#no its not even an opt out
Gotta wake up at 8ish and its 2am rn ughhhh. I literally GOTTA wake up tmrw bc i slept thru school 2day but ive got 2 n a half hours more than i have had any other day this week so thats just. Tiring. Cant even sleep in school like mannnn. Think i will simply die.
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lyss-butterscotch · 14 days
Peeked at instagram recently and see that its also feeding posts to AI, with no way of opting out in some regions and in the regions they do allow it, they made the process extremely hard and hidden and you have to provide a screenshot to prove your art has been stolen by AI???
God that fucking app is a cesspool now. I really want to just delete all my posts there but IG is the first place i ever posted my art on the internet... I regret it now.
Honestly everything META touches is a cesspool. Remember when they made a twitter copy and made it impossible to delete without also deleting your instagram so they can brag about the high user numbers?
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cookie-dough-writes · 26 days
Hm it really sucks that entertainment and especially "immersive" entertainment is rapidly going down hill in quality because the people who are in charge are being as stingy as possible, despite society leaning more heavily into fantasy and escapism every day
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spidergvven · 1 year
thinking about colin saying he doesnt want to be a spokesperson in contrast with sam embracing the opportunity to be a spokesperson, how even though being closeted in an extremely heterosexual and homophobic environment is a painful experience colin can blend in but thats never been an option for sam or any other black athlete. sam is obviously the type of person to speak up about injustice whether he's obligated to or not but in many ways he doesnt really have a choice, not in the way colin does as a white guy.
even within the queer community a cis masc white guy like colin is not going to experience the kind of bigotry a gender non conforming or trans queer person would. and thats not to say that being closeted is a privilege (it is so very very not) or that the homophobia people like colin face isnt awful and painful but it's just. different. and we see this all the time in real life, there are so many white queer celebrities who feel the same way as colin about being a "spokesperson" but really no one wants to be a spokesperson, no one wants to have to fight just for their right to exist but we're not exactly given a choice.
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samarecharm · 3 months
Endlessly tickled by the idea of Akira being a good shot but a shit gamer. I like to think its cause hes got incredible hand eye coordination and super steady ‘surgeon’ hands; hes very good with precise movements, but panics when he has to do brain melting inputs. His brain can keep up but its hard to make his hands follow suit. Its why u can have him be dogshit at arcade cabinets; panicking with the little joystick and button mashing like mad, while having him be a beast at things like darts and billiards.
The only arcade games he can play is house of the dead-esque shooting games (hes literally at the top of the leaderboards for MILES and he draws crowds whenever he plays) and DDR cabinets (hes just very light on his feet)(NOT to be confused with stepmania; he would die if he had to do arrow inputs with his HAND). Its kinda fun to watch him fumble with the other silly gimmick cabinets, but its more entertaining to watch him do what hes good at. If u take him to play darts, and if the darts are super cheap, he will absolutely try his best to split them down the middle each time. Doesnt always work, but its insane to know that he lands the bullseye literally 100% of the time.
#chattin#akira#i just think. having him play games like how my uncle plays games is a silly visual#hes also Tall#so hes like as tall as the fucking machine and shaking it like crazy. hes dying. help him.#but hes never like. hmm#i guess self conscious about looking silly? it doesnt even occur to him bc hes so focused on smashing inputs#so ryuji can take him to the arcade all the time and never get a sore loser for a teammate or rival#on the flipside. he is so good w knives its scary#and like. anything sharp. and anything thats a projectile tbh#if u took him to do archery i think he would love it.#but for now hes got Baseball and Darts. and hes good at Both.#i know royal has him playing darts or something w goro??#i think its cute. also funny. goro would lose miserably and get so fucking tight. like alright. im not taking u here anymore.#akira opts to just watch bc he didnt think he was going to hang out w a sore loser#and goro HAS to challenge that. obviously.#like *clenched fist* ‘no. i insist. were here for a. good time. friendly competition is. healthy.’#*clenches jaw so tightly u can hear it pop* ‘another round? ‘#thinking about it; turnbased rpgs would be perfect for him. hes very bad at action games and fighting games#so playing games that dont demand that from u would be nice for him.#rhythm games would be easy too; the focus isnt on the hands but the beat#he doesnt have to THINK about hand inputs#MAYBE racing games would work too? but high speed racing games like burnout would be too much for him i think#and depending on the TYPE of shooter; fps games would be bad; third person shooters even more so
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 months
the insanity of making a new streaming service when the streaming bubble is literally popping Right Now
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moeblob · 16 days
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Anyway they can change between being tiny and human sized. And when they're tinier they can only be seen by the other fae or their selected humans. So if you just passed Noll on the street while Shavuli was perched on his shoulder chatting away you wouldn't see or hear her.
