing to drag over the brush still sitting on the cushions. He squeaked loudly, bringing his tail close to himself faster than you could blink, holding it firmly in his hands. It was eerily silent for a few moments before Phil chuckled softly.
“Ah, now I remember.”
Tommy’s ears pricked up at the tone, biting his lip to stop any more noises from coming out. Wilbur tilted his head to Phil with a raised brow, still holding Tommy protectively. Phil’s eyes were fond and gentle, a familiar twinkle behind the green irises.
"You've got a ticklish tail Toms, you always have, it slipped my mind."
Tommy immediately pressed his face into Wilbur's shoulder, muffled noises slipping out as he tried to protest. Wilbur let out a gasp, eyes lighting up in realization as he hugged Tommy close.
"Oh my gosh, is that why you never let us brush it again when you were younger? Your tail was too ticklish?"
Tommy smacked Wilbur's back and growled but it was whiny and not at all angry. Wilbur awed loudly, gently ruffling his hair and squeezing him tightly.
“You’re actually the worst, piss off, die-” Tommy grumbled, his voice muffled.
If anything, Wilbur only softened more at his ramblings. “Awww bubs, you’re like an angry kitten-!"
Tommy whined loudly. “Daaaaad! Will’s bullying meeeee!”
Phil laughed, stretching his wing around to lightly hit the side of Wilbur’s head, “Ease up Songbird, you’re gonna make him combust.”
Wilbur grinned but stopped messing up Tommy’s hair to simply rest his hand in the golden curls. Tommy was still grumbling under his breath but he was relaxing into the touch, never being able to stay mad at his big brother for long. Phil smiled at his youngest then reached a wing over again to Tommy, resting it on his back to gain his attention.
“Toms, can I continue?” Phil asked softly. “We can take breaks in between if it gets a little much.”
Tommy turned his head marginally to look at his father then pressed his face further into Wilbur to hide, his ears pressed to his head in embarrassment as he gave a shy nod. Phil drew his wing back, allowing Wilbur to return rubbing his shoulders and spine soothingly. Phil gently took Tommy's tail back into his hands, huffing a small laugh at the squeak Tommy gave at his touch.
“Tommy,” Phil said, picking up the brush, “if you need a break say red, m’kay?”
Tommy giggled quietly and nodded again, gripping onto Wilbur’s jersey. Wilbur cooed fondly, kissing the side of his head again and smiling at Phil. The blonde returned it, settling the brush back on Tommy’s tail and combing the bristles through it. Tommy didn’t even last a second before breaking into a fit of breathy giggles.
Tommy’s cheeks flushed pink at his brother’s coo. “Shuhush!”
Wilbur only cooed more, "I can't believe I forgot about this, your laughter was so cute whenever we brushed it!"
Tommy would've shot back a snarky remark, but it was caught in his throat as a new bout of giggles escaped him. His shoulders bounced in his mirth as he squirmed in hopes of relieving the sensations, but the constant brushing on his tail remained undeterred.
“Ticklish little raccoon aren’t cha?” Wilbur giggled, wiggling his nails against Tommy’s neck making the boy squeak and arch away, showing his wide smile and pink tinged face. “Ah there’s my favourite, giggly gremlin~”
“Wil” Phil chuckled, giving him a look but the smile on his face told the brunette he didn’t mind his antics too much. He lifted the tail to brush on the underside of it, grinning at the squeal Tommy gave as he squirmed into Wilbur’s chest, shaking his head in his new fits of laughter.
“Ohoho gohohod” he squeaked, clenching Wilbur’s jumper.
“Awwww” Wilbur cooed, “does it tickle Toms? You’re giggling a bit so I think it might~”
“Shuhuhut uhup Wihihil!” Tommy smacked his back lightly, muffling his frantic giggling in his shoulder again. “Yohohou’re suhuch aha dihick!”
Wilbur chuckled before blowing a small raspberry into his neck, giggling at the squeal Tommy gave.
“Wilbur” Phil said again, chuckling at Tommy’s reactions.
“Yeah?” Wilbur grinned.
“He’s probably getting tickled enough with me brushing his tail.”
“He can take a little more” Wilbur snickered, “he has tickle fights with me and Techno constantly, he's got stamina.”
Phil snorted. “Can’t argue with that.” He brushed close to base and Tommy squeezed Wilbur with a short shriek, hugging his brother tightly as his laughter picked up.
