#no more pink jeggings
gingerbread-qwq · 2 months
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Headcanon that Marinette is super into silly/eccentric fashion and makes all her own clothes so she can express herself properly :)
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kamotecue · 5 months
something that cannot be said ✩ i. engen
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pairing: ingrid engen x reader
another blurb, “we don’t say it, but we feel it.” - slow burn.
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you set your eyes on the everlasting sea, the patterns of the calming blue water was something you loved. it’s currently a team bonding day, where your team has decided to spend a day at the beach, and you found yourself breaking away from the team—only for a few minutes.
you softly hummed, paying attention to the sound of the waves, not minding how ingrid, the teammate who caught your eye sat beside you. you reached out and gently placed the rest of the blanket over her body, a small thank you was heard. the two of you sat in silence for awhile, but you had glanced behind the norwegian to see your teammates having fun.
they were running on the golden sand, with pool noodles, swinging it softly as if it was a weapon and they were in a battle. a small chuckle was heard beside you as you flushed bright pink, you slowly turned your eyes to see ingrid giving you a soft smile, but her eyes expressed more.
“hva er det? [what is it?]” you asked, giving her a small hum. you were thankful that she had taught you her language, as well as the norwegian culture—it was something you were interested in, learning the different languages as well as their cultures, kinda like art is what you said.
“ingenting, det er bare det at du så søt ut da du så på lagkameratene våre. [nothing, it’s just you looked cute when you were looking at our teammates.]” a soft smile gave away what you were feeling as you gave her a little nod, acknowledging her words.
“it’s the first time i truly saw you happy.” you tilted your head in confusion, as she hummed thinking on how to form her words in english.
“you know how diamonds shine? it was like that, there was this sparkle in your eyes and it’s quite captivating.” a teasing grin made it’s way to your face, as it was her turn to flustered.
“looks like someone has a crush.” as you teased the taller girl, as she jokingly punched your arms.
“jeg vet at du også har en. [i know you have one too.]” as you chuckled knowing you both reciprocated each other’s feelings, and you were contented about that.
“det gjør jeg, og jeg er veldig takknemlig for hvor tålmodig du er med meg. [i do, and i’m very grateful for how patient you are with me.]” a satisfied hum was heard, as ingrid made her move by taking your right hand with her left, it was hidden underneath the blanket, unseen from your teammates who took their time analyzing the two of you.
it’s the way you both feel the mutual pining, where you don’t want to rush things and enjoy it in the moment, even though it’s something that cannot be said.
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affectionatelyrs · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
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FRIENDS! HAPPY WEDNESDAY! I've been... not very active on here lately. I won't divulge my life troubles to y'all but I miss all of you greatly but I'm back (I think) and better than ever (that might be a lie) to give y'all some content from a fic that I've been PLANNING SINCE SEPTEMBER. It's been languishing as an outline for a while and I finally don't have any excuses to not write it... so here we are
Thank you to @anincompletelist @inexplicablymine @firenati0n @wordsofhoneydew @ships-to-sail @kiwiana-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and @getmehighonmagic for the tags today! :)
SO WITH THAT BEING SAID... here's a snippet from what I'm for now calling Walk and Talk! :) It's a college AU wherein there's minimal plot just vibes but also not uhhhh Alex and Henry walking out of class together every day and getting to know each other through it all but also Alex is like the literal fucking sun absolute sunshine boy and Henry is so gone it’s not funny (I quite honestly don't know how else to explain this except I consider it to be written in an IRL epistolary style maybe idk stop asking me questions I'm just a girl)
Henry watches the boy maneuver his way through the seats with rapt attention, even after everyone has turned their own back toward the projector screen, which confuses Henry to no end. This boy is much more interesting to watch. Much more beautiful, too—Christ. And then, inexplicably, he plops down into the seat right next to Henry’s, despite there being over a dozen other open ones that wouldn’t require anyone’s personal space to be invaded. Not that Henry particularly minds this, though. He tries to pretend that he isn’t overtly staring by acting as though he is taking very intense, very important notes when he realizes that he doesn’t actually have a pen out, and that his hands are merely hovering over the table while he gazes intensely at a starkly, obviously blank piece of paper. Henry blinks once, twice, before hearing a quiet huff of laughter from beside him. Then, there’s a hot pink pen being slid between his fingers, and Henry has to use his higher-brain powers to make sure he holds onto it, lest it go rolling across the floor and straight into jegging-girl’s coffee spill. Before Henry can get out any words of gratitude, the boy winks at him, whispers, “Don’t worry ‘bout it, babe,” and then immediately, emphatically shoots his hand up to answer one of the professor’s questions. He does a small, triumphant nod upon getting it right, leaving Henry to wonder when he had any time to pay attention to the material to make such an accomplishment possible.
OPEN TAG but also tagging some lovely people under the cut
@happiness-of-the-pursuit @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged @everwitch-magiks @read-and-write- @rmd-writes @anchoredarchangel @three-drink-amy @tintagel-or-cockleshells @indomitable-love @orchidscript @dumbpeachjuice @daisymae-12 @gayrootvegetable @leojfitz @leaves-of-laurelin @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @cultofsappho @cricketnationrise @nocoastposts @myheartalivewrites @matherines @cha-melodius and @onward--upward
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cleabellanov · 4 months
Loki season 1 moments that live in my head rent free ✨
"This is FINE asgardian leather!!!" (e1)
I imagine that Loki, a fashion queen, really cares about their looks, and wouldn't let their outfits, conjured or not, carelessy touched like that. But they did conjure that outfit, right? So they must've really worked hard on it; Asgardian leather sounds precious, after all.
