#no improved birch forest
cryoverkiltmilk · 1 year
The prosecution of the New Jersey Onceler is back underway. Viva la Tree Law!
KINNELON — A borough man who allegedly hired landscapers to cut down 32 of his neighbor's trees appeared in municipal court on Tuesday, in a dispute that has drawn "national and international" attention to the normally quiet Morris County town, according to the judge in the case.
With a discovery deadline of Aug. 31, Judge Andrew Wubbenhorst set a trial date of Sept. 22 for Denise Drive resident Grant Haber, who faces a trove of local ordinance violations for each of the trees cut down on the property of his next-door neighbor, Samih Shinway.
The case went mostly unnoticed by the public until a third court date last month, after a Twitter feed by a friend of the borough forester went viral. "Someone thought it would be a good idea to take the Zoom notice that was only intended for people who had involvement in the case and put it on social media," Wubbenhorst said Tuesday.
The judge said he was told that posting resulted in "hundreds of thousands of views, if not millions of views, and people trying to get into our [Zoom] court session, totally disrupting the court session," the judge said. "That's why we're here today in person."
Some of the people who were able to log into the conference, Wubbenhorst said, "were trying to disrupt and were actually very abusive and insulting to the court. Seeing that this case apparently has gotten not only national but international notoriety, I don't really think it's fair to the defendants and their counsel to have such interruptions and confusion in a virtual setting."
Prosecutor Kim Kassar said he needed more time to consult with expert witnesses before discovery could begin. Wubbenhorst, noting the volume of charges and public attention involved, cleared Tuesday's court calendar to focus on this case.
Only one of the charges is considered a criminal offense, in this case an alleged violation of a state statute "covering unlicensed entry of structures; defiant trespassing and peering into dwelling places."
Facing charges along with Haber are two tree service operators he hired: Ronald Fallas, doing business at Choco Tree Service in Newark, and Greg Brancaleone of Father & Son Tree Service in Kinnelon. All of the defendants were represented by attorneys who declined comment.
Cleared for a view?
Shinway, Haber's neighbor, said he took the woods on his property seriously: Before the tree-cutting incident, he'd retained the services of an arborist to help keep the forest healthy, he said. But on Feb. 27, Shinway said, he came home to the sound of chainsaws coming from the back of his land. He had to use an ATV to reach the site where the trees had been cut. Oaks and birch trees were among the targets of the landscapers, who stopped after Shinway confronted them and called the police, he said.
Shinway said the workers told him they had been hired to remove the trees to improve the area's view of the surrounding valleys and New York City.
When Shinway asked why they ignored the "No Trespassing" signs posted around his property, they responded that they had been told that the property's owner had given permission for the work.
Potential fines
Haber and the landscapers each face up to a $1,000 fine per tree. The additional cost to clear, replant and fully rehabilitate the land was reportedly estimated by a local tree expert to possibly be more than $1 million.
Both the Haber and Shinway properties include luxury homes on seven-acre, mostly wooded lots where trees limit backyard views of the New York City skyline and a nearby reservoir. Shinway speculated the motivation for the tree-culling may have been for "a better view."
Shinway said both properties are among the many million-dollar homes in the wealthy, heavily forested suburb of New York City, 33 miles from midtown Manhattan. He said the only contact he had with Haber prior to the tree-cutting was to discuss a fence on the Haber property he believed crossed onto his land.
"I just let it go," Shinway said, adding he did post "no trespassing" signs on his property after that.
One of the trees cut down had such a sign still affixed to it, he added. The cut trees also included oaks, hickory, birch and cherry, Shimway said.
A typed response
Shinway said after the incident, Haber sent him a typed letter that in his view fell short of an apology.
"It was impersonal," he said of the letter. "Stating they love nature, it wasn't done maliciously and the tree company that did it, the person was ill, and everybody's got families, something along those lines."
Shinway said he has not yet retained an attorney or considered filing a civil suit.
In-person, the court session only drew a small group of media and about a dozen residents, many of who were angry about what they said was the township's poor stewardship of their forested areas, claiming authorities had given tree-removal approvals to many property owners in violation of local ordinances.
"Look at all the trees being cut down for views of the Kakeout Reservoir, New York City, bigger toxic lawns, pools and whatever pleases us," said 54-year Kinnelon resident Mary Derstine before the hearing began. "I hope and pray we wake up in time so our children and future generations can know what a tree looks like, can breathe and have food to eat. Politicians, corporations and greed must not destroy our living planet."
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xovera-toz · 4 months
Six scenes from the everday life of this Lanternbearer Wirt.
"Give me back my lantern."
Wirt shot the grumpy shadow a jovial smile. "Hm. I don't think I will."
"You have no use of it," the Beast insisted. Its voice had, slowly, over the days, taken on a pleading edge.
"Really?" Wirt glanced left and right: still dark forest in every direction- except skywards, where the stars painted the night a faint yellow. The lantern was his only source of light. "I haven't noticed."
The Beast snarled in frustration. It had to bear with this insufferable, sarcastic, no good sadistic- "Find one... any other. Not mine."
"Words, my dear fellow, were made to be used and used well." Wirt huffed. "In sentences, you see. And I don't think I see any spare lanterns around here. Do you?"