Wilbur cooed, rubbing Tommy’s back gently as he noticed the sudden change in laughter. “You’re doing well Gigglechamp, it shouldn’t take too long, it's not very tangled here.”
Wilbur was right, the base of his tail was one of the few places that wasn’t too mussed up, it was still however, ticklish as fuck. Tommy kicked the couch cushions frantically before pressing his legs close to Wilbur’s back, clenching his jumper as he tried to bear the sensations. His laughter kept bouncing between hysterical giggles and squeaky hiccups, a constant stream of adorable sounds in Phil and Wilbur’s humble opinions.
“Dahahad” Tommy whined after another minute of brushing over the unbearably ticklish area.
“Yep, done Toms” Phil took the brush away, stroking over the now smooth fur, smiling at the squeak Tommy gave.
“Good job sunshine” Wilbur kissed his temple and ruffled his hair, “you did really well.”
Tommy sighed through his lingering titters, wiping at his eyes with his fist to get rid of the mirthful tears budding at the edges. “Thihis suhucks” he giggled.
“Oh sure, that’s why you’re not telling us to stop every five seconds” Wilbur smirked.
Tommy gave a flustered grumble, elbowing Wilbur lightly and making the other two chuckle.
“Ready for round two?” Phil asked.
Tommy gave a giggly groan but nodded, re-adjusting his hold on Wilbur and burying his face again. Wilbur nudged his head against Tommy’s and nodded to Phil who smiled back at his son.
The process continued, Phil combed through his tail again and again, keeping Tommy in a state of giggly hysteria. His laughter was a mix of squeals, squeaks, hiccups, and snorts as the brush ran over his tail in a smooth stroking pattern. Just when he thought he was getting used to a spot, Phil would shift the brush somewhere else and the process would begin anew. After almost three minutes of brushing, Tommy was just about at his limit. He held out for as long as he could, but the second the brush combed over the especially sensitive underside of his tail he had to call uncle.
“Rehehed dahahahad!” Tommy hiccupped, his bubbly giggles squeaking in his mirth and hands clinging to Wilbur’s jumper.
Phil ceased the brushing, running his fingers through the newly brushed fur and humming in satisfaction as he didn’t feel any knots, only soft fluff. “We’re almost there” he promised. “Just a little longer, okay Toms?”
Tommy whined a little but his eyes were dancing with excited anticipation. “F-Fihihine, j-juhuhust lehemme tuhurn rohound.”
He shifted from being wrapped around Wilbur to curl up in his lap, tucking his head underneath his brother’s chin and letting his purring restart, using it to calm himself down and show he was comfortable. Wilbur pursed his lips, staring at the ceiling and blinking rapidly much to Phil’s amusement. The brunette was wrapped around Tommy’s finger.
They let Tommy calm down for another minute or two before Phil spun the brush between his fingers. “Good to continue?”
The boy smiled, tucked against Wilbur’s chest and purring softly as he nodded. Wilbur’s eyes watched him fondly, having to bite his lip to stop squealing in adoration. Phil rolled his eyes fondly and picked up Tommy’s tail again, moving down to the end of the fluffy appendage to where the most tufts of fur were. He tried to be as gentle as possible but Tommy still flinched at the first pull on the fur.
“Is it okay?” Phil asked, pausing to let his son answer.
“Kinda hurts” Tommy mumbled, eyebrows pinching slightly as he grimaced. “Knots ‘n shit innit?”
Wilbur watched worriedly as Phil tried to brush away the tangles as gently as possible, but Tommy still winced every time it went through his fur. It was when Tommy let out an involuntary whimper that Wilbur smacked away the brush and fluffed his wings a little.
“Dad, this is hurting him” he held Tommy close and gazed imploringly at Phil, “surely that’s enough?”
Phil shook his head. “If we leave it, the fur will only get matted further Wil.”
Wilbur grit his teeth in displeasure. He hated hearing his baby brother in pain, but he also didn’t like the idea of his tail getting worse. He huffed, taking up one of Tommy’s hands and brushing his thumb over it in thought. It was quiet for a moment then Tommy gave a soft squeak.
Wilbur glanced down at Tommy and was surprised to see him curling in on himself, a shy smile on his face and ears tinged pink. “Toms?”
Tommy giggled a little, and Wilbur then noticed his thumb had slipped to trace the edge of the pad on his index finger.
“Ticklish hands Tommy?”
Tommy squeaked again, hiding his face in Wilbur’s jumper as he giggled quietly. Wilbur gently turned over his hands and started tracing the beans on his fingers, smiling as Tommy broke into breathy titters, sinking into his chest and closing his eyes.