The whole "I don't enjoy hurting people" conversation. The "Because it's part of the illusion. It's the cruel, elaborate trick conjured by the weak to inspire fear." quote
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Mobius giving (or trying to give) Loki back his daggers. Love is a dagger
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Loki looking up in the sky for the storm in episode 2: The Variant , most probably being reminded of his brother Thor
Loki fixing Mobius' tie. It's such an iconic moment I know none of us need an actual illustration for it; it's engraved in our visual memory.
These precious precious moment when Loki feels safe enough to fall asleep in Mobius's presence
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The well known "Jeg Saler Min ganger" (I saddle my steed) Norwegian song
"Is this...Hel?" after ending up in the void. Because they must've thought, again, that their end must be Hel, undeserving of a "greater" one like Valhalla
THE HUG?!?!!
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Just Mobius pulling that pizza car to Sylvie. Fearless.
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"I'd NEVER stab anyone in the back! That's such a boring for of betrayal!"
I literally quote this out loud a few times a week, it's part of my personality.
"No one bad is ever truly bad, and no one good is ever truly good" also quote this almost daily, but in my head.
Casually stopping a building from falling using telekinesis!? We deserved to see more of his powers, like THAT'S just how powerful he is. Not just daggers (altough those are cool as well but...yk, not as efficient)
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"You can be whatever, whoever you wanna be. Even someone good. I mean just in case anyone ever told you different"
need I comment? We get to see a character that pretends to be bad at their core being told he can just go and be the opposite - which is true!! they just needed the right support for that.
The introduction of Mobius. The first time we ever saw him was in sunlight; just like the last time...
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The introduction of Sylvie. Setting things on fire, just the perfect visual for her character and actions for the rest of the season.
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Loki trying to hit Miss Minutes with a magazine. The magazine being Mobius's jet ski one 🧡
"You're just a little pussycat" and "If looks could kill" from the first episode. My man was genuienly flirting ✨
" A bit of both" the only bisexual queen moment we actually got. The lighting here is interesting as well...a bit of pink, purple and blue. 😉
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My Protector
Bang Chan x Reader
word count: 1.8k+
Summary: Moving across the world to study and possibly get a major job opportunity wasn't exactly on your agenda, but it was better than being stuck in the small town you were from. You went for it, luckily already having a friend in the area willing to take you in and help you where she can. Another thing not on your agenda was meeting eight famous and attractive men. You were already a fan, but what were the odds you would actually meet them? Apparently, they were in your favor after a text mishap between you and your friend. Now, you knew where they lived, and it just so happened you were residing in the same building for at least six months. You didn't think you would run into them as much as you did, but because of that you began to notice how they acted around you; becoming oddly flirtatious and, at some points, shy. What?
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Part 2
The light shone through your window, directly into your face, waking you up earlier than you initially planned. With a groan, you rolled over, so it wasn’t in your face anymore. Your comfort was gone, though, meaning you might as well just get up. With a huff, you slowly sat up, supporting yourself on one arm while your free hand wiped down your face. You struggled to open your eyes completely, yet you continued to shuffle to the edge of the bed. After a few minutes, you felt more awake and stood up, stretching your arms above your head and groaning.
A knock on your door caught your attention. You shuffled over to it and swung it open slowly, squinting at Jin’s roommate, Seung. “G’morning,” you groaned.
“Morning,” he whispered back. “I was about to make breakfast. Wanted to see if you were up before, I started so I know how much to make.”
You nodded in understanding. “I’ll have some. Just need a little bit to get dressed. Is Jin up?”
Seung chuckled quietly. “You will soon learn; she doesn’t wake up early at all. Oh, and don’t try to wake her up before noon on her days off. She becomes feral.” With that, he walked in the direction of the kitchen.
You stood there, contemplating his warning, before turning and grabbing an outfit to change into. Comfort was your top priority, but still wanted to look decent enough to go out. Just in case. A t-shirt and jeggings seemed like a good fit for that, so you grabbed what you needed before exiting to the bathroom.
Once dressed and presentable, you went back to your room to discard of your previous clothes and grab some socks to wear. You put them on, taking your time to wake up more, then made your way to the kitchen. Maybe you could help Seung. Maybe this could be the opportunity to talk to him about your feelings for him.
During the time you would video chat and call Jin, you had developed a crush on Seung. He always smiled with you on the phone, and he seemed more talkative then. There were times he would even steal Jin’s phone so he could talk to you more privately. Not that it went anywhere, but that didn’t stop you from thinking about a possible relationship with him once you moved here. Though, you didn’t want to rush things either.
Once you rounded the corner, you saw Seung prepping the ingredients at the counter. He glanced up at you, smiling slightly at your arrival. You smiled back, albeit sleepily, and shuffled to his side. “Need any help?” you asked.
“Sure,” he nodded. “Can you get the eggs out and-“ You started towards the refrigerator before he finished, attempting to get passed him, only to slip and stumble into him. He quickly caught you, his arms wrapping around your waist to steady you.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, looking up at him. His semi long, black hair had fallen around his face like a curtain. It did nothing to hide the shade of pink that now brushed over his cheeks. You could feel your face heat up with the same blush. You fixed your footing and stepped out of his grip carefully. “I’ll just get the eggs.”
He nodded, looking away from you and resuming his task. You didn’t miss the small, bashful smile he had as you moved behind him. The rest of the time it was quiet, yet comfortable as you cooked with Seung. Although, a few times you caught him glancing at you, making you feel shy.
You were just about to finish cooking the omelet you were working on, when you felt Seung come up behind you to inspect your task. He leaned forward slightly, placing each arm on either side of you and resting his hands on the counter on either side of the stove. You tried your best to ignore him, and your beating heart, but it was difficult.