The Beast left without another word. Boiling inside, surely. Wirt didn't bother to hide his laughter from the empty woods.
He made sure the Beast's diet was proper and varied, just as the lunch lady used to say: Birch, oak, the occasional fir or willow. Never edelwood; those he avoided with care.
The eldritch creature was not happy.
"Give me oil." It begged.
Wirt bet its hands were clasped in prayer under the dark shadowy layers. He felt delighted. "No can do. You need your nutrition." He wagged his index finger for good measure.
The Beast wailed.
"The forest feels... happier." Lorna told him one afternoon. They were making a small boat of sticks and moss, which they intented to place on the river and chase downstream. "Lighter. More welcoming."
Wirt nodded sagely, tried and failed to keep a serious face. "It's the diet, I tell you. As soon as the oil addiction washes out, it's going to get even better."
"I'll end you," the Beast threatened. Wirt got the distinct impression it was shaking its fist in his direction. "Suffocate you in a puddle, if I have to."
"You already kinda did." Wirt pointed out. "Not that it improved your situation, I suppose. Now, say- what do we think of wildflowers?"
The Beast fled in horror.
"It's blooming." Beatrice noted. Yes, she'd noticed- how could she not, when the cursed creature loitered around her house in its self-pity? She told her friend so.
She stabbed the needle into Wirt's torn cape again and again. It penetrated the material with ease, yet her smile seemed sharper than her tool could ever be. "The Beast is fucking blooming," she repeated.
For whatever ungodly reason, Wirt looked proud of himself.
"Make it stop!" Months ago, it would have been a demand. Now, it was a pathetic cry into Wirt's knees.
The boy stood awkwardly where the Beast had latched onto him. Not losing any of his hesitance, he gave the wooden figure a gentle pat on the head.
That just made the Beast's shoulders (Did it have shoulders? Shoulder-adjacent parts?) shake wilder in frustration.
Maybe he'd reward the lantern with some elderberry branches this time. It seemed to lighten up the creature's mood.
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moth-like-habits · 1 year
Sunshine in a Smile
ethubs, 591 words
Here's it on ao3
Etho thinks Bdubs looks like the Sun. It’s ridiculous really, a bit too on the nose- believe him, he knows. Sleeps through every night, golden skin and shining eyes, yes of course Bdubs looks like the Sun. Etho’s even heard the stories from the trip through the rift: “Etho! Oh you won’t believe it, I became the god of the sun!” The cloak he came back in shimmered with every step he took but it couldn’t have shone brighter than the smile on his face when he told Etho everything that happened in the other world. They were in the ruins behind the monolith where Etho had started a small garden. He beamed and explained the wonders of improv as Etho tended the tulips, periwinkles, and dwarf sunflowers (yes, mini sunflowers. Etho may joke that it’s about his height but the creases in the corners of Bdubs eyes hid a knowing smile). They sat in the garden until the sun was setting and if seeing him glow in golden hour took Etho’s breath away then no one needs to know. Glowstone, sunbeams, and joy making him truly celestial. By the void, if Etho didn’t believe Bdubs became a god before he certainly did then. Yet the end of the day left Bdubs yawning and fighting to stay awake and talk- it took only a little convincing before Bdubs went to bed. 
That leads to now: Etho sitting on the front steps of the monolith, redstone blueprints abandoned in the kitchen. If Bdubs is the sun, then Etho is convinced he’s the moon. It makes sense, honestly, a bit too on the nose. As opposed to the warm summers of the sun the moon brings thoughts of a quiet winter chill. Cold and far away, without a light of its own. Not always, Bdubs would say, I think about warm summer nights and fireflies. Nights like this one, Etho supposes. There’s a soft pleasant breeze stirring through the leaves and creating the perfect atmosphere to sit outside and think. He looks up at the moon now- almost full, bringing a dim illumination to the birch forest around him. The moon reflects the light of the sun and well, Etho always seems the brightest when they’re together. Etho’s content to be the moon. 
Bdubs suggested he add ferns to the garden: “Well fine! if you had to put me in there then you should put yourself. Some fern or something.” Etho played it off as a jab at being boring, but he’s certain Bdubs heard the smile in his voice, saw the softening of his eyes. Being direct never really was their strong suit.  With a sigh, Etho stands up and heads back into the monolith and up to the kitchen. While he would admit it to no one, Bdubs is not a morning person. And so, Etho sets out his beloved mug (it’s a wonky shape and a familiar mossy green- not Etho’s best work but Bdubs insisted on keeping it) and fills the kettle with water to leave till morning. Coffee grounds are set out, right beside their old coffee maker. Easy enough for tired hands to move through the motions beyond half closed eyes (the sun will not rise without caffeine). With everything carefully prepared, Etho heads upstairs, finally tired enough to sleep. The moon must rest too.
Etho thinks Bdubs is like the Sun. Bright laughter, kind eyes, and plenty of warmth to share. And if that’s a bit too on the nose? Well, no one needs to know.
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riacte · 11 months
Weee more hermitgals precure au brainstorming <3
Stress: finding love and joy even in the most mundane of activities, it's the little things: a warm cup of floral tea, the flap of a butterfly's wings, the way light shines through crystals, the scratchy texture of a picnic blanket. Maybe not everything inspires creativity, but anything can.