“That feel okay?” Wilbur asked.
Tommy nodded with a sweet giggle as Wilbur wiggled his nails over his palm briefly. Phil smiled, watching the scene before him for a moment then slowly picked up the brush again, taking Tommy’s tail and moving back to the fur at the end. Tommy’s eyes fluttered open at the contact but his attention was quickly switched back to Wilbur at the small raspberry placed on the pad of his palm. He gave a hiccupy giggle, attempting to draw his hand back but Wilbur kept it there, blowing another.
“W-Wihil!” Tommy squealed, his attention fully on his older brother as he scratched his nails gently into the beans on his fingers.
“Mhm?” Wilbur hummed.
“T-That- ihihit tihickles!”
Wilbur chuckled. “Good! That’s what I was hoping for. Also Toms, you’ve taken good care of your pads, they’re nice and clean, very soft too, ” Wilbur skittered his nails quickly down his hands with a giggle of his own. “Feel all velvety, I could tickle them forever.”
“N-Nohoho Wihil!”
Tommy shrunk down on instinct, giggling squeakily at the soft fluttery sensations on his beans, his tail wagging happily. Phil gave an endeared huff, the movement making his job somewhat difficult but it seemed Wilbur was distracting Tommy enough to not focus on the slight tugs on his tail from the brush. Wilbur kept up the tickling until Phil’s brush went through Tommy’s tail without any bumps or tangles dragging it back. He settled back to softly tracing the pads, singing quietly again to help soothe Tommy. The boy sunk into him, letting Wilbur hold his hands and giggling from the brushing.
For a few, sweet minutes, it was simply Wilbur softly scratching over Tommy’s beans, singing quietly as Phil gently combed through his tail. Tommy was practically dead weight in Wilbur’s arms and a permanent smile on his face. The scene was endearing domestic, a perfect scene of trust between the hybrids.
“Okay, all done” Phil hummed, brushing through the end of the fluffy tail one last time before putting the comb down and patting the soft, clean fur gently.
Tommy was curled in Wilbur’s arms, a warm smile on his face and small giggles slipped through his lips as he calmed down. Wilbur had taken to rubbing the base of his ears, cheek resting against his golden curls.
“You did so good bubs” Wilbur praised, “I’m proud of you.”
Tommy chittered softly, snuggling closer to Wilbur and letting his eyes flutter closed. “That...wasn’t too bad.”
His watching family members shared an adoring smile at his admittance, Phil gently brushing his fingers through his tail’s fur.
“Think you’ll let us help you in future then? Or take better care of your fur by yourself?”
Tommy hummed in thought, the end of his tail flicking. “Maybe.”
“We could just tickle you for real if you don’t” Wilbur chuckled, his laughter only doubling at the flustered noise Tommy made.
Phil snickered, letting go of Tommy’s tail and stood. “Keep in mind Wil, Tommy does have a built-in tickle tool.”
Wilbur smirked, ruffling his sleek wings. “Yeah? Well, so do I.”
Phil snorted, rolling his eyes as Tommy glanced up at his big brother in nervous anticipation. “Not today though, let Tommy rest okay? He’s earned it.”
Wilbur nodded with an agreeing hum, using his wings to wrap around his younger brother, the boy squeaking a little when a few stray feathers brushed his cheek and ear for a moment. Wilbur sat back on the couch, protectively shielding Tommy from anything and everything that could disrupt his needed nap. Phil left them to sleep, heading to the kitchen to remove the stray fur clinging to the brush.
The door suddenly opened for Kristen and Techno to walk in, grins on their faces and an excited look dancing in their eyes. Phil quickly put a finger to his lips when Techno went to speak, nodding to the lounge.
“The other two are napping, what’s up?” He asked quietly when they seemed to get the message.
“We got so many potatos Pops! We’re gonna be feasting for days!” Techno whisper yelled, a wide grin on his face.
“Yeah?” Phil leaned on the island as Techno jumped up onto a bar stool excitedly. “Fight any big bad mobs along the way?”
“Yep, he kicked their asses like a champ” Kristen chuckled, kissing Phil’s temple and wrapping an arm around his waist. “Techno’s gonna be one of the best fighters around.”
Techno’s ears perked at the praise, a shy grin on his face as his cheeks tinged pinker than normal. Kristen smiled at Phil then noticed the brush on the counter.
“Did you manage to convince Tommy to brush his tail?” She asked in surprise.