“Seung?” you mumbled in question.
“Hmm?” He answered, leaning in closer. His warm breath was on your neck, tickling the baby hairs that fell loose from your updo.
“What are you doing?”
He chuckled, running his nose lightly over the shell of your ear. “Nothing,” he whispered. You could hear the smirk he was wearing on his face. Without thinking, you leaned into him. He took that as an invitation, grabbing your waist and spinning you around to face him. He reached behind you, turning off the burner. His eyes never left your face as he used that same hand to cup your face and pull you closer.
Your brain was in overdrive; Is he really being this forward? Is he going to kiss me? Does this mean he likes me, too? Should I do anything? Should I stop this? What will Jin think?
“Ew, gross. Not in the kitchen,” Jin’s groggy voice echoed in the room, making you jump. Seung didn’t move away, but he did turn to look back at Jin.
“Good morning to you, Goblin,” he greeted her. “Breakfast is on the table for you.”
Jin grinned before walking away to eat her food, leaving you to gape at their nonchalant behavior. Seung turned back to you, smiling sheepishly. “Stupid interruptions. Finish up your omelet and come eat.” He winked before walking away in the direction that Jin went. You plated your food and shuffled to the table, placing your plate down before taking a seat.
After a few minutes of silence, Jin spoke up. “I don’t think you two should get involved.”
You glanced up at her in surprise. “Oh, uh, why do you say that?”
“The whole roommate thing. If it doesn’t end well between you two, then one of you will have to go. It’s just how it goes in those type of situations, right?” She took another bite before turning her attention to Seung. “Besides, it’s not like you could spoil my girl the way she deserves.”
He scoffed. “With you being a major cockblock, you don’t have to worry about us getting involved.” He took the last bite of his food and stood up, taking his plate to the kitchen. “Last one awake does clean up. I’ll be in my room.” He sauntered off, closing his door behind him.
“Drama queen,” Jin muttered. “But for real, y/n. Don’t get involved with him, it will only end badly.”
You thought for a moment. “Who says I wanted to get in an actual relationship? What if I just wanted something physical?” Jin narrowed her eyes at you. “A girl got needs.” You retorted, shrugging your shoulders.
Before she could reply, she jumped to the sound of knocking coming from the front door. She glared at the object before grumbling about how it was super early. “Can you?” She motioned to the door. “I’m still in my pajamas.”
You sighed, standing up and walking to the door. You opened it enough to look out and almost screamed from surprise. Standing in front of you was Hyunjin and Felix. “Oh, hey, Hyunjin.” You stepped outside, keeping the door slightly cracked so you didn’t get locked out. “What’s up?”
He smiled down at you. “Y/n, this is Felix. I know Chan says you know who we are, but it seems more polite to give introductions.”
You smiled back, giggling a bit. “Hi, Felix. I’m y/n.” You waved to him.
“Hey,” he greeted, smiling brightly. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“We were wondering,” Hyunjin continued. “Would you and your friend like to do something tonight? We could invite you guys over and do a movie night, or game night.”
You looked back and forth between the two guys standing in front of you. “Is that even allowed?”
Felix shrugged. “We just wanted to welcome you to the building, give you more friends to call on if you need it.”
You nodded, grinning bashfully. “I’ll have to check with Jin first. I’ll give you my number so you can text me later, if that’s okay.”
Hyunjin and Felix fumbled to retrieve their phones, making you giggle from their excitement. After giving them your number, you waved goodbye and retreated back inside. The whole experience made you feel shy, yet giddy.
“Who was it?” Jin asked from the kitchen.
You looked over at her and smiled, “It was Hyunjin and Felix.”
She froze in place staring at you. “Like, Stray Kids’ Hyunjin and Felix?”
You nodded, “Yeah, they wanted to invite us to their dorm for a movie or game night tonight.”
“YES! YES, A MILLION TIMES YES!” Jin shouted. Her excitement was flowing off of her in waves as she jumped in place.
You giggled at her, shaking your head. “Well, then I will text Hyunjin to let him know.” You pulled your phone out, noticing the texts from Hyunjin and Felix. You quickly saved their numbers and texted Hyunjin the go ahead. He replied instantly with a time to come up.
“He said be there by five and we will decided what to do then. Oh, and he said Changbin is buying dinner.” You read the texts to Jin.
She ran up to you, grabbing your upper arms. “We have to plan our outfits!”
“What do you mean?” You looked down at your outfit. “I’m already dressed. I’m not wearing something uncomfortable just to look good at their dorm.”
“Fine,” she replied. “Casual cute it is.”
You watched as she rushed to her room, shouting nonsense on the way. Shaking your head, you finished up the cleaning that she left and sat in the living room to watch tv, and text Hyunjin and Felix.
Chan walked into the living room of their dorm, finding Felix and Hyunjin sitting and laughing at each other’s phones. “Hey,” he greeted. They waved at him before returning to their activity. “What are you two doing?”
“Hyunjin found where y/n lives and we invited her to the dorm tonight. We are texting her right now.” Felix responded, though he didn’t once glance up at Chan.
“You’re texting her?” Chan asked.
Hyunjin looked up at him. “Yeah, she gave us her number so we could plan something. Changbin said he would take care of the food, but we still need to come up with something to do.”
Chan gave the two younger boys an incredulous look. He wasn’t sure what to say to them about their scheme, but in all honesty, he wasn’t mad. Him and Felix did talk about inviting you up, but he assumed it would be when you were more settled and comfortable. This just meant he would get to see you again, even though the others would be around.
“When will she be here?” Chan asked.
“I told her around five, that way we have time to talk and argue about what to do.” Hyunjin responded with a shrug.