Cure Allium? It's Stress' favourite Minecraft flower, and it can represent the decorative items of Minecraft— may be "worthless" in the sense of mechanics, but they breathe life into the game. (and the universe said you are stronger than you know)
False: the everchanging flow of creativity, water and ice and wind and snow, they're made from the same thing but they fill up space differently, big shapes and fluids, knowing how to manipulate elements and fill in empty places.
Cure Prismarine? Cure Diamond? (I know Cure Diamond already exists but I like her a lot and her song that goes "this heart is an unbreakable diamond heart, I cannot get hurt" has such a clutch over me. I am a Cure Diamond defender.) This represents the "elements" (minerals?) of Minecraft and how they can be modified for different needs. (and the universe said everything you need is within you)
Cleo: noticing all the little details that make people people, the creativity of connecting unrelated items to form a coherent picture, finding life in the undead.
Cure Blaze? I suppose Cleo is inevitably linked to fire because of their hair and theme colour. I think Blazes aren't an undead mob (?) but they're from the Nether and that's the representative of hell and monsters and undead and fire so... close enough. (and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing)
Pearl: finding coherence in the jagged mass of the alien darkness, weird and wacky but harmonious, moonlight shining through shadows, the creativity of clashing contrasting colours and elements together but creating beauty out of it, constantly pushing the limits and challenging yourself.
Cure Moon. I think that's the best choice given her yellow scheme. Her outfit is also a bit purple-y for the shadows and a bit rainbow-y for the pearlescent part. Her villain name is probably something like Lunar or Eclipse. This represents the End / the Void dimension of Minecraft, a place that seems dangerous but you can find wacky yet beautiful things in it. (and the universe said the light you seek is within you)
Gem: the whimsy and wonderful world of fantasy, the creativity of merging wild nature and livable places, beauty and elegance without missing a hint of playfulness, creating magical worlds from epic castles to cute hideouts.
Not really sure honestly? She has a nature / Overworld theme but it might overlap with Stress. I mean I'm not naming her Cure Birch. Or I might actually do it. For the birch forest bit. This broadly represents the Overworld, all the biomes and trees and plants. (and the universe said you have played the game well)
Ren: the improv storyteller, subtly connecting people and things together, the sincerity and shamelessness of being immersed into creating art (and the universe said you are not alone)
Iskall: the audacity to be brave and bold, daring to dream, daring to create, persevering, falling down and getting up and trying again, learning the rhythm of the slow gears that make the world turn, determined to keep moving forward but still goofy enough to enjoy the small moments of life (and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you)
And all of them together, their powers combined:
and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code
and the universe said I love you because you are love.
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learnplants · 2 months
Today, we have another fungus! It's yellow or orange, it's a woodland favourite, it's coveted by chefs, it smells like apricots, any guesses? That's right, it's "Cantharellus cibarius" or the chanterelle!
Chanterelle is the common name for not just a single fungus, it's actually a while load of them, all in the Cantharellaceae family! They appear in coniferous forests and broadleaf forests, between summer and late autumn, and has a fruity smell when they're first picked!
The cap is a funnel shape, that's wavy and smooth, which is why it's name is derived from the greek word "kantharos" which means tankard or cup! The cap is orange or yellow, depending on its maturity, and underneath, it has ridges that look like gills, running all the way down! It has fake gills, that run along the outside as well, and the 'stipe', which is fancy for stalk, is smooth and the same colour as the cap!
You have to be very careful if you go looking for chanterelles, as there are several lookalikes, that are all quite poisonous, such as the false chanterelle or all kinds of jack-o'-lantern fungus!
Chanterelles in the UK are fairly common to find, but they're very localised! They'll be found in mossy areas in coniferous forests, and in broadleaf woodlands! Something quite neat is that they've formed a beneficial relationship with birch and pine trees in Scotland, called a mycorrhizal relationship!
In history, there are records that chanterelle mushrooms have been eaten by people as early as the 16th century, and became very popular with the nobility due to the spread of french cuisine, meaning it became a symbol of wealth! Even now, they're very difficult to get your hands on because no one has found a way to commercially farm them, meaning they all have to be harvested by hand through foraging! It's eaten all across the world in highend restaurants, due to it's delicate flavour and texture!
Chanterelles also have a few health benefits! They contain high amounts of vitamin C and D as well as very high amounts of potassium! They also have 8 essential amino acids, and they have very strong anti-viral and antibacterial properties, and a high amount of anti-oxidants, and a bunch of stuff to help with bad cholesterol, treating thrombosis and it improves liver function! Talk about a super food!
Overall, Cantharellus cibarius or the chanterelle is an absolutely amazing fungus, found in specific parts of the UK, in high quantities, and are incredibly healthy for people! If you liked learning about the chanterelle, feel free to like or repost, maybe leave a comment, and give me a follow for more plants and fungus information!
Now, without further delay, here is the chanterelle!