“Well, it was a combined effort of myself and Wilbur,” Phil chuckled, “Tommy’s tail is as ticklish as it was when he was a toddler.”
Kristen coo was a high whisper and Techno snorted fondly. “I’m almost sad I missed it” Kristen giggled.
“Well he said he’s okay with us helping him in the future, so you may get your chance to experience it yourself” Phil butted his forehead against her own.
Kristen gave an excited gasp. “Really? He hasn’t let me since he was young!”
Phil chuckled again. “He hasn’t changed at all since then.”
Techno grinned. “Oh, he’s going down next time he dares to tickle me, I forgot his tail was a bad spot.”
Kristen laughed as she walked around the island, gently prodding Techno’s side in passing. “Keep in mind, he can use his tail on you Piglet.”
Techno flinched away from her fingers with a squeak, a nervous smile on his face. Kristen grinned, ruffling his ears and going through to the lounge to check on her other two boys. Techno ducked his head at the fond grin Phil sent his way.
“What?” He asked with a half hearted scowl, embarrassed by the high pitched noise that had left him from his mother’s touch.
Phil exhaled a laugh, resting his hand on his oldest son’s head to pacify him. “Nothing,” he said. “It’s just...a good day.”
Techno seemed to understand and hummed in quiet agreement, leaning into his touch. Phil let the warmth of the sun streaming into the kitchen melt his weight into the island, taking in a slow breath. It was nice, knowing his boys were happy, Kristen was home with them, and they were all safe.
Phil knew it wouldn’t last forever. Kristen would have to leave one day, unable to remain in the mortal world, and his boys would grow up. For now, he could let himself enjoy the peace and quiet, at least for a little while.
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myherowritings · 4 years
Borrowed Sweaters, Stolen Kisses
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— In a game of Truth or Dare, you’re dared to sneak into your crush’s dorm and steal one article of clothing to wear the next day. It just so happens that the hoodie you snatched was Shinsou’s favorite sweater.
pairing: shinsou hitoshi x reader word count: 2,204 genre: fluff, aged up au (class 3a) warnings: 16+, suggestive content
a/n: this used to be a harry potter fic i wrote on my hp account but i rewrote it for shinsou bc it just seemed fitting fhgjdhsfg. shinsou is in class 1a in this fic or 3a since they’re aged up and at least 18 years old u.u i hope y’all enjoy!! xx 
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“No way.” You shook your head, kicking your legs out in front of you as you ignored Hagakure’s poking and prodding.
It was a relatively relaxed Friday night, and you and your friends decided to spend it in your dorm with a bottle of whisky and a game of Truth or Dare. The truths ranged from anything to, “Fuck, marry, kill: Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari” to, “Who was the last person you sent a nude to?” And the dares weren’t any better. Ashido practically vomiting in the corner served as a great reminder of that.
You were just grateful the dares you received were rather mundane. 
That was, until now.
“Y/N, you have to do it!” said Hagakure.
“Can’t I just forfeit this round and take a shot?”
“Nope, that’s only allowed for truths,” she quipped. 
You glanced over at Jirou, a pleading look on your face, but you were met with a nonchalant shrug. 
“Rules are rules,” Jirou sang, taking a swig of whisky before passing you the handle.
You opened your mouth to protest, but Mina’s fierce glare caused your words to die in your throat.
“If I had to chug that hot sauce concoction you guys made and then eat the mystery sushi until I felt sick, you can go to Shinsou’s room and steal a hoodie or something-- Sounds like a cakewalk compared to my dare.”
As she leaned her back against the bed, hand over her stomach as beads of sweat trailing down her forehead, you figured Mina was right. You’ve been in his dorm plenty of times before, anyway-- You two were friends and, at times, you supposed you enjoyed his company. What was the worst that could happen?
“You’re right.”
“I know.” 
Rolling your eyes, you stood up and slipped some fuzzy socks on, ignoring the cheers coming from your tipsy roommates. When you reached the door, your friends watching fervently as you wandered off to your ill-fated trek, you paused at the handle. 
You looked back at them, heaving a sigh. “If his dorm turns out to be booby trapped and I get caught, just know I will haunt you from the grave after I die of embarrassment.” 
“We expect nothing less,” was Tsuyu’s smart reply. 
Soon enough, you found yourself climbing up the boys’ side of Heights Alliance, feeling like you were doing a reverse walk of shame. It was a quarter past three o’clock in the morning and the odds of any of them being awake were slim to none, but that didn’t stop the butterflies from fluttering in your stomach. 