Chan looked to the clock on the wall. That gave him seven hours to finish up his project and get ready. That gave him quite a bit of time, but why was he feeling nervous. “Alright,” Chan mumbled before walking back to his room to work on the tracks.
**A/N: This one is a little shorter, but I'm leading up to something good, and something bad...stick with me here! It's going to have meaning! If you like it so far, please share your thoughts and feedback! Thanks!
@stayandot8 @multi-stan-jenny @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna @bangtanmix73 @hyunsungbased @whosdisstuff
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ruins-and-rewritez · 8 months
Wylan didn't mind hosting guests at the mansion, far better then the cold interior he'd become used to growing up. Guest rooms for each of his friends, should they feel like staying past the more reasonable hours of the day, which they often did (especially when someone had to much wine *cough* Nina *cough*)
On occasion he a Jesper would host an illierate street urchin or runaway, in his father's old bedroom nonetheless, just to stick it to the pathetic bastard.
His mother Marya had her own room, on the ground-level, adjacent to the solarium, where she'd spend time reading or painting or simply sitting peacefully gazing into the distance toward the ocean.
He and Jes, had comfortable none-master-bedroom, in the upper back corner of the house, where there had been a nursey once, before he'd grown up in to a father-disappointing member of the Merch Council and a part time demo expert.
Inej had a space in one of the fewer third floor allotments, where she could escape out the window if she so desired, or stay up into the wee hours feeding any birds scavenging the neighborhood.
Kaz hardly ever spent the night anywhere that wasn't his office, signing and loging and shuffling and flipping through paper work efore catching a scant few hours before dawn. But when he did he stayed across from Inej's room. Somehow taking comfort being near even in the event she was out at sea.
Nina and Matthias stayed as close to the kitchen as possible, to curb their healty appetites as well as appeasing their night-owl tendencies. Nina was particularly fond of cooking and eating minature breakfast platters late in the night. Matthias trailing along to brew a cup of tea while she bustled around.
The pair visited often, spliting their time between Ravka and Fjerda and Ketterdam, helping Grisha and changing minds of the more obstinately small mind people.
Nina made sure to always bring back sweaters or snacks or Jesper the latest fashion from Os Alta or Wylan some obscure chemical ingredient for his experiments.
This time it was a red-purple plant only found on the Ravkan-Shu Han border. He had high expectations for the explosions properties it was known for. (Kaz had a small operation planned within the next month that Wylan was determined to make go smoothly).
Wylan headed out back toward his lab, after a suitable lunch of plums and honey-bacon sandwich with avacado.
"Du kommer til en varm region
den er myk og disig
men da vil jeg ikke lenger være meg,
men skogen. " *¹
The distress in Mathhias' voice caused Wylan to pause in confusion, he thought he'd left with Nina and Jes for lunch at the reestablished Crow Club (to bother Kaz she'd explained over breakfast).
"Uhhhh you good Mat?" *² He asked stepping sideways into the open doorway.
"Dritt. Helvete."
Matthias continued his muttering, clearly frustrated with whatever he was reading off the paper in his hand, like Wylan had never spoken, ripping his hand roughly through his blond hair.
Matthias looked up sharply, startled, at the young Hendricks standing innocently in the doorway, "Wylan?"
The soldier in front of him never looked more embarassed, his face pinked up to his ears and he turned to hid it. "I thought were working."
"Stopped for lunch. Something wrong?"
The Fjerdan sighed and made a look of resignation before tiredly handing the scrap of paper over to the younger man.
"I was...practicing...for Nina."
Wylan took the paper long enough to make out the discernable scribble of foreign characters before handing it back. "Sooo what is it?"
Matthias redden even more as the realisation came over him that the words were A. in a foreign language Wylan didn't know and B. that Wylan couldn't read them even if the weren't.
"Faen. Sorry I forgot."
Wylan shrugged it off, it would be worse if his friends made a deal of remembering it. Forgetting was a blessing.
"I just...I'm nervous."
He took a moment to collect his thoughts before answering, "In Fjerda, there's always a courtship. What I have with Nina is..unconvential. I thought I might try to give her the experience of a normal courtship." He studies the paper in his hands almost timidly, "I wrote her a poem. I thought I might read it to her over our dinner before we leave again."
Wylan smiled, "Nina will love it I'm sure. She managed to fall in love with you while you both wanted to kill each other, I'm sure a poem good or bad won't damage what the two of you have."
Matthias seemed heartened at this before his face flushed again,"do you think you might listen to me practice? Help me get rid of the nerves?"
Wylan grinned and through himself into a plump armchair across from him. "Do your worst." He sat quiet and patience as the other man pushed his way through the words like a challenging task the he was intent on getting it perfect. When he finished he looked up expectantly.
"Well considering that I have know clue what the hell you just said I think its great."
*1: The last stanza of the poem "Assimilation" (translated into Norwegian), by Finnish author Eeva-Liisa Manner I thought it was fitting of Matthias' character
"you will come to a warm region
it is soft and hazy
but then I will no longer be me,
but the forest."
*2: I think Matthias would have eventually grown comfortable enough with the rest of the Crows to except nicknames. Matty by Nina. Mat by Inej and Wylan. Jesper still calls him Matthias. Kaz ofc calls him Helvar.
I used modern Norwegian in place of Fjerdan as it is an incomplete fictional language,
Dritt: Shit
Helvete: Damn it
Faen: Fuck
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mlb-a-rewrite · 7 days
Absolutely in love with your ideas for Ladybug and Chat Noir's designs, (sorry I haven't drawn ant of chat noir cannot draw dudes to save my life haha)!