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pocket-deer-boy · 10 months
Thinking about how they showed off all this minecraft concept art and ideas they had on an improved birch forest that would make one of the basic forests in the game feel more breathy and alive and then they never added it in the update they promised it for. And then told us they never explicitly said they were adding it to the game even though they showed it in a show right next to actual gameplay footage and discussions on the future of the game and everything and i want to scream
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robertbaily · 2 months
 By Best Skin Care Products
Best Beauty Products in India: A Comprehensive Guide to Radiant Skin
India, with its rich heritage of Ayurveda and modern skincare innovations, offers a plethora of beauty products that cater to diverse skin types and concerns. Whether you're looking for natural remedies or cutting-edge skincare solutions, the Indian beauty market has something for everyone. In this guide, we'll explore some of the best  By Best Skin Care Products in India that have garnered rave reviews and loyal followings.
1. Forest Essentials Facial Ubtan Narangi & Nagkesar
Forest Essentials, a luxury Ayurvedic brand, is renowned for its natural and handcrafted products. The Facial Ubtan Narangi & Nagkesar is a traditional blend of herbs, flowers, and roots that gently exfoliate and cleanse the skin. Key ingredients include orange peel, turmeric, and marigold, which brighten the complexion and improve skin texture. This ubtan can be used as a cleanser or a face mask, making it a versatile addition to any skincare routine.
2. Kama Ayurveda Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid
Kama Ayurveda's Kumkumadi Miraculous Beauty Fluid is a night serum that promises to enhance the complexion and reduce signs of ageing. This luxurious elixir is formulated with pure saffron, sandalwood, and other precious herbs. It works to brighten the skin, improve texture, and provide a youthful glow. Regular use can help diminish dark spots, fine lines, and pigmentation, making it a favourite among beauty enthusiasts.
3. Biotique Bio Dandelion Visibly Ageless Serum
Biotique, known for its affordable yet effective herbal products, offers the Bio Dandelion Visibly Ageless Serum. Enriched with pure dandelion and nutmeg oil, this serum helps in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. It also promotes skin elasticity and a youthful glow. Suitable for all skin types, this serum is a great choice for those looking to incorporate natural ingredients into their skincare regimen without breaking the bank.
4. Lakmé Absolute Argan Oil Radiance Overnight Oil-in-Serum
Lakmé, a household name in Indian beauty, has combined the benefits of argan oil with advanced skincare technology in its Absolute Argan Oil Radiance Overnight Oil-in-Serum. This product is designed to nourish and revitalise the skin overnight. Argan oil, rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, helps to hydrate and repair the skin, leaving it soft and radiant by morning. The lightweight formula ensures it is easily absorbed, making it suitable for all skin types.
5. Plum Green Tea Alcohol-Free Toner
For those with oily and acne-prone skin, Plum's Green Tea Alcohol-Free Toner is a must-have. This toner contains green tea extracts, glycolic acid, and glycerin, which work together to control excess oil, exfoliate dead skin cells, and maintain hydration. The absence of alcohol ensures that the skin is not stripped of its natural moisture, making it a gentle yet effective option for daily use.
6. Lotus Herbals Safe Sun 3-in-1 Matte Look Daily Sunblock SPF 40
Sunscreen is a non-negotiable step in any skincare routine, and Lotus Herbals' Safe Sun 3-in-1 Matte Look Daily Sunblock SPF 40 is a popular choice. This sunscreen offers broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays while providing a matte finish, making it ideal for those with oily skin. The inclusion of birch extract and mallow extract helps in soothing and moisturising the skin, ensuring it remains protected and nourished throughout the day.
7. The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil
The Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil is a potent solution for blemish-prone skin. Known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, tea tree oil helps in reducing acne and preventing future breakouts. This product can be used as a spot treatment or added to your regular skincare products to enhance their efficacy. Its versatility and effectiveness have made it a staple in many skincare routines.
8. Mamaearth Vitamin C Face Wash
Mamaearth's Vitamin C Face Wash is a gentle yet powerful cleanser that brightens and revitalises the skin. Infused with vitamin C, turmeric, and aloe vera, this face wash helps in combating dullness, reducing pigmentation, and improving skin texture. The natural ingredients ensure that the skin is cleansed without being stripped of its essential oils, making it suitable for daily use.
9. Nykaa Naturals Rose Water
Nykaa Naturals Rose Water is a refreshing and versatile product that can be used as a toner, a makeup setting spray, or a midday pick-me-up. Rose water is known for its hydrating and soothing properties, making it suitable for all skin types. This product helps in balancing the skin's pH levels, tightening pores, and providing a natural glow.
10. Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Face Pack
Himalaya Herbals Purifying Neem Face Pack is a go-to product for those dealing with acne and oily skin. Neem, known for its antibacterial properties, helps in controlling breakouts and purifying the skin. Combined with turmeric and fuller’s earth, this face pack absorbs excess oil, cleanses pores, and leaves the skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
The Indian beauty market offers a vast array of products that blend traditional ingredients with modern science, catering to various skin concerns and preferences. Whether you prefer natural remedies or advanced formulations, these Beauty Products are some of the best in India, promising radiant and healthy skin. Incorporating them into your skincare routine can help you achieve the flawless complexion you desire.
Read More Website : https://flipsale.in/
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Sunday, May 26, 2024, Whitehorse to Haines Junction to Destruction Bay to Beaver Creek, Yukon to Tok, Alaska. 385 miles.
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Today is our longest day with the roughest roads, but as it turns out, with our best weather. We start out sunny/cloudy in the mid 40°s in the AM but spend most of the day in bright sunshine with temperatures rising gradually into the 60°s, and dry.