#my characters#a lot of the fae who are trying to get noll to pick a human take turns joining him as he wanders if he opts to be human sized#if he opts to be small and fly around none of them can actually find him to follow bc he does it precisely to be alone#and makes careful to avoid all of them when he dips#which furthers their friendly obsession with him being their void like where is he we lost him we gotta go bring him back from the abyss!#and hes just off on his own being crippled by anxiety at being a disappointment bc what if he isnt fun enough#absolutely unaware that all his friends are like we gotta go find him hes too good at this#hes going to win the game we have clearly set up to involve humans before he even recruits a human#cause he is TOO GOOD at slipping away ITS NOT FAIR we love him what a weird fae thats our lil guy!#noll really is just out there impressing all of his friends and not knowing hes impressing them bc hes too scared of being abandoned#and i was telling rae but when he does find the human he wants as his for the game#hes like ok so im gonna be honest here i turn into a big sword and you are definitely not going to be strong enough to carry me#and the human just like ok then pick someone else?#and hes like no no i cant you dont get it youre resourceful and im resourceful THEREFORE! i have an idea! just for us!#and then proceeds to shatter himself into shards basically#so that the human can have many smaller easy to control swords rather than one too big sword#and when all of the other fae see it they are absolutely delighted bc they didnt know he could do that! thats so cool! wow! they love him s#and he doesnt tell them that it actually really flippin hurts and being broken is agonizing but he wants to win so badly#anyway hello appreciate the void fae noll and his lil buddy shavuli who can turn into a spear C:#in her human form though she loves to wear hoodies instead of just like .... a skin tight suit with draping fabrics#she does wear biker shorts bc leggy.... she likes to have legs free#but she likes hoodies a lot
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shoutout to those nights where the brain says We Literally Cant Do Anything Even Though We Really Want To <3
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sidhewrites · 1 month
Try our new ai-powered assistant! write a post with ai! new search function powered by ai! Use AI to help you design your webpage! AI! Powered by AI! Technology enhanced by AI! Gameplay dialogue enhanced by Ai! AI! AI!!! AI!!!!!!!
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puexii · 10 days
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friendly reminder to turn this on
go to tumblr website -> settings -> click on ur blog to do blog settings -> scroll down and u will find it as the last toggle in visibility section
i couldnt find it on the mobile app so ye use the website
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solarpunkani · 11 months
Man anyone remember that era during the 2016 elections/after Trump got elected where MAGA hats were all over the place
And so in order to be snarky about disliking Trump, people started making hats that looked just like MAGA hats/used the same font but in different colors, but with like liberal slogans on them or whatever. And then the MAGA people started making the hats in colors other than bright ass red to combat it.
Because let me tell you. Maybe I was being paranoid. But as a queer Black woman, I was not pausing to squint and read what everyone's hat said at that point to figure out if I could feel safe or not. I just started avoiding everyone in a baseball cap with that font on it like. In general. And honestly passing someone with an anti-MAGA MAGA hat on was almost weirder than passing the actual MAGA people cause like. Cool. You're wearing the 'hey you're possibly in danger' colors/clothes, but are trying to reassure me I am not in danger. By looking... just like the people I'd be in danger around.
Like IDK was I the only one who'd feel a jolt of panic whenever someone was wearing a MAGA hat? Even now I'm still wary of forward-facing baseball caps in general. Even if I did end up reading your hat and seeing that it says 'Make America Gay Again' instead of 'Make America Great Again' I'm still dealing with the fear response, now its just for no reason, which was honestly more frustrating than sidestepping a white supremacist.
Or was this just a 'Black person at a primarily white university' problem?