Do you have any ideas for changing their daily wear as well? Bcuz poor fashion designer Mari in pink jeggings, and famous model Adrien in a weird labcoat and orange converse
To paraphrase I love your work so far and really want to do more art but idk how I should do Mari and Adrien in your AU of their outfits change at all from the original :) <3
I'm glad you like my rewrite so far!!! And I've really enjoyed the art you've been making of LB!
Honestly, I haven't thought about their civilian attire all that much. I have an absolutely terrible sense of fashion and have never been really bothered by their civilian clothes. I talked about their superhero costumes because it always felt like it was borderline sexualizing them, even as a kid (there's the part in Marinette's transformation sequence where it like zooms in on her butt and that always weirded me out) and so I've been how I would change their costumes for some time.
I know redesigning them in their hero costumes and in their everyday clothes is really popular but I honestly haven't thought it out entirely lol. Maybe I'll make interest boards for their civilian selves one day and try to design something but as of now, I have no ideas. But if there's demand maybe I can convince myself to sit down and actually come up with some ideas lol.
Thanks for the question!
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dishashah · 2 months
Unlock Your Style Potential with Fashionable Co-ord Sets for Girls
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What You Wear Reflects Not Only Your Personality But Your Daughter’s As Well. No Wonder Mothers Take Utmost Care To Choose The Right Clothes For Their Little Ones, Especially When You’ve Got To Shop For An Awaited Wedding Or Party.
We Can Understand How Overwhelming It Can Be To Choose The Right Clothing Set For Girls. To Make This Job Easier, You Can Now Opt For Girls Co Ord Sets That Are Designed For Any Event. No Longer Do You Need To Spend Countless Hours Handpicking The Right Outfit.  Here Are Some Readymade Options Available To You-
Girls Pista Solid Ruffle Top With Skirt Set
A Ruffled Flare Can Transform Any Colour Into A Mesmerizing Outfit. Here, We’ve Used A Ruffled Design On Both The Top And Skirt To Create A Unique Co Ord Set For Girls That Can Be Used For Any Casual Event. Though This Doesn’t Require Accessories, A Simple Pair Of Earrings Or A Delicate Bracelet Will Surely Elevate The Look.
Girls Orange Cotton Crop Top With Skirt Clothing Set
Trends May Come And Go, But Some Will Remain Timeless Classics. This Is One Of Our Girl Co Ord Sets Which Uses Simple Designs And Styles To Create A Magnificent Look. Here, We’ve Used Orange Fabric With A Striped Design To Create A Co Ord Set That Your Daughter Can Wear Anywhere. With This Style, You Can Do With Minimal Accessories. If Needed,  Let Your Daughter Choose What She Wants To Pair Up With This Ensemble.
Peach Solid Crop Top With Sharara Set
The Peach Colour Is Known For Its Versatility And Adaptability. This One Comes With A Simple Crop Top And A Flared Pant From The Knee To Provide A Dazzling Look. Let Your Daughter Choose How She’d Like To Accessorize This, With Bracelets, Earrings Or Necklaces That Suit The Look. We’re Sure She Will Get Her Fair Share Of Praises For This Look.
Girls Blue Polyester Lycra T-Shirt With Trouser Set
Promote An Active Lifestyle For Your Child With This Lycra T-Shirt And Trouser Set. Designed For Utmost Comfort And Fit, This Co Ord Set Is Ideal For Her Weekend Badminton Practice Or Even A Casual Play Date With Friends. You Can Get Her To Wear This When Travelling Too.
Girl’s Cotton Ethnic Motif Print Layered Top And Pant Set
If You Are Looking For A Simple Yet Elegant Girls Co Ord, Your Search Stops Here. This Is A  Sleeveless, Motif Printed Top And Pant Set That Comes With A Simple Flare At The Waist. Designed For Daily Wear, Your Little One Can Wear This Outfit Wherever She’d Like To.
Girl’s Sky Blue Solid Georgette Top With Jeggings
Light And Dark Blue Always Compliment Each Other Quite Well. This Co Ord Set Comes With An Elegantly Designed Sky Blue Georgette Top And Geometric Dark Blue Jeggings. This Look Is Ideal For Any Casual Playdate, A Trip To The Beach Or Just A Casual Day Out With Family. Let Your Daughter Repurpose This Outfit With Any Garment From Her Wardrobe.
Girl’s Maroon Georgette Top With Geometric Printed Jeggings
When You Think Of A Simple Yet Enchanting Outfit, This One’s Surely Going To Interest You. It Comes With A Maroon Top And A Flare At The Waist Coupled With A Geometric Printed Pair Of Jeggings. Your Daughter Can Wear This Anywhere She’d Like To - A Visit To Her Friends' House, A Party Or Even For Everyday Wear. With Such Simple Designs, Your Daughter Has The Freedom To Mix And Match This Outfit With Any Other Garment She’d Like.
Girls Yellow Georgette Top With Geometric Printed Jeggings
The Introduction Of Jeggings Has Reinvented The Way Indian Women Dress. Besides Being Widely Popular, These Jeggings Are Highly Versatile And Adaptable, Sometimes Being Preferred More Than Jeans Or Ethnic Wear. This Top And Jeggings Combination Seamlessly Blends With Each Other, Giving A Unique Look. Not Only Can Your Daughter Wear This Wherever She’d Like To, She Can Also Mix And Match These Individually With Any Other Garment In Her Wardrobe.
Girls Pink Georgette Top With Floral Printed Jeggings
When You Add The Pink Colour, A Floral Design, And A Flared Top The Combination Can Make Any Girl Look Akin To A Princess. Though We’ve Bundled This As A Coord Set For Girls, Your Daughter Can Always Use It Individually To Mix And Match This Look With Anything Else In Her Wardrobe. Dressing Up Quickly, Easily And Without Any Accessories Was Never So Easy.