The roads are good up to our first stop at Haines Junction, and we make good time. We are still amidst the snow-capped mountains of the St Elias Range, including Quill Peak (7,480 ft) and Mount Martha Black (8,241 ft ) but the topography is noticeably changing.
As we turn NW towards the Alaskan Border, the land becomes flatter, dryer, and more forested with aspen, poplar, larch and birch deciduous trees.
Just after noon, we arrive in Destruction Bay, so named in the 1940s, after a severe windstorm destroyed many of the buildings in what was then solely a highway construction and maintenance camp. The name “Destruction Bay” seemed fitting, and it stuck. Today, Destruction Bay is a convenient stop for travelers on the Alaska Highway, and we do our part by having lunch there at the Talbot Arm Motel on the shores of Kluane Lake.
From there, we continue NW through increasing sketchy roads and unpaved patches, fortifying in my mind what a good idea it was to rent a GS bike rather than bringing my own. Through increasingly flat valleys and dry river beds, we make our way by the late afternoon to Beaver Creek, pop 93, located at kilometre 1870.6 of the Alaska Highway and close to the Alcan - Beaver Creek Border Crossing. It is also Canada's westernmost community. 
After a short break, we head for the border and pose for the requisite "Welcome to Alaska" photos.
The roads in Alaska are a noticeable improvement, and the typography has by now settled into rolling green hills and valleys that remind me of Northern Ontario.
It's been a longer day than usual, but passing into Alaska set our clocks back an hour, so we officially arrive in Tok, pop 1243, and founded in 1942 as an Alaska Road Commission camp used for construction and maintenance of the Alaska Highway.
Youngs Motel awaits us, and after settling into our cabins, we assemble for our usual tailgate party, followed by dinner at Fast Eddy's and back to our cabins to blog, shower and eat.
Tomorrow, we head for Anchorage and ourclast day together on the road. It's going to be bitter sweet.
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medialogmax · 8 months
Unveiling the Efficiency of Timber Harvester Head | A Comprehensive Guide
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In the realm of tree cutting and harvesting, the utilization of harvesters, specifically harvester head, plays a pivotal role. These self-propelled machines, equipped with cutting head attachments, streamline the process of feeling and processing stems, offering enhanced safety and efficiency in timber harvesting operations.
Understanding Timber Harvester Heads
Timber harvester heads are self-propelled machines designed for tree cutting and processing. They typically feature a longer boom, allowing them to reach further into stands of trees. The selection of the right harvester head is crucial, taking into account factors such as the size of trees and the machine's required performance.
Components of a Harvester Head
The harvester head is the control center of the machine, responsible for processing, felling, delimbing, and bucking. It is essential to control wheeled machines with zero tail swing for safe operation during tree cutting. Investing in a harvester head with timber harvesting capabilities ensures the safe and efficient processing of trees.
Working Mechanism of Timber Harvester Heads
Timber harvester heads operate on tracked machines with processing head attachments. These attachments facilitate various functions, including processing, felling, delimbing, and bucking. The machines are equipped with four to eight wheels on articulated chassis, allowing them to navigate through forests efficiently.
Handling by Multiple Purpose Tools
One of the key advantages of harvester heads is their versatility. They can produce cut mats for work, use high buoyancy equipment such as reapers and forwarders, and pre-bundle materials for link and helicopter activities. This versatility makes wheel machines and harvester heads valuable assets for productive and expensive missions in timber harvesting.
Mounted Separately on the Undercarriage
The harvester head's boom is mounted separately on the undercarriage, providing stability and reach. Depending on the requirements, two sets of tracks must be adaptive and capable of extending to reach wheels on the articulations.
Operational Considerations of Timber Harvester Heads
Several operational considerations come into play when using timber harvester heads:
Slope: Harvester heads are adaptable to slopes, with reported capabilities of handling slopes up to 80%.
Soil Conditions: They operate effectively in various soil conditions, including wet and loose soils, without compromising traction.
Tree Size: The harvester head's capacity is adaptive to different tree sizes, with delimbing knives catering to the specific needs of processing stems.
Why Choose a Timber Harvester Head?
Safety concerns take center stage when choosing a harvester head. These machines are designed to effectively handle slopes, limit changes in the minimized outcome, and ensure safe operation. Harvester heads are most suitable for stands consisting of single stem species like conifers, aspen, and birch.
Framework Association and Purpose
Harvester heads are created for shippers who can professionally process machined screws they produce. They work well with Helicopter and Link frameworks, significantly improving the efficiency of the extraction strategy. The purpose of a harvester head is most commonly realized where industries are available to process cut material, making them common in regions like the Lake States.
In conclusion, the timber harvester head stands as a crucial element in the world of tree cutting and timber harvesting. Its efficiency, adaptability, and safety features make it a valuable investment for industries involved in processing wood. Whether navigating slopes or handling various soil conditions, the harvester head proves to be a versatile and essential tool in optimizing the utilization of timber resources.
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latvian-spider · 9 months
Wacky Weather: On the Way Home
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Originally Uploaded on DeviantArt as WinxPossible on Oct 26, 2012
Original Description:
This was taken when I was walking home, by a birch forest by my school today, 26.10.2012. Snow was snowing and the trees still have their leaves. Mother Nature sure knows how to surprise us.