You made your way to the front of Shinsou’s dorm room and cautiously placed your hand on the door handle. With a small grumble you fished the key card Hagakure stole from Hitoshi earlier (which made you wonder just how long your friends were planning this whole escapade out…) out of the pocket of your sweatpants. 
For the most part, it looked just like your dormitory. Only neater. His desk was fairly organized and, aside from balls of yarn and different sizes of knitting needles, was clear enough to work on. Scarves and hoodies were piled onto the back of the chair and foot of the bed--which meant your dare should be easy enough to complete--and a dim light was left twinkling.
Everything seemed cozy and lived in. Normal.
Except for the fact that Shinsou Hitoshi was not in his bed. 
“What on earth?” you murmured under your breath, finding it a bit strange the room was completely empty at this hour. But knowing him, you reckoned he was out training at any hour he could--something that worried you about him--or playing with a cat off campus grounds. It wasn’t unlikely. 
Still, with your feet planted at the foot of his dormitory, you wanted to get out of there before you were caught. Because you knew there was no way in hell for your drunken ass to smooth talk your way out of this mess if he were to find you.
Your hand hovered over the article of clothing nearest to you, which was a sweater draped over the back of a chair, and you took a deep breath, saying, “It’s just a dare. You can do it.” 
Before you lost all your nerve, you snatched the jumper with one hand and slipped out of the dorm. As you rushed down the stairs, you could’ve sworn you heard some shuffling coming from the empty room. But you didn’t care.
Part one of your dare was successfully completed.
Now for the hard part: Wearing it around the next day.
- - - - -
“How do I look?” 
You posed in front of your roommate, trying not to laugh at how the borrowed jumper engulfed your frame. Walking down the center of your dorm, you gave a little twirl.
“Sexy,” Mina teased from her spot on her bed. “Shinsou’s sweater looks nice on you.” 
Sticking your tongue out at her, you made a face. “I’m not sure what you mean. It’s pretty gross to me. I would never want to wear any of Shinsou’s clothes.”
“Then why did you put the hood over your head and bury your face in the collar?” 
Slowly, you peered up at her with your view obstructed by the fabric. You sniffled haughtily, trying to ignore the soothing aroma of lavender and smoked wood that filled your sense. 
Mina smirked, catching the small sigh of contentment that left your mouth as you basked in the scent of Shinsou’s hoodie. “Gross, huh?” 
“Mention this to no one,” you mumbled with a nonthreatening glare, pulling the hood off your head and folding your fabric-covered hands over your chest.
Laughing, she tossed you your bookbag from across as she waited by the door, the rest of your friends back in their own rooms to get ready for class. “Come on, lovebug. You can see him during math in a few minutes.”
“I won’t be looking forward to it.”
You grumbled protests as the both of you made your way down the stairs of Heights Alliance and toward the main campus of U.A. High, but Ashido paid them no mind. Soon enough, you reached the room and spotted Jirou and Hagakure in their usual seats. 
“Hey,” you quickly whispered, sliding into the seat next to Tooru before Ectoplasm sauntered over to the front of the class.
“Nice jumper,” she said simply, voice going an octave higher in amusement. “I knew you’d go through with it.” 
Reminded of your rather bold choice of clothing (that was horribly out of dress code), you subconsciously tugged at the sleeves. You sent a quick plead to the gods above that you didn’t look as foolish as you thought you did. 
While Ectoplasm introduced antiderivatives and indefinite integrals to the class, Hagakure nudged you on the side, sliding you a ripped piece of her parchment paper.
You looked at her curiously as Mina peered over your shoulder to catch sight of the writing.
DO NOT LOOK NOW!!! But I’m 100% certain Shinsou has been staring at you since the start of math class.
Of course, the first thing both you and Ashido did after reading the note was turn your heads at the same time towards the back of the class where Hitoshi and his friends were sitting. And, as your luck would have had it, you made directly eye contact with an amused-looking Shinsou.
Both you and Mina turned around to face the front so fast you were sure at least one of you received whiplash. 
Wide-eyed and flushed, you exchanged glances with her, both of you trying to hold in your laughter.
“I told you not to look,” Hagakure whispered, a small giggle escaping from her lips, sending you three into fits of laughter you tried to muffle with your hands. 
Behind you, someone cleared their throat, causing the three of you to straighten up in an instant. 
“Something amusing you, ladies?” 
“No, sir,” you quipped.
“Sorry, Ectoplasm-sensei,” remarked Tooru.