In the end
You Don’t Need To Break The Bank When It Comes To Buying Trendy Clothes For Your Daughter. Based On Your Unique Requirements And Standard Dressing Practices, We’ve Designed This Collection Of Co-Ord Sets For Girls That Work For Any Occasion. Choose Your Favourite Styles Today Before We Run Out Of Stock.
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infifashion · 4 months
Valentine's Day Outfit Ideas
Valentine's Day holds diverse significance for different individuals, ranging from celebrating love to expressing newfound emotions or enriching existing relationships. As the day of love approaches, couples are carving out time from their busy lives to create cherished moments together. Naturally, looking enchanting for our significant other becomes a priority.
Picking out the ideal Valentine's outfit can be a daunting task, but fear not! At Infifashion, we empathize with your dilemma and are here to offer some valentine's day outfit ideas to help you steal his heart once more.
Attire for a Romantic Dinner Date For an intimate dinner at your favorite eatery, consider donning a stunning black linen slip-on dress. The versatility of slip-on dresses in terms of necklines, shapes, sizes, lengths, and colors makes them an ideal choice to captivate your partner's attention. Combat the February chill by layering with a fitted blazer or a long cardigan paired with eye-catching accessories like a necklace.
Outfit Ideas for Entertainment Outings If your plans involve a cultural excursion to the cinema, concerts, or clubs, opt for relaxed yet stylish ensembles such as jumpsuits, rompers, drop-waist dresses, or fit and flare dresses. A skirt-top ensemble exudes elegance even in casual settings, ensuring all eyes are on you.
Comfortable Attire for Quality Time at Home For couples preferring a cozy night in, prioritize comfort without compromising on style. Choose cute and sexy pajamas or printed shorts paired with a simple top. Alternatively, opt for a casual t-shirt and jeans combo or a pink turtleneck with denim for a laid-back yet festive ambiance.
Outfit Inspiration for Outdoor Adventures For adventurous couples seeking outdoor activities like hiking or cycling, prioritize comfort and freedom of movement. Jeans or jeggings paired with a tunic or long top, complemented by a cute cap and sneakers, strike the perfect balance between style and practicality.
Travel-friendly Ensemble Ideas For couples embarking on a Valentine's Day journey, opt for stylish and trendy outfits like wrap dresses, maxi dresses, or chic blouses paired with trousers or skirts. These versatile ensembles transition seamlessly from day to night, ensuring you look fabulous wherever your adventures take you.
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heelhausen · 5 months
aight bet sunday six preview below the cut for it’s the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)
homeboys tag yeselves if u also have wips u wanna share. I Would Like To See Them
Max spotted Crash first, giving him a moment to study him from his spot at the café table.
Honestly, if Max hadn’t specifically been watching for Crash, he suspected he wouldn’t have recognized him at all. The Crash he knew was a brick shithouse of a man, with a goofy smile, glittery pink boots, and stupid fucking jeggings that should have been left in 2012. The Crash that was walking through the airport was… just some random schlub in a hoodie and sweats.
Hell, he was a schlub who hadn’t even bothered to find sweats that weren’t heavily stained with paint.
When he finally spotted him, Crash offered up an easy grin. It shone in stark contrast against the deep purple bags under his eyes, which were only made more prominent by the thickness of the lenses in his lame-ass nerd glasses.
“What’s a pretty thing like you doin’ in a place like this?” Crash drawled, as he sauntered over to where Max sat.
“You look like shit.” Max replied flatly.
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fariconfashion · 8 months
Solid Men Black, Maroon Track Pants: A Stylish and Comfortable Choice
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When it comes to men's fashion, comfort and style go hand in hand. One piece of clothing that perfectly embodies this balance is the solid men's black, maroon track pants. These track pants are not only trendy and versatile but also provide the utmost comfort for various activities. Whether you're hitting the gym, going for a run, or simply lounging at home, these track pants are the perfect addition to your wardrobe. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and style options of these track pants, highlighting why they are a must-have for every man.
Solid Men Black, Maroon Track Pants: Unparalleled Comfort
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No one wants to compromise on comfort while being stylish. Solid Men Black, Maroon Track Pants offer the best of both worlds. Made from a lightweight and breathable fabric, these track pants provide the utmost comfort all day long. Solid Women Casual Pink Color Tight Jegging The fabric is soft against the skin and allows for easy movement, making them ideal for any physical activity. Whether you're running, jogging, or stretching during a workout session, these track pants will never restrict your movements, ensuring a comfortable experience.
Versatile Style Options
Solid Men Black, Maroon Track Pants are not only comfortable but also highly versatile in terms of style. The combination of black and maroon gives these track pants an effortlessly stylish look that can be dressed up or down. Pair them with a plain white T-shirt and sneakers for a casual and sporty look. For a more put-together outfit, combine them with a crisp white shirt and leather sneakers. The possibilities are endless, Mens Stylish Hoodies and you can easily transition from a workout session to a casual outing without compromising on style.
Durability and Longevity
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Investing in quality clothing is always a wise choice, and Solid Men Black, Maroon Track Pants are no exception. These track pants are crafted with the highest quality materials, ensuring their durability and longevity. Solid Men Neck Multi-color Hooded T-Shirt They are designed to withstand frequent washing and everyday wear, making them a reliable choice for years to come. So, when you choose these track pants, you can be confident that you're investing in a wardrobe staple that will stand the test of time.