Smart title? No. But trust me, past-me was dense as Osmium.
I mean, I still am, but my uptake speed is definitely improved over time.
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homeimprovementway · 9 months
Beech Vs Birch: Deciding Between Two Stunning Wood Options
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When it comes to beech vs birch, beech is a hardwood, known for its strength and durability, while birch is a hardwood with a fine, uniform texture and good workability. These two woods have distinct characteristics that make them suitable for different applications. Beech is often used for furniture, flooring, and woodworking projects, while birch is commonly used for plywood, veneer, and cabinetry. Understanding the differences between beech and birch can help in selecting the right wood for specific projects. Beech and birch are both popular choices in woodworking and construction due to their various attributes. It's essential to understand the unique properties of each wood to make informed decisions. We will explore the characteristics, uses, and benefits of beech and birch, to help you make the best choice for your projects. Whether you are a professional woodworker, a hobbyist, or simply exploring options for your home improvements, knowing the differences between beech and birch can guide you toward the right selection for your specific needs.
Understanding The Characteristics
When choosing between beech and birch wood for your furniture or flooring projects, it's crucial to understand the unique characteristics that set them apart. From grain patterns to color variations and hardness, each wood type possesses distinct qualities that influence its suitability for different applications. Grain Patterns The grain patterns of beech and birch wood significantly differ, impacting the aesthetics of the finished product. Beech exhibits a straight, uniform grain that adds a classic and elegant appeal to furniture pieces. In contrast, birch features a tighter, more intricate grain pattern that lends a sense of warmth and depth to wooden surfaces. Color Variations The natural colors of beech and birch wood vary, offering designers and homeowners diverse options for their projects. Beech is known for its light, pale hues with a reddish undertone, while birch showcases a creamy, light yellowish color that can be stained to achieve a wide range of finishes. Hardness And Durability Beech is prized for its exceptional hardness and durability, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas and heavy-duty furniture. On the other hand, birch offers good strength and stability, suitable for furniture and items that require moderate wear and tear resistance.
Applications In Furniture And Interior Design
When choosing between beech and birch for furniture and interior design, it's essential to consider their unique characteristics and suitability for different applications. Let's explore how these two hardwoods are used in various furniture styles, current design trends, and sustainability considerations. Suitable Furniture Styles Beech and birch woods are both versatile options that can be used in a wide range of furniture styles, making them popular choices for designers and carpenters. Beech wood is known for its durability and strength, making it a great choice for heavy-use furniture, such as chairs, tables, cabinets, and work desks. On the other hand, birch wood's fine and uniform grain lends itself well to intricate detailing, making it suitable for elegant and ornate furniture pieces, including cabinets, dressers, and shelves. Design Trends In the realm of interior design, both beech and birch are enjoying a resurgence in popularity due to their natural beauty and timeless appeal. While beech furniture exudes a warm and inviting ambiance, birch furniture is favored for its light and airy aesthetic, complementing modern and minimalist design themes. The clean lines and natural hues of both woods align with the current trend towards organic and sustainable materials in interior design. Sustainability Considerations From a sustainability standpoint, both beech and birch are prized for their renewability and fast-growing nature. Beech forests are managed carefully to ensure responsible harvesting practices, while birch trees have a rapid growth rate, allowing for sustainable sourcing. These factors make them environmentally friendly choices for furniture production, contributing to the promotion of eco-conscious design principles in interior spaces.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvSe6r5BpaY
Maintenance And Longevity
When considering the differences between beech and birch woods, understanding their maintenance and longevity is crucial to making an informed decision. Both woods have unique characteristics that impact their care requirements, environmental impact, and lifespan. Care Tips Proper care is essential to ensure the longevity of beech and birch woods. - Regular Cleaning: Both woods benefit from regular dusting or vacuuming with a soft brush attachment to prevent the buildup of dirt and dust particles. - Protective Coating: Applying a protective coating, such as varnish or wax, can help shield the wood from moisture and wear. It's recommended to reapply the coating as needed to maintain the wood's luster and durability. - Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Refrain from using harsh chemical cleaners that can damage the natural beauty of the wood. Instead, opt for mild soap and water solutions for cleaning. Environmental Impact Considering the environmental impact is crucial when comparing beech and birch woods. - Sustainability: Birch trees can be sustainably sourced, as they grow relatively quickly and are abundant in many regions. Beech wood, on the other hand, may come from managed forests to ensure its sustainability. - Carbon Footprint: Birch wood typically has a lower carbon footprint due to its faster growth rate and widespread availability, making it a more environmentally friendly choice. Lifespan Comparison Assessing the lifespan of beech and birch woods helps determine their long-term durability.   Beech Birch Durability High Moderate to high Prone to Damage Resistant to wear and tear May be susceptible to dents and scratches Lifespan Long-lasting with proper care Long-lasting if maintained well
Cost-effectiveness And Availability
Beech and birch are both popular choices for furniture, flooring, and woodworking projects, each with its unique qualities. When it comes to choosing between the two types of wood, it's essential to consider factors such as cost-effectiveness and availability. Let's delve into the details to understand which wood type is more economical and readily accessible. Pricing Factors One of the key aspects to consider when comparing beech and birch is their pricing factors. Birch is generally more expensive compared to beech due to its higher demand and limited availability. Birch's attractive grain and consistent texture make it a sought-after choice for furniture and cabinets, contributing to its premium pricing. On the other hand, beech tends to be more budget-friendly, making it an excellent option for cost-conscious projects without compromising on quality. Market Availability When it comes to market availability, beech and birch demonstrate distinct patterns. Beech is relatively more abundant in the market, making it easier to source and more widely available. This accessibility can lead to a more cost-effective procurement process, allowing for greater availability in woodworking and construction projects. In contrast, birch may require more effort to locate and may have limited availability in certain regions, impacting its cost and accessibility. Economic Considerations From an economic standpoint, considering the cost-effectiveness and availability of beech and birch is crucial for decision-making. Beech stands out as a cost-effective and readily available option, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. Birch, while offering premium qualities, may involve higher costs and potential challenges in sourcing, affecting its economic feasibility for certain projects.