“We’ll shut up now,” promised Mina.
With a stern look on his face but a slight tilt of his smile, Ectoplasm nodded and returned to his lesson. “I trust you three will be experts of the integral calculus by the next lesson and I won’t have to catch you making doe eyes at a certain someone?”
Though he asked all three of you the question, his gaze was pointed at you and the class knew it. Your cheeks heated up as slouched into your chair. Perhaps if you tried hard enough, you could turn into the seat. 
“Yes, sir,” you mumbled, ignoring the stifled laughter from Ashido and an apologetic, but amused, look from Hagakure. 
And as he continued the lesson, you could’ve sworn you felt a certain pair of eyes on the back of your head until the end of it.
When class finally concluded and Ectoplasm dismissed the lot of you, you rushed out of the classroom as fast as you could.
But not fast enough.
“Nice sweater, Y/N,” you heard a deep voice call, stopping you in your footsteps. “Looks familiar.”
You swallowed, slowly turning around to face Shinsou--lazy smirk and all. There was nothing you wanted to do more than dash back to your dormitory and hide, but instead you straightened your spine and braved a look of nonchalance.
“Does it now?”
“Yeah,” he said with an amused look in his eyes. “I’d have to say it does.”
Peering up through your lashed, you looked at him with faux innocence. “I can’t say I know why.”
Slowly, he walked closer towards you as you moved back against the wall. He took the excess fabric of your sleeve into his hands, stroking them between his fingers.
“You know-- It even feels familiar.” He smiled thoughtfully. “Just like my sweater I happened to lose last night.”
By now, the halls had begun to clear up, the traitors you called friends having left you with a thumbs up right as Shinsou approached you. 
You coughed as you repeated, “I wonder why.”
He was so close you could catch a whiff of his lavender and woodsy scent.
“If you wanted my clothes on you, Y/N, you could’ve just asked.”
You pointedly eyed the way he was toying with the hem of your--or rather, his--sweater, lifting it slightly. “Well, if you wanted my clothes off this badly, you could’ve just asked.” 
Shinsou raised his eyebrows in surprise at your suggestion, hand frozen on the fabric. The intensity of his gaze melted your steely disposition, embarrassment creeping up to your neck.
“I’m only kidding,” you murmured, refusing to be the one to break eye contact.
“That’s a shame, then.”
You blinked. “What?”
He shook his head. “Nothing.” 
Biting the inside of your lip, you toyed with the bottom of your sweater.
“That’s my favorite jumper, you know?” mused Shinsou, looking fondly at the U.A. hoodie. “Aizawa got it for me when I entered the hero course.” 
A horrified look crossed your face. You stole his favorite sweater that Eraserhead gifted him himself? Good going. 
“Oh, shit,” you swore, reaching for the hem of the hoodie. “I’m sorry, Shinsou! I didn’t know.”
Chuckling, Shinsou placed his hand on top yours to stop you from removing it. “No-- You can keep it on.” You paused. “I’d say I quite like how it looks on you.”
Your heart skipped a beat when his hand that was still on your ran down the length of your fingers. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you interlaced them with his own, causing him to send a shocked but pleased look your way. You smiled.
He ran the tip of his tongue along his lower lip, gently drawing you closer to him. “If I were to kiss you right now, would you be upset?”
You shook your head, leaning into his touch. “Upset is the last thing I’d be.”
“Well, then I suppose--”
“What are the two of you doing?” you heard Aizawa exclaim as he rounded the corner, catching sight of the two of you against the hallway. He pulled Shinsou away from you by the collar, your cheeks flooding with embarrassment. 
Shinsou, however, looked unperturbed.
“Sorry, Aizawa-sensei,” he said sincerely, “but what I was about to do just then-- I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.”
He chuckled at the shocked look on your face, giving you a wink as Aizawa released his shirt. Shinsou made his way back over to you across the hall.
“How cute you looked in my sweater was only the catalyst,” said Shinsou before placing both hands on either side of your hips, pulling you towards him in a brief but deep kiss.
“Shinsou! Y/L/N!”
“Sorry, sir.” This time, Shinsou didn’t sound so sincere as he ignored the appalled look on Aizawa’s face. “I just couldn’t wait until we got to the dorms to do that. Don’t worry though, Y/N-- I swear there will be far better kisses that’ll take place there as well.”
And though the two of you may have been sentenced to detention and cleaning duty for the next three weekends, you would have to say the kiss was definitely worth it.
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