Functionality at Its Best
Solid Men Black, Maroon Track Pants not only provide comfort and style but also offer functional features that enhance the overall experience. They come with an elastic waistband and drawstring closure, allowing you to adjust the fit according to your preference. The side pockets provide convenient storage for your essentials, such as keys, wallet, or phone, while you're on the go. These track pants are designed to make your life easier and more convenient, ensuring that you have everything you need within reach.
Care Tips for Solid Men Black, Maroon Track Pants
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To maintain the quality and longevity of your Solid Men Black, Maroon Track Pants, it's essential to follow proper care instructions. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Machine wash them in cold water and use a gentle cycle.
Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach that can damage the fabric.
Hang them to dry instead of using a dryer to prevent shrinkage.
Iron them on low heat if necessary, avoiding direct contact with the print or logo.
In summary, Solid Men Black, Solid Men Polo Sleeve Neck Black T-Shirt Maroon Track Pants are the perfect combination of comfort, style, and functionality. Whether you're hitting the gym, going for a run, or simply looking for a comfortable outfit for everyday wear, these track pants are an excellent choice. With their versatile style options, durability, and thoughtful features, they are a must-have addition to every man's wardrobe. So, why compromise on comfort or style? Invest in Solid Men Black, Maroon Track Pants and experience the ultimate blend of fashion and practicality.
Visit here: http://faricon.in/
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bukkum · 10 months
A Perfect Combination of Style and Comfort: Women's T-Shirts
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In addition, many women, particularly younger ones, like wearing t-shirts of many kinds to formal events since they are so versatile. If you appropriately dress them with the right clothes, you will have a lot of success.
Women's t-shirts come in a wide range of styles and prints, and they go well with a denim jacket or an overcoat. Womens t shirts come in a wide variety, and although you can get them both online and in stores, picking the correct one for the appropriate occasion may take time and effort.
Tees With A Crew Neck
Women's crew-neck half sleeve t shirts are the quintessential T-shirt style. These are available in a rainbow of hues, and their flattering cut makes them ideal for wearing alone or as a base layer beneath a dress or a jacket.
Since many options exist, you can only have one cropped T-shirt in your closet. They are easy to pair with any outfit and appropriate for many events. This cut T-shirt in a soft pink hue looks great under a cloak or a shrug.
Boyfriend T-shirt
Women's boyfriend tees are now on-trend. An oversized tee may be worn in a variety of ways. It is offered in a rainbow of hues and patterns. Knot crop t-shirts are the best option for casual wear because of the relaxed and carefree impression they project.
Although collared sports t shirt for women remain a staple in a woman's wardrobe, cropped tees have become more stylish among young women. Tying a knot above the belly button will give you that cropped look. Women's t-shirts with knotted hems are a chic choice for hot weather. It looks well with jeans, jeggings, and skirts. Put on some sneakers or anything essential, like a pair of slippers that fits you well and is comfortable. Open hair and sunglasses will round off the outfit.
Use a light muscle top or tank to motivate your summer training. Pick a size that is neither too big nor too small for you for the best range of motion and comfort. Before the off-the-shoulder T-shirt became a popular fashion staple, it was a bohemian staple. Carrying off an off-shoulder gym t shirts for women requires channelling a similar spirit while adding polished beauty to your outfit.
Round Neck T-Shirts
Most women's round-neck t-shirts are soft and cosy and come in various colours and patterns to suit your style. T-shirts with a round neck and sleeves may be plain or printed, depending on your preference. T-shirts with round necks look great with denim shorts or jeans. Adding an overcoat is a stylish and practical option for the colder months. It is tailored to look well on any body type.
Off-Shoulder T-shirts
You cannot go wrong with jeggings, joggers, jeans, and a high-necked tee. They are ideal for any relaxed gathering of friends and family. It is also an excellent choice for the colder months. Add a pair of women's shoes, fashionable earrings, and a cross body purse to carry your essentials in style.
Women's Printed Tees With A Retro Vibe
Every woman should own at least one printed women's t-shirt. A black patterned t-shirt and blue torn jeans are a terrific go-to outfit for a stylish day at the movies or casual shopping. Make yourself appear polished by wrapping your hair in a bun. Depending on how you feel, you can wear either sneakers or heels. Moreover, if you want to stroll in style, remember to wear some goggles.
Women's Henley tees
Women's henley long-sleeve t-shirts are becoming more fashionable as the fashion industry promotes gender equality in clothing. Women's Henley shirts are versatile since they look great with many different bottoms.
We spend too much time trying to choose the perfect dress, whether simply meeting up with friends or heading out to a fancy event. You want to get dressed quickly and unobtrusively, so digging through your closet is not an option. The henley t-shirt is women's go-to when they want to see both relaxed and stylish.
Peplum Top
A peplum shirt is universally flattering. When worn appropriately, it draws attention to women's hourglass shapes, gives those who need it a bit more definition at the waist and keeps those self-conscious about their lower bellies confident and charming.
High-Low Top
The high-low cut is universally flattering and easy to wear. It's also a classic pairing with ultra-slim pants or leggings.
Striped Flannel Blouse
There is no longer any need to steal your significant other's flannel. Acquire your own set of flannel shirts. What's not to like about this top, which is comfortable to wear, has a classic cut, can be worn with the sleeves rolled up or down, and can be worn tucked in or out?
Button Down Shirt
Button-down shirts are a wardrobe essential for women in the workplace, and they look incredibly chic with pencil skirts and dress trousers. Coupled with jeans and bold jewelry, they are perfect for a casual weekend outing.
Statement Top
Put less emphasis on flashy accessories to get a more feminine look. One of the few great statement items in even the most basic wardrobe is an equally eye-catching top. Make sure you have an exciting shirt that reflects your vibrant character for your following women’s night out, whether you choose glittering sequins or bright hues.