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Making The Choice: Factors To Consider
Choosing the right wood for your project involves considering various factors such as durability, appearance, and cost. When deciding between beech and birch, it's vital to assess their specific attributes to meet your requirements. Understanding the unique qualities of each wood type will help you make an informed decision based on your needs. Aesthetic Preferences When considering the aesthetic appeal of beech vs. birch wood, there are distinct visual differences to take into account. Beech wood is known for its pale, pinkish-brown hue with subtle grain patterns, offering a warm and inviting appearance. On the other hand, birch wood boasts a lighter, yellowish color with a fine and even texture, providing a more uniform and contemporary look. Practical Usage When it comes to practical usage, both beech and birch wood have their unique strengths. Beech wood is highly regarded for its durability and hardness, making it an excellent choice for furniture and flooring that will see heavy use. Meanwhile, birch wood tends to be more pliable, making it a popular choice for crafting intricate furniture pieces and cabinetry. Environmental Impact And Sustainability Considering the environmental impact and sustainability, it's important to note that both beech and birch wood are favored for their renewable qualities. However, birch wood is often preferred for its faster growth rate and regenerative properties, making it a more sustainable choice for those prioritizing eco-friendly materials.
Frequently Asked Questions For Beech Vs Birch
What Are The Main Differences Between Beech And Birch Wood? Beech wood is known for its durability and hardness, making it ideal for furniture and flooring. Birch, on the other hand, is lighter in color and has a distinctive grain pattern, perfect for decorative purposes. Understanding these differences can help you choose the right wood for your project. Is Beech Or Birch Wood Better For Furniture? Beech wood is considered better for furniture due to its high density and durability. It can withstand wear and tear, making it suitable for items such as chairs and tables. Birch wood, while also strong, is often used for decorative purposes or smaller items due to its lighter weight. Can Beech And Birch Wood Be Used Interchangeably In Woodworking Projects? While both beech and birch wood share certain characteristics, they are not entirely interchangeable in woodworking projects. Beech is preferred for heavy-duty items like furniture and flooring, while birch is often used for decorative trim and lighter-weight projects. Understanding their individual properties is crucial for project success.
Both beech and birch woods offer unique characteristics for various uses. Understanding their differences and strengths can help in making informed decisions for woodworking projects. Whether it's beech for its durability or birch for its affordability, both choices can be valuable additions to any woodworking arsenal. Read the full article
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hdwoodworks · 1 year
Wood is a natural material that comes from the trunks, branches, and roots of trees. It has been used for centuries as a construction material, for fuel, Packing and for various other purposes. Wood is a renewable resource, meaning that it can be replenished through replanting and sustainable forest management practices. 
Hardwoods, such as oak and maple, are typically denser and more durable than softwoods, such as pine and cedar.
Wood can be treated with various chemicals to improve its strength, resistance to decay and insects, and fire resistance. It can also be stained, painted, or varnished to enhance its appearance or protect it from the elements.
Overall, wood is a versatile and widely used material that has played a significant role in human history and continues to be an important resource today.
Wooden packaging boxes are boxes made from wood, typically used for shipping and storing various goods. They are known for their durability and strength, making them a popular choice for transporting heavy or fragile items.
Wooden packaging boxes can be made from various types of wood, such as pine, oak, or birch, and can be customized to fit the specific needs of the customer. They can also be designed with various features, such as handles or hinges, to make them easier to transport and access. One of the benefits of using wooden packaging boxes is their eco-friendliness. Wood is a renewable resource, and wooden packaging boxes can be reused or recycled, making them a sustainable option for packaging.
Wood packaging industries refer to businesses that manufacture wooden crates, pallets, and other types of packaging materials. These products are commonly used for shipping and storing goods, especially in the manufacturing, retail, and logistics industries. Wood packaging materials offer several advantages, including durability, strength, and versatility. They are also relatively lightweight, making them easy to handle and transport. Additionally, wooden packaging materials can be customized to meet specific size and weight requirements.
However, wood packaging materials can also pose some risks, such as the potential for pests and diseases to be transported with the wood. To mitigate these risks, many countries have implemented regulations and standards for the treatment and handling of wooden packaging materials. Overall, the wood packaging industry plays a critical role in facilitating global trade and commerce by providing safe, reliable, and efficient transportation and storage solutions for a wide range of products. 
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Hibiscus drink fight fever in cold.
 This plant calling as China s rose, ketmia , as cure for use a flower of this room s plant.