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jacksprostate · 4 months
this will be unpopular probably but idk i've been called slurs a time or two and it's personally uncomfortable to see... obviously do as you please in general but when interacting with me or my posts i'd really prefer if yall didn't casually use fag, etc in place of gay and stuff 👍
#gently draws a boundary#it feels like its become hashtag cool to call people fag and fruit and fruity without considering that people may be uncomfortable with it..#i understand the phenomenon of reclamation but thats an opt in process. it shouldnt be opt out#ive written slurs into my fics like once or twice and its solely because i couldnt imagine it any other way lol but for me its just very not#a casual thing.#obviously this is one post#and it feels silly to pin#and even then i dont expect people to look at my blog before interacting or anything#but if you happen to come here often i would appreciate it 😔#also i realized my tags imply people have called me directly that stuff and fortunately not#but its a bit. unnerving to see people reblogging my stuff and saying that two dudes are fags or fruits or fairies or queers (this one#is highly controversial lmaooo i know okay but literally as a noun. it makes me think of my dad telling me about how he used to play smear#the queer but dw he loves me !!! 😬)#anyway seeing people say that two dudes are soooo those. is a bit unsettling for me. it's often one to one with how homophobic people say it#i understand that's not intentional on yall's parts! obviously#lol#but its never going to be something that doesnt make me uncomfortable. and i thought id just say something because tbh it feels weird not to#so i would appreciate if you would be considerate of it#again like. on my blog. talking to me or on my posts. i don't expect any claim to how yall act elsewhere
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spiderziege · 1 year
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thanks man
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kithj · 7 months
scholastic book fairs allowing people to "opt out" of diverse books..... claiming it's either allow schools to "opt out" or not offer the books at all.... oh it's so over...
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moe-broey · 2 months
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magioffire · 2 years
as much as i appreciate all depictions of trans masc people in art, this isnt some kind of put down like omg you gotta draw ALL your art like this but... its honestly quite nice to see some trans masc characters that  have breasts  and are completely fine with that. like i get that top surgery scars have just become the visual short hand for ‘trans man/,masc’ character but thats not the reality for every trans masc person, not all trans masc people experience top dysphoria all the time, or even at all, and i feel like if we normalized the idea of breast tissue on men it would help to lessen the social stigma of men with breasts, cis or trans. i just love to see trans masc characcters who still have their breasts because its a reflection of the sort of trans experiences and bodies i am familiar with
#like seeing yourself in media is unendingly important#people who get to see themselves in media on a regular basis may not understand but seeing a character that looks like you#and isnt just a 'hahah fat tranny' joke that is actually extremely good for your mental well being#and you know...its part of the reason why i opted to make vali look the way he does because you know how many people#have come up to me expressing gratitude that someone would ever write someone who looked remotely like them#and wasnt just the butt of some cruel joke#and that they didn't really consider that it was possible for a character of this type to be considered desirable by fandom culture at large#because lez be honest fandom spaces can be very "pretty f/ggots only pls uwu'#again this isnt to put down anyone who DOES draw most of their trans characters with top surgery scars like#thats still important too i get really happy when i see art that includes that because its like the artist and i#are shaking hands like same hat#but even more so when i see a person or an experience that better reflects my own#where i had never seen it before treated with any reverance or respect#i wanna include that same feeling for others in my writing since i cant draw lmfaooo#to me thats the importance of diversity. not a brownie sticker you get to absolve you of being 'called out'#but something you do because you want to express and experience a fuller breth of human experience. not just the most acceptable versions#and help others see themselves in the art they consume#anyway thank u for coming to my ted talk#ooc.#tbd.#i hope this makes a single lick of sense lmfaooo#its 3 am leave me alone#im easily amused and also starving for content that gives me a single smidgen of shared life experience between trans people#this is why if you wanna see yourself in something..U GOTTA MAKE IT YOURSELF and u end up surprised at how many others were#also unknowingly looking for the same thing#and are like hey. thanks for that. i needed that.#and im like same bro :')#and tbf top surgery scars in art MIGHT be that for some people and i love that for them#but for me its seeing beautiful men who dont have 100 percent flat chests because that is apart of the trans male experience too#fuck just the male experience in general
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