Tank Top
Only a few women feel confident enough to wear less clothing. This flirty shirt is the perfect way to amp up your style. You can choose a crop top that fits you perfectly, whether you want long sleeves, short sleeves, off the shoulder, a closer fit, or a more relaxed shape.
Workout Tank
Who says you can't feel good about yourself while becoming fit? You can choose a workout tank as encouraging as your high-intensity exercise program among the many breathable, sleeveless, and halter styles available.
In addition to being universally attractive, bodysuits are the ideal base layer. You may attain a tucked-in appearance without tucking in your clothing or dealing with unsightly bunching around your lower half by wearing a bodysuit. Pair it with your favourite dress, jumpsuit, slim jeans, or shorts.
Printed t shirts for women are available in a wide range of colours, sizes, and designs, making them an excellent option for any occasion. You may buy one of these tees from any number of retail outlets. Bukkum Athleisurewear has some costs that will not break the bank. Visit the website that offers the best prices for items you want to learn more about.
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kidzfamily · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Jumping Beans Size 24 Months Pull On Pockets Elastic Waist Kennedy Pink Leggings.
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doronjosama · 1 year
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More late outfits, 3 from 2/6-2/9, it's been crazy busy! #ootd #fafafafafashionbeepbeep⚡ #EverydayFashion #CheapAssChic #ClearanceFinds #ThriftScore #AllMyClothesFromTheKidsSection #ComfyClothes #catandjack #pink #jeggings ##skechers #twinkletoes #thebestsneakersintheuniverse #nirasawa #frankennina #phisockat #leggings #glitter #vans #hoodie #pokemon #animalcrossingsocks #casualpunk #pastelpunk #PunkRockGirl #over50style #agingdisgracefully #mystyle https://www.instagram.com/p/Cou5BaWpbv6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theuniquestore · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: COPY - Champion Powertrain Acidwave Biopunk Athlete Capris Cropped Leggings Siz….
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
325 of 2022
Appearance You love your natural hair color. Your natural hair color is light golden brown. Your hair used to be thick and curly, but now it’s more thin and straight. You have hazel eyes. Your eyes are brown and green. You are short. You are 5'2. You are thin. You’ve been overweight before. …but you’ve been skinny most of your life. You’ve gotten lots of compliments on your smile. You have light skin. You’ve had your teeth straightened with braces. You wear glasses.
Style You think it would be really cool to wear hot pink cat-eye glasses. You love to dress in bright colors! You love jeggings and think they are super comfortable. You hate skinny jeans; they are uncomfortable. You own a pair of leopard-print boots. You want to a boho wedding. You like Bohemian fashion. You like to wear colored socks. You like paisleys. You like leopard-print. You own a pair of plaid pants. You like to take selfies. You love teal, pink, and purple. You like to wear skirts.
Food and Drink You love tea. You love smoothies. You think coffee is disgusting! You think dark pop is disgusting! You love macaroni and cheese. You love Asian food. You don’t really like Mexican food. Pineapple is the best pizza topping! Water is your go-to drink most of the time. You’re allergic to energy drinks. You love strawberries. Kale is your favorite vegetable. Pickles are disgusting! Beets are also disgusting!
Likes. You like- reading painting drawing creative writing writing in cursive writing in calligraphy scrapbooking bright colors watching YouTube videos taking surveys making surveys posting in the forums dancing singing going for walks in the fall sunshine on your shoulders dancing in the rain watching the snow fall out your window peacocks dogs cats traveling dressing up and modeling for the camera worshiping Jesus praying fashion sitting on your balcony // backyard, actually sunsets and sunrises deep conversations with friends // especially while high lol
Dislikes. You dislike- the color ash blue // this is the colour of his eyes, so actually a big yay sports beans television learning foreign languages trying to read music loud music arguing being sick when people talk too much // certain people, not everyone alligators flowery scents Twinkies mud
Family You have family that lives in a different state. country. You have one brother. You have zero sisters. You have cousins that you haven’t seen since you were very young. You have family in California. You have family in Florida. You are the oldest child. You grew up with a black and white dog. You’ve never had a cat. You’re the same height as your mom. You have a younger cousin that you love. :) You have family members you wish you could see more. Your family doesn’t love and support you. You have two living grandparents.
Friends You’ve lost a friend. You’ve been bullied. You’ve had friends turn on you. You’ve had a friend that was jealous of you. You’ve made friends online. It’s been awhile since you’ve been close to someone.
Health You have allergies. You have asthma. You have a severe allergy. You have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. // no, but I have Marfan syndrome instead You have Mast Cell Activation Disorder/Syndrome. You are severely allergic to dust mites. You are severely allergic to marijuana. You’ve had a 105 degree fever. You’ve had to stay in the hospital over night. // longer, though You’ve had your tonsils out. You’ve had allergy testing done. You have Pelvic Congestion Syndrome. You have “female problems.” You have Reynaud’s. You are hypersensitive to everything. You used to have ADHD. // no, it’s different; there’s a suspicion I might have it, but it’s not diagnosed yet You used to have social anxiety. You’ve been supernaturally healed of something. You’ve gained weight from a medication. You can’t take antidepressants. You can’t get the COVID shot because you’re too sensitive. You can’t get allergy shots because you’re too sensitive for them.
Other You love God. :) You love to worship. You are very creative. You are unique. You can lick the tip of your nose. You love the outdoors. You love trying new things. You have an adventurous spirit. The joy of the Lord is your strength! You have long hair. You have regrets. You have a traumatic past. You’re tying to move on and overcome. Not many people know what you’ve truly been through. You’ve been bullied a ton. Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to you. :) Your college years were the best years of your life. God is good! :)
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