Flower drink fight fever or chill in cold, we are using his within a day, like tea, cooking his very simple one tbl.sp. petals add in 0.5 cold boiled water, in 6 hours infused drink is ready, and drink his.
For cold preventing, on the cold weather use infusion of 2 glasses a hibiscus flowers and 300 gr of aspen bark and buds in 3 l. of water. Flowers of hibiscus  , aspen buds and bark  add in water, and boil on low fire  without a lid for 5 min, cool, filter, use one glass for 2-3 times/day.
Flowers infusion as 2 tbl.sp. of mass in glass of boiled water, gargle throat as warm of for 5 times/day, and this infusion too low temperature.
Vital tone rising use one tea.sp, flowers of hibiscus, one tea.sp. leafs raspberry, grind mass, add hot water and infuse 8 hours, use for morning on an empty stomach for month, such infusion  improves metabolism, and anti-spastic remedy in ache, abundant menses.
Herbal mixture against insomnia.
Flowers pharmacy chamomile 25 gr, fruits fennel 25 gr, root Valeriana  25 gr, fruits of caraway 25 gr. 1.25 l of boiled water in grinded mixture infuse  for 6-8 hours, boil in this water, use for night one glass.
Birch calming in neurosis.
At forest, you need to prepare birch leafs, birch is a miracle tree, and benefit of her are juice and bark, preparing leafs when they are blooming, young leafs are having a lot of vitamin C, more ,than in hibiscus, and vitamin P. for strengthening vessels, tannins, essential oils, dry leafs under canopy. Spectrum for effects infusion of leafs are big, as using for muscles aches, stomach and bowel disorders, liver, cold, gall problems, small intestine.
Thanks for calming effect she's curing neurosis, and very big benefit of small leafs. 
2 tbl.sp. of dried leafs in dish add, add 0.5 l. of the hot water, lead till boiling, low fire, and steam 20 min, cool, filter, use on 1/3 glass before meal, and very benefit use in cystitis, inflammation kidneys, edema.
 2 tbl.sp. of dried or 4 tbl.sp. of fresh leafs chopped adding in thermos. Add 0.5 l. of boiled water, in a hour infusion is ready. Use on 100 ml. for 3 times/day before meal in urogenital problems, for improving immunity, organism cleaning infuse leafs for longer as for 4 hours, use 1 tbl.sp. before meal.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/y8UBEN7 via https://ift.tt/BEegwqx
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connortreeservice · 1 year
Exploring the Diversity of Tree Species Arborists Encounter
Arborists are professionals who specialize in the care and maintenance of trees. As they work diligently to preserve and enhance the beauty and health of trees, arborists encounter a rich and diverse array of tree species. Each species possesses its unique characteristics, growth habits, and maintenance requirements. We will explore the remarkable diversity of tree species that arborists encounter in their work, highlighting the importance of understanding and appreciating this botanical variety.
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Native Trees:
Native trees are those that naturally occur and have evolved in a specific region over time. Arborists frequently encounter a wide range of native tree species during their work. For instance, in North America, arborists may come across majestic oak trees, sturdy maple trees, graceful birch trees, or towering pine trees. Native trees are well-adapted to local climates and provide important ecological benefits such as supporting wildlife, improving soil quality, and contributing to the overall health of local ecosystems.
Ornamental Trees:
Ornamental trees are often planted for their aesthetic appeal in residential and commercial landscapes. Arborists encounter a plethora of ornamental tree species with diverse foliage, flowers, and bark characteristics. Examples include the colorful blooms of dogwood trees, the graceful weeping branches of cherry trees, or the striking foliage of Japanese maple trees. Arborists understand the specific care needs of ornamental trees, ensuring they receive appropriate pruning, fertilization, and pest control to maintain their beauty and health.
Exotic and Non-Native Trees:
Arborists also come across exotic and non-native tree species, which have been introduced to new regions. These trees can add diversity and uniqueness to landscapes but may require careful management due to their potential impact on local ecosystems. Examples of non-native trees include the majestic eucalyptus trees in some parts of the United States or the charming magnolia trees in European gardens. ISA certified arborist play a vital role in monitoring and managing exotic tree species, ensuring they coexist harmoniously with native flora and fauna.
The work of arborists is not only centered around preserving and maintaining trees but also involves navigating the incredible diversity of tree species they encounter. From native trees that have stood the test of time to ornamental trees that enhance landscapes, from exotic species that add flair to non-native environments to fruit and nut trees that bear tasty rewards, and from coniferous evergreens that provide year-round beauty to hardwoods that grace our forests, arborists appreciate and understand the characteristics and care requirements of these diverse tree species. Their expertise ensures the health, longevity, and sustainability of these magnificent living organisms, contributing to the well-being of our environment and the communities we inhabit.
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notdeezy · 2 years
Man minecraft fell off :|
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Re: The Wild Update: We're not mad that we "didn't get what was in the concept art," we're mad that Mojang scrapped the entire core concept of the "Wild Update."
The thing that tied all the content in the update together was supposed to be the improvements to nature and things to make the Overworld more immersive, and we got Literally Nothing that was that.
Like it's not just that birch forests didn't get updated—NO biomes got updated. The swamps didn't get reeds or cattails in them. There aren't even any new flowers.
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